D36W | The Huskey Express | August 2017

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STEP 1: Head to the CNH CyberKey at cnhkeyclub.org, and scroll to the “Projects” tab. Click on the page titled “Spotlight on Service Program”.

STEP 2: Scroll down to where it says “Spotlight on Service Submission Form” box and click the link.

STEP 3: Fill out the form for the proper monthly focus. The form will ask you a series of questions including: your region & division numbers, club name, your name, position, email address, project name, date of project, project description, and more.

STEP 4: Email pictures from the event to cnhkc.sp@gmail.com. Please title your email “Spotlight on Service Pictures | Project Name”.

Created by the Service Project Committee | cnhkc.sp@gmail.com

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is the Spotlight on Service Program? The Spotlight on Service Program (SOSP) is headed by the CNH Service Projects Committee to recognize the service that CNH Key Clubs perform, as well as to help clubs find or create service projects and fundraisers. Each month a new focus is released that puts attention on Key Club International’s Major Emphasis, “Children: Their Future, Our Focus”.

When are SOSP Submissions due?

Submissions to the Spotlight on Service Program are due by the 5th of each month at 6PM PDT. Pictures must also be sent in by this time. Please be proactive with these submissions and don’t wait till the last minute!

Why should I submit to the Spotlight on Service Program? The Service Projects Committee picks at least one submission per month to be recognized in the CNH District Newsletter, “The Buzz”, and on the CNH Social Media accounts! This highly coveted honor gives clubs the opportunity to inspire the 40,000+ members of the CNH District to get out there and serve their homes, schools, and communities.

Where can I find the SOSP monthly themes? The SOSP Monthly Theme Infographic can be found on the CyberKey. Just go to the “Spotlight on Service Program” page under the “Projects” tab.

What if I need help finding service events or fundraisers that correlate with the theme? In addition to featuring clubs throughout CNH, the Service Projects Committee releases monthly guides through the Spotlight on Service Program that contain details on planning events that promote the month’s theme. These can also be found on the “Spotlight on Service Program” page on the CyberKey or in the “CNH Presidents”, “CNH Vice Presidents”, and “CNH Projects” reflector groups. To join these reflectors, please go on the Cyberkey.

Created by the Service Project Committee | cnhkc.sp@gmail.com

圀栀愀琀   䤀 猀   䬀攀礀  䌀氀 甀戀㼀 䬀攀礀  䌀氀 甀戀  椀 猀   琀 栀攀  漀氀 搀攀猀 琀   愀渀搀  氀 愀爀 最攀猀 琀   猀 攀爀 ⴀ 瘀椀 挀攀  瀀爀 漀最爀 愀洀  昀 漀爀   栀椀 最栀  猀 挀栀漀漀氀   猀 琀 甀搀攀渀琀 猀 ⸀   䄀猀   愀渀  椀 渀琀 攀爀 渀愀琀 椀 漀渀愀氀   猀 琀 甀搀攀渀琀 ⴀ 氀 攀搀  瀀爀 漀ⴀ 最爀 愀洀Ⰰ   䬀攀礀  䌀氀 甀戀  瀀爀 漀瘀椀 搀攀猀   漀瀀瀀漀爀 琀 甀渀椀 琀 椀 攀猀   昀 漀爀   氀 攀愀搀攀爀 猀 栀椀 瀀Ⰰ   挀栀愀爀 愀挀琀 攀爀   戀甀椀 氀 搀椀 渀最Ⰰ   愀渀搀  猀 攀爀 瘀椀 挀攀⸀

䬀攀礀  䌀氀 甀戀  栀愀猀   愀瀀瀀爀 漀砀 椀 洀愀琀 攀氀 礀  ㈀㘀 Ⰰ   洀攀洀戀攀爀 猀   椀 渀  愀戀漀甀琀 㔀Ⰰ   挀氀 甀戀猀 ⸀   䬀攀礀  䌀氀 甀戀  椀 猀   爀 攀瀀爀 攀猀 攀渀琀 攀搀  椀 渀  ㌀㜀  挀漀甀渀琀 爀 椀 攀猀 ℀

夀伀唀  䄀刀䔀  䠀䔀刀䔀

吀 栀攀  挀漀爀 攀  瘀愀氀 甀攀猀   漀昀   䬀攀礀  䌀氀 甀戀  䤀 渀琀 攀爀 渀愀ⴀ 琀 椀 漀渀愀氀   愀爀 攀  氀 攀愀搀攀爀 猀 栀椀 瀀Ⰰ   挀栀愀爀 愀挀琀 攀爀   戀甀椀 氀 搀椀 渀最Ⰰ   挀愀爀 椀 渀最Ⰰ   愀渀搀  椀 渀挀氀 甀猀 椀 瘀攀渀攀猀 猀 ℀

伀甀爀   洀漀琀 琀 漀  椀 猀 Ⰰ   挀愀爀 椀 渀最  ⴀ   漀甀爀   眀愀礀  漀昀   氀 椀 昀 攀℀

䌀一䠀  䐀椀 猀 琀 爀 椀 挀琀   䌀漀洀洀甀渀椀 挀愀琀 椀 漀渀猀   愀渀搀  䴀愀爀 欀攀琀 椀 渀最  䌀漀洀洀椀 琀 琀 攀攀 䌀栀愀椀 爀   䜀愀戀礀  夀漀渀愀爀 琀 愀  簀  挀渀栀欀挀⸀ 挀洀䀀最洀愀椀 氀 ⸀ 挀漀洀

Cali-Nev-Ha District Buzz, Buzz! Welcome to the Hive, We are the CNH Bees!

Levels of Key Club Member > Club > Division > Region > District > International *With Key Club as the largest service program, you’ll be representing a mission to serve and lead as someone from the other side of the world! *Members are the building blocks of Key Club. They are the single most important aspect that makes up Key Club International.

Benefits of Key Club 1. Develop healthy students. As Key Club members learn that they can influence real social challenges, problems and needs, they become more effective and confident. Improve academic achievement. Statistics show that students who devote time to serving others perform better in school. 2. Encourage service learning. Key Club is an opportunity for service learning that can complement or supplement programs at your school. Build leaders. As they step up to take part in service projects, social activities and club functions, Key Club members develop strong leadership skills. 3. Increase visibility. Getting connected with a Key Club and the sponsoring Kiwanis club can help enhance your reputation in the community. 4. Enhance school culture. Service projects that engage students can also improve your school’s physical environment.

The Bees The bee symbolizes community, brightness and personal power. Therefore, we are the CNH bees because together, we create unity, a safe place, and an ohana for everyone regardless of gender, race, or color. Similarly to bees, we take pride in numbers because one person can only achieve so much but together, everything is possible. Key Club not only provides its members with hours and statistics, but also a home and a community one can turn to. Join Key Club, because you can BEE the change YOU wish to see in the world!

CNH District Communications and Marketing Committee Chair Gaby Yonarta | cnhkc.cm@gmail.com

䌀一䠀  䐀䤀 匀吀 刀䤀 䌀吀   刀䔀䘀䰀 䔀䌀吀 伀刀  䜀刀伀唀倀匀 圀䠀䄀吀   䤀 匀  䤀 吀 㼀 䜀漀漀最氀 攀  爀 攀昀 氀 攀挀琀 漀爀 猀   愀爀 攀  漀渀氀 椀 渀攀⼀ 攀洀愀椀 氀   戀愀猀 攀搀  最爀 漀甀瀀猀   琀 栀愀琀   礀漀甀  挀愀渀  猀 椀 最渀  甀瀀  昀 漀爀   甀猀 椀 渀最  礀漀甀爀   最洀愀椀 氀   愀搀爀 攀猀 猀 ⸀

圀䠀䄀吀 ᤠ 匀  䤀 吀 匀  倀唀刀倀伀匀䔀㼀 䄀氀 氀 漀眀猀   礀漀甀  琀 漀⸀ ⸀ ⴀ   瀀愀爀 椀 挀椀 瀀愀琀 攀  椀 渀  漀渀氀 椀 渀攀  最爀 漀甀瀀猀   ☀  栀漀猀 琀   搀椀 猀 挀甀猀 猀 椀 漀渀猀 ⴀ   愀猀 欀  焀甀攀猀 琀 椀 漀渀猀   搀椀 爀 攀挀琀 攀搀  琀 漀眀愀爀 搀猀   愀  瘀愀爀 椀 攀琀 礀  漀昀   䬀攀礀  䌀氀 甀戀猀   昀 爀 漀洀  搀椀 昀 昀 攀爀 攀渀琀   戀愀挀欀最爀 漀甀渀搀猀   愀渀搀  攀砀瀀攀爀 椀 攀渀挀攀猀 ⨀ 夀漀甀  猀 栀漀甀氀 搀  樀 漀椀 渀  琀 栀攀  爀 攀昀 氀 攀挀琀 漀爀   最爀 漀甀瀀  昀 漀爀   礀漀甀爀   搀椀 瘀椀 猀 椀 漀渀  昀 漀爀   甀瀀搀愀琀 攀猀   爀 攀最愀爀 搀椀 渀最  搀椀 瘀椀 猀 椀 漀渀  攀瘀攀渀琀 猀 ℀ ⨀

圀䠀䄀吀   䌀䄀一  夀伀唀  䐀伀㼀 ㄀⸀   䨀漀椀 渀  愀  䜀漀漀最氀 攀  刀攀昀 氀 攀挀琀 漀爀   䜀爀 漀甀瀀℀   ⠀ 䄀渀礀  攀ⴀ 洀愀椀 氀   挀愀渀  樀 漀椀 渀℀ ⤀   ㈀⸀   䴀愀欀攀  礀漀甀爀   漀眀渀  最漀漀最氀 攀  最爀 漀甀瀀  愀猀   愀渀  漀昀 昀 椀 挀攀爀   昀 漀爀   琀 栀攀  挀氀 甀戀  礀漀甀  猀 攀爀 瘀攀

䨀伀䤀 一  䄀  䐀䤀 匀吀 刀䤀 䌀吀   刀䔀䘀䰀 䔀䌀吀 伀刀℀ ㄀⸀   䜀漀  琀 漀  琀 栀攀  䌀礀戀攀爀   䬀攀礀  ⠀ 挀渀栀欀攀礀挀氀 甀戀⸀ 漀爀 最⤀ ㈀⸀   刀攀猀 漀甀爀 挀攀猀   㸀  刀攀昀 氀 攀挀琀 漀爀   䜀爀 漀甀瀀猀 ㌀⸀   䌀氀 椀 挀欀  漀渀  愀  氀 椀 渀欀  琀 漀  愀  爀 攀昀 氀 攀挀琀 漀爀   最爀 漀甀瀀 㐀⸀   刀攀焀攀甀猀 琀   琀 漀  樀 漀椀 渀 㔀⸀   伀渀挀攀  愀瀀瀀爀 漀瘀攀搀Ⰰ   礀漀甀ᤠ 氀 氀   戀攀  瀀愀爀 琀   漀昀   愀  爀 攀昀 氀 攀挀琀 漀爀 ℀

伀䘀䘀䤀 䌀䔀刀  刀䔀䘀䰀 䔀䌀吀 伀刀匀  䄀嘀䄀䤀 䰀 䄀䈀䰀 䔀 倀爀 攀猀 椀 搀攀渀琀 ⼀ 嘀椀 挀攀  倀爀 攀猀 椀 搀攀渀琀 匀攀挀爀 攀琀 愀爀 礀⼀ 吀 爀 攀愀猀 甀爀 攀爀

一攀眀猀   䔀搀椀 琀 漀爀 匀攀爀 瘀椀 挀攀  倀爀 漀樀 攀挀琀 猀

䌀漀渀琀 愀挀琀   礀漀甀爀   爀 攀猀 瀀攀挀琀 椀 瘀攀  䰀 琀 ⸀   䜀漀瘀攀爀 渀漀爀   愀戀漀甀琀   樀 漀椀 渀椀 渀最  礀漀甀爀   䐀椀 瘀椀 猀 椀 漀渀  刀攀昀 氀 攀挀琀 漀爀 ℀

䌀一䠀  䐀椀 猀 琀 爀 椀 挀琀   䌀漀洀洀甀渀椀 挀愀琀 椀 漀渀猀   愀渀搀  䴀愀爀 欀攀琀 椀 渀最  䌀漀洀洀椀 琀 琀 攀攀 䌀栀愀椀 爀   䜀愀戀礀  夀漀渀愀爀 琀 愀  簀  挀渀栀欀挀⸀ 挀洀䀀最洀愀椀 氀 ⸀ 挀漀洀

匀愀昀 攀䬀䔀夀

礀漀甀 渀最  䬀攀攀瀀椀 渀攀℀ 椀 漀渀氀 攀  愀昀 猀

圀䠀䄀吀   䤀 匀  䤀 吀 㼀 吀 攀挀栀渀漀氀 漀最礀  匀愀昀 攀䬀䔀夀  椀 猀   愀  瀀爀 漀最爀 愀洀  挀爀 攀愀琀 攀搀  昀 漀爀   琀 栀攀  䌀一䠀  䐀椀 猀 琀 爀 椀 挀琀   琀 栀愀琀   攀搀甀挀愀琀 攀猀   猀 琀 甀搀攀渀琀 猀   愀渀搀  攀焀甀椀 瀀猀   琀 栀攀洀  眀椀 琀 栀  琀 栀攀  琀 漀漀氀 猀   琀 漀  甀渀搀攀爀 猀 琀 愀渀搀  琀 栀攀  攀昀 昀 攀挀琀 猀   漀昀   琀 攀挀栀渀漀氀 漀ⴀ 最礀Ⰰ   瀀爀 漀琀 攀挀琀   琀 栀攀洀猀 攀氀 瘀攀猀   昀 爀 漀洀  栀愀爀 洀Ⰰ   愀渀搀  栀愀瘀攀  愀  戀爀 椀 最栀琀 攀爀   昀 甀琀 甀爀 攀⸀ 䐀甀攀  琀 漀  最爀 漀眀椀 渀最  爀 攀氀 椀 愀渀挀攀  漀渀  琀 攀挀栀渀漀氀 漀最礀Ⰰ   䤀 琀   洀甀猀 琀   戀攀  渀漀琀 攀搀  琀 栀愀琀   栀愀爀 洀昀 甀氀   攀渀挀漀甀渀ⴀ 琀 攀爀 猀   漀渀氀 椀 渀攀  䐀伀  漀挀挀甀爀   ጠ  戀甀琀   琀 栀攀礀  挀愀渀  戀攀  瀀爀 攀瘀攀渀琀 攀搀  椀 昀   瀀爀 漀瀀攀爀   洀攀愀猀 甀爀 攀猀   愀爀 攀  琀 愀欀攀渀⸀

伀一䰀 䤀 一䔀  倀刀伀䘀䤀 䰀 䔀匀 䤀 䐀䔀一吀 䤀 吀 夀  倀刀伀吀 䔀䌀吀 䤀 伀一 䤀 渀  愀  眀漀爀 氀 搀  眀栀攀爀 攀  眀攀ᤠ 爀 攀  愀氀 氀   挀漀渀渀攀挀琀 ⴀ 攀搀Ⰰ   栀漀眀  挀愀渀  礀漀甀  欀攀攀瀀  礀漀甀爀   瀀攀爀 猀 漀渀愀氀   氀 椀 昀 攀  昀 爀 漀洀  栀愀爀 洀昀 甀氀   猀 琀 爀 愀渀最攀爀 猀 㼀               ⴀ   䬀攀攀瀀  礀漀甀爀   猀 漀挀椀 愀氀   洀攀搀椀 愀  漀渀  瀀爀 椀        瘀愀琀 攀℀               ⴀ   䈀䔀䔀  猀 洀愀爀 琀   愀戀漀甀琀   眀栀愀琀   礀漀甀  瀀漀猀 琀 圀䠀䄀吀 ᤠ 匀  伀䬀䄀夀  吀 伀  倀伀匀吀 㼀               ⴀ   倀椀 挀琀 甀爀 攀猀   漀爀   眀漀爀 搀猀   琀 栀愀琀   愀爀 攀             愀戀漀甀琀   琀 漀瀀椀 挀猀   礀漀甀ᤠ 爀 攀  挀漀洀昀 漀爀 琀 ⴀ          愀戀氀 攀  猀 栀愀爀 椀 渀最  眀椀 琀 栀  漀琀 栀攀爀 猀 ⸀   ⠀ 攀⸀ 最⸀           昀 愀洀椀 氀 礀Ⰰ   瀀攀琀 猀 Ⰰ   昀 爀 椀 攀渀搀猀 ⤀               ⴀ   䤀 琀 攀洀猀   礀漀甀  愀爀 攀  挀漀洀昀 漀爀 琀 愀戀氀 攀  眀椀 琀 栀        瀀攀漀瀀氀 攀  栀愀瘀椀 渀最  愀挀挀攀猀 猀   琀 漀  猀 愀瘀攀          漀爀   瀀爀 椀 渀琀               ⴀ   䤀 琀 攀洀猀   琀 栀愀琀   眀漀甀氀 搀  渀漀琀   栀甀爀 琀   琀 栀漀猀 攀        愀爀 漀甀渀搀  礀漀甀               ⴀ   倀漀猀 椀 琀 椀 瘀攀  洀攀猀 猀 愀最攀猀   圀䠀䄀吀 ᤠ 匀  一伀吀   伀䬀䄀夀㼀               ⴀ   䠀愀爀 洀昀 甀氀   椀 琀 攀洀猀   琀 栀愀琀   挀愀渀  栀甀爀 琀             琀 栀漀猀 攀  愀爀 漀甀渀搀  礀漀甀               ⴀ   倀漀猀 琀 猀   眀椀 琀 栀  琀 栀攀  洀椀 猀 甀猀 攀  漀昀   眀漀爀 搀猀           琀 栀愀琀   挀愀渀  洀攀愀渀  猀 漀洀攀琀 栀椀 渀最  渀攀最ⴀ       愀琀 椀 瘀攀               ⴀ   倀漀猀 琀 猀   眀椀 琀 栀  搀攀爀 漀最愀琀 漀爀 礀  眀漀爀 搀猀   漀爀         猀 氀 愀渀最               ⴀ   嘀椀 攀眀猀   漀渀  愀  琀 漀瀀椀 挀  琀 栀愀琀   挀愀渀             挀愀甀猀 攀  栀愀爀 洀昀 甀氀   挀漀渀昀 氀 椀 挀琀

䌀伀一匀䔀儀唀䔀一䌀䔀匀 ☀  刀䔀圀䄀刀䐀匀

䌀伀一匀䔀儀唀䔀一䌀䔀匀  伀䘀 䤀 䴀倀刀伀倀䔀刀  吀 䔀䌀䠀一伀䰀 伀䜀夀  唀匀䔀               ⴀ   䰀漀猀 椀 渀最  昀 爀 椀 攀渀搀猀   愀渀搀⼀ 漀爀   琀 爀 甀猀 琀               ⴀ   䈀攀椀 渀最  爀 攀洀漀瘀攀搀  昀 爀 漀洀  愀  琀 攀愀洀               ⴀ   匀甀猀 瀀攀渀猀 椀 漀渀  漀爀   攀砀瀀甀氀 猀 椀 漀渀               ⴀ   䈀攀椀 渀最  昀 漀氀 氀 漀眀攀搀  漀爀   栀愀爀 愀猀 猀 攀搀  戀礀        戀甀氀 氀 椀 攀猀   漀爀   猀 琀 爀 愀渀最攀爀 猀               ⴀ   䜀攀琀 琀 椀 渀最  爀 攀樀 攀挀琀 攀搀  漀爀   爀 攀猀 挀椀 渀搀攀搀        昀 爀 漀洀  礀漀甀爀   搀爀 攀愀洀  挀漀氀 氀 攀最攀               ⴀ   䜀攀琀 琀 椀 渀最  搀攀渀椀 攀搀  搀爀 攀愀洀  樀 漀戀猀   刀䔀圀䄀刀䐀匀  伀䘀  匀吀 䄀夀䤀 一䜀  匀愀昀 攀䬀䔀夀               ⴀ   䜀愀椀 渀椀 渀最  爀 攀猀 瀀攀挀琀   昀 爀 漀洀  昀 爀 椀 攀渀搀猀           愀渀搀  瀀攀漀瀀氀 攀  漀昀   栀椀 最栀攀爀   愀甀琀 栀漀爀 椀 琀 礀               ⴀ   䌀漀渀渀攀挀琀 椀 渀最  眀椀 琀 栀  昀 爀 椀 攀渀搀猀   愀渀搀          昀 愀洀椀 氀 礀               ⴀ   䈀甀椀 氀 搀椀 渀最  挀爀 攀搀椀 戀椀 氀 椀 琀 礀  昀 漀爀   樀 漀戀猀   愀渀搀        挀漀氀 氀 攀最攀               ⴀ   匀栀愀爀 椀 渀最  瀀漀猀 椀 琀 椀 瘀攀  洀攀洀漀爀 椀 攀猀   眀椀 琀 栀        昀 愀洀椀 氀 礀  愀渀搀  昀 爀 椀 攀渀搀猀

吀 䤀 倀℀

䬀攀攀瀀  礀漀甀爀   瀀爀 漀昀 椀 氀 攀猀   瀀爀 椀 瘀愀琀 攀Ⰰ   愀渀搀  䈀䔀䔀  猀 洀愀爀 琀   愀戀漀甀琀   眀栀愀琀   礀漀甀  瀀漀猀 琀 ℀ 嘀椀 猀 椀 琀   琀 栀攀  挀渀栀欀攀礀挀氀 甀戀⸀ 漀爀 最  昀 漀爀   洀漀爀 攀  椀 渀昀 漀爀 洀愀琀 椀 漀渀℀

䌀一䠀  䐀椀 猀 琀 爀 椀 挀琀   䌀漀洀洀甀渀椀 挀愀琀 椀 漀渀猀   愀渀搀  䴀愀爀 欀攀琀 椀 渀最  䌀漀洀洀椀 琀 琀 攀攀 䌀栀愀椀 爀   䜀愀戀礀  夀漀渀愀爀 琀 愀  簀  挀渀栀欀挀⸀ 挀洀䀀最洀愀椀 氀 ⸀ 挀漀洀

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