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“Arresting Power: Resisting Police Violence in Portland, Oregon” will be the next installment in the “Social Doc! Screening Series.” PAGE 3


D aily E astern N ews

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 “TELL THE TRUTH AND DON’T BE AFRAID” C E L E BRATI NG A CE NTUR Y OF COV E RA GE 19 15- 201 5

VOL. 100 | NO. 57 W W W . D A I L YE A S TE R N N E W S . C O M

MSAC tries to save money despite budget impasse By Cassie Buchman Administration Editor | @cjbuchman The Military Student Assistance Center, like many departments on campus, has faced cuts because of the state’s budget impasse. The university funds the MSAC through appropriated state funding. Kimberlie Moock, director of the MSAC,

said all appropriated funding was reduced this year. These were cuts to general operational expenses, causing the MSAC to think more about cost-effective ways to have activities such as Veterans Appreciation Week. “As we thought about what types of programs we wanted to do, it was like can we partner with someone who also has resources, or can we have something where we do

that for little or no money and still provide a great experience?” Moock said. To save money for the wheelchair basketball experience on Friday, the MSAC partnered with the Student Recreation Center, so the space will not cost them money, and the wheelchairs are being donated. The MSAC also currently has a coordinator position open to save money. “The institution has a hiring freeze as

we’re waiting for the state to determine what our budget allocations are,” Moock said. “This position is still in the space where we haven’t moved to fill it yet until we know what the funding’s going to look like.” Every state university has to designate a department of person to be a coordinator or outreach person for the military students.

MSAC, page 6

VFW to host ceremony honoring veterans By Lauren Chadick Staff Reporter | @DEN_News The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1592 will be hosting their annual Veterans Day ceremony at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Charleston Square. The 30-minute ceremony will take place on the east side of the square. Commander Phil Kernz is a part of the VFW Post 1592 in Charleston. Kernz said he has been serving as part of the Veterans Day ceremony for more than eight years and always looks forward to speaking and being a part of the courthouse ceremony. Kernz said the ceremony is going to start out with him reading a brief statement about veterans and the importance of Veterans Day, then carry on into the normal ceremony. The ceremony consists of a performance from the color guard, then has a 21-gun salute, and concludes with the playing of Taps. In previous years Kernz said that Jefferson Elementary students came out to watch the ceremony and sang songs honoring the veterans. Kernz said Veterans Day is a day for the community to come together and honor and remember the local veterans. Kernz said every year the community gathers around the courthouse by the statue to honor veterans and it brings all ages of the community together. Kernz said he believes what keeps people attending is good weather. “People have a great time. It’s not a fantastically large group of adults that come out,” Kernz said. Every year the ceremony has some slight changes to it and some new attendees. Kernz said that after the ceremony on the square they usually go out to Roselawn Cemetery in Charleston and preform a Veterans Day ceremony out there at the cemetery as well. Kernz is a part of the local VFW in Charleston. The Paul Mcvey VFW Post 1592 was founded in 1959. The VFW helps to secure rights and benefits for their service. It also provides benefits for the family of veterans as well, according to their website. Lynnsey Veach contributed to this article. Lauren Chadick can be reached at 581-2812 or lachadick@eiu.edu.


Christina Peter, a sophomore music major, alongside Alex Vokoun, a senior theater major, perform James Joyce’s “The Dead” in the Black Box Theater of the Doudna Fine Arts Center Tuesday.

Theatre department prepares for musical By Luis Martinez Entertainment Editor | @LPMartinez20 The department of theatre arts and music is getting ready for its next on-stage work, featuring the works of James Joyce. The musical, titled “James Joyce’s The Dead,” will start its first showing at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Black Box Theatre in the Doudna Fine Arts Center. The performances through Saturday will all take place at 7:30 p.m. while the final performance on Sunday will start at 2 p.m. Jean Wolski, a professor in the theatre arts department, is directing the musical. “The play is based on a short story by James Joyce from his collection of short stories called ‘The Dubliners’ and it’s the last story in that collection. The title

of the story is ‘The Dead’,” Wolski said. “It takes place in Dublin in 1904 and it is at the annual Christmas party of these two older ladies and their niece, all three of them are music teachers and it is a party the three of them throw every single year.” Unlike “Gideon’s Knot”, which occurred earlier this semester, Wolski said preparing for a musical requires a bit more preparation. “Preparing for a musical is a different ball game altogether,” Wolski said. “With a musical, you have the added element of learning the songs from the show, coaching the musicians, we have an orchestra that we added in (Monday) night, there’s choreography that goes into the show. ” Wolski said she is working with a large mix of students, ranging from theatre majors to music majors. “We have students involved in all levels of it. We’ve

got a mix of students that are in the cast, they’re not all theatre majors,” Wolski said. “Auditions are open to everybody, so we got a great mix of students there. I’ve got a lot of people whose this is their first time doing a show with us, so that’s been a lot of fun to work with.” Auditions for the musical were held at the beginning of the fall semester. “It is, with the guidance of faculty, a student-run production,” Wolski said. “We have not done another James Joyce piece before.” Tickets for the performance are $5 for students, $12 for general admission, and $10 for faculty and seniors. Luis Martinez can be reached at 581-2812 or lpmartinez@eiu.edu.

Severe weather expected Wednesday By Jason Howell Online Editor | @thejasonhowell The National Weather Service has forecast thunderstorms in the late afternoon to evening Wednesday with Coles County seeing a slight risk of severe weather. The area within the enhanced risk area has been shifting to the west with its eastern side touching the I-57 corridor.

The Illinois Emergency Management Agency is encouraging people to remain aware of the forecast and act quickly if storm warnings are issued. Weather alerts are made available through different services and platforms, including mobile weather apps, the Wireless Emergency Alert system, and NOAA weather radios. Outdoor sirens are also available, but they should not be the only alert relied on as their effectiveness is diminished when one is indoors or

sleeping. If a tornado warning is issued, the IEMA recommends taking shelter in a basement under the staircase or a sturdy piece of furniture. If no basement is available, an interior hallway or windowless room is recommended along with pillows or cushions to protect the head and neck. Jason Howell can be reached at 581-2812 or jlhowell3@eiu.edu.




Best Buddies




Partly Cloudy

High: 66° Low: 45°

High: 55° Low: 37°

Revell McDonald, a local Charleston resident and a member of CTO Illinois, discusses with Best Buddies members his take on the program's impact Tuesday in the Paris Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Best Buddies is a non-profit organization that pairs students with disabled adults. “You guys aren’t just doing this for a class,” McDonald said. “You’re doing this to make a difference in my life and the life of your buddies.”

For more weather visit dailyeasternnews.com

T h e D a i ly Eastern News “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.”

The Daily Eastern News 1802 Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920 217-581-2812 217-581-2923 (fax) News Staff

Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Markham DENeic@gmail.com Managing Editor Katelyn Siegert DENmanaging@ gmail.com News Editor Roberto Hodge DENnewsdesk@ gmail.com Associate News Editor Jehad Abbed Opinions Editor Chris Picazo DENopinions @gmail.com Online Editor Jason Howell DENnews.com @gmail.com Online Producer Tony Komada Photo Editor Chynna Miller DENphotodesk@ gmail.com Assistant Photo Editor Josh Saxton Sports Editor Sean Hastings DENSportsdesk@ gmail.com

Administration Editor Cassie Buchman Entertainment Editor Luis Martinez Multicultural Editor T'Nerra Butler City Editor Mackenzie Freund Verge Editor Kalyn Hayslett Verge Designer Rose Sacco Faculty Advisers Editorial Adviser Lola Burnham Photo Adviser Brian Poulter Online Adviser Bryan Murley Publisher Sally Renaud Business Manager Betsy Jewell Press Supervisor Tom Roberts Night Staff for this issue Night Chief Katelyn Siegert Lead Designer Lauren McQueen Copy Editor/ Designer Shelby Niehaus

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Visit our website: dailyeasternnews.com About The Daily Eastern News is produced by the students of Eastern Illinois University. It is published daily Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., during fall and spring semesters and twice weekly during the summer term except during university vacations or examinations. One copy per day is free to students and faculty. Additional copies can be obtained for 50 cents each in the Student Publications Office in Buzzard Hall.aaaa Advertising To place an advertisement or classified ad in The Daily Eastern News, call the ads office at 5812812 or fax 581-2923. Visit our online advertisements at dailyeasternnews.com/classifieds. Comments / Tips Contact any of the above staff members if you believe your information is relevant. aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Housing dedicates Student Senate to memorial garden host guest speaker, to former staffers vote on bylaw change By Roberto Hodge News Editor | @DEN_news A Memorial garden in honor of former housing and dining staff is under construction in between Lawson and Andrews Halls. Mark Hudson, the director of housing and dining, said the garden is in honor of Mark Shaklee, who was the associate director for housing for 32 years, and Mike Drake. Hudson said Drake was in charge of the washers and dryers on campus, and did the camera system for the university. “Those two people passing got alumni thinking about how we would like to do something in honor of them, but also for other who want to participate in having some kind of area where they can reflect on their time at Eastern,” Hudson said. Hudson said they are placing the garden between those two buildings because Shaklee was married to Bonnie Buckley, the founder of Eastern’s Sexual Assault Counseling and Information Services, which had an office located in the basement of Lawson for 30 years. He said Drake’s wife Lynette was the hall director of Lawson when she and Drake met. “In addition to those two reasons, it was also an area that I thought never looked as good as I thought it could,” Hudson said. Hudson said they have raised about $30,000 for the garden, which will act as a courtyard for students, staff and faculty. In order to help pay for the cost of the courtyard, alumni have purchased bricks and 16 x16 pavers and bench pavers to help contribute to the overall $60,000

cost of the project, Hudson said. Bricks are $100, pavers are $250, and the bench pavers are $2,500. They can all be engraved. Hudson said people are continually buying the pavers, so their hope is that over the years the project will pay for itself with those purchases; the alumni were making contributions and they wanted to see something done with their funds, so the memorial garden became a construction project. Despite the current state budget impasse, Hudson said the state does not have anything to do with funding of the project, and that housing and dining is a standalone auxiliary—they do not get any money from the state. Their operational funds all come from money paid into room and board contacts; within their budget they have the availability to supply finances for renovations and alterations to the campus, which is also being used to complete the project. “We want to make sure that our campus has amenities that serve our current students well, but also is attractive to potential people looking at this campus to see if they’re interested in coming here.” Hudson said, “The second bonus of this is that the final product, the Memorial Garden area, is going to be a nice looking area for students to utilize.” If the weather permits, the project is expected to be completed sometime in November. Because of its close proximity to the two residence halls, Wi-Fi will be available. Roberto Hodge can be reached at 581-2812 or rlhodge@eiu.edu.

5 1 0 2 , h t 1 1 r e b Novem

Corrections The Daily Eastern News is committed to accuracy in its coverage of the news. Any factual error the staff finds, or is made aware of by its readers, will be corrected as promptly as possible. Please report any factual error you find to Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Markham at 581-2812.

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Veterans Day | 10:30 AM Celebration to honor all Veterans. Old Main

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By Analicia Haynes Staff Reporter | @DEN_News The Student Senate will be expecting a guest speaker and will also be voting on a bylaw change at 7 p.m. at Wednesday’s meeting in the Tuscola/Arcola room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Alison Maley, Eastern alumna and former member of the executive branch of student government, will speak about her experience in the Student Senate. According to the Eastern College of Sciences website, Maley graduated from Eastern in 2002 with her Bachelor of Arts in political science and again in 2010 with her Master of Arts in political science. According to the website, Maley is the Governmental Relations and Public Relations Director for the Illinois Principals Association, which represents over 5,000 Illinois school leaders. Maralea Negron, the student speaker of the senate, said Maley will discuss how her role on student senate has helped her in the workplace. The student senate will go into a Q-and-A session with Maley. Negron reminded senators to be prepared to ask questions. The Student Senate will also go into a period of discussion and will vote on bylaw change 15-16-02. The bylaw change deals directly with the Student University Enhancement Committee and was authored by Ariannah Lambert, chairwomen for the student university enhancement committee, Hayley Hess,

student senator, and Jody Abell, student senator. The change calls for an amendment and addition to article two, letter B, numbers 9a, 9b, 9f and 9j, which explain who the committee should be composed of as well as who the committee should work with and what they should do as a committee. According to bylaw change 15-1602, the rationale for the change is to update the bylaws for the senators. According to the rationale, parts were left out because “expired titles, unnecessary laws and lastly (student senate) is not in control of some areas.” The only addition to the bylaw is a correction of grammar, according to the rationale. Senators who are running for election for the 2016 Spring semester were given an extension and will be reminded to turn in their election packets to the Student Activity Center by Thursday at 4 p.m. instead of Wednesday. Senators running for election are required to get at least 50 student signatures with valid E-numbers. The senators with the most signatures will be put on the ballot on a first-come first-serve basis. Senators will also vote on the consent agenda, which asks for the approval of the EIU Line Dancing Club, Douglas Hall Council, and Lincoln Hall Council as Registered Student Organizations. Analicia Haynes can be reached at 581-2812 or achaynes@eiu.edu.

What’s Happening on Campus?

30 Minutes Resumes | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Career Services. Reservations required. Call 581-2412 for more information. Check out more upcoming events at www.eiu.edu/eiu360/

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 2015



New film in social documentary series to be shown By Luis Martinez Entertainment Editor | @LPMartinez20 The next film to be shown as a part of the “Social Doc! Screening Series” is scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday in Coleman Hall in Room 1255. The film is titled “Arresting Power: Resisting Police Violence in Portland, Oregon,” created by Julie Perini, Erin Yanke, and Jodi Darby. Similar to the first session of the film screening series, Perini and Yanke will engage in a Q-and-A session with members of the audience via Skype after the film has ended. The film takes a closer look at the history of the Portland police and the conflict between the police and the members of the Portland community during the past fifty years. The film features personal stories of resistance, told by some of the victims of these conflicts, as well as family members of people who were killed as a result of police violence. The film will also feature members from both Portland’s reform and abolition movements. The directors come from the Portland area themselves and are media artists who were inspired by the radical anti-authoritarian and anti-racist movements of the past to create this documentary film. When they are not working together documenting current social movements, Darby works as a youth media educator and filmmaker, Yanke works as the program director of KBOO Community Ra-

dio and Perini is an assistant art professor at Portland State University. According to the press release, while the trio’s work expands over a large realm of film, video, radio, music and other mediums, “Arresting Power” will be their first feature film. “Portland is like other cities in the United States with its problems of police brutality, yet it has a unique history of racial exclusion and white supremacy,” the press release said. “As long-term residents of Portland, we witnessed the cycle of police violence, community response and repeated lack of accountability on the part of the police bureau and the city.” The press release said the film acts as a collection of different stories and provides a broad look at the pattern of police violence during that time. “This film comes out of a multi-racial, intergenerational social movement in Portland. It represents many voices who have been struggling on the front lines of police reform and abolition from the 1960s to the present,” the press release read. “‘Arresting Power’ features the true experts: parents who have lost children to police violence, people who have been victims of unjustified police beatings and intimidation themselves, and community organizers working in a grassroots manner to build community power and make change in the city.” Luis Martinez can be reached at 581-2812 or lpmartinez@eiu.edu.


A scene from “Arresting Power: Resisting Police Violence in Portland, Oregon,” the second documentary film of Social Doc! Screening Series. The film screening will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday in Coleman Hall.

Study abroad launches new website, updates database By Torri Griffith Staff Reporter | @DEN_News To help students easily find study abroad programs and scholarships, Eastern and the Office of Study Abroad launched a new website. Kurt Olausen, director of study abroad, partnered with study abroad coordinator Evan Lohmann and a company called Terra Dotta to create the new website. “It is a full software package,” Olausen said. “It is an online application as well as a database. It is the overall management system for our office and all of the programs.” The new website was unveiled about a month ago. The previous website was built in the 2007. Olausen said he has only been at Eastern for a little over a year. He said he began working on this project shortly after he arrived. Olausen began planning this website in December 2014, although actual work on the website began in January. Olausen said time management played a big role in the conversion from paper applications to the new online applications. “Paper applications forced students and faculty members to do data entry,” Olausen said. Olausen said paper applications had many mistakes due to illegible handwriting.

With the new system, students can now log in to insert all of their information from Banner into the application. Olausen said this gives them more accurate information on the students. “The new website has a much better search engine” said Olausen. “Finding programs is much easier and we have more programs listed because we were able to use a more national centralized programs.” The new advanced search engine will give students more options. Olausen said the search engine will better help them narrow down their options, because students will now be able to search for programs by country, term and courses. The homepage of the website now has filtered options for students’ ease of use. These new programs give students the ability to access large amounts of information with minimum work, Olausen said. “The new website makes it easier for students who want to study abroad because it eliminates paper. There are more tools at their fingertips, and the website is accessible 24 hours a day,” Olausen said. Olausen said he still wants students to come to his office and ask questions, but the website is the place they will be doing the most work. “With our old system, if you did not have a

printer you would not be able to start the application,” Olausen said. “Now students can surf through programs and fill out an application in one spot.” Scholarship applications are available on the website as well. Olausen said that many students do not take advantage of the scholarships available to them, such as the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. This is a national scholarship funded through the U.S. State Department. The scholarship is for any student who is eligible for or receives a Pell Grant. Olausen said the goal of the scholarship is to diversify study abroad. He said they are looking for recipients who have majors that do not have many study abroad programs. They are also looking for racial minorities and first generation students for this scholarship. Olausen said these scholarships could range from two to six thousand dollars. The scholarship requires an application process including a qualifying essay. Olausen said once students begin the application process, they will receive access to scholarship applications as well. When students begin the application for study abroad, they will not have to pay any application fees. Olausen said in the future there may possibly be an application fee.

Students have anywhere from 60 to 80 countries they can go to through study abroad. Olausen said students have the opportunity to travel anywhere as long as it is not at war or under a travel warning. Olausen said Eastern students have been to places such as Japan, Korea, Costa Rica and Spain. Many of the programs Olausen works with are United States-based groups that offer programs around the world. Olausen said that although the site went live just a month ago, several students have utilized the website without any assistance. “This is the technology generation. Students are figuring out how to use the website,” Olausen said. Olausen said many things might hold students back from studying abroad or looking into studying abroad. “Many students are afraid to do something different,” Olausen said. “Money is also a factor, because students think they cannot afford the cost.” Olausen said 170 students studied abroad in the 2014-2015 school year. “Programs are open for students that will academically work for them as well as fit their needs,” Olausen said. Torri Griffith can be reached at 581-2812 or tlgriffith@eiu.edu.


T h e Daily Eastern News

W W W. DA I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M

Wednesday, 11.11.15

Letters to the Editor



of the war

Dear editor: We are again honoring our military veterans as we should. The efforts and sacrifices they made in this century and the last century place them on an honor roll. We still remember the soldiers of the Civil War. Without their efforts and sacrifices, we need to ask how slavery could have ended in the United States. To this honor roll some surprising names should be added. Try Pope Pius XII, Wilhelm Canaris, Ludwig Beck, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Other names could be added. Some were lawyers. Most were members of the German General Staff, who more than once tried to remove Adolf Hitler from power, both before and during World War II. Pius XII skillfully tried to arrange cooperation from the U.S. and Great Britain in achieving this worthwhile goal with an earlier end of World War II. Their project was dangerous, and in the end many paid with their lives at the hands of Hitler’s police state. Many lives and homes could have been saved had they been successful. Still, they tried. Leonidas H. Miller, Mattoon Resident

Listen to the other side Editor, Yes, I attended the Donald Trump rally Monday night in Springfield. I also happen to be a liberal Democrat. In fact, I’m the Treasurer of the local Democratic Party back home. So what business did I have at a campaign rally for one of the most popular and controversial GOP presidential candidates? The answer is that I am fascinated by all things political. Being from downstate Illinois, it is a rarity to have the opportunity to observe national political figures in person. Due to my political activities, I have been fortunate enough to meet two of the most consequential political figures of the era; President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Both visited towns in this area, and I was thrilled to be a part of these rare happenings. While the words of Obama and Clinton were certainly more pleasing to my ears than anything Mr. Trump said; I still believe it is important for us all to expose ourselves to other points of view. Ultimately, it is the disconnect between ideologies that breeds the political gridlock that shuts down governments and delays budgets. While my attending a Trump rally won’t solve a budget crisis, I am still glad I went. I had an opportunity to observe first hand what drives his national support, and can claim to have seen one of the most famous people on Earth. Although it may be awhile until another national figure stops to visit us, I hope you will take the advantage of the opportunity the next time around. It’s an experience you won’t soon forget! Jonathan M. Wells, political science graduate student

Submit Letters

If anyone is interested in submitting a letters to editor, they can be submitted to denopinions@gmail.com. Letters should preferably be 200-250 words in length. Please include a headline as well. If a student, please include name, major and year in school. If a resident, please include name and city of residency.


Staff Editorial

Thank veterans for service, sacrifice Across the United States of America, veterans will be remembered in some way, shape or form on Nov. 11. Similar remembrances will be held in other countries to mark the end of World War I. Veterans Day, originally called Armistice Day up until June 1, 1954, is the federal holiday honoring all members of the U.S. Armed Forces. It is a day that we, as Americans, should remember to honor those who have served that presently walk among us. Whenever we see a member of the armed forces walking around in uniform, or a member of an organization such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars or the American Legion, we should do any, or all, of these things: Pause for a moment, say hi to them, thank them for their service, shake their hand, hold open the door for them and listen to their story.

The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization also offers these tips, while directed at hospice staff, that anyone could implement when talking to a veteran; some include: Give veterans an opportunity to tell their stories, respect veterans’ service, their feelings, and any suggestions they might offer, thank veterans for their service to our country, show appreciation for the families of veterans, be honest and sincere, caring and respectful We should also support organizations that support these veterans: USO, Wounded Warrior Project, and AMVETS to name only a few. Veterans might come home with PTSD or other injuries which would make acclimating back to civilian life difficult. Because our veterans made a sacrifice for us, we should make a sacrifice for them, no matter what form, big or small, it may take.

There will be a few events in the Charleston and Mattoon area to honor the men and women who have served. Mattoon will hold its annual Veterans Day Parade beginning at 10 a.m. starting at the intersection of 21st Street and Western Avenue and ending in Peterson Park. A Veterans Day ceremony will be held following the parade at 11 a.m. at the Coles County Vietnam War monument. Eastern will hold its annual Veterans Day Ceremony at 10:30 a.m. in Old Main. Eastern will also hold a Veterans Day blood drive from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Student Recreation in Lantz Arena. There will be many ways honor veterans by attending these events. If you cannot attend these events, but happen to run into a veteran, be sure to thank them. The daily editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial board of The Daily Eastern News.

Adjust to changes when returning home Thanksgiving break is coming up and that means it is time to go home. While a lot of us look forward to going home and seeing friends, family, pets or anything else, a lot of things can change while we’re here. For example, you may go home and realize that your younger sister has slowly started to move her stuff into your bedroom and claim it as “hers” like you’re never going to come home once you leave for college. You’ll walk in and her pillows and blankets will be there. Also, what used to be your desk for homework is supposedly hers now. When you get home the first question is, “how long are you home for? when do you go back?” It’s nice to see you, too. Glad to see that I have been missed. You may also notice that your mom has started to “remodel” your room by taking down the masterpiece you created by taping over 200 newspaper pictures of the Chicago Blackhawks’ 2013 Stanley Cup run because you are not there to completely shut that idea down. But only some will be taken down, you will still have to hear from your mom, “your

Sean Hastings wall would look so much nicer without all those pictures.” She may just not get the love you have for the Chicago Blackhawks and their Stanley Cup wins. Going back to seeing your family, you come to find out that your freshman-inhigh-school sisters are starting to get boyfriends…what? Also, those same sisters start telling you how they are going to have their permits in a month. Weren’t you guys just in sixth grade like last week? Or you’ll be driving around with your brother, who is now a senior in high school,

and he asks you to stop at a gas station so he can get some lottery tickets. Then it hits you that he is 18, just under a year of being in college himself. A lot of us have pets that we can’t wait to see when we get home, and by some miracle your little 3-year-old puppy is dumber than the last time you saw her. So instead of running in circles for 5 minutes, she’s bumped it up to 10. But you’re still going to love her just as much. It really makes you wonder if this trend will continue each time you come home. Also, your bigger, older dog has become even lazier and confused about everything that is going on around her- but don’t love her any less. Overall, going home for most of us is pretty solid, but adjusting to some of the differences can be tough. Such as almost trying to fit back in, it almost seems new each time you go home. The best way to adjust to all of this is to just talk to our families when we do go home. Sean Hastings is a sophomore journalism major. He can be reached at 581-2812 or smhastings@eiu.edu.

Editorial Board Editor- in-Chief Stephanie Markham

Managing Editor Katelyn Siegert

News Editor Roberto Hodge

Associate News Editor Jehad Abbed

Photo Editor Chynna Miller

Online Editor Jason Howell

Opinions Editor Chris Picazo

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 2015



Campus talks party postponement, reimbursement By T’Nerra Butler Multicultural Editor | @DEN_News Daniel Nadler, the vice president of student affairs, said the postponement decision for the Zeta Phi Beta sorority Halloween happened after conversations the Wednesday before the party. The conversation focused on crimes happening on and off campus and the shots fired on Oct. 29, which put law enforcement on a high alert; Nadler said it was a concern for the student, faculty and staff ’s safety. “There is nothing more important than the safety and security of our students, faculty/staff and guests,” Nadler said. “I am very sorry the event had to be rescheduled.” Melanie Dyer, the president of Zeta Phi Beta, went to Old Main the day the party was scheduled to talk about why the university suddenly postponed the event. Dyer said the safest place to have a party would be on campus, and because students were going to a party regardless of it being on campus or not, the university should have put them in a safer environment, like the Union. “I don’t think they took the right precautions—if anything, they made it worse only because now they put fear into the students of just attending a union party,” Dyer said. “The students feel something bad may happen, and in reality bad things can happen anywhere, at any time.” Dyer said so much paperwork and effort is put into parties, and security is always a must; she said security would have been able to back up any threat. Ashley Howard, the president of National Pan-hellenic Council, said the postponement did not come off


Melanie Dyer, a senior communication studies major and a member of the Zeta Phi Beta sorority, was part of the group that went to see Daniel Nadler, vice president of student affairs, about the postponement of a sorority-hosted Halloween party.

“A lot of people I hang around with, they don’t feel safe, they feel harassed.” -Orlando Thomas, president of Kappa Alpha Psi

as a safety issue, but a repercussion. She said it is like the university sees African-American students doing things like fighting or acting out and takes away an event, which was supposed to be in a fun and safe environment. Howard said this is not the first time a NPHC organization’s party has been postponed because of offcampus incidents. She said last year a fight occurred at the Penalty Box bar, and the following week a Greek party was rescheduled. “It’s an issue that has multiple issues within,” Howard said. “My concern is that the crimes that are being reported are not all the crimes that are going on, but when African-American students are seen doing something, it is seen as a threat

to the community, so I’m concerned where the biases lie.” Moniesha Curry, the president of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said a lot of the things going on outside of the African-American community are not told. She said this is not the first time she has seen something being blown (out of proportion) on campus. Curry said with the 2013 barn party incident, where two people were sent to the hospital for nonfatal gunshot wounds, the shooters addresses and full names were let out to the public. She said when a sorority girl from a white sorority is left unconscious, not much information is let out. The barn party, an incident that occurred in September 2013, sent

two to the hospital with gunshot wounds that were not life threatening. Curry said the postponement of the Zeta party was just another slap in the face because there are things in the community happening and all students are not penalized with their events getting canceled. Orlando Thomas, the president of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, said all of the money Greeks make come from Union parties to keep their chapter going. He said it was not fair for the Zeta party to be postponed because money is involved. Thomas said the barn party incident is often used as a tactic to say the campus does not want another threat. “They use that as a platform to keep us down,” Thomas said. Thomas said while the campus tries to protect students, there is little to no protection off campus, and when he goes into the Charleston community, he is often nervous. “It may depend on the person because some of the other students may feel safe who are not minorities,” Thomas said. “A lot of people I hang around with, they don’t feel safe, they feel harassed.” Dionte McWillis, a senior history major and member of the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity, said it is not fair to punish students for what outsiders do. “The black community gets a light shined on them more than the other communities,” McWillis said. “Students are going to want to leave if they are always seen as a criminal, nobody wants that feeling so you can’t continue the blame game.” McWillis, like Thomas, said he gets a sense of nervousness once he leaves campus. He said one step Eastern could take is to bridge the gap so African-

Americans feel like the university is making the campus and the community safe. “If I’m in the square I’m not going to feel safe because I’ve seen confederate flags or people drive past and yell n****r out their window,” McWillis said. “Once I get past Lincoln there’s not a sense of safety.” Ceci Brinker, the director of student life, said the university took the right steps when canceling the party. She said it could have easily been another organization on campus to have their party rescheduled. “I don’t think the Zetas were targeted, it’s just unfortunate that it just so happened when the administration made the decision, it was their event,” Brinker said. Brinker said for students to be upset is understandable, but they also have to understand the rationale behind the postponement. She said while there is security, because of so many people no one is sure what happens outside of the party. “We heard about that shooting off campus and that’s a legitimate concern. Are we concerned about a shooting happening on campus at a party, yes, but we have parameters in place to help us screen that,” Brinker said. “That doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen out in the parking lot.” Nadler said the Zetas were offered any remaining dates for the semester. He said they were given priority scheduling during Spring 2016, and it will be a full reimbursement of any expenses for advertising, marketing and other expenses. T’Nerra Butler can be reached at 581-2812 or tabutler@eiu.edu.

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 2015


“The Military Student Assistance Center reports to me, so by virtue by that that piece is covered,” Moock said. “We have individuals on campus who handle all the veterans benefits.” Moock said like in other departments, the MSAC is trying to see if they can do programming that impacts students in a positive way but does not cost as much money. “We’re just being very intentional and specific in how we’re utilizing our dollars,” Moock said. The MSAC still co-sponsors the suicide prevention conference, has a full week of activities for Veterans Appreciation Week, as well as coordinates and makes sure student veterans are receiving services from other offices. “We’re not a student’s advisor, but if a student was having difficulty or did not know how to navigate that advising, we would still be that troubleshooter for them,” Moock said. “That does not take any dollar resources. It’s just those conversations and interactions.” Moock said they are looking at ways they can still have training without bringing someone from the outside, or bringing someone who would have little to no expenses. She said the MSAC has never had a big spending item, but thought about individual programs and how to maintain those. This year, MSAC has received $6,000 in appropriations instead

“We’re just being very specific in how we’re utilizing our dollars.” -Kimberlie Moock, director of Military Assistance Student Center cussions on how that funding of its usual $10,000. “Most units were reduced by would work and what we might about 25 percent and so we re- do,” Moock said. Along with being director of duced kind of in that zone,” the MSAC, Moock is the direcMoock said. As they understand better tor of new student programs. Moock said without a coordiwhat is happening with the budget at the state level, they will nator, there are some things she have to make decisions as an in- does that she normally would stitution about how the center not have to do. “Anytime you’re down a will be staffed, Moock said. Right now, these discussions whole person, being able to cover everything a whole person are ongoing. “Some of the discussions are, would gets stretched,” Moock “will we replace the coordina- said. Being the coordinator is a tor?” she said. About 20 percent of the stu- full-time job so their only focus dents the MSAC sees are grad- would be on the MSAC, unlike uate students and 25 to 30 per- Moock, who has responsibilities, which are across different spaces. cent are in their adult program. “Obviously, juggling those “Some of them aren’t even on campus,” Moock said. “So as we spaces can be difficult, but the look at the number of students important thing is to make sure who fit in this pool, we ask what every student who needs assisare the best ways to serve them?” tance, that we’re serving them,” Something else that will de- Moock said. “Those are the termine the staff load of the things we want to make sure are MSAC will be the recruitment happening in a rich and positive and enrollment plan of the uni- way.” versity. Although the coordinator po“If we decide we want to have sition is not filled, the MSAC is a larger percentage of our stu- still able to get their responsibildents that are military, then ob- ities done. viously that would play into “We’re blessed, we have two how we might need to staff the students who work for the MiliThe New Sales Corporation office,” MoockYork said. Times Syndication tary Student Assistance Center,” 620said Eighth York, Moock if the Avenue, budget re- New Moock said.N.Y. 10018 For Information solved itself, they would be ableCall: 1-800-972-3550 Moock said there are all sorts For 11,like 2015 to firm upRelease their plans.Wednesday, of November special projects, bringing “Right now we are in dis- in speakers that they could do

Crossword ACROSS 1 Painter Chagall 5 Kevin who was the 2014 N.B.A. M.V.P. 11 Record holders? 14 Vicinity 15 One way to be caught 16 Basketball star ___ Ming 17 Amused the singer of “Raise Your Glass”? 19 Zero 20 Ore-Ida product 21 Bit of campfire entertainment 22 Time to rise, in poetry 23 Ruinous end 25 Enchantment of the singer of “Raspberry Beret”? 31 What an unbelievable YouTube video might be

32 Some military defenses, for short 33 K.G.B. adversary 34 ___ port 35 Favoring the singer of “Sunday Bloody Sunday”? 38 Easter egg container? 39 Red Lobster freebie 40 ___-Aid 41 Cream and eggshell, for two 42 Medical procedure for the singer of “If You Love Somebody Set Them Free”? 47 Source of ivory 48 Tree of Life locale 49 Loo 51 Fast-food convenience

















56 It might puff you up 57 Coached the singer of “Kiss From a Rose”? 59 90° turn 60 Emmy-winning series set at the Sterling Cooper ad agency 61 Bit of fish food 62 26th of 26 63 Word next to a coin slot 64 Fraud fighters, for short DOWN 1 LeBlanc of “Friends” 2 Diva’s delivery 3 Four-sided fig. 4 Betty Crocker product 5 Coke Zero alternative 6 Ruined 7 Entranced 8 Four of the 12 imams of Shia 9 Diarist Anaïs 10 Shatner’s “___War” 11 Nickname for a high-achieving couple 12 One corner of a Monopoly board 13 Filleted fish 18 ___ Hubbard of Scientology 21 When doubled, a drum 23 “Aw, hell!”

with more money. “If somebody said, Kimberlie, make the wish list, what is all the stuff you wish we could do, I could put together a list of things we see as supports, and things students on campus would like to have,” Moock said. “And sometimes those things take time and space and people.” Moock said the focus is now to see if they can secure the funds for a coordinator. “Having that position would allow us to be more creative and do additional outreach,” Moock said. Jacob Lachapelle, a senior accounting major and student veteran, said Eastern has to get a veteran’s coordinator who is a veteran. “They would have more experience,” Lachapelle said. Lachapelle said Eastern is fulfilling the responsibilities for a veteran’s coordinator until the funding gets back, but having a veteran’s coordinator would be beneficial. “They specialize in the veteran’s realm,” Lachapelle said. “In any organization, you have to have someone there all the time.” Cassie Buchman can be reached at 581-2812 or cjbuchman@eiu.edu.

Edited by Will Shortz 1









No. 1007 9














21 22 25
















38 41



47 49



















24 Approximately 25 Put forward 26 Way into Wonderland 27 Premium ___ 28 27-Down offering 29 David of “Separate Tables”

35 U.P.S. truck contents: Abbr. 36 Piece next to a knight 37 “Alley ___” 41 Doesn’t say outright 43 Mother superior, for one

49 “Oh, man!” 50 Check out 51 Many soccer coaches

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52 Frost 54 All the ___

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7 Old rivals join forces as new Panther recruits

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 2015

By Blake Nash Staff Reporter | @Banash5 Last February, two of Eastern’s newest basketball players were on opposing sides of the basketball game. Freshman Casey Teson and his St. Charles teammates were on their way to a Missouri state championship, but were facing Fort Zumwalt South, which was led by another future Panther, freshman Marshawn Blackmon. For both teams, it was the final regular season game, which carried a special meaning. Word had gotten out before the game that both Teson and Blackmon had committed to play college basketball at the same school. The stage was set for a battle between two future Eastern basketball players. “I think that’s why my coach actually scheduled the game,” Blackmon said. “Both our teams were in the top five in the city or state in scoring, so I figured it would be a high-scoring game.” It was indeed an offensive explosion, with Teson leading the Pirates to a 99-97 double-overtime win with 35 points, including the game-winning basket. Teson became the school’s alltime leading scorer, but the story had a different ending for Blackmon. Blackmon had scored five points and picked up three fouls in the first half, and his team was losing ground to the Pirates. In the second half, Blackmon and teammate Preston Whitfield reignited the Bulldogs’ offense scoring 20 and 47 points, respectively.

All it was going to take for the Bulldogs to pull off the victory was a defensive stop on the final possession of the first overtime. Blackmon’s man was driving to the basket, with 10 seconds left, when he stopped for a pump fake. The ‘trigger-happy’ Blackmon leaped for the block and collided with the shooter. Blackmon had just fouled out, and the shooter knocked down both shots at the free-throw line to move the game to a second overtime. “I was the one that fouled Marshawn out,” Teson said. “I leaned into him after the pump fake and he ended up fouling out.” Blackmon continued to support his team from the bench, as Whitfield and Teson continued the offensive onslaught for both teams. Ironically enough defense would decide the game. Teson and a teammate forced Fort Zumwalt’s Drake Whaley into a double-team trap when the ball came lose. Teson quickly picked it and drove to the other end for a go ahead layup with five seconds remaining in double overtime. St. Charles led 98-97 and forced an errant shot by the Bulldogs the next possession. Rasheem Alexander was fouled and sent to the line for St. Charles, where he hit 1-of-2 free throws. A buzzer-beater attempt by Fort Zumwalt South fell short, and the Pirates won, 99-97. As both players shook hands after the game, they knew they would see each other again in the future. The route to Eastern was different for both.



Freshmen Casey Teson and Marshawn Blackmon were opponents in their last regular season high school games. Teson and Blackmon both knew they were coming to Eastern together before the game was played. They will play their first regular season game together Saturday at Indiana.

Teson was familiar with Eastern basketball before he committed to the Panthers. Assistant coach Rod Stricker coached him in both AAU and junior high basketball, and Teson knew he wanted to play for him once again. “I’ve always wanted to stay with coach Stricker, because he’s pretty much taught me a lot,” Teson said. “I really liked playing with him in the seventh and eighth grade.”

Eastern and Stricker were complete strangers for Blackmon until his junior year of high school. “We had a playoff game with Hazelwood Central for state,” Blackmon said. “We had practice earlier that day, and coach said that there was a college coach that was going to come to practice to watch me.” After practice, Blackmon’s assistant coach, who attended Eastern, ex-

plained which school Stricker was from and what the school was like. Stricker tweeted to him following the game and the recruitment process began. Friday they will be teammates in a game for the first time ever in a regular season game at Indiana. Blake Nash can be reached at 581-2812 or banash@eiu.edu.

Eastern volleyball team set to host Edwardsville By Sean Hastings Sports Editor | @DEN_Sports

The Eastern volleyball team will take on Southern Illinois-Edwardsville in a rare midweek matchup on Wednesday in Lantz Arena. The Panthers are coming off a fiveset loss against Morehead State on Saturday. Eastern defeated Eastern Kentucky the day before. The Panthers already played SIUE earlier in the year, beating them 3-1.

While both teams match up pretty well, as the last match ended 3-2, both teams have different approaches to the match. Eastern already has a guaranteed spot in the OVC tournament, but SIUE is still fighting to get in. SIUE is tied in the eighth and final spot with Tennessee Tech. Both schools have 5-9 records. “I think the good thing for us is we’re in a way different situation coming into this game than SIUE is,” coach Sam Wolinski said. “We know

where we’re at. We know pretty much seeding wise where we’re going to be. They’re battling to get into the tournament. It’s a different mindset for them than it is for us.” The Panthers are currently in third in the OVC standings with a 10-4 record. Wolinski said that SIUE’s record does not show how talented the team actually is and knows that they will play a tough match. “When they’re on, they’re on,” Wo-

linski said. Kristen Torre plays in the middle for SIUE and leads the team in kills with 323. Torre is one of the main targets on the court for the Cougars. Wolinski said that stopping Torre will be key in getting the win. They know that she will be set regardless, but will have to keep them out of system as much as possible. Offensively for the Panthers, getting their serve and pass game will also be key in getting a win.

P a a p

The Panthers’ first road win came against SIUE earlier in the season, but Wolinski said that the team is excited to get back home after playing the past two weekends on the road. Wolinski said that it was a gut check win and it is going to be the same thing this time around. The match is set to start at 6 p.m. on Wednesday in Lantz Arena. Sean Hastings can be reached at 581-2812 or smhastings@eiu.edu.

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@DEN_Sports tweet of the day: The #EIU volleyball team will host Southern Illinois Edwardsville at 6 p.m. Wednesday in Lantz Arena.

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D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M

W E D N E S DAY, N O V. 11, 2015 N O. 57, V O LU M E 100


Hickman brings effort during time at Eastern By Elias Albert Staff Reporter | @DEN_Sports

I had to adjust to,” Hickman said. “It’s different when you can’t come home to your family every day.” During her career at Eastern, Hickman produced positive play and was a leader for the team, according to coach Jason Cherry. Cherry said Hickman meant a great deal to the team and played an important role. “She led the team by example on and off the field,” Cherry said. “She set the tone every day with her work, heart and determination. You always knew you were going to get her best.” Hickman played well over 1,000 minutes in each of her seasons at Eastern and, as Cherry described her, she was a consistent piece to the Eastern backfield. She also managed to avoid any serious injuries. Off the field, the determination continued for Hickman as she is set to graduate at the end of this semester, which will be one semester earlier than initially planned. She is earning her bachelors of science in business and accounting, all while maintaining a GPA of around 4.0. Hickman said despite looking forward to moving on from Eastern, she is going to miss some of the things she loved doing while she attended. She said her favorite memories at Eastern are from both on and off the field. “I liked when we won six games in the conference tournament during my sophomore year,” Hickman said. “I also enjoyed beating Southern Illinois-Edwardsville in our last game. Another favorite would be being able to succeed in the business and accounting programs and making new friends there.”

She said she also plans to work part time for State Farm Insurance.

Briana Hickman ended her career with the women’s soccer team with the eighth-most minutes played in team history. She did so while starting all four years in her Eastern career. Hickman said her love for soccer began at an early age thanks to the influence of her parents. “I got into soccer at the age of four,” Hickman said. “I think my parents just knew I needed to get involved in something. We’re a big sports family, so soccer was what I tried, and I loved it.” Hickman attended Springfield High School in Springfield, Ill. While there, she was strong both on the field and in the classroom. She recorded 19 goals during her senior season and also earned a number of academic honors, including being a member of the National Honor Society. She came to Eastern in 2012, and she said she was more than familiar with the school and program. Her father, Terrence Hickman, played football for Eastern from 1989-92. Briana said her father’s time at Eastern had an effect on her decision to attend the university, too. “The fact that my dad attended Eastern did influence my decision a little bit,” Hickman said. “I have been coming to Eastern’s football games since I was 4 years old, so Eastern has always been part of my life.” Despite being close to the program, HickAfter she graduates this December, Hickman man said coming to Eastern was still an adjustsaid she will remain at the school to work toward ment that took getting used to. “Being away from my family was something her MBA with a certification in accounting.

Elias Albert can be reached at 581-2812 or at ewalbert@eiu.edu.


Handley, Menard earn 2nd team All-OVC honors By Mark Shanahan Staff Reporter | @DEN_Sports Juniors Paxson Menard and Ivy Handley both earned second team All-OVC for their performances at the conference championships. Handley earned a personal record at the OVC championships when she ran the 5k in 18:10.5. She also had strong performances at the Notre Dame and Illinois State invites. Handley credits her dad for getting her into running. He did not let her quit when she really wanted to in seventh grade and was her coach in eighth grade. “By the end of my eighth grade season, I kind of enjoyed running,” she said. “He really encouraged me to continue and all of my friends ran. So, I joined the high school team. He knows my running style and what I need to do better than I do. To this day, he has only missed two of my cross country and track meets.” After once hating running, Handley now has many reasons why she has come to enjoy it. “Amazing friendships, the ability to sleep and eat significant amounts, time management, physically feeling good and horrible and knowing how to handle it, a deeper faith life, the beauty of the outdoors, traveling to new places for meets, the drive to keep moving forward and getting better in running, school and life,” Handley said. Coach Erin Howarth credited Handley as someone the team could always count on. “Ivy (Handley) has been so consistent all season in her racing,” Howarth said. “We can always count on her and know that she will be where she needs to be for us to be successful as a team.” For the men’s team, Menard earned his second team honors by placing ninth with a time of 25:13.2 while Handley got the honor by placing 13th. Menard placed in the top ten of Walt Crawford EIU, Illinois State invite and the Notre Dame invite. He set his personal record at the Bradley Pink Classic when he ran the 8k in 24 minutes and 52.6 seconds.


Juniors Ivy Handley and Paxson Menard received second team All-OVC honors following their OVC championship performances.

“Everyone knows that the way that they lead is by leaving their guts on the course, pouring their hearts into the race, and knowing that they are doing everything that they can to ensure that they are helping their team be successful.” Erin Howarth, Eastern head coach

Howarth also pointed out Menard’s consistency throughout the season. “Paxson (Menard) has also been consistent all season and challenged himself to be up as close to Riley (McInerney) as possible,” she said.

“He has had a tendency up until now to yoyo a lot in races, where he will be up front and then drop back and then surge up to the front and then drop back etc., but this season he has done an excellent job of putting himself in con-

tention, or where he needs to be, early on and staying there and competing with those around him from start to finish. He has been consistently under 25 minutes, which is important to have at the No. 2 spot.” Handley spoke highly of fellow teammate Menard. “Paxson (Menard) sees the best in everyone,” she said. “He is always super positive, happy and funny. He has the gift of lifting people’s spirits.” Menard began running in high school and was encouraged by his gym teacher to begin running after seeing him run the pacer test. He then attended cross-country practices that summer and it led him to where he is now. He looks up to God, his family and especially his teammates, he said. “I would say the entire team in general,” he said. “If someone is having a day, we have their back no matter what.” One thing Menard did this year to help him earn second team All-OVC was stay in Charleston over the summer as opposed to going back home. He was able to run with his teammates, which ultimately pushed him to up the mileage on his daily runs. Menard also spoke highly of his teammate Handley. “She is a very joyful, funny person overall,” he said. “She has a great faith life. Always a person you can go to, whether it’s for homework or running.” Howarth sees Handley and Menard as quiet leaders that help make the teams successful. “Ivy and Paxson are very similar in the sense they are quiet leaders,” she said. “Neither of them are incredibly vocal in workouts or in races, but everyone knows that the way that they lead is by leaving their guts on the course, pouring their heart into the race, and knowing that they are doing everything that they can to ensure that they are helping their team be successful.” Mark Shanahan can be reached at 581-2812 or mmshanahan@eiu.edu.

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