The Deerfield Scroll: March 2, 2011

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Vol. LXXXV, No. 8


A Farewell to Arms:

March 2, 2011

Courtesy of Marc Dancer

Day Student Lounge Lost in Renovation Plans By SARAH WOOLF and NOLAN BISHOP Editorial Associate, Staff Writer The Arms building will undergo renovation in the coming months to make use of the space left vacant when the student mailroom was moved last summer to the new Greer Store complex. Though the exact specifications are still undecided, the space will be devoted to the English department. New classrooms will be added, and there may also be a reading lounge or a screening room. The renovation will also edge out the day student lounge. “For past few years we have worked to bring the department under one roof,” said department chair Mark Ott. “I’m very excited that the board is willing to fund this project.” “[The English teachers] want to use the space effectively and creatively,” said English teacher Mark Scandling. “We have to figure out how to assure that the quality of the area will be similar to that of the upstairs classrooms despite their being in a basement.” English teacher Michael Schloat also desires careful plan-

ning in this enterprise. “We have a chance to create a new pattern of traffic in the English department,” he said. “I’d rather have a shared space—a reading room, a screening room, maybe even a performance area—and a few large classrooms than a greater number of smaller classrooms.” Students (both day and boarding) and teachers were concerned by the removal of the DSL. “I hope that, in all things, day students continue to receive ample consideration as stakeholders in any decision affecting the student body,” said Mr. Schloat. “The DSL is a place for us to hang out, do work,” said Thomas Shuman ’13. “It is also more private than the Memorial Building lobby, which makes it a refuge from the rest of the school comparable to a dorm.” However, thanks to the persistence of Shuman and other students, there are plans for a new DSL in the basement of the Kendall Classroom Building. As always, there is a budget to work around. “We have to think about the possibilities but also live within the practicalities,” said Mr. Scandling.

• Proposal approval pending on changes to DA to Z, the DC system, and the parietals policy. • Plans are under consideration to institute a required Honor Code class for sophomores. Weekly discussions would consist of issues on students’ minds and anything else the class instructor deems relevant.

The medal winners celebrate the boys’ and girls’ varsity ski teams’ victory at the New England championships at Pat’s Peak in New Hampshire on Wednesday, February 16.

Te a c h e r s Te s t Tu r n i t i n By HENRY LEWIS Staff Writer

In response to a string of eight academic disciplinary infractions in the 2009-2010 academic year, Deerfield is instituting a trial period to test the online software program, Turnitin. is a program owned by iParadigms, LLC. Institutions, built to catch plagiarism by comparing assignments to various databases: all published material available on the Internet, books and periodicals, or previously submitted essays. The software detects and highlights any parallel phrasing. Teachers then use their own judgment to decide whether this overlap constitutes plagiarism. From now until the end of the year, ten teachers in the English and history departments are testing the program in the classroom and evaluating its effectiveness. If reports from these teachers

are positive, the program will be widely used next year. Academic Dean Peter Warsaw, one of the primary proponents of the program, emphasized that Turnitin would be used as a teaching tool to raise awareness, rather than as merely a way to catch cases of plagiarism after submission. “By using the program as a step in the writing process, students will learn how to avoid unintentional plagiarism,” said Mr. Warsaw. Teachers who have taken part in this pilot program, such as history teacher Julia RivellinoLyons, have been positive about Turnitin. “It’s been a reminder that I need to clearly define plagiarism for students,” she said. In the event that a teacher finds material suspicious, “[Turnitin] is a really fast way to find academic dishonesty.” However, English teacher Joel Thomas-Adams feels that using

the program illustrates a trend towards being too technology dependent. “I don’t want to see yet another of our important human relationships mediated by computers,” he said. He also believes that matters of trust should be kept within the school. “Turnitin externalizes the policing of a relationship that should be one of trust and communication within,” he said. According to Mr. Warsaw, the program was chosen over other anti-plagiarism programs because of its reputation for excellence; it is used extensively by our sister schools, and all essays within the IB (international baccalaureate) system must be submitted through Turnitin. By bringing Turnitin to Deerfield, the Academy hopes to impress upon students that it takes the issue of plagiarism seriously. As Mr. Warsaw pointed out, “Our academic reputation is one of our most valued assets.”


’11, who has taken part in three interviews so far. “I am glad that the administration is interested in and trusts our judgment and Council and SPC members opinions on how the candidates By SARAH WOOLF and have been the interviewers be- relate to people our age.” CHARLES JONES cause “their peers have choMr. Taylor also believes that Editorial Associate, Staff Writer sen them as representatives, so this experience will benefit stuit seemed most logical to have dent interviewers in the future. Members of Student Council Student Council members rep“I think there is an important and the Student Programs Com- resent Deerfield and its students educational piece here. They are mittee have been busy interview- to these faculty candidates,” said learning something that is appliing potential faculty members Student Body President Charles cable in real life and developing for the past few weeks in a pilot Giannini ’11. critical skills that can be used in program that intends to heighten “Students can’t really deal the professional world long after student involvement with the with the candidates’ athletic or Deerfield.” faculty selection process. academic qualifications, but we “Considering the impact new Dean of Faculty John Taylor can tackle the more social as- faculty members have when they is enthusiastic about the initiative. pect,” said Giannini. “We are try- arrive on campus, I’d say this “I think the students will give ing to provide Mr. Taylor with a interviewing is one of the most me a very valuable perspective,” full view of how the interviewee valuable jobs we can perform he said. “Also, the candidates would add to student life and cul- as representatives,” said Student enjoy meeting the kids, getting ture.” Council Chair Ellie Parker ’11. a sense of what the students are “The questions are mainly “I am grateful to be entrusted like.” student-oriented,” said Jen Chu with it.”

Ben Bolotin Former Headmaster Eric Widmer speaks about King’s Academy at school meeting on Tuesday, February 22.

p. 4

p. 5

p. 6

What do you dream about?

An exclusive look at the faculty band

Deerfield Diving Team

2 The Deerfield Scroll




March 2, 2011

Front Page YUJIN NAM

Layout Editor SARAH KIM

Opinion/Editorial AUDREY CHO

Photo Editor ALEX BERNER

Arts & Entertainment GRACE MURPHY

Photo Associate MALOU FLATO


Business Manager CASEY BUTLER



Online Editor JAKE BARNWELL Online Associate MARLY MORGUS

Advisors SUZANNE HANNAY & JOHN PALMER STAFF REPORTERS: Nastassia Adkins, Charlotte Allen, Raja Atluri, Lizz Banalagay, Delaney Berman, Nolan Bishop, Casey Butler, Caitlin Cleary, Jacqueline Colt, Charlie Cory, Ross Gordon, Philip Heller, Sonja Holmberg, Kristy Hong, Claire Hutchins, Charles Jones, Jade Kasoff, Mac Kelley, Joshua Kim, Caroline Kjorlien, Stefani Kuo, Maddie Lane, Henry Lewis, Sha Li, Daniel Litke, Ryan Logie, Miranda McEvoy, An-

Letter from the Editor

Between debating controversial current events in group editorial meetings, cursing at the computer when InDesign proves overwhelming, blasting music in “the fun room,” and deciphering the handwriting on edited articles, I have found these past eight issues of Volume LXXXV to be hectic yet fun, and a consistent group effort. I’m proud of each issue and of the growth I’ve seen in our team along the way. We covered a number of controversial topics, ranging from responses to the Arizona gun control debate to the appearance of speaker Paul Loeb. Our pages boasted several recurring features, including DA Cribz and Artist of the Issue, in order to highlight interesting and accomplished individuals on campus. Additionally, we have worked to expand both our writer base and the Scroll Online, featuring a wide range of “Online Exclusive” articles on our website. I’d like to extend my thanks to all of our hardworking writers and photographers who scout for ideas and bring their enthusiasm to each article. Thank you also to the extraordinary efforts of the editorial board: your good spirits and leadership have make layout something to which I genuinely look forward. And, of course, we couldn’t have done this without our faculty advisors, Ms. Hannay and Mr. Palmer, who encourage us to be thorough, accurate, and inquisitive. Finally, thanks to everyone who has helped make working on the Scroll enjoyable and rewarding: our readers (of both print and online), Deerfield students, faculty, and staff, and parents who send in homemade baked goods. Finally, I’d like to congratulate the next editor-in-chief, Anna Gonzales ’12, and her staff: best of luck, and enjoy your year! Shtuclear. -Elisabeth Strayer, Editor-in-Chief

World Events vs. DA Events Feb. 1

nie McLendon, Courtney Murray, Hadley Newton, Emily Ng, Nicky Rault, Carly Reilly, Justin Schlacks, Nina Shevzov-Zebrun, Sharon Tam, Tabata Viso, Kyle Wellner, Elisabeth Yancey, Hyun Yang, Nicholle Yu STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS: Ben Bolotin, Megan Cai, Sarah Cox, Hannah Dancer, Will Fox, Daniel Han, Nina Kempner, Susanna Kvam, Louisa Schieffelin, Blair Scott

The Deerfield Scroll, established in 1925, is the official student newspaper of Deerfield Academy. The Scroll encourages informed discussion of pertinent issues that concern the Academy and the world. Signed letters to the editor that express legitimate opinions are welcomed. We hold the right to edit for brevity. The Scroll is published eight times yearly. Advertising rates provided upon request. Opinion articles with contributors’ names attached solely represent the views of the respective writers. Opinion articles without names represent the consensus views of the editorial staff unless otherwise specified.

Quebec DC

During Long Winter Weekend, some students on a school trip to Quebec consumed alcohol. Though the legal drinking age in Canada is 18 and some students were 18, all were expected to follow the stated drug and alcohol policies of abstinence. This group of otherwise exemplary students received disciplinary consequences upon its return. Students are held to high standards, but sometimes, we will fall short. Clarifying and reiterating rules before and during the trip will benefit both the students and the faculty advisors of the trip. This clear communication about expectations and consequences has to be ongoing, not tucked away in an online handbook. We hope the community remembers that students try hard to live up to Deerfield’s high expectations, but mistakes will be inevitable. AG, SW, GM, YN, EK, LW

Demanding Students

This year, students were overly eager for a Head of School Day. Students looked to dining hall menus, homework schedules, and various other “hints” as indicators of the much-awaited day off. When hypotheses were disproved, cries of outrage rang through the dining hall. Some students ambushed Dr. Curtis and posted a video to Facebook in a last ditch attempt to sway her decision, but the effort proved fruitless. One week later, on February 20, whispers of plans to storm the Manse in the event of a normal school day spread from bubble to bubble at Sunday dinner. When a video clip on DAnet of Dr. Curtis, clad in a pith helmet, announced the day off that night, it was accompanied by a sense of victory rather than gratitude. We have come to view this reprieve from daily Deerfield stress as a right. Let’s remember that Head of School Days are a privilege, a gift, and beggars can’t be choosers. AG, FR, SW, GM, EK, YN, LW, AYC

DAinfo Violating Privacy?

In the last year, DAinfo has been updated to provide more helpful features for students, such as class schedules and classmates. However, students can also see every student’s address, cell phone number, and parents’ contact information. Do students really need to have access to this much information? Allowing such access for only teachers and advisors (who may want to contact parents through the year) would make more sense. At school meeting, younger faculty members talked about controlling the amount of personal information they share online. And on Facebook, we can decide how much or how little information we share with others. On DAinfo, however, we are unable to control the information that appears online… isn’t this sending a mixed signal? ES, AG, FR, DD, SW, YN, GM, AYC

In Memoriam JANA FUGATE CUMMINGS Dance Teacher June 7, 1959-January 26, 2011

March 2, 2011

Feb. 3

The Egyptian Government continues to limit the media and press. Exhausted students flock home for Long Winter Weekend.

Feb. 10

Tunisia’s president declares his power to rule by decree and suspends the Constitutional Democratic Assembly formerly in power. Juniors meet to discuss the proctor selection process.

Feb. 15

Libyan protesters threaten to overthrow the current regime. Students once again are disappointed that Dr. Curtis has not announced a Head of School Day.

King Abdullah of Jordan dismisses his Cabinet. Freshman groups meet to discuss the importance of positive body image.

Feb. 8

The Egyptian government unveils new reforms. Students attempt to work off weight gained at Super Bowl parties.

Feb. 12

The United States ponders whether to intervene in Egyptian politics. Students at DA ponder whether to bring dates to the Valentine’s Day dance.

Feb. 19

The Bahraini government withdraws troops, bringing a temporary end to violence against protestors. Students attend an “Energy Dance” in the Greer.

Feb. 20

Protesters in Libya die in a violent attack by Libyan security forces. Libyan death toll rises to 173. Junior Declamation finals held, and Dr. Curtis posts a Head of School Day video.

“At times, it is difficult for a Deerfield student to imagine political upheaval in far away countries. The above is a day-by-day comparison of the headlines of news stories regarding the Middle East and headlines describing important events at DA.”

Caitlin Cleary, Staff Writer

Cakes for a Cause By DANIELLE DALTON Editorial Associate In August, nine high school teenagers sat at my kitchen counter, decorating beautiful cakes that looked as if they had come from a bakery. It was hard to imagine that just a month before, some of them had never decorated a cake. My friends and I ran a cake decorating summer program for high school students. The program lasted five weeks; nine high schoolers came and decorated cakes three mornings a week. The cakes that they decorated were distributed to local food pantries with whom we are partnered. During the course of the summer, over forty-five cakes for special occasions were donated to those in need. I founded Cakes for a Cause, NFP because I wanted to decorate cakes and donate them to

food pantries. As a result, I created the first organization that donated cakes. I didn’t know anything about starting a not-forprofit, but I took a chance. Everything I learned was through Google and calling different departmental agencies. Slowly, I accumulated an understanding of the different laws and requirements. Like most difficult yet worthwhile tasks, it took and continues to take a lot of time and effort. Still, it is gratifying to see the effects we make on others’ lives. One day, two Northwestern University film students interviewed the participants for a community news program. The participants smiled as they shared their stories, ranging from the first cake they decorated on their own to mastering a complicated decorating technique. They were proud of what they had accomplished, but they were even more

proud of the difference they were making in the community. It is easy to become trapped in the “Deerfield Bubble” and to lose sight of the struggles facing many citizens in the country. Still, you can read the news on your computer or download a news app on your iPhone. Awareness about issues is important, but making a difference is even more so. You don’t have to travel far to make a difference. You can make a difference here at Deerfield, and in Franklin County. Volunteer at Second Helpings on Monday nights. Sign up for a Weekend Project; Special Olympics meets on Sunday mornings. Try something new this term, because you may discover something you truly enjoy. It is one thing to make a difference in your own life; it is another to be able to make a difference in others’ lives.

The Deerfield Scroll


March 2, 2011


The American Obssession with Royalty: Kate Middleton Edition

By HADLEY NEWTON Contributing Writer Until recently, Catherine Elizabeth Middleton was as foreign to the American public as meat pies and teatime. It was only when she became engaged to Prince William of Wales that Americans began to seriously take notice. Born a commoner to parents in Berkshire, England, Kate Middleton never seemed like

someone to warrant great fanfare. Her brown hair, sweet girl-next-door look, and quiet demeanor are far from extraordinary. Then why did Prince William take interest in this girl when they met at St. Andrew’s University in Scotland? More importantly, why do we as the American public take so much interest in his infatuation? The attraction lies partly with the tabloids. Media giants like Us Weekly and People Magazine are always hankering after juicy stories on any

Mental Snapshots By LUCY COBBS Contributing Writer

I didn’t plan on crying at graduation last year. And flipping back through red-faced, blearyeyed photos, I kind of wish I hadn’t. At the time, I chalked up the uncharacteristic weepiness to be some kind of delayed reaction to the senior cry, or a symptom of sleep deprivation. But now, sitting at a long rectangular table in my college dorm’s dining hall “burn-

ing the midnight oil,” I know exactly why I cried last May. Piece by piece over the summer, tangible evidence of Deerfield dissolved into memory. Email accounts were de-activated, DAinfo access blocked, and crisp DA-Door-stamped letters stopped arriving. Then I plunged into college, and green face paint became orange, a cinderblock double room replaced my spacious highceilinged single, and Cinnamon Mini-Wheats replaced Cracklin’

The Real World Isn’t So Distant

By NELL VOLKMANN Contributing Writer

You may have heard about the recent passing of Zephyr Rapinchuck, 18, in a skiing accident in Wyoming. For many, it will seem no different from any other awful news we hear everyday, simply because we are in a world where things go wrong as often as they go right. But this was someone I knew. Not well, but we attended the same school. He graduated just last year, and any amount of time spent at a tight-knit school (with no more than 115 students) will inevitably create bonds between people, no matter how vague or roundabout. The news shook the community to the core—friends described the mood at school the next day as eerie and disconnected. No one knew what to do. It is a profoundly startling notion, having memories of a person who is no longer physically with us. I do not in any way want to diminish what his family and those who knew him well must be feeling by saying I have any idea what it is like. I don’t. It is, however, at moments like these that you can see everyone around you stop, breathe, examine the pieces, and come together for support. How, though, does this relate

to us? Everyday we go about our busy lives, crowded with homework, sports, friends, and family. We are all so focused on our dayto-day lives that sometimes—often, really—we forget the bigger picture. This is true for me. Preoccupied with problems and successes of my own, this event was a shocking reminder to appreciate what we have, and to remember the bonds that hold us together as a community and as people, no matter how we speak or act or look. It should not take an awful event, though it often does, for us to stop and examine what ties us together and what we mean to each other. There comes a time when each of us can comprehend the truth of this, for one reason or another. It is startling to realize that we have not been truly remembering, or really seeing those around us. All we can hope is that it does not require something so drastic to bring about this insight. Much of our lives require trivial thinking such as deciding what to wear tomorrow. However, once in a while, look in the back of your mind for the things that really matter. Whatever they are, remember them, for yourself and for each other; for it is the least that we, the very, very lucky ones, can do.

Oat Bran in the dining hall cereal dispensers. Now Deerfield is a memory, an abstract fantasyland of iridescent green and perfect brick-lain paths. And that’s what I was crying about. Graduation day for me seemed to be the last time that Deerfield would be a tangible, real place. And it’s been partly true; as I scuff my Uggs across a new campus past different faces, Deerfield exists in an alternate reality. My three years in the Valley seem like an extremely elaborate, trippy hal-

celebrity they can find. Naturally, when a private and largely secretive prince began to show off his leggy girlfriend and then fiancée, gossip writers everywhere seized their pens. At every grocery store and street corner, Middleton’s pixilated face has caught the eye of millions of commuters, teenagers, and soccer moms. What makes this marriage so important? The popularity of Princess Diana, Prince William’s mother, undoubtedly has something to do with it. Princess Diana took England by storm when she married Prince Charles, and immediately become an icon of style, philanthropy, and grace. Her confident, yet feminine, bearing fascinated Americans. About 750 million people watched the royal wedding on television, making it one of the most-watched broadcasts in history. In many ways Middleton seems similar to her fiancé’s mother, sharing her poise, style, and philanthropic tendencies. It seems as if William has done what countless other men have done before him and “married his mother.” And, if her marriage was such an attraction, it only seems natural that her first son’s marriage would be extraordinary. While it is understandable

why William might interest the British, it is hard to understand why Americans have taken notice. Of course Americans and the British have been joined for centuries with a common history. It was not until 1776 that the United States broke from the grasp of England, in order to create a democracy. But with this freedom, Americans lacked one essential item, a monarch to obsess over. Sure, we had George Washington and now we have Barack Obama, but there is little longevity in their time in the spotlight. Presidents enter the political realm late in their lives and disappear after office, and thus a whole section of their life is inaccessible to the public. Monarchs, however, are famous from birth to death and provoke a constant stream of fascination from their subjects. Perhaps Americans see something democratic in the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton. U.S. citizens see in her what they want for themselves; she emerged from obscurity and attained bigger and better things. She was a “nobody” without a public past, just like almost every American celebrity and politician. She was not aristocratic or important; in fact, she might as well be American.

lucination. It’s as if Deerfield has receded into the dream world. Now as my first college exam week looms and procrastination becomes an art, I end up perusing old photos often. But looking through disco pictures of neonclad sophomores posing in the halls of Poc and autumn shots of cleated athletes, Deerfield still doesn’t seem real. So, here’s my advice: Don’t rely on your camera’s photos and friends’ Facebook albums for preserving Deerfield. Instead, every once in a while, in true Robert Frost fashion, pause for a moment and take your own

mental picture. Maybe just before you open the dining hall door to sit-down’s chaos, and the quad behind you is perfectly silent. Or when the first snow gives Main Street untouched perfection you’ve only seen in a snow globe. Or while you’re walking down Albany Road with an entourage of friends and feel like you own the world. That way, after you graduate and wherever you end up, you can close your eyes and, at least for a second, be back home at Deerfield. * Lucy Cobbs, former Editor-in-Chief, is a freshman at Princeton.

The Green Cup Challenge...

Does it Work?


It is impossible to be at Deerfield and miss the Green Cup Challenge. We hear about it at school meeting and lunch and are reminded of it constantly when stumbling around pitchblack dorms. For the month of the challenge, Green Cup is life. But is the challenge truly effective in meeting its goals? Undoubtedly, the challenge has produced positive results every year Deerfield has participated. The success of each school is measured in kilowatt hours of electricity reduced from last year per person, based on the total energy used on campus. Last year we came in 18th place out of more than 50 schools, and saved more than $6,000 in energy costs. In recent years, increased competition, such as last year’s challenge with NMH and Choate, has spurred higher success levels in the challenge at Deerfield. The main goal of Deerfield’s continual participation in the competition is to get students committed to and excited about saving energy. However, the picture painted by this onemonth contest might not be the best way to get students involved. According to environmental proctor Charlotte McLaughry ’11, the Green Cup Challenge takes only electricity consumption into consideration. This means that other factors, such as oil and natural gas consumption, water use, and recycling efforts, which contribute enormously to overall carbon consumption, are disregarded

in the challenge. Although, according to science teacher and environmental leader Brian Fry, Deerfield has the capabilities to measure some of these factors, some of the other schools in the competition do not, and thus only electricity reduction is widely promoted during the challenge. In addition, the Green Cup Challenge only lasts a month, from January 21 to February 24. It is the most widely known environmental initiative on campus, and yet it represents only about one-eighth of the school year. Despite the hard work of the environmental proctors, many students simply don’t place a high priority on living sustainably outside of the Green Cup Challenge. This is something with which many proponents of sustainability on campus struggle. “I wish that there were ways to encourage people to live sustainably all the time as well as during the Green Cup Challenge,” McLaughry said. According to Mr. Fry, “It’s easy to forget that something as simple as turning off a switch can save energy and money. If every student of our 634 does something, that is definitely going to make a difference.” Clearly, the Green Cup Challenge is effective in reducing energy consumption, but some fear that when the challenge is over, many students will assume their old habits of leaving lights and music on or computer and cell phone chargers plugged in out of convenience. This year, however, the Green Cup Challenge might have a lasting effect upon the Deerfield community now that February 24 has passed.

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The Deerfield Scroll

In Your Dreams By ELISABETH YANCEY Staff Writer As members of the campus continue to trudge through longer days filled with school work and snow, sleep has become even more crucial. Some people dream of journeys they don’t have time for except in slumber. “I dreamt I was running through the hills of Scotland,” said Allie Nagurney ’12. “I have a recurring dream of driving cross country with Mrs. Cary in a dark red Mustang convertible, eating in diners, and sleeping in motels,” said English teacher Michael Cary. For some, dreams don’t garner the same pleasant experience. “I was eating way too much chocolate one night and then I dreamt instead of my eating the chocolate, the chocolate ate me, and I

was trapped inside its stomach. It was actually kind of scary,” remembered Christina Pil ’12. “I dreamt I failed the SATs, broke my arm, and got a concussion,” recounted Elizabeth Huebsch ’12. Though more fantastical, others dream of equally elaborate and stressful scenarios. “I had a dream when I was little that I was a Jedi and had to save Obi Wan Kenobi and we were in a museum, but the only way you could get to the next room was to jump through paintings,” recalled Thomas Earle ’12. “In the end, after we fought some bad guys and I saved Obi Wan Kenobi’s life, the roof fell and I woke up,” he continued. “I dreamt that clowns had taken over Deerfield and were stealing all our electronics,” said Cate Wadman ’13. “I was riding a huge griffin— actually it was a transportation service over this large ocean— and then I just decided to take it and keep it as a pet. I then taught him how to swim,” exclaimed Taylor Harris ’13. “I don’t dream,” admitted Kay Calloway ’14.

By JOSHUA KIM Staff Writer During the spring term, Miles Griffis ’11 will attempt what few students have ever attempted in the history of Deerfield: rapping. When his Creative Writing class drops for the spring, Griffis will replace it with a directed study in rap. He will work on writing lyrics with English teacher Peter Nilsson and music teacher John Van Eps. “I became interested in hip hop two summers ago after hearing a friend play the song ‘Be’ by Common,” said Griffis. The type of rap Griffis wants to learn is not the mainstream genre that many people listen to, but rather the works of underground rappers. He doesn’t consider the works of popular artists

March 2, 2011

DA Cribz: Caitlin Murphy

Susanna Kvam Caitlin Murphy’s room reflects her eclectic personality and sense of style.


Bolivian rugs, setting the color scheme for the room. One wall is plastered with sketches of dresses and other outfits that Murphy put together herself. On an adjacent wall, Murphy’s modern art postcard collection is organized chronologically. The other posters help accent the general pink and green theme of her room. “My record player is my favorite part of my room. I have a lot of records at home, so it is a really nice reminder of my family,” said Murphy. Among other items, she keeps a FroYo lamp, a window shutter that was repurposed into a functioning chalkboard, and a Lady Gaga coffee table book from her sister, Grace Murphy ’11. “I take a lot of things from different places. I like to put them together and give them a new home,” said Murphy. Murphy recently repositioned her pink-and-green-clad bed

against the windowsill, allowing for more floor space. Murphy is an avid dancer, and she likes using the extra room to choreograph pieces. This year’s tour season went without too many odd stories about touring families, but Murphy remembers one in particular. “One day, I came back to my room, and I saw a tour in the wrong room. I went to tell them to come into mine, and found the parents going through the student’s underwear drawer!” she said. From then on, Murphy made sure to write “Tour Room” in large, capital letters across her whiteboard to alert the tour guides. For Murphy, being the tour room has been an overall great experience. “The families are always so nervous [that they’re bothering me], but it isn’t an imposition for me. I just have to remember to make my bed in the morning!” said Murphy.

Never looking back or too far in front of me The present is a gift, and I just wanna be. —Common

After the last exam, buses will be rolling in on Main Street, and everyone will be heading out. Louisa Schieffelin ’12 is thrilled for spring break. “The first week I will be going down to the Dominican Republic with my family. It’s a tradition to go there and we also have a lot of friends there,” she said. A previously popular destination for many students was Nassau in the Bahamas. Though sunbathing on the beach and splashing in the ocean waters are

all fun and games, many unfortunate and, in fact, dangerous incidents do happen. The school sends a message for students to avoid situations like these and to act responsibly while on vacation. “Every year, the school sends out a letter to parents and seniors to advise us against going on the trip to Nassau and losing control,” said Student Council Chair Ellie Parker ’11. Brandon Coulombe ’13 will be spending spring break learning new technology and experimenting with up-and-coming electronic games. “I will be going to a gaming convention in Boston called PAXeast,” he said. “There will be tons of demonstrations of new games, information panels, and

even concerts.” Science teacher Jennifer Marino is also excited to take a few weeks off from school. “I am going to visit family and friends in the greater Boston area. Also, I might go skiing in Vermont.” Trevor Anderson-Salo ’12 is traveling to the United Kingdom. “I am going to London for two weeks to visit my old babysitter. We are going to various theaters, to see many different musicals and plays. We’re definitely going to see Wicked, and a ballet.” Even though many students are going all around the world, some love to just relax back at home after a stressful winter term. “I am going to stay in Maine and ski,” revealed Devon Stockmayer ’14.

room in Louis Marx to practice the tune. After hours of rehearsal, they finally felt confident in their sound, but by then it was four o’clock in the morning. On the roster for the concert the group decided to call themselves 4AM as a play off of the Korean band 2AM and their bedtime the night before. Minutes before performing on stage, Chris Hamlin ’12 asked the boys what 4AM stood for. Before they had time to respond, Hamlin quickly asked, “Is it Four Asian Men?” 4AM was also tapped to perform at the annual trustees’ dinner in New York City in October, 2010. Michael Yang, Oh, and James Yang are fluent in Korean. Though Hah grew up in the United States, he speaks enough of the language that he can pick up the pronunciation of the lyrics quickly. Oh commented that because

Hah can reach such high notes, the group “couldn’t possibly sing half of the songs without him.” He jokingly added, “If modernday pop songs didn’t require such high notes, we wouldn’t require Phil!” The group has faced other challenges including teaching James Yang how to rap, receiving noise complaints from neighbors about Michael Yang’s uncontrollable volume, and dealing with Oh’s unnecessary attempts to harmonize every note. James Yang commented that all four boys get along well, and there have not been any “boyband fights.” However, with three of the four crooners graduating this year, 4AM will probably break up. Regardless of the fate and future of 4AM, this stylish group will live on in Deerfield legend for a long time as the band that sensationalized Korean Pop on campus.

Louisa Schieffelin Four Asian Men—comprised of friends and Mello-Ds James Yang ’12, Phil Hah ’11, Michael Yang ’11, and Curtis Oh ’11—has been educating the Deerfield community on the sound of Korean music for over a year.

MC Griffis in DA House

Susanna Kvam Griffis spits some rhymes.

like Flo Rida and 50 Cent meaningful hip hop. To him these songs just seem like “standard lyrics mixed with a good beat.” Griffis wants to learn how to rap like underground performers Blu and Lupe Fiasco. He believes that many underground rappers are able to make their music meaningful through poetic lyrics. Griffis wants to write lyrics and possibly compose a mixed tape at the end of the spring term. By using books like Anthology of Rap and Decoded by Jay Z, Griffis plans to study the history of rap from the 1970s up until present day, in addition to writing his own raps. “I believe studying the history of hip hop will help me gain a better understanding of the culture. I would like to see if I can produce good lyrics and find my style through the various forms of hip hop and slam poetry,” he said. Griffis also wanted to encourage the Deerfield community to pursue their passions. “Take advantage of directed studies in the spring,” encouraged Griffis. “Find something interesting, something that you know you want to study.”

For prospective students, the dorm room can often make or break an impression of the school. Every year, an upperclassman boy and girl volunteer to have the model rooms for incoming tours. This year, Caitlin Murphy ’11 volunteered her Rosenwald 1 single for the important job. The decision to showcase her room was not entirely her own; she hoped the responsibility would motivate her to keep the room organized. “My mom said that a clean room can give me a clean mind, and hopefully good grades,” said Murphy. With this mantra in mind, she set up her eclectic room this fall, and stylized it in her own unique way. The room is characterized by the mismatched yet fitting attire that spreads around the entire room. On the floor lie handmade

No Nassau? By EMILY NG Staff Writer

An Intimate Look at Four Asian Men

By NICKY RAULT Staff Writer

Self-proclaimed to be the single most famous Korean boyband ever to hit the Deerfield campus, 4AM has yet to make it to the top of the charts. But, the group certainly seems headed that way. The fun-loving group, composed of Phil Hah ’11, Curtis Oh ’11, Michael Yang ’11, and James Yang ’12, has performed on and off campus for over a year. The group was assembled in fall 2009 when Michael Yang asked his new, fellow Korean Mello-Ds to sing a Korean loveballad titled “Confession of a Friend” by 2AM. The boys rallied behind his idea at the winter KFC, but they forgot to rehearse their song until the Friday of the concert. Luckily, the concert was postponed until Saturday night. That Friday night, the four boys slept over in Michael Yang’s


The Deerfield Scroll

Imagination Without Words: Imago Theatre for Academy Event By STEFANI KUO Staff Writer

Delighting families, teenagers, and adults alike, Imago Theatre’s world-famous productions merge all aspects of performance, from acting to acrobatics, and from dancing to mime. According to the Boston Herald, Imago Theatre is “wacky, thoroughly enchanting. New Age vaudeville mixes Cirque du Soleil-like acrobatics and Mummenschanz-style puppetry with a hip, post modern sensibility.” The New York Times called the group “masters of mime, dance and acrobatics.” Spectacular costumes, lighting effects, sounds, and compelling acts of all kinds are incorporated

in the company’s most recent shows, including ZooZoo, Biglittlethings, and its signature piece, FROGZ. Imago Theatre is unique in that its shows contain no dialogue and yet still manage to be enjoyable, fun, and interactive. The performers’ concept is to utilize the simplest aspects of the human body, such as movement and word-free voice. Synchronized and agile, their bodies appeal to “the senses, the intellect, and the passion,” according to the group’s artistic director, Carol Triffle. Members also bring ordinary, day-to-day things to life, personifying simple inanimate objects and creatures such as polar bears, paper bags, and frogs.

Founded in 1979 by directors, designers, and actors Carol Triffle and Jerry Mouawad in Portland, Oregon, Imago Theatre has won the New York Dance Film Award and Best Touring Production by Independent Reviewers of New England. Carol Triffle studied under Jacques Lecoq, and so the company’s individual style was inspired by Lecoq’s use of gesture through melodrama, tragedy, and comedy. As part of Imago Theatre’s national tour, which includes twenty-seven different venues from Canada to Hawaii, students and faculty will have the chance to see the company’s five actors perform ZooZoo, which combines FROGZ and Biglittlethings. “Creative, clever, and sophisticated, this performance, we hope, will be a fun community event that will entertain, engage, and educate audiences of all ages,” said science teacher and Academy Event Committee member David Howell. Currently on tour, Imago Theatre will perform at Deerfield on April 12, 2011.

Now that the faculty band has increased its presence on campus by performing more often during school meetings, students have discovered their teachers’ talent outside the classroom. The current band includes faculty members and teachers from various academic departments, including Darnel Barnes, John Burke, Dennis Cullinane, David Dickinson, Brent Hale, Andrew Harcourt, Cheri Karbon, Rebecca Melvoin, Peter Nilsson, Samuel Savage, and John Van Eps. Mr. Harcourt, the band’s guitarist, explained, “Though none of us are trained musicians, we enjoy playing rock and roll for fun.” With this easygoing attitude, anyone can join the band, and over the years, “Several headmasters, deans, and teachers from every academic department have performed on stage with us,” Mr. Harcourt recalled. Beginning in 1980, the faculty band consisted of teachers who got together for a talent show and formed the “Punkadelics.”

“I joined the band the following year…when a couple of the faculty members wanted to play rock and roll on a more regular basis,” Mr. Harcourt said. However, the band’s audience is not limited to school meetings. The group also played at Stoneleigh-Burnham dances, where Mr. Dickinson worked at the time. The band has performed on campus, at local concert halls, at restaurants such as The Yellow Sofa in Northampton, and at benefit concerts including the Woodstock Revival and the Relay for Life last spring. Dr. Cullinane, a lead singer in the band, praised his fellow band members: “They’re very special to me because when we get together, we let it all hang out and nobody judges.” “I look forward all week to singing with the band on Thursday night!” said Mr. Barnes. Mr. Harcourt agreed: “That’s pretty much how we all feel.” Their current repertoire consists of about fifty songs, and the Deerfield community hopes they will continue to rock on for a long time to come.

Now, music and art lovers no longer have to leave Greenfield to catch the latest concert or exhibit. The recently renovated Arts Block, formerly Clark’s Sporting Goods store, has opened to the public with live music three nights a week, a 550-person restaurant called the Arts Block Café, a full bar, art galleries, and work spaces for painters and sculptors. With gleaming floors and double-paned picture windows, the interior is as new and exciting as what goes on inside. The basement and first floor serve as restaurants and loca-

What separates chamber music from, say, orchestral music? According to Director of Chamber Music Peter Warsaw, “The dynamic between instruments in a chamber ensemble is a little bit like the dynamic between men and women. A lot of communication and compromise are required to find common ground, but there will never be complete agreement.” Chamber musicians practice

From the Swan to the King Artist of the Issue:

Akshaya Avril-Tucker

To read the full article on Avril-Tucker’s cello expertise, visit The Scroll Online at

individually and in groups to polish their interpretations, and each day, they coach each other in seminar-style classes. As they prepare for their winter concert, tremendous responsibility lies on each musician. “The great thing about chamber is that we can develop our own talents individually, since we are the only one playing our part,” commented freshman violinist Tabata Viso. A key part of chamber music is teamwork. Coming together to interpret a piece of music pres-

ents substantial personal challenges. “I am looking forward to showing people how hard we have worked to achieve this level,” said flutist Jae Baek ’13. The concert will include students from the wind ensemble as well as from chamber music, totaling about thirty-five to forty performers. The program features “classical western” music composed between 1600 and 1980. Chamber music is, in the end, a learning experience. According to Mr. Warsaw, “It promises a lifetime of learning, and its challenges are infinitely fascinating.” The concert will be in the Choral Room March 2 and 3 from 7-8 p.m.

“A film that makes your spirit soar,” according to The Wall Street Journal, The King’s Speech is the true story of King George VI of England. When George, née Albert Windsor, finds himself heir to the throne, England is on the verge of World War II. As the new king, George must give speeches to instill hope in his people and troops. The issue: King George has a stutter. With the help of an unorthodox speech therapist, the king must find his voice, literally and metaphorically, and provide his nation with the leadership it needs to survive the war. “A witchy brew of madness and cunning,” according to The New York Times, Black Swan, the

psychological thriller starring Natalie Portman, tells the story of a professional ballerina named Nina. When Nina’s ballet company decides to perform Swan Lake, Nina’s white swan interpretation is better than her black swan, and when the talented Lily arrives and embodies the black swan perfectly, Nina becomes paranoid. As the two battle for the role, the black swan persona consumes Nina’s day-to-day life, and she ultimately discovers a new part of herself…a part that may destroy her. Both The King’s Speech and Black Swan were nominated for Best Picture, among others. Regardless of results, they clearly excelled on many levels.

Chamber and the Art of Communication By SHARON TAM Staff Writer

Ben Bolotin

tions for music venues. The second floor contains offices and classrooms for performing arts instruction and yoga, and the top two floors house artist work spaces and galleries. The small multi-media center has already attracted a host of local talents, including painter Aldo G. Pizzi, actor Jody Scalise, and musicians Leah Randazzo, Geoff Vidal, Cold Duck Complex, and Alecia Chakour. The musical aspect of the Arts Block is its most active and ambitious. Simon, an Arts Block soundman, said, “It’s going to be a grab-bag of artists performing here. We’ve had a jazz group and a Europop singer. It was fun; it turned into a rave in here.” That’s

right, raves do not only happen on campus. Simon added that the Arts Block’s goal is to “promote local musicians from the bottom up and build a more communitybased music scene… We’re really trying to bring music back to the people.” The space attracts musicians and music-lovers. Simon said, “We live and breathe music.” Local resident David C. added that the Arts Block is “a fantastic restaurant, with excellent food, great service, and reasonable prices,” and that “Greenfield is a much funkier place to go to dinner now that it’s open.” Rebecca Caplice, president of Greenfield Savings Bank, provided her take on the complex: “It’s a real focal point for all the social activity in the region,” she said. “You can probably find some kind of entertainment any night of the week.” The Arts Block is located at 289 Main Street in Greenfield. In short, it is a perfect place for artists, musicians, and anyone who wants to enjoy a night of art, music, and food.

and Restaurant Comes to Greenfield By JADE KASOFF Staff Writer

By CASEY BUTLER Staff Writer At the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, the best of the best gathered last Sunday in hopes of winning the most prestigious award in the film industry: an Oscar. This year, The King’s Speech and Black Swan have received more “Oscar buzz” than most. The former was nominated for twelve Oscars, and the latter was nominated for five.


Courtesy of David Howell It’s a butler! No, it’s an anteater! No, it’s an actor performing in ZooZoo, Imago Theatre’s playful, avant garde play.

All-in-One Night Teachers Rock Club, Art Gallery, By SONJA HOLMBERG Staff Writer

March 2, 2011


The Deerfield Scroll


March 2, 2011

Spring Teams Anticipate Preseason Traditions By CHARLIE CORY Staff Writer

Ben Bolotin Danielle DeNunzio ’12 perfects a dive in a February practice.

Diving Cuts Through New England Opposition


The Deerfield Academy boys’ and girls’ diving teams, two of the strongest in New England, are in the midst of one of their best seasons ever. They hold outstanding rankings among their New England competitors and are fervently preparing for the two most important meets of their season. As the teams gear up for these meets, Western New England Championships held on February 25 and New England Championships coming up on March 6, their practices reflect their motivation to win, and each week they perfect more and more difficult dives, such as forwards, reverses, and twisters. Every practice inches the teams closer to clinching the New England crown and beating out historic rivals Andover and Hopkins. In every meet but one, the girls’ team has dominated the podium, placing first, second, and third. The boys have followed close behind as Taylor Clough ’13 has placed first in every meet this season. It was only against the indomitable Andover team that the girls lost their first and second place spots for the first

time, while Danielle DeNunzio ’12, a two-year veteran diver, came in third. Under the leadership of injured senior Charlie Wall ’11, and younger returners DeNunzio and Clough, the divers have much to celebrate this season. Although diving is its own entity, the teams’ stellar achievements at every meet aren’t isolated. “Diving is an event in a larger swim meet, just like the 50 free,” said DeNunzio. Judges award points won by individual divers according to the place they receive—six for first place, four for second, three for third, two for fourth, and one for fifth. All points earned by divers contribute to the total scores of each school’s swim team. “At times, the diving team’s points really make the difference at a meet. Since we usually place first, second, and third for girls and first and second for boys, it really helps the swim team out to have a lot of points,” said DeNunzio. Deerfield’s diving success doesn’t only come from the team members’ exceptional talent, but from the expert coaching of Mary Ellen Clark. A former Olympic bronze medalist in both the 1992 and 1996 summer games, Ms. Clark “encourages us to ‘jam on it’ and push our hardest,” said Marina Vranos ’12.

“She’s enthusiastic and won’t take no for an answer. She’s seen Olympic diving, and she knows what it means to be a good coach, and most importantly she knows how important it is to be a classy athlete,” added Vranos. Along with Ms. Clark’s time and effort, the chemistry, excitement, and progress of the team is also a result of internal motivation. Kellam Witherington ’12 explained the dynamic relationship between the boys on the team. “Taylor really brings a lot of experience to practice. I think it’s a good balance. He’s a technical leader and I bring a lot of emotional support,” Witherington said. Georgina Hutchins ’12 concluded, “We have basically the same kids from last year, and the new ones fit in really well and also bring a lot of experience from home. We’re very funloving, but very serious when we need to be.” And the team will need to be serious as they head into the final stretch of their season. This potent combination of team camaraderie, focused effort, and striking talent will culminate in the next few weeks as the Deerfield divers take to the boards against the best teams in New England and prepare, as the team mantra goes, to “NAIL IT!”

Among the great traditions of Deerfield sports—Choate Day, honoring graduating seniors, and wearing class dress to away games—are the annual spring break preseason trips. Three boys’ teams and two girls’ teams will make the trip to various locations this March. The boys’ baseball team will travel to Clearwater, Florida, while both crew teams are moving from their previous location, Sarasota, Florida, to Boston. In addition, the boys’ lacrosse team will relocate from Orlando to Clearwater. Spring preseason is an important time for the varsity teams, as most of the team bonds and camaraderie are created over the week of the trip. “Every year the team changes with graduations, PGs, and the new sophomores/freshmen. Preseason is the time the team really comes together and builds team chemistry,” said boys’ varsity lacrosse co-captain Will Swindell ’11. Teams often go through two or three practices daily, which takes an extreme mental and physical toll on the athletes, especially under the heat of the Florida sun. “We all are going through the same thing and that keeps the team together through the entire season,” explained Bobby Osgood ’11, another boys’ varsity lacrosse co-captain. Meanwhile, for the girls’ crew team, “Preseason is an important time for the boats to gain a kind of congruency and gain a mutual

Ski Teams Take New England In the girls’ events, Lauren Stobierski ’14 was crowned the New England champion in slalom, as Annika Trapness ’13 took 3rd place and Marly Morgus ’12 finished 14th. Beth Lawless ’12 powered into 2nd place in the giant slalom, with Stobierski in 7th and Trapness hot on her heels in 8th. Jack Stobierski ’12 dominated both boys’ events, winning the slalom by 2 seconds and the G.S.

Coach DiNardo Brings All-American Experience to Girls’ Lax By RYAN LOGIE Staff Writer Upon meeting admission officer and coach Allison DiNardo, one is immediately struck by her warm smile and welcoming presence. But that smile certainly does not mean the girls’ varsity lacrosse team will have it easy this season. With a deep knowledge of the game and personal experience, Ms. DiNardo comes determined to build up what is already an incredibly strong program. Ms. DiNardo knows what she’s talking about when it comes to lacrosse. As a member of the Amherst College women’s lacrosse team, she won the national title her junior year and was a captain and second team All-American her senior year. This background is one of the things that excites players the most about their new coach. “I think I’m most excited for her to bring her experience to the Deerfield team. I’m really excited to learn from a collegiate player and especially someone so passionate about the game,” said

co-captain Hallie Dewey ’11. “I think she is an awesome addition to the program and will strongly impact the future of Deerfield girls’ lacrosse.” Dewey is not the only one who is enthusiastic about the team this year and for where the program is headed. “I’m so excited about getting to know our players, and about the senior leadership this year. Part of the joy of being a new coach is fresh eyes on all of the players in the program, regardless of what their experience or age is,” said Ms. DiNardo. Ms. DiNardo hopes to make a difference by “supporting the girls through the college recruiting experience, because I know personally how intimidating it can be, and I really want to help them to play at the [collegiate] level.” She also wants to reshape the entire lacrosse program into a feeder system, in which girls at lower levels can develop and move up to the varsity team. Ms. DiNardo eagerly anticipates the Florida preseason trip. “It will be a great way to get a sense of the depth of the team,

as well as a fun, productive way to kick off the season!” Dewey is also excited for the trip, adding, “I think this year will be defined by hard work, all starting with the spring trip this March. With Ms. Creagh, who was a great addition to the team last year, as her right hand woman, DiNardo’s motto for the season might as well be ‘no pain, no gain!’ ” Under a pair of fit, tough, and experienced coaches, the team will strike a balance between hard work and fun. “One of the things I liked best about Ms. DiNardo as our assistant field hockey coach was that she wanted us to work hard, but also encouraged a lot of team bonding and she always added fun games into practices,” said Lindsey Ziglar ’13, who captained Ms. DiNardo’s j.v. field hockey team this fall. So it seems that there are great things to look forward to this spring for the girls in the lacrosse program. With a new coach filled with enthusiasm and ready to push her players to work their absolute hardest, girls’ lacrosse will certainly be a team to follow closely this spring.

respect for each other,” said Coach Wayne Berger. Another important aspect of the preseason trips is ensuring the captains emerge as the team leaders on and off the field. “I think the biggest thing I can do as captain is to make sure everybody feels included,” said varsity baseball captain Mat DeNunzio ’11. “It is important for the older members to set an example not only in work ethic, but how they carry themselves on and off the field.” But preseason isn’t only about getting to know each other on and off the field. Conditioning and forging a team identity are equally important goals of these preseason trips. Fortunately the team gets some off time from the intense practices and hard work. The coaches and captains ensure that the entire team enjoys itself. “Last year we went to Universal Studios for a day, but this year we moved to a new place near the beach, so I’m really looking forward to spending some time hanging out,” said Swindell. The lacrosse team is also looking forward to spending time with the girls’ lacrosse team, which will be staying at the same hotel as the boys in Florida. Each year, players look forward to the preseason trips not only to spend time with friends and teammates in Florida, but also to challenge themselves physically and mentally in practices. DeNunzio summed it up, saying, “I love the preseason trips because when we all get through it the team emerges closer and more prepared for the season ahead.”

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by 4. In the G.S., Captain Keo Brown ’11 cruised into 4th, while Oliver Hopkinson ’12 rounded out the scoring in 15th. Finally, in the slalom, Hopkinson raced to 8th and Peter Stobierski ’14 grabbed 10th. Both the boys and girls won their slalom and giant slalom races, the boys beating out 16 teams and the girls crushing 11 other schools to become New England champions.

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