October 12, 2016
Deerfield, Massachussetts
Vol. XCI, No. 4
Promoting Student Dialogue About Gender //ORLEE MARINI-RAPOPORT Associate Editor In order to establish a sustained dialogue about gender, sexuality, and gender identity on campus, Deerfield has instituted gender symposiums—a series of discussions, movie screenings, and lectures. The first symposium, on September 22, focused on “just-right dating.” Future symposiums will feature Melissa Dickey and her story as a female writer; Nicole Lopez and her work with LGBTQ youth; a conversation about consent through an active theater presentation by Ms. Adaire Robinson and Ms. Anna Gonzales; a talk on dating at Deerfield in the digital age; a senior-only discussion in the spring about topics directly related to the transition to college; and screenings of three movies, including Miss Representation, The Mask You Live In, and The Hunting Ground. Mrs. Caroline Savage, Associate Director of Admission and facilitator of the first symposium, hopes that “the gender symposiums... will give students a little more perspective on what their schoolmates and classmates go through.” Mrs. Savage explained that she wants all students to have an understanding of the societal expectations placed on a gender identity other than their own, and wants to “create some empathy” with this effort.
Assistant Head for Student Life Ms. Amie Creagh explained that she sees the purpose of gender symposiums as twofold: She sees them as “proactive because gender, sexuality, and gender identity are timely topics for adolescents,” and she hopes to make those topics feel “more familiar and less scary” for students. The other intention, she explained, is reactive, as last spring, an anonymous letter was posted around campus on May 31 that criticized Deerfield’s handling of girls and liberal faculty who stand up to patriarchal norms. The letter included statements that girls were “being punished for standing up to objectification” and that liberal faculty members were “being silenced and fired for advocating for gender equality.” Ms. Creagh felt that because of this letter and other factors, “it was clear that we have some work to do.” She emphasized that “we are going to lean into it very deliberately and take on that work.” She hopes students feel that the administration is “equipping them with info, skills, and mindsets that allow them to engage with all of these issues responsibly and thoughtfully,” and that
students know their “school understands that [these] are important issues to grapple with.” Ms. Creagh explained that other factors in addition to the anonymous letter led her to think about gender on campus this summer, including a discipline case last spring and the fact that others seemed confused when she g made “subtle language n ha adjustments,” such as eZ air l using the term “ninthC graders” instead of “freshmen.” She also felt that “some cis-girls on campus had concerns that they weren’t getting the same experience as the cis-boy experience, and that didn’t feel right,” so she “took it as [her] charge to make it a priority.” Mrs. Savage decided to focus her symposium on healthy relationships and dating because she’s heard many people encourage “dating on your terms” at past girls’ meetings. She feels this is “a great thing to say,” but she questioned whether anyone—particularly girls on campus— actually understands what “their terms are,” since “what’s right for [one person] might not be what’s right for someone else.” Mrs. Savage hopes that students took two main things away from her symposium: she wants students “to reflect on their
own feelings and how they are feeling in a relationship,” and consider forethought, because “every relationship has goals, even at the very beginning,” and it’s important “to know your boundaries, to set your boundaries, to keep your boundaries, [and] be self-possessed in a relationship.” Ms. Creagh hopes students take away from the first symposium the understanding that “dating is really exciting, but you should have a plan that aligns with your own terms in a relationship.” She wants students to have “an awareness of the ingredients that make up a healthy relationship,” and wants everyone to “have set terms for [themselves] about what will be healthy for the relationship and what will not be.” Mia Silberstein ’20 attended the first gender symposium and was pleasantly “surprised by the lack of heteronormativity.” She enjoyed how Mrs. Savage “made it clear that the meeting was inclusive to all people of any sexuality,” and she “thought [Mrs. Savage] handled the uncomfortable topics really gracefully while still being honest and keeping some humor there.” Ms. Creagh stressed that through these gender symposiums, she’d love to see the community progress to a place where there are “healthy, thoughtful practices” about these issues. She hopes to both be “reactive and thoughtful” about what she considers to be such a timely issue on campus.
Deerfield Stands in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter ...and more than 2,000 other black lives lost to police brutality since 2010. Trayvon Martin, age 17
Eric Garner, age 43
//HOLLIS MCLEOD Associate Editor
Sandra Bland, age 28
Michael Brown, Jr., age 18
On September 16th and 20th, Terence Crutcher and Keith Lamont Scott were fatally shot by police officers in their respective cities of Tulsa, Oklahoma and Charlotte, North Carolina. Both men were unarmed at the time of their deaths. These two instances reflect a recent trend in unnecessary police brutality against black people in the United States. On February 26, 2012, 17-year old Trayvon Martin (pictured above) was walking back from a convenience store after purchasing Skittles, and was followed by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman, because he looked like “a real suspicious guy.” Zimmerman called the police, who told him not to follow Martin, but he did anyway. It is unclear what occured next, but one thing is certain: Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin. Martin’s death sparked the Black Lives Matter movement. According to blacklivesmatter.com, the movement is “an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise,” as exemplified by police brutality against black people in the United States. The Deerfield Black Student Alliance
(DBSA) hoped to raise awareness about the issue of systematic oppression in American society today, so at school meeting on September 28th, the DBSA showed a video called “23 Ways You Could Be Killed If You Are Black in America,” in which celebrities and public figures told some of the stories of black people who lost their lives to police brutality. After the video, members of the DBSA stood together in silence on stage, showing the community that they deeply feel the effects of these issues, and emphasizing that this issue does affect the Deerfield community. Imani Goodridge ’17, a Co-President of the DBSA, commented, “We’ve always talked about black issues and we feel like it didn’t get through to the student body last year. We wanted everyone to understand why it matters to us.” At the end of the presentation, the DBSA announced that on Friday, September 30th, the school would hold a blackout. On that day, students wore black clothes in solidarity for the Black Lives Matter movement and for the deaths of Crutcher and Scott. The blackout day was a way to bring the entire school together for one common cause, while simultaneously aiming to educate the student body on the issues facing black people in the United States today. Annie Roberts ’17,
Upcoming Event
What’s Inside
Tamir Rice, age 12
Aiyana Stanley-Jones, age 7
another DBSA Co-President, explained that among other reasons, the main motive behind holding the blackout and showing the video was so to involve the whole student body on an issue that affects everyone. “It’s always seen as a black issue when it really affects everyone in America,” Roberts explained. “We felt it was important to do something that involves the entire school.” Many students reacted positively to the blackout. Cornelia Mackay ’18, said, “Actions definitely speak louder than words and the blackout day was a symbolic way to show support to people in our community and stand together for the lives lost.” Roberts also emphasized the fact that she wants the Deerfield community to become more educated on these events and issues so that students can empathize with those in the community who are grieving. She stated, “It’s frustrating when you really care about [the Black Lives Matter movement], but when you talk about it, nobody knows what you’re talking about.” Ms. Marjorie Young, Director of Inclusion and faculty leader of the DBSA, commented, “As a community we can better educate ourselves so that we can engage in productive dialogue rather than being afraid and remaining silent… We need to commit to addressing inclusion in sustained and
Opinion and Editorial
We’re With Her: Scroll Endorses Hillary Clinton
Littles Find Family at DA Page 4
Page 3 Opinion and Editorial www.clemantine.me
Clemantine Wamariya, a human rights activist born in Kigali, Rwanda, was six years old when the Rwandan genocide broke out. Over the next six years, she and her sister Claire lived in refugee camps in seven different African countries. On Thursday, October 20th, she will share her story at Deerfield Academy.
Scroll Poll: 2016 Election
Arts and Entertainment
“Stepping” into the Spotlight
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Farewell to Deerfield Innkeepers
Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Jiu Jitsu!
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systematic ways.” Mr. Thomas Heise, who has taught United States History at Deerfield for over 25 years, offered the idea that what we learn in the classroom sometimes directly relates to these current events, thus offering an opportunity to discuss them further. “There are ways in which these issues come up in class,” Mr. Heise explained. “And when that occasion arises, it certainly is a good thing to talk about these problems and connect the study of history to what we are experiencing in the present.” Roberts agreed, saying “A huge component of Deerfield’s mission is to educate us to be successful in the world after Deerfield, and keeping up on current events is a crucial part of that.” Goodridge explained how she believes that the Deerfield community is actively trying to become more aware of what’s happening outside of our campus. “This year, there’s a different mindset… Everyone cares more,” she said. Roberts urged people to continue to listen and educate themselves about societal issues facing black people today. She commented, “If someone is feeling hurt, try to hear where they’re coming from, have empathy, and put yourself in their shoes. All I’m asking is that people try to listen and learn.”
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The Deerfield Scroll
Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 2
Opinion and Editorial Letter From the Editor D eerfield S croll Dear Reader,
Vol. XCI, No. 4
Editor-in-Chief perry hamm Managing Editor nia goodridge
Managing Online Editor William Ughetta
Front Page Editor ethan thayUmanavan
Online Editor Freddie Johnson
Editorial Editor Karen tai
Online Associate Editor simon lam Business Manager Will sUter
Features Editor Kiana raWJi
Layout Editor ashley Wang
Associate Editors Jillian Carroll Kevin Chen nadia Jo UWa ede-osiFo hollis mCleod sarah Jane o’Connor orlee marini-rapoport doris Zhang
Photography Editor roopa venKatraman
Graphics Associate Editor CLAIRE ZHANG
Associate Photography Editor maddie BlaKe
Social Media Directors mason Bonnie thomas dale Kathyrn grennon
Entertainment Editor riChard parK Sports Editor liam Jeon
Graphics Editor valerie ma
Advisors JUlianne sChloat and anna gonZales The Deerfield Scroll, established in 1 25, is the official student newspaper of Deerfield Academy. The Scroll encourages informed discussion of pertinent issues that concern the Academy and the world. Signed letters to the editor that express legitimate opinions are welcomed. We hold the right to edit for brevity. The Scroll is published eight times yearly and is uncensored. Opinion articles with contributors’ names attached represent the views of the respective writers. Opinion articles without names represent the consensus views of the editorial staff.
Striving to Grow, Not to Achieve Board Editorial As the college admissions process looms, some students feel pressured to participate in activities that help build the “ideal” application. Because getting into a “good” college is seen as essential to future success, students who try to take their focus off of college can feel like they’re falling behind their peers who are constantly racking up achievement after achievement. It makes sense that many students judge their success by their external achievements rather than by how much they learned or improved. Mr. Willy Oppenheim, this year’s keynote speaker at Convocation, referred to this mindset as an “achievement mindset.” He noted that students, especially at academically r i g o r o u s schools such as Deerfield, are constantly pushed to achieve more and more. These pressures that students face, he argued, are often a result of an achievement mindset. Instead, Mr. Oppenheim encouraged a “growth Amelia Chen mindset,” which measures success
by what is learned from an experience, rather than external validations such as awards. We believe that there are many advantages to adopting a growth mindset. Because a growth mindset alleviates the burden of working to reach expectations, students are empowered to do what they truly love and be creative. In the long run, students will feel fulfilled knowing that they chose to pursue their true passions, rather than just building a path to college. At Deerfield, there are many opportunities to succeed in the classroom, extracurricular activities, and beyond. Students should focus not only on tangible achievements like a spot on a varsity team or a 5 on a paper, but rather how they can grow while facing these challenges. While it may be difficult for ambitious s t u d e n t s to entirely abandon an achievement mindset, we believe that ultimately, a growth mindset will be far more rewarding than an achievement mindset.
I feel it necessary to address The Scroll Editorial Board’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton. This decision is one that we, as a board, have wrestled with since the very beginnings of this election. Early last winter, the editorial board of 2015-2016 discussed the potential of endorsing a candidate, as many newspapers and media outlets do. For a long time, it was an issue that we swept under the rug, one we told ourselves we would confront later. With the election rapidly approaching now just one month away we felt this issue was the perfect time to endorse a candidate. Personally, I praise Clinton for her social awareness and liberal
policies that encourage gun safety, the right to choose, and inclusion with regards to gender, sexuality, and race. At this point in time, it is almost impossible for me to picture our country being led by any other candidate on the ballot. It is important to note that this endorsement does not reflect the opinions of Deerfield Academy or The Scroll as a whole, and certainly is not an attempt to convert or convince. Not every member of the editorial board supports Clinton, and those who do not have had their initials removed from the board editorial. However, a majority of 1 /26 members elected to publicly support her. In light of this endorsment, I welcome all opinions that align with or differ from those members
of The Scroll editorial board who are endorsing Clinton in this issue. Every member of the community is invited to voice his or her opinions to me, or email scroll@deerfield. edu. We also welcome letters to the editor if someone may wish to have his or her opinion published in an upcoming issue. I hope that our community will continue to enagage in debate about this election, and that The Scroll can facilitate this ongoing discussion. As a family, we will not all agree, but that is okay. I encourage you to voice your opinion and stand behind it, but also to listen intently to those who feel differently. All the best, Perry Hamm Editor-In-Chief
Religious Inclusion Matters //DORIS ZHANG Associate Editor Deerfield has always placed an emphasis on inclusion, diversity, and acceptance within its community. However, as we continue to talk about gender, cultural, and racial issues, something is missing from our conversation: the inclusion of religion. Religious inclusion is absent from the mission statement of the Office for Inclusion and Community life, which encourages “acceptance and understanding of differences pertaining to race, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, geographical origin, and sexual orientation at all institutional levels.” This lack of inclusion is also reflected in various Deerfield traditions. As a nonsectarian school, Deerfield does not have any affiliation with a particular religion. However, traditions such as Convocation, Baccalaureate, and the saying of grace at sit-down meals impose the Christian faith onto the community and are exclusive towards those who are affiliated with other religions or choose not to practice religion. When members of the community come together for Convocation at the beginning of the school year, the program bears a resemblance to a Christian service. The choice to use the words “invocation” and “benediction,” which are often used in reference to a Christian act, implies the religious nature of the meeting. Additionally, the processional and recessional of the faculty at the beginning and the ending of the ceremony mimic
the clergy entering and exiting a service. Later, the Convocation Address from the guest speaker replaces a traditional sermon and the Deerfield Evensong replaces Christian hymns. Other than reading from scripture or the mention of God, Deerfield’s Convocation almost replicates a church service in its entirety. At the end of the school year, the tradition of holding Baccalaureate shares many of the same aspects as Convocation; in fact, it
Valerie Ma
seems to have even more religious connotations with the inclusion of Christian hymns and location at the church. There is another tradition that is more prevalent in the everyday life of students and faculty. Almost every day of the week, we enjoy at least one family style sitdown meal. This tradition fosters opportunities for members of the community to connect with one another. At the beginning of each meal, the saying of grace, which
concludes with “Amen,” is stated on behalf of the whole community. However, this expression of gratitude does not apply to everyone. I remember the first time I heard Mr. Kelly say grace and suddenly felt like I was taking part in a religious practice in which I do not believe. When the words “we give thanks” boomed from the speakers, I felt forced into a religious practice that was never my own. Somehow, being included in the saying of grace took away my freedom to choose what I believe in. Though I agree that it is important to be grateful for what we have, there is no need to recite a prayer. Rather, the school can explore other expressions of gratitude which would include everyone. Instead of saying grace before sit-down, we can take a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are to have food and know that not everyone shares this privilege. Deerfield has already begun its efforts in educating the community on understanding and tolerating difference. To take this initiative further, it is important that we include all religious or ideological affiliations that exist within this diverse community. This is not hard to accomplish. We can continue to gather as a group in a different format and without the use of words such as “baccalaureate.” We can still express gratitude for the food on the table without using a prayer. These changes are not radical, yet they go a long way in ensuring everyone feels comfortable with what they believe.
What’s the Most Important Issue for You in This Election? “The president should ensure adequate healthcare to all who need it.” Alex Kaminsky ‘17
“I’m worried about the issue of gun control. Right now, the country seems to be kind of divided on what kinds of policies should be implemented to ensure our security.” Julia Angkeow ‘18
“We need a president who will combat global warming.” Abby Lupi ‘18
“I think the most important issue is credibility and authenticity. I think that having a strong moral compass is imperative to being a great leader.” Thomas Song ‘19
“The president should be someone who will focus on reducing racism and racebased violence.” Daniel Cui ‘19
The Deerfield Scroll
Opinion and Editorial
What is the most important international issue for you in this election
What is the most important domestic issue for you in this election
Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 3
What is the most important economic issue for you in this election
What is the most important social issue for you in this election
On October 3rd, 2016, The Scroll sent out an anonymous survey to all Deerfield students in hopes of sharing the different persepectives of the community regarding the upcoming presidential election. Over a span of three days, The Scroll received 345 complete responses to four questions. We have taken the results and organized them into four charts. We thank the students for their participation and willingness to share their opinions, and we hope this survey will reveal insights into the Deerfield community.
We’re With Her Board Editorial The following editorial solely reflects the opinions of those individuals of The Scroll Editorial Board whose initials are listed at the end of the article and is not a reflection of the opinion of Deerfield Academy. The Scroll welcomes Letters to the Editor to address published content. The Scroll reserves the right to edit and publish all letters at our discretion, and we will not grant anonymity in publishing. Please address letters to scroll@deerfield.edu.
On January 20th, 2017, either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be sworn in as the president of the United States. The 2016 presidential election has reached a point where no other options exist, and US citizens must accept that in less than a month, we will either elect a former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State, or a businessman, beauty pageant
Valerie Ma
owner, and former reality TV show host. As the election draws closer, all US citizens must ask themselves: who will best represent my interests for the next four years Deerfield Academy prides itself on being “a vibrant, ethical community that embraces diversity.” Deerfield is constantly striving to improve, to become more accepting and understanding of the essential differences that create this inspiring place so many of us call home. In order for Deerfield to celebrate diversity and promote inclusion, we must choose a president who does the same. The Scroll Editorial Board fervently believes that Hillary Clinton should be elected as the next president of the United States. Donald Trump’s divisive rhetoric, frequent racist comments, and lack of political experience and
knowledge makes him simply unfit for the presidency. Clinton is an incredibly experienced public servant with the skills and focus needed to face the inevitable challenges of being president. Regardless of her opponent’s inadequacy, Clinton is supremely prepared to lead the United States for the next four years. Although she is far from perfect, Clinton has the necessary social awareness and leadership abilities to lead a currently divided nation. She is firmly pro-choice, supports LGBTQ rights, and is a long-time champion of feminism and women’s rights. Because of the current vacancy on the Supreme Court, the next president’s nominee will shape how these key issues develop in years to come. While her opponent plans to bar Muslim immigrants from entering the US and build a southern border wall, Clinton promotes comprehensive immigration reform and protections for millions of immigrants currently in the US from threats of mass deportation. Clinton has also laid out clear, comprehensive plans to combat ISIS; her opponent has declined to share any clear ideas about fighting the terror group. Instead, he merely stated that he will “bomb the hell” out of the Islamic State. As written in our mission statement, Deerfield “prepares students for leadership in a rapidly changing world.” Deerfield students learn skills and develop connections that prepare us to have a voice for positive change the world. If we want to carry Deerfield’s values into the world, the world should be an accepting place. Hillary Clinton can and will make that happen. Her opponent cannot. P.H., N.G., E.T., K.T., K.R., R.P., A.W., R.V., W.U., S.L., C.Z., H.M., J.C., K.C., S.O., D.Z., O.M., U.E., M.B.
Love Trumps Hate //ORLEE MARINIRAPOPORT Associate Editor This past summer a gunman killed 4 people in a gay nightclub in Orlando, and two black men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, were senselessly killed by police. These acts of bigotry can often feel as if they are disconnected events that steal the spotlight and grip the nation for a few days. You would expect a candidate for the highest office in the land to speak out against bigotry, hate, and violence. Yet time and time again, presidential candidate Donald Trump perpetuates and encourages this bigotry, and his reactions to these tragedies reveal more and more about what he stands for. In the wake of the Orlando shooting, one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history, rather than speaking out against the violence inflicted on the gay community or offering support to the families and friends of those who died, Trump first used this horrific tragedy to congratulate himself, taking credit for “being right on radical Islamic terrorism.” Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, called the lone gunman what he was: “A madman filled with hate...consumed by rage against LGBT Americans, and by extension, the openness and diversity that defines our American way of life.” After Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were shot in Louisiana and Minnesota respectively, Trump first ignored the events and then confused basic details about the two men in his official statement about their deaths. Compare that to Hillary Clinton, who called for an end to racial profiling and asked for “better training on de-escalation and implicit bias.”
Perhaps you think that these two instances were unusual for Trump, and argue that he should not be judged on a few missteps. But what about the time when he continually attacked Khizr and Ghazala Khan, a Gold Star family, after Khan’s heartfelt speech about their deceased son What about the instance when he dismissed injured veterans, saying, “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier ” And what about the other instances when he insulted the LGBTQ community, war veterans, disabled persons, people of color, women, members of the media, immigrants, and refugees Trump’s insults are habitual.
Throughout his entire political campaign, he has spread his hateful rhetoric through his speeches, comments, tweets, media interactions, and press conferences. Just what does this say about him and his beliefs Are we going to simply sit back and condone Donald Trump’s hateful speech and intolerant views or condemn them Trump does not limit his hatefulness to acts of police brutality and mass shootings. He has suggested that Muslims can’t be trusted and that their religion is virtually inseparable from terrorism. He has referred to Mexicans as rapists and drug dealers and focused his “foreign policy” on the building of an actual wall between Mexico
and the United States. He has been endorsed widely by white supremacists and has refused to disavow those groups and their endorsements. Given our diverse student body, with students hailing from an estimated 37 different countries, I am surprised that any Deerfield student could support Donald Trump and his xenophobic approach to the world. Deerfield students live together as a family, and that includes Mexican students, Muslim students, and Black students. Can you look one of these students in the eye and explain why you’re supporting Trump Among my friends, I count people who are pro-choice and people who are antiabortion, people who believe in the death penalty and those who do not, and people who believe in stricter gun laws and those who do not. I’ve always believed that regardless of which presidential candidate a friend was supporting, it a M wouldn’t affect our ie r le Va friendship. Not in this election. In this election, as much as I can honor a different viewpoint, if you are supporting Donald Trump, you are not my friend. This is not simply about party loyalty anymore. This goes well beyond any fundamental philosophy about how a government should run. This is an ultimate decision about whether we will allow hate and bigotry to thrive in this country. Each one of us has the potential to make a difference this November, even if you’re not yet of voting age. I urge you to make your voice heard, because love trumps hate every time.
The Deerfield Scroll
Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 4
Farewell to Deerfield Innkeepers A ter 0 ears //HOLLIS MCLEOD Associate Editor After 30 years as innkeepers of the Deerfield Inn, Karl Sabo and Jane Howard will depart Deerfield this October. Sabo, from central New York State, and Howard, originally from Bombay, but who has also lived in Paris and Hong Kong, met in New York City in 1 84. The two both lived in Greenwich Village and were married 18 months after they met. Sabo has a history in the food industry: he attended the Culinary Institute of America and worked on ocean liners as well as at the 21 Club, a restaurant in New York. Howard went to university in England after graduating from high school at a young age, which Sabo attributed to her photographic memory—a skill she still exercises today. “In this business, [her memory] is very good because she can see someone from 1520 years ago and immediately remember their name,” said Sabo. The couple ended up at the Inn quite serendipitously. Sabo saw an ad in the Wall Street Journal on how to own and operate a country inn. The couple took a course for a few days and around six months later, there was a message on their answering machine about an inn in Deerfield. Four months later, they ended up at the Deerfield Inn. What Sabo and Howard expected to be a two-year experiment turned into a 30-year career.
“Before you knew it, we had two children and the Inn turned into a lifestyle for us… We decided this is where we wanted to spend our career,” said Sabo. Sabo and Howard pointed to the major renovation of the Inn following the flood of
Provided by Jane Howard Provided by Jane Howard The left photo was taken in 1 . Sabo and Howard recreated the scene 20 years later, in 200 , shown in the rightmost photo. As Howard commented, same clothes, different hair
2011, which closed it for almost 2 years, as a highlight of their career. This renovation included major changes to the Inn’s restaurant, Champney’s. Sabo added, “We spent a lot of time
ewman ’1 e ects on ear at ing’s Academy //SARAH-JANE O’CONNOR Associate Editor
in Jordan: “I was sitting in the dining hall, with myself, a Christian, an atheist, a devout Muslim, and we were all talking about religion… that’s something you wouldn’t really find at Deerfield.” King’s Academy and Deerfield have had a strong relationship for over 20 years. However, recent international events have called into question whether global programs like Arabic Year and School Year Abroad (SYA) are still safe for students. Will Morgan ’17, who spent the last school year in France through the SYA program, believes that the benefits of attending programs abroad greatly outweigh the perceived risks. Morgan mentioned, “if you are interested in going, you shouldn’t let [terrorism] deter you… people are scared to go off into the world, but it was a really cool experience, and the risk of [terrorism] is so low.” Newman added, “I felt much more safe being in the Middle East rather than being in America. There was a point when there were over 100 shootings in America, while in Jordan there were maybe 2.” Newman would encourage anyone to travel to Jordan. She mentioned, “You don’t have to actually want to learn Arabic to visit Jordan… in Jordan there’s something for everybody.”
Ma Valerie
Zakiya Newman ’17 spent the last school year at King’s Academy in Jordan, participating in a program called “Arabic Year.” Deerfield is closely connected with King’s: King Abdullah II ’80, founded the school because his years at Deerfield led him to “imagine what a Jordanian boarding school might do for boys and girls across the Middle East.” Additionally, Deerfield’s previous headmaster, Eric Widmer ’57, left DA to become the first headmaster of King’s in 2006. Since then, Deerfield and King’s Academy have maintained an active exchange program. Newman started Arabic I in her sophomore year at DA and felt that spendng a year in Jordan would be a great opportunity to improve her Arabic-speaking skills. In addition to advancing in the Arabic language, Newman was also able to explore Middle Eastern culture. Coming back to Deerfield this year, she reflected, “I miss listening to Arabic music and everyone knowing the songs.” She added, “I love Deerfield, but it’s really weird not having Jordanian food.” Newman also highlighted the new ways in which she encountered religious diversity
Roopa Venkatraman
Miley Cyrus and a wrecking ball. Marco Marsans ’18
Caroline Goguen
The mystery gang from Scooby Doo. Ossie Heard ’18
Devil and eggs, deviled eggs. Phil Weymouth ’18
Eggs and bacon because they re great together and who doesn t love good old breakfast.
Roopa Venkatraman
Provided by DAInfo
Dunkin Donuts basketball players and donuts or Hawaiian Punch hula dancers and bo ers Maddie Blake ’17
Caroline Goguen
Roopa Venkatraman
“What’s the Best Sadies Costume You’ve Seen at DA?” The Jamaican Bobsled team. Adimora Esonwune ’18
making sure that in another 100 years, the Inn will still be operating.” As Sabo and Howard reflect on their time at the Inn, they recall many fond memories of their relationships with Deerfield faculty members.
Anna Scott ’18
“Most of our friends are Deerfield Academy faculty and staff,” said Sabo. Howard mentioned, “Our children grew up with faculty children, played in and out, went hiking, fishing, skiing, sledding, had
sleepovers… even our dogs had sleepovers with each other We all watched out for each other.” Howard also recalled her experiences with Deerfield parents and students: “Some fond ones are hugging weeping freshman moms and assuring them that all will be well, welcoming back parents over 12 years of staying at the Inn as they return with another student and another, and students who come by on Halloween costumed as students’.” Sabo and Howard look forward to what lies ahead in the next chapter of their lives. “We’re not retiring by any means. We’re still in our 60s and we have a bit of mojo left,” mentioned Sabo. Howard added, “We’re going to take a break in Spain, in a consulting job for a European hotel chain. We’ll be back to our home in Deerfield in nine months to a year.” As the two get ready to leave the valley for the next year, Howard expressed her gratitude for everything the Deerfield community has given them over the past 30 years: “We will always hold special memories of the support, affection, and laughter over all these years. And we will expect to cherish it all again when we are next back in this village ” A note from Karl and Jane: If any of our Deerfield friends from over the years would like the keep in touch with us after October 16th, our email will be hobos88 1@gmail. com.
Littles Find Family at DA //GEORGIA GREENE Senior Writer Every Friday, 25 young children from Greenfield and Turners Falls arrive on campus, eager to greet their “big brothers” and “big sisters.” Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) helps children build relationships with positive role models in 330 communities across the Unites States. According to the BBBS’s Marketing and Development Coordinator Ericka Almeida, the BBBS program has been partnered with Deerfield for 36 years. Its other local partnerships include relationships with Northfield Mount Hermon School and teenagers in Greenfield. “I think [BBBS is] the greatest partnership with a community organization that we have at Deerfield,” mentioned Mr. Jan Flaska, Deerfield’s Director of Community Service. According to Mr. Flaska, many children are recommended for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program because they do not have a mentor in their lives. Almeida also explained, “some of the kids don’t have any continuity in their homes, so spending time with their Han and his Little, Logan, spending a Bigs on Friday nights is something that they can look forward to every week.” Deerfield students who serve as big brothers and sisters are also known as “Bigs,” while the children they are paired with are commonly referred to as “Littles.” “The Bigs are so important… [and] the Littles are so enamored with them, and love spending time with them,” Mr. Flaska commented. The Bigs certainly recognize the importance of the relationships they establish with their Littles. “I know that my Little’s family life has been turbulent,” commented Maddie Thies ’17, a Big participating in the program. “Since our bond has grown stronger... I’ve gotten her to open up to me more. She used to not answer any of my questions, but now she understands that... she can confide in me,” Thies added. Bigs believe that they are able to learn
about leadership, patience, and responsibility from the younger children through BBBS. At the same time, the children in the program learn many important skills from their mentors. “I am the youngest brother in my family,” said another Big, Patrick Han ’17, “but my Little helped me realize what it’s like to be an older brother.” Both Thies and Han see improvement in their Littles every week. “I’ve always enjoyed working with kids, and it’s a really rewarding experience seeing [their] growth from week to week,” said Thies. Although both Bigs admit the relationships have been difficult at times, they say the improvement that they see makes it worthwhile. “My Little definitely behaves better than he used to,” commented Han. For example, his Little now uses better language and eats a good dinner, without wasting any food. Han also described a system that he devised for his Little in which he would begin each Friday night with three points. Every time he misbehaved, one point Provided by Patrick Han would be taken riday night in the hockey rink. away. If he ended the night with all three points, he could get an extra treat from the Greer. “[My Little] ended last Friday with all three points,” Han said. “I told him if he keeps up his good behavior we can have a movie night.” While Han enjoys seeing his Little’s growth, Thies finds pleasure in small, seemingly insignificant moments. “My favorite thing about my relationship with my little is when she gets really excited to tell me about something new that she’s learned, and seeing her joy because she’s getting the attention she deserves,” mentioned Thies. Moments like this show Deerfield Bigs that they are making worthwhile contributions to their Littles’ lives. As Han said, “I love when my little gets off the bus and he comes running to hug me every week… It reminds me that he really cares about me and the relationship we have formed.”
The Deerfield Scroll
Wednesday, Oct 12th, 2016 5
Arts and Entertainment
Decoding CRYPTONYMS //MADDIE CHAI Senior Writer
to be intrigued, to ask questions, and to look at the materials,” Ms. Hemphill said. Ms. Hemphill was initially drawn to Adamites’s work by the uniqueness of the sculptures and how they would look in the von Auersperg gallery space. “It’s quite strikingly different from the previous shows we’ve had,” she stated. Mrs. Taylor agreed: “We want our gallery to be a teaching gallery, and where there is a surprise sometimes, and there is something unexpected.” Lily Louis ’18, a student involved
Dark hulking sculptures fill the von Auersperg Art Gallery as the space’s current exhibit. According to the exhibition guide, the large, matte black figures, all built within the exhibit by Fafnir Adamites, are embedded with abstract beauty and guides the viewer through space on a path of personal navigation. Ms. Adamites, a local artist from Turners Falls, holds an MFA from the Fiber and Material Studies Department at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, as well as a BA in Photography and Women’s Studies from University of Massachusetts Amherst. Mrs. Taylor, who first noticed the artist along with Ms. Hemphill at an exhibit at Stoneleigh-Burnham School, met with Ms. Adamites in person and heard about her work. “She’s very generous, and I feel her work is very genuine,” Mrs. Taylor said. “It comes from a lot of research that she did personally, and a journey that she’s done through her life and the life of generations in her family before her.” Mrs. Taylor was optimistic that Olivia Jones the exhibit would have a powerful Mimi Pastor ‘19 and Nicole Da Cista ‘19 studies “Hesitant Moment impact on both students and faculty. Between Onset and Completon” in the Von Ausperg Gallery. “The purpose of the exhibitions in bringing the artist, noted the at the von Auersperg Gallery is to expose distinctiveness of this exhibit. students to different types of art and artist “It’s conceptual art rather than the from diverse backgrounds,” she said. “Fafnir creation of a story,” she explained. Adamites is a conceptual artist, she lives “With the exihibit, it’s the concept locally, and with her sculptures, she claims that everything she’s made has been space for acknowledgment of inherited created from objects that will eventually trauma. We hope that curiosity will bring disintegrate. The whole concept is that she students into the gallery and engage with creates will eventually fade away as well.” the work aesthetically and intellectually.” Overall, the exhibit’s main purpose Ms. Hemphill’s main goal is to garner is to reveal to people to a novel the interest of the school community. type of abstract artistic expression. Both Ms. Hemphill and Mrs. Taylor hope “We hope that art becomes a part of that the artwork in the gallery makes [the students’] lives,” Mrs. Taylor said. “We students more intrigued by different want to give them exposure to a different forms of art and artistic expression. way of working and thinking. It happens “I want them to be curious about coming in the classrooms, but this is a space in, and to be interested in what the next where it can happen in a different form.” show is. For each show, we want people
“Stepping” into the Spotlight //UWA EDE-OSIFO Associate Editor
of the team allows for a chemistry that displays when the team performs at the boys and girls’ varsity basketball games and at the introductory school meetings. Sharing similar sentiments as Bastien, Logan Knight ’17, who is currently the only male member of the team, explained that “from the moment [he] walked in, everybody was having so much fun and was so willing to teach me and the other new people”. Since ninth and tenth-graders are encouraged to participate in at least two interscholastic seasons, unless they show talent and depth in other cocurricular activities, many students do not branch outside of the sports
During the upcoming Family Weekend, the Step Team will reach outside the boundaries of varsity basketball games and perform in the arts showcase. At the first school meeting of each year, the crowd chants along when the Step Team performs “Pump it up, say what, say what ” While the amount of participants on the team has been dwindling in recent years, the Step Team this year is ready to excite the school with the talents of new members and the creativity of new routines. Hoping to attract a larger audience, the Step Team held auditions for those who would not be able to participate on the team as a winter co-curricular. Step Captain Ramona Davis ’17 commented that prior to her freshman year, the Step Team would perform regularly in the showcases. Davis believes that the showcase puts them in “a unique position where they [can] show that normal people Roopa Venkatraman [can] do the Step” and she Step Team diligently rehearses their repertoire in the acting lab. believes that the Step Team can be , which with they are familiar with. revitalized to the level it was before. “Students at DA often have to choose Step originated during the mid 1 00s in between the athletics and the art, but step in primarily African-American colleges as a many ways provides crossover between the form of expression using one’s whole body two”, said Niyafa Boucher ’18, who believes to create rhythmic sounds and motions. that Step fulfills the components of a “[Step] is one of the only opportunities rigorous athletic sport as well as the artistic for me to honor my heritage by performing aspect to the performing or visual arts. an African art form while bleeding For the fall Family Weekend showcase, green and showing school spirit,” said the Step Team will add music to their usual Zakiya Newman ’17, who has been routines. While Davis praises the amount of on the team since her freshman year. support shown for the team’s performances, The Step Team is inclusive of all grades she believes that “the Step Team doesn’t feel and all genders. Commenting on the the love” outside of school pep rallies. Davis, familial spirit of the team, Athalie Bastien along with the other senior members of 18 said, “being with the girls is like a team, aspires to leave a legacy where anyone sisterhood, where you’re learning the steps who is passionate and enthusiastic about together.” Bastien believes that the bond the team can perform in future showcases.
Night at the Museum //ELIZABETH ROBINSON Staff Writer
doing. Seeing all that enthusiasm is really encouraging when it comes to performing your own part,” said actor Rada Pavlova 18. After serving as assistant director in Cabaret last year, Michael Wang ’18 is prepared to make his onstage debut as Jean Claude, one of the visitors to the exhibit. “My favorite part is bonding with the ensemble, and working with these amazing actors in and especially outside of rehearsal,” an enthusiastic Wang remarked. However, the production is more than just a starting point for future thespians. “[The aim] is to have a really
The Deerfield theater program will kick off the year with a comedic play entitled Museum by Tina Howe. Though their tremendously successful rendition of Cabaret last winter will be difficult to top, this comedy aims to challenge it. The fall play is a uniquely hilarious show, according to its participants. Mrs. Catriona Hynds, Theater Program Director, stated that Museum is a dynamic comedy set during the closing night of an art museum. The audience will watch as a variety of characters make their way through the exhibits, and the guard struggles to maintain order. The play humor stems from its snappy dialogue and an array of 44 distinct characters, each with their own unique reaction to the same exhibits. With such a large cast, Mrs. Hynds decided to give a role to all of the people who auditioned. Making the most of her inclusive Maddie Blake casting, she aims to provide developmental Oliver Diamond ‘18 and Thanasi Tsandilas ‘18 rehearsing their roles in the acting lab. pacey, vibrant, energetic show,” Mrs. experiences for the plethora of young actors Hynds said, and her actors affirmed joining the theater program this year. “The the direction of the performance. audience is going to witness a really huge Amelia Evans 18 explained, “While it is company mingling together in a whole series relatively easy to make spontaneous jokes of interconnected vignettes,” Ms. Hynds said. with friends and score the occasional laugh A multitude of incoming and intended; it is much harder attempting to returning students, many of whom relay a similar, natural sense of humor to are new to the theater program, are an audience, especially after hearing the now participating in the show this fall same joke, repeated, every day in rehearsal.” alongside the more experienced actors. Museum opens in the Reid “Everyone is constantly looking for Black Box Theater on November 1st ways to improve, suggesting different and will run until November 4th. scenarios and little additions to what we are
Artist of the Issue: Celine Kim //TESSA MILLS Senior Writer
moment, Kim has an art exemption, giving her more time in the afternoons to clear her mind and enjoy herself behind an easel. Though constantly in the studio at Deerfield, Kim pursues art outside of school as well. When she’s in South Korea over the summer, Kim regularly attends art classes and produces her own work, much of which has earned praise. For example, she won the Gold Key Award for the YoungArts in the summer of 2015. This award was for a sculpture she based off an “exciting essay” she wrote for her sophomore year English class here at DA,
“Myself,” stated senior Celine Kim when asked who inspires her art. She has been doodling, painting, and expressing her artistic side since the age of five years old. Her mother, a fine arts major, encouraged Celine to pursue this interest. Together, they would go the art studio and draw or paint for hours on end. Celine’s mother even had Celine pose for her when she was little. Her artistic curiosities fully emerged when she left home in seventh grade to go to boarding school in the US. At the Fay School, she took art classes every term and continued to improve her skills. Her real love for art developed at Fay. “I started to really, really enjoy drawing and painting, as it wasn’t forced on me at all. I could explore freely and create different forms of whatever art I wanted to” she said. At Deerfield, Kim currently takes one of Mr. Dickinson’s advanced classes, Topics: Post AP Studio Art. “Mr. Dickinson changed my art career completely. He pushes me Olivia Jones to reach my full potential,” Kim Working dligently on her untitled piece, Celine Kim 17 relishes the explained. “The studio is always full of oppotunity for such creative exploration. laughter with Mr. D’s lame jokes, and taught by Ms. Fan. The sculpture was I’ve learned to truly enjoy art in his class,” Kim composed of wood, and resembled a human continued. Under Mr. Dickinson’s guidance, with two heads, both of which were iPad not only has her passion for all forms of art screens. Kim created this unique sculpture increased, but she has also completed a large to symbolize a person with two identities collection of works for her portfolio. During or souls trapped within one human body. her junior year, she drew and painted a In the future, Kim wishes to keep a multitude of self-portraits, a line drawing, balance between arts and sciences in her and her personal favorite, countless pastels. life. She wishes to continue studying art Many of her pieces fall under while in college, but it will not be her major. the category of surrealism. However, after high school, she wishes to “I mainly do surrealist art, especially still keep in touch with her artistic side. at a place like Deerfield because “I definitely will collect cool pieces the reality that exists here can be of artwork and possibly be involved in incredibly stressful,” stated Kim. the art business along with my career,” Art currently serves as she commented. “Plot twist, I want to Kim’s main stress-reliever. study medicine because my dad is a “I’ve been struggling with extreme doctor, and I believe that art will be an seasonal affective disorder and found that escape from that stress.” No matter art relieves my anxiety and stress,” she joked. what, Kim says that art will “definitely, “You can imagine me, super angsty in front definitely, 100 ” be a part of her future. of an easel aggressively scribbling.” At the
The Deerfield Scroll
Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 6
Friday Night Lights: Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Jiu Jitsu! //JONATHAN DONVILLE Staff Writer Ever since he was a child, Dr. Edrik Lopez has always loved martial arts. While growing up, Dr. Lopez loved watching Rocky films, and by the time he was in sixth grade, he was already participating in taekwondo. Soon he began a lifelong obsession with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a martial arts form that would eventually lead to his black belt. A new member of the English department, Dr. Lopez is excited to start the Deerfield Academy Jiu Jitsu club, and he hopes to spread his love for the art with members of the Deerfield community. Back in 1 3, Dr. Lopez began his
Will Briskin Gri n Thomas 1 practices a choke hold during the club s friday night meeting.
obsession with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu while watching the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). “What I loved about it was that it was the tournament that settled the eternal question of which martial art was the most effective. There were experts from all different disciplines like Judo, Boxing, and Kickboxing who were going to duke it out in a tournament style setting, and Jiu Jitsu won,” said Dr. Lopez. “Then they had UFC 2, and 3, and 4, and Jiu Jitsu basically won all of them, and it proved to the world the practical power of Jiu Jitsu,” he continued. One thing in particular that he appreciates about Jiu Jitsu and hopes will appeal to the Deerfield community is the temperament involved with Jiu Jitsu. “You get a clinch on somebody, and then either through a takedown or a throw, you take the fight to the ground,” he explained. “Once you take it to the ground, there is no size advantage, and any sort of expertise in striking arts is rendered useless by the Jiu Jitsu practitioner.” One of the many benefits that Dr. Lopez sees in Jiu Jitsu is the self defense it can provide for people. He commented, “Most physical altercations end up on the ground, and the idea with Jiu Jitsu is that once you are on the ground and have trained in the art of Jiu Jitsu, you will be in an excellent situation against the other combatant.” However, the self defense qualities are far from the only benefits that Dr. Lopez sees in Jiu Jitsu. “It is very addictive,” he
Howe’s it Going? //JILL CARROLL Associate Editor
Alumni Athletes Give Advice //ALLI NORRIS Staff Writer From grass fields to the ice rink, from swimming pools to squash courts, Deerfield graduated 18 alumni from the class of 2016 to an NCAA Division 1 athletic team in a wide variety of sports. And as they strive competitively in their respective colleges, they attribute much of their skills to what they learned on and off the field during their years at Deerfield.
they have an increased amount of free time, other students believe that sports commitments present a challenge in time management. “The most difficult transition from Deerfield athletics to D1 athletics has been time commitment,” Emerson Logie ’16, a member of the Brown University football team explained. “I have practices, workouts, and team meetings for about five or six hours every day, so that has taken some getting used to.” Despite the large time commitment,
As soon as Mr. Bob Howe, Deerfield’s new Athletic Director, set foot on campus, he began to implement changes in the Deerfield athletic program. With support from former Athletic Director, Mr. Chip Davis, Mr. Howe has smoothly transitioned into Deerfield. One area that he is currently addressing is purchasing “greens and greys” (green practice shorts and grey practice shirts) that are specifically designed for female
for everyone to participate in an order. “Captains need to be mindful in deciding what apparel to purchase and if it is necessary,” Mr. Howe added. This does not mean that this is the end to purchasing apparel; Mr. Howe would just like everyone to be sensitive to members of the team who cannot or do not want to purchase apparel. Roberts explained, “If you are trying to unify a team, getting 200 apparel is not the answer.” Varsity volleyball this year has made a compromise with the athletic office to have warm-up apparel become a part of the team uniform, and it can be
commented Sinclair Seeligson ’18 . “While I said. “Once you start doing it, it becomes am better at flipping, I also learned a choke a sport; it is really fun, and you form hold as well,” she continued. Although easy camaraderie with each other.” He Seeligson is new to martial arts, she is thought that these were some of the excited to see what this year will provide many ways that students at Deerfield can for her: “I hope that more people will benefit from participating in Jiu Jitsu. come out and that I will be proficient in The new Jiu Jitsu Club will meet on five the art of Jiu Jitsu by the end of the year ” Friday nights during the fall semester in Anyone looking for more info can the Kravis room, and Dr. Lopez hopes to get in touch with Dr. Lopez directly, or establish a strong foundation for the future. consult the Deerfield Bulletin, where there “Right now,” he said, “the goal is to do is an informational page with key dates five classes in the fall term… so that in the and times, dress code, and expectations. future, students will know the beginnings of the curriculum and help in teaching others.” The excitement has already begun to grow around the Deerfield campus in anticipation of the club. Griffin Thomas ’17, said that he is “looking forward to learning more about Jiu Jitsu and learning some new moves and techniques.” He also said that he thinks the balance and body awareness that he can learn from the club will be beneficial for him. “I was always kind of interested in self defense, Will Briskin and the Jiu Jitsu club Lilley Salmon 1 practices a Jiu Jitsu take down she had ust learned on Siclair was my chance to learn,” Seeligson 1 .
Liam Jeon Mr. Bob Howe, the new athletic director, poses outside the Kravis while watching Deerfield s thirds volleyball team play ronteir High School.
use. During his interview process at Deerfield, Mr. Howe heard some discontent from coaches of female sports and decided that if he were to be hired that was an aspect of the program that he would need to address right away. Players like varsity volleyball captain Annie Roberts ’17 have noticed the improvements and extra energy focused into female athletics this year. “Mr. Howe knows about us and puts time into us,” Roberts ’17 commented. “For example, before every game, he comes to say good luck to me and the team and always knows exactly which schools we are playing.” Roberts also added, “Girls teams really appreciate the addition of greens and greys because it genuinely feels like Mr. Howe cares about every team on campus.” Mr. Howe has also worked to address the process of purchasing team apparel. In the past, teams have purchased very expensive merchandise, sometimes making it difficult
purchased by the athletic department. When Mr. Howe arrived at Deerfield from his position as Athletic Director at Loomis Chaffee, he sensed a unique, “excitement and desire to better athletics” from the school as a whole that provides “a greater potential to bring Deerfield’s program further along.” While he has already made changes such as providing coach buses for away game trips longer than one and half hours for all teams, Mr. Howe still believes that there is room for improvement within the athletic program. “We have really good coaches, and I am excited to work with and help them to be able to coach more and worry less,” Mr. Howe said. By working on sportsmanship, gender equity, success in Deerfield’s league, and increasing pride in athletes at all levels, Mr. Howe believes that Deerfield can both reinvigorate and further a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in the Academy’s athletic programs.
Phil Goss ’16, a player on Brown University’s lacrosse team, felt that Deerfield’s high level of lacrosse has helped prepare him for college. “In [lacrosse, Deerfield is] lucky enough to play in one of the best, if not the best, league in the country,” Goss noted. “It’s amazing how many kids at the Division 1 level we played against in high school. Deerfield was great preparation.” Emily Yue ’16, a member of the Harvard University women’s ice hockey team, also believes that Deerfield prepared her for college-level sports: “Life at Deerfield was always busy for me, so I felt really prepared for the time commitment of college sports. I spend more time in the rink now, but I also have more free time in general, so it balances out pretty well.” While many student athletes find that
“Enjoy Deerfield and remember to have fun, even when it starts to get tough.” Nigel Andrews (Harvard University, Lacrosse)
“Push yourself more than you think you have to - no matter what D1 sport it is, it will not be easy” Phil Goss (Brown University, Lacrosse)
alumni said that playing on an athletics team so far has been enjoyable and even advantageous when fitting in as a new student. Annie Blasberg ’16, a member of the Dartmouth women’s squash team, commented, “My favorite part about being on the team so far has been becoming close with the upperclassmen. It’s always nice when you’re somewhere new to have a group of people you can rely on and go to for advice.” All of the athletes attribute a great deal of their success to their time at Deerfield. In particular, they gave credit to their coaches. “I really can’t say enough about how much the people in the Deerfield community helped me through the recruiting process,” recalled Logie. “People like Coach Barbato, Coach Silipo, Coach Davis, Mr. Philie, and Mr. Emerson were always there for me, and I can’t even begin to thank them enough for all they’ve done for me.” As each alumnus has transitioned from Deerfield into the next step of his or her life, they each agreed that personal well being is most important.
“Make your last season your best one. College ball is difficult but rewarding to those who work hard. Work hard and play hard and everything will be alright.” Tyreak Richardson (University of New Hampshire, Football)