Issue 2: May

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ISSUE II | MAY Division 36 West | May 2014









That’s me!

Hello Huskeys! I am Julieann Bui and I serve as your Division 36 West Lieutenant Governor. It’s the second month of the term, and I am proud to say that we are growing! With service, leadership, and family. We have already had our first service event, first fundraiser, first social, and first Kiwanis family event! What’s next? The members of this division have a great sense of determination that I am excited to see flourish throughout this term. Even your Division Leadership Team is working to make this term amazing for the members that we serve, you. In this issue you will find our upcoming events, service, submissions, and more!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy this issue!

Serving through the winter storms, Julieann Bui

SUBMISSIONS What’s a submission? A submission is the articles, visuals, and report forms that are sent into the Lieutenant Governor and Division News Editor to be sent into District through the Division submissions. These are ways for your home club to be recognized for all of your hard work.

How do I do articles, visuals, and report forms? These should be submitted by your respective Editor and Secretary. Articles will be a description of an event held by your own home club. Visuals will be photos of an event held by your own home club. Anyone can do articles and visuals; quotes and photos from every member count! Report forms are the files that hold all of your home club service hours.

File Naming: Visuals: D##_Club_SubmissionMonth_EventInitials Articles: D##_Club_SubmissionMonth_EventInitials Ex: Event by Cajon Key Club, Relay for Life for the May. D36W_Cajon_05_RFL

month of

Monthy Report Forms: D36W_club_MRF_1415 Ex: MRF completed by Eisenhower D36W_Eisenhower_MRF_1415

**Only your club name is required! Ex: Colton High School will name files with “Colton” only. No “High School” added on. *No abbreviations!! Ex: CHS, GTHS, AHS.


Division 36 West April DCM 50 Key Club, Kiwanis, and Circle-K members came to the first DCM of the term! We made 180 cranes that will begin our Cranes for Hospitals project! Thank you for your service!

University of California: Riverside, Circle K’s Key To College Members of Divisions 06N, 06S, 36E, 36W, 47, 15, and 35E attended Key To College where they discovered what to expect about college, how to apply for financial aid, and even more about the Kiwanis Family.

Meet The Division Leadership Team Keilana Real: Fundraising Coordinator Hey Everybody! My name is Keilana Real and I have the awesome pleasure of being this new term's Fundraising Coordinator, yay! :) Anywhoozies, I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself and the things I enjoy. Well, starting with one of the things I enjoy the most; KEY CLUB! I have been apart of the Key Club at Grand Terrace HS for three years, and I have been loving every part of it, as well as serving as a treasurer. :) Other things I do include being apart of my school's volleyball and swim team, and dancing hula, no not hula hooping, but the actual dancing! I love reading for fun, and that includes the Divergent Series, I'm looking forward to meeting many new people this year, and making many new friends! I'm excited, and I'm excited to serve as your new Fundraising Coordinator!!

Moises Bravo: Executive Assistant Hey guys! My name is Moises Bravo and I will be one of your Executive Assistants this following term of 2014-2015. I am a Varsity Tennis Player at Summit High School who just loves every little aspect about everything. I am also an active member of the music and drama department in my school. I am a very creative and out going person. My hobby that takes over my spare time is gaming. School is my life and the library is my second home, in fact, I'm at school for approximately 11 hours on school days. I like to find sing, act, and laugh.

Leonardo Mendoza: Executive Assistant Hi my name is Leonardo Mendoza and I am a key clubber of 3 years and president of Bloomington high school. Furthermore, I am an AP student, varsity athlete for soccer, and D36West Executive Assistant. When I’m not studying or practicing, I’m at the gym or at Key Club related event. My main hobbies comprise of home work, soccer, key club, and home work. Key Club is the only social aspect of my life, as it takes up most of my time for the exception of soccer.

Lyzzette Martinez: Executive Assistant Hello Huskeys! My name is Lyzzette Martinez and it is a honor of serving you guys as one of your Executive Assistants for this following term of 2014-2015. On my spare time at home I practice archery and every now and then I enjoy going to baseball games with my family. I enjoy volunteering in my community. I love to read mystery novels and swim. The beach and Barns and Nobles are my relaxing places. I am the youngest of 4 and a horrible driver.

Ana Xajil: Service Coordinator Hi, my name is Ana Xajil and I am your 2014-2015 Service Coordinator! A service coordinator finds and regulates service. I am the current president of Grand Terrace High School’s Key Club. I enjoy everything about Key Club. I started out being freshman representative my freshman year and I believe that Key Club is one of the best decisions of my high school years. Not only has it inspired me to wake up every day and be a better person but it has made me a leader. I enjoy writing and listening to music during my free time or going out with friends. I like school because I like knowing that I’m building the stepping stones to my future. I hope to one day work as a psychologist who specializes in therapy. I appreciate Key Club for everything it has done to me. It has given me a chance to find out what I really love and that’s service. My name is Ana Xajil and I am beyond blessed to include this new part of my Key Club journey with you.

Do you want to be a part of the Division Leadership Team? Vacant Positions: Historian: Historians will be responsible for attending all division events due to the fact that visuals are necessary for the editor and district to receive. After every event, photos are due to Lt. Governor and Editor the following day by 6:00PM.

Division News Editor: The Division News Editor is responsible for updating the division and district electronically. Your responsibilities will be: -publish/submit a monthly newsletter -filter division submissions -record division submissions -submit articles/visuals on behalf of the division they serve -train Club Editors to produce/collect quality submissions Although these give the basics of a DNE, there will also be more to take care of in terms of implementing social networks to promote this division.

Fall Rally Spirit Coordinator: This coordinator will be responsible for Fall Rally in the sense of Spirit. You will create cheers, teach cheers, and provide a spirited division. You will lead this division during Fall Rally itself along with working closely with the Lt. Governor on all subjects that pertain to Fall Rally. This position may have a team of coordinators.

Contact Julie if interested!


“On the cloudy morning of Sunday April 27th, members from Grand Terrace went out to The Redlands Bowl to volunteer at the 2K Color Splash. The Color Splash was sponsored by Redlands Noon Kiwanis. The day begun with a lot of enthusiastic runners and uplifting music! The day ended with rainbow colored clothing and stained faces! People of all ages came out and had fun! This event was a part of the 31st Annual Run Through Redlands. Grand Terrace Key Clubbers look forward to the next Color Splash the following year!” - Ana Xajil, Grand Terrace

“On May 3, 2014, Arroyo Valley's Key Club volunteered at a Zombie Run located in Claremont. Eleven members attended accompanied by four chaperones. When we arrived at the location and we were given the option of getting zombified, working as a makeup artist or a Marshall. All of the members including the chaperones decided to get zombified. Our goal was to make sure no human made it out alive and returned back from the dead to infest the rest of the human species. With our highly trained zombies, we tackled, crawled, and killed the humans. With no where else to run the humans had no chance up against the zombies. Not only was it a Zombie Run but also a maze. We tackled, crawled, and ran to get those flags on the humans. The objective for the zombies were to see who can infest the most humans by stealing their flags. The objective for the humans were to get out of the course alive with their flags. Not only is the stealing of flags extremely fun but always very active. During our breaks, we would socialize with other zombies in our designated zone. It was quite interesting hearing stories from zombies. Sadly, our shift quickly ended and was followed with tacos. On our way out we had the honor of meeting Epic Meal Time, a famous YouTube channel and got to watch them behind the scenes filming their next segment. We must admit it was one adventure event. “ - Lyzzette Martinez, Arroyo Valley


Officer Training Conference: Join Divisions 15 and 36 West in learning all the details as a serving officer. This event is extremely crucial for all serving officers for this term. *Don’t forget to register! Date: June 21st Location: Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis District Office Price: $3 Registered, $5 at the door.

Division 36 West and East June DCM: The first Division 36 Joint Event! Come out, enjoy, and cool down with a 200+ water balloon fight! Date: June 21st Location: Rich Daur Pine Park, Colton, CA Time: 2:00PM to 5:00PM Price: $5


Lieutenant Governor: E-mail: Phone: (909) 456-5798 Executive Assistant: E-mail: Lyzzette Martinez: Leonardo Mendoza: Moises Bravo: Division News Editor:


Division 36 West | May 2014

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