Self-realization is easy through the naturalness of the Akram Path

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Editor :

Deepak Desai July 2007 Vol. : 2, Issue : 9, Conti. Issue No.: 21

Publisher, Owner & Printed by : Deepak Desai

DADAVANI Self-realization is easy through the naturalness of the Akram Path

on behalf of Mahavideh Foundation, 5, Mamtapark Society, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad-380014 Gujarat, India.

EDITORIAL In this current time cycle, an ongoing live presence of Akram Gnani Purush Dadashri is the reason why attaining moksha is easier than making a khichadee-a dish made with rice and lentils. Meeting a Gnani Purush is very rare in any time cycle. If one meets a Gnani Purush then it is difficult to come to really know him as such a one. Even after coming to identify Him as a Gnani, one encounters obstructions in attaining ‘Gnan’—Self-knowledge from Him. After attaining Gnan, the occasions of satsang with the Gnani are rare. For the one who has made a firm decision to know the Self, the evidences of meeting a Gnani and attaining Self-knowledge from Him, linking to moksha. Hence this Akram Vignan is for those who have earned great merit karma punyai. If one comes here (in front of the current Atmagnani) with the passport of merit karma, then he can attain ‘Gnan’ with Gnani’s grace only. Nothing else is required. There is no need of any skill. That is why it is said that, ‘The path of liberation of Vitarags—the ones who are absolutely liberated, is natural, easy and simple, provided one meets a Gnani liberator. In the Akram path one becomes sahaj natural after attaining atmagnan Self-knowledge. Thereafter, the prakruti the relative self remains to come to naturalness. When the prakruti becomes natural then the self becomes natural and that is completion purnahuti. Natural means no tyaga renunciation, no grahan acquisition, and no doer ship at all. Where any effort is involved it is not natural sahaj. The extent, to which one became natural, is the extent at which one becomes a God Bhagwan. Natural means no ownership of thoughts-speech-action, no ownership in any circumstance, and no doer ship. The divinity of the Self atma aishwarya manifests in direct proportion to the amount of naturalness. When one listens to even one sentence of a person who has become natural, one benefits. The Kramic path of step-by-step to liberation, represents a comma ‘ , ’ an unfinished journey, incomplete dissolution of ego, ‘I have renounced, I am a sadhu ascetic.’ When this leaves then the ego, ‘I am upadhyaya teacher in the path of Self-realization,’ remains. Afterwards as he progresses, the ego ‘I am acharya principal in the spiritual path’ remains. Thus one will be in comma (incomplete) only. In this Akram path, once one attains the state of pure Soul—‘I am Shuddhatma’ the comma is gone and there is a full stop. Now one has to make the prakruti the non-Self complex, natural and bring to its natural closure. Here there is no hassle of renunciation or acquisition. Greatly revered Dadashri’s Agnas (cardinal instructions) are such that they help maintain the separation between the Self Atma and the non-Self prakruti. They protect the nondoer state and allow the one who is progressing forward on the path of final liberation to settle the relative self prakruti with equanimity naturally. This is just that one has attained this Gnan without clearing the karma that have been .... continue on next page Subscription :Yearly Subscription - India: 100 Rupees, USA: 10 Dollars, UK: 7 Pounds 15 Years Subscription - India: 800 Rupees, USA: 100 Dollars, UK: 75 Pounds Printer/Press : Mahavideh Foundation, Basement, Parshvanath Chambers, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad-380014


charged. People undertake studies to become a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, but along with education the disease of etiquette takes hold. After then if it comes to do bhakti, clapping, sitting on the floor in the satsang then the ghost of etiquette will create obstruction, will not let one become natural. Pujya Dadashri says, ‘we’ would sing along with clapping so other person will also sing along with clapping. We would make them dance in circles with garlands on their neck, dance at the airport, on busy railway stations, to make them natural, by getting rid of their etiquette. Natural sahaj means a person would not feel ashamed of anybody, would not feel embarrassed, would be free from fear, would not think about getting insulted or losing reputation; such interferences created by ego and intellect leave then one becomes natural. If one keeps doing what other people around are doing then there is no sense of separation, there is oneness. And when one keeps ‘seeing’ what prakruti is doing by staying in the state of Shuddhatma, then it became natural. This Dadavani issue is a compilation of the divine speech of knowledge of the highly revered Dadashri. Here, He makes one natural by making him perform the experiments, which lead to naturalness by eradicating the disease of ego. This will help the seeker break the noose of their insurmountable inner obstacle atkan of uneasiness and grant the gift of the understanding of naturalness. ~ Deepak Desai

Self-realization is easy through the naturalness of the Akram Path (Please note that great care has been used to convey the exact message of Dadashri. Here ‘Y’ or ‘S’ refers to the awakened Self or the Self. For glossary of the terms, please refer to : glossary.html )

A Liberator has arrived The path of Vitarags those who have become fully enlightened, can give real moksha liberation. For this one needs to meet a Gnani Purush mokshadata purush. Such a meeting is very rare. Otherwise the path of liberation is simple, easy and natural. Moksha is natural. If one were to meet a Gnani Purush, then moksha is easier than making khichadee. But one needs to meet the Gnani liberator. What has Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra said? One must meet a liberator. It is not possible to attain this gift of moksha without a bestower of moksha. He gives freedom from all the karma and issues the ticket to salvation; then you can accomplish your work. Thus, rare is such a communion with a Gnani. Gnanis are rare, are they not? Where can we find such a Gnani? The mystery of achievement through Akram path Nothing is to be done at God’s place. 2

Vastu real matter, the Self is simple, easy and spontaneous, but to attain this is very difficult. Why it is difficult to attain? The reason is that such a Gnani Purush who can bestow the Self is extremely rare. Very very rarely, such a Gnani Purush comes about as an instrument nimit, and then everything is accomplished. He—the Gnani Purush would be an impartial. He is loved by Jains, He is loved by Vedantis; He is also loved by Muslims, Europeans and the foreigners. To do this or not to do this is dependent on one’s merit karma, but one will readily admit to the exactness of this matter. The Kramic path—step-by-step path to the Self, is closed since twenty five hundred years. Why would it discontinue? It is said that the path can continue, as long as there is unity of the thought, the speech and the action. The Kramic path disappeared because one lost the ability to say what arises in the mind and to do the act according to what has been said. Now, one thinks something and says and July 2007


does something all together different from what is in the mind. All these religions which are being practiced outside of here (Akram Vignan) are based on the Kramic path, the path has vanished and yet their shops are open. The whole path has vanished. There is no more oil in the lamp and the people are sitting there hoping it will light up, it will light up, it will light up. Therefore, in spite of following a religion, people are unhappy; and what is the reason for that? The whole path has vanished, destroyed. Kramic path works as long as there is tendency towards oneness of thoughts, speech and action. Instead, one has something different in the mind, says something different in the speech, and does something different. Not only will he say something different in speech, he will disagree even if it is in writing. Is that not so? Can you see this change in people? There too, more change is seen in our Indians. It is seen less in the foreigners. In Indians it is seen more, because they are developed, fully developed in spirituality. Who has more intellect, a young boy or an older boy? One becomes developed as one becomes more intellectual. They are babies in their age all those poor foreigners are young babies; only the people of India are developed. Once the development reaches its peak and there is no road to go further, so they make holes in the road; and when the others—foreigners get road-blocked, they stand still like sheep. And these Indians make holes, they raid, they do it all. They do have developed intellect; and the foreigners are spontaneous and natural. Natural and spontaneous means if there is a docile cow, she will not hurt anyone, even if a child were to grab her horns. And if there is a foultempered cow, she will readily hurt anyone even if it not provoked, that is called natural. Thus, those people are like that. July 2007

Destruction or New creation Questioner : Today the entire Indian culture has been destroyed. It is influenced by the Western culture. Dadashri : The destruction of our culture that is happening, is the destruction of the same building we were to destroy so now we will not have to import any laborers to do this. I realized a long time ago that the labor was coming from outside. These laborers are here for the building that we had to demolish. Now we have to build a new one. This building is not useful. This worn out building has to be demolished where ghosts have entered in all corners. We were going to publish the tender to demolish. And in the meanwhile, these people came. So we don’t need to advertise the tender. We do not need to spend the money. The work is getting done by itself right at home. The view of Vitarags is such that, it will move further easily by itself, by natural intent; because the path is natural. It is not ego oriented—vikalpi path. It is a natural path. So let them do the entire demolition. Let’s tell him, ‘brother, we don’t need to get into it.’ We don’t encourage them to do the destruction. To them, they think that they are doing something wrong, but for us it is right. But they think they are doing wrong, destroying the culture of India. So, on our part, if we encourage them, it would be our approval of the wrongdoing. He believes that he is doing wrong and if we say, brother, you do this; we should not say that, and yet what they are doing is correct; therefore, let them destroy and fracture the whole culture, total demolition is needed. This is how the new building is going to be built. 3


Path of salvation for all communities Questioner : But Dada, again You have bound this karma, no? You have bound this karma of sweeping - repairing people, to do jagat kalyan world’s welfare, no? Dadashri : Yes, I had bound that karma. Questioner : That is vyavasthit— scientific circumstantial evidence, is it not? Dadashri : Yes, it’s all scientific circumstantial evidence, but I am saying this is serious. It is scientific circumstantial evidence, and it’s mine only, but it is important. However many people will attain salvation. Because, if the moksha marg path of liberation were to arise through which salvation can be attained naturally, then this is the path. Salvation is achieved naturally. Parsis, Muslims; all have benefited! It is not such that only one community will benefit, this knowledge is appropriate for everyone! The knowledge of the Lord is not difficult. The Gnan of Vitarags is very simple. Moksha is very simple. It is simple, easy and natural. Moksha can be attained only if a Gnani Purush is around otherwise one can never attain moksha. Moksha can be attained because a mokshadata, the Gnani Liberator has come to give the gift of moksha. Then it is possible, otherwise it cannot happen. Extremely rare became extremely easy The presence of this ‘Gnani Purush’ is the circumstance of the highest instrument uttam nimit for all the living beings of this world. ‘To him who is simple and spontaneous comes knocking at the door of liberation, the Absolute embodied.’ 4

Those who are close to achieving liberation will naturally get the opportunity of coming in contact with the best instrument, a Gnani Purush. Liberation is extremely easy to attain but a contact with the liberator is extremely rare. The rarity of such an opportunity is beyond all words. You have come having wandered through every life form and yet you have not found true happiness anywhere. All the while you have done nothing but wailed and roared with your ego. You have the desire to be free but you cannot find the path. Such a path is extremely rare. A circumstance for a meeting with a Gnani Purush is extremely rare indeed. All the circumstances will come together and disperse, but circumstance of a meeting with the Gnani Purush is the only one, which will give you eternal bliss. Now all you have to do is get your work done for your liberation. An ardent desire to remain near a Gnani Purush brings forth extraordinary energy parakram, which then allows you to overcome any circumstance that comes your way. The path is simple, easy and natural. But, it is extremely difficult to meet a ‘Gnani Purush’. If you were fortunate enough to meet a Gnani then to attain the Gnan—Selfknowledge is very difficult. Some people are knocking around for seven years, and yet they have not attained Gnan. Some people are running around for three years and yet they do not attain Gnan. And some people have attained within an hour. Thus everyone has different sort of circumstance. The state of moksha right here only Questioner : When is it considered that the state of moksha is attained? Dadashri : The state of moksha, is July 2007


that after this Gnan even if you were to insult or hurt someone, even then You are in the state of moksha; whereas the one who is not Self-realized, even if he did not do anything negative or hurtful, is not in moksha. How people can understand this? Natural state of the Self and natural state of the body complex verily is moksha. Natural state of the body means, if you happen to give a hurtful push to someone, I know that that You are not doing it. You are not doing this. Would you know that You are not doing such thing? It happens even it is not your wish, You need to see that, that is the natural state of the body. If You interfere then the natural state would disappear. Questioner : After attaining such a state of the Self, how long will it last? Dadashri : It will last forever. If it is permanent, then only it can be called moksha liberation! Moksha should occur right here only. Here, about fifteen thousand people (in 1975) have attained moksha indeed and many others are getting ready for it. Some have attained, some are attaining it. First of all, worries must stop. Questioner : Will our number be called or not? Dadashri : You will be called for if you wish for it. If you do not have desire then you will not be called. It did not happen till now since you had no desire for it. If the wish is there it will happen. It has happened for all these people and why won’t it happen for you? Because you did not understand, what is this? How can one understand in this world? This phenomenal truth is such a thing that manifests only once every million years. With this Akram Vignan people are enjoying liberation while performing daily mundane July 2007

activities. I gave you all kinds of freedom in worldly life, no? This comes around once in a million years and I have become the instrument nimit only. You need to get the work done. Winning the Lottery of Akram Vignan Nothing can be achieved without a living liberated Gnani. Even though people’s highest merit karma - punyanubandhi punya are in effect and operational, nothing can be achieved without a living Gnani. The Science of the Omniscient Ones ‘Vitarag Vignan’ is of no use without a living liberator. This is Akram Vignan, and it gives instant results-cash bank, while in the Kramic path people practice so many austerities and yet achieve nothing. This Akram path gives you instant benefits. Who amongst the three and a half billion abaj (today seven abaj), would not want such knowledge? Everyone would, but this knowledge is not for everyone; it is only for those with tremendous merit karma. The fact that this Akram Vignan has come about, surely it must be because people’s merit karma calls for it? This is only for the one with merit karma and for the devotee who is dependent on God and has been seeking everywhere for liberation. This path is for those who just happen to come here naturally with the ‘passport’ of merit karma and if they ask heartily for the Gnan, then I give it to them. Blessed is the one who attains Dada’s grace. We do not have to go around telling people about this. The world’s salvation will naturally come through this Dada and the presence and environment of his mahatmas those who have attained Self-realization. I am merely instrumental in the process, I am not the ‘doer’. Whenever someone comes and does the darshan of Dada the completely manifest Soul within the Gnani Purush, A. M. Patel, that darshan reaches all 5


the way to the Soul within the one doing darshan. Dada is the neighbor to this body of A. M. Patel, the Gnani Purush and the speech that is coming forth is a taped record. A Liberator: Extremely rare That is why the authors of the scriptures have written that the Soul is natural, is in its own nature and is easy. Natural means it is easily attainable. But in practical reality, it is extremely difficult to attain, because one cannot meet a Gnani with ease and therefore cannot accomplish the task. And if one were to meet a Gnani then he can accomplish his work. ‘We’—Dadashri and the fully enlightened Lord within—are not in the worldly life, yet ‘we’ are known as being in the worldly life. ‘We’ can remain in two states. I move around having become a Vitarag an absolute. Questioner : And only the fortunate ones got to see this Vitarag. Dadashri : You got opportunity to see this; rare is the opportunity to see a Vitarag! Questioner : One does not get to hear the description, does not get to see one Vitarag. Dadashri : One does not get to hear the description. One does not get to see the Vitarag. If you are sitting besides Him, you may think, that He must be Him. What a pleasant feeling. No decoration. Is there any type of decoration? Over there in the Kramic path, you have to sit in a proper manner, you have to sit by crossing the legs on the floor. Hey mooah (special exclamation used by Dadashri to shake up the listener), why don’t you sit quietly. It is hurting on this side! They will not even let you sit quietly even if there is 6

a couch to sit on. And there would be a designated person who would be observing this only. Questioner : Yes. All his attention would be mostly focused on only the one who is not sitting properly. Dadashri : And here we have people with certain conduct, which may be unpleasant, and yet his focus upayog is all here (in the Self). Here all have arrived along with conduct, which may not be accepted by the world. The path to moksha does not exist where it has become ornamental and based on external display. But the path of Vitarag is natural. At present, not a single path exists in Hindustan that is natural. You don’t have to get stressed in path of liberation. Only if one becomes natural will one attain moksha. Such path does not exist at all. This other one is the worldly path, is decorative; religion with decorations. Decorative religion is ornamental; there in, there is no such thing as the religion to begin with. The religion, that liberates you, is called religion; where you have no boss over you, that is called the exact religion. The other one is the illusion of religion; in it the ego is involved. In such worldly religion, one has to renounce all that is inauspicious and has to purify the ego. That is the illusion of religion and this is the exact real religion. No one is superior at all. Why should there be a boss, what have we done wrong? No one can be your boss. So, the path of religion nowadays is of the ornamental type. This cannot be Vitarag path at all! All these are called sectarian views. And Shrimad Rajchandra has said this verily, ‘Gachha-mat ni je kalpana, te nahi sadvyavahar, bhaan nahi neej roopnu te July 2007


nischaya nahi saar’,—‘Sectarian views, selfguiding whims, are not the right and practical worldly interaction. Until one becomes aware of the Self, he has not attained real essence— the Self.’ They are all chasing the illusion of imagination. Here it is syadvad accepted by all and anekant accommodating all viewpoints. ‘We’ are not saying they are wrong. However, it is correct from their perspective. It is not right for the one who wants to attain moksha. So, do not criticize them. When we talk about them, it is not to criticize or to hurt them. Let them live the way they are living. If he says, that he does not find satisfaction in his path of religion, then you may talk to them. Otherwise, it is an offence to talk about this. This is the path with the perspective of universal acceptance anekant, the path of Lord Mahavir. Yet, we cannot say from the narrow, individualized perspective ekant that this is the only right thing. Whichever principle one has accepted and has got stuck to ekant, such is his vision and perspective and he will think that is the only right thing, because that vision is his base. If he does not accept this and leaves the other path then he will be ruined. As it is, all other paths are ornamental. And what is this here like? It is natural, there is no law. Here, it is such that, why you sat like this and why you sat like this? Here, there is no such thing like ‘why this way?’ At this place let it be natural! Why are you insisting that they sit in the lotus position? Once, I had gone to a religious program, my leg was hurting; whenever I moved my leg or hand even a little, then those people would tell me, ‘ Hey, don’t do such thing again.’ I decided in my mind, that I will not come here again. Where there is no naturalness, where there are policemen, how can there be a path of July 2007

moksha? On the natural path sahaj marg there would not be a police gate, nor will there be the tic-tic of ant time-keeper! Questioner : Dada, on this path of naturalness one will not get stuck on one point abhinivesh, will he? Dadashri : When there is no insistence, it is verily natural. Secondly, the entire world is stuck into insistence of the view point. That is drashti raag exclusive attachment to a particular view-point that ‘only this is right’. They have become one track minded. They need to understand anekant accepting of different views and perspectives in dharma religion. One needs to remain in ekant after understanding anekant. One may need to stay in ekant until he cannot reach at the state of completion of the anekant universal vision and acceptance. But the ultimate path is the one where naturalness exists. Naturalness means one can remain easy. One person says to me, ‘I bought chairs for my house, I bought easy chairs.’ Since the day he sat on easy chair, he looked uneasy, alas! You disgraced even to this easy chair. You look uneasy while sitting on the easy chair. Look, he disgraced even the chair! The chair became easy but he could not become easy. How can we call this a religion? This is only egoism. It is only egoism in the name of religion. True religion emits fragrance. Just light one incense stick here; it will emit some fragrance in the room. The fragrance of a human should spread up to a hundred miles. And here, if you ask about him at his home, they will say, ‘let it go it is not worth talking about.’ Don’t we need fragrance at home? Then why it is like this? Should the neighbors not get his fragrance in the neighborhood? Should there not be an ideal life? How the life 7


should be? It should be ideal. How can this be called a life? One should become ideal. Only this science can make one natural Questioner : Dada, we read in the past that, ‘you become natural, become natural’, but how can one become natural? Dadashri : One is doing these unnatural actions and is trying to become natural, it can never happen. This Akram Vignan verily makes one natural and spontaneous. This science does not listen to intellect at all, it makes one natural only. Questioner : With natural intent only this‌ Dadashri : Our path is natural, absolutely natural and spontaneous. This is a complete science Questioner : Is Akram Vignan different from sahaj yoga natural union path? Dadashri : This is natural yoga union only. This is a complete science. Natural yoga means no unnaturalness. This whole world is an illusion derived imagination and this is natural. Akram Vignan is the perfect science. This is complete science, meaning as long as it is incomplete it will be unnatural. Once it completes, it attains the naturalness. Questioner : I believe that in this Akram Vignan, one does not need to progress through the traditional Yoga of Patanjali via yama, niyam, asana, dharana, dhyan, samadhi. Is that correct? Dadashri : There is no need to practice any steps of the yoga at all. After completion of ashtangyoga, yoga consisting of eight parts yama, niyam, asana, pranayam, pratyahaar, 8

dharana, dhyan, samadhi, this state can be attained. Then it comes to purnahuti completion. Then only one comes to the state of naturalness otherwise one cannot become natural. Ashtangyoga is a standard path and this Akram Vignan is a rare and exceptional path. Once in a while, this path comes around. The Ashtangyoga is original standard path whereas this is only an exception. This path is not available forever. In this exceptional path those who found the direction, their work is done. The one who has swum across can rescue. Only the one who can bestow the gift of moksha can give you moksha and not anyone else. Therefore, you have to become like Him staying close to Him. When one sits next to the Gnani Purush can understand what moksha is. The environment is so magnificent that one would know what moksha is. For instance, if you are sitting close to a huge chunk of ice and you feel the cool breeze blowing through; then you know that there must be ice here somewhere around. Similarly, the environment around the Gnani Purush can make one experience the bliss of moksha. When one becomes oblivious of the world, the bliss of the Self starts expressing. Otherwise there is not any other way that can make you forget the world. Yes, there is another way. Those who want to go down in life can find that way; while they read the story of two outlaws, they can forget everything. But, that is the path of decline, not rising up spiritually. Samadhi is when the world is forgotten .To acquire samadhi one undertakes the path of yoga. This is akin to turn a handle in order to run the fan for some air that brings comfort. This type of effort laden attempts at samadhi is not the path of the Lord. The path of the Lord is natural and effortless. Such samadhi will not July 2007


leave even when you are performing your daily routine activities like eating, drinking, sitting, getting up, etc.; that is samadhi. Self-realization through Kramic path is difficult In Kramic path, one works very hard to get the laksha awareness of the Soul then only he can get the idea khyal about the Soul. However this laksha awareness does not become established permanently. The one on the Kramic path has to keep maintaining this— the Soul in his laksha awareness. It is akin to you reminding your self about your business appointments if you run a business. The seeker of the Kramic path has to keep reminding himself about the Soul, that Soul is like this, Soul is like this… and once he has conviction pratiti, he can remain in such awareness. His conviction will be instilled on the basis of the attributes of the Soul. Whereas in this Akram Vignan there is the direct experience of the Soul atmanubhav, because here The Self is attained through naturalness sahajata, and that is the experience. It is attained without any effort. And where one has to make an effort that is not called the experience. One has to make an effort to establish the conviction pratiti in the Kramic path. If we ask him, have you attained the Self? The reply will be ‘not properly yet’, that is what he will say. And if he says yes, and someone asks him a question, he won’t be able to answer. If someone were to ask him questions like, what can one do to reach certain stage of spiritual development gunthanu? What is a certain stage of spiritual development like? Then he won’t be able to answer this. The Gnani Purush The one who has complete experience July 2007

of the Self is called a Gnani Purush. He can give a description of the whole universe. He can give you answers to all questions. No matter what the topic is, if someone asks questions about Khuda, Christ, Krishna or Lord Mahavir, the Gnani is able to answer them. Through this Akram Vignan, you too have attained the experience of the Self. You have attained the Self naturally and therefore it will benefit you and you will progress further. You have to understand it through having as much acquaintance as possible with the Gnani Purush. You do not have to do anything. In the Kramic path, it is only after one makes so much effort that he will begin to have an idea about the Soul, and that even, it is very faint. However, he will never attain the awareness laksha of the Self. He will have to keep the Soul in his awareness laksha. Whereas in the path of Akram Vignan, the Self becomes your experience, you have a direct experience anubhav of the Self. When Self-knowledge becomes natural, it will not cause intoxication Questioner : ‘I am Shuddhatma pure Soul’, is it called Gnan-knowledge of the Self? Dadashri : No. That Gnan in fact is called Vignan science. Gnan-knowledge, what is written in the words is called knowledge. Where one has to make an effort that is called Gnan. And where one does not have to make any effort, it keeps happening naturally by itself is called Vignan. ‘Atmagnan saral sidhu sahaj thaye chhake nahi!’ ‘Atmagnan Self-knowledge is simple and straightforward; when it becomes natural within, it will not spoil or spill.’ When the Atmagnan becomes natural 9


and spontaneous then it will not cause rudeness intoxication. But the word rudeness is harder than the word intoxication. Gnan kriya—Agnan kriya : Actions of Gnan—Actions of Ignorance Questioner : This Gnan works spontaneously, so what action is involved in it? Dadashri : After you attained this Gnan that action kriya which ‘sees’ karma (doer ship) and akarma (non doer ship) is called Gnan kriya. The action from which seeds (causes of karma) are not sown is called Gnan kriya. It is natural. There is no seed. Say for instance, if you ate the mango and threw away the seed, then it is called agnan kriya action of ignorance. If the government declares that you may eat the mangos but can’t plant the mango tree, it is an offence. But you don’t know this so you threw the seed after eating the mango. You are not planting a mango tree but the mango tree will grow. Now, here, what is the Gnan kriya? The Gnan kriya here is that one roasts the seeds before discarding them. The sahaj—natural one is beyond acquisition and renunciation Due to acquisition and renunciation the world has existed, no? Otherwise moksha can be attained with naturalness. No renunciation or acquisition. Where there is no renunciation or acquisition, that is were moksha is. Once you renounce onions and then if you see onions, you will scorn it, not like it. Do you know this has happened? Thus, where there was no abhorrence for onions there now you have developed abhorrence for onions. Thus one detests potatoes and onions. If you don’t want to eat then don’t; but why this 10

abhorrence? Why not let go from within through bhaav deep inner intent? One has the right to ask anything here Questioner : I am talking very freely naturally here and have become so open with you. Dadashri : You can become natural here; it is not called an insult. You have the right to ask everything here. There should be clarification. If you get a solution then you can digest this Gnan, otherwise there is the possibility of developing indigestion. Therefore, all the clarifications should be made. I even tell people that you are allowed to insult me; I can’t do that to you. I have to be discreet. Where there is organized enclosure of religion the non-Selfness prevails Questioner : When we attain the Gnan of Shuddhatma pure Soul from you, are we not enclosing ourselves into a sect or a faction? Dadashri : No. There is no sect at all here! Where there is vibhavikta nonSelfness—‘I am Chandulal’, that is where the sect exists. Naturalness arises where there is swabhavikta being the Self; sect does not exist there at all! Because one sees pure Soul in trees and shrubs, cows and buffalos and all the living beings, how can a sect or division exist? He sees God everywhere. No need of apathy—udaseenta in the Akram path Questioner : After Self-realization, one will be disinterested and apathetic in worldly dealings. After the experience, one will not be interested anywhere, no? Dadashri : There is no need of apathy at all. This is not the path of having apathy at July 2007


all. Here, we settle. When the mango juice is brought to you, you say, ‘Look, add such and such condiments in the mango juice,’ and then enjoy it. You do not have to give away your favorite dish served to you. Here, you have to proceed through enjoying; there is no need to create apathy udaseenta. Questioner : We do not have to develop apathy, it happens naturally. Dadashri : But, there is no need at all for natural apathy in this path. Here, you follow my Agnas and settle with equanimity. If a mango comes in front of you, eat it; whatever comes in front of you, eat all, don’t think; whatever comes in your plate, eat that. The state of apathy udaseenta, it happens in the path of vairaag renunciation. Apathy arises from renunciation. Here, in the Akram path one attains vitaragata total detachment. Here, we do not have udaseenta even a little, only direct vitaragata. You are allowed to eat sweet bread, sweet balls and everything; what is the reason? Otherwise, I would say that, ‘don’t eat such and such things’. You eat whatever comes in front of you; ‘we’ have seen this in Gnan; what is discharge and what is charge. We have called discharge as discharge. We are not telling You to interfere in discharge. The whole world believes discharge karma as charge karma. So, it is necessary for the world, to become apathetic to become detached. Natural awareness of the Self through Akram path The essence of the scriptures is incorporated in the Gnan which You have attained. That which has been said in the scriptures is correct. Ahead of this what remains is Akram Vignan! In the scriptures, July 2007

there is the description of the attributes of the Soul, but that does not include all the attributes. ‘We’ are unfolding all the attributes of the Soul; only then the Soul can be attained, otherwise not. In Kramic path, one attains the Soul by the number of attributes of the Soul which are attained yet laksha awareness (eternal) will not take hold. What does the establishment of awareness mean? In Kramic path, they will have instillation of awareness through the memory and here, in Akram there is natural awareness. When you wake up in the night the awareness, ‘I am Shuddhatma’, is there, there is no need to remember or recall. It simply is there in your memory. That which has to be memorized is called pudgal-the nonSelf. You don’t have to memorize the Soul. Once You united with the Self-the Soul, why do you need to remember? If you need to think or remember, it is all pudgal. In the Kramic path, one attains naturalness as the fruit of thought is processing vicharana. And here, in Akram naturalness is the fruit of understanding samaj the vyavasthit—scientific circumstantial evidences. Here, the word thought does not exist at all. Thought is verily gneya that which is to be known. Akram Vignan: The perfect separation of the Self and the non-Self. Questioner : Can bheda Vignan the knowledge that separates the Self and the nonSelf be called Akram Vignan? Dadashri : Yes. Bheda vignan and Akram Vignan are one and the same. But, there is a full stop in this bheda vignan of Akram Vignan, whereas there is a comma in the bheda vignan of the Kramic path. So here, one does not have to do anything. Akram 11


Vignan is where one does not need to do anything. If you don’t have to do anything then what happens? One is constantly becoming natural sahaj. Questioner : Please explain more details about this state of naturalness. Dadashri : Right now, we have become asahaj unnatural, so we have become vikalpi egoistic, living as ‘I am Chandulal’. Questioner : But can we call being vikalpi being Chandulal as unnatural? To become sahaj natural is natural. Dadashri : How can natural be called unnatural? Vikalpi a person with ego, ‘I am Chandulal’, and nirvikalpi ego less—the Self, both are natural. Questioner : Are both natural? Please explain a little bit. Dadashri : What is nature? Scientific circumstantial evidence is called nature. When two H and one O get together, water forms, and that is called nature. Thus, when these evidences get together, it is called nature. Thus, when certain types of evidences come together, one becomes sahaj natural; otherwise, one becomes vikalpi a person with ego. Therefore, this here is a process of naturalness. The path to liberation is natural, easy and simple, but it is difficult to attain because a mokshadata purush, liberator of moksha is there only on rare occasions. What is so distinctive about the liberator, a mokshadata purush? The answer is, He does not have even an iota of intellect. As long as there is even one percent intellect, it cannot be called Gnan at all.

Dadashri : Yes, this is definitely a shortcut. It is direct and short. Questioner : But what is the ultimate goal of this path? Dadashri : The ultimate goal of this path is to attain eternal bliss, to become independent swatantra and freedom from dependence niralumb. Questioner : What is eternal bliss? What is the definition of permanent happiness? Dadashri : It is that happiness for which no effort is required. It is attained naturally and it remains permanently. Permanent happiness means there is no pain or misery. Spiritual energy of the Self manifests out of naturalness What is naturalness? It is like flowing with the flow of water. If the flow of water turns this way, he will turn the same way. There is no potapanu ‘I-ness’. One follows where the flow of water takes him.

Permanent happiness—bliss is the goal

What is naturalness? The one who becomes natural even for one minute becomes a Bhagwan a God. No one is able to become natural in this world! You have become natural because of this Akram Vignan! Otherwise, is it possible to become natural while practicing law? How can a lawyer become natural? And on top of that, you are taking new cases! But see, you are becoming natural! That, too, is a wonder! This is known as the biggest miracle. And yet, we say, there is no such thing as a miracle. People use the term miracle because of lack of understanding. Actually, these are all scientific circumstantial evidences!

Questioner : So is this a short cut of some kind?

At present, the vignan science that has been given to you is constantly making you


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natural now. And once you become natural, you become like ‘Me’. Once you became like ‘Me’, you become the superior of the universe. Dada Bhagwan is called the superior of the universe; the reason for that is that He is not the owner of this body. Then who is the owner of this body? Then he says, ‘it is a public trust.’ Questioner : Dada, You have shown the energy of the Soul to each seeker depending upon his ability and energy. Dadashri : What an enormous energy is shown! Look at the joy showing through their faces. Otherwise, their faces would look as if they had been smeared with castor oil. Evan one sentence from the one who has become natural is very beneficial to people! One has not become natural at all. Here we have the solution to attain naturalness. Now, one becomes straightforward in proportion to the wisdom he attains. Once you became straight forward (free from interfering intellect), you became natural. When ‘we’ went to USA, ‘we’ went there like a bundle (egoless) and returned like a bundle. We went everywhere in USA, there also same thing. Nothing is ours. “Vichhere uday prayog, Apoorva vani param shruta— Moves around with the experiment of the unfolding of the circumstance! Unprecedented speech of absolute nature to be listened!” That is how it is. Questioner : Does the spiritual energy of the Self arise and express from naturalness? Dadashri : Yes, from being natural only. The spiritual energy of the Self manifests as much one becomes natural. Now, the foreigners are natural too. Our children are natural too, July 2007

but that naturalness is due to ignorance. Therefore, it would happen if the naturalness is associated with the Gnan. Questioner : With this worldly prosperity, one feels tired sooner or later. Dadashri : One will feel sheer fatigue. One will get tired of worldly wealth. ‘I have so many acres of land, I have so many bungalows,’ all that pressure is on the mind. One becomes responsible for all the claims ‘it is mine’. Yes and what can happen after saying it? After it comes over the head one feels suffocated, and then he does not know how to undo it. If he speaks ‘not mine’, then it will leave, but he will not know that, no? When will such bliss arise? Questioner : Dada, one has to say, ‘this is mine’, in worldly life, does he not? Dadashri : Yes, you should, but you should speak dramatically, the speech should be like that which is spoken in a play—drama. Questioner : So inside it should be clear to him that ‘this is not mine’? Dadashri : No, for him, in the drama, he would know that, ‘I am Chandulal’, and I have to play a role of Bhartruhari. That would be clear to him since he has taken part in the drama, and he has rehearsed it. And these people have not participated, not rehearsed! If they had rehearsed, then it will remain clearly dramatic for them too. Questioner : In Kramic path, in spite of doing a lot of effort, there was no bliss, and here the bliss stays naturally. And sometimes there is a stage when I feel that this bliss that is there, that is naturally there, then there is ‘nothing to be done’? You had said, ‘We are 13


not the doers of anything’, how is that? Dadashri : As long as there is awareness that, ‘I am not doing anything’; the happiness anand decreases a little. When one becomes natural, exceptional bliss will remain the whole day. There was the awareness that, ‘I was doing something’ after that there is now awareness that ‘I am not the doer’. Yet, the main thing—the Self is beyond both. The full stop of ego, is Akram “Amidst all that is happening in this world, whether it is suitable or unsuitable to the world, I am not doing anything. To have this awareness continuously is keval darshan absolute vision’ (Aptasutra 3776)” ‘We’ are saying strongly ‘see’ this sentence with your ‘thermometer.’ ‘We’ are saying that rest of the responsibility is ‘ours’. ‘We’ are taking responsibility for this sentence. This is a very significant definition of keval darshan absolute vision. This sentence had come forth as soon as ‘we’ came out after a bath at Mamani pod (Dadashri’s residence in Vadodara, India). We have not made up this sentence. Questioner : It has come forth naturally. Dadashri : It has come forth naturally. This whole science of ours has come out naturally. All natural. Questioner : Akram is a science vignan, likewise Kram also might be a science vignan or not? Dadashri : Kramic is also vignan; Kramic is step-by-step. What does Akram mean? Full stop. And Kramic means comma. No matter how far one has advanced, he has to put a comma there. And here, he has to put full stop. 14

Questioner : So here in Akram, can one go straight to full stop? Dadashri : This stock is of full stop only. The other one is all about commas. There the commas are not just one or two, they are in millions. Millions can be counted, but these are countless. Questioner : In Kramic vignan, one may fall down say from even the 1001st step; where as in Akram vignan, once we are in the elevator, there is no fear of falling back at all, is there? Dadashri : There in Kramic path, one has to climb. Here, it is not a matter of climbing at all. This is a matter of sitting in the elevator. This is the path of just sitting in the elevator. One has to only understand, that’s it. Questioner : But here, is there a possibility of falling down or not? Dadashri : There is no possibility of falling down. If one wants to fall, he may fall. If one has a desire then he may fall down. Questioner : This working elevator that is running and if in the middle the electric current stops or malfunctions, it may stop somewhere—— Dadashri : No, this electric current will not stop! Here, we say, don’t bring your hand out; that is the only thing. Once you fall from this elevator, not a single piece of bone will be found since you have reached up to such a high level. If you follow the five Agnas, then know that the lift is running. And one does not have to read the five Agnas at all. Our vachanbud energy of speech is such that it remains in Your awareness; there is no need to read it. July 2007


Akram is full stop i.e. complete stock. You don’t have to do anything. Once You remain in the Agnas, from that moment Your Akram began. All these people do not stay even for a minute out of my Agnas. Not a single brother of yours is out of the Agnas. Little weakness does arise in that person, that one from over there; he may be a little behind in following Agnas; because he does not understand the exactness. Like this man he was forced to drink it (Go through the Gnan Vidhi), so he will not gain anything, his brother had picked him up and had brought here. A skill to get rid of the disease of etiquette There is no law of clapping in this Akram Vignan. This is just to get rid of the disease for the one who has etiquette of not clapping. Questioner : But Dada, now I can speak naturally. Now it happens. Now I don’t feel restless. Dadashri : This is to get rid of the disease of etiquette. Religion will never bring forth its result without getting rid of the etiquette. Religion brings forth the result if one stays out of etiquette. So he was also asking, do we have to do clapping here? Then I said, ‘this is to get rid of the disease of etiquette.’ Not a single person has learned etiquette through his own intellect. Intellect is not there at all, no? One had learned all these etiquettes by imitation. That is how this disease had invaded and I did all this to get rid of the disease. Questioner : Dada, that is correct. We wear a tie, but we don’t wear it with our understanding. Everybody wears it that is why we wear it. Dadashri : People have learned this etiquette by watching others only. All these July 2007

etiquettes they have learned in India; and as long as there is etiquette, there is no such thing as religion. Where there is slightest etiquette, there is no such thing as religion. Religion exists where there is naturalness. Everyone’s mind remains surrendered to the Gnani Questioner : Dada, so many people feel oneness with Dada, how is all that happening? Dadashri : That is the wonder, no? And about 25 thousand people feel this oneness. There are 25 thousand people, but not all of their minds remain surrendered completely. Three to four thousand people’s minds remain surrendered completely. Questioner : Can you know all this? Dadashri : We can tell everything! We know that this person’s mind remains completely surrendered. This means that such a person will adjust according to whatever ‘we’ say. Where there is no etiquette, there is naturalness and so religion is there. Dharma religion is proportional to the amount of naturalness one has. Whatever happens naturally, that is it. Questioner : If you explain this in little more detail with examples then everyone will understand in exactness. Dadashri : Say for instance if you go to such a place, where ten people are highly educated, have Ph. D., ten people are graduates, ten people have completed high school, ten people have studied only Gujarati, ten people have no education at all, ten small children ranging from the age of one to one 15


and half years, old men age of sixty-sixty five years, seventy year olds and if all of them get together and go; then there is a religion. And where even small children will remain seated, women will remain seated, married people will remain seated, that is where the religion is. Such a person is such that the minds of those who are present become surrendered. That is where people can remain seated otherwise they cannot. The one whose mind remains subdued will be able to subdue the minds of others around him. The one who is independent, whose mind remains completely subdued to him, there one can accomplish the task! Once the mind remains subdued, then You can do everything. People will follow according to your instruction otherwise if you try to teach them they won’t learn a single word and will do the opposite. The atmosphere of this Kaliyug current fifth era of time cycle is such that they will do the opposite. If someone has gone on the wrong way and if speaks against ‘us’, even then ‘we’ would not leave his company. Naturalness exists where there is law of ‘no laws’ Everywhere in the world, the ascetics sadhus and sanyasis have laws and rules. They have to sit only in a certain way and do just certain things. Such rules cause sankalp and vikalp determination and complications, whereas the Self is sahaj, it is natural. Rules and restrictions are bondage. People make rules in their companies or groups and these very rules cause bondage. Rules and restrictions are meant for those who want to go from yama i.e. self-control or self-restraint towards niyam - rules and regulations and discipline. Yama is the first level and niyam is 16

the second. We do not need laws to go to moksha. For moksha, we need to let the self be natural and spontaneous. When you let the self be natural and spontaneous, you will experience natural and spontaneous liberation from within too. Laws exist in the relative world, not in real because real means it is the foundation to become natural. If the laws were to be imposed in the foundation where one becomes natural, then the naturalness will disappear. Therefore, here, there is ‘no-law law’. There are no laws in ‘our’ satsang. Here there is a ‘no-law law’. Akram means there is no law. If there is a group of people with no laws in this world, it is the group of Dada’s followers. They do not have any laws. The rest of the people in the world cannot live without laws. The one living without laws goes to moksha. In the absence of laws, one becomes sahaj natural and spontaneous and in the presence of laws, one becomes asahaj unnatural. An excess or abundance of anything makes one lose interest in it. Also where there is a control or restriction of something, one’s chit will go there repeatedly. If sugar is to be rationed, the chit will be preoccupied with sugar and when and how to get it. Control is such a thing that that it makes the mind restless. That is why ‘we’ say to ‘decontrol’ everything, take away all laws that control. Elsewhere people are preoccupied with trying to control their mind, which is precisely why the mind becomes restless and agitated the whole day. Questioner : Only recently you said that when one’s external prakruti relative Self becomes natural, everyone would call him a God, and everyone will have to encounter this. July 2007


Dadashri : It will be when one will become completely natural and spontaneous. Is it becoming natural inside or not? The connection of both (real and relative) is becoming natural or not, ‘we’ would know that. Who can we call natural? The one who blends in the crowd of the Gnani What we speak and do in our satsang, when seen by the people who come from outside (those who have not taken Gnan), they have a different notion about us; so when they see us ‘doing’ all this they wonder about our Gnan. But they don’t know that these people here are acquiring that which is knowledge and letting go of that which is ignorance. The reason is that we were not the type who would do the clapping and dancing, but that old belief was wrong that is what we believed and used to scorn it. We are now getting rid of that belief with equanimity. We can become free if we clap and dance. Feelings of contempt are to be rid of and like wise feelings of attraction and attachments too are to be rid of right here in this life. Get rid of both in this life. Would there not be dislike and scorn? Is one going to carry forward all this in the next life? So, get rid of it here only. You are to do plus and minus and arrive at zero. Or else, the outsiders will tell of us all, what is this craziness you are doing? With your kind of education and sense, what is all this hovering and hullabaloo around Dada? You all are just dealing with the stock of karma that you had acquired in the past life. Those poor people don’t know that. ‘We’ understand all the phases paryaya, and accept that such a phase is now unfolding. July 2007

But for whom? It is not for those who are in Kramic path, because they have gradually finished everything. And here the stock has not been cleared. So, one becomes natural by settling—letting the karma unfold this way. One has to make the body complex natural by whatever way possible. It is one kind of wrong belief not to clap. To clap and holler is also a wrong belief. Not to clap, is one kind of belief, which increases the ego, and this here destroys the ego. And for You, You are not the doer. This is done by Chandulal, are You doing it? So here, all the actions we have are to remove the wrong beliefs. Many of these beliefs; ‘we’ have already fractured. But still, there may be some that were filled in, but would leave naturally. No one is creating objection here, is there? One forgets one’s own stage here. In the past you would think, I cannot be so effusive and do all this. And yet, where do You have to do anything? If I have left for You to do it then show me. You have to keep ‘seeing’ what Chandulal does, ‘Oho ho! Chandulal, what clapping and dancing you did to go to moksha.’ You (the one who has attained Gnan) want to be free and he (the one who is bound) also wants to let go of You. Otherwise, would Chandubhai like to do the clapping? Here, I clap and teach you to clap. Otherwise I don’t need to do it now. By teaching you, I am helping you to bring to closure. Is it necessary for me to do all these actions? This is to bring about the settlement (of karma). This is not a college or a school. This is to bring about the solution in any way possible. If you use the intellect in this, then it will not let you sleep the whole night. 17


And is it possible to understand through intellect? But, if your understanding changes, then for the whole night you will feel, ‘why does Dada make us do this?’ Besides, do You have to do this? The one who used to have scorn, has to do the clapping, one must do plus-minus. What is meant by natural-sahaj? One does what everybody does, not of his own. One should not keep potapanu—‘I-ness’. However, everyone would keep their own separate, wouldn’t they? Then they become restless within. And if one does what everybody does then potapanu will not remain. One becomes natural. Naturalness develops. ‘We’ like that very much. The self became unnatural due to unnaturalness of prakruti. So basically, one has to make this prakruti natural. When others talk, you talk with them; you sing when others sing; and that is why here, we make you sing. Otherwise, what is the reason to make you sing? It is to make prakruti natural. It will leave from your mind that I can’t do such thing, and I can do such thing, such and such things will leave. Do not create separation in satsang. You do what everyone else does. If you want inner steadiness then be still like this externally. The naturalness of prakruti means, you do exactly what ‘we’ do on the outside. When one tries to do different then that extra photo will be evident. Would You know the one who is doing that which tends to separate (opposite of oneness)? Now this man and these other five to seven people are sitting in a different group. Oh! Brother, Gnani Purush Himself is calling out and shouting, then, will there be something or not? But, all this is over-wiseness, therefore extra photo will come out. Then, what can happen? If one will make his prakruti natural 18

then work will be done. Natural means, ‘work while you work, play while you play.’ Then your photo will come out different. All these people go along with harmony. You all have harmony in every way, and you over there are a kind of person who would create separation; but gradually all that has decreased, you have become friendly. What happens when one creates separation? The photo will be of a different kind. If etiquette leaves then one becomes natural Questioner : So Dada, at that time I used to oppose clapping and today I clap more forcefully then everyone else. So, why did this happen? Is it because those who have been worst and unnatural have to come to you and confess to you more? Dadashri : There is not such law that by clapping one can attain moksha; likewise, there is no law that, by sitting quietly and keep reading one can attain moksha either. What is the law to attain liberation? Does a person remain natural or not, that’s it, natural. Etiquette is involved where one remains seated quietly, does not clap, reads on his own, and also a little contempt is involved. And these other people will say that all this clapping has caused a fracture of the chit and one has become crazy. Therefore, both are unnecessary. We are encouraging this clapping to clear the negativities, which were harbored before. From infinite life times you had harbored much negativity, so to clear those negativities you have to become natural by doing addition and deletion. That negativity will make one unnatural People ask me in Mumbai, ‘what is the July 2007


meaning for all this excessive show and hullabaloo around you?’ I told them, ‘in their prior lives they had harbored much negativities and this life they are clearing all those negativities.’ Can one take these negativities with him to moksha? That is why they are clapping. They are doing it to remove the prior life negativities and irritations. If you do it yourself, it will leave. No, otherwise, as a Gnani why should I take up the business of getting rid of it for you? I am a Gnani Purush, such junk is not right in Gnan, no? This is Akram Vignan. All these garbage needs to be emptied. In the Kramic path, it is different. There you have to keep it with you and keep suffering. Here you have to get rid of it by emptying and bring it to an end. What else is left after becoming Shuddhatma? In Kramic path, one cannot become Shuddhatma in this manner, and when one becomes Shuddhatma he goes to moksha in the same life. And here the businessman can do the business even if he is Shuddhatma such is our Akram. Look, this man is doing business at ease, is he not? Did you understand?

If someone were to take off your cloths on the street then will you feel embarrassment or not? Questioner : Now I will not. Dadashri : Now you will not feel discomfited. That is why I am making you experience naturalness so that embarrassment will not arise in any situation.

Experiments for naturalness

Once, I had gone to a Jain monastery in Vadodara, this was before the Gnan. I had gone there to do darshan see with reverence, a Jain Maharaj priest who was visiting there. In those days I used to wear long white coat and unlike today I used to keep my boots shined. In those days, there was a little show of external appearance and classy look! After sitting there for one and a half hour, when I got out, the shined boots were gone. Only good footwear will be stolen first, no? So they were stolen. I did not have any regrets that the shoes were gone. But how will I go in the market? I had a long coat and no boots. Embarrassment was experienced within. So as soon as I got out of Ghadiadee pod, I immediately took the rickshaw and came home. But such discomfort of embarrassment was experienced within. And then I thought, what if someone asked me to remove the clothes, what would I do? Will I not feel embarrassed then? Therefore, get rid of embarrassment from the beginning and bring on the naturalness.

Dadashri : Why are we clapping and dancing here in satsang? To bring sahajata naturalness, all this things we have is to get rid of unnaturalness. This is a natural experiment. Will there be a fear of any kind after becoming natural? There will be no fear or fright. This can be done and this can’t be done is the vikalp ego of, ‘I am Chandubhai’. We would not have any kind of fear at all. All such ghosts must exit.

That is why I make you to do all these experiments of naturalness. You already have Gnan but there should be naturalness, no? There should be no fear of any kind, in any situation. If you will become natural and spontaneous then you will attain moksha. You will become like a God. You are a God, such realization will occur. And because of unnaturalness all these ghosts of etiquettes exist,

Questioner : Yes, I understood. Dadashri : You think along this line from now on. Questioner : Yes, sure.

July 2007



there is nothing at all. That is why it is necessary to become natural. Ultimately one will have to become natural. Day by day one has to become natural. Here, all these means and ways are to become natural. Questioner : How will one become completely natural, like Dada is defining naturalness? Dadashri : Those who worship this Dada are worshipping that natural state only. And then, you too will become that natural. Garba can make the prakruti natural Here, those who are dancing and singing in circle doing garba have become sahaj natural, and those others who are sitting on the sidelines are asahaj unnatural. So why do ‘we’ sit in the center? Is there a reason for ‘us’ to sit there? ‘We’ want You to become natural by any means, be natural. All these actions, are they appropriate for a Gnani? Would a Gnani be clapping like this? How is our science? Make natural (the prakruti), by any means become natural. Once, we went to a pilgrimage with 115 people, there were 2 bogies, they were joined. And the kitchen would continue to stay open till the end. Cooking and breakfast would continue up to the end. Now, we were all on the pilgrimage and so for how long can you just sit in the train like this? So we would get off the train when a big station would arrive. The train will stop for twenty minutes over there and during that time, everyone would get out on the platform of the station, and do garba folk dance in the circle. Questioner : So, does it mean that it— non-Self—has become natural because one 20

dances like that in the street in public? Dadashri : It can be said that it has become natural. What does natural mean? It is not to be afraid of people. Not to be afraid of anyone, that is called natural. There is this gentleman who comes here, one day I put a garland of flowers around his neck, I said, ‘Wear this garland all the way until you reach home.’ Now, this Agna instruction was given and he had no choice but to follow the Agnas. So then, what did he do? When he got out of the street, he felt in his mind, ‘what if someone sees me?’ So, what did he do? He thought that he would find some way that the garland does not have to be removed from the neck, the instruction can be followed and he does not have to come under the hold of people. So, he hired a rickshaw right from there and sat inside with his eyes closed. And he asked to stop the rickshaw right in the front of the door of his house. Next day, he told me what he did. Then I said, ‘Why are you afraid? Why are you not afraid of these cows and buffalos? There is the same Soul in them as in the people. Why are you not afraidembarrassed due to them?’ Then he said, ‘I would not be ashamed there.’ Then I said, ‘There is no difference. These others look like humans if you take a photograph, but otherwise there is no difference.’ Questioner : However there are certain things that the prakruti will not let us do, then what should we do? Dadashri : Yes. It will not let you do then You would know that too. You have the desire but it will not let you do it, then You are not responsible for that. During pilgrimage, we would do all such things at every station, and that too, without getting tired. With open mind, there is no need to feel pressure from anyone, July 2007


why should you be ashamed of anybody? If there is any embarrassment, would you not know that Chandubhai is a little weak? Questioner : One’s own internal feeling and junk remains. There is nothing of any one else’s. Dadashri : One’s own fear is the boss; no one else has the time. Instruments for purification of antah-karan Questioner : What is the instrument for purification of antah-karan the inner instrument comprising of mind, intellect, chit and ego? Dadashri : Here, if all the doctors were together, will they sing ‘Dada Bhagwan Na Aseem Jai Jai Kar Ho Glory to the Lord who lives within all living beings.’ How many will sing? Not a single one. The intellect has invaded in such a way that the purity of the antah-karan is gone! Questioner : So is this due to the increase in intellectual parigraha acquisitiveness? Is it because intellect has increased? Dadashri : Yes, that’s why it is necessary to become natural. It should be natural, along with this one must do pratikraman that, ‘I am unable to sing, I have desire to sing this from so long, so please remove this obstruction for me.’ By doing this it will be removed and one will be able to sing and chant very well. You will become absorbed in it and be able to chant very well. The slightest influence of the intellect, dispels the shukla antah-karan purity of the inner complex of mind, intellect, chit and ego. Once one becomes separate from the non-Self, one has indeed separated the nonJuly 2007

Self, and thus one is indeed separate. The absorption in singing ‘Dada Bhagwan Na Aseem Jai Jai Kar Ho’, sheds the impurities in the mind and thus the antah-karan becomes pure. Questioner : So that means education has led to the increase in intellect, no? And therefore, is it better to remain uneducated? Dadashri : Now how can people know this? Krupaludev just used the term shukla antah-karan pure inner complex. But what should we call pure antah-karan and how can one understand all that? The path of liberation is a ‘heartily path—the path of one with open hearts’. ‘We’ do not have even an iota of intellect and that’s why, look, this path of liberation has opened entirely, has it not? Questioner : But Dada, we used to meet you before even Gnan, then you used to keep the intellect aside. Dadashri : Yes, it is the heartily path, isn’t it! Narrow mind, borrowed intellect-akkal The broader the mind, the higher is your scope. This is definition of the boundary of your world! Your area is in proportion with limits of your narrowness. When the mind expands, the area and the boundary will expand too. It is because of your own mistakes that this type of intellect akkal is bothering you. Now, the intellect is of two types. One is the intellect that is acquired naturally; the other one is taken from people, borrowed from people. So now what is akkal? It is what you learned from someone who has less sense than you. You went to someone with less sense and learned. Yes, for that reason, I did not learn any akkal. What is the use of learning sense akkal from someone with less sense? 21


All this is called imitation. And our own intellect is correct; and there too, for how long is that intellect considered wrong? There, if it is used for social service, that intellect will not be considered wrong. One should become helpful to everybody. So here, the broader your mind will be, the higher the scope you will get. The world is big. Do those who give large donation become beggars? Don’t they have food? Questioner : No. It does not happen like that. Dadashri : He has no courage to give. The intellect is harassing him. Questioner : It does not fall short by giving at all. This is the path of salvation-moksha Questioner : Some people say that when you clap, there is himsa subtle life is being harmed, so one should not do loud forceful clapping. Dadashri : You should tell them, ‘We don’t have that problem, our Dada denies that.’ We are concerned with the profit, not concerned with the loss. This is about advantage and disadvantage, there is a loss but there is a profit too. To clap and do those other things is part of naturalness, and without naturalness, there is no moksha marg path of liberation. As long as there is the interference of intellect that ‘I can’t do this’; until then there is a bondage. Later on, it will go away. All these are the obstacles created by the intellect. That is why they are saying that all this is not necessary in the path of salvation. What a sack of intellect, don’t know how to conduct the worldly interaction. Only sin paap, had bound with violence everywhere; and this path of ours is to get rid of all that, to achieve the right thing. 22

No interference of intellect even a little… Questioner : Being natural, does that mean to be simple and straightforward with everyone? Dadashri : Not straightforward sarad, natural means no interference of intellect of any kind. And unnatural asahaj means interference of intellect. Do you understand the meaning of interference? If the intellect interferes here, in satsang, then one is not natural. This is a very scientific path. Those who will understand will be taken to moksha. Thus, you tell Chandulal, ‘stay on the path’. Since your intellect did not get employed; it will become natural by itself. Moksha means to become natural. When You make this body complex prakruti natural; the soul is verily natural. If You become slightly unnatural, the self will become unnatural. So here, all the actions are done to make one natural. Here one does not need to memorize anything. When there is no interference of intellect then for the one who speaks, the words become the bhakti devotion; the one who sings, it is glory to the Self and the one who claps in rhythm to the chant becomes natural. Questioner : Long time ago I used to think that this is not so important and I used to sit far away. Dadashri : That distance is the separation of ignorance. ‘I am little different’, is the interference of the intellect. You have already become the Self, so now you have to make the relative self prakruti natural. For the one who has taken Gnan, everything is natural. Elsewhere (the one who has not taken Gnan), no one can become natural. The one who has not received Gnan July 2007


has no right to speak the word sahaj natural, because he is governed by his prakruti. He would be immersed in prakruti only. One can’t be natural if he is governed by prakruti. He is completely under the domain of the nonSelf. I have been saying this exactly as it is.

natural. ‘We’ too would also start to sing.

If the soul has become separated through any kind of Gnan then only one can become natural otherwise one can’t become natural.

Dadashri : It would bother him. Like this gentleman here, he did not like to clap. But did you understand the science?

Even the Gnanis of the Kramic path also cannot become natural, they would be unnatural only. No one can become natural. You have been given this Akram Vignan so you can become natural. Otherwise, no one has the right to speak the word natural sahaj. In the Kramic path, as long as ‘I am’ (ego) remains, and then some ‘I’ is dissolved, and yet some ‘I’ will remain. His naturalness is proportional to the amount of ‘I’(ego) that dissipates and the unnaturalness is proportional to amount of ‘I’(ego) that remains. So how can he become completely natural? Here, he becomes completely natural. This is a unique thing. If one understands this then he can get his work done and there is no contradiction in this. In the worldly life, all these devotional hymns which being sung are for understanding and for devotional singing. And why are they singing the devotional songs and hymns here? Questioner : For the closure nikal. Dadashri : Yes. It makes everyone natural, if you get involved with what everybody does then you can become natural. There is no other way to become natural. This is the top most thing to become natural, but because these people are not aware of it they don’t take advantage of it. One needs to become July 2007

Now, what is the definition of interference amongst the people? Questioner : If someone is sitting here and if I say something to tease him?

Questioner : Yes. Naturalness in bhakti-devotion Questioner : All these questions will be asked, Dada will ask, why have you not joined in garba dancing and singing in circle? Dadashri : No. I would not ask. It needs no explanation; I need no explanation; although ‘we’ would explain what the advantage of this is? It is to become natural. As you have seen I have remained natural in all aspects, no interference at all. Questioner : That is why we are holding on to you, Dadaji. Dadashri : Yes. You do stay close. Questioner : Why would obstinate ego persist, Dada? Dadashri : It is because of not having that understanding. He does not let go, ‘My intellect’. He has plenty of intellect. Intellect says, ‘I am something.’ Then You should ask, ‘who are you? Let it go. You don’t know anything.’ Then the fool will straighten out. You have to tell him-Chandulal. If an outsider says this, then he-Chandulal will talk back. But ‘You’ have to tell Chandulal-the non-Self that, ‘Brother, what business have you commenced now?’ You have to chide him thus. 23


Did you see that? Everyone was swaying like a cobra. That can get the work done. Everyone was immersed, constantly absorbed the entire day. Thus, a totally different kind of bliss would remain within. Whether they met me or not, they all were chanting. Did you see that? Questioner : Yes, yes, I saw that very well. Dadashri : That is why I explained you the difference behind this. Why these people have changed. His mother and aunt, both were engrossed and he was absorbed too, this woman was also absorbed. All were absorbed; most of them remained engrossed. But, this, you should understand. They were swaying like this, as if they were dancing! They were swaying like that. Did you understand this difference? Don’t you think why I am saying all these things to you? Questioner : One would become lighter, no? Dadashri : No. The intellect of the intellectual people will show them, ‘Why do they keep clapping?’ Intellect will show you such wrong things. Such highly educated people, no? Naturalness comes after attaining Gnan Questioner : We sing spiritual hymns here and develop the naturalness, similarly when people sing devotional songs of Mira or Narsinh in other satsang groups; can that bring them in naturalness? Does this same principle apply there? Dadashri : If one has taken Gnan then it can bring naturalness. If he has not taken Gnan then it cannot bring naturalness. If one 24

has not taken Gnan then he should not even write the word natural sahajata. Unnaturalness of the body can end this way The ignorant people keep on obstructing the body—the relative self, they will say, ‘We can’t do thus.’ Look, how does the body jump when he does not obstruct him? He jumps this high! And what if there is a blocker? He will say that, ‘I can’t do such thing.’ He will say, ‘I can’t even dance,’ and see there is no one to obstruct, then behold how he is jumping inside. And when one jumps, naturalness will arrive. Once the naturalness is there, unhappiness will not arise. And once this body became natural, the Soul is verily natural. The Soul looks unnatural due to the unnaturalness of the body. This is my great discovery. This is a complete science. Look, do I have to scold anyone? They jump up this high and yet do I scold anyone? Yesterday, they jumped so much over at that place…I know all their stock is coming out, it will become first class inside. Educated, B.E…all were jumping and so it almost appears kind of crazy, no? It is not. No, this has been obstructed and detained, one will stop himself, ‘I can’t do this, this can’t be done.’ What would he imagine of himself, as if he is the son of the King of Gods—King Indra. It is called foolishness, madness. I told him, ‘Get rid of the madness.’ In this world even Ramchandraji’s reputation was ruined, how will yours be preserved? Someone like Ramchandraji’s reputation was not there, how will the reputation of these people be there? Therefore, surrender to the Gnani Purush, then there is no fear and no freight. And whatever has happened is scientific circumstantial July 2007


evidence, whatever will happen that is also scientific circumstantial evidence. At least there is no fear or fright from fear. And half of the miseries are of one’s own, just the way he obstructs this body; he obstructs the income in the same way. ‘At present, it is not worth doing business, at present stay put for two years’, obstructs the income. Never harbor fear. No matter whatever has happened, do not be afraid. Because, at present there will be testing and next time it will be better. But nothing will be spoiled now. After attaining the Self, examination may come sometime; then you should wait a little, go through the test, and here is anything permanent? This is only a temporary adjustment. Now, you don’t feel fear, do you? The ghost of etiquette has entered to maintain false reputation It happened like this; my friend and I would visit Bombay and the train would be so crowded that there would be no bench seat to sit on. So then my friend would stand in the train and I would spread something on the floor and sit on the floor of the train compartment. When I ask him to sit down, his response was, ‘my reputation will be ruined.’ People would say so and so….mooah who is here to look at you, who here can you see is reputable person? Did you see any reputable person? Do you see anyone who is reputable in this world? I don’t see a single reputable person. Why don’t you feel ashamed in the presence of cows and buffalos? He said, ‘they are not people.’ I said, ‘this is only their stock, one will go there only in next life. Why are you afraid, mooah? Eighty percent of human beings of this era will go there in animal life July 2007

form and twenty percent will return here as humans.’ So he said, ‘I will deal with that when I go there.’ Here came a reputable man! Was there any reputation at all, mooah? If there is a tear in the coat he will not let it go for more than three days, he will sew it before people will notice it. Then, mooah did the sewing preserve the reputation? Shame on your life. Here came a reputable one! A reputable person is the one who does not hurt anybody, he does not let any living being suffers any hurt whatsoever; the one who does not have such deep inner intent, is a reputable one. But here, one is planning how to get back at the wife for her hurtful attitude. He will look for that opportunity. These ghosts must leave. Do I have any etiquette? Questioner : You are retired, so it will do, Dada; if someone… Dadashri : No, learn the naturalness. Etiquette makes one lose the culture Dadashri : Mooah (term used by Dadashri to wake up the listener from spiritual slumber) due to etiquette you are sitting like this. You sat tight like this. Hey mooah, these foreigners did not come to introduce these ghosts. The foreigners had come with culture. Etiquette was their culture—politeness. And you let yourself be possessed by these ghosts. You forgot our culture, and let yourself be possessed by these ghosts? These ghosts have caused great miseries; I am removing the ghosts of etiquette. Those ghosts must be removed, no? A person can become happy, can become easy! How can the ghost of etiquette be appropriate for us? We are Arya people. How can there be etiquette in our culture? We would have culture, what a culture would be! 25


Questioner : The behavior that is natural makes one feel good. Get rid of etiquette thus, become natural! Dadashri : All these educated people are saying that Dada has made us get into clapping and singing. I, too, clap, but I am a Gnani, do I need to do it? Yet, why do I do it? I do it to teach you, to make you natural. To come into naturalness. Etiquette, etiquette, etiquette. They look at themselves tighten up their postures by pulling and patting the tummy. Why all this tension to look just right ? As long as there is etiquette, the religion will not enter at all. It has to come naturally. And this is for naturalness! Where there is slightest etiquette, the need to please others, to conform to worldly standards, there is no moksha nor is there any religion there. Religion exists in naturalness. Completion is the natural ‘seeing’ of the dance of the non-Self When pudgal the non-Self complex of thoughts, speech and acts, does the full worldly dance and the Self sees that, then only the full stop—completion of spiritual journey has happened. The worldly self would do all the dancing, not with, ‘I do not want this’. ‘If this happens then this will happen, it will stick to me.’ One cannot cut pieces of a film (made in past life). If you remove certain parts then you cannot find the link. So the whole film should be natural. Worldly life sansari natural film is good. If a renunciant has the natural film of renunciation then it would work. It should be natural to him. That film should not be such that has cut off in the middle. I don’t need this and I need this. Hey mooah, why are you cutting this film off like this? Whatever happens, let it go man ! You have done many 26

days like that. Now it has improved. Why are you turning around again! By doing repeatedly, all this has been improved. I want this and I don’t want this, slowly and slowly would it come to its place or not? Now after having arrived at some stability and order, do you need to do anything that upsets it? Now he says ‘I want to quit the six vigai, about 3.2 acres of land.’ Hey you , leave it, if you will leave this vigai then what will you eat? Jaggery, ghee, yogurt, butter, oil all that comes from the land of the six vigas, does it not? Mooah, are you doing the bhakti of renouncing or of the God? Are you doing bhakti of Bhagwan? Whose house did the God Himself live in? Who is this God worshipping? If you do not take interest in any of the dancing of the worldly self then completion has been reached. You should not take any interest. When will one not take interest? This will happen only when the Self has attained the completion as the absolute Self. You have been given the full state, it is such that it will not take any interest at all. And incomplete form would take interest. ‘I will need to renounce this, I will need to do this way,’ is the interference. When have you not renounced? In which life you have not renounced? And you are acquiring the very same thing again. You see these sadhus ascetics, they will become ascetics in this life, and when the time of old age arrives, they will get bored and fatigued with the renunciation and think within…a worldly life would have been better. That is why You should say that, ‘when the Self sees the complete dance of the pudgal then know that full stop-completion has arrived.’ Jai Sat Chit Anand July 2007


Spiritual Discourse and Gnanvidhi in the presence of Atmagnani Pujya Deepakbhai Bangalore Satsang Gnanvidhi Venue -

30-31 August '07 and 1 September '07

Evening 6 to 8-30 PM

2 Septmber '07 (Sunday)

Evening 5 to 8-30 PM

Shikshak Sadan Auditoriam Hall, Opp. Kaveri Bhavan, K. G. Road, Bangalore - 2. Phone: 93419 48509

New Delhi Satsang Gnanvidhi Venue -

27-28-29 September '07

Evening 6 to 8-30 PM

30 Septmber '07 (Sunday)

Evening 5 to 8-30 PM

M.P.C.U. Shah Auditorium, Shri Delhi Gujarati Samaj Marg, Civil Line, New Delhi-110054. Phone: 011-65079497, 9310022350

Watch Pujya Dr. Niruma on T.V. Channels India : l Zee Gujarati, Everyday 7 AM to 7:30 AM (In Gujarati) l Doordarshan (National), Mon-Fri 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM (In Hindi) In Tamilnadu, Mon-Fri 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM (In Tamil) In Kerala, Mon-Fri 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM (In Malayalam) In Andhra Pradesh, Mon-Fri 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM (In Telugu) l Doordarshan DD-1, Everyday 3:30 PM to 4 PM (In Gujarat, in Gujarati) Watch same prog. at same time, outside Gujarat on Doordarshan DD-11 l'Aastha' International, Mon-Fri 12:30 to 1 PM (In Gujarati) All over the World (except India) on 'Sony TV' Mon-Fri 7 to 7:30 AM (In Hindi) All over the World (except India) on 'Aastha' International Mon-Fri 8 to 8:30 AM GMT U.S.A. : l 'TV Asia' Everyday 7 to 7:30 AM EST (In Gujarati) l' TV 39 (NJ)' Mon-Fri 6 to 7 PM & Sat 6 to 6:30 PM (In Gujarati) Canada: l 'ATN' Every Wed-Thu 8:30 to 9:00 AM EST

Watch Pujya Deepakbhai Desai on T.V. Channels India : l Doordarshan DD-11 Everyday, 9 to 9:30 PM 'Gnan Prakash' l 'Aastha' International, Mon-Fri 11 to 11:30 PM, Sat-Sun 3:30 to 4 AM U.K. : l 'MA TV', Everyday 5 to 5:30 PM GMT (In Gujarati) l 'BSKYB' Satellite Channel 837, Sat 7:30 to 8:30 AM, Sun 7 to 8 AM

U.S.A. : l 'Sahara One' DishTV Channel 624 & 797, Sat 7:30 to 8:30 AM, Sun 7 to 8 AM EST All over the World (except India) on 'Aastha' International-Mon-Fri 6:30 to 7 PM,Sat-Sun 8 to 8:30 AM July 2007



GURUPURNIMA 2007 - Chicago, USA With the infinite grace of Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan and Pujya Niruma, the Gurupurnima is being celebrated in Chicago, USA, in the presence of Atmagnani Pujya Deepakbhai Desai. The mahatmas of the USA Midwest are honored to invite you and your family to participate in the grand celebration of this occassion. Dada Bhagwan's Gurupurnima is always an Alaukik experience of being blessed with the Darshan of the Absolute Soul - Dada Bhagwan... Youth Shibir : July 23-24 (Separate for Male and Female - Age-15 to 25 Years) Satsang : July 26-27 & 29 (10 am to 1 pm & 4 pm to 7 pm) GURUPURNIMA : July 30 Monday (Gurupujan 7 am to 4 pm) Venue : The Meadows Club of Rolling Meadows, 2950 West Golf Road, Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008 Tel: 847-640-3200, e-mail : Gnanvidhi : July 28 (Satsang - 10 am to 1 pm & Gnanvidhi - 4 pm to 7 pm) Venue : Holiday Inn of Rolling Meadows, 3405 Algonquin Road, Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008 Tel : 847-259-5000, Fax : 847-259-6795

Special Programs at Trimandir Adalaj ( In the presence of Pujya Deepakbhai Desai )

Gurupurnima 17-18 August '07 - Satsang 9-30 AM to 12-30 PM & 19 August '07 -


Gurupujan-Darshan-Bhakti Experience Session -

4 to 6-30 PM

7 AM to 1 PM 4 to 6-30 PM


26 August '07

- Afternoon 3-30 to 7 PM

Rakshabandhan -

28 August '07

- Morning 10 to 12 PM (Bhakti)


04 Septmber '07

- Evening 10 to 12 AM (Bhakti)


Paryushan - 8 to 15 Septmber 2007 A Spiritual discourse on Apatvani-11 & 12 during Paryushan Venue: Tri Mandir, Simandhar City, Ahmedabad-Kalol Highway, Adalaj. Phone : (079) 39830100 Contact : Mahavideh Foundation, Trimandir, Simandhar City, Ahmedabad-Kalol Highway, P.O.:Adalaj, Dist.:Gandhinagar-382421, Gujarat, India. Tel. : (079) 39830100, Email: Mumbai : (022) 24137616, USA: 785-271-0869, UK: 07956 476 253 Websites : (1) (2) 28

July 2007

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