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INDUSTRY WATCH by David Rubinstein

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David Rubinstein is editor-in-chief of SD Times.

Industry Watch

BY DAVID RUBINSTEIN The password is … passwordless

Microsoft’ s announcement last month that users of Outlook and other company software can now create passwordless login scenarios was welcome news. I think I speak for the entire computer-using world when I say this is just great.

Passwords are the bane of our existence. They really give the worst user experience of all. I’ ve worked with systems that will prompt you that it’ s time to change your password, which means I have to find the paper or computer file that has all my passwords and change it on that list. Then, of course, I have to remember that I changed the password. (I’ m reminded when I log in with what I thought were the actual credentials but get the message back that says, “Your user name or password doesn ’t match the information we have on file. ”)

Some people use password managers in the cloud to save their credentials, but as we know, those managers can be hacked as well. Meanwhile, a May report by SecureAuth found that 53% of people use the same password for multiple accounts, making successful breaches even more dangerous. And of those, the most used passwords remain: “123456” and “ password. ” Next in popularity are “12345678” and “ qwerty. ” Could we make it any easier for ne ’ er-do-wells to gain access to our companies ’ data?

In a recent article, Aviad Mizrachi, co-founder and CTO of Frontegg, makers of an admin portal for SaaS applications, noted that the more you ratchet up security in your applications, the worse the user experience gets. “This means that we probably want to enforce some password complexity rules for our customers to enhance security levels. Needless to say, this adds more friction into the signup and login processes, while reducing customer satisfaction, ” Mizrachi noted.

In short, passwords are both poor for users and great for hackers. In fact more than half of companies polled said they have implemented alternatives to passwords, according to a recent report, “2021 The State of Password Security, ” by Cybersecurity Insiders and HYPR.

The report found that 64% cite user experience as a top reason for going passwordless, with 73% of respondents stating that a mobile-first passwordless multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution is preferred over traditional factors, such as passwords, push-based MFA, or hardware tokens.

On the security side, stopping credential-based attacks is the number one reason people say passwordless MFA is important, with 91% of respondents saying it is the primary reason. Yet, in a related finding, organizations using passwordless MFA can require an underlying password, such as a code sent to a mobile device that must be input into the computer to gain access. Of respondents to the Cybersecurity Insiders survey, 61% said their ‘ passwordless ’ MFA solution requires either a shared secret, a one-time password or an SMS code, even as 96% of respondents consider eliminating shared secrets for authentication as “ essential” (44%) or “ somewhat important” (52%).

And we haven ’t yet touched on the amount of time spent by service desk personnel related to password issues. According to another recent report, the estimated cost of productivity per enterprise is on average $5.2 million annually.

According to Mizrachi, “It’ s pretty clear that the future belongs to passwordless. With more and more services and platforms becoming digitalized, the password authentication model is simply not practical anymore. Embracing the passwordless trend and implementing it as a default option in self-served and multi-tenant offerings (think user management) is no longer an option. The future belongs to passwordless. ”

There are numerous passwordless solutions coming to market, including facial recognition, voice, fingerprint and security keys, according to the FIDO Alliance, which creates free and open standards for authentication.

In fact, of respondents to the Cybersecurity Insiders study, 36% said they are using their smartphones as a FIDO token for passwordless authentication.

For me, the best solution I’ ve experienced is the fingerprint. I access my MacBook Pro using Touch ID fingerprint scans, and I can do just about any bank transaction I want on my cellphone by accessing my account with just my fingerprint. It’ s quick, and never fails.

All I have to do is remember which finger I used. z

Withmoreandmoreservices andplatformsbecoming digitalized, thepassword authenticationmodelis simplynotpracticalanymore.

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Testing Showcase


Continuous testing isn’t


DevOps and CI/CD practices are maturing as organizations continue to shrink application delivery cycles. A common obstacle to meeting time-to-market goals is testing, either because it has not yet been integrated throughout the SDLC or certain types of testing are still being done late in the SDLC, such as performance testing and security testing.

Forrester Research VP and principal analyst Diego Lo Giudice estimates that only 20% to 25% of organizations are doing continuous testing (CT) at this time, and even their teams may not have attained the level of automation they want.

“I have very large U.S. organizations saying, ‘We ’ re doing continuous delivery, we ’ ve automated unit testing, we ’ ve automated functional testing, we shifted those parts of the testing to the left, but we can ’t leave performance testing to the end because it breaks the cycle, ” said Lo Giudice.

The entire point of shifting left is to minimize the number of bugs that flow through to QA and production. However, achieving that is not just a matter of developers doing more types of tests. It’ s also about benefiting from testers ’ expertise throughout the life cycle.

“The old way of doing QA is broken and ineffective. They simply focus on quality control, which is just detecting bugs after they ’ ve already been written. That’ s not good enough and it’ s too late. You must focus on preventing defects, ” said Tim Harrison, VP of QA Services at software quality assurance consultancy SQA² . “QA 2.0 extends beyond quality control and into seven other areas: requirements quality, design quality, code quality, process quality, infrastructure quality, domain knowledge and resource management. ”

What’s holding companies back

Achieving CT is a matter of people, processes and technology. While some teams developing new applications have the benefit of baking CT in from the beginning, teams in a state of transition may struggle with change management issues.

“Unfortunately, a lot of organizations that hire their QA directly don ’t invest in them. Whatever experience and skills they ’ re gaining is whatever they happen to come across in the regular course of business, ” said SQA2‘ s Harrison.

Companies tend to invest more heavily in development talent and training than testing. Yet, application quality is also a competitive issue.

“Testing has to become more of the stewardship that involves broader accountability and broader responsibility, so it’ s not just the testers or the quality center, or the test center, but also a goal in the teams, ” said Forrester ’ s Lo Giudice.

Also holding companies back are legacy systems and their associated technical debt.

“If you ’ ve got a legacy application and let’ s say there are 100 or more test cases that you run on that application, just in terms of doing regression testing, you ’ ve got to take all those test cases, automate them and then as you do future releases, you need to build the test cases for the new functionality or enhancements, ” said Alan Zucker, founding principal of project management consultancy Project Management Essentials. “If the test cases that you wrote for the prior version of the application now are changed because we ’ ve modified something, you need to keep that stuff current. ”

Perhaps the biggest obstacle to achieving CT is the unwillingness of some team members to adapt to change because they ’ re comfortable with the status quo. However, as Forrester ’ s Lo Giudice and some of his colleagues warn in a recent report, “Traditional software testing has no place in modern app delivery. ”

Deliver value faster to customers

CT accelerates software delivery because code is no longer bouncing back and forth between developers and testers. Instead, team members are working together to facilitate faster processes by eliminating traditional cross-functional friction and automating more of the pipeline.

Manish Mathuria, founder and COO of digital engineering services company Infostretch, said that engineering teams benefit from instant feedback on code and functional quality, greater productivity and higher velocity, metrics that measure team and deployment effectiveness, and increased confidence about application quality at any point in time.

The faster internal cycles coupled with a relentless software quality focus translate to faster and greater value delivery to customers.

“We think QA should be embedded with a team, being part of the ceremony for Agile and Scrum, being part of planning, asking questions and getting clarification, ” said SQA2‘ s Harrison.

“It’ s critical for QA to be involved from the beginning and providing that valuable feedback because it prevents bugs down the line. ”

Automation plays a bigger role

Testing teams have been automating tests for decades, but the digital era requires even more automation to ensure faster release cycles without sacrificing application quality.

“It takes time to invest in it, but [automation] reduces costs because as you go through the various cycles, being promoted from dev to QA to staging to prod, rather than having to run those regression cycles manually, which can be very expensive, you can invest in some man-hours in automation and then just run the automation scripts, ” said SQA2‘ s Harrison. “It’ s definitely super valuable not just for the immediate cycle but for down the road. You have to know that a feature doesn ’t just work well now but

optional anymore

also in the future as you change other areas of functionality. ”

However, one cannot just “ set and forget” test automation, especially given the dynamic nature of modern applications. Quite often, organizations find that pass rates degrade over time, and if corrective action isn ’t taken, the pass rate eventually becomes unacceptable.

To avoid that, SQA2 has a process it calls “behavior-based testing, ” or BBT, which is kind of like behavior-driven development (BDD) but focused on quality assurance. It’ s a way of developing test cases that ensures comprehensive quantitative coverage of requirements. If a requirement is included in a Gherkin-type test base, the different permutations of test cases can be extrapolated out. For example, to test a log-in form, one must test for combinations of valid and invalid username, valid and invalid password, and user submissions of valid and/or invalid data.

“Once you have this set up, you ’ re able to have a living document of test cases and this enables you to be very quick and Agile as things change in the application, ” said SQA2‘ s Harrison. “This also then leads to automation because you can draw up automation directly from these contexts, events, and outcomes. ”

If something needed to be added to the fictional log-in form mentioned above, one could simply add another context within the given statement and then write a small code snippet that automates that portion. All the test cases in automation get updated with the new addition, which simplifies automation maintenance.

“QA is not falling behind because they ’ re actually able to keep up with the pace of development and provide that automation on a continuous basis while keeping the pass rates high, ” said Harrison.

AI and machine learning are the future

Service virtualization saves time

Service virtualization is another speed enhancer because one no longer waits for resources to be provisioned or competes with other teams for access to resources. One can simply mock up what’ s needed in a service virtualization tool.

“I remember working on a critical application one time where everything had gone great in test and then when we moved the application changes to prod, things ground to a halt because the configurations in the upper and lower environment differed, ” said Project Management Essential’ s Zucker. “With service virtualization that goes away. ”

Within the context of CT, service virtualization can kick off automatically, triggered by a developer pushing a feature out to a branch.

“If you testing on a feature and you change something in the API, you ’ re able to know that a new bug is affected by the feature change that was submitted. It makes testing both faster and more reliable, ” said SQA2’ s Harrison. “You ’ re able to pinpoint where the problems are, understand they are affected by the new feature, and be able to give that feedback to developers much quicker. ”

Infostretch’ s Mathuria considers service virtualization a “key requirement. ”

“Service virtualization plays a key role in eliminating the direct dependency and helps the team members move forward with their tasks, ” said Mathuria. “Software automation engineers start the process of automation of the application by mocking the back-end systems whether UI, API, end points or database interaction. Service virtualization also automates some of the edge scenarios. ”

Vendors have already started embedding AI and machine learning into their products in order to facilitate more effective continuous testing and to speed application delivery cycles even faster. The greatest value comes from the pattern recognition pinpointing problem areas and providing recommendations for improving testing effectiveness and efficiency.

For example, Infostretch’ s Mathuria has observed that AI and machine learning help with test optimization, recommendations on reusability of the code base and test execution analysis.

“As the test suites are increasing day by day, it is important to achieve the right level of coverage with a minimum regression suite, so it’ s very critical to ensure that there are no redundant test scenarios, ” said Mathuria of test optimization.

Since test execution produces a large set of log files, AI and machine learning can be used to analyze them and make sense out of the different logs. Mathuria said this helps with error categorization, setup and configuration issues, recommendations and deducing any specific patterns.

SQA2’ s Harrison has been impressed with webpage structure analysis capabilities that learn a website and can detect a breaking change versus an intended change. However, he warned if XPaths have been used, such as to refer to a button that has just moved, the tool may automatically update the automation based on the change, creating more brittle XPaths than were intended. The use cases for AI and machine learning are virtually limitless, but they are not a wholesale replacement for quality control personnel. They ’ re “ assistive ” capabilities that help minimize speed-quality tradeoffs. z


Parasoft moves into the realm of business performance


During the Covid-19 crisis, people got a much better sense of the challenges facing enterprise computing when workers — used to being within the company’s firewall — were suddenly telecommuting en-masse, working on remote teams and learning new applications. Test and development teams have been painfully aware of this kind of transformation for decades and were, for the most part, ready to respond.

They may remember that there was a time when using enterprise apps meant one person at a time logging into a dumb terminal linked to a mainframe computer. Developers once wrote static code for static systems — where the system itself was a protective shell around the data. But, today there are few boundaries between the enterprise app based in someone’s cloud and a sea of other components generated by this and other apps in other clouds connected through users on phones and browsers across the supply and demand chain. So the old question pops up: How does one do proper testing and compliance when someone cuts a billion-dollar deal via Facebook chat?

Companies are transitioning to reusable code, component strings that could be triggered automatically across applications or the IoT to simplify and secure transactions for end users, or other machine-triggered events, retaining data for compliance and mining for such things as security and process improvement. This automation, of course, does not simplify transactions, only the use of software tools that hide complexities. Additional processes are necessary, just less-human processes. As a result, we often don’t know exactly what is triggering what inside modern networks or how this is actually impacting the business until errors show up or tests flag an issue. We may discover unwanted users designing ingenious schemes to illegally seize control of assets they will hold for ransom, hopefully before they fully engage.

All this puts a high importance on continuous testing scenarios that apply artificial intelligence and machine learning to try to determine whether alerts are the result of coding errors, business anomalies, security breaches or processing errors and then learn to spot similar events. Thus, the red flag is just the beginning of detective work to route the issue toward the right skills for a swift resolution, not necessarily the “aha” moment itself.

Some offer AI and ML as the solution, to put artificial detectives to work on the most difficult system triggers. Parasoft sees this differently. We want our clients to put their best minds on the toughest problems. This is where you need creative problem solving and this is where these highly skilled individuals with solid domain expertise shine most brightly, where they are challenged and motivated. This is why you develop talent.

If we can save clients time and effort, it should be in the more mundane issues typically handled by your lesser sleuths, the ones of more marginal performance who are going to be de-motivated by the routine drudgery of chasing “the usual suspects” — the roughly 80% of test failures that can easily be attributed to a coding or process-type error. Keeping the test-bed clean will keep test maintenance costs down to earth and reduce job creep, while growing the system’s ability to learn and evolve. This is where AI and ML play best showing solid return. It’s not THE solution, but gives you a handle by focusing your people on the deeper business questions that arise where they can make a real difference.

Plus this makes the human hours far more productive, leaving your best talent to innovate, not just test code but business processes with an eye toward on-going performance. Testing is not a coding spell check; it’s about seeing the multiple big pictures of development, security, process and performance — the deeper impacts of issues that are harder to define.

As with supply chain issues, one lowers the river’s flow to focus and take a closer look at the underlying rocks that impede flow. Then you put your best people to work removing them. The end result is higher performance and greater efficiency. It’s much the same with continuous testing. It all comes back to performance where the rubber of process meets the road of markets determining profitability. At the end of the day, it’s more about your business far more than your technology. i


The future of testing is DevOps speed with managed risk


Just as big data transformed the way organizations approach intelligence and cloud transformed the way they think about infrastructure, DevOps is fundamentally altering the way organizations think about software development. In a DevOps world, software development is no longer a balancing act between speed and quality but a quest for both, as forward-thinking development teams aim to increase both release frequency and release velocity while ensuring they have the utmost confidence in production.

The driving force, as always, is the customer. Users expect applications to have the latest and best features and functionality at all times. Not tomorrow. Not after the next planned software release. Now. And always. Just don’t even think about impacting application performance or usability to deliver those updates, or those customers you’re catering to won’t be customers for long.

These demanding customer expectations, combined with technological advancements in software development made possible by DevOps and CI/CD, have developers focused on pushing smaller and smaller increments of code into production faster and faster, all while product and Q&A teams grow increasingly focused on ensuring that the user experience remains as close to flawless as possible at all times.

Against this backdrop, progressive development teams are benefitting from an emerging new approach to testing, one that augments traditional front-end functional testing with error monitoring in production. The combination of these two test methodologies into a single comprehensive approach enables developers to benefit from deep automation of application intent prior to production while also layering in multiple production safety nets in the form of error reporting, rollbacks, and user analytics.

“In the modern era of DevOps-driven development, a testing strategy that does not extend into production is simply not complete, ” said John Kelly, CTO of Sauce Labs.

The ability to pair front-end functional testing in dev and test environments, with error monitoring in production, was the driving force behind Sauce Labs’ recent acquisition of Backtrace, a provider of best-in-class error monitoring solutions for software teams. Sauce Labs is already well-known for delivering one of the industry’s leading test automation platforms. Now, with the addition of Backtrace, the company enables developers of web, mobile, and gaming applications to quickly observe and remediate errors in production as well, often before they’re even discovered by end-users.

For development teams looking to keep up with the pressure to accelerate the release of products into highly competitive and demanding markets, confidence is everything, according to Kelly.

“As a developer, knowing that you can quickly discover and fix any bugs that make it to production, and often before production, is a tremendous source of empowerment, ” said Kelly. “Having the safety net of error monitoring gives you a level of confidence that you just don’t have otherwise, and that in turn enables you to move with greater pace and deliver releases with greater frequency and velocity. ”

None of which is to say that the core components of front-end test automation are any less important to a comprehensive testing strategy, Kelly said.

“It’s and, not or, ” he said. “The development teams we speak to every day are still heavily focused on automating application intent in dev and test environments. But they’re also realizing that there’s no substitute for understanding how the application functions and performs in the production environment, and so they’re taking all the investments they’ve made in cross-browser testing, in mobile app testing, in API testing, and in UI and visual testing and they’re now augmenting them with error monitoring in production. ”

In fact, Kelly says that error monitoring itself can be leveraged directly in test and dev environments to create additional value for developers.

“When you deploy it directly in dev and test environments, error monitoring really complements Selenium, Appium, and other scripted front-end test frameworks by providing an additional layer of depth and visibility into the root cause of an application failure, ” said Kelly.

Importantly, according to Kelly, developers can also leverage the insights gleaned from error monitoring in production to expand and improve future test coverage during the development and test integration phases of CI/CD.

“It’s about enabling developers to shift both left and right and create the kind of continuous feedback loop that’s necessary to mitigate risk and drive quality at speed, ” he said.

Ultimately, according to Kelly, that ability to combine test signals, understand customer experience insights, and create continuous improvement loops represents the future of testing in the DevOps era.

To learn more about how Sauce Labs is helping organizations usher in a new era of testing, visit saucelabs.com. i





Software Testing Showcase

Featured Companies

n Parasoft: helps organizations continuously deliver quality software with its market-proven, integrated, automated software testing solutions. Supporting embedded, enterprise, and IoT markets, Parasoft’s technologies reduce time, effort, and cost of delivering secure, reliable, and compliant software by integrating everything from deep code analysis and unit testing to web UI and API testing, plus service virtualization and complete code coverage, into the CI/CD pipeline. Bringing all this together, Parasoft’s award-winning reporting and analytics dashboard delivers a centralized view of quality enabling organizations to deliver confidently and succeed in today’s most strategic ecosystems and development initiatives—security, safety-critical, Agile, DevOps, and continuous testing.

n Sauce Labs: Sauce Labs is the leading provider of continuous testing solutions that help developers build products that work exactly as intended on every browser, OS, and device, every single time. With solutions spanning live and automated testing, mobile app and mobile beta testing, UI/visual testing and API testing, low-code testing, and error monitoring and reporting in production, Sauce Labs gives organizations the test coverage they need from development all the way to production.

n A1qa: is a pure-play QA and software testing company. Since 2003, we have been helping global customers, both Fortune 500 enterprises and mid-size organizations, deliver top-rate software products and create exceptional end-user experience.

n Applause: gives you the speed and flexibility to scale testing and expand coverage on demand. That’s why the company is a testing best practice for digital innovators across the globe, and an integral part of modern SDLCs in every industry. Applause delivers a harmonized approach to digital quality through our Product Excellence Platform to help organizations see immediate benefits.

n Applitools: is on a mission to help test automation, DevOps, and software engineering teams release mobile and web apps that are visually perfect. We provide the only commercial-grade, visual AIbased test cloud that instantly validates any application’s user interface in a fully automated manner, across all customer engagement points and digital platforms – using our groundbreaking image-processing stack, developed from scratch in-house.

n AutonomIQ: can discover, ingest, and transform English language artifacts into immediately executable, sharable and manageable Test Scripts. Using deep-learning and AI algorithms, AutonomIQ detects natural language documents and changes, automates and enables self-healing, and provides advanced diagnostics. In real world situations, AutonomIQ has been shown to provide ~90% improvement in speed and quality compared to existing tools and techniques.

n Broadcom: offers next-generation, integrated continuous testing solutions that automate the most difficult testing activities — from requirements engineering through test design automation, service virtualization and intelligent orchestration. Broadcom’s comprehensive solutions help organizations eliminate testing bottlenecks impacting their DevOps and continuous delivery practices to test at the speed of agile, and build better apps, faster. n Eggplant: helps organizations put users at the center of software testing to create amazing digital experiences that drive user adoption, conversion, and retention. Our Digital Automation Intelligence Suite interacts with software exactly like a real user to test the true user experience, and auto-generates tests at the UI and API level for greater productivity. Eggplant solutions enable customers to test the full user experience, including performance and usability.

n Froglogic: is well-known for its automated testing suite Squish with its flagship product Squish GUI Tester, the market-leading automated testing tool for GUI applications based on a wide variety of languages, operating systems and web browsers. In addition, froglogic offers the professional, cross-platform C, C++ , C# and Tcl code analysis tool Coco Code Coverage.

n Functionize: is a cloud-based autonomous testing solution that uses AI and ML to provide intelligent test automation. Our Adaptive Language Processing (ALP) converts test plans written in plain English into fully functional test scripts. It can even use the output of your test management system. With autonomous testing, you now have an intelligent test agent (ITA), which is the perfect regression tester — focused, tireless, and driven, but still intelligent.

n IBM: Quality is essential and the combination of automated testing and service virtualization from IBM Rational Test Workbench allows teams to assess their software throughout their delivery lifecycle. IBM has a market leading solution for the continuous testing of end-to-end scenarios covering mobile, cloud, cognitive, mainframe and more.

n Mabl: enables continuous testing with an auto-healing automation framework and maintenance-free test infrastructure. mabl advances traditional UI testing using proprietary machine learning models to automatically identify application issues, including javascript errors, visual regressions, broken links, increased latency, and more.

n Micro Focus: is a leading global enterprise software company with a world-class testing portfolio that helps customers accelerate their application delivery and ensure quality and security at every stage of the application lifecycle — from the first backlog item to the user experience in production.

n Kobiton: solves mobile device sharing and management challenges during development, debugging, manual testing, and automated testing. A pre-installed and pre-configured Appium server provides “instant on” Appium test automation.

n Now Secure: delivers fully automated mobile app security and privacy testing with the speed, accuracy, and efficiency necessary for Agile and DevSecOps environments. NowSecure identifies the broadest array of security threats, compliance gaps and privacy issues in custom-developed, commercial, and business-critical mobile apps.

n Orasi: is a leading provider of software testing services, utilizing test management, test automation, enterprise testing, Continuous Delivery, monitoring, and mobile testing technology.

n Perfecto: offers a cloud-based continuous testing platform that takes mobile and web testing to the next level. It features a: continuous quality lab with smart self-healing capabilities; test authoring, management, validations and debugging of even advanced and hard-to-test businesses scenarios; text execution simulations; and smart analysis. For mobile testing, users can test against more than 3,000 real devices, and web developers can boost their test portfolio with cross-browser testing in the cloud.

n ProdPerfect: fully automates the development and maintenance of browser-level testing using live user data. ProdPerfect analyzes your web traffic to create aggregated flows of common user behavior, which we build into an end-to-end testing suite that we maintain and expand over time, which kicks off automatically from CI.

n Progress: Telerik Test Studio is a test-automation solution that helps teams be more efficient in functional, performance and load testing, improving test coverage and reducing the number of bugs that slip into production.

n QASymphony: The company’s qTest is a test case management solution that integrates with popular development tools. QASymphony offers qTest eXplorer for teams doing exploratory testing.

n QMetry: Its s Intelligent Digital Quality Platform is designed for Agile & DevOps teams to build, manage & deploy quality software faster & better. QMetry has the complete agile testing solution with test management, automation, and powerful quality analytics for digital enterprises.

n Sauce Labs: provides the world’s largest cloud-based platform for the continuous testing of web and mobile applications. Founded by the original creator of Selenium, Sauce Labs helps companies accelerate software development cycles, improve application quality, and deploy with confidence across hundreds of browser / OS platforms, including Windows, Linux, iOS, Android & Mac OS X. Optimized for Continuous integration (CI), Continuous delivery (CD), and DevOps, the Sauce Labs platform is built to handle the most secure data from its customers.

n SmartBear: provides a range of frictionless tools to help testers and developers deliver robust test automation strategies. With powerful test planning, test creation, test data management, test execution, and test environment solutions, SmartBear is paving the way for teams to deliver automated quality at both the UI and API layer. SmartBear automation tools ensure functional, performance, and security correctness within your deployment process, integrating with tools like Jenkins, TeamCity, and more.

n Sofy: iis built from the ground-up to be a no-code test automation platform that uses AI-powered testing to enable “create once and run anywhere” tests without writing a single line of code. Using our library of real devices, you can run manual, automated UI testing and exploratory tests, and ensure fidelity between your test and production environments.

n Synopsys: Through its Software Integrity platform, Synopsys provides a comprehensive suite of testing solutions for rapidly finding and fixing critical security vulnerabilities, quality defects, and compliance issues throughout the SDLC.

n TechExcel: DevTest is a sophisticated quality-management solution used by development and QA teams of all sizes to manage every aspect of their testing processes.

n Test.ai: offers AI-First powered test automation tools to help QA testers, developers, and other teams meet their goals to release apps faster and with higher quality. Quality assurance can now run at DevOps speed. Scale to testing and supporting thousands of apps continuously across dozens of platforms.

n TestRigor: is an automated regression testing tool that allows VPs of Engineering and Directors of QA improve test coverage to 100%, speed up testing schedules by at least four weeks, and increase team productivity by up to 210% — all for less than their entire outsourced QA department.

n Tricentis: is recognized by both Forrester and Gartner as a leader in software test automation, functional testing, and continuous testing. Our integrated software testing solution, Tricentis Tosca, provides a unique Model-based Test Automation and Test Case Design approach to functional test automation — encompassing risk-based testing, test data management and provisioning, service virtualization, API testing and more. i

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