The Short Film Brochure - Cannes 2016

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The Short Film Brochure | Cannes A guideline published by – The World of Young Cinema

The Heritage Salar Nouri

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YOUR CANNES SURVIVAL GUIDE words by Zsuzsanna Deák and Janka Pozsonyi

1. Familiarise yourself with the programme in advance. Make sure you plan your schedule, including screenings, meetings and parties so that you have time for everything. It’s harder than you think – there is simply too much on o er! 2. Organise meetings on the beach. It can lend an informal air to an important meeting, and it will be a pleasant experience you can bond over. You can make a tradition out of it! 3. A set of elegant clothes with you is essential – once we had to turn down tickets we were o ered for an important red carpet premiere, because we were wearing jeans! It’s one of the few things that are easier if you’re a girl: a skirt, a nice top, and you are red carpet ready. For guys, swap your jeans and T-shirt for trousers and a jacket if you want to be let in! 4. Try not to stay far away from it all: look out for at sharing opportunities on Facebook. People are always looking for flatmates over the months before the festival kicks off. 5. Use sun cream! e sun in Cannes can be vicious. You come out of the caves of the Short Film Corner or from a screening, rest in the lovely sunshine gratefully for 20 minutes, and there you go: your face is peeling o . Happened to us, never again! 6. Rain coats can be equally useful. Cannes can be cold and rainy in May – just look at those goosebumpy red carpet star photos! And it’s easier to queue without umbrellas. 7. Visit the international village and join the events organised there. Nowhere else can you nd out more about the amazing stu coming from cool places like Armenia or Japan. Mixing internationally o ers a wonderful opportunity to network – and to try international delicacies like Turkish delights or spicy tea from Jordan! 8. ink outside of the festival palace! Smaller cinemas hidden in the city can be a more intimate and personal experience for watching a lm. And of course, there’s nothing like a night screening on the beach! 9. Open your eyes for invitations! e countless parties in Cannes can be very strict and limited when it’s about letting in people, so stay alert! Also, be nice throughout the hunt, you’ll never know who you might meet in an elevator, or standing in line for co ee. 10. And don’t forget: a er all you’re here to celebrate the great art of cinema! Even if you miss the hottest parties, and the endless line of bodyguards block the view of your favourite star – it doesn’t matter. Right now, you’re so privileged to be here, in the centre of the lm universe. Enjoy it!

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Sometimes it is di cult to find your way in the maze of Cannes’s sections and parallel programmes, often referred to by their French name by festival veterans. Here is our little help in the form of a dictionary. French and English do have a lot in common, as it turns out!

YOUR CANNES DICTIONARY “Every year in May, Cannes gives a sort of snapshot – both ephemeral and lasting, when one adds up the years – of what constitutes the art of cinema.” Thierry Frémaux, festival director

SÉLECTION OFFICIELLE ‘o cial selection’

a collection which serves to highlight the diversity of cinematic creation through its di erent sections. COMPÉTITION ‘competition’ films that are representative of “auteur cinema having a wide audience appeal”

UN CERTAIN REGARD ‘a certain regard’ films with various types of visions and styles, those with an original aim and aesthetic

HORS COMPÉTITION ‘out of competition’ films that are not selected into the o cial programme, but still deserve a screening, and a reaction from the audience and the press

CANNES CLASSICS new or restored prints, tributes to filmmakers or foreign cinema, documentaries on filmmaking

CINÉFONDATION short and medium length films coming from film schools all over the world, o ering a testimony to the diversity and dynamism of young international filmmakers

SÉANCES SPÉCIALES SÉANCES DE MINUIT ‘special screenings’ – ‘midnight screenings’ special opportunities to view more personal works




‘film market’ a meeting place for industry professionals, who get together every year on the Croisette with one goal: the successful production of all films

‘international village’ an exhibition and networking venue that enables countries to showcase and raise the profiles of their cinematography, their cultural indentity and their film institutions

4 The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by

‘directors’ fortnight’ an independent minded and noncompetitive event which supports individually talented filmmakers by introducing their work to the critics and the audience

CANNES COURT MÉTRAGE ‘Cannes short film’

an entity which brings two sections – Short Film Corner and the Short Film Competition together, to encourage emerging talents, and the format of short film SHORT FILM CORNER an area for meeting people, exchanging ideas and promoting films with a programme including industry meets, workshops and conferences

COMPÉTITION ‘competition’ a selection of short films represented at the Competition, at the end of which the short films Jury awards a Palme d’Or or ‘Golden Palm’

CINÉFONDATION SÉLECTION ‘selection’ part of the o cial selection with a programme of short and medium length films (see o cial selection)

ATELIER ‘atelier’ an initiative which selects about fifteen projects for feature length films from around the world, and invites their directors to the festival to meet a group of film professionals, giving them the chance to gain access to international financing and speed up the production process

SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE ‘critics’ week’ a showcase of first and second feature films by directors from all over the world – the aim of the programme is to explore and reveal new creations, by discovering new talents in both the feature and short film industry RÉSIDENCE ‘residence’ a programme that welcomes a dozen young directors who are working on their first or second fictional feature film project every year, in two sessions lasting four and a half months, providing them with a place of residence in Paris, a personalised programme accompanying the writing of their scripts, and forums with film industry professionals

L’ACID a sidebar which takes its name from the initials of its sponsor – the Association du Cinema Indépendent pour sa Diffusion ‘Association for Distribution of Independent Cinema’, an organisation dedicated to helping independent films find distribution, presenting around nine feature films from around the world which do not have distribution attached,,

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Two Lies Mengna Zhu

Helga Tinna Hrafnsdóttir

A Little Something Jill Remensnyder

Jewish Blind Date Anaëlle Morf

Till the End of the Day Anna Sarukhanova

Euridice Alessandro Padovani

El Ultimo Milico César Málaga

Freckles Denise Papas Meechan

Helen’s Images Andrés Larriera

Interdit de Famille Fatou Kane

Kid Yamaka Matthew Ogens

Live Laugh Love Jola Cora

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Titanium Mike DeMille

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Wai Bi Zi Yuanyuan Qiu The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by 9

Leash Jennifer Lieberman

Gloves Gregory Caruso

Naima No Note NOEX Nostalgia Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz Sharidan Williams-Sotelo Mariia-Veronika Fedorova Esteban Robles

3x LOVE Olga Chajdas

Persona Non Grata Thomas Parker

The Candy Box Elisa Mislov

The Last Show Roberto Flores

Still Water ChloĂŠ Duval

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Like a Summer Sonata Natalie MacMahon

words by Janka Pozsonyi

First times are incredible. First times are horrible. They can be living hell and also pure moments of heaven in one’s life. Directing a first feature can also be equally uplifting and terrifying at the same time, but definitely instructive for a filmmaker who just happens to step onto the big stage. Luckily there are festivals like Cannes that appreciate the hard work of the first -timers, inviting them to compete amongst the biggest, and let them feel a bit of that special spark of fame. here are some important first time facts of the festival.

1. Every single thing had to start somehow, even the majestic ones. The first Cannes Film Festival was held on the 20th of September, in 1946. Originally it was supposed to start in 1939, but on the opening morning of September 1st, the Germans occupied France, so the festival had to wait 6 long years until the real departure. 2. That year, the very first Grand Prix was awarded to David Lean, for his drama Brief Encounter. 3. Cannes truly appreciates first -time filmmakers, that’s why they created a special award here for the fresh talents, the Camera d’Or award. It’s given out every year for a first feature, selected from one of the official categories. e festival introduced this award in 1978. 4. The official rules of the Camera d’Or: “the first feature film for theatrical screening (whatever the format; fiction, documentary or animation) of 60 minutes or more in length, by a director who has not made another film of 60 minutes or more in length and released theatrically.” 5. There’s a great number of directors who received this special award throughout the years – amongst others Jim Jarmusch (Stranger an Paradise), Miranda July (Me and You and Everyone We Know) and Steve McQueen (Hunger). 6. It was a long ride, but in 1993 the festival awarded a female director with the prestigious Palme d’Or award for the first time. It went to Jane Campion for The Piano. 7. When it comes to supporting a first film, Cannes is all about helping directors, even after the festival has finished. That’s why they created the Résidence programme, which offers a great opportunity for first (and second) time filmmakers. ey are invited to live in the heart of Paris for 5 months in luxurious circumstances so that they can focus entirely on the creation of their first script.

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The Sea Yifan Li 12 The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by

Wonderland Tang Xinyi The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by 13


4:15 P.M. SFARSITUL LUMII (4:15 P.M. The End of the World) Country: Romania Length: 15’ Director: Gabi Virginia ¸Sarga, Ca˘ta˘lin Rotaru A courier takes a hitchhiker on the road. When the hitchhiker warns him that the end of the world is around the corner, the courier labels him as crazy, without knowing this accidental encounter will change his life forever.

A MOÇA QUE DANÇOU COM O DIABO (The Girl who Danced with the Devil) Country: Brazil Length: 14’ Director: João Paulo Miranda Maria A girl from a very religious family seeks about her own paradise.



Country: France Length: 15’ Director: Félix Moati

Country: UK Length: 14’ Director: Sara Dunlop

Joachim returns to his family after his first break-up. Despite a sense of strangeness, Joachim will learn to live again.

17 year old Pixie and her friends have spent the last few months delving into a strange new world of experimentation. When unfamiliar Blondie arrives at the dying end of the summer, the gang’s routine is set to change as Pixie begins to struggle with unexpected feelings.

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FIGHT ON A SWEDISH BEACH!! Country: Sweden Length: 14’ Director: Simon Vahlne This is what happens when you call someone’s wife a whore and yell Sieg Heil. He had it coming. EPIC BEACH FIGHT!

IMAGO Country: Philippines Length: 15’ Director: Raymund Ribay Gutierrez Under the humid night within a lively slum in the centre of Manila, Inday, a 54 year old single parent of a special child goes to her unusual work.

IL SILENZIO (The Silence) Country: Italy, France Length: 15’ Director: Farnoosh Samadi, Ali Asgari Fatma and her mother are Kurdish refugees in Italy. On their visit to the doctor, Fatma has to translate what the doctor tells to her mother but she keeps silent.

LA LAINE SUR LE DOS (Law of Lamb) Country: Tunisia, France Length: 15’ Director: Lotfi Achour While driving along a road in the Tunisian desert in an old battered van on their way to market to sell their sheep, an old man and his grand-son are stopped by two policemen. In order to be allowed to leave, they have to accept a strange and unusual deal.

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MADRE (Mother) Country: Sweden, Colombia Length: 14’ Director: Simón Mesa Soto The 16 year-old Andrea leaves her neighbourhood in the hills of Medellin to attend a downtown casting call for a porno film.

Dr. Sugarloaf Sarah Mallabar 16 The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by

TIMECODE Country: Spain Length: 15’ Director: Juanjo Gimenez Luna and Diego are the parking lot security guards. Diego does the night shift, and Luna works by day.

THE CINÉFONDATION AND SHORT FILM JURY PRESIDENT OF THE JURY Naomi Kawase (JP) director, writer After winning the Camera d’or for her first feature ‘Suzaku’ in 1997, presented at the Directors’ Fortnight, Naomi Kawase returned with a whole series of feature films to the Festival de Cannes: ‘Shara’ (2003), ‘The Mourning Forest’ (Grand Prix 2007), ‘Hanezu’ (2011) and ‘Still the Water’ (2014). ‘Sweet Red Bean Paste’ was selected to be the 2015 Un Certain Regard opening film.


Marie-Josée Croze (CA) actress She was awarded Best Actress at the Festival de Cannes 2003 for her role in Denys Arcand’s ‘The Barbarian Invasions’. She also acted in ‘Munich’ (Steven Spielberg), ‘Every Thing Will Be Fine’ (Wim Wenders) and will soon appear in Benoît Pilon and Roberto Andò’s latest film.

Santiago Loza (AR) director, playwright, writer His feature film ‘The Lips’ (2010) was selected for the Festival de Cannes and won the Un Certain Regard Award for Best Performance, as well as the Best Director Prize BAFICI. His last film, ‘Si estoy perdido, no es grave’ (2014), won the Best Film Award in AntofaDocs.

Jean-Marie Larrieu (FR) director, screenwriter After shooting several short films, JeanMarie Larrieu and his brother, Arnaud (his permanent artistic collaborator) debuted in the Competition at the Festival de Cannes in 2005 with ‘To Paint or Make Love’. In 2015, ‘21 Nights with Pattie’ brought together Isabelle Carré, Karin Viard and André Dussollier and was awarded the Best Screenplay at the San Sebastián Festival.

Radu Muntean (RO) director, screenwriter His feature film ‘Boogie’ was presented at the Directors’ Fortnight in 2008, as well as many other festivals including Karlovy Vary and Rotterdam. In 2010, ‘Tuesday, After Christmas’ was presented in the Un Certain Regard selection. He returned to La Croisette (Un Certain Regard) in 2015, with his fifth feature, ‘One Floor Below’.

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Hello! I’m a Producer of Woody Allen Marina Orlova The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by 19

Humming Hisanori Tsukuda 20 The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by

Emily’s Diary Shuzi

Final Stop ARTONIX STUDIOS The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by 21

Ghost of the Sun Koji Yamamoto

After The Mass After The Mass Afinogenova Sofia 22 The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by


1 KILOGRAM Country: Republic of Korea Length: 29’ Director: Park Young-Ju Five years after her son’s death, Min-young joins a group for women who have lost a child, only to hear someone laughing.

AILLEURS (Somewhere) Country: France Length: 6’ Director: Mélody Boulissière Suffering from consumer’s fever, a young man starts a journey to the end of the world.

A NYALINTÁS NESZE (The Noise Of Licking) Country: Hungary Length: 9’ Director: Nadja Andrasev A woman is being watched every day by the neighbour’s cat, as she takes care of her exotic plants. Their perverted ritual comes to an end when the cat disappears. Next spring a peculiar stranger pays her a visit.

ANNA Country: Israel Length: 24’ Director: Or Sinai It’s a hot summer day, and for the first time in years Anna unexpectedly finds herself alone, without her son. She sets out for the day, roaming the streets of her small desert town, looking for a man who can touch her, even just for one brief moment.

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ARAM Country: Iran, France Length: 17’ Director: Fereshteh Parnian Ordinary decisions of daily life...

BEI WIND UND WETTER (Whatever The Weather) Country: Switzerland Length: 11’ Director: Remo Scherrer Wally’s life is increasingly turned upside down by her mother’s alcohol addiction. Helplessness, excessive demands and desperation shape her childhood – a daily struggle for survival.

BUSINESS Country: Argentina Length: 20’ Director: Malena Vain A girl, alongside her guitar, reunites with her father in a hotel room. He’s a businessman on a visit to Argentina, the country he once called home. She’s back from playing at a concert. Night falls between those four white walls, until the sun rises again.

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DOBRO (Fine) Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina Length: 15’ Director: Marta Hernaiz Pidal Mira, a Romani woman, decides to sit and rest at the front entrance of Selma’s block of flats. Selma notices her and becomes annoyed by the situation. She will try everything to kick Mira out, but she will refuse by only answering her with the word “fine”.

GABBER LOVER Country: France Length: 13’ Director: Anna Cazenave Cambet Nérac, in the early 2000s. Laurie and Mila, 13 years old, dance on Gabber music, on the shores of a remote lake. Mila is in love with Laurie and she wants to tell her.

IN THE HILLS Country: UK, Iran Length: 21’ Director: Hamid Ahmadi Shahram is a young immigrant who lives in the idyllic countryside of the Cotswolds in England. To integrate into the new society, he chooses a rather radical approach.

GUDH (Nest) Country: India Length: 28’ Director: Saurav Rai Gudh reminisces those childhood memories, which perhaps everyone went through in life. Those obscure moments etched into our memories, which we find hard to correlate as grown-ups. It’s about Ajay, his childhood, and his love for his mother, his village, its on-going revolution and the changes it brings forth.

LA CULPA, PROBABLEMENTE (The Guilt, Probably) Country: Venezuela Length: 14’ Director: Michael Labarca It is the dead of night and there is a blackout in the city. A single mother is visited by Cándido, her former partner and her most recent failure as a father figure for her little daughter. He returns as he wants to protect them in the dark, probably...

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LA SANTA CHE DORME (The Sleeping Saint)

LAS RAZONES DEL MUNDO (The Reasons In The World)

Country: Italy Length: 19’ Director: Laura Samani

Country: Mexico Length: 37’ Director: Ernesto Martínez Bucio

Giacomina is chosen as guardian of Saint Achillea for the annual procession. It would be the most beautiful day, but her best friend has been found in a state of a seeming death, her body is still warm. The village is hailing it as a miracle walking in procession with the girl instead of the statue.

I can’t tell my name. I am 3 months pregnant. They pay us to take care of people with my boyfriend. We want to leave. We have enough money. But they brought another guest. He’s 8 years old. We’ve never taken care of any kid before. He’s getting sick and my boyfriend doesn’t want to do anything.



Country: Belgium Length: 19’ Director: Alexandre Gilmet Georges, a very angry garbage man, rushes toward the front door of a huge house. He wants to kick the ass of the “rich asshole” who has left razor-sharp objects in his trash bags. However, when the door opens, Georges realizes that the rich asshole is a handicapped man in a wheelchair...

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Country: Lebanon, US Length: 21’ Director: Mounia Akl Under the imminent threat of Lebanon’s garbage crisis, Hala, a wild child inside of a woman is the only one to refuse evacuation, clinging to whatever remains of home.

THE ALAN DIMENSION Country: UK Length: 8’ Director: Jac Clinch Alan Brown uses divine powers of precognition to foresee the fate of Mankind… and breakfast. Meanwhile, Wendy has had enough of being married to “the next step in cognitive evolution”.

TOATE FLUVIILE CURG ÎN MARE (All Rivers Run To The Sea) Country: Romania Length: 24’ Director: Alexandru Badea Radu is having a hard time dealing with his mother’s death.

Lost Face Sean Meehan The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by 27

Fantaisie Impromptu - a prologue Maria Eduarda Gomes de Almeida

#nofilter Cristina Graves

Iceland Francis Bordeleau

Bodas Alexia Maltner

Eat Snow Max Hegewald

Ginger Selina Sondermann & Philip Reinkingand

INIPI Alvaro Nunez

Life as a Rhizome Lisiana Kieling

Lucy Alex Giannoulis

Nous RĂŞvons Alberto Spaziani

Pompei Eternal Emotion Scabec Spa

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Victoria Lau Suet Kwan Connie The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by 29

A Safe Maria Antonova

Rhythm in Me Mathilde Dehaye 30 The Short Film Brochure – Cannes by

DAVID DI DONATELLO 2016 in concorso


Heil Eva-Maria Naburtowitz

La Llorona Celine Hoppe

Her Ring Alessandro Amante

Prunus Persica Evan Adler

Seule Sylvain Razemon

The Correspondent Alan King

To Feel Human Fraser Precious

Vardoger Ludovic De Gaillande

Wild Flower Marianne Cicmanec

Your Secret Anthony James Faure

THE SHORT FILM BROCHURE | CANNES Editor in chief: Dániel Deák Project coordinator: Ildikó Ságodi Art director and graphic design: Zoltán Bukovics Cover image and illustrations by: Panni Bodonyi | You can also find this magazine online at: The Short Film Brochure is published by Daazo Film and Media Ltd. Published in Hungary, May 2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is forbidden save with the written permission of the publishers. | ISSN 2064-2105 (Online) – ISSN 2064-2113 (Print) – the European Shortfilm Centre is supported by the MEDIA programme of the EU.


05. 15.

14:15 CR 1

19:45 CR 1

05. 17.

14:15 CR 2

19:45 CR 2

Salle Debussy

05. 18.

14:30 CF 1

05. 19

11:00 CF 2

05. 20.

11:00 CF 4

05. 21.

11:30 SF 1

Theatre Croisette JW Marriott

Salle Buñuel

14:30 CF 3

14:45 QR 1 12:00 QR 2

16:00 SF 1


CF 1 | Programme 1 (1h23’) | Dobro (Fine) | Submarine | Ailleurs (Somewhere) | Gabber Lover | Gudh (Nest) CF 2 | Programme 2 (1h25’) | Aram | In the Hills | A nyalintás nesze (The Noise of Licking) | La Culpa, Probablemente (The Guilt, Probably) | Toate Fluviile Curg În Mare (All Rivers Run to the Sea) CF 3 | Programme 3 (1h23’) | La Santa Che Dorme (The Sleeping Saint) | Poubelle (Trash) | The Alan Dimension | Las Razones Del Mundo (The Reasons in the World) CF 4 | Programme 4 (1h24’) | Business | Anna | Bei Wind und Wetter (Whatever the Weather) | 1 Kilogram SHORT FILM SELECTION – SF

SF 1 | 2h27’ | La Laine Sur Le Dos (Law of Lamb) | Dreamlands | Timecode | Imago | Madre (Mother) | A Moça Que Dançou Com O Diabo (The Girl Who Danced with the Devil) | Après Suzanne | 4:15 p.m. Sfarsitul Lumii (4:15 P.m. The End of the World) | Il Silenzio (The Silence) | Fight on a Swedish Beach!! SHORT FILMS FROM THE QUINZAINE DES RÉALISATEURS SELECTION – QR

QR 1 | Programme 1 (1h35’) | Happy End | Hitchhiker | Zvir | Abigail | Chasse Royale | Listening to Beethoven QR 2 | Programme 2 (1h39’) | Léthé | Import | Habat Shel Hakala | Decorado | Kindil El Bahr SHORT FILMS FROM THE SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE SELECTION – CR

CR 1 | Programme 1 (1h48’) | Le Soldat Vierge | Prenjak | Campo De Víboras | Oh what a Wonderful Feeling | O Delírio é a Redenção dos Aflitos CR 2 | Programme 2 (1h43’) | Limbo | L’Enfance d’un Chef | Ascensão | Superbia | Arnie

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