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Articles From Your Division
Rodenberger Trash Clean Up
Provided by Jeremy Lee Oani (ERHS)
Now being fully into the fall season, the ERHS Key Club has continued to try to attempt to help our community in as many ways as we could! As a club, we have participated in many different service events that have allowed our members to get their service hours up and also just to help out with the community in general. We were able to give our members three different service opportunities this month with another being this Saturday. The first we did, was a park cleanup at our local Rodenberger Park in which a number of members just attended to clean up the park. The second service event we did was the Toys for Dogs! Service event. In this, we basically just created dog toys for local animal shelters using old t-shirts! The third service event we were a part of was the Letters of Love Service event. In this, we all met up at Waller Park and created various letters for the elderly! Our next service event will be this Saturday in which we will be doing another trash cleanup. This time it will be on Biscayne and Battles Road as we have been informed that there has been an increase of litter and trash on those two streets.
We hope to continue our duties as key club in which students at ERHS are able to help out their community as much as they can!
Día De Los Muertos Event
Provided by Nathaniel De Francia (PVHS)
A service event that Pioneer Valley Key club decided to participate in was the Día De Los Muertos event at the
Veteran's Memorial Center in Santa Maria This service event let members of our club help set up certain activities that were being held, set up the scenery, and watched over the event to see if everything was going smoothly.
After all the hard work the members did, everyone who went to attend the event had a great time. There were smiles and laughter everywhere. There were around 15 members in attendee from our school and there were many more from other schools. At the end of the day, it was a great experience for all to help and serve our community.
October DCM Recap
Provided by Finn Westley (SLOHS)
Our last Division Council Meeting was on October 24, at Meadow Park in SLO. Our division came together to play icebreaker games and learn about events going on at other clubs. The club, advisor, and member of the month were also announced. The meeting was sadly cut short because of the rain, but everybody still had a phenomenal time! There are images of some of the activities below. We hope to see you next time!