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Letter from DNE
from June Newsletter
LTG Letter
I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy and strong at home! First of all, I would like to thank all of those who attended out May Movie Night DCM! It was great to see all of your faces again! I hope you all enjoyed having some time to relax after all you AP testing.
A special note of appreciation for all of the chaperones and advisors who came to the event! We could not have done it without you all! Furthermore, I hope you will all be attending our June DCM on Saturday, June 27th, theme to be announced. Furthermore, we are also in the planning stage of OTC, date to be announced.
As a parting remark, I want to make sure that I stress the importance of maintaining a passion for service and leadership. Over the past couple of months, I have been amazed by the commitment of our clubs to serving their members and communities. All of you amaze me and keep me motivated to serve our division! Keep up that passion for service and keep leading! Stay safe and stay strong, narwhals!

Carter Kawaguchi Lieutenant Governor 2020-2021 D42E | R10 | CNH District 2