How to cite authors In APA (American Psychological Association) style quotations, you'll have to provide the author's last name and page number and the year. In APA formatting, you'll also use a "p." before the page numbers in your citations. A) Cite short quotations . To cite a short quote (under 40 words) in APA formatting, include the author's last name, the year, and the page number (with "p." Before it). You can do it in 3 different ways: 1. According to Foucault (1995), power is a “network of relations, constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess" (p. 26) 2. According to Foucault , power is a “network of relations, constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess" (1995, p. 26) 3. He also said that "this power is exercised rather than possessed; it is not the ‘privilege’ of the dominant class" (Foucault, 1995, p. 26) When citing from a prose play: cite with the author's name and page number. Eg: In An inspector calls: Style 1: If I include the speech from only one character, include the lines within your text. Gerald and Birling are two men who share the same values, whose bond will become stronger after the Inspector's exit. This is exemplified in the following lines which show the author's love of dramatic irony: the last thing the Birlings have been is wellbehaved. Gerard claims, laughing that the Birlings “...seem to be a nice wellbehaved family” (Priestley, 1992, p. 8) ***(I used three dots ...because I omitted the first word in this line which is “you”) Style 2: if you include a dialogue, proceed as follows. Gerald and Birling are two men who share the same values, whose bond will become stronger after the Inspector's exit. This is exemplified in the following lines which show the author's love of dramatic irony: the last thing the Birlings have been is wellbehaved. GERALD [laughs]: You seem to be a nice wellbehaved family BIRLING: We think we are – (Priestley, 1992, p. 8) OR Gerald and Birling are two men who share the same values, whose bond will become stronger after the Inspector's exit. This is exemplified in the following lines which show Priestley 's love of dramatic irony: the last thing the Birlings have been is wellbehaved. GERALD [laughs]: You seem to be a nice wellbehaved family BIRLING: We think we are – (1992, p. 8)
B) Cite long quotations . To cite a long quote in APA formatting (more than 40 words), you'll have to place the quote in a freestanding block. You should start the quote on a new line, indent it from the left margin, and then type the whole quote using that same margin. The same rule applies here as for shorter quotes you'll have to cite the author, year, and page somewhere, whether it's in the introduction or in the body of the quote. You don’t need to use quotation marks. You can do it in 3 different ways: 1. According to Foucault (1995), power is: a network of relations, constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess; one should take as its model a perpetual battle… this power is exercised rather than possessed; it is not the ‘privilege’ of the dominant class , but the overall effect of its strategic positions – an effect that is manifested and sometimes extended by the position of those who are dominated. (p. 26) 2. According to Foucault , power is a network of relations, constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess; one should take as its model a perpetual battle… this power is exercised rather than possessed; it is not the ‘privilege’ of the dominant class , but the overall effect of its strategic positions – an effect that is manifested and sometimes extended by the position of those who are dominated. (1995, p. 26) 3. He also claimed that power is a network of relations, constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess; one should take as its model a perpetual battle… this power is exercised rather than possessed; it is not the ‘privilege’ of the dominant class , but the overall effect of its strategic positions – an effect that is manifested and sometimes extended by the position of those who are dominated. (Foucault, 1995, p. 26) When citing from a prose play: cite with the author's name and page number. Eg: In An inspector calls: The Inspector's final lines in Act 3, from a longer speech he makes before his exit, convey a socialist message. Moreover, his promise of "fire and blood and anguish" also looks forward to the First and Second World Wars, reminding the reader of this dramatic irony the author also used at the beginning of the play. By this claim, Priestly (1992) reminds us of our duty, our responsibility with each other: We don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. And I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. Good night. (p. 56) OR The Inspector's final lines in Act 3, from a longer speech he makes before his exit, convey a socialist message. Moreover, his promise of "fire and blood and anguish" also looks forward to the First and
Second World Wars, reminding the reader of this dramatic irony the author also used at the beginning of the play. By this claim, the author reminds us of our duty, our responsibility with each other: We don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. And I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. Good night. (Priestly,1992, p. 56) C. Paraphrase quotes. If you're paraphrasing a quote in APA style, then you should refer to the author and the year of publication, as well as the page number that you are paraphrasing from. You can do it in 3 different ways: 1. According to Foucault (1995), power can only be effectively exerted if people accept the legitimate right of someone to exert power. (p. 26) 2. According to Foucault, power can only be effectively exerted if people accept the legitimate right of someone to exert power. (1995, p. 26) 3. According to the author aforementioned, power can only be effectively exerted if people accept the legitimate right of someone to exert power. (Foucault,1995, p. 26) When paraphrasing from a prose play: cite with the author's name and page number. Eg: In An inspector calls: In act 3, Sheila and Eric notice the importance of the Inspector's lesson, that they need to become more socially responsible whether or not the particular scenario really occurred. In contrast, their parents fail to learn such a lesson. Sheila’s lines illustrate the mood of this last part of the play, as well as the split between the Birlings and their children, when she claims that now that the girls hadn’t died, they are supposed to be good citizens. (Priestly,1992, p. 56) D. To write references: Follow these color codes: (if applicable) Author(s) Date Title of Book Title of Article Title of Periodical Volume Pages Place of Publication Publisher Other Information For next class exam you might use the following references: (it depends on the book version you have!!) References Priestly, J. (1995) [1945]. An inspector Calls. London: Heinemann (In case you browsed Foucault’s books)
Foucault, M. (1972) [1969]. The Archaeology of Knowledge and The Discourse On Language . Tr. A. M. Sheridan Smith. London: Tavistock Foucault, M. (1995) [1977]. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York: Pantheon