"Cucuteni for the III-rd Millennium“ Foundation – a glimpse to the future
• “Cucuteni for the IIIrd Millennium” Foundation lead by Dr. Emilia and Romeo Dumitrescu was set in 1998. • Although there is a prejudice that those who are not publicized are not important, or do not exist, “Cucuteni for the IIIrd Millennium” Foundation demonstrates quite the opposite.
• Dr. Romeo Dumitrescu left to Canada in 1984. After 10 years he returns to Romania, confident that he could prove useful for his country. A passionate collector and art lover, he decides to establish, in 1998, a non-governmental organization having as main objective the financial support of Cucuteni archaeological diggings. • Why did he chose Cucuteni culture exactly, one might wonder… • There are 2 reasons: one scientific reason, and one entirely sentimental reason. 22/01/14 3
• On one hand, it is well-known that archaeological materials belonging to the Cucuteni culture, have fascinated the scientific world, and not only, for over a century. • One should not forget that Romanians, Moldavians and Ukrainians live in an area which is the cradle of one of the first European civilizations: CucuteniAriusd- Tripoly. • According to researches, the most advanced culture of the 4-5th millennium BC, was located in the Easter Carpathians. 22/01/14 4
On the other hand, Dr. Romeo Dumitrescu was born in Moinesti, only one km. from Ghindaru Hill (between Moinesti and Poduri village (Bacau county- Romania), where there is an exceptional Cucuteni archaeological site ‌
• This is how “Cucuteni for the IIIrd Millennium” Foundation was born, the only private organization of Romania which financially supports the extensive Neolithic regional research. • Before the Foundation came into being, because of low financing, archaeologists specialised in the Neolithic, had almost quit digging ever since 1994. Archaeology cannot be performed only with passion, this is a well-established fact. • Thus, “Cucuteni for the IIIrd Millennium” Foundation has become a rescue boat. • The beginning was not difficult at all. Important names have supported this Foundation from its very first days. 22/01/14
• From the very start, “Cucuteni for the IIIrd Millennium” Foundation was focused on protecting archaeological sites. In the year 2000, the “MoinestiGhindaru Hill” (Bacau county- Romania) archaeological site was purchased by the foundation. • Other sites followed: Balta Popii- Isaiia (Romania, Iasi county), Raducaneni, Ruginoasa. • In 2003, the Foundation was involved in rescue diggings at Hoisesti (Iasi county, Romania). 22/01/14
• Since this fascinating culture must be made known and available to Romanians, all restored ceramic objects have become part of different exhibitions held in Bucharest and in other locations from the country. • Exhibitions have been organised in: “Dunarea de Jos” Museum, Calarasi (2004), Ministry of Culture (2004), Museum of History and Archaeology - Ploiesti (2004), Brasov County Museum (2003 - 2004), Cotroceni National Museum (2002), Romania’s National Museum of History (2000- 2001). 22/01/14 11
“Cucuteni for the IIIrd Millennium” Foundation together with the National Centre of Cinematography and Imago Design company makes in the year 2004 a documentary film called “Adam’s Grandsons”, which discusses a controversial theory with Biblical hints. The theory claims that the Flood could be the cause of the sudden disappearance of the Cucuteni civilization.
1. “Cucuteni for the IIIrd Millennium” Foundation was also involved in publishing books, thus supporting once more the archaeologists’s research in the field. The titles of the books are as follows: 2004- “Cucuteni Culture. The Magic of Ceramics”- Bucharest. 2003- “Bridges- Ghindaru hill. A Troja in Moldavian Sub-Carpathians”Constantin Matasa Publishing House- Piatra Neamt 2003- “Preutesti- Halta. A cucuteni site on the Somesul Mare Valley” - N. Ursulescu, S. Ignatescu- “Demiurg” Publishing House, Iasi 2003- “The Human Being and his Environment in the Neo-eneolithic, in Moldavia”- M. C. Valeanu- “Helios” Publishing House- Iasi 2003- “Neo-eneolithic Dwellings in Moldavia”- M. C. Valeanu- “Helios” Publishing House- Iasi 2002- “Eneolithic Art- Cucuteni.”- Constantin Matasa Publishing House 2000- “A Rediscovered World- Ghindaru Hill Cucuteni - village/site.” 22/01/14
• The Foundation has financially supported the attendance of different international congresses focused on the Neolithic Age (Belgium, France, Ukraine), as well as multidisciplinary studies. Within this context, we established a collaboration with Lakehead University- Ontario- Canada, regarding the DNA of Neolithic civilization. 22/01/14
• During its 5 years of activity, the Foundation formed a team of 3 restorers for the discovered materials.
• “Cucuteni for the IIIrd Millennium” Foundation has gathered a team of over 10 people (professors, archaeologists, students) focused on Cucuteni research. • Naturally, the Foundation initiated collaborations with: Iasi Institute of Archaeology, Romania’s National Museum of History, Faculty of History within the Bucharest University.“Al. I. Cuza” Iasi; Neamt county Museum“Cucuteni” Culture International Research Centre. • In 2004, the foundation received in concession an old school in Moinesti, where starting with 2005 a museum will be established: “Ghindau’s Hill Site Museum” (Muzeul Sitului Dealul lui Ghindaru). 22/01/14
• As a recognition of the foundation merits in 2002, Dr. Romeo Dumitrescu, president of the foundation, is awarded the prize for patrimony protection by the Ministry of Culture. • In 2003 Ford Motor Company grants the 3rd prize for environment and cultural patrimony protection to Arch. Vasile Cotiuga, collaborator of “Cucuteni for the IIIrd Millennium” Foundation. 22/01/14
• If initially the foundation and its president were regarded with reservation, “Cucuteni for the IIIrd Millennium” Foundation has now important collaborators such as: Iasi Institute of Archaeology, Romania’s National Museum of History, Lakehead University of Ontario- Canada, for DNA studies covering the Neolithic and the Middle Ages, the Faculty of History within “Al. I. Cuza” UniversityIasi; Neamt county Museum- “Cucuteni” Culture International Research Centre. 22/01/14 23
• During the 100 years since the discovery of the first threads of Cucuteni civilization, less than 1% was dug and processed, of the total Cucuteni- Tripolie sites. • We hope that in the years to come we’ll be able to increase the rhythm of research and even build a Foundation museum: “Cucuteni- Tripolie Culture and Civilization Museum”. • Nonetheless, we are aiming to establish a common research group for the Cucuteni civilization, which should include researches from Romania, Republic of Moldavia and Ukraine for the purpose of researching this civilization. • The Foundation is nevertheless opened to researches from all over the world, researches whom we salute and welcome. 22/01/14
"Cucuteni for the III-rd Millennium“ Foundation does not resume only to its leaders Mrs. Emilia and Mr. Romeo Dumitrescu. Important is the group of specialists which are working for the Cucuteni civilization and culture progress researches. To give a proper definition to the foundation we could say that it is an open door for all of you. 22/01/14