Sitting Ducks: Bears withstand late Oregon rally for third straight victory.
Iran detainees: Local event hikes awareness and funding for the UC Berkeley alumni.
FUNK FREAKS: George Clinton conjures P-Funk charm at Yoshi’s San Francisco. Established 1871. Independent Student Press Since 1971.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Berkeley, California
Cuts Could Exacerbate State Transfer System Flaws by Nina Brown Staff Writer
The proposed $1.4 billion cut to California’s three higher education institutions could exacerbate flaws in the transfer system for students ONLINE PODCAST moving from a Nina Brown examines California Community College the impact of cuts on to a state-fund- the transfer system. ed university and lead to a deficit of “highly skilled
and educated workers,” rendering a harsh impact on the state’s economy, according to higher education officials and policy analysts. As the University of California and California State University are facing potential cuts of 16.4 percent and 18 percent respectively, their continued ability to meet the conditions set forth in the 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education — which requires that they maintain a 40:60 lower to upper division ratio to allow room for incoming transfer juniors — is uncertain.
“If there is no room for (transfers) at the university because of budget cuts, then it doesn’t really matter how much you streamline that process,” said Hans Johnson, director of research at the Public Policy Institute of California. “You’ll have students who are qualified and ready to transfer, but there is no room for them.” Limiting access, said CSU spokesperson Erik Fallis, will in the longrun result in fewer highly-skilled and educated workers to fill “high growth, high-demand positions.”
An effort to improve the transfer process — which Fallis said allows too many people to fall through the cracks between community colleges and the state universities — began last fall when former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed two bills meant to streamline the transfer process with the intent of opening up more seats and funds at the community college level. Since 2007-08, state funding for the CSU has dropped by 23 percent, returning to 1999 levels although the system is accommodating 70,000 more
students, according to Fallis. Thus far, CSU has managed to maintain the Master Plan ratio, although Fallis added that “clearly if CSU doesn’t have the funding to provide for as many students as we like, that’s going to affect transfer students as well as first time freshmen.” In the case of the UC, the university has tried to make good on the statement in the UC Commission on the Future Final Report that UC President Mark
>> higher education: Page 2
Officials May Reconsider Cutting of Sports Teams by Alisha Azevedo and Katie Nelson Athletics supporters are hoping that meetings and conversations over the next few days with UC Berkeley administrators will allow them to ONLINE PODCAST move forward with propos- Alisha Azevedo and als to reinstate Katie Nelson discuss the five sports meetings on athletics. teams that were set to be cut at the end of the academic year. On Monday, meetings headed by Vice Chancellor for University Relations Scott Biddy will be held to determine whether the campus can move forward with efforts to reinstate the five teams in the future. Chancellor Robert Birgeneau announced in September that five
sports teams — men’s baseball, women’s lacrosse, men’s and women’s gymnastics and rugby, which has been designated a club sport — would be eliminated to try to save the campus $4 million annually. It will cost $25 million to continue to support the teams for the next 10 years, campus officials said. Doug Nickle, organizer of Save Cal Sports and former Cal baseball player, said the group’s supporters have raised a “verifiable $10 million to $12 million” thus far towards sustaining the teams. They also have other six- and sevenfigure donations pending should proposals move forward. “We’ve done this for all the right reasons — we haven’t asked for a whole lot in return other than a bit of clarity and good faith,” Nickle said. “We can only
>> sports: Page 3
jeff totten/staff
John Curl, the co-owner of Heartwood Custom Woodworking, examines his wood. West Berkeley owners have debated local zoning.
West Berkeley Zoning Proves Contentious by Yousur Alhlou Staff Writer
Striking a compromise between big industry and local business in West Berkeley has proven difficult to achieve for the past four years, Editor’s Note as zoning regulaThis is the second tions in the area remain conten- installment of a tious and the two-part series on Berkeley City the West Berkeley Council still Project. works to establish a balance between the two sectors. While proposed amendments to the West Berkeley Plan — adopted in 1993 to set guidelines for land use while maintaining economic and residential quality of life in the area — seek to reconcile the interests of two different economic brackets, many small business owners feel that changes in zoning ordinances, if too abrupt, may threaten their livelihoods. “You don’t want run-away economic development,” said John Curl, co-owner of West Berkeley cooperative Heartwood Custom Woodworking. “You want the kind of economic development that doesn’t displace the valuable places that are already there.” There are approximately 3,600 private manufacturing, retail and service businesses in West Berkeley that
generate approximately $1.2 billion in annual taxable revenue for the city, according to the city’s Planning and Development Department’s website. In order to attract an even larger industrial economic base, the amendments would modify strict land use and permit regulations, allowing reuse of existing buildings, flexibility in building use and site re-development. Residents have most vocally opposed a proposition to put up for rent 2 million square feet of warehouses — some of which currently house local businesses — in order to create spaces for local research and development industries from UC Berkeley. According to Cassidy Turley Commercial Real Estate Services, the average asking rent of a warehouse in the city in 2010 was $0.58 per square foot whereas the average asking rent for a research and development space was $2.30. If re-zoned, the spaces would subsequently increase in price. Artisan metal worker David Bowman, who co-owns David M. Bowman Studio in West Berkeley, said he is concerned that an industrial presence — and tenants who can afford higher rent — will cause real estate prices to skyrocket in areas that are already “too expensive” for artists. “Artisans and manufacturers ... need space to do work,” Susan Brooks, co-founder of Berkeley Artisans Holi-
day Open Studios in West Berkeley, said in an e-mail. “We thrive because there are other professional artists and crafts people in our building and in the neighborhood.” Councilmember Linda Maio, whose district encompasses West Berkeley, said she would not approve the amendments without the provision of a community benefits fund, which would provide job training and increased transportation services from revenue made by a real estate “boom” — however, small business owners feel this may not be enough. In response, the West Berkeley Artisans and Industrial Companies, an alliance representing over 250 industrial and cultural enterprises, has proposed the city take incremental steps within industrial protection zoning guidelines — which prevent mixed space use — and evaluate demand for space every few years. “We’re all for research and development coming here and coming up with a new iPhone app so we can find the keys behind our couch,” said alliance staff member Rick Auerbach. “We’re just saying do a judicious balancing.” Amendments to zoning guidelines include the proposed development of six large plots of land that will combine cutting edge businesses and homes, according to Maio.
>> west berkeley: Page 2
university of california/staff
Alfredo Mireles, Jr./Courtesy
Student Regent Jesse Cheng, left, and Student Regent-Designate Alfredo Mireles Jr., right, talked with reporters of The Daily Californian about budget cuts and their position.
Student Regent and Designate Talk Budget Cuts, Experiences by Jordan Bach-Lombardo and Aaida Samad On Friday, reporters Jordan BachLombardo and Aaida Samad of The Daily Californian sat down with UC Student Regent Jesse Cheng and Student Regent-Designate Alfredo Mireles Jr. to talk about the state budget and its implications for the UC as well as what it is like to sit on the UC Board of Regents with some of California’s wealthiest residents. The Daily Californian: Just to be-
gin, I was wondering if you could comment on how you see the general state of the university with the budget cuts. Alfredo Mireles: It’s clearly a devastating proposed cut, and I want to reiterate that it is a proposed cut. I don’t want us to be too fatalistic that these cuts have to happen or are mandated to happen. We’re still in the budget negotiation. Me and two UC Berkeley students were in the capital last (week) on Wednesday going to the first hearing about vetting the governor’s budget. No decisions have been
>> student regents: Page 5
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Monday, January 31, 2011
On the Blogs
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It Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Mean a Thing Are your Wednesday nights woefully unbooked? Why not go swing dancing? The Clog has coverage of these new dancing opportunities, as well as hangover activities, free stuff and the weird survey you got the other day.
Mythbusters Former Daily Cal opinion page editor Leslie Toy abandoned the daily stresses of Berkeley for those of a more exotic locale. Her latest dispatch from Madrid features a more critical look at common travel myths.
You can send any comments, requests or weird surveys to
At Zellerbach! Wallace Shawn, at least. Check out the arts blog for Sam Standerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inconceivable interview with the actor, as well as coverage of his talk on campus.
Whereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wally?
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Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s article â&#x20AC;&#x153;West Berkeley Project Introduced to Publicâ&#x20AC;? incorrectly stated that the West Berkeley Plan was approved in 1998. In fact, the plan was approved in 1993. Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s article â&#x20AC;&#x153;Students Seek Permanent Prayer Spaceâ&#x20AC;? incorrectly stated that Farrah Moos is a CalSERVE senator. In fact, she is a Student Action senator. Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s feature photo, â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Full Swing,â&#x20AC;? incorrectly attributed the photo to Allyse Bacharach. In fact, Summer Dunsmore took the photo. The Daily Californian regrets the errors.
administration Diane Rames, General Manager Dante Galan, Advertising Manager John Zsenai, Finance Manager Brad Aldridge, Production Manager Tom Ott, Tech Manager Jill Cowan, Staff Representative Karoun Kasraie, Online Manager Davey Cetina, Distribution Manager corrections/clarifications: The Daily Californian strives for accuracy and fairness in the reporting of news. If a report is wrong or misleading, a request for a correction or clarification may be made.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 447100 The name of the business: Persuasive Pages, street address 6114 LaSalle Avenue #625, Oakland, CA 94611, mailing address 6114 LaSalle Avenue #625, Oakland, CA 94611 is hereby registered by the following owners: Sheila Chandrasekhar, 6114 LaSalle Avenue #625, Oakland, CA 94611. This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on Jan. 1, 2011. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Alameda County on January 24, 2011. Persuasive Pages Publish: 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/22/11
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Although mixed-use spaces remain unpopular among some residents, Joseph Slusky, metal sculptor and retired UC Berkeley professor, said the new buildings would be beneficial because developers like environmentalist Doug Herst â&#x20AC;&#x201D; who is building a â&#x20AC;&#x153;green communityâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; have promised affordable housing in the space. Nonetheless, the hazard associated with the proximity of housing and in-
Brent is an awesome MCAT instructor and the guy knows more about the test than the test makers themselves!
dustry as defined in the Environmental Impact Report still has some community members worried. The council will further investigate the issue, Maio said. Due to the controversial nature of zoning regulations, the council will hold another public hearing on Feb. 8 to address ongoing concerns regarding the amendments. Yousur Alhlou covers city government. Contact her at
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from front
UC Berkeley students: FREE Soda with your purchase
the state, only to â&#x20AC;&#x153;clamp downâ&#x20AC;? after the state pulled back funding. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Continue that enough times and you start seeing the problem of long-term planning that happens.â&#x20AC;? UC spokesperson Steve Montiel said a similar instability in funding for the UC has made planning for enrollment targets difficult. Ultimately, this inability to look further than from crisis to crisis may hinder Californiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s higher education institutions most of all, Johnson said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Instead of having a policy consistent year to year, we have policies created because we budget for emergencies,â&#x20AC;? Johnson said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We not only lack consistency, but more troubling in some ways, we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a picture of what we want to be as a state ... If the state is going to meet the demands of the economy for highly educated workers, we need more students going to and graduating from college, and these budget cuts are moving us in the wrong direction.â&#x20AC;?
West berkeley: Council to Hold Hearing About Land Use
11 am to 1 pm
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Letters may be sent via e-mail. Letters sent via U.S. mail should be typed and must include signature and daytime phone number. All letters are edited for space and clarity.
Yudof has â&#x20AC;&#x153;deepened UCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to transferâ&#x20AC;? by increasing the size of community college transfers each year for a total increase of 1,250 in transfer enrollment by 2011-12, according to UC spokesperson Ricardo Vazquez. However, the UC has been forced to reduce the number of incoming freshman by thousands of students, Vasquez said, while CSU enrollment has dropped by 30,000, according to Fallis. As both CSU and UC try to meet transfer enrollment targets and find room for ever-increasing freshman classes, they repeatedly run up against the limitations of shrinking state aid. Efficiently meeting enrollment targets is also challenging due to fluctuating state funding levels, leaving the universities to cope with a volatility in funding. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been on what you could describe as peaks and valleys, or a roller coaster,â&#x20AC;? said Fallis, describing how in recent years CSU started â&#x20AC;&#x153;cranking upâ&#x20AC;? enrollment after encouragement from
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Publish: 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/22/11
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 447182 The name of the business: KH Straps, street address 6509 Dana Street, Oakland, CA 94609, mailing address 6509 Dana Street, Oakland,
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higher Education: UC Increased Transfer Enrollment
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Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING/ SOUTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFQ #900826 for Security Guard Services, Thursday, February 03, 2011, 10:00 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Castro Valley Library, 3600 Norbridge Avenue, Canyon Room, Castro Valley, CA NETWORKING/NORTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCERFQ #900826 for Security Guard Services, Friday, February 04, 2011, 2:00 p.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; General Services Agency, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Room 1107, 11th Floor, Oakland, CA Responses Due by 2:00 pm on March 10, 2011 County Contact: Kai Moore (510) 208-4882 or via email: kai.moore@ Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at CNS-2031346# DAILY CALIFORNIAN Publish 1/31/11
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Monday, January 31, 2011
The Daily Californian
Off The Beat
Event Hikes Awareness, Funds for Detainees
by Victoria Pardini
In My Humble Opinion ... ake a moment to think of all the opinions you have. About gun control, fee increases, those people who take the elevator up only one level, how your professor isn’t letting you use laptops in class and everything in between. Now, choose the opinion about which you are most passionate. One you could defend the most fervently as steam shoots out your ears. Thought of something? Good. Consider what makes you so confident that you are right. Is it that you know a lot about the issue, or have a unique perspective? Maybe you have heard a convincing argument. Or maybe those on the other side haven’t been exposed to the concepts and insight you have encountered and prudently analyzed. And consider how the other side could be so wrong, and yet just as confident as you. Did they just connect the dots incorrectly? Perhaps they’re selfish or under bad counsel and corrupt influence. Maybe they mean well, but just aren’t getting it. Or, could it be that they are simply incompetent? In my two years with the Daily Cal news department, I have heard quite a few opinions. I have spoken to close friends of Oakland police officers who were shot and killed and then read the letter from community members that praised the shooter for defending himself “honorably.” I was there for every major budget cut protest this campus has seen since the original Sept. 24, 2009 walkout and have spoken to activists, union members and administration officials alike. And I can make a strong case for both sides of the ASUC aisle, regardless of the issue. When I was a fresh reporter, it was sometimes possible to sway me toward one side of a debate. I would hear an ardent argument and be so persuaded that I’d be certain there could be no reasonable rebuttal. I was always wrong. Despite all the passionate tirades I have encountered assuring me of how incompetent or misguided the other side is, in speaking to all sides I have rarely found that to be the case. That explanation is too simple. It’s one thing to have a strong argument supported with solid facts; it’s another to do so while understanding those on the other side and being able to explain how they got to their conclusion. This is not to say that incompetence does not exist. People don’t have unlimited time, and many make decisions that are not as informed as they could be. But simply claiming the other side is incompetent is inadequate. Why were they acting incompetently? ’m sure many of my readers would argue that George W. Bush is incompetent, or that Dick Cheney is evil. Perhaps they are. But if that’s the case, they must have been like that for a reason. Adding your voice to the chorus of those claiming incompetency or evilness is far less valuable than sharing a level-headed opinion that takes into account your opponent’s reasoning, interests and justifications. In 2002, Saddam Hussein made the wrong decision for his interests. How
while hiking near the Iran-Iraq border. Sarah Shourd — Bauer’s fiancee who was hiking with the men — was released from the prison in September after she found a lump in her left breast. Shourd said money from the auction will go towards paying for the translation of media and legal documents into Farsi, as well as towards other legal fees and transportation expenses, though she also stressed the event’s importance as far as mental and emotional support. “Every dollar that goes toward the campaign is crucial,” she said. “(And) real human sweat and love goes into it.” The silent auction featured artwork
from over 100 artists in a variety of mediums from photography to paintings to jewelry. Additionally, three of Bauer’s own photographs he took while in Sudan were featured in the auction. Along with the silent auction, six musical acts performed at the event and Shourd sang a few songs that she composed while in prison. “It’s an incredible outpouring of support and love,” Shourd said. “And it really just reminds me and the other family members, even people from Shane and Josh’s family who weren’t there ... that we’re not alone in this.” The event was co-organized by Sarah Hobstetter and Pauline Bartolone,
sports: Campus Seeks Fiscally Stable Proposals
as a streamlining of travel expenses to cut costs in their proposals. The 163 athletes whose teams are currently slated to be cut have the option of remaining on campus with their original athletic scholarships or transferring to other universities. So far, three baseball players have transferred from UC Berkeley for the spring semester, including pitcher Eric Jaffe, pitcher Joe Kurrasch and infielder Brett Bishop, who are now attending UCLA, Pennsylvania State University and Fresno City College, respectively. “I think our kids have been realistic, and I’ve asked them not to get caught up in false hope and to prepare ourselves for any scenario,” said head coach of Cal baseball David Esquer. “Many of (the athletes) have prepared for the future and are looking forward to representing the school and playing with their teams this year. We’re going to work hard and are feeling confident.”
Staff Writer
TOMER OVADIA could he not realize he would lose a war against the U.S. and its allies, and why didn’t he cooperate to show he had no WMDs? Was he incompetent? Well, a January 2008 CBS interview with his chief interrogator revealed that as a deterrent, Hussein wanted Iran to believe he had WMDs and that he didn’t think the US would launch a full-scale war. That was a miscalculation on his part. But in 2002, although many of us were opinionated on this important issue, how many of us came close to understanding his perspective? Consider your strongest opinions and spend some time trying to understand why someone disagrees. Does University of California President Mark Yudof not mean well for all of us? Are our California legislators simply mentally incapable of doing their jobs? Does your professor really just hate you? In any debate, each of us should try to contribute a unique perspective that adds to the conversation rather than reiterate the same overly-simplistic calculations anyone can make. Doing so requires that we understand the issue at hand, which in turn requires that we truly understand each other. This not only makes your argument stronger but also brings us closer to a solution. nder this same reasoning, I have encountered many passionate opinions espoused by those who admit to not understanding the issue. There is a stigma against not having an opinion, so we are inclined to argue for something — often the nearest seeminglylogical stance — and take the shortest route to a conclusion. To assist those trying to understand the other side, it is also important for us to be clear and precise about our own opinions and to be transparent about our certainty. You’re saying you don’t think Obama was born in the United States? OK, maybe you’re right. I wasn’t there when he was born, so I’m not 100 percent sure. But I find his birth certificate pretty convincing. If you weren’t there either, what do you have to contribute that makes you so confident? There are many issues in the world that we need to address, but none of us have time to formulate competent opinions for them all. We must rely on each other’s assessments. That is why we have discussions, why the president has advisers and why organizations endorse during elections. But we need to be able to trust that those contributing their thoughts are sincere and that we are listening to them closely so that we can make the best possible opinions.
Share your sincere opinion with Tomer at
Community Service Message by The Daily Californian:
Young families and more seasoned art enthusiasts gathered from around the Bay Area at San Francisco’s South of Market Arts, Resources, Technology and Services Cultural Center Saturday night as part of a silent auction fundraiser for two UC Berkeley alumni who remain detained in Iran. The event — held for alumni Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal — attracted over 450 supporters and is one of several recent efforts by the Free the Hikers organization, a group dedicated to raising awareness about the men. The two have been imprisoned in Iran since July 2009 when they were detained
from front
hope at this stage that we deserve the communication to move forward. This effort truly is an effort of the campus and passionate alumni. We forged our identities here.” According to Nickle, the campus originally requested that athletics supporters be required to raise $80 million to $120 million in order to sustain the teams in the future, though they currently have lowered the requirement to $25 million. The decision to cut the teams came after a report released earlier that month by the campus Academic Senate Task Force on Intercollegiate Athletics recommended the campus take action to reduce its financial support for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics to $5 million by 2014. These proposed cuts are in addition to the $2.4 million reduction Athletic Director Sandy Barbour made to the depart-
ment’s budget last spring. According to campus spokesperson Dan Mogulof, discussions about team reinstatement efforts have been occurring over the past four months, and the campus has asked for economically stable proposals that address both long- and short-term solutions to reinstate the teams. He said it is unclear whether there will be proposals from several groups or one joint proposal. “The last thing we want is a shortterm solution that would subject athletes to ongoing uncertainty about the funding of the program,” he said. “Jan. 31 is the date when there will be a reality check. We’ll continue the engagement by sitting down and seeing where they are and judging whether they’re close or if they’ve come up short.” In addition to the $25 million that they have been asked to raise, supporters of the teams’ reinstatement are suggesting a reduction in the number of scholarships offered to athletes as well
A new environmental document addressing impacts of the California Memorial Stadium Seismic Corrections and West Program Improvements project is available on the web for review and comment. See A public hearing will take place Thursday evening February 24th; all comments must be received by 5:00 pm Monday, March 14, 2011 and can be emailed to See the website for additional information or contact Jennifer at (510) 642-7720.
>> Hikers: Page 5
Alisha Azevedo and Katie Nelson cover academics and administration. Contact them at
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Pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet Delivers Dynamic Performance of Franz Liszt’s Work at Zellerbach Hall by Cynthia Kang Staff Writer
Cynthia Kang is the lead music critic. Contact her at SIMONE ANNE LANG/STAFF
the daily Californian
here is an ill-founded stereotype that classical music is for the old and retired, carrying a sort of maturity that young whippersnappers have no patience for. As Zellerbach Hall filled with snowy-haired, canetotting seniors, all eager to witness Jean-Yves Thibaudet in action, the misconception resurfaced. But as the dapper, Vivienne Westwood-clad pianist took the stage, he brought along an expressive elegance. Working with Liszt’s most complex compositions, Thibaudet transformed from just another guy clanging away on a piano to the classical genre’s equivalent of a rock star. When asked to throw out names of classical composers, the First Viennese School — Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart — inevitably comes to mind. So it’s no wonder why Thibaudet describes Liszt as underrated. But this prolific composer was a trendsetter in his time. It was Liszt who ardently supported “programme music,” music that had a thematic and narrative element, and it was Liszt who was able to convey such vivid imagery through mere notes. In honor of the 200th anniversary of Liszt’s birth, Thibaudet ran through a varied repertoire of his works that showed the different personalities of the Hungarian maestro, from “Consolations” to his transcriptions. Expressing a deep admiration for the virtuosic pianist, Thibaudet not only gave flawless renditions but also inserted his own embellishments, creating yet another layer to the already complex pieces. Thibaudet’s immense comfort with mastering intricate sheet music stems from a lifetime acquaintance with the piano. Launching his career at the mere age of seven with his first performance, the Grammy-nominated pianist has now released over 40 albums, toured with the world’s leading orchestras and
graced the “Pride and Prejudice” and “Atonement” soundtracks. Perhaps what makes his pianoplaying such an intense aural experience is Thibaudet’s incredible display of dynamics. In “Consolation No. 3 in D Flat Major,” he played with a flowing gentleness. This subtlety was sharply contrasted with the harsh urgency of “Tarantella,” whose thundering notes spanned across the entire keyboard. The adroitness expressed through these dramatic changes was how he made the pieces his own creations, adding spirit to what would have otherwise been a placid performance. It’s a common assumption that a piano concert’s selling point is its music . Maybe that’s why so many people had their eyes closed when listening to Thibaudet. But when put under the spotlight, pianists are actors too. Something about performing on a minimalist stage must have brought out the theatricality in Thibaudet. He knew his capabilities and had no inhibitions with flaunting them off. During his many embellishments, his fingers flew across the keys so quickly that they became rapid blurs. For the more calming selections, Thibaudet lengthened the legatos and hunched over the piano, swaying so extremely that his nose nearly grazed the keyboard. On the other side of the spectrum, Thibaudet showcased his vigor with his exagerrated movements. During the last few bars of “Tarantella,” he pounded the keys so hard that his body practically levitated off the seat. Classical music lives up to its stereotype in that it’s not for everyone. But witnessing the ardent fervor flourishing under the bright lights turns the piano from a commonplace instrument to an artistic vessel worthy of appreciation. Working with the poetic pieces of Liszt, Thibaudet’s performance was both a celebration of Liszt’s accomplishments and an exhibit of his own.
book review
ACT Production of Bruce Norris’ ‘Clybourne Park’ Puts New Spin on Timeless Classic
by Hannah Jewell Senior Staff Writer
nfortunately, I do not get to write about the American Conservatory Theater’s production of Bruce Norris’ “Clybourne Park” in any mean, nasty and therefore fun way. And it would have been so easy, too. With a few carefully chosen words, I could scare away the masses of theatergoers (hordes, really) whose theatrical evenings depend on the opinions of the Daily Californian. For instance, I could offer up some misleading taglines to describe the play’s premise. How about: “A Raisin in the Sun II: The Comedy!” or “Two hours of unadulterated uncomfortableness!” But alas, I cannot mislead you. Because although Norris’ work is indeed a new take on the themes of Lorraine Hansberry’s untouchable “A Raisin in the Sun,” dealing unabashedly with the ever-touchy subject of race relations and even sporting some toe-curling racist jokes — despite all these things, or perhaps because of them, this is a wonderful, wonderful show. What Norris has mastered — and what the cast, under Jonathan Moscone’s direc-
tion, has executed with the precision of a group of surgeons cutting through a human brain — is the art of uncomfortableness. Of creating a scene that is so awkward, so cringe-worthy, that it seems it could not possibly get any worse, when, all of a sudden, it does. The play begins in the 1959 living room of Russ and Bev Stoller, played by Anthony Fusco and Rene Augesen. They are packing up their Chicago home to move to a suburb outside the city and away from the painful memories of their son’s death. A neighbor comes to warn them that their real estate agent has chosen (the horror!) an African American family to buy their home. Cue an awful yet hilarious scene showcasing the delicate yet clumsy dance of white people in the ’50s trying to talk about race while maintaining a facade of civility. In the next act, the scene has jumped forward 50 years to 2009, where a white couple has been petitioned by the now African-American community of Clybourne Park to halt the demolition and reconstruction of the same home. Although the costumes and the hair show the passing of 50 years’ time, not much has changed in terms of peoples’ inability to talk about race.
The precision of the cast is remarkable. At the slightest pitch from Norris’ script — a simple “yeah” or a nervous laugh — the stage transforms with the cast’s tiny reactions in a moment of irresistible synchronization. The physicality of Richard Thieriot as Karl, the “concerned neighbor” (racist), provides the stage with a supercharged discomfort, as he wipes his brow and adjusts his glasses with every “um” and “er.” Rene Augesen, playing Bev the 1950s housewife, creates a character that is maddeningly difficult to pin down with any sort of satisfying moral judgement. The viewer is torn between wanting to slap her across the face in one moment and give her a deep, lingering hug in the next. Every character is ultimately impossible to love or hate — no one is always the bad or the good guy, and everyone is dependent on everyone else. The unbearable wife is also the heartbroken mother, the pushy lawyer also the offended minority. The point, then, is the same as that of the play as a whole — people, like books, can’t be judged by their covers. Hannah Jewell is the lead theater critic. Contact her at
arth Vader is a zombie. Think about it. He carries all the requisite features: the blind hatred of all those around him, the soulless disposition which allows him to carelessly destroy human (and alien) life, and of course, the pale, pustule-filled skin. Now, although Darth Vader may not seem like the most accurate zombie candidate, this comparison could not be more adroit for Patton Oswalt. In his debut novel, “Zombie Spaceship Wasteland,” the stand-up comedian and KFC Famous Bowl-hating enthusiast exercises both humor and poignancy on his early comedy days and the adolescent influences that drove him there. Beginning in the 1980s, as a “suburban feudal subject” in Sterling, Virginia, Oswalt’s book throws you into his world as an employee at the local cineplex with equal parts absurdity, fascination, and regret. For him, it was a transformative experience where popcorn was buttered, assistant managers smelled of “corpse fart” and terrible movies graced the silver screen. An idyllic life to be sure. Framed by the lyrics of R.E.M.’s Fables of the Reconstruction, the teenage tale of small-town shenanigans and southern life culminates at the moment when Oswalt’s cultural awakening took place – in an underground theater, listening to Michael Stipe as “Adventures in Babysitting” played in the background. Like the opening essay, Oswalt’s book contains a manic combination of references which serve to match the equally crazed mind that wrote it. It’s a memoir-comedy hybrid that stretches the gamut of genres from childhood whimsy to vampire comics to an epic poem about his childhood D&D character, Ulvaak. As Oswalt’s fantasy warrior, Ulvaak can “wade through blood and gore/claim a treasure” and “bed a whore.” He’s a jack of all trades and more to the point, so is his creator. Not only is Oswalt able to pen a poem which reads like the mental melding of Jonathan Swift and Gary Gygax, but he is also able to transcend these literary styles without hesitation. One moment we’re given a dazzling set of faux greeting cards and the next, we are introduced to the bygone era of hobo songs (my favorite being “Squirrel House
>> zombie: Page 5
The Daily Californian
Monday, January 31, 2011
zombie: Famed Comedian Dissects Pop Culture from PAGE 4
Christmas”). The seemingly random collection can be initially jarring, but ultimately rewarding due to its rich sense of creative flair and acerbic observation. Oswalt, after all, is a comedian and observation is what he does best. Like his fellow Gen X-er Chuck Klosterman, Oswalt critiques and analyzes the culture he lives in with — one made up of three subgroups: zombies (those who simplify), spaceships (those who leave) and wastelands (those who destroy). It’s an incisive and personal dissection of the world he grew up in where the zombies, spaceships and wastelands of the films “Star Wars” and “The Road Warrior” became inextricably linked to the people who watched them – the fans. More than just for fans, it’s a book for the nerds and the geeks – the products of Oswalt’s generation – who experience their lives through an intimate connection with pop culture. In fact, the progress of Oswalt’s comedy career – recounted in the thoroughly riveting “A History of America from 1988 to 1996”– can be tied to the rise of the nerd, from
fringe loner to mainstream winner proving only one thing: This is the age of Oswalt. It is an era where, now that everything is available at one’s fingertips, the exclusivity of an album like Fables of the Reconstruction becomes moot once it’s available on iTunes. For Oswalt, this broadened accessibility is exciting and often humorous, but also somewhat troubling. In the YouTube generation, this immediacy to music videos, films, and internet memes can produce a certain type of attention deficiency. Look to the end of Oswalt’s chapters where he lists the items which distracted him during his own writing process. It’s perhaps a trivial detail, but one which captures the wry, imaginative and frequently honest scribblings of this possibly mad man to a tee. More than just lists of Wikipedia articles and Google searches, they are, like Oswalt’s book, an account of the specific references and cultural connections which have affixed themselves as much to our identities as Darth Vader’s helmet has to his pasty head. Jessica Pena is the lead literature critic. Contact her at
George Clinton Brings In ‘Da Noise, ‘Da Funk to Yoshi’s
summer dunsmore/staff
Daniel McCormick integrates art and natural life at his exhibit ‘Methods and Materials: Ecological Art in Practice’ on Allston Way.
Eco-Friendly Artist Breaks the Mold by Soumya Karlamangla Staff Writer
While many artists are looking to make their mark, eco-artist Daniel McCormick tries to do just the opposite. The Bay Area artist, who holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental design from UC Berkeley, installs sculptures in eroded gullies and riverbanks to restore damaged ecosystems, hoping that after a few years, every trace of his craft will disappear. “I like to do the work and see it work,” he said. “I don’t need a monument.” For the past 25 years, McCormick, 60, has been blending aesthetic beauty and functionality to create these ephemeral pieces that filter dirty water to heal rivers and creeks. With support from public organizations like the U.S. National Park Service, he has woven these basket forms throughout sites in Northern California, including Berkeley and Oakland. And as his body of work grows, so does his reputation — not just as an artist, but as a pioneer of eco-friendly art. A handful of his pieces, which resemble large, elongated birds’ nests that are made to fit each creek individually, were on display Thursday at the David Brower Center, a nonprofit in Downtown Berkeley that aims to inspire environmental and social action. “He’s one of the preeminent eco-artists, and what we love about this work is that ... he’s using these forms for watershed and creek restoration,” said Amy Tobin, executive director of the center. “This work that’s really lovely to look at and then has this utilitarian purpose is really perfect.” Since his elegant structures are in-
tended to interact with nature and work best outside the gallery, the show, Methods and Materials: Ecological Art in Practice focused on the building blocks of his pieces. However, a list of his materials — willow branches, dogwood cuttings, sycamore and oak roots, burlap, recycled coconut fibers — sounds little like a typical artist’s palette. But McCormick is not a typical artist. Using riparian materials, which originate around or near the banks of a river, allows his work to biodegrade and become integrated into the local ecology, he said. “This idea moves away from an anthropocentric view of nature,” he said. “Nature is not a resource anymore; we need to think of it as a partner.” McCormick’s work — which he calls watershed sculptures — could easily be considered a part of the Earthworks genre, a movement in which artists carve into the earth. However, McCormick said he was inspired by the political and social climate of the 1970s and watching the federal government try to save a scarred environment with the foundation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Water Act of 1977 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. “Growing up in the Bay Area, I felt some kind of responsibility,” he said. “I began to look at ecology and art and design and landscape and just kind of figured out how to do it.” Through his relationship with the National Park Service, McCormick collaborates with hydrologists to choose the correct locations for his sculptures to take root. Usually, the sites are grounds for steelhead trout and coho salmon. He attempts to restore
the quality of watersheds, areas of land where all the water has been drained. “Every state I’ve worked in, there are big water issues,” he said. “We’ve paved too much, and everybody knows it.” The increased urbanization that encroaches upon once-rural land pushes more water into the creeks, overflowing and eroding the banks, thereby polluting the water, he said. His sculptures act as silt traps, filtering the water, which prevents sediment from suffocating fish eggs. “We all live on a watershed. Think of your citizenship as a ‘watership:’ as an ecological boundary and not as a political boundary,” he said. “If we have a healthy watershed ... it makes for the issue of water as a commodity to be less contentious because you have water.” The idea of establishing a symbiotic relationship with nature — being a part of it without harming it — is slowly gaining momentum, according to McCormick. “There’s definitely a paradigm shift, and it’s very evident,” he said. “I just play my role as an artist.” And he’s been playing his part successfully — over the years, McCormick has effected change, relying on the interplay of nature’s processes and his own innovative works. “Growing up, I was always told that we have great natural resources in this country, but we don’t anymore — they’re damaged,” he said. “We need to partner with and have a relationship with it, so it can serve us too as we serve it.” Soumya Karlamangla is the lead environment reporter. Contact her at
by Nick Moore
Senior Staff Writer George Clinton seems different these days. His look, no longer flamboyantly funky with his erstwhile rainbow dreads and white beard, is more like that of an aging gangsta rapper. His voice, once a soulful, baby-making baritone, now sounds like a metal rake dragging across concrete. Not to mention, George Clinton now plays Yoshi’s. The San Francisco incarnation of Oakland’s venerable jazz club has made an effort to host acts appealing to a more youthful, top-40-aware audience. In recent months, hip-hop acts Del Tha Funkee Homosapien and Public Enemy have performed, and Mos Def will take the stage for four nights in February. 69-year-old Clinton seems like a more logical choice for Yoshi’s, in that he’s one of those rare artists with as many fans in high school as in retirement. The latter demographic is generally better-represented at Yoshi’s, but thanks to a large, improvised dance floor, it’s not an altogether terrible venue for a famously funky — in every possible sense of the word — group of musicians (though it’s hardly ideal). You’re probably familiar with the legend of George Clinton — his outlandish, larger-than-life tours, his alleged (and impressive) drug habit, his influence on West Cost hip-hop, his crazed funk genius, and his being pretty much the embodiment of what my generation thinks was cool and liberated about the ‘70s. While an invitation to play Yoshi’s acknowledges Parliament-Funkadelic’s newfound recognition as high art, the band would appear interested only in the first part of that phrase. A P-Funk show is, for better or worse, as much a spectacle as a concert, complete with blunt-passing, striptease-ing, and belly dancing. At times there were as many as 15 performers on the cramped stage. With all those sources of sound, clarity
is hardly the band’s strong suit (nor is lucidity, for that matter). The classic P-Funk songs, however, call less for precision than a preternaturally funky bassline and a jubilant chorus. “Flash Light,” from Parliament’s 1977 album Funkentelechy vs. the Placebo Syndrome, employs this formula to hip-shaking success. Lacking a definitive verse/chorus structure, it exemplifies the sort of repetitively pleasurable jams for which P-Funk is known, among other things. Inhabiting a large chunk of the relatively short show, the “Flash Light” sequence reminded the audience that funk is largely a euphemism for another four-letter F-word. While the music itself evokes the undulations of two bodies in amorous sync, P-Funk made sure we got the point. Sir Nose D’Voidoffunk, a recurring villain from Parliament’s late-’70s albums, appeared onstage in the abdominally-gifted flesh to taunt the band and stimulate the audience with a variety of bodily maneuvers, culminating in a bout of simulated sex with a curvaceous backup singer. George Clinton might look different these days, but some things don’t change — namely his and his band’s apparent mentality that taking a date to a P-Funk show should result in some damn good sex, regardless of the venue. Admittedly, giving up the funk at a place like Yoshi’s is a little bit weird. But looking out at an audience in part perched at cocktail tables didn’t seem to bother George Clinton (though it’s debatable whether he consistently knew exactly where he was). While not a particularly good venue for a display of such unadulterated funk, Yoshi’s at least seems to have taken to heart a line Dr. Funkenstein himself shouted throughout the night: “Free your mind … and your ass will follow.” Nick is abdominally-gifted. Ask him about it at
hikers: Community Supports Detainees Through Art from Page 3 two of Bauer’s friends. Hobstetter said that Bauer, a photojournalist, hoped to change people’s understandings of the world — a hope that inspired the idea for the art auction. Though there have been about four events in the past four months — including a short film about the hikers’ detainment — Shourd said the auction was the largest event in the East Bay dedicated to spreading awareness about the hikers. A benefit concert will be held at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco Feb. 10.
Fadwa Musleh, a resident of Santa Clara, met Shourd at another event for the hikers and said she was touched by the cause. “The world is becoming a smaller place, and we’re all eventually going to be affected,” she said. “And it does start at the grass roots, with the common folk, to make the change.” Zohreh, a visiting scholar from Iran studying at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, who was not willing to give her last name for fear of retribution, said she has a friend who was in prison with Shourd. She added that most
student regents: Position-Holders Given ‘Full Respect’ from front made yet, no votes have been cast to accept the cuts, so just to preface this whole discussion we’re talking about if the governor’s budget is accepted. Obviously, $500 million would be an incredible challenge to the university. $80 million would come from this campus alone ... I still think that the university is a great place, and I don’t want to seem like a cheerleader or Pollyannaish, but I really think that in these crisis moments we can become stronger. DC: Given California’s voter attitudes towards higher education and this June’s special election with the tax extension, is there concern, even preparation, for the fact that the cut may actually be larger than $500 million? AM: There’s definitely concern. And I’d say it’s more than concern. It’s like incredible fear that the cut will be larger. I don’t think we’re that far along yet. It’d be easier to be able to plan for a year or five years, but the way the California state government works, we kind of have to go one day at a time to
see where we’re at. DC: I was wondering if you could talk about being a student regent? Do you feel like a full member of the board as adequately considered as a 12-year member? AM: I was worried it would be like a token position. And sometimes you feel like, especially as a designate, you feel like the lowest person on the totem pole. But I think that happens in any organization, and it’s not like they’re going to pass something and they’re going to be like, ‘Oh, what does the new guy think about this?’ That’s just not how it works in most organizations. But I do say, and I mean this with all sincerity because of the history of the position and really progressive and great policies that have been passed by previous student regents, the gubernatorial appointee student regents know that student regents come and do good work and do their homework and you know can really effect change ... I think you can be effective. I don’t think it’s a token position. I think you
Iranians believe the hikers are innocent. “I really wanted to come,” she said. “I wanted to tell them, I’m with you, and I really want to help if I can do a little bit, for the guys.” Regarding the case, Shourd said that the families of both men hope the issue will soon be resolved and the men will be released on humanitarian grounds, as she was. “We’re in regular contact with our lawyer,” she said. “He remains optimistic that we’re getting close to resolution and that Shane and Josh will be found innocent.” Victoria Pardini covers Berkeley communities. Contact her at
have to work to gain the respect, but if you show that you’re diligent, a lot of people will give you the credit the position deserves. Jesse Cheng: He’s a graduate student, and he’s spent time in Sacramento. Alfredo comes into this position with a lot more experience, frankly, in the policy world, than I do. I come from the more activist, organizer, occupy everything framework. That’s the community I was trained by. I absolutely agree that regents treat you with full respect, like a 12-year regent. That’s largely based upon the savvy and the skill of previous student regents. D’Artagnan, Jesse Bernahl, Ben Allen, Maria Ledesma were very good at establishing themselves as full regents. It wasn’t always like that. There were times when we were spit on, like way back when, 35 years back. But we’ve established ourselves as credible regents. Read the full interview online at Jordan Bach-Lombardo and Aaida Samad cover higher education. Contact them at
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Daily Californian SPORTS
Vosters’ Scoring Helps Bears Coast to Undefeated Weekend at Spartan Invite by Samuel Farahmand Staff Writer
Coming out of this weekend’s Spartan Invitational at San Jose State, the Cal women’s water polo team held onto w. polo its perfect season Cal 13 record. Very much alive UC Davis 5 after the onslaught of four matches in two days, the No. 3 Bears (7-0) were led by sophomore Breda Vosters’ 14 goals en route to a weekend of victory. While there was no tournament champion determined, the relevance of early wins
was not lost upon the squad. “These are more like confidence builders, but they’re still games for us to really work on the things we’re going to apply in the harder games,” Vosters said. “Being able to master them in these ones will help us that much more, against Stanford, or a team like that.” The first wave came at 10 a.m., on Saturday, when Cal took on Cal State Monterey Bay for an invitational-christening 18-1 victory. Vosters paced the team with five scores, while sophomore Remington Price kept in her wake with three goals. In an equally impressive display of defense, sophomore goalie Lindsay
sports in Brief Rackov Named National Player of the Year It’s one thing to lead your team in scoring. It’s another to lead it in that, plus two other categories. That’s what junior Ivan Rackov did for the Cal men’s water polo team this past fall, an astounding performance that earned him National Player of the Year honors from the Association of Collegiate Water Polo Coaches on Saturday. Rackov led the MPSF conference in scoring with 79 goals, and the Bears with 82 assists and 70 steals. The driver
headlined a group that took the program back to the NCAA Championship, where the Bears lost to USC in overtime, 12-10. The announcement signaled the 15th Player of the Year award for Cal, which leads the nation with 13 national championships. Current coach Kirk Everist won NCAA Player of the Year in 1988. The Peter J. Cutino Award, the most prestigious in the sport after being established for men in 2000, will be awarded in June. Also nominated for the Cutino are USC’s Joel Dennerley, who was named MPSF Player of the Year, and Pacific’s Goran Tomasevic.
Dorst had five saves in two quarters of work, with freshman Kristen Stern adding three more. The pair has been sharing playtime at the goalie position in the absence of junior Stephanie Peckham, with effective results. They kept the Otters scoreless for the first three periods. The second match was against No. 19 Pacific. One of the season’s closer matches, the Bears beat the Tigers, 12-6, after jumping out to a 5-0 lead in the first period and keeping ahead at halftime with a 9-2 margin. It was the only match of the weekend in which Cal had fewer saves than its opponent. Wave number three made for an early Sunday win over Santa Clara. Cal
defeated the Broncos, 11-2, having built up their usual lead with a 6-1 margin at halftime. The squad has yet to play a game this season where they haven’t led going into halftime. Sophomore Dana Ochsner paced the team with three goals and Vosters went for two. Dorst recorded seven saves in the game and Stern added another one. In their final match of the weekend, the Bears beat No. 16 UC Davis, 13-5, in a game that had two parts nail-biting and two parts utter domination. Leading into halftime with the season’s smallest margin of 5-3, Cal came back with a fury of plays and a flurry of goals, going 3-1 in the third period and 5-1 in
the fourth. Vosters finished her weekend scoring the same number of goals as the opposing team’s five in total, while Ochsner swam in her wake for two scores. Dorst tallied a season-high 11 saves and cemented the victory. “Our team is really starting to step it up and prove ourselves as a contender,” Vosters said. “We’re definitely prepared, and as long as we keep it together like we did (this weekend), then we’ll do really well.”
Cal’s only Cutino winner was John Mann in 2007. Senior two-meter set Zach White was named first-team All-American, while Brian Dudley and Cory Nasoff made the third team. Charlie Steffens and Luka Saponjic received honorable mentions. —Jack Wang
UCLA. On Friday, the Bears opened the weekend with a resounding upset of the Trojans, 182-118. Junior Liv Jensen led the way with wins in four events. The Tucson, Ariz., native took the 50-yard free, which she won in the NCAA Championships last year, as part of Cal’s top-four sweep. She also took the 100 free and was a part of the winning 400 medley and 200 free relays. A day later, the Bears downed the Bruins, 168.5-131.5. This time, it was sophomore Caitlin Leverenz who keyed the effort with a victorious quartet of her own. Leverenz swam the backstroke leg of the 400 medley relay. For individual events, she took the 200 butterfly,
400 breastroke, and 400 individual medley. Cal will host Stanford on Sunday in its final dual meet of the season. —Jack Wang
Bears Top Pair of Pac-10 Rivals at Spieker Complex After competing away from Berkeley the entire spring, the No. 4 Cal women’s swimming team finally hosted a pair of meets at Spieker Aquatics Complex. They didn’t waste the opportunity, blowing out both No. 3 USC and No. 21
Samuel Farahmand covers women’s water polo. Contact him at
Cal Wins First Gym Meet Of the Season at Home It finally happened. The Cal women’s gymnastics team scored its first win of the season. After coming up short in three competitions this spring, the Bears defeated Alaska-Anchorage with a clean sweep. Cal bested the Seawolves, 191.850188.425.15, in part due to Madilyn O’Brien’s top all-around finish. —Jack Wang
SPORTS The Daily Californian
Monday, January 31, 2011
M. TENNIS: Bears Tumble Track And Field
After Win Over Auburn from Back
Underclassmen Anchor Big Weekend for Cal Up North
off Tim Puetz in second-set tiebreaker, 6-3, 7-6(7-5), clinching a Bears victory. Cal advanced the next day to the second round against Texas Tech, which a second behind Jarvis. defeated LSU earlier on Saturday. Jarvisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; main goal this season is to The Bears continued to prove the run a 7:57. While the automatic qualiMankl]Zr% FZr ,% +))0 DUMMY Ma^ =Zber <Zeb_hkgbZg need for tune-ups on the doubles fier for the NCAA Championships is teams on Sunday. The Red Raiders 7:54, he said the trend for the last few rapidly gained the doubles point on years has been accepting times of 7:57. the first two courts as first Zerbini and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jarvis struggled a little bit last freshman Ben McLachlan and then season but heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coming into his own,â&#x20AC;? Andrews and Konigsfeldt fell to their coach Tony Sandoval said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;(He) is a by Byron Atashian opponents. pretty talented kid, he was a state runStaff Writer ner up coming out of high school.â&#x20AC;? After that Cal never got the opporSuleman let his old personal record tunity to turn the tide. Surprisingly, the strongest efforts on Despite senior Bozhidar Katsarov the Cal track and field team came not of 50-2.50 stand for only a week before garnering a well-fought 7-6, 6-1, win from veterans, but from a pair of un- shattering it by over a foot on Saturday with a jump of 51-5.75. against Texas Techâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Raphael Pfister derclassmen. They did it in style, too. Last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s personal record at the Freshman Collin Jarvis and sophoon court No. 6, three Bears on the top Shannon hamilton/staff three courts fell in rapid succession to more Hammed Suleman pulverized Cherry and Silver Invitational made their personal records to win their him the first Cal triple jumper to surthe Red Raiders. Danny Barrett scored a try in the 73rd minute of Calâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s win over Stanford on Saturday. pass 50 feet since 2004. Konigsfeldt lost to Texas Techâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s events at the University of Washington The junior from Pacifica, Calif. was one of eight Bears to score a try on the afternoon. Suleman didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t settle for just the triRaony Carvalho, Zerbini was bested Invitational. ple jump title on Saturday, though. He Jarvis took the title in the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s by No. 20 Gonzalo Escobar and then went on to match last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s career insophomore Carlos Cueto proved un- 3000m and Suleman captured first door best with a 24-6.25 mark, enough place in the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s triple jump. Suleable to overpower Rafael Garcia. With from back man also tied his personal record in the to add another title under his belt. three-time All-American at Cal, was the final score decided, play stopped â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have a lot of expectations for Sulelong jump for a second event title at the not let down in the second half. As the half, and senior flyhalf James Bailes on the remaining two courts. man this season, he struggled last year Dempsey Indoor Facility in Seattle. match wore on, he felt his team kept up made four conversions. Most of Sundayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s losses were relaJarvis shattered his personal re- as a freshman but now heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coming into The Cardinalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best opportunity to get with the Bearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; pace better, which was tively close calls after four straight-set cord by nearly 15 seconds, breaking his own as well,â&#x20AC;? Sandoval said. on the board came on a penalty kick in his objective going into the game. Suleman also has some high school the eight-minute mark with a time of â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were able to gain more continu- wins on Saturday. the 27th minute, which scrumhalf Dan accolades. He won the 2009 California Along with a second-place finish in 7:59.85. ity and attack so we had some possesIbarra missed from the 25-meter line. the tournament, Cal also failed to earn â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exactly how I envisioned my first state championship in the long jump With replacement parts, however, sion, and they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have all the possesone of 15 berths in the ITA National meet; it went how I wanted it to go,â&#x20AC;? with a distance of 25-2.25. Calâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s well-oiled machine sputtered in sion,â&#x20AC;? Sherman said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were able to That mark is higher than any in his the second half. The Bears were rou- be more organized on defense, and put Indoor Team Championships, held in Jarvis said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m working off of what I college career, indicating that he can Seattle from Feb. 18-21. did in cross country, it translates pretty tinely called for infractions and penal- more pressure on them.â&#x20AC;? still build on what heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done so far. Fortunately for Bears, they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t well for the 3000.â&#x20AC;? ties, but Stanford was unable to convert â&#x20AC;&#x153;For a lot of people that were watchSenior Alison Greggor ran a perACROSS He was only tenths of a second away on theBawled final out those chances into points. Still, the Car- ing, there was a lot of standstill time, have much time to dwell 10. sonal record in the 3000m, too, finfrom breaking the freshman record in 1. second Word with or 9, whip loss. eye On Feb. Hellman Tennis Comdinal held Cal to half the number of tries a lot of back-and-forth (in the 11. Western Indian third E T C ishing U S inAthe event.AHerDtime A of R it logged in the first half. will play host to Utah 12. for Calâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first the event for the Bears. 5. Type boat half),â&#x20AC;? Cal junior Danny Barrett said. of plex Sign 9:26.58 is 10 seconds better than her â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have a couple moreSshots at it, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Although we kept the scoreboard home dual match of the season. And on C O O P S O S O B E L A â&#x20AC;&#x153;We usually donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see that this early in #1 MEDIUM 2 10. Store Painto Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m very certain Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be able to do # it,â&#x20AC;? he old record. turning over in the second half, I think the season. It just shows that in the next Feb. 12, the Bears will pay13. homage only 14. Dog in â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Thin Manâ&#x20AC;? T H E S O The U N DCalOathlete F MtoUrunSa faster I C said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hopefully the next time I run in 21. Bristlelike fiber our play kind of went to hell,â&#x20AC;? coach Jack couple of years, the rivalry will just keep the Cal-Stanford rivalry with another time since 1997 is her teammate Deboa meet Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll break it.â&#x20AC;? Clark said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t very happy with our getting better and better.â&#x20AC;? 15. Boys! names R P O S T ErahRMaier.A F F I N I T Y 23. Measure a suithome match against the Cardinal. Second and third-place finishers execution and our continuity in the sec-
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RUGBY: Cardinal Competitive in the Second Half
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3 7 #4680 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer to Previous Puzzle 6 3 8
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Jarvis, Suleman Have Biggest Weekends of Young Careers in Strong Display at Washington.
53. 54. 55. 56.
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7 2 9 4 1 5
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7 6 5 9 24 Jul 05
46. Skimpy garment
Berkeley, California
Monday, January 31, 2011
Track attack Suleman, Jarvis compile strong weekends at UW Invitational in Seattle. See page 7
Bears Fly Ahead Early, Duck Oregon’s Rally by Ed Yevelev Senior Staff Writer
Emma lantos/Senior staff
Bak Bak gave Cal valuable contributions off the bench on Saturday afternoon, chipping in with five rebounds and three points in 15 minutes of play against the Ducks at Haas.
When reserve guard Jeff Powers connected from deep, it looked like another rout was on. Just two days after throttling OrFootball egon State, the Cal 77 basketball team Oregon appeared well on Cal 85 its way to a second straight blow-out victory at Haas Pavilion. Instead, the Bears had to survive an 85-77 dog fight against a gritty Oregon club. Few thought Cal (11-9, 5-4 in the Pac10) would have to break a sweat late, as it could do no wrong in the early going. Powers’ triple from straight away, the second basket of the freshman’s career, gave the Bears a commanding 29-11 advantage with 11:51 remaining. Markhuri Sanders-Frison poured in a career-high 18 points to pace Cal, including eight in the first eight minutes. While Dana Altman’s Ducks waddled out of the gate, the Bears came out shooting 67 percent and hit four of their first five attempts from beyond the arc. The team’s sizzling start would not last, however. At the halftime horn, Cal’s 18-point lead had been trimmed to 47-35. “I can’t explain it,” Bears’ coach Mike Montgomery said. “We really sliced and diced early, we made plays. The thing that scared me was (Oregon’s) activity. They play a lot of guys with quick hands. They’re really playing hard, Dana’s done a real nice job. They’re drinking the Kool-Aid of what he’s selling.” With Sanders-Frison’s second foul sending him to the bench and Oregon (10-11, 3-6) cranking up its full-court press, Cal got sloppy. The Bears missed seven free throws in the opening 20 minutes, and committed 10 of their
11 first-half turnovers after SandersFrison’s exit at the 10:41 mark. Allen Crabbe was particularly frustrated — though he chipped in 18 points and seven rebounds, the freshman guard had four of the team’s first half giveaways. “We knew they were a scrappy team,” Crabbe said. “We knew that they like to pressure. I know on my part that I didn’t know what I was doing in the first half. I kind of took myself out of the game because I kept making mistakes and being hard on myself.” Forward Joevan Catron was a force inside all game long for the Ducks, posting a game-high 22 points and bring down eight rebounds. Oregon also got strong performances from center Tyrone Nared (14 points and 10 rebounds) and junior guard Malcolm Armstead (16 on 7-of-9 shooting). Nared’s 3-pointer brought his squad to within 73-70 with 3:46 left to play, but outside shooting would otherwise be the Ducks’ Achilles’ heel all afternoon long. Oregon finished just 8-of26 from beyond the arc, and missed a number of 3-pointers that would have tied the game in the second half. Meanwhile, Cal made the crucial plays down the stretch to come away with a victory. No one came up bigger than Jorge Gutierrez, who scored 17 points and dished out five assists. The junior guard drilled a left corner 3-pointer to put the Bears up, 71-65 with 4:48 to go. Gutierrez later clinched the game when he split two defenders, jump-stopped at the free throw line and fed a cutting Crabbe, whose lay-in gave Cal a 77-72 advantage at the 1:29 mark. “Jorge’s play was big for us,” Crabbe said. “He knocked down a big three. Jorge is a leader. He’s going to do everything that you want him to do. He came through for us big in the end.” Ed Yevelev covers men’s basketball. Contact him at
Stout Second Half Helps Bears Hunt Down Ducks by Jonathan Kuperberg Staff Writer
Cal women’s basketball coach Joanne Boyle told her team at halftime on Saturday not to leave any of Oregon’s shootw. hoops ers open. They had caught fire Cal 81 in the first period Oregon 65 and were leading the Bears by two points. The defensive adjustments worked. The Ducks didn’t make any 3-pointers in the second half and Cal came back to defeat Oregon, 81-65, at Matthew Knight Arena in Eugene, Ore. After shooting 7-for-14 from 3-point range in the first half, the Ducks missed all 11 of their attempts in the second half. “That was the difference maker,” sophomore guard Layshia Clarendon said of the 3-point disparity. “We just really held them. We shut down their 3-point game. They are really either transition or 3-point, so we really tightened up on the shooters.” Oregon’s junior forward Amanda Johnson scored her squad’s first 11 points in the game. She tallied 18 total in the first half, including four 3-pointers, but was held to just eight points and made no threes in the second half. “We emphasized that not one of their shooters could be open,” Boyle said. “We would give them the drive to the basket, but we weren’t going to give them an open three. I thought the kids did a nice adjustment, coming out and buying into that game plan.” The Ducks may have rented the 3-point line for the first half, but the Bears (13-7, 5-4 in the Pac-10) owned the glass the entire game. Cal outrebounded Oregon, 43 to 29, and grabbed 21 offensive rebounds.
Center Talia Caldwell was especially dominant on the offensive glass. The sophomore pulled down eight rebounds on the offensive end — 11 in all — to go with 17 points and a team-high five assists. “Defensively and offensive rebounding, on both ends of the floor, I think she was just a monster,” Boyle said. “When she plays like that and gets put-backs, goes to the free throw line and has been defending the way she does, then it is a great boost for us.” The Bears’ offensive rebounding effort created easy baskets. Caldwell’s proficiency on the offensive glass led directly to 10 of her points. Four times she followed an offensive rebound with a tip-in and another time she was fouled and made both free throws. Still, in the first half, Cal had trouble getting good shot opportunities and was turning the ball over. Clamping down defensively on Oregon’s 3-point shooting had much to do with the Bears’ 18-point differential in the second half, but there was another major factor. “We were more patient in the second half,” Clarendon said, “We didn’t turn the ball over. We had 10 turnovers in the whole game and only two in the second half ... It was patience and good shot selection on our part.” That patience enabled Cal to retake the lead early in the second half. The Ducks (12-8, 3-6) chipped away and narrowed the score to 56-53 at the midway mark of the period. However, the Bears went on a 20-6 run to close out the game and net their first road sweep in Pac-10 play. They hope to continue their recent road success when they travel to Arizona this week. Jonathan Kuperberg covers women’s basketball. Contact him at
Bears Blank Card, Retain Scrum Axe Once Again by Christina Jones Staff Writer
STANFORD — Senior Sean Gallinger’s pass was a little too far beyond senior wing Blaine Scully’s hands. So Scully kicked the rugby ball up in front of him and extended Cal 74 to catch it himself, 0 eliciting a gasp of Stanford awe from the Caldominated crowd at Stanford’s Steuber Rugby Stadium on Saturday afternoon. The drive completed the match day captain’s hat trick at the end of the first half, not that the Cal rugby team needed too many tricks to defeat the Cardinal. The Bears (10-0) shut out Stanford (1-2) for the second straight year with a 74-0 win, and have not lost to the Cardinal since 1996. After recording a hat trick in last year’s Scrum Axe, his first big collegiate match, outside center Seamus Kelly turned in another stellar performance, racking up two tries on the afternoon. “Blaine made a great run, sucked in tons of defenders, put me through,” Kelly said. “I’d say that was a full team try.” The Queens, N.Y., native was involved in other scoring drives, finding open field frequently during the match. Kelly set the tone early with a breakaway run in the second minute, which led to a try by senior flanker Derek Asbun. Kelly wasn’t the only one demonstrating his awareness of the field. With a Stanford wing caught in a tackle and open space ahead, senior scrumhalf Connor Ring wisely kicked the ball toward the try zone. Scully chased it down and scored the game’s third try. Cal registered eight tries in the first
>> rugby: Page 7
M. Tennis
Road Woes for Bears as Red Raiders Reign Easily at Home by Annie Gerlach Staff Writer
Allyse bacharach/file
Layshia Clarendon dropped a team-high 19 points and pulled down seven rebounds against the Ducks in Eugene, Ore. The Bears have won two of their last three contests.
As the ITA Kick-Off Weekend came to a close on Sunday, the No. 19 Cal men’s tennis team was unable to repeat history, falling 4-1 to No. 15 Texas Tech. Although the Bears (2-2) easily defeated the Red Raiders (4-0) at the same event last year, the latter team walked away the victor this time at the Don and Ethel McLeod Tennis Complex in Lubbock, Texas. Cal began the two-day tournament with a 4-2 win against Auburn on Saturday. The day started out promisingly as the No. 13 tandem junior Nick Andrews and sophomore Christoffer Konigsfeldt won the first doubles match on the No. 2 court. However, the Tigers quickly took the next two matches to secure the doubles point. On the No. 4 singles court, Andrews tied the match at one-all with a neat 6-4, 6-0, triumph over Auburn’s Rafael Rondino. And thus began a cat-andmouse chase that persisted through the next three matches, with the Bears and Tigers trading wins until Konigsfeldt put Alex Stamchev away, 6-2, 6-4, and gained a 3-2 lead for Cal. With the final score still up in the air and two courts still playing, Pedro Zerbini secured a win on the top court. After an easy first set, the senior held
>> M. Tennis: Page 7