Men B: It could happen to anyone.
Student shares experience with meningococcal B PA G E 8
NEWS: ASOSU works to increase voter turnout 3 • LIFE: Pets can increase health benefits 7 • SPORTS: Swimming ends season with loss 10
MONDAY, FEB. 12 OSU150 Sea Grant Festival kicks off
Feb. 12, 11 a.m. to Feb. 23, 7 p.m. Kidder Hall room 128 Join us in celebrating Oregon State University’s many years of stewardship— in protecting our coasts and oceans, and all who depend on them. Learn how our dedicated faculty are discovering new frontiers, educating current and future generations and working with communities to solve today’s most pressing issues. See schedule at: http://communications. oregonstate.edu/sea
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14 Wages For Housework and #MeToo
6-8 p.m. Milam Auditorium room 026 Silvia Federici is a leading Marxist-feminist scholar. Her work exposes how capitalism maintains itself by refusing to pay for the cost of its own reproduction (such as the emotional and care work that goes into producing human beings). In this public talk, Federici will explore the possibilities for liberation in the moment of #MeToo, and discuss the obstacles in the way for a successful social movement.
THURSDAY, FEB. 15 University Budget Conversations
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Memorial Union room 215 - Thought Lab University Budget Conversations is an informal forum open to all Oregon State University students and employees. The goals of the forums are to answer questions and gain insights from the OSU employees and students, and share information about budgets, budget processes and finance at OSU.
OSU business student Lucas Rodgers laughs after hitting the shuttlecock in his intramural badminton match. Read more about IM badminton on page 11.
Ne w s
Sport s
Ne w s
New s
ASOSU increases fee level for HSRC to fund new services OSU Women overcome gender stigmas revolving around STEM fields
C o ve r Sto r y
Meningococcal B poses life-threatening effects, students required to get vaccinated
Noon to 1 p.m. Memorial Union Main Lounge Music A la Carte presents Eric Alterman, cellist of the Delgani Quartet, with pianist
Examining Masculinities Conference: Through the Looking Glass
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The 6th annual Examining Masculinities Conference. The theme of this year’s conference is “Through the Looking Glass: How do you see or experience masculinity? How has it impacted you?” Participate in a day filled with workshops, panels and presentations. Link for registration: https:// oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ bDjjrPlPbsh5OgR
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Honne explores softer side of hyper electronic dance music
The Barometer is published on Mondays, except holidays, during the academic school year and summer with additional content, including video, available online.
Marcus Trinidad
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Responsibility: The University Student Media Committee
Emilie Ratcliff Xiomara Bustamante
Zbigniew Sikora
On-campus jobs offer students professional skills, flexible schedules
Ednaldo Borba.
Men’s basketball beats Washington and Washington State
Anna Weeks
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is charged with the general supervision of all student publications and broadcast media operated under its authority for the students and staff of Oregon State University on behalf of the Associated Students of OSU. Formal written complaints about The Barometer may be referred to the committee for investigation and disposition. After hearing all elements involved in a complaint, the committee will report its decision to all parties concerned.
COVER: LBCC student Aaron Ojeda posing for a photo. Ojeda, a third year LBCC student, lost his legs and eight fingers to a meningococcal B infection in 2014. Photo by Dejah Gobert.
Exercise your right as a student: vote
This week, our campus has the option to participate in something that has not occurred in Associated Students of Oregon State University history: to participate in a recall vote. This vote is to potentially remove ASOSU Graduate Representative Andrew Oswalt from his position. Oswalt, who has been in ASOSU since last year, has expressed beliefs which are exclusionary, racist and sexist. Over this past month, I have seen first hand the effects Oswalt’s beliefs have had on the OSU community. I have seen students confused, upset and even outraged through their social media comments. I have seen dozens of students attend the ASOSU Congress joint session with the sole purpose of protesting Oswalt’s role as a representative. Students who are confused, upset or outraged now have the opportunity to make a constructive difference in their community: to vote. This recall vote is not simply about removing someone from office, but rather is a referendum on racism within our campus. Oswalt’s recall vote requires two thirds of those who participate to vote in favor of recall in order to remove him. This is not the time to be placid or to assume that someone else will vote, so your vote doesn’t matter. This is the time to take action, to stand up against racism and hate
on our campus. Not only do students have the option to participate in the recall vote this week, but they have the opportunity to vote for next year’s student government representatives. I encourage each student to take time to learn about the people in your student government— the people you elected. Each student’s platform is available on the ASOSU website. Last year, 12.5 percent of the student body participated in the ASOSU election. 12.5 percent of OSU students elected the leaders who are supposed reflect and have all student’s best interests in mind, Oswalt being one of them. I have sometimes heard students who feel out of touch with the university, who feel as though the university doesn’t have their interests in mind. And yet, 12.5 percent of all students last year took time out of their days to exercise their right to be represented in the university. We all, as students at this institution, not only have the option of electing representatives who reflect our interests and values, but we have the obligation to. The voting will open at 12:01 a.m. Monday, Feb. 12 and be open through 10 p.m. on Feb. 16. Each student will receive their ballot in their email inbox Monday morning.
ASOSU recommends next year’s student fee levels By JOE WOLF ASOSU Beat Reporter Next year’s student fee levels were approved by the Associated Students of Oregon State University Congress and President Simon Brundage. Following ASOSU’s decision, OSU President Ed Ray, the Board of Trustees and the Oregon legislature will have final say on all levels. Overall, student fees will be 3.15 percent higher than the current levels, according to Student Fee Committee Chair Peter Schwartz. This addition includes the increased cost of Student Health Services and Counseling and Psychological Services, which were considered under student fees in the past but are now paid by students in their general university fees. Throughout the year, all student feefunded units have cooperated to keep their requested increases as low as possible, according to Schwartz.
“With all the work we put in over the summer on the schedule for this new process, I think the SFC is finally settling into the right spot within ASOSU and is poised to run smoothly from here on out,” Schwartz said. According to Brundage, he has signed the fee levels and will formally recommended them to Ray on Feb. 12. The student government president considered whether each proposed level is fiscally responsible and largely supported by the members of Congress. “I firmly believe that members of the budgeting units, the Student Fee Committee and the ASOSU Congress worked hard to maintain essential services while also mitigating increases in the student fee,” Brundage said in an email. “As such, I believe students will be able to look at these budgets and see the product of intense scrutiny and debate. Will they be approving of these numbers? I hope so. If not, I hope we receive feedback we can integrate into next year’s process.”
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Letters to the editor are welcomed and will be printed on a first-received basis. Letters must be 300 words or fewer and include the author’s signature, academic major, class standing or job title, department name and phone number. Authors of e-mailed letters will receive a reply for the purpose of verification. Letters are subject to editing for space and clarity. The Baro reserves the right to refuse publication of any submissions. Each reader will be allowed one published letter per month.
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E-mail: baro.editor@oregonstate.edu The Baro, 488 Student Experience Center 2251 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331-1617
Bad Debt & Contingency
Lauren Sluss, Editor-in-Chief
Andrew Oswalt is the tip of the iceberg Oregon is not a liberal state where white supremacy is a rare occurrence. Oregon was founded by and for white people. This “white homeland” housed more Ku Klux Klan members per capita than any other state in our nation. This hate group had its members represented in the state government, local school boards, and in the police force. Oregon has a long history of excluding people of color (particularly black people) through violence, intimidation, and discriminatory policies. Simply put: deep-rooted racism has been entrenched in our state for over a century. The effects of these laws can be seen especially in our educational systems today. Students of color are often expelled and suspended at rates higher than white students. They also face lower graduation rates. Problems such as financial need and poverty impact communities of color
on a higher level as well, which disadvantages these students when paying for college. There was outcry when there were white supremacy posters posted over campus. There was protest when Andrew Oswalt came out with his racist statements. But there is little care from the public about the deep structural issues that students of color face in order to obtain their degree. Andrew Oswalt is but the tip of the iceberg that is Oregon’s racism. We as a community must do better than pretend that white supremacy and its effects are an anomaly if we want to move the educational system towards equity.
Vivian Le Corvallis, OR
Submitting letters to the editor
Student Leadership & Involvement
Human Services Resource Center student fee increase approved Center to offer increased services to low-income students By JOE WOLF ASOSU Beat Reporter
The Oregon State University Human Services Resource Center, the only program of its kind in the country, will likely receive increased funding from student fees next year. The center currently operates a food pantry three times a month, as well as offering a free textbook lending library, laundry and other services, according to Assistant Director Nicole Hindes. The Associated Students of Oregon State University Congress and President have approved an increased fee level for the HSRC to hire two new full-time staff members, will eventually have a food pantry once a week and expand other operations. All told, the HSRC will still be the third lowest of all 10 student fee-funded units. While other universities provide aspects of the HSRC’s services, such as a food pantry or textbook lending, they are offered by different departments and organizations, according to Hindes. The HSRC is special and unlike anything that exists anywhere else in the country.
I’m just really heartwarmed about the support we get from students on campus. NICOLE HINDES Human Services Resource Center Assistant Director
“It is a best practice to have everything under one roof because no student likes to be run all over the sun,” Hindes said. “Because we were born out of student fees, we have a studentneed-driven model.” Hindes pointed to the reporting of how many students are using their services, compiled into a document known as the State of Affordability, as the most impactful part of the new budget. This document would be a tool to give ASOSU and university administrators more data in order to advocate for increased funding beyond student fees to benefit low-income students, such as state, federal or grant funds. “I think it is challenging for administrators who have a place to stay and enough to eat, to understand the lived experiences and challenges some low-income students go
through,” Hindes said. Next year, the increase in fees will also go toward a Basic Needs Navigator to help students in financial crisis. According to Hindes, the center’s current sole full-time employee, this second staff member will assist students who suddenly need housing find a place to live, as well as help connect students to resources beyond the HSRC itself. For example, the center has a list of 504 students who are likely eligible for the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, but aren’t receiving these benefits, commonly known as food stamps. The following year, a Food Security Programs Coordinator will join the team to oversee the expansion of the food pantry, as well as coordinating workshops to teach students how to cook and shop on a budget. They would also organize SNAP outreach efforts, a task currently being handled by an hourly student worker, according to Hindes. For the assistant director herself, she expects to focus her work on the larger vision of the center and managing day-to-day operations, according to Hindes. “I think I am still going to be working with students because they are really important to me,” Hindes said. “I am excited to see more professional staff and graduate students to help me. The challenges of being the only full-time person means that it is not always easy for me to see that someone else cares how many students don’t have a place to stay at night.” The ASOSU Congress denied an initial, lower fee request from the HSRC in order to provide them with more funding to benefit lowincome students. This vote led to the formation of a mediation committee made up of members of Congress and the Student Fee Committee to reconsider the budget. According to SFC Chair Peter Schwartz, who served on the committee, he expected the mediation process to run smoothly because the entire committee wanted to increase the fee level from the original request. Last year, the budget for athletics tickets went to mediation and drew contention from some members who sought to lower the fee level. “It was nice to have a more relaxed, constructive meeting,” Schwartz said. “I had a feeling there would be people from Congress who would want to add to the ask even higher.” When the mediation committee met, the majority of the group wanted to increase the fee level at the rate of the ask, with a minority arguing for an even larger increase to direct the money to an emergency fund for students. Schwartz personally is glad the fee level was kept to the strategic plan laid out by the HSRC, according to the SFC chair.
*Accounting services provided by the Auxiliaries and Activities Business Center, which were considered separately in previous years, resulting in no net gain or loss for students. “I think it was coming from a place of goodwill, but the marginal increase they asked for was well-thought-out, and I would not have been comfortable with a larger increase,” Schwartz said. One of the committee members who advocated for an ever higher increase was House Speaker Pro-Tempore Thomas Olsen, who drew a distinction between the HSRC and some of the other student fee-funded units, which have a less direct impact on student’s lives in his view. By addressing issues of food and housing insecurity, the HSRC ensures some students have the opportunity to remain students in the first place. “At the end of the day, student fees are the single biggest thing students can do to affect life on campus and how we can help others out,” Olsen said. “If you want to put a real number on how much students get out of these
programs, it’s the increase in salary they get because the HSRC was able to help them get a bachelor’s degree.” Olsen was glad to see HSRC providing concrete data on the number of students they serve, making it easier to argue for increased funds. For him, all units should bring forward more decision packages—the options to increase fee levels to provide new services, according to the speaker pro-tempore. “A department may indicate there is some level of unmet need, but if they do not present it to us in time, we are not able to do anything about it,” Olsen said. Even with the coalition supporting the unit, Hindes was unsure what to expect going into the mediation session. “This was definitely my hope,” Hindes said. “I could not even imagine someone would offer more. I’m just really heartwarmed about the support we get from students on campus.”
Financial assistance allows students to push for success Departments consider several characteristics in scholarship eligibility By ANGEL XUAN LE News Contributor The average cost of tuition for three terms at Oregon State University as an undergraduate is about $26,000, and for graduate students it is approximately $30,000. The university attempts to alleviate some of the costs of attendance through scholarships and grants. OSU scholarship pools for each individual college begins Nov. 15 and ends Feb. 15. It is highly recommended that students start looking at available scholarships and start writing their responses over the winter break, according to Keith Raab, the director of Financial Aid. According to Raab, students can receive up to the full amount of the costs of attendance. Not many students are able to receive aid from the university, so they look to outside scholarships to fill in the gaps. “Outside scholarships are very helpful to students’ tuition and fees and everything a student pays for college,” Raab said. Phuong Uyen Nguyen, a fourth year psychology, biohealth sciences and human development and family sciences student, has received outside scholarships to put towards tuition. “I was fortunate to receive a myriad of scholarships: the Kaiser, Comcast, Simon Benson and the Ford Family scholarship,” Nguyen said. “They all helped me get to where I am—exploring my goals and future at Oregon State University.” Nguyen held many leadership roles and actively volunteered in her community which assisted her in receiving many scholarships. Before any scholarship interviews, she practiced her interviewing skills so that she would remain calm. “At the end of the day, the key is to know what you did, why you did it and what it means to you,” Nguyen said. “Understand your activities and choices and why you made them. It will make it easier to answer questions and relating it to real life examples.” According to Roy Haggerty, the dean of the College of Science, specifically in the College of Science, $906,000 worth in scholarships were awarded to students within the college. Around 7.5 million dollars were awarded in total to students in the College of Science inside and outside of the university. Of the students that received these scholarships, more than half the students were women, a third were from the Honors College and half the recipients were students of color, according to Haggerty. Twenty-eight percent of recipients were first-generation students, whereas 65 percent of recipients had received scholarships for academic work. “They are very deserving and good students that we care deeply about,” Haggerty said. “We are putting our money behind for students in college of science.” One of the priorities of Haggerty is student success. Haggerty understands that financial barriers are a difficulty for students and their success. “Students should not pay for more in college
than they absolutely need to,” Haggerty said. “We want to support students who have financial need. We want to support students who have financial barriers to attending or completing a degree at OSU, we want to help them. You do not have to be a straight-A student, we support all students with good academic achievement. We want to give money to students so that they can complete their education.” According to Rabb, each student has a unique story regarding their financial needs. “You have to make sure to answer the question they ask. Most scholarships are looking for what makes you unique, and what makes your story interesting. The experiences, the things that make you a unique and gifted individual,” Raab said. “Everyone here has a story and everyone has overcome some obstacles. Tell that in an interesting and effective manner.” Many students believe that in order to qualify for scholarships, they must be in good academic standing, have at least a 3.5 GPA or be in financial need, according to Raab. Some students also believe they have to be in high school to receive a scholarship. There are many scholarships that don’t actually require any of these. According to Haggerty, many facets of students’ financial need are taken into consideration when determining individual eligibility for scholarships. “Some scholarships are based on academic achievement, some are based on financial need. Other scholarships have a component of community service too. Other factors are taken into account. There are a wide range of factors that are considered that allows a student to end up receiving scholarships from the College of Science,” Haggerty said. All the scholarships in the College of Scienceswill be distributed, even if the individual does not fit all the criteria, according
to Haggerty. “We’re very generous, liberal with our interpretation of guidelines, try hard not to have restrictions to distribute them,” Haggerty said. In addition to the scholarships presented, if a student’s financial situation suddenly worsens, there is money reserved for such an occasion, according to Haggerty. “We have hardship awards—a small budget inside the college—that are allocated to head advisors to deal with situations of financial hardship and the university has similar types as well,” Haggerty said. Many students out there such as Nguyen have struggled in personal aspects of their lives, whether it be financially, academically or emotionally. “I came over to the states when I was one year old,” Nguyen said. “My parents struggled really hard to get us a stable place to be. They continued to work hard throughout their lives to provide my sister and I with a future. Even now my mom works two jobs.” Nguyen encourages anyone and everyone to apply for scholarships. “I think not applying would impact you the most. You can save essay responses, get them edited and modify them for the future,” Nguyen said. “So continue building your base and keep looking.” In addition, Nguyen understands that financial barriers stop students from believing in higher education. She wants students to know that scholarships are out there to help students get past their financial barriers. “Many students compare themselves to others and think, ‘I didn’t do enough, I don’t stand a chance,’” Nguyen said. “They need to remember that they are unique. Everyone has a story that only they can tell. It is important to learn to relay that message to others.”
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COURTE SY OF ORE GON STATE UNI VERSITY Roy Haggerty, the dean of the College of Science, says that students in the Oregon State University College of Science were awarded 7.5 million dollars in scholarships.
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P HOTO IL L USTRATI ON BY ZBI GNIEW SI KORA | ORANGE MED I A NETWORK Undergraduate microbiology junior Amy Olyei (left) and Assistant Professor Aleksandra Sikora (right) working in their respective labs. Women have been historically underrepresented in STEM fields.
Women defy gender disproportions in STEM fields Organizations, sororities support women’s success in STEM work By MELINDA MYERS News Contributor Women in previous years were not allowed in or near STEM areas, according to Professor Kryn Freehling-Burton, an OSU instructor in the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Freehling-Burton teaches many courses involving WGSS topics, including the class Gender and Science. “Women have historically been underrepresented or not represented at all since modern science began,” Freehling-Burton said. “And in many cases, women were deliberately left out of imaginings for the development of universities as we know them today.” Percentages of women at various tiers of employment have been calculated by the Office of Institutional Research, according to Director Salvador Castillo. The percentages, however, should be observed with a critical eye, as professional responsibilities may encompass more than one title, according to Castillo. However, tenured professors are a solid gauge, being established, long-term OSU faculty. “The percentages are better now. Ten years ago or so that number would be 10 to 12 percent,” Castillo said. “So there is progress. It’s just very slow. The trends we see kind of match what’s been nationally going on and historically too.” According to Freehling-Burton, the school of thought behind feminist science began in
the later 1900s. “It was in the ‘60s and ‘70s when feminists and scientists started asking these overt questions on kind of a global scale,” FreehlingBurton said. “We started asking questions about why the system is excluding women in these ways. And so feminist science studies formally came into being.” The area of feminist science studies has created opportunities for those who were not recognized or seen, according to FreehlingBurton. Engineering social change starts with an acknowledgement of the women whose work was not publicized. “Okay, we’re going look at these photographs of the women of the Harvard Observatory, we’re going to figure out who these women are. Because they weren’t named in the photograph. And Pickering, all the guys were named. And they were publishing, they were publishing all those women’s work,” Freehling-Burton said. “Henrietta Leavitt, she figured out how to measure the distance between stars while she was caring for her dying father and working off of glass plates.” Freehling-Burton referenced Dr. Londa Schiebinger, a Stanford-based researcher nationally recognized for her work on gender and science, according to the Stanford history department webpage. Schiebinger approaches social change through a series of steps. “The first is how do we fix the number of
women in STEM if the institutions and the systems have not been created in those ways, then second, we have got to fix the institutions, we have to fix the structures,” Freehling-Burton said. “We have to talk about tenure clocks and we have to talk about parental leave. We
“How do we fix the number of women in STEM if the institutions of the systems have not been created in those ways? So we got to fix the institutions, we have to fix the structures. KRYN FREEHLING-BURTON Senior Instructor in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies have to talk about elder care, we have to talk about the things a society expects more from a woman than a man. We have to talk about pay equity, we have to talk about equity in lab start-up funding.” According to Freehling-Burton, after
identifying and acknowledging inequality, there needs to be a cultural shift in mindset. “And then the third level is much more epistemological, thinking, ‘Okay, well we can take care of those things but at the same time we should be attending to the knowledge,’” Freehling-Burton said. “So how do we fix the knowledge? How do we address the questions that haven’t been asked because certain people have not been at the table or in the laboratory?” Social groups such as sororities can act as safe havens for women in STEM majors, according to Aryn Thomas, the president of Sigma Delta Omega, a sorority focused on women in STEM fields. According to Thomas, the sorority participates with programs such as Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering and Math. AWSEM is a club dedicated to giving young girls an opportunity for hands-on STEM experience while interacting and learning from older women in various STEM fields, according to their OSU webpage. “We’re seeing a really great thing with the programs we fund. Like AWSEM, we have a member now in our sorority who also participated in that when she was young,” Thomas said. “So I think we’re starting to see the payoff of what we do and there’s something rewarding about that.”
See Women in STEM, Page 7
Women in STEM, Continued from page 6 SDO serves as a platform to lift and support women’s voices in STEM, according to Thomas. “Being a part of Sigma Delta Omega, I’m able to have that voice for younger women to encourage them to pursue science,” Thomas said. “Participating with AWSEM and other science-related activities like Discovering the Scientist Within, working with younger ones to encourage and to inspire them to not be put down by some of those negative comments that come out.”
“You have to be able to listen before anything. You have to stop talking in order to hear others. So it’s kind of enabling others to speak and seeing where those microphones aren’t being used. ARYN THOMAS Sigma Delta Omega President As the STEM disciplines are far-reaching and various, Sanjana Saravanan, the secretary for SDO, was fortunate enough to not face adversity or barriers to her access. “I’m also in a very male-dominated field, I’m studying bioengineering so just looking around and seeing the number of men compared to women, it can be a little discouraging. But I’ve been really fortunate to be in an environment where being a woman in STEM is an empowering thing,” Saravanan said. “Ever since high school and college, I’ve been encouraged to study what I want and to be in the sciences. I think I’m pretty lucky in that I haven’t had a negative experience being in this field.” According to Thomas, transparency and communication may be two practices to employ when engaging in conflicting conversations about gender representation in STEM. “I think just being able to have that open conversation. Like why do you feel like that is true, or why are you saying those sort of things? I think when you make somebody put it into perspective of, ‘Why am I saying this?’ then they kind of think more and are like, ‘Actually, I don’t know,’ because it’s so kind of ingrained in culture,” Thomas said. “I think that is something important, to kind of take a step back and have more of a bird’s eye view of, ‘Is it actually how I feel or is it something I’ve been told to say?’ So I think just having that introspection and look inside helps.” Additionally, Thomas adds that inclusivity and awareness are necessary when supporting others. “You have to be able to listen before anything. You have to stop talking in order to hear others. So it’s kind of enabling others to speak and seeing where those microphones aren’t being used,” Thomas said. “You have to
take the responsibility on yourself and look at your surroundings and think, ‘Is it just me who’s here and sharing my voice, or are we actually including the rest of our community?’ It’s much easier to say than do, obviously.” According to Freehling-Burton, the struggles seen with women’s experiences in STEM are wrapped up in avenues of intersectionality. At the junction where race, sexuality and gender expression meet lies a necessary discussion about how they impact STEM studies. “You know faculty and researchers of color have similar kinds of experiences with pay equity and leave and being in a culture that was designed not only without those people in mind as researchers, but using those bodies as subjects of research—often without consent and often in really horrific kinds of ways,” Freehling-Burton said. “And there have always been LGBT researchers and faculty, but how safe it is to be out or how safe it is to talk about things outside of the lab can really complicate those experiences in STEM.” Freehling-Burton requires students in her gender and science class to read thought pieces about how gender and race can shift understanding of the universe. “So in that sense, we are taking ideas about race and gender into something that is clearly not racialized, like photons, for instance,” Freehling-Burton said. “But funding gets decided based on somebody’s track record, we know that men are more likely to get funding, we know that white people are more likely to get funding. It impacts the kinds of questions that get prioritized.” As for future female students looking to enroll in STEM fields at OSU, they may not find the same adversities as women in previous time periods, according to Saravanan. “It’s definitely progressing in the right direction. I think they are going to come in and see the right things. They’re not going to come in with all this negative energy around their choice of study,” Saravanan said. “We’re definitely paving a better path for them, so they’re going to come in with this organization already in full bloom and be like, ‘There is a place for me to study STEM at this university.’” Collaboration between social and physical sciences could provide more opportunities for those underrepresented in the STEM community, according to Freehling-Burton. “I think that that cross-disciplinary work has some potential for some reimaginings. How do social scientists and field scientists work together and reimagine it all,” Freehling-Burton said. “And I think that scientists have got really important things to share with social scientists, and I think social scientists have really good things to share in that direction.” Programs aimed at multidisciplinary STEM create a space for ideas to be heard, and have a chance of creating big changes, according to Freehling-Burton. “There’s these initiatives and these ideas and we’ve already started thinking about these positions on campus. So now we’re thinking across the college level arts and the sciences and what that may look like. I think it has incredible potential,” Freehling-Burton said. “It’s so new, these ways of radically thinking across those lines, not just a botanist teaching a class in WGSS or me teaching a general science class. But to really think about larger programs. I think there’s lot of a potential there.”
ISABEL SCHOLZ | ORANGE MED I A NETWORK Sigma Delta Omega President Aryn Thomas speaking to her house members. Sigma Delta Omega is a sorority focused on women in STEM fields.
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Student shares his meningococcal B story OSU requires two doses of vaccine by Feb. 15 to prevent disease
D EJAH GOBERT | ORANGE MED I A NETWORK Linn-Benton Community College student Aaron Ojeda walking across campus. Ojeda lost his legs and eight of his fingers due to a Meningococcal B infection in 2014. Ojeda is currently a third year graphic design student at LBCC, and pursues his passion of DJing during this free time.
By AVALON KELLY, MELANIE REESE News Contributors “The virus kills you within 24 hours if you don’t get help, so if you don’t get help within the 12th hour then you definitely lose limbs—and I got hospitalized around the 16th hour,” Aaron Ojeda, a third-year graphic design student at Linn-Benton Community College said, regarding the effects he endured from getting meningococcal B in 2014. After contracting meningococcal B, Ojeda had to have doctors amputate both of his legs, as well as eight of his fingers due to the effects of the disease. “I was in shock. My consciousness had cleared. I just didn’t connect the dots; I just saw that I was in the hospital,” Ojeda said. “I got eight of my fingers amputated as well and they were black from the lack of blood supply. It freaked me out because I didn’t know what was
going on. And I couldn’t feel my legs or wiggle my toes or anything. I was really confused.” Ojeda woke up in the hospital on June 10, 2014 to find that a week had passed since he had last remembered falling asleep in his own bed. “I had had a fever (the night of being hospitalized), and I was nauseous—I was throwing up. I had diarrhea like crazy. My mind was clouded up as well and I just felt really sick. I think I had a fever of 105,” Ojeda said. “It’s pretty gnarly because I don’t remember anything. I just kind of went to sleep and woke up in the hospital.” Meningitis is defined by Mayoclinic.org as an inflammation of the membranes surrounding your brain and spinal cord. The most common meningitis cases in the U.S. are viral infections and bacterial infections. “I think I got a spider bite that triggered the fever and that activated the Meningitis in my nasal passage. Because my foot had started
hurting really badly and I couldn’t walk on it,” Ojeda said. “That was definitely hours before
I was in shock. My consciousness had cleared. I just didn’t connect the dots; I just saw that I was in the hospital. AARON OJEDA Third year graphic design student at Linn-Benton Community College I was hospitalized.” According to Charlie Fautin, deputy director
of the Benton County Health Department, meningitis is an opportunistic disease. “We know that this bacteria lives in the nose and throat of a healthy person and can then infect someone who is susceptible,” Fautin said. Healthy individuals who harbor the meningococcal bacteria without showing symptoms are known as carriers, according to Fautin. People most vulnerable to actual, symptomatic infection include those with underlying immune system deficiencies such as autoimmune diseases or recent transplants. Another group of people especially vulnerable to meningitis are smokers, Fautin added. The bacteria is transmitted via oral secretions,and smokers already have chronically inflamed respiratory symptoms, making them ideal victims of the disease. World Health Organizations lists meningitis symptoms to be a stiff neck, high fever, sensitivity to light, confusion, headaches and vomiting.
COVER STORY Infection often also causes a rash, according to Fautin. Persons with those symptoms should seek medical evaluation promptly, as this illness can progress and become life-threatening rapidly. Despite the danger of the disease, however, it is relatively rare, with only about 100 to 200 annual cases nationwide. Though when it does strike, it tends to waste no time making a large impact on those who contract it. “A young adult can go from very healthy one day to feeling a little cruddy to being in intensive care and potentially dying in a few hours,” Fautin said. This pattern seems to have occurred in Ojeda’s case as well. His body managed to fend off the meningitis bacteria within his nasal passages while he was healthy, but once he suffered the spider bite, his immune system became weak enough to make him a target. “I had flu-like symptoms and many people who go to the hospital get told to go home because they just have the flu apparently,” Ojeda said. Ojeda recalls having a headache and fever the night he went to the hospital, but not a stiff neck. According to Ojeda, he did not have many of the meningococcal symptoms until later into the night and early Sunday morning. Ojeda was hospitalized on Sunday around 6 a.m. “It was dumb of me because it could have been easily prevented,” Ojeda said. “I had gone to the bathroom (that night) and I hadn’t turned on the lights. I just went to the bathroom in the dark, and I don’t know why I didn’t turn on the lights. But if I had, I probably could have noticed spots on my skin. The vessels in my eyes had probably already burst from vomiting. I just didn’t turn on the light.” Dr. Jeffrey Mull, the director of Medical Services and staff physician of Student Health Services, has worked on the Oregon State University campus for 33 years, including during the meningococcal outbreaks within the last year. “Once the menB bacteria becomes invasive, it begins to produce a powerful endotoxin that is responsible for the seriousness of this disease,” Mull said via email. “This endotoxin causes a severe inflammatory response in the blood vessels of the infected individual. It also weakens the heart muscles.” Endotoxins are large molecules secreted by some forms of bacteria when they burst and are responsible for many human diseases, including Meningococcal, according to Mull. Once the inflammation response hits the individual’s vascular system, the blood leaks into surrounding tissues, Mull added. This leads to shock, caused by low blood pressure and constriction of blood vessels, further weakening the heart. It is this constriction of vessels and strain on the heart muscle that can lead to the lack of blood flow to limbs and their eventual loss. “All of these processes also cause swelling of the brain,” Mull said via email. “Since the brain is in a rigid cavity (the skull) there is not much room to accommodate excessive swelling. The increased pressure within the skull, along with decreased blood flow, can lead to temporary or permanent brain damage.” According to Fautin, with students on and off campus, the potential risk of coming in contact with Meningococcal is not impossible.
BAO TRUONG | ORANGE MED I A NETWORK Nurse Martha Adams administers the first meningococcal B vaccine to OSU graphic design student Annie Mitev. The meningococcal B vaccination requires two rounds of shots, and is now a mandatory vaccine for all OSU students under the age of 25.
“In one study done on a university campus in the United Kingdom, carriage rates rose from 7 percent to 23 percent during the first week of school,” Mull said via email. “In those living in residence halls, the rates rose from 14 percent to 34 percent during the same period.” OSU has had three cases of Meningococcal B since the start of the 2017-18 academic school year, with a total of six cases within the past year and a half—which includes cases of Meningococcal that had occurred in the 2016-17 academic school year. According to Mull, the mortality rate of Meningococcal B is 100 percent if the disease is allowed to progress without treatment. Fatalities remain around 10 percent for infected patients, even with early detection and proper antibiotic treatment. Of those who survive their encounter with the disease, upwards of 20 percent will develop a permanent disability, including loss of limbs or digits, loss of hearing or vision or loss of mental functionality. “I’m a lifetime amputee now,” Ojeda said. “I just don’t feel the same thought-process wise. It took a lot away. A lot of freedom. I have to depend on a lot of stuff and a lot of people. I’ve always been my own person, I don’t like to ask for help. That’s also another part—I don’t like to ask for help. I’ll push and get sores instead of asking for help or getting the wheelchair. I told myself I wasn’t getting into a wheelchair.” Prior to the hospitalization, Ojeda had not gotten his meningococcal B vaccination, nor
had he started the meningococcal B series. “I think I might’ve been aware of (the vaccination), but I’m super against vaccinations, believe it or not,” Ojeda said. “Well, I was up until that happened. So, I didn’t really take any vaccines just because I had done my research.”
The best defense we have is for all of those (susceptible) people to be protected. Being vaccinated means you can encounter the bug and you won’t get sick. Charlie Fautin Benton County Health Department Deputy Director According to Fautin, the meningococcal vaccine is a vital part of ensuring an individual is protected against the disease. Getting the vaccine provides protection against the bacteria taking hold. There are two brands of meningococcal B vaccine, according to Fautin. One requires two doses and one requires three doses. It’s critical that a person have their full series using the same vaccine, so if they start
with the three-dose brand, they need three doses, and if they start with the two-dose brand, they need two doses. “The best defense we have is for all of those (susceptible) people to be protected,” Fautin said. “Being vaccinated means you can encounter the bug and you won’t get sick.” OSU now requires all students under the age of 25 to have the meningococcal B vaccination series by Feb. 15. According to Mull, the only way to ensure the vaccine is effective in protecting you from meningococcal B is to receive both doses. Only getting one dose will not be an effective means of building your resistance to the disease. “Men B vaccine induces our immune system to produce antibodies against the outer coating of the Meningococcal bacteria,” Mull said via email. “These antibodies in turn kill the bacteria. Antibodies take several weeks to develop and full immunity does not occur until all recommended doses of vaccine are administered.” Ojeda encourages others to get their vaccinations, as it is the only way to prevent the Men B disease. “It’s like winning the lottery; it’s (the disease) pretty rare and it attacks healthy adults,” Ojeda said. “I was an athlete, I was so healthy. It doesn’t matter though, it doesn’t discriminate. It’ll kill you.”
Rec sports hosts back-to-back intramural tournaments over weekend
A A RO N T RAS K | O RANGE M EDIA NET WO RK (LEFT) Student Lucas Rodgers name competes in the badminton tournament. Champions were crowned in the CoRec, women’s and men’s divisions.
40 teams compete for badminton title, 10 battle for dodgeball championship By GUNNAR BOAG Sports Contributor As week five came to a close, the weekend brought a double header of action-packed intramural tournaments. On the night of Feb. 9, students made their way to the basketball courts at McAlexander to showcase their skills in the badminton doubles tournament. The tournament started in pool play, with the winners of each pool moving on to the playoff bracket. The matches were first to 15 points and completely self-officiated, relying on honesty and integrity from the athletes. McAlexander was filled with people this year, as nearly 40 teams showed to compete. To put it in perspective, there were less than half as many teams last year. “It’s like trying to keep 40 different balloons from floating away,” Isaac Kulonis, senior sport program associate, said. “But it’s all fun while doing it.” The first championship of the night was CoRec, in which Jensen Alianto and Emi Kawamura finished victorious. The match started back and forth, but Alianto and Kawamura pulled away and ended the game 15-6. The women’s division ended with a rousing
championship game, coming down to the last point. With the game tied 14-14, and the victory in reach, both teams brought their best play. Justine Deisher and Anna Mikami walked away victorious, claiming the championship title. “It was our first time playing together,” Deisher said. “I think we are better roommates for it now.” After a grueling slate of games, the last pairs had to muster enough energy for one last match. It was a back and forth affair, but Kaixiang Yong and Xianghao Chen came out on top. The 23-21 victory was the last game of the night, capping off the tournament. “It was so much fun playing together. I like to play doubles,” Chen said. “It’s a great time to play different people. You learn a lot.” For the second half of the back-to-back tournaments, Rec Sports hosted a dodgeball tournament in the upper courts at Dixon. Students were tasked with dodging, dipping, ducking and diving across the court in hopes of securing the championship title. However, these students weren’t just any Average Joes. Like most intramural events, the tournament started with pool play. The teams were divided into two pools, with the top two teams of each group advancing to playoffs. This year only had ten teams turn out, but the competition was fierce.
“We had less numbers this year than last year, but the crowds were really cheering and getting into it,” Jessica Nastarin, senior sports programs associate, said. “I thought everybody had a lot of fun.” The games were played with six people on each team. The games were best two out of three, and each round only lasted five minutes. For a team to win the round, they could either eliminate all opponents or finish the five minutes with more players than the other team.
We may have taken it way too seriously, but that’s probably why we won. AARON PERKETT Team Perkett player In the case of a tie at the end of regulation, players moved closer together and played a sudden death match. At the end of pool play and playoffs, Team Perkett and Lambda Chi were the two teams left standing. Lambda Chi was at an early disadvantage, playing with only five players
instead of six. Team Perkett came out strong in the first round, quickly whittling Lambda Chi to two players. Lambda Chi held on for as long as they could, but eventually lost the round. Up 1-0 and with the title in reach, Team Perkett came out even stronger in the second round. Within two minutes, Lambda Chi was down to one player while Team Perkett had five. The final player from Lambda Chi made one final push, taking out two players, but ultimately fell short of the victory. “I got my meningococcal shot yesterday, so we were definitely fighting through some adversity,” Esau Ibarra, Team Perkett, said. After making it through five different opponents, Team Perkett finished the tournament victorious. They did not lose a single round in the playoffs. “We may have taken it way too seriously, but that’s probably why we won,” Aaron Perkett, Team Perkett player, said. Next up, Rec Sports is offering a soccer tournament for students to participate. The tournament starts Feb. 15 and runs through the weekend. Teams must be registered by 6 p.m. on Feb. 13. For more information on the event, visit the Rec Sports page on OSU’s website or pick up a pamphlet from Dixon.
DEJ AH G OBERT | ORAN GE ME DIA N E TWORK Stephen Thompson Jr. drives to the basket in the game agains the Washington Huskies on Feb. 10.
Déjà vu
Stephen Thompson Jr. hits gamewinning three-pointer to knock off Huskies for second time in career Beaver men’s basketball wins both games over weekend • OSU 94, Washington State 62 • OSU 97, Washington 94 By EMMANUEL GOICOCHEA Sports Contributor Riding a blowout victory on Thursday and a double overtime buzzard beating shot to win on Saturday, the Oregon State men’s basketball team had a productive weekend. The Beavers dominated the Washington State Cougars on Thursday night with an end score of 94-62 in Gill Coliseum. Tres Tinkle led the scoring with 20 points, Alfred Hollins recorded a career-high 19 points, Drew Eubanks added another 18 and the Thompson brothers combined for 36 points. Eubanks ushered in his name to the 1,000 career point club, the 41st Oregon State player to do so. Stephen Thompson Jr. hit this mark earlier in the season. Tinkle is approaching the milestone as well, which would make this the third time in program history an Oregon State team had three 1,000-point scorers. He requires only 111 points to do so. Robert Franks led Washington State with 17 points and Carter Skaggs added 11. Oregon State won the only meeting between the teams two years ago, 82-81, on Feb. 24, 2016 in Corvallis when Stephen Thompson Jr. made a 3-pointer at the buzzer. Thompson Jr. finished with a team-high 18 points, while Eubanks had his first career double-double with 17 points and 13 rebounds. The team really seemed to up the game of teamwork with many assists and passes, Coach Wayne Tinkle even stating, “...it’s the kind of selflessness that we’ve been looking for in this group.” The Beavers won 64-50 on Feb. 8, 2015 at Gill Coliseum when Gary Payton
II led the way with 17 points, five rebounds, four assists and five steals. Oregon State played the Washington Huskies for the 300th time on Saturday. The Beavers lead the series 160-140 overall. The Beavers defeated Washington two straight times at Gill Coliseum and held a 97-49 all-time advantage in games played in Corvallis. Oregon State ended the game with a doubleovertime stunner that culminated to a 97-94 win. Stephen Thompson Jr. scored a dramatic near buzzer beater three-pointer, sending the team and crowd wild. The Beavers began the second half trailing behind with 13 points. They then made a comeback that ultimately led the game into overtime at 80-80. Stephen Thompson, Jr., with the pressure on, missed two free throws with four seconds left in the first overtime that could have put the Beavers ahead. The game then soon went to the doubleovertime at 87. The Huskies led the score in the second overtime and would eventually tie the game at 94-94. Washington’s Dominic Green made one of two free throws before Thompson Jr. connected from behind the arc. Thompson Jr., scored 22 points overall, hitting 4 of 8 three-point field goals. He also had a career-high six steals. Eubanks added 18 points and 13 rebounds. Washington was led by Noah Dickerson’s 28 points and 12 rebounds. As of right now, Oregon State is 13-11 overall, and 5-7 in the Pac-12. The Beavers travel to Los Angeles next week to face UCLA on Thursday, Feb. 15 and USC on Saturday Feb. 17. Both games start at 8 p.m. and will be televised nationally on FS1. WEEK OF MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018 • DAILYBAROMETER.COM • 11
On-campus jobs teach students professional skills
Campus jobs flexible, accommodative to student schedules By AVALON KELLY News Contributor Many opportunities exist on the Oregon State University campus for students looking to work during the academic year. From University Housing and Dining Services to the Valley Library to the Beaver Store and beyond, most areas of OSU have some position ready to hire a student. Jenna Riccolo is the marketing and communications coordinator for the Career Development Center at OSU. The CDC works with students looking for the skills necessary for their careers after graduation, and part of
that includes helping them find jobs during their time on campus. “There are certain skills that all employers across the board are looking for, like verbal and written communication or leadership skills, the ability to work on a team,” Riccolo said. “So all of these things are things that we want for our students, in our student workers, in these student employment opportunities. We want them to come away with those great experiences that then they can put on a resume.” According to Riccolo, regardless of major, student jobs can give all students marketable skills that will help when applying for future jobs. Something important to keep in mind
STEFFI K UTC HE R | ORANGE ME DIA NE TWORK Business student Xiyao Ai preparing a meal at Ring of Fire in UHDS-operated West Dining Hall.
with jobs on campus is that the tasks students are performing may not directly correlate with goals or plans, but the underlying skills and experiences gained will go beyond students’ time on campus. “I think students should really consider how valuable of an opportunity this is,” Riccolo said. “I think students sometimes downplay it, like, ‘It’s just an on-campus job, this isn’t going to help me in the future, I’m just doing it for a paycheck.’ I would really encourage students to look beyond that; these are amazing opportunities. We, as the university and the university staff and faculty, we are invested in our students and we are invested in them getting amazing opportunities when they leave and part of that is having really amazing experiences here.” Employers on campus look to cultivate the career-building and professional skills of the students who work with them, according to Riccolo. Many jobs and opportunities after college require a few years of experience— even entry-level positions. Taking advantage of opportunities on campus can offer a chance to build in these skills. Not all jobs available on campus are regulated through the university, however. One such place is the OSU Beaver Store, which, despite its location in the heart of the South side of OSU, is a student-governed non-profit operation. According to Erik Anderson, the general merchandise manager at the Beaver Store, the store offers students a choice to work on campus, but not for a
university-affiliated department. “That relationship is here with a lot of the kids that come aboard with us that it’s their first job,” Anderson said. “And I think that we, as
We, as the university and the university staff and faculty, we are invested in our students and we are invested in them getting amazing opportunities when they leave and part of that is having really amazing experiences here. JENNA RICCOLO Career Development Center Marketing and Communications Coordinator full-time staff, try to nurture that relationship so that they are prepared not only for this job, but what is next in their career.” Another aspect of working at the Beaver Store is their recognition of the busy schedule
See On-campus jobs Page 13
STEFFI KUTCHER | ORANGE MED I A NETWORK The OSU Beaver Store, located across the street from Reser Stadium, employs students in a number of positions in the store, such as cashier and textbook clerk.
NEWS On-campus jobs, Continued from page 12 of students, according to Anderson. The fulltime staff and management work to remain as flexible and accommodating of class schedules as they can within business hours. According to Claire Roberts, an OSU student who works at the Beaver Store, one of the best aspects of working on campus is that employers recognize the demands of being a student. “Being a student employee is not easy,” Roberts said. “I have two jobs and go to school full-time for a degree in microbiology. Sometimes I feel as though I don’t have any downtime, but the Beaver Store recognizes that I am a student first. If I ever am having a hard time or need time off, the management is always accommodating. I think that is one of the huge benefits of working on camps; employers recognize that being a student is a full-time job in itself.” A common feature of student jobs on campus, affiliated with the university or not, is this ability to work around student schedules. As members of the OSU community and large employers of the student population, this adaptation helps both sides of the employment process. Lisa Schubert, assistant director of catering and retail within University Housing and Dining Services, works in the department with the largest portion of student employees on campus. According to Schubert, UHDS employs around 1,400 students with about 1,100 working in the dining facilities around campus, 160 working as student staff in residence halls and 140 working in maintenance and custodial capacities. “Many student employees like the convenience of being on campus for classes and their job,” Schubert said. “Also, university departments are more likely to understand they are students first and employees second, so work schedules more easily revolve around class schedules.” Campus employers aim to teach student employees skills that will assist them in future employment, such as attendance, proper dress and appearance, communication skills, problem solving and teamwork, according to Schubert. “These are just a few of the skills you can learn in a campus job. We also train our supervisors that this is a teaching environment, so any employee performance concerns are a teaching moment first and foremost,” Schubert said.
According to Riccolo, another important thing to keep in mind when searching for an oncampus job is the variety of choices available. Departments all around campus look to hire students each year, so going out and searching for something that suits your preferences and needs will ensure as good a fit as possible. “If working in an office maybe isn’t your jam, and that’s fine,” Riccolo said. “You might think about the different requirements that the job is asking of you or the job description or position duties and really think to yourself, ‘Is this something I want to be doing and is this a good fit for me and where I am at this time?’” According to Riccolo, right now can be the best time to apply when you’re thinking ahead for the next academic year. Many departments on campus begin the hiring process for the next year as early as winter term. If you’re on the market for an on-campus job, go to the official listings at https://jobs.oregonstate.edu, click the student tab and peruse the openings available.
University departments are more likely to understand that they are students first and employees second, so work schedules more easily revolve around class schedules. LISA SCHUBERT UHDS Assistant Director of Catering and Retail
The search for a job can easily become a stressful event, especially when juggling a full class load and the responsibilities of adult life, according to Riccolo. For many students, working on campus offers a convenient opportunity to enjoy the benefits of working during school without traveling off campus. “It’s not just a dining hall job, you’re not just checking students in at Dixon, you’re not just making coffee,” Riccolo said. “It’s always about something larger, and I would encourage students to think about those amazing opportunities when thinking about on-campus jobs.”
Use Snapchat or a QR code reader to visit the OSU student job postings website.
FEBRUARY 15-17 AT 7:30 PM FEBRUARY 18 AT 2:00 PM Withycombe Hall Lab Theatre Open seating.
TICKETS $8 General $6Senior $5 Student/Youth $4 OSU Student
Tickets and information: University Theatre Box Office liberalarts.oregonstate.edu/school-arts-and-communication/theatre 541-737-2784
Honne presents softer side of hyper electronic dance music Artist utilizes electronic silky style to seduce listeners’ ears By GENESIS HANSEN Columnist The song “Good Together” by Honne begins to play. A series of crisp snaps shatter your focus and you’re introduced to a syrupy voice. The song melts your worries away with its melded melody and you can’t help but feel romantic. James Hatcher and Andy Clutterbuck both record, write and produce their music in the band Honne. From Bow, London, the electronic pop duo met in college while taking board at the local Young Men’s Christian Association. Hatcher used to give guitar lessons, and Clutterbuck was a music technician who taught children computer skills with music. “We met at a dinner one time,” Clutterbuck said in an interview with Kyle Stevens from the Huffington Post. “Skipping forward four years, we were working together all the time. We would write music together. It was just a case of figuring out how to do stuff. About two years ago we officially started HONNE.” The duo selected the name “Honne,” which in Japanese means “true sound” or “real intentions.” “I’ve always been fascinated with Japanese culture,” Clutterbuck said in an interview with The Observer’s Jillian Scheinfeld. “In terms of how we found the name, we stumbled upon it and looked into the meaning and thought it was perfect, considering what we were talking about.” With little success in the beginning, the duo released their first track on the album “Warm On A Cold Night” in 2016. Now with 6,040,159 views on YouTube, the song delivers a slick, groovy sound that traps the listener in musical molasses. It is available for purchase on iTunes, Google Play and streaming on Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer. Electronic music has a reputation for loud festivals, expressive clothing and spectacles, but Honne is a great example of the new direction this style is taking by making electronic music with a different tone of voice. By blending the barriers between genres and infusing lyrical creativity, Honne’s techno dance pop sound is a perfect product of 21st century music. Mack Powers, a musician and fourth-year student at Oregon State University, first heard Honne after his friend’s recommendation. “I really enjoy the laid-back side of electronic music. They aren’t writing bangers for Impulse, but they are writing actual music, which I believe has been underrepresented in electronic music,” Powers said. “When you think of EDM (electronic dance music) you think of festivals, drums and lights and confetti, but as someone who has been a musician my whole life, it’s nice to see real songwriting get back into it, and hear what everyone has learned from the dance music scene.” This shift in the creation and distribution of
music opens up the types of experiences you can make with sound. Kristin Spielman is a junior studying biohealth sciences. This past year she became a member of the all-female acapella choir Divine. “I feel like any genre can be done well, but I like how each artist brings their own twist to it,” Spielman said. “Electronic is really cool because you can really go anywhere with it; it’s almost harder because you’re up there not necessarily giving them something to see, so you have to entertain the crowd some other way.” Spielman doesn’t typically listen to electronic music, but likes Honne’s ability to blend soulful music and electronic music in a seamless way. “I think it’s cool how they bring older music into the newer sound,” Spielman said. Luke Yokoyama is an electronic composer studying music emphasis at Linn Benton Community College. After he graduates, he plans to follow a career in sound design, music production or to become an audio technician. “(Electronic music) festivals are popular because the music is easy to get into,” Yokoyama said in a phone interview. “Music with a heavy amount of pulsing or a good downbeat that makes sense to you is enjoyable because you don’t need to think; you can let go and enjoy the music for what it is.” With the use of synthesizers, it’s now easier to create a full sound even with only two people. These neat musical contraptions were used in the music wave of the late 1970s, and they are used to imitate various instruments like the piano, flute, organ and abstract sounds, and
Music with a heavy amount of pulsing or a good downbeat that makes sense to you is enjoyable because you don’t need to think; you can let go and enjoy the music for what it is. LUKE YOKOYAMA Electronic composer really took hold in Japanese music. Welcomed by a low voice in the song, “Warm On A Cold Night,” the listener settles into a boutique sound that drops into a rhythmic downbeat which reveals Clutterbuck’s crisp voice. The phrase, “You can keep me warm on a cold night,” is placed after segments describing how special this girl is. Overlooking the obvious warmth needed on a cold night, the phrase recreates the girl he’s talking about. One can
HONNE PRESS RELEASE James Hatcher and Andy Clutterbuck, the two artists of the band Honne, eat an array of food.
understand that she is warm with a vibrant personality and beauty. A cold night could be a bad day, or a moment of sadness, so her ability to make him feel better really resonates within the music, which is his expression of appreciation. A perk of being an artist in 2018 is that you have a plethora of genres, styles and techniques that you can admire, imitate or build from. Honne doesn’t refrain from taking advantage of their musical influence. “It was really hard; you want to put the tracks on there that have helped define you and get you moving, but you also need to put enough new tracks on there, otherwise it’s all the old stuff,” Hatcher said to Huffington Post about the “Warm On A Cold Night” album. “It was a balancing act of putting five old tracks on it while combining it with the new stuff.” The romantic album sweeps you off your feet into a cloud of funky bliss. The plucky saunter of the music creates a sultry and soothing vibe. Borrowing conventions used in a variety of different genres and decades, the sound of the album conveys an intimate message attached to desire and comfort, while also delivering a fun and energetic kick of rhythm. “Electronic music is a whole different ballpark. I wouldn’t say that Electronic music in general is harder to become successful with, but it’s much more difficult in the sense that you have to learn skills and techniques within the studio that is completely different from just creating a piece of music and sending it to someone else to have your music mixed and mastered,” Yokoyama said.
Whether it be on finely pressed records or downloadable files, music has the ability to emulate what we think. “Music today is more accessible, and as far as integrity goes I don’t think that accessibility changes it,” Powers said. “When it comes to intention you’ll always have people that want to sell top 40 songs, but you’ll also have people who are about the music.” We have the choice to maintain traditional music production techniques, as well as the chance to dapple in our technological manipulation of sound, but in the end music still represents a part of who we are and how we feel.
HONNE PRESS RELEASE Honne’s song “Warm on a Cold Night,” features the artist Aminé.
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S U D O K U Give your sweetheart a
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Cancer: June 22 - July 22
You could be attracted to someone who is especially melodramatic and eccentric. You’ll feel a strong sense of chemistry with this person, even if the two of you don’t agree about everything. Mars is generating some emotional and passionate explosions.
Dreamy Venus has you in the mood for love. You’re fantasizing about somebody gorgeous who has been proving to be extremely enticing. Or you’re daydreaming about a former flame, thinking about what it might be like to get back together with that sweetheart. Leo: July 23 - Aug. 22
Taurus: April 20 - May 20 Don’t be intimidated by the intense pace of communications that is going on this week. The moon is speeding things up. You’ll find yourself caught up in returning emails and phone calls. Putting in long hours at work, a relationship might need to temporarily go on hold.
LEVEL 1 2 3 4
“Pizza” your heart
Virgo: Aug. 23 - Sept. 22
Gemini: May 21 - June 21 An intense solar eclipse is bringing you clarity about what you really want out of life. If you’re only halfway happy with a romance, it’s OK to admit it’s time to move on. If you’re bored at your job, consider sending out resumes to some interesting places.
Must request heart-shaped pizza when ordering
Venus opposite your sign could leave you disenchanted about love. If you’re single, maybe you’re wondering if you’ll be on your own forever. If you’re married, you might hit a rough patch with your honey. Don’t panic. Take a break if you need one.
A frisky new moon has you focused on spending some intimate time with your honey. If the two of you have been putting in long hours at work, carve out some room in your joint schedule to reconnect. You’ll both feel better if you can share some positive energy. Scorpio: Oct. 24 - Nov. 21 Emotional Venus is prompting you to be more open and honest with people. Don’t feel like you’re being a hero by stuffing everything inside. If you’re stressed out, it’s OK to talk about it with somebody who truly cares about you. Sagittarius: Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Impulsive Mars could make you say something cruel to your honey, even if you don’t intend to be mean. And your words could create deeper wounds than you might expect. Try to be attentive to your sweetheart’s moods and needs. Capricorn: Dec. 22 - Jan.19 Don’t sell yourself short. Jupiter is urging you to
most powerful way. If you’re being considered for a raise or promotion, showcase your talents and advertise your willingness to take on new responsibilities. In love, don’t settle for second best. Aquarius: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 There’s a powerful new moon in your sign, coupled with a solar eclipse. This is likely to create some drama, but ultimately, this will be positive. Maybe you’ll discover that you’ve fallen in love and you’ll declare your affection for a wonderful soul mate. Pisces: Feb. 19 - March 20 Venus is bringing a soft, happy feeling to your love life. If you’re single, you’ll fondly reflect upon past relationships. If you’re involved with someone, you’ll experience intimacy and fun with your partner. Enjoy this period of tranquility.
Heart-shaped Pizzas Wednesday, February 14 Valentine’s Day only Any size… Any toppings… All day!
Three planets are opposite your sign, so it’s best to take it slow. If you’ve just started dating someone, don’t get too serious too fast. And avoid allowing anybody from your work life to pressure you into making big decisions. Give yourself more time.
Libra: Sept. 23 - Oct. 23
Featuring OSU students discussing their academic experiences and research projects
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Across 1 Send (to), as an inferior place 9 Partner of Paul and Mary 14 Trite 15 WWII bomber __ Gay 16 Trifling matters 18 Iroquois enemies 19 Editor’s “never mind” 20 IRS form IDs 21 One out on the lake, e.g. 24 Cookie holder 27 Focal point in a theater 29 That girl 32 18-wheeler 33 Tablet with Mini and Pro versions 34 John Paul Jones was a commander in it 39 Chevy subcompact 40 Rowlands of “The Notebook” 41 Originally named 42 May observance for those who died in military service 46 Two-__ tissue 47 Troubled state 48 Has a midnight snack, say 52 __ upon a time ...
53 Kate’s TV sidekick 54 Statesman born 2/12/1809 whose surname can precede the starts of four long puzzle answers 59 Señor’s squiggle 60 Schemed 61 Bottomless chasm 62 Ones storming the castle, say Down 1 Lassos 2 Activist Medgar 3 Russian Revolution leader 4 Diving seabirds 5 Fellows 6 Busy __ bee 7 Bill with Hamilton on it 8 NYC summer hrs. 9 Be a nuisance to 10 Goes in 11 Promote big-time 12 North Pole worker 13 U.K. flying squad 17 East, to 48-Down 21 “__ there, done that” 22 “I’ve got this round” 23 Prickling with excitement 24 Tokyo’s country
25 Tequila source 26 Color again, as hair 27 TV forensic series 28 __ Pan Alley 29 Rascal 30 Ramshackle home 31 Hostile force 35 In addition 36 Kennedy and Koppel 37 Gray’s subj. 38 Dismiss from work temporarily, with “off” 43 Put spots in magazines 44 Foot’s 12 45 Side squared, for a square 48 Legendary Spanish hero 49 “__ like ours / Could never die ... “: Beatles 50 Flooring specialist 51 Mails 52 Paris airport 53 Kendrick of “Twilight” 54 One step __ time 55 Baby’s spilled food protector 56 1101, to Romans 57 Chaney of horror 58 Bill for mdse.
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Artists further professional experience, display art Fairbanks Gallery of Art provides outlet for student, faculty exhibits By TRISTAN BAILEY Practicum Contributor One of the hidden gems of the Oregon State University campus is the Fairbanks Gallery of Art. Nestled on the corner of Jefferson Way and 26th Street, the gallery is home to the work of artists throughout the local community. Erected in 1892, Fairbanks Hall has been operating as an art gallery for many years and has exhibited the work of both students and professional artists. According to Andrew Nigon, the Fairbanks Gallery of Art manager, the gallery showcases a variety of art created by students, as well as several pieces from professional contemporary artists. “Sprinkled in between those shows we invite artists that are local to the community or more broadly in the Pacific Northwest and beyond,” Nigon said. “There is a committee, made up of tenured art faculty, that decides which artists work best for the curriculum that we’re teaching in the art department, as well as taking in political considerations and a diverse pool of artists.” Artists are chosen based on the diversity of their work, according to Nigon. This means including art created in several mediums, such as sculpture and photography, among
others. Above all, Nigon works to accurately represent the vision of each artists’ work within the gallery. “I work to install the show and sometimes I work with the artist to design the show, (and I try) to create a space where every show that is installed feels different from all the other shows that have been seen before,” Nigon said. Andy Myers, an artist and OSU drawing instructor, has had two exhibitions at Fairbanks. His first exhibit, titled “Be Useful,” occurred in 2008 as a new faculty member, and his most recent was in July 2017. “The first (exhibit) was a series of largescale self-portraits that had birds sitting on top of them. So, they were drawings, but they became kind of cut outs. They were sculptural, they kind of sat off the wall,” Myers said. “The concept was birds using my head as something. So, in one, my head became a birdhouse, and one was where the bird was hunting for bugs.” According to Myers, there is a close collaboration between featured artists and the gallery staff. “Andrew Nigon, the gallery manager, is very accommodating. Anything that you want to do, we painted the whole gallery a different color just for my work. So that was really nice and really exciting to have him be so open to that
ZBIG NIEW SIK ORA | ORANGE ME DIA NE TWORK Fairbanks Gallery of Art is located on the corner of Jefferson Way and 26th Street. The gallery showcases work from students, faculty and professional artists alike.
amount of work,” Myers said. “I was really happy with the result.” If asked, Myers would exhibit his art at the Fairbanks Gallery of Art again.
One thing I needed as an artist was a boost, that nudge of knowing that you’re on the right path and you’re doing things right as an artist. SUEHADE SOTO Junior studying applied visual arts Suehade Soto, a junior studying applied visual arts, has also shown her work at the Fairbanks Gallery of Art. Soto has exhibited her art at the gallery twice, most recently in 2017. “That piece I created an installation of various-sized stars. So I hung them up with a clear string, and I made a frame for them.
I wanted to create a kind of bubble when you looked at it, this kind of awe-inspiring experience. It emanated the sky and the stars,” Soto said. “It kind of turned into this manifestation of myself. So in a way it is me, and it’s who I am, it’s whimsical and unassuming at first, but then when you continue to look at it, it’s kind of magical and unique.” According to Soto, her goal is to create an escape for her viewers. “All I want to do when I make art is, when people look at it, I want them to forget all those materialistic worries of loans and homework and finals week and family problems and instead be in the moment and enjoy what is happening right now,” Soto said. “It’s magical.” By showing her work at the Fairbanks Gallery of Art, Soto has been able to progress personally and professionally. “I think it gave me a confidence boost, I definitely felt like I was a professional. One thing I needed as an artist was a boost, that nudge of knowing that you’re on the right path and you’re doing things right as an artist,” Soto said. “I think showing in Fairbanks did help my name out there, especially with other students and faculty that I haven’t taken classes with yet.” The Fairbanks Gallery of Art is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.