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News & Events
N A T I O N A L & I N T E R N A T I O N A L E V E N T S
International News
The 15th international conference is coming up soon, July 10-15, 2022. It will be held virtually this year. USA members are encouraged to gather and take part in local or regional groups. Funding is available for organizing these gatherings from daCi USA.
An ALL-ACCESS pass includes:
Further details here: https://www.daciconference2022.yorku.ca/registration
Keynote address by Santee Smith, Indigenous choreographer, activist and researcher Keynote address and dance workshop by Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli Historical panel of dance scholars from daCi Dance workshops of various styles Children and youth performances from throughout the world Creative gatherings for children and youth from various cultures to collectively choreograph a dance to be performed Twinning projects that pair groups of children to learn and share dance, leading to a performance Scholarly gatherings, which include research papers, panels, posters, lecture/demonstrations, movement workshops and discussions after each Opening and closing ceremonies, which include dance performances
More news from the International:
Anna Mansbridge, former chair of daCi USA, has been elected to the International board and will serve as secretary. Congratulations and thanks to Anna for serving! She joins Nicki Flinn, who is the US National Representative on the board.
Heads up! The 16th conference of the international organization will be held in July 2024 in Slovenia.
Our daCi Youth Leadership Team held its first session of 2022 on Saturday, Feb. 19. We enjoyed catching up, getting to know each other better, and discussing our plans for this year. We also talked about how to humbly but confidently acknowledge our successful leadership in and out of dance. We are so excited about this excellent start!
In this session, we discussed how good leaders ask good questions as part of our preparation for bringing guest presenters in the future. Each of our sessions has a focus topic and is facilitated by Kathryn Austin, Jen Florey, and Sara Malan-McDonald with support from our Chair-elect, Heather Francis. At the top of each session, we host a dance educator to talk about the ways they have been called to leadership roles in their teaching careers. We are excited that next month we will hear from daCi member Judith Nelson! More to come on her leadership and dance experience.
The daCi Leadership Team is open to all rising 6th graders up through college-age students of any daCi member or group member. We learn, we grow, we plan and we network! This is a great FREE benefit of daCi membership! Tell your students or join them for a session to see what it is all about. Make it a group "outing"!
Our next meeting is on Saturday, May 21 on ZOOM 2 pm PST, 3 pm, MST, 4 pm CT, 5 pm EST.
Please email any of our Team Leaders for more information.
Kathryn Austin kwadance@gmail.com Jen Florey jennifer.florey08@gmail.com Sara Malan-McDonald sm027cow@gmail.com
• Organize a daCi Day of Dance as a freestanding event or in conjunction with the daCi International conference in July 2022. Funding is available to members.
• Stay tuned for news on the in-person 7th daCi USA National Gathering in Michigan, July 2023.
daCi Day of Dance, Arizona
Joy Guarino (New York) – Chair Heather Francis (Utah) – Chair-Elect Carol Day (Utah) – Treasurer Deborah Lipa-Ciotta (New York) –Secretary Nicki Flinn (Michigan) – National Representative Chris Roberts (Utah) – Past National Representative Madeline Cantor (Pennsylvania) –Newsletter Editor Chara Huckins (Utah) – Membership Liaison Members at Large: Kathryn Austin (Florida), Cally Flox (Utah), Amy Munro Lang-Crow (Arizona). Sara MalanMcDonald (Arizona), Jennifer Florey (Arizona), Vincent E. Thomas (Maryland)