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DLT Final Messages

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Key Leader

Key Leader

Since joining Key Club in August of 2018, I would’ve never imagined that 4 years later, I would be serving our Lt. Governor!


This past year has gone by in the blink of an eye and serving as LTG has been the most exciting, memorable and rewarding experience! Key Club has given me countless of opportunities and I am so grateful for each and every one.

The 2021-2022 Term will forever be a unique year filled with challenges, yet, excitement. From hosting OTC, RTC to our DCMs every month, I am glad to have met some incredible people and am glad that together as a Division we were able to accomplish our division goals. It would not have been possible without the effort from each and every member!

A big thank you to all members who continue to stay involved in their clubs and the division! And a thank you to all the officers who continue to put their best effort forward to lead their clubs to success! You have all been amazing this year and I am glad to have worked with each of you!

Our Division wouldn’t be able to flourish without the support, and encouragement from all of our Kiwanis and Faculty Advisors! Thank you for supporting our Key Clubbers and for always being there for each and every one of us! We are so grateful for all the work you all do for Key Club and Kiwanis! We truly appreciate our advisors and couldn’t do this without you!

Lastly, thank you so much to our Division Leadership Team: Clara, Yitzel, Vanessa, Zoey, Rubi, Benjamin, Veronica & Howard! Each of our DLT members have done an incredible job this term and have fulfilled their duties to the best of their ability! They have put in countless of hours to serve our Division and have become amazing leaders!

To my mentor, Mr. Wingett! Thank you so so so much for everything you have done for me and our Division during the 2021-2022 term! Your hard work, support, and encouragement is greatly appreciated and does not go unnoticed! You’re awesome! Our Division is very lucky to have you!

I hope each of you reading this enjoyed the 2021-2022 term! Although I am sad that the year is closing, we have 1 more event left! I hope you can join us for our End of the Year Party/Banquet! Thank you for an incredible term everyone and please remember that I am only one call, text, or email away- so do not hesitate to reach out to me! I will always be here to help you with whatever you may need! Stay cool Snow Leopards! I love all of you<333 - Marlen

I’d like to thank all of the DLT members for being so kind and cooperative! I didn’t really know what to expect coming into the DLT earlier this year and I can definitely say it was a very rewarding experience! Thank you all and see you next term! -Clara

From one of your executive assistants, it was a pleasure and an honor for all of you to have had me as one of your division officers for this term! I have learned a lot from this position and in how to become a better leader. I have made great memories these past months and met so many of you! I have had the ability to work with many of you and get to know you. I am thankful for the hardworking team I had along with me, especially our Lieutenant Governor, Marlen for setting the example! Thank you for all the great memories and keep pushing hard towards your goals Snow Leopards!! Much love! – Yitzel

I am so incredibly proud of the DLT for all of their hard work and having the opportunity to work with each and every one of them as well as connecting with some of the members from different clubs! I hope to inspire you all to serve in your community and in your clubs and to never be afraid to take a chance at something new! I love you all! :) - Vanessa

Thank you to everyone for such an amazing term! I loved getting the chance to see all of the work that our clubs have put in and finding ways to show it off. As you continue on as members of Key Club, I hope that you know all the work you have done is greatly appreciated and your accomplishments will only grow. - Zoey

Before I say my final goodbye, I just wanted to give praise and glory to our lovely Division News Editor VANESSA RIVERA :D I don’t think many of you understand how diligently she worked EVERY MONTH on these newsletters! She is so incredible and has such a beautiful soul so I hope you can all help me wish her the best for college :,) I also wanted to thank you all for the memories! Being on the DLT was so much fun especially when we went to the DCMS! Our lieutenant governor Marlen did such a beautiful job especially for it being the first year back to in person :D Anyways thanks for the lovely memories my peeps :] - Rubi

Overall, serving as division fundraising coordinator of the division was a good experience. I met lots of people, learned new skills, and made lifelong memories. I would recommend joining DLT to anyone eager to serve the community and play a greater role in the division. - Benjamin

With our final days as a part of the division leadership team, I would like to say it was an honor serving with the team and the clubs. I have enjoyed serving the term and achieved my volunteering goals during my service. I've made a bond with the team and have made lifelong friends. I look forward to a new term with more members and more service within the division for the next! Thank you Division 24/29! - Howard

It saddens me to say that this year is coming to an end but after looking back at everything that we have accomplished I am happy to have been a part of such a kindhearted, humble and altruistic division! I have loved seeing so many new faces at monthly Division Council Meetings! It’s been amazing to see the countless smiles and laughter while doing service projects. I want to say thank you to the whole Division Leadership Team, especially our Lieutenant Governor Marlen it's been an honor serving with them all, for they have all been true examples of genuine, honest leaders. I hope to see you all one last time. Go Snow Leopards! - Veronica


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