BUS 226 – COMPUTER BUSINESS APPLICATIONS Professor Horne Central Virginia Community College – Spring 2017 Professor: Horne Phone: (540) 395-3506 Email:
CREDIT HOURS: 3 credit hours. PREREQUISITE: Keyboarding proficiency – 25 words per minute. If this perquisite is not met, please enroll in AST 101 (Keyboarding I). CATALOG Provide a practical application of software packages, including spreadsheets, DESCRIPTION: word processing, database management, and presentation graphics. Includes the use of programs in accounting techniques, word processing, and management science application. REQUIRED Microsoft Office 365 Office 2016 Introductory. Author: Shelly Cashman Series. TEXT: ISBN: 978-1-305-87001-7 Microsoft Office 2016 (or Office 365) software package. The suite must contain Word 2016, Excel 2016, Access 2016, and PowerPoint 2016. CVCC students may download the Student Advantage package at for free. Also, CVCC computer lab (Room 2414) has the software installed for student use. FLASH DRIVE for storage
COMMON STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will learn about technology and be able to differentiate among laptop, tablets, desktops, and servers. More specifically including: Understand the purpose of smartphones, digital camera, portable media players, e-books, etc. Recognize the difference between data and information Be able to explain the various input and output devices a computer uses Differentiate from the internet, browser, search engine, and online social networks Discern the differences of various viruses, malware, and worms Identify when and how technology is used in education, government, finance, retail, entertainment, health care, travel, science, publishing, and manufacturing The students will use the Windows operating system to easily communicate with and control their computer. More specifically including: Creating folders Saving files Performing basic tasks in Microsoft Office applications Manage computer files and folders Use Help and Windows Support to find answers to frequently asked questions Students will use WORD 2016 to create, edit, format, and print documents. More specifically including: Format documents using various fonts, themes, and styles Setup reports with headers and/or footers, and heading styles Change line spacing, margins, tabs, and other paragraph formats Copy, cut, and paste text within and between documents Use desktop publishing features such as graphics, word art, picture styles, etc. Apply Modern Language Association (MLA) documentation style for research papers Incorporate footnotes into a research paper Insert citations and a Works Cited page using a list of bibliographical list of sources Produce and manipulating tables within a document Place tabs, symbols, hyperlinks, styles, and indentations of paragraphs within a document Use Word tools to check for errors or make improvements in the document
Students will use EXCEL 2016 to create, edit, format, print, and perform calculations within an electronic spreadsheet. More specifically including: Alter the appearance of cells using themes, fonts, styles, colors, and borders Designate the format of a cell to accommodate different kinds of data 2
Move, copy, or change appearance of the overall worksheet Use the AutoCalculate and Sum to formulate what is needed to meet specific requirements Apply various functions (Average, Maximum, and Minimum) Enter and editing formulas both manually and by using functions Use Conditional Formatting to highlight a certain range of cells that meet a certain criteria Distinguish between relative and absolute cells Critique an Excel workbook by logically determining if a cell reference should be a relative cell references or absolute cell references Use the IF function to perform logical test Create a Sparkline chart and editing its features Create and editing a chart to be displayed either within the worksheet or as a separate sheet Evaluate a 3-D bar chart to determine what data should be graphed to create an effective visual aid
Students will use ACCESS 2016 to build a database, modify data, and create simple queries. More specifically including: Create a database, tables, forms, reports Become familiar with Datasheet view and Design view Enter and edit records in tables Find and query data within a database Use compound criteria in queries Sort data within queries Join tables to find particular data Perform calculations and use statistics in queries Create a crosstab query Students will use POWERPOINT 2016 to create a presentation. More specifically including: Make changes to presentations including changing slide layout, document themes, variants, and adding transitions or animations Search for and download online themes Apply effects to the presentation to include transitions and animation Make changes to slides including adding text, inserting pictures/clip art, changing bullets, and other font or color changes
EVALUATIONS: Student’s progress is based on the following scale: Word Exam 15% Excel Exam 15% Access Exam 15% Class Projects/Exercises 25% Final Exam 18% Attendance/Participation 10% Haven Video 2% Grading Scale: A = 100 – 90 B = 89 – 80 C = 79 – 70 D = 69 – 60 F = below 60 No extra credit available in this course FINAL EXAM: Exam date will be posted in Blackboard during the final weeks of the course. STUDENT Students are expected to uphold the school’s standard of conduct relating to RESPONSIBILITY: academic honesty. Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student's submitted work, examinations, reports, and projects must be that of the student's own work. Students shall be guilty of violating the honor code if they: Represent the work of others as their own. Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work. Give unauthorized assistance to other students. Misrepresent the content of submitted work. The penalty for violating the honor code is severe. Any student violating the honor code will receive a failing grade for the course and will be reported to the Division Dean. If a student is unclear about whether a particular situation may constitute an honor code violation, the student should meet with the instructor to discuss the situation. POLICIES: In order to derive maximum benefits from the course, students are expected to be present for all class meetings, review text materials, complete assignments/exercises as assigned. If you are absent, you are responsible to notify the professor. It is also your obligation to keep up-to-date on all assignments. Students absent 15 percent of the class will receive one letter grade deduction from the final average; students missing 30 percent (or more) of the class will receive a failing course grade (“F”); and students missing 20 percent of the course may be withdrawn. Attendance will be taken only once, at the beginning of each class. If you are not present when attendance is 4
taken, you will be counted absent for that class session. You are considered either “present” or “not present” in this course; tardiness is not considered. Your attendance grade is calculated as a percentage of the class sessions you attend throughout the semester. Additionally, students not completing at least 60 percent of the coursework by the withdrawal date will be removed from the course at the professor’s discretion. A make-up test is allowed only for situations involving an emergency. If you miss a test, a “0” will be given for that test. The professor will keep all tests on file. Homework assignments are due the BEGINNING of the following class. No late assignments will be accepted. Assignments are to be printed and ready to turn in prior to class beginning. Make sure your name appears in the upper-right corner. Assignments are to be stapled together in order they are listed on Blackboard (or the course syllabus). Disorganized assignments (pages out of order, mislabeled, unreadable, etc.) will receive deducted points. The Professor may opt to utilize Blackboard or Blackboard Plus – Students will be instructed if link will be provided for digital submittals If you have trouble electronically submitting an assignment on time, you should email the assignment to: Include in the subject bar: Full name, course number and assignment title – Example: Dana-horne-Bus226-assignment word2 Personal laptop computers are not permitted in the classroom. COMPUTER A computer lab is located in Amherst Hall, Room 2414. Hours include: LABS: Monday: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. Tuesday: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. Thursday: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. The computer lab is meant for class related work only. All computer activities are monitored by the State of Virginia. Cell phones must be turned off when in the classroom and computer lab. Talking is not permitted since students maybe taking test for other courses. WITHDRAWAL: The last day to withdraw from class without grade penalty is Friday, March 24, 2017.
ADA COURSE SYLLABI STATEMENT Students with Disabilities - It is CVCC’s policy to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified students with documented disabilities. Our goal is to help students succeed in this course. If you have a documented physical, mental, or learning disability and you need a reasonable accommodation to help you achieve success, please contact Student Support Services, in the Counseling Center, room 2117, phone: (434) 832-7802 or (434) 832-7299 or email To best provide the accommodation you need, make this request as soon as possible, since accommodations cannot be made to change a grade you have received for course work already completed.
For further information, please go to the CVCC Homepage, click on the Resources tab and then click on ADA/Disability Services.
TITLE IX SYLLABUS STATEMENT As a recipient of federal funds, Central VA Community College is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. (“Title IX”), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities, admission and employment. Under certain circumstances, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and similar conduct constitute sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX. The purpose of this Policy is to establish that the College prohibits discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and retaliation and to set forth procedures by which such allegations shall be filed, investigated and resolved. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the College’s Title IX Coordinator, Nancy Mitchell, whose office is located in Amherst Hall, room # 2119, and may be contacted at 434.832.7802 or email Campus Police may be contacted at 434.832.7700, Amherst Hall, in the Student Center. Additional information may be accessed at
TENTATIVE ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE Week 1 Monday, Jan. 9, 2017 Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
Course Introduction and Syllabus Office 2016 and Windows 10
Laboratory Assignment 1.Read pages OFF1-OFF75 2. Log in to Blackboard and become familiar with the Blackboard platform 3. Syllabus Quiz (via Blackboard) – due by deadline posted in Blackboard 4. Haven: Central Virginia Community College Sexual Assault Prevention Training URL for Students Student Code: 05fbe09a Complete BEFORE week 3 Jan 22, 2017
Week 2 Monday, Jan. 16, 2017 - NO CLASS : Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
Office 2016 and Windows 10 (cont.)
Laboratory Assignment 1. Download course files from Blackboard 2 Haven (cont): Central Virginia Community College Sexual Assault Prevention Training URL for Students Student Code: 05fbe09a Complete BEFORE week 3 Jan 22, 2017
Week 3 Monday, Jan. 23, 2017 Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
Word Module 1 – Creating, Formatting, and Editing a Word Document with a Picture
Laboratory Assignment 1. Page WD 48, Apply Your Knowledge – Modifying Text and Formatting a Document 2. Page WD 50, Extend Your Knowledge – Modifying Text and Picture Formats and Adding Page Borders 3. Page WD 52, In the Lab 1 – Creating a Flyer with a Picture 4. Page WD 56, In the Lab 3 (Part 1 only) – Design and Create an Antique Store Flyer
Week 4 Monday, Jan. 30, 2017 Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
Word Module 2 – Creating a Research Paper with References and Sources
Laboratory Assignment 1. Page WD 112, Apply Your Knowledge – Revising Text and Paragraphs in a Document 2. Page WD 116, In the Lab 1 – Preparing a Short Research Paper 3. Page WD 118, In the Lab 2, Preparing a Research Report with a Footnote
Week 5 Monday, Feb. 6, 2017 Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
Word Module 3 – Creating a Business Letter with a Letterhead and Table
Laboratory Assignment 1. Page WD 174, Apply Your Knowledge – Working with Tabs and a Table 2. Page WD 179, In the Lab 1 – Creating a Letter with a Letterhead 3. Page WD 180, In the Lab 2 – Creating a Letter with a Letterhead and Table
Week 6 Monday, Feb. 13, 2017 Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017
Exam 1 – Word 2016 (Modules 1, 2, and 3) and Office 2016 & Windows 10 Module Week 7 Monday, Feb. 20, 2017 Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
Excel Module 1 – Creating a Worksheet and a Chart
Laboratory Assignment 1. Page EX 53, In the Lab 1 – First Quarter Revenue Analysis Worksheet 2. Page EX 55, In the Lab 2 – Sales Analysis Worksheet
Week 8 Monday, Feb. 27, 2017 Wednesday, Mar. 1, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
Excel Module 2 – Formulas, Functions, and Formatting
Laboratory Assignment 1. Page EX 106, Apply Your Knowledge – Cost Analysis Worksheet 2. Page EX 109, In the Lab 1 – Insurance Premium Worksheet 3. Page EX 110, In the Lab 2 – Sales Summary Worksheet _______________________________________________________________________________
SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK Mar. 3, 2017 to Mar. 12, 2017 _______________________________________________________________________________
Week 9 Monday, Mar. 13, 2017 Wednesday, Mar. 15, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
Excel Module 3 – Working with Large Worksheets, Charting, and What-If Analysis
Laboratory Assignment 1. Page EX 177, In the Lab 1 (Instructions Part 1 and Instructions Part 2 only) – Eight-Year Financial Projection
Week 10 Monday, Mar. 20, 2017 Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2017
Exam 2 – Excel 2016 – Modules 1, 2, and 3 Week 11 Monday, Mar. 27, 2017 Wednesday, Mar. 29, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
Access Module 1 –Databases and Database Objects: An Introduction
Laboratory Assignment 1. Page AC 57, Apply Your Knowledge – Adding a Caption, Changing a Data Type, Creating a Query, a Form, and a Report 2. Page AC 60, In the Lab 1 – Creating Objects for the Garden Naturally Database 3. Page AC 63, In the Lab 2 – Creating the Museum Gift Shop Database
Week 12 Monday, Apr. 3, 2017 Wednesday, Apr. 5, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
Access Module 2 – Querying a Database
Laboratory Assignment 1. Page AC 114, Apply Your Knowledge – Using Wildcards in a Query, Creating a Parameter Query, Joining Tables, and Creating a Report 2. Page AC 117, In the Lab 1 – Querying the Garden Naturally Database 3. Page AC 118, In the Lab 2 – Querying the Museum Gift Shop Database
Week 13 Monday, Apr. 10, 2017 Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2017
Exam 3 – Access 2016 – Modules 1 and 2 Week 14 Monday, Apr. 17, 2017 Wednesday, Apr. 19, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
PowerPoint Module 1 – Creating and Editing a Presentation with Pictures
Laboratory Assignment 1. Page PPT 49, Apply Your Knowledge – Modifying Character Formats and Paragraph Levels and Moving an Illustration 2. Page PPT 52, In the Lab 1 – Creating a Presentation with Pictures 3. Page PPT 53, In the Lab 2 – Creating a Presentation with Bulleted Lists and Pictures
Week 15 Monday, Apr. 24, 2017 Wednesday, Apr. 26, 2017
Reading/Lecture Assignment
PowerPoint Module 2 – Enhancing a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes, and WordArt Review Microsoft PowerPoint - Answer Questions about Microsoft Office 2016 software package
Laboratory Assignment 1. Page PPT 104, Apply Your Knowledge – Changing the Background and Adding Photos and WordArt 2. Page PPT 111, In the Lab 1 – Creating a Presentation Inserting Photos, Applying Picture Styles, and Inserting Shapes 3. Page PPT 115, In the Lab 2 – Creating a Presentation 4. Prepare PowerPoint presentation specific to the guidelines listed on classroom handout. The presentation will be presented as part of final exam.
Week 16 Monday, May 1, 2017 EXAM WEEK Final Exam – PowerPoint 2016 – Modules 1 and 2 with in-class presentation 11