Connection Newsletter

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Sawn Diego New Life Ministries CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY

March Connection March 2011

SanDiego NewLife Church

Bishop Jack Sheets Sr., Senior Pastor

In this Issue: From the Heart of Your Pastor


Ministries | Events


Prayer Connection


Locations 730 Concepcion Ave. Spring Valley (619) 741-8166 Sunday Meeting Times: Connection Cafe – 10:00am Worship – 11:00 am Servicio en Español-5:00pm Wednesday: iYouthz Youth Connection 6:30pm

2107 I Avenue National City (619) 474-6062 Tuesday Life Groups: English & Esapñol - 6:30pm

Every school kid in America knows to call 911 in a crisis. You don’t call if everything’s well and the day is normal. You call in an emergency…when there is tragedy or danger. You call when you need help and help will come. Well as I think on, I am reminded that there has been many times in my life where I have needed help, times when I’ve been in trouble or I’ve been down and discouraged and I’ve needed to call 911. Not the 911 on my phone but Psalm 91:1… “He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the almighty.” I have learned that when I dial into that scripture I always receive the help I have needed. Why? Because I know that “my help comes from the Lord” and He knows what I need even before I call on Him. And no matter how difficult the situation or the problem may seem, He has already started the process of “making a way when there seems to be no way.” So let me ask you, is your heart heavy? Are you discouraged? Are you sick of the way you are living or sick of the way things are? Have you been hurt? Are you tempted beyond what you feel you can handle? Then go to Psalm 91:1.

Dial in and be assured that God knows what you are feeling and He is there for you to care for you and wrap His loving arms around you. He is there to speak words of peace and comfort to you right now! The key to this great passage is to dwell in the “secret place” of the Most High. This is what you are to do. This is your responsibility. You are to spend time with the Father and soak in His presence. And then when trials and hard times come…and they will come…you can remain stable and fixed. You can “be still” and “know that He is God”…and that this crisis – this journey – this season – this too shall pass. Don’t worry and don’t be afraid just simply be secure under the shadow of the Almighty. And when all is well with your soul, thank God for who He is and what He’s done for you and remember that God has called you to care for others. Millions of people are searching right now for God. They need and want His touch. Let God use your hands to dial the number for them. 911. He will answer. Bear their burden with them. Lead them to the secret place. The place of safety and stability, a place where they can, and will, learn to hunger and thirst…for His protection…for His presence…and for His righteousness.

March Connection

“turning point”

Energize Your Marriage

Regional Ladies Retreat

April 1-3, 2011 Mariott Bakersfield Register online: mens/retreats/PacificSouthwe st.html

Pricing is listed on website Need Transportation? Call 741-8166

WANTED We want and need more Life Group facilitators! Join us at 9:00 am on Sunday, March 6 for tips and inspirations for successful small group leaders.

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Men’s Breakfast March 5 9:00 a.m.

Marriage should be a thriving, lifelong relationship enduring through trials, sickness, financial crisis and emotional stress. Join us for an adventure that will strengthen your marriage with practical wisdom from today’s top marriage counselors, authors, and speakers.

“Essentials of Marriage” This six-week study is led by Pastor Jack Sheets

Sundays 10am – 12pm A place where Faith grows! Go Green! Save a tree . . . To receive this monthly publication online, send an email to

iYouthz Youth Connection Come develop new friendships and begin a spiritual journey.

Wednesday ~ 6:30pm

Sunday nights at 5:00 p.m. Through March 20

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March Connection Get connected with Prayer! By Jim Tripoli

Jim Tripoli

It seems like last year, but in fact it was over three years ago that I took the internship course offered through our church. If you’re like me, periodically you go back and I reread something that you’ve gone through. This is one of those books that gets you going again and calls to your attention some basic things that you have possibly ignored. The name of the book is Could You Not Tarry One Hour by Larry Lea.

I suppose if I were to sum up the book in a few words it would be that prayer is powerful. Of course that would be over simplifying it. Prayer to the Father should be like air to us, it’s vital to our spiritual life. TheresaitHurst Without you will die a slow death spiritually. The book emphasizes the importance that Jesus placed on prayer. Before, during and after every important event the Bible talks about Jesus praying. Asking for guidance, strength, power and on one occasion while praying He even asked “if this cup could pass,” but in the end He was willing to accept God’s will and not His own. Praying will not guarantee that we get our request. That’s not the intent. But it does help to establish a relationship with God. It’s meant to build, strengthen and improve your relationship with Him. I like the fact that Lea places so much importance on your prayer life. Prayers are not supposed to be filled with repeated rituals. They should be conversations. The kind you might have with a friend. My eyes were opened to the fact that your prayers should be powerful. There’s no benefit to praying in general terms. Be specific on what you are asking God to do in your life, but acknowledge “not my will, but thine be done.” This book was a real eye opener for me, because I know that my walk with God MUST include daily prayer time with Him. I’m more aware now, that I can and need to be specific in the way that I pray. It called my attention to the fact that if we are to put on the full armor of God, that we are incomplete unless we have prayed for strength and wisdom in how and when to use it. The Holy Spirit is released in us through the power of prayer. It’s one our most important weapons and it’s always on target.

At San Diego New Life Ministries, we want to be more than just a friendly church, we desire to be a church where you will cultivate friendships with people who will care for you, encourage you, challenge and pray for you.

East Chula Vista Wednesday at 7:00 pm Ray Roybal (619) 690-0397 Jim Trípoli (619) 482-9410 Men Only Tuesday at 9:00 am Cornelius Dinkins (619) 287-5038

National City English Tuesday at 6:30 pm Pastors on rotation

San Carlos Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Joel Drake (619) 466-7380

National City Español Tuesday at 6:30 pm Ezequiel Tagle (619) 267-0936

South East San Diego Sunday afternoons Michelle Wilburn (619) 249-3674

North County Sunday at 8:00 a.m. David & Claudette Dinkins (619) 267-8064

Spring Valley Español Wednesday at 6:30 pm Ezequiel Tagle (619) 267-0936

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