KICKSTART in the Classroom

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KICKSTART in the Classroom A mini-guide on how you can engage your students in Philanthropy

KICKSTART your Classroom…. YAC believes that community betterment is an important topic that needs to be discussed in our schools. We feel that our KICKSTART program can act as a platform in which community betterment can be discussed and used as a tangible means to connect learning to real life. Even though only a handful of projects that best represent the vision of YAC and the Community Foundation will be given funding, the initiative itself can still be utilised to “kick-start” some valuable discussion around connecting students and their schools to their local communities. Within this package are materials needed to apply for a small grant as well as some activities that can be implemented in your classroom (these are optional). Also, if you happen to think of an innovative way we can further integrate KICKSTART into the learning experiences of your students, please feel free to send us your ideas! Before “KICKSTARTing” your classroom, it is important to make sure that your class is eligible for the program. The following are some considerations and requirements for applying for a KICKSTART MiniGrant:

Your School must be… 

Located in our catchment area (this is outlined on the following page).

Your Classroom must be… 

Approved by your school’s Administration to run the KICKSTART Mini-Grants program.

The application process for a mini-grant must be…  

Youth driven Include all students in the classroom (if possible)

The idea must… 

Impact both the school and wider community

The Purpose… why KICKSTART?

Firstly… what exactly is KICKSTART? KICKSTART is a Mini-Grants program in which both elementary and secondary classrooms in the Kingston area develop small scale projects that better both their school and local community. Once a classroom generates an idea for an initiative, they then have the opportunity to apply for a small grant that can cover some or all costs of the project.

Who decides? Once YAC receives all of the applications for a mini-grant, all interested members of our Youth Advisory Committee will convene in order to assess which applications best represent the vision of the committee and the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area. Our committee is also consensus themed, and therefore all decisions are made as a collective. Once applications are chosen for a grant, the classrooms who generated the chosen applications will be notified shortly with further instruction.

The Purpose! To show young people that they can change their communities and that they can play an integral role in its betterment. By seeing firsthand how their ideas and actions impact their school and wider community, students learn to connect in class learning to real-life situations. Students will also have the opportunity to use their imagination and develop a capacity for thinking about the wider community as a whole. It is also hoped that they will cultivate an understanding of how they and their schools play important roles in the development of their communities.

Your School is in our program’s catchment area if…   

It is located in the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board It is located in the Limestone District School Board It is a Public French School or Private school that is a registered charity and is located in one of the following municipalities: City of Kingston, Loyalist Township, Township of Central Frontenac, Township of Frontenac Islands, Township of North Frontenac, and Township of South Frontenac.

What is…

The following is a list of terms and definitions frequently used by YAC. Please feel free to share them with your students and use them in the classroom.

Community Involvement? Community Involvement is actively developing an awareness of the community happenings as well as engaging in activities that build and better your community.

Volunteerism? Volunteerism is giving your time and skills for the benefit of others. It requires no compensation, and merely requires one’s desire to better their community.

Philanthropy? The word philanthropy is derived from the Latin term philanthropia, which means “love of humankind.” In sum, philanthropy is people giving their time, talent and/or money for the benefit of others.

Youth Driven? To be youth driven means that all decisions are made and finalised by young people. For example, the Youth Advisory Committee for the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area is youth driven because it is run by youth, and the bulk of work needed to maintain the functioning of YAC is done by youth.

Consensus? YAC is a consensus themed entity. This means that all decisions are made as a group. We believe that it is important for all members of YAC to have equal say in the way that the committee is run.

“We believe that youth are not simply our future, but also people who can provide innovation in the now…” – Denis, a YAC member.

Developing your classroom’s idea….

The following are some tips and ideas on how your students can work together to create their idea for your mini-grants application. 

It is important to remember that the idea must come from youth and that the process be youth driven. Your role is to set the wheels in motion and act as a mentor when needed. We understand that this may not always be feasible, therefore use your best judgement.

One method for incorporating all of the voices of your students is creating small focus groups that capture their ideas. These groups can then present their most innovative and feasible ideas to the entire class and then the entire class can collectively vote on the idea they like best. If time is available and you enjoy a challenge, you can make this process consensus themed.

Talking circles can also be implemented in the classroom. During a talking circle, an object is passed around the circle and only the person holding the object can speak. A designated note-taker can then capture the thoughts, feelings, and ideas expressed during the talking circle, and the notes can be later used to design a project that everyone agrees on.

If you feel creative, you can have your entire class develop a large mural. On the mural, students can write or draw their ideas and attempt to cultivate an idea for their minigrant application. Students can even draw their school and neighboring community and populate the area with their project ideas.

If you have any ideas or discovered something that worked in your classroom PLEASE LET US KNOW! We would like to share your insights with other teachers across Kingston!

The following are also some activities and worksheets that can be utilized in the classroom to cultivate discussion and creativity around philanthropy, community involvement, and volunteerism.

KICKSTART your Community!

The following box is for you to brainstorm your ideas… it can be a place to write down thoughts, observations, wants, and things you think could benefit your community and school. Be as creative as you want! Brainstorms are not the final draft, so stretch your brain and scribble whatever!

Now it is time to write down your final idea… but before writing your idea, it may be best to go through your brainstorm and circle the ideas that you think would best help the community and your school. Once you are finished, write and explain your best or favourite idea in the following box, or use a separate piece of paper if needed.

This is Fun Homework… We promise!

One important step to coming up with innovative ideas regarding community betterment is finding out the needs of your community. A simple way of doing this is to ask your friends, classmates, and family about what they feel is needed in their neighborhood and school. You can simply ask “What would you like to have or see in your neighborhood or school?� or you can come up with your own questions. Please use the following box for notes and answers!

YAC Attack … Your Neighborhood Youth Advisory Committee! Have you ever watched the Power Puff Girls? They are cool… right? Well we think they are! In fact, when we first developed YAC Attack we kind of felt like super heroes. We imagined ourselves slipping on flashy spandex and dashing off into the sunset… Unfortunately that is not how YAC actually works, but maybe one day we will have spiffy super-suits to wear. The following is an opportunity for you to design your own superhero outfit. But there is a catch. You have to incorporate philanthropy, community involvement, and volunteerism into your costume! Basically, you are creating a superhero outfit for someone who is actively involved in their community and engaged in helping others.

Like us on Facebook! YAC4CFKA

YAC ATTACK! Your Community ... a Comic on philanthropy, volunteerism and community involvement. The following boxes are HUNGRY! They need a story, particularly a story about doing good deeds in the community. It is up to you to feed these boxes your inner artist, so draw a comic about a time you volunteered or helped someone in the community. Don’t worry, if you don’t know what to draw, make it up; if you helped aliens, we will totally believe you!

They all lived happily ever after and defeated the bad dude by joining YAC and liking their Facebook page!

You are totally CRAY CRAY!

KICKSTART Application Checklist Please use the following checklist to ensure that your application meets all of the criteria needed to be eligible for a Mini-Grant. Once complete, please staple this checklist to your final application.  Your School is eligible for a KICKSTART Mini-Grant.  Your class has administration approval to participate in the KICKSTART program.  Your completed application for the Mini-Grant is signed by your school’s Principal or Vice-Principal.  The process of creating your application is Youth Driven.  Creating the application for the Mini-Grant included all youth in your classroom.  Your class’s idea/project both benefits your school and the wider community.  The Mini-Grant if granted will not be used to cover deficits or retire debts.  The Mini-Grant if granted will not be used to provide endowment funds.  The Mini-Grant if granted will not be used to contribute to any major renovation or capital construction costs.  If received, the Mini-Grant will not be used to provide money for any fundraising activities.  If received, the Mini-Grant will not be used to support the operating expenses of any established organizations or programs.  If received, the Mini-Grant will not be given to an individual (an exception might be made under extraordinary circumstances).  If received, the Mini-Grant will not be used for any sectarian, religious, or political purposes.

The following is our KICKSTART Mini-Grant Application, please fill it out by _______ (insert date) and submit by fax (613-531-9238) or mail to: YAC KICKSTART! Mini-Grants Program The Community Foundation for Kingston & Area 165 Ontario Street, Suite 6, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 2Y6

Get Involved! KICKSTART your Community! The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) for the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area is excited to announce the launch of its ______ (insert time of year ie. Fall 2012) Mini-Grants program. If your elementary or secondary school is located within the following areas, you are eligible to apply for a KICKSTART mini-grant: 

Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic School Board

Limestone District School Board

Public and Catholic French Schools and private schools that are registered charities in the Greater Kingston Area (see for specific municipalities).

YAC is a group of young people composed of a diverse group of individuals who strive to better their communities. Through various initiatives, volunteerism, and grant making, YAC works towards connecting youth to philanthropy and their communities. We believe that youth are a valuable resource and should be utilised to enrich our communities. The KICKSTART Mini-Grants program is one such initiative, its main purpose is to provide youth with the opportunity to engage with their community and acquire hands on experience in philanthropy.

Purpose and Benefits: -



To promote philanthropy, community, and generosity amongst youth To encourage hands-on community outreach To increase students’ awareness of their area To increase students’ pride of their school and the wider Kingston community and area To engage young people in positive and fun experiences To encourage creative thinking

What will be funded? A wide variety of projects will be funded, but basic criteria must be met. The project should -


Be youth driven, and involve all students in the applying class Impact the school AND wider community Make a positive link between the school and the wider, non-school community. Have school administration approval Occur within the _____ semester.

Be Creative! Past projects have included butterfly gardens, a composting initiative, a student/senior letter-writing program that took place at Providence Care Manor, and an outdoor program at Gould Lake for a transition class. It must also be noted that grant money can be used for project expenses, such as supplies, transportation, and other resources.

What happens if we get a grant? Grants will be in the $250-$400 range per project. A foundation representative will contact you in early ______ (date) to notify you and set a time for our YAC members to visit your school. The media may also be invited to report on the project, and a brief survey will be sent to your class at the end of the program (please inform YAC of any concerns regarding media, and YAC will respect any need for privacy and/or confidentiality).

Our Mission and Vision: The Community Foundation for Kingston and Area envisions a vibrant creative community where everyone has the opportunity to take part in building a caring, healthy, and culturally rich community. We and our donors strengthen our community by making strategic and effective grants, growing and managing a lasting endowment, and serving our community as a resource and partner.

Be in the Know! You and your students are welcome to join us on Facebook and like our page! We often post about the happenings of YAC as well as any volunteer opportunities that may arise. Furthermore, YAC is always looking for more young people between the ages of 13 and 25 to join our committee and initiatives. If you are, or know of any youth that may be interested, please message our youth coordinator at for more information.

KICKSTART Application Form School Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Fax: ______________ Email: ________________________________ Teacher’s Name: __________________________________________ Grade: _______________ Project Title: ___________________________________________________________________ Project Description (what do you want to do and how?)

Purpose (why do you want to do your project?):

Impact (How will your school benefit, and how will the wider non-school community benefit?)

Please remember to attach a simple budget plan to your application (the maximum grant that can be awarded is $400). Principal’s Signature (indicate project approval): ______________________________________

Deadline: ________ Please submit your application by fax (613-531-9238) or mail to: YAC KICKSTART! Mini-Grants Program The Community Foundation for Kingston & Area 165 Ontario Street, Suite 6, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 2Y6 Tel: (613) 546-9696 Email: Web:

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