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Established 1871. Independent Student Press Since 1971.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Berkeley, California
Potassium Iodide Sales Spike Following Quake by Soumya Karlamangla Staff Writer
When Gene Bernardi asked her doctor two weeks ago if he would prescribe her potassium iodide, he laughed. Bernardi, a Berkeley resident, said she wanted a way to ONLINE PODCAST protect against radioactive io- Soumya discusses dine, but her whether people should doctor advised worry about radiation. against taking the medicine. However, Bernardi, like many in the city, was still concerned about radiation in the Bay Area — from the plume of radioactive particles released by Japan’s nuclear reactors that were damaged in the March 11 earthquake and subsequent tsunami — although officials maintain that levels of radiation are very low and harmless. Kai Vetter, UC Berkeley associate professor-in-residence of nuclear engineering,who installed a monitor on the roof of Etcheverry Hall, said that even at the highest levels measured, a person would have to breathe that air for 2,000 years to be exposed to the same amount of radiation that one would experience from a cross-country flight. “You should not be worried about your dog going out and drinking some rainwater — he will not light up,” he said about the rain that fell on the few days with the highest measurements about two weeks ago. “He will be just fine.” Vetter and his colleagues insist that the only reason these increased levels can be detected at all is because of the moni-
tor’s extreme sensitivity — he said it can detect radioactive particles on a passerby who has just had a medical procedure. But Berkeley residents’ fears do not seem fully assuaged, as numerous pharmacies around the city have experienced their highest sales of potassium iodide ever following the crisis in Japan. “It’s gone through the roof,” said Aaron Murdock, manager of Lhasa Karnak Herb Company, a small apothecary on Telegraph Avenue. “We sold out, and then we sold out again.” Seventy bottles were purchased from the store within six days, he said. The first batch sold out March 14, three days after the tsunami, and the second on March 18. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises taking the drug — which is taken up by the thyroid, blocking the absorption of radioactive iodide — only during emergencies. And while neither the city’s Public Health Division nor the campus University Health Services nor the Bay Area Air Quality Management District reported a risk to residents at any time, many stores in Berkeley sold out of potassium iodide, and some found that even their suppliers had none left. “We can measure it at extreme low levels, but just because you can measure something doesn’t mean it’s dangerous,” said epidemiologist Kirk Smith, professor of global environmental health in the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. “This is far below anything that could possibly be considered dangerous, much below the natural radiation dosages.”
>> Fears: Page 2
Radioactive Traces Are Miniscule, Team Finds by Claire Perlman Staff Writer
rashad sisemore/staff
Kai Vetter, UC Berkeley associate professor-in-residence and staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, shows equipment used to test radiation levels in water and air.
>> radiation: Page 6
Student Advocate Candidates Discuss Office’s Role on Campus
Faces of berkeley
Sophomore Finds New Freedom in Marathons
Candidates Attempt to Increase Utilization of Resources Available to Students, Inform Voters by J.D. Morris
by Mary Susman
Staff Writer
Staff Writer
UC Berkeley sophomore Rebecca Robles was never much of a runner while growing up. But now that she has relearned to walk MULTIMEDIA after a back in- Go online to see photos jury put her in and a video interview a wheelchair for five months, she with Rebecca Robles. runs to feel free. “My passion lies in running,” said Robles, who is training to run across the country in summer of 2013. “It’s hard to explain, but if my heart could burn for something it’d burn to run.” Her journey to discovering this passion began on a Saturday night in fall of 2009, when Robles returned from dinner with a friend and slipped on a puddle outside her apartment in Southern California. Although she was in some pain, Robles went to bed thinking there might simply be a bruise. The next morning,
>> Robles: Page 6
A brand-new red vacuum cleaner sits on the floor. Filter cartridges possessing samples of the air line the counter beside plastic water bottles filled with rainwater. In the laboratory of Kai Vetter, a UC Berkeley associate professor-in-residence of nuclear engineering, graduate students are analyzing the samples gathered by these tools, purchased from Home Depot, as part of a search for traces of radiation in California following the nuclear crisis in Japan. Five days after the magnitude-9.0 earthquake that struck Japan on March 11 and set off a chain of events including a tsunami, floods and a nuclear meltdown, a team of UC Berkeley nuclear engineers set to work in the basement and on the roof of Etcheverry Hall to measure the radiation that was released from the four damaged nuclear plants in Japan. The records have so far shown miniscule amounts of radiation in Berkeley’s air, milk and water supply, despite the public worry that the West Coast would suffer radiation contamination. “You have to drink about 500 to 600 liters of fresh rainwater to get the same dose (of radiation) as a
Two of the three candidates running for the office of student advocate in the 2011 ASUC General Election are hoping to increase the ASUC visibility of the lesser-known office as well as its Elections relevance in the campus climate. One of the student advocate’s main responsibilities is to provide aid to students involved in disputes with the campus, including but not limited to student conduct disputes. The position is also charged with educating the student body about issues pertaining to student rights, as well as representing the ASUC’s position in student conduct discussions. Over the years, the office has established a tradition of being filled by nonpartisan candidates. The last time a party-affiliated executive held the seat was in 2003 under former SQUELCH! party Student Advocate Richard Schulman. Independent candidate Samar Shah, who is now the chief of staff to the current student advocate and former em-
simone anne lang/staff
ployee of The Daily Californian Kelly Fabian, said having a nonpartisan student advocate allows case workers in the office who work with students personally on sensitive Sandra disputes to maintain Cohen an impartial image and to more easily retain institutional knowledge from year to year. A case worker for two years before becoming chief of staff, Shah said he has been using campaigning to inform Raul students about the Sanchez office’s efforts, though he added that he has also been attempting to do so all year long. “I’m really taking advantage of the campaign to spread awareness of the office,” Shah said. “I Samar definitely realize it’s shah a different battle.” SQUELCH! party Candidate Sandra Cohen, a former Student Action senator, did not respond
>> student advocate: Page 2
The Daily Californian
Friday, April 1, 2011
Friday, April 1 WHAT Concert “Beau Travail” screens
as part of the ongoing Claire Denis retrospective at the Pacific Film Archive. Denis’ tale of French Legionnaires in Africa evokes both Camus’ “The Stranger” and Melville’s “Billy Budd” in a haunting tale of colonial guilt. WHEN 7 to 8:30 p.m. WHEre Pacific Film Archive, UC Berkeley. Cost $9.50 adults, $5.50 BAM/PFA members & UC Berkeley students CONTACT (510) 643-2197
Saturday, April 2 WHAT EXHIBIT In response to the dev-
astating disaster that has struck Japan, S.I.R, Gallery Heist & Kokoro Studio have joined together to raise money in an effort to provide relief and aid for the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami. WHEn 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. WHEre 682 and 679 Geary Street, San Francisco Cost Free. CONTACT
Sunday, April 3
Fears: Compound May
Trigger Side Effects from front
Smith warned against taking potassium iodide — which comes in both tablet and liquid form — noting its milder side effects, like rashes and nausea, and more serious ones like allergic reactions. “You don’t want to take medication unless you need to,” he said. “The side effects as well are low probability, but why put yourself through that if there is no benefit?” But Bernardi said she is concerned that there is no safe dose of radiation. Because many stores had already sold out of potassium iodide just days after the tsunami, she bought different kinds of seaweed — dried, fresh, and in multivitamin form — which naturally contain iodine. The plume, however, contains several different particles — iodine-131, tellurium-132, cesium-134 and cesium137 — and potassium iodide only helps stave off the first. But Vetter and Smith agree the levels reaching Berkeley are so low that no preventative measures need to be taken at all. “They are really small amounts,” Vetter said. “If you look up and get a few drops of rain water in your mouth, don’t worry — the amount of radiation through that is really nothing to worry about.” Soumya Karlamangla is the lead environment reporter. Contact her at
Berkeley High Considers Safety In Wake of Firearm Incidents by Jeffrey Butterfield Staff Writer
Berkeley High School parent Joyce Fleming spoke with a deliberate and urgent tone Wednesday night at the Berkeley Unified School District Board of Education meeting. “My blood has been boiling this last week,” she said. “I’m scared for my daughter. I’m scared for her friends. I’m scared for her teachers.” Fleming’s anxieties stem from a recent stint of incidents involving firearms at Berkeley High this year, including one last week when a shot was fired through a bathroom wall on campus. Four guns have been confiscated from students by the Berkeley Police Department since January. Most recently, the high school went on lockdown Wednesday when a parent reported spotting a young man walking the perimeter of campus with a gun in his waistband. No injuries have resulted from any of the incidents, and principal Pasquale Scuderi has praised how the on-site response of security staff and police resolved each situation. School and district officials are now scrambling to organize short- and long-term plans to quell the trend in armed stu-
WHAT FILM Renowned art director Patricia Woodbridge presents Martin Scorsese’s most recent film, “Shutter Island,” and discusses her participation in the project. WHEn 5:30 to 7:50 p.m. WHEre Pacific Film Archive, UC Berkeley. Cost $9.50 adults, $5.50 BAM/PFA members & UC Berkeley students CONTACT (510) 643-2197
Calendar listings may be submitted as follows: fax (510-849-2803), e-mail ( or in person (sixth floor Eshleman Hall, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Always include contact name and phone number along with date, day, time, location and price (if applicable) of event. Placement is not guaranteed. Events that do not directly relate to UC Berkeley students or Berkeley residents will not be listed.
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dents on campus, hoping to establish realistic policies to better protect the 3,300 students at the high school. “It saddens me that our school culture and school climate has taken the hit that it has,” Scuderi said at the meeting. “We’re open to getting better. We’re committed to getting better.” So far, Scuderi has worked closely with Superintendent Bill Huyett and district Director of Student Services Susan Craig to develop strategies to improve campus safety. Actions already taken include adding two safety officers at the high school — upping the total number to 14 — and organizing student focus groups to initiate discussion about the issue. More ideas from the community emerged at Monday’s parent forum on gun safety at the high school led by Huyett and Scuderi, who took questions from an audience of more than 100. Some parents stressed the need for immediate action, asking the school to consider installing metal detectors at campus entrances or to enforce an identification badge system for all students. Others said that communication with students is key to enhancing security and
>> guns: Page 6
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to requests for comment. Both Shah and Defend Affirmative Action Party candidate Raul Sanchez said many students they have spoken to are not aware of the existence of the Student Advocate’s Office. However, Sanchez said he has seen a positive response from most of the students he has informed about the office as he campaigns. If elected, Sanchez said he would try to create weekly meetings that would act as “safe spaces” for undocumented students and underrepresented minorities to express their concerns openly without fear of retribution. “I am going to reach out to students to let them know that I am here for them,” Sanchez said. He also highlighted his party’s desire to mobilize students against Gov. Jerry Brown’s $500 million cut to education, a spirit he said he would incorporate into the Student Advocate’s Office. According to Sanchez, being a resource for undocumented and underrepresented students would be an important step in his goal to “tighten that bond between students and the student government.” “We want to make this campus a sanctuary ... where everybody feels comfortable speaking and where everyone accepts each other regardless of race, creed, documented or not,” Sanchez said. In his role as chief of staff, Shah said he has worked with campus administrators on reforms to the campus Code of Student Conduct and would continue that work if elected to office. To further increase the office’s visibility, Shah said he would also reach out to various campus communities in order to make sure they are aware of the various services the office can provide before they need them. “Unfortunately ... people don’t really care about it until that rainy day comes,” Shah said.
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student advocate: Office
Friday, April 1, 2011
The Daily Californian
From the Peanut Gallery
n Wednesday, I was about 30,000 feet above the Earth, stuck in 43D ... a middle seat on an airplane. I was sandwiched between my sleeping sister, who drooled on my shoulder throughout the flight, and a generally well-behaved stranger, aside from his irritating habit of blasting techno on his iPod. At 9 a.m. I don’t like airplanes. I don’t like that they are always sweltering hot when I board, but consistently drop to arctic temperatures about 30 minutes after takeoff. I don’t like that I am inevitably seated in front of a baby who won’t shut up for five hours. I don’t like having to ask the people in the aisle to get up whenever I have to pee, and I don’t like that the people in the window seat make me get up every time they have to pee. But most of all, I don’t like that airplanes seem to turn my stomach into a bottomless pit. I am not exaggerating when I say that even if I prepare for a flight by bringing enough food to feed a family of four for weeks, it is barely enough to sustain me for a single flight. No matter how many Kettle Chips, Peanut M&M’s, Red Vines, pita chips or Cheez-It crackers I eat, it’s never quite enough to satisfy The Pit. So, whenever I get onto an airplane, I go prepared. I’ll eat a big meal in the airport and then go on a shopping spree for all my favorite snacks. But on Wednesday, my sister decided to get us to the airport about 45 minutes before our fight was scheduled to depart. “We’ll be fine,” she insisted, as we raced hundreds of businessmen from BART to the terminal with only 40 minutes until takeoff. After being escorted to the front of the security line because we were going to miss our flight, getting stopped at security because I had a teeny tiny bottle of makeup remover in my carry-on, stopped at security again because I had a stapler (apparently a potential weapon), we finally made it to the gate just as our plane was about to leave. “See,” my sister said, “we made it!” Little did she know that missing our flight was not my greatest fear. I was about to get onto a plane without any food. Now that was scary. s soon as I boarded the plane I knew that it was going to be a long seven hours. The cup of coffee and single piece of wheat toast I had eaten that morning vanished as soon as I boarded and smelled that distinct and unappetizing airplane scent of day-old food and B.O. I was determined to stay calm and optimistic. Surely, there were enough packets of peanuts and pretzels to keep me alive. And although most airlines have pretty much stopped giving out those disgusting hot meals they used to offer, they usually have food you can buy. Really now, how bad could it be? I eagerly opened the in-flight menu and examined the first option that was offered, “smoked turkey and egg salad on brioche knot bun,” with a side of
Despite Higher Prices, Ice Cream Community Sandwich Market Remains Healthy Development by Amruta Trivedi Staff Writer
HARLEY FRANK mayonnaise. Call me a snob, but I literally could not dream up a less appetizing meal. As it turns out, every one of the offerings was just gross enough that I would rather starve than eat it. I ended up selecting one of the snack boxes, $5 for the world’s smallest bag of dried apricots, approximately 14 almonds ( just enough to satisfy those who believe in the 100-calorie snack), pita chips, a tiny, squeezable cardboard box (that’s right, box) of hummus that no one in their right mind would eat and a few miniature chocolate chip cookies. My sister purchased the same. The boxes were demolished in mere minutes. n this day and age, when men can walk on the moon, smallpox is a distant memory and cars can run on corn, you would think that you could get a decent sandwich just about anywhere, even on a plane. Instead, I’m constantly left wondering, “What’s the deal with airplane food?” In fact, snacking options are actually getting worse. Remember the good old days when airlines used to serve those shockingly delicious bags of honey-roasted peanuts? They always managed to pleasantly surprise my palate with their well-balanced sweetness. But alas, airlines have switched from honeyroasted to plain peanuts. Maybe people were just too overwhelmed, you know, actually having something good to eat. What’s more, it’s becoming harder and harder to find peanuts on a flight at all. Many airlines have stopped serving them (or anything at all) due to the fear that surrounds the occasional peanut allergy. How pathetic is it that the only quality snack airlines have managed to offer for all of these years has been deemed “too dangerous” to continue serving? My peanut complaints may sound trivial, but if the airline gave me any other viable option, I wouldn’t have to rely so much on a pouch of legumes smaller than the palm of my hand. Airplanes need to get their act together when it comes to edible offerings. Because I know I’m not alone when I say (for my safety and the safety of those around me) I need to be fed if I’m going to be stuck somewhere for seven hours. And egg salad with a side of mayonnaise is just not going to cut it.
Despite a recent 33 percent raise in ice cream sandwich prices at CREAM, cookies are still ruling everything around customers at one of the most recent frozen treat shop additions to the Telegraph Avenue area. The store, located at Telegraph and Channing Way, increased the price of a sandwich March 17 from $1.50 to $2.00, while the price of a single cookie increased from $0.50 to $0.65. Owner Jimmy Shamieh said the rising cost of energy caused their suppliers to charge more for the store’s Double Rainbow Ice Cream and Otis Spunkmeyer cookies, as well as cleaning supplies, forcing the business to reconsider the low prices it offered. “We were faced with four choices,” Shamieh said. “We could lower the quality of our product, cut our expenses to the bare minimum, which we have already tried to do, let team members go or increase the prices of our products.” While many CREAM customers were initially surprised at the price increase, including Maxine Fredericksen, a UC Berkeley employee who often stops at the eatery on her way to the Rockridge BART station, most said the higher price would not deter them. “$1.50 was an incredible deal for two cookies and a big scoop of ice cream,” she said. “I think it was to lure us in, but with food prices going up, it couldn’t last.” Shamieh said switching from the more expensive, premium ice cream and cookie supply to a cheaper counter-
part was not a sacrifice he was willing to make, adding that he believed raising the price would result in a less negative impact on business operations. “We didn’t want to let employees go, or cut their salaries because their salaries are already below the average market level,” Shamieh said. “It would jeopardize their incomes and livelihoods.” About two weeks ago, Charles Lee, owner of Michelle’s Yogurt & Sweets on Durant Avenue, also began selling ice cream sandwiches, charging $1.50 per sandwich and also using Otis Spunkmeyer cookies. The business move was in response to complaints from customers about waiting in line at CREAM for more than 30 minutes to get a sandwich, Lee said. “I’ve been selling ice cream for over 14 years,” he said. “I used to sell cookies, too. But now I can sell them both together.” Lee said business has improved since he started selling the sandwiches. The low rent he pays, in addition to the fact that he is the store’s only employee, allows him to keep the price of individual ice cream scoops, single cookies and cookie sandwiches low. Customers have been complaining and asking questions about why CREAM raised prices, Shamieh said, but they are generally understanding when employees explain the situation. Fredericksen said that although a sandwich at Michelle’s is cheaper, she probably will not change her daily route past CREAM just to save $0.50. Contact Amruta Trivedi at
Programs to See Cutbacks by Yousur Alhlou Staff Writer
The Housing and Community Services Department, like most departments in the city of Berkeley, faces unprecedented financial strains in the upcomONLINE PODCAST ing fiscal year as Yousur Alhlou discusses the city grapples with a projected the future of community $12.5 million development projects. shortfall and external funding for community development projects dwindles. At a Berkeley City Council special session March 22, department Director Jane Micallef outlined drastic measures to balance a projected $956,098 budget deficit for fiscal year 2012. The department makes up 8 percent of the city’s gross budget. “The consequences will be profound on our staff and the programs we fund,” Micallef said at the meeting. The deficit largely stems from cuts in federal money for block grants that support community development projects and a decrease in city funding to local community service providers. Two-thirds of the department’s
>> services: Page 6
How can I make my Berkeley business more successful? We can help.
Linda Williams
Tell Harley what you hate most about flying at
Professor of Film Studies and Rhetoric
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Opinion 8
by the numbers ...
Number of polling stations specified in the ASUC Constitution and Bylaws.
Abuse of Authority CAMPUS ISSUES
Suspending bylaws should be reserved for only the most extreme of circumstances — not last-minute impasses.
or any other government, suspending its governing rules acknowledges a state of emergency or similar extraordinary circumstances. For the ASUC, suspension of its bylaws is an almost unremarkable occurrence. Last Wednesday, the ASUC Senate had to resort to suspending part of the ASUC Constitution and Bylaws to change the number and location of polling stations. While unsurprising, this a troubling indicator of the degree to which elected student officials fail to understand the seriousness of their jobs. Senators chose to exercise their power to completely ignore part of their operating restrictions, a choice that sets a dangerous precedent for future decisions and yet again calls into question the existence of the bylaws. No one is free from blame here. Senators should have changed the bylaws long before the penultimate meeting before the election. The elections council should have planned for the eight stations speci-
fied in the bylaws rather than preparing six and working to accommodate an additional seventh. We do not take this position out of fondness for polling stations — we believe the ASUC should continue paring down the number of locations and consider removing restrictions on voting from AirBears or ASUC-sponsored campus buildings. Voting should be made convenient to all students — not by establishing polling stations that cost $1,000 to operate but by making online voting as unrestricted and easy as possible. The ASUC should even consider establishing one larger polling station on Sproul Plaza to balance maximum visibility with minimum cost. But these are changes that should be proposed, deliberated and implemented as outlined in the bylaws— not be made as last-minute fixes that require emergency measures. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Normal times, and prosaic matters such as the choosing of polling locations, do not.
Loaded Questions CITY AFFAIRS
The high number of gun-related incidents at or near the Berkeley High School campus requires immediate action.
chools should be safe havens where all students, regardless of background or location, should feel free to express their opinion and study without fear of harm. Unfortunately, the series of incidents at or around Berkeley High School this year have shown that school and district officials need to take significant measures to ensure such a nonthreatening climate remains. Wednesday’s lockdown is only the latest in a series of events suggesting that Berkeley High School needs to take action to make its students feel safer. The severity of the situation should not be underestimated. The discharge of a gun on campus — an incident that fortunately injured no one — is a sign that immediate action is necessary to ensure school safety. We believe that the campus should consider all possible reactions, including the installation of metal detectors at campus entrances. While this is certainly an extreme solution, and we acknowledge the
serious drawbacks of such a decision, we believe it should at least be discussed. Other, less controversial responses that have been proposed seem obvious. The establishment of an anonymous tip line could save lives, and we don’t see why it’s taken so long to be considered. The ability of the principal to successfully disarm previous incidents after he received phoned warnings shows how valuable tips can be. However, no one change will solve the problems facing Berkeley High School. District administrators and school faculty need to pursue longterm solutions, such as educational programs and community outreach. Forums and community meetings are an important element of this, and it’s good that the district has been holding them. But an adequate response must include action, and we’re looking forward to seeing what the district will do with the information it gathers. Students deserve nothing less than guaranteed safety.
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The Daily Californian Friday, April 1, 2011
Number of polling stations that will be open during next week’s elections.
Looking at Our Veterans In a Whole by Clark Fitzgerald What are we? Heroes? Killers? Men? Women? Students? Violent? Leaders? Broken? Traumatized? Strong? Suicidal? Selfless? Peers? Invisible? Tough? We are America’s veterans, individuals who have served in the military. An incredible amount of misconceptions and stereotypes surround the veteran. Consider some of The World the portrayals in recent film, parWar II veteran ticularly of the became a combat veteran. In “The Big pillar of Lebowski” (1998) American John Goodman plays the charac- society ... How ter of Walter will history Sobchak, who, according to remember the Wikipedia’s sum... veterans of mary of the film, “has a violent today? temper, and is given to pulling out a handgun (or crowbar) in order to settle disputes ... He constantly mentions Vietnam in conversations.” In the Rambo series (1982 through 2008) psychologically traumatized Vietnam veteran John Rambo, played by Sylvester Stallone, is inevitably dragged into situations where he must again fight and kill to survive. Clint Eastwood in “Gran Torino” (2008) plays the bigoted, contemptuous, violent Korean War veteran Walt Kowalski. The list of popular films casting veterans in this light goes on and on. I challenge you to think of a recent popular film where a veteran is represented in a positive or sensitive way. One could reasonably conclude from these fictional characters that veterans are tall, tough, stoic, testosterone-driven males with a keen sense of vigilante justice, ready to do violence to perceived evildoers at the drop of a hat. Their military experience has ostensibly made them aggressive, edgy, rough and intimidating, which is a mixed bag; during normal life it is usually a handicap to everyday human interaction, while during heroic clashes with psychopathic villains, this collection of qualities becomes an asset. Indeed, violence is really the defining characteristic of the veteran archetype. This image, this identity constricts us with its brutality, stereotyping and lack of depth. Life is not a
Editorial cartoon
movie; savage physical confrontations are thankfully not an everyday reality for most here in America, leaving us only with the apparent handicap of military experience when living a conventional life as a civilian and veteran. The idea of a handicap brings me to the other popular perspective held about veterans: that we need to be healed. This certainly seems to be the stance taken by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, concerned mothers, religious communities and other compassionate organizations and individuals. This perspective implies a certain unspoken assumption, namely that our military experiences have traumatized or otherwise negatively affected us. We generally don’t hear many success stories of those who have gone on to do great things, and we don’t have a network of mentors or positive veteran role models who can truly empathize with our experience and guide us in the right direction; instead, we encounter constant reminders of “how we can find help” i.e. physical or psychological therapy. While this information is undoubtedly necessary, pertinent
>> Veterans: Page 5
By Nina Tompkin
jaime chong/staff
Friday, April 1, 2011
The Daily Californian
Bottled Water Ban Will Hurt the Golden Bears by Shawn Lewis
water infrastructure has no plan to control the situation without interrupting or limiting access to water. A water bottling company needs only to retract that batch or stop production for a particular cycle, then resume practically uninterrupted. An important benefit from bottled water that many easily ignore is its great value in times of emergency due to its versatility, portability and long shelf life. Look back to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 — bottled water was being dropped into areas such as New Orleans when public water infrastruc-
Believe it or not, bears don’t brush their teeth. Ever. So why should you, a Golden Bear, ever brush your teeth? With reference to an extended metaphor from Rose Whitson’s March 15 op-ed, “UC Berkeley, Bears and Bottled Water,” as a matter of fact, bears don’t do problem sets, take notes, or study for midterms, so why should you have to? And it is true, bears don’t drink bottled water, so does this mean you should kick that horrible water bottle habit? Today, it’s easy to jump aboard the anti-bottled water train, but some of the trendy arguments don’t exactly hold up. Bottled water is safer than tap water. At least by their respective track records, bottled water has proven to be safer over time with far fewer cases of widespread health detriments. First, public water resources continue to deliver contaminated water to faucets around the country largely as a result of an expansive and out-of-date waterworks infrastructure. Nearly 40 years after the passage of the Clean Water Act, we still see new chemicals pollutture was either unavailable or destroyed ing our waters. Chemical contaminafrom the disaster. In fact, take a look at tion in public water persists today; for the Federal Emergency Management example, hormone (or “endocrine”) disAgency (FEMA) lists of emergency supruptors in the water have caused the plies — clean, bottled water is a necesfeminization of fish and frogs in public sity in an emergency situation. waters. That somehow sounds safer to Bottled water is a precious resource drink? in times of unexpected disaster. How The argument that “since the government monitors our water with rigor- does it make sense to limit supply of that resource by banning it in especially ous tests and sophisticated agencies densely populated areas? San Francisco and commissions, such as the U.S. has already started this, and now Environmental Protection Agency Berkeley is considering a similar mea(EPA), public water is somehow safer” sure. simply doesn’t hold. If you compare the Recently, some members of the UC processes of purification and transporBerkeley campus community have protation, public water is out-of-date and posed “phasing bottled water off our less safe. Bottled water’s method of UC Berkeley campus” in the upcoming reverse osmosis has proven to be highly spring 2011 ASUC elections via refereneffective at removing parasites and bacdum. teria from the water, and some bottling Aside from some of the societal or companies go a step further with philosophical fallacies of bottled water, Ozonation, which can also remove iron, every student should deeply consider viruses, sulfur and manganese. the negative impact this action would Because bottled water is treated have directly on our campus. more as a product on an assembly line, UC Berkeley is currently under a it can be more effectively monitored for 10-year $6.2 million contract with quality control. If a malignant organCoca-Cola Co., including four contract ism breaks out in the water, our public UC Berkeley AD - 4-7-2011B_Layout 1 3/4/11 4:40 PM Page 1
Today, it’s easy to jump aboard the anti-bottled water train, but some of the trendy arguments don’t exactly add up.
stakeholders: the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, ASUC Auxiliary, Residential and Student Services Programs and the Recreational Sports Facility. Cal Dining, for example, receives a $50,000 rebate from CocaCola, totaling roughly $750,000 a year. I would like to ask those proposing this bottled water ban two things: 1) How have you considered the repercussions of our contract agreement with Coca-Cola, and how will this bottled water ban affect Berkeley’s appeal in contract renegotiations, and 2) Where do you propose these contract stakeholders find adequate revenue to replace the loss from a bottled water ban? “When you have limitations on beverages, you limit sales,” said Cal Dining Director Shawn LaPean. I don’t need to spell out the results of decreased funding to these parts of the university. Simply put, a bottled water ban will invariably lead to higher costs as departments lose funding. Finally, this limitation on choice also presents a limitation on personal freedom and, incidentally, healthy options. There’s no doubt that banning water bottles infringes on individuals’ freedom of choice to buy a bottle of water when they walk on campus. This is not to say it is illegal to impose such a ban, but still a limitation of personal freedom. Coincidentally, this imposition of freedom also happens to be a limitation of healthy options. While your universal beverage options include the water fountain or bathroom sink, when a student brings a dollar to the vending machine, they would then be left with options of soda and various sugarpacked juices. UC Berkeley students are smart, and they should be able to see that this proposed bottled water ban will have far worse effects on students and the campus community than it first seems. From the fiscal impact to the limitation of healthy options, banning bottled water is not the right choice for Cal students. Shawn Lewis is a UC Berkeley student. Reply to
Veterans: Working to
letter to the editor
from page 4
Berkeley Co-ops Should Stand Against Smoking
Fix Misconceptions
and potentially even life saving, the message is still largely implicitly negative. Am I supposed to be broken? Step into the shoes of a veteran for a moment. Upon discharge from the military you find yourself ejected like a spent shell into the water, where you float (or sink) in the complaisant but oblivious civilian population. Wellintentioned acquaintances ask you questions such as, “You were in the military? What was that like?” Maybe some snapshots of a past life flash through your mind: running in a formation, joking with buddies, sweat soaked camouflage uniforms, the cold steel of a rifle barrel, the camaraderie of working with others, the harsh voice of a non-commissioned officer, pride of well-earned medals, noise from the aircraft, heartache of emotional separation, joy of homecoming, the heavy weight of a rucksack. How can you sum that up? What can you say? “Oh, it was fine.” You stay pleasantly detached and keep the conversation mild and easy. And you move on with your life as best as you can, knowing that you are no longer who you were before the military, and no longer serving in the armed forces. How do you acknowledge your past and build on your experience in a positive way? The World War II veteran became a pillar of American society. As a nation we forgot about the Korean War veteran. With shame we remember how we cruelly spat upon the Vietnam War veteran. How will history remember the Iraq/Afghanistan veterans of today? To join more deeply in this conversation, all are welcome to attend veteran Chris Loverro’s upcoming film screening and discussion panel on Saturday, April 9, at 1 p.m. in the Chan Shun Auditorium at the UC Berkeley campus. Editor’s note: This op-ed was written on behalf of the Cal Veterans Group and the Transfer, Re-entry and Student Parent Center (TRSP) at UC Berkeley. Clark Fitzgerald is a UC Berkeley student. Reply to
If the Berkeley Student Cooperative is serious about addressing the tragedy of John Gibson, it should take a strong stand for a smoke-free campus. Nothing else improves public health so dramatically and sends a message more clearly. Carol Denney Berkeley, Calif.
letters to the editor
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Looking for a great pharmacy school? E
very year, the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy enrolls many graduates from colleges and universities throughout California. In fact, nearly 20 percent of our PharmD enrollment is comprised of alumni from California schools. What accounts for Michigan’s popularity among Golden Staters? First, we are consistently ranked among America’s top pharmacy schools. Secondly, we consider a lot more than GPA and PCAT scores when evaluating your application. Earn your bachelor’s degree in California, and then earn your PharmD at U-M. That’s what many California students do every year. Still looking for a reason to make Michigan your pharmacy school? Consider these:
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To learn more about Michigan’s PharmD program, meet with Assistant Dean Valener Perry, Thursday, April 7, at 7 p.m. on the UC Berkeley campus. Location: TBA. Dean Perry’s one-day visit is hosted by the Pre-Pharmacy Informational Learning and Leadership Society (PILLS) at UC-Berkeley. For more information, visit the PILLS Web site at or email Also, be sure to visit the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy Web site at Or contact the College at 734-764-7312 (
Friday, April 1, 2011
The Daily Californian NEWS
radiation: Researchers Aim to Allay Public Fears from front
edwin cho/staff
Ear Peace Records, located at 3268 Adeline St., opened its doors Friday, offering locally produced music and arts merchandise.
New Music Store Aims to Cater to Local Artists by Karinina Cruz Staff Writer
Though the year began with a number of closures in the city, South Berkeley’s business atmosphere appears to be improving as owners and city officials make an effort to turn the district into a popular location for small and independently owned stores. Opening Friday for the first time in South Berkeley, with a grand opening scheduled for the following day, Ear Peace Records — an extension of the record label owned by Jesse Bordiuk and Stu Lucero — is the most recent addition to the changing and revamped business landscape of the area. The shop’s owners hope the record store will develop a new “sub-culture” in the city as customers are drawn to its locally produced music and arts merchandise. Bordiuk and Lucero, who are members of Candlespit Collective — a local independent music group — have owned their own record label since July 2010 and are co-owners of the shop, along with Alison Ferrell. Ferrell said the three secured the location at 3268 Adeline St. in December, a day after deciding to establish a store on a whim, and signed the rental contract within two days. Further prepa-
rations for the store — in what turned out to be the first commercial space for Lookout! Records, a well-known Berkeley-based record label that managed Green Day early in their career — only took about four months. “(It was) a chain of events meant to happen,” Ferrell said. The city appears to have turned its attention to improving business conditions in the area, Ferrell said. She added that she and her business partners are young and can act as catalysts in revitalizing the district. The street already has free two-hour parking, as the city suspended the use of parking meters on Adeline last October following many proprietors’ complaints that the meters repel customers. Though there are a number of record stores within the city, Elizabeth Delgado, the city’s community development project coordinator, said their business situation is similar to that of local restaurants in that each business can still manage to do well despite competition. Ferrell said that Ear Peace Records distinguishes itself from other stores — such as Amoeba Music — by offering a larger collection of records by smaller independent and local artists. She added that she is not worried
services: City May Modify Senior Center’s Services from page 3
budget is currently supported by state and federal grants, but until the state and federal budgets — both of which are “highly volatile,” according to Micallef — are adopted, the estimated impact of the cuts will reflect the “bestcase scenario.” In the case of severe cuts, alternative balancing options will be presented to the council May 3. Cuts to federal funding are based on President Barack Obama’s 7.5 percent budget reduction proposal. In the “worst-case scenario,” the department could experience up to 62 percent in cuts to the Community Development Block Grant, the Community Services Block Grant, weatherization programs and affordable housing initiatives, Micallef said at the meeting. However, even the department’s best-case scenario estimates are grim. The weatherization program faces a proposed elimination come January
2012, when the current federal fiscal year contract ends, in which case five full-time positions would be eliminated. Micallef emphasized that access to program benefits would not be affected because the state is required to seek contracts with other service providers. Moreover, the department has also proposed to cut about $141,000 to community service agencies, a reduction directly linked to the decline in revenue that has forced the city to realign and prioritize funding. Councilmember Jesse Arreguin said at the meeting that he would vote against any budget proposal that included layoffs. Arreguin and Councilmember Kriss Worthington said the city should partner with unions and community members to produce creative alternatives. “The public is going to suffer and the employees are going to suffer, and so figuring out a fair way to balance this is really critical for us to focus on,”
Guns: Firearms Used in Robberies Around Campus from page 2
that any screening processes might exacerbate discrimination among students. “I wonder how you would implement a search and seizure policy and who exactly would be the ones to implement it,” parent and Berkeley High alumnus Scott Blake said at the forum. “Because I would imagine that with our history to this very day how we violate people’s rights ... that is going to be a problem.” Matthew Golde, head of the juvenile division of the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, also attended the meeting and said some parents do not fully grasp the danger at Berkeley High. He said the police reports that
he has read for several arrested Berkeley High students indicate that guns are being used to commit armed robberies both on the campus and in the neighboring park on Allston Way. “Take this really seriously before something bad happens,” Golde said. “We’re lucky when that bullet went through the wall of that bathroom ... it didn’t hit anyone. But it could have.” While Huyett said at the meeting that metal detectors would not be considered, he and several board members expressed interest in implementing a mandatory identification badge system. Requiring students to wear badges at all times would ideally prevent individuals who are
about competition due to genre and inventory differences. The owners hope that the store will also serve as a networking place for aspiring young artists and a home for the arts, both music and visual. Ferrell said the store will feature live performances and showcase local art. With what Lucero calls a “floating stage” — a miniature indoor balcony — the store will host performances by local artists or poets. The establishment also offers an outdoor cafe. The store will also sell clothing and custom art, such as object tattoos — locally designed art on a canvas of choice. But their focus will remain on the music. Lucero said that the group is “in search of serious music” and will be selective in their merchandise. Bordiuk said they are “more inclined to independent music” and are not likely to sell records that are in the top 100, unless “it’s really decent music.” “We embrace good music,” Lucero said, adding that the store will be family-friendly and will also have a children’s section. “If it passes a certain level of social acceptability, we won’t sell it.” Karinina Cruz covers business. Contact her at Worthington said at the meeting. One balancing measure that would directly impact the city’s elderly community is the proposed conversion of the West Berkeley Senior Center — one of three centers in the city that provides hot lunches, weekly classes and case management sessions — into a supportive service center to assist seniors with everyday medical needs. The center serves fewer residents on average — up to 45 daily — compared with its counterparts in South and North Berkeley, which serve up to 210 daily, according to Kelly Wallace, manager of the department’s Aging Services Division. The conversion will help save the city about $300,000 over the next two fiscal years. In exchange, the city will facilitate transportation between the centers and expand services at the other centers, according to Wallace. “Part of this decision was to directly impact as few people as possible,” Wallace said. Yousur Alhlou covers city government. Contact her at not Berkeley High students from entering the campus with intent to harm others. Board member Beatriz Leyva-Cutler noted at the meeting that Berkeley High’s spring break — beginning Monday — comes at an opportune time. Huyett and the district will use the week to prepare possible action items for the next board meeting on April 13. Until then, parents like Fleming will have to wait to hear what specific changes will be made. “There are a lot of wonderful things about the school, and I am excited for my daughter to be there,” Fleming said. “But right now, Berkeley High has a problem.” Jeffrey Butterfield is the lead local schools reporter. Contact him at
transcontinental flight,” said Vetter, who is also a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The team collects the rainwater using a tarp, samples the air using a vacuum cleaner set up on the roof of Etcheverry and tests both water flowing through Strawberry Creek and tap water. The radiation, spread to the United States’ coast by wind and rain, follows a natural pathway from the rain to creeks to larger reservoirs, such as the San Francisco Bay. This phenomenon is one that the researchers hope to study further in coming weeks by tracing the radiation’s route, explained nuclear engineering graduate student Brian Plimley. On Wednesday, the team announced that they had found traces of radiation in tap water and locally bought milk, though it was only detected because of the sensitivity of the equipment, not because the radiation was a significant amount. Fears about contaminated food and water are unnecessary, Vetter said, and are exactly what he and his team are trying to put to rest by sharing with the public their raw data and analysis of water and air samples. In the two weeks since they converted a laboratory in the basement of Etcheverry into a full-time radiation-testing center, the team has found within their samples the isotopes of iodine-131, tellurium-132, cesium-134 and cesium-137 — the same isotopes released from Japan’s nuclear plants. Both iodine-131 and tellurium-132 have very short halflives, meaning they fully decay and disappear in a matter of days. Though both cesium-134 and ce-
sium-137 levels increased slightly in recent days, their concentrations are low enough so as not to be a concern, Vetter said. Their half-lives, however, are significantly longer at two years and 30 years, respectively. Still, the levels of radiation are too low even to be detected by conventional tools like a Geiger counter. “People come in with Geiger counters to look at our samples, and we have to tell them you will not see any difference,” Vetter said. “The only thing you will see is a variation of background radiation because we are living in a world that is radioactive. Everything is radioactive. If you don’t like it, you have to go to another universe.” Because of this, the team has to use highly sensitive equipment that blocks out existing radiation to detect the radiation that comes specifically from Japan. In coming weeks, the researchers will continue to take measurements and post them on their website, both to assuage the concerns of the public and to further explore the nature of radiation. The researchers said they have received some positive feedback because of their work. One man called the lab, asking what he could do to help and ended up buying the team a pizza. “A lot of people are saying ‘thanks for doing this,’” said Mark Bandstra, a nuclear engineering postdoctoral researcher on the team. “Some government agencies were just saying it’s safe, but they weren’t giving any real numbers.” Claire Perlman is the lead research and ideas reporter. Contact her at
Robles: Runner Aims to Raise $24,000 for Charity from front
however, there was much more than a bruise — Robles had a slipped disk in her lower spine, leaving her immobile and reliant on others’ help. “I was basically sedentary,” Robles said. “I couldn’t move. Breathing hurt. It was the most excruciating pain I had ever experienced.” After dancing ballet and playing tennis for over four years, including with her high school’s varsity team, Robles suddenly lost her ability to participate because of an ongoing struggle with balance. The road to recovery was challenging. She used a wheelchair for five months and a cane after that. Yet as a spring admit to UC Berkeley in 2010, she insisted on walking once she arrived, motivating her to go through physical therapy and walk on the treadmill at her gym. Although Robles does not like to remember her accident — “I block out a little bit of that because it was hard” — it has taught her to appreciate her health and regained mobility, giving her the motivation to run in two full marathons in the past six months. But now Robles has a new goal: to run across the country, a distance of around 3,000 miles. The idea came from a friend’s comment meant as a joke, but Robles latched onto it. Robles’ friends said they were not surprised about her plan. “She tends to jump into things,” sophomore Marissa Embola said. “We saw her when she went to her first marathon, and we saw her when she came back. It doesn’t surprise me that she would up the ante.” Robles’ plan is to run coast to coast in 90 to 99 days in the summer of 2013, finishing in time to get back to school because “academics and health come first.” However, Robles is not only fulfilling
her own goal in running across the country. She is also hoping to raise $24,000 for charity — $1,000 per month from now until the run — particularly for the child trafficking sector of UNICEF. Despite Robles’ enthusiasm, Robert Earle, staff supervisor at the Recreational Sports Facility, who has worked with Robles, said meeting the goal would be challenging. “It’s not something I would ever consider doing,” he said. “It sounds like a pretty difficult task, but if that’s what she wants to do, then that’s in the realm of possibility to run across the country.” In preparation for her goal, Robles trains six days a week, working out from 6 to 9 each morning and often running about nine miles each night. She also considers herself a “religious spinner,” regularly taking spinning classes at the RSF and spinning up to two and a half hours a day. Robles’ healthy lifestyle, which includes staying active and eating well with the guidance of a nutritionist, has rubbed off on her friends and mom, whom she calls her “backbone.” Her mom has become more active and lost 40 pounds, Robles said, and friends often work out with her. “That’s a really big thing to not be able to use your legs for so long and then to start running,” sophomore Jenny Ng said. “Her drive inspires me.” Robles never envisioned herself running long distances, not to mention across the country. But since her injury, Robles said, running is the release she needs. Even though she was scared of running outdoors when she began recovery nothing stops her now. “I’ll run in the rain,” she said. “I jump over those puddles. ... It’s freedom.” Mary Susman covers Berkeley communities. Contact her at
News in Brief I-House Manager Allegedly Batters Female Employee A female International House manager allegedly battered another female employee at around 3:30 p.m. on March 11. The incident involved minor physical altercations and was reported March 15 by the victim, according to UCPD Lt. Alex Yao. There were no injuries. He added that the case has been brought to the attention of the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office and is currently under review for possible charges. The victim, who wishes to remain anonymous, said the incident occurred after a staff meeting when the I-House manager approached her and was verbally aggressive while discussing a schedule of events for the following week. After walking together from the meeting room to the mail room, the suspect allegedly grabbed the victim and began shaking her repeatedly. “She didn’t just do it once — she did it
twice,” the victim said. “I pushed her back. When I pushed her away, she grabbed my wrist and shook me. She also shook me, and she kept saying ‘listen.’” According to the victim, the entire altercation lasted around 10 minutes before the manager left. The victim reported the incident to I-House’s human resources department after it occurred. However, the manager involved supervises the human resources department, according to the victim, who said she was unsure how well the situation would be handled. The issue is now under investigation by the campus, according to a statement issued via email by I-House executive director Martin Brennan. “I want to reiterate in no uncertain terms that we cannot and will not tolerate words or deeds that violate our principles of community, or undermine the culture of respect and collegiality that is an essential part of the I-house ethos and experience,” the statement said. —Kate Randle
Friday, April 1, 2011Â
SPORTS The Daily Californian
Softball: Reid’s Injury RUGBY: UCLA Prepping M. Tennis: Roadtrip Part of Year’s “Final Stretch�
Sidelines Speedster
By Reviewing Past Tilts
from back
from BACK
8 3
6 3 4 8 18
6 44 9 7 7 68
7 3 1 2 9 8 39
12. On the subject of 13. Whale groups 19. In abundance 122. 6Unprocessed 9 2 7 5 material 24. Danny __ 825. 5Dull 2surface 1 3 4 Sweet snack 426. 7 3 9 8 6 27. Strides 28. Michigan 9 4 7 3athletes 5 1 29. Bombeck and others 230. 3Role5for Jay 6 Silverheels 4 8 31. Capital city 632. 1Preamble, 8 7for 9short2 33. Old anesthetic 735. 2Strong 1 string 4 6 3 38. Ridicule 339. 8Hombre!s 6 5cheers 2 9 40. Right-hand man: abbr. 546. 9Young 4 one 8 1 7 47. On cloud nine 48. Piece of pie 49. Flexible tubes
2 9 3 6
2 33 7 25
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1 2 9 8 3 5 6 8 He: Lat. Actress Susan & family wearer 7 4 6 5 Goatee Tiny French possession 74 4 9 8 1 9 7 2 “__ little teapot, 2A>BBF>A3 4 7 3 7short and stout...� 8 2 6 5 3 5 1 1 8 5 9 38 2 1 2 4 6 9 1 8 29 7 8 9 66 1 8 3 7 7 99 1 8 5 3 2 17 1 3 5 1 3 6 6 7 5
36. Crawler 37. Get real 41. Last queen of Spain 42. Upper crust 43. Regal address 44. Draft board: abbr. 45. City in the Silver State 46. Landlord 48. Prudent 49. Stop 50. Well-known 53. Pop 54. __ Caesar night or etc. west # 8. 10 Prefix57.for Math, English, 60. Boxing champ’s award 9. “Golly!â€? ANSWER TO #1013 Answer to Previous Puzzle 62. Air 63. __ vera L O T S B10. O M Feat R A S # P 11 B 1 7 9 8 4bases; 6 or 3 put 2 runners 5 64. BrontĂŤ Dickinson I C H E A B U T E11. R A __ L the 65. Willow or yew VA I L T I E R 6 M3 A R 4E on 7 1st, 5 2nd 2 8and 1 3rd 9 66. Information E R M I T E S A D O N I S M C I X P I 8 R A2 T E 5S 3 67. 1Challenges 9 4 7 6
H4BC4A30H½B B>;DC8>=B
B A 18. Secret Service agent 29. Bombeck and others 20. Hosp. personnel 30. Role for Jay Silverheels S E 21. Way out 31. Capital city 23. North-to-south range 32. Preamble, for short 24. Actress Deborah 33. Old anesthetic A 25. Shed feathers 35. Strong string N 27. Gratify 38. Ridicule T 30. Poi source 39. Hombre!s cheers I 31. Bakery purchase 40. Right-hand man: abbr. S 34. Light 46. Young one 35. Carrier 47. On cloud nine 55. 36. 48. Piece of pie 56. 37. Get real 49. Flexible tubes 58. 41. Last queen of Spain 50. Hurriedly 59. 42. Upper crust 51. Acidity 43. Regal address 52. Feature for horses & lions 61. 44. Draft board: abbr. 53. Flat-bottomed boat 45. City in the Silver State 54. Use a wooden spoon 46. Landlord :<KHLL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 48. Prudent 1. Staircase parts 49. Stop 6. Leg 14 15 10. Lose oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s footing 50. Well-known 14. Dissect 53. Pop 15. Exchange fee 17 18 16. __ purpose; pointlessly 54. __ Caesar 17. Madison Square Garden, for one etc. 20 21 22 57. Math, English, 18. Secret Service agent 60. Boxing champ!s award 20. Hosp. personnel 24 25 62. Air 21. Way out 23. North-to-south range 63. __ vera 24. Actress Deborah 27 28 29 30 64. BrontĂŤ Dickinson 25.or Shed feathers 27.or Gratify 65. Willow yew 34 35 30. Poi source 66. Information 31. Bakery purchase 34. Light 67.V.Challenges 37 38 39 EASY # 12 35. Carrier
33 8 2 6 77 5 DOWN 8 memento 1. Operation 2. Revolve EASY 31 Down seasons # 9 3 44.3. Humorous use of words 5. Black suit Day 5 1 6 6.7. __ Russian man!s name
# 11
CROSS . Staircase parts . Leg 10 4 8one!s3 4footing 8 3 . Lose . Dissect 9 7 2 9fee 7 6 . Exchange . __ purpose; pointlessly 6 1 5 2 5 1 . Madison Square Garden, for 2 6 4 6 one 2 8 . Secret Service agent . Hosp. 5 3personnel 7 1 9 . Way out . North-to-south 8 9 1 5 range 3 4 . Actress Deborah 1 4feathers 6 8 9 5 . Shed . Gratify 7 source 2 9 1 4 7 . Poi . Bakery purchase 3 5 8 3 6 2 . Light . Carrier . Crawler . Get real
Mankl]Zr% FZr ,% +))0
theâ&#x20AC;˘clog (the kläg, the klĂ´g) n. 1. Not a wooden shoe. 2. Will not make your bathtub overflow. 3. Your new favorite blog. 4. Read it at
7 9
Annie Gerlach covers menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tennis. Contact her at
Keep Berkeley Unique: Shop Locally.
Kelly Suckow covers softball. Contact her at
2 8 5 4 7 4 1 9 BD3>:D 1 7 17 3 6 7 1 9 4 3 5 64
stretch.â&#x20AC;? Four of Calâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s final five matches of the regular season are against conference foes, and four of those matches will be played within the next eight days. The sudden switch to a Pac-10 -heavy calendar has the team looking more than ever toward the NCAA Championships at the end of May. But in order to reach that point, the team must first survive its desert battle. Hopefully for the Bears, everyone packed plenty of sunscreen.
8Supporting locally-owned, 6 7 5 operated independently keeps our city unique, creates more jobs, 9 7businesses 5 and makes our economy stronger. Look for this icon 2 the next 1 time 4 youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re shopping 3 9for something special. 6 Find a local business 9 near you 7 1 2 5 4 8 4 8 2 1 4 3 Books, music, 5 7 #4710 food, whatever. CROSSWORD PUZZLE 8 2 9 ANSWER TO #1013 to Previous Puzzle You make3the6call. 9 1 G RAnswer L O B O MB A S P T S
86 22 4 7 31 8 2 9 6 3
# 12
met was a year ago, when Cal routed Arizona, 6-1, at home. The Bears have defeated the Wildcats in every contest since 2005. Andres Carrasco was the only Arizona player to win a match that day with his defeat of Jonathan Dahan in three sets. Carrasco has split his time this season between the first and second courts and is 6-4 in the dual season. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s matchup occurs in the midst of what Wright calls the â&#x20AC;&#x153;final
but fell to No. 2 USC, 4-1, the next day. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Obviously weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re disappointed about losing to USC,â&#x20AC;? Wright said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But overall it just reflects the quality of our team. USC is one of the best teams in the country, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re getting closer to closing that gap.â&#x20AC;? Arizona (8-9, 0-2 Pac-10) returns home riding a four-match losing streak. The last time the Bears and Wildcats
season, and her hot feet have made her â&#x20AC;&#x201D; two wins over British Columbia and the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all-time leading base steal- divisional foe Central Washington last er. She hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t played since March 17 weekend â&#x20AC;&#x201D; as a basis for improvement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One of the things we were not so against Cleveland State and BYU. Hendersonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last game was against happy with ourselves about over the Cleveland State over a week ago, the weekend was we werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t physical enough in our tackles and in the rucks,â&#x20AC;? third no-hitter of her career. The game against Pacific this freshman Jason Fry said. Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s match will again feature Wednesday saw pitchers Arianna Erceg and Cassandra Vega, two of the a mixed lineup, with a few starters seeMa^ =Zber <Zeb_hkgbZg DUMMY teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eight freshmen, in the circle. ing time against the Bruins. Some othThe 13-2 defeat was a testament to the ers will see action in Sundayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s noon tilt against the Claremont Colleges at Linde struggle of both the pitchers. The months on the road, however, Athletic Field in Claremont, Calif. Even with younger players taking have not gone without impact. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Traveling as much as we did makes the field, Asbun sees Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s match the team stronger and more mature,â&#x20AC;? going differently than the first one center fielder Frani Echavarria said. against the Bruins. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some players that hadnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t gotten time â&#x20AC;&#x153;The moral is to keep going and keep before that tournament have gotten more growing.â&#x20AC;? That strength will be put to the test time now,â&#x20AC;? Asbun said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We open up our today against the highest-ranked team menu in terms of what we do as a team, Cal (21-4) has seen thus far. Unlike the and peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fitness is coming along. EvBears, the Sun Devils (33-2) kicked off eryoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just kind of developing.â&#x20AC;? this season with 27 home games. Christina Jones covers rugby. Contact A 23-game winning streak came to her at a halt with the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second loss of the season in a gritty 1-0 result against then-No. 6 Michigan on March 17. Freshman Dallas Escobedo pitched five scoreless innings before giving up the lone run of the contest in the bottom of the sixth inning. Her 1.25 ERA is second in the Pac-10 behind Henderson. More recently, ASUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 9-1 victory over Santa Barbara tacked on another win to its now-25 game home winning streak. The tilt was junior pitcher Hillary Bachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 64th career win. She is a perfect 9-0 this season. Despite Henderson and Reidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s absences, Echavarria remains optimistic. ACROSS 12. On the subject of After all, the team has fared well against 1. Staircase parts 13. Whale groups tough foes like Missouri and Hawaii. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our team is well-prepared,â&#x20AC;? she said. 6. Leg 19. In abundance â&#x20AC;&#x153;Even though our team is young, we 10. Lose one!s footing 22. Unprocessed material have been exposed to some really # 9 great V.Dissect EASY The Best of Berkeley 14. 24. isDanny __ competition leading up to this point.â&#x20AC;? 15. Exchange fee 25. Dull surface The Daily Californianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Bears hope that confidence is enough to overcome the absence of two 16. __ purpose; pointlessly contest 26. Sweet snack annual reader-voted of their stars against what is arguably 17. Madison Square 27. Strides to ďŹ nd the best people, places, the best competition they have seen Garden, for one 28. Michigan athletes thus far. and businesses in Berkeley.
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Berkeley, California
Friday, April 1, 2011
SPORTS For Coverage Of M. GYM
blue sky The weather finally clears up for the Cal women’s tennis team. See online
Trojans Limp Into Berkeley to Face Stellar Cal Pitching by Katie Dowd Senior Staff Writer
kevin foote/file
Sophomore second baseman Tony Renda has 20 RBI and a .354 batting average through 22 games this season for the Bears.
Red Hot Sun Devils Face Cal to Open Pac-10 Play
The USC baseball team isn’t short on stars. There’s Jordan Hershiser, the 6-foot-8 son of Orel, Cal Shane Boras, spawn of super sports baseball agent Scott and a handful of others FIRST who are the off- PITCH: spring of less No. 13 Cal vs famous Major takes on League Baseball USC at alum. Add to that 2:30 p.m. four players who today at Evans are related to for- Diamond. mer Trojan athletes Radio: KALX and you’ve got a (90.7 FM) legacy-packed squad. But that doesn’t mean they’re winning. USC comes into a three-game series against the red-hot No. 13 Cal baseball team with a record of 9-16, secondworst in the conference. Meanwhile, the Bears are at the top of the Pac-10 and boast a 9-1 record at Evans Diamond, where righty Erik Johnson (4-1, 1.06 ERA) will throw the first pitch at 2:30 p.m. today. As the Trojans enter the contest on a 1-6 slide, Cal has won its last seven in a row, including a sweep of Washington State to open Pac-10 play. “It was a good transition from the regular season to the conference,” left fielder Vince Bruno said. The Trojans may be slumping into Berkeley, but Cal has been playing like title contenders. Their team ERA of 1.84 is the third-best in the nation and both Johnson and midweek starter Kevin Miller are both ranked in the
UCLA Hopes to Keep Cal Game Close
M. Tennis
Bears Look to Scorch Arizona in the Desert Heat, Altitude Staff Writer
the CPD) skirted the upset, 14-12. Cal’s veterans, with some younger guys mixed in, got another crack at UCLA the next day. The Bears ran away with a 53-5 victory. “We had a tough time in the final game at (the tournament) as we allowed them to run at us and did not make individual tackles,” Bruins coach Scott Stewart said in an email. “Oneon-one tackling has to be a priority in any rugby game, and Cal makes you pay if you fail in this area.” UCLA may be looking back to its last game against Cal to prepare for this weekend. The Bears meanwhile are more focused on their last set of games
Today at 1:30 p.m., the No. 6 Cal men’s tennis team takes on Arizona at the LaNelle Robson Tennis Center in Tucson, Ariz., and things are bound to get a little heated. With the temperature predicted at 95 degrees, conditions on the court could climb as high as 105 degrees. And while the Bears (9-5, 1-1 Pac-10) have been taking advantage of the mild Berkeley sunshine during practice all week, they aren’t used to contending with dry Tucson heat. Junior Tommie Murphy said that high altitudes also mean the ball will travel faster, while winds will make it harder to control the ball. In fact, coach Peter Wright pointed to conditions in Arizona as the biggest challenge awaiting Cal this weekend, rather than the actual opponents. “As far as heat and fitness go, this is one of the toughest trips in college tennis,” Wright said. “The weather’s going to be a test of fitness. If someone is fatigued, everyone else has to carry him. We don’t want to have to carry each other. We want to lift each other up on our shoulders.” The Bears have been focusing on points play in practice this week, which according to Murphy, points play, unlike simply rallying, enables the team to simulate specific scenarios so as to better prepare for actual contests. Cal heads into this weekend after splitting results from its Pac-10 opener in Southern California. The Bears edged No. 15 UCLA, 4-3, last Friday
>> rugby: Page 7
>> M. Tennis: Page 7
by Kelly Suckow Staff Writer
>> softball: Page 7
Katie Dowd covers baseball. Contact her at
by Annie Gerlach
Weekend Series Against Arizona State Marks the Bears’ First Homestand
After four months, 25 away games and seven cities, the No. 8 Cal softball team is finally coming home. Wednesday’s tilt cal against Pacific was the final chapter softball in the preseason, FIRST and the squad is heading full-speed PITCH: vs ahead into confer- No. 8 Cal ence play today. plays No. The Bears face 4 Arizona off against No. 4 State at LevineArizona State at Fricke Field at 3 p.m. 3 p.m. in the fa- in the first of a three miliar confines game series. of Levine-Fricke Field to start a three-game series. ASU has a strong lineup that leads the country in batting at .389. The team will be a force to be reckoned with, especially because two of Cal’s starters will not be present on the field today. Both pitcher Jolene Henderson and left fielder Jamia Reid are sidelined. The team has not revealed the nature of their injuries, nor how long they will be out. Reid leads the team in batting average (.478), total bases (49), runs (24) and slugging percentage (.731) this
top-30 for individual ERA. The bullpen has been just as good. Setup man Logan Scott is limiting hitters to a .222 batting average, followed by closer Matt Flemer who has given up just two earned runs in 11 appearances. The pitchers, as good as they’ve been, also have the new bats to thank. This year, the NCAA mandated that all Division I collegiate baseball teams switch to a new model of metal bat with a smaller sweet spot. Whereas in the past less precise swings could still yield hits on the springy aluminum bats, now the bat is less forgiving. The result has been lower-scoring, faster-moving games. And while that’s meant the Bears have been almost untouchable on the mound — only one pitcher on the entire squad has an ERA over four — it’s also meant the hitters have to do more work to light up the scoreboard. “Our pitchers are pitching so well. We know they deserve the win,” junior shortstop Marcus Semien said. “So we need to hit when they give up a few runs.” Probably as a direct consequence of the new bats, home runs have been few and far between for Cal. Semien leads the team with three; they have 10 total. They’re made up for a lack of power with small ball. They have 150 singles out of 221 total hits and have worked 81 walks. That scrappiness fits the swagger of the team. “I don’t want to say we’re afraid of losing,” Semien said, “but we want to keep winning to keep ourselves in the driver’s seat in the Pac-10.”
shannon hamilton/file
Senior wing Blaine Scully scored two tries in the first half of the Bears' 53-5 trouncing of UCLA on Jan. 16 in the Pac-10 Tournament. by Christina Jones Senior Staff Writer
In its three league matches, the Cal rugby team has outscored its opponents, 245-14. When the Bears faced UCLA on Jan. 15, however, they outscored the Bruins by just two points. That’s not to say UCLA has coach Jack Clark’s number — Cal cruised to victory in its subsequent meeting with the Bruins a day later. Clark’s club expects its third match against the Bruins on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. in Los Angeles to more closely resemble their second battle than the first. “I think we’re the better team,” Clark said. “We just have to play like
the better team.” In their first meeting on Jan. 15, Clark trotted out a young lineup in order to rest his starters. The match was the Bears’ sixth contest of the day at the Dennis Storer Classic. Cal’s heavy-hitters had just won what was anticipated to be the most challenging match of the tournament, defeating Utah 34-0. Considering the score differential, that ended up being the Bears’ toughest match of the tournament. UCLA jumped out to a 7-0 lead in the first half, to which Cal responded with two tries. The Bruins pulled within two points with a second-half try, but failed to make the conversion kick to tie the game. The Bears (19-0, 3-0 in