Neon Living 2009

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ORgAnizE yOuR LiFE

napkin u


check purple

type case

jug of joy


paper u



red paint


velvet cushion


egg tray






cLOckwisE FROm 12 0´cLOck : blue napkin u : purple paperdee : purple paper u : dirt cuSJhion : check blue cuShion : Stripe blue cuShion : blue egg tray for 1 : blue egg tray for 8 : blue fox box : blue tray large 30x42 cm : blue tray Small 22x31 cm See the product liSt in thiS brochure to See the colourS available for your facorite item

cOLOuRs in ThE AiR

cLOckwisE FROm 12 O´cLOck : Jug With handprint : foreSt Soap diSpenSer With cup : foreSt cuShion : black fox box : White paper u : White napkin u : trafficlight : clear paperdee : clear agg tray for 1 : clear egg tray for 8 : velvet cuShion : igloo : White magaZine grill See the product liSt in thiS brochure to See the colourS available for your facorite item


cLOckwisE FROm 12 O´cLOck: pink paperdee : red egg tray for 8 : red egg tray for 1 : clear paper u : red tray Small 22x32 cm : pink tray large 30x42 cm : pink paper u : check purple cuShion : Stripe red cuShion : paint red cuShion : pink fox box : pink napkin u See the colourS available for your facorite item in the product liSt laSt in thiS brochure

acrylic paperdee : paper u : napkin u : fox-box : egg tray Single : egg tray for 8 eggS : large tray 22 cm : Small tray 42 cm : all available in folloWing colourS








WineStand for 9 bottleS

cuShionS check purple : check blue : paint purple : paint blue : foreSt : parking : velvet : 50x50 cm

Stripe blue : Stripe purple : eden : mona liSa paint : dirt : dk : electric : velvet round : 40x40 cm

televiSion : SunSet : 40x60 cm

ceramic Soap diSpenSer With cup : Smile : red dot : foreSt

hand Jug : trafficlight : igloo

metal magaZine grill

the White animalS in thiS brochure iS part of my oWn private collection and not for Sale

neon living iS my univerSe and creative playground. i explore the offbeat and craZy ideaS, together With teSting contraStS and oppoSiteS - i alWayS Want to See What iS around the corner. i refuSe to Submit to routine thinking and ‘thiS-iS-hoW-We-uSually-do-it’. it iS in thiS tenSion field that i find my energy and inSpiration for neon living. When creating thiS collection a lot of inSpiration WaS taken from the 80`S, eSpecially colourS but alSo ShapeS and patternS. the lineS are Sharper thiS time and a lot of SQuareS iS mixed together in different WayS. i love contraStS and have made Some oppoSiteS to make the look perSonal and uniQue. it haS been a great Joy to create thiS collection, So off courSe i alSo hope it Will be a Joy for you to See it and alSo later When uSing it.

neptunveJ 6 : dk-7430 ikaSt phone: +45 29 89 66 61

ORgAnizE yOuR LiFE

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