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Instantly Search Terabytes
from SD Times March 2023
by d2emerge
David Rubinstein drubinstein@d2emerge.com
Jenna Sargent Barron jsargent@d2emerge com
Jakub Lewkowicz jlewkowicz@d2emerge.com
Katie Dee kdee@d2emerge.com
Mara Leonardi mleonardi@d2emerge com
Jacqueline Emigh, Elliot Luber, Caryn Eve Murray, George Tillmann
Enderle Group, Gartner, IDC, Intellyx
SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions@d2emerge com
Mara Leonardi mleonardi@d2emerge com
Jessica Carroll jcarroll@d2emerge com
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ACCOUNTING accounting@d2emerge.com
David Lyman 978-465-2351 dlyman@d2emerge com
Andrew Rockefeller arockefeller@d2emerge com
David Lyman
David Rubinstein



Go 1.20 adds profile-guided optimization
The Go team has announced the release of Go 1 20, which fe a t u res fo u r l a n g u a g e changes and changes in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries
It also includes a preview fo r p rof i l e - g u i d e d o p t i m i zation (PGO), a new feature that allows the compiler to perform optimizations based on runtime profile information
According to the team, providing a profile can speed up applications by about 3-4% They hope to improve this further in future releases
Th e l a n g u a g e c h a n g es include the ability to convert a slice to an array, comparable types can now satisfy “comparable” constraints, struct values now get compared one f i e l d a t a t i m e, a n d t h e “ u n s a fe” p a c ka g es a d d e d three new functions: SliceData, String, and StringData
Some of the tool improve-
People on the move
ments include the ability of the “cover” tool to collect coverage profiles of whole programs; acceptance of a -pgo flag in the “build,” “go install,” a n d o t h e r co m m a n d s to enable PGO; and more.
Google plans for conversational AI in Search
Around the same time Microsoft announced its changes to Bing, Google also unveiled plans to incorporate more AI into Google Search It announced Bard, a conversational AI service based on the LaMDA model Bard is intended to foster the combination of knowledge with the power, intelligence, and creativity of Google’s language models The AI service utilizes information from the web to offer users high-quality responses
The team stated that Bard is initially being released with Google’s lightweight model version of LaMDA, which calls for less computing power so it can be scaled to a larger user base.
The launch wasn’t without flaws; An ad for Bard from G o o g l e’s Tw i tte r a cco u n t included an incorrect answer about the James Webb Space Telescope, which Reuters was first to point out. According to Reuters, after this incident, A l p h a b e t (G o o g l e’s p a re n t co m p a ny) s h a res d ro p p e d $100 billion, with trading volumes during that day being about three times the 50-day moving average.
JFrog releases Conan 2 to improve C++ development
Liquid software company
JFrog and the team for Conan, which was acquired by JFrog back in 2016, announced the release of Conan 2 0, providing developers with the ability to model advanced C and C++ application dependency graphs and software binary packages
This release is intended to make it simpler for developers to securely reproduce artifact builds as well as accelerate the delivery of products at scale with lockfiles to “pin down” all of the versions of software dependencies, providing organizations with a framework for reproducing builds and speeding up their CI/CD pipelines without sacrificing agility.
.NET 8 focuses on DevX, cloud native
With .NET 8, Microsoft wants to fo c u s o n t h e d eve l o p e r ex p e r i e n ce fo r c l o u d - n a t i ve developers and cross-platform development with MAUI and Blazor, as well as continued performance improvements.
Th i s p rev i ew i n c l u d es improvements for container i m a g e rs, s u c h a s a d d i n g Debian 12 as the default distribution for container images, allowing containers to be run by non-root users, and tagging container images with the 8.0-preview tag.
There are a number of Linux improvements too, including the ability to build .NET from the dotnet/dotnet reposi to r y, n ew U b u ntu C h i se l e d images, and updates to the minimum baseline targets n Asana has made two new hires: Shannon Sullivan Duffy as new chief m a r ke t i n g off i ce r a n d Neeracha Taychakhoonavudh as head of customer experience Duffy was previously EVP Cloud & Industry Marketing at Salesforce and before that had held roles at Facebook, Jigsaw, and SourceForge Taychakhoonavudh also hails from Salesforce, where she spent 13 years, most recently as EVP Global Customer Success n Derek Holt has been promoted to CEO of Digital.ai. He has been at the company since 2020 and was previously general manager of Intelligent DevOps. Holt will replace Stephen Elop, who will step into the role of executive chairman for the company. n Allstacks has announced that Evan Welchel is joining the company as chief revenue officer. Prior to joining Allstacks, Welchel was vice president of marketing at Tonkean. Before that he held senior marketing positions at Ansible, Cypress.io, GitLab and Red Hat.
Conan 2 0 offers several new features and capabilities, including a new “signing” plugin in order to help better secure the software supply chain This allows organizations to add signatures to their software packages so their applications can be protected from malicious third-party code
Conan 2 0 also provides improved comprehension of the relationship between various portions of the software components According to JFrog, this gives developers power over their time so teams can more efficiently re-use binaries
Lastly, users gain access to better scalability and security
Visual Studio 2022: Reduce friction in dev workflows
Microsoft incorporated a numb e r of fe a t u res i n to t h i s release that are designed to reduce friction in daily development workflows
A number of productivity e n h a n ce m e n t s we re m a d e, including all-in-one search and Intent-Based Suggestions Allin-one search enables Visual St u d i o u se rs to f i n d f i l es, types, and members in code With this release the company has significantly improved the underlying infrastructure so that results are better ordered by h ow re l eva n t t h ey a re. Search also now has a Preview Panel that will provide better context for search results.
Intent-Based Suggestions p rov i d es s u g g est i o n s ba se d on recent changes in the code. It utilizes AI to try to understand repeated edits of code and suggests more changes that are inline with those.
E n h a n ce m e n t s to Ra zo r and C# include support for code actions, such as shortcuts like “Remove Tag” and “Insert Image height/width,” a n d i m p rove d p e r fo r m a n ce during project configuration, code analysis recognition, and when typing.
Tricentis extends Testim platform to mobile devices
Tr i ce n t i s i s a tte m p t i n g to meet the growing demand for h i g h - q u a l i ty m o b i l e a p p l i cat i o n s by re l e a s i n g Test i m Mobile, a mobile extension to its testing platform Testim
Acco rd i n g to Tr i ce n t i s, testing for mobile applications can pose a lot of challenges, b e ca u se u n l i ke b rowse rs, phones and tablets can vary widely in performance, size, and operating system
With Testim Mobile, testers can use either physical devices or emulators in testing, and tests can also be run in parallel across those different testing options
Devices can be set up and configured in minutes using t h e Tr i ce nt i s M o b i l e Ag e nt, which helps to also simplify device management
SwaggerHub Explore offers API visibility
SwaggerHub Explore enables d eve l o p e rs to l e a r n m o re
Microsoft rolls out ChatGPT-enabled version of Bing
This announcement came shortly after the company made a multi-billion dollar investment in OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT
Microsoft says that integrating ChatGPT into Bing will help provide better search results, more complete answers, a new chat experience, and the ability to generate content
Search powered by ChatGPT will surface relevant information like sports scores, stock prices, and weather, and summarizes search results to provide comprehensive answers to complex queries too For example, you would be able to ask how to substitute eggs in a recipe and get instructions on how to do so without actually having to search through multiple results yourself about API behaviors, allowing them to cut back on time and effort during the integration process.
Just like with ChatGPT, you can also converse with Bing in a new chat experience that allows you to keep refining your search until you are able to get the result you need.
This release brings developers a free API exploration tool that allows them to speed up the development lifecycle by offering the ability to visualize API data in one place as well as evaluate functionality prior to investing time in API integration.
Acco rd i n g to S m a r t Bea r, this is a major developer chall e n g e t h a t Swa g g e r H u b Explore is intended to fix while also speeding up the development of high-quality software with limited resources.
“SwaggerHub Explore is a developer -centric tool that brings new innovation to the SmartBear API lifecycle portfolio of solutions,” said Sean Butler, vice president of product management at SmartBear.
GitHub Copilot paid tier offers code suggestions
Th e A I d eve l o p e r to o l GitHub Copilot is now being offered through a new Business subscription
The new subscription tier has a more advanced OpenAI model and new capabilities to improve the quality of GitHub Co p i l o t’s co d e s u g g est i o n s.
G i t H u b h a s u p d a te d t h e u n d e r l y i n g O p e n A I Co d ex model to gain scale improvements to the quality of code suggestions and a reduction of time to serve suggestions.
A new paradigm, Fill-In-theMiddle (FIM), was added to give developers better prompts for code suggestions. GitHub Copilot has been restructured to take into account not only the prefix of code but known code suffixes as well. This additional context gives the program a better understanding of how the code is written and how it should fit with the rest of the program. Through its improved accuracy, FIM in GitHub Copilot is able to provide high-quality code suggestions without any added latency, according to the company.
Lastly, the GitHub Copilot extension for VS Code was updated with a light client-side model that improves overall acceptance rates for code suggestions.
The company stated that it plans to integrate AI into every aspect of the developer experience, whether that’s coding to the pull request to coding deployments, and Copilot for Business is the first step.
Copilot for Business is available for $19 per user per month.
2023 Call for Code: Sustainability through AI
The 2023 Call for Code, a global program that invites developers around the world to contribute to open-source technology projects that address social and humanitarian issues, has recently been announced by creator David Clark, founding partner IBM, charitable partner United Nations Human Rights, and program affiliate with the Linux Foundation
This year’s Call for Code is intended to encourage the development of AI-powered technology projects that target sustainability issues in order to fight against climate change
According to Clark, Call for Code 2023 challenges developers around the world, students, and startups to build and contribute to solutions that help push sustainability forward by improving resource management, reducing pollution, and protecting biodiversity z
Observability has really taken off in the past few years, and while in some ways observability has become a bit of a marketing buzzword, one of the main ways companies are implementing observability is not with any particular company ’ s solution, but with an open-source project: OpenTelemetry
Since 2019, it has been incubating at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, but the project has its origins in t w o d i f f e r e n t o p e n - s o u r c e p r o j e c t s : OpenCensus and OpenTracing, which were merged into one to form OpenTelemetry
“It has become now the de facto in terms of how companies are willing to instrument their applications and collect data because it gives them flexibility back and there’s nothing proprietary, so it helps them move away from data silos, and also helps connect the data end to end to offer more effective observability,” said Spiros Xanthos, SVP and general manager of observability at Splunk.
OpenTelemetry is one of the most s u c c e s s f u l o p e n - s o u r c e p r o j e c t s , depending on what you measure by.
According to Austin Parker, head of DevRel at Lightstep and maintainer of OpenTelemetry, it is the second highest velocity project within the CNCF, only behind Kubernetes, in terms of contributions and improvements
According to Parker, one of the reas o n s w h y O p e n Te l e m e t r y h a s j u s t exploded in use is that cloud native development and distributed systems have “eaten the world ” This in turn leads to increased complexity And what do you need when complexity increases? Observability, visibility, a way to understand what is actually going on in your systems
Parker feels that for the past few decades, a real struggle companies have run into is that everyone has a different tool for each part of observability They have a tool for tracing, something for handling logs, something to track metrics, etc.
“There’s scaling issues, lack of data portability, lack of vendor agnosticism, and a lack of ability to easily correlate these things across different dimen-