Sawn Diego New Life Ministries CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY
November Connection November 2011
SanDiego NewLife Church
In this Issue: From the Heart of Your Pastor
Bishop Jack Sheets Sr., Senior Pastor 1
Ministries | Events
Life Groups
Locations 730 Concepcion Ave. Spring Valley (619) 741-8166 Sunday Meeting Times: Connection Cafe – 10:00am Worship – 11:00 am Servicio en Español-5:00pm Wednesday: iYouthz Youth Connection 6:30pm
2107 I Avenue National City (619) 474-6062 Tuesday Life Groups: English at- 6:30pm Español at 7:00pm
It’s November already! Where in the world did this year go? It doesn’t seem possible that 2012 is only two months away does it? But let’s be honest, most of us can’t hardly wait for this time of year to come, why? Well let’s see, turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy and all the trimmings. And what about the pumpkin pie and all those other desserts? Yeah, this is what we’ve looked forward to all year long right? We don’t even mind that during our traditional Thanksgiving feast we will take in between 3000 and 3500 calories. Not to mention breakfast and those midnight munchies because we’ve spent all year counting calories (ha ha). We have assured ourselves that we will walk it off and start counting calories again so we can prepare for all of those Christmas parties coming up. Well while we are counting, let’s consider counting something else…blessings. Proverbs 28:20 says, “A faithful man will abound with blessings…” (ESV) Sure, the news is depressing. It seems that trouble and trials are around every corner.
But could this be partly from our perception? Our focus often runs to the hard things, the struggles. But what if we turned our attention to all of the ways we are blessed? Let’s try this. Get a notebook and just start writing down your personal blessings. If you are reading this, then you are blessed with eye sight. Write it down. Next? The ability to write. See how this works? As you begin to “count your blessings ,“ you will be amazed. You will realize that your life actually abounds with blessings. In the Old Testament, God told His children to make “memorials.” Often it was a simple pile of stones designed to call to memory all of the good things that the Lord had blessed them with. He knew how easy it would be to forget…and to focus on the negative. Your list can become your “memorial.” There is an old Sunday School song that says, “Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done…” Try it – it sure beats counting calories.
November Connection 6th Annual
WANTED We want and need more Life Group facilitators! Join us at 9:00 am on Sunday, Nov. 6 for tips and inspirations for successful small group leaders.
Have a Need? God cans everywhere are full of needs. Our churches worldwide and our government need prayer. Join the forces who are committed to fast and pray the first Tuesday of each month. When you grocery shop…
Community Holiday Meal
Page 2 of 3 Special Service
Honoring Veterans
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November 17
We are looking forward to another great time of fun and fellowship, and need volunteers like YOU to help us. As in the past, we will be asking for help to set-up, decorate, cook, welcome, serve, clean up, and donate some items we will need for the event. If you can help in any way in these areas, please Pastor Jack or Gabe Ortiz.
Communion Sunday November 20
November 6; 11:00 a.m.
Especially for Women “Tea for the Soul” Bible Study The first Thursday of each month beginning Nov. 3 at 6:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Breakfast Nov. 12 at 9:00 a.m. Coordinated by Rosy Barajas
Remember Joseph’s Storehouse
Youth~Tamale Fundraiser
Sundays 10am – 12pm A place where Faith grows! Go Green! Save a tree . . . To receive this monthly publication online, send an email to
iYouthz Youth Connection Come develop new friendships and begin a spiritual journey.
Wednesday ~ 6:30pm
Taking orders now! Delivery: Dec. 11 $8 (1/2 dozen) $15 (1 dozen)
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November Connection Formed with loving hands A plan was made for me Before my life began Way before my eyes could see In this world not of it Is so very hard to do Grace of a Fathers love With You Jesus only with You
Terri Cantrell
My joy, my hope, my song, my king Your the light of the world Jesus my everything If it feels like sinking sand Get on the rock and stand Then you can do all God had planned The Holy Spirit will hold your hand In this world not of it Becomes easier to do Mercy of a Fathers love With You Jesus only with You.
Thanksgiving Prayer
Let us give thanks to God above, Thanks for expressions of His love, Seen in the book of nature, grand Taught by His love on every hand. Let us be thankful in our hearts, thankful for all the truth imparts, For the religion of our Lord, all that is taught us in His word. Let us be thankful for a land, that will for such religion stand; One that protects it by the law, one that before it stands in awe. Thankful for all things let us be, though there be woes and misery; lessons they bring us for our good - later 'twill all be understood. Thankful for peace o'er land and sea, thankful for signs of liberty, thankful for homes, for life and health, pleasure and plenty, fame and wealth. Thankful for friends and loved ones, too, thankful for all things, good and true, thankful for harvest in the fall, thankful to Him who gave it all. ~ Lizelia Augusta Jenkins Moorer
At San Diego New Life Ministries, we want to be more than just a friendly church, we desire to be a church where you will cultivate friendships with people who will care for you, encourage you, challenge and pray for you.
East Chula Vista Wednesday at 7:00 pm Ray Roybal (619) 690-0397 Jim Trípoli (619) 482-9410
National City English Tuesday at 6:30 pm Pastors on rotation
National City Español Tuesday at 7:00 pm Ezequiel Tagle (619) 267-0936 North County Sunday at 8:00 a.m. David & Claudette Dinkins (619) 267-8064 San Carlos Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Joel Drake (619) 466-7380
South East San Diego Sunday afternoons Michelle Wilburn (619) 249-3674 Spring Valley Español Wednesday at 6:30 pm Ezequiel Tagle (619) 267-0936