Daily 49er Sept 16, 2015

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DAILY 49ER California State University, Long Beach

Vol. LXVII, Issue 14


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A golden artiversary The University Art Museum has been working to conserve and restore sculptures on campus from an original art symposium. By Amy Patton

Print Managing Editor

In 1965, artists from around the world changed the landscape of California State University, Long Beach and the way Southern California perceived public art. This fall marks the anniversary of the international Art Symposium in the United States, resulting in the original nine monumental sculptures on campus. The University Art Museum is celebrating with a trilogy of homages, including “Far-Sited: California International Sculpture Symposium 1965/2015,” the museum’s latest exhibit. A historical relic to the campus and region, the symposium has been a special project for UAM Interim Art Director Brian Trimble for the past three years. To conserve this history and prepare for its golden anniversary, Trimble and UAM Permanent Collection Curator Maria Coltharp began a restorative initiative this past spring with the help of the Getty Conservation Institute and RLA Conservation of Art and Architecture. So far, two of the original nine sculptures have been thoroughly restored. On Tuesday, the UAM was awarded an Institute of Museum and Library Services federal grant to further the restoration project. The Far-Sited exhibit will be open to

A my Patton | Daily 49er

The current art exhibit at University Art Museum at California State University, Long Beach, “Far-Sited: California International Sculpture Symposium 1965/2015” is on display now through Dec. 13. The exhibit celebrates the 50th anniversary of CSULB’s international Art Symposium. the public until Dec. 13. As the third portion to the symposium celebration, the UAM and the Musuem of Latin American Art will be hosting Far-Sited: Creating and Conserving Art in Public

Places, a 3-day conference discussing new materials and technology for art as well as new trends and conservation of public art, according to a CSULB press release.

What sparked debate and controversy in the heat of budget cuts and machinist strikes left an artistic legacy in its wake. The original symposium prompted the addition of 17 more orig-

inal sculptures from famous artists around the campus over the past five decades. See SYMPOSIUM, page 5

The Don at SoCal Donald Trump spoke aboard the USS Iowa in San Pedro. By Collin James Senior Reporter

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump drew crowds of supporters and protesters to a rally aboard the battleship USS Iowa in San Pedro on Tuesday. Trump’s “Make America’s Military Great Again,” speech on national defense and the state of veteran healthcare services received a standing ovation from a crowd of more than 200. “The veterans hospitals – they have problems, obviously, they are not properly run,” Trump said. “We are going to take apart the whole system… and [veterans] are going to get the greatest service of any veteran in any country.”

News 2

Trump’s supporters at the San Pedro rally consisted of a large number of veterans. Trump also received support from Veterans for a Stronger America president and founder Joel Arends, who endorsed the candidate before his speech. The VSA both organized the gathering and sold tickets to the public to attend. “Normally this organization does not endorse in the primaries… [but] 2016 is too important to not take a stand,” Arends said. Local residents showed up in opposition to Trump’s presence in San Pedro, a historically diverse and working-class neighborhood of Los Angeles, taking issue with his remarks on immigration. “It’s not right what Trump is doing to us and the whole community,” San Pedro resident Mona Lisa Rodriguez said. “He’s discriminating [against] Latinos.”

Donald Trump shaking hands with supporters aboard the USS Iowa, above, and he addresses the crowd on national security and veterans services, right.

See TRUMP, page 2

Arts & Life 4

P hotos

Opinions 6


Michael A res | Daily 49er

Sports 8


Wednesday, September 16, 2015



Crime Blotter

Hide your books, hide your bikes By Valerie Osier Staff Writer

Trang Le | Daily 49er

University Police received a call concerning a bike theft in progress around Building K at Parkside Commons on Sept. 8 at 3:30 p.m. The suspect was described as a white male in his 40’s with facial hair, wearing shorts and a white shirt.

On Sunday, campus police responded to what someone thought was gunshots in Parking Structures 2 and 3. Police concluded it might have been fireworks. According to the reporting party witnessing the incident, the suspect was hiding bolt cutters under his shirt. The suspect cut the lock on a bike and the reporting party yelled

at him, causing him to run off toward Atherton Street. Police searched around Whaley Park for the suspect, but could not find him, Goodwin said.


A bike was reported stolen from the bike racks near the backside of Building G at Parkside Commons on Sept. 8. at 11:30 a.m. Goodwin described the bike as a white Ariel brand mountain bike valued at $400. Goodwin said another bike was reported stolen from Building H at Parkside Commons sometime between Saturday at midnight and Sunday at 5 p.m. The bike is a blue and pink Haro brand model FL24 with white handlebars. A faculty member reported five textbooks stolen from an office in the Academic Services building on Friday. Goodwin said that the books were valued at about $470. It is so far unknown if this theft is related to a similar theft in the AS building from several weeks ago, Goodwin said. Goodwin said a student reported a Psychology book, valued at $60, stolen

from the first floor computer lab in the main Library on Sept. 9. A notebook and miscellaneous papers were also taken. A student left her HP laptop, valued at $700-$800, out in the University Student Union and returned to find it taken Thursday, Goodwin said.

Shots fired, not really Police responded to a call of possible shots fired on Sunday near Parking Structures 2 and 3. It turned out to be firefighters at Station 22 on Atherton Street properly disposing of fireworks by setting them off. Goodwin said that the noise from the fireworks was probably echoing through the structures, causing it to sound like gunshots.

TRUMP Continued from page 1




California State Senator Isadore Hall joined the protesters in attendance and held a speech of his own in front of the gate outside the USS Iowa. “His remarks have already hurt our national security,” Hall said. “America’s armed forces are bolstered by 65,000 immigrants, many of whom are Latinos.” Hall, who represents San Pedro residents in his district, pushed the crowd to support Senate Resolution 39, a resolution he introduced in response to Trump’s “outrageous and un-American remarks about Latinos families.” Hall said that SR-39 would condemn Trump’s comments and call to divest in any economic relations with him. Trump’s focus on national security and veteran care drew many of them to attend his speech in support. “I think the situation at the [Veterans Affairs] Hospital in Long Beach isn’t as bad as some of the others, but it’s still not great,” Vietnam veteran and California State University, Long Beach Alumni Jim Hoover said. “It’s one of [Trump’s] hallmark items on his agenda.” Other veterans in attendance at the rally took the opposite stance and protested against him. CSULB alumni and Iraq War vet Jorge Maldonado held up a sign that read “comb over his draft card,” in response to accusations that Trump dodged the draft during the Vietnam War. “He’s completely out of touch with the needs and wants of regular Americans,” Maldonado said. “He’s got too much money to care about us.” Don Conovan, another Vietnam veteran criticized Trump’s lack of participation in the Vietnam War. “Eight times he was exempted from service during the Vietnam war,” Conovan said. “How dare he stand on that battleship, and now he wants to be our commander-in-chief.” Trump ended his speech by calling his supporters the “new silent majority.” “I don’t think we have to call it a silent majority anymore, because people are not silent,” Trump said. “They are disgusted by what happened to our country.” Donald Trump will be debating other Republican presidential nominees at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, Wednesday night.

News News




Wednesday, September 16, 2015

in brief

Walk this way By Riva Lu Staff Writer

The city of Long Beach will conduct a pedestrian safety operation in “high traffic” areas Wednesday, according to officials with the Long Beach Police Department.

Long Beach Police Department Traffic Section Lt. Kris Klein said that drivers and pedestrians who disobey vehicle codes may be stopped and receive verbal warnings and handouts on pedestrian safety. “Pedestrian safety is very important in the city,” LBPD Public Information Officer Nancy Pratt said. “We have had a number of fatalities involving pedestrians and are holding this operation to provide community members with important information on why it’s important.” Pratt said that the LBPD provide pedestrians and drivers with information on what illegal acts they committed and why it was wrong, whether they are jaywalking or if a

vehicle didn’t stop for a pedestrian. “The roads can be extremely dangerous, especially with the large population of students we have at Cal State Long Beach,” third year apparel design major Tatyana Forbes said. Forbes said that she witnessed a student getting hit by a car while riding his skateboard because the vehicle ran a stop sign. “It’s important that pedestrians are alert and educated on ways to stay safe when faced with careless and reckless drivers,” Forbes said. Pratt said that the LBPD cannot keep a record on violators but hopes that the warnings they give will educate people on what they did wrong and why their actions can be potentially dangerous.

Drilling in safety first By Daily 49er Staff

California State University, Long Beach tested its BeachALERT Emergency Notification System with a shelter-inplace drill on Tuesday. The shelter-in-place drill was discussion-based, meaning that no practical application evacuations or alarms were practiced during the drill. Campus officials noted that doors were not locked or

barricaded in the process. CSULB officials released a “drill document” that highlighted hypothetical disasters around the campus. The three conditions addressed were a severe storm and tornado, leaked toxic fumes and an armed shooter attack. According to the CSULB website, faculty were asked to take 20 minutes to discuss the situations with their students. The drill document was available online for students and faculty not in a class during the drill to look over. “The thought behind it is, even if you didn’t have a group get together and read the scenarios and go through it, if you sit down and … sit there and pull up the documents on three different scenarios and read it yourself and you thought about it – job done,” said Lt. Rick Goodwin of the CSULB University Police.

Meet the busboy who’s taking on Donald Trump over immigration A few weeks after Donald Trump launched his campaign for the presidency, a friend asked Ricardo Aca a question: “How would you feel about making a short documentary and risking your job?” Aca, 24, had come to the U.S. from Mexico when he was 14. Now he lived in Brooklyn and worked as a busboy at an upscale sushi restaurant on the ground floor of the Trump SoHo condo tower. Aca was angry about Trump’s pronouncements that Mexico was sending rapists and criminals to the U.S. An aspiring photographer, he had recently started taking pictures of fellow immigrants holding signs that said, “I am not a rapist” and “I am not a criminal.” He said yes to the friend who asked to film him, and they got to work on a short video with a provocative title: “Meet the Undocumented Immigrant Who Works in a Trump Hotel.” In a testimony to the fascination with all things Trump in the 2016 presidential race, the video has been viewed more than 1.5 million times. Aca, who has always been more interested in cameras than politics, has found himself on the front lines of the immigration debate. He has been flooded with emails and hounded by journalists, with Spanish-language news crews even descending on his family home in Mexico. He has been stopped on the subway by other immigrants who praise his bravery for standing up to a billionaire bully and criticized by thousands of YouTube commenters as a criminal who should be deported. “It’s been pretty crazy,” Aca said last week. He was having tacos with a friend, Hugo Segura, outside a Mexican restaurant in Bushwick, the neighborhood where Aca grew up. The pair once

Carolyn Cole | Los Angeles Times | TNS Ricardo Aca, 24, works as a busboy at a restaurant in Trump SoHo condo tower. He became a YouTube hit with his video speaking out against Trump’s immigration comments. worked together at a Manhattan nightclub but had fallen out of touch. When Segura, 29, saw Aca’s video, he reached out. “I’m so used to people discriminating against Mexicans,” Segura said to Aca. But something about Trump’s comments hit a nerve, he said. “The way he said it, just standing there saying it, it just fueled me. I was just so upset. I mean, why do you have to go so far to try to get

Expires September 9, Expires September 23,2015 2015

recognition?” “Yeah, at first we thought it was just, like, entertainment,” Aca said. “You laugh. And then a few weeks go by and you start to see that he’s up there in the polls and people are supporting him and it just kind of becomes really scary. Because you find out that there are people out there who feel this way.” The video was directed by Chase

Whiteside, a young filmmaker with a left-leaning bent who has gained a sizable Internet following for his short films documenting tea party gatherings. In the video, Aca is seen taking photographs of immigrants at a soccer game and making his long subway commute to Koi, the sushi restaurant at Trump SoHo. Aca works two other jobs — as a food runner at another restaurant and as an assistant in

the photo studio at La Guardia Community College, his alma mater. “Trump keeps pointing out these immigrants that have done these terrible things,” Aca says in the video. “But those are not the immigrants I know. That’s not what we’re like. It doesn’t make me proud to go to work every day under his name.” Aca was 14 when he crossed the Arizona border with his sister to join their mother in New York. In 2012, he received a temporary work permit and protection from deportation under President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which was available to certain immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. Some Trump supporters have criticized Aca for misrepresenting his immigration status in the video. They also point out that Koi leases space at the condo tower and is not owned by Trump. Aca says that even though he has a work permit, he still considers himself undocumented because the work permit program could be terminated by the next president. “Trump has said he wants to end this program,” Aca said. Trump’s plan to curb illegal immigration includes proposals to ramp up deportations, build a massive border fence and end automatic citizenship for children born to immigrants in the country illegally. “They have to go,” Trump has repeatedly said. The Republican front-runner was asked about Aca after the video came out. “He’s got a legal work permit. I’ve heard he does a good job,” Trump told journalists. “We thought he was an illegal immigrant at first.” —Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times


Wednesday, September 16, 2015



Arts & Life

#13weeks&counting … the end is no where near Column One student’s plan for managing time is another student’s crazy. By Paige Pelonis Contributing Writer

Didja’ know that in exactly 13 weeks—also on a Wednesday—the semester will be over? That’s right, consider yourself approximately a quarter of the way through the hell that our lives have become at The Beach; a lot of us are faring just fine at this point, but for some us, from coursework, to all-nighters, to part-time jobs, to nagging significant others … has it really only been four weeks? As a super-senior who knows all too well the slippery slope between a cocky I-got-thisjam-packed-semester-under-control Zen to the

oh-em-geeeeee freak out after realizing how long its been since I slept, might I suggest a step-bystep approach to managing the chaos before it manages you? This is the road I will be taking to recovery before the storm even hits —pay no attention to Tuesday’s touch of weather: Step 1 - By the end of this week, I will admit (out loud) that my plate is way too full. I might say it under my breath a few times, sandwiched by expletives of course, before I get comfortable with the fact that I’ve let the first quarter of the semester pass me by all too freely. This won’t be a coming to Jesus/aha moment; are you kidding, I’ve known all along that I was piling it all on too heavy. The point of this step is the same as the cliché… the first step to resolving a problem is admitting you have one. It’s a relatively simple place to make a start. Step 2 - Over the weekend, I will make a list. My list will include every single thing I need to accomplish by Dec. 16. Yes, it will include basic life needs like sleep, food, etc., but it will also include my mid-term exam dates, major projects that I need to accomplish, my work schedule, personal events headed my way and even my workout plan (because seriously, night classes

riddled with Skittles and $.60 coffee refills from the library Starbucks might kill my heart if I don’t hit the Rec regularly). Step 3 - Once I’ve compiled this monstrously daunting list of items that comprise my life for the next three-fourths of the fall semester, I will organize it… that’s right I’m headed to Google Drive where I can build myself the perfect spreadsheet calendar. Google Sheets even offers templates these days for creating calendars—you can’t go wrong. I’m putting everything on this calendar. I plan to map out my Monday through Sunday routine down to the minute, so there’s no room for forgetting and no room for error once I dive in. Step 4- Okay… at this point I will have made myself the crazy person with 13 weeks of my life planned out. The next thing for me to do will be to get to it. I’ll print my week-by-week calendar out and carry it with me and check things off as I finish them. Progress has a funny way of feeling really awesome, and as I make more of it, I will feel less and less stressed out. This is how I plan to stay on top the potential for absolute madness this fall; what’s yours? If you have thoughts and plans and tips, I’d love to hear @Daily49er #13weeks&counting.

Quick Tips: A - I’ll plan to hit the SRWC in the wee hours of the very early a.m., that way I can avoid the self-defeating afternoon wipe-out that has cost me a cardio fix a time or two (or all semester long so far…). B - I’ll schedule my plan so that it keeps me ahead of the game… that way if and when I do slip up on myself, I can’t fall totally off track. My calendar will aim to have me finish assignments, projects, etc. at least 48 hours before they are actually due. C - Sleep will not be forgotten on this calendar. Planning out your life like this is absolutely insane, I know; however, if you do it and stick to it, you’re looking at a chance to reclaim hours of potentially lost or sacrificed sleep… which is a great way to lose control of the quality of your work as the weeks roll by. D - It’s impossible to be a robot that never has fun or plays it by ear. I’ll be leaving pockets of time open on the weekends and throughout some of my weekdays, and I’ll be sure to enjoy myself during those time… campus events, movies, ice cream, more sleep… all of these are also needed!

Unlikely success for Of Monsters and Men: ‘We just wanted to write good songs’ Of Monsters and Men’s first single came with the insistent chorus of “Don’t listen to a word I say.” But people did anyway, and the ghostly “Little Talks” was a Top 20 hit for the indie-folk band that never imagined it would break out of Iceland in any big way. “It was a total surprise to us,” says singer-guitarist Ragnar “Raggi” Þorhallsson. “We were just playing and writing music because we liked it. It’s kind of what people do in Iceland and you never expect to get out of that scene there.” Only a handful of Icelandic artists have broken through internationally, most notably The Sugarcubes, its frontwoman Bjork, and ambient pioneers Sigur Ros. Of Monsters and Men made its entrance on the more acoustic end of the spectrum. The band formed in 2010 as a solo project for Nanna Bryndís Hilmars-dóttir, a singer with a lovely siren voice and an enchanting look. “She was just doing her singer-songwriter kind of thing, just playing clubs, and she got me on the team before we played a gig at Iceland Airwaves, a music festival in Iceland. At first I was just shy and didn’t really know what I was doing,” Þorhallsson says. “Then we started rehearsing and started writing to-

gether, and it clicked pretty soon. She’s a very free and open songwriter. Doesn’t really think too much about things. She just goes for it when you hit the record button.” His low, raspy voice was joined with hers frequently on the 2011 debut album, “My Head Is an Animal,” which hit No. 6 on the album charts and brought them to this country for appearances at such festivals as Lollapalooza and Bonnaroo, and a musical guest spot on “Saturday Night Live.” When the touring cycle ended, Of Monsters settled in to work on the follow-up in late 2013 as if none of that success happened. “We wanted to put that aside and kind of focus on how we did the first one, which was just us writing together and having a good time and doing something we love to do,” he says. “I think we accomplished that. I think this album is different: a lot of maturity we didn’t have before.” “Beneath the Skin,” which debuted at No. 3 in June, arrived as a more personal record filled with darker, even violent imagery, as when Hilmars-dóttir sings on “Organs,” “So I take off my face … And I pull out my tongue … and I cough up my lungs … because it reminds me how it all went wrong.”


Of Monsters and Men latest album “Beneath the Skin” debuted at No. 3 in June. “We set out to be more open with our lyrics and not be as afraid to express feelings, because we write them together, me and Nanna, and it can be hard opening up on such a personal level with someone else,” Þorhallsson says. “But we took strides in that, definitely. We were more comfortable with each other on this one, and better friends. The music is kind of darker, more heavy, I would say.” When an album produces a single like “Little Talks,” there’s always pressure to produce another


What Democrats Promote What your Teachers will not tell you Dr. George A. Kuck (galbertk@aol.com) “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery” is a quote attributed to Winston Churchill. Actually, it is a compilation from speeches he made in 1945 and 1948 plus an economist’s view of socialism. The beauty of the quote is that it succinctly describes the failures of Socialism that have always occurred when it is tried. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chairwoman, was on Sunday news shows (Aug 2) and was asked “What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?”. She would not or could not answer the question, although asked twice. Maybe the question should have been directed at Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, an avowed Socialist. The Democrats are promoting financial envy and utopian equal outcomes in everything from education, race, and gender to the workplace salaries. They promote taxing the rich without specifying the rich or the tax rates, talk for fifty years about policies that will eliminate the poor without any results, and claim their opponents wage war on women, destroy the environment as well as try to suppress minority voting. After fifty years, you would think that Democrat voters would begin to question why there has been no solution to these issues. Hope springs eternal when you get everything free! (Approximately half of eligible voters pay no taxes.)” (Panama City News Herald on Aug 13, 2015 by Don O’Neil) All government “income” comes from taxes. There are two taxpayers for every person receiving government benefits. At some point, our economic system will collapse. Will you be paying the bill for the Democratic socialism now in vogue?

one. The band tried to put that aside as well. “When we wrote ‘Little Talks,’ there was no feeling that it was going to be a single,” he says. “We thought it was a good song, and we were happy with it. And we kind of just did the same thing on this album. You never can know what catches on, and what goes on the radio. A crazy world, that is. We just wanted to write good songs.” —By Scott Mervis, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, TNS

Arts & Life




Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SYMPOSIUM continued from page 1

Piotr Kowalski


Groundbreaking for his sculpting techniques, Piotr Kowalski created “Now” by exploding dynamite attached to sheets of steel while underwater. The city of Long Beach was a blue-collar port city at the time, marginally known for its art culture. Kowalski wanted to take advantage of the industrial material and machinery available to him. “I sculpture with machines,” Kowalski said. “Like a piano that plays many melodies, a machine can be set to create many things. The alchemy is in the processing…I set up the forces—pressure, stresses, time—then let them behave with their own laws. I seek the utmost limits of the materials to make them do things they didn’t know they could do.” Funded by the North American Aviation Corporation for research, Kowalski’s project resulted in the three main pieces of the sculpture, leaving the rest of the test material to be long forgotten, until Trimble and Coltharp located them in Pasadena artist Sarah Holt’s family home. Trimble and Coltharp discovered the existence of the test sheets by watching a 1965 NAAC documentary on Kowalski’s technique. “Now” is located outside the University Student Union near the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.


Kosso Eloul


One of the symposium co-organizers, Kosso Eloul created “Hardfact” as a “testimony to support and participation of industry” during the project, according to the UAM website. Comprised of steel and cement, Eloul worked with specialists in space technology at the North American Aviation. “I think that artists are always trying to be cutting edge,” Coltharp said in reference to the avant-garde nature of the Eloul’s work. “When you’re working with good artists, they’re going to surprise you with new things. There were good artists and they were ahead of their time.” The UAM received an Institute of Museum and Library Services federal grant for $62,000 to restore the sculpture. Trimble said that he hopes to finish the renovation within the semester. “The fusion of [steel and concrete] gave me something that I could not have achieved with either of them singly: the tension and the power of the metal—hard, clear, tense and dynamic—combined with the tremendous feeling of weight and stability of concrete,” Eloul once said, reflecting on his piece. “I want a man standing in front of it to…be very much alone with it, react to it and be activated by it—very privately.” “Hardfact” is located on the hillside behind the Molecular and Life Science building.

Robert Murray

J.J. Beljon

Homage to Simon Rodia

Known for its bright orange coloration in contrast to the blue skies over campus, Robert Murray’s “Duet” faced an identity crisis mid-spring. Completely funded by the Getty Conservation institute, this geometric sculpture’s renovation led to the discovery of the sculpture’s discoloration after years of painting and repainting. Those working on the project discovered that there were 13 layers of paint, hiding Murray’s original pigment intentions. Time has also eroded the piece’s original shape. As a geometric monument, gravity has taken its toll on this “self-supporting”

sculpture, according to the University Art Museum website. Murray himself contributed to the renovations on his sculpture last semester. On top of a fresh and accurate coat of paint, Coltharp said that the sculpture is now more resistant to the elements. “Ultimately what I’d like to see is that we get everything conserved, and then we raise endowments so that we can maintain this work for the campus and the community,” said Trimble. “It’s really our cultural heritage.” “Duet” is located in the central quad outside the bookstore.

The most recent symposium piece to be renovated, J.J. Beljon’s “Homage to Simon Rodia” is a 130-foot cement sculpture nestled on the fringes of campus. Beljon dedicated this piece to Rodia, the builder of the Watts Towers who had passed away shortly before the symposium started. The sculpture took 11 carpenters, 19 individual cast components and 260 tons of cement to construct, according to the UAM website. One of the cement blocks are lettered and designed in Rodia’s style as part of Beljon’s homage to the late architect. Flash-forward fifty years to this summer, the UAM began restoration efforts with the Long Beach Navy Memorial Heritage Association only to discover a large mold problem brooding under the surface of molting layers of paint. Repainting the sculpture over the years without the proper restorative measures prevented the piece from breathing properly. Sitting directly on the grass, the cement was still drawing in moisture from the ground without any way for the trapped water to escape, Trimble said. Those working on the restoration had to remove mold from over 65 percent of the sculpture before painting it. Restoration was finished in August. “It’s not as simple as slapping paint on something,” Coltharp said.



Trang Le | Daily 49er


Wednesday, September 16, 2015




A settlement won’t settle unrest By Lynohila Ward Staff Writer

Baltimore’s plan for peace after violent uprisings in April: buy out protestors. In what seems like a political maneuver to calm any potential tension, Baltimore officials approved a $6.4 million wrongful death settlement last week with the family of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who suffered a fatal spinal injury as a result of trauma sustained while in police custody in April.

Baltimore approves a $6.4 million wrongful death settlement to the family of Freddie Gray.

The settlement is a hollow victory for the family and a cheap Band-Aid fixture of the underlying systemic issues associated with Gray’s death. While not to ignore the financial benefits of the settlement for the family or their due measure of justice, no amount

Lloyd Fox | Baltimore Sun | TNS

Protesters gather at the courthouse prior to the first Freddir Gray hearings on Sept. 2, 2015 in Baltimore, Md.The first motions hearing in the Freddie Gray case will be held at 9:30 a.m. in Baltimore Circuit Court. of money can bring them their beloved son back. Further, the settlement admits no guilt of the persons involved, nor of the systemic failures that allowed this situation. “The city’s decision to settle the civil case should not be interpreted as passing any judgment on guilt or innocence of the officers,” Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawling-Blake said during a news conference Wednesday. “This settlement is about making the right fiscal decision for the city of Baltimore.” Following Gray’s death in April, Baltimore erupted in violent uprisings, and protesters took to the streets commit-

ting arson, clashing with law enforcement, looting and vandalizing. “I’m going to be violent,” a 19-yearold protester said to BBC reporters on the scene back in April. “All that peace, I’m done with peace. I tried to be peaceful. These are our streets not theirs. They’re killing us.” The violence resulted in major damages for 30 businesses and at least one home, with federal surveyors estimating $9 million in damages, according to Time Magazine. Time also reported that city officials noted 61 structural fires and the burning of 44 vehicles and 15 buildings. Six officers now face charges related

to Gray’s death and Baltimore city officials are on edge as trial dates for the alleged offenders near. The settlement is an attempt to safeguard against further violence in the event that the officers are not held accountable for their actions, a cheap fix for the immeasurable pains endured by Freddie Gray and the outcries of protesters who resonate with Gray’s experience. “That could have been my son,” said Baltimore protestor Patricia Trousdale to BBC reporters, further saying that while she wants to respect the police she is fearful of them. A settlement will not settle fear. At it’s best it weakly alleviates without addressing the many underlying problems exposed by April’s uprisings. Some of the underlying problems exposed include police discrimination of black citizens, severe economic inequality, a broken criminal justice system, excessive use of force by law enforcement, and lack of accountability and transparency. Though the settlement may be in the best interest of the city fiscally, a settlement will not settle unrest and is not an appropriate recourse for justice. Instead a thorough examination of the underlying problems, an open discussion, and practical tangible solutions are needed to keep the peace.

Letter to the

Editor Last Tuesday, the Daily 49er wrote about Senate Bill 707, which would ban permitted concealed weapons carriers from bringing firearms onto school grounds. I was disconcerted to read that concealed weapons are permitted in schools, and more so reading Lt. Richard Goodwin’s comment that based on his observation, he did not view “concealed weapons carriers as potential shooters.” Everyone was surprised at the massacres that occurred at schools and on campuses around the country. One can’t help but ask why a person would need to conceal a weapon and bring it onto the campus of Long Beach State, or any other school in California. President Conoley has announced that CSULB will soon be smoke free. I can only hope that she and Chancellor Tim White take the lead on a more important safety and health measure and work to make the CSU campuses gun free. —Martin Fiebert CSULB Professor, Psychology

How not to melt at The Beach Shorts, cold water, hand towel and a Teen Spirit strawberry scented deodorant? With this you would think anyone would be hitting the gym and not merely walking to their morning class. During this heat wave, it’s not uncommon to see sweaty backs and the USU overflowing with students trying to keep cool in the heavenly air-conditioned rooms. The only problem is, every student already knows about the obvious spots to keep cool, whether it be from hiding under a tree to staying in cars with their AC on blast. Here are six spots to keep cool during those times when it’s too hot, that even R&B singer Nelly would agree: to “take off all your clothes” would simply do no justice.

By Yasmin Cortez Staff Writer

Tired of buying iced cold water only to within seconds turn lukewarm? Try out these fresh places to escape the scorching heat on campus.

Daily 49er Greg Diaz

1. Book Store second floor: Already finished gathering school supplies and bought all your books? That’s not all the CSULB Bookstore has to offer! On the second floor students are greeted with chairs, guitars, outlets, a chess table and movies playing for the student’s convenience in this breathable building. 2. HORN Center: It is the largest California State University computer lab, and the best place to find a farm of outlets but again, most importantly, air conditioning! Not only can you print and use the Internet, but students have been seen getting comfortable enough to pull together couches to take a nap.

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3. Library 5th floor: Sure the library has air conditioning and computers but it’s worth it to go a few floors higher to find this oasis of non-sweaty students, engulfing chairs and TV screens. Sophomore Jasmine Duran, liberal studies major, is usually found reading during her three-hour-long break and said, “Why be caught in the heat? I usually like to spend my time on the fifth floor in the library.” 4. Molecular and Life Sciences Center: If air conditioning is too much for you; by walking straight inside and making the first left, you’ll find a small patio with shade over-looking 4.0 hill and a great horizon view of the campus.

General Manager Beverly Munson (562) 985-5736

1250 Bellflower Blvd., LA4-201 Long Beach, CA 90840-4601

5. Student Recreation and Wellness Center: One would think this is where you would find the sweatiest people but you’ll be surprised to find people cooling off by the Robek’s or by the outdoor pool, free for any CSULB student to use. Junior Shahar Janjua, engineer major, said, “There’s no way to beat the heat except staying inside buildings. People workout here so there is A.C.” 6. School Shuttle: Tired of walking around aimlessly with sweat dripping down your chin during those long periods between classes? Just sit back and relax by taking a trip around campus while simultaneously cooling off.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Rowing in the recruits CLUB SPORTS

With the help of active new novices and programs to aid the rower’s health, the women’s rowing club team has high hopes for this coming year. By Miranda Andrade-Ceja Staff Writer

Rowing a boat is hard when only one person is handling the oars. Racing for the LBSU women’s team since 2013, club President Ariana Gastelum is ecstatic to see the club team go from having a single new recruit for the 2015 spring semester, to bringing in over 20 novices after weeks of diligent recruiting in the fall. “They’re awesome, the novices,” Gastelum said. “Our goal is to mentor the novices not only for rowing, but for their lives.” Unlike other LBSU students who can sleep in, the rowers must wake up at 5:30 a.m. to begin warming up for a long morning’s worth of strenuous practice consisting of full-body exercise, sweat, and team-building. After finding that she couldn’t attend one of the weekly exercise sessions, new recruit and transfer student Chloe Volz organized for a group of novice girls to have their own training session. Volz was recruited by the team during the first week of school outside the recre-

photo courtesy of

M ark Bledsoe

California State University, Long Beach’s Varsity rowing team members pose for a photo after practice. ation center, and is extremely excited and eager to be involved with the team. “I’ve always had social anxiety, and

I was really nervous about joining a team—it’s really intimidating,” Volz said. “But I have to say, I’ve just start-

ed to get to know the novice girls, and they’re really cool. The varsity girls are amazing, they’re so supportive and pa-

tient.” The surge of support and initiative was what led Gastelum to place a huge amount of faith and trust in her team. Over her past two years of rowing for LBSU, Gastelum has worked tirelessly to provide the team with the support and attention she feels they deserve. “I think those who commit to the team are already naturally determined to perform well,” Gastelum said. “So, the drive to take initiative has always been there—but now the execution is what can finally take place. Now that we’re a larger size, we have people from different backgrounds willing to help in any area they can.” Gastelum said that with this growth, the officers would not be as overwhelmed with their responsibility for the club team. Now, the officers will be able to delegate day-to-day responsibility while being able to look towards the future. “With this help, we can focus on opportunities that we’ve never taken before. We can’t say, ‘well, maybe next year we can do this.’ No. This is the year we finally have the chance to plan more events; this is the year we can beat our local rivals; this is the year we have something to show to CSULB and our community.” Gastelum said she feels incredible pride for the growing team, having high aspirations for their future but wishing to focus primarily on team-building and mentoring for the fall semester. The LBSU women’s rowing team will participate in their first regatta on Sunday, Oct 4 for the Bay Series 5k, where many of the novices will get their first taste of what it is to competitively row.


Rangel ‘em up

that I want to give back to every body else that has helped me through this sport, and make a difference as well. Soccer isn’t the most famous sport, especially for women, but it’s definitely getting up there now; especially with the world cup. I would love to continue to play. Any other career options? Coaching has always been one. I love the sport and I want to do whatever I can to express my knowledge and express what I know about it to other people. I’ve been thinking about physical therapy as well.

Mimi Rangel, LBSU’s 2014 Big West Midfielder of the Year, talks about her career. By John Broadway Staff Writer

Bobby Yagake | Daily 49er

As one of the most veteran members on Long Beach State’s women’s soccer team, junior midfielder Mimi Rangel has led the 49ers from a dismal season in 2013, going 2-3-3 in the conference, to a hot start in 2015. Rangel has totaled nine goals and 11 assists in just over two seasons at LBSU. She was also selected as the Big West’s best freshman in 2013 and best midfielder in 2014. The Chino native took a moment to talk about the impact of soccer on her life, her role on the team and life after college in an interview with the Daily 49er. Are you confident in winning a championship and making it into the

Q& A

Junior midfielder Mimi Rangel has a goal and an assist so far in 2015. She also has a team leading 14 shots on goal. NCAA Tournament this season?

I think the team is realizing that we’re a top team. We beat UCLA our first game with only two weeks of training and introducing it to the new people. After that I think it kind of opened up our eyes to what we’re really trying to accomplish and that if we really want this; if we want to prove the world wrong, then we can do it. We just need to play together and not doubt our abilities and know that we can do it. We’re still learning, we’re still hitting some bumps and what not, but that’s part of the process.

How has soccer influenced your life? It’s definitely my place of comfort when I just need to not focus on anything, when I need to just kick a ball around and stuff like that. It’s definitely inspired me to just know that if I want something, I can do it. With soccer, I’m not the tallest person, I’m not the strongest person out there, but I definitely have found ways to really express myself and really out do myself and show myself, show my skills. It’s definitely proven to me that if I set my mind to something, I can do whatever I [want].

How do you feel about your role as a leader on the team? I believe my role is to really show my teammates that I’m here for them and that everything I do is for them. I want to do whatever I can to get a win, to score, to set up other people, you know. Do you want to pursue a career in soccer after college? I definitely do. I would love to continue to play and explore other parts of the world through the sport and see other things. I definitely do want some type of professional career. I feel

But definitely something related to the sport? Yeah, definitely related to sport or something with sports in general because I don’t ever see myself not being associated with any type of sport at all. I love being athletic, I love the whole atmosphere of sports in general, I love watching it, all kinds of them, so it’s definitely something I will gear towards career wise, preferably soccer. What was it about soccer that made you like it so much? It was fun, like being able to score a goal. As I got older I realized that there’s much more to it and there’s endless opportunities you can gain from it. I’m able to be [at LBSU], getting an education, having it paid for, thankfully. Also all the friendships I’ve gained through soccer. Now that I’m older, I feel that it’s more of a lifestyle for me and I’m able to release my stress out through the sport.

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