目 錄
with the
for our
主席獻辭 Chairperson's Message
傳承愛國愛港 Hong Kong
堅守「一國兩制」 16 Firmly Safeguard “One Country, Two Systems” 實現優質民主 Realising Virtuous Democracy
of development
關於民建聯 About DAB 基本資料
Basic Information 成立宣言
10 July 1992 The Manifesto 千禧宣言
1 January 2000 Millennium Declaration 25 周年宣言
25th Anniversary Declaration 我們的理念
The DAB Ideals 政策主張
Proposals 組織架構
Organization 歷屆中央委員會、常務委員會、監察委員會及顧問名單 Members
Former Members
of the
歷屆立法局 / 立法會議員名單 Members
Central Committee, Standing Committee, Senate and Party Advisors
Former Members
of the
Legislative Council 選舉往績
Election Results 大事記
Milestones 會歌 Song
民建聯成立 25 年了。回顧歷史,我們遇過不少困難, 甚至挫折,但始終堅持初心,真誠地服務市民和建設 香港。民建聯由成立之初的 56 人,發展到今天超過 34,000 人,有 2 名行政會議成員、12 名立法會議員 和 117 名區議員,我們的地區網絡也擴展到全港 18 區。能夠取得這些成績,我們由衷感謝每位支持我們 的市民。 經過 25 年發展,民建聯確立了跨階層發展的路線。 我們的會員來自工商、專業和基層,緊貼社會脈搏。 我們堅持從香港的整體利益出發,與社會各方溝通協 商,促進團結,爭取共贏。我們堅持「是其是、非其 非」的原則,通過積極監察和建言,協助特區政府改 善施政。這些年來,不少年輕人加入民建聯,為我們 的隊伍注入了活力。我們積極培養政治人才,並銳意 建立選拔機制,讓新一代有更多機會參與兩級選舉, 及擔當黨內領導責任。 回顧過去,展望未來,民建聯提出了「擇善有為」的 口號。我們將致力實踐「傳承愛國愛港、堅守一國兩 制、實現優質民主、共享發展成果」四個理念,努 力提高參政議政和服務市民的水平,爭取為「一國兩 制」的成功和香港的繁榮穩定作出更大貢獻。 主席 李慧琼
The DAB has been established for 25 years now. Looking back at its history, we have faced many challenges and frustrations, but we have persevered in holding on to our founding idea of wholeheartedly serving the people of Hong Kong and developing the city. The DAB has grown from its 56 founding members to the 34,000-plus members of today. We have 2 Executive Council members, 12 Legislative Councilors and 117 District Councilors and we have branch offices in all 18 districts of Hong Kong. We have to thank each and every one of our supporters who that has allowed us to achieve such fine results. Through 25 years of development, the DAB has become a party that crosses and transcends social boundaries. Our members come from the business, professional and working classes and together they have a clear sense of the social undercurrents in Hong Kong. We have persisted in serving the common good of Hong Kong as a whole, in communicating and consulting with different sectors of society, to bring society together and to seek mutually beneficial solutions to problems. We insist on the principle of "telling it like it is", and we both proactively and constructively monitor the government in order to help improve its governance. In recent years, many young people have joined the ranks of the DAB and brought a fresh sense of energy to our team. We proactively train young people in politics and we set up a selection mechanism that will allow the next generation to have greater opportunities to stand for election to both the District and the Legislative Council, and to take the mantle of leadership and its accompanying responsibilities within our party. Remembering the past and looking to the future, the DAB's current slogan is "Stand by what is right and strive for results". We will continue to work hard to implement our core political philosophies which include "Endowed with the Love for our Country and Hong Kong, Firmly Saveguard “One Country, Two Systems”, Realizing Virtuous Democracy, and Sharing the Fruits of Development”. We will work hard to improve the efficiency of both our political participation and our service to the people. This will help us make "One Country, Two Systems" into a success and allow us to make a greater contribution to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. Chairperson Lee Wai King, Starry
Chairperson's Message
主 席 獻 辭
Chairperson's Message
民建聯於 1992 年的成立宣言一開首便指出:民建聯 的立場是愛國愛港,擁護香港回歸祖國,實踐一國 兩制,貫徹《基本法》。二十五年走過,民建聯當 年創會的元老陸續退下火線;今年再寫聯盟的宣言 時,「傳承愛國愛港」仍是第一項宗旨。
We set out our position very clearly right at the beginning of our founding manifesto in 1992: “Our fundamental position is devotion to China and Hong Kong. We support the return of Hong Kong to the Motherland, and we support the implementation of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ and the Basic Law.”
過去二、三十年,在香港,一般人都把政黨和政治人 物劃分成對立的兩個陣營,不是屬於建制派,就是屬 於反對派。反對派把對方叫做「保皇黨」,把自己叫 做「民主派」;建制派則指反對派「反中亂港」,稱 自己「愛國愛港」。但「愛國愛港」到底有甚麼內涵, 卻很少人加以深究。
Over the past 25 years, the founding members of the DAB are gradually retiring from politics. Being “devoted to China and Hong Kong” remains the first principle enshrined in our manifesto as we revisited and reiterated our founding manifesto this year.
民建聯成立時的宣言,對愛國愛港是這樣說明的:「我 們愛國,殷切希望中國穩定、繁榮、民主、進步,主 張香港與內地加強合作溝通和相互促進,反對隔絕、 疏離和對抗。一切有利於實現一國兩制、促進香港與 內地全面發展的事,我們均全力以赴。我們愛港,以 維護香港整體利益,維護社會穩定、進步、發展為行 動的指南,一切對香港有利的事我們都爭取去做。我 們相信,致力實踐一國兩制,促進香港繁榮進步和與 內地聯繫,是對中國積極和實際的貢獻。」以上的演 繹放到今天香港的環境仍然合適。 民建聯作為香港的政團,愛國愛港的具體表現,是承 擔起維護國家主權、安全和發展利益的義務,致力推 動有利香港發展、促進繁榮穩定的事,肩負起在香港 維持一國兩制和履行《基本法》的責任。在政治紛擾 的環境中,不忘民建聯成立時的初心,就是我們這一 輩希望傳承下去的理念。 曾鈺成
During the past 20-30 years, the general population has divided political parties and politicians into two competing camps, so if you are not in the Establishment camp, you are in the Opposition camp. The opposition camp labels its opponents “lackeys” and calls itself the “democratic camp”. The establishment camp fights back by labeling its opponents “traitors and rabble rousers” and calling themselves “devoted to China and Hong Kong” in contrast. But as regards the actual contents of being “devoted to China and Hong Kong”, it has to be said that not many people have a deep understanding of this concept. The DAB founding manifesto of 1992 explains being devoted to China and Hong Kong as follows: “We love our country and we sincerely hope that China will be stable, prosperous, democratic and progressive. We insist that the relationship between Hong Kong and China should be one of cooperation and communication, as opposed to separation, alienation and antagonism. We shall do our utmost to expedite any activities conductive to the realization of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ and the overall development of Hong Kong and China. We love Hong Kong and our guidelines are to work to protect Hong Kong’s overall interests, to promote social stability, progress and development. We strongly believe that by working towards the proper implementation of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ and the promotion of Hong Kong’s prosperity, progress and her link with China, we will be making positive and practical contributions to China.” Such an explanation for this concept is still applicable to the Hong Kong of today. As the DAB is a political party in Hong Kong, the manifestation of being devoted to China and Hong Kong is shown in protecting the sovereignty, safety and development of our nation. We will proactively promote development that will be beneficial to Hong Kong’s interests, promote issues that help stability and prosperity, and therefore take up the sacred duty that Hong Kong has towards preserving “One Country, Two Systems” and following the Basic Law. In our fractured and unstable political environment, the DAB shall never forget its founding principles and spirit. This is the principle and idea that our founding members wish to preserve for posterity. TSANG Yok Sing, Jasper
Endowed with the Love for Our Country and Hong Kong
傳 承 愛 國 愛 港
E nd ow ed w it h t he L ove f or O u r Cou nt ry and H ong K ong
獻 節錄自 1992 年 7 月 10 日 民建聯成立宣言
“We love our country and we sincerely hope that China will be stable, prosperous, democratic, and progressive. We insist that the relationship between Hong Kong and China should be one of co-operation and communication, as opposed to separation, alienation and antagonism. We will do our utmost to expedite any activities conducive to the realization of “one country, two systems” and the overall developments of Hong Kong and China. We love Hong Kong and our guidelines are to work to protect Hong Kong’s overall interests, to promote social stability, progress and development. We will strive to do anything that is good for Hong Kong. We strongly believe that by working towards the proper implementation of “one country, two systems” and the promotion of Hong Kong’s prosperity, progress and her link with China we will be making positive and practical contributions to China.” Extracted from the Manifesto of the DAB, 10 July, 1992
民建聯成立 The founding members gathered at the Inauguration Meeting on 10 July, 1992
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_民 建 聯 的 基 因
八十年代末,港人因看不清回歸後的前景,社會上彌 漫著對前途的疑惑及憂慮,人心不穩觸發一波波的移 民潮。正當香港風雨飄搖之際,一群愛國愛港人士 組織「建港協會」,並提出「留港建港」的主張,期 望為穩定香港及順利回歸盡一分力,而部份「建港協 會」的發起人,其後成為了民建聯的創黨成員。 1991 年立法局選舉,幾位親中人士初試啼聲參與立 法局直選。在不利的政治環境及選舉制度下迎難而 上,雖然他們取得十多萬選票,但最終亦無法爭取到 任何議席。選舉失利沒有令他們氣餒,反而激起大家 日後更積極參選,並一致決定透過組織政黨,為日後 的選戰秣馬厲兵。在這個背景下,成立民建聯的籌組 工作迅速地在同年年底開展。 1992 年 7 月 10 日,經過大半年頻繁的商討及緊密的 籌備,56 名創黨會員在尖沙咀文化中心宣佈民建聯 正式成立。創黨主席曾鈺成在致辭時,以莊嚴的語態 提出民建聯愛國愛港的理念、支持《中英聯合聲明》 和《基本法》的立場,以及決心留港建港的取態。 民建聯 56 位創黨成員背景各異,而令他們凝聚起來 的,除了一份對香港回歸的責任感外,正是各人秉持 的愛國愛港信念。
To Love the Country and Love Hong Kong : The DAB’s Values
愛 國 愛 港
1984年12月19日,中英兩國的代表在北京,就香港 前途問題簽署了《中英聯合聲明》,當時英方承諾採 取互諒互讓的態度,確保香港平穩過渡。但其後發生 的「六四事件」打破了既有的政治格局,英方開始偏 離了原來「還政於中」的政治承諾,香港的政治生態 亦因而發生根本的變化。
On 19 December, 1984, representatives of China and the United Kingdom met in Beijing and signed the “Sino-British Joint Declaration” on the issue of Hong Kong’s future. At the time, the British stated that they were committed to mutual understanding between the two sides and guaranteed the stability of Hong Kong. However, the June Fourth incident disrupted this template. The British started to back away from the political promise to return political power to China. Thus, the politics of Hong Kong changed at a very deep level. In the late 1980s, the people of Hong Kong could not see a clear future after the Handover and the society was filled with apprehension and doubt about the future. This apprehension led to a large wave of emigration to foreign countries. During this trying time for Hong Kong, a group of patriots who loved the nation and loved Hong Kong organized themselves and proposed the notion that we should stay in and develop Hong Kong. They hoped to play a role in stabilizing Hong Kong to ensure a smooth Handover, and some of them became founders of the “Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong” . In the 1991 elections for the Legislative Council, a few pro-China individuals tested the waters by standing for election. In the unfavourable political environment and electoral rules at the time, over 100,000 votes were cast for these brave individuals but none of them were able to win any seats in Legco. This electoral setback did not make them lose heart, but only made them more determined to prepare for future elections by organizing a political party. With this background, the latter half of 1991 was spent in feverish activity laying the groundwork for the DAB’s inception. On 10 July, 1992, after frequent discussions and extensive preparation spread over half a year, 56 founding members announced the formal creation of the DAB at the Tsim Sha Tsui Cultural Centre. In his speech, party founder Tsang Yok Sing laid out in solemn tones that loving the country and loving Hong Kong is the raison d’etre of the DAB. He announced that the DAB supported the Joint Declaration and the Basic Law and was determined to stay in and develop Hong Kong. The 56 founding members of the DAB came from diverse backgrounds, but what united them was a sense of responsibility towards ensuring a smooth handover and their motto of loving the country and loving Hong Kong.
籌備成立工作會議 Preparatory work meeting
An explanation of the DAB Logo 會 徽 中 隱 含 D (Democracy) 及 B (Betterment of our society) 兩個英文字。大輪廓象徵中國,表達民主回 歸的意思;小輪廓象徵香港,表達民主建港的意思。 大小輪廓聯成一線,代表中港一體、息息相關、互 相依存的密切關係。
The Meaning of the“Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong”
The logo is made up of the letters “D” and “B”. “D” stands for “democracy” and the “B” inside stands for “betterment of our society”. The logo gives expression to our determination to contribution to the democratic development of Hong Kong, and to build a better place for everybody to live in. The two loops symbolize the interactive and interdependent relationship between Hong Kong and China. The logo looks like the Chinese character “ 回 ” (meaning “return”), symbolizing our readiness to embrace the return of Hong Kong to our motherland.
「民主」 Democratic: 以民為本、民主開放、求同存異 Serving the people, democratic and open, sharing common goals and tolerant of differences
「建港」 Betterment of Hong Kong: 有決心和承擔,也有信心和能力,建設更美好的香港 With determination and commitment, confidence and ability to build a better Hong Kong
「聯盟」 Alliance: 成員來自不同階層、要組織起來 An organization comprising members from all social strata
創會主席曾鈺成在 1992 年 7 月 10 日文化中心,宣布民建聯成立 Founding Chairperson Tsang Yok Sing announced the establishment of the DAB in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre on 10 July, 1992
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創會會員在文化中心外合照 Group photo of DAB founding members
文漢明 方 和 王國興 何景安 吳兆華 吳康民 吳國榮 李念慈 李述龍 李祖澤 李博恩 李鐵輝 屈 超
洪清源 胡樹焯 孫啟昌 梁愛詩 梁煜林 陳立志 陳旭輝 陳協平 陳思誦 陳建威 陳婉嫻 陳崇煒 陳瑞霖 陳樹標 陳鑑林 麥宜全 陸聯芬 曾鈺成 程介南 馮培漳 黃永剛 黃立誠 黃建立 黃建源 葉建鑣 葉國忠 葉國謙 葉順興 鄒燦基 楊耀邦 劉慶祺 潘國華 蔡煒亨 盧志強 鄭艾倫 駱建華 簡永基 簡志豪 顏錦全 譚尚滔 譚國雄 譚耀宗 關 毅
List of 56 Founding Members
MAN Hon Ming FONG Wo WONG Kwok Hing HO King On NG Siu Wah NG Hong Mun NG Kwok Wing LI Nin Chee LEE Shu Lung LEE Cho Jat LI Pok Yan LEE Tit Fai WUT Chiu ANG Ching Yuan WU Shu Cheuk SUEN Kai Cheong LEUNG Oi Sie LEUNG Yuk Lam CHAN Lup Chi CHAN Yuk Fai CHAN Hip Ping CHAN Sze Chung CHAN Kin Wai
CHAN Yuen Han CHAN Sung Wai CHAN Shui Lam CHAN Shue Biu CHAN Kam Lam MAK Yee Chuen LUK Luen Fun TSANG Yok Sing CHENG Kai Nam FUNG Pui Cheung WONG Wing Kong WONG Lup Shing WONG Kin Lap
WONG Kine Yuen YIP Kin Biao IP Kwok Chung IP Kwok Him IP Shun Hing CHOW Charn Ki YEUNG Yiu Pong
LAU Hing Key PUN Kwok Wa CHOI Wai Hang LO Chi Keung CHENG Ngai Lung LOK Kin Wah KAN Wing Kay KAN Chi Ho NGAN Kam Chuen TAM Shang Too TAM Kwok Hung TAM Yiu Chung Kwan Yi
-民 建 聯 的 初 衷
儘管政制過渡無法實現,民建聯依然期望雙方盡最大 的努力在其他方面合作,確保平穩過渡。當時,我們 向中國副總理兼外交部長錢其琛表達了這個期望,同 時致函英國外相韓達德,要求英方實踐《中英聯合聲 明》的諾言,考慮香港的長遠利益。
1994 年,全國人大常委會成立預備工作委員會,在 沒有英方合作下籌備成立回歸後首屆香港特區政府。 兩年後,預委會進而成為香港特區籌備委員會。而籌 委會的工作之一是安排組成臨時立法會,以取代彭定 康方案下產生的末屆立法局,直至特區首屆立法會按 照《基本法》產生。 不論是預委會、籌委會及臨時立法會的工作,均對香 港的順利回歸發揮決定性的作用,故民建聯多位成員 均積極參與,全力以赴。
成員報名參選臨時立法會 DAB members register to stand for election to the Provisional Legislative Council
Supporting the Handover : The Original Raison D’etre of the DAB
支 持 回 歸
AB 「擁護香港回歸祖國,實踐一國兩制,貫徹《基本 法》」是民建聯成立的初衷,亦是我們回歸前的基本 立場。我們認為,中英兩國應通過合作磋商,以確 保香港平穩過渡。我們多次向兩國政府表達了這個訴 求,並在中英談判期間發表了對 94、95 年選舉安排 的整套建議,提倡以「先易後難」的方式,爭取協議。 無奈中英雙方在經過 17 輪會談後破裂收場,港英政 府單方面向立法局提交彭定康的政改方案,中方則表 明按此方案成立的立法局不能過渡九七。
“The DAB strives to protect and ensure the smooth handover of Hong Kong to our nation, to put the principle of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ into practice and to implement the Basic Law” were the list of reasons why the DAB was founded and was our firm position prior to the Handover. We felt that China and the United Kingdom should cooperate to ensure a smooth transition and handover in Hong Kong. We appealed to the governments of both countries multiple times. During the Sino-British negotiation period we put forward a proposal on the arrangement of 1994 and 1995 elections and suggested that both sides strive for an agreement by dealing with the easy issues first. However, it was unfortunate that this fell through after 17 rounds of negotiations. The British colonial government unilaterally put forward the constitutional reform package of Chris Patten to the Legislative Council, whereupon the Chinese side made clear that this unilateral reform package implemented by Legco would not last past 1997.
Even though the political through-train could not be implemented, the DAB still hoped that China and the UK would work hard to cooperate on other matters and ensure a smooth and stable handover. At the time, we expressed this hope to Vice Premier of the State Council and Foreign Minister of the PRC Qian Qichen, and wrote a letter to British Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd calling on the British to implement the terms of the “Sino-British Joint Declaration” and to think of the long-term welfare of Hong Kong. In 1994, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) established a Preliminary Working Committee (PWC) to prepare to set up the SAR government without British cooperation. By 1996, the PWC became the Preparatory Committee (PC) and one of its functions was to set up a provisional Legislative Council to take over from the Legco established by the reform package of Chris Patten until the first Legislative Council was ready to be set up according to the Basic Law. Since the Preparatory Committee, the PWC and the provisional Legco played decisive roles in ensuring the smooth handover of Hong Kong to our country, many DAB members proactively participated in the work of these institutions with all their hearts and minds.
慶祝香港九周年回歸大巡遊 We held a march to celebrate the 9th anniversary of the Handover in 2006
E nd ow ed w it h t he L ove f or O u r Cou nt ry and H ong K ong
-民 建 聯 的 方 向
1992 年民建聯公佈首份政綱,強調「平穩過渡、繁 榮創富、安居樂業」。回歸後,順應時局改以「建設 特區、繁榮創富、安居樂業」為綱領。雖然回歸前後 綱領有別,但都是立足於跨越階層的整體社會利益。 儘管如此,基於客觀的形勢,民建聯創黨初期的跨階 層形象並不鮮明,反而給外界偏向基層利益的印象。 2005 年對民建聯的發展極具意義,這年民建聯與香 港協進聯盟 ( 港進聯 ) 進行合併。港進聯與民建聯同 屬愛國愛港政團,有多年的合作經驗,會員則以商界 及專業人士為主。「兩聯」合併取名為「民主建港協 進聯盟」,簡稱則沿用「民建聯」。合併後的民建聯, 增加了 200 多名工商及專業背景的黨員,既充實民 建聯的跨階層力量,也加速了民建聯邁向跨階層政黨 的步伐。同年的會員大會上,馬力主席亦正式宣佈, 民建聯發展的目標是成為跨階層政黨。 民建聯所走的跨階層路線,其著重點在於以整體香港 利益為依歸,「跨」越的不僅是階層,亦包括「跨」 年齡層,以及「跨」族裔。故此,民建聯於 2004 年 6 月成立「青年民建聯」以發展青年工作,吸引更多 青年加入成為會員,同時為青年會員提供參政培訓, 培養政治人才。而 2004 年初,民建聯中委會亦通過 成立「少數族裔小組」,以強化過往的工作,並進一 步開展吸納少數族裔會員、關懷少數族裔權益、以及 與少數族裔團體聯絡交流的工作。 作為跨階層政黨,必須與社會各界,以至海內外團體 及人士保持友好的聯繫,通過接觸、互訪、交流促進 彼此的了解,凝聚及鞏固各方的支持。為此,我們會 定期舉辦活動,廣結良朋,包括周年會慶酒會、兩會 期間在北京舉辦的新春聯歡、出訪美加各地,以及因 應會務發展舉辦籌款晚會等。同時,青年民建聯亦積 極舉辦多元活動,例如與特首及問責官員會面、拜訪 不同政團的青年組織,以及邀請企業高層與會員分享 成功經驗等,為會員開拓視野,連繫各方。
A Party that Transcends Social Boundaries : The Direction of the DAB
邁 向 跨 階 層
作為愛國愛港政黨,民建聯的定位並不強調特定階層 的利益,而是以維護香港整體利益,維護社會穩定、 進步、發展為宗旨,故此民建聯自成立以來就朝向跨 階層政黨的方向邁進,並透過參政議政、培養政治人 才,以落實「港人治港」。
As a political party that holds a patriotic position and cares for Hong Kong, the DAB is not pigeonholed into serving the special interests of any social class. We always work for the common good of Hong Kong, advocating social improvement and stability. The DAB has always been aiming at working as a big-tent party, and it was determined to participate in electoral politics and train prospective politicians in order to practice “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong”. In 1992, the DAB announced its first political platform. It emphasized “ensuring a smooth transition, building a prosperous economy and constructing a secure and harmonious home for all”. After the handover, we tweaked the motto slightly by adding “Developing the HKSAR” to the platform. Even though the platform pre- and post-handover have some minor differences, they have always emphasized working for the common good and transcending social barriers in society. Nevertheless, in the early days the DAB was perceived as pro-grassroots party. 2005 was a significant year in the development of the DAB, as we merged with the Hong Kong Progressive Alliance (HKPA). The DAB and the HKPA were both in the patriotic camp and had many years of cooperation. The leadership and members of the HKPA were mostly from the commercial and professional sectors of society. The “Two Alliances” merged and was renamed the “Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong” and shortened to “DAB”. After this merger, the DAB added over 200 members with business and professional backgrounds and started truly becoming a party that transcends social boundaries. During the annual general meeting that year, Chairman Ma Lik announced that the goal of the DAB was to become a party that crosses and transcends social and class boundaries in society. The path of transcending social and class boundaries by the DAB was done with a priority to emphasize the common good of Hong Kong as a whole. We aim at reaching out for not only different social classes but also different age groups and ethnic communities. Therefore, in June 2004 the DAB established the YoungDAB to start work on issues dealing with youth. This attracted more young people to become members, and also gave young members the experience of participating in real political processes, providing valuable training in the field. Since early 2004, the DAB Central Committee has also set up the “DAB Ethnic Minorities Committee (EMC)” and strengthened its previous work in this direction, attracting members from ethnic minorities and defending their rights. The DAB EMC has been charged with meeting with and arranging exchanges with ethnic minorities. As a party that crosses and transcends social boundaries, the DAB requires friendly relationships with the various sectors of society as well as different foreign and domestic groups. These relationships need to be maintained through connection, mutual
2004 年 6 月「青年民建聯」成立 The YoungDAB was established in June 2004
visits and exchanges to deepen the understanding, and only this will lead to stable and lasting support among the public and different sectors of society. Therefore, we hold activities including anniversary banquets, the Lunar New Year party in Beijing during the two sessions, travelling to North America and other lands, and fundraising dinners. At the same time, the YoungDAB hosts a variety of different activities, such as meeting with the Chief Executive and senior officials and meeting with youth groups from different organizations. The YoungDAB also proactively hosts lectures by entrepreneurs to share their experience of success in order to broaden the perspective and connections of members.
民建聯成立以來,我們一直以愛國愛港為旗幟,以跨 階層為方向,積極吸納不同背景人士成為會員。在創 黨首階段,會員人數一直維持穩定增長。然而,要成 為跨階層政黨,必須得到更廣泛的民意認同。因此, 2005 年馬力主席提出大力發展會員,其後在民建聯 上下一心努力下,會員人數在 2007 年突破一萬人, 2011 年突破兩萬,到 2016 年正式突破三萬,政黨 會員人數全港第一。截至 2017 年 6 月,會員總人數 為 34,510 人,當中具工商專業背景的會員達 2,767 人,少數族裔會員亦接近一千人,達 995 人,而整 體持有專上或以上學歷的會員佔總會員人數約 11%。
歷年會員人數 (1992-2017) Number of Members Over the Years(1992-2017) 34,510
35000 30000 25000
20000 15000 10,940
10000 5000 1000
0 1992
* 截至 2017 年 6 月 As of June 2017
Since the establishment of the DAB, we have always waved the banner of “Loving the Country and Loving Hong Kong. We have also worked to be a big-tent party and attract people from all walks of life. Since the founding stages of the DAB, party membership has showed steady growth. However, as a party that crosses and transcends social boundaries, the DAB must first prove broadly acceptable to the general public. Therefore DAB chairman Ma Lik announced an effort to attract members in 2005, after which DAB members high and low worked together and the membership of the DAB went past the 10,000 mark for the first time in 2007. This accelerated quickly as 2011 saw the DAB pass the 20,000 mark, and in 2016 we officially passed the 30,000 mark, making the DAB the single largest political party by membership. As of June 2017, the total number of members added up to 34,510 individuals. Those from business or professional backgrounds numbered 2,767, ethnic minorities accounted for close to a thousand, at 995, and those holding a postsecondary degree stand at 11% of the membership rolls.
於 2005 年 4 月 12 日通過與港進聯合併,改稱「民主建港協進聯盟」,簡稱維持「民建聯」 A new alliance was formed between the DAB and the Hong Kong Progressive Alliance
E nd ow ed w it h t he L ove f or O u r Cou nt ry and H ong K ong
-民 建 聯 的 態 度
我們明白,儘管民建聯的支部辦事處及議員辦事處已 擴展至全港 18 區超過 200 個聯絡點,但固定的辦事 處始終有地理的局限性,現階段亦難以做到「總有一 間係左右」。因此 2013 年 9 月,在熱心人士贊助下, 民建聯添置了一輛流動服務車,作為流動辦公室,專 門行走大街小巷,為居住於未設有聯絡點的市民提供 服務,例如法律諮詢、中醫義診、量血壓檢查、舉辦 節日及嘉年華活動等等。我們期望流動服務車能打破 區域界限,擴展民建聯的地區工作。 我們的主要服務點 Our Main Service Points
香港雖然以華裔人士為主,但亦有許多少數族裔人士 以港為家。為擴展面向少數族裔人士的社區服務,我 們於 2005 年 8 月在佐敦設立少數族裔服務中心,積 極投入資源為少數族裔服務,在就業、教育、房屋、 醫療、社會福利、入境事務、家事糾紛及法律事務等 提供支援服務。 地區工作的順利開展,實有賴義工的支持。為此,民 建聯於 2007 年整合 18 區支部的義工團隊,正式成 立「民建聯義工團」。2016 年時,我們的義工團中, 共有 5787 名義工為聯盟服務時數超過 50 小時,成 為我們工作及持續壯大的強大後盾。為表揚及肯定義 工們的貢獻,我們定期舉辦「義工嘉許禮」以作回饋, 而「義工嘉許禮 2016 年」就邀得近 3000 名義工朋 友出席,氣氛熱烈。
Sincere Service : The Attitude of the DAB
真 誠 服 務
要實踐民建聯的理念,必須有廣泛的地區網絡作媒 介。民建聯成立之初已決定在各區成立支部,以聯繫 區內會員,為市民提供服務和開展各項社區活動。而 率先於 1992 年成立的,包括港島西、九龍中、新界 西和新界北共 4 個地區支部。其後經歷多個年度的擴 展、重組及改名,到了 2004 年,在灣仔及離島支部 相繼成立後,民建聯 18 區支部的建設大致完成,並 奠定今日的主體地區網絡。
The DAB requires a strong and broad-based regional network to fulfill its mission and live up to its ideals. From the very beginning, the DAB insisted on creating district branch offices in order to connect members with and provide services and activities for residents. The first four branch offices set up in 1992 included Hong Kong Island West, Kowloon Central, New Territories West and New Territories North. The DAB continued to develop, the names of each constituency also changed. By 2004, when the Wan Chai and Islands Branch were set up, the DAB boasted 18 district branch offices and set up the groundwork for today’s regional branch office network. We understand that, although the DAB’s district branches and councilor offices have reached over 200 locations spread over Hong Kong, their service areas still have limitations and at this time it is difficult to set up “an office on every corner”. Therefore, in September 2013 the DAB was sponsored a “service vehicle” that served as a mobile office that was tasked to provide services to residents who do not live near a DAB office or service centre. These services include legal advice, free chinese medicinal care, measuring blood pressure, and activities related to holidays and carnivals. We hope that this mobile service vehicle can expand and improve the DAB’s district work. Even though the majority of Hong Kong residents are of Chinese ethnicity, there are still many ethnic minorities who have made Hong Kong their home. In order to expand our services to ethnic minorities in each district, we established a designated ethnic minority service centre in Jordan in August 2005. This centre provides resources to serve the ethnic minority community, including employment, education, housing, medicine, social welfare, immigration procedures, family dispute mediation and legal advice. The smooth operation of our service in each district relies on the support of our volunteers. Therefore, in 2007 the DAB set up the “DAB Volunteer Team”. Throughout 2016, a total of 5787 volunteers served for over 50 hours on our volunteer team and became and continued to be a strong backup support to our work. In order to praise and reward the faithful service of our volunteers, we hold “Volunteer celebratory galas” and over 3000 volunteer supporters were invited to our ceremony for 2016, lending the event a festive atmosphere.
1993 年 5 月九龍東支部成立 The East Kowloon District Office was opened in May 1993
每年舉辦義工嘉許禮 We hold a volunteer gala every year
流動服務車投入服務 The service vehicle in operation (2013)
Endowed with the Love for Our Country and Hong Kong
「一國兩制」是體現香港利益最大化的基本國策,香 港回歸至今的局面來之不易,值得每一個在香港生活 的市民倍加珍惜。 過去 20 年的實踐,香港面對亞洲金融風暴,沙士肆 虐等危機,在全體香港市民同心同德下,把危機變成 機遇,保持了香港 20 年的繁榮安定,同時也遇上了 不少未可預見的問題和挫折,部份香港市民,未能完 全理解和認識「一國兩制」,更出現了「一國一制」、 「港獨」的極端思潮。香港社會都明白要克服這些困 難,首要是絕不可放棄對「一國兩制」的堅持。香港 是中國領土一部分,歸屬在中國主權之下,不是獨立 的政治實體、可以自行其是,而是受中國憲法和《基 本法》約束、受中央政府直接管轄,承擔起維護國家 主權、安全和發展的義務。作為單一制國家,中央與 各地方行政區域的關係,是授權與被授權的關係,各 地方行政區域的權力是來自中央,不存在所謂「剩餘 權力」。《基本法》授權「港人治港」、高度自治, 是「一國兩制」的核心,中央不會派遣內地官員直接 治理香港,但並不是說中央不具有或是放棄了對香港 的管治權。 當年港澳辦主任王光亞剛上任不久,即使他已是擁有 30 多年外交工作經驗,也形容「香港是一本難以讀 懂的書」,可見香港的地位特殊,社會的複雜多變。 未來,香港該走怎樣的路,如何堅守「一國兩制」, 還是要透過不斷的探索和實踐,讓「一國兩制」的香 港更加繁榮穩定,東方之珠更顯光芒。 葉國謙
“One Country, Two Systems” is the policy best suited to the greater good of Hong Kong. The progress of Hong Kong from the Handover to the present has not been an easy path, and this progress should be cherished all the more by each and every person in Hong Kong. The tumultuous events of the past 20 years included the Asian Financial Crisis and the deadly SARS pandemic. As the people of Hong Kong came together, we turned these challenges into opportunities and retained the core stability and prosperity of Hong Kong during this period. At the same time Hong Kong ran into multiple unforeseen problems and frustration. Some Hong Kong people lack a clear understanding of “One Country, Two Systems”. Some of these people take the extreme positions of either “One Country, One System” or “Hong Kong independence.” Most of Hong Kong society understands that in order to solve our problems we cannot give up on “One Country, Two Systems”. Hong Kong is part of China and is under Chinese sovereignty. It is not an independent political entity that can do whatever it wants, but it must follow the constitution of China and the Basic Law. It must accept the supervision of the Central Government, and responsible for maintaining national sovereignty, security, and development. The People’s Republic of China is a unitary system, and there is no such thing as “residual power” for any region of the country. The Basic Law authorizes that “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” and confers a high degree of autonomy on the HKSAR. These are the core components of “One Country, Two Systems”. The Central Government will not send officials to Hong Kong to effect direct governance, but this does not mean that the Central Government has abdicated its administrative authority over Hong Kong. Back when the director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Wang Guangya had just settled into his office he said that “Hong Kong is a book that is hard to understand”. As even an experienced diplomat such as Mr. Wang would make such a claim, we could prove that Hong Kong has a unique position in the world with a fluid and complex society. In the future, we will require continuous exploration and practice in order to find a way forward and safeguard “One Country, Two Systems” and allow Hong Kong to retain its moniker, the “Pearl of the Orient”. IP Kwok Him
Firmly Safeguard “One Country, Two Systems”
堅 守
F irm l y S af egu ard “ O ne Cou nt ry , T w o S yst em s”
一 國 兩 制
節錄自 2017 年 1 月 1 日民建聯理念
“ ‘One Country, Two Systems,’ designed to protect the territorial integrity, security and development of our nation, takes into account Hong Kong’s history and realities and to maintain Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity. The system safeguards the freedoms and rights of Hong Kong residents. We believe that “One Country, Two Systems” is the absolute best system for safeguarding the interests of our nation and Hong Kong, in fact we believe that not only should it be unchanged for 50 years, it should remain so thereafter. ” Extracted from the DAB Ideals , 1 January, 2017
於 2016 年舉辦「新願景 新希望」圓桌會議:一國兩制的落實 We held a roundtable discussion in 2016 on the implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”
F irm l y S af egu ard “ O ne Cou nt ry , T w o S yst em s”
擔 當 橋 樑
回歸前夕,中英兩國關係陷入僵局,中英兩國以至港 英政府與內地之間的會商溝通都不太暢通。為此,成 立之初的民建聯便利用與內地的良好關係,積極發 揮香港與內地的橋樑角色,向中央反映港人的意願 及訴求。
聯 繫 兩 地
1992 年 7 月 19 日,民建聯成立不久即訪問北京, 先後會見了中共總書記江澤民和國務院港澳辦公室主 任魯平,並拜會多個中央機構,就港人最關心的議題 與領導們進行了開放、坦誠和實質的討論。回港後, 我們透過報章廣告,向全港市民交代訪京工作。 「一國兩制」能否落實,回歸前社會穩定至為關鍵, 因此民建聯從成立至回歸前,五年間共六次訪京, 因應港人的期望及社會的關心議題,向中央領導人 反映;同時,將中央政府對香港事務的看法及回應, 透過傳媒、報章廣告或工作報告,向港人匯報。而 部份涉及民生的事項,更獲內地當局迅速回應,例如 1993 年民建聯就廣州衛檢局向港人實施愛滋病檢驗 一事上京訪問,最終成功說服內地擱置於廣州口岸實 施強制愛滋病測試措施。 除了訪京外,民建聯亦因應社會的不同關注,訪問內 地省市,包括 1993 年 10 月,我們訪問深圳尋求解 決深圳河河汛之患的方法。1995 年 4 月,訪問廣東 省多個部門,爭取省內設立處理港人投訴的機制等。 只要涉及港人福祉的兩地事務,我們也樂意擔當橋樑 角色,全力以赴。
在 2015 年 7 月訪京,獲張德江委員長接見 We visited Beijing in July 2015 and met with NPC Chairperson Zhang Dejiang
回歸前,民建聯充當兩地橋樑頻密訪京,雖是義不容 辭,亦是時勢所然。但回歸後,特區政府正式成立, 基於《基本法》的相關規定,特區政府亦正式負起溝 通兩地的角色。民建聯順應時局,調整兩地事務上的 角色及策略,並將焦點放於促進兩地經濟融合與文化 交流。2003 年進行的兩項大型研究「香港與珠三角 經濟融合中政府的作用」及「中國入世頭五年港粵合 作的對策建議」,2010 年公佈的「香港積極參與海 西區發展研究報告」,2015 年倡議的「粵港合作建 議書」,以及 2016 年就香港參與「一帶一路」建設 提出的多項建議等,正是其中的例子。 然而,作為香港的主要政團,民建聯回歸至今亦分別 在 2003 年、2006 年及 2015 年三次獲邀訪問北京。 在三次的訪京期間,我們向國家領導人匯報香港的最 新形勢、提出港人的關注和促進兩地發展的建議。同 時,國家領導人亦對民建聯工作予以肯定,並提出他 們對民建聯的期望。而最近一次訪京,民建聯獲全國 人大常委會委員長張德江接見,張委員長期望民建聯 「擇善固執,有所作為」,堅守「一國兩制」和《基 本法》,支持政府依法施政,並且廣泛團結社會各界 人士,以「愛國愛港」為共同理念。張委員長的期望 切合當前社會需要,亦是民建聯的抱負。
Proactively Becoming the Bridge Between Hong Kong and the Mainland
In the period just before the Handover, Sino-British relations fell to a low ebb. Therefore, the DAB was able to leverage its good relationship with the Mainland to proactively act as the bridge between Hong Kong and the Mainland, expressing the hopes of the Hong Kong people to the Central Government in Beijing. On 19 July, 1992, the DAB visited Beijing. It met Chief Secretary of the CCP Jiang Zemin and Director of the Hong Kong, Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (HKMAO) Lu Ping and various institutes of Central Government and expressed the deepest wishes and worries of the Hong Kong people in a frank and open exchange. We have widely reported our work in Beijing after returning to Hong Kong. The fact of whether “One Country, Two Systems” could be smoothly implemented post-handover became hot issue in Hong Kong. Therefore, the DAB visited Beijing six times from 1992 to 1997 in order to express the Hong Kong people's wishes and worries to the Central Government. At the same time, DAB would report the reply and views of the Central Government through media, newspaper ads and DAB regular reports etc. For example, in regards to livelihood issues, we visited to Beijing in 1993 to express our concern about the inconvenience caused by the AIDS test to Hong Kong people and succeeded in getting the test stopped. We willingly served as the bridge between Hong Kong and the Mainland. Therefore, we visited Shenzhen to find a way to deal with flooding on the Shenzhen River in September 1993. In April 1995, we visited various government departments in Guangdong province and urged them to set up a mechanism to handle complaints from Hong Kong people on the Mainland. After the Handover, the HKSAR was established, the HKSAR government officially took up the duties of communication between Hong Kong and the Mainland. The DAB saw the writing on the wall and changed its role into that of promoting the economic integration and cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and the Mainland. We researched two major topics in 2003, “The role of the HKSAR government in integrating the economies of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta” and “Proposals for Hong KongGuangdong strategic cooperation in the first five years of China entering the WTO”. In 2010, the DAB publicized its research on “Hong Kong proactively participating in the Economic Zone on the West of Taiwan Strait”. In 2015, we publicized a “GuangdongHong Kong cooperation proposal”, while 2016 brought in manifold suggestions for how Hong Kong could participate in the Belt and Road initiative. All these are examples of the suggestions we have given the HKSAR government.
As a major political party in Hong Kong, since the Handover the DAB has visited Beijing three separate times in 2003, 2006 and 2015. During these three visits, we expressed and explained the newest developments in Hong Kong to our nation’s leaders, pointing out the issues that Hong Kong people were interested in and promoting the development and integration of Hong Kong and the Mainland. At the same time, our nation’s leaders responded positively to the work of the DAB and expressed their high hopes for us. During our visit to Beijing in 2015, the DAB met with Zhang Dejiang, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC. Chairman Zhang expressed his hopes for the DAB to “stand by what is right and strive for results”. He said we should firmly defend “One Country, Two Systems” and the Basic Law of the HKSAR and support the administrative work of the HKSAR government. He hoped that we would help to unite the community using “Love the Country and Love Hong Kong” as our common ideal. The hopes expressed for the DAB by Chairman Zhang fits the current situation of Hong Kong very well, and it is the responsibility of the DAB to fulfill them.
1992 年成立後首次訪京,會晤中共總書記江澤民及港澳辦公室主任魯平 The DAB met with Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Jiang Zemin and Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Lu Ping in the first Beijing visit in 1992
於 1995 年 4 月訪問廣東省,爭取設立專責處理港人投訴的部門 In May 1995 we visited Guangdong province and requested that Guangdong set up a mechanism for handling Hong Kong people's complaints in the Mainland
在 2015 年發表「粵港合作建議書」 We published our “Proposals on Guangdong-Hong Kong cooperation” in 2015
F irm l y S af egu ard “ O ne Cou nt ry , T w o S yst em s”
為 港 為 國
除了投入兩會的工作外,民建聯亦於 2004 年設立「內 地聯絡處」,專責協助港人解決在內地遇到的問題, 而處理內地「爛尾樓」為該處的經典事例。事件中我 們成功協助逾 3000 位港人業主,完成辦理房產證、 取回退款、收樓或換樓。而為提供更好服務,內地聯 絡處更與內地多個部門建立良好的聯繫,以便協助港 人盡快及妥善處理他們遇到的問題。 民建聯於 2010 年年底至 2015 年,在東莞成立「香 港專業服務中心」,為有興趣開拓內地市場的專業 人士提供服務。中心投入運作後除與當地政府部門及 商會組織建立聯繫,亦舉辦不同類別的講座、交流活 動、專業品牌推廣,以及青年培訓活動等,積極促進 粵港兩地工商專業界的互動和合作。 儘管民建聯專注為港人排難解憂,但當內地人民遭遇 不幸時,我們亦會迅速伸出援手。1994 年,為賑濟 華南水災,民建聯舉行募捐,並籌得逾 200 萬元。 1998 年,發起河北地震及長江水災賑災籌款活動, 我們亦分別為災民籌得 147 萬及 103 萬善款。2008 年 5.12 汶川大地震後,民建聯推出「戶對戶家庭援 助計劃」,同年 10 月民建聯正副主席親赴災區,將 首批援助金交至受助家庭手中。
Offering Advice for Hong Kong and Our Nation
出 謀 獻 策
「一國兩制」下,民建聯一直積極透過成員中的全國 人大代表、全國政協委員,以及各省市的政協委員, 參與國家事務。每年兩會期間,民建聯就國家發展及 涉港事務公開提交多項議案,通過兩會的平台反映港 人的關注,亦為國家發展出謀獻策,得到廣大市民的 好評。以近兩年的提案為例,2014 年民建聯提出「制 定港人返回內地定居入戶的具體辦法」,其後公安部 回覆正起草《中國公民往來香港及澳門特別行政區管 理條例(草案)》,內容包括解決港澳居民來內地定 居問題。2015 年我們提出「優化『一年多次個人遊 簽注』」,相關部門其後宣佈由 2015 年 4 月 13 日 起將深圳居民「一簽多行」改為「一周一行」。
Under “One Country, Two Systems”, the DAB has always been an active participant in the activities of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) through our members in these bodies. We are also involved in national affairs through our participation in the NPC and CPPCC(“two sessions”)and various provincial and city-level committees. Every year during the “two sessions”, the DAB will present many proposals to the Central Government on issues of national development and issues that pertain to Hong Kong. For example, in 2015 we proposed changing the “Year-long multipleentry endorsement for tourists under the Individual Visit Scheme” and the relevant authorities announced on 13 April, 2015 that Shenzhen residents were allowed only one trip per week to Hong Kong. In addition to participating in the “two sessions” meetings of the PRC, the DAB also set up a “Mainland Liaison Division” in 2004. This team is responsible for dealing with problems that Hong Kong people encounter on the Mainland. A classic example of the fine work of the team was dealing with the housing units on the Mainland that had stopped construction for over a year. We successfully helped 3,000 Hong Kong property owners deal with their real estate licenses, receive their refund or take possession of the flats in question. From the end of 2010 to 2015, the DAB established a “Hong Kong Professional Service Centre” in Dongguan. This provides Hong Kong professionals with an interest in developing the Mainland market with a suitable platform. The service center established strong relationships with the local government bureaus and business chambers and held various lectures, exchange activities and professional brand promotions as well as youth training programs. This service center helps to integrate the business communities of Hong Kong and Guangdong to cooperate and work together. While the DAB helps Hong Kong people deal with their difficulties, we extend a helping hand whenever the people of the Mainland run into misfortune and difficulty. In 1994, we fundraised $2 million for the South China floods. In 1998, we raised $1,470,000 for the Hebei earthquake and $1,030,000 for the Yangzi River floods that year. On 12 May, 2008, the Wenchuan Earthquake occurred. The DAB promoted the “Family to Family Support Scheme” and in October 2008 our chairperson and vice-chairpersons personally visited the affected area, to hand over the first batch of financial support to the hands of families most in need.
於 2017 年向兩會提出 24 項建議和提案 We presented 24 proposals to the two sessions in 2017
內地聯絡處處理爛尾樓問題 Our Mainland Liaison Division dealing with the issue of buildings that had started construction but had been left unfinished
設立「戶對戶家庭援助計劃」援助受汶川地震影響災民 Set up a “Family to Family Scheme” to support victims of the Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan
Firmly Safeguard “One Country, Two Systems”
一 國 兩 制 「 研 討 會 」 積 極 推 廣 《基 本 法 《
1992 年 10 月 15 日,民建聯成立不久即籌辦「基本 法與政制改革方案」研討會,廣邀各界出席,並邀請 兩位前基本法起草委員會委員鄔維鏞及黃保欣擔任嘉 賓,研討會假灣仔社聯服務大廈禮堂舉行,出席人士 約 200 人。 為迎接回歸及「一國兩制」即將落實,民建聯在回歸 前一周年,舉辦「六百萬人 六百萬事 我為回歸做件 事」大型宣傳活動。同時,我們亦印製 8 萬本「基本 法小冊子」,免費向市民派送。小冊子內容除《基本 法》及《中英聯合聲明》的全文外,更輯錄了《基本 法》規定九七年後適用香港的六條全國性法律條文, 故派發時極受市民歡迎。 與此同時,關於港人回歸後的國籍問題,香港特別行 政區籌備委員會於 1996 年 8 月,就《中華人民共和 國國籍法》對香港居民身份的解釋,通過了重要的決 定,並作出寬鬆的處理。為此,我們舉辦連串的活動, 包括講座、集會及派發「港人身份睇真 D」單張,讓 市民掌握最新的資訊。 2015 年為紀念《基本法》頒佈 25 周年及推廣《基本 法》,民建聯在「馬力國民教育基金」贊助下,特別 印製 50 萬本《基本法》袋裝書,贈送全港中小學生 及巿民。
Organizing Forums on “One Country, Two Systems” and Proactively Promoting the Basic Law
籌 辦 24
「一國兩制」要成功落實,並在實踐中不動搖、不走 樣,推廣及宣傳工作是不可或缺的,故民建聯自成立 起即投入資源,身體力行參與推廣「一國兩制」及《基 本法》的工作。
In order for “One Country, Two Systems” to be successfully implemented, promotion and education are necessary. The DAB has taken the initiative and put its heart, resources and soul into promoting “One Country, Two Systems” and the Basic Law. On 15 October, 1992, the DAB held a forum on “The Basic Law and Political Reform” which people from various sectors of society attended. We invited two former members of the Basic Law drafting committee, Wu Wai Yung and Wong Po Yan. The forum was held at the Duke of Windsor Social Service Building in Wan Chai and was attended by around 200 guests. In order to facilitate the implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”, the DAB ran a large advertising operation “6 million people, 6 million issues, we’ll do our part for the Handover” starting from a year before the Handover itself. At that time, we printed out 80,000 “Basic Law booklets” that were handed out for free to residents. The booklets included the full texts of the Basic Law and the Sino-British Joint Declaration, and also included the six national laws of China that applied to Hong Kong after 1997. At the same time, in regards to the problem of nationality that Hong Kong people faced after the Handover, in August 1996 the HKSAR Preparatory Committee made the important decision that the “Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China” that applied to Hong Kong residents was going to apply in a flexible manner. Therefore, we held consecutive and connected activities such as lectures and meetings and created a pamphlet called “Know More about Our Identity” in order for residents to get the newest information on these developments. In order to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Basic Law in 2015, we promoted the Basic Law throughout Hong Kong. The DAB was able to print 500,000 “Basic Law booklets” to hand out to primary and secondary schools and the general public for free under the generous sponsorship of the “Ma Lik National Education Foundation”.
創會主席曾鈺成在「一國兩制與中國統一」研討會上發言 Founding Chairperson Tsang Yok Sing spoke at the“One Country, Two Systems and the Unification of China" Symposium
紀念《基本法》頒布 25 周年,特別印製 50 萬本《基本法》袋裝書派發給市民 We printed and handed out 500,000 Basic Law booklets in commemoration of its 25th anniversary
Firmly Safeguard “One Country, Two Systems”
堅 定 不 移 反 港 獨
1996 年 7 月,日本青年社於中國的釣魚台上興建燈 塔,掀起華人社會新一輪保釣運動。民建聯與逾六百 團體組成「香港各界保釣聯委會」,舉行示威遊行、 聲討大會及簽名運動,收集到逾 76 萬名市民的簽名 支持保衛釣魚台。其後,民建聯持續關注釣魚台的局 勢,包括 2010 年日本政府計劃將釣魚台在內的 25 個離島「國有財產化」,民建聯於同年 8 月到日本領 事館抗議,要求停止一切侵犯中國主權的挑釁行為。 1999 年 5 月 8 日,以美國為首的北約空軍在轟炸南 斯拉夫期間,擊中我國駐南斯拉夫大使館,造成嚴重 傷亡。民建聯獲悉後,隨即組織遊行到美國及英國駐 港總領事館遞交抗議信,要求徹查事件、向中國政府 道歉及賠償。其後,民建聯亦參與多項抗議及簽名行 動,以捍衛國家主權及尊嚴。 2001 年日本文部省通過右翼團體撰寫的初中歷史教 科書,公然篡改二戰侵華史實,引起全球公憤。同年 5 月,時任民建聯主席曾鈺成在立法會內提出「反對 日本篡改歷史教科書」議案,以譴責事件。2005 年, 日本右翼團體再有篡改教科書的行動,同年 4 月民建 聯兩度前往日本駐港領使館抗議。
76 萬市民簽名支持保衛釣魚台 Gathered 760,000 signatures of residents who supported the protection of the Diaoyu Islands(1996)
2002 年 12 月發起請願,反對美國發動戰爭 In December 2002 we started a petition opposing the American invasion of Iraq
Protecting our Nation’s Sovereignty, Proud to Stay and Resisting Hong Kong Independence
維 護 國 家 主 權
「一國兩制」的精髓,在於維護國家主權及領土完整 的同時,保持香港的繁榮和穩定。民建聯作為「愛國 愛港」的政團,不論回歸前後,對捍衛國家主權,維 護民族尊嚴都是義不容辭,無役不與。
The genius of “One Country, Two Systems” is that while it fully protects the sovereignty of our nation, it preserves the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong as well. The DAB is part of the “Love the Country and Love Hong Kong” patriotic camp in local politics. Whether pre- or post-handover, when it comes to protecting our nation’s sovereignty and our people’s dignity, we never quit and we will never stop. In July 1996, the Japanese “Seinensha” right wing group built a lighthouse on China’s Diaoyu Islands, leading to a new round of activities to protect Diaoyu Islands among Chinese societies worldwide. The DAB and around 600 organizations organized the “All-Hong Kong Federation for Defending the Diaoyutai Islands” and held protest marches, denunciation (of the Japanese right wing) activities and a signature petition. This petition netted over 760,000 signatures from Hong Kong residents to protect Diaoyu Islands. Henceforth, the DAB continued to oversee the situation at Diaoyu Islands, such as in 2010 when the Japanese government planned to nationalize 25 islets including the Diaoyu Islands, the DAB held a protest outside the Japanese consulate in August of that year and requested that the Japanese government stop provoking issues that infringe on China’s sacred sovereignty. On 8 May, 1999, the US-led NATO air force bombed Belgrade, then-capital of Yugoslavia. It hit our embassy in Belgrade and caused a great amount of damage and casualties. After the DAB received this news, we organized a protest march to the American and British consulates in Hong Kong to hand in a protest letter and request a thorough investigation into the matter, apologize to the Chinese government and offer appropriate compensation. Thereafter, the DAB participated in many protest activities and held a signature petition to protect China’s dignity and sovereignty. In 2001, the Japanese Ministry of Education allowed right wing groups to write revisionist history textbooks for junior high students. It tried to erase the history of the Second World War and the Japanese invasion of China. This led to global condemnation. In May 2001, then-chairperson of the DAB Tsang Yok Sing moved a motion named “Opposing Japan’s textbooks distorting history” to express our indignation at this development. In 2005, when the Japanese right wing group revised its history textbooks again, the DAB twice went to the Japanese consulate to protest in April 2005.
2002 年 5 月,在香港回歸五周年之際,我們舉辦「一 國兩制與中國統一研討會」,邀請兩岸三地及海外學 者參與,透過相互交流,共同研究如何借鑒港澳「一 國兩制」的成功經驗,以「和平統一、一國兩制」的 基本方針解決台灣問題,實現中國的完全統一。 2002 年 9 月,特區政府頒布了《實施基本法第 23 條 諮詢文件》。民建聯一直認為,為《基本法》23 條 立法是特區的憲制責任,故我們與二十多個團體發起 成立「支持立法保障國家安全大聯盟」,並參與「大 聯盟」的各項活動,包括在各區派發單張及收集支持 立法的簽名、在報章刊登支持立法的聯署聲明、參與 12 月 22 日維園 4 萬多人出席的大集會及 12 月 24 日向政府遞交超過 12 萬名市民支持立法的簽名等。 當《基本法》23 條進入草案審議階段期間,民建聯 的立法會議員更積極參與,並提出多項修訂建議。 2009 年法國佳士得拍賣兩件英法聯軍於 1860 年從 北京圓明園掠奪的兔首及鼠首銅像。2 月 24 日,民 建聯到法國駐港領事館抗議,表明兩個獸首是中國國 寶及文化遺產,拍賣活動有違國際公約。
In May 2002, as the 5th anniversary of the Handover was approaching, we held a symposium on “One Country, Two Systems and the Unification of China”. We invited scholars from the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas to participate and hold an exchange of views. They researched and investigated why “One Country, Two Systems” worked for Hong Kong and Taiwan, and how “Peaceful reunification, One Country, Two Systems” as a basic framework can help solve the Taiwan issue and reunify all of China. In September 2002, the HKSAR promulgated the “Consultation Document on Proposals to Implement Article 23 of the Basic Law”. The DAB always believed that the implementation of Article 23 of the Basic Law is a basic responsibility of the HKSAR. Therefore we joined over 20 other organizations to create the “Alliance for Preserving National Security”. We participated in various activities in this Alliance including: handing out flyers and collecting signatures in support of Article 23 legislation, publishing statements and editorials in the media, holding a big rally 40,000 strong in Victoria Park on 22 December, and handing over 120,000 signatures from residents to the government. When Article 23 legislation was being debated in Legco, DAB Legislative Councilors proactively participated in the discussions and proposed many amendments to the proposal as it stood. In 2009, Christie’s of France held auctions of two statue heads stolen from the sack of the Summer Palace outside Beijing in 1860 by the Anglo-French coalition. The items were statues of the heads of a rabbit and a mouse. On 24th February 2009, the DAB protested this action to the French consulate and lectured them on the historical reality that the two statue heads are Chinese cultural artifacts and therefore the sale of these statues is illegal under International agreements and laws.
2009 年 2 月,到法國領事館抗議,反對拍賣北京圓明園兔首及鼠首銅像 In February 2009, we protested at the French consulate against the auction of bronze statues looted from the Beijing Summer Palace
2005 年 4 月,抗議日本篡改歷史教科書 We protested the Japanese Ministry of Education approving revisionist history textbooks in April 2005
F irm l y S af egu ard “ O ne Cou nt ry , T w o S yst em s”
2011 年及 2015 年,分別為辛亥革命 100 周年及抗 日戰爭勝利 70 周年,民建聯舉辦一系列宣傳和教育 活動,希望透過不同形式,加深公眾對近代中國歷史 的認識。連串活動包括 2011 年 4 月組織香港學生到 中山及武漢,重溫革命歷史。2015 年 4 月在荃灣大 會堂舉行「戰爭與和平」歷史暨繪畫展覽、籌辦短文 比賽,以及同年 8 月舉辦「抗戰勝利 70 周年-抗戰 戰士分享講座」等。 2016 年 10 月 12 日,新一屆立法會議員進行宣誓, 兩名議員私自修改誓辭並加入鼓吹「港獨」及侮辱 華人的字句,令全球華人震怒。全國人大常委會針對 宣誓亂象,依法就《基本法》104 條進行釋法,遏制 「港獨」及避免宣誓鬧劇重演。民建聯聯同多個團體 組成「反港獨撐釋法」大聯盟。大聯盟於同年 11 月 13 日於立法會外舉行大型集會,吸引逾 4 萬名市民 參與,齊心聲討「港獨」及辱華分子。當日民建聯主 席李慧琼聯同民建聯另外 11 名立法會議員上台發言, 堅決支持全國人大常委會的釋法,又呼籲港人要撐 住,堅決向「港獨」說不。11 月 16 日,民建聯立法 會議員張國鈞在立法會提出「規定初中中國歷史獨立 成科」,要求政府當局透過增加國史教育,提升學生 的國民身份認同,而議案經修訂後最終獲得通過。
In 2011 and 2015, as we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution and the 70th anniversary of VJ Day respectively, the DAB held a series of publicity-awareness and educational activities. We hoped through different methods that we could deepen the knowledge of local people about the modern history of China. This included bringing a group of Hong Kong students to Zhongshan and Wuhan in April 2011 and teaching them the history of the Xinhai revolution. In April 2015, we held an exhibit called “War and Peace” in the Exhibition Gallery of the Tsuen Wan Town Hall. This included showing paintings relating to the war history, and an essay competition. In August 2015 we held a lecture called “The 70th Anniversary of Victory in the Second Sino-Japanese War: Veterans of the war relate their experiences”, and other activities related to war and remembrance. On 12 October, 2016, the Legislative Councilors took their oaths. Two members changed the oath to promote “Hong Kong independence” and spoke some words describing Chinese people that held racist connotations. This led to condemnation of them by the global Chinese community. The NPC Standing Committee took firm action against this scandalous “oath-taking”, invoking Article 104 of the Basic Law, thus suppressing “Hong Kong Independence” and nipping in the bud any future oath taking scandals of this nature. The DAB allied with many other groups to hold a major demonstration outside Legco on 13 November, 2016. This attracted around 40,000 residents to participate and denounce “Hong Kong Independence” and those who insulted the Chinese people. On that day DAB chairperson Lee Wai King and 11 other DAB Legco Councilors stood on the platform to express support of the ruling of the NPC Standing Committee and to urge the people to stand united against “Hong Kong Independence”. On 16 November, 2016, DAB Legco Councilor Cheung Kwok Kwan moved a motion “Requiring the teaching of Chinese history as an independent subject at junior secondary level”, requesting the government to strengthen education about our nation. This will help students in Hong Kong feel a greater bond to their identity as citizens of China, and Legco passed this motion with an amendment.
舉辦大型活動紀念抗戰勝利 70 周年 We held a large number of activities to commemorate the 70th anniversary of our victory in the Second Sino-Japanese War
2016 年 10 月,參與「反辱華 反港獨」萬人集會 We held a large scale event in October 2016 denouncing “Hong Kong Independence” and the humiliation of China
Firmly Safeguard “One Country, Two Systems”
一直以來,香港民主發展的一個指標,是立法會有多 少議席由地區直選產生,地區直選議席越多就表示越 民主。然而,過去十年,這個指標已不再可靠,很多 人對新選出來的立法會議員越來越感到失望。我自己 身處立法會中,更有強烈感受。在我離開立法會的時 候,立法會流會、點人數已常態化,擲物、推碰、癱 瘓議會不時發生。很多市民都慨嘆,民主選舉產生的 議員、民意的代表就是這樣的嗎?在新一屆立法會, 激進派議員變本加厲,在宣誓時以粗言侮辱國家和民 族、倒插國旗區旗、鼓吹「港獨」,以至煽動街頭暴 亂等,無不令人側目。 人們不禁要問這些言行就是民主嗎?肯定不是。我們 要的是「優質民主」,而不是打著民主的旗號,做著 傷害社會、傷害市民、禍延下一代的事。我們要團結 起來,對這些「劣質民主」說不。我們要追求的民主, 是以法治為基礎,理性包容,讓市民有更多機會參與 公共政策的釐定,而政府也更包容開放,做到公平公 正,透明度更高,特首與立法會的選舉制度則能夠選 出賢能,給市民信心。這就是我們所爭取落實的「優 質民主」。我希望民建聯為這個目標努力。 譚耀宗
Over the years, the main criterion for determining the progress and status of democracy in Hong Kong has been in the number of seats allotted within the Legislative Council by direct elections. The more seats that were directly elected, the more democratic Hong Kong seemed to be. However, the experience of the past decade has shown that this criterion is no longer reliable, and an increasing number of people are expressing more and more disappointment towards newly elected Legislative Councilors. I was a Legislative Councilor myself and therefore I have an even stronger feeling of disappointment on this regard. At the time when I retired from Legco, abnormal phenomena such as the abusive use of filibusters, premature adjournments of meetings and the overuse of quorum bells were regular occurrences. A paralysis took over Legco as disruptive individuals pushed and shoved and threw rubbish within its hallowed chambers. Many Hong Kong residents have expressed their sorrow over this. How can these people who were elected via democratic elections, who were representatives of the people’s will, have come to this? In the new Legislative Council, radical and extremist elements have added fuel to the fire by using vulgar and insulting language towards our nation when they were supposed to take a serious and solemn oath. They have also put our national flag upside down, puffed up so-called “Hong Kong independence” and rioted on the streets, which is enough to make anyone avert their eyes in frustration. People always ask these days “is this democracy?!” Not by a long shot. What we want is a Virtuous Democracy, which is not abusing “democracy” as a slogan to harm society, harm Hong Kong residents and do things which will harm the next generation. We have to stand together and say “NO!” to such an awful form of “democracy”. The democracy we pursue is based firmly on the rule of law. It is rational and tolerant, and it allows residents to have more opportunities to participate in and determine public policy. The government will be more tolerant and open and will operate in a fair, even-handed manner with a greater degree of transparency. The election procedures for both the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council can bring talented, competent people into office, winning the trust of the people. This is the Virtuous Democracy we are fighting for. I hope that the DAB will work hard in pursuit of this noble endeavor. Tam Yiu Chung
Realising Virtuous Democracy
實 現 優 質 民 主
R eal ising V irt u ou s D em ocr acy
“Our participation in politics is a positive approach to realizing the concept of “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong”. Only when Hong Kong citizens actively take part in politics and engage in political debates will the concept of “One Country, Two Systems” be realized successfully. ”
節錄自 1992 年 7 月 10 日 民建聯成立宣言
“Our participation in politics is to put into practice our political beliefs. We will work hard for the maintenance of pluralistic development of Hong Kong society.” “The objective of our political participation is to create for Hong Kong the best possible democratic system which represents, the will of its citizens, monitor the government’s work, protect citizens’ basic rights, guarantee equality for all before the law and independence of the judiciary, and maintain an election system that is open and fair.” Extracted from the Manifesto of the DAB, 10 July, 1992
民建聯在 2012 立法會選舉,歷史性在新界西取得 3 席 The DAB won a historic high of 3 seats in NT West during the 2012 Legislative Council Election
R eal ising V irt u ou s D em ocr acy
實 踐 政 治 理 念
1994 年 9 月的區議會選舉是民建聯成立以來,首次 參與的大型選舉。我們派出 83 人以「真誠為香港」 的信念參選,結果議席數目由選前的 8 席,躍升至 37 席。1995 年,民建聯首次進軍立法局,結果在分 區直選實現「零的突破」,取得兩個議席,計及其 他間選席位,立法局議席數目由創黨時的 1 席,增 至 6 席。 1998 年,我們迎來回歸後的首屆立法會選舉,並在 全港各分區直選均取得議席,顯示我們已得到廣泛市 民的認同,連其他組別的議席共取得 9 個議席。次年, 特區首屆區議會選舉亦開展,我們同樣創下佳績,區 議會議席升至 83 席,比 94 年翻了一倍有多。98、 99 年的氣勢一直延續至 2000 年的立法會選舉,當屆 我們以 11 個議席,晉身立法會第二大黨。 2003 年是回歸以來最動盪一年,政府施政的失誤觸 發七一遊行。七一遊行改變整個選舉的形勢,民建聯 在逆境中參選同年 11 月的區議會選舉,雖然力保 62 個議席,但結果依然差強人意。創黨主席曾鈺成,為 了承擔選舉失利的結果,宣佈辭任主席。及後民建聯 選出秘書長馬力接任主席,並帶領民建聯從新出發, 在 2004 年的立法會選舉贏得漂亮一仗,憑藉 12 個 議席成為立法會第一大黨,並以「是其是、非其非」 的態度議政。可惜,馬主席其後在 2007 年辭世,未 能在同年的區議會選舉繼續領軍。 2007 年 8 月副主席譚耀宗臨危受命,接任民建聯主 席並以「實事求是,為您做事」作口號,領軍參與同 年 11 月的區議會選舉,結果大家上下一心做出驕人 的成績,合共贏得 115 個議席。2008 年,民建聯再 接再厲在立法會選舉中奪得 13 個議席,鞏固最大黨 地位。
Participating in Politics: Striving to Implement our Political Philosophy
參 政 議 政
民建聯成立的目標之一就是為了實踐我們對「一國兩 制」、「港人治港」的支持及承擔,而參與各級選舉 就是最直接的實踐。通過選舉,我們爭取的、贏取的 不僅是議席,更寶貴的是市民對我們工作的肯定、對 我們政治理念的支持。
One of the DAB’s major objectives on its founding was to implement the ideas of “One Country, Two Systems” and “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong”. Participation in elections was the most direct method to implement our political philosophy. Through our experience in electoral campaigns, we have won something more valuable than seats and votes, we won the precious support of the people for our philosophy and their appreciation for our service. The District Council Election of September 1994 was the first major election that the DAB participated in after its founding two years prior. We nominated 83 candidates under our electoral slogan “Devoted to Hong Kong”. We increased our seats in the District Council from 8 to 37 that year. In 1995, the DAB first tried its hand at a Legco Election where we “broke the goose egg” in separate geographical constituencies and won two seats within the Legislature. Adding this to our seats in other functional constituencies at the time, we increased our seats in Legco from 1 in 1992 to 6. In 1998, we participated in the first Legco Election since the Handover. We won seats from all 5 geographic constituencies, proving that we had a broad base of support among the population, and combined with our participation in other functional constituencies and the Election Committee we gained 9 seats in total that year. In 1999, we smashed our previous record for a District Council Election, winning an impressive 83 seats which was more than double our results from 1994. We gradually became the second largest party as the 20th century drew to a close, our momentum from our positive results of the late 1990s continuing into the 2000 Legco Election where we won 11 seats. 2003 was the most turbulent year in Hong Kong as the government's errors on various important policies led to the protest march of 1 July, 2003. The march changed the entire tone of the election, and in the District Council Election of November 2003 we ended up holding only 62 seats which signified a fall from our previous high of 83. Our chairperson since its founding in 1992, Tsang Yok Sing resigned from the position of DAB chair to take responsibility for this setback. The DAB chose Secretary-General Ma Lik to become the next chairperson whereupon we resolved to take our work in a fresh direction. In the 2004 Legco Election, the DAB fought hard and won a glorious victory, becoming the largest party within Legco by winning 12 seats and taking a rational attitude of “calling a spade a spade” towards governance and those in power. Unfortunately, Mr. Ma passed away in 2007 and was unable to lead the DAB into the District Council Election that year. In August 2007, Tam Yiu Chung became the chairperson and the party put forward the slogan “Serving you with Sincerity and Dedication” . Mr. Tam led the DAB into the 2007 District Council Election in November where we surprised everyone by winning
1995 年立法局選舉誓師大會 Campaign rally for the 1995 Legislative Council Elections
115 seats. In 2008, the DAB won 13 seats in the Legislative Council Election and retained its position as the largest party in the Legislature.
民建聯一貫著重培養年青新晉,並鼓勵新人參與選 舉,而年輕化更成為 2011 年區議會選舉的一大特點。 是次選舉,雖然多了年輕的新面孔,但憑藉扎實的 地區服務,最終亦贏得市民的信任,在議席數目再創 新高,合共取得 136 席。薪火相傳的交接工作,在 2012 年的立法會選舉延續下去,是次選舉中新界西、 新界東九龍西及港島區均有新人排在候選名單首位, 最後更全部勝出。
The DAB has always emphasized training up new leaders and the youth, and encouraged young leaders to stand for election. The promotion of young candidates in the 2011 District Council Election paid off evidentially. That year, despite all the new faces, through unstinting hard work in the districts, a strong mix of veterans and younger members were able to win the trust of residents and together they managed to win 136 seats, a new record. When handing over our mantle to the new generation, the 2012 Legco Election rolled along and we ran our new candidates in New Territories West, New Territories East, Kowloon West and on Hong Kong Island, where all of them won seats in Legco.
2015 年 4 月民建聯進行換屆選舉,新一屆中央委員 會選出副主席李慧琼,接替譚耀宗成為新一任主席, 並帶領民建聯迎戰 2015 年及 2016 年兩場重大的選 戰。這兩次選舉,碰上違法佔中後的複雜政治形勢, 社會撕裂令不同陣營之間,乃至相同陣營之內的競 爭都顯得非常激烈,加上網絡宣傳及動員普及化,均 令選前部署及分析更為困難。不過,在大家一鼓作氣 下,民建聯最終克服選前的重重挑戰,在 2015 年的 區議會選舉及 2016 年的立法會選舉,分別奪得 119 個及 12 個議席,在複雜而激烈的競爭下繼續穩佔區 議會及立法會最大政黨的位置。
In April 2015, the DAB chair changed hands to Lee Wai King. In the complex political climate after the illegal occupy demonstrations, the two mutually antagonistic camps in Hong Kong society became further entrenched. The internet continued to develop as a tool for political campaigns, compounding the challenges of planning for the 2016 Legco Election. Nevertheless, with everyone’s stout encouragement and through the smoke and fog of battle, the DAB managed to win 119 seats in the 2015 District Council Election and 12 seats in the 2016 Legco Election, and therefore the DAB remained the largest party within both the District Councils and the Legislature despite the turbulent times.
2016 年立法會選舉造勢大會 Campaign rally for the 2016 Legislative Council Elections
民建聯議員人數 (1992 - 2016 ) Number of DAB Council Members (1992 - 2016 ) 立法局 / 會議員人數 No. of the Legislative Council Members
區議會議員人數 No. of the District Council/Board Members
100 10
83 80
4 2
0 1992
* 自 2012 年起擁有工聯會及民建聯雙重會籍的參選人將不再以民建聯名義出選,故當選後亦不再計算入民建聯議員人數內。 From 2012 onwards, candidates with double membership of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (FTU) and the DAB no longer run their campaign as members of DAB. Their seats are not included in the number of Councilors representing DAB after they are elected.
R eal ising V irt u ou s D em ocr acy
改 善 政 府 施 政
過去,民建聯就多項重大的政策,包括兩地合作、經 濟策略、產業發展、土地規劃、環境保育、教育政 策、扶貧助弱等進行深入的研究,提出了大量的建議 書。2010 年及 2011 年我們將部份研究報告及建議 書匯集成書,出版了《建港方略》及《愛建家園》, 與各界分享研究成果。而近年,我們亦持續就不同的 議題作研究,並將成果以建議書或報告形式公佈,如 2013 年的《設立落馬洲南商貿購物中心建議書》及 《應對人口挑戰報告書》、2014 年的《香港中藥產 業發展建議書》、2015 年的《粵港合作建議書》、 2016 年的《檢討港鐵票價調整機制建議》及 2017 年的《安老服務計劃方案》等。 儘管民建聯已投入資源進行政策研究,但亦存有一黨 之見的限制,唯有兼聽各界意見,多與不同團體、專 家及學者互動交流,才能夯實政策理論根基,提升議 政水平。為此,民建聯不時就重要議題舉辦各式的諮 詢會、研討會、工作坊及圓桌會議,當中較近期的包 括:2012 年及 2017 年兩次與特首參選人的座談會、 2015 年就青年發展舉辦一連四場的「睿商天下 政策 工作坊」、2016 年一連三個系列的「新願景 新希望」 圓桌會議。在眾多會議中以 2015 年三場「發展經濟 改善民生」圓桌會議令人印象最為深刻,會議不但嘉 賓陣容空前鼎盛,與會嘉賓的真知灼見更結集為《百 川匯-圓桌會議論集》廣泛流傳。
2008 年約見林鄭月娥提出舊工業區轉型建議書 In 2008 we met Ms. Carrie Lam to discuss our proposal to revitalize old factory districts
Proposing Policies to Improve the Level of Governance
建 言 獻 策
參政議政是對「港人治港」的一種承擔。作為政黨, 「參政」要通過選舉體現,「議政」則要做好政策研 究工作。民建聯自成立以來,即投放大量資源進行 政策研究,包括成立政策委員會、邀請專家組成智囊 團、延聘社會賢達為顧問、進行各類民調、與不同智 庫進行交流,以及舉辦研討會廣邀各界討論公共政策 等,務求所提出的政策倡議都是有質素及貼近民情, 議政及監察政府都能做到「是其是、非其非」。
To participate in politics is to take responsibility for putting “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” into action. As a political party, participation in politics is done via elections, and requires us to suggest and research good policies. Since the founding of the DAB, we have allotted a large amount of resources and time to research policy, including establishing Policy Committee and inviting experts to join our task force teams that focus on specific issues. We also consult with the community by holding various surveys and holding exchanges with different think tanks. We hold forums and roundtable discussions on issues of public interest. Through such methods we hope to suggest policies which will both be realistic and popular, fulfilling our role to “endorse what is right and criticise what is wrong”, no matter what. The DAB has in the past suggested a number of important policies, such as deepening cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland, economic policies, industrial development, land-use policy, promoting environmental protection, education policy and narrowing the gap between rich and poor, etc. In 2010 and 2011, we published a portion of the work done by the DAB into two books and shared them with the public. In recent years, we have continued to propose policies. For example in 2013 we published “A proposal to develop a shopping centre in South Lok Ma Chau” and “The challenge of demographics”. In 2014 we published “Our Proposal to develop the traditional chinese medicinal industry in Hong Kong” and in 2015 “Our proposal for Guangdong-Hong Kong cooperation”. In 2016 and 2017 we released “The reform of the MTR fare mechanism” and “Policy proposal to improve elderly care” respectively. While the DAB allotted resources to policy research, we were aware of the limitation of our views. We therefore asked for advice from different groups, professionals, experts and scholars in order to improve the quality of our proposals. The DAB held consultations, forums, workshops and roundtable discussions on various topics from time to time. In 2012 and 2017 we held two forums for Chief Executive Election candidates. In 2015 we held 4 youth workshops. In 2016 we held a series of roundtable discussions on “New visions and new hope”. The most memorable of these were the three sessions of the “Economic development and improving the people’s livelihood” roundtable discussion in 2015 which attracted unprecedented numbers of guests. We also compiled views and ideas exchanged in the discussions and put them in a published book for wider circulation.
出版 20 年史和多本政策文集 We published the 20 year history of the DAB and collections of our policy proposal
民建聯近年舉辦的研討會 Forums held by the DAB in recent years 日期 Date
研討會主題 Forum Topic 睿商天下政策工作坊- 青年篇 Y ou t h w or k shop
政治參與和本土意識 P ol it ic al par t ic ipat ion and
教育與培訓 E d u c at ion and
就業及事業發展 F ind ing em pl oy m ent and
國情、國史及德育教育 P at r iot ism , Chinese hist or y and
l oc al is t s ent i m ent
t r aining
c ar eer d ev el opm ent
et hi c s ed u c at i on
發展經濟 改善民生 香港的機遇與挑 戰 圓 桌 會 議 R ou nd t ab l e d isc u ssions on ec onom i c d ev el opm ent and t he c hal l enges and oppor t u nit ies of H ong K ong
i m pr ov i ng t he peopl e’ s l i v el i hood ,
香港宏觀經濟政策調整的路徑選擇 A n ad j u st m ent t o H ong K ong’ s m ac r oec onom i c pol i c y and
香港傳統產業的優勢與出路 A n ad v ant ageou s w ay f or w ar d
香港民生的困局與突破 H ow t o b r eak t hr ou gh t he l iv el ihood
t he c hoi c es ahead
f or H ong K ong’ s t r ad i t i onal i nd u s t r i es .
w el f ar e pr ob l em s of H ong K ong r es i d ent s .
其他 O t her s 2015-11-7
TSA工作坊 T S A w or k shop
強積金對沖機制齊齊傾圓桌會議 A r ou nd t ab l e d isc u ssion on t he MP F 新願景 新希望圓桌會議 R ou nd t ab l e d isc u ssions on new
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民建聯與特首參選人座談會 T he D A B ’ s m eet ings w it h c and id at es f or t he C hi ef E x ec u t i v e E l ec t i on 2017-2-4
民建聯與特首參選人座談會-林鄭月 娥 T he D A B ’ s m eet ing w it h t he c an d i d at e f or t he C hi ef E x ec u t i v e E l ec t i on: M s . C ar r i e L am
民建聯與特首參選人座談會-葉劉淑 儀 T he D A B ’ s m eet ing w it h t he c an d i d at e f or t he C hi ef E x ec u t i v e E l ec t i on: M s . R egi na I p
民建聯與特首參選人座談會-曾俊華 T he D A B ’ s m eet ing w it h t he c an d i d at e f or t he C hi ef E x ec u t i v e E l ec t i on: M r. J ohn T s ang
民建聯與特首參選人座談會-胡國興 T he D A B ’ s m eet ing w it h t he c an d i d at e f or t he C hi ef E x ec u t i v e E l ec t i on: M r. W
oo K w ok H i ng
R eal ising V irt u ou s D em ocr acy
支 持 港 人 治 港
民建聯成立之初,雖然資源有限,但已就選舉開展各 項培訓工作,並成立培訓委員會不斷改進培訓工作的 質與量。2000 年,民建聯培訓委員會決定整合過去 較為零散的培訓,並開展系統性培訓工程,而培訓的 地點亦不再局限於香港,而遍及內地、美國及英國, 令學員可以實地了解不同的政治文化。首屆的政治專 才訓練計劃在 2000 年開班,隨後的 2007、2010、 2012 及 2014 年亦持續開辦政治專才培訓課程,而 自 2010 年起課程更開放予全港有志服務社會的年青 人。有系統的培訓不但充實民建聯的人才庫,協助民 建聯在各級選舉爭取佳績,亦為民建聯向政府輸送政 治人才提供條件,以實踐「港人治港」。 2004 年,民建聯先後將原「青年工作小組」升格為 「青年民建聯」,並設立「政策副發言人」制度。 「副發」的設立,是希望年輕新晉能熟悉選定的社會 政策,並代表民建聯在不同範疇發表意見,同時增加 他們在傳媒的「曝光」機會。而「青民」隨了配合跨 階層政黨的發展方向外,亦著重青年會員的培訓,包 括辯論技巧、傳媒應對、政策研究、政黨實習及組織 社會行動等。 培訓的最終目標就是要「交棒」,而只有讓新人參與 核心黨務的管理,讓他們經歷選舉的洗禮,才能成為 獨當一面的政治人物。無論從選舉及黨務的角度看, 民建聯在薪火相傳的工作上,都做得比較早、亦比較 徹底。民建聯黨內的交班工作於 2005 年第 8 屆中常 委已開始按步推行,其後每一屆中常委換屆時均有一 定比例的年輕會員加入領導核心。而到了 2015 年, 黨內兩代交接的工作,已基本完成。而相比於黨務, 年輕會員在選舉中可以發揮的空間則更為廣闊,民建 聯在提携後進上更稱得上本地政團之最,以近 3 屆區 議會選舉為例,2007 年時 40 歲或以下的年輕參選人 已佔了三分一以上,到了 2011 年時則增至 44%,而 2015 年時已差不多佔了一半,達 46%。
Training New Personnel, Supporting “Hong Kong People Administering Hong Kong”
培 訓 人 才
民建聯是一個「有前景」、「有承擔」的政黨,這不 僅是政治口號,亦是我們培養政治人才的態度,我們 致力為有志參政者,特別是年青一輩提供實習、培訓 和交流機會,以及參政議政的途徑,體現我們對「港 人治港」的承擔。
The DAB is a party with a future that the public can count on. It is no mere slogan, but we put our money where our mouth is by providing resources to train the next generation of political talents with a serious attitude. We provide opportunities for them to gain valuable experience, to undertake various training and dialogue. This proves our commitment to the idea of “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong”. Even though resources were limited during the DAB’s early period, we set up a Training Committee that continuously improved the quality and quantity of training we provided. In 2000, the Training Committee decided to consolidate all our disparate training programs and perform this work more systematically. This training was no longer limited to Hong Kong, but it included trips to the Mainland and even the UK and the United States. The first systematic training program for political personnel started in 2000 and subsequently we were able to hold new classes in 2007, 2010, 2012 and 2014. Since 2010 the courses are open to all young people who wish to serve Hong Kong. The systematic training not only fills the stable of the DAB with talented personnel, it also helps the DAB attain excellent results in the various elections. In providing talented political personnel to help the government, the DAB truly puts “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” into practice. In 2004, the DAB upgraded our “Youth Working Group” into the “YoungDAB”, and set up a system of “Deputy Spokespersons” to speak on various policies. “Deputy Spokespersons” were set up in the hope that talented young people could have a chance to familiarize themselves with public and social policy. This shows that the DAB emphasizes giving a chance to the younger generation and is willing to listen to their advice. The YoungDAB not only sets our party’s march to become a party that transcends social class, it emphasizes training our young members in discussion and debate, dealing with the media, policy research and gives young people a chance to receive internships in the party and participate and organize social movements. The ultimate purpose of this training is to prepare young politicians to receive the baton of the DAB from our senior members and to undergo their baptism of fire by standing for election. The only way to become a politician is to stand for election. Regardless of whether you look at it from an electoral or party perspective, the DAB has been prompt and thorough in teaching and passing on the baton to the next generation. This work within the party has been ongoing since our 8th Central Committee session in 2005 and every session there are always a number of younger members who will be promoted to leadership roles in our Central Committee. In 2015, the passing of the baton to the younger generation was basically finished. Compared to other political parties, the DAB gives more space and scope for young politicians to stand for elections. Using three District Council Elections as examples, in 2007 1/3 of our candidates were under 40 years old. By 2011, this had risen to 44% and in 2015 almost half of our candidates were under 40, at 46%.
2014 年第三屆政治專才文憑課程畢業禮 The graduation ceremony of our 3rd diploma course for political talents in 2014
推行副發言人制度,培育從政人才 Implemented a system of deputy spokespersons to groom young political talents
Realising Virtuous Democracy
邁 向 優 質 民 主
民建聯初成立便設立憲制小組研究 1995 年立法局選 舉方案,並於民建聯訪京時向港澳辦反映。92 年, 港督彭定康提出「政改方案」違反中英兩國過去所達 成的協議,引來中方強烈反對。雖然中英雙方最後未 能就政制發展達成協議,但民建聯亦盡最大的努力, 希望中英雙方在其他方面合作,確保平穩過渡。 回歸後的首十年,本港政制發展基本依據《基本法》 的規定,循序漸進地向前邁進。而隨著 2002 年行政 長官及 2004 年立法會選舉結束,社會焦點開始轉向 2007、08 年政制發展上。為此,民建聯早於 2005 年初即就政制發展,主動邀請各界交流及吸納社會意 見,包括舉辦「對話未來」座談會。期後,我們亦向 特區政府的政制發展專責小組提出意見,爭取擴大選 委會及功能組別的代表性,並參與「關注政改大聯 盟」的聯合行動,推動政制向前走。無奈,07/08 政 改方案雖然獲得立法會過半數議員支持,最終亦因達 不到《基本法》規定的三分之二支持而遭否決,香港 政制被迫原地踏步。 2007 年,政府重啟政改「五部曲」,並就 2012 年 的行政長官及立法會選舉提出建議方案。另一邊廂, 反對陣營則發起「五區公投」,強推違反《基本法》 及人大相關決定的政改方案。民建聯拒絕參與這場 「公投」鬧劇,並參與發起「政制向前走大聯盟」, 在全港進行簽名運動及發動市民參加 2010 年 6 月 19 日「為普選、撐政改」集會遊行,當日出席參與 者高達 12 萬人,反應熱烈。6 月 25 日,民建聯立法 會議員聯同其他支持政改方案的議員,表決通過政改 方案,令香港政制得以向前邁進重要的一步。
Pushing for Political Reform and Working towards a Virtuous Democracy
推 動 政 改
民建聯作為一個有承擔的政黨,我們除了積極參與選 舉,培訓政治人才外,更視推動香港政制發展,邁向 優質民主為己任。
As a political party that takes its responsibility seriously, the DAB pushes for political reform and works towards a virtuous democracy as one of its missions, in addition to proactively participating in elections and training the next generation of political talents. Right from day one the DAB set up a Constitutional Subcommittee to research the arrangement for the 1995 Legislative Council Election, and the conclusions reached herein were expressed to the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office during its visit to Beijing that year. In 1992, colonial governor Chris Patten pushed forward his “political reform package” unilaterally in a way that contravened related agreements reached by both countries and aroused the strong indignation of Beijing. Even though China and the UK were never able to come to an agreement on political reform, the DAB had worked hard to urge Beijing and London to cooperate over the issue and ensure a smooth transition. In the first decade after the Handover, the political development of Hong Kong pretty much went as set out in the Basic Law. After the 2002 Chief Executive and 2004 Legco Elections, social attention was focused on the 2007/2008 political reform. Therefore, the DAB invited various sectors of society to dialogues and exchanges in order to get a pulse of the city’s opinion on the issue, well ahead of schedule in early 2005. This included holding forum on “The Dialogue with the Future”. After that we also gave advice to the Task Force on Constitutional Development of SAR government to increase the representativeness of the Functional Constituencies and the Electoral Committee. We participated in the “Grand coalition concerning political reform” and pressed for political reform. Unfortunately, even though the 2007-2008 electoral reform package was supported by the majority of Legco, it was unable to attain the 2/3rds majority required by the Basic Law and therefore the motion did not pass. The progress of political reform in Hong Kong stalled. In 2007, the government restarted the “five step process” of constitutional reform for the 2012 Legislative Council and Chief Executive Elections. On the other hand, opposition camp stirred up the “five district geographical constituencies referendum” , and put forward a proposal which strongly contravened both the Basic Law and the relevant decision of the NPCSC. The DAB resolutely refused to participate in the farcical so-called “referendum” and instead par ticipated in the “Alliance for Constitutional Development.” This alliance held a signature petition and 120,000 mobilized residents participated in a large-scale event on 19 June, 2010. On 25 June, 2010, DAB Legislative Councilors and our allies supported the government proposal which finally passed, allowing Hong Kong to take its most important step on the way to political reform.
香港經歷多輪議會選舉,議會內的政治光譜不斷延 伸,反對派在議會內的暴力行為亦不斷升級,由粗口 橫飛、咆哮謾罵的言語暴力、到掟蕉、掃檯、佔領主 席檯的肢體暴力,再到肆意拉布、瘋狂點人數製造流 會的程序暴力,種種議會亂象不但破壞立法會形象, 更威脅議會的正常運作,影響民生福祉。民建聯認為 議會暴力等同反民主,故我們多次作出反制行動,以 捍衞議會尊嚴及秩序,包括:2011 年,譚耀宗議員 以議事規則委員會主席身份,成功修訂《議事規則》, 將「驅逐」行為不檢議員的權力擴展至所有委員會; 2012 年葉國謙議員提出修改《財務委員會會議程 序》,將議員就每項撥款申請可提出毋須預告的議案 設上限;以及多次發動「反拉布」示威集會,向拉布 議員反擊。
As Hong Kong has undertaken many elections for its legislature, bad behaviour within Legco continues to escalate. So-called opposition elements have upped the ante on their violent antics in the legislature. First they swore like sailors, lacing their language with expletives in an awe-inspiring display of verbal violence. Then they threw bananas and swept things off tables, “occupying” the chair of the chairman in a show of physical violence. Then they filibustered everything, using the quorum bell as a weapon and forcing premature adjournments in a stunning display of procedural violence. All these different acts of violence not only destroys the image of Legco, it threatens the proper function of the legislature and directly affects the welfare of the people. The DAB firmly believes that such violent behavior in Legco is antidemocratic. Therefore we have forwarded motions against such behavior multiple times in order to protect the dignity of the Legislative Council. This included the following: In 2011, Legislative Councilor Tam Yiu Chung served as the Chair of the Committee on Rules of Procedure (of Legco) successfully revised the “Rules of Procedure” to expand the rule of expulsion (of misbehaving persons) from the Legislative Chamber to all committees and subcommittees in Legco. In 2012 Legislative Councilor Ip Kwok Him proposed to revise the “Finance Committee Procedure” to put a limit on how many motions a councilor can move without prior notice. We also held many “anti-filibuster” rallies and fought back against filibustering councilors.
出席在 2010 年舉行的撐政改集會 We participated in the rally for electoral reform in 2010
R eal ising V irt u ou s D em ocr acy
2013 年起,社會就政制發展的爭議逐步升溫,反對 陣營以醞釀「公投」及「佔領中環」脅迫中央及特區 政府接納他們的政改方案。同年下旬,反對派就政改 持續發動抗爭行動,甚至就「佔中」作預演。這種不 利的政治氣氛下,民建聯預計在 2017 年實現普選行 政長官存在極大的挑戰,並為此作出準備。2014 年 初,民建聯成立政改小組,製作大批宣傳品及到全港 十八區舉辦政改座談會,收集民意,凝聚共識,並在 4 月向政府提交特首普選建議。其後積極參與「保普 選、反佔中大聯盟」的連串活動,包括兩次大型街頭 簽名運動及 8.17 大遊行,堅持以理性、和平和合 法的手法,爭取「一人一票選特首」。儘管 2014、 15 年間的主流民調結果是以支持通過政府的政改方 案佔多,可惜,反對派還是罔顧民意,否決方案,令 香港政制再度原地踏步。 民建聯深信只有根據《基本法》及人大常委會的相關 決定落實「雙普選」,民主進程才能夠推展,我們會 致力創造條件,促成社會各方就實現「雙普選」達成 共識。然而,我們亦深信實現「雙普選」是香港民主 發展的重要一環,但並非全部。世界各地的經驗告訴 我們,民主有優劣之分,優質民主應以法治為基礎, 講求理性參與,兼顧個人及社會整體利益,能夠促進 良好管治,並提高市民福祉。而民建聯日後將繼續為 香港建設優質民主而努力。
From 2013 onward, the atmosphere in Hong Kong grew more heated as the battle for political reform was well and truly joined. The opposition camp threatened to hold so-called “referendums” and so-called’ “occupy central” in order to force the Central and HKSAR Governments to swallow their “viewpoint” on the reform package. As 2013 dragged on the opposition camp continued to raise the ante in their opposition to the reform package, even holding rehearsal of “occupy central”. In this unfavourable political environment, the DAB foresaw that it would be extremely challenging to realise universal suffrage for the 2017 Chief Executive Election, therefore we made preparations to promote the reform package. In early 2014, the DAB established a Political Reform Subcommittee and created many advertisements for the reform package as well as holding various forums and discussions. In April of that year we made a formal proposal to the government. When that was achieved, we proactively participated in the “Alliance for Peace and Democracy” which included a major signature petition campaign in public as well as a large march on 17 August, 2014. We persisted in using rational, peaceful and lawful means to achieve the goal of electing the Chief Executive by universal suffrage. Despite the majority opinion of residents that supported the government reform package, the opposition camp was firmly against the will of the people and the reform package did not pass. Once again, Hong Kong’s political reform ground to a halt. The DAB deeply believes that only through following the Basic Law and decisions of the NPC Standing Committee could dual universal suffrage be realised and democratic progress be encouraged. We will work hard to create the conditions that will allow the different sectors of society to reach a consensus and enact dual universal suffrage. We believe that implementing dual universal suffrage is an important part of Hong Kong’s democratic development, but it is not everything. Various events around the world prove to us that democracy has its pros and cons for the people. A virtuous democracy depends on the rule of law and seeks rational participation among its citizens that will secure individual rights and the public good. It will be able to advance the cause of good governance and improve the people’s livelihood and welfare. The DAB will continue to work hard to establish a virtuous democracy in Hong Kong.
要求一人一票選特首 We request universal suffrage for the Chief Executive Election
Realising Virtuous Democracy
香港回歸以來 20 年除了 97 亞洲金融風暴及非典時 期之外,失業率都是維持在低水平,這是一個非常難 得的現象,說明經濟發展保持在一個穩定良好的局 面,人人有工做,人人有飯開。 但是,近年來社會貧富懸殊差距日趨嚴重亦加深了整 體社會的矛盾。顯示出雖然經濟發展起來,普羅市民 並未得到好處,沒有分享到經濟發展成果。 儘管政府多年來不斷增加資源投放在教育、醫療和福 利方面,可是大多數市民仍然不感覺到政府改善了民 生。究其原因,就是市民面對長時期的樓價和租金高 企,把大部份收入用在住房開支,大大抵消了經濟發 展帶來的效益,拉低了生活質素。因此,每當財政預 算案諮詢期一到,就有聲音要求派錢減稅加福利。市 民有這麼想法是完全可以理解的,因為派錢減稅能夠 直接得益,但是不能每次都這樣做。要分享到經濟發 展成果就需要重新分配資源,還要把資源用到實處。 既不能博一時的掌聲,也不能影響到長期的財政負擔 和規劃。 十多年來由赤字預算到平衡預算,至今積累了龐大 的盈餘,老實說,以量入為出的理財原則衡量,坐 擁巨額盈餘而民生仍然繃緊,說明我們未有善用盈 餘,也沒有充份利用豐厚的儲備去緩解市民面對的 經濟壓力。 現 時 公 營 房 屋 居 民 的 住 房 支 出 比 較 低, 約 為 1015%,不過,他們的收入低,每月可用的收入餘額亦 不算多,加上年輕人輪候公屋的入住機會甚微,要 購置私樓就更不容易。然而,住在私樓市民的開支 就大約佔了收入的 50-60%,有的甚至更高。政府把 房屋問題列為重中之重是完全對的,只因這幾年來 土地開發受阻,供應有限,造成公私營樓宇供應仍 然不足,即使政府一再以辣招遏抑需求,但是樓價 仍然不斷上升。 倘若我們能夠針對性地作出措施,在確保樓市平穩健 康發展的同時推行適切的政策,讓置業人士可以得到 支援從而減輕住屋開支,這才能算是有效地分享經濟 發展的成果。 陳鑑林
Ever since Hong Kong’s reunification with China, with the exceptions of the 1997 East Asian Financial Crisis and the SARS period, the unemployment rate in Hong Kong has remained low. This phenomenon is seldom seen worldwide and is a remarkable achievement, as it proves that economic development in Hong Kong has been stable for a long time. Everyone has work to do and nobody is starving. Nevertheless, in recent years our society has seen the harsh consequences of ever-increasing income inequality and its adverse effects on social cohesion. This proves that even though economic development is occurring, many underprivileged residents do not see any benefits of this and are unable to share in the fruits of economic prosperity. Even though the government has constantly increased its investment in education, medicine and welfare, the majority of Hong Kong residents still do not feel that the Hong Kong government has adequately supported the livelihood and welfare of the people. When we study the reasons why, it is the fact that property prices and rent have been expensive long-term, forcing residents to put the majority of their income towards housing. These exorbitant housing expenses have eaten away at any benefits that development can bring to ordinary residents, and has lowered the quality of life for the majority. Therefore, whenever the public consultation period for the budget comes along, voices ring out calling for the government to pass money to residents, lower taxes and increase welfare. It is completely understandable why Hong Kong residents feel this way, because cutting taxes and handing out money to residents gives direct benefits to them, but such measures cannot add up to a long term solution. In order to properly share the benefits of economic development more evenly, a new paradigm of resource allotment is required. These resources must also be used pragmatically and for their proper use. They must not be a measure performed purely to win applause, and it cannot have an adverse effect on long-term government finances and planning. The red ink on government finance sheets turned to black over the past decade, and then the black ink snowballed into an enormous surplus. As the government sits on this enormous surplus while ordinary people continue to struggle economically, this proves that we have not used this surplus positively and have not used our abundant financial resources to ease the daunting financial burden that ordinary people face. Currently, the housing expenditure ratio of Public Housing residents remains relatively low at around 10-15%. However, their income is also low, and their monthly balance cannot be considered high. Also, the fact is that a young person’s chance for acquiring or purchasing a housing unit in public or private housing is slim. However, residents of private housing estates have to spend around 50-60% of their income on housing alone, and some have to pay even more. It is undoubtedly positive that the government has emphasized the housing issue as a core concern, yet the development of land has stalled for the past few years, leading to a severely limited supply of both public and private housing units. The government has constantly thrown in one price cooling measure after another, but prices continue to rise inexorably. If we can take strong measures to focus on this problem and to undertake appropriate housing policies while ensuring the health and stability of the real estate market and to allow people in search of a home to receive support and ease their financial burden, only such measures can be seen to be adequately sharing the fruits of development to all. Chan Kam Lam
Sharing the Fruits of Development
共 享 發 展 成 果
S haring t he F ru it s of D eve l opm ent
節錄自 2000 年 1 月 1 日民建聯千禧宣言
“Parallel with the creation of prosperity and wealth, the overall living quality of society as a whole should also be improved- above all a reasonable standard of care for the underprivileged. Only when a broad spectrum of society can enjoy the fruits of prosperity, with people living and working peacefully, can society as a whole be stable, and further conditions be laid for continuous creation of wealth.” Extracted from The DAB Millennium Declaration 1 January, 2000
千戶家庭樂滿 Fun 2017 Fun for a Thousand Families 2017
S haring t he F ru it s of D eve l opm ent
回 歸 前 爭 取 的 成 果
作為跨階層的政黨,進入議會就必須以「是其是,非 其非」的態度監督政府施政,維護市民利益。民建聯 創黨的三大綱領是「平穩過渡」、「繁榮創富」及 「安居樂業」,三大綱領之下承載著我們二十五年以 來,對經濟及民生所提出的種種政策倡議。民建聯在 市民的支持、認同及信任下,透過各種社會行動、各 級議會平台致力實現我們的政綱,期望香港持續繁榮 創富的同時,社會各階層都能分享當中的成果。而回 顧二十五年的工作,有些要求很快「成功爭取」,有 些沒有得到回應,但更多是需要長年經營,甚至因應 時勢及民意作修改,才能到達「成果共享」的階段, 當中不少事例都令人印象難忘。
避 免 新 機 場債台高築
在 1992 年 9 月在全港派發 19 萬份新機場工程單張,引發公眾關注 In September 1992 we handed out around 190,000 flyers detailing work on the new airport
赤鱲角新機場是回歸前的焦點工程,但由於造價高 昂,可能對回歸後的特區政府帶來沉重的財政壓力。 為此,民建聯成立後即設立「機場小組」深入研究並 力主工程必須訂下一個合理的上限。隨後,我們更在 全港派發 19 萬份新機場工程單張,以引發公眾關注。 1994 年 1 月,我們率先發表「降低成本、增加注資、 減少借貸」的方案,並分別向中英代表推薦方案。中 英雙方最終在同年 11 月 4 日,就新機場及機場鐵路 的財務安排達成協議,內容與民建聯方案大致相同。
爭 取 劃 一 生果金及撤消離港限制 高齡津貼,俗稱「生果金」,為政府向長者發放的 一項福利金。民建聯成立時,生果金是「兩級制」 的,即「普通高齡津貼」及「高額高齡津貼」,兩者 金額不同並設有離港限制。民建聯認為上述規定並不 理想,故回歸前已要求將生果金金額劃一,並爭取撤 消離港限制。2008 年特區政府終於接納劃一金額的 要求,但卻要求 70 歲以上長者亦要接受經濟審查。 民建聯強烈反對審查,最終政府亦順應民意,撤回 新審查要求,而 2009 年起生果金金額劃一增至每月 1000 元。隨後數年,政府又接納民建聯的建議,先 後在 2013 年推出「廣東計劃」及 2017 年公佈「福 建計劃」,讓已移居廣東省及福建省的合資格長者, 毋須每年返港亦可領取生果金。
要求英方在回歸前解決越南船民問題 自 1979 年英國政府將香港列為「第一收容港」後, 越南船民問題漸漸成為香港一個沉重經濟及社會負 擔。1996 年初,民建聯趁英國首相訪港的機會,致 函促請英國政府履行責任,在九七年前解決滯港船民 問題。同年 5 月,沙田白石船民羈留中心爆發嚴重騷 動,我們立即發表聲明及發動全港簽名運動,並致函 港督要求政府取消第一收容港政策及立即關閉接近民 居的船民中心。97 年 7 月回歸後,我們即於同月要 求特區政府取消「第一收容港政策」,最終特區政府 在 1998 年 1 月 8 日宣佈取消「第一收容港政策」。
在 1992 年 9 月向市民說明十大工程造價 In September 1992 we explained the cost of the 10 major construction projects in Hong Kong to the public
在 1996 年要求政府取消第一收容港政策 In 1996 we requested the government to end the "port of first asylum policy"
Our Initiative and a Good Result: Pre-Handover
The DAB is a party that transcends social classes and therefore adopts an attitude of “endorsing what is right and criticising what is wrong” in our duties to monitor the government from within the Legislature. The three founding ideals of the DAB are “ensuring a smooth transition”, “building a prosperous economy” and “making Hong Kong a secure and harmonious home for all.” Over the past 25 years these three ideals have informed the policies we proposed. With the support and trust of Hong Kong people, the DAB has worked hard to implenment our policies by social actions and efforts within the legislature. We hope that the various sectors of society can share the fruits of development more evenly. In the past 25 years, we have won quick victories on some issues and haven’t had the ideal response on others, but some issues required a long time to turn into policy. Many of these long-running issues were unforgettable and left a deep impression on us.
Lowering costs for the New Airport Project The new airport at Chek Lap Kok was a major flashpoint in local politics just before the Handover. Since it was so expensive, it was very possible that it would have created a heavy financial burden to the government post-Handover. Therefore, the DAB set up an “airport panel” to thoroughly research the engineering and construction work required and urged a reasonable upper cap on financial spending on the airport. In coordination with this we passed out 190,000 flyers on the new airport that aroused the interest of the people. In January 1994, we publicized our proposal “lower costs, increase financial injection and lower borrowing” to the Chinese and the British authorities respectively. They finally agreed on financial arrangements for the new airport and railway on 4th November, 1994, and the agreement was largely in line with the proposal of the DAB.
the government again agreed to the DAB’s proposal and enacted the “Guangdong scheme” in 2013 and announced the “Fujian scheme” in the 2017 Policy Address. These two schemes allow seniors who moved to those two provinces to receive the OAA without having to return to Hong Kong every year.
Urging the British authorities to deal with the Vietnamese boat refugee problem Since 1979 when the British government announced Hong Kong as the “port of first asylum”, the Vietnamese boat refugee crisis gradually became a heavy social and economic burden on Hong Kong. In early 1996, the DAB saw the opportunity to write a letter to the visiting British Prime Minister John Major on this issue. We communicated to him that this crisis was the responsibility of the British government and that it was their responsibility to solve the issue of the Vietnamese boat refugees before 1997. In May 1996, there was a serious riot at the Whitehead refugee centre in Sha Tin. The DAB immediately set up a signature petition in all Hong Kong to force the colonial governor to cancel Hong Kong’s status as the “port of first asylum” and immediately close down all refugee camps lying near local residential districts. In July 1997 right after the Handover, we again raised our request to the new HKSAR government and on January 8th, 1998, the HKSAR government announced that it officially canceled Hong Kong’s status as the “port of first asylum”.
Reforming the OAA and rescinding restrictions on retiring abroad The Old Age Allowance (OAA) or “fruit money”, is essentially welfare given to seniors by the government. When the DAB was founded, the OAA was “twotiered” into the “Normal Old Age Allowance” (normal OAA) and “Higher Old Age Allowance” (Higher OAA). The asset limit was different for both tiers and seniors were restricted from leaving Hong Kong if they wished to receive the OAA. The DAB felt that this convoluted system was far from ideal and proposed instead that the “two-tier” system be abolished, all OAA recipients be unified into one system and to abolish the restrictions on moving abroad. In 2008 the HKSAR government finally decided to abolish the two tier system and unify the OAA into a single system, but they decreed that seniors over age 70 needed to undergo a financial means test before being allowed to receive the OAA. The DAB strongly opposed this test and the government finally acquiesced to the public’s request and they took back their proposal for the financial means test. In 2009 the OAA was raised to $1,000 HKD a month. In the next few years,
1995 年向政府提交爭取改善生果金市民簽名 We held a signature petition in 1995 urging the government to improve the fruit money
S haring t he F ru it s of D eve l opm ent
1997 年 7 月泰國貨幣大幅貶值觸發亞洲金融風暴, 並在短時間內波及香港,最終演變為全球危機。本港 金融體系受到嚴重衝擊,百業蕭條,失業率不斷上 升。為此,民建聯在 1998 年發起連串行動,期望能 紓解民困,包括在 98 年元旦提出「98 十大願望」為 市民打氣;2 月發起「1 停 2 減 3 凍結」行動,要求 停止擴大輸入外勞、減稅、減差餉,以及凍結公屋租 金、公用事業收費及政府收費等,行動獲 20 萬市民 簽名支持;5 月,提出「紓解民困四大要求」,要求 政府增加 11 萬個新職位、公屋商鋪減租三成等。特 區政府其後在 6 月公佈一套紓緩困境及振興香港經濟 的方案,而方案部份的內容如退差餉、調低柴油稅, 正面回應了民建聯的訴求。
反 加 風 保 民生 亞洲金融風暴雖然在 98 年年底結束,但隨後數年本 港經濟依然處於低潮。此時,特區政府卻先後提出多 項加費、加稅建議,而民建聯亦迅速作出回應。99 年 6 月,民建聯發起簽名行動及請願,最終成功令 政府撤回三千多項加費建議。99 年 3 月政府建議開 徵陸路離境稅,民建聯因應事態發起多次簽名行動, 並於 11 月在立法會大會上動議「反對政府開徵陸路 離境稅」,財政司司長其後在 2000 年 3 月決定不在 2000/01 年度推行該稅。2003 年 3 月,政府提出開 徵「邊境建設稅」,變相重推「陸路離境稅」,我們 同樣反對,並在 9 月致函財政司司長促請政府撤銷該 稅,至 10 月下旬,政府最終宣佈擱置開徵「邊境建 設稅」。
1998 年十大願望活動 We held an event called "10 Great Hopes for 1998 "
1999 年 6 月,反對政府妄加收費 In June 1999, we opposed the government raising prices exorbitantly
Our Initiative and a Good Result: Early Post-Handover Years
回 歸 初 期 努 力 的 成 果
金 融 風 暴 與紓解民困
The financial crisis and alleviating the people’s burden In July 1997 the Thai Baht suffered a precipitous fall that ignited the Asian Financial Crisis. Within a very short time this affected Hong Kong and eventually the entire globe. In Hong Kong, the financial institutions underwent massive shocks and attacks. Many companies went bankrupt and the unemployment rate rose inexorably. Therefore, in 1998 the DAB started a series of activities that hoped to alleviate the difficulties of ordinary residents. On New Year’s Day 1998 we publicized our “10 great hopes for 1998” to cheer up Hong Kong residents. In February we held an activity to stop the large-scale importation of foreign labour, to reduce taxes and rates and to freeze rents, public utility and government fees. We received 200,000 signatures supporting our activity from the people of Hong Kong. In May 1998, we set out our “four requests to alleviate the people’s burden”. We requested that the government create 110,000 new jobs and for rents for shops in Public Housing Estates to be cut by 30% and so on. In June 1998 the HKSAR government announced a package to alleviate the difficult environment and kickstart the Hong Kong economy once more. The package had sections on reducing rates and diesel duty that acceded to DAB requests and suggestions.
Fighting against price hikes and protecting the people’s livelihood Even though the Asian Financial Crisis ended in late 1998, the economy in Hong Kong continued to be rather stagnant over the next few years. At this time, the HKSAR government considered raising prices and taxes in a way that prompted a fast response from the DAB. In June 1999, the DAB held a signature petition that successfully made the government reconsider and ultimately repeal their idea to raise prices on over 3,000 items and services. In March 1999 the government proposed enacting a land departure tax on travelers. The DAB raised the issue in Legco and also held another signature petition that opposed the land departure tax” in November 1999. In March 2000 the financial secretary decided not to enact this tax for the 2000/2001 financial year. In March 2003 the government proposed a “Boundary Facilities Improvement Tax” that was essentially another crossborder tax in disguise. Once again the DAB mobilized in opposition and in September 2003 the financial secretary recommended that the government revoke this tax, which was finally officially done in October 2003 as the government announced it would no longer pursue the “Boundary Facilities Improvement Tax”.
團 結 社會共抗「沙士」 2003 年「沙士」肆虐香港,不但奪去近 300 人的寶 貴生命,亦對香港經濟造成沉重打擊。為協助市民抗 疫,聯盟在沙士期間向市民派發 30 萬個口罩及大批 清潔用品,並向前線醫護人員送上慰問卡、保護衣等 以作支持。同時,我們亦籌辦多項活動,包括抗疫專 題講座、全城清潔日、運動抗炎健康日及「愛在瘟疫 蔓延時」徵文比賽等,以團結社會,共同抗疫。同時 間,我們又透過議會平台及社會行動,向政府、房委 會、房協、兩鐵及各大發展商提出多項紓緩商戶及市 民負擔的建議,包括減租、減稅及減收政府費用等。 經過社會各界同心抗疫,世界衛生組織在 2003 年 6 月 23 日,將香港從「沙士」疫區中除名。
Bringing society together to resist SARS In 2003, SARS loomed over Hong Kong, causing not only a severe economic crisis, but also 300 people to lose their precious lives over this tragedy. In order to protect residents from contagion, the DAB handed out 300,000 facemasks and a large amount of cleaning products to the populace. We also arranged for appreciation cards and protective attire to be sent to frontline medical personnel to show our support for them. At the same time, we held many activities such as lectures on how to avoid infection, holding a “cleanliness day” for all of Hong Kong, a sports day in order to promote health and prevent infection and we also held a writing contest. These helped bring society together to fight SARS as one. We also took actions within Legco and the communities to urge the government, Housing Authority, the HK Housing Society, big developers and both the MTR and the KCR to alleviate the heavy burden on businesses and residents. Our requests included lowering rent, lowering tax and lowering government fees. As Hong Kong society came together to fight against SARS, the World Health Organization finally declared Hong Kong free of SARS on 23rd June, 2003.
在 1998 年 2 月發起「1 停 2 減 3 凍結」請願 We held a protest to urge the government to alleviate the difficulties of residents in February 1998
在 1998 年 6 月發起請願,要求政府紓解民困 We requested the government to alleviate financial hardship for the people in June 1998
2003 年 4 月,舉行全民清潔日 We joined the campaign for everyone to clean their homes and fight SARS
2003 年 4 月,在街頭派發健康錦囊 We handed out health tips to the general public in April 2003
S haring t he F ru it s of D eve l opm ent
香港經濟在沙士後逐步復蘇,政府亦告別財赤錄得盈 餘。民建聯認為當政府財政回穩時,必須善用盈餘, 減輕中產稅負,關懷老弱,還富於民。民建聯透過發 表施政報告及財政預算案期望,提出上述訴求。儘管 我們主張的一些訴求,如退稅、公屋免租、免差餉及 福利金「出雙糧」均得到積極的回應,但某些建議卻 要堅持,甚至長期的爭取,才能見成果。2011 年 2 月,財政司長提出為每個強積金戶口注入 6,000 元, 但普羅市民未能即時受惠,為此我們要求司長修訂建 議,並通過簽名行動收集市民支持。經聯盟及各建制 派議員合力游說後,成功令政府改變初衷,並直接向 市民派發 6,000 元。此外,民建聯自 2011 起一直要 求進一步擴闊薪俸稅稅階及稅率,以減輕中產稅負, 最終亦在 2017 年財算案中才取得部份成果,政府宣 佈將薪俸稅稅階擴闊至 45,000 元。
長 者 乘 車 優惠與2元搭車計劃 2000 年起,個別巴士公司及鐵路公司,開始為長者 提供間斷式的乘車優惠。及至 2008 年 11 月底至 12 月,港鐵和專利巴士公司突然宣布取消長者周日及假 日搭乘優惠,民建聯即於立法會提出「減輕交通費用 負擔」的動議,反對相關措施。在強大的輿論壓力下, 巴士及鐵路公司紛紛延長長者優惠。2010 年,我們 在施政報告期望中促請政府推動各交通機構為長者提 供恆常的乘車優惠。2011 年 10 月 12 日,政府在施 政報告提出俗稱的「2 元搭車計劃」。至此,我們及 社會的訴求終獲得積極的回應。
2011 年 6 月,建議政府向市民派發 6000 元 We proposed the government to hand out $6000 to each Hong Kong resident in June 2011
回應 2017 年財政預算案 DAB responded to the 2017-18 Budget
Our Initiative and a Good Result: Recent Years
近 年 取 得 的 成 果
減 輕 稅 負 還富於民
Lower taxes and use the Budget surplus to improve the people’s welfare The Hong Kong economy gradually recovered after SARS. The government recorded budget surpluses year on year. The DAB feels that after government finances have stabilized, it should use the surplus to reduce taxes on the middle class and take care of the vulnerable in society. By publicizing our expectations and hopes for the Policy Address and Budget each year, the DAB proposes its solutions directly to the government. Though some of our suggestions, such as tax rebates, rent exemptions for public housing, rates waiver and extra welfare payments have been well received by the government. We have to be persistent to push through some of our other proposals which end up being long term projects before we see results. In February 2011, the Financial Secretary proposed adding $6,000 to the accounts of MPF holders, but the general public would not receive the benefits immediately. We asked the Financial Secretary to reform the proposal and canvassed the support of the people through a signature campaign. Through the combined work of the DAB and various pro-establishment legislative councilors we succeeded in pressing the government to amend the proposal so that every single Hong Kong resident would receive $6,000 immediately. On top of this, the DAB has consistently supported loosening the tax brackets in order to reduce taxes on the middle class since 2011. We finally got results in the 2017 Budget announcement when the government announced that the salary tax band would rise to $45,000.
Fighting for the franchised buses subsidy to senior citizens on public transit From 2000 onward, the various franchised bus and rail companies started to provide subsidies to elderly passengers. From late November to December 2008, the MTR and bus companies suddenly announced the cancellation of elderly subsidies for Sundays and holidays. The DAB tabled a motion in Legco called “Alleviating the Burden of Traveling Expenses” to fight against the sudden cancellations. Under intense social and media pressure, the MTR and franchised bus companies agreed to extend the subsidies for seniors. In 2010, our hopes and expectations for that year’s policy address included the proposal that the various transportation companies should provide a permanent subsidy and discount for senior passengers. On 12th October 2011, the government announced “the Government Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities.” Thus, our proposals have met with proactive and positive responses from the government.
由 香 港地質公園到世界地質 公園 香港雖然是彈丸之地,但卻擁有被人忽略的地質瑰 寶。民建聯是香港第一個政團提倡設立地質公園,並 聯同馬鞍山民康促進會及內地專家,在 2007 年發表 具體建議書,更於同年 12 月在立法會提出相關的動 議。2008 年 10 月,政府採納我們的建議並在施政報 告中宣佈設立地質公園。2009 年 9 月香港地質公園 獲國家地質公園評審委員會評定為國家級地質公園, 「香港國家地質公園」正式在同年 11 月開幕。2011 年「香港國家地質公園」進一步獲接納加入世界地質 公園網絡,2015 年易名為「香港聯合國教科文組織 世界地質公園」。
爭 取 復建居屋 居者有其屋計劃,俗稱「居屋」,一直是中低收入市 民重要的置業階梯。但 2002 年,因應香港的經濟環 境政府決定停建居屋。而為免進一步推低當年已經相 當脆弱的經濟,民建聯當時亦不反對有關決定。不 過,我們同時提出在適當的時候,應重新考慮復建居 屋。2007 年,樓市經過數年的整固後,展現較明顯 的上升勢頭。為此,民建聯立法會議員在同年 12 月 提出「全面檢討資助置業計劃」議案,並明確要求當 局復建居屋。儘管我們的訴求多次被當局拒絕,但經 過近 5 年的爭取,政府最終在 2011 年 10 月的施政 報告中宣佈復建居屋。
Establishing the Hong Kong global geopark Even though Hong Kong is as tiny as an ant in geological terms, there is a geological treasure here that has been mostly ignored. The DAB was the first political party in Hong Kong to argue for establishing a geological park (geopark) and in tandem with Mainland experts and the Ma On Shan Recreational and Health society we tabled our first concrete proposal in 2007 and laid it out within Legco in December 2007. In October 2008, the government accepted our proposal and announced in that year’s Policy Address that the geological park would be set up. In September 2009 the park received recognition from national authority to become the “Hong Kong National Geopark” that officially opened in November 2009. In 2011 the Geopark joined the world geopark network and in 2015 it got renamed to the “Hong Kong Global Geopark”
Reviving the Home Ownership Scheme Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) housing has always been an important step on the property ladder for lower or middle-income residents. But because of economic turbulence the Hong Kong government decided to stop construction of HOS housing in 2002. In order not to rock the weak economy any further, the DAB did not oppose this measure at that point in time. However, eventually we felt that the time of economic weakness had passed and that it was time to build HOS housing again. After the property market had stabilized for some time, in 2007 housing prices began to rise inexorably. Therefore, in December 2007 DAB Legislative councilors proposed a motion in Legco and requested the government to restart constructing HOS housing. This proposal was rejected for a long time, but through our persistence the government finally announced it would start building HOS housing again in the Policy Address of October 2011.
2008 年 11 月,為長者爭取港鐵乘車優惠 In November 2008, we succeeded in pushing the MTR to provide subsidies to seniors
在 2010 年 5 月發起請願,提出方案紓緩房屋供應短缺問題 In May 2010 we proposed and petitioned the government to alleviate the housing shortage
在 2007 年 12 月倡建地質公園 In December 2007 we proposed establishing the Hong Kong Geopark
S haring t he F ru it s of D eve l opm ent
促 成 安 老 按揭計劃 對於供樓大半生的市民,不少也有「以房養老」的打 算。民建聯早於 2000 年已提出安老按揭 ( 當時稱為 「逆按揭」) 的建議,但政府認為毋須研究。2010 年 6 月,民建聯在立法會提出「長者住屋政策」議案, 並促請政府重新研究「逆按揭」。而經歷多次的游說, 政府終於 2011 年 7 月透過「香港按揭證券有限公司」 推行「逆按揭」,並取名為「安老按揭」。其後,我 們進一步建議將計劃擴展至「未補地價」的資助房 屋,而政府亦接納提議在 2016 年 10 月宣佈優化「安 老按揭」計劃,以涵蓋「未補地價」的資助房屋。
「長津」、「交津」與「低津」的倡議 要有效縮減貧富懸殊,就必須從社會資源再分配入 手。民建聯一直爭取完善社會保障體系,並根據受助 人的不同經濟狀況,提供不同程度的保障與支援。 2001 年 6 月,民建聯經研究後提出,在現有生果金 及綜援以外,設立一項新的「長者生活補助計劃」, 目的是協助未能符合資格申請綜援,但生活又十分 貧困的長者。2005 年 2 月,我們針對基層交通開支 大,向籌組中的「扶貧委員會」建議向基層發放「跨 區工作交通津貼」,以鼓勵他們積極求職及工作。而 2010 年我們又向政府建議增設「低收入人士工資補 助金」,其後修改為「低收入家庭生活補助計劃」, 讓未符合綜援資格,但收入偏低的家庭可通過簡單入 息及資產申報,每月獲得補助。上述三項建議,最後 獲政府採納而成為現時的「長者生活津貼計劃」、 「鼓勵就業交通津貼計劃」及「低收入在職家庭津貼 計劃」。
Providing the Reverse Mortgage Programme for seniors Many of our residents have calculated that they would retire using their homes as collateral. In 2000 the DAB had already proposed the idea of reverse mortgage, but the government felt there was no need to research the issue further. In June 2010, the DAB proposed a motion “policy on elderly housing” and called on the government to restart research on reverse mortgage. After some time the government finally accepted our suggestion and implemented the “Reverse Mortgage Programme” in July 2011. The Programme was to be carried out by the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Ltd. Soon after we proposed expanding it to subsidized housing without paying land premiums. The government approved of this in October 2016 when they announced the new Programme in that year’s Policy Address.
Working to provide the “Senior Allowance”, “Transit Allowance” and “Low-Income Allowance” In order to effectively close the gap between rich and poor, the government must redistribute resources within our society. The DAB has promoted reforming and perfecting our social welfare apparatus, and providing a sliding scale of subsidies and allowances to residents according to financial need. In June 2001, the DAB pointed out that other than the OAA there needed to be another higher subsidy for the elderly to help seniors who didn’t meet the criteria to qualify for the CSSA but were still living in economic hardship. In February 2005, we took aim at the high transportation costs and the burden that places on the working and grassroots class. We proposed a “transit allowance for cross-district workers” to the Commission on Poverty. In 2010 we proposed a “low-income resident wage subsidy” and later renamed it as the “low-income family living allowance scheme” to the government. This was to allow families that didn’t qualify for the existing subsidies but were still living in economic hardship to apply for financial aid more simply and hence to receive an allowance every month to ease their burden. Thus, the government finally put into action all three schemes as the “Old Age Living Allowance” (OALA), the “Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme” and the “Low-Income Working Family Allowance Scheme” respectively.
在 1993 年 12 月與工聯會發起遊行,要求設立退休保障制度 In December 1993 we held a march with the HKFTU to request the government set up a retirement insurance policy
在 2001 年 6 月提倡「長者生活補助計劃」 We promoted the “Old Age Living Allowance Scheme” in June 2001
就港人退休生活在 2010 年 11 月進行調查 We held a study on retirement for Hong Kong people in November 2010
建立三級制免供款的「全民養老金」 1993 年 12 月,當時成立不足一年的民建聯與工聯 會發起爭取設立退休保障制度大遊行,逾 4000 市民 參與,而此亦見證民建聯爭取設立全民退休保障的開 始。1995 年 5 月,民建聯提出「雙層社會保障方案」, 建議設立「強制性公積金」及「社會保險金」以建構 全民退休保障制度。1995 年 7 月立法局通過《強制 性公積金計劃條例》,而強積金制度亦於 2000 年 12 月正式實施。然而,民建聯始終認為在強積金以外, 必須有另一層保障,以保障市民的退休生活。2011 年 10 月,民建聯在原有「社會保險金」的基礎上, 建議一套全新的三級制「退休保障養老金方案」。 2017 年施政報告宣佈在現有「長者生活津貼」之上 增加一層「高額」的「長者生活津貼」,而此與我們 倡議的「退休保障養老金方案」已相當接近。
個 人 遊與邊境購物城 2003 年中央推行的「港澳個人遊計劃」為低迷的香 港經濟注入動力,並推動經濟從「沙士」低谷反彈。 但隨著本港接待「個人遊」能力到達瓶頸,「個人遊」 的副作用亦開始浮現。為此,民建聯除促請特區政府 與內地部門合作打擊水貨活動外,2015 年亦透過政 協提案建議中央優化「個人遊」計劃。而為分流大批 旅客,我們在 2013 年 9 月建議設立邊境商貿購物中 心,以提升香港接待能力,並為毗鄰居民提供就業機 會,促進這些社區的均衡發展。有關建議其後得到政 府、商界及鄉事委員會的支持,相關的購物中心現時 已進入興建的最後階段。
2013 年 10 月,率先提出在落馬洲建立購物中心 In October 2013, we were the first to propose building a shopping centre in Lok Ma Chau
Wo r k i n g h a rd t o e n s u re a U n i v e r s a l Retirement Scheme In December 1993, the DAB cooperated with the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKFTU) to hold a march for a universal retirement scheme that 4000 residents participated in. This march is witness to the early start of the DAB’s struggle to attain universal retirement protection for all residents. In May 1995 the DAB proposed a “Two-tiered social insurance proposal” that would set up the “mandatory provident funds” and the social insurance fund. In 1995, the Legco passed the "Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance" and the MPF Scheme started operating in December 2000. After that, the DAB still considered that the MPF alone wasn’t quite enough and that there needed to be another level of insurance in order to ensure a dignified retirement for residents. In October 2011, the DAB proposed a three-tiered retirement insurance scheme based on our original idea of social insurance fund. In 2017 the Policy Address announced that there would be a new layer above the current OALA. This is relatively close to our proposal.
A shopping centre at the border and individual travelers from the Mainland In 2003 the Central Government enacted the “individual travelers scheme to Hong Kong and Macao”. This was done in order to help boost the struggling Hong Kong economy in the wake of SARs. However, over time these “individual travelers” started to stretch the accommodation capacity of Hong Kong to the limit, and some unforeseen side effects started to surface. Therefore, the DAB requested that the HKSAR government communicate with the relevant Mainland law enforcement bureaus to crack down on parallel trading activities. In 2015, the DAB proposed during the “two sessions” that the Central Government adjusted the scheme. In order to spread out the thick mass of travelers, the DAB proposed in September 2013 that the government construct a large shopping center near the border with the Mainland. This will help alleviate Hong Kong’s burden and increase its capacity to deal with travelers while also providing jobs for residents in the neighboring districts and thereby encouraging their development. The proposal to build the shopping center near the border has received support from the government, the business sector and the local rural committees, and the shopping center is well on its way to being built and becoming a reality.
2017 年 2 月提出安老計劃方案 In February 2017 we proposed an Elderly Care Scheme
S haring t he F ru it s of D eve l opm ent
簡稱: 民建聯 口號: 真誠為香港 會歌: 真誠為香港 創會日期: 1992 年 7 月 10 日 創會會員: 56 人 現有會員: 34,510 人 ( 截至 2017 年 6 月 ) 行政會議成員: 2人 立法會議員: 12 人 區議員: 117 人 全國人大: 7人 全國政協: 25 人 地區支部: 18 個
Basic Information
基 本 資 料
民主建港協進聯盟 ( 原稱「民主建港聯盟」,2005 年 4 月 12 日通過與港進聯合併,改稱「民主建港協 進聯盟」)
Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (formerly known as “Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong”. The EGM on 12 April, 2005 approved the DAB and HKPA Merger and that the name of the Alliance be changed to “Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong”) Abbreviated Name: DAB Slogan: "Devoted to Hong Kong" Party Song: "Faithful to Hong Kong" Date of Establishment: 10 July, 1992 No. of Founding Members: 56 persons No. of Members : 34,510 (As of Jun 2017) Executive Council Members: 2 persons Legislative Councilors: 12 councilors District Councilors: 117 councilors No. of Deputies to the National People’s Congress: 7 persons No. of Members in the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: 25 persons No. of Branches: 18 offices
About DAB
關 於 民 建 聯
25 周年會慶啟動禮 The 25 th anniversary gala of the DAB (2017)
B asic I nf orm at ion
我們來自不同的社會階層和界別,我們共同的理想和 抱負是迎接回歸,在一九九七年後繼續留港建港,實 現一國兩制,港人治港。為此,我們決定組織「民主 建港聯盟」,並公佈我們的宣言。
我 們 是愛國愛港的組織 歷史發展的事實証明:香港和中國前途息息相關,香 港和中國利益密切依存。我們的基本立場是愛國愛港, 擁護香港回歸祖國,實踐一國兩制,貫徹《基本法》。 我們愛國,殷切希望中國穩定、繁榮、民主、進步, 我們主張香港與內地加強合作溝通和相互促進,反對 隔絕、疏離和對抗。一切有利於實現一國兩制、促進 香港與內地全面發展的事,我們均全力以赴。 我們愛港,以維護香港整體利益,維護社會穩定、進 步、發展為行動的指南,一切對香港有利的事我們都 爭取去做。我們相信,致力實踐一國兩制,促進香港 繁榮進步和與內地聯繫,是對中國積極和實際的貢獻。
我 們 是民主參政的組織 長期以來,香港在殖民統治下沒有真正的民主。《聯 合聲明》和《基本法》使香港市民的民主參政得以實 現。我們認為,在過渡時期,香港的政制發展以《聯 合聲明》為依據,並應與《基本法》銜接;一九九七 年後的港人治港,以《基本法》為依據;我們同時反 對其他國際政治勢力介入香港內部事務。 我們參政,是為了對港人治港作積極的承擔;只有香 港市民積極參政議政,一國兩制才能成功。我們將爭 取市民的支持,參加競選,出任公職,促使堅持留港 建港、誠心實踐一國兩制的港人成為治港建港的主流 力量。 我們參政,是為了實踐我們的政治理想。我們將為維 持香港社會多元化的發展而努力,將為維護香港穩定 有效的管治而努力。 我們參政,是為了建立使香港得到最佳發展的民主制 度。這個制度應能代表市民意志,監察政府運作,保 障市民的基本權利,保障法律面前人人平等和司法獨 立,保障自由公平的選舉。我們主張民主的發展要符 合實際環境,要有利於保持社會穩定和經濟繁榮;我 們主張循序漸進地發展民主政治,行政長官和立法機 關全體議員最終應由普選產生。
The Manifesto
成 立 宣 言
香港是中國領土的一部份,居住在香港的中國人,絕 大部份以中國為國、以香港為家。長期以來,英國的 殖民統治將香港從中國母體割開。《中英聯合聲明》 的生效,使香港在一九九七年回歸中國;《基本法》 的頒佈,使香港在一九九七年後成為中國的特別行政 區。歷史賦予香港市民的使命,就是保証平穩過渡, 維護和保持香港的經濟繁榮和社會安定,建立民主政 制和促進香港進步發展。
Hong Kong is a part of China and for the majority of the Chinese living in Hong Kong China is their motherland and Hong Kong their home. For a long time under British colonial rule, Hong Kong has been severed from her mother China. With the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997; and with the promulgation of the Basic Law, Hong Kong will become a Special Administrative Region of China after 1997. History has bequeathed Hong Kong's citizens the mission to bring into effect a smooth transition, to maintain Hong Kong's economic prosperity and social stability, to establish a democratic system and to foster the progress and development of Hong Kong. Coming from different social strata and sectors, we have a common wish to see the smooth return of Hong Kong to China, and share a common commitment to stay in Hong Kong and build a better home after 1997, to realize the vision of "One Country, Two Systems" and "Hong Kong People Governing Hong Kong". To accomplish these goals, we have organized ourselves as the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong and we are making public our Manifesto.
We are devoted to China and Hong Kong History attests that Hong Kong and China are inseparable in their future, and their interests are intertwined. Our fundamental position is devotion to Hong Kong and China, supporting the return of Hong Kong to her motherland, realizing the concept of “One Country, Two Systems” and working to implement the Basic Law. We love our country and we sincerely hope that China will be stable, prosperous, democratic, and progressive. We insist that the relationship between Hong Kong and China should be one of co-operation and communication, as opposed to separation, alienation and antagonism. We will do our utmost to expedite any activities conducive to the realization of “One Country, Two Systems” and the overall developments of Hong Kong and China. We love Hong Kong and our guidelines are to work to protect Hong Kong’s overall interests, to promote social stability, progress and development. We will strive to do anything that is good for Hong Kong. We strongly believe that by working towards the proper implementation of “one country, two systems” and the promotion of Hong Kong’s prosperity and progress and her link with China we will be making positive and practical contributions to China.
We support participatory democracy in politics Over a long period of time, Hong Kong under colonial rule has not had genuine democracy. The Joint Declaration and the Basic Law have finally made it possible for Hong Kong people to realize their longing for participatory democracy in politics. We insist that Hong Kong’s political development during the transi-
T he Manif est o
我 們 是 建 設香港的組織 香港市民從來就是香港的建設者,我們作為市民的一 份子,決心共創穩定、繁榮、民主、進步的香港。 香港的政治穩定是香港發展的基礎。我們將致力完善 香港現有的社會制度,致力建立香港市民對掌握前途 的自信,使香港市民進取、勤奮、靈活的傳統精神得 以發揚光大。 我們將致力發展香港經濟的優勢,發展自由競爭、靈 活和高效率的制度,促進經濟繁榮和合理分配,維持 香港自由港的地位,促進香港和中國內地的經濟合 作,促進香港和世界各地的貿易。 我們將致力建立民主制度,保障市民的基本權利,維 持自由和法治的制度。 我們將致力培養市民的公民意識,提倡實事求是、 求同存異的精神,提高香港市民的文化及精神生活 素質。 我們將致力完善香港的社會福利政策,爭取實現公平 合理的社會保障制度和社會政策。 我們將致力創造香港市民安居樂業的環境,改善廣大 中下階層市民的生活素質。
真誠為香港 「民主建港聯盟」是一個植根於香港的政治組織。我 們全體成員一致認為,我們的宗旨、綱領和行動能夠 代表香港市民的利益,能夠得到市民的認同和信賴。 我們歡迎更多有志留港建港、有志實踐一國兩制和港 人治港的朋友加入我們的行列,共同推動民主政制和 各項進步政策的實現,共同建設穩定、繁榮、民主、 進步的香港。 民主建港是歷史賦予我們的責任,也是我們對歷史 的承諾。我們對香港和中國的未來充滿信心,我們 相信,憑著真誠和承擔,我們可以對香港和中國作 出貢獻。 1992 年 7 月 10 日
tion period should be based on the Joint Declaration and convergence with the provisions of the Basic Law, and that the administration of post-1997 Hong Kong by Hong Kong people should be based on the Basic Law. We oppose the interference of any foreign political forces into Hong Kong’s domestic affairs. Our participation in politics is a positive approach to realizing the concept of “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong”. Only when Hong Kong citizens actively take part in politics and engage in political debates will the concept of “One Country, Two Systems” be realized successfully. We will seek our citizens’ support, compete in elections, hold public offices and rally with those who decide to stay and build a better Hong Kong under “one country, two systems” to become the mainstream force in administering Hong Kong. Our participation in politics is to put into practice our political beliefs. We will work hard for the maintenance of pluralistic development of Hong Kong society as well as for supporting stable and effective governance of Hong Kong. The objective of our political participation is to create for Hong Kong the best possible democratic system which represents the will of the citizens, monitor the government’s work, protect citizens’ basic rights, guarantee equality for all before the law and independence of the judiciary, and maintain an election system that is open and fair. We maintain that democratic developments should be in line with the actual needs of the circumstances, and advantageous to maintaining social stability and economic prosperity. We are in favour of gradual and orderly development of a democratic government with the ultimate aim that the Chief Executive and all members of the Legislative Council will be elected by universal suffrage.
We are committed to building a better Hong Kong
We will endeavour to cultivate civic consciousness, and promote the spirit of seeking truth from facts and accommodating differences in the pursuit of a common goal. We will endeavour to elevate the quality of Hong Kong citizens’ cultural and spiritual lives. We will work towards refining Hong Kong’s social welfare policy, and work for the realization of a just and reasonable social security system and related social policies. We will endeavour to create an environment for Hong Kong people to lead a happy life and conduct business as well as to improve the quality of life of the majority of the middle and lower classes.
We are devoted to Hong Kong The Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong is a political organization rooted in Hong Kong. Members of the organization share the conviction that our objectives, programs and actions best represent the interests of Hong Kong people and will in due course gain their identification and trust. We welcome all those who intend to stay in Hong Kong to build a better home and to realize the concept of “One Country, Two Systems” and “Hong Kong People Governing Hong Kong” to join our ranks to promote a democratic system and build a stable, prosperous, democratic and progressive Hong Kong. The formation of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong is an obligation bestowed upon us by history. It is also our commitment to history. We are full of confidence in the future of Hong Kong and China. We trust that with sincerity and commitment, we are able to make positive contributions to Hong Kong and China. 10 July, 1992
Hong Kong citizens have all along been the builders of Hong Kong. Being one with them, we are determined to pool together our efforts to make Hong Kong a stable, prosperous, democratic and progressive society. The foundation on which Hong Kong develops is political stability. We will strive to perfect Hong Kong’s existing social system, to enhance Hong Kong people’s confidence in controlling their future, so that Hong Kong citizens’ progressive, diligent and agile spirits can be fully utilized. We will strive to expand Hong Kong’s economic edge, develop a free, flexible and efficient economic system, foster economic growth and equitable distribution of wealth, maintain Hong Kong’s status as a free port, and promote economic co-operation between Hong Kong and China as well as trade between Hong Kong and the world. We will endeavour to set up a democratic system for the protection of citizens’ basic rights, the maintenance of freedom and governance by the rule of law.
T he Manif est o
「一國兩制」的方針在香港特別行政區經歷了兩年半 的考驗,一方面證明了中央政府貫徹這個方針的誠意 和決心,另一方面給港人提出了不少富挑戰性的問 題,需要在實踐中去解決。 香港的政治制度,一定要朝《基本法》規定的目標發 展。民建聯將積極參與這個發展,致力建立民主而高 效率的政府,確保港人治港、高度自治的成功。我們 期望社會各方面就香港政治制度發展的方式和步伐充 份發表意見,通過理性、深入的討論,並根據我們實 踐的經驗,確定我們達至最終目標的時間和步驟。 經歷了世紀末金融風暴的香港經濟,經過鞏固調整, 應在更穩健的基礎上建立新的優勢,與時並進,再闖 高峰。過去,港人以刻苦拼搏的精神、敏感的市場觸 角以及和諧合作的勞資關係,創造了經濟持續發展的 奇蹟。我們期望我們今後仍繼續發揮這些成功要素。 民建聯將和各階層人士一起努力,為特區的繁榮創 富,創造更好的環境。 管治特區、建設香港,要靠優秀的人才。香港需要大 量掌握最新資訊、具有廣闊視野的科技人才、管理人 才、政治人才,不斷加入治港建港的行列。民建聯除 了關注本港教育事業的發展外,將加強成員的培訓工 作,為培養特區的政治人才貢獻一分力量。 在繁榮創富的同時,社會整體的生活質素必須有所改 善,尤其弱勢社群必須得到合理的照顧。只有當社會 各階層都能分享繁榮的成果,人人安居樂業,才有 穩定的社會,才可以為進一步繁榮創富營造有利的環 境。合理的公共政策,必須獎勵勤奮,鼓勵上進,扶 助弱小,令人人享有公平的發展機會,人人可以憑著 自己的努力改善家庭的生活質素。民建聯將繼續因應 市民的訴求,密切監察特區政府的施政,敦促政府制 訂和推行最符合市民福祉的政策和措施。 民建聯是穩定香港的政治力量,是對香港有承擔、以 建設香港為己任的參政團體。我們深信新世紀裡的香 港,充滿著新的機遇,我們將與全港市民一起把握這 些機遇,創造新的成績,把香港特別行政區建設成為 更加民主、公平、繁榮、安定的社會。 2000 年 1 月 1 日
Millennium Declaration
千 禧 宣 言
今天是 2000 年 1 月 1 日,全世界都在慶祝千禧年的 來臨。在這個特別的日子,我們聚集在一起,對香港 和祖國在新世紀裡的發展,獻上最美好的祝願。
Today, on 1 January, 2000, the whole world is celebrating the arrival of a new millennium. On this special day, we have gathered to give our best wishes to the development of Hong Kong and our motherland in the new century. The policy of “One Country, Two Systems” in Hong Kong SAR has stood the test of the last two and a half years in the. This has shown to us the sincerity and determination of the Central Government to implement the policy, although it has also raised many challenging issues which can only be resolved through practice. The political system of Hong Kong must develop in the direction set down by the Basic Law. DAB will participate actively in this development. It will be dedicated to building a democratic and highly efficient government and the success of the program of “Hong Kong Being Run by Hong Kong People” and a high degree of autonomy. We expect all circles of Hong Kong society to express fully their views on the way and the pace of development of Hong Kong’s political system, and to determine the time and steps for reaching our ultimate goal based on rational, in-depth discussions and our practical experience. After the financial crisis at the end of the 20th century, Hong Kong’s economy, having gone through its adjustments and consolidations, will start building its new strengths on a firmer foundation, ride with the times and climb to another peak. In the past, Hong Kong people created sustained economic miracles, thanks to their high work ethic, sensitive market responses and harmonious labor-management relations. We hope that Hong Kong people will continue to give full play to these factors. DAB will join all of you in creating prosperity, wealth and a better environment for Hong Kong. The management of the SAR and the building of Hong Kong require excellent talents. Hong Kong needs a great number of fully updated and broad-minded talents in the technological, management, and political fields in its various pursuits. Apart from its ongoing concern over education, DAB will strengthen its own members and thereby contribute its share to the training of political talents of the SAR. Parallel with the creation of prosperity and wealth, the overall living quality of society as a whole should also be improved-above all a reasonable standard of care for the underprivileged. Only when a broad spectrum of social members can enjoy the fruit of prosperity, with people living and working peacefully, can society as a whole be stable, can further conditions be laid for continuous creation of wealth. A reasonable public policy will reward the hardworking and the motivated, provide relief for the weak and the young, and create equal opportunities for everybody to improve their family lives with their own efforts. DAB will continue to listen to citizens’ appeals, closely monitor the performance of the SAR Government and urge it to formulate and carry out policies and measures in the best interest of Hong Kong people.
DAB is a political force which plays a stabilizing role in Hong Kong. It is a political group committed to Hong Kong and dedicated to the mission of building Hong Kong. We firmly believe that Hong Kong is full of opportunities in the new era. Together with all Hong Kong citizens, we will work to seize these opportunities, create new achievements, and develop the Hong Kong SAR into a more democratic, fairer, a more prosperous and stable society. 1 January, 2000
領導層和區議員在千禧年合照 The DAB leadership and District Councilors took a group photo to celebrate the new millennium
Mil l enniu m
D ecl arat ion
我們真誠為香港,傳承愛國愛港的精神。香港自古就 是中國的領土,我們是中華民族命運共同體的成員。 我們以中國人和香港人的身份而自豪,我們希望看到 祖國統一強大,人民生活幸福,並願意為此作出貢獻。 我們支持香港回歸祖國,積極參與「一國兩制」的實 踐,致力促進香港的繁榮穩定,讓市民安居樂業。 我們堅守「一國兩制」。「一國兩制」是創新的實 踐,難免會遇到困難考驗,所有持份者應以最大包容 和耐性,全力確保「一國兩制」成功。我們相信,和 其他可以想像的制度安排相比較,無論過去、現在和 將來,「一國兩制」都是對國家和香港最好的,不但 應該五十年不變,五十年後也應堅持。 我們致力實現優質民主。發展民主是港人的期望。我 們必須努力創造條件,根據《基本法》落實「雙普 選」。然而,民主發展的目標不止於「雙普選」,我 們還應該致力實現優質民主,讓意見不同的人互相尊 重,對公共事務作出知情、理性的思辨和討論,並更 好地維護法治和他人權利,促進社會整體利益。 我們主張共享發展成果。經濟發展固然是改善市民生 活質素的先決條件,然而,發展必須均衡,確保所有 人都能共享成果。我們主張維護市場公平,消除壟 斷,扶持中小企業,增加社會向上流動性,幫助中產 市民和年輕人拓展事業出路。更重要的是,我們必須 通過積極的財政開支推行再分配,有效處理貧窮問 題,為基層市民和弱勢社群提供合理保障。 民建聯是一個跨階層的政黨。我們堅持從香港的整體 利益出發,以「是其是,非其非」的原則,積極監察 政府,提出可行政策建議,並以理性務實的態度,致 力和不同階層溝通協商,促進團結,爭取共贏,推動 香港社會穩步向前發展。 2017 年 1 月 1 日
25th Anniversary Declaration
二 十 五 周 年 宣 言
Today, the DAB affirms the ideas enshrined within our Manifesto. We sincerely believe in the spirit of Loving the Nation and Loving Hong Kong. Hong Kong has been a part of China since ancient times. We are members of the Chinese race, we are proud of our identity as Chinese and Hong Kongers, and we hope to see a China that is unified and strong, where the people can live with dignity and contentment. We are willing to make contributions to this goal. We continue to support the return of Hong Kong to the Motherland, the successful implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”, and we continue to work hard in advancing Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability, allowing Hong Kong people to achieve their goals. We firmly support and uphold “One Country, Two Systems.” “One Country, Two Systems” is an unprecedented approach to tackle what was then a new issue, therefore the fact that there has been challenges along the way of its implementation is expected. All stakeholders allow the greatest possible tolerance and patience in order to ensure the success of “One Country, Two Systems.” We believe that within the range of possible systems, whether past, present or future, “One Country, Two Systems” best serves both our nation and Hong Kong’s interests. Our faith in the principle is so strong that we believe not only should it not be changed for 50 years, it should be maintained thereafter. We will work hard to implement a virtuous democracy. The development of democracy is the hope of Hong Kongers. We must work hard to create the conditions to implement full universal suffrage for both the CE and Legco elections. On top of this, the goal of democratic development shouldn’t only stop at that, we should also work hard to implementing a truly virtuous democracy, one that allots people with different opinions dignity and respect, a democracy that allows rational and knowledgeable debate on public issues, one that better protects individual rights and the rule of law, one that advances the common good in our society. We propose sharing the fruits of development with the entire society. While economic development is a prerequisite for improving the quality of life for our residents, this imperative must be balanced with the need to ensure everyone gets a fair piece of this development pie. We propose the preservation of fairness in the market, support small and medium enterprises and eliminate monopolies. This will ensure more opportunities for upward social mobility and help the middle class and young people find a path to their goals and dreams. More importantly, we must proactively enact progressive economic policies that help redistribution to the poor in order to alleviate poverty. This will help ensure the welfare of our poorest and most vulnerable residents.
The DAB is a party that transcends barriers of social class. We will persist in fighting for the common good in Hong Kong society, adopting the principle of “telling it like it is.” We will proactively monitor the government and propose strategies for the administration. We will attach pragmatism and reason when we approach issues; we will communicate with different social sectors to help us come together, work hard for “winwin” solutions and advance the stability, prosperity and development of Hong Kong. 1 January, 2017
2017 年 25 周年會慶啟動禮 The 25 th anniversary gala of the DAB in 2017
2 5
A nnive rsary D ecl arat ion
香港自古就是中國的領土。我們是中華民族命運共同 體的成員,彼此血脈相連,有共同的歷史、文化和 傳統。我們認同自己民族的歷史,愛護自己民族的 文化,希望看到國家統一富強、同胞生活幸福,並願 意為此作出貢獻。我們支持香港回歸祖國,積極參與 「一國兩制」、「港人治港」的實踐,致力促進香港 的繁榮穩定,讓市民安居樂業。
休戚與共 中國是我們的祖國,香港是我們的家。祖國和香港的 利益在根本上是一致的。一直以來,香港的社會經濟 發展得益於與內地的相互支援,我們在困難的時候得 到祖國的大力支援和協助;同樣地,香港人也憑著一 股愛國熱情,支持祖國發展,在祖國困難的時候踴躍 相助。我們相信,未來祖國在政治、經濟、社會、文 化等方面的進步,會繼續促進香港的發展,而香港保 持繁榮穩定,同樣有助於祖國的進步。
理性包容 人們會特別關心自己的家庭、族群和社會,愛祖國和 愛香港的情懷是從這種自然的情感發展而來。愛國主 義不盲目、不排外。愛國者能理性認識自己國家的 不足,並為改善這些不足而努力。愛國者有包容的胸 懷,認同普世價值,關懷人類的共同命運。愛國者在 追求國家利益時秉持應有的道德規範。 我們熱愛香港的風土人情,支持香港文化發展,這是 愛國愛港的應有之義。香港文化是中華文化的有機組 成部分,其特質是開放多元,既吸納西方文化,又融 匯中國不同地方的文化。我們相信,只要堅持包容, 兼收並蓄,我們可以將香港文化發揚光大,讓中華文 化更加豐富精彩。
The DAB Ideals
我 們 的 理 念
傳 承愛國愛港
Endowed with the Love for Our Country and Hong Kong Hong Kong has been part of China since ancient times. We are part of the greater Chinese nation and community of a common destiny, with ties of blood, culture and traditions. We identify with our people’s communality in history, share a deep love for our people’s culture, and wish to see a united China — prosperous and strong — and the people living the good life, for which we stand ready to contribute. We support the return of Hong Kong to the Motherland, a re c o m m i t te d to o u r c o n t i n u e d w o r k i n t h e implementation of “One Country, Two Systems” and “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong”, and will spare no effort to safeguard Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity, so that Hong Kong people can lead meaningful and rewarding lives.
Solidarity through thick and thin China is our Motherland and Hong Kong is our home. The interests of the Motherland and Hong Kong are fundamentally and intrinsically aligned. Hong Kong has always benefited, in social and economic development, from our strong links to the Mainland. During hard times, the Motherland had spared no expense in helping Hong Kong face challenges. By the same token, Hong Kong people, with love for our country, have supported the development of Mainland China and offered help our Motherland during hard times. We believe that the continued progress — political, economical, social, cultural, etc. — of our Motherland will facilitate Hong Kong’s development; our continued stability and prosperity will facilitate Mainland China’s progress.
Reason and tolerance Our Love for our Country and Hong Kong flows naturally from human instincts of being connected to our families, communities, and society-at-large. Being a patriot is not being blind to the country’s faults; patriots do not harbour xenophobic attitudes. True patriots can rationally recognise their country’s shortcomings and work hard to correct them. True patriots are tolerant and inclusive, embrace universal values, and are concerned with the broader fate of our common humanity. True patriots can work for the nation’s interests and development without foregoing their moral compasses. We deeply adore and treasure the cultural heritage of Hong Kong and support its development. This is an integral part of the original ethos of “Loving the Country and Loving Hong Kong”. Hong Kong’s culture, a culture shaped by the integration of Western culture with the many different Chinese customs from different parts of the country, is characterised by a cosmopolitan diversity and is an organic part of Chinese culture as a whole. We believe that by continuing to be receptive to different influences, we can promote the unique culture of Hong Kong to even greater success, adding even more facets to the rich and colourful Chinese cultural kaleidoscope.
2017 年 25 周年會慶啟動禮 The 25th anniversary gala of the DAB in 2017
T he D A B I d eal s
堅 守「一國兩制」 「 一 國 兩 制」對香港最好 「一國兩制」的設計原意是既維護國家的統一和領土 完整,保障國家的安全和發展利益,也照顧香港的歷 史和現實情況,保持香港的繁榮和穩定,保障港人的 自由和權利。我們相信,和任何其他可以想像的制度 安排相比較,無論過去、現在和將來,「一國兩制」 都是對國家和香港最好的,不但應該五十年不變, 五十年後也應堅持。 客觀地看,回歸以來「一國兩制」的實踐富有成效, 總體是成功的,得到國際社會認可;同時,也有部分 港人對「一國兩制」的前景感到懷疑和憂慮。我們認 為,「一國兩制」是創新的實踐,並無現成經驗可以 參照,遇到問題是正常的,所有持份者必須以最大包 容和耐性,全力確保「一國兩制」成功落實。「一國 兩制」是香港的前途所在,我們不能因為遇到一時的 問題和挫折,就放棄對「一國兩制」的堅持,這樣做 只會為香港社會帶來動盪和災難。
全 力 落 實 「港人治港」 香港特別行政區依照《基本法》的規定實行「港人治 港」、「高度自治」,享有行政管理權、立法權、獨 立的司法權和終審權。「港人治港」、「高度自治」 是「一國兩制」的核心,是「一國兩制」的成功關 鍵。中央人民政府、特區政府和社會各界都應嚴格按 照《基本法》規定,全力落實「港人治港」、「高度 自治」,尊重港人普遍接受的價值觀,維護香港的社 會制度和生活方式,保持香港的國際大都會地位。這 樣做不但符合香港市民的利益,也符合國家的利益, 可以讓香港繼續發揮積極作用,幫助國家深化改革開 放,加強與國際接軌,並為內地提供值得參考的社會 管理經驗。
特首參選人林鄭月娥出席「擇善有為 - 對新特首期望」活動 Ms. Carrie Lam visited the DAB for a pre-election event in early 2017
Firmly Safeguard “One Country, Two Systems” “One Country, Two Systems” best serves Hong Kong “One Country, Two Systems,” designed to protect the territorial integrity, security and development of our nation, takes into account Hong Kong’s history and realities and to maintain Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity. The system safeguards the freedoms and rights of Hong Kong residents. We believe that “One Country, Two Systems” is the absolute best system for safeguarding the interests of our nation and Hong Kong, in fact we believe that not only should it be unchanged for 50 years, it should remain so thereafter. The implementation of “One Country, Two Systems” has made big strides since the handover and has, on the whole, been a success recognised by the international community; yet, some Hong Kong residents remain skeptical and worried of the future of “One Country, Two Systems”. We believe that “One Country, Two Systems” is an unprecedented constitutional principle, and without experience to serve as guide, problems arising from the course of its implementation are inevitable. Therefore, it is imperative for all stakeholders to allow a wide berth in tolerance and patience in securing its successful implementation. “One Country, Two Systems” is where Hong Kong’s future lies; we cannot abandon our commitment to “One Country, Two Systems” over temporary setbacks and obstacles as that would bring about tumultuous and disastrous impact to Hong Kong.
Full-fledged implementation of “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” In accordance with the Basic Law, “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” and “a high degree of autonomy” are implemented in the HKSAR, for which our executive, legislative and independent judicial, including that of final adjudication, powers, are vested. “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” and “a high degree of autonomy” are the bedrocks of “One Country, Two Systems” and the key to the success of “One Country, Two Systems” as a whole. The Central People’s Government, the HKSAR Government and the various sectors of society must adhere strictly to the provisions of the Basic Law, spare no effort in the full-fledged implementation of the “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” and “a high degree of autonomy” principles, respect the values of Hong Kong people, protect Hong Kong’s system and way of life, and help it retain its status as a cosmopolitan world city. This not only benefits Hong Kong residents, but also that of our nation, as this will allow Hong Kong to continue to contribute to our nation’s reforms, in strengthening its global connections, providing social administrative experience for the Mainland.
參 與 國家建設
作為中國公民,香港人有權參與國家事務,促進國家 發展,並應享有國民待遇。與此同時,我們明白香港 與內地在政治制度和社會管理方式等方面存在重大差 異,「一國兩制」的要義就是讓兩種不同的制度並存 一體,互相尊重,共同發展。 自改革開放以來,中國取得了舉世矚目的成就,發展 成世界第二大經濟體,人民的生活水平大幅提高。這 說明中國在改革開放以後所選擇的發展道路是正確 的。我們尊重內地的社會制度,依法參與國家事務的 管理,支持國家沿著改革開放的道路向前邁進,不斷 提升國力,建設民主法治,讓人民生活得更好。
推 動 兩地交流合作 務實解決問題 香港在發展上的最大優勢,是擁有內地這個龐大腹 地,以及國家的支持。我們應該秉持互惠互利的原 則,積極推動與內地在經濟、社會、文化等方面的交 流合作,參與「一帶一路」等國家發展戰略,促進兩 地人民的相互理解與交往。然而,兩地交流合作越來 越緊密,也帶來實際問題,例如一些經濟活動超出香 港社會的承受能力,部分香港市民的日常生活受到影 響。我們對此不能視而不見,但不應採取隔絕兩地往 來、激化兩地矛盾的做法。我們主張特區政府以香港 居民的利益為先,採取務實的政策措施解決問題,讓 兩地交流合作能夠有條不紊地開展。
第一屆政策副發言人 Group photo of the 1 st term of DAB deputy spokespersons with Legco members(2004)
Participate in the development of our nation, respect the Mainland’s system As Chinese citizens, Hong Kong residents have the right to participate in national affairs, facilitate national development, and enjoy the same rights as fellow Chinese nationals. At the same time, we understand that the laws and political systems of Hong Kong and the Mainland are significantly different. The intent of “One Country, Two Systems” is to allow these two systems to coexist and develop with mutual respect. Since the economic reforms, China has made astonishing economic achievements, becoming the second largest economy in the world, and tremendously raising the standard of living for its people. This is a testament to the correct path China has chosen for development. We respect the social system of the Mainland, and we participate in the administration of national affairs in accordance with its laws, and we support its continued progress on the reform path to steadfastly increase the strength of the nation, promote democracy and rule of law and improve the quality of life for the people.
Promote Hong Kong-Mainland cooperation, resolve problems with pragmatic solutions Hong Kong’s greatest advantage in economic development is the large hinterland and the support of the nation. We should, on the basis of mutual benefit and respect, proactively promote more economical, social, cultural, etc. exchanges with the Mainland, participate in our country’s economic strategy such as the “Belt and Road Initiative”, and promote better mutual understanding between Hong Kong people and Mainland compatriots. Nevertheless, increased integration and closer ties bring about problems and areas for friction. For example, some economic activities may have proliferated beyond the capacity of Hong Kong society and adversely affected the daily life of Hong Kong people. We must recognise and resolve these problems but we must not use them as excuses to sever ties with the Mainland and intensify the polarisation between us. We advocate for the HKSAR Government to put the interests of Hong Kong residents first, seek pragmatic and realistic solutions to problems, and allow the exchange and relationship between Hong Kong and the Mainland to progress in a balanced and gradual fashion.
於 2017 年 4 月發布市民對香港高鐵實施「一地兩檢」意見調查結果 In April 2017, we announced the results of a survey on the “co-location of immigration and customs facilities for both the Mainland and the Hong Kong in West Kowloon”
T he D A B I d eal s
25 2 5 實現優質民主 落 實 「 雙 普選」
《基本法》規定行政長官最終由一個有廣泛代表性 的提名委員會按民主程序提名後普選產生,全部立 法會議員最終由普選產生。長期以來,香港社會就 如何落實「雙普選」產生矛盾,民主發展受到影響。 只有根據《基本法》落實「雙普選」,民主進程才 能夠推展。香港社會各方應為實現「雙普選」積極 努力,創造條件。 實現「雙普選」是香港民主發展的重要一環,但非全 部。世界各地的經驗告訴我們,民主有優劣之分,優 質民主能夠促進良好管治,提高市民福祉。香港民主 發展的更重要工作是建設優質民主。
維 護 法 治 和他人權利
優質民主必須以法治為基礎,強調個人權利及社會整 體利益的保障。無論是追求民主,抑或實踐民主,我 們都必須遵守法治,維護他人的權利及社會整體利 益,否則只會帶來無政府狀態。香港的成功在於有良 好的法治根基,它是我們最寶貴的資產,在任何時候 我們都必須全力維護,沒有任何目標值得犧牲法治去 追求。
促 進 審 議 式民主
優質民主重視選舉與投票,但不認為民主的方式就只 有選舉,不會將民主參與簡化為凡事全民公決。優質 民主更強調社會各方互相尊重,對公共事務作出知 情和理性的思辨討論,促成共識,作為公共決策的基 礎。這種審議式民主能夠讓人民作出有意義的政治參 與,並讓公共決策過程更科學和有認受性。香港在爭 取落實「雙普選」的同時,應積極探索審議式民主的 可行模式。
Realising Virtuous Democracy Implement “dual universal suffrage”
The Basic Law states that the ultimate aims are the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage upon nomination by a broadly representative nominating committee in accordance with democratic procedures, and the election of all the members of the Legislative Council by universal suffrage. The issue of how to implement this “dual universal suffrage” has generated a lot of social flashpoints of contention, and the progress of democratisation has been stalled. We believe only by adhering to the Basic Law can we implement the “dual universal suffrage”, and different sectors in Hong Kong society should proactively work for the goal and create conditions for its realisation. Implementation of “dual universal suffrage” is an impor tant par t of democratic development in Hong Kong, but it is by no means its entirety. The experiences of various places in the world tell us that there are “good” and “bad” democracies and that only virtuous democracy can ensure good governance and improve the quality of life for the people. The more important goal for Hong Kong’s democratic development is to fight for conditions that ensure the development of virtuous democracy.
Protect the rule of law and the rights of others
Virtuous democracy must be built on the bedrock of the rule of law, and places equal weight to the protection of both individual rights and common interests. No matter whether we are pushing for or practicing democracy, we must do so with strict adherence to the rule of law, and protect individuals rights as well as the common good of society as a whole. Without these, we would move closer to anarchy. The success of Hong Kong was built on our rule of law. We must be committed to the protection rule of the rule of law at all times, and no objective is worth of sacrificing the rule of law to pursue. sacrificing
Promote deliberative democracy Promote
Elections E lections and votes matter in a virtuous democracy, b ut they are not sufficient. A virtuous democracy but w ill not reduce the democratic process to simply will a referendum or a plebiscite. Virtuous democracy places p laces emphases on the mutual respect of and by different d ifferent sectors of society, and informed debates, rrational ational deliberation and discussion on public affairs and policies, whereby consensus can be reached and support of policy decisions strengthened. We believe deliberative democracy will allow citizens to participate in politics in a meaningful way, and enhance the legitimacy of our decision making process. Thus, Hong Kong should pursue deliberative democracy at the same time as it implements “dual universal suffrage”.
25 周年會慶系列講座之一-「香港須向劣質民主說『不』」 We held a series of lectures for our 25th anniversary
參與 2014 年和平普選大遊行 We participated in the march organized by the Alliance For Peace and Democracy
T he D A B I d eal s
共 享發展成果 經濟發展是改善市民生活質素的先決條件,然而,經 濟發展必須均衡,確保所有人都能共享成果。如果不 能讓人民普遍受惠,改善生活,發展不但失去意義, 更會造成利益分歧、社會矛盾,發展也無法持續。因 此,政府必須全力維護市場公平,消除壟斷,扶持中 小企業。在發展的過程中,政府必須向受影響的市民 作出合理補償。更重要的是,政府必須通過積極的財 政開支推行再分配,有效處理貧窮問題,縮窄貧富差 距,為基層市民和弱勢社群提供合理保障。
既 依 靠 市 場 也積極有為 香港的成功有賴經濟自由與開放。我們必須堅持自由 市場的原則,維持對外開放與國際聯繫,讓香港繼續 成為一個充滿活力與機會的國際都市。然而,市場並 非萬能,對外開放更帶來各種挑戰,尤其是在全球 化的競爭中,不同經濟體都面對類似問題,例如貧 富差異進一步擴大,本土中小企的生存受到威脅, 中產和基層市民缺乏向上流動機會,年輕人看不到 出路。面對這些挑戰,政府既要依靠市場力量,也 要積極有為,推動經濟升級轉型,鼓勵科技與創新, 幫助市民開拓創業與就業的空間,並切實解決結構 性的社會問題。
兼 顧 各 階 層利益 民建聯是一個跨階層的政黨。我們相信各階層市民利 益的最大公約數,就是落實「一國兩制」、「港人治 港」和「高度自治」,維持香港的繁榮穩定,不斷 改善市民的生活水平。我們堅持從香港的整體利益出 發,推動社會穩中向前。在這個過程中,我們採取理 性務實的態度,致力和不同階層溝通協商,促進團 結,凝聚共識,爭取共贏。
積 極 監 察 政府 我們的使命是確保政府不但依法施政,而且公平公 正,符合市民期望,增進市民福祉。因此,我們堅持 「是其是,非其非」的原則,積極監察政府,並提 出可行的政策建議,協助政府不斷提升水平,改善施 政,更好地為市民服務。
Sharing the Fruits of Development Economic development is the prerequisite for improving people’s quality of life. Economic development, however, must be balanced so that everybody in society is able to share its fruits. If development does not benefit people generally, it is not only meaningless, but also conductive to social conflicts. Development of this kind is unsustainable. Therefore, the government should ensure that the market is fair and equitable to all, eliminate monopolies and support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In the process of development, the government should ensure that any adverse effect it may entail on ordinary residents should be ameliorated by fair compensation. The government has the more important task of implementing income redistribution by proactive financial policies in order to solve the problem of poverty in a more effective manner, reduce income disparity, and provide reasonable security for the poor and disadvantaged.
Being market-oriented and also proactive The success of Hong Kong depends on economic freedom. We must defend the core principle of the free market and continue to open up to the world so that Hong Kong can remain a vibrant international and cosmopolitan world city. Nevertheless, the market is not invincible, and opening up to the rest of the world comes with challenges; especially with globalisation, with which income disparity is magnified, local SMEs struggle to survive, the middle and working classes lack the opportunities for upward mobility, and the youth see no way forward to achieve their dreams. In face of these challenges, the government must rely on the power of the market and also be proactive in transforming the economic structure, encouraging technological innovation, entrepreneurship or pursuit of career advancement, and thus, resolve structural social problems.
Serving all sectors of society The DAB is a cross-sectoral party. We believe that the common interest of all sectors of the society is to implement “One Country, Two Systems”, “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” and “a high degree of autonomy”, to maintain Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity while continuously improving our resident’s quality of life. We will consider the overall interest of Hong Kong as a whole and promote social progress in an orderly manner. In this process, we will adhere to reason and pragmatism, communicate with different sectors of society, in strive for solidarity, consensus and win-win solutions for all.
Actively monitor the government Our mission is to ensure that the government not only governs according to the law, but also governs with fairness and justice, meeting the wishes of the people and improving their welfare. Therefore, we will actively monitor the government by supporting what is right and opposing to what is wrong in its policies. We will advance feasible policy proposals and help the government improve its governance and serve the people better. 72
舉辦強積金對沖圓桌會議 Roundtable discussion on the MPF offset arrangement (2016)
向特首請願及遞交市民簽名,反對公屋加租及爭取免租一個月 We presented a signature petition to the government opposing rent increases and demanding a one month rent exemption for public housing
Hon d to e t evo
on g K
The DAB Ideals
·把握「一帶一路」、「粵港澳大灣區」及「十三五」 規劃等重大國策的機遇,協助本港不同企業、專業 人士及創業者於內地及世界市場推廣商品及服務,掌 握機遇、拓展業務; ·打造香港成為離岸人民幣金融產品開發、資產管理 及風險管理中心,以及研究建立兩地人民幣匯率產 品交易的互聯互通機制;
·Make the most of business opportunities resulting from major national policies, like the “Belt and Road Initiative”, “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area” and the “13th Five-Year Plan”, while assisting Hong Kong enterprises, professionals and entrepreneurs in promoting products and services to the Mainland and the world.
·兩地合作建立知識產權服務中心,並推動香港建立 一個覆蓋兩地市場連接海外的知識產權管理及貿易 平台; ·以產業發展基金、稅務優惠、土地政策及入境政策 作誘因,吸引及推動新產業發展,如創新科技和文 化創意產業、新漁農業、中藥業等,以實現產業多 元發展;
·Hong Kong and the Mainland should cooperate and set up an intellectual property service center and have Hong Kong establish a trading platform that will connect the intellectual property markets of Hong Kong, the Mainland, and the global stage.
·推動及落實「落馬洲河套地區」發展,藉以作為港 深兩地創科產業合作的試點,並為本港科研及創意 產業提供土地; · 由政府出資成立綠色企業,並以私營管理模式營 運,藉以推動整個環保工業鏈的發展及相關技術應 用和研發; ·檢視及優化現行規管制度,讓「共享經濟模式」及其 他新經濟模式的業務或產業,可以在本港開展。
就推動回收及再造業發展提出建議 Published proposals on development of the recycling industry(2015)
Boost the economy: seize opportunity and diversify our industries
·Turn Hong Kong into an offshore Renminbi (RMB) financial center that will handle financial products, asset management and risk management. Research ways to implement a mechanism to smooth the RMB product trading between Hong Kong and the Mainland.
·協調官、產、學、研的合作,並透過稅務優惠、共 享數據及增加政府採購等政策,大力推動創新科技 發展;
政 策 主 張
為 經 濟 再 創輝煌: 把 握 機 遇 促進產業多元化
·Promote the development of new industries, including innovative technology, cultural and creative fields, agriculture, eco-friendly green businesses and Chinese medicine etc, by incentives such as industrial development funds, tax benefits and friendly land and immigration policies in order to bring these sectors to Hong Kong and diversify the local industry. ·Coordinate cooperation between government, business, academic and research sectors while also providing tax benefits, data sharing, a friendly government procurement policy and other incentives in order to strengthen technological innovation and development. ·Promote and implement the “Lok Ma Chau loop technology and information park” as a place where Hong Kong and Shenzhen can cooperate on technological innovation, and provide Hong Kong with a place to perform scientific research and technological innovation. ·The government should help fund green enterprises to be run through private management. Promote the environmental industry to develop the relevant technology and perform the necessary research. ·Monitor and improve the current regulatory systems in place, allow business that utilize the “Sharing Economy” and other new economic models to develop in Hong Kong.
特首梁振英出席講座,介紹香港在大灣區及一帶一路中的角色與機遇 Chief Executive Leung Chun Ying gave a lecture seminar on Hong Kong’s roles and opportunities in the Belt and Road Initiative and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area (2017)
P roposal s
為 中 小 企 創造發展空間: 扶 助 中 小 企 鼓勵創業 ·升格現有的「中小型企業委員會」,並由財政司司 長統籌及主持,從政策、法規、資金及技術等方面 扶助中小企發展; ·扶持中小企業應對經濟困境,包括:積極改善營商 環境和吸引各地訪客來港,優化「中小企融資擔保 計劃」以維持企業的資金供應,寬減政府收費以降 低中小企營商成本;
·Support SMEs, helping them tackle financial challenges by improving the local business environment and attracting visitors. Optimize the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme to ensure a stable supply of capital and cut operating costs by reducing government fees. ·Improve the “Competition ordinance” by introducing private litigation mechanisms and therefore providing SMEs with another channel to seek justice.
·增加工商用地,為傳統產業、初創和中小企提供更 多經營空間;
·Increase the supply of industrial and commercial land, creating space for developing traditional industries, start-ups and SMEs.
「工商匯」在 2016 年舉辦「創新創業論壇」 Held an innovation and entrepreneurship seminar in 2016
·Upgrade the current “SME committee” to be led by the Financial Secretary and to help SMEs develop via policy, law, financial and technical means.
·優化《競爭條例》,引入直接私人訴訟機制,為中 小企提供多一個渠道討回公道;
·盡快在領展壟斷街市商場的地區興建政府擁有的「社 區商場」、地區市集及公共街市,以及在需要時透 過策略性回購領展商場或街市,對抗領展壟斷。
Make space for SME development: support SMEs, promote entrepreneurship
·Build government-owned community shopping centres, local markets, and public markets in districts under the monopoly of Link REIT as quickly as possible. If necessary, buy back shopping centres and markets from Link REIT to bring greater choice to consumers.
為 香 港創建人 才庫: 培 育 本地人才 匯聚全球精英
Helping Hong Kong nurture talent: cultivate local talent and attract global talent
·為本地優勢產業,例如金融業、物流業,制定人才 供應數據及培訓政策;
·Provide training and develop database on talented people in fields where Hong Kong enjoys strong advantages, such as finance and logistics.
·設立督導委員會,監察私立大學以及自資專上課程 的質素;
·Set up a steering committee to monitor private universities and the quality of self-financing postsecondary programmes.
·探討改革通識教育科的課程內容,加入推動 STEAM 教育內容,藉以配合環球的教育趨勢;
·Reform the content of “Liberal studies” and add STEAM elements to education. This will be in line with global trends in education.
·設立專業進修基金,為有志進修指明專業資歷的成 年人提供持續教育和考試資助; ·定期檢視及調整各項吸引人才的計劃,以配合本港 產業多元化發展的需要; ·研究放寬在海外獲得專業資格的港人回流從事相關 專業服務的限制,以吸引他們回港發展; ·營造吸引高端人才的環境。
·Set up a dedicated fund for professional career training to provide support to adults who wish to learn or change careers. ·Regularly monitor and adjust the policies by which we attract talents from around the world in order to meet the needs of Hong Kong and to diversify Hong Kong’s industrial development. ·Find ways to loosen the restrictions that surround Hong Kongers who attain professional qualifications from overseas. Encourage them to return to Hong Kong to develop their careers. ·Develop an environment that is conductive to attracting elite talent.
在 2017 年舉辦「善用 50 億教育開支」圓桌會議 In 2017 we held a roundtable discussion on how to use the HK$5 billion for education
P roposal s
為 民 生 創 新革變: 善 用 財 政 儲備 分享經濟成果 ·改組「扶貧委員會」為「促進社會流動委員會」, 以推動社會流動;
·Relax the asset limit of the Old Age Living Allowance.
·將生果金免審查年齡降至 65 歲;
·Allow seniors 65 or above to receive the OAA without any financial review.
·Waive rates for retired seniors who live in their own homes.
·政府應協助解決取消強積金對沖的問題; ·設立殘疾人士就業配額制度;
·Help solve problems related to the MPF’s offset arrangement.
·Set up a quota system to employ disabled persons.
·繼續推行關愛基金「N 無津貼」,以減輕弱勢社群 的經濟壓力;
·Assist ethnic minorities in integrating into the mainstream of our society.
·Continue to run the Community Care Fund for the “N have-nots”, and reduce the financial burden on such vulnerable groups in our society.
請願要求完善照顧長者措施(2017) Requested the government to perfect the care of seniors and the elderly in 2017
·Change the “Poverty Committee” to the “Committee on Social Mobility” in order to promote upward social mobility. ·Set up a universal retirement scheme as soon as possible.
Improve people’s livelihoods: utilize fiscal reserves and share the benefits of economic growth
·Establish a fare stable fund with MTR cash dividends to offset fare increases. ·Set up tax exemptions for rent and for hiring foreign domestic helpers.
邀請時任政務司司長林鄭月娥及勞福局局長張建宗出席退休保障諮詢會 Invited then Chief Secretary of Administration Ms. Carrie Lam and Chair of the Labour and Welfare Bureau Matthew Cheung to attend a consultation meeting on retirement protection. (2016)
為 市 民創建安樂窩: 實 現 「三年上樓」 重 建 置業階梯
Create a home for all citizens: maintain the public housing three-year waiting time and rebuild the housing ladder
·成立「社企二房東」,善用未補地價資助房屋,增 加短期房屋供應;
·Encourage HOS owners (by exempting their land premiums) to rent out their residential units or rooms at below market rates to the underprivileged.
·調整長遠房屋策略,增加公營房屋的供應,將公屋 興建量與「三年上樓」目標掛鈎,以落實「三年上 樓」承諾;
·Adjust the long-term housing strategy and increase the public housing stock, ensuring the available supply meets the government’s goal of a maximum three-year wait, fulfilling their commitment.
·Provide rent subsidies for those who are on the public housing waitlist for over three years.
· 透過全面增加資助房屋的供應及選擇,包括重推 「夾屋」、「租置」、私人參建居屋、混合發展等, 建立更完整的置業階梯; ·成立「大廈維修管理局」,協助及支援業主進行維 修,杜絕圍標行為; ·在顧及各方利益下積極開拓土地,包括在維港以外 填海,發展岩洞及地下空間,開發生態價值較低、 沒有植被、荒廢或已平整的「綠化地帶」、「農地」 及「棕地」。
·Increase the supply and choice of subsidized housing, including reintroducing the Sandwich Class Housing Scheme, Tenants Purchase Scheme, Private Sector Participation Scheme and Mixed Development Scheme, creating an improved housing ladder and making home ownership more accessible. ·Set up a “Building Management and Maintenance Authority” that will advise homeowners on repairs and renovations and prevent bid-rigging. ·Actively expand and utilize land resources, including reclaimed land outside Victoria Harbour, rock caverns and underground spaces. We should also develop agricultural lands, brownfields and green belts with low ecological value. At the same time, the interests of all parties must be considered.
要求政府兌現三年上樓承諾及打擊圍標 Requested the government to take action to reduce the waiting time for public housing to three years and to crack down on bid-rigging (2017)
P roposal s
為 家 庭 創 幸福: 維 護 家 庭 價值 鼓勵本地生育 ·成立「家庭社會基金」,綜合資助非政府機構推廣 家庭價值;
·增加各區託兒名額及延長服務時間,分擔家長照顧 幼兒的工作; ·推廣家長教育,讓家長了解父母之道、促進兒童健 康及正面管教的方法;
·資助推行全面的婦女乳癌篩檢,以減低乳癌患者的 死亡率; ·透過增加資助生育輔助服務,設立育嬰津貼、兒童 醫療券及「嬰兒基金」,以鼓勵本地生育; ·研究延長現有 10 周有薪產假及將現時 3 天男士侍 產假增加至 5 天;
·將常見遺傳病的婚前或產前檢查服務普及化,減低 初生嬰兒患上遺傳及罕見疾病的機率;
·逐步將星期日以外所有公眾假期納入為有薪法定假期; ·推廣五天工作制,增加家人相聚時間;
·Set up a “Family social fund” to subsidize social institutions to promote family values. ·Increase the number of available places offered by district child care services, and extending operating hours, alleviating pressure on families. ·Promote parent education, helping parents understand how to best raise their children, protect their health and provide effective discipline. ·Subsidize and promote comprehensive breast cancer screenings to reduce mortality rates. ·Increase subsidized reproductive technology services quota, set up infant subsidies and children’s medical vouchers and “baby funds” to promote local pregnancies. ·Consider to lengthen paid maternity leave and increase the current paternity leave from 3 days to 5 days. ·Popularize examinations for pregnant women to check for common hereditary diseases. Lower the incidence of newborn infants coming down with hereditary diseases.
· 推動「國際家庭日」,促進社會各界重視家庭價值;
·Progressively include all general holidays, other than Sundays, as paid statutory holidays.
·Promote a 5 day work week.
促請政府加強推動家庭友善政策(2015) Asked the government to promote more family-friendly policies in 2015
Bring happiness to families: preserve traditional family values and promote local pregnancies
·Promote International Day of Families in Hong Kong to increase public awareness of family values. ·Preserve traditional family values and oppose the legal recognition of same-sex marriage.
維護家庭核心價值 We work to preserve family values (2017)
為 長 者創建安老保障: 完 善 安老及醫療服務 老有所依
·制定長者院舍服務及社區照顧的 5 年規劃,就安老 院舍、殘疾院舍、社區照顧等訂立輪候時間指標; ·為自理能力較佳的長者提供完善的社區安老配套服 務,以實現「居家安老」; ·制定完善的福利可携政策,讓選擇在內地安老的長 者,可獲得更全面的生活支援和醫療服務; ·積極培訓專業護理人才,規劃老齡化社會的護老服務; ·積極擴充現有公私營醫療系統的專業隊伍,包括公 營醫院增聘海外醫生等,紓緩人手不足; ·增加公營中醫服務。
要求改善長者福利(2017) Requested the government to improve welfare for the elderly in 2017
Establish an eldercare policy: improve care and medical services for senior citizens ·Create a " Development fund for elderly care homes ". ·Establish a five-year plan for homes for the elderly, residential care homes and community care services to regulate and limit waiting times for seniors and people with disabilities. ·Provide comprehensive community care services for elderly with self-care abilities so as to achieve “ageing in place”. ·Develop a policy of portable welfare benefits and allow seniors who choose to retire on the Mainland to receive more comprehensive living stipends and medical services. ·Proactively train professional nurses and strategize on how to provide better services in an aging society. ·Increase the number of medical professionals within public hospitals, alleviating the doctor shortage through overseas recruitment. ·Expand the government-owned Chinese medicinal services.
提出安老計劃方案(2017) We proposed a senior care policy in 2017
P roposal s
為 兒 童 創 歡樂: 減 輕 學 習 壓力 投資幼兒教育 ·檢討教育制度及課程,減輕中小學生的學習壓力, 增加中小學生的生命教育; ·探討在資助學校引入包括國際文憑預科課程等的可 行性; ·修改《香港規劃標準與準則》逐步為受資助幼稚園 提供政府校舍; ·盡快落實免費幼兒教育,為幼師建立專業階梯; ·提供更多全日制和長全日制幼稚園學位; ·全面照顧出現學習差異的學童,在幼稚園落實「及 早識別,及早介入」。
進行學前教育調查 Conducted a survery on pre-school education (2016)
Bring joy to children: alleviate academic pressure on students and introduce a health care voucher scheme for children ·Review the educational system and curriculum to reduce pressure on primary and secondary students and provide more life education. ·Research ways to allow aided schools to provide the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP). ·Reform the “Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines” to gradually provide government built school premises to subsidized kindergartens. ·Implement free pre-primary education as soon as possible and create professional ladder for teachers. ·Provide more school places for whole-day and long whole-day kindergartens. ·Provide assistance to children with learner diversity, implement the "Early Identification, Early Intervention" programme in kindergartens.
要求增加全日及長全日制幼稚園資助(2015) Requested the government to increase the support given to whole day and long whole-day kindergartens in 2015
為 青 年別創新格: 完 善 教育制度 擴闊發展空間 ·建立創業文化,透過政策鼓勵市民,特別是青年人 創業,並為有志創業人士提供支援,包括創業資金 津貼、協助融資、配對創業顧問等; ·持續增加大學教育的投資,同時透過提供內地和海 外交流及實習機會,以擴闊年輕一代的全球視野;
·加強生涯規劃教育,重建職業教育階梯,設立全面 創業支援平台,擴闊青年發展空間; ·加快落實以青年人為對象的青年宿舍計劃,幫助他 們儲蓄買樓首期; ·吸納更多青年人才加入諮詢機構,並就青年委員人 數的比例制訂指標; ·將初中中國歷史獨立成科及成為必修科,並將課程 範圍擴闊至包括更多近代歷史。
Opening new roads for young people: optimize the education system and help them develop their potential ·Create a culture of entrepreneurship in Hong Kong. Provide financial assistance, tax incentives and mentors to aspiring entrepreneurs and encourage residents, especially young people, to try their hand at entrepreneurship. ·Increase investment in tertiary education. Increase the number of exchanges and internships with the Mainland and other countries to broaden the horizon of the younger generation. ·Strengthen life planning education, which helps people create satisfying personal lives and careers, and improve vocational training. Establish a comprehensive platform for start-up support and help youth develop their potential. ·Speed up the implementation of the Youth Hostel Projects so as to assist them in saving for home purchase down payment. ·Attract more talented young people to join consultative committees and guarantee a certain proportion of committee members to be young people. ·Make the independent course on Chinese history for junior high school mandatory, and broaden the syllabus of that course to include more modern history.
公佈中學生對「生涯規劃」看法調查結果 要求擴大副學士內地銜接升學先導計劃 Announced the results of an opinion poll on how high Demanded for expanding the pilot scheme on the articulation of school students viewed "life planning" education(2015) Hong Kong sub-degress graduates to top-up degree programmes offered by the Mainland university(2016)
公佈「市民對初中中國歷史科的看法」調查結果 Announced an opinion poll of the public regarding how they viewed the junior high school Chinese history course(2016)
P roposal s
為 社 區 開 創新景象: 修 訂 規 劃 準則 改善社區環境 ·檢討《香港規劃標準及準則》,增加社區設施、街 市及停車位; ·成立「社區建設基金」,令迫切性的地區工程可盡 快上馬; ·設立「上坡改善工程基金」,以專款專用方式加快 落實扶手電梯及升降機工程;
·撥出專款以清拆積壓已久的危險招牌及處理滲水 投訴;
·加強執法及與內地加強合作,打擊「走水貨」活動, 減少水客活動對社區的滋擾。
·成立保育基金以收購、租賃或其他方式對有保育價 值的私人土地或歷史建築物進行有效的保育及管理; ·制定及落實香港應對氣候變化的策略及行動綱領; ·制定全面的廢物管理政策及改善堆填區環境; ·延展單車徑網絡,推動低碳健康生活; ·完善動物政策,制定動物福利法; ·打擊走私野生動物活動; ·成立「動物警察」隊伍。
·Review the “Hong Kong Planning Standards & Guidelines” and build additional community facilities, wet markets and parking lots. ·Set up a “Community Construction Fund” to speed up the construction of district facilities. ·Set up a construction fund for hillside improvement and provide a dedicated funding source, accelerating construction work on escalator links and elevator systems.
為 保 育 創 條件: 改 善 環 境 保護動物
Transform the community: amend planning guidelines and advance environmental awareness and protection
·Extend the promenades on both sides of Victoria Harbour, letting all Hong Kong citizens enjoy the harbor view. ·Pursue the smart city initiative to boost operational efficiency and living standards. ·Set up a dedicated fund to remove abandoned and dangerous signboards and to address water seepage problems. ·Step up law enforcement and conduct joint operations with the Mainland to fight parallel trading activities, reducing the problems they cause in affected districts.
Set up conditions for conservation: support environmentalism and animal protection
·Set up a conservation fund to acquire or rent other private property with artifacts of historical or environmental value and manage them.
·Set out Hong Kong’s strategy and policy to deal with climate change. ·Comprehensively deal with waste management and strategy and improve the environment of landfills.
·Extend the bicycle network and promote a lowcarbon, healthy lifestyle. ·Improve animal protection policies and set up an animal welfare law. ·Crack down on the smuggling of wild animals. ·Set up an “animal protection police squad”.
進行調查,了解市民對固體廢物徵費及廢物處理政策意見 Conducted a survey of the general public on how they viewed waste management policy and charging for solid waste disposal (2014)
要求政府加強監管獸醫服務 Requested the government to enhance supervision of veterinary services (2015)
要求增加文康設施及檢視規劃標準 Demanded increasing the number of recreational facilities in each district and reviewing the Hong Kong Planning and Standard Guidelines(2017)
為 社 會創和諧: 建 立 政治互信 提升管治效能 ·積極促進立法會議員與內地部門溝通,透過恆常化 的訪問及交流,加強彼此了解及互信;
For social harmony: create mutual trust in politics and improve the efficiency of governance ·Proactively promote the communication between Legislative councilors and Mainland official bureaus. Increase mutual trust and understanding through strengthening our communication and exchange.
·改善行政立法關係,從主要政黨中吸納更多人才進 入管治架構,同時在制定政策的過程中,讓政黨及 早參與; ·設立網絡辦公室,官員透過網絡直接與市民互動, 宣傳政府政策,收集、整理及分析網民意見;
·重組發展局、運輸及房屋局,以理順從土地規劃、 拓展到房屋供應一系列政策工作,提升土地及房屋 供應的決策效率及問責性; ·新增文化及體育局以負責研究及制訂全港及地區性 的文化、藝術、康樂及體育政策及發展策略;
·在符合《基本法》及人大常委會相關決定的前提下, 重啟政改,並力求落實 2022 年普選特首;
· 充分諮詢各界意見,在適當時間就《基本法》23 條立法; ·研究立法制定禁蒙面法及侮辱公職人員罪。
·Improve the relationship between the executive and the legislature. The government should attract suitable personnel from political parties into the governing apparatus. At the same time, allow political parties to participate at an earlier stage in the policy making process. ·Set up a network of online offices where officials can directly communicate with the public and promote government policies while collecting, organizing and analyzing advice and suggestions from ordinary residents.
·Reorganize the Development Bureau and Transport and Housing Bureau to straighten out the land and housing issues in order to accelerate the decision making process and increase accountability. ·Set up a new “Cultural and Athletic Bureau” that will be responsible for developing policies regarding cultural, artistic, recreational and athletic facilities in all of Hong Kong. ·Staying within bounds of the Basic Law and the decisions of the NPC Standing Committee, restart the constitutional reform process and implement universal suffrage for the 2022 Chief Executive Election. ·After thorough consultations with various sectors of society, find an appropriate time to implement “Article 23” by local legislation. ·Research how to legislate Anti-Mask Law and also law against humiliating public servants.
向候任行政長官林鄭月娥提出對政府的施政期望 We handed our hopes and expectations to the new Chief Executive (2017)
支持一人一票選特首 We supported universal suffrage for Chief Executive Election(2015)
P roposal s
組 織 架 構
會員大會 A nnual Gener al Meeting
中央委員會 C e n tr a l C o m mittee
監察委員會 S enate
常務委員會 S ta n d in g C o m m ittee
紀律委員會 D isciplinar y C om m ittee
立法會黨團 L eg i sl at i ve C o u n c il C a u c u s
秘書處 S ec r e ta r ia t
地區支部 B r anches 少數族裔服務中心 E thnic Minor ities S er vice C entr e
政策委員會 Po lic y C o m m itte e
家庭事務委員會 Fam ily A ffair s C om m ittee
宣傳及公關委員會 C o m m u n ic a tio n s & Public R e la tio n s C o m m itte e
青年民建聯 YoungD A B
培訓委員會 Tr a in in g C o m m itte e 組織建設委員會 Or g a n iz a tio n a l D e v e lopm ent C o m m itte e 工商事務委員會 C o m m e r c ia l & In d u s trial C om m ittee 專業事務委員會 Pr o fe s s io n a l A ffa ir s Com m ittee 婦女事務委員會 Wo m e n ' s A ffa ir s C o m mittee
少數族裔委員會 E thnic Minor ities C om m ittee 選舉事務委員會 E lection A ffair s C om m ittee 社會行動委員會 S ocial A ctions C om m ittee 支部主席會議 B r anch C hair m en Meeting 財務及行政委員會 Finance & A dm inistr ation C om m ittee
舉行第 25 次周年會員大會 25th AGM(2016)
Members and Former Members of the Central & Standing Committees
歷 屆 中 央 委 員 會 及 常 務 委 員 會 名 單
第一屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 1st Central Committee & Standing Committee (1992.7-12) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- Chair per son: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee: 中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
曾鈺成 TSANG Yok Si ng 譚耀宗 TAM Yiu C hung 程介南 CHENG Kai N am 黃建源 W ONG Ki ne Yuen 陳婉嫻 葉國謙 簡 志 豪 CHAN Yuen Han, IP Kw ok H i m , KAN C hi H o 王國興 何景安 吳 康 民 孫 啟 昌 梁 愛 詩 梁 煜 林 陳 立 志 陳 瑞 霖 陳 鑑 林 黃 立 誠 葉 國 忠 鄒 燦 基 潘國華 盧志強 顏 錦 全 W ONG Kwok Hi ng, H O Ki ng On, N G H ong M un, SU EN Kai C heong, LEU N G Oi Si e, LEUNG Yuk Lam , C H AN Lup C hi , C H AN Shui Lam , C H AN Kam Lam , W ON G Lup Shi ng, IP Kwok Chung , C H OW C har n Ki , PU N Kw ok Wa, LO C hi Keung, N GAN Kam C huen 22
第二屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 2nd Central Committee & Standing Committee (1992-1994) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- Chair per son: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee: 中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
曾鈺成 TSANG Yok Si ng 譚耀宗 TAM Yiu C hung 程介南 CHENG Kai N am 黃建源 W ONG Ki ne Yuen 梁煜林 陳婉嫻 葉 國 謙 盧 志 強 簡 志 豪 LEUNG Yuk Lam , C H AN Yuen H an, IP Kw ok H i m , LO C hi Keung, KAN C hi H o 王國興 何景安 吳 康 民 洪 清 源 孫 啟 昌 梁 愛 詩 陳 立 志 陳 瑞 霖 陳 鑑 林 黃 立 誠 葉 國 忠 鄒燦基 潘國華 顏 錦 全 W ONG Kwok Hi ng, H O Ki ng On, N G H ong M un, AN G C hi ng Yuan, SU EN Kai C heong, LEUNG Oi Sie , C H AN Lup C hi , C H AN Shui Lam , C H AN Kam Lam , W ON G Lup Shi ng, IP Kwok Chung , C H OW C har n Ki , PU N Kw ok Wa, N GAN Kam C huen 23
第三屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 3rd Central Committee & Standing Committee (1994-1996) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- Chair per son: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee: 中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
曾鈺成 TSANG Yok Si ng 譚耀宗 TAM Yiu C hung 程介南 CHENG Kai N am 黃建源 W ONG Ki ne Yuen 馬 力 梁煜林 陳 婉 嫻 葉 國 謙 盧 志 強 簡 志 豪 顏 錦 全 M A Lik, LEUNG Yuk Lam , C H AN Yuen H an, IP Kw ok H i m , LO C hi Keung, KAN C hi H o, NGAN Kam Ch uen 方 和 王國興 任 枝 明 何 景 安 吳 兆 華 林 文 輝 孫 啟 昌 胡 樹 焯 張 學 明 陳 立 志 陳 德 明 陳 鑑 林 馮培漳 黃立誠 黃 定 光 葉 國 忠 潘 國 華 鍾 樹 根 歐 陽 寶 珍 FONG Wo, W ON G Kw ok H i ng, YAM C hi M i ng, H O Ki ng On, N G Si u Wah, LAM M an F ai , SUEN Kai Che ong, W U Shu C heuk , C H EU N G H ok M i ng, C H AN Lup C hi , C H AN Tak M i ng, CHAN Kam La m , F U N G Pui C heung, W ON G Lup Shi ng, W ON G Ti ng Kw ong, IP Kw ok C hung, PUN Kwok Wa, C H U N G Shu Kun, AU YEU N G Po C hun 30
第四屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 4th Central Committee & Standing Committee (1996-1998) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- Chair per son: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee: 中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
曾鈺成 TSANG Yok Si ng 譚耀宗 TAM Yiu C hung 程介南 CHENG Kai N am 黃建源 W ONG Ki ne Yuen 馬 力 陳婉嫻 陳 鑑 林 葉 國 謙 盧 志 強 簡 志 豪 顏 錦 全 M A Lik, CHAN Yuen H an, C H AN Kam Lam , IP Kw ok H i m , LO C hi Keung, KAN C hi H o, NGAN Kam Ch uen 方 和 王國興 任 枝 明 何 景 安 吳 兆 華 林 文 輝 孫 啟 昌 陳 立 志 梁 煜 林 馮 培 漳 黃 定 光 黃 容 根 溫忠平 溫悅球 彭 長 緯 葉 祖 賢 葉 國 忠 鍾 樹 根 歐 陽 寶 珍 FONG Wo, W ON G Kw ok H i ng, YAM C hi M i ng, H O Ki ng On, N G Si u Wah, LAM M an F ai , SUEN Kai Che ong, C H AN Lup C hi , LEU N G Yuk Lam , F U N G Pui C heung, W ON G Ti ng Kw ong, W ONG Yung Kan, WAN C hung Pi ng, WAN Yuet Kau, PAN G C heung Wai , IP C ho Yi n, IP Kwok Chung , C H U N G Shu Kun, AU YEU N G Po C hun 30
* 備註:由於譚耀宗被委任為行政會議成員,常務委員會於 97 年 2 月進行補選,副主席一職由程介南補上,秘書長一職由馬力補上,中委方和加入常務委員會。 *Remarks: As TAM Yiu Chung had been appointed member of the Executive Council, a by-election of the Standing Committee was held in February 1997. CHENG Kai Nam was elected as Vice-chairperson, MA Lik as Secretary-General and FONG Wo as member of the Standing Committee. 第五屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 5th Central Committee & Standing Committee (1998-2000) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- Chair per sons: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee: 中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
曾鈺成 TSANG Yok Si ng 程介南 葉國謙 C H EN G Kai N am , IP Kw ok H i m 馬 力 M A Lik 黃建源 W ONG Ki ne Yuen 方 和 陳婉嫻 陳 鑑 林 彭 長 緯 黃 定 光 盧 志 強 簡 志 豪 FONG Wo, CHAN Yuen H an, C H AN Kam Lam , PAN G C heung Wai , W ON G Ti ng Kw ong, LO Chi Keung, KAN C hi H o 尹才榜 王國興 何 景 安 吳 兆 華 李 明 海 周 轉 香 林 文 輝 孫 啟 昌 袁 貴 才 馮 培 漳 黃 戊 娣 黃 容 根 溫忠平 溫悅球 葉 國 忠 劉 江 華 鍾 樹 根 歐 陽 寶 珍 W EN Choy Bon, W ON G Kw ok H i ng, H O Ki ng On, N G Si u Wah, LI M i ng H oi , C H AU C huen H eu n g , LAM M an Fai, SU EN Kai C heong, YU EN Kw ai C hoi , F U N G Pui C heung, W ON G M o Tai , W ONG Yung Kan, WAN C hung Pi ng, WAN Yuet Kau, IP Kw ok C hung, LAU Kong Wah, CHUNG Shu Kun, AU YEU N G Po C hun 30
第 14 屆領導層 The 14th term of leadership (2017)
Members and Former Members of the Central & Standing Committees
第六屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 6th Central Committee & Standing Committee (2000-2002) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- Chair per sons: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee: 中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
曾鈺成 TSANG Yok Si ng 葉國謙 盧志強 IP Kw ok H i m , LO C hi Keung 馬 力 M A Lik 黃建源 W ONG Ki ne Yuen 方 和 陳婉嫻 陳 鑑 林 彭 長 緯 馮 培 漳 黃 定 光 簡 志 豪 溫 悅 球 FONG Wo, CHAN Yuen H an, C H AN Kam Lam , PAN G C heung Wai , F U N G Pui C heung, W ONG Ting Kwong, KAN C hi H o, WAN Yuet Kau 尹才榜 王國興 何景安 吳兆華 李國英 李錦文 周轉香 林文輝 孫啟昌 徐紅英 袁貴才 張瑞鋒 陳有海 陳德明 黃 戊 娣 黃 容 根 溫 忠 平 葉 國 忠 劉 江 華 蔡 素 玉 鍾 樹 根 蘇 錦 樑 歐 陽 寶 珍 W EN Choy Bon, W ON G Kw ok H i ng, H O Ki ng On, N G Si u Wah, LI Kw ok Yi ng, LI Kam M an, CHAU Chuen Heung, LAM M an F ai , SU EN Kai C heong, T SU I H ung Yi ng, YU EN Kw ai C hoi , CHEUNG Shui F ung, C H AN Yau H oi , C H AN Tak M i ng, W ON G M o Tai , W ON G Yung Kan, WAN Chung Pi ng, IP Kw ok C hung, LAU Kong Wah, C H OY So Yuk , C H U N G Shu Kun, SO Kam Leung, AU YEU N G Po C hun 22
第七屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 7th Central Committee & Standing Committee (2002-2005) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- C hair per sons: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee: 中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
曾鈺成 ( 至2 0 0 3 年 1 2 月 2 日 ) 馬 力 ( 2 0 0 3 年 1 2 月 9 日 起 出 任 ) TSANG Yok Si ng ( unti l 2 D ec em ber, 2003) M A Li k ( fr om 9 D ec em ber, 2003) 葉國謙 盧志強 譚 耀 宗 IP Kw ok H i m , LO C hi Keung, TAM Yi u C hung 馬 力 ( 至2 0 03 年 1 2 月 2 日 ) 簡 志 豪 ( 2 0 0 3 年 1 2 月 9 日 起 出 任 ) M A Lik ( until 9 D ec em ber, 2003) KAN C hi H o ( fr om 9 D ec em ber, 2003) 黃建源 W ONG Ki ne Yuen 方 和 陳婉嫻 陳 鑑 林 彭 長 緯 馮 培 漳 黃 定 光 溫 悅 球 蘇 錦 樑 FONG Wo, CHAN Yuen H an, C H AN Kam Lam , PAN G C heung Wai , F U N G Pui C heung, W ONG Ting Kwong, WAN Yuet Kau, SO Kam Leung 尹才榜 王國興 何 景 安 吳 兆 華 李 元 剛 李 洪 森 李 國 英 李 錦 文 周 轉 香 林 文 輝 孫 啟 昌 徐 紅 英 陳德明 黃戊娣 黃 容 根 溫 忠 平 葉 國 忠 劉 江 華 蔡 素 玉 鍾 樹 根 歐 陽 寶 珍 W EN Choy Bon, W ON G Kw ok H i ng, H O Ki ng On, N G Si u Wah, LEE Yuen Kw ong, LEE H ung S h a m, LI Kwok Ying, LI Kam M an, C H AU C huen H eung, LAM M an F ai , SU EN Kai C heong, T SU I H ung Yi n g , CHAN Tak M ing, W ON G M o Tai , W ON G Yung Kan, WAN C hung Pi ng, IP Kw ok C hung, LAU Kon g Wah, CHOY So Yuk , C H U N G Shu Kun, AU YEU N G Po C hun 36
第八屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 8th Central Committee & Standing Committee (2005-2007) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- Chair per sons: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 副秘書長 D ep u ty S ecr etar y- Gener al: 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee:
中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
馬 力 M A Lik 譚耀宗 葉國謙 譚 惠 珠 劉 江 華 TAM Yi u C hung, IP Kw ok H i m , TAM Wai C hu, LAU Kong Wah 簡志豪 KAN Chi H o 黃建源 W ONG Ki ne Yuen 曹王敏賢 TSO W ON G M an Yi n 方 和 林光宇 吳 仕 福 陳 鑑 林 彭 長 緯 馮 培 漳 黃 定 光 溫 悅 球 蔣 麗 芸 鄧 兆 棠 盧 文 端 蘇 錦 樑 FONG Wo, LAM Kw ong Yu, N G Sz e F uk , C H AN Kam Lam , PAN G C heung Wai , FUNG Pui Che ung, W ON G Ti ng Kw ong, WAN Yuet Kau, C H IAN G Lai Wan, TAN G Si u Tong, LO M an Tuen, SO Kam Leung 王紹爾 王舜義 李 元 剛 李 洪 森 李 國 英 李 慧 琼 李 錦 文 周 轉 香 孫 啟 昌 徐 紅 英 袁 靖 罡 張 文 韜 張國鈞 張晴雲 張 華 峰 郭 安 然 陳 金 霖 陳 恒 鑌 陳 曼 琪 陳 維 端 黃 士 心 黃 戊 娣 黃 碧 嬌 葉 國 忠 歐陽寶珍 潘進 源 蔡 素 玉 鄭 德 健 鍾 樹 根 蘇 西 智 W ONG Siu Yee , W ON G Shun Yee, LEE Yuen Kw ong, LEE H ung Sham , LI Kw ok Yi ng, LEE Wai King, LI Kam M an, C H AU C huen H eung, SU EN Kai C heong, T SU I H ung Yi ng, YUEN Ching B or, C H EU N G M an To, C H EU N G Kw ok Kw an, C H EU N G C hi ng Wan, CHEUNG Wah F ung, KW OK On Yi n, C H AN Kam Lam , C H AN H an Pan, C H AN M an Ki , CHAN Wai Dun e, W ON G See Sum , W ON G M o Tai , W ON G Pi k Ki u, IP Kw ok C hung, AU YEUNG Po C hun, POON C hun Yuen, C H OI So Yuk , C H EN G Tak Ki n, C H U N G Shu Kun, SO Sai Chi 50
第九屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 9th Central Committee & Standing Committee (2007-2009) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- Chair per sons: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 副秘書長 D ep u ty S ecr etar y- Gener al: 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee: 中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
馬 力 ( 至2 0 0 7 年 8 月 8 日 ) 譚 耀 宗 ( 2 0 0 7 年 8 月 2 8 日 起 出 任 ) M A Lik ( until 8 Augus t, 2007) TAM Yi u C hung ( fr om 28 Augus t, 2007) 葉國謙 劉江華 蘇 錦 樑 IP Kw ok H i m , LAU Kong Wah, SO Kam Leung 簡志豪 KAN Chi H o 黃建源 W ONG Ki ne Yuen 曹王敏賢 蔣麗芸 T SO W ON G M an Yi n, C H IAN G Lai Wan 方 和 林光宇 吳 仕 福 馮 培 漳 彭 長 緯 溫 悅 球 鄧 兆 棠 張 國 鈞 歐 陽 士 國 李 慧 琼 陳 恒 鑌 FONG Wo, LAM Kw ong Yu, N G Sz e F uk , F U N G Pui C heung, PAN G C heung Wai , WAN Yuet Ka u , TANG Siu Tong , C H EU N G Kw ok Kw an, AU YEU N G Sei Kw ok , LEE Wai Ki ng, C H AN H an Pan 王紹爾 王舜義 李 元 剛 李 洪 森 李 國 英 李 瑞 成 李 錦 文 周 轉 香 孫 啟 昌 徐 紅 英 袁 靖 罡 張 文 韜 張晴雲 郭安然 陳 金 霖 陳 曼 琪 陳 維 端 陳 鑑 林 黃 士 心 黃 戊 娣 黃 定 光 黃 碧 嬌 楊 位 款 葉 國 忠 劉志榮 歐陽寶 珍 潘 進 源 蔡 素 玉 鍾 樹 根 蘇 西 智 W ONG Siu Yee , W ON G Shun Yee, LEE Yuen Kw ong, LEE H ung Sham , LI Kw ok Yi ng, LEE Shui Sing, LI Kam M an, C H AU C huen H eung, SU EN Kai C heong, T SU I H ung Yi ng, YUEN Ching B or, C H EU N G M an To, C H EU N G C hi ng Wan, KW OK On Yi n, C H AN Kam Lam , CHAN M an Ki, C H AN Wai D une, C H AN Kam Lam , W ON G See Sum , W ON G M o Tai , W ONG Ting Kwong, W ON G Pi k Ki u, YEU N G Wai F oon, IP Kw ok C hung, LAU C hi W i ng, AU YEUNG Po C hun, POON C hun Yuen, C H OY So Yuk , C H U N G Shu Kun, SO Sai C hi 50
第十屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 10th Central Committee & Standing Committee (2009-2011) 主席 C h a i rp e rson : 副主席 Vi ce -C h a i rper sons: 秘書長 S ecreta ry-Gener al: 司庫 Tre a su rer: 副秘書長 D e p u ty S e creta ry-Gener al: 常務委員 Me mbe rs of S ta n ding Com m ittee:
中央委員 Me mbe rs of C en tr al Com m ittee:
總人數 To ta l Me mber s:
譚耀宗 TAM Yiu Chung 劉江華 蔣麗芸 溫嘉旋 張 國 鈞 LAU Kong Wah, CHIAN G Lai Wan, W EN C ar s on, C H EU N G Kw ok Kw an 彭長緯 PANG Cheung Wai 黃建源 W ONG Kine Yu en 王舜義 W ONG Shun Yee 曹王敏賢 李慧琼 林光 宇 陳 恒 鑌 陳 曼 琪 陳 維 端 陳 學 鋒 馮 培 漳 溫 悅 球 葛 珮 帆 歐 陽 士 國 簡志豪 TSO W ONG M an Yin, LEE Wai Ki ng, LAM Kw ong Yu, C H AN H an Pan, C H AN M an KI, CHAN Wai Dune, CHA N H ok F ung, F U N G Pui C heung, WAN Yuet Kau, QU AT El i z abeth, AU YEUNG Sei Kwok, KAN C hi H o 吳少鵬 李均頤 李洪森 李 瑞 成 李 錦 文 周 浩 鼎 洪 連 杉 洪 錦 鉉 徐 紅 英 袁 靖 罡 張 浩 明 張 晴 雲 梁嘉銘 郭安然 陳金霖 陳 國 華 陳 國 旗 陸 勁 光 黃 國 恩 黃 碧 嬌 楊 子 熙 楊 位 款 葉 傲 冬 劉 國 勳 潘進源 蔡素玉 鄭泳舜 黎 榮 浩 盧 懿 行 鍾 樹 根 NG Siu Pang, LEE Kw un Yee, LEE H ung Sham , LEE Shui Si ng, LI Kam M an, C H OW H o D i ng, HUNG Lin Cham , HUN G Kam In, T SU I H ung Yi ng, YU EN C hi ng Bor, C H EU N G H o M i ng, CHEUNG Ching Wan, LEU N G Kar M i ng, KW OK On Yi n, C H AN Kam Lam , C H AN Kok Wah, CHAN Kwok Kai, LUK Ki ng Kw ong, W ON G Kw ok Yan, W ON G Pi k Ki u, YEU N G Ts z H ei , YEUNG Wai Foon, IP N go Tung, LAU Kw ok F an, POON C hun Yuen, C H OY So Yuk , CHENG W ing Shun, LAI W i ng H o, LO Yee H ang, C H U N G Shu Kun 50
第十一屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 11th Central Committee & Standing Committee (2011-2013) 主席 C h a i rp e rson : 副主席 Vi ce -C h a i rper sons: 秘書長 S ecreta ry-Gener al: 司庫 Tre a su rer: 副秘書長 D e p u ty S e creta ry-Gener al: 常務委員 Me mbe rs of S ta n ding Com m ittee:
中央委員 Me mbe rs of C en tr al Com m ittee:
總人數 To ta l Me mber s:
譚耀宗 TAM Yiu Chung 劉江華 蔣麗芸 張國鈞 李 慧 琼 LAU Kong Wah, CHIAN G Lai Wan, C H EU N G Kw ok Kw an, LEE Wai Ki ng 彭長緯 PANG Cheung Wai 黃建源 W ONG Kine Yu en 陳學鋒 CHAN Hok Fung 周浩鼎 林光宇 陳 勇 陳 恒 鑌 陳 曼 琪 陳 維 端 馮 培 漳 葉 傲 冬 葛 珮 帆 歐 陽 士 國 黎 榮 浩 簡志豪 CHOW Ho Ding, LAM Kw ong Yu, C H AN Yung, C H AN H an Pan, C H AN M an KI, C H AN Wai D une, FUNG Pui Cheung, IP N go Tung, QU AT El i z abeth, AU YEU N G Sei Kw ok , LAI W i ng H o, KAN Chi Ho 呂 堅 李均頤 李瑞成 李 錦 文 周 轉 香 洪 連 杉 洪 錦 鉉 徐 紅 英 袁 靖 罡 張 晴 雲 許 華 傑 郭 安 然 陳百里 陳克勤 陳金霖 陳 國 華 陳 國 旗 陸 地 黃 國 恩 楊 子 熙 楊 位 款 劉 國 勳 潘 進 源 蔡 素 玉 鄭泳舜 盧懿杏 鍾嘉敏 鍾 樹 根 譚 榮 勳 蘇 愛 群 LUI Kin, LEE Kwun Yee, LEE Shui Si ng, LI Kam M an, C H AU C huen H eung, H U N G Li n C ham , HUNG Kam In, TSUI Hung Yi ng, YU EN C hi ng Bor, C H EU N G C hi ng Wan, H U I Wah Ki t, KW OK On Yin, CHAN Pak Li , C H AN H ak Kan, C H AN Kam Lam , C H AN Kok Wah, CHAN Kwok Kai, LUK Tei , W ON G Kw ok Yan, YEU N G Ts z H ei , YEU N G Wai F oon, LAU Kw ok F an, POON Chun Yuen, CH OY So Yuk , C H EN G W i ng Shun, LO Yee H ang, C H U N G Ka M an, CHUNG Shu Kun, TAM W i ng F un, SO Oi Kw an 50
第十二屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 12th Central Committee & Standing Committee (2013-2015) 主席 C h a i rp e rson : 副主席 Vi ce -C h a i rper sons: 秘書長 S ecreta ry-Gener al: 司庫 Tre a su rer: 副秘書長 D e p u ty S e creta ry-Gener al: 常務委員 Me mbe rs of S ta n ding Com m ittee:
中央委員 Me mbe rs of C en tr al Com m ittee:
總人數 To ta l Me mber s:
譚耀宗 TAM Yiu Chung 李慧琼 蔣麗芸 張國鈞 彭 長 緯 陳 勇 LEE Wai King, CHIAN G Lai Wan, C H EU N G Kw ok Kw an, PAN G C heung Wai , C H AN Yung 陳學鋒 CHAN Hok Fung 黃建源 W ONG Kine Yu en 葉傲冬 IP Ngo Tung 周浩鼎 洪錦鉉 陳克勤 陳 恒 鑌 陳 曼 琪 陳 維 端 馮 培 漳 葛 珮 帆 劉 國 勳 鄭 泳 舜 黎 榮 浩 簡 志 豪 CHOW Ho Ding, HUNG Kam In, C H AN H ak Kan, C H AN H an Pan, C H AN M an Ki , CHAN Wai Dune, FUNG Pui C heung, QU AT El i z abeth, LAU Kw ok F an, C H EN G W i ng Shun, LAI W ing Ho, KAN Chi H o 古揚邦 朱立威 老廣成 何 俊 賢 余 麗 芬 呂 堅 李 世 榮 李 家 良 李 錦 文 柯 創 盛 洪 連 杉 徐 紅 英 袁靖罡 張晴雲 許華傑 陳 少 棠 陳 國 華 陳 博 智 陸 地 黃 建 彬 黃 國 恩 黃 達 東 楊 文 銳 楊 位 款 楊鎮華 潘進源 蔡素玉 盧 懿 杏 鍾 嘉 敏 譚 榮 勳 蘇 愛 群 KOO Yeung Bong, CH U Lap Wai , LO Kw ong Shi ng, H O C hun Yi n, Yue Lai F an, LU I Ki n, LI Sai W ing, LI Ka Leung, LI Kam M an, OR C hong Shi ng, H U N G Li n C ham , T SU I H ung Yi ng, YUEN Ching Bor, CHE U N G C hi ng Wan, H U I Wah Ki t, C H AN Si u Tong, C H AN Kok Wah, CHAN Pok Chi, LUK Tei , W ON G Ki n Pan, W ON G Kw ok Yan, W ON G Tat Tung, YEU N G M an Yui , YEUNG Wai Foon, JO C hun Wah, POON C hun Yuen, C H OY So Yuk , LO Yee H ang, CHUNG Ka M an, TAM W i ng F un, SO Oi Kw an 52
Members and Former Members of the Central & Standing Committees
第十三屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 13th Central Committee & Standing Committee (2015-2017) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- Chair per sons: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 副秘書長 D ep u ty S ecr etar y- Gener al: 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee: 中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
李慧琼 LEE Wa i Ki ng 張國鈞 彭長緯 陳 勇 陳 克 勤 周 浩 鼎 CHEUNG Kwok Kw an, PAN G C heung Wai , C H AN Yung, C H AN H ak Kan, C H OW H o D i ng 陳學鋒 CHAN Hok F ung 黃建源 W ONG Ki ne Yuen 葉傲冬 IP Ngo Tung 呂 堅 洪錦鉉 陳 恒 鑌 馮 培 漳 黃 國 恩 * 黃 達 東 葛 珮 帆 劉 國 勳 鄭 泳 舜 黎 榮 浩 簡 志 豪 顏 汶 羽 LUI Kin, HUNG Kam In, C H AN H an Pan, F U N G Pui C heung, Wong Kw ok Yan* , W ON G Tat Tun g , QUAT Elizabeth, LAU Kw ok F an, C H EN G W i ng Shun, LAI W i ng H o, KAN C hi H o, N GAN M an Yu 丁江浩 古揚邦 朱 立 威 老 廣 成 何 俊 賢 李 世 榮 李 家 良 李 錦 文 姚 銘 柯 創 盛 洪 連 杉 胡 健 民 徐紅英 袁靖罡 張 思 穎 # 張 晴 雲 張 琪 騰 # 許 華 傑 陳 偉 明 陳 國 華 陳 博 智 陸 地 陸 勁 光 楊位款 楊鎮華 潘 進 源 蔡 素 玉 鍾 嘉 敏 譚 榮 勳 蘇 愛 群 TING Kong Ho, KOO Yeung Bong, C H U Lap Wai , LO Kw ong Shi ng, H O C hun Yi n, LI Sai W i ng, LI Ka Leung, LI Kam M an, YIU M i ng, OR C hong Shi ng, H U N G Li n C ham , W OO Ki n M an, TSUI Hung Yin g, YU EN C hi ng Bor, C H EU N G Sz e W i ng#, C H EU N G C hi ng Wan, CHEUNG Ki Tang#, H U I Wah Ki t, C H AN Wai M i ng, C H AN Kok Wah, C H AN Pok C hi , LU K Tei , LUK King Kwong, YEU N G Wai F oon, J O C hun Wah, POON C hun Yuen, C H OY So Yuk , CHUNG Ka M an, TAM W i ng F un, SO Oi Kw an 51
* 黃國恩於 2016 年 3 月 8 日加入,接替在 2016 年 1 月 1 日退會的陳曼琪 # 張思穎及張琪騰分別於 2016 年 2 月及 4 月加入,接替在 2016 年 1 月退會的陳曼琪及陳少棠。楊文銳於 2016 年 5 月請辭中委職務 *Wong Kwok Yan was added on 8 March, 2016 and took over from Chan Man Ki who had quitted from the DAB on 1 January, 2016. # Cheung Sze Wing and Cheung Ki Tang were added to the team on February and April 2016 respectively, and took over from Chan Man Ki and Chan Siu Tong who quitted from the DAB on 1 January, 2016. Yeung Man Yui resigned from the Central Committee in May 2016.
第十四屆中央委員會及常務委員會委員 Members of the 14th Central Committee & Standing Committee (2017-2019) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi c e- Chair per sons: 秘書長 S e cr etar y- Gener al: 司庫 Trea sur er : 副秘書長 D ep u ty S ecr etar y- Gener al: 常務委員 Membe rs of Standing Com m ittee: 中央委員 Membe rs of Centr al Com m ittee:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
李慧琼 LEE Wa i Ki ng 張國鈞 彭長緯 陳 勇 陳 克 勤 周 浩 鼎 CHEUNG Kwok Kw an, PAN G C heung Wai , C H AN Yung, C H AN H ak Kan, C H OW H o D i ng 陳學鋒 CHAN Hok F ung 莊惠明 CHONG Wai M i ng 葉傲冬 洪錦鉉 鄭 泳 舜 黎 榮 浩 IP Ngo Tung, H U N G Kam In, C H EN G W i ng Shun, LAI W i ng H o 王舜義 呂 堅 陳 恒 鑌 黃 建 源 黃 國 恩 葛 珮 帆 劉 國 勳 簡 志 豪 顏 汶 羽 W ONG Shun Yee, LU I Ki n, C H AN H an Pan, W ON G Ki ne Yuen, W ON G Kw ok Yan, QUAT Elizabeth, LAU Kw ok F an, KAN C hi H o, N GAN M an Yu 丁江浩 古揚邦 朱 立 威 朱 麗 玲 何 俊 賢 李 世 榮 李 家 良 李 錦 文 招 文 亮 姚 銘 柯 創 盛 洪 連 杉 洪錦鉉 胡健民 袁 靖 罡 張 思 穎 張 恒 輝 許 華 傑 陳 偉 明 陳 國 華 陳 博 智 陸 地 黃 冰 芬 楊 鎮 華 董健莉 潘進源 蔡 素 玉 鍾 嘉 敏 譚 榮 勳 關 浩 洋 蘇 愛 群 TING Kong Ho, KOO Yeung Bong, C H U Lap Wai , C H U Lai Li ng, H O C hun Yi n, LI Sai W i ng, LI Ka Leung, LI Kam M an, C H IU M an Leong, YIU M i ng, OR C hong Shi ng, H U N G Li n C ham , HUNG Kam In, W OO Ki n M an, YU EN C hi ng Bor, C H EU N G Sz e W i ng, C H EU N G H ang F ai , HUI Wah Kit, C H AN Wai M i ng, C H AN Kok Wah, C H AN Pok C hi , LU K Tei , W ON G Pi ng F an, JO Chun Wah, T U N G Ki n Lei , POON C hun Yuen, C H OY So Yuk , C H U N G Ka M an, TAM W ing Fun , KWAN H o Yeung, SO Oi Kw an 52
領導層及區議員在 2016 年元旦日合照 Group photo of DAB leadership and councilors in 2016
Members and Former Members of the Central & Standing Committees
Senate in All Terms and Party Advisors
歷 屆 監 察 委 員 會 及 顧 問 名 單
第一屆監察委員會委員 Members of the 1st Senate (2005-2007) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi ce-C h a i rper sons: 監察委員 Membe rs of the Senate:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
楊孫西 YU Sun Say 溫嘉旋 楊 釗 張學明 楊 耀 忠 劉 宇 新 計 佑 銘 W EN Car son, YEUNG Chun Kam , C H EU N G H ok M i ng, YEU N G Yi u C hung, LAU Yue Sun, KAI Yau M ing 曹宏威 張閭蘅 莊紹綏 鄭 家 純 盧 溫 勝 陳 金 烈 蔡 德 河 鍾 沛 林 歐 陽 士 國 蔡 陳 葆 心 岑 永 生 馮 力 張明敏 袁士傑 陳少琼 曾正麟 李瑞成 何秀武 區艷龍 鄭詠基 源大同 郭志權 黃江天 黃容根 劉佩瓊 陳榮燦 尹才榜 何景安 吳 兆 華 潘 國 華 關 毅 楊 位 款 陸 聯 芬 TSO Wung Wai, CHANG Gl or i a, C H ON G Shaw Sw ee, C H EN G Kar Shun, LO Wan Si ng, CHAN Kam Lit, CHOY Tak H o, C H U N G Pui Lam , AU YEU N G Sei Kw ok , C H EN Po Sum , SUM W ing Sung, FUNG Lak , C H EU N G M i ng M an, YU EN Se Ki t, C H AN Si u Ki ng, T SAN G C hi ng Lun, LEE Shui Sing, HO Sau M o, AU Yi m Lung, C H EN G W i ng Kee, YU EN Tai Tung, KW OK Phi l i p, W ONG Kong Tin, W ONG Yung Kan, LAU Pui Ki ng, C H AN W i ng C han, W EN C hoy Bon, H O Ki ng On, NG Siu Wah, PUN Kwo k Wa, KWAN Yi , YEU N G Wai F oon, LU K Luen F un 40
第二屆監察委員會委員 Members of the 2nd Senate (2007-2009) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi ce-C h a i rper sons: 監察委員 Membe rs of the Senate:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
楊孫西 YU Sun Say 溫嘉旋 譚惠珠 楊 釗 楊 耀 忠 計 佑 銘 劉 宇 新 盧 文 端 W EN Car son, TAM Wai C hu, YEU N G C hun Kam , YEU N G Yi u C hung, KAI Yau M i ng, LAU Yue Sun, LO M an Tuen 尹才榜 何秀武 何景安 吳 兆 華 岑 永 生 袁 士 傑 區 艷 龍 張 明 敏 張 閭 蘅 張 學 明 曹 宏 威 莊 紹 綏 陳少琼 陳金烈 陳榮燦 曾 正 麟 馮 力 黃 江 天 黃 容 根 劉 佩 瓊 潘 國 華 蔡 陳 葆 心 蔡 德 河 鄭 家 純 鄭詠基 盧溫勝 鍾沛林 關 毅 鄭 德 健 陳 國 華 楊 位 醒 蕭 婉 嫦 W EN Choy Bon, HO Sau M o, H O Ki ng On, N G Si u Wah, SU M W i ng Sung, YU EN Se Ki t, AU Yi m Lung, CHEUNG M ing M an, CHAN G Gl or i a, C H EU N G H ok M i ng, T SO Wung Wai , C H ON G Shaw Sw ee, CHAN Siu King, CHAN Kam Li t, C H AN W i ng C han, T SAN G C hi ng Lun, F U N G Lak , W ON G Kong Ti n, W ONG Yung Kan, LAU Pui Ki ng, PU N Kw ok Wa, C H EN Po Sum , C H OY Tak H o, C H EN G Kar Shun, CHENG W ing Kee, LO Wan Si ng, C H U N G Pui Lam , KWAN Yi , C H EN G Tak Ki n, C H AN Kok Wah, YEUNG Wai Sing, SIU Yuen Sheung 40
第三屆監察委員會委員 Members of the 3rd Senate (2009-2011) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi ce-C h a i rper sons: 監察委員 Membe rs of the Senate:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
楊孫西 YU Sun Say 譚惠珠 楊 釗 計佑銘 楊 耀 忠 盧 文 端 劉 宇 新 吳 仕 福 鄧 兆 棠 方 和 黃 士 心 TAM Wai Chu, YEUNG C hun Kam , KAI Yau M i ng, YEU N G Yi u C hung, LO M an Tuen, LAU Yue Sun, NG Sze Fuk, TANG Siu Tong, F ON G Wo, W ON G See Sum 尹才榜 何秀武 何景安 吳 兆 華 岑 永 生 李 國 英 區 艷 龍 張 明 敏 張 閭 蘅 曹 宏 威 莊 紹 綏 陳 少 琼 陳 金烈 陳榮燦 曾正麟 馮 力 黃 江 天 楊 位 醒 劉 佩 瓊 潘 國 華 蔡 陳 葆 心 蔡 德 河 鄭 家 純 鄭 詠 基 鄭 德 健 盧溫勝 蕭婉嫦 鍾沛林 關 毅 W EN Choy Bon, HO Sau M o, H O Ki ng On, N G Si u Wah, SU M W i ng Sung, LI Kw ok Yi ng, AU Yi m Lung, CHEUNG M ing M an, CHAN G Gl or i a, T SO Wung Wai , C H ON G Shaw Sw ee, C H AN Si u Ki ng, CHAN Kam Lit, CHAN Wi ng C han, T SAN G C hi ng Lun, F U N G Lak , W ON G Kong Ti n, YEU N G Wai Si ng, LAU Pui King, PUN Kw ok Wa, C H EN Po Sum , C H OY Tak H o, C H EN G Kar Shun, C H EN G W i ng Kee, CHENG Tak Kin, LO Wan Si ng, SIU Yuen Sheung, C H U N G Pui Lam , KWAN Yi 40
第四屆監察委員會委員 Members of the 4th Senate (2011-2013) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi ce-C h a i rper sons: 監察委員 Membe rs of the Senate:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
楊孫西 YU Sun Say 楊 釗 計佑銘 楊耀忠 盧 文 端 劉 宇 新 吳 仕 福 鄧 兆 棠 方 和 黃 士 心 王 敏 賢 鍾 瑞 明 YEUNG Chun Kam , KAI Yau M i ng, YEU N G Yi u C hung, LO M an Tuen, LAU Yue Sun, N G Sz e F uk , TANG Siu Tong, FONG Wo, W ON G See Sum , W ON G M an Yi n, C H U N G Shui M i ng 尹才榜 何景安 吳兆華 岑 永 生 李 國 英 區 艷 龍 張 明 敏 張 閭 蘅 曹 宏 威 莊 紹 綏 陳 少 琼 陳 金 烈 陳 榮燦 曾正麟 馮 力 黃江天 楊 位 醒 劉 佩 瓊 潘 國 華 蔡 陳 葆 心 蔡 德 河 鄭 詠 基 鄭 德 健 盧 溫 勝 蕭 婉 嫦 鍾沛林 W EN Choy Bon, HO Kin g On, N G Si u Wah, SU M W i ng Sung, LI Kw ok Yi ng, AU Yi m Lung, CHEUNG M ing M an, CHAN G Gl or i a, T SO Wung Wai , C H ON G Shaw Sw ee, C H AN Si u Ki ng, CHAN Kam Lit, CHAN Wi ng C han, T SAN G C hi ng Lun, F U N G Lak , W ON G Kong Ti n, YEU N G Wai Si ng, LAU Pui King, PUN Kw ok Wa, C H EN Po Sum , C H OY Tak H o, C H EN G W i ng Kee, C H EN G Tak Ki n, LO Wan Sing, SIU Yuen Sheung, C H U N G Pui Lam 38
第五屆監察委員會委員 Members of the 5th Senate (2013-2015) 主席 C ha i rper son: 副主席 Vi ce-C h a i rper sons:
監察委員 Membe rs of the Senate:
總人數 Total M em ber s:
楊孫西 YU Sun Say 楊 釗 楊耀忠 盧文端 劉 宇 新 吳 仕 福 鄧 兆 棠 方 和 黃 士 心 王 敏 賢 鍾 瑞 明 莊 紹 綏 歐 陽 士 國 YEUNG Chun Kam , YEU N G Yi u C hung, LO M an Tuen, LAU Yue Sun, N G Sz e F uk , TAN G Si u Tong, FONG Wo, W ONG See Sum , W ON G M an Yi n, C H U N G Shui M i ng, C H ON G Shaw Sw ee, AU YEUNG Sei Kwok 尹才榜 何景安 吳兆華 岑 永 生 李 均 頤 李 國 英 李 瑞 成 凌 文 海 梁 偉 浩 區 艷 龍 張 明 敏 張 閭 蘅 曹 宏威 陳少琼 陳金烈 陳金霖 陳 葆 心 陳 榮 燦 曾 正 麟 馮 力 黃 江 天 楊 位 醒 劉 佩 瓊 鄭 詠 基 鄭 德 健 盧 溫勝 蔡德河 鍾沛林 鍾樹根 蕭 婉 嫦 W EN Choy Bon, HO Kin g On, N G Si u Wah, SU M W i ng Sung, LEE Kw un Yee, LI Kw ok Yi ng, LEE Shui Sing, LING Man H oi , LEU N G Wai H o, AU Yi m Lung, C H EU N G M i ng M an, C H AN G Gl or i a, TSO Wung Wai, CHAN Si u Ki ng, C H AN Kam Li t, C H AN Kam Lam , C H EN Po Sum , C H AN W i ng C han, TSANG Ching Lun, FUN G Lak , W ON G Kong Ti n, YEU N G Wai Si ng, LAU Pui Ki ng, C H EN G W i ng Kee, CHENG Tak Kin, LO Wan Si ng, C H OY Tak H o, C H U N G Pui Lam , C H U N G Shu Kun, SIU Yuen Sheung 43
第六屆監察委員會委員 Members of the 6th Senate (2015-2017) 主席 C h a i rp e rson : 副主席 Vi ce -C h a i rp e rson s:
監察委員 Me mbe rs of th e S enate:
總人數 To ta l Me mber s:
盧文端 LO M an Tuen 楊 釗 劉宇新 吳仕福 鄧兆棠 方 和 黃 士 心 王 敏 賢 鍾 瑞 明 莊 紹 綏 歐 陽 士 國 陳 維 端 盧 溫 勝 YEUNG Chun Kam , LAU Yue Sun, N G Sz e F uk , TAN G Si u Tong, F ON G Wo, W ON G See Sum , W ONG M an Yin, CHUNG Shui M i ng, C H ON G Shaw Sw ee, AU YEU N G Sei Kw ok , C H AN Wai D une, LO Wan Sing 尹才榜 何景安 吳兆華 岑永生 李 均 頤 李 瑞 成 凌 文 海 區 艷 龍 張 明 敏 曹 宏 威 梁 偉 浩 陳 少 琼 陳 金 烈 陳金霖 陳國旗 陳葆心 陳榮燦 曾 正 麟 馮 力 黃 江 天 黃 蘭 茜 楊 位 醒 廖 新 南 劉 佩 瓊 蔡 德 河 鄭 詠 基 蕭婉嫦 鍾沛林 鍾樹根 W EN Choy Bon, HO King On, NG Si u Wah, SU M W i ng Sung, LEE Kw un Yee, LEE Shui Si ng, LING M an Hoi, AU Yim Lung, C H EU N G M i ng M an, T SO Wung Wai , LEU N G Wai H o, C H AN Si u Ki ng, CHAN Kam Lit, CHAN Kam Lam, C H AN Kw ok Kai , C H EN Po Sum , C H AN W i ng C han, T SAN G C hi ng Lun, FUNG Lak, W ONG Kong Tin, WON G N anc y, YEU N G Wai Si ng, LIU Sun Lan, LAU Pui Ki ng, C H OY Tak H o, CHENG W ing Kee, SIU Yuen S heung, C H U N G Pui Lam , C H U N G Shu Kun 43
第七屆監察委員會委員 Members of the 7th Senate (2017-2019) 主席 C h a i rp e rson : 副主席 Vi ce -C h a i rp e rson s:
監察委員 Me mbe rs of th e S enate:
總人數 To ta l Me mber s:
盧文端 LO M an Tuen 楊 釗 劉宇新 吳仕福 鄧兆棠 方 和 黃 士 心 王 敏 賢 鍾 瑞 明 莊 紹 綏 歐 陽 士 國 陳 維 端 盧 溫 勝 馮培漳 梁偉浩 張閭衡 張明敏 黃 蘭 茜 YEUNG Chun Kam , LAU Yue Sun, N G Sz e F uk , TAN G Si u Tong, F ON G Wo, W ON G See Sum , W ONG M an Yin, CHUNG Shui M i ng, C H ON G Shaw Sw ee, AU YEU N G Sei Kw ok , C H AN Wai D une, LO Wan Sing, FUNG Pui Cheung, LEU N G Wai H o, C H AN G Gl or i a, C H EU N G M i ng M an, W ON G N anc y 尹才榜 何景安 吳兆華 岑永生 李 均 頤 李 瑞 成 凌 文 海 徐 紅 英 區 艷 龍 曹 宏 威 陳 少 琼 陳 金 烈 陳 金 霖 陳國旗 陳葆心 陳榮燦 曾正麟 馮 力 黃 江 天 楊 位 醒 廖 新 南 劉 佩 瓊 蔡 德 河 鄭 詠 基 鍾 沛 林 W EN Choy Bon, HO King On, NG Si u Wah, SU M W i ng Sung, LEE Kw un Yee, LEE Shui Si ng, LING M an Hoi, TSUI Hung Ying, AU Yi m Lung , T SO Wung Wai , C H AN Si u Ki ng, C H AN Kam Li t, CHAN Kam Lam , CHAN Kwok Kai , C H EN Po Sum , C H AN W i ng C han, T SAN G C hi ng Lun, F U N G Lak , W ONG Kong Tin, YEUNG Wai S i ng, LIU Sun Lan, LAU Pui Ki ng, C H OY Tak H o, C H EN G W i ng Kee, CHUNG Pui Lam 43
會務顧問 Party Affairs Advisors 吳康民 胡法光 曾鈺成 梁愛詩 譚耀宗 楊孫西 蔣麗芸 劉 漢 銓 葉 國 謙 溫 嘉 旋 N G H on g Mun , H U Fa Kuang, TSANG Yok Sing, LEUNG Oi Si e, TAM Yi u C hung, YU Sun Say, C H IAN G Lai Wan, LAU H on C huen, IP K w o k H i m, WE N Car son
顧問團 Advisors (2015-2017) 王國強 余國春 余鵬春 吳良好 李祖澤 李群華 林貝聿嘉 林 廣 兆 林 樹 哲 施 子 清 洪 祖 杭 胡 國 祥 胡 應 湘 馬 介 璋 高 佩 璇 高 敬 德 張泰超 張國榮 梁滿林 許榮茂 陳永棋 陳 武 陳振彬 黃 友 嘉 黃 宜 弘 黃 健 華 黃 楚 標 蔡 冠 深 蔡 毅 鄧 清 河 盧 志 強 戴 德 豐 譚錦球 WON G K w o k K e u ng, YU Kwok Chun, YU Pang Chun, NG L eung H o, LEE C ho J at, LEE Kw an Wah, LAM PEI Yu D j a, LAM Kw ong Si u, LA M S hu C hi t, S Z E Chi Ching, HUNG Chao Hong, W U Kw ok C heung, W U Gor don, M A Kai C heung, KO Pui Shuen, GAO Gunter, C H E U N G Ta i C h i u, CHEUNG Kwok W ing, LEUNG M oon Lam , H U I W i ng M au, C H AN W i ng Kee, C H AN M o, C H AN C hun Ban, WON G Yau K a r, WONG Yu Hong, W ONG Kin Wah, W ONG C ho Bau, C H OI Koon Shum , C H OI N gai , TAN G C hi ng H o, LO C hi Keung, TA I Tak F un g , TA M Kam Kau
Senate in All Terms and Party Advisors
Members and Former Members of the Legislative Council
歷 屆 立 法 局 / 立 法 會 議 員 名 單
立法局 Legislative Council (1991-1995) 功能組別 Functional Constituency 譚耀宗(勞工)TAM Yiu Chung ( Labour )
立法局 Legislative Council (1995-1997) 地區直選 Geogr aphical Constituency 陳婉嫻(九龍東北)CHAN Yuen Han ( Kowloon Northeas t) 張漢忠(新界北)CHEUNG Hon Chung ( New Ter r itor i es N or th) 功能界別 Functional Constituency 陳榮燦(酒店及飲食界)CHAN W ing Chan ( Hotels a nd C ater i ng) 顏錦全(區域市政局)NGAN Kam Chuen ( Regional C ounc i l ) 選舉委員會 Election Com m ittee 葉國謙 IP Kwok Him 陳鑑林 C HAN Kam Lam
臨時立法會 Provisional Legislative Council (1997 - 1998) 曾鈺成 T SANG Yok Sing 譚耀宗 TAM Yiu Chung 葉國謙 IP Kwok Him 程介南 C HENG Kai Nam 楊耀忠 Y EUNG Yiu Chung 顏錦全 N GAN Kam Chuen 張漢忠 C HEUNG Hon Chung 陳鑑林 C HAN Kam Lam 陳婉嫻 C HAN Yuen Han 陳榮燦 C HAN W ing Chan 劉江華 LAU Kong Wah
歷屆立法局 / 立法會議員名單
臨時立法會議員 Provisional Legislative Councilors
Mem b ers and F orm er Mem b ers of t he L egisl at ive Cou nci l
首屆立法會 1st Legislative Council (1998-2000) 地區直選 Geogr aphical Constituency 程介南(香港島)CHENG Kai Nam ( Hong Kong Isla nd) 曾鈺成(九龍西)TSANG Yok Sing ( Kowloon West) 陳婉嫻(九龍東)CHAN Yuen Han ( Kowloon East) 譚耀宗(新界西)TAM Yiu Chung ( New Ter r itor ies Wes t) 劉江華(新界東)LAU Kong Wah ( New Ter r itor ies E as t) 功能界別 Functional Constituency 黃容根(漁農)W ONG Yung Kan ( Agr icultur e and F i s her i es ) 陳榮燦(勞工)CHAN W ing Chan ( Labour ) 選舉委員會 Election Com m ittee 楊耀忠 Y EUNG Yiu Chung 陳鑑林 C HAN Kam Lam
第二屆立法會 2nd Legislative Council (2000-2004) 地區直選 Geogr aphical Constituency 蔡素玉(香港島)CHOY So Yuk ( Hong Kong Island ) 曾鈺成(九龍西)TSANG Yok Sing ( Kowloon West) 陳鑑林、陳婉嫻(九龍東)CHAN Kam Lam , CHAN Yuen H an ( Kow l oon Eas t) 譚耀宗(新界西)TAM Yiu Chung ( New Ter r itor ies Wes t) 劉江華(新界東)LAU Kong Wah ( New Ter r itor ies E as t) 功能界別 Functional Constituency 葉國謙(區議會)IP Kwok Him ( Distr ict Council) 黃容根(漁農)W ONG Yung Kan ( Agr icultur e and F i s her i es ) 陳國強(勞工)CHAN Kwok Keung ( Labour ) 選舉委員會 Election Com m ittee 楊耀忠 Y EUNG Yiu Chung
創會主席曾鈺成在 1998 年第一屆立法會選舉中勝出 DAB Founding Chairperson Tsang Yok Sing was successfully elected in the 1998 Legislative Council Election
歷屆立法局 / 立法會議員名單
2000 年立法會選舉當選成員會見傳媒 Elected members in the 2000 Legco Elections met the press
第三屆立法會 3rd Legislative Council (2004-2008) 地區直選 G eo g raphical Constituency 馬力(至2007年8月8 日) 、蔡素玉(香港島)M A Lik ( until 8 A ugus t, 2007) , C H OY So Yuk ( H ong Kong Is l and) 曾鈺成(九龍西)TSANG Yok Sing ( Kowloon West) 陳鑑林、陳婉嫻(九龍東)CHAN Kam Lam , CHAN Yuen H an ( Kow l oon Eas t) 譚耀宗、張學明(新界西)TAM Yiu Chung, CHEUNG Hok M i ng ( N ew Ter r i tor i es Wes t) 劉江華、李國英(新界東)LAU Kong Wah, LI Kwok Ying ( N ew Ter r i tor i es Eas t) 功能界別 F u n cti onal Constituency 黃容根(漁農)WONG Yung Kan ( Agr icultur e and Fisher i es ) 黃定光(進出口)W ONG Ting Kwong ( Im por t and Expor t) 王國興(勞工)WONG Kwok Hing ( Labour )
第四屆立法會 4th Legislative Council (2008-2012) 地區直選 G eo g raphical Constituency 曾鈺成(香港島)TSANG Yok Sing ( Hong Kong Island) 李慧琼(九龍西)LEE Wai King ( Kowloon West) 陳鑑林、黃國健(九龍東)CHAN Kam Lam , W ONG Kwok Ki n ( Kow l oon Eas t) 譚耀宗、張學明、王國興(新界西)TAM Yiu Chung, CHEUNG H ok M i ng, W ON G Kw ok H i ng ( N ew Ter r i tor i es Wes t) 劉江華、陳克勤(新界東)LAU Kong Wah, CHAN Hak Kan ( N ew Ter r i tor i es Eas t) 功能界別 F u n cti onal Constituency 黃容根(漁農)WONG Yung Kan ( Agr icultur e and Fisher i es ) 黃定光(進出口)W ONG Ting Kwong ( Im por t and Expor t) 潘佩璆(勞工)PAN Pey Chyou ( Labour ) 葉國謙(區議會)IP Kwok Him ( Distr ict Council)
2004 年立法會選舉當選成員會見傳媒 Elected members in the 2004 Legco Elections met the press
2008 - 2012 年部分立法會議員合照 Group photo of some DAB Legislative Councilors for the 2008-2012 term
Members and Former Members of the Legislative Council
第五屆立法會 5th Legislative Council (2012-2016) 地區直選 Geogr aphical Constituency 曾鈺成、鍾樹根(香港島)TSANG Yok Sing, CHUNG Shu Kun ( H ong Kong Is l and) 蔣麗芸(九龍西)CHIANG Lai Wan ( Kowloon West) 陳鑑林(九龍東)CHAN Kam Lam ( Kowloon East) 譚耀宗、梁志祥、陳恒鑌(新界西)TAM Yiu Chung, LEU N G C he C heung, C H AN H an Pan ( N ew Ter r i tor i es Wes t) 陳克勤、葛珮帆(新界東)CHAN Hak Kan, QUAT El i z abeth ( N ew Ter r i tor i es Eas t) 功能界別 Functional Constituency 何俊賢(漁農)HO Chun Yin ( Agr icultur e and Fisher i es ) 黃定光(進出口)W ONG Ting Kwong ( Im por t and Ex por t) 葉國謙(區議會(第一))IP Kwok Him ( Distr ict Counc i l - F i r s t) 李慧琼(區議會(第二))LEE Wai King ( Distr ict C ounc i l - Sec ond)
第六屆立法會 6th Legislative Council (2016-2020) 地區直選 Geogr aphical Constituency 張國鈞(香港島)CHEUNG Kwok Kwan ( Hong Kong Is l and) 蔣麗芸(九龍西)CHIANG Lai Wan ( Kowloon West) 柯創盛(九龍東)OR Chong Shing ( Kowloon East) 梁志祥、陳恒鑌(新界西)LEUNG Che Cheung, CHAN H an Pan ( N ew Ter r i tor i es Wes t) 陳克勤、葛珮帆(新界東)CHAN Hak Kan, QUAT El i z abeth ( N ew Ter r i tor i es Eas t) 功能界別 Functional Constituency 何俊賢(漁農)HO Chun Yin ( Agr icultur e and Fisher i es ) 黃定光(進出口)W ONG Ting Kwong ( Im por t and E x por t) 劉國勳(區議會(第一))LAU Kwok Fan ( Distr ict Counc i l - F i r s t) 李慧琼、周浩鼎(區議會(第二))LEE Wai King, C H OW H o D i ng ( D i s tr i c t C ounc i l - Sec ond)
歷屆立法局 / 立法會議員名單
2012 - 2016 年立法會議員合照 Group photo of DAB Legislative Councilors for the 2012-2016 term
2016 - 2020 年立法會議員合照 Group photo of DAB Legislative Councilors for the 2016-2020 term
Members and Former Members of the Legislative Council
Election Results
選 舉 往 績
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
區域市政局 西貢區補選 Regional Council Sai Kung Distr ict By- election
19 9 4
區議會選舉 Distr ict Boar d Dir ect Election
19 9 5
參選人數 No. of candidates
獲取議席 Seats won
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
* 包括自動當選 uncontested included
市政局及區域市政局選舉 Ur ban Council & Regional Council Elec ti on 17
地方直選 Geogr aphical Constituencies
功能組別 Functional Constituencies
選舉委員會 Election Com m ittee
19 9 6
屯門區議會 田景區補選 Tuen M un Distr ict Boar d Tin King Distr ict By- election
19 9 7
大埔區議會 船灣區補選 Tai Po Distr ict Boar d Plover Cove Distr ict By- election
19 9 8
立法會選舉 Legislative Council Election
地區直選 Geogr aphical Constituencies 間選 Indir ect Election 立法局選舉 Legislative Council Election
地區直選 Geogr aphical Constituencies 香港島 Hong Kong Island
1 名單共4 人 1 list with 4 candidates
九龍西 Kowloon West
1 名單共3 人 1 list with 3 candidates
九龍東 Kowloon East
1 名單共3 人 1 list with 3 candidates
新界西 NT West
1 名單共5 人 1 list with 5 candidates
1 9.35%
新界東 NT East
1 名單共5 人 1 list with 5 candidates
總計 Total
參選人數 No. of candidates
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
立法會選舉(續) L e g i s lative Council Election ( continue)
獲取議席 Seats won
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
功能界別 Functional Constituencies 漁農界 A g ri cultur al & F i sh er ies
65 . 3 2 %
勞工界 L a b o ur
27 . 3 %
區域市政局 R eg i onal Council
441 / 432*
49 . 6 3 %
52 . 0 9 %
41 . 5 8 %
39 . 2 9 %
觀塘 K w un Tong
49 . 6 6 %
黃大仙 Wo n g Tai Sin
45 . 9 2 %
九龍城 K o w l oon City
44 . 4 9 %
油尖旺 Ya u Tsim M ong
44 . 4 5 %
深水埗 S h a m Shui Po
32 . 5 1 %
沙田 S h a Tin
52 . 8 9 %
西貢 S a i Kung
42 . 9 3 %
葵青 K w ai Tsing
43 . 3 1 %
荃灣 Tsue n Wan
38 . 3 2 %
離島 Isl an ds
52 . 7 %
元朗 Yu e n Long
47 . 5 9 %
屯門 Tu e n M un
46 . 0 7 %
39 . 2 %
選舉委員會 Election Com m ittee
* 有兩位參選人 have two candidates
區議會選舉 D i strict Council Election 東區 E a ster n 灣仔 Wa n Chai 中西區 C en tr al & Wester n 南區 S o u ther n
大埔 Tai Po
Election Results
參選人數 No. of candidates
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
區議會選舉(續) D i stri ct C ou n cil Election ( continue)
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
北區 N orth
總計 To ta l
委任 A pp o i nte d 2000
獲取議席 Seats won
* 當中有 18 人屬自動當選 18 uncontested included 1
北區區議會 鳳翠選區補選 N orth D i stri ct C ou n cil F un g Tsui C on sti tue n cy B y-el ecti on
立法會選舉 Le g i sl a ti ve C ouncil Election 地方直選 Ge o gr aphical Constituencies 香港島 H o n g K o n g Island
1 名單共5 人 1 list with 5 candidates
九龍東 K ow l o o n E a st
1 名單共4 人 1 list with 4 candidates
九龍西 K ow l o o n We st
1 名單共4 人 1 list with 4 candidates
新界東 N T E ast
1 名單共5 人 1 list with 5 candidates
新界西 N T We st
1 名單共6 人 1 list with 6 candidates
總計 To ta l
功能界別 F un ctional Constituencies 漁農界 A gri cu l ture & F i she ri e s
批發及零售界 Who l esa l e & Retail
航運交通界 Tra n sp o rt
勞工界 La b o u r
飲食界 C a te ri n g
區議會 D i stri ct C o u n cil
選舉委員會 E l ection Com m ittee
立法會香港島補選 Le g i sl a ti ve C ouncil H o n g K o n g Island C o n sti tue n cy B y-e l ecti on
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
27 . 2 9 %
39 . 5 9 %
深水埗區議會 美孚選區補選 S h a m Shui Po D i strict Council Mei Foo C on stituency B y-election
43 . 4 6 %
深水埗區議會 麗閣選區補選 S h a m Shui Po D i strict Council L a i Kok C on stituency B y-election
34 . 3 9 %
44 . 3 2 %
灣仔 Wa n Chai
42 . 4 9 %
中西區 C en tr al & Wester n
38 . 1 4 %
南區 S o u ther n
32 . 6 3 %
觀塘 K w un Tong
44 . 8 5 %
黃大仙 Wo n g Tai Sin
43 . 7 1 %
九龍城 K o w l oon City
38 . 1 7 %
油尖旺 Ya u Tsim M ong
39 . 5 3 %
深水埗 S h a m Shui Po
30 . 6 7 %
沙田 S h a Tin
41 . 3 6 %
西貢及將軍澳 S a i Kung & Tseu ng Kwan O
27 . 8 7 %
葵青 K w ai Tsing
25 . 5 8 %
荃灣 Tsue n Wan
39 . 9 0 %
離島 Isl an ds
52 . 9 4 %
42 . 4 4 %
參選人數 No. of candidates
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
九龍城區議會 啟德選區補選 K o w l oon City D i strict Council K a i Tak C on stituency B y-election
九龍城區議會 海心選區補選 K o w l oon City D i strict Council H oi Sham C on stituency B y-election
獲取議席 Seats won
區議會選舉 D i strict Council Election 東區 E a ster n
元朗 Yu e n Long
Election Results
參選人數 No. of candidates
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
區議會選舉(續) D i stri ct C ou n cil Election ( continue)
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
屯門 Tu e n Mun
大埔 Ta i P o
北區 N o rth
總計 To ta l
委任 A pp o i nte d 2004
獲取議席 Seats won
* 當中有 16 人屬自動當選 16 uncontested included
立法會選舉 L e g i sl a ti ve C ouncil Election 地方直選 G eo gr aphical Constituencies 香港島 H on g K o n g Island
1 名單共6 人 1 list with 6 candidates
九龍東 K ow l o o n E a st
1 名單共3 人 1 list with 3 candidates
1 名單共3 人 1 list with 3 candidates
九龍西 K ow l o o n We st
1 名單共3 人 1 list with 3 candidates
新界東 N T E ast
1 名單共7 人 1 list with 7 candidates
新界西 N T We st
1 名單共8 人 1 list with 8 candidates
總計 To ta l
功能界別 F un ctional Constituencies
漁農界 A gri cu l ture & F i she ri e s
進出口界 Impo rt & E xpor t
勞工界 Labour
東區區議會 堡壘選區補選 E a ste rn D i stri ct C ou n cil F ort S tre e t C on sti tue n cy B y-el ecti on
深水埗區議會 南昌中選區補選 S ha m S hu i P o D i stri ct C o u n cil Nam Cheong C e n tral C o n sti tue n cy B y-e l ecti on
自動當選 U nc ontes ted
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
49 . 4 3 %
59 . 9 %
55 . 3 4 %
灣仔 Wa n Chai
55 . 1 2 %
中西區 C en tr al & Wester n
55 . 1 4 %
南區 S o u ther n
37 . 2 6 %
觀塘 K w un Tong
52 . 8 3 %
黃大仙 Wo n g Tai Sin
56 . 9 4 %
九龍城 K o w l oon City
52 . 3 5 %
油尖旺 Ya u Tsim M ong
56 . 7 9 %
深水埗 S h a m Shui Po
48 . 6 8 %
沙田 S h a Tin
48 . 8 8 %
西貢及將軍澳 S a i Kung & Tseu ng Kwan O
47 . 8 3 %
葵青 K w ai Tsing
52 . 7 7 %
荃灣 Tsue n Wan
57 . 6 7 %
離島 Isl an ds
63 . 2 7 %
元朗 Yu e n Long
54 . 3 2 %
屯門 Tu e n M un
53 . 1 4 %
大埔 Tai Po
55 . 3 6 %
北區 N orth
54 . 4 5 %
總計 Tota l
53 . 2 6 %
參選人數 No. of candidates
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
東區區議會 翠灣選區補選 E a ster n D i strict Council Tsui Wan C on stituency B y-election
觀塘區議會 啟業選區補選 K w un Tong D i strict Council K a i Yip Constituency B y-election
獲取議席 Seats won
區議會選舉 D i strict Council Election 東區 E a ster n
委任 A p p ointed
* 當中有 12 人屬自動當選 12 uncontested included
Election Results
參選人數 No. of candidates
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
立法會選舉 L e g i sl a ti ve C ouncil Election
獲取議席 Seats won
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
地方直選 G eo gr aphical Constituencies 香港島 H on g K o n g Island
1 名單共6 人 1 list with 6 candidates
九龍東 K ow l o o n E a st
1 名單共4 人 1 list with 4 candidates
1 名單共4 人 1 list with 4 candidates
九龍西 K ow l o o n We st
1 名單共4 人 1 list with 4 candidates
新界東 N T E ast
1 名單共7 人 1 list with 7 candidates
新界西 N T We st
1 名單共8 人 1 list with 8 candidates
1 名單共8 人 1 list with 8 candidates
總計 To ta l
功能界別 F un ctional Constituencies
漁農界 A gri cu l ture & F i she ri e s
進出口界 Impo rt & E xpor t
勞工界 Labour
區議會 D i stri ct C ou n cil
油尖旺區議會 佐敦東選區補選 Yau Tsi m Mon g D i stri ct C o u n cil Jorda n E a st C o n sti tue n cy B y-e l ecti on
黃大仙區議會 慈雲西選區補選 Won g Tai S i n D i stri ct C o u n cil F o rt S tre e t C o n sti tue n cy B y-e l ecti on
沙田區議會 大圍選區補選 Sha Tin District Council Tai Wai Constituency By-election 灣仔區議會 鵝頸選區補選 Wan C ha i D i stri ct C o u n cil Canal Road C o n sti tue n cy B y-e l ecti on
自動當選 U nc ontes ted
參選人數 No. of candidates
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
2 0 11
區議會選舉 D i strict Council Election
獲取議席 Seats won
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
灣仔 Wa n Chai
71 . 2 %
中西區 C en tr al & Wester n
南區 S o u ther n
52 . 2 %
觀塘 K w un Tong
黃大仙 Wo n g Tai Sin
50 . 6 %
九龍城 K o w l oon City
58 . 8 %
油尖旺 Ya u Tsim M ong
62 . 5 %
深水埗 S h a m Shui Po
44 . 5 %
沙田 S h a Tin
50 . 3 %
西貢 S a i Kung
39 . 7 %
葵青 K w ai Tsing
45 . 2 %
荃灣 Tsue n Wan
54 . 6 7 %
離島 Isl an ds
69 . 8 %
元朗 Yu e n Long
53 . 3 %
屯門 Tu e n M un
51 . 9 %
大埔 Tai Po
48 . 1 %
北區 N orth
總計 Tota l
52 . 7 %
東區 E a ster n
委任 A p p ointed
* 當中有 36 人屬自動當選 36 uncontested included
Election Results
參選人數 No. of candidates
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
立法會選舉 L e g i sl a ti ve C ouncil Election
獲取議席 Seats won
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
地方直選 G eo gr aphical Constituencies 1 名單共1 人 1 list with 1 candidate
1 名單共7 人 1 list with 7 candidates
九龍東 K ow l o o n E a st
1 名單共4 人 1 list with 4 candidates
九龍西 K ow l o o n We st
1 名單共5 人 1 list with 5 candidates
新界東 N T E ast
1 名單共7 人 1 list with 7 candidates
1 名單共6 人 1 list with 6 candidates
1 名單共6 人 1 list with 6 candidates
1 名單共7 人 1 list with 7 candidates
1 名單共4 人 1 list with 4 candidates
香港島 H on g K o n g Island
新界西 N T We st
總計 To ta l
功能界別 F un ctional Constituencies 漁農界 A gri cu l ture & F i she ri e s
進出口界 Imp o rt & E xpor t
區議會(第一) D i stri ct C ou n cil (F i rst)
區議會(第二) D i stri ct C ou n cil (S eco n d )
1 名單共1 人 1 list with 1 candidate
1 名單共5 人 1 list with 5 candidates
沙田區議會 鞍泰選區補選 S ha Ti n D i stri ct C o u n cil O n Tai C on sti tuency B y-e l ecti on
自動當選 U nc ontes ted
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
65 . 3 %
38 . 5 %
47 . 9 %
灣仔 Wa n Chai
61 . 5 %
中西區 C en tr al & Wester n
55 . 4 %
南區 S o u ther n
43 . 1 %
觀塘 K w un Tong
56 . 6 %
黃大仙 Wo n g Tai Sin
54 . 5 %
九龍城 K o w l oon City
59 . 7 %
油尖旺 Ya u Tsim M ong
62 . 1 %
深水埗 S h a m Shui Po
沙田 S h a Tin
48 . 1 %
西貢 S a i Kung
47 . 7 %
葵青 K w ai Tsing
荃灣 Tsue n Wan
51 . 1 %
離島 Isl an ds
54 . 6 %
元朗 Yu e n Long
49 . 7 %
屯門 Tu e n M un
49 . 8 %
大埔 Tai Po
45 . 1 %
北區 N orth
46 . 7 %
總計 Tota l
參選人數 No. of candidates
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
觀塘區議會 坪石選區補選 K w un Tong D i strict Council P i ng Shek C on stituency B y-election
東區區議會 南豐選區補選 E a ster n D i strict Council N am Fung C on stituency B y-election
區議會選舉 D i strict Council Election 東區 E a ster n
獲取議席 Seats won
* 當中有 21 人屬自動當選 21 uncontested included
Election Results
年份 Year
各級選舉 Constitutional elections
立法會新界東補選 L e g i sl a ti ve C ouncil N ew Te rri tori es E a st C on sti tuency B y-el ecti on
參選人數 No. of candidates
有參選選區得票率 Rates of the votes DAB won in constituencies DAB participated in
當選率 Successful rates
有參選選區有效票數 No.of people voted in constituencies DAB participated in
民建聯得票 No. of votes DAB won
獲取議席 Seats won
立法會選舉 Le g i sl a ti ve C ouncil Election 地方直選 Ge o gr aphical Constituencies 香港島 H o n g K o n g Island
1 名單共6 人 1 list with 6 candidates
九龍東 K ow l o o n E a st
1 名單共3 人 1 list with 3 candidates
九龍西 K ow l o o n We st
1 名單共5 人 1 list with 5 candidates
新界東 N T E ast
1 名單共9 人 1 list with 9 candidates
1 名單共8 人 1 list with 8 candidates
1 名單共6 人 1 list with 6 candidates
1 名單共7 人 1 list with 7 candidates
新界西 N T We st
總計 To ta l
功能界別 F un ctional Constituencies
漁農界 A gri cu l ture & F i she ri e s
進出口界 Imp o rt & E xpor t
區議會(第一) D i stri ct C ou n cil (F i rst)
區議會(第二) D i stri ct C ou n cil (S eco n d )
1 名單共5 人 1 list with 5 candidates
1 名單共5 人 1 list with 5 candidates
自動當選 U nc ontes ted
Election Results
2016 年立法會選舉 2016 Legislative Council Elections
Election Results
DAB Milestones (1992-2005.1)
民 主 建 港 聯 盟 大 事 記
1992 5月 May
5 月1 9 日,1 8 人組成的籌委會舉行 記 者 會 宣 佈 籌 組 民 建 聯 On 19 M ay, the Pr epar ator y C om m i ttee of 18 per s ons hel d a pr es s c onfer enc e to announc e that they w er e pr epar ing to establish what wo ul d bec om e the D AB
6月 Ju n e
選出第一屆中央委員會及常務委員 會 We elected m em ber s to the fir s t C entr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees of the D AB
7月 Ju l y
·於7 月1 0 日由5 6 位創會會員正式 宣 佈 民 建 聯 成 立 , 曾 鈺 成 和 譚 耀 宗 分 別 擔 任 正 、 副 主 席 ·位於灣仔的秘書處開始運作 ·第一次訪京,先後會見中共總書記 江 澤 民 和 國 務 院 港 澳 辦 公 室 主 任 魯 平 , 就 中 英 兩 國 政 府 合 作 關 係 、 香 港 的 政 制 發 展 、 公 務員過渡期信心和新機場財務安排 等 香 港 市 民 關 心 的 問 題 進 行 了 開 放 、 坦 誠 及 具 實 質 的 討 論 ·Announced for m ation of the D AB on 10 J ul y by i ts 56 foundi ng m em ber s , w i th Ts ang Yok Si ng and Tam Yi u Chung as the par ty’s Chair p er s on and Vi c e- c hai r per s on r es pec ti v el y. ·The DAB Secr etar iat located at Wan C hai began to oper ate ·Fir st par ty delegation to visit Bei j i ng, m eeti ng w i th C PC Gener al Sec r etar y J i ang Z em i ng and D i r ec tor of State Council Hong Kong an d M ac au Affai r s offi c e Lu Pi ng, for fr ank and s ubs tanti v e di s c us s i ons on i s s ues of concer n to Hong Kong peopl e, i nc l udi ng the c ol l abor ati v e r el ati ons hi p betw een the PR C and Br i ti s h gov er nm ents, Hong Kong’s cons ti tuti onal dev el opm ents , c onfi denc e of c i v i l s er v ants dur i ng the Tr ans i ti on and financial ar r angem ents for the new ai r por t
10月 Octo b e r
就「富戶政策」等房屋問題舉行公 聽 會 Held public hear ing for the “ w el l - off tenant pol i c y ” and other publ i c hous i ng i s s ues
12月 D ece mber
·港島西、九龍中、新界北、新界西 四 個 支 部 率 先 成 立 ·第二次訪京,反映香港市民對政制 改 革 的 意 見 ·以「平穩過渡、繁榮創富、安居樂 業 」 為 綱 領 的 第 一 份 政 綱 誕 生 ·選出第二屆中央委員會及常務委員 會 ·Fir st four DAB br anches on H ong Kong Is l and Wes t, Kow l oon C entr al , N ew Ter r i tor i es N or th and N ew Ter r i tor ies West established ·Second visit to Beijing, to r efl ec t the v i ew s of H ong Kong peopl e on the c ons ti tuti onal r efor m s ·Fir st par ty platfor m issued, em phas i z i ng “ s tabl e tr ans i ti on, pr os per i ty and w eal th c r eati on as w el l as s tabl e lifestyle and secur e em ployment” ·We elected our second Cent r al and Standi ng C om m i ttees
民主建港聯盟大事記 (1992-2005.1)
籌備委員會宣布成立民建聯 In May, 1992, the Preparatory Committee announced the formation of DAB
DAB Milestones (1992-2005.1)
1993 本年 T hi s yea r
·增加四個支部:港島東、九龍東 、 新 界 東 及 九 龍 西 , 地 區 支 部 增 至 八 個 ·主席曾鈺成、副主席譚耀宗、創 會 會 員 吳 康 民 和 李 祖 澤 加 入 特 區 預 委 會 , 參 與 特 區 籌 建 工 作 ·Another four new br anches opened i n H ong Kong Is l and Eas t, Kow l oon Eas t, N ew Ter r i tor i es Eas t and Kowloon West. The num ber of D AB di s tr i c t br anc hes i nc r eas ed to ei ght ·Chair per son Tsang Yok Sing, Vi c e- c hai r per s on Tam Yi u C hung and foundi ng m em ber s N g H ong M un and Lee Cho Jat joined the SAR ’s Pr epar ator y C om m i ttee to hel p pav e w ay for the es tabl i s hm ent of SAR
3月 March
向中英外長、行政局及港督呼籲 停 止 政 制 爭 拗 , 重 回 合 作 軌 道 , 並 發 表 選 舉 安 排 具 體 建 議 , 提 倡 立 法 局 直 選 採 比 例 代 表 制 Called on for eign m inister s of C hi na and Br i tai n, the Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l and the H ong Kong gov er nor to stop bicker ing over political s y s tem and r es um e c ooper ati on. D AB al s o offer ed s ugges ti ons on el ec ti on ar r angem ents, pr oposing tha t a pr opor ti onal r epr es entati on s y s tem be adopted for the Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l dir ect elections
7月 Ju l y
在海洋皇宮大酒樓舉行晚宴,慶 祝 創 會 一 周 年 , 筵 開 一 百 零 二 席 , 逾 千 人 出 席 We held our first anniversary banquet at the Ocean Palace Restaurant with 102 tables and around 1,000 guests
8月 A u g u st
區域市政局西貢區舉行補選,民 建 聯 候 選 人 張 漢 田 未 能 取 得 議 席 Took par t in our fir st political el ec ti on, as s i gni ng C heung H on Ti n to s tand for by - el ec ti on for Sai Kung c onstituency of the Regional Counc i l . T hough 4016 v otes w er e obtai ned, he l os t the el ec ti on by a s m al l m ar gi n of 654 votes
9月 S e p te mber
透過售賣獎券籌募經費 We held a fundr aising dr ive by s el l i ng l otter y ti c k ets
11月 N ove mber
第三次訪京,就中英政制談判及 其 他 港 人 關 注 問 題 進 行 討 論 The Centr al Com m ittee m ade thi r d v i s i t to Bei j i ng i n r egar d to Si no- Br i ti s h negoti ati ons on c ons ti tuti onal system and other issues Hon g Kong peopl e w er e c onc er ned about
12月 D ece mber
關注退休保障問題,與工聯會發起爭取設立退休保障制度大遊行,逾四千市民參與 Concer ned with r etir em ent and s oc i al s ec ur i ty i s s ues , D AB team ed up w i th the H ong Kong F eder ati on of Tr ade Unions to initiate big 4,000- s tr ong pr otes t m ar c h to fi ght for the es tabl i s hm ent of a R eti r em ent and Social Secur ity System
民建聯成立一周年 DAB 1st anniversary
民主建港聯盟大事記 (1992-2005.1)
民建聯成立後首次參與選舉-區域市政局西貢區補選 Took part in our first election - the Regional Council Sai Kung constituency by-election(1993)
1994 1月 Ja n u a ry
率先發表「降低成本、增加注資、減少借貸」的新機場財務方案。最後中英達致共識,會議紀要內容和民建聯方案大致相同 Took the lead to r elease a New Air p or t fi nanc i al pr opos al s pac k age, c al l i ng for “ l ow er c os ts , m or e equi ty investm ent and sm aller loans.” Ultim atel y C hi na and Br i tai n r eac hed c ons ens us on l i nes m or e or l es s s i m i l ar to the DAB’s pr oposals
4月 A p ri l
向中國政府反映市民最關心的「九七民心 十 件 事 」 , 包 括 護 照 、 公 務 員 過 渡 及 新 聞 自 由 等 Reflected the “ top ten issues of pop ul ar c onc er n about 1997” to the PR C gov er nm ent, i nc l udi ng pas s por ts , tr ansition of civil ser vants and pr es s fr eedom
5月 May
建立第九個支部:新界南支部 Established the 9th br anch: New Te r r i tor i es South br anc h
6月 Ju n e
·中港成立「中港兩地跨境大型基建協調委員會」,民建聯一直提出中港兩地設置磋商粵港交通配合的機構的建議終獲落實 ·發起街頭募捐、設立捐款熱線和舉辦粵曲 大 匯 演 , 籌 得 港 幣 逾 二 百 萬 賑 濟 華 南 水 災 ·China and Hong Kong established a “ C r os s - bor der Infr as tr uc tur e C o- or di nati ng C om m i ttee.” D AB’s l ongstanding suggestion of setting up an or gani z ati on to c oor di nate Guangdong- H ong Kong tr ans por tati on w as finally im plem ented ·Spear headed a str eet donation dr i v e, s et up donati on hotl i nes and or gani z ed a C antones e oper a m us i c gala, r aising over HK$2 m illion fo r fl ood v i c ti m s i n s outh C hi na
9月 S e p te mbe r
派出8 3 名成員參加區議會選舉,贏得3 7 個 議 席 Contested 83 seats in Distr ict Boar d El ec ti ons , w i nni ng 37
12月 D ece mbe r
·第四次訪京,討論預委會工作、臨時立法 會 、 特 區 護 照 及 設 立 港 人 投 訴 機 制 等 問 題 ·選出第三屆中央委員會及常務委員會 ·Four th visit to Beijing to discuss P r epar ator y C om m i ttee w or k , Pr ov i s i onal Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l , SAR pas s por t and establishm ent of a m ech ani s m to handl e c om pl ai nts fr om H ong Kong peopl e ·We elected our thir d Centr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees
向中國政府反映市民最關心的「九七民心十件事」 Reflected the top ten issues of popular concerns about 1997 to the Central Government(1994)
1994 年區議會選舉誓師大會 Campaign rally for the 1994 District Councils Election
在 1995 年籌款賑濟華南水災災民 In 1995 we held a fundraiser to support victims of flooding in southern China
DAB Milestones (1992-2005.1)
1995 本年 T hi s yea r
成立港島南及新界北區支部,支 部 增 至 1 1 個 。 原 新 界 北 支 部 改 名 為 大 埔 支 部 , 原 新 界 東 支 部 改 名 為 沙 田 支 部 Established Hong Kong Islan d South and N ew Ter r i tor i es N or th br anc hes , br i ngi ng the total num ber of D AB br anches to 11. Its New Ter r itor i es N or th br anc h r enam ed to Tai Po br anc h and N ew Ter r i tor i es Eas t br anc h r enam ed to Sha Tin br anch
3月 March
派出1 7 名成員參加兩個市政局直 選 , 8 人 成 功 當 選 , 另 獲 兩 個 間 選 議 席 Fielded 17 candidates for elec ti ons i n the tw o C ounc i l s , w i nni ng 8. In addi ti on, tw o s eats w er e obtai ned thr ough indir ect elections
4月 A p ri l
就爛尾樓、申請親屬來港等問題 訪 問 廣 東 省 多 個 部 門 , 並 成 功 爭 取 廣 東 省 政 府 信 訪 辦 公 室 設 立 港 澳 科 , 專 責 處 理 港 人 投 訴 Visited sever al depar tm ents i n Guangdong r egar di ng i s s ues of unfi ni s hed apar tm ents and appl i c ati on for M ainland r elatives to visit Hong Kong. D AB w as s uc c es s ful i n getti ng Guangdong’s Pr ov i nc i al Gov er nm ent t o establish a Hong Kong- M acau des k to handl e c om pl ai nts fr om H ong Kong peopl e
6月 Ju n e
民建聯成員赴北京出席「香港特別行政區籌備委員會預備工作委員會」會議時,向錢其琛副總理提出解決過渡問題十大建議 DAB m em ber s tr aveled to Bei j i ng for the “ H ong Kong Spec i al Adm i ni s tr ati v e R egi on Pr epar ator y C om m i ttee and Pr epar ator y Wor king Com m i ttee” c onfer enc e. D ur i ng the ev ent, w e offer ed ten s ugges ti ons to Vi c e Pr em ier Qian Qichen about r esol v i ng the tr ans i ti on pr obl em s
7月 Ju l y
·舉行民建聯三周年步行籌款 ·於中環香港大會堂舉行成立三周 年 酒 會 ·Held a fundr aising walkathon on our 3r d anni v er s ar y ·We held our thir d anniver sa r y banquet at H ong Kong C i ty H al l i n C entr al
9月 S ep te mber
派出7 名成員參加立法局地區直選 , 贏 取 兩 席 , 另 新 九 組 贏 一 席 , 參 與 區 局 間 選 和 選 舉 委 員 會 的 3 人 全 部 勝 出 , 共 取 得 6 個 立法局議席 Fielded 7 candidates for dir e c t el ec ti ons to the Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l , w i nni ng tw o s eats . Al s o s ec ur ed one of the new Functional Consti tuenc y s eats . Al l 3 D AB m em ber s c ontes ti ng the R egi onal C ounc i l func ti uonal constituency and Election C om m i ttee s eats al s o w on, thus s ec ur i ng a total of 6 Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l s eats
1995 年立法會選舉誓師大會 1995 Legislative Council Elections Rally
民主建港聯盟大事記 (1992-2005.1)
三周年步行籌款 Fundraising walkathon on our 3rd anniversary (1995)
1996 本年 T hi s yea r
·行政長官候選人董建華、李福善、楊鐵樑 及 吳 光 正 到 訪 民 建 聯 介 紹 政 綱 ·成立第1 2 個支部:西貢將軍澳支部 ·屯門區議會田景選區舉行補選,民建聯候 選 人 李 洪 森 當 選 ·We m et with Chief Executive candi dates Tung C hee H w a, Li F ook Sean, Yang Ti Li ang and Peter Wu w ho intr oduced their political platfor m s to us ·Established our 12th br anch office: Sai Kung Ts eung Kw an O br anc h ·The Tuen M un Distr ict Boar d held a by - el ec ti on i n Ti n Keng c ons ti tuenc y, w her e the D AB c andi date Lee Hung Sham was successfully elec ted
1月 Ja n u a ry
主席曾鈺成、副主席譚耀宗、創會會員吳 康 民 和 李 祖 澤 加 入 籌 委 會 , 參 與 香 港 後 過 渡 期 的 籌 備 工 作 Chair per son Tsang Yok Sing, Vice- c hai r per s on Tam Yi u C hung and foundi ng m em ber s N g H ong M un and Lee Cho Jat joined the Pr epar ator y Comm i ttee, s et up to pr epar e H ong Kong for pos t- handov er gov er nanc e
2月 F eb rua ry
·舉行「同心救災助雲南」募捐行動,為受 地 震 影 響 災 民 籌 得 近 百 萬 善 款 ·第五次訪京,討論提高單程證簽發程序透 明 度 、 特 區 駐 軍 法 、 回 流 移 民 身 分 、 特 區 護 照 簽 發 等 問 題 ·Held a donation dr ive in aid of Yunnan ear thquak e v i c ti m s , r ai s i ng c l os e to H KD 1 m i l l i on ·Fifth visit to Beijing to discuss iss ues i nc l udi ng pr oc edur al tr ans par enc y i n the i s s ue of one- w ay per m i ts to M ainlander s, legislation for stati oni ng PLA tr oops i n the SAR , the i denti ty of r etur ned H ong Kong em i gr ants and the issue of SAR pass por ts
3月 March
向來港英國首相馬卓安請願,要求九七前 妥 善 解 決 船 民 問 題 及 豁 免 特 區 護 照 持 有 人 往 英 國 入 境 簽 証 Petitioned Br itish Pr im e M inister Jo hn M aj or dur i ng hi s v i s i t to H ong Kong to pr es s for pr oper r es ol uti on of the Vietnam ese “ boat people” pr obl em and w ai v er of v i s a r equi r em ents for SAR pas s por t hol der s to Br i tai n, pr ior to 1997
7月 Ju l y
·舉行「六百萬人 六百萬事 我為回歸做件事」大型集會,派發十二萬張「我為回歸做件事」咭,號召市民積極迎接回歸, 參與過渡事務 ·派發八萬本袋裝《基本法》,以增加市民對《基本法》的認識 ·Held m am m oth “ 6 M illion People, 6 M i l l i on Is s ues . We'l l D o Our Par t for the H andov er ” r al l y, w i th 120,000 car ds pr oclaim ing “ The Tasks I Pe r for m for the H andov er ” to enc our age w el c om i ng the handov er and tak e par t in activities for this event ·Distr ibuted 80,000 pocket- sized B as i c Law book l ets to enhanc e c i ti z ens ’ under s tandi ng of the Bas i c Law
8月 A ug u st
通過講座、集會、派發十多萬份「港人身 分 睇 真 D 」 單 張 、 主 席 曾 鈺 成 、 秘 書 長 程 介 南 訪 問 美 加 四 個 城 市 , 向 市 民 介 紹 香 港居民身分定義的最新資料 Over 100,000 pam phlets entitled “ K now M or e about Our Identi ty ” di s tr i buted at s em i nar s and gather i ngs . Chair per son Tsang Yok Sing and Sec r etar y - Gener al C heng Kai N am v i s i ted four c i ti es i n the U ni ted States and Canada to explain the latest de v el opm ents i n H ong Kong
於 1996 年舉辦「六百萬人,六百萬事,我為回歸做件事」 Held our “6 million people, 6 million issues, we’ll do our part for the Handover”rally in 1996
在 1996 年派發「港人身份睇真 D」單張 Distributing “Know more about our identity” leaflets (1996)
DAB Milestones (1992-2005.1)
1996 9月 S e p te mber
與逾六百個團體組成「香港各界 保 釣 聯 委 會 」 , 舉 行 示 威 遊 行 、 聲 討 大 會 及 簽 名 運 動 , 收 集 到 逾 七 十 六 萬 市 民 簽 名 支 持 保 衛釣魚台 Established the “ All- Hong Kong F eder ati on for D efendi ng the D i aoy utai Is l ands ” w i th 600 other gr oups , staging pr otest m ar ches, r alli es denounc i ng J apanes e oc c upati on of the i s l ands and s i gnatur e c am pai gns , secur ing 760,000 signatur es to dem and pr otec ti on of D i aoy u Is l ands
10月 Octo b e r
·發表「扶貧策略白皮書」,要求 港 府 消 除 絕 對 貧 窮 , 減 少 社 會 不 平 等 , 正 視 弱 勢 社 群 的 需 要 ·舉行特區行政長官參選人政綱諮 詢 會 , 又 舉 辦 居 民 諮 詢 大 會 , 向 市 民 介 紹 行 政 長 官 選 舉 情 況 ·建立互聯網頁,開闢與市民溝通 新 途 徑 , 並 先 後 為 保 釣 及 特 首 選 舉 設 立 網 頁 ·Published a “ W hite Paper o n H el pi ng the Poor ” , r eques ti ng the gov er nm ent to er adi c ate pov er ty, r educ e social inequalities and take a s er i ous v i ew of the needs of di s adv antaged s oc i al gr oups ·Held a m eeting with SAR C hi ef Ex ec uti v e c andi dates to ques ti on thei r pol i ti c al agenda and a c i ti z ens ’ inquir ies session and pr ovided updates to the publ i c on the el ec ti on ·Cr eated an inter net website to pr ov i de c i ti z ens w i th a new c hannel for c om m uni c ati ons . We al s o s et up websites for the pr otection of the D i aoy u Is l ands and the C hi ef Ex ec uti v e El ec ti on
11月 N ove mber
4 6 名成員當選為特區第一屆政府 推 選 委 員 會 委 員 46 DAB m em ber s joined the fi r s t SAR El ec ti on C om m i ttee as i ts m em ber s
12月 D ece mber
·1 0 位成員當選為臨時立法會議 員 ·選出第四屆中央委員會及常務委 員 會 ·10 DAB m em ber s wer e elec ted to the Pr ov i s i onal Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l ·We elected our 4th Centr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees
建立互聯網,開闢與市民溝通新途徑 Set up an internet website as a new channel for communications (1996)
民主建港聯盟大事記 (1992-2005.1)
舉辦行政長官參選人政綱諮詢會 Held a meeting with SAR Chief Executive candidate (1996)
1997 2月 F eb rua ry
·譚耀宗獲委任加入行政會議,副主席一職 由 程 介 南 補 上 , 程 介 南 原 任 的 秘 書 長 一 職 由 馬 力 擔 任 ·大埔區議會船灣選區舉行補選 , 民建聯 候 選 人 陳 美 德 當 選 ·Tam Yiu Chung was appointed to the Ex ec uti v e C ounc i l and the v ac ant pos t of v i c e- c hai r per s on w as fi l l ed by Cheng Kai Nam , while the Sec r etar y - Gener al pos t v ac ated by C heng w as tak en up by M a Li k ·The Tai Po Distr ict Boar d held a by - el ec ti on i n Shuen Wan c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date C han M ei Tak was elected
3月 March
舉辦首次路向營,主題為「民建聯在特區 成 立 後 有 何 角 色 ? 對 特 區 政 府 持 甚 麼 態 度 ?」 We held a r etr eat for the fir st tim e. Our topi c w as “ w hat i s the D AB’s r ol e pos t- H andov er and w hat s houl d be our attitude towar ds the gover nm ent?”
4月 F eb rua ry
成立工商專業組,凝聚工商及專業會員 Established a Business and Pr ofess i onal s Team to c ons ol i date the r ank s of bus i nes s peopl e and pr ofes s i onals with DAB m em ber ship
7月 Ju l y
·紀念七七蘆溝橋事變6 0 周年,向日本領 事 館 遞 交 抗 議 信 , 要 求 日 本 道 歉 及 賠 償 ·慶祝香港回歸祖國及民建聯成立五周年 ·梁愛詩出任律政司司長 ·To m ar k the 60th anniver sar y of the “ 7 J ul y Lugou Br i dge Inc i dent” , D AB s ubm i tted a pr otes t l etter to the Japanese Consul, dem anding an apol ogy and c om pens ati on ·Held a banquet to celebr ate both our 5th anni v er s ar y and H ong Kong’s r euni fi c ati on w i th the M other l and ·Leung Oi Sie becam e the Secr eta r y for J us ti c e
12月 D e ce mbe r
·為配合社會形勢轉變而重新制訂政綱 ·印製「情傳千里」聖誕明信片,讓市民 將 香 港 回 歸 後 依 然 繁 榮 穩 定 的 信 息 傳 遞 給 海 外 人 士 ·售賣獎券籌募經費 ·Revised our policy platfor m to r ef l ec t c hanges i n s oc i al c i r c um s tanc es ·Pr inted Chr istm as car ds for distr ibuti on to c i ti z ens to c onv ey m es s ages about the pr os per i ty and s tabi l i ty of Hong Kong following its handov er, to s end to fr i ends and r el ati v es abr oad ·Sold fund- r aising voucher s acr oss H ong Kong
派發「情傳千里」聖誕明信片 Distributed printed Christmas cards to convey messages about the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong (1997)
在 97 年元旦日舉行步行籌款 Fundraising walkathon on 1 January, 1997
DAB Milestones (1992-2005.1)
1998 本年 T hi s yea r
原新界南支部分拆為新界南及荃 灣 支 部 , 原 九 龍 西 支 部 分 拆 為 九 龍 城 、 深 水 埗 及 九 龍 西 支 部 , 原 新 界 西 支 部 分 拆 為 元 朗 及 屯門支部。至此,民建聯在全港 共 建 立 1 6 個 地 區 支 部 Our Br anch office in New Ter r i tor i es South w as di v i ded i nto the N ew Ter r i tor i es South Br anc h offi c e and the Tsuen Wan Br anch office. Our Kow l oon Wes t Br anc h offi c e w as di v i ded i nto the Kow l oon C i ty Br anc h offi c e , the Sham Shui Po Br anch off i c e and the Kow l oon Wes t Br anc h offi c e. Our or i gi nal N ew Ter r i tor i es Wes t Br anch office was divided into the Yuen Long Br anc h offi c e and the Tuen M un Br anc h offi c e. T her efor e, the DAB had br anch offices in 16 di s tr i c ts i n H ong Kong at thi s ti m e
1月 Ja n u a ry
·發起河北地震賑災籌款活動,籌 得 1 4 7 萬 善 款 ·「禽流感」引起市民恐慌,向有 關 部 門 提 出 安 定 民 生 建 議 , 及 討 論 殺 雞 行 動 的 善 後 問 題 ·Initiated char ity cam paign to r ai s e funds for H ebei ear thquak e v i c ti m s , c ol l ec ti ng H K$1.47 m i l l i on ·Confr onting widespr ead fear s about “ bi r d fl u” , D AB pr opos ed to depar tm ents w ay s to s tabi l i z e peopl e’s livelihoods and follow up o n the c hi c k en c ul l s
4月 A p ri l
舉行街頭籌款籌募經費 We held a fundr aising dr ive i n publ i c
5月 May
派出2 5 名成員參與立法會選舉, 共 取 得 8 個 議 席 Fielded 25 candidates for Le gi s l ati v e C ounc i l El ec ti ons , w i nni ng 8 s eats
8月 A u g u st
·赴新加坡考察,了解當地的教育 、 法 例 及 資 訊 科 技 的 最 新 情 況 ·舉行賑濟長江水災籌款,籌得過 百 萬 捐 款 · E m bar ked on a study tr ip to Si ngapor e to l ear n about thei r l ates t dev el opm ents i n educ ati on, l aw and infor m ation technology · R aised m or e than HK$1 m il l i on i n c am pai gn for v i c ti m s of the Yangtz e R i v er fl oods
12月 D ece mber
·選出第五屆中央委員會及常務委 員 會 ·成立工商專業事務委員會 ·We elected our fifth Centr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees ·We set up our Business an d Pr ofes s i onal s Affai r s C om m i ttee
參選 98 年立法會選舉 Participated in the 1998 Legislative Council Elections
民主建港聯盟大事記 (1992-2005.1)
發起賑濟長江水災籌款 Fundraising campaign for the victims of the Yangtze River floods(1998)
1999 4月 A p ri l
舉辦路向營,主題為「如何對普選進行部 署 ? 聯 盟 有 否 條 件 扮 演 影 子 政 府 」 In Apr il, we held a r etr eat. The topi c w as “ how to pr epar e for uni v er s al s uffr age and do w e hav e the abi l i ty to shadow the gover nm ent?”
5月 May
抗議北約轟炸南斯拉夫,譴責北約導彈擊 中 我 國 駐 南 斯 拉 夫 大 使 館 , 要 求 北 約 徹 查 事 件 、 公 開 道 歉 及 賠 償 Denounced NATO’s bom bing cam pai gn i n Yugos l av i a and c ondem ned the bom bi ng of the C hi nes e em bas s y, we dem anded an investigation into the i nc i dent and both an open apol ogy and c om pens ati on to C hi na and fam ilies of the victim s.
7月 Ju l y
舉辦七周年會慶聚餐 We held our 7th anniver sar y banquet
9月 S e p te mbe r
發起「賑濟台灣地震籌款」行動,共籌得 6 3 萬 元 捐 款 Raised HK$630,000 for victim s of ear thquak e i n Tai w an
11月 N ove mbe r
派出1 7 6 人參選特區第一屆區議會選舉, 8 3 人 當 選 Fielded 176 candidates for the fir st D i s tr i c t C ounc i l El ec ti on, w i th 83 of them el ec ted
舉行簽名行動,譴責北約轟炸南斯拉夫 Signature petition condemning the NATO bombing campaign in Yogoslavia (1999)
1999 年區議會選舉誓師大會 1999 District Council Election Rally
DAB Milestones (1992-2005.1)
2000 1月 Ja n u a ry
·於千禧年元旦日發表「千禧宣言 」 , 祝 願 香 港 和 祖 國 在 新 世 紀 裡 充 滿 機 遇 , 有 更 出 色 的 發 展 ·舉行「雲南地震賑災籌款」,賑 濟 受 影 響 災 民 · I ssued a “ M illennium Decla r ati on” on the fi r s t day of the new m i l l enni um , w i s hi ng for new oppor tuni ti es for Hong Kong and the M other l and i n the c entur y ahead and both w i l l tur n i n m or e br i l l i ant per for m anc es ·Held a “ Yunnan Ear thquake D i s as ter R el i ef F und- R ai s i ng C am pai gn” to hel p v i c ti m s
2月 F eb rua ry
舉辦「政治專才培訓計劃」,派 出 成 員 修 讀 由 中 、 港 、 美 幾 間 著 名 大 學 合 辦 的 政 治 研 習 課 程 , 培 訓 更 多 政 治 人 才 為 香 港 社 會服務 Held a “ Political Pr ofessiona l s Tr ai ni ng Pr ogr am m e” for c andi dates to be s ent to uni v er s i ti es i n C hi na, H ong Kong and the United States i n an effor t to gr oom m or e pol i ti c al tal ents to s er v e H ong Kong
4月 A p ri l
舉行街頭籌款籌募經費 Under took a m onth- long fundr ai s i ng dr i v e i n publ i c
5月 May
民建聯新網站及曾鈺成、譚耀宗 、 程 介 南 議 員 網 上 辦 公 室 正 式 啟 用 DAB’s new website, along wi th the onl i ne offi c es of Ts ang Yok Si ng, Tam Yi u C hung and C heng Kai N am officially com m enced oper ations
7月 Ju l y
·北區區議會鳳翠選區舉行補選, 民 建 聯 候 選 人 廖 超 華 當 選 ·舉辦八周年會慶聚餐 ·The Nor th Distr ict Boar d hel d a by - el ec ti on i n F ung Ts ui c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date Li u C hi u Wa was elected ·We held our 8th anniver sary banquet
8月 A ug u st
程介南因涉申報利益問題,向中 委 會 請 辭 副 主 席 一 職 。 中 委 會 接 納 Standing Com m ittee accepted C heng Kai N am ’s r es i gnati on as par ty Vi c e- C hai r per s on i n l i ght of hi s fai l ur e to declar e a conflict of inter e s ts i nv ol v i ng hi s j ob
9月 S ep te mber
·參加立法會選舉,共獲取1 1 個 議 席 ·程介南向中委會請辭民建聯所 有 職 務 , 並 宣 佈 不 接 受 新 當 選 立 法 會 議 席 , 同 時 亦 辭 去 特 區 政 府 所 有 公 職 ·Took par t in the second- ter m Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l el ec ti ons , obtai ni ng 11 s eats ·Cheng Kai Nam r esigned fr om al l hi s duti es at the D AB and dec l ar ed he w oul d not tak e up the Legi s l ati v e Council seat he had won. At the s am e ti m e, he r es i gned fr om al l other publ i c appoi ntm ents
12月 D e ce mber
·立法會香港島選區舉行補選, 民 建 聯 候 選 人 鍾 樹 根 未 能 取 得 議 席 ·選出第六屆中央委員會及常務 委 員 會 , 葉 國 謙 及 盧 志 強 當 選 為 副 主 席 ·We assigned Chr istopher Chung Shu Kun to c ontes t the Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l H ong Kong Is l and by - el ec ti on. He won over 78,000 votes but fai l ed to obtai n the s eat ·We elected our sixth Central and Standing Committees. Ip Kwok Him and Lo Chi Keung were elected Vice-Chairmen
時任主席曾鈺成簽署千禧宣言 The Chairperson of the DAB Tsang Yok Sing signed our Millennium Declaration
民主建港聯盟大事記 (1992-2005.1)
報名參加 2000 年立法會選舉 Participated in the 2000 Legislative Council Elections
2001 1月 Ja n u a ry
先後為印度地震災民及內蒙雪災災民籌款 , 分 別 籌 得 逾 1 1 萬 及 3 7 萬 元 善 款 Raised HK$110,000 for earthquake victims in India and HK$370,000 for victims of an avalanche in Inner Mongolia
3月 March
舉辦路向營,主題為「優質參政 自我提 升 」 We held a r etr eat. The topic was “ P ar ti c i pati ng i n Pol i ti c s w i th C om petenc e and Sel f- Im pr ov em ent”
4月 A p ri l
民建聯社區領袖培訓計劃正式開展,第一 期 3 0 名 會 員 獲 甄 選 報 讀 由 港 大 專 業 進 修 學 院 承 辦 的 「 社 區 領 袖 證 書 培 訓 課 程 」 We for m ally star ted the DAB’s Com m uni ty Leader Tr ai ni ng Pr ogr am m e. 30 m em ber s w er e c hos en to attend a “ Com m unity Leader Tr aining Pr ogr a m m e’ r un by the Sc hool of Pr ofes s i onal and C onti nui ng Educ ati on of the Univer sity of Hong Kong
7月 Ju l y
·舉辦第一屆「進一步的天空」大專生暑期內地實習計劃,共23位同學完成國內實習及考察 ·曾鈺成、盧志強、劉江華、陳婉嫻及蔡素玉一行五人訪問美加,就政治及社會政策議題與政府官員、華僑團體、政策智 囊、學者等交換意見 ·舉辦九周年會慶酒會 ·Sum m er inter nship pr ogr am m e “ A Gr eater H or i z on” hel d i n M ai nl and C hi na for ter ti ar y s tudents . A total of 23 students finished both the field tr ai ni ng and s tudy i n enter pr i s es ·A delegation of five m em ber s - Ts ang Yok Si ng, Lo C hi Keung, Lau Kong Wah, C han Yuen H an and C hoy So Yuk – visited the United States and C anada, w her e they m et w i th gov er nm ent offi c i al s , ov er s eas C hi nese gr oups, policy think- tanks and s c hol ar s to ex c hange v i ew s on pol i ti c al and s oc i al pol i c i es ·We held our 9th anniver sar y cock tai l r ec epti on
9月 S ep te mbe r
首次舉辦職員培訓營,職員與領導層共同 探 討 民 建 聯 理 念 、 管 理 架 構 、 職 員 角 色 等 問 題 Em ployee tr aining cam p at which st aff m em ber s and the m anagem ent j oi ntl y ex pl or ed i s s ues s uc h as D AB’s vision, m anagem ent str uctur e and em pl oy ee r ol es
11月 N o ve mbe r
在體院首次舉辦「民建聯2 0 0 1 同樂日」 , 促 進 會 員 間 之 友 誼 Held the fir st “ DAB 2001 Fun Day” at the H ong Kong Spor ts Ins ti tute to pr om ote c ohes i on am ong m em ber s
社區領袖培訓計劃第一期畢業及第二期開學 The graduation and opening ceremony of the 1st term and 2nd terms respectively for the DAB’s Community Leader Training Programme in 2001
2001 年「進一步的天空」香港大專生暑期內地實習計劃 2001“A Greater Horizon” internship programme
DAB Milestones (1992-2005.1)
2002 1月 Ja n u a ry
民建聯環境小組應邀到德國,參 觀 廢 物 回 收 系 統 及 處 理 設 施 DAB Envir onm ental Taskfor ce ac c epted an i nv i tati on to Ger m any, getti ng a fi r s t hand under s tandi ng of the waste r ecollection system and di s pos al fac i l i ti es
5月 May
在灣仔香港會議展覽中心舉行「 一 國 兩 制 與 中 國 統 一 」 研 討 會 , 邀 請 內 地 、 台 灣 、 海 外 及 本 港 專 家 、 學 者 , 研 討 如 何 借 鑒 香港、澳門經驗,聯合全球的和 平 統 一 力 量 , 以 「 和 平 統 一 , 一 國 兩 制 」 的 基 本 方 針 解 決 台 灣 問 題 , 實 現 中 國 的 完 全 統 一 Held a “ One Countr y, Two Sy s tem s and the U ni fi c ati on of C hi na” s y m pos i um at the H ong Kong C onv enti on and Exhibition Centr e. Experts and s c hol ar s fr om the M ai nl and, Tai w an, ov er s eas and H ong Kong i nv i ted to the event studied how the ex per i enc e of H ong Kong and M ac au c oul d be l ev er aged on, c om bi ned w i th the for ces of peaceful unification ar ound the w or l d, to r es ol v e the Tai w an i s s ue bas ed on the “ One C ountr y, Tw o System s” policy with the view to r eal i z i ng the peac eful uni fi c ati on of C hi na
6月 Ju n e
舉辦第一屆大專生暑期本地實習 計 劃 2 0 0 2 , 共 選 出 3 1 位 同 學 參 加 Held the fir st “ Sum m er Field Tr ai ni ng for Loc al Ter ti ar y Students 2002” . 31 s tudents took par t
7月 Ju l y
·7 月7 日在灣仔伊利沙伯體育館 舉 行 「 十 年 前 後 - 十 周 年 會 慶 綜 合 晚 會 」 , 超 過 二 千 名 會 員 會 友 出 席 ·舉行十周年會慶酒會 ·Held a 10th anniver sar y ev eni ng gal a ·Held a 10th anniver sar y coc k tai l r ec epti on
8月 A ug u st
舉辦就業高峰會,探討如何解決 香 港 失 業 問 題 Held an Em ploym ent Sum m it to ex pl or e how H ong Kong’s unem pl oy m ent pr obl em c oul d be ov er c om e
11月 N o ve mber
九龍城區議會啟德選區舉行補選 , 民 建 聯 候 選 人 許 清 波 未 能 取 得 議 席 The Kowloon City Distr ict Co unc i l hel d a by - el ec ti on i n Kai Tak c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date H ui Ching Po was not elected
12月 D e ce mber
·為支持特區政府落實基本法第23條,立法保障國家安全,聯盟參與由26個團體發起的「支持立法保障國家大聯盟」,並 參與了包括在維園舉行的大集會、簽名活動、派發單張、在報章刊登聯署聲明和遊行等活動,其中大集會約有四萬多人出 席,所得簽名約12萬個 ·選出第七屆中央委員會及常務委員會 ·In or der to suppor t of the SAR gov er nm ent’s Legi s l ati on of Bas i c l aw Ar ti c l e 23, the D AB j oi ned “ Al l i anc e in Suppor t of Legislation to Pr otec t Our C ountr y ” or gani s ed by 26 gr oups and attended a r al l y i n Vi c tor i a Par k. We conducted a signatur e c am pai gn, di s tr i buted pam phl ets and j oi ntl y adv er ti s ed our s tand i n the newspaper s as well as join i ng m ar c hes to pr om ote the l egi s l ati on. T he r al l y w as attended by 40,000 people and 120,000 signatur es w er e c ol l ec ted ·We elected our 7th Centr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees
2002 年 12 月支持立法保障國家安全大聯盟在維園舉行集會 In December 2002 we supported an event in Victoria Park in favor of National Security Legislation
民主建港聯盟大事記 (1992-2005.1)
第一屆大專生本地實習計劃 1st“Summer Field Training for Local Tertiary Students”(2002)
2003 2月 F eb rua ry
·就美國向伊拉克開戰舉行一連串「要求和平 反對戰爭」行動,計有反戰簽名及請願、反戰音樂會,及在立法會提出反戰 動議 ·九龍城區議會海心選區舉行補選,民建聯候選人潘國華當選 ·Held a ser ies of “ Dem anding Peac e and Oppos i ng War ” ev ents i n l i ght of the U ni ted States ’ attac k on Ir aq, which included an anti- war s i gnatur e and peti ti on c am pai gn, anti - w ar m us i c c onc er t and an anti - w ar m otion tabled in Legislative Counc i l ·The Kowloon City Distr ict Council hel d a by - el ec ti on i n H oi Sam c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date Pun Kwok Wah was elected
3月 March
三月初爆發非典型肺炎,民建聯舉行一連 串 抗 炎 行 動 , 包 括 在 全 港 免 費 派 發 3 0 萬 個 口 罩 、 1 0 0 萬 份 消 毒 紙 巾 及 6 5 萬 本 「 健 康錦囊」,發起「全民清潔抗炎大行動」 , 及 舉 辦 運 動 抗 炎 健 康 日 , 與 市 民 共 抗 非 典 W ith r ising num ber of deaths fr om a ty pi c al pneum oni a by M ar c h, D AB or gani z ed a s er i es of anti - epi dem i c events, including fr ee distr ibution o f 300,000 m as k s , a m i l l i on anti s epti c tow el s and 650,000 heal th- ti p pam phlets, along with the initiation of “ C l ean H ong Kong Anti - Epi dem i c C am pai gn” and anti - epi dem i c s por ts day, to pr om ote awar eness of per sonal hy gi ene
4月 A p ri l
深水埗區議會美孚選區舉行補選,民建聯 候 選 人 楊 耀 忠 未 能 取 得 議 席 The Sham Shui Po Distr ict Council hel d a by - el ec ti on i n M ei F oo c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date Yeung Yiu Chung was not elected
5月 May
·在全港舉行「同舟共濟 共抗肺炎」支援內地抗炎籌款活動,並將籌得的五十多萬善款經中聯辦轉交國家衛生部 ·舉行「愛在瘟疫蔓延時」徵文比賽,並出版圖文集刊載得獎文章及有關相片,希望透過文字和圖象,紀錄抗炎期間的故事 和感受;銷售圖文集所得款項則捐予「護幼教育基金」 ·Held an anti- pneum onia cam paign i n H ong Kong to s uppor t the anti - epi dem i c ac ti v i ti es c onduc ted on the M ainland and r aising HK$500,000 for the M ai nl and’s effor ts . T he funds w er e handed ov er to the M i ni s tr y of Health thr ough the Liaison Office of the C entr al Peopl e's Gov er nm ent i n H KSAR ·The DAB held an essay com petiti on enti tl ed “ Lov e i n the Age of Epi dem i c s ” and publ i s hed a gr aphi c s and essay com pilation featur ing the wi nni ng entr i es and r el ated photogr aphs , i n the hope that the s tor i es and sentim ents r ecor ded dur ing the an ti - epi dem i c per i od w oul d, thr ough a c om bi nati on of tex ts and v i s ual s , inspir e m utual car e and concer n a nd r ek i ndl e the s pi r i t of m utual as s i s tanc e am ong the peopl es . Pr oc eeds fr om the sales of the com pilation w er e donated to the “ We C ar e Educ ati on F und”
7月 Ju l y
舉辦十一周年會慶酒會及聯歡聚餐 We held our 11th anniver sar y cockt ai l r ec epti on and banquet
8月 A u g u st
深水埗區議會麗閣選區舉行補選,民建聯 候 選 人 范 國 輝 未 能 取 得 議 席 The Sham Shui Po Distr ict Council hel d a by - el ec ti on i n Lai Kok c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date F an Kwok Fai was not elected
「愛在瘟疫蔓延時」徵文比賽 Held an essay competition“Love in the Age of Epidemics”(2003)
2003 年「沙士」爆發,向市民派發 30 萬個口罩 Distributed 300,000 masks to the public during the SARS outbreak
DAB Milestones (1992-2005.1)
2003 9月 S e p te mber
應港澳辦邀請,民建聯主席曾鈺 成 帶 領 代 表 團 一 行 二 十 餘 人 赴 北 京 進 行 一 連 三 日 的 訪 問 , 並 獲 國 家 副 主 席 曾 慶 紅 接 見 , 其 後會見了商務部、港澳辦及公安 部 等 部 門 的 負 責 官 員 , 向 中 央 反 映 了 香 港 民 情 , 並 提 出 多 項 建 議 , 包 括 加 強 港 滬 合 作 、 加 快陸港兩地金融合作、以及內地 設 立 部 門 處 理 港 澳 同 胞 投 訴 等 , 獲 得 正 面 回 應 Thr ough an invitation fr om the H ong Kong and M ac ao Affai r s Offi c e of the State C ounc i l , D AB c hai r per s on Tsang Yok Sing led a team of ar ound 20 r epr es entati v es to v i s i t Bei j i ng for thr ee day s . We m et w i th the Vice- Pr esident of the PRC Ze ng Qi nghong and r epr es entati v es fr om the M i ni s tr y of C om m er c e, the H ong Kong and M acao Affair s Offic e and the M i ni s tr y of Publ i c Sec ur i ty, w her e w e c om m uni c ated the feel i ngs of the Hong Kong people to the C entr al Gov er nm ent and s ugges ted a num ber of pr opos al s . T hes e i nc l uded str engthening cooper ation betw een Shanghai and H ong Kong, ex pedi ti ng fi nanc i al c ooper ati on betw een the M ainland and Hong Kong and s etti ng up an offi c e on the M ai nl and to handl e c om pl ai nts fr om H ong Kong and M acao com patr iots. All of thes e pr opos al s w er e m et w i th a pos i ti v e r es pons e fr om the C entr al Gov er nm ent
10月 Octo b e r
·中國神舟五號首次載人航天飛行成功。民建聯聯同各友好社團同組香港各界慶祝神舟五號成功飛行籌委會,向中央要求邀 請太空人楊利偉訪港,並舉行五千人大型巡遊 ·聯盟代表團於十月中到上海訪問,與上海市市長韓正、副市長姜斯憲等領導會晤,就加強兩地合作上提出多項建議 ·2 0 位在職及在學青年獲取錄參 加 「 南 師 北 師 - 兩 地 師 友 交 流 計 劃 」 , 有 機 會 和 1 5 位 港 粵 兩 地 的 領 袖 ( 包 括 廣 東 省 內 兩 位 市長、兩位區長、檢察院檢察官 和 國 企 總 經 理 等 ) 會 面 和 交 流 , 從 中 汲 取 導 師 踏 上 成 功 之 道 的 經 驗 ·A Sense of pr ide inspir ed by C hi na’s s uc c es s ful l aunc h of fi r s t m anned s pac ec r aft Shenz hou- 5, D AB, together with other fr iendly as s oc i ati ons , for m ed “ C el ebr ate Suc c es s of Shenz hou- 5 C om m i ttee” , w hi c h invited astr onaut Yang Liwei to v i s i t H ong Kong v i a the C entr al Gov er nm ent and or gani z ed a l ar ge- s c al e par ade involving 5,000 parti c i pants ·A DAB delegation visited Shanghai in mid-October and met with Shanghai mayor Han Zheng and Vice mayor Jiang Sixian. We gave many proposals on how to strengthen cooperation between Hong Kong and Shanghai ·20 young wor ker s and stud ents r ec r ui ted for the “ N or ther n Teac her s Souther n Teac her s – Teac her s Ex change Schem e” wer e offer ed the oppor tuni ty to m eet and ex c hange v i ew s w i th l eader s fr om H ong Kong and Guangdong Pr ovince (i nc l ude the M ay or and Vi c e- M ay or of Guangdong Pr ov i nc e, the tw o di s tr i c t heads, pr ocur ator s of the Pr oc ur ator Offi c e and Gener al M anager s of s tate enter pr i s es , to l ear n the s uc cess stor ies and exper ienc es of thes e l eader s
11月 N ove mber
派出2 0 6 名成員參加區議會選舉, 贏 得 6 2 個 議 席 Fielded 206 candidates for the D i s tr i c t C ounc i l El ec ti on, w i th 62 of them el ec ted
12月 D ece mber
·聯盟對外聯絡小組舉辦「音樂欣賞會」,超過一百位駐港使節和外國機構代表在飽覽維港夜色之餘,欣賞到不同風格和文 化背景的音樂 ·中央委員會接納曾鈺成請辭主席職務。常務委員會選出馬力擔任主席,原來的秘書長職務由簡志豪接任。中委會對曾鈺成 創建民建聯及成功帶領民建聯發展壯大所作的貢獻,表示衷心感謝 ·DAB’s Exter nal Liaison Team or gani s ed a “ M us i c Appr ec i ati on Ses s i on” , w i th ov er 100 for ei gn c ons ul ate staff and for eign or ganizati ons bas ed i n H ong Kong tak i ng par t i n the open at Vi c tor i a H ar bour. ·Centr al Com m ittee accepted the r es i gnati on of Ts ang Yok Si ng as the par ty ’s c hai r per s on. T he Standi ng Com m ittee chose M a Lik to tak e ov er hi s pos t. M a’s pos t of Sec r etar y - Gener al w as as s um ed by Kan C hi Ho. The Centr al Com m itted ex pr es s ed hear tfel t gr ati tude to Ts ang Yok Si ng for hi s foundi ng of the D AB and his contr ibution to the par ty 's dev el opm ent
在 2003 訪京,獲國家副主席曾慶紅接見 Met with the vice-president of the PRC Zeng Qinghong during the Beijing visit in 2003
民主建港聯盟大事記 (1992-2005.1)
馬力接替曾鈺成任主席 Tsang Yok Sing passed the baton of the DAB Chair position to Ma Lik
2004 本年 T hi s yea r
成立灣仔支部和離島支部,地區支部增至 1 8 個 , 全 面 覆 蓋 全 港 1 8 區 We established our Wan Chai Br anc h offi c e and the Is l ands Br anc h offi c e, for a total of 18 Br anc h offi c es , which m eant that we had a Br anch offi c e i n ev er y di s tr i c t
3月 March
舉辦路向營,主題為「團結振奮 迎接未來 」 We held a r etr eat. The topic was “ Fi ght as one to tak e on the futur e”
4月 A p ri l
提出「開門建黨」,舉行諮詢會聽取市民 意 見 Thr oughout Apr il and M ay, we sugges ted “ Openi ng the D oor and Bui l di ng the Par ty ” and or gani z ed i nqui r y sessions to listen to citizens feedba c k
5月 May
發起「為香港 加油!」大型宣傳運動, 希 望 喚 起 香 港 人 過 往 積 極 、 堅 毅 的 精 神 , 面 對 困 難 Initiated the “ Let' s Go, Hong Kong” c am pai gn to ar ous e pr o- ac ti v e and fi ghti ng s pi r i t of H ong Kong peopl e to face up to adver sity and build a bet ter futur e for H ong Kong
6月 Ju n e
·在香港會議展覽中心舉辦「拓展商機 互 利 雙 贏 C E P A 一 周 年 - 回 顧 與 前 瞻 」 研 討 會 , 約 有 二 百 多 位 市 民 出 席 ·將原有之「青年小組」升格為「青年民建 聯 」 , 專 門 負 責 統 籌 民 建 聯 三 十 五 歲 或 以 下 青 年 會 員 的 工 作 ·舉行街頭籌款籌募經費 ·Or ganised a “ Developing Busines s Oppor tuni ti es for a M utual - W i n Si tuati on, the F i r s t Anni v er s ar y of C EPA –Taking Stock and Looking Ahead ” Sem i nar, attended by s om e 200 peopl e ·We upgr aded our “ DAB youth team” i nto the “ YoungD AB” . T hi s new gr oup i s r es pons i bl e for c oor di nati ng the wor k of our m em ber s aged 35 and under ·We held a fundr aising dr ive in pub l i c thr oughout J une
7月 Jul y
舉辦十二周年會慶酒會 We had our 12th anniver sar y cocktai l r ec epti on
9月 S ep te mbe r
參加立法會選舉,共獲取1 2 個議席 In the 2004 Legislative Council Elec ti ons , w e w on a total of 12 s eats
11月 N o ve mbe r
成立副發言人制度,以加強培養政治人才 , 並 協 助 政 策 發 言 人 處 理 各 個 政 策 範 疇 的 事 務 We set up a system of vice- spokesp er s ons i n or der to s tr engthen our abi l i ty to tr ai n new pol i ti c i ans . T hey wer e tasked to help policy spokesper s ons w i th pol i c y w or k
12月 D e ce mbe r
·1 2 月2 8 日起連續十多天發起「賑濟南亞 地 震 災 民 籌 款 」 , 共 籌 得 2 6 0 萬 善 款 , 全 數 交 紅 十 字 會 ·舉辦路向營,主題為「抓機遇 敢創新 開 拓 未 來 」 ·Initiated a “ Fund- r aising cam paign i n r el i ef of South As i a ear thquak e v i c ti m s ” , r ai s i ng H K$2.6 m i l l i on w hi c h was handed over to Hong Kong Red C r os s ·We held a r etr eat. The topic was “ Sei z e oppor tuni ti es , dar e to i nnov ate and c r eate the futur e”
2004 年立法會選舉誓師大會 2004 Legislative Council Elections Rally
舉行大型活動「為香港加油!」 Initiated the“Let’s Go, Hong Kong!”campaign (2004)
DAB Milestones (1992-2005.1)
Hong Kong Progressive Alliance [HKPA] Milestones (1994-2005.1)
香 港 協 進 聯 盟 大 事 記
1994 4月 A p ri l
港進聯宣告正式成立,第一次代表大會成員有60人,代表150多位創會會員 For m ation of the Hong Kong Pr ogr es s i v e Al l i anc e. 60 del egates attend the i naugur al c onfer enc e. T her e w er e 150- plus founding m em ber s
9月 S e p te mber
派出8 位會員參加9 4 年區議會選舉, 成 功 取 得 兩 議 席 Fielded 8 candidates for the D i s tr i c t C ounc i l El ec ti on, w i nni ng tw o s eats
10月 Octo b e r
·組團訪問北京,拜訪國家有關部委 , 並 獲 國 家 主 席 江 澤 民 接 見 ·對《彭定康施政報告》發表聲明,駁斥其是為中英在過渡期的合作繼續設置障礙 ·Or ganised a delegation to B ei j i ng, w her e i t c al l ed on the r el ated gov er nm ent depar tm ents and w as r eceived by Pr esident Jiang Z em i n ·Issued a statem ent on “ Chri s Patten’s Pol i c y Speec h” , poi nti ng out that he w as c onti nui ng to s et up obs tacles in Sino- Br itish cooper a ti on dur i ng the tr ans i ti on per i od
1995 1月 Ja n u a ry
就香港交通擠塞問題提出十四項 建 議 並 舉 行 記 者 招 待 會 Offer ed 14 suggestions on r el i ev i ng tr affi c c onges ti on i n H ong Kong i n a pr es s c onfer enc e
2月 F eb rua ry
主辦「內地工業安全研討會」 Held a “ Industr ial Safety on the M ai nl and Sem i nar ”
5月 May
主辦「中國新稅制/土地增值稅/房 地 產 政 策 」 研 討 會 Held a sem inar on “ China’s N ew Tax Sy s tem / Land Appr ec i ati on Tax / R eal - Es tate Pol i c y ”
6月 Ju n e
就本港經濟放緩及失業率上升問 題 向 政 府 提 交 「 七 點 建 議 」 Subm itted “ 7 Suggestions” to the gov er nm ent on the ec onom i c s l ow dow n and r i s i ng unem pl oy m ent r ate i n Hong Kong
7月 Ju l y
·主辦「維港填海問題」研討會 ·舉行「反對政府大幅增加汽車過海隧道費」汽車大遊行,並向港督府遞交請願信 ·Held a “ Victor ia Har bour Re c l am ati on Is s ue” Sem i nar ·Held a pr otest dr ive under the “ Oppos i ng D r as ti c Inc r eas e of U nder s ea Tunnel Tol l s for C ar s ” and s ubm i tted a petition letter to the Hong Kong Gov er nm ent H ous e
9月 S e p te mber
·派出劉漢銓、蔡素玉、林乾禮三人 參 加 立 法 局 選 舉 , 劉 漢 銓 成 功 當 選 ·劉漢銓、楊孫西、陸達權、胡經昌 、 余 國 春 五 位 會 員 獲 邀 出 任 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 籌 委 職 務 ·Fielded Lau Hon Chuen, Choy So Yuk and Lam Ki n Lai for Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l El ec ti ons w her e Lau H on Chuen was successfully elec ted ·Five HKPA m em ber s - Lau H on C huen, Yu Sun Say, Loh D ai J ur, Wu Ki ng C heong and Yu Kw ok C hun - ar e invited to take up r esponsib i l i ti es at the H ong Kong SAR Pr epar ator y C om m i ttee
香港協進聯盟大事記 (1994-2005.1)
1996 1月 Ja n u a ry
發表專題文章,闡述港進聯提出在港設立經濟發展局,推動經貿發展的建議 Published an ar ticle outlining the sugges ti ons of the H ong Kong Pr ogr es s i v e Al l i anc e on s etti ng up an Ec onom ic Developm ent Boar d in Hong Kong i n or der to pr om ote ec onom i c dev el opm ent
4月 A p ri l
·舉行學習《基本法》座談會、印制《基 本 法 》 文 本 , 廣 泛 宣 傳 、 推 廣 《 基 本 法 》 ·舉行記者招待會,公佈京、滬、穗、深 四 地 居 民 對 香 港 問 題 的 認 識 及 態 度 的 問 卷 調 查 結 果 ·Held a “ Lear n the Basic Law” sem i nar and publ i s hed the Bas i c Law tex t for ex tens i v e publ i c i ty and pr om otion of the Basic Law ·Held a pr ess confer ence r eleasing the outc om e of a pol l on the under s tandi ng and atti tudes of Bei j i ng, Shanghai, Guangdong and Shenzhen r es i dents tow ar d the H ong Kong i s s ue
8月 A u g u st
·港進聯港區人大代表、政協委員及地區 議 員 約 見 廣 東 省 政 府 有 關 部 門 , 就 內 地 涉 港 「 爛 尾 樓 盤 」 表 達 意 見 ·選舉產生第二屆中委及監委會,中委增 至 3 0 人 , 劉 漢 銓 為 主 席 ; 監 委 增 至 1 1 人 , 楊 孫 西 為 主 席 ·CPPCC delegates, NPC delegates and di s tr i c t c ounc i l or s fr om T he H ong Kong Pr ogr es s i v e Al l i anc e m et with officials fr om r elated depar tments of the Guangdong Pr ov i nc i al Gov er nm ent to ex pr es s thei r opi ni ons on the pr oblem of “ unfinished apar tm ents ” ·The Centr al Com m ittee and Senat e w er e el ec ted for the s ec ond ter m ; m em ber s hi p of the C entr al C om m i ttee was incr eased to 30, with Lau H on C huen as i ts C hai r per s on; the Senate m em ber s hi p i nc r eas ed to 11, with Yu Sun Say as Chair per son
11月 N ove mbe r
舉行特區行政長官參選人諮詢會,分別聽取4位參選人的參選政綱及治港方針,及隨後提出行政長官人選必須具備的八項條件 Held an inquir y session for the four H KSAR C hi ef Ex ec uti v e c andi dates i n or der to l ear n about thei r el ec ti on platfor m s and policy plans. This was fol l ow ed by i nfor m i ng them the ei ght c r i ter i a r ai s ed by H KPA that C hi ef Executive candidates wer e r equir ed to pos s es s
12月 D ece mbe r
參與香港特區臨時立法會選舉,劉漢銓、楊釗、曹王敏賢、蔡根培、鄧兆棠和胡經昌等六人當選為臨立會議員 Took par t in the Hong Kong SAR Pr ov i s i onal Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l El ec ti ons w her e 6 H KPA m em ber s - Lau Hon Chuen, Yeung Chun Kam , Tso Wong M an Yi n, C hoy Kan Pui , Tang Si u Tong and Wu Ki ng C heong – w er e elected as Pr ovisional Legislative Counc i l or s
1997 3月 March
·參加公益金步行籌款活動,籌募十多萬元 善 款 ·向特區籌委會遞交《關於香港特別行政區 第 一 屆 立 法 會 產 生 辦 法 意 見 書 》 ·Took par t in the Com m unity Ches t c har i ty w al k athon, r ai s i ng ov er H K$100,000 ·Subm itted the “ Opinion Paper on the M ethod of El ec ti ng the Inaugur al - Ter m Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l of the Hong Kong SAR” to the SAR Pr epar ator y C om m i ttee
5月 May
港進聯與自民聯舉行記者招待會,正式宣 佈 合 併 The Hong Kong Pr ogr essive Allianc e and Li ber al D em oc r ati c F eder ati on of H ong Kong hel d a pr es s c onfer ence to announce their m er ger
7月 Ju l y
參加臨時立法會補選,蔡素玉當選 Took par t in the Pr ovisional Legislati v e C ounc i l by - el ec ti on w her e C hoy So Yuk w as el ec ted
9月 S e p te mbe r
港進聯7 位臨時立法會議員會晤行政長官董 建 華 , 就 特 區 政 府 的 首 份 施 政 報 告 遞 交 建 議 書 The seven Pr ovisional Legislative C ounc i l or s fr om T he H ong Kong Pr ogr es s i v e Al l i anc e m et w i th H ong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa an d s ubm i tted a paper on the SAR Gov er nm ent’s fi r s t Pol i c y Speec h
11月 N ove mbe r
舉辦「關注香港環境問題」研討會 Held a “ Concer n for Hong Kong Env i r onm ent” Sem i nar
Hong Kong Progressive Alliance Milestones (1994-2005.1)
1998 1月 Ja n u a ry
就本港終止第一收容港政策作出回應,並為該政策的具體落實提出建議方案 Offer ed a r esponse to the pol i c y of ter m i nati ng H ong Kong’s s tatus as a por t of fi r s t as y l um and s ugges ti ons on how this policy could be im pl em ented
4月 A p ri l
舉辦「如何振興零售批發業」研 討 會 Held a Sem inar on “ How to Sti m ul ate the R etai l and D i s tr i buti on Bus i nes s ”
5月 May
參加香港特別行政區第一屆立法會選舉,9位會員出選,劉漢銓、朱幼麟、鄧兆棠、蔡素玉和許長青等五人當選 Took par t in the fir st Legislat i v e C ounc i l El ec ti ons of the H ong Kong SAR . Of the 9 H KPA c andi dates , 5 w er e elected: Lau Hon Chuen, Chu Yu Li n, Tang Si u Tong, C hoy So Yuk and H ui C heung C hi ng
9月 S e p te mber
舉辦「如何防止外國炒家擾亂本港金融市場」研討會 Held a Sem inar on “ How to Pr ev ent F or ei gn Spec ul ator s fr om C aus i ng C haos i n the H ong Kong F i nanc e M ar ket”
10月 Octo b e r
參加立法會金融服務界和區域市政局功能界別補選,馮志堅、鄧兆棠分別贏得席位 Took par t in the Legislative Counc i l F i nanc i al Ser v i c es and R egi onal C ounc i l func ti onal c ons ti tuenc i es by- elections with Fung Chi Ki n and Tang Si u Tong w i nni ng s eats
12月 D ece mber
選舉產生港進聯第三屆中央委員會與監察委員會 Elections for the thir d ter m of offi c e for H KPA’s C entr al C om m i ttee and Senate w er e hel d
1999 6月 Ju n e
·舉辦研討會,討論如何提升香港航空業的競爭力 ·舉辦「特區政府提請人大釋法」研討會 ·Or ganised a sem inar to dis c us s how the H ong Kong av i ati on s ec tor c oul d i nc r eas e i ts c om peti ti v enes s ·Held a Seminar on the “SAR Government’s decision to seek an interpretation by the NPC Standing Committee”
7月 Ju l y
港進聯新界東辦事處成立 The Hong Kong Pr ogr essive Al l i anc e s et up i ts N ew Ter r i tor i es Eas t offi c e
11月 N ove mber
派出30位會員參加特區首屆區議會選舉,其中21位當選,另13位具專業背景的會員獲委任為區議員 Fielded 30 m em ber s for the SAR ’s fi r s t D i s tr i c t C ounc i l El ec ti on. 21 of them w er e el ec ted w hi l e another 13 m em ber s, who wer e pr ofessional s , w er e appoi nted D i s tr i c t C ounc i l m em ber s
12月 D ece mber
·約見國內專家考察團成員,討論中國加入WTO對香港的影響及日後兩地合作問題 ·就政府發表的《市區重建局條例草 案 》 提 交 意 見 書 ·M et with M ainland exper ts of a s tudy del egati on to di s c us s how C hi na’s entr y i nto W TO w oul d affec t H ong Kong and its futur e cooper a ti on w i th the M ai nl and ·Subm itted an opinion paper r egar di ng the” U r ban R enew al Author i ty Bi l l ” r el eas ed by the gov er nm ent
香港協進聯盟大事記 (1994-2005.1)
2000 4月 A p ri l
·港進聯新界西辦事處成立,鄧兆棠當選辦事處主席 ·與重慶市政府合作成立「渝港經濟促進會」,致力促進渝港兩地經濟合作 ·The Hong Kong Pr ogr essive Allian c e s et up i ts N ew Ter r i tor i es Wes t offi c e, w her e Tang Si u Tong w as m ade its chair per son ·Jointly set up the Chongqing- Hong Kong As s oc i ati on for Ec onom i c Pr om oti on w i th the C hongqi ng gov er nm ent to pr om ote econom ic cooperati on betw een the tw o c i ti es
6月 Ju n e
舉辦《香港房屋政策應如何定位》研討會 Held a sem inar on “ How to Position H ong Kong Publ i c H ous i ng Pol i c i es ”
9月 S e p te mbe r
派出10位會員參加第二屆特區立法會選舉,劉漢銓、許長青、鄧兆棠、朱幼麟和蔡素玉成功當選 Fielded 10 candidates for the 2000 SAR Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l El ec ti ons , i n w hi c h Lau H on C huen, H ui C heung Ching, Tang Siu Tong, Chu Yu Lin a nd C hoy So Yuk w er e s uc c es s ful l y el ec ted
12月 D ece mbe r
·選舉產生第四屆中央委員會和監察委員 會 , 中 委 增 至 3 9 人 , 監 委 增 至 2 8 人 ; 劉 漢 銓 當 選 主 席 、 楊 孫 西 當 選 監 委 主 席 ·組織「香港工商專業界深圳訪問團」訪 問 深 圳 ·舉辦《公安條例》研討會 · E lected the Centr al Com m ittee an d Senate for the four th ter m ; C entr al C om m i ttee m em ber s hi p r os e to 39, while the Senate m em ber ship r ose to 28; Lau H on C huen and Yu Sun Say w er e el ec ted as c hai r per s ons of the for m er and latter r espectively. ·Or ganised a “ Hong Kong Industr ia l , Bus i nes s and Pr ofes s i onal D el egati on” on a v i s i t to Shenz hen ·Or ganised a “ Public Or der Or dina nc e” s em i nar
2001 1月 Ja n u a ry
組織「香港工商專業界福建訪問團」拜訪福建省委、省政府領導及有關部門 Or ganised a “ Hong Kong Industr ial, Bus i nes s and Pr ofes s i onal D el egati on” on a v i s i t to F uj i an, w her e w e m et with the Fujian Pr ovincial Com m i ttee, pr ov i nc i al gov er nm ent l eader s hi p and r el ated depar tm ents
4月 A p ri l
組織「重慶訪問團」參加第六屆重慶投資 貿 易 洽 談 會 Or ganised a “ Chongqing Visit Deleg ati on” to tak e par t i n the Si x th C hongqi ng Inv es tm ent and Tr ade N egoti ations Fair
9月 S e p te mbe r
舉辦《粵港經濟合作研討會》,探討兩地經濟合作的渠道與模式 Or ganised a “ Guangdong- Hong Kong Ec onom i c C ooper ati on Sem i nar ” to ex pl or e the c hannel and m ode of their econom ic cooper ation
11月 N ove mbe r
組團訪問重慶,協辦重慶市政府主辦的「 香 港 週 」 活 動 Or ganised a delegation to Chongqin g and as s i s ted the C hongqi ng gov er nm ent i n or gani z i ng the “ H ong Kong Week” activities
Hong Kong Progressive Alliance Milestones (1994-2005.1)
2002 1月 Ja n u a ry
舉行港進聯青年委員會成立典禮,張明敏任青委會主席 Or ganised the inaugur ation c er em ony for T he H ong Kong Pr ogr es s i v e Al l i anc e Youth C om m i ttee; C heung M ing M an appointed its chair per s on
3月 March
舉辦「如何走出財政赤字的困局 」 研 討 會 Or ganised the “ How to Get O ut of the F i nanc i al D efi c i t D i l em m a” s em i nar
5月 May
·組織「香港工商專業界上海訪問團 」 , 拜 訪 上 海 市 委 、 市 政 府 領 導 及 有 關 部 門 ·協辦2 0 0 2 年「香港五四青年節 」 , 1 0 0 0 多 名 來 自 澳 門 、 台 灣 及 內 地 的 青 年 參 加 是 次 活 動 · O r ganised a “ Hong Kong Indus tr i al , Bus i nes s and Pr ofes s i onal D el egati on to Shanghai ,” c al l i ng on the Shanghai M unicipal Com m i ttee, m uni c i pal gov er nm ent l eader s hi p and r el ated depar tm ents · C o- or ganised a “ Hong Kong M ay F our th Youth F es ti v al ” i n 2002, w hi c h w as attended by m or e than 1,000 youths fr om M acau, Taiwan and the M ai nl and
9月 S e p te mber
發起「強烈要求公共交通機構減價紓緩市民經濟負擔」簽名行動,收集到近萬名市民簽名 Initiated a “ Str ong Dem and fo r the R educ ti on of Publ i c Tr ans por tati on F ar es to R el i ev e the C i ti z ens ’ Ec onom ic Bur den” signatur e cam pai gn, i n w hi c h c l os e to 10,000 s i gnatur es w er e c ol l ec ted
12月 D ece mber
·選舉產生第五屆中央委員會和監察 委 員 會 , 中 委 3 9 人 , 監 委 增 至 2 8 人 ; 劉 漢 銓 當 選 主 席 、 楊 孫 西 當 選 監 委 主 席 ·聯同2 6 個團體發起組織「支持 立 法 保 障 國 家 安 全 大 聯 盟 」 集 會 · E lected the Centr al Com m ittee and Senate for the fi fth ter m ; m em ber s hi p of the C entr al C om m i ttee s tood at 39, while that for the Senate i nc r eas ed to 28; Lau H on C huen and Yu Sun Say w er e r e- el ec ted to thei r r espective positions · P ar tner ed with 26 other gr oups to i ni ti ate the “ Suppor t Legi s l ati on for the Pr otec ti on of the N ati onal Sec u r ity Alliance” r ally
2003 5月 May
非典爆發期間,組織巡迴中醫義診活動月,並印制一萬本《非典型肺炎防治指南》分派給市民 Dur ing the outbr eak of atypic al pneum oni a, a r ov i ng C hi nes e phy s i c i an s er v i c e w as or gani z ed and 10,000 copies of a “ Guide for the Prev enti on of Aty pi c al Pneum oni a” w er e pr i nted and di s tr i buted to c i ti z ens
9月 S e p te mber
港進聯訪問北京,得到國家副主 席 曾 慶 紅 接 見 A Hong Kong Progressive Alliance delegation visited Beijing and was received by Vice President Zeng Qinghong
11月 N ove mber
參加特區第二屆區議會選舉,共派出38名會員參選,20人當選 Took par t in the second Distr i c t C ounc i l El ec ti on of the SAR . A total of 38 H KPA c andi dates w er e fi el ded, of whom 20 wer e elected
香港協進聯盟大事記 (1994-2005.1)
2004 2月 F eb rua ry
舉辦「解決負資產問題」研討會 Or ganised a “ Resolve the Negative As s ets Pr obl em ” s em i nar
7月 Ju l y
受香港建造商會資助,港進聯進行「香港與珠三角軌道交通的銜接與協調研究計劃」,研討報告提交政府規劃署署長 Sponsor ed by the Hong Kong Const r uc ti on As s oc i ati on, the H ong Kong Pr ogr es s i v e Al l i anc e under took the “ Connection and Coor dination of Rai l Tr ans por tati on Sc hem e for H ong Kong and the Pear l R i v er D el ta” and the r esear ch r epor t was subm itted to the D i r ec tor of the gov er nm ent’s Pl anni ng D epar tm ent
9月 S e p te mbe r
港進聯曹宏威循地區、馮志堅、黃宏泰循功能組別參加特區第三屆立法會選舉,均落選 Hong Kong Pr ogr essive Alliance m em ber Ts o Wung Wai took par t i n the 2004 Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l El ec ti ons on a geogr aphical basis, while Fung C hi Ki n and Wong Wang Tai di d the s am e on a func ti onal c ons ti tuenc y basis, but all of them lost.
12月 D ece mbe r
選舉產生第六屆中央委員會和監察委員會,中委40人,監委24人。30日選舉溫嘉旋擔任中委代主席 Elected the Centr al Com m ittee and Senate for the s i x th offi c e- ter m ; m em ber s hi p of the C entr al C om m i ttee stood at 40, while that for the Senate w as at 24. Wen C ar s on w as v oted Ac ti ng C hai r per s on of the C entr al Com m ittee on 30 Decem ber
2005 1月 Ja n u a ry
多位議員在地區發起南亞海嘯籌款活動,籌得善款數十萬元 Sever al Councilor s initiated fund- r ai s i ng ac ti v i ti es i n di ffer ent par ts of H ong Kong, i n ai d of ts unam i v i c ti m s fr om South Asia. Tens of thousand d ol l ar s w er e r ai s ed
Hong Kong Progressive Alliance Milestones (1994-2005.1)
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
民 主 建 港 協 進 聯 盟 大 事 記
2005 2月 F eb rua ry
民主建港聯盟於2月16日宣佈和香港協進聯盟合併,合併後的組織定名為「民主建港協進聯盟」,簡稱「民建聯」 The DAB announced on 16 Feb that they w oul d m er ge w i th the H ong Kong Pr ogr es s i v e Al l i anc e. Our ful l nam e becam e the “ Dem ocr ati c Al l i anc e for the Better m ent and Pr ogr es s of H ong Kong” or “ D AB” for s hor t.
3月 March
·深水埗區議會南昌中選區舉行補選 ,民 建 聯 候 選 人 張 文 韜 當 選 ·東區區議會堡壘選區舉行補選,民 建 聯 候 選 人 洪 連 杉 當 選 ·聯盟港區全國人大代表和政協委員 在 北 京 「 兩 會 」 期 間 提 出 6 項 建 議 和 意 見 ·The Sham Shui Po Distr ict C ounc i l hel d a by - el ec ti on i n N am C heong C entr al c ons ti tuenc y w her e the D AB candidate Cheung M an To w as el ec ted ·The Easter n Distr ict Counc i l hel d a by - el ec ti on at F or t Str eet c ons ti tuenc y w her e the D AB c andi date H ung Lin Cham was elected ·DAB delegates within the NPC and the C PPC C tr av el l ed to Bei j i ng to attend the “ tw o s es s i ons ” w her e w e contr ibuted 6 pr oposals to the C entr al Gov er nm ent
4月 A p ri l
於4月12日召開特別會員大會,通過民主建港聯盟與香港協進聯盟合併,並修訂章程大綱及章程細則 We held an extr aor dinar y gener al m eeti ng on 12 Apr i l w her e w e m ade am endm ents to the detai l s of our m em or andum after the m er ge r of the D AB and the H KPA
5月 May
選出第八屆中央委員會、常務委 員 會 及 第 一 屆 監 察 委 員 會 。 中 委 會 通 過 聘 請 5 位 會 務 顧 問 We elected the m em ber s of o ur ei ghth C entr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees of the D AB and the m em ber s of our fir st Senate. The Centr al Co m m i ttee i nv i ted 5 Par ty Affai r s Adv i s or s .
6月 Ju n e
工商專業事務委員會分拆為工商事務委員會及專業事務委員會 Our Business and Pr ofession al s C om m i ttee w as di v i ded i nto the Indus tr i al and C om m er c i al Affai r s C om m i ttee and the Pr ofessional Affai r s C om m i ttee
7月 Ju l y
舉辦十三周年會慶酒會 We held our 13 t h anniver sar y c oc k tai l r ec epti on
8月 A ug u st
·宣佈成立2 2 人的顧問團,成員來 自 社 會 多 個 界 別 , 為 提 升 民 建 聯 參 政 議 政 水 平 及 會 務 發 展 , 提 供 寶 貴 意 見 ·設立首間少數族裔服務中心,提 供 免 費 諮 詢 及 支 援 服 務 ·We announced the cr eation of a 22- per s on Adv i s or team fr om di v er s e s oc i al bac k gr ounds to offer adv i c e on how to im pr ove the politi c al par ti c i pati on and dev el opm ent of the D AB ·Set up Ethnic M inor ities Ser v i c e C entr e pr ov i di ng fr ee adv i c e and s uppor t to ethni c m i nor i ti es
9月 S ep te mber
·啟動「發展會員運動」宣傳計劃,並以「一個有前景的政黨」為口號,通過「路訊通」和平面廣告,號召更多人加入民建聯 ·舉行「打造香港新政治行政中心」研討會,向政府提交政府總部選址研究報告 ·Ran an adver tising cam paig n w i th “ A par ty w i th a futur e” as i ts s l ogan i n or der to attr ac t m or e peopl e to join the DAB ·Held a sem inar on “ Developi ng H ong Kong i nto a new pol i ti c al adm i ni s tr ati v e c entr e” and handed i n our r esear ch r epor t on m oving the gov er nm ent or gans to another l oc ati on.
10月 O ctob e r
進行南亞地震賑災籌款,將籌得的30多萬善款轉交香港紅十字會 Held a fundr aiser for the Sou th As i a Ear thquak e, and r os e ov er $300,000 H KD for the H ong Kong R ed C r os s
11月 N o ve mber
在沙頭角舉辦「開發邊境禁區—機 會 與 挑 戰 」 論 壇 Held a sem inar in Sha Tau Ko k enti tl ed “ D ev el opi ng the F r onti er C l os ed Ar ea Boundar y : c hal l enges and oppor tunities”
12月 D e ce mber
·與11個團體發起「關注政改大聯盟」,就支持政改方案舉行花車巡遊及街頭簽名行動,獲市民踴躍支持。全港近800個街 站及網站共收集到77.5萬個簽名 ·在馬鞍山運動場舉行民建聯運動同樂日,近千名會員會友參加 · J oined the “ Alliance of Con c er n for C ons ti tuti onal D ev el opm ent” w i th 11 other bodi es i n or der to s uppor t the r efor m package. We sent out v ehi c l e fl oats the s tr eets and hel d a s i gnatur e c am pai gn. J us t under 800 political adver tising spots rec ei v ed ar ound 775,000 s i gnatur es ·Held the DAB Spor ts Day in the M a On Shan Spor ts Gr ound, w her e j us t under 1,000 m em ber s and fr i ends par ticipated in athletic endeav or s
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
與少數族裔維持密切聯繫 We keep in close contact with our ethnic minority constituents
78 萬市民簽名支持政改方案 Gathered 780,000 signatures of residents who supported the political reform package(2005)
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2006 1月 Ja n u a ry
元旦日在沙田公園舉行「奮力向前,進軍一萬」活動,公佈會員發展新目標:於2007年底人數突破一萬大關 Held a r ecr uiting dr ive on Ne w Year ’s D ay i n Sha Ti n Par k i n or der for the D AB to hav e ov er 10,000 m em bers by the end of 2007
2月 F eb rua ry
·舉行「香港發展新工業」研討會, 並 公 佈 「 香 港 發 展 新 工 業 的 建 議 」 研 究 報 告 ·陳克勤出任特首辦特別助理 ·Held a sem inar on "Develop m ent of N ew Indus tr i es i n H ong Kong" and publ i c i z ed our pr opos al s i n a r esear ch r epor t ·Chan Hak Kan ser ved as th e C hi ef Ex ec uti v e’s s pec i al as s i s tant
3月 March
聯盟港區全國人大代表和政協委員在北京「兩會」期間提出13項建議和意見 DAB delegates of the NPC an d C PPC C w ent to Bei j i ng to attend the “ tw o s es s i ons ” and gav e 13 s ugges ti ons and pr oposals to the Centr al Gov er nm ent
4月 A p ri l
·民建聯組團訪問澳門,獲行政長官 何 厚 鏵 接 見 並 共 晉 午 餐 ·舉辦路向營,主題為「建設一個有 前 景 的 政 黨 」 ·A DAB delegation visited M ac ao, w her e w e m et and s har ed l unc h w i th the C hi ef Ex ec uti v e of M ac ao, M r. Ho Hau Wah ·Held a r etr eat with the topic : “ Es tabl i s hi ng a par ty w i th a futur e”
5月 May
·民建聯立法會議員、常委、福建省政協委員等組團訪問福建,拜訪了省委、省政府和有關部門官員 ·公佈「讓啟德再起飛—東南九龍發展規劃」建議書,並製作了模型在多區巡迴展覽,諮詢公眾意見 ·提出「建構和諧家庭-民建聯家庭友善政策建議書」、舉行「建構和諧家庭研討會」,及公佈「支援家庭行動綱領」,以 推動家庭融洽和社會和諧 ·DAB Legislative Councilors, Standing Committee members and the Fujian Provincial CPPCC members set up a delegation to visit Fujian. We visited the Fujian provincial government and related department officials ·Published a proposal for the former Kai Tak airport regarding development in southeastern Kowloon. We set up a model that toured many districts and consulted with the public for their advice on the Kai Tak issue ·We pr oposed and held a sem i nar on the “ Bui l di ng a har m oni ous fam i l y i ni ti ati v e” and announc ed a “ fam i l y suppor t pr ogr am ” in or der to pr om ote fam i l y v al ues and s oc i al har m ony
7月 Ju l y
·民建聯就大嶼山發展規劃聘請顧問公司,進行詳細研究,就東涌、大澳、梅窩及大嶼南四區的發展規劃提出建議,並舉辦 「大嶼山發展規劃研討會」 ·舉辦十四周年會慶酒會 ·The DAB hir ed consultants to thor oughl y r es ear c h the pl ans for dev el opm ent on Lantau Is l and. We gav e pr oposals for Tung Chung, Tai O, M ui Wo and s outher n Lautau and hel d a s em i nar on the pl ans for dev el opm ent on Lantau ·Held our 14th anniver sar y c oc k tai l r ec epti on
8月 A u g u st
·在全港18區發起反對開徵商品及服務稅簽名運動,將約7萬名市民簽名遞交給政府及到立法會遞交請願信 ·發表了「香港在泛珠區域合作中的前景、問題與對策」研究報告,及舉行「十一五規劃下香港在泛珠區域合作中的對策」 論壇 ·We held an anti- goods and s er v i c es tax s i gnatur e c am pai gn w hi c h r ec ei v ed ar ound 70,000 s i gnatur es . This we handed as a petitio n to the H KSAR gov er nm ent and Legc o ·We published our r esear ch r epor t on “ H ong Kong and Pan- Pear l R i v er D el ta R egi onal C ooper ati on: F utur e , Challenges and Str ategies”. We al s o hel d a for um on s tr ategi es for H ong Kong to w or k w i thi n thi s fr am ewor k under the ter m s of the 11th “ F i v e- Year Pl an”
9月 S e p te mber
·民建聯中委、監委正副主席及會務顧問等一行30多人到北京訪問,得到國家副主席曾慶紅及全國政協副主席、中央統戰部 部長劉延東、港澳辦副主任陳佐洱等中央領導接見,訪問團就香港市民關心的問題與有關部門交流,並得到積極回應 ·東區區議會翠灣選區舉行補選,民建聯候選人姜淑敏未能取得議席 ·The DAB Centr al Com m ittee, c hai r and v i c e- c hai r of the Senate and Par ty Affai r s Adv i s or s v i s i ted Bei j i ng as par t of a delegation with ov er 30 m em ber s . We m et w i th the Vi c e- Pr es i dent of the PR C Z eng Qi nghong, the Vice- Chair per son of the C PPC C and C hai r of the U ni ted F r ont Wor k D epar tm ent Li u Yandong, and the Vice- Chair per son of the Hong Kong and M ac ao Affai r s Offi c e C hen Z uo’ er. T he D AB del egati on ex pr es s ed the issues that the people of H ong Kong w er e i nter es ted i n and c onc er ned about to the v ar i ous depar tm ents of the Centr al Gover nm ent, fr om w hom w e r ec ei v ed a pr oac ti v e r es pons e ·The Easter n Distr ict Counc i l hel d a by - el ec ti on i n Ts ui Wan c ons ti tuenc y, w her e the D AB c andi date Keung Suk M an was not elected
11月 N ove mber
2006年11月至2007年1月期間舉行一連串籌募經費活動,包括:街頭籌款、元旦步行籌款及籌款晚會,共籌得款項超過五 百萬 We held m ultiple fundr aising ev ents fr om N ov em ber 2006 to J anuar y 2007. T hi s i nc l uded: s tr eetside fundr aising, a New Year ’s w al k athon and a fundr ai s i ng ev eni ng par ty. In total w e fundr ai s ed ov er HKD$5,000,000
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
舉行「奮力向前,進軍一萬」發展會員活動 Held a recruiting drive on new year’s day in order for the DAB to have over 10,000 members by the end of 2007(2006)
在 2006 年訪京,獲中央統戰部部長劉延東接見 The DAB Beijing Delegation met with the Chair of the United Front Work Department Liu Yandong
製作東南九龍發展模型在多區巡迴展覽 Set up a model of the development in southeastern Kowloon and toured many districts (2006)
發表《香港在泛珠區域合作中的前景、問題與對策》 Published the research report on“Hong Kong and Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation: Future, Challenges and Strategies”(2006)
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2007 1月 Ja n u a ry
發表「香港國際金融中心發展策略」系列報告,舉辦「香港國際金融中心發展策略」研討會 We published our ser ies of r e por ts on “ Str ategi es for dev el opi ng H ong Kong as an i nter nati onal fi nanc i al centr e” and held a r esear ch s em i nar on thi s topi c
2月 F eb rua ry
行政長官曾蔭權拜訪民建聯,介 紹 參 選 政 綱 及 交 流 意 見 Chief Executive Donald Tsang m et w i th the D AB, w her e he i ntr oduc ed hi s pl atfor m to us
3月 March
·舉辦義工團啟動禮 ·聯盟港區全國人大代表和政協委員在北京「兩會」期間提出8項建議和意見 ·Held the opening cer em ony for our v ol unteer team ·DAB delegates of the NPC and C PPC C tr av el l ed to Bei j i ng to attend the “ tw o s es s i ons ” , and w e gav e 8 pr oposals to the Centr al Go v er nm ent
4月 A p ri l
選出第九屆中央委員會、常務委員會及第二屆監察委員會。中委會通過聘請6位會務顧問 We elected our ninth Centr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees and our s ec ond Senate m em ber s T he C entr al C om m ittee hir ed 6 Par ty Affair s Adv i s or s
5月 May
·觀塘區議會啟業選區補選,民建聯 候 選 人 施 能 熊 當 選 ·民建聯家庭事務委員會與基督教團 體 舉 行 「 主 力 愛 家 庭 」 研 討 會 , 有 7 0 0 多 人 出 席 ·The Kwun Tong Distr ict Cou nc i l hel d a by - el ec ti on i n Kai Yi p c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date Sz e Lung Hung was elected ·The DAB Fam ily Affair s Comm i ttee hel d a s em i nar on “ D ev oti on to Lov i ng our F am i l i es ” w i th C hr i s ti an or ganizations, wher eupon 700 peopl e par ti c i pated i n thi s ev ent
7月 Ju l y
·第七屆「進一步的天空」香港大專生暑期內地實習計劃正式展開,37位大專生到廣東省8家企業實習。同時,亦有48位大 專生參與第六屆大專生暑期本地實習計劃 ·民建聯在香港體育館舉行15周年會慶晚會,8,500會員聚首共歡 ·800多位來自政商界人士出席15周年會慶酒會 ·發起「賑濟內地水災籌款」街頭募捐活動,協助重慶市進行救援工作,籌得善款超過30萬 ·The seventh sum m er inter ns hi p pr ogr am " A Gr eater H or i z on" for H ong Kong pos ts ec ondar y s tudents w as held and 37 students par tic i pated i n i nter ns hi ps w i thi n 8 Guangdong fi r m s . At the s am e ti m e, 48 s tudents par ticipated in local sum m er i nter ns hi ps w i thi n H ong Kong ·The DAB held its 15th anniv er s ar y c el ebr ati on gal a i n the H ong Kong C ol i s eum , w hi c h w as attended by 8,500 joyous m em ber s ·Over 800 m em ber s fr om po l i ti c al and bus i nes s s ec tor s attended our 15 t h anni v er s ar y c oc k tai l r ec epti on ·Held a str eetside fundr aise r for fl ood r el i ef for C hongqi ng that r ai s ed ov er $300,000 H KD
8月 A u g u st
·馬力主席於8月8日因癌病在廣州中山大學附屬腫瘤醫院辭世,喪禮於8月24日在香港殯儀館舉行,馬主席的靈柩蓋上國 旗,政商界及社會團體6,000多人出席公祭悼念 ·8月28日召開常委會,會上譚耀宗當選為新主席 ·發表「永不落幕的國際展銷之都」研究報告,倡議全面發展本地展覽業 ·公佈對未來政制發展的建議,提出2017年落實行政長官普選,降低提名門檻至50人提名,並要通過「民主程序」確認候 選人 ·Chair per son M a Lik passed aw ay of c anc er on 8 Augus t at the Sun Yat Sen U ni v er s i ty C anc er H os pi tal . The funer al was held at the H ong Kong F uner al H om e on 24 Augus t. Ov er 6,000 m our ner s fr om bus i nes s and social gr oups attended the funer al , w her e C hai r per s on M a’s c as k et w as dr aped w i th the N ati onal F l ag ·Held a special m eeting of the Standi ng C om m i ttee on 28 Augus t, w her e Tam Yi u C hung w as el ec ted as the new chair per son of the DAB ·Publicized our r esear ch r epor t on “ the D ev el opm ent of H ong Kong as a Per m anent Inter nati onal Ex hi bi ti on Centr e” and gave pr oposals for the hol i s ti c dev el opm ent of H ong Kong’s ex hi bi ti on and c onv enti on i ndus try ·We publicized our pr oposal s for futur e pol i ti c al r efor m . We c al l ed for i m pl em enti ng uni v er s al s uffr age for the 2017 Chief Executive E l ec ti on and to l ow er the num ber of nom i nati ons r equi r ed per c andi date to 50. Also we pointed out that eac h c andi date m us t be r ec ogni s ed by dem oc r ati c pr oc edur es
11月 N ove mber
派出1 7 7 名成員參加區議會選舉, 贏 得 1 1 5 個 議 席 Fielded 177 candidates in the D i s tr i c t C ounc i l El ec ti on, of w hom 115 w on thei r s eats
12月 D ece mber
12月13日,南京大屠殺七十周年,民建聯代表遊行至日本領事館請願,要求日本政府承認侵華史實,正式道歉及賠償,並永 遠放棄軍國主義 On 13 December, which was the 70th anniversary of the Nanjing massacre, DAB representatives protested at the Japanese Consulate and requested that the Japanese government acknowledge the historical facts of its invasion of China, to properly provide apologies and compensation, and to renounce militarism firmly and permanently
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
2007 年區議會選舉誓師大會 2007 District Council Election Rally
舉辦「香港國際金融中心發展策略」研討會 Seminar on“Strategies for developing Hong Kong as an international financial centre”(2007)
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2008 1月 Ja n u a ry
新一屆區議員在1月1日正式上任,全體民建聯區議員齊集尖沙咀文化中心,發表服務社區宣言 The new Distr ict Councilor s wer e offi c i al l y s w or n i n on 1 J anuar y. T he D AB di s tr i c t c ounc i l or s c onv ened at the Tsim Sha Tsui Cultur al Ce ntr e to publ i c al l y announc e that they w i l l s er v e the needs of thei r di s tr i c ts
2月 F eb rua ry
民建聯發起「賑濟內地雪災籌款」,共籌得一百多萬元及禦寒衣物,分兩批送到韶關 The DAB held a Snowstor m r el i ef fundr ai s er for the M ai nl and, w her e w e w er e abl e to fundr ai s e ov er $1,000,000 HKD and also col d- w eather r es i s tant c l othi ng, w hi c h w e s ent i n tw o s epar ate gr oups to Shaoguan, Guangdong
3月 March
·舉辦義工嘉許禮,義工人數接近4,500人 ·舉辦路向營,主題為「繼續打拼為香港」 ·聯盟港區全國人大代表和政協委員在北京「兩會」期間提出11項建議和意見 · H eld a celebr ation gala for our v ol unteer s , of w hom ar ound 4,500 j oi ned our c el ebr ati on ·Held a r etr eat on the topic of “ C onti nui ng to w or k har d for H ong Kong” ·DAB delegates of the NPC and the C PPC C tr av el l ed to Bei j i ng to attend the “ tw o s es s i ons ” , w her e w e gav e 11 pr oposals to the Centr al Gov er nm ent
5月 May
·5月12日四川省發生八級地震,民建聯隨即發起「賑濟四川地震大行動」,包括籌款、探望災民,以及去信溫家寶總理關 注捐款的運用和建築物質量 ·副主席蘇錦樑獲政府委任為商務及經濟發展局副局長,中委張文韜及成員徐英偉,分別獲委任為發展局及民政事務局政治助理 ·專業事務委員會20位律師首次組織法律團,於5月19至20日訪京 ·On 12 May, an earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale struck Sichuan Province. The DAB organized a series of events for relief, which included fundraisers and visiting victims of the earthquake. We wrote a letter to Premier Wen Jiabao regarding how to use these donations, and also on the quality of the buildings ·Vice- chair So Kam Leung w as appoi nted as the U nder - Sec r etar y for C om m er c e and Ec onom i c D ev el opm ent by the HKSAR gover n m ent. T he D AB C entr al C om m i ttee m em ber C heung M an To and D AB m em ber Tsui Ying Wai becam e polit i c al as s i s tants i n the D ev el opm ent and H om e Affai r s Bur eaus r es pec ti v el y ·The Pr ofessionals Affair s C om m i ttee of the D AB s et up a l egal del egati on of 20 l aw y er s to v i s i t Bei j i ng for the fir st tim e on 19- 20 M ay
6月 Ju n e
主席譚耀宗聯同多位負責人,於6月9至10日到台灣訪問兩天,會晤台灣政經界代表,探討在台灣新政治局勢下,兩岸四地今 後應如何把握發展機遇 Chair per son Tam Yiu Chung and v ar i ous r ank i ng per s onnel v i s i ted Tai w an for tw o day s on 9- 10 J une. T hey m et with r epr esentatives fr om the pol i ti c al and bus i nes s s ec tor s of Tai w an, and hel d di s c us s i ons on how to im pr ove cooper ation and opp or tuni ti es for dev el opm ent i n the M ai nl and, H ong Kong, Tai w an and M ac ao
7月 Ju l y
舉辦十六周年會慶酒會 Held our 16 t h anniver sar y coc k tai l r ec epti on
9月 S e p te mber
·參加立法會選舉,共獲取1 3 個 議 席 ·成立雷曼事件工作小組協助苦主追 討 , 並 向 政 府 提 出 一 系 列 解 決 問 題 的 建 議 ·The DAB par ticipated in the Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l El ec ti ons and w on 13 s eats ·Set up a wor king gr oup on the Lehm an c as e to hel p v i c ti m s r ec ov er, and s ent a s er i es of pr opos al s to solve this m ajor pr oblem to the H KSAR gov er nm ent
10月 Octo b e r
·民建聯立法會議員曾鈺成擔任立法 會 主 席 ·油尖旺區議會佐敦選區補選,民建 聯 候 選 人 葉 傲 冬 當 選 ·DAB Legislative Councilor Ts ang Yok Si ng bec am e the Pr es i dent of the Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l ·The Yau Tsim M ong Distr ict C ounc i l hel d a by - el ec ti on i n J or dan c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date Ip Ngo Tung was elected
11月 N ove mber
·黃大仙區議會慈雲西選區補選,民 建 聯 候 選 人 袁 國 強 當 選 ·1 1 月1 2 日,八十多位民建聯區 議 員 出 席 集 思 會 , 討 論 議 題 包 括 議 員 行 為 操 守 、 權 責 及 如 何 發 揮 團 隊 精 神 ·The Wong Tai Sin Distr ict C ounc i l hel d a by - el ec ti on i n Ts z Wan Shan Wes t c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andidate Yuen Kwok Keung w as el ec ted ·On 12 Novem ber, m or e than 80 D AB di s tr i c t c ounc i l or s attended a br ai ns tor m i ng s es s i on. Topi c s of di s cussion included the pr oper behav i or of c ounc i l or s , the r es pons i bi l i ty of pow er and how to i m pr ov e our team wor k and team spir it
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
2008 年元旦日在尖沙咀發表服務社區宣言 The DAB District Councilors announced that they will serve the needs of their districts at Tsim Sha Tsui
賑濟四川地震災民籌款 Fund-raising for earthquake victims in Sichuan in 2008
2008 年立法會選舉誓師大會 2008 Legislative Council Elections Rally
專業事務委員會組織法律團訪京 The Professionals Affairs Committee set up a legal delegation to Beijing (2008)
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2009 2月 F eb rua ry
法國佳士得拍賣行拍賣兩件英法聯軍於1860年從北京圓明園掠奪的兔首及鼠首銅像,2月24日民建聯到法國領事館抗議,表 明拍賣有違國際公約 Christie’s of France held an auction on two imperial bronze zodiac pieces (a rabbit and a rat) stolen from the Summer Palace outside Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860. On 24 February, the DAB protested at the French Consulate and expressed to them that the auction by Christie’s contravened international agreements
3月 March
·沙田區議會大圍選區舉行補選,民建聯候選人袁貴才未能取得議席 ·聯盟港區全國人大代表和政協委員在北京「兩會」期間提出17項建議和意見 · T he Sha Tin Distr ict Counc i l hel d a by - el ec ti on i n Tai Wai c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date Yuen Kw ai Choi was not elected ·DAB delegates for the NPC and the C PPC C tr av el l ed to Bei j i ng to attend the “ tw o s es s i ons ” , w her e w e gave 17 pr oposals to the Centr al Gov er nm ent
4月 A p ri l
·組織「工商專業界國情研習班」到北京國家行政學院上課 ·民建聯代表聯同20名捐助者,於4月23至26日到四川彭州市及映秀鎮等地視察,了解四川地震後災民生活及災區重建情況 ·選出第十屆中央委員會、常務委員會及第三屆監察委員會 ·We or ganized the “ Business and Pr ofes s i onal s w or k s hop on C hi na” to tak e c l as s es at the C hi nes e Ac adem y of Gover nance in Beijing ·DAB r epr esentatives and 20 donor s v i s i ted Pengz hou c i ty and Yi ngx i u tow n i n Si c huan Pr ov i nc e fr om 2326 Apr il in or der to inspect and under s tand the s i tuati on of s ur v i v or s and the pr ogr es s of r ec ons tr uc ti on i n affected ar eas of Sichuan Pr ov i nc e ·We elected m em ber s of our 10 t h C entr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees and our 3 r d Senate
5月 May
·舉辦路向營,主題為「薪火相傳建 未 來 」 ·舉辦義工嘉許禮 ·Held a r etr eat with the topic of “ Pas s i ng the tor c h to c ar r y on bui l di ng the futur e” ·Held the volunteer celebr ator y gal a
6月 Ju n e
·月中,民建聯代表拜訪深圳市政府,討論如何落實《深圳市綜合配套改革試驗總體方案》,並提交了促進港深合作的建議書 ·灣仔區議會鵝頸選區舉行補選,民 建 聯 候 選 人 鍾 嘉 敏 當 選 ·6 月2 9 至7 月2 日,組團到台灣考 察 ,了 解 當 地 的 文 化 和 環 保 工 作 ·In mid-June, DAB representatives visited the Shenzhen municipal government and discussed the development of Shenzhen, and made suggestions on how to increase cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen ·The Wan Chai Distr ict Counc i l hel d a by - el ec ti on i n C anal R oad c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date C hung Ka M an was elected ·A DAB delegation visited Tai w an fr om 29 J une to 2 J ul y, and l ear ned about l oc al c ul tur e and env i r onm enta l wor k in Taiwan
7月 Ju l y
·舉行音樂劇「蝶」籌款晚會籌募經 費 ·舉辦十七周年會慶酒會 ·Held a fundr aising m usical per for m anc e of “ Butter fl i es ” ·Held our 17 t h anniver sar y coc k tai l r ec epti on
8月 A ug u st
8月10至14日,民建聯代表團遊訪廣東13個城市,了解廣東省經濟和社會發展的最新情況,並推動兩地合作 A DAB delegation visited 13 c i ti es i n Guangdong fr om 10- 14 Augus t. T hey l ear ned the l ates t dev el opm ents about the econom y and society i n Guangdong and pr opos ed w ay s to i nc r eas e m utual c ooper ati on betw een Guangdong and Hong Kong
11月 N o ve mber
民建聯組團到訪福建省,了解海峽 西 岸 經 濟 區 的 最 新 發 展 情 況 A DAB delegation visited Fuji an to l ear n the l ates t dev el opm ents about the Ec onom i c Z one on the Wes t Coast of Taiwan Str aits
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
舉行音樂劇「蝶」籌款晚會 Held a fundraising musical performance of“Butterflies”(2009)
舉辦路向營,主題為「薪火相傳建未來」 Held a retreat with the topic of“Passing the torch to carry on building the future”(2009)
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2010 本年 T hi s Ye ar
以「愛自己 愛生命 愛地球」為主題,推出一連串形象宣傳活動,宣揚關愛精神 Our them e in 2010 was “ Thr e e l ov es - l ov e y our s el f, l ov e l i fe, l ov e the ear th” . We hel d a num ber of ev ents to spr ead the spir it of love in so c i ety
1月 Ja n u a ry
·民建聯發表聲明,譴責所謂的「五區公投運動」 ·舉辦「支持興建高鐵簽名運動」,在短時間內獲得數以萬計的市民簽名支持 ·舉行簽名行動呼籲市民簽名支持政制向前走 ·海地地震後,民建聯迅速在全港設置超過二百個籌款點,共籌得逾港幣81萬善款 ·The DAB str ongly condem n ed the s o- c al l ed “ fi v e c ons ti tuenc y r efer endum ” ·Held a signatur e petition in s uppor t of the Ex pr es s R ai l Li nk , and got tens of thous ands of s i gnatur es fr om r esidents in suppor t within a s hor t per i od of ti m e ·Held a signatur e petition for r es i dents to s uppor t pol i ti c al r efor m ·After the Haitian ear thquak e the D AB qui c k l y s et up ov er 200 donati on poi nts i n H ong Kong, r ai s i ng a total of ar ound $810,000 HKD for H ai ti
2月 F eb rua ry
與中華書局合作出版《建港方略 一 民 建 聯 政 經 研 究 論 集 : 經 濟 篇 》 Co- published a book with Chung H w a Book C om pany that c ol l ec ted the m any ec onom i c pr opos al s of the D AB to the HKSAR gover nm ent ov er the y ear s
3月 March
聯盟港區全國人大代表和政協委 員 在 北 京 「 兩 會 」 期 間 提 出 1 3 項 建 議 和 意 見 DAB delegates of the NPC an d C PPC C tr av el l ed to Bei j i ng for the “ tw o s es s i ons ” and gav e 13 pr opos al s to the Centr al Gover nm ent
4月 A p ri l
·4 月1 6 日及2 0 至2 5 日,民建聯 在 全 港 1 8 區 設 置 超 過 2 0 0 個 籌 款 點 , 為 青 海 玉 樹 地 震 災 區 籌 款 , 共 籌 得 港 幣 1 7 5 萬 元 ·贊助商台製作深宵節目《十八仝人 愛 落 區 》 , 推 廣 「 愛 自 己 • 愛 生 命 • 愛 地 球 」 精 神 ·On 16 Apr il and fr om 20- 25 Apr i l , the D AB s et up m or e than 200 donati on poi nts i n H ong Kong for the Yushu ear thquake in Qingh ai , and w e fundr ai s ed a total of ar ound H KD $1,750,000 ·We helped sponsor the late ni ght s how “ N i ght R i der 18” on C om m er c i al R adi o i n or der to pr om ote our slogan “ love your self, love l i fe and l ov e the ear th”
6月 Ju n e
舉辦路向營,主題為「發展壯大 迎 接 未 來 」 Held a r etr eat on the topic “ S tr ong dev el opm ent to w el c om e the futur e”
7月 Ju l y
舉辦十八周年會慶酒會 Held our 18 t h anniver sar y coc k tai l r ec epti on
呼籲市民簽名支持政制向前走 Held a signature petition for residents to support political reform (2010)
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
出版《建港方略》 Published a collection of the DAB economic proposals (2010)
2010 8月 A u g u st
·月底,發生「馬尼拉人質事件」後,民建聯舉行全港簽名運動,收集到11萬個市民簽名,要求菲律賓當局徹查事件,向受 害人及其家屬作出賠償。及後,民建聯與其他黨派舉行「沉痛哀悼在馬尼拉遇難同胞大遊行」,有8萬名市民參加 ·日本政府計劃將包括釣魚島在內的25個離島「國有財產化」,民建聯於8月底到日本領事館抗議 ·8月20至22日,在全港18區設置籌款點,為舟曲縣泥石流災民及巴基斯坦水災災民籌款,共籌得港幣逾33萬,民建聯把善 款平分後,分別送交中聯辦及香港紅十字會 ·舉辦義工嘉許禮 ·In late August after the “ M anila Ho s tage i nc i dent” , the D AB hel d a s i gnatur e c am pai gn that am as s ed 110,000 signatur es to dem and tha t the Phi l i ppi ne gov er nm ent thor oughl y i nv es ti gate the m atter and pr ovide com pensation to the fam ilies of thos e affec ted. After thi s , the D AB i n c onj unc ti on w i th other par ti es held a m ar ch m em or ializing the liv es l os t by our c om patr i ots i n M ani l a. 80,000 r es i dents j oi ned thi s m ar c h ·The Japanese gover nm ent decide d to nati onal i z e 25 i s l ets i nc l udi ng D i aoy u Is l ands and the D AB w ent to the Japanese consulate to pr otest thi s i n l ate Augus t ·Fr om 20- 22 August, we set up donati on poi nts i n al l 18 di s tr i c ts of H ong Kong to fundr ai s e for v i c ti m s of both the Zhouqu county m udflow d i s as ter and al s o the Pak i s tan fl oods . We m anaged to fundr ai s e a total of HKD$330,000 and after splitting up the funds fai r l y s ent the funds to the LOC PG and the H ong Kong Red Cr oss ·We held our volunteer celebr ation gal a
9月 S e p te mbe r
·民建聯與香港專業進修學校合辦第一屆「新一代政治專才文憑」課程,以培養政治人才 ·到訪越南胡志明市,拜訪胡志明市政府及社會各界,以了解越南的經濟狀況及貿易投資環境,並就兩地經貿合作及簽證安 排等議題進行交流 ·中國漁船於釣魚島海域與日本海上保安廳船隻發生碰撞,民建聯於撞船事件翌日到日本領事館遞交請願信,嚴正抗議日本 侵犯中國領土主權 ·The DAB and the Hong Kong College of Tec hnol ogy j oi ntl y hel d a di pl om a c our s e to tr ai n new pol i ti c i ans ·A DAB delegation visited Ho Chi Mi nh C i ty i n Vi etnam and m et w i th r epr es entati v es of the m uni c i pal gov er nm ent and fr om var ious sector s of Vi etnam es e s oc i ety. We l ear ned the ec onom i c s i tuati on of Vi etnam and the tr ade and investm ent env i r onm ent, and hel d di s c us s i ons on ec onom i c c ooper ati on, tr ade and the issuing of visitor visas ·A Chinese fishing ship cr ashed into a s hi p of the J apan c oas t guar d near D i aoy u Is l ands . T he D AB w ent to pr otest at the Japanese consul ate the day after the i nc i dent, s tr ongl y c ondem ni ng J apanes e attem pts to subver t Chinese ter r itor ial sover ei gnty
12月 D ece mbe r
·東莞香港專業服務中心開幕 ·舉行音樂劇「愛上鄧麗君」籌款晚會籌 募 經 費 ·The Hong Kong Pr ofessional Ser v i c e C entr e opens i n D ongguan ·We held a fundr aising concer t “ Lov e U , Ter es a” and enj oy ed the nos tal gi c m el odi es of Ter es a Teng
「三愛」運動吉祥物亮相年宵攤位開幕禮 The mascot of the “Three Loves” campaign shown up at the opening ceremony of the DAB lunar new year fair stalls in (2010)
音樂劇「愛上鄧麗君」籌款晚會 Fundraising concert“Love U, Teresa”(2010)
音樂劇「愛上鄧麗君」籌款晚會 Fundraising concert“Love U, Teresa”(2010)
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2011 1月 Ja n u a ry
民建聯與中華書局再度合作,出版《愛建家園一民建聯建港方略研究論集二》 We co- published our second c ol l ec ti on of D AB pr opos al s ov er the y ear s w i th the C hung H w a Book C om pany
3月 March
·月中,民建聯前往深圳前海實地考 察 , 並 與 前 海 管 理 局 副 局 長 周 子 友 等 會 面 , 了 解 前 海 的 最 新 進 展 ·日本「3 ‧1 1 大地震」後,民建 聯 在 全 港 1 8 區 設 立 街 站 , 收 集 逾 萬 名 市 民 簽 名 , 向 日 本 受 災 人 民 致 以 慰 問 和 祝 福 ·聯盟港區全國人大代表和政協委 員 在 北 京 「 兩 會 」 期 間 提 出 1 4 項 建 議 和 意 見 ·In m id- M ar ch, a DAB deleg ati on tr av el l ed to Qi anhai di s tr i c t i n Shenz hen to under s tand i ts dev el opm ent. We m et with the vice- chair of the Qi anhai adm i ni s tr ati v e bur eau Z hou Z i y ou as w el l as other per s ons , and lear ned the newest plans d ev el opm ents i n Qi anhai ·After the Tohoku ear thquak e and ts unam i i n J apan on 11 M ar c h, the D AB s et up adv er ti s i ng s pots and collected signatur es fr om te ns of thous ands of r es i dents , ex pr es s i ng our c ondol enc es and bl es s i ngs to the people affected in Japan ·DAB delegates of the NPC and C PPC C tr av el ed to Bei j i ng for the “ tw o s es s i ons ” and w e gav e 14 pr opos als to the Centr al Gover nm ent
4月 A pri l
·為紀念辛亥革命100周年,民建聯於4月24日至27日舉辦四天交流團,組織香港大學生及中學生,考察中山市及武漢市, 重溫革命歷史 ·選出第十一屆中央委員會、常務委員會及第四屆監察委員會 ·提出新口號「一個有承擔的政黨」,以突顯民建聯的從政理念:勇於承擔,敢於拒絕,堅持以「是其是 非其非」的態度審 議政府政策 · I n or der to com m em or ate th e 100th anni v er s ar y of the Xi nhai r ev ol uti on, the D AB hel d 4 day s of tour s fr om 24- 27 Apr il. We or ganized gr oups of uni v er s i ty and s ec ondar y s tudents fr om H ong Kong to v i s i t Z hongshan and Wuhan in or der to r el ear n the hi s tor y of the Xi nhai r ev ol uti on · W e elected m em ber s to our 11th C entr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees and our 4th Senate · W e set our new slogan “ The Par ty You C an C ount On” i n or der to s how the pol i ti c al phi l os ophy of the D AB : That we will br avely should er the bur den and ar e w i l l i ng to s ay “ no” , that w e w i l l hol d a fi r m atti tude of calling a spade a spade
5月 Ma y
5月至7月,民建聯及青年民建聯合共舉辦6場工作坊,廣邀各界討論,以整理市民對新特首的期望 On 7 M ay, the DAB and YoungD AB hel d 6 w or k s hops and i nv i ted a br oad s l i c e of s oc i ety to attend and di s cuss the hopes of the people of H ong Kong tow ar ds the new C hi ef Ex ec uti v e
7月 Jul y
·7 月2 4 日,民建聯出版首部黨史 : 《 建 港 心 路 一 與 民 建 聯 的 緣 與 份 》 ·舉辦十九周年會慶酒會 ·舉辦義工嘉許禮 ·On 24 July, the DAB published i ts fi r s t hi s tor y of the D AB. We i nter v i ew ed D AB m em ber s on thei r pas s i on for the DAB ·We held our 19th anniver sar y c oc k tai l r ec epti on ·We held our volunteer celebr ator y gal a
11月 N o ve mber
派出1 8 2 名成員參加區議會選舉, 贏 得 1 3 6 個 議 席 We r an 182 candidates in the D i s tr i c t C ounc i l El ec ti on, w i nni ng 136 s eats
12月 D e ce mber
12月12日,正式發表「對新行政長官的期望」,並於同日先後與行政長官參選人唐英年及梁振英作內部交流 On 12 Decem ber, we publiciz ed our hopes and ex pec tati ons for the nex t C hi ef Ex ec uti v e. On that s am e day we held inter nal m eetings with c andi dates Tang Yi ng Yen and Leung C hun Yi ng
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
舉行 2011 區議會選舉造勢大會 2011 Disrict Council Election Rally
舉行對新特首期望座談會 Held a meeting with Chief Executive Election candidates (2011)
出版首部黨史《建港心路-與民建聯的緣與份》 Published the first history of the DAB
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2012 3月 March
·舉辦了第二屆「新一代政治專才文憑課程」 ·民建聯港區全國人大代表和政協委員在北京「兩會」期間提出25項建議和意見 ·3月23日就特首選舉的投票安排召開中委會會議,一致決定支持梁振英先生成為下任特首,並向黨內選委推薦。 ·We held our second diplom a c our s e for buddi ng pol i ti c i ans ·DAB delegates of the NPC and C PPC C tr av el ed to Bei j i ng for the “ tw o s es s i ons ” w her e w e m ade 25 pr oposals to the Centr al Gover nm ent ·On 23 M ar ch, the Centr al C om m i ttee hel d a m eeti ng and dec i ded to s uppor t Leung C hun Yi ng for the C hi e f Executive Election, and we c om m uni c ated thi s dec i s i on to the D AB m em ber s of the El ec tor al C om m i ttee
4月 A p ri l
·4月至7月間,推出八集實況網劇《家家有求》,宣傳民建聯真誠服務市民的訊息 ·舉辦路向營,主題為「新形勢、新發展」 · F r om Apr il to July we pr omoted an 8- epi s ode onl i ne s er i es to adv er ti s e the D AB’s s i nc er e s er v i c e to H ong Kong r esidents ·We held a r etr eat with the topi c “ new s i tuati ons and new dev el opm ents ”
6月 Jun e
6 月9 日和1 0 日,在紅磡香港體育 館 舉 辦 了 兩 場 「 2 0 周 年 會 慶 文 藝 匯 演 」 , 共 1 . 6 萬 名 會 員 及 家 屬 出 席 Fr om 9- 10 June, we held two 20th anni v er s ar y c ul tur al per for m anc es i n the H ong Kong C ol i s eum i n H ung Hom , wher e a total of 16,000 m em ber s and thei r fam i l i es attended
7月 Jul y
·出版《民建聯2 0 年史》 ·舉辦義工嘉許禮 ·舉辦二十周年會慶酒會 ·We published the 20 year h i s tor y of the D AB ·We held our volunteer celebr ator y gal a ·We held our 20th anniver sar y c oc k tai l r ec epti on
9月 S ep te mber
參加立法會選舉,共獲取1 3 個議 席 We par ticipated in the Legisl ati v e C ounc i l El ec ti ons , w i nni ng 13 s eats
11月 N o ve mber
·舉行籌款晚會籌募經費 ·沙田區議會鞍泰選區舉行補選,民 建 聯 候 選 人 招 文 亮 當 選 ·We held a fundr aising even i ng gal a ·The Sha Tin Distr ict Counci l hel d a by - el ec ti on i n On Tai c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date C hi u M an Leong was elected
12月 D e ce mber
·劉江華獲任命為政制及內地事務局副局長 ·民建聯主要領導及立法會議員組團訪問廣東省,拜訪了佛山、中山、東莞、惠洲、江門、揭陽、汕頭和潮洲市政府,期望 加強與各市的溝通和聯繫 ·Lau Kong Wah was appoint ed as the U nder - Sec r etar y for C ons ti tuti onal and M ai nl and Affai r s ·Leader s and Legislative Counc i l or s of the D AB v i s i ted Guangdong. T he del egati on v i s i ted the m uni c i pal gover nm ents of Foshan, Zhongs han, D ongguan, H ui z hou, J i angm en, J i ey ang, Shantou and C haoz hou. We expr essed our hope to str engthen c ontac ts and c om m uni c ati on w i th eac h c i ty
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
2012 立法會選舉造勢大會 2012 Legislative Council Elections Rally
在紅館舉行「20 周年會慶文藝匯演」 Held two 20th anniversary cultural performances in the Hong Kong Coliseum in 2012
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2013 本年 T hi s Ye ar
·與香港中文大學化學病理系合作推出「免費鼻咽癌檢測計劃」,為約3000名40-60歲的本港男士免費檢測鼻咽癌 ·工商事務委員會舉辦「2012年中國重大稅務及外匯政策變動回顧及2013年之稅務策劃要點」座談會、「中國-東盟自由貿 易區與香港」講座,並分別舉辦橫琴、前海、南山三個新區的考察活動 ·家庭事務委員會與香港政策研究所合作,就年青家庭面對的困難進行了深入研究及制定相關政策建議 ·民建聯設立「選舉學校」,舉辦一系列培訓,藉此提升會員的選舉知識及技巧 ·婦女事務委員會與香港乳癌基金會合辦「免費乳健檢查計劃」,為低收入婦女提供免費乳健講座及檢查,並參與「乳健同 行2013」步行籌款,宣揚乳健訊息 ·We cooper ated with the CU H K D epar tm ent of C hem i c al Pathol ogy to pr om ote “ fr ee s c r eeni ng for N as ophar ynx cancer ” and pr ovided ar ound 3000 H ong Kong m en 40- 60 y ear s of age w i th fr ee nas ophar y nx cancer scr eening ·The Industr ial and Com m erc i al Affai r s C om m i ttee hel d a for um on “ Im por tant tax and for ei gn ex c hange r efor m s in China dur ing 201 2 and tax pol i c y for 2013” and a l ec tur e on the “ C hi na- M i deas t fr ee tr ade z one and Hong Kong” . We also hel d v i s i ts i n H engqi n, Qi anhai and N ans han di s tr i c ts on the M ai nl and ·The Fam ily Affair s Com m itt ee c ooper ated w i th the H ong Kong Pol i c y R es ear c h Ins ti tute to r es ear c h the challenges that face young fam i l i es and to pr opos e pol i c i es to hel p them ·The DAB set up the “ electio n s c hool ” and r an a s er i es of tr ai ni ng i n or der to i m pr ov e the k now l edge and skill of our m em ber s about el ec ti ons ·The Wom en Affair s Com m ittee and the H ong Kong Br eas t C anc er F oundati on c ooper ated to hol d the “ fr ee scr eening for br east cancer s c hem e” . T hi s al l ow ed di s adv antaged w om en to r ec ei v e fr ee s c r eeni ng for br east cancer and to attend l ec tur es on br eas t heal th. T he Wom en Affai r s C om m i ttee par ti c i pated i n the “ Pink Walk 2013” in or der t o fundr ai s e for and r ai s e aw ar enes s of br eas t c anc er
3月 March
·陳百里擔任商務及經濟發展局局長政治助理 ·《建報》(民建聯立法會議員工作報告)出版,向市民匯報民建聯的立法會工作,並在全港18區派發 ·民建聯港區全國人大代表和政協委員在北京「兩會」期間提出20項建議和意見 ·於兩會期間在北京舉辦新春晚宴,邀請港區全國人大代表、全國政協委員、現任及曾負責港澳事務的官員等人士出席 ·Chan Pak Li becam e the po l i ti c al as s i s tant to the C om m er c e and Ec onom i c D ev el opm ent Bur eau ·"D Post" was published and publ i c i z ed to r es i dents i n 18 di s tr i c ts the w or k that the D AB does i n Legc o. ·DAB delegates of the NPC and C PPC C tr av el ed to Bei j i ng to attend the “ tw o s es s i ons ” , w her e the D AB gave 20 pr oposals to the Centr al Gov er nm ent ·Dur ing the “ two sessions” in Bei j i ng, the D AB del egates c el ebr ated the Lunar N ew Year w i th an ev eni ng gala. We invited the NPC and C PPC C del egates fr om H ong Kong and offi c i al s c ur r entl y or pr ev i ous l y r esponsible for Hong Kong and M ac ao affai r s to j oi n us as w e us her ed i n the new y ear
4月 A p ri l
·四川雅安市發生7級大地震,民建聯籌款61萬賑濟災民 ·4月至5月,反對派就財政預算案撥款「拉布」,民建聯舉行「反拉布 保民生」簽名運動,並與一眾建制派議員聯署,要求 終止「拉布」 ·選出第十二屆中央委員會、常務委員會及第五屆監察委員會 ·An ear thquake m easur ing 7 .0 on the R i c hter s c al e s tr uc k Ya’ an C ounty i n Si c huan, w her eupon the D AB fundr aised $610,000 HKD for the v i c ti m s ·In Apr il- M ay, the opposition s tar ted to fi l i bus ter the budget. T he D AB hel d a s i gnatur e c am pai gn to oppos e filibuster ing and pr otect the peopl e’s l i v el i hood. We c ooper ated w i th other es tabl i s hm ent par ti es to r equest an end to the filibuster ·We elected the m em ber s to our 12th C entr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees and our 5th Senate
5月 May
觀塘區議會坪石選區舉行補選,民建聯候選人陳俊傑擊敗對手梁國雄當選 The Kwun Tong Distr ict Coun c i l hel d a by - el ec ti on i n Pi ng Shek c ons ti tuenc y, w her e D AB c andi date C han Chun Kit defeated Leung Kwo k H ung to w i n the el ec ti on
7月 Ju l y
·舉辦義工嘉許禮 ·7月23日,通過「建港之星」計劃,設立一套黨內選拔優秀參政人才的機制,為有志從事立法會工作的人士提供鍛鍊的平台 ·舉辦二十一周年會慶酒會 ·We held our volunteer celebr ator y gal a ·On 23 July, we set up a m ec hani s m " Star s for the Bui l di ng of H ong Kong" to s el ec t tal ented peopl e w ho want to wor k in Legco ·We held our 21st anniver sar y c oc k tai l r ec epti on
8月 A u g u st
8月11日至16日,應加拿大華僑團體邀請,立法會議員譚耀宗、李慧琼、陳克勤及陳恒鑌出訪加拿大 DAB Legislative Councilor s Tam Yi u C hung, Lee Wai Ki ng, C han H ak Kan and C han H an Pan w er e i nv i ted to visit Canada by over seas Chi nes e gr oups i n C anada fr om 11- 16 Augus t
12月 D ece mber
舉辦首屆「年度漢字」評選活動,以弘揚中國文化,和反映市民對新年的期盼 We held our fir st “ Chinese Ch ar ac ter of the Year ” ev ent i n or der to deepen the appr ec i ati on for tr adi ti onal Chinese cultur e and to expr es s the hopes of r es i dents tow ar ds the new y ear
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
派發立法會議員工作報告《建報》 Published the report of the work of DAB Legco members in 2013
出訪加拿大 A DAB Delegation visited Canada in 2013
兩會期間在北京舉辦新春酒會 Held an evening gala during the two sessions in Beijing (2013)
自 2013 年起,舉辦「香港年度漢字」評選 From 2013 onwards, we hold a“Chinese Character of the Year”event every year
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2014 本年 T hi s Ye ar
年初成立「政改小組」諮詢市民對政改的意見,並在全港十八區合共舉行19場「十八區政改諮詢座談會」,收集市民意見, 吸引數千名市民出席。另外,民建聯向政府提交一萬四千份支持落實政改方案的市民意見書以及民建聯對「2017年行政長官 選舉及2016立法會選舉方案」的建議 At the beginning of 2014 we s et up the “ pol i ti c al r efor m s ubc om m i ttee” that hel d c ons ul tati ons w i th the public and collected their adv i c e to the gov er nm ent. We hel d a total of 19 for um s on thi s topi c i n al l di s tr i c ts wher e we collected the views of the peopl e and attr ac ted s ev er al thous and par ti c i pants . Al s o, the D AB subm itted our pr oposal on “ T he M ethods for Sel ec ti ng the C hi ef Ex ec uti v e i n 2017 and for F or m i ng the Legislative Council in 2016” , and 14,000 l etter s to s uppor t the r efor m pac k age fr om r es i dents to the gov er nm ent
3月 March
·民建聯港區全國人大代表和政協委員在北京「兩會」期間提出20項建議和意見 ·於兩會期間在北京舉辦新春晚宴,邀請港區全國人大代表、全國政協委員、現任及曾負責港澳事務的官員等人士出席 ·DAB delegates in the NPC and C PPC C tr av el ed to Bei j i ng for the “ tw o s es s i ons ” , w her e w e gav e 20 pr oposals to the Centr al Gover nm ent ·Dur ing the “ two sessions” in Bei j i ng, the D AB del egates c el ebr ated the Lunar N ew Year w i th an ev eni ng gala. We invited the NPC and C PPC C del egates fr om H ong Kong and offi c i al s c ur r entl y or pr ev i ous l y r esponsible for Hong Kong and M ac ao affai r s to j oi n us as w e us her ed i n the new y ear
4月 A p ri l
·舉行籌款晚會籌募經費 ·立法會安排全體議員訪滬兩天,民 建 聯 1 3 名 立 法 會 議 員 參 與 全 程 活 動 ·Held a fundr aising evening gal a ·The Legislative Council ar ranged for al l c ounc i l or s to v i s i t Shanghai for tw o day s , i nc l udi ng 13 D AB Legi s lative Councilor s
5月 May
東區區議會南豐選區舉行補選,民建聯候選人李清霞未能取得議席 The Easter n Distr ict Council hel d a by - el ec ti on i n N am F ung c ons ti tuenc y, w her e the D AB c andi date Lee Ching Ha was not elected
6月 Ju n e
6月至9月,舉辦「議員助理培訓計劃」,52位議員助理參加,49人成功獲取證書 On 9 June, we held our “ Cou nc i l or as s i s tant tr ai ni ng pr ogr am m e” . 49 out of 52 as s i s tants m anaged to r eceive the diplom a
7月 Ju l y
·舉辦義工嘉許禮 ·7月23日至8月1日,一眾民建聯立法會議員到訪美國三藩市、洛杉磯和紐約三地,拜會當地華人華僑領袖、香港政府駐當 地辦事處、中國駐美使領館、商會和傳媒機構 ·7月13日,推出新書《理想‧您想》,講述19位民建聯青年成員追逐理想的故事 ·參與「保普選、反佔中大聯盟」7、8月舉行的全港簽名行動及8‧17遊行 ·Held our volunteer celebr at or y gal a ·Fr om 23 July to 1 August, a del egati on of D AB Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l or s v i s i ted San F r anc i s c o, Los Angel es and New Yor k City in the U ni ted States . T hey m et w i th del egati ons of Ov er s eas C hi nes e l eader s , the H ong Kong Econom ic and Tr ade offi c es i n the U ni ted States and the C hi nes e C ons ul ate. We al s o c om m uni c ated with business and m edia outl ets ther e ·We published a new book o n 13 J ul y that s tated the dr eam s and i deal s of 19 y oung D AB m em ber s ·We par ticipated in the “ Allia nc e Agai ns t Oc c upy C entr al ” . In J ul y and Augus t w e hel d a s i gnatur e peti ti on and on 17 August we held a m ar c h agai ns t the i l l egal “ oc c upy ” ac ti v i ti es
10月 Octo b e r
·舉辦路向營,主題為「迎難而上」 ·參與「還路於民 恢復秩序 維護 法 治 」 簽 名 行 動 , 反 對 違 法 佔 中 行 動 ·We held our r etr eat, with th e topi c bei ng “ fac i ng di ffi c ul ti es i s the bes t w ay to gr ow ” ·Held a lar ge- scale signatur e c am pai gn to oppos e the i l l egal oc c upy r i ots
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
向政府提交 14,000 份支持政改方案意見書 Submitted 14,000 letters to support the reform package to the government (2014)
反暴力反佔中簽名運動 Signature petition against the illegal occupy activities (2014)
參與 2014 年 8 月 17 日和平普選大遊行 We held a peaceful march for universal suffrage on 17 August, 2014
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2015 1月 Ja n u a ry
·首次出版家庭親子刊物《家+W e are F ami l y》 ·主辦第三屆「兩岸四地青年高峰會 」 , 約 共 1 0 0 名 青 少 年 出 席 ·舉辦兩場「千戶家庭樂滿FUN」 大 型 活 動 , 資 助 超 過 2 , 0 0 0 戶 低 收 入 家 庭 出 席 「 友 邦 歐 陸 嘉 年 華 」 ·We published the fir st edition of our fam i l y - foc us ed m agaz i ne “ We ar e F am i l y ” ·Hosted the thir d youth for um for y oung peopl e fr om H ong Kong, the M ai nl and, M ac ao and Tai w an. A total of 100 young people attended ·Held two lar ge- scale events for di s adv antaged fam i l i es to hav e fun, as m or e than 2,000 peopl e attended the Gr eat Eur opean Car niv al
2月 F eb rua ry
2月至4月,民建聯舉辦一系列活動紀念抗日戰爭勝利70周年,包括「戰爭與和平」全港中小學繪畫比賽、「戰爭與和平」歷 史暨繪畫展覽、制作《香港戰事遊蹤》短片及「從照片看歷史」短文比賽 On 4 Febr uar y, the DAB held a s er i es of ac ti v i ti es to c om m em or ate the 70th anni v er s ar y of C hi na’s v i c tor y in the Second Sino- Japanese War. T hes e i nc l uded an ar t c om peti ti on for m i ddl e and el em entar y s c hool s tudents with the them e of “ war and peac e” , an ar t ex hi bi ti on on the s am e topi c , pr oduc i ng a s hor t fi l m on the r em ains of the war in Hong K ong, and an es s ay c om peti ti on r egar di ng “ v i ew i ng hi s tor y v i a photogr aphs ”
3月 March
·民建聯港區全國人大代表和政協委員在北京「兩會」期間提出19項建議和意見 ·於兩會期間在北京舉辦新春晚宴,邀請港區全國人大代表、全國政協委員、現任及曾負責港澳事務的官員等人士出席 ·DAB delegates of the NPC and C PPC C tr av el ed to Bei j i ng to attend the “ tw o s es s i ons ” , w her e the D AB gave 19 pr oposals to the Centr al Gov er nm ent ·Dur ing the “ two sessions” in Bei j i ng, the D AB del egates c el ebr ated the Lunar N ew Year w i th an ev eni ng gala. We invited the NPC and C PPC C del egates fr om H ong Kong and offi c i al s c ur r entl y or pr ev i ous l y r esponsible for Hong Kong and M ac ao affai r s to j oi n us as w e us her ed i n the new y ear
4月 A p ri l
·民建聯代表應香港海南社團總會邀 請 訪 問 海 南 省 , 考 察 當 地 旅 遊 業 的 發 展 建 設 ·4 月2 5 日,尼泊爾發生7 .8 級強烈 地 震 , 民 建 聯 發 動 全 港 性 籌 款 活 動 , 並 舉 辦 「 尼 泊 爾 地 震 受 難 者 燭 光 祈 禱 會 」 ·選出第十三屆中央委員會、常務委 員 會 及 第 六 屆 監 察 委 員 會 , 李 慧 琼 當 選 為 新 一 屆 民 建 聯 主 席 ·A DAB delegation was invited to visit Hainan, where they learned about the local tourist industry and its development ·A power ful ear thquake m eas ur i ng 7.8 on the R i c hter s c al e s tr uc k N epal i n Apr i l and M ay. T he D AB hel d a m ajor fundr aising oper ation to hel p the v i c ti m s and a c andl el i ght v i gi l to c om m em or ate them ·We elected m em ber s to our 13 t h C entr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees and s i x th Senate. Lee Wai Ki ng w as elected to becom e the new D AB C hai r per s on
6月 Ju n e
·舉辦義工嘉許禮 ·民建聯對政改方案被否決表示遺憾 ·6月至8月,青年民建聯舉辦「進一步的天空內地實習計劃」,分別帶領香港各大專院校共103位大學生到重慶及杭州兩地 多個企業進行為期一個月的實習 ·6月至9月,舉辦四場「睿商天下民建聯政策工作坊」,邀請知名學者及社會領袖就青年發展提出意見,並把相關的建議收 集整理,匯集成建議書向行政長官提出 ·We held our volunteer celebr ator y gal a ·The DAB condem ned the oppos i ti on l aw m ak er s w ho v oted dow n the r efor m pac k age ·From June to August, the YoungDAB ran internship programs on the Mainland for 103 post-secondary students. They interned for one month each in various industries and businesses in Hangzhou and Chongqing ·Fr om June to Septem ber, we hel d four w or k s hops w her e w e i nv i ted s c hol ar s and s oc i al l eader s to gi v e their advice on youth developm ent. We c ol l ec ted thi s adv i c e and w r ote a pr opos al to the C hi ef Ex ec uti v e
7月 Ju l y
·民建聯組團訪京,獲全國人大常委會委員長張德江接見 ·7月至8月,就公屋鉛水事件成立「關注鉛水事件小組」,分別約見運房局局長、房屋署署長及政務司司長,並向政府提出 多點建議,並要求完善《水務設施條例》條文、更新供水鏈所有部件的標準、提升供水系統工程的監管,以及擴闊檢驗食 水水質的內容,從制度上杜絕鉛水事件重演 ·舉辦二十三周年會慶酒會 ·A DAB delegation tr aveled to Bei j i ng, w her e w e v i s i ted the C hai r m an of the N PC Standi ng C om m i ttee Zhang Dejiang ·Thr oughout July and Augus t, w e s et up a team to i nv es ti gate the i s s ue of l ead i n the dr i nk i ng w ater of pub lic housing estates. We m et s epar atel y w i th the c hi efs of the Tr ans por t and H ous i ng Bur eau, the H ous i ng Author ity and the Chief Sec r etar y for Adm i ni s tr ati on and m ade m any pr opos al s to the gov er nm ent on thi s ur gent issue. We r equested a r ev i ew of the Water w or k s Or di nanc e, to r ev i ew s tandar ds for the w ater s upply chain and to im pr ove the adm i ni s tr ati on and s uper v i s i on of r epai r s on thi s c hai n. We al s o r eques ted the gover nm ent to test for m or e danger ous c om ponents w i thi n our dr i nk i ng w ater and i m pl em ent a l aw to pr event a r ecur r ence of lead bei ng i n the w ater s uppl y ·We held our 23r d anniver sa r y c oc k tai l r ec epti on
9月 S e p te mber
訪問廣東,獲省領導接見,拜訪港澳辦以及法改委 A DAB delegation visited Guangdong and m et w i th Pr ov i nc i al l eader s . We v i s i ted the H ong Kong and M ac ao Affair s Office and the National D ev el opm ent and R efor m C om m i s s i on
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
2015 10月 Octo b e r
10月至11月,以「發展經濟、改善民生」為主題連續舉辦了三場圓桌會議,廣邀社會領袖及各行業的代表共同探討香港面對 的機遇與挑戰,並把會議內容整理成《百川匯—圓桌會議論集》 Fr om October to Novem ber, we held thr ee r oundtabl e di s c us s i ons on ec onom i c and l i v el i hood i s s ues . We invited social leader s and r epr esent ati v es fr om di ffer ent s ec tor s of s oc i ety to di s c us s how to deal w i th the challenges facing Hong Kong. The c ontent of thes e di s c us s i ons w as c ol l ec ted i nto a book
11月 N ove mbe r
派出171名成員參加區議會選舉,贏得119個議席 Ran 171 candidates for the Distr ict C ounc i l El ec ti on, w i nni ng 119 s eats
舉行「睿商天下」青年政策工作坊 Held workshops on youth policy in 2015
第三屆兩岸四地青年高峰會 Hosted the 3rd Youth Forum for young people from Hong Kong, the Mainland, Macao and Taiwan in 2015
出版《家 +We are Family》 Published family-focused magazine“We are Family”(2015)
2015 年區議會造勢大會 Campaign rally for the 2015 District Council Election
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2016 2月 F eb rua ry
·2月9日凌晨旺角發生暴亂事件,民建聯嚴厲譴責事件,發起「全港反暴力簽名大行動」,要求當局必須盡快將暴徒繩之於 法,並與保安局局長會面及遞交簽名 ·立法會新界東選區舉行補選,民建聯候選人周浩鼎未能取得議席 ·舉行「強積金對沖機制齊齊傾」工作坊,收集勞工代表、商界代表及學者的意見 ·In the ear ly m or ning hour s of 9 F ebr uar y, the M ong Kok r i ot br ok e out. T he D AB s tr ongl y c ondem ned thi s action and set up a signatu r e c am pai gn agai ns t v i ol enc e. T hi s peti ti on al s o fi r m l y r eques ted the gov er nm ent to quickly ar r est the p er petr ator s . We then handed the s i gnatur e peti ti on to the Sec ur i ty Bur eau C hi e f ·The New Ter r itor ies East ge ogr aphi c al c ons ti tuenc y of Legi s l ati v e C ounc i l hel d an by - el ec ti on, w her e D AB candidate Chow Ho Ding w as not el ec ted ·We held a wor kshop on abol i s hi ng the M PF offs etti ng ar r angem ents . We c ol l ec ted the opi ni ons of s c hol ar s as well as r epr esentatives fr om the l abour and bus i nes s s ec tor s on thi s i s s ue
3月 March
·民建聯港區全國人大代表和政協委員在北京「兩會」期間提出22項建議和意見 ·於兩會期間在北京舉辦新春晚宴,邀請港區全國人大代表、全國政協委員、現任及曾負責港澳事務的官員等人士出席 ·DAB delegates of the NPC and C PPC C tr av el ed to Bei j i ng to attend the “ tw o s es s i ons ” , w her e the D AB gave 22 pr oposals to the Centr al Gov er nm ent ·Dur ing the “ two sessions” in Bei j i ng, the D AB del egates c el ebr ated the Lunar N ew Year w i th an ev eni ng gala. We invited the NPC and C PPC C del egates fr om H ong Kong and offi c i al s c ur r entl y or pr ev i ous l y r esponsible for Hong Kong and M ac ao affai r s to j oi n us as w e us her ed i n the new y ear
4月 A p ri l
·少數族裔委員會舉辦「少數族裔達 人 」 綜 藝 比 賽 2 0 1 6 , 多 達 2 5 隊 少 數 族 裔 表 演 隊 伍 報 名 參 加 ·舉辦路向營,主題為「承先啟後闖 新 篇 」 ·The Ethnic M inor ities Affairs C om m i ttee hel d a ar ts and c ul tur al c ontes t i n 2016, w her e m or e than 25 team s held per for m ances to hi ghl i ght thei r c ul tur e ·We held our r etr eat. The topi c w as “ C ar r y i ng on our l egac y and w r i ti ng a new c hapter ”
5月 May
·5月4日,青年民建聯於青年節舉辦「與企業對話」飯局,並成功邀請到十多間本地大型企業負責人擔任嘉賓 ·5月至7月,分別以土地房屋政策、縮窄貧富差距、一國兩制的落實及創新科技創出路為主題舉辦了四場「新願景 新希 望」圓桌會議,廣邀社會各界人士交流 ·On the Wor ld Youth Day of 4 M ay, the YoungD AB hel d a di nner w hi c h s uc c es s ful l y i nv i ted as gues ts ov er ten successful people who ar e r es pons i bl e for m aj or l oc al fi r m s ·Fr om M ay to July, we held four r oundtabl e di s c us s i ons on hous i ng and l and pol i c y, nar r ow i ng the gap between r ich and poor, the i m pl em entati on of “ One C ountr y, Tw o Sy s tem s ” and tec hnol ogi c al i nnov ati on r espectively. We invited peopl e fr om v ar i ous s ec tor s of s oc i ety to gi v e thei r opi ni ons and adv i c e
6月 Ju n e
·舉辦義工嘉許禮 ·6月至8月,青年民建聯舉辦「進一步的天空內地工作實習計劃」,分別帶領香港各大專院校共83位學生到重慶及杭州兩地 多個企業進行為期各一個多月的實習 ·We held our volunteer celebr ator y gal a ·From June to August, the YoungDAB ran internship programs on the Mainland for 83 post-secondary students. They interned for one month each in various industries and businesses in Hangzhou and Chongqing
7月 Ju l y
出版《百川匯—圓桌會議論集》 We published a book containi ng the c ontents of our r oundtabl e di s c us s i ons
9月 S e p te mber
·民建聯工商事務委員會與青年民建聯、香港五邑青年總會、香港陽江青年總會合辦「香港工商及青年廣東省訪問團」,促 進兩地工商交流 ·參加立法會選舉,共獲取12個議席 ·The Industr ial and Com m erc i al Affai r s C om m i ttee al ong w i th the YoungD AB, the H ong Kong Wuy i Youth Association and the Hong Kong Yang J i ang Youth As s oc i ati on j oi ntl y or gani z ed a tour of Guangdong for young people in or der to prom ote ex c hanges betw een H ong Kong and the M ai nl and ·We took par t in the Legislati v e C ounc i l El ec ti ons , w i nni ng a total of 12 s eats
10月 Octo b e r
10月至11月,兩位立法會議員於立法會宣誓時,公然發佈辱華言論,民建聯強烈譴責二人的行為,並支持人大常委會解釋《 基本法》第104條 Fr om October thr ough Novem ber, tw o Legc o m em ber s us ed i ns ul ti ng and der ogator y l anguage w hen bei ng swor n in as Legislative Coun c i l or s . T he D AB s tr ongl y c ondem ned the c ontem pti bl e ac ti ons of thes e tw o, and we suppor ted the inter pr etati on of Ar ti c l e 104 of the Bas i c Law by the SC N PC
11月 N ove mber
舉行籌款晚會籌募經費 We held a fundr aising evening gal a
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
參加 2016 立法會新界東補選 Participated in the NT East geographical constituency by-election of Legislative Council in 2016
發起全港「反暴力」簽名大行動 A signature campaign against violence (2016)
出版《百川匯》圓桌會議論集 We published a book detailing the contents of our roundtable forums (2016)
青民舉辦「與企業對話」 The YoungDAB held an event“A Dialogue with Entrepreneurs”(2017)
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
2017 1月 Ja n u a ry
·1月1日,民建聯發表25周年宣言,提出我們所奉行的理念,包括「傳承愛國愛港」、「堅守一國兩制」、「實現優質民 主」及「共享發展成果」四大重點,並把25周年會慶的口號定為「擇善有為」 ·民建聯發表「擇善有為:對新特首的期望」,向下任特首提出合共107項建議 ·On 1 Januar y, the DAB publ i s hed i ts 25th anni v er s ar y dec l ar ati on. We publ i c i z ed our pol i ti c al phi l os ophy, which includes “ Endowed w i th the Lov e for our C ountr y and H ong Kong” , “ F i r m l y Safeguar d One C ountr y, Two System s” , “ Realising Vi r tuous D em oc r ac y ” and “ Shar e the F r ui ts of D ev el opm ent” as i ts four m ai n pillar s. Our m otto for our 25th y ear i s “ Stand by w hat i s r i ght. Str i v e for r es ul ts ” ·The DAB published “ Stand by w hat i s r i ght and s tr i v e for r es ul ts : Our hopes for the new C hi ef Ex ec uti v e” which included a total of 107 pr opos al s for the new C .E.
2月 F eb rua ry
·民建聯工商事務委員會、專業事務委員會及青年民建聯舉行工商專業青民新春酒會,超過150位各界友好出席 ·林鄭月娥、葉劉淑儀、曾俊華及胡國興共4名特首參選人拜會民建聯,講述參選理念及治港方向 ·The Industr ial and Com m erc i al Affai r s C om m i ttee, the Pr ofes s i onal Affai r s C om m i ttee and the YoungD AB held a cocktail par ty for the Lunar N ew Year, w hi c h ov er 150 m em ber s fr om v ar i ous bac k gr ounds attended ·The four candidates for the C hi ef Ex ec uti v e El ec ti on, w hi c h i nc l uded M s . C ar r i e Lam , M s . Ip Lau Suk Yee, M r. Tsang Chun Wah and Mr. Woo Kw ok H i ng, al l m et up w i th the D AB i n or der to i ntr oduc e thei r pol i ti c al philosophies and platfor m s and di s c us s how they w oul d gov er n H ong Kong
3月 March
·民建聯港區全國人大代表和政協委員在北京「兩會」期間提出24項建議和意見 ·於兩會期間在北京舉辦新春晚宴,邀請港區全國人大代表、全國政協委員、現任及曾負責港澳事務的官員等人士出席 ·3月10日至11日,民建聯專業事務委員會和專業同盟代表團訪問深圳市龍崗區,考察這個深圳東進戰略重點發展地區的科 技及教育發展 ·3月24日,就特首選舉的投票安排召開中委會會議,一致決定支持林鄭月娥女士成為下任特首,並向黨內選委推薦 ·DAB delegates of the NPC and C PPC C tr av el ed to Bei j i ng to attend the “ tw o s es s i ons ” , w her e the D AB gave 24 pr oposals to the Centr al Gov er nm ent ·Dur ing the “ two sessions” in Bei j i ng, the D AB del egates c el ebr ated the Lunar N ew Year w i th an ev eni ng gala. We invited the NPC and C PPC C del egates fr om H ong Kong and offi c i al s c ur r entl y or pr ev i ous l y r esponsible for Hong Kong and M ac ao affai r s to j oi n us as w e us her ed i n the new y ear ·From 10-11 March, the DAB Professional Affairs Committee and the Professional Alliance sent a delegation to visit Longgang district in Shenzhen. They learned the results of Shenzhen’s strategy to develop its eastern suburbs, of which Longgang is an important part. This includes both technological and education development ·On 24 M ar ch, the Centr al C om m i ttee hel d a m eeti ng and dec i ded to s uppor t M s . C ar r i e Lam for the C hi ef Executive Election, and we c om m uni c ated thi s dec i s i on to the D AB m em ber s of the El ec tor al C om m i ttee
4月 A p ri l
選出第十四屆中央委員會、常務 委 員 會 及 第 七 屆 監 察 委 員 會 We voted for m em ber s of our 14 t h C entr al and Standi ng C om m i ttees and 7 t h Senate
民主建港協進聯盟大事記 (2005.2-2017. 4)
舉辦多項活動慶祝 25 周年會慶-全港花式跳繩比賽 Held various events to celebrate 25 th anniversary : Performance Jump Rope Competition (2017)
舉辦多項活動慶祝 25 周年會慶-「舞動理想 25 周年」街舞比賽 Held various events to celebrate 25 th anniversary : “Dance for Dream 2017”
舉辦多項活動慶祝 25 周年會慶-「聲之動力流行歌曲大賽」 Held various events to celebrate 25 th anniversary :“Sing's Power Singing Contest”(2017)
發表擇善有為-對新特首的期望 Announced our hopes for the new Chief Executive (2017)
DAB Milestones (2005.2-2017. 4)
會 歌 162
DAB Song DAB Song
地址 Address: 香港北角英皇道 83 號聯合出版大廈 15 樓 15/F., SUP Tower, 83 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong 電話 Tel :(852) 3582 1111 電郵 Email 網站 出版日期:2017 年 7 月 Date of publication:July, 2017 ©2017 民建聯版權所有 Copyright © 2017 DAB. 未經民建聯批准,不得以任何形式作全部或局部之翻印 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior permission of the DAB