The Great Balloon Adventure - Corsica

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Great Balloon

Adventure Riding The Winds Through Every Second Life Continent

Corsica by Dahlia Jayaram

In dedication: To the many who have come before us. To the many who will come after us. And to the many who are presently with us.


Great Balloon Adve n tur e Riding The Winds Through Every Second Life Continent

Corsica by Dahlia Jayaram

©2012 by Dahlia Jayaram All Rights Reserved Book design by Dahlia Jayaram

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Jayaram, Dahlia, 2008– The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica p. cm. ISBN-13:000-0-00000-007 ISBN-13:000-0-00007 1. Second Life, hot air balloon, ballooning, travel, adventure, exploring. 2. Second Life–In travel. NC1429.M1558N 2012 741.5’6977-B7

201206017 Read Dahlia’s published books online at Visit Dahlia’s weekly travel progress blog at:

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica is Dahlia’s seventh book in a series of adventures by hot air balloon. The adventure begins in Second Life’s first and earliest sims and follows a route of discovery from the oldest continent of Sansara to the newest continent of Nescera. Follow along as Dahlia flies in every Second Life continent. Along the way, she explores and reports on some of her more interesting encounters with people, places, and things that make our Second Life worth seeing and living in.


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Week 2 9, Day 7 : Maps:

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At A Glance:

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A high start: Dahlia’s hot air balloon journey through the continent of Corsica began atop the 534 meter high heliport and runway belonging to the Kinrara Airfield in Kinrara.

W E E K 2 7 / D AY 1 : E N T E R I N G S O U T H W E S T E R N C O R S I C A

The Start of Something Big 534 M E T E R S H I G H U P I N T H E S K Y O N A heliport landing in Kinrara, wind on my face, the glare of a bright afternoon sun in my eyes. My hot air balloon was sitting nearby, ready and waiting for me to board. But I was lost, deep in my own thoughts. I was thinking about all the continents and regions I’d seen during my hot air balloon until now: Sansara, Heterocera, Geogeot, Satori, Blake Sea and the Island Communities, and most recently, Nautilus. Now I was literally standing with my toes dangling off a sky platform, pointing toward my next adventure: Corsica. I was wondering…what would be unique about this continent? But I already knew the answer: the only way to find out was to simply get out there and do it.



Above: Directly below Kinrara’s sky airstrip and heliport was an associated ground-based airstrip that Dahlia flew down to in order to assess its facilities. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

I looked down at the map in my hand. On it, the following airports were listed: Surtsey, Baitoushan, SLCG Headquarters, Kotora, and Enfield/Blue Dolphin. These were the ”weigh stations” I would plan to stop at along the way— provided they were all still there. In my flights over other continents I’d found that some airports I had

expected to see were either abandoned or even removed, while others I hadn’t even known about popped up in unexpected locations. It would be up to me to keep my eyes open and searching for both possibilities. I swung my legs over and into the wicker basket of the balloon, and

Above: The map above illustrates Dahlia’s original general flight plan, crafted in January 2010 at the beginning of her ambitious plan to travel through each of Second Life’s nine continents (later to increase to 10). The map indicated six airports in Corsica which she would attempt to locate and use as check point rest stations along the way while flying from west to east before making her way to the next continent of Gaeta V. 3

Below: Using a variety of map and notecard information gathered from advance research, Dahlia put together a general flight plan on a modified version of an old map of Corsica. The route used airports and airstrips as check points where she could stop to verify their continued existence or removal.

with a deep breath in and long, slow exhale out, I fired up the burner to ease the balloon up off the tarmac. I was now on my way to explore my seventh region, Second Life’s sixth continent.

I allowed the balloon to drift away from the platform, then let it begin to descend downward toward the sea below and Kinrara’s ground-based airfield. Off in the distance to the southwest I could

see where my Nautilus adventure approach toward Kinrara Island ended at the Linden infohub of Airfield, then followed the Castle Valeria. airstrip in until I sat it down near the terminal building. It was a I allowed my balloon to sweep simple, yet nicely appointed moddown from the sky on a southern ern building on a beautiful tropi-



The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

cal island, and home to the Spijkers & Wingtips flying club. A map located inside showed the same airport locations I had previously looked at on my own map. That’s good...we’re in agreement, I thought, satisfied with my information for the moment. I walked back out to my balloon and took off again, heading northwest toward another airport that I could already see in the distance.

an information desk where I picked up one of the airport information note cards. The airport administration offered a highly informative and detailed instruction note card for visitors to get acquainted with the facilities and flying approach instructions.

Through the top floor windows of the terminal I could see a large city was to the north. I decided to investigate and headed back out to It wasn’t long before I arrived at the tarmac to hop into my balloon Baitoushan Intercontinental Air- and take off. Once up in the air, it port. It was a large airport with was mere moments before I artwo large, dual runways measur- rived at DeMortesville Town in ing 200x30 meters each. The run- Tengchong. ways and entire airport grounds were on a man-made structure I flew at low altitude all around, raised 61 meters off the ground taking in the sights. It seemed to by pillars that gave overhead shel- have every possible building a ter to a beach, a house, a marina real life town should have: city boat/seaplane dock, and a coast hall and library, police and fire guard station underneath. stations, post office and bank, gas station and retail shops, diner and I brought the balloon down to ap- night life club, hotel and homes proach runway 27R from the east, for its twelve full-time residents. then skimmed along its concrete You name it, it was probably there. surface and around the corner onto Taxiway C until I could fiI finally set the balloon down and nally set it down at the Interconti- got out at an intersection along nental Terminal, a large three main street where a trolley car story building topped with a long occasionally passed. I peeked into row of flags from real world the window of the library and countries. I disembarked and town hall, then other buildings as walked into the terminal. There I walked from block to block. were a couple of shops and and By the time the sun was about to The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Above: Dahlia descended down from a levitating sky airfield to its associated land based airstrip below, the Kinrara Island Airfield. The island airstrip was perfectly situated to receive air traffic from both Corisica to the north, as well as from the Nautilus continent to the south. The Linden Infohub, Castle Valeria, was even within eyesight to the south from the Kinrara Island Airfield. Left: Housed in a hanger at the ground level Kinrara Island Airfield was an impressive assortment of miltary jets, sure to make most any pilot drool with envy.


Opposite page, left: Runway lights on the taxiway of Baitoushan Intercontinental’s Airport lead the way from its dual runways toward a grand terminal building. Above and above right: Immediately north of Baitoushan Intercontinental Airport was the town of DeMortesville in Tenchong. It was well equipped for city living by including most businesses and services typically found, such as a city hall, police and fire stations, post office, and even a library. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

disappear on the horizon, I had walked around a good portion of the town and liked what I saw. It was just like being in a real town and had a lot of potential for the people who liked to role play. The Mayor of DeMortesville, Sandrine DeMorte, noticed me walking and called out to intro-

duce herself to me. She told me a little about DeMortesville, and I told her of my travels.

her for her kindness, then checked luxuriating in the shower, then in to my room on the second of paused for a few minutes to enjoy the hotel’s three floors. the view from my windows before climbing into bed for the night. I asked if she might know if there My room was spacious. It had Life was good. were any vacancies at the Hotel large windows on two sides that Sandrine, to which she offered to looked out at the city, a big bed, Staying at a hotel overnight while reserve a room for me free of and what I wanted most: a nice, on my journey was an exceptioncharge, compliments of the city. clean shower with hot water. ally rare occasion. What with all I was very grateful and thanked After unpacking, I took my time the opulence, I felt like a queen 7

who just came to town. And as I drifted off to sleep, I smiled, thinking that could get used to these kinds of accommodations.

hind schedule, so I reluctantly day of flying. My plan was to fly showered and dressed, then repacked to the far southwestern edge of and checked out of the hotel. the continent, then weave my way east and west as I worked my Baitoushan Intercontinental Air- way northward up the westernWEEK 27 / DAY 2 port was within walking distance, most sims until I reached the I awoke in complete contentment so I strolled back south through Corsica’s northwestern corner. the next morning. I slumbered in the town of DeMortesville, taking bed as long as I thought I could in the last of the wonderful city Mathilde Vhargon joined me at get away with it, then finally drug sights until I reached the edge of the airport as I prepped my balmyself out and into my bathrobe town and eventually the airport. loon, maps, and notes before and slippers. The sun had been Once there, I unpacked a fresh take-off. Maty—as she liked to be up long before me and I was be- balloon and prepared it for a new called—was a talented painter

and sculptor who had hosted an exhibit of my photographs at her Two Shores Gallery, in Second Life Norway a month earlier.

But just in case, I offered her a parachute to be safe.

Once we were ready, we lifted off and began drifting westward Maty was interested to see what it through Viedma, Falso, Fungbulf, was like to see the world by bal- Jokung, and Socksamillion where loon, and I had promised to give we turned in the far southwest her a ride sometime when she corner at the home of shop of work was available. So today she had boats creator Twoheads Shipyard. come to see what it would be like. Just north of Twoheads in I hoped for Maty’s sake that the Yobannes, Maty took a spill and skies would be smooth and scenic. fell into the water where she got

Above: After having a thorough look around, Dahlia took off from the twin runways of Baitoushan International Airport, a large facility only a couple of sims in from the sea channel that connects the continent of Corsica to the continent of Nautilus. Left: Flying west out of Baitoushan International Airport, one must elevate quickly to clear a towering wall of jagged rocks. On the western side of the rocks was a beautiful tropical paradise community in Viedma. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

stuck in the mucky sea bed soil. The only way to extricate herself was to teleport to another sim, then back to the balloon where I had dipped the balloon down into the water to rescue her.

Eight-fold Path (SkepticalBuddishtsSangh). The property educated visitors about the eight-fold path, recreated as a virtual path that offered an explanation of the way Buddhists live all over the world. Plain English descriptions I continued flying north past a of the basic concepts of Buddhism castle in Simyit Wyld-R-Shire were offered at each of the eight and into the scenic wooded hill stopping stations along the way. country of MarLin Bay until an Even copies of the banners at the automated security monitor in stations were available to visitors Gunfunk gave me only 15 seconds if they wanted. It was a pleasant to leave its parcel. I didn’t make it way to walk and learn together. out in time and was ejected out of my balloon as it disentigrated around me. Fortunately, I was able to unpack a new balloon near the shoreline, just down hill from where I landed with my trusty parachute. Back in the air again, the land flattened out as I flew along a small river that meandered past a big herd of horses at Horse Hoof Stables in Pahringull and then the famed American President’s jumbo jet, Air Force One, which was parked not far away on the other side of the river in a hanger at Ice Age Industries in Obinostrix. I was ejected while in Obinostrix, and launched a new balloon nearby at Rune’s Magic Shop, then flew into Railrider where I set the balloon down on the Virtual Buddhist

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Left: The southwestern most region of Corsica was sensibly developed with careful attention to harmonious aesthetics by its residents even though land ownership was mixed and unrelated to one another. Above left: Dahlia and passenger Mathilde Vhargon flew through Simyit Wyld-R-Shire, admiring the beauty of the coastline. Above: A jolt of turbulence sent Maty overboard and into the water. Dahlia dipped the balloon down into the water as close as possible to pull her back up into the basket. 9

Above: Kam Rain Properties in Falso were wonderfully integrated into the natural setting. Far right: Interesting land shapes remained in Jolnir where development once was. Right: Dahlia spotted the U.S. President’s Boing 747 jumbo jet, parked in a hanger at Ice Age Industries in Obinostrix. 10

stranded at a castle in the far east- and then flew over a hilltop in ern Nautilus waters of Skradski. Jolnir where I was ejected from Wolf Lycia’s abandoned land for Instead of dropping me off at the not being on the access list. Lucknearby Tradewinds Yacht Club ily, not only was I very close to the in Dex, elMegro sailed me all the ground at the time, but my trusty way to the Second Life sailing parachute had my back: “Terra academy in Santa Barbara-Blake E-Chute 2.2 whispers: Freefalling Sea, causing me to think he may at 6 meters! Deploying emerbe a modern day pirate, bent on gency parachute!!” With only six Back in my balloon, I traveled kidnapping me while aboard his meters to fall, the parachute until I set down at Marina Sport 12-masted sailing schooner. In the opening was almost more of an Racer Sailing Club - Gulf of end, elMegro turned out to be a inconvenience than a life saver. Moles - Ghloogums. This marina nice guy, but those early moments looked vaguely familiar to me were tense ones for me while I was As I picked myself up and dusted and eventually I realized it was unsure what my fate might be. off, I thought how it would seem the very same marina that sailreasonable to expect that if a land boat captain elMegro Magic took I continued on into Barrington was abandoned, then no access me to get some free sailing items where I passed another horse lists nor security devices should after he picked me up when I was ranch, Trinity Horses Sales Yard, be allowed to remain working. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Far left: Dahlia got hung up like laundry on a line after running into property ban lines between Obinostrix and Jolnir. Left: While flying through Railrider, Dahlia spotted a large Buddha in a nature park. Below: The nature park in Railrider was home to the Skeptical Buddhists Sangh group that offered a Virtual Buddhist Eightfold Path, where stations along the way offered informative instruction and insight into Buddhist teachings and sensibilities.

In disgust, I kicked some dirt onto the offending parcel, much in the same way a baseball player or coach might while arguing with an umpire. “That’s what I think of your access list!” I shouted at the empty land, shaking my little fist in the air. Such nonsense really irritated me.

they even had a Japanese style hot springs bath house and meditation room which looked tempting.

In the sky above ground they offered sky box rentals. But for my economy-minded travel, I opted to spend the night on a sofa that invitingly sat out on the western facing dock overlooking the sea I made my way over to HC Land and distant setting sun. in Surtsey. HC Land had a wide, U-shaped boardwalk with a vari- WEEK 27 / DAY 3 ety of seating, novelties, and rides The HC Land boardwalk sofa in Surtsey slept well, and by mornon it such as a merry-go-round and a big ferris wheel. There was ing I was both rested and well space enough for dockside fishing fed, thanks to the open air noodle shop only steps away. After having and dancing, a couple of small my fill of noodles, I heated up my shops, and an open air noodle shop cafe. In back of the property, balloon and took off. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Right: HC Land in Surtsey was a welcoming boardwalk full of entertaining activities such as rides, fishing, dancing, eating, a Japanese onsen style bath, skybox rentals, and more. Dahlia overnighted on the boardwalk with cute teddy bears on a sofa near her balloon. In the morning, she waited to board her balloon while breakfast cooked on the grill.

I made it to the Gulf Of Moles parcel in Lisselmain where an interesting company, RLetc, was located. RLetc described itself as “a free online community dedicated to adult virtual worlds, both social and gaming, and to those who spend time in these worlds.” As their infocard read: “Currently we have members using Second Life, Utherverse, Opensim, IMVU, Twinity, Startrek Online, Eve Online and just about any other worlds we stumble upon. Think of as being kinda like the Mos Eisley Cantina from Star Wars where world weary travelers from all points of the metaverse can kick back and shoot the breeze for a while.” It appeared they were pretty well connected and a good gateway resource for others who were too. Just then, tragedy struck again. While I was reading the infocard at 49 meters up in the air, the balloon burst and I found myself falling into the water below. Drenched, my luxurious sofa sleep was now a distant memory 12

as I painfully unpacked a second balloon and took off again. This time, I made it into Tipperary, where at The WonderLand, a

very interesting and unique fantasy cartoon-looking castle caught my eye. I bobbed the balloon up and down nearby, trying to get

good views into the castle through its windows. While there, I learned that the owner also owned a business that offered a variety of land

parcels for sale, but I saw that the prices were far from what my dream prices were, so I made a note of it and moved on. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Above: The “Weird Castle” was a unique Alice in Wonderland looking building at The WonderLand in Tipperary. Left top and bottom: A convenient teleport away (or even a stroll), The Cat & The Moon cafe was also a part of The WonderLand property and offered a chic yet homey location for meeting and relaxing with friends both inside and out at the beautifully landscaped beach.

A few parcels away and still in The WonderLand, a stylish cafe called The Cat & The Moon looked like an inviting place to meet friends, have a cup of tea, and catch a teleport out in front of the property to other areas around that included not only the Weird Castle where I had just come The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

from, but also the Tiki House, the Tree Platform, the Desert Tent, the Club, the PanoraMoon, and the Gothic Vampire Patio. But if staying near the cafe was more your style, options were available to sail, row, windsurf, or swim on the sea that bordered the cafe. But for me, I had to keep flying.

I rose up and into Farcastle where a large swath of land was for sale, then into Kierman where the a giant record player 450 meters high in the sky housed the Twills Muse Group Record Club—a club seemingly dedicated to the rock music group the Beatles. There, you could relax, listen to and/or 13


The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Previous spread and above: Dahlia felt sad to see such large swaths of bleak, barren, and unoccupied or undeveloped land spread out over Hachimantai and surrounding sims. Right: A community of interesting round homes in Kierman integrated well into the landscape.

dance, meditate, teleport away to explore caves, romantic nooks, sail, ice skate, ride a rodeo bull, play games, musical instruments, and more.

and photography, games and animations for sun bathing and cuddling. And all newbie friendly too! I stopped to make a landmark for passing to any newbies I might find along the way.

After having my fill of Twills, I descended down through Clonmel and into Mallow where I landed at the Mallow Public Boat Launch, then flew back east through Mallow’s Bay to Kierman to see an interesting community of round houses.

Next up came the M.S.R. Sailing Club, The Docks, in Skyridge. As it turned out, The Docks was the second marina that I came across in Corsica that belonged to elMegro Magic. The area offered a waterfront beach house near five protected water sims good for sailing, I continued to Pat’s Beach in Kil- powerboating, windsurfing, scuba dinas Tor where a number of in- diving, water skiing, wake boardteresting opportunities awaited: ing, and swimming. Those all free kart driving and quad racing sounded great, so I made a note to on its race track, an underwater myself to come back again someforest, a beach hangout with swim- time for some fun in the sun and ming and sailing, a tiki mall, art surf. In the meantime, I grabbed


The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

some free sail bum clothes offered at elMegro’s marina shop, then boarded my balloon and took off for the skies again. Left: Four hundred and fifty meters above ground in Kierman, a giant record player housed the Twills Muse Group Record Club—a club seemingly dedicated to the rock music group the Beatles, and music from that generation. Below: The Twills Muse Group Record Club record player was decorated with imagery from the 1960s-70s, and played a slide show of musicians and classic album cover images inside the lid of its record player.

In Earthball I passed by a building with an impressively gigantic sculpty map of Italy, then gazed out on large swaths of unoccupied land and a rocky mountain peak in Hachimantai. In Showashinzan I was excited to see PUCP-Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, a superior university of Spanish art education based in Peru, South America. The day was getting late, so I began looking for a landing site to conclude my day. Near the south Corsica coastline in Maitake I found a landing pad high up on a pole, but decided to look for something at ground level instead. Soon after, I landed on a grassy hillside at Koalas Garden in Dura where owner Mistie Frostwych— a tiny who lived in an equally tiny tea pot—offered visitors the opportunity to wander around in a tranquil garden and down to a beach on the coast. It looked like a peaceful and relaxing place to end the day, so I parked my balloon, rolled my blanket out on the sand, and lay back until I dozed off to the sound of waves lapping ashore nearby. As I fell asleep, I enjoyed visions of the day’s ballooning playing in my head like a DVD set to loop on replay shuffle mode.

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


Spirit dancing: Strange, costumed figures danced around a campfire in Passendale.


The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Higher education: Universidad Catolica had a presense in Showashinzan; possibly too much of one for a nearby neighbour?

W E E K 2 7 / D AY 4 : W E S T E R N C O R S I C A

Lost & Found…Almost



excited to get underway to see the interior land sights of Corsica. I fired up the balloon and took off, rising up as I flew northeast. In Kwaito, the land was rising too, up toward a high, long ridge that bisected the north from the south. An interesting fortress looking structure came into view that attracted my attention, so I headed toward it to see what it was.

Above: Dahlia studies one of her maps while reviewing her progress and mapping out a flight plan. Opposite page: Dahlia considered landing on a high platform to end her day, but reconsidered when she discovered there was no way down to the ground, short of parachuting. So she looked nearby and decided to land close to some pink and white flowering trees in a hillside yard just up the hill from an inviting beach. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

As I approached, I circled carefully, trying to get good views from all sides. Owned by the Linden Department of Public Works, the building was called the Temple of Prim. From my outside vantage point, the interior looked too tempting to pass up, so I set the balloon down and walked through the towering doorway and into a dimly lit room made of large stone blocks. High up in the ceiling, two skylights allowed rays of light to filter in and illuminate the otherwise dim hall.

cient map of Second Life in its earliest days gathered dust on the wall. “Wow, this place just feels so ripe for finding some treasure in,” I whispered to myself, my hushed tones whispering back to me after echoing off the high stone walls of the cavernous temple.

I looked around and discovered there was an old wooden staircase that disappeared down into the floor, so I decided to follow it. Visions of finding piles of golden treasure below began to excite my imagination. When I made it to On both ends of the large single the bottom of the stairs, however, room, two imposing, giant human all I saw was barren ground and a statues each held up a single prim small stream running through the box. Next to one of them, an an- foundation. “Drats!” I whined.

Above: The grassy hillside yard beside mistie Frostwych’s tiny tea pot home in Dura provided a soft landing spot to disembark for a peaceful stroll around her tranquil garden and down to the beach on the nearby coastline where Dahlia could camp out overnight.

I followed the water from one end of the foundation to the other, poking at the dirt ground and nearby walls, sure some secret would eventually reveal itself to me. But after thirty minutes I still hadn't

found a single ancient treasure... not even the slightest hint of a mere coin. Not even an old, bottle cap or crushed coke can. Disheartened, I let out a huff and made my way back upstairs. 21

“Shoot, now I have to get wet again!” I fussed. I peeled out of my khaki’s, shirt, and shoes, down to my skivvies, and waded in. of the hill to the sea below where a variety of buildings scattered along its narrow shoreline. One such property looked like it might be an airport! I didn't even have to think about it; my feet were already taking me down the dirt path toward the shore. When I finally made it all the way down and past a few shoreline properties, I arrived at Bleubry Airport and Marina, a relatively small, square concrete slab that rested on the surface of the water near shore. It had a small office, control tower, hangar with a plane and some tools, but not much else going for it. I was just about to leave when an adorable, small metal robot approached me. Opposite page left and above: From high on a bluff in northern Corsica, the Temple of Prim in Kwaito overlooked the coastal facilities of Bleubry Airfield. Inside the temple, giant illuminated human statues lifted glowing simple prim boxes toward skylights, and an ancient SL map displayed early sims. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

“Well, maybe it was already picked over by generations before me,” I consoled myself. I was sure that at one time there surely must have been some treasure or ancient secret hidden somewhere in the

fortress. Maybe in one of those prim boxes the statues held up. A grand Second Life secret or two. I had no proof, but I was certain of it. But then again, a Linden would have probably left it empty.

I dusted myself off as I exited the building back out into the daylight. After making my way out from the front gate, I looked down the steep bluff it rested on. A dirt path wound its way down the side

Dahlia Jayaram: Hello Gofgo: hey Gofgo: I LOVE YOU Dahlia Jayaram: Wow, ty Dahlia Jayaram: A robot with a heart? 23

And with that, he zoomed on to do whatever he was interested to do. For me, I had to call it a short day, so I decided to go back to where the Temple of Prim on top of the nearby bluff could offer me some sturdy shelter to overnight in. Maybe some secret will even be revealed to me if I’m there long enough, I entertained myself with the thought. Or maybe there will be ghosts! I gulped. 24

Thinking I wasn’t awake yet, I The stone floor of the drafty rubbed my eyes and checked to Temple of Prim was not the most make sure my viewing distance comfortable place to sleep, and in was set far enough. It was. Maybe the morning I felt it. I rolled up it hasn’t rezzed for me yet, I thought. my sleeping bag, brushed my So I began my hike down the hillteeth in the shallow stream that side. By the time I was halfway poured under the temple, and there, the airport still hadn't apheaded outside for a trip back peared, but in its place, a small down the bluff to the airport sign bobbed up and down on a below. There was only one prob- platform in the surf near where lem: there was no airport. the airport had been. WEEK 27 / DAY 5

Left and above top: A small town in Paneer provided a wonderful destination for exploring and signtseeing. Above: Route 7 passed through Paneer and into a hole in the mountain. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

“Shoot, now I have to get wet again!” I fussed. I peeled out of my khaki’s, shirt, and shoes, down to my skivvies, then waded in until I could swim the rest of the way to the sign.

Dahlia Jayaram: Hello ShadowKnight. I’m in Bleubry where only 2 weeks ago there was an airport. Now there is not. Do you know anything about it? SKF (shadowknight.falconer): he sold it Once I arrived at the sign I saw it Dahlia Jayaram: Ok. Yes, it seems belonged to a real estate company. that way, considering the real esIt had contact information on it, tate signs all around. Thank you. so I called the office of Shadow Knight Falconer. Well, mystery solved. Not that it

wasn’t fairly obvious, thanks to the real estate sign. I had hoped to get a little more juicy details, but I took what was offered and continued on my way. I launched the balloon a few parcels away on the hillside, steering clear of the surrounding buildings. In Bracket, a wonderful fairy tale looking castle rose up from the ground. It was inspired by the

Above and right: Gorgonzola Airport provided a good location for pilots to use as home base to fly in and out of. There were few airports in this region of Corsica, so its presence provided convenient reach into areas that other facilities were much further away from. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


Left: Dahlia departed SLAL Airport La Tour in Gorgonzola in the middle of night to try to make up for time lost during earlier weeks when progress was slow. Above and opposite page: One of the first sites seen as she lifted off from Gorgonzola, Dahlia spotted a beautiful waterfall fascading down a hillside in Evora.

story of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle and the owner welcomed people to be part of the area called Magicland. As he put it: “You can design, create, and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it takes people to make the dream a reality.” I couldn’t agree more. People are what brings the magic of a place to life. Unfortunately, the opposite was 26

true in both Paneer and Passendale where I was knocked out of my balloon due to a full parcel in the first and turbulence in the second. After unpacking a fresh balloon at a Route 11 rez area, I made my way past the Heart of the Fingerlakes Photo Gallery in Passendale which had real life photos of nature on display, as well as a few plants and trees for sale on the grounds.

Eventually, I arrived at SLAL Airport LaTour in the northern Corsica sim of Gorgonzola. Owner Robin Ivory built LaTour to serve medium and small planes. Not only did she offer many hangars and vendors for rent, but refreshments were also available in a hospitality room of the multifloored control tower. As the sun eased down on the western horizon, I decided the comfort of a

snack and a soft sofa sounded like turning was by firing up the balloon and moving on…which was a better deal than camping out overnight, so I unpacked for the exactly what I did. night to sleep on the sofa. I took off from LaTour, followed WEEK 27 / DAY 6 Route 8 east into Bundz, then It was still the middle of the night when I woke. I don’t know what You can design, create, it was, but for some reason I just couldn’t get a good sleep on that and build the most control tower sofa. Maybe one of the snacks disagreed with me, or wonderful place in the maybe I was just anxious about world, but it takes getting closer to the last day of people to make it a that week’s worth of flying. Whatever it was, I decided the only way reality. ~ sim owner I was going to stop tossing and The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Evora, where I was dumped out of my balloon for not being on the access list. Since I was out of the balloon, I took a few minutes to appreciate a wonderful waterfall created by Vanity Mole that cascaded down a long hillside.

A few parcels to the east in Nordloop I was able to launch a new balloon and take off again. I admired a wonderful Asian home belonging to Xia Chang as I slowly drifted through it and other parcels, carefully testing the

border crossing of each for any signs that flying disruptions might follow.

tall and striking tower. I couldn’t tell if the design of the building was inspired from Japanese or middle eastern aesthetics, but In Clarmorris, a sky box home since the owner was Japanese, I had a pretty pink illuminated tree suspected it might be the former in it; in Ennis was an impressively of the two. Either way, it was good!

In Houltbergen I fell out, but was able to immediately jump back in. Flying in the dark sure was a challenge, I thought. Plus, all the falls in the dark were taking their toll on me, so I decided to land in Virtual Sayama City. Located in Exomorogon, Sayama City was on one of the six island sims of the southern coast near a recently created passageway that connected Corsica to the Nautilus continent. After I landed I realized had been to Virtual Sayama once before—a year or two earlier. During that visit and this one as well, the road surrounding the city had a canopy of traditional Japanese banners and decorations draping over the street to celebrate the Tanabata Star Festival. Missing this time, however, were rows of photos in the central concrete palazzo that showed what the real life festival decorations looked like. Clear of the festival displays for now, I was able to find a place to spread out my sleeping bag to nap on until the morning light returned. Left and opposite page top left and right: An extrodinary tower was built on a platform over the water in Ennis. A photo of its real life structure sat at the base for comparison. Opposite page bottom left and right: Dahlia arrived at Exomorogon, a Japanese town that celebrated the annual Virtual Tanabata Star Festival by decorating with streamers, lanterns and other colourful items.

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


W E E K 2 7 / D AY 7 : S O U T H C E N T R A L C O R S I C A

D e J a Vo u s : Overnight Abandon(ment)



Sayama City the next morning. After preparing my balloon and checking my flight map, I climbed aboard and fired up the burner. Today I planned to head north again as I continued my eastward journey across the continent, weaving from far north to far south as I went. But before I turned north, I had a couple more islands in the south to check out.

As I left Sayama City, I kept the balloon low over the water so that I could pass through Watchman, then Shrolpire and Qentatzo— each in the Degrand Channel.

Opposite page: While crossing the Degrand Channel, Dahlia approached a steep mountain with a small church on top in Zimnago. Above: The church on the peak of the mountain in Zimnago provided a spectacular 360 degree view of the south Corsica sea. Right: On the southern side of the Zimnago island mountain, a community of houses resided under a “Hollywood”-esque sign spelling out the word “CLASSY.” The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Not long after, I arrived on the north side of Norstrilia where a nice little row of homes rested peacefully along a quaint boardwalk they shared with a neighbouring big retail shop, 69 Designs, at Paradise Marina. In the center of the island, a steep hillside rose up to where a tiny country church crowned a small, flat parcel of grassy land. Down the southern slope in Beverly Hills, Zimnago, large, free-

standing letters much like the famous “HOLLYWOOD” sign, spelled out “CLASSY” high overhead small homes that lined the base of the island. Considering its styling and convenient travel location, it seemed like a prime place to live. I continued one more sim south to Wyrldmaker—Corsica’s southernmost island—then made my turn to begin my trek back northward. I crossed back into the Degrand Channel again, this time on course to pass Degrand Infohub, a location that new residents are offered the opportunity to begin their new lives in Second Life at (unfortunately without a boat).

Upon my approach to the infohub, I slowed and landed on one of the docks at the island. I watched as people gathered around a central courtyard. I couldn’t help but to reminisce about my own first day arriving, trying to recall which infohub

sim I started out in. As I watched the residents in the courtyard, I knew exactly what they were doing by watching their body language. As they stood there in their newbie stance, their heads turned back and forth, certain clues to their various efforts of checking con31

tols, chat boxes, inventory items, and even themselves out, much in the way a pilot would check out all the instruments in a cockpit before taking off. Their heads turned to follow cursors on their screens as they clicked on the various menus, opened windows, and inspected items in their inventories. I thought back to my first day as a resident and how I spent plenty of my own time doing the same things: making tentative movements as I learned

When I woke up the next day, Xobite Airfield was gone. I mean really gone. how to control myself and take stock of what I came with.

Airfield was located in that direction, and since the day was getting late, I was eager to arrive before nightfall. After a few minutes of flying toward the southern mainland of Corsica, I had Xobite in my sights—and to my delight, an airfield was there too.

After arriving at and inspecting Xobite Airfield, I decided that it Having had enough of my reflec- would make for a good stopping tive moment, I took off again to point for the day, so I packed the continue on a northwestern angle. balloon and found as cosy a place My map indicated that Xobite as possible to rest for the night.

“Whatever it is, I’d better keep When I woke up the next day, an eye out for a temple to cleanse Xobite Airfield was gone. I mean myself at before I land at any really gone. The land was bare, more airports,” I concluded aloud. save for a realtor sign on it. “Unbelieveable!” I shrieked. I was But I was curious about the airflabberghasted. Not only because port and chose to call the real esit was gone, but because this was tate company to find out if they the second airport that disapknew what happened. Ray peared right after I found it! Burdeyna answered the phone. WEEK 28 / DAY 1

The thought immediately came to me: could I be some sort of jinx to airports? Maybe I was dragging some bad karma along with me?

Dahlia: Hello Ray, Dahlia here, calling from Xobite. Ray: hello Dahlia Dahlia: I arrived at Xobite last

Left and above: After leaving the mountaintop country church in Zimnago, Dahlia flew to Corsica’s southernmost island of Wyrldmaker which was home to dive shop, Suboceana, as well as an entertaining water slide. Not far from Wyrldmaker, the Linden Department of Public Works opened up a long channel of water in 2011 that provided a convenient passageway for travelers between the Corsica and Nautilus continents. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

weekend for the first time. Landed on an airport runway. This weekend the parcel is empty. Do you know how long the airport was there and who the owner was? Ray: No sorry i just saw the lot for sale so i bought it Dahlia: oh, ok. Thank you. There must be a LOT of parcels to choose from for sale this year especially! Ray: your welcome yes there is Dahlia: Do you specialise in certain areas or certain kinds of properties? Ray: yes anything on oceanfront Dahlia: ok, great. I’ll keep your name as reference for anyone who asks me about properties near oceanfronts Ray: thanks Dahlia: My pleasure! The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

I stared at the blank ground. Nothing to do but to move on. Now, without an airport to unpack my balloon at, I had to go look for a new place where I could, so I started walking. After a long hike I finally found a place at Dresden’s Den, Oryx that would allow me to unpack. Once set up, I lifted the balloon into the air and flew east. It wasn’t long before I flew into Binneed where a carnival at Mermaid Beach caught my eye.

I noticed docking station for two personal-sized mini submarines people could take down below to explore the underwater mer-world.

By the time I surfaced after taking my underwater tour, the sun was beginning to set, so I hustled back ashore to walk from the beach up a slope into Dallows, I set the balloon down and hopped Curious, I exchanged my balloon where a privately owned group out to look around. There were basket for the claustrophobic en- called Changing Rooms mainrides and games in the carnival tombment of the metal submarine. tained eleven full sized private area, and a striking Halloween I dove below, cruising through a dressing rooms for the public to tree provided a fun place to take variety of plant and animal life, unpack and change in for free. In photos at to commemorate the and a few ancient ruins that were its central grassy courtyard, a covvisit. Just offshore from the beach scattered along the flat sea bed. ered gazebo sheltered a comfort-

Above left: Dahlia spotted and landed at DeGrand Infohub, one of a variety of locations that new residents are offered to begin their Second Life at. Above: With the sun beginning to set in the west, Dahlia decided to push on to Xobite Airfield where she would be able to conveniently unpack her balloon the next day.

able looking sofa that I decided would be just fine for me to lay on to finish my day. I just hoped that when the morning came it would still be there under me. 33

Above and right: After taking off from the Degrand Infohub to the southeast, Dahlia flew into and landed at Xobite Airfield in Xobite as the sun was setting in the west. She was arguably one of the last pilots to do so—and to capture photos of it—because by the time she woke up next morning, all evidence that the airfield ever existed had disappeared. 34

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Top left: While flying over the shoreline in Binneed, Dahlia discovered its Mermaid Beach Boardwalk and Amusement Park Above, top: Not far from shore in Binneed, a structure floated in the water that allowed two mini submarines to dock for passengers to board. Above: The submarines in Binneed allowed passengers to drive around wherever they wanted to go while exploring the underwater Mermaid habitat. Left: Up a slope in Dallows from Mermaid Beach, free to use dressing rooms were available to the public. A sofa in the outdoor courtyard gazebo a place to sleep overnight. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


W E E K 2 8 / D AY 2 : N O R T H W E S T T R E K T H R O U G H W E S T C E N T R A L C O R S I C A

Going Beyond Bear Necessities


AW N C A M E I N D A L L O W S . T H E S U N ’ S

early morning light sparkled across the water and up the sandy embankment to the grassy plateau where I cautiously opened my eyes through slender openings. Much to my relief, I was happy to find that I still remained on a sofa, sheltered under the conical roof of the Changing Rooms gazebo. I gave the edge of the sofa an extra squeeze, just to make extra certain. Yep, it is still here, I thought as I exhaled with a sigh of relief.

Opposite page: As she approached Bo Shek, Dahlia mistook an unrezzed sphere to be the roof of a temple, only to find out later it was the “Death Star” from a Star Wars retail shop—and surrounded by an ever-increasing cast of Ewok and Jawa characters that kept popping up like cinema popped corn. Above: Having spent a lot of time observing the habitat of bears in the Kudosian Heights forest of Bo Shek, Dahlia decided to overnight in an abandoned camp site with an available tent. Considering all the bears and the missing campers, she wondered how safe the area was, and spent a restless night tossing and turning in her sleeping bag, half expecting a bear to barge in at any moment. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

I waddled down to the edge of the beach while contorting my arms over my head and around my back to limber up. When I reached the waters edge I looked around to make sure nobody was around. Once satisfied that I was alone, I slipped out of my clothes down to my skivvies and waded into the sparkling waters to bathe. After a few moments of indulgence, I scrambled back up the hill and into one of the changing rooms, still dripping wet from the sea.

clothes, and a full length floor mirror to check your look with. I took the opportunity to select a few items I hadn’t tried on yet, or hadn’t seen in so long that I forgot what they were. While changing I also couldn’t resist the temptation to strike a couple of silly poses in the mirror too. Once Above: After spending the night in Dallows, Dahlia stuck a silly pose in a mirror while I was satisfied with my appearchecking out one of the rooms free for public use offered by the Changing Rooms group. ance, I cleaned up and walked back out to the courtyard gazebo. deck and furniture provided a I noted on my map that I was due relaxing, unassuming place to to backtrack north/northwest At the next parcel over in Allana, hang out, chat, and dance while through the central inland region the Forum Cartel Hangout looking east toward the water. I of the continent while making my Inside changing room number caught my eye. It had a small bar decided to relax there for a few way up to the northern coastline. one was floor space enough to un- to get a morning refreshment at, minutes while studying my flight Once I made it there, I would pack new parcels and packages of and its weathered, open air wooden plan map. travel east/southeast almost to 37

where I was now—only across to the other side of the bay—where I estimated I would have passed the half-way point of flying through the continent. I loaded up and flew the balloon into Bakura where a slow-to-rez round roof looked like a temple to me. It was the first house of worship I’d seen since the I woke


Right: As Dahlia landed outside of a Star Wars retail shop in Bakura, a crowd of Ewoks and other characters greeted her muttering strange sayings. Below: Adjacent to the Star Wars shop was a beautiful forest with wonderful trails to hike and a diverse selection of wildlife, including a large population of black bears. Far Right: Dahlia dipped the balloon in and out of the Kudosian Heights forest in to observe bears in their natural habitat.

Above top and bottom: In Kudosian Heights, Bo Shek, Dahlia tried to blend into the landscape while she observed wild bears in their natural habitat—then practiced a new fishing technique she learned behind the back of an ususpecting bear. 39

Above and opposite page: The serrated edge of a narrow line of mountains created a dramatic skyline near a mall and beautiful garden-like structure in Azkul. Right: While flying through Birchwood, Dahlia noted how extensive the degree of unclaimed, undeveloped, or abandoned land was in the north central region—just as it was in many places throughout the continent of Corsica.

up to a second airport disappearance the day after I’d arrived. “I better stop here before I jinx another airport” I urged myself. Down I went, dropping the balloon onto a grassy yard where dozens of short, robed figures kept popping up all around me out of nowhere. “Is this a temple?” I called out. They all jabbered away in some foreign language that I couldn’t understand, possibly not even talking The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

to me. Okay…time for Plan B, I considered, checking the land and owner’s description.

working in order to keep a part of this world. Only a translator can use English.”

Nyago Secret Base it said. The owner was Yoshitak Wisent, who went on to say in his profile: “The second life was played and it passed for one year. The adventure person who travels in various places. The thrill and the feeling of strain which cannot taste in the real world. And the world in which important friends are. I am

Hmmm, he almost sounds like a prophet, I thought. Maybe he can share some wisdom to a fellow traveler! I hopped out of the balloon and stuck my head through a tall doorway that reminded me more of a large warehouse or airport hanger than that of a temple. The little people continued to scamper around chattering “whodini” or

“whodidit” behind me.

cleansed by what turned out to be a parcel of Star Wars things. The Inside the high ceiling enclosure round dome really had me tricked. was a semi dark room with a It had in fact turned out to be a variety of vendor signs and prod- spherical “death star” and a space ucts, including figurines of large ship on the otherwise flat roof. alien animals. I walked out of the hanger, back “This is not a temple!” I barked into the sunlight, hands on hips. out into the cavernous space. No Perturbed. I looked at the balloon, indeed, it was a shop that sold then out into the surrounding Star Wars associated products. forest, then back at the balloon. “Shoot!” I exclaimed, feeling I’d “Since I’m already on the ground, wasted my time in hopes of being I might as well go have a look at 41

balloon and take to the skies.

Above: In Fontain, a flight station for a hover craft or spaceship towered high over homes on the ground level. Right: Happy Games—like many businesses in Second Life—placed giant, sun-blocking letters high in the sky to advertise its presense.

that nature area,” I grumbled to myself about the neighbouring parcel of forested land.

cooked and ate my fish, then cleaned up in the river before climbing into the tent’s comfortable sleeping bag. It didn’t take I crossed into Bo Shek where long before I was asleep and paths wound through a nicely dreaming of Jawa and Ewok landscaped nature area called Ku- scurrying around chattering dosian Heights. A castle high up “whodini” or “whodidit.” on a rocky hilltop looked down on a land filled with an abundance WEEK 28 / DAY 3 of grass and trees, winding paths Morning came to my peaceful camp site. A gentle breeze blew for walking along to various points of interest, and more than and birds happily chirped in the a few bears who were also enjoy- surrounding forest. Fortunately, no bear invaded my tent or ing the natural environment. wrecked the camp. It was I walked around to explore difdefinitely peaceful at Kudosian ferent areas until night began to Heights in Bo Shek. I would have fall. At one location I saw an to return again sometime to abandoned campfire that had a wander around more and enjoy tent, so after first checking to its nature sometime. But for now make sure it was abandoned, I it was time to get back to the 42

much more of an eyesore if it story mall sat adjacent to a waterblotted out the sun while moving front and had a large outdoor I walked out of Kudosian Heights than if it only stayed in one place. plaza in front of the mall, popuand into a clearing back at the lated with a few life-sized human Grand Army of the Republic I passed through Gorlen Hill figurines to make it look busy. Headquarters in Bakura where I where The Lost Foundry sold an It reminded me of how hunters could unpack my balloon. Jawa eBook eReader viewing system liked to place fake ducks out in and Ewok continued to pop up for reading in Second Life. How the water to attract other ducks all around me as I lit up the bal- you could read an eBook while in to come join them. I was glad I loon and rose into the air over Second Life, I didn’t know. It wasn’t a duck. them. What is a whodini anyway? didn’t make much sense to me, I thought to myself. I could only but nevertheless, I told my friend Perhaps like a duck nevertehless, shrug my shoulders and leave Nya Silverfall about it since I I felt encouraged to come closer. I that perplexing question to be knew she enjoyed reading eBooks went inside and looked around. answered another day. outside of Second Life. The mall offered a full range of quality shapes, skins, hair and Not far away in Fontain, I passed In Urcho Archo I spotted a large clothes—all free for the taking. I over the WereWolf Empire building that housed the Wise admired the generosity of people HeadQuarters - Media Center, a Heron Newbie Mall. I descended who set up freebie shops like this club site to hangout, play games, down to land on a marina dock for the public; I always thought it and to provide help to new players next door for a look. The three was very kind of them. of Second Life (“NPSL” as they called it). All for Werewolves, of course. As one could imagine, it wasn’t very busy. But then again, it wasn’t a full moon either. Perhaps to my good fortune. I continued into Dixfield where giant letters spelling out “Happy Games” elevated 260 meters high above the ground advertised its presence. I guess the Lindens didn’t mind such a giant advert higher than eight meters above ground (as indicated in their rules) so long as it wasn’t moving, because, you know, it would be so The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Stepping back outside of the mall, I looked around beyond the property. The entire area was nicely landscaped and had a variety of things to take advantage of, such as a photo studio, game arcade, pool and spa, water sports, sightseeing tours, water taxis, and activities for learning. I thought to myself that if I had known about it when I was a Second Life newbie, this would have been a place I would have liked to start out at.

as these faux people cast lines out into the water and had more success catching fish than I ever had. For those who preferred music over fishing, a group was offered to join to receive notices about when music performances took place on stage.

I could have spent an entire day shopping and exploring in Urcho Archo, but I’d have to save that for another time. For today, I wanted to put in a little more disNext to the mall was Saltwater tance before I packed up the balPublic Park, a small and nicely loon, so I returned to the dock by landscaped free beachfront park Wise Heron Newbie Mall to rethat offered a hot tub nestled into sume my flight. a small thatch of palm trees. Just across the water from Saltwater I unpacked and took off in my was another beachfront park— balloon, rising up and drifting Sweetwater Park—a peaceful and west past a residential area that beautiful inland waterfront park included an eye-catching commuwith palm trees that graced a quiet nity of white Mediterranianneighbourhood. It offered a dance styled stucco Greek buildings area with a stage for live music, a with blue roofs in Withernook. rope swing, a natural underwater habitat for exploring, and 7Seas Not far past Withernook, I enFishing from a long wooden dock tered into a vast region of empty, that was inhabited by more of undeveloped land that lead tothose human figurines. I watched ward a range of hillsides on the western front. It was here that I would spot the Birchwood ComAbove left and far left: In Urcho Archo, recreational opportunities awaited at Sweet- mons Convenience Store, a Shell water Park, and free or low-cost retail shop- gas station along Route 11 that I ping was available at the nearby Wise Heron could stop at to refuel my hot air Newbie Mall. Left: A smartly designed Greek tanks, as well as my own growlresidence joined many other residential ing stomach. properties along the road in Withernook.

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


W E E K 2 8 / D AY 4 : E A S T WA R D T H R O U G H N O R T H C E N T R A L C O R S I C A

From (s)Hell to the Golden Arches






B Y.



boarded my balloon and crossed over Route 11, I also crossed over into a new day, my 191st day of flying on my adventure. I was looking forward to making good progress, but soon after lifting off from the Birchwood Commons Convenience Store / Shell Station, I was ejected as I crossed into the next parcel in Birchwood. I walked back to the station and relaunched, this time flying northwest instead of straight north out of the station’s entrance.

Opposite page: A Dahlia landed at a (s)Hell station in Birchwood to overnight and replenish supplies. Above: Vehicles scattered about and driving wrecklessly are good indicators to the poor performance of a region. Yet, despite all the driving errors around her at the (s)Hell station in Birchwood, Dahlia remained optomistic as she lifted off for another day of flying—unprepared for what she would encounter next. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

After successfully crossing over Route 11 this time, I moved into more barren, undeveloped real estate. As I passed over a nearby freebie shop in Jessgate, I checked the land information. It indicated that it had been abandoned by Governor Linden in May of 2010. It was now October of the same year, but more importantly I was perplexed. The Governor abandoning land? I’d seen residents abandon land before, but not the Governor! I wondered how that worked. Would anyone dare to collect land abandoned by the Governor? It seemed times were indeed tough for us all.

I flew north, crossing back over Route 11 again, but I was abruptly stopped, unable to cross into a parcel because I wasn’t on the access list. Then I was ejected from my balloon while it was being confiscated right out from under me. Once again, I had to go all the way back to the Shell station Above: Dahlia filled both her balloon’s gas tank as well—as her own personal tank with a in Birchwood to relauch again. Three (launches) will be a charm, I refreshing beverage—while stopping overnight at the (s)Hell station in Birchwood. promised myself. water channel with a big yacht in and was thrown from my balloon it, then into another segment of as it was taken. Fortunately, I fell This time, after re-launching, I the sim where a grand church onto a beach in Bethymine where knew where my “land mines” looked out over the vast land. I could unpack a new balloon. were and navigated cautiously around them. I made it into Once again, I ran into a parcel The land was owned by a profesBethymine where I flew across a that I wasn’t on the access list of sor who was interested in Second 45

Above: A beautiful white cathedral and luxury yacht rested near each other in the waters of Bethymine. Dahlia wondered if perhaps the yacht might belong to the minister. Right: A wonderful looking community in Morton’s Gully called Summer City was full of inviting residential and other buildings that had access to the sea. She tried to fly through its sky, but wasn’t on the access list and crash landed onto an adjacent parcel. Opposite page: Three large traditional Japanese buildings in WetHoof housed departments for furniture, amenities, and samuri swords belonging to retailer RYU-OH-DOH.

Life as an educational tool and was doing research toward those ends. I wished he’d investigate the unnatural way access lists were allowed to block the otherwise open skies from people wanting to pass through them. I think that mainland properties with restricted access should have great big, giant boxes placed around them, covered with great 46

big billboard-sized posters to warn approaching people in advance—and have all that ugliness also be shown on the inside of the box, facing the inhabitants as an unsightly way to punish them for making SL less pedestrian friendly. Lifting off again, I flew north past Higashiyama, an imaginary Summer City in Morton’s Gully,

then northeast through Motocyclone to see a pyramid structure on the top of a high peak that belonged to Niko’s Place.

of Japanese styled furniture and After admiring all there was to amenities, and a samurai shop full see of the beauty this simple and of immaculently detailed swords. serene space had, I climbed back into the balloon and flew south In the middle building, a giant, into Finland East where abrupt Turning east, then southeast, I intimidating dragon sculpture— turbulance jettisoned me out of made my way along the coastline about the size of my hot air balthe balloon and onto the ground into WetHoof where three large loon—spread its wings and leaned next to a vampire’s castle. I scurtraditional Japanese buildings be- toward the entrance doors to give ried back into my balloon, fearful longing to the RYU-OH-DOH me the fright of a lifetime when I of being spotted by vampires, and company housed a large selection walked in to see what was inside. quickly made my getaway past the The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

S&R Marina Club in Hawkpit, then another castle in Underfoot where a large tract of single homes were built out over the water of a lovely bay. Turbulence struck again, knocking me out of the balloon while I admired a large air craft carrier in Besson. Lucky for me I was able to bungee back up into the basket before falling too far and continue on almost as if nothing had happened. On the northern coastline in Ghoel, I spotted an interesting dark building with multiple stupas. It was a the main retail and freebie shop belonging to SHX, which created and sold club fashion wear, music equipment, and electronics for DJs and clubs since 2006. One of their more unique offerings was a club information center area that had information about in-world music streaming, how to start a club, and “Clubhub,� a portal to hundreds of registered clubs that anyone could join to use and advertise their club at. A group website was even offered for more information. Above, top: A large dragon sculpture startled Dahlia as she opened giant doors leading into one of the shop buildings for traditional Japanese products retailer RYU-OH-DOH. Above, bottom: An assortment of stupas caught the attention of Dahlia from a distance, so she went to investigate. Once she arrived in Ghoel, she learned the stupas were part of the main store for SHX, which provided services and fashions to the DJ and music club industry. 48

After my look around SHX, I flew east, then south into Yarna where an adoption centre and theme park named Kids Safe

Right: The pleasant looking S&R Marina Club was located in Hawkpit. Opposite page top right: Dahlia passed a big tract of single home units built out over the water in the bay, and a wonderful castle up on a hill in Underfoot. Opposite page bottom right: Dahlia admired a large air craft carrier while drifting through the bay in Besson.

Place had been in operation since 2006. There, surrounded by giant, colourful mega prim walls all covered with Disney character images, the amusement park offered a range of items for free or sale such as clothes, skins, shapes, gestures, and toys, as well as fun activities to participate in. I was running out time in my day, but pushed on to see how far I could get before the sun disappeared below the horizon. I made my way to Meewalh on the southern coast of Corsica where the golden arches of a McDonalds restaurant beckoned to me from afar. It was the first McDonalds I had seen in-world in a couple of years, and because of its novelty I headed straight for it to see if it was still serving its patented selection of convenient and delicious meals to travelers like me. To my good fortune, the McDonalds was located at the corner of The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


the intersection of Trendone Road and Circuit La Corse, where a rez zone was conveniently located for landing onto…so long as no traffic needed to drive through. I dropped my balloon right down into the middle of the zone, then quickly hopped out and packed my balloon before any road vehicles could accidentally drive into it. Dusting my hands off after packing, I nonchalantly walked into the restaurant, eager to see what was on the menu. It had a full range of its usual fare, and I was pleased to see there was still a kid’s meal on the menu. Saved by the golden arches, I smiled. I ordered, then after receiving my meal, sat down to munch on my burger and fries while updating my flight log. I wondered if it was any coincidence that a McDonalds was not far away from Kid’s Safe Place in Yarna. Either way, I’d had my fill and knew I’d need to find a place to camp for the night. Across the road, an open field of grass looked promising, so I walked over to set up my tent and sleeping bag. As soon as I laid my head down, I was knocked out—even before the crickets could sing. 50

Above: In Yarna, Kids Safe Place was a theme park run by an doption center since 2006. Dahlia was surprised that lawyers for Disney hadn’t already seen the use of their trademark characters and threaten the Kids Safe Place owners with legal action. Right: At the end of a long day of flying, Dahlia spotted a McDonalds restaurant in Meewalh where she could get a happy meal to celebrate a successful day of flying. Far right: Dahlia landed next to the McDonalds in a conveniently located rez zone at the intersection of Circuit La Corse and Trendone Road. After a filling meal, she set up camp in a grassy field nearby.

Left: Door handles at the McDonalds restaurant were molded into the shape of small bags of fries. Above: Still wearing her parachute, a famished Dahlia sat with her happy meal and snacked on fries, then updated her flight log before cleaning up and deciding on a place to sleep for the night. She looked forward to the next morning when she could return to get a hot breakfast before continuing on, and wondered if they would serve a balloonist who floated past the “drive thru� window.

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


W E E K 2 8 / D AY 5 : N O R T H C E N T R A L C O R S I C A

The Bigger They Are…



Meewalh, I awoke and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I rolled out of my sleeping bag and noticed that the sky appeared inclimate and threatening overhead. When I looked back down to the ground where I had my meal the night before, all I saw there was the flat, gray concrete pavement that the restaurant sat on only hours before. “Where did the McDonalds go?!” I shrieked, equally as shocked by its absence as I was upset that there was no one left to make my morning Egg McMuffin. In its place, the only thing higher than the parking lot surface was a couple of construction barricades. “My god…I am a jinx!” I declared in utter distress.

Opposite page: After overnighting in Meewalh next to a McDonalds where she had dinner the night before, Dahlia was shocked to wake up to construction barracades the next morning. The restaurant had been demolished and removed overnight. She was very disappointed there would be no Egg McMuffin for breakfast. Above: While lifting off from an intersection near the newly disappeared McDonalds, Dahlia spotted a tornado approaching in nearby Naberrie and wondered if maybe the tornado had also picked up the McDonalds restaurant. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

But there was no time to waste, a storm was surely moving in, and moving in fast, so I hurried to prepare my balloon to be launched. Once everything was in place, I scurried into the basket and lifted off as quickly as I could.

alds. Not wanting to add myself to the list of missing things, I got the heck out of there in a hurry.

I followed the road Circuit La Corse eastward past a beautiful atrium in Cadborosaurus/3664 and some interesting dinosaur Just as I began my ascent, a funnel bots and machinery on Wheels cloud emerged from the storm Animal Land in Seadramon. Just clouds and dropped down along- as I entered Wavepaw, my Tiny side a stone shop called the Oddi- Empires friend and mentor, Bear ties Gallery in Naberrie, which Morganwain, joined me in the was only a few meters across the balloon for a few moments while road from the now gone McDon- passing me an acre of land. Bear,

Above: A tornado approached the Oddities Gallery in Naberrie, not far from where a McDonalds restaurant mysteriously disappeared overnight. Dahlia wondered if the two were related, but dared not go too close to the tornado to find out. Things were flying out from all around it, but nothing—as far as she could tell—appeared to be from a McDonalds.

oddly enough, has always had a cat-like appearance, so I found it perfect that she had arrived just in time to meet me while I was in Wavepaw. Get it? “Wave, paw?”

After Bear jumped out to continue on elsewhere, I flew over the ACCC Motors main auto sales store in Jormundgandr. There, an impressively restored 53

did, I saw that the giant box was virtually empty, save for another lower square room that contained what looked to be an ancient Roman building. I looked around for any explanations, but found none. Disappointed, I ascended back up through the square hole in the roof and on to Iku Turso. As I entered Iku Turso, I could see that I was nearing the northern coastline of Corsica again. Offshore in the distance, a large green island was coming into view. After checking my map, I realized I was soon to arrive at a place I had been anxious to see once again: the Linden Memorial Park. Above left: After overnighting in Meewalh next to a McDonalds where she had dinner the night before, Dahlia was shocked to see that the restaurant had been removed overnight. She was very disappointed there would be no Egg McMuffin for breakfast. Left: A company named Wheels Animal Land in Seadramon made interesting robotic creatures. Above: While flying through Wavepaw, Dahlia’s friend, Bear Morganwain, joined her. Dahlia thought it was perfect timing, since Bear was a feline and came to say hello while in “Wave Paw.” Opposite page: Dahlia caught sight of an old pink cadillac with tail fins at ACCC Motors and wondered how it would feel to drive the stylish vehicle around Second Life.

pink cadillac rested inticingly in its front drive. Wow, how stylish THAT would be to drive around in Second Life, I thought. It wasn’t for me, however. I had always been a horrible driver of land vehicles.

I could have contiued to the memorial island, but instead, I decided to look for a place to land before arriving there. I wanted to save exploring the island for my next day of flying.

squares cut out of it. Inside, I could see it was a brilliant blue, much like the water in a swimming pool. The sight of it made me curious, so I descended down to take a look.

A giant skybox with multiple levels in Gorderonis intrigued me, so I gained altitude to go look at it. As I approached, it dwarfed me. It was an immense residential sky As I got closer, I realized that the platform, with towering walls Passing ACCC Motors, I encoun- open squares on the roof were built all around it and a variety of tered an enormous black box along large enough to accommodate sections cut away from it. It was the roadside. Its black exterior was flying my balloon down through quite the curiosity. I flew up to it completely unadorned, except a them. I decided to sink inside just and crossed into it from one of its grey top with a couple of large, far enough to look inside, and as I window sections to have a look. It 54

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

was a small town contained inside the giant structure. I felt odd to stay overnight there, so instead, I made my desent back down toward the coastline, to look for a place to land and end my day where I could unpack a new balloon the next day. The first available location I found where I could start anew was at the Ladies’ & Gentleman Club in Yacumama. They had a small cafe and fishing pond facing the sea and the island of Linden Memorial Park. Inside the club, a money giver gave large U.S. dollar bills to visitors to use as a downpayment toward a variety of adult themed skyboxes that could be rented by the hour. I collected my dollar bill and stood in front of the teleporter board contemplating it, looking at all the rooms, tempted by the feeling of that big dollar bill in my hand. But in the end I didn’t use it. I folded it up and stuffed it into my hip bag, more interested in standing outside on a small sandbar in nearby Cinadr, where I could contemplate what tomorrow’s journey might reveal. So out on the sandbar I pitched my sleeping bag and cozied up to my flight log to update it until I got sleepy and drifted off. 56

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Opposite page: A towering structure high in the sky of Gorderonis dwarfed Dahlia’s balloon as she flew into it and discovered that it housed an entire small town inside. Left top and bottom: Also in Gorderonis, another cavernous structure—this time at ground level—contained a giant pool of water with a small sales shop above water on one side and a submerged building area surrounded by a retaining wall to keep the water from swamping the room. Below: Dahlia landed on the northern Corsica shore in Yacamara where she could overnight at and start fresh from the following day.

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


W E E K 2 8 / D AY 6 : N O R T H E R N C O R S I C A ’ S L I N D E N M E M O R I A L PA R K

S o m e t h i n g Wo r t h R e m e m b e r i n g


H E N I A W O K E I N Y A C U M A M A , I O N LY

opened one eye at first. I was fearful. What if something new had vanished overnight like all those other times? I wondered to myself. Eye open…sleeping bag still here. Sandbar...check. The Ladies’ & Gentleman Club across the way on the nearby beach…check. Rolling over, I peeked out of my squinty eye: Linden Memorial Park…check. It seemed everything was checking out to my advantage. I scrambled up to my feet to confirm everything with both eyes. Check, check, check! Woo-hoo! I was jubilant. The day was starting off better than others already.

Above: After departing Yacamama on the northern shore of Corsica, Dahlia passed through the sky over Northsky Channel, a strait of water that separated Corsica’s mainland from Linden Memorial Park to its north. Opposite page: Linden Memorial Park was comprised of eight sims of wide open natural land as well as landscaped areas, each of which provided locations where memorials to residents could be placed. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

I unpacked my balloon and headed north, flying low over the surface of the Northsky Channel waters toward the Linden Memorial Park. The island was made up of multiple sims: Pinechapel, Canongate, Shrine Of Rememberance, Inglewood, SanMichele, Rookwood, Highgate, Toowong, Derran Moor, Monument, Varna, and Winterspire. I made my way ashore in Inglewood where a short post was available for people to place a re-

memberance plaque and flowers into different slots along its four sides. I searched for any information that could tell me how to add to it but found none. Above: A small and simple memorial post in Pinechapel provided a location for placing plaques and flowers for multiple people at one location. The only thing missing was information about how to do it.

Disappointed, I lifted up to fly over Canongate, a forested area that had a paved walking path empty romanesque temple rested encircling a tranquil pond and its on a large marble landing. There resident ducks. was no seating anywhere, and the temple appeared to merely be a Passing through Canongate, I flew central gathering space. I looked on to the central area of Shrine Of around for any kind of notecard Rememberance where a small, post or sign but didn’t find any. I

hoped there would be some way to learn how people could dedicate memorials or other structures to those they cared about, but so far I hadn’t found anything of the sort. Who to ask? I pondered, looking in all directions. 59

Above: On the far western side of Linden Memorial Park, Canongate has a walking path around a lovely pond with ducks leisurely floating in it. Right, top and bottom: Larger memorials in appeared in Inglewood for residents such as Michelle J. Pillers (SL’s Micki Underwood) and Denise Williams (SL’s Delinda Dyrssen).

A sidewalk lead down a flight of steps toward a central water basin. There, chiseled into the wall of the stairs was a dedication to “Residents of Second Life This Twenty Second Day of April Two Thousand and Nine.” I felt around for any information there too, but 60

still, I could find nothing.

to a short slide show of pictures of Michelle, the memorial also ofI lifted back up and flew west fered a guitar case to touch which into neighbouring Inglewood would link visitors to a variety of where a few memorials had been 185 videos posted of her and other erected for individuals. One was favourites. The videos played on a for musician Michelle J. Pillers screen that would pop-up in the (Micki Underwood). In addition guitar case. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Left: A resident in San Michele stood near a memorial that had a unicorn poised atop a cliff looking down over waterfalls that cascaded down into a small pond with candles illuminated on its banks. Below left: The central sim, Shrine Of Rememberance, appeared to be the main gathering place with an island encircled by a lake and waterfalls. On the island, a romanesque structure rested atop a large slab of marble big enough for crowds to gather. Left: Etched into the wall of one of the stairways was the only information Dahlia could find out in the open about the purpose of the Park. It was a simple plaque dedicating the park to all Second Life residents in 2009.

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Nearby, a golden mango tree was dedicated to the victims of the earthquake that devastated Haiti on January 12, 2010 at 4:53pm local time. “A Strong Tree Protects Its Timoun. Karen Lynn Williams, Circles of Hope� was inscribed at the base of the tree.

in her honour that I encountered while flying in Sailors Cove during my journey through the Blake Sea and Island Communities in December 2010.

Although I never met Delinda myself, I thought it was a wonderful idea to see a slide show of Not far from the mango tree, an- photos of Delinda to pay tribute other memorial played a slide to and remember the things she show of photos, this one erected did and enjoyed, and the people in memory of Denise Williams, that were important to her. Peoaka Delinda Dyrssen. I recognised ple could always come, watch, Delinda from a memorial event and remember here.


such a remote place. A modest pedestal held up a small pot of purple wisteria flowers for “Ginny Talamaska. Creator, Mentor & Friend.”

to know more. Nevertheless, I still thought the memorial and location was lovely. Of all the memorials so far, this was my favourite. Simple, understated, and intimate. And in a peaceful I wished there had been a note location away from the distraccard with information to read, or tions of other things. website links to provide more in- I lifted the balloon out of the ravine sight about the person who it was and over the treetops again, roundintended for, there wan’t. I felt ing the northeastern corner of the sorry for that; I would have liked memorial island and flying back

southwesterly over the forest until I came out in Varna again. This time—perhaps because the sun was going down—something In Varga caught my attention that I hadn’t paid any attention to the first time I’d flown through Varna. In a grassy field just north of Shrine Of Rememberance, there

Above: In Rockwood, a simple pedastal with an urn of draping wisteria adorned a memorial for “Ginny Talamaska, Creator, Mentor & Friend.” Right: Talamaska’s memorial seemed to be in an unlikely place: semi-hidden in a narrow ravine in a remote secion of the Park. Opposite page: Dahlia made her way through the Linden Memorial Park sim of Varna as the sun began to set. She explored the Park for three consecutive days.

I lifted up again and flew northeast, making my way around the Memorial Park in a clockwise fashion. I passed a couple other memorials, such as one for Prisoner of Wars; another with a nice quilt; a post at a beach; another set up with two rows of multiple benches to sit on like an outdoor church; an odd sculpture that you could sit on; and a unicorn standing on the edge of a cliff that overlooked a small pond with candles set out on the ground nearby. 62

A visitor was standing by the unicorn memorial in Varna, so I didn’t want to intrude and moved east into Rookwood instead where the terrain became hilly and forested with trees. I didn’t expect to find any memorials in such a hilly terrain, so when I found a couple of crypts and oblisks, I was surprised each time. One memorial was so isolated and in such a narrow ravine clearing that I had to stop to see who would have a memorial in The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

This page and opposite page: With the change of light at sundown, Dahlia noticed better a small, well arranged English garden in Varna. Above each of the flowers, letters cascaded in vertical lines, spelling out names of people for whom the flowers had been dedicated.

was a small, well arranged English garden. Rising up vertically over each flower were letters spelling out names of people for whom they had been dedicated. It was the first time I’d ever seen a memorial like this, and I found it unique and impressive. After I appreciated the spectacle for a long time, I flew back across Northsky Channel to camp out on the sandy beach at Yacumama one more night. I dreamed of all the flowers, names, and people who are attached to them, knowing that most had passed through Second Life on their way to another. 64

The next day I returned to see the last of Linden Memorial Park and to make my way back to the mainland again. I flew into Derran Moor, then Winterspire, the island’s public expansive empty land reserved as event space. At the waters edge in Winterspire, a small dock stretched out toward the Northsky Channel, facing the mainland. I landed on the dock and took a moment to look back, partly sad to leave, but also energized by the idea that I shouldn’t squander what time I had left to see and do more before my time came to rest forever.

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica



The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

W E E K 2 8 / D AY 7 : S O U T H WA R D T R E K T H R O U G H E A S T C E N T R A L C O R S I C A

F r o m C o l o u r f u l C l u t t e r, t o Va s t , E m p t y W a s t e l a n d



southeast across Northsky Channel until I came ashore at Cradle where the road Circuit la Corse dead-ended into the water like a boat ramp. I followed the road due east, through Almond, Kainthos, Rosewood, and Banyan, passing a variety of ground-based businesses and small houses, as well as skyboxes that hovered high above large areas of barren land.

Opposite page: Dahlia landed on a small dock in Winterspire before leaving Linden Memorial Park to return to mainland Corsica. Above: While sad to leave the sentimental surroundings of Linden Memorial Park, Dahlia felt energized by the thought that there was still much more to do and that she should make the very most of her living days before her time came to rest forever. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

In Thumper, Circuit la Corse passed directly in front of Toyland —almost a full sim of larger-thanlife children’s toys on steroids. From one side to the other, primary coloured toys were scattered around in a way that children of all ages could appreciate. I flew directly to the center of the property and landed next to a spinning Wheel of Life.

a tricycle, an Inchworm ride, an EZ Bake Oven, a Hot Wheels race track, and games for Rock’Em Sock’Em Robots, Etch-aSketch, and Tic Tack Toe.

I walked around, oogling over the over-sized toys, marveling at how the builder’s attention to detail. Then I noticed that a variety of retail shops were smartly embedded into the toys themselves, I looked at the land information such as in a lunch box, train, Lego which stated: “Welcome to building, jewelry box, a gum ball Humdingers Toyland! Where machine, and the downstairs of a everyone is a doll, and the toys are doll house. never small!” I could certainly vouch for that. My hot air balloon In the EZ Bake Oven I found a was easily dwarfed by a menagerie personal sized, springy bed to of giant toys such as a big wagon, jump up and down on—and

Above: Dahlia rested her hot balloon on a dock in Winterspire before leaving Linden Memorial Park to return to the continental mainland of Corsica.

since it was getting late in the day, I decided it would make a perfect, comfortable place to overnight at. After a good round of jumping on the bed, I curled up under the blankets and drifted off into a deep sleep, dreaming of toys I used to play with as a child.

WEEK 29 / DAY 1

When the next morning came, I sat up on the edge of the bed and gave myself a good stretch, then stepped ourside, onto the winding path of blocks to see what was happening. There were a few people walking about sightseeing 69

and shopping. One person, Eolene Uralia, who was one of the owners, was busying herself with preparing the area for a hunt game where visitors could throw snowballs at large walking toy soldiers to get free gifts. While we chatted I learned from her that everything works in some way. It was very unique to have such a fun and engaging place as Toyland. I thanked Eolene for her information and promised to be back again, then unpacked a fresh balloon near the Wheel of Life, and prepared myself for another day of—hopefully—finding other remarkable gems such as Toyland. I took off to head south until I was knocked out of my balloon due to a full parcel in Nizells. After gathering myself back together again, I was able to unpack a new balloon in nearby Nina, then wiggled my way westward through some buildings to avoid Clockwise from top left: In Thumper, Toyland presented an entire sim chock-full of super-sized classic toys. An EZ Bake Oven housed a shop with a bed in it that Dahlia enjoyed jumping up and down on, as well as sleeping in overnight. She fell into a deep sleep full of dreams, remembering all the toys she used to play with herself as a child while growing up. Can you remember yours? Opposite page: Almost every single thing you could see in Toyland was a toy—even the ground and the walls! 70

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

a parcel with ban lines next to the the even lesser potential practice same full parcel of Nizells that of placing advertising in the sky. had knocked me out earlier. Shame on her for even suggesting such a laughable thought). In Ciraco I passed resident Ramsey Toocool who was hovering I made my way past a scattered stationary in mid-air while flying collection of small structures mixed on a doll—one of the more pecu- in with larger businesses that used liar mid-air sightings I had in a large privacy walls until I reached while. He was unresponsive Ginza @ Tokyo 1930’s in Mordreds when I called out to him, so I Crossing. The property advertised continued on through Compton itself as a town modeled after a and Silacci where a large area of 1930’s pre-war Ginza Tokyo, Japan slate gray rock stretched out in a where—like many towns of that tremendous vastness of unclaimed, era—one could hear wonderful abandoned, and undeveloped land. jazz music playing and enjoy what may have been the most peaceful Many properties appeared to time in Japan’s rich history. forego developing their ground levels in favour of building in the I desended down onto a street sky. Privacy issues aside, I thought filled with vintage cars parked it was sad to see nothing on the along sidewalk curbs, and hopped ground and such clutter in the out of my balloon basket to look skies. Talk about blotting out the around. There was a map showsun (as Amber Linden referred to ing things to enjoy, plenty of small retail shops, and a cable car Opposite page: Dahlia’s own colourful balthat carried passengers from one loon was the perfect camoflauge for disapend of the town to the other. pearing into the colourful environment of Toyland.

Above left: While visiting Toyland, Dahlia met Eolene Uralia, one of the primary builders of Toyland. She was in the process of creating a winter game for visitors to participate in to win freebies. Left: Dahlia landed in and took off from the center of Toyland where information about the sim, its Flickr group, and group join touch signs could be accessed. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

the corner toward the great unknown. After a while of walking, I found myself strolling through a narrow alleyway lined with very small shops and studio room living quarters. I peered into one and was surprised to find among its contents a vintage Jamaican music record. It seemed so out of place in Ginza until I remembered how much music was appreciated by residents during that time. I bet to myself that anyone as far away as Ginza during that era probably considered a Jamaican record album to be quite a rare and exotic posession. This thought brought a smile to my lips and filled me with a little extra national pride as I continued walking on.

After my walking tour of Ginza, I saw that it was getting late, so I considered where I should stay overnight. Then I thought where better to spend the night than in such a great city, and began looking for Near the city center, a map was overnight accommodations. posted to show the street plan and Eventually, I found a suitable various points of interest. I stud- place and fluffed up my pillow ied it a while, but decided that I for the night. preferred the thrill of discovering some unexpected sights instead of WEEK 29 / DAY 2 The sound of jazz trumpets woke walking toward something I already knew would be there. So I me much too early the next mornset off down the street and around ing. “Don’t those musicians ever 73

take a break?” I grumbled as I rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands. I got up and splashed some cold water on my face, studying my puffy eyes in the mirror. Still in my fog of semiconsciousness, I packed my bag and headed out to the street. Ginza didn’t allow visitor unpacking, so I hiked the road out of town until I could unpack a new balloon at nearby Crimen’s Place. After taking off, I followed Circuit La Corse roadway west/southwest, past Centre Mall in Timescape— a series of unattached, randomly placed black box retail shops that were intentionally left to look like construction was still underway when in fact it had been long complete. The retail offerings were equally random, ranging from clothing to gadgets of all manner. Nothing inspired me to part with my precious lindens as I continued flying past.

Opposite page and left: Enormous areas of land in Compton, Silacci, and as far as the eye could see were left barren, either as unpurchased, undeveloped, or underdeveloped parcels. Undesirable? Or just undiscovered?

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Just past Centre Mall, the landscape dipped down into a wide sunken quarry that was filled by Chasm City. The owner encouraged visitors to “check the post office box for notecards, and add your own!” He continued: “Most of the structures in Chasm Deep were built from stone quarried from the exposed rock faces 75

around the lip. Feel free to use the quarry site to rez your own creations.” I stopped, walked around, and didn’t find much that held my interest—disappointed that there was no using a pick axe in a tunnel or panning for gold in a stream. I fired up the balloon and continued on through Novatron, Edge Walker, Starship, and Starnbrough. In Steine Gardens I flew into Mahoney City, which offered homes and shops for rent, free shops, boats to sail, surfing and windsurfing over synchronized waves, camping, and more. Mohoney City looked like a decent place to stroll around for a while. But where to land and relaunch was another thing, so I continued on until I spotted the inviting sight of a long boating dock at Everyone’s Sakura Fishermans Wharf in Deomacite. I coasted up to it and set the balloon down lightly, relieved to find it was open to the public. I was satisfied with the distance I had traveled for the day and was eager to go have a walk-about back at Mahoney City. Right: In every direction around Compton and neighbouring sims, land was left barren, making the view sad and undesireable. 76

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Top, above, and right: Ginza was a wonderful 1930s pre-war Japan city, full of things to see, both big and small—including a Jamaican record album in someone’s one room studio home. Above right: Land use in Ciraco and in all directions as far as one could see was woefully underutilized, begging the question about the worth of prices asked for them. Right: The Everyone’s Sakura Fishermans Wharf in Deomacite provided a safe harbour and landing dock for public travelers to use. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Sunken Treasure?: Chasm City was gouged out of an old quarry to create a community area, but Dahlia was disappointed there were no remnant areas left to pan for gold in a stream or use a pick axe in an old mine.


The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Curb appeal?: Dahlia flew through Steine Gardens to find Mahoney City, a community that appeared to have a respectable residential and commercial presence and availability. It’s blatant advertising was less than appealing, however.

W E E K 2 9 / D AY 3 : E A S T C E N T R A L C O R S I C A

A t L a s t : S a l v a t i o n & Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n Begins Anew



at Mohoney City. The colder temperature woke me earlier than I had expected and made me want to curl up in my bedding longer. I knew I’d have to get up sooner or later, however. So, despite my more primal side’s complaints about being under duress, I prepared myself and my balloon for another day of grand adventure.

Opposite page and above: A home property in Gwarl was blanketed with a fresh layer of snow. Dahlia could tell that the owner liked ballooning too, as was evidenced by the hot air balloon set out on a roof landing pad. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

After I loaded up and took off, I headed into Gwarl where a snow covered property and house with a white hot air balloon on its roof caught my eye. “It looks like it snowed overnight here!” I said with visible breath. The fresh snowfall covered the trees and a small, iced-over pond looked beautiful, however, so I didn't mind the unexpected chill.

On arrival, I saw the cutest little farm house in a skybox barely larger than the cabin itself, surrounded by the warm, rich colours of Autumn. It looked very comfortable and inviting, but with privacy walls around it, I knew it wasn’t to be tampered with. So I dropped the balloon back toward to ground level to see what might catch my eye there.

While flying over this winter wonderland, I looked up, and what I saw surprised me, although I don’t suppose it should have. High overhead I saw a little slice of Autumn, probably not much bigger than my balloon. I decided to rise up to investigate.

Directly below the Autumn cabin skybox was a small neighbourhood of shops belonging to Inner Child Safe Haven, a safe place for people who played as child avatars and the adults who cared for them. The owners offered dancing, music, contests, fishing, and in-

Above: High above the snow-covered property in a neighbouring parcel in Delizmo, Dahlia spotted the tiniest remnant of Autumn…in the form of a cabin in a tiny skybox.

formation to help residents keep themselves safe as a child avatar. I thought it was a unique and noble offer to residents.

Park, the property was related to the Telling Stories music band in Austin, Texas USA and offered a free place to explore, hike, dance, download MP3s, and relax among Next door to Inner Child Safe trees, ducks, and streams. And for Haven was a nature park in Kro- those who hated to leave, skyboxes ngower. Called Telling Stories were even available to rent. 81

The east/west route of Circuit La Corse roadway bordered the north side of Telling Stories Park and Inner Child Safe Haven, so I unpacked a new balloon next to the curb and took off, crossing over the road to fly north as night fell.

ing myself any ill that might have been attached to me…like vanishing airports. From high on the mountain peak it was difficult to see through the trees and know what other facilities were offered below, so I made my way back down through the mountain tunnel and out the cave opening to the green grass of the hillside below.

As I crossed into into Esterhal, glowing balls of yellow and red slowly dreifted up from the ground like fireflies, filled the night sky. It was only then that I remembered something important: they were celebrating the last day of the year, December 31, 2011. Today was the end of the year! “Oh my!” I gasped. “I should be giving thanks for this past year and welcoming in the new one!” And just as the words left my mouth—as if directly from my mouth to the gods above—a tall mountain rose up in the distance belonging to Bhaktiville Mountain Temple. I knew exactly what I had to do, and headed straight dered if it might be a clue for for it. where to go, so I poked my head into the cave and saw there was When I reached the mountain in an upward spiraling tunnel, well Bhaktiville, I set the balloon down lit by torches on the arching wall. in the center of a grassy clearing amid a blanket of trees that cov- The tunnel looked safe, so I folered a hillside at the base of the lowed it upward as it spiraled mountain. Near where I landed around inside the mountain. was a small statue in front of a Eventually, it came out onto a mysterious cave opening. I won- snow covered landing at the top 82

I located a note card giver with the property’s information on it. It was delightfully extensive, welcoming visitors, describing facilities, offering tips for maximizing one’s audio, video, and overall visual experience of the area. It also provided contact information to the owners, and links to online copies of Radha and Krishna for sale. I decided to enjoy reading all of the note card after rolling my sleeping bag out to make camp for the night under building’s watchful security light and the even more magical lights from stars in the clear night sky.

of the mountain. There, a small building provided shelter from the snow and offered a place for Kirtan worship near a warm, inviting fireplace.

to clear my mind until I could feel the inner calm and peaceful feeling that helps one to greet a new day ahead of them in a positive fashion.

I took my time to first warm up, then gave a spiritual thanks for all the blessings I had enjoyed over the past year. Then I took a few moments to sit and meditate

Morning at the Bhaktiville Getting up, I chanted “Hare Kr- Mountain Temple was refreshingly ishna” and stepped back out into beautiful and peaceful. It was also the beginning of a brand new year, the cool of the snow covered mountain night, hoping that I was 2012. I could hardly believe that a now finally on my way to cleans- journey I once thought would

WEEK 29 / DAY 4

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

only take me about 90 days to complete had now entered the beginning of its third year. I wondered how much longer it would take to complete my exploration of all Second Life continents.

I made my way to a pool the temple grounds offered visitors to cleanse themselves in, then visited the temple. Inside, I offered a flower to Radha and Krishna by sitting on a pillow in front of them. They were immaculently Only time will tell, I kept remind- dressed, and I couldn’t help but to ing myself. Only time. Then my wonder who dressed the dieties. thoughts wandered to Las Vegas, They sure didn’t buy off the rack wondering if there were any and had very talented tailors! bookies taking bets, speculating on my progress and when my My dirty brown capris were tateventual completion would be. tered and holy in other ways by comparison. But I was thankful I scowled at the thought. to have the opportunity to offer The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

my well wishes to them and to those whose paths I had crossed in Second Life. Hopefully, as a by-product of such good will, no more airports would disappear on me any more.

Inside the lotus, was a seating area for group chats or private meditation. It was quite unique and delightful to see. After a brief stop on the giant lotus, I climbed back into the balloon and drifted away sporting a satisfied smile. I I loaded up the balloon and lifted knew I’d be coming back again into the air over Bhaktiville someday to enjoy it more. Mountain Temple. On the edge of the property, a giant, towering I flew east through Shergon, then lotus flower rose up out of the sea spotted three castles near each and opened a petal outward like other at Citadel in Uxeter. Notica big draw bridge. It opened far ing freebies in the inner courtyard enough that I could actually land of one of them, I flew over and my balloon on it, then walk inside. landed on its rampart.

Opposite page: Inner Child Safe Haven in Delizmo offered a place for people who played as child avatars and the adults who cared for them. Above left: Small single-sim communities, such as this one in Vacuul, sprung up every once in a while across the grid. Above: Telling Stories Park in Krongower was related to a music band by the same name in Austin, USA, and offered a variety of activities for visitors to enjoy.


I hopped out to see the variety of boxes on display—a selection of good ranging from clothes to gadgets. I also took a few mintues to walk around inside. Its largely empty, echoing stone hallways, made me feel secure, but also claustrophobic due to the damp muskiness of its environment. After walking through each of the castles, I was satisfied, and climbed back into my balloon. I then lifted off again and flew east past the Circuit La Corse roadway again. In Fearzum I came across a parcel with an interesting sign stuck into the ground that stated: “Earth is not sustainable. We have to go right now.” This was a curious thing to say, so I read the full text of the sign, which raised the issue of how mankind will eventually consume all of the earth’s fossil fuels and that in order to survive we must be looking now for solutions beyond our own planet. The sign made a good point, however, leaving now for a better life elseOpposite page: While flying in Esterhal, small lights began to rise up from the ground like fireflies to fill the sky. Right: A sign in Fearzum made its case about why the planet Earth is not sustainable and that residents should begin preparing now for where to live elsewhere. 84

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

where didn’t seem to be a choice. Working toward it, yes. But it would require smarter minds than mine, however, to come up with ideas, so better I just stick with my ballooning. I turned south to cross a inland lake that started in Dess, where trains circled on a small track around a building, then past a boat stuck in an airborn position in Fishers Rest. Continuing a little further south, I arrived in Andresson where one of my all-time favourite Corsica properties awaited me: the Metal Heart Project. I first encountered the site two years earlier in late 2009 when I went on my first travel adventure during my Great Sailing Adventure. By the time I arrived today, however, it was getting late, so I quickly found a place to land and set Top left and right: Dahlia flew out of a field rising light orbs and past the top of a mountain top in Archers belongint to the Bhaktiville Mountain Temple. She landed the balloon in a small clearing in the forest to take a look around the base of the mountain. Bottom left and right: At the base of the mountain, she discovered a small statue and beyond it, a cave opening that went into the mountain. Further down the hillside, a temple displayed images of the dieties Radha and Krishna. 86

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

since 2009. camp for the night. I was really looking forward to getting up the next day to see what changes may After a good walk around the have happened since I last visited. complex, it seemed little had changed little since my last visit. The outer ground levels surWEEK 29 / DAY 6 After a restless night sleeping in rounding the complex still had wonderfully made miniature repthe shadows under the Metal resentations of Tokyo’s industrial Heart Project in Andresson, I complex and old airport—both woke and quickly got out to see important parts of Japan’s induswhat, if anything, had changed

trial lifeblood prior to the invention of the internet and the global marketplace. The inner part of the complex still hosted a few very small retail shops for plants and clothing, a sushi bar that seemed to be the place where regulars met at most, and a small shrine in the center of its circular complex. Above it all

Left: Dahlia landed on the rampart of one of three castles placed next to each other in at the Citadel in Uxeter. Each had wonderful stone surfaces and one had freebies in its courtyard. Above: A small beach hut with sheer mosquito netting in Qintessa looked inviting. Opposite page: A giant transformer towered 205 meters over a miniature representation of Ota City, Tokyo, Japan’s heavy metal manufacturing industrial district. Next to it, the Cyber Aquarium had a ride that raised visitors up a cylinder to see the aquarium from the center.

stood the unavoidable gigantic transformer figure that dominated the skyline by towering a full 205 meters over the complex.

wheel was surrounded by an oval road racing track at Dargo’s Fun Zone. Outside of the track was an outdoor stage for dancing at Double D’s, a variety of retail shops, Next to Metal Heart Project in the Questionmark Bar, and the Desicalm was a separate structure recreation of a real life cafe “Het belonging to the Cyber Aquarium. vraagteken” & Garage “De Weer.” It had an interesting ride that visitors could use to rise up into I picked up a sandwich from the cylindrical chamber for a 360 de- cafe and jumped back into my gree view of its circular aquarium balloon to eat while on the move. filled with a variety of beautiful I flew through Hellspar and sea life. Gradstole, then dropped down into the courtyard of a wonderI turned north to fly through fully textured stone castle in Klimban, then east into a snow Sunken Desires. In front of the covered Wildfire where a ferris castle doorway was a wonderful 88

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


sculpture of an angel on her knees. I took off and headed through Jeaden, mindful to stay low underneath the skyway congestion of floating buildings and platform properties. In Zumanus, I circled an enormous, multi leveled set of sky platforms—each contained its own environment, ranging from nature scenes to cities. There was even one with collesium stadium on it big enough to seat a crowd of spectators. I was nearing the end of my day, so I threaded my way between two of the Zumanus sky platforms and into Shempo. After a brief search, I located and landed on a rez zone at the intersection of Route 7 and Circuit la Corse. It was here that I would camp out overnight across the road from a couple of retail establishments.

Top right: Dahlia gently lands on the fingertip of a giant transformer figure that stands high over a representation of Tokyo’s Ota City at Metal Heart Project in Andressen. Bottom right: At the base of the Metal Heart Project in Andressen, free gifts were generously set out for visitors to take to celebrate the new year, 2012. 90

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

Left: A miniature scale model of Ota City, Tokyo, Japan’s industrial manufacturing district was recreated on the ground in Andresson. Above: Dargo’s Fun Zone in Wildfire had a little of everything, ranging from housing and retail space, to a dance club venue and the recreation of a real life cafe, to a race track and carnival rides.

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


Above: Dahlia landed in the courtyard of a wonderfully textured stone castle at Sunken Desires in Shiradin. Opposite page: An immense vertical column of sky clutter in and around

Zumanus and Jeaden resulted from a series of platform developments, one over top of the other, stretching high into the sky.

W E E K 2 9 / D AY 7 : E A S T E R N C O R S I C A

Finishing in the Far East



loud screech of an automated taxi rounding the corner at the intersection of Route 7 and Circuit la Corse. While I came to and struggled to get up, the vehicle wobbled its way down the lonely gray paved road. I was glad I wasn’t in that fitful ride. I carefully checking for any other additional oncoming traffic, then once I was satisfied I wouldn’t become the victim of another careening taxi or ice cream truck, I unpacked my balloon in the rez area of the intersection and took off, rising up as I drifted eastward past a nice looking castle in Oxal that belonged to the S.A.D Land Consortium.

Opposite page: An idle resident floated aloft in the sky while Dahlia unpacked a fresh balloon at the rez zone of Route 7 and Circuit de Corse intersection, then took off to head east. Above: Dahlia happily snapped photos with a pocket sized point and shoot camera while flying through Lharg. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

From there, I passed into Wairbrow where interesting information in the “About Land” news section about the property indicated the owner belonged to the Venus Girl Group in Roseland. The group was for people interested in amputee and other disability discussion and roleplaying.

was the first of a kind I’d read and thought it a unique group opportunity for residents.

In Neverdol and Claressa, I rounded my path along the north Corsica coastline again. In sim after sim, the surrounding vista of land was extremely gray and barren. I couldn’t help but to think that if Linden Lab wanted Anyone with an interest in the to reduce overhead costs created area was welcome, whether disabled in SL or RL, or just want- by running so many servers, they ing to meet people and talk. That could easily shut down plenty of

Above: Dahlia drifted through the spires of a wonderfully detailed castle belonging to the S.A.D Land Consortium in Oxal.

of a variety of artwork. Additionally, a trio of mock Lindens pulled a tug of war rope opposite of an alien standing atop his spaceship. Nearby on the shore, a freebie Along the shore in Claressa I en- box offered a miniature diorama countered The Third Grid Project of AM Radio’s “A Far Away” environment and provided a link to where the Sun Set View Gallery and Water Gallery showed images his website. The “About Land”

these unused sims. It seemed such a waste of space and resources from my perspective as a casual traveller.


Bottom left: While in Neverdol, the first of a few interesting sky properties began to come into view. Top left: Dahlia passed the first and flew closer to inspect another in Wairbrow. Above: The property in Wairbrow had a beautiful stained glass skylight which looked down into a richly patterned bathroom, complete with a bidet. Opposite page: Dahlia rounded the northeastern aspect of Corsica in Claressa.

information stated: “One Mile of Digital Art. Established in 2008 by Alias Piek. Longest artwalk in SL. 3D-Art conservation; last conserved: Feathers Boa’s Lill Angry Robot. This place brings Art and Technology together. Home of Avatarkunst. Hypergrid to” 96

After taking a leisurely look at all the art, I turned the balloon eastward and flew until I rounded the northeastern corner of the continent in Penning. I then flew southward through Harbeng and Kloos. Crossing into Meldenrake, I admired from overhead the Calvary Chapel Second Life, a real

life christian church that extended its presence into Second Life with a lovely campus mixed with buildings and landscaping on the edge of the seashore. Not far from Meldenrake was the PaTron Sandbox in Queck. It offered room for unpacking, buildThe Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

ing, dancing to music, and playing a variety of games. A property immediately south of the sandbox in Benangatron blocked my exit with a ban line, so I changed direction to go around it and continued my journey south, not far inland from the coastline. After a while, I made my way into Danshire, the former home of Danshire Yacht Club which I discovered had relocated to the Nautilus continent since I last visited during my earlier 2009 Great Sailing Adventure expedition. Compared to the Corsica Danshire that I enjoyed as a sailor, the current Danshire Yacht Club location was rather unremarkable. It was currently located among a group of unrelated properties resting along and on platforms extended out over top of the water’s edge. Here in Corsica at its old location, there was still a yacht parked alongside its associated land, but this was nothing compared to the multiple sleek yachts that had at one time parked along a lengthy stone pier when the old Danshire Yacht Club was still around. I flew through Danshire, passing Duke’s Port and a lighthouse with a wonderful telescope out on its patio terrace. Just beyond it in The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


Debelox, the waterway opened up between Danshire and Blessham sims for a boat racing start/finish line. I landed on a small wooden viewing stand that rose up from a platform at one end of the starting line. It was here that officials would watch the start and finish of races, but for now it served as my perch while I took a look around and decided which way to go next. Checking my map, I saw that I was very near to where my adventure through Corsica would end. To the east of me, a watery channel provided a thoroughfare between the two continents of Corsica and Gaeta V. I would use that waterway when it was time for me to begin my Gaeta V journey from Corsica. But for now, I was all about wrapping up this current day’s sights in Corsica first. Down below the surface of the water something was moving and caught my attention. I got out of Top right: A pair of mock Lindens pulled on a rope being nailed into a gallery wall by a space alien in Claressa. Bottom right: Also at the gallery, a miniature diarama of resident AM Radio’s “A Far Away” was offered for free to visitors. Center: Dahlia made her way around the northeastern aspect of Corsica, then flew south toward the continent’s easternmost shore. 98

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

my balloon and climbed down the lookout tower to the surface of the water to see if I could get a better look.

was amazed to see five residents all standing on the bottom of the sea floor.

called out to them. No one replied. I came up, gasping for a new lung full of air, then looked again. It seemed they might have all linThey weren’t exactly close to one gered after finishing some event The waves kept me from making another, but they also weren’t far and remained there while decidout what was shimmering below, away either. I wondered what had ing what next to do, but I couldn’t so I decided to dip my face down caused them to end up standing be certain. It was just one of those into the water, and when I did, I on the ground under water, so I unique behaviours seen only in SL.

Above: The beautiful campus of The Calvary Chapel Second Life adorned the shoreline of Meldenrake. The church is a real life christian church that extended its presence into Second Life. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


Above: Dahlia crossed into Danshire, the former location of the Danshire Yacht Club, which now resides in the continent of Nautilus. Right: Dahlia parked her balloon on the yacht race viewing stand at the Debelox Rez Zone, not far from where her tour of Corsica would soon end. Opposite page, top right: Dahlia cheers at her landing, knowing she doesn’t have many obstacles left to challenge her flying skills. Opposite page, bottom right: Residents stand on the sea floor near the start/finish line for boat races in Debelox. 100

Eventually, all but two of them left, and after dunking my head repeatedly for about 15 minutes, I too was ready to disappear, so I climbed back up the viewing stand ladder and hopped back into my balloon then headed east into Bottenford. “Oh…Bottenford!” I gasped to

myself. I suddenly recalled having taken an automated motor boat ride around the Danshire Yacht Club while I was taking pictures in 2009 that resulted in me cracking my nose on a lowered draw bridge as I floated along. I had turned around just in time to capture a shot of me getting a serious face full of draw bridge. This The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


Right: Dahlia landed on the easternmost reaching land of Corsica at a beach in Bottenford. Opposite page: Dahlia looked eastward from the beach in Bottenford toward the horizon where she knew the continent of Gaeta V awaited her arrival in the next stage of her journey.

time, Bottenford was the easternmost edge of Corsica and the final piece of land I would stop at during this stage of my adventure. I landed on a sandy beach next to a palm tree and beach hut that looked out toward the eastern sea. Two other residents, Demonia Da Noite and Tamy. D. Sanctum were also at the beach, unpacking items onto the sand to examine together. For me, it was a time to relax and reflect on my Corsica journey. I sat out on the beach to update my flight notes and pitched my tent for my final overnight on the continent.

some previously unknown places that I wanted to go back to enjoy more, such as the Bhaktiville Mountain Temple, Humdingers Toyland in Thumper, and Ginza @ Tokyo in Mordreds Crossing.

there was a connection—too expensive for too many people to purchase, or perhaps simply undesirable locations.

I don’t have to travel far to hear someone talk about how expensive land in Second Life is, nor do most people have to look in their bank accounts to know that long I thought if prices came down, term financing of a property in As I settled in, I thought back on perhaps more people might move Second Life is impractible for all the incredible things I had seen. I was also struck by how frein. Or if the cost was too expenmost casual users. Such realities I was happy to have had the opquently I encountered enormous sive for Linden Labs to keep on- are disheartening for the person portunity to revisit some locations sections of vast, barren, and unoc- line, why not consider to remove who really loves what Second I had been familiar with from cupied land—either in appearthe excess land, save money, and Life has to offer. earlier visits, such as the Metal ance by having possible skybox put the newly available servers Heart Project in Andressen, and development that I didn’t see, or where they could bolster other Perhaps more so than in any the Linden Memorial Park island was in fact actually empty. I con- more active areas on the grid. All other continent I’d flown through, north of mainland Corsica. I was sidered how expensive land was were matters beyond my under- this feeling nagged at me in the also happy to have discovered in Second Life and I wondered if standing, but food for thought. back of my head. Corsica is Sec102

ond Life’s largest continent in size, but lags way behind others in development and cultural destinations. The areas of emptiness and underdevelopment are so vast that its condition appears irreversible at this time. Nevertheless, I hope for those who do live in or visit Corsica that they will realize there are still great opportunities to be had on this continent and that in time it could flourish like other areas already do elsewhere on the grid. ~ END The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


MAPS: THE PLAN Dahlia would head into the southwestern aspect of Corsica by departing the Kinrara Island Airfiield, then weaving north and south while advancing eastward across the continent until she reached its easternmost point. Finishing there would conveniently set her up for the expedition that would follow, her tour of the neighbouring continent of Gaeta V.



The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

MAPS: THE RESULT Dahlia’s route roughly followed the shape of the continent, exploring from coast to coast and central regions in between. After departing Kinrara Island Airfield in southwestern Corsica, she quickly encountered the SL Coast Guard Headquarters and Baitoushan Airport. Flying eastward, she made a new discovery of the Bleubry Airport, only to have it disappear overnight. The SLAL Airport LaTour provided an important air facility to the otherwise

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

unserved northern coast of the continent. Xenobite Airport was landed at and then suffered the same fate as Bleubry Airport: it too disappeared the day after Dahlia’s arrival. After that, there were no additional airfields to use as weigh stations—and there was still just over half the continent left to travel. She eventually completed the expedition in Bottenford, a region near the water channel that connected Corsica to the continent of Gaeta V.


Timeline At A Glance: Charting Dahlia’s Prog JANUARY 2010 SANSARA



1 January 2010

The Ivory Tower of Primitives Governor Linden’s Mansion The Particle Lab/Learning Center The Vehicle Lab/Learning Center Kazenojin Executive Airport DarkWood Cathedral Bay City Airport Orientation Island Vehicle Park Abbotts Aerodrome Giant SL Handprint Icon Helen Keller Monument YadNi’s Junkyard Kanin Mountain Skiing & Sledding Anton Airstrip Zeppelin Service Zermatt Ice Skating Lake Chalet Linden Cloudmont High Country Smithers Bluff Rainbow Cherished: Romantic River Shops Teslin Meadow Preserve Tour Pegasus Zeppelin St Michel ~ the Jule Verne Museum Shelter Island Balloon Tour Bitch Fight Arena Aztral’s Airport The First Church of Atheism Knowledge Park Linden Village & Offices Help Island Public Orientation Island Knowledge Port Explorers Info Centre Mahulu Volcano New Citizens Incorporated, Kuula Gruppman Technologies Corporate ANWR Offshore Oil Rig Platform


1 Feb. / 11 Feb. (42 Days) FLYING DAYS MISSED



Natoma to Shermerville (N. Central to NW Sansara) WEEK 2 SIM COVERAGE

Shermerville to Mondrian (NW to SE Sansara) WEEK 3 SIM COVERAGE

Mondrian to Hibdon (SE to E. Central Sansara) WEEK 4 SIM COVERAGE

Hibdon to Pooley (E. Central to NE. Central Sansara) WEEK 5 SIM COVERAGE

Pooley to Lozi (NE. Central Sansara) WEEK 6 SIM COVERAGE

Lozi to Calleta, Heterocera (NE. Central Sansara to S. Heterocera) GUEST PASSENGERS

Alina Graf, Lie Rang, Nya Silverfall, Natalia Silverfall, 1 Shermerville passenger, Ms SecretSpy, DawidDawid Dawid, Cyanidekissesxx Draconia, BackHome Soon, Erin Riler, Tatsuhiko Zuka, Rikki Reichmann, Eric Christensen, Narcissus Mint, Ara Enzo, Johnny Mikado 106



MARCH Done 2 √



22 Feb. / 16 March 2010 (34 Days) FLYING DAYS MISSED



Cecropia to Nessus (S. Central to E. Central Heterocera) WEEK 8 SIM COVERAGE

Nessus to Engrailed (E. Central to N. Heterocera) WEEK 9 SIM COVERAGE

Engrailed to Moneta (N. to W. Heterocera) WEEK 10 SIM COVERAGE

Moneta to Cecropia (W. to S. Central Heterocera) GUEST PASSENGERS

Johnny Mikado, Aleks Piers, Pavl Duke, Madeline McMahon, Mot Mann. Lila Wardark, Caya Corvale, JohnMichael Tobias


Calleta Train Station Hoboland Railroad Infohub Cerridwen’s Cauldron Tuliptree Train Station Neumoegen Train Station Busiris Airport Onespace Rockumentary Hopeful EMission Bella Carnival TMA - A Jewish Neighborhood SL Volunteer HQ Andiana City Cycnia & Euclidia Arbor Project SL Coast Guard Training Center Lythria Tall Tree Flanders Field Airport Ear Community Park Rainbow Cloud Nine Club Pug City Continent’s Highest Point, Campion Lapara Airport Arches Paraglider Slope Solo’s Steam Engine Service Moneta Airport The Unknown Theme Park The SL Chess and Sudoku Club H8 Motor Company Great Northern Wall Lord Victor Monument Friends of the Urban Forest & Permaculture Project Lake Gnoma Saiku Rainstorm Sky Mark Properties International House Of Style Didugua Thunderstorm Lightning Mz. Shoes




18 March / 6 May 2010 (49 Days) FLYING DAYS MISSED



Quoll to Lordshore Cove (South to S. Central Jeogeot) WEEK 12 SIM COVERAGE

Lordshore Cove to Xentilx (S. Central to S. West Jeogeot) WEEK 13 SIM COVERAGE

Xentilx to Flint (S. West to West Jeogeot) WEEK 14 SIM COVERAGE

Flint to Martindale (West to W. Central Jeogeot) WEEK 15 SIM COVERAGE

Martindale to Areumdeuli (W. Central to North Jeogeot) WEEK 16 SIM COVERAGE

Areumdeuli to Dacham (North to N. East Jeogeot) WEEK 17 SIM COVERAGE

Dacham to Kyung (N. East to East Jeogeot) WEEK 18 SIM COVERAGE

Kyung to Quoll (East to South Jeogeot) GUEST PASSENGERS

Lila Wardark, MsPaddles Ninetails, Voodoo Spyker, Freyja Beresford


Explorers InfoCenter Lordshore Cove Bridge Hawkside Airport The Monastery of Felix Meritis Raining Cats & Dogs in Cambell Devils Golf Course Wheelies Neighbourhood Michael Jackson Support Group & Memorial Park White House, USA Silver Creek & Flint Route 10 Tunnel Milkshake Lounge Ichelus Volcano P2 & Teles Airport Department of Public Works Office Mr Whippie Ice Cream Truck The Library @ Driftwood Beach Zee & Zora’s Little Slice Sculpty Earth Mumtaz Taj Mahal Mos Ainsley Space Base Stone’s Point Park Kea Airfield Dacham Sky Race Track Omurice Buddhist Centre Steam Locomotive Preservation Group Kira Cafe Demonstration Area NCI South World Peace Flag Garden Chilbo Community & Tall Tree Korumburra Kuwaiti Building Hwanin Football Sky Fields JBT Airport Jonestown Airstrip Jonestown Media Attention Press Pass Media Studios Cathedrale d’Images The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

ress On The Calendar, Continent-By-Continent JUNE




Done 4 √




15 April / 22 August 2010 (130 Days) FLYING DAYS MISSED

Counting discontinued due to prolonged wait for computer repair (two months) and gaps in flying time due to inability to continue flying on weekdays FLIGHT DISRUPTIONS


Pelvoux to Beggars Bowl (N. Central to N. West Satori) WEEK 20 SIM COVERAGE

Beggars Bowl to Ogilvie (N. West to West Satori) WEEK 21 SIM COVERAGE

Ogilvie to Davros (West to S. East Satori) WEEK 22 SIM COVERAGE

Davros to Pelvoux (S. East to N. Central) GUEST PASSENGERS

MsPaddles Ninetails, Bunnygun Gordeau, DANIGTSPAIN Capelo, Soso Furse, JohnMichael Tobias Nya Silverfall, Leila Hyacinth, Alice Draper The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica




Susies’ Little Ferry Service The Communist Party of SL Talakin International Airport Alien Nation Bunnygun’s Gearbox St George Christian Orthodox College Of Scripting Music & Science Old York Gardens Old York Village Russian Port of Entry Fantastic Weddings Kingdom of Home Hangout & Public Park The WereHouse - Lycanthrope Store USS Nimoy San Francisco Bay Academy & Oceanographic Institute; Bay SF Academy & 24th Century San Francisco Ocean Institute Chameloid, Orion, Klingon Federation Beach Party Tommys Water Spot Twohead’s Nautical Shop & Shipyard Fenric Bridge Out Richfield Campus of Free-Ed.Net The Emerald Shopping & Gardens The Four Horsemen Rental Trailer Park Dogland Park Blake Sea Airport NE Satori Rain Cloud in Montbard Prague Airport Terminal & Airstrip Netera’s Coffee Shop Yordie's Zen Garden New JBT International Airport The Battle of Britain Airfield, RAF







30 April 2010 / 16 January 2011 FLIGHT DISRUPTIONS


Honah Lee Surf to Guadeloupe (S. Central to S. East) WEEK 24 SIM COVERAGE

Guadeloupe to Spyglass (S. East to N. West) GUEST PASSENGERS

MsPaddles Ninetails, Maysha Xenga, Nya Silverfall, Timo Gufler, Pure Caramel NOTABLE PLACES (ORDER SEEN)

Windlass Island Sirens Isle Honah Lee Field Sailor’s Rest Fort Sumter

Hollywood Airport Foliage Airport SS Galaxy Cruise Ship Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse Sailors Cove Fishers Island Yacht Club Race Rock Lighthouse St. Martin Airfield Arora Sea Plane Base Trudeau Boat Shop Mare Nostrum Aqueduct Greenhouse Atrium & Art Gallery Boston Harbor Lighthouse Martha’s Vineyard Jeremy Point Nantucket Village Santa Barbara Tugby Field Santa Cruz Golf Course South Beach Marina & Yacht Club Santa Barbara Sailing Academy Starbucks Yacht Club Hollywood Hills Bettie Page Island Waypoint Yacht Club Crows Nest Lighthouse Haggerty Ampitheatre Nantucket Yacht Club Spyglass Island

Done 5 √

WHO would have ever thought that after a full year of flying I’d only be HALF way through my endeavour to fly through all (now) 10 continents?


Timeline At A Glance: Charting Dahlia’s Prog JANUARY 2011






23 May 2010 / 13 August 2011 FLIGHT DISRUPTIONS


30 January / 30 January 2011 WEEK 25 SIM COVERAGE

4 February / 26 April 2011 WEEK 26 SIM COVERAGE

10 July / 13 August 2011 GUEST PASSENGERS

Mandor Darkwatch, Nya Silverfall, Ben3 Turbo, Shirynne Nayar, Golan Mayo, Mikil Tiki, Pocky, Merry Kahlim, Lerialas Asturias NOTABLE PLACES (ORDER SEEN)

Elinor Airport, Bertaggia Tradewinds Yacht Club, Dex Acknefar Public Airport, Acknefar Ahab’s Haunt dinosaur skeleton Pirate Airport, Antilaghi Ayup!NAway! Airport, Balista The Sea Hole Mainstore, Tails Northeastern channel to Corsica DMC's Airfield & Plane Museum, Bleston Danshire Yacht Club, Knaptrackicon Coast Guard Station, Knaptrackicon Sparrow Field Public Airport, Dogoog 108



North Channel, Makkov Meddledown Marina & Airfield, Meddledown Ferry Terminal and Infohub, Barbarossa City Alliance, Byth Valentine's Little Slice, Kothar Butterfly House, Hannibal The Outer Harbor, Mlachthi The Market, Shalim Leeward Cruising Club, Thistle Cove, Tsurington Vellas Airport North, Ullahoo Twin Dubai Towers, Arianti Zee West Airport, Gladzyck Iwo Jima American WWII sculpture, Gladzyck Saint McCarthy, Kingdom of Syldavia, Scroop Safe Waters Foundation Headquarters, Corinaldo Jason's Angels Store, Remora Enchanting Charm, Donalbain Christ statue, Dark Shores, Jaxipun Lollygagger Lane, Sarafina Advanced Aviation Servicesl, Pouncival Castle Valeria Infohub, Castle Valeria The Gateway between Nautilus and Corsica, Kinrara Island Airfield, Kinrara







23 May 2010 / 8 January 2012 FLIGHT DISRUPTIONS


28 August 2011 / 15 October 2011 WEEK 28 SIM COVERAGE

22 October / 26 November 2011 WEEK 29 SIM COVERAGE

10 December 2011 / 8 January 2012 GUEST PASSENGERS

Mathilde Vhargon, Bear Morgwain



Kinrara Airfield, Kinrara Baitoushan Airport, Baitoushan DeMortesville, Tengchong Twoheads Shipyard, Newfangled Virtual Buddhist Eightfold Path, Railrider Marina Sport Racer Sailing Club - Gulf of Moles, Ghloogums HC Land, Surtsey What Dreams May Come, Tipperary Muse Group, Kierman M.S.R. Sailing Club - The Docks, Skyridge PUCP-Pontificia Universidad Cato, Showashinzan Koalas Garden, Dura Temple of the Prim, Kwaito Bleubry Airport, Bleubry SLAL - Airport LaTour, Gorgonzola Virtual Sayama City, Exomorogon Vanity Mole Waterfall, Evora Ennis Tower, Ennis Xobite Airfield, Xobite Degrand Channel, Shrolpire through Qentatzo Classy Village, Zimnago Degrand InfoHub, Degrand Mermaid Beach, Binneed Changing Rooms, Dallows Nyago Secret Base, Azkul Kudosian Heights, BoShek

JANUARY 2012 Done 7 √ WereWolf Empire HeadQuarters, Fontain Wise Heron Newbie Mall, Urcho Archo Birchwood Commons Convenience Store, Birchwood RYU-OH-DOH Furniture & Samurai Sword Shop, WetHoof S&R Marina Club, Hawkpit Kids Place (PG) Adoption Theme Park, Yarna McDonalds, Meewalh ACCC Motors, Jormundgandr Northsky Channel, Cinadr Ladies’ & Gentleman Club, Yacumama Linden Memorial Park Humdingers Toyland, Thumper Ginza @ Tokyo, Mordreds Crossing Inner Child Safe Haven, Delizmo Telling Stories Park, Krongower Bhaktiville Mountain Temple, Arches Metal Heart Project, Andresson Cyber Aquarium, Andresson Dargo's Fun Zone, Wildfire Venus Girl, Roseland The Third Grid Project, Claressa Calvary Chapel Second Life - Christian Church, Meldenrake PaTron SandBox, Queck

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

ress On The Calendar, Continent-By-Continent JUNE












By the time this Corsica book was published, Dahlia had already completed her exploration of the Gaeta V and Gaeta I continents.

Dahlia’s flight schedule changed from daily flights in January – July 2010 to weekend only flights afterward, thus taking much longer to complete later stages of her adventure.

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica


Dahlia’s Top 10 Favourite People, Places, Things, Or M



Linden Memorial Park

Hare Kharishna!

Largely vacant, the few memorials housed within the park’s natural surroundings still provided plenty of opportunity for rememberance and inspiration alike.

On New Year’s Eve, Dahlia arrived at the Bhaktiville Mountain Temple where she could give thanks for all her blessings and look forward to a new year with a fresh outlook.


Transformering Japan The Metal Heart Project brought attention to Tokyo’s struggling Ota City, at one time the proud heart of Japan’s powerful commercial manufacturing empire. 110


Bigger Than Life Toys Dahlia met Eolene Uralia, builder of giant, oversized children’s toys at Humdingers Toyland, providing reaffirmation that a wonderful place could be found at almost any turn.


For the Love of Fries! Nearing the end of a long day of flying, an illuminated pair of golden arches in the distance beckoned to Dahlia and richly rewarded her with a delicious McMeal from McDonald’s. The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

oments While Traveling Through The Corsica Continent



Finding Inspiration in the Sky

New Year’s Eve Celebration

Dahlia was delighted to fly with fellow Tiny Empires friend, Bear Morgenstern through Wavepaw, which she thought was very appropriate, considering Bear was a feline mix.

A dazzling display of lights filled the night sky, reminding Dahlia that it was New Year’s Eve and two years since her hot air balloon adventure journey began.




Maty’s First Balloon Ride

A Rare Overnight of Luxury

The Completion of Corsica

Dahlia enjoyed showing her artistic friend Mathilde Vhargon what it was like to fly the skies of Second Life by balloon.

Hotel Sandrine in DeMortesville provided Dahlia an extremely rare overnight stay with luxury accommodations, compliments of the town’s mayor.

A house just off the coast in Bottenford marked the easternmost aspect of Corsica and the direction toward the next stage of Dahlia’s Great Balloon Adventure…Gaeta V.

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica



Dear Jack, Happy new year to you. I have two items of interest I would like to share with you, to see if you or any other Linden family member may have any interest in them. > First, the results of my 5-continent sailing adventure. > Second, the beginning of a new adventure to fly by hot air balloon to/around/through each of Second Life’s 9 continents, flying in order from the oldest to the newest continents to explore many of the interesting sights and people seen along the way. THE SAILING JOURNEY We met briefly at a Blake Sea town hall meeting in August 2009. I had asked for your thoughts from a Linden Lab viewpoint toward exploring the possibility of working toward ensuring an open waterway around each of Second Life continents and you had favorable comments toward the idea. I have since completed a sailing trip around the five continents that are linked together by a common waterway and published a book covering that adventure at: Excerpts from the book also appear in four concurrent issues of ICON magazine, from October 2009 until January 2010. Near the last page of the book, I included a letter written to the Linden family at large so those who I met along the way may read a little about the result of my endeavor to initiate some form of dialog about working toward an open waterway. I hope you’ll take a moment to read it too, and to let other Linden members know of it as well. During my trip, I asked residents if they were interested in having an open waterway around each continent and their response was overwhelmingly in support of it. I passed the results in the form of a petition to Blondin and Keira Linden back in October. I have since sent follow-up messages to Blondin once each month thereafter, without receiving any reply from either he or Keira, so I’m of the impression that they are not interested to pursue any dialog on the topic.

none at all, as I’m sure you can understand. Perhaps if Blondin and Keira are not the appropriate Lindens to engage in this topic, as I was told they were—and as Blondin himself directed me—you might be able to steer me in the appropriate direction toward who would be best to receive such information and what I should expect in return by way of response. THE BALLOON JOURNEY With the sailing adventure completed, I have moved forward with a new adventure: to fly by hot air balloon throughout the entire nine continents of Second Life. While the sailing adventure took seven weeks to circumnavigate five continents, I expect the hot air balloon journey to take at least three months—this is with flying at least a couple hours on average each day. The journey is already underway, having begun January 1, 2010. You can track my progress on my blog at: and in potential future issues of ICON magazine, which are available both in-world as well as on HISTORICAL MARKER FOR SL’s OLDEST SIM As part of the balloon expedition, I was wondering if perhaps the opportunity existed to have a public design contest to create a historical marker in Natoma to indicate it as one of the first and oldest sims in all of Second Life. I thought perhaps it could be incorporated into the festivities surrounding the annual Second Life birthday events. As SL gets older, people may have increased interest to know of its roots, and as of yet all historical information is scattered around, rather than being centrally located. We could bring them all together in a venue surrounding such a memorial marker. I have ideas for this and would be interested to discuss them with you if you or others in the Linden family have interest. I’m wondering if any of the Lindens may be interested to know of the balloon endeavour, or to spread news of it in any particular fashion, such as in Blue Linden’s travel blog or via other notices. The journey will continue regardless of publicity; I was just interested in sharing a good thing with you and others, should there be any interest in it.

ly p e r den n i L o 2! Still n June 201 as of

Thanks for reading and best to you in 2010. I’m writing you because you had expressed an interest, and I would be happy to receive any thoughts you may have in reply—for, against or disinterested—any comment would be appreciated more than receiving


Dahlia Jayaram 10 January 2010

The Great Balloon Adventure ~ Corsica

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dahlia Jayaram began her Second Life in October, 2008. Part of her first few months were spent searching for the most beautiful and natural islands in SL. That endeavour led her to Crossing Currents Island, which she now shares with her partner, Lie Rang, developing and promoting island lifestyle products for MnM Designs. After sailing around five of Second Life’s continents in late 2009, Dahlia wanted to have a travel adventure that would include all nine continents (which became ten later in 2010). Thus, Dahlia’s Great Balloon Adventure was born and launched January 1, 2010. Travel from the oldest continent of Sansara through the youngest continent of Nescera would result in a book for each of the ten continents, published at

“For as big and well located as it is, Corsica remains a vastly underdeveloped and underutilised continent that could offer greater opportunities to residents—if only market profiteers weren’t so greedy.”

What will be your adventure?

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