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Covid, the way they are happy for people to work at home if they wanted to - they just look after you,” says Dave.

The greatest endorsement Dave could probably give for Dahlsens is to have his own kids work for the company.

“I love it because I see them every day,” he tells us.

“Sam started an electrical apprenticeship and when Covid hit he was laid-off. At the time we really needed some help here at the Laverton branch - he was interviewed by the manager and got the job then moved in with me - so I was wrapt.

“Ben is a commerce student and works part-time - he’s really bright and doing well with his uni.

“Now Emma has joined the team.

“My manager, Jace, asked if I knew anyone that needed a couple days a week work doing stock-take and Emma was actually looking for a job, so it was perfect,” says Dave.

Dave says it can be hard at times with all four of the Tippers working at the Laverton branch.

“Sometimes I just have to shut-upbecause it can be hard to divorce home and work,” he says firmly.

“Our home business never comes through the door - we are here to work. I really enjoy the work and when we are at home they will ask me things like, how do you use this or that.”

So what’s it like for the kids?

“We all get along really well but clash sometimes like when Dad is calling us to get an order in. We might bark at each other for a minute but get over it pretty quick,” says Ben.

Ben says he is keen to continue his studies and see where it leads while enjoying his work at Dahlsens.

“They really look after you - it would be great if there was a role for me down the track [leveraging my degree] within the company,” he says.

Ben says it’s the familiar faces around that make him feel comfortable in his role - and it helps him all-round.

“Sometimes when you wake up at 6am to get to work, and you’re in the passenger seat with Dad - it just really helps.”

Middle son, Sam, says that when he was looking for work and a role became available at Dahlsens it was an obvious choice for him.

“It’s a fun environment. We have a lot of laughs and look after each-other.”

Emma has been working in the area of supporting stock and customer service.

“I confirm the orders before they go out.”

She says that having the support of her family at work helped her settle into the role quickly.

“Having Ben, Sam and Dad here just made it really easy to fit in and get the job done.”

We are thrilled to share that Ben Tipper has since taken on the new role of Assistant Category Manager in the merchandise team at Dahlsens' support office. This new gig will see Ben utilising his education to source Dahlsens' whole of house building materials range. Great to have you on board, Ben!

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