Januar y 27, 2010
Firefighters, Deerfield Staff Respond to Dining Hall Fire
David Thiel
Courtesy Massachusetts State Police
Courtesy Massachusetts State Police
Smoke billows out of the dining hall’s South Bubble. A view of the South Bubble’s damage after the fire. The fire originated in this crumbling laundry room. By FREDERICA ROCKWOOD and difficult process of renovations began in the basement, ... But what is Staff Writer where the fire originated, and on “Spontaneous ver ten local fire depart- the South Bubble, where its floor ments responded to the is collapsing. Combustion” exactly? alarm. Trucks rushed Director of Facilities Chuck from neighboring Greenfield Williams said that, “Smoke and from as far away as Amherst. damage was the biggest probBy JACQUI COLT nections between these issues Director of Facilities Chuck lem. The entire building was Staff Writer By SARAH WOOLF and all areas of their lives. He Williams, a former fire chief, repainted and over two-thirds of also believes that more hopeful helped coordinate the teams the electrical wiring was Staff Writer stories and ideas should be throughout the night’s chaos. replaced.” tudents and Faculty memThe December 17 fire in the offered to our age group. “Too The historic mural in the bers heard from Head of Many consider The Hotchkiss often [students] hear of doom Deerfield dining hall not only dining hall lobby was even School Margarita Curtis at School to be the leader in envi- and gloom,” implying that it is brought many to campus, but restored by a team of experts. school meeting that “spontaronmental awareness among the easier for students to simply also was an unusually dangerous neous combustion” caused the top prep schools in the country. ignore the problem if the only situation for even trained fire“The entire building recent fire in the dining hall. But The U.S. Environmental news they hear about it is nega- men. Along with the fire departthose of us who are not chemwas repainted and over ments and Deerfield personnel, two-thirds of the electri- istry teachers were left to wonProtection Agency recently rated tive. the school as the eighth largest Many students have adapted “we had to call in Massachusetts der what that actually means and purchaser of green power naturally to the changes that Hazardous Materials (HAZ- cal wiring was replaced” how such a “combustion” could —Mr. Williams among K-12 schools. come with “being green,” but MAT). There were so many occur. When Malcolm McKenzie some feel threatened by them. chemicals literally boiling togethSpontaneous combustion, assumed his role as Head of “We are not tampering with tra- er,” said Director of Safety and The steel structure that supaccording to chemistry teacher School, he created two new posi- dition,” said Mr. McKenzie, a Security David Gendron. The ports the South Bubble twisted Mark Teutsch, occurs when diftions that focused on environ- South African who is neverthe- HAZMAT agents checked for as a result of the fire that ferent types of organic-based chemicals, and reached 1800˚; a wall now mental issues, then reduced the less a self-professed lover of dangerous solvents are “loosely associated school’s energy consumption, New England boarding school approved the air quality before encloses the area to prevent with oxygen.” increased its use of alternative tradition. “We are just trying to anyone could reenter the build- people walking on its unstable “It happens a lot in situaenergies, and purchased carbon graft new things onto the root- ing the next morning. floor. tions with oily rags, like auto Security Officer Ron Hnath, offsets. stock.” This wall, the year “2010” garages,” Mr. Teutsch explained. “We have pledged to be carEvery spring on “Eco Day,” who had discovered the fire at painted large and green across In the case of the dining hall, it bon neutral or negative by the all students and faculty take the 10:25 PM when he received a its surface by the senior class, is was the different oils on kitchen year 2020,” Mr. McKenzie said. day off from classes to spend message on his pager that there all that remains in sight of the linens that were the triggers. To reach this goal, Hotchkiss time working at the school’s was a fire in the basement of the South Bubble. has made changes around cam- farm, gardening around campus, dining hall was overcome by the Restoration will not be com“It happens a lot in pus. The campus herb garden collecting trash from roadsides smoke and was forced to leave plete until September of 2010; with oily rags, situations produced enough this fall that around the school, and many and notify the fire departments, Head of School Margarita Curtis after trying to extinguish the fire. added, however, “We are serious- like auto-garages.” the kitchen had no need to pur- other activities. Inside, the damage was ly considering the possibility of — Mr. Teutsch chase herbs from outside There are opportunities for sources. Many of the vegetables those who do wish to regularly extensive, especially in the base- expanding the South Bubble to purchased are grown at local help out around the school. ment of the building. The flames allow everybody to eat together. When these oily materials farms. Abby Hoskins `11 plans to turned the laundry room, the We will have all of the data that are exposed to oxygen, it creates Seven and a half percent of devote her spring term after- source of the fire, into a black- we need to make the decision by the potential for chemical reacHotchkiss’ energy comes from noons to working at the farm ened room full of charred metal. February, including the projected tions called oxidation-reduction The intensity of the fire even cost.” renewable sources, a third of this instead of playing a sport. Also, reactions, which can produce amount coming from a wind one of the most active groups on created a hole through the Mr. Williams said that, heat. If these reactions produce farm in upstate New York. Four campus is Students for cement floor at its origin. Many “There were a few days when enough heat, the “flashpoint” of the other downstairs rooms there were 150 to 175 people can be reached. buildings on campus, including Environmental Action. two dorms and their music buildAs opposed to Deerfield’s sys- and hallways faced burns and working.” Staff worked everyMr. Teutsch explained that ing, are LEED (Leadership in tem of separate proctors for substantial smoke damage. day, excluding Christmas. the flashpoint of a reaction is Energy Efficient Design) certi- environmentalism and residential Ms. Curtis added, “We owe the temperature at which the fied. life, each proctor at Hotchkiss is our gratitude to the staff in reaction can go spontaneous. At Renovations and Mr. McKenzie has found the responsible for reminding their Physical Plant, and particularly to this point, spontaneous combusfaculty to be receptive to bring- proctees to conserve energy. Mr. Williams, Mr. Galli and Mr. tion can occur, as when the “Behind the Wall” ing environmental awareness to In Hoskins’ experience, Grybko for their extraordinary linens suddenly caught on fire. all aspects of school life. Because the entire student body is at least By DANIELLE DALTON efforts to get the facility ready in If the kitchen linens had not he believes that the environment aware of environmental issues if time for the students’ return. been warmed from the dryer, Staff Writer will be the main problem in the not fully supportive and particiWhile we were all away on vaca- they most likely would not have fter fire fighters extin- tion, many members of the staff combusted. However, because current generation’s future, he patory. guished the recent fire in spent every day on campus, man- they were heated, they reached feels that students must begin the dining hall, the long aging the repair work.” learning to appreciate the con- Sources: hotchkiss.org the flashpoint quickly.
Are They Greener on the Other Side? Part Three:
The Hotchkiss School
Stories from Rwanda page 4
Meet the Muffin Man: Steve Parsons page 5
Mermen: Oliver Lee and Michael Phelps page 6
The Deerfield Scroll
January 27, 2010
Letters to the Editor VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 8
January 27, 2010
Opinion/Editorial JOHANNA FLATO
Layout Editor ELLEN SHIN Assistant Layout Editor SARAH KIM Photo Editor STEPHANIE OLIVAS
Arts & Entertainment TAO TAO HOLMES
Photo Associate ELEANOR PARKER
Online Associate JAKE BARNWELL Business Manager CASEY BUTLER
Online Editor CAMILLE VILLA Advisors
SUZANNE HANNAY & JOHN PALMER STAFF REPORTERS: Nastassia Adkins, Mary Banalagay, Delaney Berman, Casey Butler, Audrey Cho, Jacqueline Colt, Daryl Cooley, Kayla Corcoran, Danielle Dalton, Ashik Desai, Malou Flato, Albert Ford, Anna Gonzales, Lizzy Gregory, Miles Griffis, Philip Heller, Sonja Holmberg, Shaye Horn, Ritchey Howe, Claire Hutchins, Andy Kang, Jade Kasoff, Stefani Kuo, Francis Lauw, Eunice Lee, Theo Lipsky, Daniel Litke, Dylan McDermott, Matt McKelvey, Marly Morgus, Courtney Murray, Hadley Newton, Sarah Oh, Zoe Perot, Freddy Rockwood, Nina Shevzov-Zebrun, Andrew Slade, Eliot Taft, Julia Trehu, Libby Whitton, Christopher Wong, Sarah Woolf, Elizabeth Yancey, Michael Yang STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS: Alex Berner, Megan Cai, Arleen Chien, Jennifer Coulombe, Sarah Cox, Clair Fair, Will Fox, Daniel Han, Chesney Henry, Veronica Houk, Nina Kempner, Susanna Kvam, Louisa Schieffelin The Deerfield Scroll, established in 1925, is the official student newspaper of Deerfield Academy. The Scroll encourages informed discussion of pertinent issues that concern the Academy and the world. Signed letters to the editor that express legitimate opinions are welcomed. We hold the right to edit for brevity. The Scroll, published nine times yearly, is entered as third class bulk rate at the U.S. Post Office at Deerfield, Mass. 01342. Advertising rates provided upon request. Opinion articles without names represent consensus views of the editorial staff. Opinion articles with contributors’ names represent the views of the respective writers.
Problem or Not, Let’s Talk Gender Deerfield, do we care about gender issues or not? While the study conducted last spring and the survey sent this fall both implied that there is community interest in the topic and plenty of room for debate, momentum seems to have petered out lately. Invitations to a series of cogender discussion groups last week met with few—and initially all-female—responses, and of the twelve students signed up for last Monday’s meeting, only two showed. If we’ve chosen to commit to this project, then let’s not drop the ball. Whether one “believes” in a true discrepancy between the sexes here at DA or
sees no need for change at all, discussion should always occur. What could make a difference here? Some say we could try introducing “brother” and “sister” corridors between dorms; others advocate instituting a “Valley Girl” role to complement Captain Deerfield. Or, make the move yourself to integrate tables at walk-through meals. What do you think can or should change? No one can impose balanced gender relations, but everyone can try for them. Remaining mute on the topic ultimately sows conflict itself. gender relations, but everyone can try for them. Remaining mute on the topic ultimately sows conflict itself.
In Defense of the 8:30 Start Starting classes at 8:30 rather than 7:55 is not just a casual amenity to be taken for granted; this later start time was fist implemented in hopes of ensuring that busy students get more sleep. And it has done just that. For students juggling particularly heavy course loads, long practices, late rehearsals, a halfan-hour commute to and from school, hours of Scroll layout, or even all of the above, this extra thirty-five minutes in the morning makes all the difference. Teachers who resent this loss of class time should know that we students need this later start in the morning to function
the rest of the day. Though some students do not have as much on their plates and may squander time on Facebook or playing video games instead of sleeping, most of us simply have more to do than there are hours in a day and struggle to get those eight crucial hours a night. But the later start time has helped enormously. We are grateful for this gift and hope that it can graduate from its status as an “experiment” and become a permanent part of the school day. We thank the administration and implore students to continue putting this time to good use.
Keep Up the Momentum, ESAC! At a recent walk-through lunch, members of the Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee camped out at a table to conduct a tastetest water survey. Students leading this environmental initiative, Taylor Kniffin ’10, Ellie Parker ’11, John Marsh ’12, and Elizabeth Eastman ’13 then presented the results to the student body, which overwhelmingly favored filtered tap water over Dasani and Poland Springs bottled water.
ESAC has taken an important step in encouraging reform of our environmental habits by moving away from less ecofriendly bottled water. However, to truly make a change, the entire community needs to help ESAC use this information to take action. With the momentum already behind this project, it is crucial that ESAC and student body follow through and improve our treatment of the environment.
Re: “Religious Controversy Surrounds Annual School Tradition,” December 16, 2009 Dear Editor, The controversy surrounding the Vespers service seems rather ridiculous. It disturbs me when Deerfield faculty and students oppose an event because it makes them feel “uncomfortable,” especially an event that is diverse in its religious and nonreligious readings. As a recent graduate of Deerfield and former conservative activist on campus, I can attest to the numerous times I felt uncomfortable as a student. I remember shifting in my seat as Howard Zinn, an outspoken communist, addressed us on Martin Luther King Day, or turning red in the face as required speaker Patch Adams slammed our troops overseas. By junior year, the political publication The Deerfield View had published a personal attack against me. But soon I learned that feeling uncomfortable teaches us to learn and mature. As much as I squirmed in some of my classes when politics entered the discussion, I would not choose to go back and change those moments. When my conservative values were challenged at Deerfield, I was encouraged to seek out research and better develop my opinions. Overall, these internal conflicts arose at the endless list of liberal speakers that Deerfield required me to attend. There appears to be a double-standard for faculty and students, which I find most hypocritical. Politics regularly enters discussion in the Deerfield classroom, almost always to be led by the super-liberal/socialist professor. Unfortunately, as much as I would love to say that each discussion is open-minded, the reality is that, much of the time, it is not. When faculty oppose events like Vespers in particular, it simply reaffirms that they can dish it out but they cannot take it. I applaud Mr. Flaska and Dr. Curtis for their efforts because I truly believe that their attempt to make Vespers a required event was not an attempt to convert students to a religion. Instead, as they stated, it was an attempt to empower the community through reflection. If Deerfield continues to make such events like Vespers optional because some students and faculty complain they would feel “uncomfortable,” then I ask that Deerfield abolish required events altogether. If some students are exempt under the notion of uneasiness, then all students should be exempt under the notion of uneasiness. Please keep your ears open to the religious and nonreligious, the liberal and conservative; the minute we begin silencing one group, we begin to silence all. James Zilenziger ’09 * * *
Re: “Deerfield, Pay Attention!” December 16, 2009 In the December Scroll issue, the Editorial Board criticized our political groups for their inactivity during the greater part of this year. While it is not uncommon for the Young Republicans to meet only two or three times a year: once to decide on group merchandise (and I was truly disappointed not to see their catchy slogan on any sweatshirts or Tshirts this year), another for a Greer dance, and maybe a third to elect the next year’s presidents, I have been disappointed not only with the infrequency of Young Democrats meetings, but also with the small turnouts when they do meet. Yet it seems that this stagnancy is a problem that extends beyond just political organizations—many clubs have lost their “presence” on campus. During my freshman year, it seemed that every school meeting and sit-down meal was followed by a number of club announcements—both those to notify its members about meeting times and also those to inform the rest of the community about the club’s activities. The Current Events Club had a tradition of presenting two headlines at the end of each school meeting: one serious news story and one that seemed a bit ridiculous. Now, there is rarely time for even one club’s announcement at the end of a school meeting. And if they’d like to say more than a short blurb, they need to go on the schedule weeks in advance. Part of the move for shortening announcements was to compensate for the growing number of groups that wanted to make them. Perhaps, then, our problem is that we have too many organizations. I’m not saying that if you have a unique interest, you shouldn’t pursue it, but before new groups are made, maybe they should be looking for others with similar interest and work collaboratively. The number of committees that seem to have nearly identical goals, yet don’t communicate with each other is staggering. I’ve heard stories from students who sit on two similar committees, yet the heads of these committees aren’t even aware that the other exists. The question then arises— “Why do so many clubs and committees exist?” With a number of groups, including the Young Democrats and the Jewish Student Coalition, veering away from the four standard positions—president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer— and simply making all of their officers “Co-Presidents,” it would seem that students are more concerned with looking for significant titles to put on college applications than the clubs themselves. Students, in an effort to rack up as many positions as possible, are stretching themselves thin; as a result, the clubs are suffering. In a class a few weeks ago, we joked that with so many committees at Deerfield, there should be another, “The
Committee for the Advisement of Committees” to supervise them. But seriously, maybe a list should be made of all the clubs and committees so that the community can see what committees already exist and which ones can work together. Andy Harris ’10 * * *
Re: “Why We’d Rather Be Here Than Choate,” Sports, November 11, 2009 I am among those who reacted with dismay after reading “Why We’d Rather Be Here Than Choate” in the November 11 issue of The Scroll. I entirely agree with the views expressed by Mr. Merriam and Ms. LaScala in the Letters to the Editor. However, I think there is a larger issue of which the Choatehatred box is just one representation. Throughout history, the baser actions of humans have been inflamed by considering groups of people to be “Other.” Differences in skin-color, religion, ethnicity, nationality, and socio-ecomomic level have been behind the most heinous of human acts, slavery and the Holocaust being the two most obvious. For a great deal of humanity, seeing people as Other justifies their abuse. It isn’t just the box in the newspaper that demonstrates DA students’ view of kids at other schools as Other. Choate week itself is full of events that are grounded in the same sentiments expressed in the paper. Holding a mock funeral for a Choatie and burning a giant C, in my opinion, come too close for comfort to being reminiscent of the lynchings and burnings of the South not many decades ago. An extreme view, perhaps, but I don’t think there is any denying that the acts legitimize at least thoughts of violence towards Choate students. The school has a tradition of encouraging extreme competition in athletics. I know that DA wants to preserve traditions as much as possible, but I think the extreme to which athletic competition is practiced is a tradition that warrants a great deal of thought and discussion—and far more action than letters about the Choate insert box in The Scroll. The extreme to which rivalry is taken is the kind of traditional behavior that reinforces arrogance and violence. Education should never be solely about teaching academics, and lending moderation to rivalry should be an important part of any child’s education. Giving students a sound moral basis means teaching them not to see any human beings as “Other.” I would venture to say that this is the tenet that is the basis for all morality. DA should take the Choate box in the paper as a wake-up call to examine in what ways it can change to prevent this kind of attitude in all aspects of its culture. Hilary Zaloom P ’12
The Editorial Board would like to thank the Deerfield staff and SERVPRO of Dover, NH, Collins Electric, Deerfield’s Harry Grodsky, New England Fire Company, and Hogan and Valley Communications for their round-the-clock efforts in the aftermath of the Dining Hall fire.
The Deerfield Scroll
January 27, 2010
Avatars Among Us By JAN FLASKA Assistant Dean of Students
Grace Murphy
DAnet’s (Not So) Hidden Gems By CAMILLE VILLA Online Editor Many of us start our day by visiting DAnet and checking our e-mail and the the lunch menu that day. However, the unwieldy menus on DAnet keep most students from exploring DA’s plethora of other tech resources. Here are a few of the things you might have been missing (and more importantly, how to get to them): Traditional sit-down meal announcements have become ineffective with so many people eating at table 70 and in the lobby. To place an event on the
DAnet calendar, go to DAorgs/ Communications Department. Vegans and varsity athletes: are you getting enough protein? You can find detailed nutritional information for each meal at DAorgs/Wellness. Worried about getting your computer reimaged at IT and losing your music? Learn to back up your iTunes library at DAorgs/ITS Help Desk/ Documents/PC. You can find audio and video recordings of various performances (declamations, acting tutorial., dance, etc.) under the “Koch Friday Concert” folder on the R: drive. The library has a variety of databases which you can even access from off-campus. We
have subscriptions to music databases that have everything ranging from classical to gospel; there’s a whole database dedicated to world music. Go the library’s website/ Databases by Subject/Music. Intimidated by political debates and discussions of current events? Get a short briefing on the history and circumstances surrounding issues like Darfur and the Afghan War. Hear perspectives on both sides of political and ethical issues at Opposing Viewpoints. Go to the library’s website /Databases by Subject/Current Issues. [And of course, there’s always: scroll.deerfield.edu]
A Remarkable Table, A Beloved Friend By CAMILLE COPPOLA Front Page Editor Upon my return from winter break, I faced the overwhelming grief of losing a dear friend—table Number One of the Dining Hall’s South Bubble. “Number One” and I spent every morning together since my freshman year, beginning with meals with my proctors, then friends in upper classes, until a few remaining friends and I have become the last trustees of that memory-laden space. While the people would pass from our precious morning place, the rituals remained the same; we would sit in the natural light that streamed in from the South Bubble’s nearby windows, occasionally gazing out to watch the shuffle of students. Bruce MacConnell always approached our table with a “Good morning!” and “Let me brighten your day” as he opened the curtains, urging us to face the daylight and a subsequent draft of cold air, while telling his quirky joke of the day.
But when I walked into the Dining Hall after winter break, where I thought the table and I would enjoy our final moments together during this last half of my senior year, I saw instead a massive, hideous, bulky wall. So then I imagined my table, on whose gently-lit surface I used to study and where my dearest friends shared quiet moments of pensive reflection, as merely a pile of thick black ash, soon to be replaced by some obnoxiously shiny and soul-less table and chairs. Even now, when I imagine my table’s charred remains, I can’t help but wonder how he spent his last moments—did he suffer? Or was it over in merely an instant? Did our memories together warm his wooden core? Did he stand strong? Or did he collapse in the all-consuming flames? Now, I know others would deem me “silly” if I wrote an email to inform my teachers that I am mourning the loss of an inanimate object. My friends, indeed, have been supportive, aware of my long-term “love affair” with “Number One,” and
have encouraged me to find another table where I may study. But though I have experimented with other tables these past few weeks, none can really match the one I have lost and its location’s perfect fusion of isolation and immersion in the white noise and natural light and perfect view of the entire Dining Hall, and no one quite comprehends the extent of my loss. Some days I can’t even muster the strength to go to breakfast. So, I thought I would share with the Deerfield community this story of a treasured friend, and since I could not say my final “farewell” directly to the one I love, thought I could somehow document the times we have shared together by writing this parting piece. So thank you, “Number One,” for the many magical mornings and your always stable, sturdy surface. And please, Deerfield, if you see someone who appears struck with a bit of “gloom,” please know that some of us are coping with the loss of a remarkable table and beloved friend. Requiscat in Pace, Numerus Unus.
About a month ago, Avatar came to movie theaters across the country. The plot of this captivating movie revolves around a battle between two forces over a natural resource called unobtainium buried beneath the surface of the planet Pandora. The movie’s main character, a disabled soldier, uses revolutionary technology to infiltrate the native population, the Na’vi, in order to ensure victory for the humans. The soldier is able to live within the Na’vi population through a Na’vi avatar, a body he controls from a distance. The title of the movie is taken from the Sanskrit word avatara, which literally means descent, a form of the verb to descend. More specifically, the word came to be used prominently in the ancient Hindu scriptures to describe a god’s descent to earth in human form. Hence, an avatar has become synonymous with god incarnate —in the flesh—and, in modern lingo, a less formal use of the word describes the essence or projection of a person in spite of that person not being there. A god incarnate is what we have in the Bhagavad Gita, a Hindu scripture and one of the most widely read and translated texts from recorded history. In this tale, the main character, Arjuna questions his charioteer to understand how to respond in the greatest dilemma of his life: Whether to fight, as is his duty as a warrior, or to lay down his arms because many of his family members are among the opposing army. The charioteer, to be revealed to him later in the story, is an avatar. It is Krishna, the great lord, as the human voice of god informing Arjuna of all the considerations, and ultimately making a compelling argument for Arjuna to honor his duty. In this case, the avatar is an emissary of god, properly informing humankind of how to respond when faced with adversity. Though in different forms, avatars have existed in other faith traditions, including the belief of God’s full presence in the human body of Jesus of Nazareth. In many cases, the avatars come to interact with humankind in order to direct humans on the proper path of existence; we are still reminded of this in the modern rhetorical phrase, ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ Avatars generally encourage humanity to honor an interrelatedness between spiritual and temporal existence,
between those things sacred, and those things profane. Often in conversations on earth, questions of right and wrong are considered, as are themes of good and evil. Avatars, in a sense, have come to be a sort of moral consciousness to mortals. It has become apparent to me that, in a secular tone, all of us here at Deerfield Academy have many personal avatars. Think of the times in our lives when something other than our physical presence represents us. I think of myself, where I am jflaska@deerfield.edu to a huge population of people who have never met me in person. Similarly, Facebook pages and IM messages convey some image at a distance from the author. When a college application is submitted, a paper avatar of sorts is put forth—a kind of ethereal ‘representation’—before others have had the chance to meet the real person. Even in athletics, except for the number on the back of the jersey, the athlete is not distinguished from teammates in any other way. Acknowledging this fact, that we are often known for something before we are known as someone, are we who we want to be to others before they meet us? Do we offer kind words when we IM, email, or make postings on the internet? Do we properly clean up after ourselves in the dining hall, or in the dorm, even though anonymity does not require us to do so? Do we have good and compassionate thoughts to go along with our personal effort to do good and to bring compassion to others? In athletics, or in service opportunities off campus, do others know the Deerfield Girl or Boy to be you? Do students live their lives here in such a way as to live up to this ideal, whatever it may be to most of us? We cannot be one type of person when we stand alone and are fully accountable, and another person when in the midst of a crowd, hidden behind a screen name or as the perpetrator of some untruth at another’s expense. Much like the soldier in the movie, who realizes his actions at a distance to be destructive, he chooses instead to change his frame of mind and make choices of compassion when offered the opportunity to do so in person. The lesson here is that our words and ideas should not be in contrast to the person from whom they originate. When it becomes so, it might be worth recalling our personal avatar for reconciliation, so that that which is ours and impersonal can once again align itself with our person.
We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to MAUREEN “MO” SABIN and to her family on the death of her husband JOHN L. SABIN We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to CRAIG LETOURNEAU and to his family on the death of his father EDWARD LETOURNEAU
De e r f i e l dp a r e n td e s i r e st os e l l e x q u i s i t e4 , 0 0 0s q . f t . r a n c hs t y l eh o me o n2 0a c r e si nB e r n a r d s t o n H A I R L O F TS A L O NA V E D AC O N C E P T a p p r o x i ma t e l y1 5mi n u t e st oc a mp u s ) . P E T E RB A R T I N I O WN E R ( t s t a n d i n gf e a t u r e s e st h r o u g h o u t . 9 1MA I N SS TG R E E N F I E L DMA Ou l e a s ec a l l S h a r o nWi l c o xa t4 1 3 7 7 3 4 1 37 7 44 1 6 9o r 4 1 37 7 44 6 3 0P 1 1 4 9E x t . 1 4 3o r v i e wt h i s h o mea t www . c o h n a n d c o mp a n y . c o m.
January 27, 2010 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT S o f t S h a d o w s , H o t Wa x
The Deerfield Scroll
T i m Tr e l e a s e ’s N e w A r t E x h i b i t
This painting by Fine Arts Teacher Tim Trelease is on display at the A-3 Gallery in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Fine arts teacher Tim Trelease is currently featured in an exhibit at the A-3 Gallery in Amherst, MA. His work, which consists of eight oil paintings and one mixed-media collage, is displayed with works by other local artists. Mr. Trelease said that the experience has been “absolutely great.” He believes it is motivational to have the support of other colleagues. Mr. Trelease’s pieces are characterized by thick layers of oil paint (sometimes mixed with hot wax and pigment) and are often displayed in diptychs and triptychs (works on two or three panels). All of Mr. Trelease’s works, apart from the collage, are on either canvas or wood. For the pieces involving hot wax, Mr. Trelease explained that wood is “archivally sound,” while the canvas would cause the wax to crack. His other reason for using wood is intertwined with religion, echoing some of the early Christian wooden icons; the fre-
Seven Steps to Success What Goes into a Dance Showcase
By DELANEY BERMAN Staff Writer Winter dance showcase involves a lot of hard work from many different people. Creating a great show in a limited amount of time requires not only dancers, but also choreographers, costume designers, and techies. The unusual thing about the production of the winter showcase is that students fill all of these positions. After a year’s “sabbatical,” the winter dance showcase is back this January 28 and 29. The program will consist of seventeen pieces, most of which have been choreographed entirely by students. “I think what is most remarkable about the winter showcase is the fact that a bunch of high school students can generate, produce, and direct their own show. That type of thing does not usually happen until college,” Director of Dance Department Jennifer Whitcomb said. To better understand how the show comes to life, choreog-
rapher Daryl Cooley ’10 broke the process down into seven steps. 1. “First, you need to decide the type of dance you want to create,” Cooley explained. “Once you have that figured out, you can start looking for the perfect music.” The next part is a tedious one. “You have to listen to the music about a hundred times and see what images come to mind.” 2. Then it is time to start making the “official” decisions for the piece. “After you’ve listened to the music, take those images and try to turn them into formations, so you can see how many dancers you want to include. Also, it is good to start thinking about the actual steps and combinations for the piece,” Cooley continued. 3. Now you have to cast dancers for your piece, or hold auditions. “This is a difficult choice because there are pluses and minuses to both options. If you ask the dancers directly, you know exactly who you are working with, and you can choreograph the piece around their abilities and talents,” explained
Cooley. “However, if you hold auditions, the dancers you want may not show up. Nevertheless, you know that the dancers who showed up are committed to your piece.” 4. The next step is to choreograph the piece. “If I have a lot of dancers in the piece, I often use small objects, like pennies, to see how different formations would work with the music and the movement,” Cooley said. 5. After choreographing some of the piece, you have to hold rehearsals and teach the steps to the dancers. Once the dancers know the choreography, you run through the dance with them, clean up the timing, and clarify the movement. 6. This sixth step takes creativity, and a slight knowledge of lighting techniques. “Choosing the costumes and planning the lighting schemes are actually the hardest parts for me!” Cooley laughed. 7. The last step is the responsibility of the audience. On Friday, Saturday, or both days, sit back, relax, and enjoy the winter dance showcase!
TWI AS I MIGHT... Twilight Twihard vs. Twihater Cr ossfir e By CASEY BUTLER Staff Writer Although New Moon, the second movie in Stephanie Meyer’s wildly popular series, the Twilight saga, was released almost two months ago, I can’t seem to go anywhere without hearing the buzz over it. During its run, the film grossed over $686 million worldwide and inspired a media frenzy and millions of loyal fans. But despite its incredible popularity, Twilight is not universally loved. The divide between “Twihards” and “Twihaters” is great; rarely have a series of novels been so polarizing, or so eagerly debated. In a poll (admittedly unscientific) taken at the Greer, a sample of twenty-three Deerfield students revealed thirteen vehement “Twihaters” and ten devoted “Twihards.” So the question remains: is it any good? Well, that depends: If you’re a guy… An exit poll conducted by New Moon distributor Summit Entertainment found the opening weekend audience to be 80%
female. Need I say more? (The remaining 20% were largely disgruntled boyfriends.) Charlie Cory ’13 commented, “Taylor Lautner crushes my chances with half the Deerfield girls and Rob Pattinson crushes my chances with the other half!” [Lautner is the actor who plays Jacob, a hot-blooded werewolf; Pattinson plays Edward, the lead vampire.] There’s not much more a guy needs to know; Daniel Rivera ’13 summed up the male opinion: “I hate it so much!” If you’re a girl… Then you’ve likely succumbed to Twilight fever. Alex Philie ’10 claimed, “Twilight is my life!” and Sarah Sutphin ’13 said,“New Moon is the best movie ever!” Even the more lukewarm sentiments are revealing: one anonymous student admitted, “The books are horribly written, but somehow terribly compelling!” So, girls, you’ll probably find something to enjoy in the Twilight saga. The real question is, are you on Team Edward or Team Jacob? This is the distinction that divides even those who
unite in their love of Twilight; should protagonist Bella choose her best friend, hunky werewolf Jacob, or her boyfriend, the brooding vampire Edward? Team Edward member Betsy Alexandre ’13 weighed in: “Edward’s got the triple S; he’s smart, sexy and sweet! He’s a gentleman!” Miranda McEvoy agreed, “Team Edward all the way! He actually loved Bella!” But Team Jacob devotee Elisabeth Yancey ’12 disagrees: “Edward’s a creeper; he snuck into her room to watch her sleep! He’s just kind of icky.” Sutphin was eager to show anyone the Taylor Lautner picture she had set as her cell phone background. Even Thomas Earle ’12 chimed in: “Bella should have chosen Jacob!” Love it or hate it, Team Edward or Team Jacob, Twilight has become a true phenomenon. And between New Moon’s recordbreaking box office earnings and anticipation for the release of the third movie, Eclipse, in June, it seems we might as well get used to it, because Twilight mania won’t be dying down anytime soon.
quent usage of diptychs and triptychs resembles that of ancient Christian paintings. Religion and travel form the exhibit’s backbone. Mr. Trelease, who graduated from Rhode Island School of Design, said that his trip to Italy sophomore year was an inspirational experience for pieces such as Roman Stones. This painting, depicting soft, shadow-like shapes with a palette of white, gray, purple, and orange, was inspired by the façade of the Pantheon. What he found particularly striking about this monument was its surface, scarred by anchoring devices and the elements, which made it more beautiful. Italy’s beauty enriched his time there, and Mr. Trelease, who is of half Italian descent, found his time in Italy to be spiritually elevating. The theme of spirituality in Mr. Trelease’s work is significant. Inspired by artists such as Carravaggio and Alberto Burri, Mr. Trelease strives to create paintings that evoke the narratives of Christianity without explicit icons. His goal is “to transcend traditional Christian
stories” such as the Annunciation, and convey them through a palette that reveals the truth. Related to this desire for “spiritual potency,” Mr. Trelease expressed his interest in what he called “pure painting,” or viewing the painting process as a type of surgery in which “the canvas represents the bones, and the paint—flowing or dripping—the blood.” Each of Mr. Trelease’s works, with mesmerizing contrasts between dark and light, illustrates not only his ability as an artist, but also his skill as an artistic thinker. Every choice Mr. Trelease made for his paintings, accredited to both intuition and conscious decision-making, shows his mastery in illustrating what he calls the “topography of reflecting and absorbing surfaces.” Simultaneously, he captures “the God within.” So if you have a chance, congratulate Mr. Trelease on his exhibit, ask to see some of his works, or arrange a trip to the exhibit in Amherst, which is sure to be an artistically and spiritually edifying experience.
world,” constructs his book through weaving together both the subjective and objective. Found in the text alongside the bits of history from Rwanda’s past and present are the personal narratives of Rwandan survivors. One featured story is the account of Paul Rusesabagina, manager of the Hôtel des Milles Collines who sheltered more than a thousand refugees at the hotel during the genocide: Rusesabagina’s story served as the basis for the 2004 film, Hotel Rwanda. Removed from—but not unaffected by—the Rwanda outside the gates of the hotel, Paul assumed the rest of his fellow men would choose his same course of action because it seemed a natural instinct. He said, “I thought so many people did as I did, because I know if they’d wanted, they could have done so.” Unfortunately, for every courageous story similar to Paul’s, there are many more instances of just the opposite. But Gourevitch goes further than simply presenting the stories of the genocide; he includes a post-genocide account of a Rwanda grasping to recover the broken pieces. Simultaneously, the reader, too, struggles with what Gourevitch explains as “the peculiar necessity of imagining what is, in fact, real.” If it is clear that genocide is wrong, how can it occur so easily, particularly in our modern era, and how can countries and individuals begin to seek justice for the atrocities perpetrated? Whether the reader has full knowledge of the Rwandan genocide or not, Gourevitch’s journalistic efforts are fascinating; it is impossible to remain unaffected. Offering a captivating picture of the human condition, Gourevitch makes his point well known but leaves the reader open to drawing various conclusions suited to each individual’s response. He leaves the reader with a message, too: the implications of genocide are more farreaching and widespread than society can, or perhaps would like to, perceive.
We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda By Philip Gourevitch By KAYLA CORCORAN Staff Writer To an outsider, Rwanda is a land of hills and endless possibilities that rest among the “eucalyptus trees [that] flash silver against brilliant green tea plantations.” The “jagged rain forests, round-shouldered buttes, undulating moors, broad swells of savanna, [and] volcanic peaks as sharp as filed teeth” make Rwanda beautiful. But Rwanda is also marked by the scars of violent internal conflict, and the damage is obvious to its inhabitants. “‘Beautiful?’” asked Joseph, a man speaking with journalist Philip Gourevitch. “‘The country is empty,’ he said. ‘Empty!’” Rwanda is not naturally empty; its characteristic absences are the result of its 1994 ethnic genocide, in which the Hutu people attempted to massacre nearly the entire population of the minority Tutsi people. The roots of a conflict as unreservedly gratuitous as Rwanda’s genocide lay not in the immediate past, but in the foundations of history, which, for Rwanda, can begin to provide explanations for the identity separation thrust upon its people. Exploring this past is the quest of Philip Gourevitch, author of We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Willed Be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda, published in 1998. Gourevitch, who claims in his introduction that “this is a book about how people imagine themselves and one another—a book about how we imagine our
DON’T MISS THESE UPCOMING EVENTS! ACappella Fest: February 13, 2010 Academy Event, Sidiki Conde: February 21, 2010
EATURES J anuary 27, 2010 5
The Deerfield Scroll
By ELISABETH YANCEY and COURTNEY MURRAY Staff Writers Deerfield admonishes us time and time again to be “worthy.” So how are recent alums fulfilling this call to action? Jennifer Natenshon ’08 is currently working with acclaimed author Tracy Kidder in his efforts to raise money for the health care clinic Village Health Works. Village Health Works is situated in the small East African country of Burundi. The clinic denies no one who comes to their doors and assists even the most impoverished in all their health needs. Village Health Works has provided care for over 28,000 patients since its opening in 2007. The clinic supplies food, physical and mental health care, shelter, and clean water to all, but more importantly instills hope in others for a better future. The clinic’s motto is “Where there is health, there is hope.” The clinic promotes the idea that all deserve the best health care there is, and all can go on to better the world if they receive this care. Although Natenshon ’08 has never traveled to Burundi herself, as she has no medical training or specific skills that could be directly used at the clinic, she helps to support Village Health Works through fundraising in the U.S. She recently raised $7,000 for the clinic. “It is amazing the response you can get if you just ask,” said Natenshon. To raise money she has held two fundraisers pulling from the community’s interest in the project. This interest is where Mr. Kidder’s incredible work as an author plays into the picture. Mr. Kidder is a Pulitzer Prize winning author of nine non-fictional untold tales. He spoke at Deerfield in 2008 alongside renowned medical anthropologist Paul Farmer and discussed his book Mountains Beyond Mountains, a story which highlights Farmers work with the Partners in Health Clinic. Now, Mr. Kidder’s latest book, Strength in What Remains, follows the story of Deogratias, the founder of Village Health Works and native of Burundi. By sharing such remarkable stories, Mr. Kidder urges others to help genuine causes without pushing them to donate. As Natenshon explained his unique gift, “He finds stories he connects to. He doesn’t necessarily offer a solution but has a gift of guiding people to a story they may not have heard told.” On January 9 Kidder held a reading from his newest book, Strength in What Remains at Natenshon’s parents’ house in Greenfield. Many gathered to hear excerpts from the story of Deogratias, who, after living through a devastating civil war, founded Village Help Works. Deogratias’s younger brother Asvelt Ndwumwami ’08 was Natenshon’s classmate at Deerfield and her connection to Village Health Works and Mr. Kidder’s work in supporting the clinic. Natenshon has come to know Mr. Kidder over the past two years as someone she highly respects and, as she puts it, “just a great guy.”
Examining the Deerfield “Gender Issue” By ANDY KANG Staff Writer The year 2009 marked the twentieth anniversary of the return to coeducation at Deerfield, and with this milestone, Head of School Margarita Curtis believes, “this is a great time to reflect on what has been accomplished and what needs to be done in terms of gender issues.” Last year Ms. Curtis was approached by Hillary Hoyt ’09 and Elizabeth Schieffelin ’09, who explored the gender dynamic for an independent study project. They expressed both their concerns and their hopes for the future experiences of Deerfield students. Ms. Curtis took this matter to the Board of Trustees to further explore the issue, where a panel of students spoke about their experiences, both positive and negative, related to these gender issues. From there, Ms. Curtis and the Board established a gender committee co-chaired by Health Issues and Anatomy teacher Kristin Loftus and Athletic Director Chip Davis. Ms. Loftus and Mr. Davis held meetings throughout the fall with other members of the committee: physics teacher Rich Calhoun, history teacher Timothy McVaugh, English teacher Karinne Heise, and English teacher Matt Langione. The committee came up with a three-part plan, the first step involving the entire student
Ellie Parker
Junior friends battle gender issues on a snowy afternoon. body taking a survey. Following this survey were both individual dorm and co-gender group discussions. In the spring, the committee will share the results of these studies with the larger community. There is still a debate over how significant the gender issue actually is, or if it even exists. “Deerfield’s results from the 2009 ISGP (Independent School Gender Project) survey indicated both genders, in general, find comfort, equity and respect at Deerfield,” said Ms. Loftus, “There were two specific areas of inequity, though, particularly from the 12th grade girl data, regarding athletics and social
power. Our committee’s work, so far, has revealed progress in these specific areas.” Ms. Loftus pointed out that even though the committee will be able to negotiate with the administration, “the students will need to take responsibility for social change where they see necessary.” Hayley Lawless ’10 noted that “in the past, it appeared as if Deerfield was a boys’ club, with girls on the outside trying to get in, but now it’s not that bad. The social dynamic has improved drastically.” Other students agree with this statement. Shaye Horn ’10 said, “It’s actually pretty balanced
around here on the student level, whether it appears that way or not.” “Though there are issues on both sides of the discussions,” commented Ms. Loftus, “for the most part, I think the senior class is supportive of each other.” “Sometimes talk of the whole ‘tradition’ thing makes it worse,” said Lawless. “It gives the guys a sense of entitlement, but in general, there isn’t much of a problem.” Ms. Curtis said, “It’s not about reprimanding boys or girls; it’s about raising awareness, and making sure both boys and girls feel empowered and valued here.”
Teacherisms: Match the teacher to his or her catchphrase! b) “You a) “Ooh ooh bab 1) Mr. Teutsch (Chemistry ’ ll be fi y baby.” ne. You Teacher) ’re a sm ” ? 2) Mr. Pitcher (History e ar t kid m t for u o .” t a th h Teacher s le f you n a C “ ” ? ) c s 3) Mr. Marge (Math Teacher) ught “...Tho ) 4) Mr. Langione (English e d) “Wireless.” (A Teacher) ir high-five) f) “PDC” (P retty Darn 5) Mr. Dickinson (Art Close) Teacher) ” ? n I mea 6) Mr. Palmer (English w what o n k u o y Teacher) ,7,8...” g) “Do ke it ‘no’ 6 a h s , 7) Ms. Whitcomb (Dance ,4 ,3 2 it ‘yes’ Teacher) h) “Shake 8)Mr. Ahbel (Math Teacher)
Answers: 1B, 2C, 3F, 4G, 5A, 6E, 7H, 8D
“Where there is Health there is Hope”
Do you Know the Muffin Man Who Works on Boyden Lane? By FRANCIS LAUW Staff Writer
Steph Olivas
“Everyone likes different desserts, and the dining hall does a good job of providing a diverse selection,” said Tatum McInerney ’13. With red, white, and blue cookies, banana cream pie and German chocolate cake making their occasional appearances at sit-down and walkthrough meals, Deerfield students with a penchant for sweets are spoiled by the choices. But few people recognize who is responsible for this delectable spread. While most are enjoying sweet dreams at 5 in the morning, Head Baker Steven Parsons is busy scooping out cookie dough and pressing pie crusts behind the green swinging doors in the basement of the dining hall. After graduating from tech school and trying his hand at several occupations, Mr. Parsons eventually found his niche in the culinary world. “It’s what I really love to do,” said Mr. Parsons, who worked at the Northfield Mount Hermon School before receiving the phone call that brought him to Deerfield.
A typical work day for the busy baker consists of mixing Oreo crumb cookie batter for the next day, baking strawberry apple crisp right before lunch is served, and sticking homemade bread dough into one of Deerfield’s supersized ovens. One particularly difficult dessert to make is Rocky Road Brownies. “They are three desserts in one,” explained Mr. Parsons. “We have to make the brownie and cheesecake layers and the fudge topping, which makes it quite complicated.” Another student favorite, Christmas dinner’s much-anticipated Baked Alaska, takes hours to assemble. But Mr. Parsons, who considers the festive dish one of his favorite desserts, said, “I’ve done it so many times, so even though it still is a major project, it really isn’t so bad.” Mr. Parsons is also responsible for the creation of several other Deerfield desserts. Heath squares, which Mr. Parsons noted are “something you can’t get anywhere else,” are the result of his brainstorming and experi-
menting with different ingredients and techniques. Along with the student body, members of the dining hall staff are equally impressed with Mr. Parson’s creativity and consistency. “He’s the best we have,” said Dining Hall worker Steph Mitchell, who also referred to him as “very professional” and a “perfectionist.” Brian Parsons, the baker’s brother, works alongside him in the dining hall and revealed, “He’s serious about his job, but still has a few jokes up his sleeve and is easy to get along with.” Mr. Parsons emphasized the importance of teamwork: “It’s not just me behind this production. Hank Boston and Tim Mitzkovitz are as much a part of this as I am.” Truly passionate about and engaged in his job, Mr. Parsons is certainly an important force on the Deerfield food front. As for his dream dinner, Mr. Parsons would like nothing better than “chicken or veal parmesan paired with a nice chocolate torte.”
The Deerfield Scroll
January 27, 2010
Lee: Under-Aged, Over-Talented Experienced Youth: BY MARLEY MORGUS Staff Writer Oliver Lee ’10 participated in the Swimming World Championships in Stockholm, Sweden and Berlin, Germany in November 2009. Lee, who last year helped lead the boys’ varsity swim team to a New England Championship by winning both the 50 and 100-yard freestyle, qualified for the events at the U.S. Open last August. In order to qualify for the events in Sweden and Berlin, Lee had to post at least the second fastest time for men under 18, which he managed to do in the 50-yard freestyle event. While in Sweden and Berlin, Lee was a member of the United States’ under-18 team, along with other Americans who qualified for the event. Racing against swimmers from all over the world, Lee grew more comfortable on the international stage and gained some experience in international swimming competition. Competitors ranged from ages 14 to
48; however, Lee competed exclusively in the under-18 division. Lee’s busy schedule in Sweden consisted of the 50-meter freestyle (in which he earned his best result, 37th place), the 100 meter freestyle, and the 50 meter butterfly event, which, according to Lee “is not a regulation event, but they had it for fun at this meet.” In Berlin, he had a similarly packed schedule as he participated in the 50-meter freestyle, 100-meter butterfly, and the 100-meter individual medley, which again is not an Olympic event, but was put in place in order to give some swimmers more time competing with their respective age groups. Though Lee spent a lot of time in the pool, the trip was not all about the competition. While at the event, Lee had the opportunity to swim, meet, and talk with Michael Phelps, the 12time Olympic gold medalist, and world record holder for the 100 and 200-meter butterfly events. Meeting Phelps, however, was not Lee’s favorite part of the event. “I was fortunate enough to talk to the record
holder of the 50 freestyle, Frederick Bousquet,” said Lee. Bousquet, hailing from France, not only holds the world record for the 50-meter freestyle event at 20.94 seconds, but he was also the first man to swim the slightly shorter 50-yard freestyle event under 19 seconds. Meeting a man who excelled so greatly and holds records in Lee’s best events proved to be one of the highlights of an event that was already filled with the excitement of competing with and against Olympians from around the world. While competing in Europe, Lee also got the opportunity to do a little bit of tourism around Stockholm and Berlin. In Stockholm, he had the opportunity to walk around the city, enjoying all of the exciting things that the city had to offer, and in Berlin, he took a bus tour during which he got to see numerous historical sights, including the remains of the Berlin Wall. “I really enjoyed racing with all the Olympians. The event was an excellent way to be introduced to the level of international swimming.”
Back In the Crease With Casey BY DANIEL LITKE Staff Writer Former Deerfield student and varsity ice hockey goalie Casey DeSmith decided last year to take an opportunity to play in the United States Hockey League, which some people consider to be the United State’s premier junior league for players under twenty. He plays with the Indiana Ice, last year’s winner of the Clark Cup, the trophy awarded to the top team in the USHL. The team currently has the second best record in their division with 19 wins, 12 losses, and 1 overtime loss. DeSmith and his team is looking to finish the season strongly and perform well in the playoffs. “My team feels extremely optimistic about bringing the Clark Cup back to Indy [Indiana] this year,” DeSmith said. “We are pulling away from the third place team in our division while on a five-game winning streak. The confidence in the locker room is high.”
During the Indiana Ice’s recent five-game winning streak, DeSmith played in four games. In those games, he averaged only 2.5 goals against per game and saved 91.5% of the shots he faced. These statistics are considered strong for a goaltender at any level. The Indiana Ice’s winning streak was snapped by none other than the Lincoln Stars—the team of DeSmith’s former Deerfield teammate, Andrew Ammon ’09. The Stars won 5-1 and Ammon recorded a hat-trick. DeSmith, however, did not play in this game and the two former Deerfield students have yet to face each other. On the season, DeSmith has played in 18 of his team’s 39 games. In those games he has 8 wins, 8 losses, and 1 overtime loss. His goals against average is 3.14 and his save percentage is 89.9%. As a player in the USHL, DeSmith is playing high caliber hockey. The top junior league in the United States attracts some of the world’s best young players. “The level of play is astounding compared to anywhere that I previously participated in. A vast majority
of players are going to play at the top Division I schools and many are drafted [by the National Hockey League]” said DeSmith. “I am getting better each day, playing and practicing against the great competition.” In fact, 111 former USHL players currently play in the National Hockey League (the elite professional ice hockey league) and 186 current USHL players have already committed to NCAA Division I colleges. “My goal is to play Division I college hockey while getting an education,” said DeSmith. “If I am fortunate enough to go further than that in hockey, which would be amazing.” However, amongst the speed, skill, and future expectations of the league, DeSmith has still maintained his love for the game and enjoyed his time in the USHL. “Beating the Chicago Steel at Conseco Fieldhouse [the home arena of the Ice, and NBA team Indiana Pacers] in front of 7000 people on New Year’s Eve,” said DeSmith when asked about his most memorable moment. “That was the most fun I have ever had playing hockey.”
Girls’ Squash Aims High This Season
BY CLAIRE HUTCHINS Staff Writer The girls of the varsity squash program are looking stronger and more confident than they have ever been. As they contend in this season’s most competitive matches, with their eyes on a New England title, they face the challenge of defeating many of New England’s finest private school teams. The girls are looking to face them head on with enthusiasm and determination. After finishing the 2009 campaign second in New England, the team added promising new freshmen, Abby Ingrassia, Emily Jones, and Caroline Kjorlien. Each girl reflected on the difference between playing at home and playing here. “At home I played about two to three times a week and had fewer matches, but here we play every day and have more challenge matches. I feel like it’s a greater experience here at DA,” said Ingrassia. Kjorlien added, “Since Deerfield’s team is larger than the clinics at home, we practice with people who have diverse skills and weaknesses which helps us adapt to the unfamiliar styles of other schools.” A major goal for girls’ squash this year is to place into the top five at New England’s, which Deerfield is hosting in February. “We’re a young team,” said Hallie Dewey ’11, “but we’re really strong and in second place now right behind Greenwich Academy.” An even closer event in which the team will compete is Nationals, the high school tournament over Long Winter Weekend where they will be competing in the A division. “It’s hard to tell how we’ll place though,” said Seldy Gray ’11.
“We’ll be playing schools from Pennsylvania that we haven’t played in our regular season,” Head Coach Karinne Heise said. “For this tournament [Nationals], we’ll do the absolute best that we can and shoot for the top.” In order to keep their edge that continually places them above their opponents, the girls use drills and games during each practice that emphasize strategic playing versus pure conditional training. “There are always certain strategies that we try to work on, mainly aggression and taking control of the court,” said Mrs. Heise. “Every day we practice different things to improve our playing skills like volleys, drop shots and serves,” said Jones. “Another thing that is unique to only a few schools including Deerfield is a 1-7 ladder ranking system for each player,” said team captain Lilly Havens ’10. This system is important because it helps the players each week challenge for a higher spot on the team. “The ladder doesn’t just keep us competitive, it helps us know where each one of us ranks from week to week so we play our matches at the level that we’re comfortable with,” Havens continued This system also really helps to us to gain a new appreciation for the entire team versus just each individual player,” said Tori Dewey ’12. As Deerfield prepares for its biggest matches near the end of the winter, the varsity ten are also looking to the near future to defeat their regular-season rivals at Taft on February 17th. Mrs. Heise summed it up by saying, “They’re just a fun and talented group, and a pleasure to coach.”
Alpine Skiing Moving Down Slopes, Moving Up in Division BY NASTASSIA ADKINS Staff Writer With the official start of alpine skiing season, both the boys’ and girls’ teams make a daily 40-minute trek to and from Berkshire East (a family resort) to train in slalom and giant slalom on the short, steep mountain. When the skiers returned from Thanksgiving break, the ground was still devoid of snow, so the team trained hard by doing dry-land exercises to work on their agility. The ski team began its racing season in January, with races occurring on Wednesdays at Berkshire East. Coached by math teacher Marc
Dancer ’79 and Physical Plant grounds general Jodi Tanguay, the team is captained by seniors Liz Earle, Andy Harris, Alexander Heller, and Hayley Lawless, all of whom have high hopes of continuing their tradition of excellence within the New England League. Last season in the 2009 NESPSAC Class A Alpine Skiing Championships, the girls finished in fourth place and boys in second. Both boys and girls were also MISL Champions. Deerfield’s ski team is vast and includes a wide variety of talent, but the program accommodates skiers of all skill levels. The challenging course at Berkshire East is a tough enough obstacle for even the most seasoned
skiers on the team, and for the less experienced members, or those just beginning to ski, there are both JV and recreational programs. For each race, there is an established running order and the team is split into Boys’/Girls’ Varsity A, Varsity B, and JV. In the first race of this season, there was no surprise that Jack Stobierski ’12 was ranked number one for Boys’ Varsity A, as he rarely loses a race. For girls, ranked numbers 1 and 2 in the first race were sisters Hayley ’10 and Beth Lawless ’12. The team has upcoming regular races for the next three weeks in the run-up to the New England Championships which occur on February 10.
Alex Berner Katie Dewey ’11 shows off her smooth backhand stroke.
By The Numbers 15-2
94-92, 93-92
Combined record of girls’ squash teams
Average number of goals per game scored by jv girls’
Two previous varsity boys’ swim meets (2-0)
Average margin of victory by jv boys’ basketball
Combined record of jv hockey program