Daily 49er Sept 17, 2015

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Quotes of the night from the second GOP debate

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California State University, Long Beach


Vol. LXVII, Issue 15

Town hall to discuss changes to President’s Scholars program

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The nature of art

The university president will host a meeting on Friday for current and former students to weigh in on the changes.

By John Broadway Staff Reporter

Community members and concerned students will gather at the California State University, Long Beach Anatol Center on Friday to discuss the proposed changes to the school’s President’s Scholars program. Future president’s scholars at CSULB will soon face changes to the scholarship program that reduce the amount of aid offered in order to allow more students in, according to a statement from President Jane Close Conoley. “For someone like me, the changes could have a negative effect because all of the financial aid they gave me was a big factor in me moving away and coming here,” said current president’s scholar and junior biochemistry major Tate Lone. “Maybe for those living in the [Los Angeles] area, it’s better for them because more scholarships are being provided, but if you’re coming from out of the area it’s a lot harder if you don’t have the full financial support.” The President’s Scholar program started as way to elevate the scholastic achievement on campus and help CSULB become one of the most sought after schools in the CSU system, according to the press release. Former CSULB President and President’s Scholar founder Robert Maxson said that he will continue to support Conoley’s decisions regarding the program regardless of any potential changes made. “I have the utmost confidence in President Conoley, and I know whatever decision she makes will be in the best interest for the university,” Maxson said. The new changes are consequently being made in order to widen the target demographic and help alleviate funding problems for the program, the statement said. “Today, [the CSULB president’s scholar program] remains the state’s

See SCHOLAR, page 2

News 2

Viviana R amos | Daily 49er

An art piece of a tree by California State University Long Beach’s seniors Adam Lauft, Laura Ibarra and Taylor McKellar is displayed in front of the Social Science and Public Affairs building to encourage students and faculty think about the importance of trees in the environment.

ASI, student union tumble in the stock market The organizations’ investment portfolios loses over $100,000 in value combined in August. By Valerie Osier Staff Writer

Associated Students, Inc. and the University Student Union investment portfolios lost over $100,000 com-

Opinions 4

bined in August, their largest losses since the 2008 recession, according to ASI officials. ASI Executive Director Richard Haller shared in his Executive Director’s Report at the Sept. 8 Senate meeting that ASI’s investment portfolio had a net loss of $43,035 and USU’s investment portfolio had a net loss of $65,415 in August. While the value of the portfolios has decreased by over $100,000 combined, ASI has not cashed out their stocks and actually lost the money. “We had dramatic losses back in 2008, when the great recession hit,” Haller said in a later interview. “Those

were eventually recovered, so if history is any indication, then I suspect we will recover those.” Haller said they usually see a 5-6 percent return on investment each year. “Stocks can be volatile,” Haller said. “And I think there were concerns about the Chinese economy not growing as fast as it has been in the past … The stock market reacts to the slightest things and if there’s the least bit of uncertainty, then people start selling off their stock. So the prices go down.” The dramatic decrease in the values of the portfolios was felt across

Arts & Life 6

the entire U.S. stock market in August, said Wade Martin, a professor and chair of the economics department at California State University, Long Beach. He explained that the market sometimes experiences large readjustment periods when the prices have exceeded their values for too long, which is often referred to as a bubble. “There were some wide swings in August that people didn’t anticipate for the most part,” Martin said. “And also realizing now, the [Dow

See ASI, page 2

Sports 8


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Bookin’ it The biggest change in the library will be additional outlets to support student capacity. By Daily 49er Staff

Students at California State University, Long Beach may see new changes to the campus library as


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Jones Industrial Average] and the [Standard and Poors 500], these are at historic highs, so there is always an adjustment process when they hit territory they’ve never been at.” ASI has invested surplus funds into diversified portfolios since 2004. The invested money comes from the accumulation of savings from previous years that are not needed in current operations, Haller said. Haller said that both of the portfolios are managed separately and in different accounts, but that they each have the same investment goals and parameters. The portfolios are diversified, meaning there is no particular industry that they are concentrated on.


early as the end of the semester, according to Associated Students Inc.’s weekly meeting on Wednesday. The renovations will begin in the next few weeks and will hopefully finish at the end of the fall semester or by spring semester at the latest, according to ASI officials. Associated Dean of Library Services Tracy Mayfield said during the meeting that one big plan is to add more outlets to the library’s study areas. The end goal is a “plug for every student at every seat,” said Roman Kochan, the dean of Library Services at CSULB. Other changes discussed were bars along the library windows with

stools to add more seats, all of which would be equipped with outlets as well, and added bolts to the tables to hold them down. Books on the second f loor will also be relocated to add more room for a study area, but it is unknown where their new, permanent locations will be. ASI Sen. David Kling and Vice President Miriam Hernandez both voiced concerns about overall funding for the renovations. Mayfield said that the construction would be paid for entirely using general funds already existing in the university library’s budget. ASI senate meetings are held every Wednesday in the USU 234.

Haller said a few of the companies ASI and the USU are invested in are Microsoft, American Express, Apple, Google and Mastercard. Citi National Bank manages the investments and trades on behalf of ASI and USU. While it is common that university student governments invest their surplus money, Haller said it is not common that they invest in the stock market, which is considered riskier. Student governments usually invest in bonds and fixed-income investments, according to Haller. The original investment was $700,000 into the ASI portfolio and $1 million in the USU portfolio in 2004, Haller said. He noted that ASI’s portfolio is now at over $1 million and the USU portfolio is at $1.5 million. “People kind of refer to them as their rainy day funds,” Haller said. “Rather than dumping all of that

money into a bank account or savings account that generates like no interest whatsoever, we try to have that money work for us and to generate additional money. Not just for income purposes, but mainly to grow the reserves, so that if there is an emergency, then we’ve got money there to take care of it.” According to the ASI Investment Policy, the concentration of assets into any one company is not to exceed 5 percent of the total value of the portfolio. Martin said that it’s smart to diversify portfolios, as to not put too much money into any one company that could possibly be lost. “[The stock market] is much more stable,” Martin said. “The market went through its adjustment and I think internationally, the Tokyo stock market has trended up, so you have more signals internationally that things are more stable, so the adjustment has already taken place.”



continued from page 1

premier program of its kind,” Conoley said in the press release. The press release noted that over 1,100 California high school valedictorians and National Merit, Achievement and Hispanic Scholars selected as President’s Scholars have made The Beach their university of choice since the program’s inception. “Educational programs must grow, adapt, or die--simple as that,” said Trevor Teafatiller, a junior double-majoring in molecular cell biology and German studies. “The President’s Scholars Program is no exception.” Teafatiller said that while the exact details have not been cemented yet, the biggest change current president’s scholars have been hearing is that the new program will be aligning itself with the CSULB honors program. “It is hard to say what will come of the new changes,” Teafatiller said. “I am involved with both programs and have benefited from the dual nature of my experience at CSULB. Without the President’s Scholars Program and all of its benefits, I would have never been able to afford college. The Honors Program, on the other hand, has afforded me so many other opportunities, like my first job as their student assistant [and help preparing] my application for the BUILD program.” Past and present president’s scholars will have the chance to offer their opinions and personal experiences with the issue at Friday’s town hall meeting. The town hall meeting will be held from 4:30-6 p.m.

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News US commander says only 4 or 5 Pentagontrained fighters in Syria

The top U.S. commander in the Middle East said Wednesday that a Pentagon program that sought to train and arm 5,400 opposition fighters to confront Islamic State militants in Syria this year has only “four or five” in the field. Gen. Lloyd Austin III, commander of U.S. Central Command, made the disclosure Wednesday during a heated hearing in the Senate Armed Services Committee, where he was grilled about the $500 million program’s effectiveness. Under U.S. law, the Pentagon must vet the fighters to ensure they are not extremists. That, combined with logistical and political challenges in the fierce multisided war, has led to long delays in the year-old program. Austin said the first group of 54 fighters was sent into northern Syria in July after a six-week training course. But they were attacked by the Nusra Front, an al-Qaida affiliate, and most of the fighters were killed, captured or scattered. Asked how many remain, he responded: “It’s a small number. … We’re talking four or five.” “As I see it right now, this four or five U.S.-trained fighters — let’s not kid ourselves, that’s a joke,” said Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H. Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican and chairman of the committee, repeatedly accused Austin of projecting a rosier view of the U.S. effort to defeat Islamic State than the facts suggest. A separate CIA-run program is believed to have armed and fielded a larger force, but little is known about it. Austin conceded the Pentagon has struggled to train and equip a proxy force, and that the military will fall far short of its goal of training 5,400 rebel fighters a year for the next three years. “At the pace we’re going, we won’t reach the goal that we had initially established for ourselves,” Austin said. Four countries — Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar — agreed to host the Pentagon training program. But they sharply disagree with Washington on what the proposed proxy force should do. They want the rebel force to focus first on ousting Syrian President Bashar Assad, while the White House wants the fighters to target Islamic State. Austin said he could not comment on reports of an internal Pentagon investigation into whether officers under his command had altered military intelligence assessments to make the U.S. campaign against the Islamic State seem more successful. “Once the investigation is completed, based on the findings, you can be assured that I will take appropriate actions,” he said. W.J. Hennigan, Los Angeles Times, TNS

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News News




Thursday, September 17, 2015

in brief

Sewage spill closes Long Beach beaches By Erik Öhrström Staff Writer

Coastal swimming areas in Long Beach are closed until further notice due to a sewage spill that may have potentially contaminated the beaches. Nelson Kirr, manager for environmental health in Long Beach, said that storm water from Tuesday’s rain contributed to the sewage spill in San Gabriel that leaked down to local waters 33 miles away from the point of origin. The rain overwhelmed a construction site, causing a sewer line to leak about 250,000 gallons of sewage into the ocean. Mitchell Kushner, city health officer in Long Beach, ordered the local swimming areas to be tested for safety before reopening. Kirr said that the estimate of sewage increased to 420,000 gallons when the Los Angeles County Sanitation Department was able to discharge the spill five hours after the original leak. “The issue is compacted by the fact that we had a lot of rain,” Kirr said. “A test that came back today was very high in bacteria, and we will continue testing until the water is clear and by that time we will make a determination to whether or not to re-open the beach.” The sewage is continuing to spread down the L.A. river and impact coastal beaches, and it is still impossible to say how much longer before the issue is resolved, Kirr said. “When it is just raining all by itself we got a lot of fertilizers like oil, trash, debris and whatever is in the street that gets washed into the storm system and ends up on our beaches,” Kirr said. “When you add the sewage spill to that we have a very bad situation.”

School smarts

Cockroaches invade dorms By María de la Huerga Alonso

By Nicca Panggat News Editor

Students at California State University, Long Beach will now know the College of Education Building 1 by a new name, following the structure’s rededication ceremony on Wednesday. The building was renamed the Bob and Barbara Ellis Education Building in honor of the two former university professors who donated $1.4 million to create a scholarship endowment for credential students. “I think having a building named for us is kind of overwhelming,” Barbara Ellis said at the ceremony. “It was certainly not anything that we had thought about, but we’re very excited. I have to admit that I’ve been driving by this building, looking at those letters up there and feeling so proud that we’re making a difference.” CSULB President Jane Close Conoley said at the ceremony that the donation from the Ellises touches on the core mission of access in the university’s Declare fundraising campaign. Conoley also noted that the donation will help students focus on their studies. “There’s no amount of money that we could give in return that makes up for what [a CSULB] education has meant,” Barbara said. College of Education Dean Marquita Grenot-Scheyer said that CSULB prepares the largest number of elementary teachers and second-largest number of secondary teachers across the California State University system. “As you may know, educator preparation is central to the mission of the Cal State system and it’s at the heart of what we do at our university,” Grenot-Scheyer said. Barbara and Bob both earned their teaching credentials at CSULB, where Bob also earned a Master of Arts in secondary education and Barbara received a Bachelor of Arts in social science.

Contributing Writer

Taking a shower, opening the fridge or closet and even sleeping have become challenges for the residents of the International House at California State University, Long Beach. A pest infestation in the International House dorms has led to cockroaches being found all around the building, students in the residence hall said. CSULB Housing and Residential Life officials said that they only heard about the International House infestation this week and are working diligently to fix the problem. “When we know about a problem, we work to solve it,” said Elson Browne, associate director of Housing and Residential Life at CSULB. Browne said that the school fumigated the International House common areas on Tuesday and will spray individual rooms once they isolate the problem areas. According to the World Health Organization, cockroaches feed on human feces and food, consequently spreading germs that cause serious illnesses in humans. The most common diseases that cockroaches carry are intestinal diseases like diarrhea, dysentery or typhoid. “I was in bed with my phone when I saw a cockroach crawling on the roof right on top of my face,” freshman history major Richard Link said. “My roommate and I jumped out of bed.” Link said that he was so disturbed by the cockroach that he slept in his car that night. “My parents are furious,” Link said. “They are not paying all this money to have me [sleeping] in a place with bugs.” The most common student complaint is that the rent price for the dorms is too expensive to be dealing with pest infestations. Housing officials said that other dorm buildings at CSULB have dealt with bedbugs and cockroaches in the past, but called in pest controllers.

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Thursday, September 17, 2015



CNN held the second Republican presidential debate last night. In the main event, the top 11 candidates shared the stage and traded barbs. Here’s what they said:

“All we have to do is use a little common sense.”

“I will rip to shreds [the Iran deal].” Ted Cruz “I respect women. I love women. Just as long as they don’t, like, talk back or hold opinions. Such a turnoff.”

Dr. Ben Carson

“I would love to play cards with the president because he folds on everything with Iran.”

Scott Walker

“You can’t just wave your hands to make the 14th Amendment go away.”

“The only people that follow the law are law abiding citizens.”

Donald Trump

“40 years ago I smoked marijuana.”

Marco Rubio

Carly Fiorina



Jeb Bush

Emilio Aldea

Daily 49er Greg Diaz

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

“It’s time to wake up. It’s time to call ISIS out for what they are-murderers and rapists.” “[Hillary Clinton] believes in the systematic murder of children in the womb.”

John Kasich

Chris Christie

“There will always be a Bush or Clinton if you want to go back to war in Iraq.”

“I thought that everybody here passed ninth-grade civics.” Rand Paul

Mike Huckabee

Trump’s plan es loco Donald Trump’s immigration reform plan is to get rid of the immigrants. By Brian Juarez Contributing Writer


o other presidential candidate has received as much public attention as Donald Trump. Trump, a real estate mogul and billionaire, announced his run for president about three months ago. Since then he has become a very controversial figure, mostly due to his derogatory statements about Mexicans and illegal immigrants. He has insulted immigrants and immigrant-born citizens, alike. Most presidential campaigns have been unacknowledged by the teenage population. But the 2016 presidency is one that young adults will be more interested in because of how closely it hits to home. Trump’s immigration plan, according to his website, is based on three core principles: A nation without borders is not a nation, a nation without laws is not a nation and nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. The solution to his first principle is to build a permanent border wall. “The cost of building a…wall pales mightily comparison to what American taxpayers spend every single year on dealing with the fallout of illegal immigration…” according to

Trump’s immigration plan. However, Wayne Cornelius, director of University of California San Diego’s Mexico migration field research program, stated that building and maintaining such a wall “would cost tens of billions of dollars,” according to NBC News reporter Elizabeth Chuck, on July 23. This wall would have to be 1,954 miles long. That’s just ridiculous. The costs wouldn’t just be from building the wall and repairing it from decay, but also from the number of border patrol agents that would have to be trained and hired in order to patrol the wall. Trump’s second principle is based on defending the laws and Constitution of the U.S. He wants to triple the number of ICE officers (think of all your tax dollars), ensure that only Americans can get jobs, deport all criminal aliens (yes, even the illegal immigrants who haven’t committed a crime other than being here), detain apprehended immigrants until deportation, defund cities who don’t actively kick out immigrants, enhance penalties for overstaying a visa and end birthright citizenship (yes, yes I know that violates the 14th amendment).


There are about 11 million immigrants in the United States, according to the Pew Research Center Trump wants to deport every single one of them. But just like Univision anchor Jorge Ramos wondered, how exactly does Trump plan to accomplish this? Another enormously controversial part of Trump’s plan is to end birthright citizenship. We must be returning to the 1800’s. The 14th amendment specifically grants citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States.” Obviously Trump didn’t get the memo.

The gist of Trump’s third principle is to take jobs away from immigrants and give them to American workers. He believes that immigrants are abusing the welfare system. But, yet, whites receive over 40 percent of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, according to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Another deranged theory that Trump holds is that immigrants are hurting the U.S. economy. He’s wrong, yet again. Immigrants are more likely to go on to start a business than non-immigrants by 30 percent, as stated by the Small


Emilio Aldea

Business Administration. These businesses create jobs for American workers. Immigrant-owned businesses employed an estimated 4.7 million people in 2007, according the Fiscal Policy Institute. If anything, immigrants in the U.S. are helping the economy, not hurting it. Just as Jorge Ramos put it, “Donald Trump is, no question, the loudest voice of intolerance, hatred and division in the United States.” Trump’s immigration plan is a waste of time and effort. It has the potential to ruin millions of lives. Simple put, his plan es basura!


Thursday, September 17, 2015



Arts & Life

#LBT Virgin rides hard How soon is too too soon to use the L-word?

By Paige Pelonis Contributing Writer

Virginity is a breeding ground for anxiety, nervousness, fear, insecurity and a handful of other vulnerable emotions; cashing in that first ride can be a gamble. In the past week I discovered that the common fear of attachment or dependency is in fact right on target. At the start of September, I took the risk and went all in with Long Beach Transit. I have been as prepared as I could possibly be with my California State University, Long Beach-provided Tap Card on hand at all times, the routes/ schedules page of the LBT website loaded in an open browser on my phone and my bag packed precisely and double checked long before I climb on to be certain that I haven’t forgotten anything. My need for punctuality drove me

overboard with the LBT; in a matter of weeks, the bus has become all I could think about. Before sleep, I check phone one last time to verify the schedule for tomorrow—when will I see my reliable 93 again? When I wake up, I fall into the trap of checking my phone one more time, just in case anything has changed from a few hours ago. I have lost chunks of my days riding the bus—people-watching, reading, talking on the phone (jury is still out on the social acceptability of this!), sipping coffee … and all of a sudden it’s been a little more than a half an hour and I need to get to work or class. This pattern … girl loses virginity, girl enjoys new experience, girl becomes excited by venturing out of comfort zone, girl becomes dependent, girl becomes attached … it’s so cliché, but here I am. Last week, my newfound love for LBT (is it too soon to use the L-word?) hit me like a ton of bricks (like I said, I’m a walking cliché these days). I realized how far gone I was when I lost my wallet, and in it my trusty Tap Card! When it came time for me to catch the bus, I was at a loss for what to do because I wasn’t prepared, and I learned that replacing a

Tap Card is no minor task. Stubbornly, I declared (like a true feminist), “I can take care of myself; I don’t need to rely on anyone but myself,” which a less embarrassing way to say I carpooled like a chump for a few days and missed the comforts of LBT with every car ride. Then came the days of borrowing a car, driving to campus for morning class, driving downtown for work and then returning to campus for a night class. Boy oh boy did I underestimate the stress of that hell bent Thursday last week. Somewhere in the middle of finding parking, trekking across campus to and from class and then returning and diving into the search for decent, free parking for a second time that day I realized how dependent on LBT I had come, how far I had fallen. I needed it back in my life or my semester would be ruined. Wednesday I boarded the bus for the first time in about a week. Sigh. Taking it all in—the bumpiness of the road, the frequent stops, the middle-aged man with the football jersey on—was like coming home after a vacation. It’s true what they say about first-timers and attachment; I can’t fight it, and I don’t

Food for thought (and p.s. turns out, you really shouldn’t eat on the bus): 1 - Keep tabs on that Tap Card. If you lose it, it is five bucks to replace, and that means standing in a long line at Brotman Hall once again. FYI: If you lost your entire wallet like some spazzy LBT dependents have done in the past, be warned that replacing your Tap Card will be tricky because you need a photo I.D. to do so. 2 - Parking on Palo Verde never gets any less epic; if you manage to squeeze into a spot along the street that runs along the east side of campus, hold onto it with all you got. These coveted, free-to-park-in spots are the prize for the ambitious few who pull up with headlights still on because the sun is still sleeping. Some of these cars hold health-motivated students and community members who are headed toward their early morning workout; some of these cars hold students who are too stubborn to pay for daily or semester parking passes, and who resume Zzzzzz-ing once they find a spot until class. I saw one such hardhead Wednesday morning, reclined in the driver’s seat and in full snooze mode at 6:09 a.m. 3 - Last week there was some debate about eating on the bus … this week, there is no debate about the stupidity of trying to drink coffee, apply eyeliner and drive to Downtown Long Beach all at the same time. Chances are your coffee will spill, your eyeliner will stab you in the eye and your gas tank will empty before you find your wallet again. 4 - Love is a powerful word. Dependence has a pathetic connotation. Simply explain your need for LBT as a matter of convenience. It’s way less humiliating to say. “Hey’ this is a convenient life choice, rather than oh my God I need this in my life and I can’t make it through the day without it." Be cool.

Don’t hold on to anger M. Night Shyamalan’s mediocre new film may signal the end of the writer-director’s run of stinkers. By Michael Ares

Multimedia Managing Editor

After directorial flops such as “The Last Airbender” and “After Earth,” M. Night Shyamalan was on the verge of becoming irrelevant. Feet to the fire, the director needed something clutch with “The Visit,” perhaps the last chance to salvage his reputation as a savvy crafter of supernatural spookiness.

Fortunately for him, this film will have moviegoers exiting the theater with a renewed hope that Shyamalan has gotten off his shnide and returned to his roots: thrillers with an existential twist. “The Visit” cost only $5 million to make, so it seems Shyamalan has also moved away from bloated big budget drivel. The film’s story centers on a brother and sister who visit their estranged grandparents. The sister, played by Olivia DeJonge, is an aspiring filmmaker who decides to videotape the entire trip for a documentary she is putting together. After arriving, things seem pretty normal with Nana and Pop Pop… for a while. When the clock strikes 9:30 p.m., something creepy starts happening to their behavior. “The Visit” gets off to a slow start

with very little tension or scares for a horror movie. The beginning is peppered with comic relief provided by the brother, played by Ed Oxenbould, more than anything else. The humor in the film works well, as audiences realize that the film shouldn’t be taken too seriously. A smart move by Shyamalan since some of his previous efforts— ahem, “Lady In The Water”—have been criticized for being ostentatious. Most of the scary elements in the movie are so outrageous that audiences will be held in suspense only to howl with laughter a few seconds later. There are a few jump scares, but luckily the film doesn’t rely on them too much. But don’t despair scream freaks: The film does have a few heart-dropping moments when the suspense gets kicked into full gear, making up for the film’s slow start.

Aside from the comedy and horror, the movie plays with the movie-within-a-movie concept. The movie is shot as a “found-footage” film. All the shot angles are set up the way that the sister would like her documentary film to look like. The film’s acting is superb. The two child actors deliver steady performances with Ed Oxenbould showing off his comedic chops throughout. The grandparents were brilliantly cast as well. Deanna Dunagan will simply haunt viewers with her disturbing portrayal as “Nana.” While “The Visit” is not on the same level as Shyamalan’s pitch-perfect “The Sixth Sense” or “Unbreakable,” it is easily his best movie since “The Village.” While not a great movie by any means, it will leave audiences open-minded about his next film.

live music calendar


M. Night Shyamalan


Olivia DeJonge & Ed Oxenbould



By Kevin Flores Arts & Life Editor

Quick word before I let you have it for the week: Local musicians of every sign, stripe and type: Tell me about your show. If you’re playing in Long Beach or the surrounding areas, email me and maybe you too can make it onto this prestigious space. Okay, now that that’s off my chest, go rock your socks off.

Thursday LB Funk Festival: Delta Nove DJ Pleasuremaker Adryon DJ Pleasuremaker Federal Underground 102 Pine Ave., Long Beach, CA 90802 8 p.m. 21+ $10 online, $12 at the door



I/O Eureka the Butcher DON’T TRIP (Solo Set) DJs Don’t Trip London $5 Que Sera 1923 E 7th St., Long Beach, CA 90813 9 p.m. 21+ $5

Bad Antics Sexless ACRYLICS G-SPoT Elm House 4855 Elm Ave Long Beach CA 90805 7 p.m. All ages Free, donations accepted

Sunday Mew Fingerprints Music 420 E 4th St, Long Beach, CA 90802 4 p.m. All ages Free (Must be on guest list, call 562-433-4996)

Monday Prism Pipe: Live Visual Music (A multi-projection environment by experimental filmmaker Miko Revereza paired with a live score by Oakland’s Orra) pehrspace 325 Glendale Blvd, Echo Park, CA 8:30 p.m. All ages $5





Thursday, September 17, 2015

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Tune in Thursday mornings!



Thursday, September 17, 2015



Back for more LBSU is ready for a couple of rematches against top-25 teams UCLA and USD at the Pyramid. By Kayce Contatore Assistant Sports Editor

The Long Beach State women’s volleyball team is set to face a few familiar foes as they host the Mizuno Invitational on Friday and Saturday in the Walter Pyramid. The 49ers (8-2) will welcome No. 21 University of San Diego (6-3), No. 14 UCLA (7-1) and Oregon State (2-6). Head coach Brian Gimillaro said that it is unprecedented that his team plays two top-25 teams on the same day, but after a few teams dropped out of the tournament, it happened that way for the 49ers. “We had to do some adjustments or all of the teams would drop out, because they wanted more matches,” Gimillaro said. “[UCLA and USD are] both very good and are just as good as they were, it should be a good weekend.” Last year, the 49ers swept USD in the first round of the NCAA Tournament then fell to UCLA during the second round. This season, freshman setter Zana Muno has set-up UCLA’s offense to a .289 hitting percentage. Muno also recorded a career-best 47 assists against the Toreros on Sept. 11. On the same day, USD junior middle blocker Lisa Kramer re-

corded 13 kills while hitting .400 against the Bruins at the UC Santa Barbara Tournament. The Toreros are finishing up a seven-match road schedule this weekend. LBSU is on a six-match winning streak going into its first tournament match against the Toreros. The 49ers are still in the process of adjusting players to new positions, including freshman libero Mykah Wilson who is now playing in the opposite position. “A lot of [players] are in positions that they wouldn’t have been in had people not been out,” Gimillaro said. “It’s very stressful for them. It’s fun to play, but to be able to help and to be able to contribute when you’re new is very stressful.” Junior outside hitter Nele Barber is heading the offense and defense for LBSU, recording four straight double-doubles. Barber leads the 49ers in kills, averaging 3.95 per set and totaling 150 so far this season, and she is second on the team with 118 digs. Barber said that to put in a strong performance, she needs to stay consistent and support her team with communication, especially going into this weekend’s matches. “I think we’re really excited, three good teams we’re playing and I think it’s going to be our hardest weekend,” said Barber. “We’re working a lot on technique, it can be a little bit frustrating sometimes but once you get it, it’s like ‘yeah!’” The 49ers kick-off the tournament Friday, taking on USD at 11:30 a.m. and UCLA at 7:30 p.m., and end the weekend against OSU on Saturday at 7 p.m.

Bobby Yagake | Daily 49er

Junior Nele Barber (6) is averaging 15 kills and 11.8 digs per game. The German outside hitter has eight double-doubles and is leading the team with 409 total attacks.

By The Numbers





Attacking Percentage





















Women’s Soccer

Men’s Water Polo

Who: Cincinnati When: Thursday at 2 p.m. Where: Gettler Stadium, Cincinnati, Ohio

Who: No. 11 UC San Diego When: Saturday at 12:15 p.m. Where: Avery Pool, Palo Alto

Need to know: The Bearcats (5-2-1) enter Thursday’s matchup on three-game winning streak led by senior Danielle Rotheram. The Canadian midfielder has netted six goals, including four in UC’s last two games. Who: No. 21 DePaul When: Sunday at 10 a.m. Where: Wish Field, Chicago, Illinois

Bobby Yagake | Daily 49er

Junior goalie Ashton McKeown and the 49ers will travel to Cincinnati and Chicago for matchups against a pair of stout defenses. LBSU has scored 10 goals, but six of them came against Portland State on Sept. 6.

Need to know: The Blue Demons (6-1-1), like the 49ers, boast one of the best defenses in the nation. DePaul has only allowed four goals this season, one more than LBSU. The Demons’ shutout percentage of .750 ranks 11th in the country, while the 49ers’ goals-against average of .345 ranks ninth.

Need to know: The Tritons (3-3) go into the NorCal Tournament led by senior Chase Cockerill. The Woodland Hills native has 11 goals, four assists and 14 steals in 2015. Junior Nick Alexander has also added five goals and nine assists. No. 7 Long Beach State dropped the first game of the UCLA Invitational to the host school last weekend. The 49ers won their last two games by a combined score of 26-15 against UC Santa Barbara and Pepperdine. In addition to UC Sand Diego, the 49ers will face to be determined opponenets on Saturday and Sunday.

C atharyn H ayne | C al Athletics

Senior defender Zacchary Kappos and the men’s water polo team head to Palo Alto for the NorCal Tournament. If the 49ers advance, they play the winner of No. 3 Stanford and No. 14 Santa Clara.

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