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The baseball team is set for the season with a schedule, new head coach and plenty of new players.

Students from Charlotte Pence’s creative nonfiction class read from their original works.




D aily E astern N ews

Thursday, December 10, 2015 “TELL THE TRUTH AND DON’T BE AFRAID” C E L E BRATI NG A CE NTUR Y OF COV E RA GE 19 15- 201 5

VOL. 100 | NO. 73 W W W . D A I L Y E A S TE R N N E W S . C O M

‘How the Grinch stole Christmas!’ to be read in different languages By Kevin Kroll Staff Reporter | @DEN_News Students will have the opportunity to find out how the Grinch stole Christmas in many different languages from around the world. Sigma Tau Delta and the foreign language department will be presenting the book, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” The Christmas story will be read in English as well as many other languages. The languages the story will be read in include old English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and English. The reading will start at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Edgar Room of Booth Library. Music, drinks and holiday snacks will be available for anyone to enjoy along with the reading. Jessica Bayles, treasurer of Sigma Tau Delta, said this event does a good job on connecting the English department with the foreign language department. Bayles said the reading has been going on for several of years now. Bayles also said the reading usually has a decent turnout. Everyone is welcome to come, not only students here at Eastern, but children and students from local high schools are also welcome. Bayles said the reading also does a good job of bringing in new students who have an interest in foreign languages or the English department. “It was a blast. It was something that people talked about into the spring,” Bayles said. “It’s so cool to hear all the different languages next to each other, especially because you are switching from Germanic to romance languages.” Sigma Tau Delta shoots to have a couple of events each semester for students that are interested in the English department. This will be the group’s last event for this semester. Last year, faculty members were in charge of reading the story, and now this year the students will be reading the story. Interim department chair Christiane Eydt-Beebe said they like to switch up the event a little every year. “We try to change it up every year a little bit; this year we added Italian,” EdytBeebe said. Edyt-Beebe said she they like to spread the activities they have going on in this department out into the community. “This event brings community spirit and a collaborative spirit because they can see us working together,” Edyt-Beebe said. Kevin Kroll can be reached at 581-2812 or krkroll@eiu.edu.


The current progression of the courtyard, as seen from the top of Lawson Hall. The courtyard is expected to be completed by May 2016.

Goal set for completion of courtyard By Mackenzie Freund City Editor | @mgfreund_news The original goal for the completion of a housing construction project had to be pushed because of some unavoidable delays, said Mark Hudson, director of Housing and Dining. The construction project is a memorial courtyard being built in between Andrews and Lawson halls in the South Quad. Hudson said the idea for the courtyard came from alumni who wanted a memorial set up to honor two former Housing and Dining staff members who died.He said two issues began the concept of the courtyard.

"At the time we were talking about what kind of projects we could do to provide a nice visual for people visiting the campus.” Mark Hudson, director of Housing and Dining “We initially thought about putting in a bench for each but the money came in at a level that we could do something bigger,” Hudson said. “At the same time we were talking about what kind of projects we could do to provide a nice service to current residents and also provide a nice visual for people visiting the campus.” Hudson said the courtyard seemed like the

most fitting tribute. The two former employees were Mark Shaklee and Mike Drake. Shaklee served as the associate director of Housing and Dining for 32 years, and Drake worked for more than a decade with the washer and dryer program and the camera system.


Student Senate approves spending items By Sydney Edwards Copy Editor | @DEN_News The Student Senate approved several spending resolutions from the Apportionment Board during its an emergency meeting on Wednesday. The senate approved the $16,000 the University Board asked for to put on its Pantherstock event in the spring. Senator JaLisa Smith said she was not impressed with Pantherstock last year and does not think that much money should be spent on one day. Courtney Sage, the student vice president for student affairs, said she thinks Pantherstock would benefit the students. Student Body President Shirmeen Ahmad, said she thinks the event would be great for all students. “Pantherstock is a last send off,” Ahmad said. Senator Bryce Mullins said he does not think the funds should go toward “Pantherstock.” Ahmad asked Mullins and his fellow senators to “step back and look at how much $16,000 really is.”

Sage said she also thought students should consider the costs of such events. “You have to put a lot of money in to put good money in,” Sage said. “Last year it was a big event with a good turn out and it was making good things.” The Apportionment Board did not approve the senate’s request for spending for OrgSync, a website intended to improve student communication among registered student organizations. The senate has $28,564.60 leftover in its reserve account, and Ahmad said members can try for OrgSync again next year if they want to. The senate also approved a resolution for the disbursement of $18,349 into a reserve account to go to the Student Recreation Center. Senators said they were interested to use the new software that the recreation center would be able to purchase with the money. The senate passed a resolution to spend $10,586.40 for the “It’s On Us” sexual assault prevention program. Ahmad encouraged senators to buy T-shirts for the program.

The senate approved a resolution to spend $1,500 for Prowlin’ with the Prez events. Sage said she approved the event to have its own budget so Stephen Simpson, student vice president for academic affairs, would not have to “scrape for money.” Simpson said the events next semester would include “Pancakes with the Prez”, “Paint-a-sip”, “Piñata with the Prez” and “Panther Party.” Simpson said the Latin American Student Organization will be working with the senate next semester. Catie Witt, executive vice president, said Prowlin’ with the Prez is good way for students to get to know their president. “(Students) meet the new president and express their concerns. If they don’t have time to email or call his office, they can just talk to him there,” Witt said. “They get to come hang with the guy who runs the university.” Sydney Edwards can be reached at 581-2812 or skedwards2@eiu.edu.



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The Daily Eastern News 1802 Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920 217-581-2812 217-581-2923 (fax) News Staff

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Visit our website: dailyeasternnews.com About The Daily Eastern News is produced by the students of Eastern Illinois University. It is published daily Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., during fall and spring semesters and twice weekly during the summer term except during university vacations or examinations. One copy per day is free to students and faculty. Additional copies can be obtained for 50 cents each in the Student Publications Office in Buzzard Hall.aaaa Advertising To place an advertisement or classified ad in The Daily Eastern News, call the ads office at 5812812 or fax 581-2923. Visit our online advertisements at dailyeasternnews.com/classifieds. Comments / Tips Contact any of the above staff members if you believe your information is relevant. aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Corrections The Daily Eastern News is committed to accuracy in its coverage of the news. Any factual error the staff finds, or is made aware of by its readers, will be corrected as promptly as possible. Please report any factual error you find to Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Markham at 581-2812. Employment If you would like to work for The Daily Eastern News as a reporter, photographer, columnist, cartoonist, copy editor, designer or videographer, please visit at the newsroom at 1802 Buzzard Hall. Printed by Eastern Illinois University on soy ink and recycled paper. Attention postmaster: Send address changes to: The Daily Eastern News 1802 Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920

THURSDAY, DEC. 10 2015

Students share tips on tackling finals By Mackenzie Freund and Analicia Haynes City Editor and Staff Reporter | @den_news

With finals just around the corner, students hunker down in the library, overdose on coffee and brace themselves for hair pulling and eye-burning nights.. Lauren Eberle, a sophomore sociology major, preps for finals by rewriting everything instead of just re-reading the content. “I rewrite everything and if my professor gave me a study guide I would pretend it was a test,” Eberle said. “It’s a good tactic other than just re-reading everything,” Eberle also said it is helpful to go over key concepts throughout the semester to avoid cramming the night before. Students like Marissa Foglia, a sophomore English and theater major, prefer to re-read their notes, while Kelsey Overland, a freshmen psychology major, likes to retake tests that were handed back to her. Lauren Horn, a senior physics major, also likes to go over homework and tests she gets back from her professors. “Some teachers like to take the homework we’ve done before and put it on our tests so I just go through the homework and whatnot,” Horn said. “There’s other people that give us practice exams and I go through and study them.” Though stressful times call for desperate measures, some students opt to avoid the all nighters and alleviate the stress by studying for finals ahead of time. “You should prepare well in advance,” Eberle said. “If you have any


Kelly McClearly, a senior family and consumer sciences major, studies with a friend for an exam on Feb. 10 in Andrews Hall.

doubt or confusion at all just email your professor.” Horn said studying the recommended amount of hours helps students understand the material better. One thing that seemed to be agreed upon is the use of study groups as a preparation tactic, though it does not always work for each person. “If you can study in a group and not get sidetracked you will do better on a test,” Eberle said. Eberle and Foglia do have regrets that motivate them to be the best they can be. “I regret staying up late freshmen year and trying to cram in everything I learned,” Foglia said. Horn said she would try study groups if they work out, but she has adapted to studying on her own.

“I study best in complete quiet, in my room, locked up away and no one near me,” Horn said. “I basically just lock myself up in my room and say ‘I’m not coming out." Some students also have to balance jobs they have with their academics. Eberle and Missy Stone, a sophomore communications studies major, have to balance study times with being resident assistants. Stone said they are always there for their students, but they themselves are students first and that is the priority. “I close my door with a note that says I’m studying, but they can knock and come on in,” Stone said. “Thankfully, my residents are really good at understanding that I’m a student just like them, and they respect that.” Eberle said being an RA is convie-

nient because she will use the night she is on duty during the week to study for exams. Horn said one tip for students is to eat the same kind of mints or chew the same kind of gum while they study and when they take the exam. “You chew a certain flavor of gum while studying and you chew it during the test, the memories will be easier to trigger,” Horn said. Another common study tactic is to move locations when you study so you do not get too use to one location. Booth Library will be open and offering de-stress events during finals week. There will be extended hours during the week and different activities that will be offered beginning Friday, according to a press release. The library will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Dec. 12, noon to 1 a.m. Dec. 13, 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Dec. 14 to 17, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Dec. 18. On Friday, students will be able to take mad-libs, Sudoku puzzles, and some coloring pages from the Marvin Foyer and south lobbies. Free popcorn and lemonade will be served from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday to students while supplies last. While many students like to study in the library, some students, like Stone, are more comfortable studying in a place they know best. “I always study in my room. I can’t study anywhere else because I feel uncomfortable and can’t focus,” Stone said. “Plus I feel like I get stuff done and accomplished when I’m in my room more." Mackenzie Freund can be reached at 581-2812 or mfreund@eiu.edu.

Exchange program offers new places to study By T’Nerra Butler Multicultural Editor | @DEN_News A program designed to give students a chance to study at another university has been on Eastern’s campus since 2007 The National Student Exchange gives options to 170 institutions across the U.S. for students to choose from. Taylor Opsahl, a senior biological sciences major, said she got the opportunity to study at the University of Arizona in Tucson fall semester of her junior year. She said leaving gave her a chance to experience an atmosphere beyond Eastern. “The exchange program impacted me by allowing me to grow outside of my comfort zone,” Opsahl said. “It had allowed me to experience education in a different setting with even more opportunities than what I am

given here.” Opsahl said the program allowed her to network at a different university and see how far she has progressed academically. She said new scenery pushes a student to be even more independent than they are because Arizona is a long way from home for her. At the University of Arizona, Opsahl said she experience a different class setting where in one class she found herself with 400 other students surrounding her. She said because of her familiarity with a small class size, the foreign environment was weird. “It really wasn’t that bad but it did take some getting used too. Since there are so many kids in the class they were also an added distraction which makes class tough,” Opsahl said. Opsahl said her most memorable moment was going to a football game while at the institution.

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“My most memorable moment was definitely the first football game I went to,” Opsahl said. “The tailgating there is so much different than what we experience here at Eastern and it really gave off the vibe that I wanted in a college from the start.” Tom Spencer, coordinator of the National Student Exchange at Eastern, said the program has two options for paying. The first option is where the student pays the other university’s tuition. Option two is when the student still pays Eastern’s tuition, which has their scholarships and grants inclusive to the price. Spencer also said often times students go with Eastern’s tuition but there are times where the other university’s tuition is cheaper than Eastern. Seven students are currently study-

ing in Utah, South Carolina, Texas, California and Arizona. Spencer said students in the sciences usually sign up for the program. Students need 2.5 GPA and to be in good standing at Eastern to be eligible for the exchange program. The most the program has sent in a year was 10 to 12 students. This year three students will be coming to Eastern as their school to visit. Application deadline for the program ends in February and the fee is $150. “Probably the biggest financial bite for this program is generally the fee,” Spencer said. “The rest of it would be no different from what you are required to pay at Eastern.” Students can apply for the exchange program at www.nse.org. T’Nerra Butler can be reached at 581-2812 or tabutler@eiu.edu.

What’s Happening on Campus?

Concert Band & Guest High School Band l 7:30 PM Call 581-3010 for tickets and information. Doudna Fine Arts Center English MA: MA Comprehensive Exams | 8:O0 AM Coleman Hall Check out more upcoming events at www.eiu.edu/eiu360/

THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 2015



Non-fiction class recites personal essays By Mackenzie Freund City Editor | @mgfreund_news

Students volunteered to read essays they wrote to an audience during “The Ghosts of the Riders Present” reading in 7th Street Underground Wednesday. Students of the Advanced Creative Non-Fiction class volunteered to read one of the essays they have worked on in class during the semester, with topics ranging from technology to customer service. Charlotte Pence, an assistant English professor, said her class is fairly large, but she gave her students the choice to perform or submit an essay they worked on. “Everyone had to do something that made them work out of the classroom into the world,” Pence said. “They could choose to read here or they could submit to a journal.” Pence said seven students volunteered to read during the event, which Pence said worked out perfectly. The students choose which essay or short story they wanted to read to the audience. Some topics were more serious, while others made people laugh. Andrew McCue, a senior English major, read his essay about a time when he was young and he thought his boom-box would rebel against him. “I tried to keep it as accurate as possible,” McCue said. “There’s only one area I was a little sketchy on and that was trying to remember what song I was going to play, but that was back in 7th grade.” McCue said he worked on the story for about two and a half months


Hillary Fuller, an English major, tells her nonfiction story during the Ghosts of Writers Present event in 7th Street Underground on Wednesday.

and concluded the story before Thanksgiving break. Mariah Flaishans, a senior accounting major, said she liked that she could tell that everybody had emotion towards the content they were writing about. “There’s a way to read it where you have no feelings but everybody seemed really invested in what they wrote,” Flashians said. McCue said when he writes a story like the one he read that he tries

to put more of a personal voice into the story. “I tend to put a lot more personal voice in by using small asides or sarcastic humor or dry humor, and personal details,” McCue said. “Sometimes they’re generic so other people can relate to them and other times they’re super personal.” McCue said being able to perform stories gives a chance to leave it less up to interpretation and more to imagination.

“Instead of people trying to understand what I could mean by what I wrote, its how I mean it by how I say it,” McCue said. Flaishans said she liked listening to the story Lisa Rhodes, an English major, read about customer service. “I worked at Menard’s for probably three cumulative years and I understand the concept of the store taking the customer first,” Flaishans said. McCue said he wanted to write stories that were real, but were also

about moments where you are not totally sure what happened in that situation. “You make the stronger details stand out and the ones that you don’t know get kind of shrouded in mystery that way,” McCue said. “It brings a personal experience to a bunch of other people.” Mackenzie Freund can be reached at 581-2812 or mgfreund@eiu.edu.

CAA to vote on philosophy course Thursday By Adrian Bolaji Staff Reporter| @DEN_News The Council on Academic Affairs Agenda will vote to add a new philosophy and women’s studies class at 2 p.m. Thursday in Booth Library Room 4440. Marita Gronnvoll, the CAA chair, said the new class is originating in philosophy. “(The class) will be cross-listed with women studies and the women studies minor and it is PHI/ WST3012, philosophy of sex and love, which is the new course being proposed by philosophy,” Gronnvoll

said. A philosophy representative will be there to discuss the class. “People who present to CAA will talk about the need for the course and give a background and say why the course is being presented and what they hope the course will do,” Gronnvoll said. Gronnvoll said the class would take a philosophical approach to issues of sex and love that people talk about all the time. “They make a great point that some of the most polarizing debates in the world center around these issues around sex and love so they talk about things like homosexuality, mar-

riage, pornography, consent laws,” Gronnvoll said. “It’s a great fit for philosophy and works great for the department.” PHI/WST3012 would be a philosophy elective, but it will also be a great fit for the women’s studies minor as well. The class would also be offered online. Some discussion topics for Thursday include reports from the Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning. “CASL has been assessing critical thinking scores of the graduating seniors and comparing it to the incoming freshmen,” Gronnvoll said.

CASL has been using an exam to make the comparison. Gronnvoll said, “It has always been a little bit discouraging on how our students are doing on critical thinking and what we can do better.” A new exam has also been introduced and will be discussed Thursday. The results were almost the same proving that the learning goals here are very important, which has been verified through the different assessments that have been used, Gronnvoll said. “The meeting will be very informative, but don’t expect anything troublesome or controversial,” Gronnvoll said.

Gronnvoll said at next year’s meetings they will vote on communication studies, new courses, new minors and a new health studies major. Further information has not been finalized, but something good should be coming out of it, Gronnvoll said. Some departments are revising their curriculum to offer more online classes, while others are revising their curriculum to meet the universities learning goals. Gronnvoll said that a busy semester is ahead of us, and we should be expecting a lot of courses. Adrian Bolaji can bereached at 581-2812 or aabolaji@eiu.edu.


T h e Daily Eastern News

W W W. DA I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M

Thursday, 12.10.15


Shelby Niehaus

To cross or not to cross at Stevenson

Oh, crosswalk. Oh, lone busy intersection and bustling center of student activity. Oh, ye connection between the manna of the North Quad, the arena of strength and speed, the home of our electric carriages, and the living spaces of haggard pupils and scholars. Praises be to your well-worn white-black patterned footpath, your vista on the echoing courtyard, your place as a vein leading into the pumping heart of campus activity. Your crosswalk signs, which stave off the progression of carriages bearing commerce and merchants into the city proper, shall ever be engrained in our minds, a beacon of security in the wasteland between McAfee and Stevenson. But hark! Lone traveler caught in the whiteblack footpath! See how the carriage, long paused in awaiting the conveyance of youth to and fro between their abodes and their studies, begins to grumble and advance! Alack, for the lone traveler achieves not the curb, nor still the opposite lane before the carriage rolls by, consuming a path designed by higher minds for two-wheeled carriages in its journey. The lone traveler spins, hands upwards, palms flat to the heavens, as the jet-colored carriage continues by, jockey ignorant of the traveler’s being and, therefore, the traveler’s outrage. Sing your outrage to the skies, traveler. Jockey and carriage, hastened forth by forces which cannot be known to man, to beast, to gods above, lives in violation of law and order, set forth in order to protect the innocent and unarmored, the carriageless, the inhabitant, from the quick and fatal motions of a city in its daily proceedings. So sayeth our authority, the EIU Police Department, “pedestrians have the right of way at all crosswalks,” and yea, verily! so commonly have travelers been safe from carriages at the passage. So commonly as well, alas, have we been frightened at the evening prospect of summiting the westernmost province of our fair abode. Mournful Selene illumines the path but weakly; Helios offers protection to the voyage, but the jockey and carriage scorn our passage regardless. Take heed, jockey! Take heed, carriage! For your near-missed traveler may one day be magistrate of your flock, take care that you appease all travelers who mount the white-black footpath. Ensure that your carriage lumbers not into the checked corridor as scholars are conveyed from towers and places of knowledge. And take heed, too, State of Illinois-- ye whose laws regulate not those jockeys and carriages who appear opposite the traveler! Speak, magistrates, speak among your ilk and bestow upon your peons new legislature decreeing that carriages shall not advance at all in the presence of travelers within the boundaries set by yellow signage and twinkling lights. Look not for reasoning in your ungrounded theories; check instead pages distributed by village criers, pages full of new and awesome happenings: “Traveler struck by carriage,” a mere solar cycle ago in our beautiful kingdom. And traveler-- to you who would voyage beyond the boundaries of McAfee, or you who reside in the west-- be aware, be awake! Defend your person from the onslaught of carriages! Shelby Niehaus is a junior English major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or scniehaus@eiu.edu.

Editorial Board

Editor- in-Chief Stephanie Markham


Staff Editorial

There are more holidays than Christmas In a time when even the littlest things mentioned or said can be offensive, The Daily Eastern News wants everyone to not only be mindful of language and word choice, but to also know that everyone has a right to celebrate whatever holiday they want during this time of year. Recently, many people were up in arms after Starbucks switched out their traditional Christmas decorated cups to the new red cup. While the switch was harmless enough and did not mean much to some, there were others who were saying the company’s decision to use red cups instead of those decorated with a Santa and snowman was a way to exclude Christmas from the season. Clearly red items during November and December mean holidays and festivities. However, not everyone celebrates Christmas, and that is OK.

Saying “Happy Holidays” does not mean you are for or against different celebrations, and saying “Merry Christmas” is not excluding the other seasonal holidays. At the root of those phrases are ways to tell someone to have a safe and happy time, but again, not everyone will agree with that. In the end, there is really no right or wrong holiday to celebrate. It is all about personal choices and social upbringing. Someone may not celebrate Halloween because of its negative connotations, but go to church on Easter. During this time of year, there are multiple holidays that many celebrate with Christmas or exclusive like Hanukkah or Kwanzaa. The News wants everyone to know that whatever holiday is celebrated, it is his or her personal choice and has nothing to do

with how society is. The controversy with Starbucks’ red cup was unnecessary and uncalled for especially in 2015. Many want the country to move forward from racism and come together in inclusivity, but how can that happen if something as simple as a cup design change is offending everyone? 2015 has been a year of both change and lessons as it is now slowly coming to a close. With that, The News would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season no matter what the preference and to keep in mind the notion of respect when meeting someone who may not celebrate any of the main holidays in a country so diverse as this. The daily editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial board of The Daily Eastern News.

Challenge the beliefs of Donald Trump When I first heard Donald Trump was running for president I figured he’d be considered a joke. During the last election cycle Trump teased about running for president and started to post stuff about being a birth certificate truther. Eventually President Barack Obama posted his birth certificate and made Trump look ridiculous. I figured this would have been the last time we’d have to hear about Trump being anywhere near the White House. This election season Trump has come back, and now I am terrified that he might win. When he first started running he started his campaign by being unbelievably racist towards the residents of Mexico and Mexican-American residents. I thought this alone would have made people shy away. I was beyond wrong. He immediately was supported in the polls and people were talking about how great Trump would be as president. Trump himself went so far as to make his slogan “Making American great again.” Soon after Trump started to turn his attention to other issues in the U.S. Earlier he started talking about how he believed vaccinations caused autism. Everything he came in support of or against seemed to be pandering to the far right ring conspiracy theorists. And there must be a lot more of them than I thought because his strategy is working scarily well for him.

Managing Editor Katelyn Siegert

News Editor Roberto Hodge

Mace Mackiewicz Now most recently he has labeled Syrian refugees and Muslims as terrorists. At first he wanted to close the U.S. borders to Syrian refugees, but he’s gone so far as wanting to ban all Muslims from the U.S. altogether. He labels them all as terrorists. Trump has taken a step further to the right from just being a conservative to being a full blown fascist. Trump has gone so far as to say he wants to kill the family members of every known ISIS terrorist. Trump wants to counter terrorism with even more terrorism. He wants to kill people who may or may not be completely innocent. Without a trial, without proof that they will hurt anyone. Just because they’re Muslim. At first I thought calling trump a fascist was over reacting a bit. His earlier campaigns seem to be in line with what most people who watched Fox

Associate News Editor Jehad Abbed

Photo Editor Chynna Miller

News or went to Breitbart would think. But closing the borders and making the U.S. discriminate against people who need help and wanting to commit genocide against a group of people is literally being a fascist. Trump on Tuesday also decided that he wanted to shut down part of the Internet to try to prevent people from being radicalized into being a member of ISIS. Although it’s clear he knows nothing about how the Internet works as he wants to ask Bill Gates, who has nothing to do with the internet, to help him close it down. He literally wants to shut down parts of the Internet. He wants to cut people off from ways of communicating. This is literally censorship. At first, I thought the best strategy was to ignore Trump. But that isn’t going to work. He gets too much coverage from CNN, Fox News and MSNBC. People are getting behind what he’s saying, and it’s downright terrifying. The best course of action is for people to directly challenge what Trump is saying, point out to people how scary his ideas are and to rally against him. Don’t let the U.S. become a fascist nation. Mace Mackiewicz is a senior journalism major. He can be reached at 581-2812 or mmmackiewicz@eiu.edu.

Online Editor Jason Howell

Opinions Editor Chris Picazo

THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 2015




This is the digitalized plan for how the courtyard should look after its completion. The goal for completion of the courtyard, dedicated to former Housing and Dining members, is May 2016.




Hudson said Shaklee was in charge of managing all of the department’s facilities issues while Drake helped install the cameras on campus. More than 600 cameras are installed on campus. Hudson said a majority of them are in public areas of housing units, and some are in academic buildings

as well. Hudson also said about 400 washing and drying machines need to be maintained. Drake helped with both projects. “Both of these gentlemen worked with a large cross section of the campus and were known for their positive attitude and productive work habits,”

Hudson said. The idea for the courtyard came up in the summer of 2011 during a Housing and Dining staff reunion, and work on the courtyard began in June of 2015. Alumni and former staff can purchase bricks, pavers and benches that can be engraved through the Alumni

Office. “We coordinate what they want put on their stone, and they pay a price that helps offset the cost of the project,” Hudson said. “We work with Adam’s Memorial in Charleston to do the engraving.” Hudson said some things delayed the progression of the construction of

the courtyard. The new goal for completion of the project is May of 2016. “We can’t do much work over the winter and we need to pour concrete and do landscaping,” Hudson said. Mackenzie Freund can be reached at 581-2812 or mgfreund@eiu.edu.

‘Carols in the Concourse’ to feature students By Luis Martinez Entertainment Editor| @LPMartinez20 The Doudna Fine Arts Center will be having its annual “Carols in the Concourse” concert on Thursday. The concert will start in the afternoon and is free and open to the public. Dan Crews, the director of patron services for Doudna, said the performance will feature professional and talented students. “It is not a full blown concert, but small individual groups performing and it’s during the day so EIU employees can attend,” Crews said. “They can bring their lunch, sit and get into the holiday spirit.” The concert will feature students

from both the music and the theatre departments, and tables and chairs will be provided for the event. The hour-long concert is preceded by the concert band and guest high school performance at 7:30 p.m. The preceding performance features both Eastern’s concert band and the Charleston High School band in their last performance of the fall semester and will take place in the Dvorak Concert Hall. While the “Carol in the Concourse” is an annual event, it was not featured in this year’s Doudna brochure for the different concerts and performances the fine arts center has lined up for the academic year. “This is an annual event, but

“The students have been preparing for the event for a number of weeks. This is not an event that is quickly thrown together.” -Dan Crews, director of patron services for Doudna probably at the time the brochure was put together a date and coordinator had yet to be determined and named,” Crews said. The main coordinator for the “Carols of the Concourse” performance is Jonathan Bowman, a piano instructor in the music department. Despite the fact that the performance was not originally listed in the brochure, Crews said the mem-


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bers of Eastern’s music department are more than prepared. “The students have bee preparing for the event for a number of weeks,” Crews said. “This is not an event that is quickly thrown together.” The concert will feature holiday music performed by a variety of instruments including flutes, horns, trumpets, and bassoons. Aside from the holiday music,

the “Carols in the Concourse” performance will also feature a reading from the recent play, “A Christmas Carol Radio Play.” “They come from a variety of areas,” Crews said. “Brass, choral, strings etc., but all Eastern music and theatre students who will be doing the staged reading (will perform).” The “Carols in the Concourse” concert is scheduled to take place on Thursday afternoon. Additionally, the concert band and guest high school band performance will take place later that day at 7:30 p.m. Luis Martinez can be reached at 581-2812 or lpmartinez@eiu.edu.

Season’s Greetings Season’ s Greetings

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CLASSIFIEDS Announcements C ASSIE BUCHMAN | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation Theater majors Frank Monier, Jason Tague Holly Avenue, Allen, rehearse scene N.Y. for their Classical Acting Styles class’ production of 620and Eighth NewaYork, 10018 “Hamlet” on Wednesday in the Globe Studio of Information the Doudna Fine Arts Center. The production will place at 8 p.m. on Thursday in For Call: 1-800-972-3550 the Globe Studio. For Release Thursday, December 10, 2015

Crossword ACROSS 1 Travolta’s “Saturday Night Fever” role 7 Word following Kansas or Oklahoma 11 Election night abbr. 14 Column base 15 Where many emerging markets can be found 16 Part of B.C.E. 17 Groundbreaking 1970s sitcom 19 Put on 20 For people? 21 Company, e.g. 22 Three of a kind, in Texas hold‘em 23 Protracted 25 Threesome in a quarter 29 Was anti-weed? 31 Just before the deadline 34 Baker’s qty.

35 Supermarket section 37 Time to start walking, maybe 38 Book after Joel 40 Missouri birthplace of Harry Truman 42 Big record label in 1960s pop 43 Column that’s beside the point? 45 Accepts 47 Logical extremes? 48 Point beyond which light cannot escape from a black hole 50 People eater, perhaps 52 “Maybe” 53 Move on or off the runway 55 Address book replacer, for short 56 Ingenuous one 58 Practical joke















62 Effeminate 63 Divine being … or a hint to 17-, 31- and 48-Across 66 “Them” 67 It may be waved at the Olympics 68 Opera with the “Willow Song” 69 Original D&D co. 70 Application to fill out 71 Gets smart with DOWN 1 Org. associated with filmratings.com 2 One of “us” 3 Locale in Exodus 4 Strand, in a way 5 Mail abbr. 6 Sarcastic response to a dreaded task 7 Short negligee, for short 8 “Am I the only one …?” 9 Up to, informally 10 Triumphant shout 11 Toy gun 12 Admits defeat 13 Lemonlike 18 First name in German politics 24 “How ___!” 26 Egg container 27 –: Abbr. 28 Mother of Selene 29 Many camcorder recordings 30 It’s found all around the world

Edited by Will Shortz 1









No. 1105 9






21 23 29

25 31










28 33























47 51


















32 Bar entertainment? 33 Classic cars 34 Go with 36 Beast of Borden 39 Small-runway craft, in brief 41 ___ Anne’s (pretzel company)

49 John Peter ___, early American publisher and free press champion

59 Punchers for a belt

51 U.S. soldiers, in slang

61 Greek matchmaker

54 Heads of the black community?

63 Bunny’s beau

44 Big hits: Abbr.

55 How a dud goes

46 Pride of Boston, informally

57 “I’m right here, you know”

60 Scorer of 1,281 goals in 1,363 games

64 Opening on Wall St. 65 Grp. concerned with class struggles?

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Call in your news tips at 581-7942

THURSDAY, DEC,10, 2015



Panther baseball releases 2016 schedule By Maher Kawash Staff Reporter | @DEN_Sports The Eastern Illinois baseball team released their schedule for this year as players near the beginning of the season with a new head coach and plenty of new faces on the team. The Panthers are coming off a disappointing year to say the least, as they ended last season with a 13-36 record, and fired their head coach Jim Schmitz. Now with a plethora of young talent and the hiring of new head coach Jason Anderson, Eastern looks to turn the page and rebuild the program. The Panthers will open the season with a three-game series against Southern Mississippi on Feb. 19-21 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi Eastern will face one of its toughest tests of the season when players travel to Nashville, Tenn. on Feb. 24 to take on the defending College World Series champion, Vanderbilt. The Panthers’ home opener will take place March 1 when they welcome Indiana State to Coaches Stadium. Eastern will see some more elite competition when they travel to Arkansas on March 4 to begin a threegame series with the Razorbacks. After that, the team will endure another lengthy road trip and will not play at home again until March 22. The Ohio Valley Conference season will begin for the Panthers on March 11, when Eastern travels to Clarksville, Tenn. to open conference play at Austin Peay. After playing 11 straight games


Former first baseman and left hand pitcher Adam Casson readies himself while a batter from St. Louis gets ready for the pitch on April 28, 2015.

on the road, Eastern will return to Coaches Stadium on March 22 for a four-game home stand against Robert Morris College and Jacksonville State. One of the biggest challenges of the season will come against the University of Illinois, as the two teams

continue their annual home-andhome series this season. The first game will take place on April 5 in Urbana, while the second game will be played in Mattoon on April 19. The Fighting Illini are coming off one of the best seasons in school his-

tory, posting a 50-10-1 record and falling just short of the CWS by losing to Vanderbilt in the NCAA Super Regionals. It will be the first time Anderson will face his alma mater for the as a head coach in his career. He was an All-American pitcher

during his four years with the Fighting Illini. The Panthers will close out the season on May 21 at home against SIU Edwardsville. Maher Kawash can be reached at 581-2812 or mwkawash@eiu.edu.


Quarterfinals begin Friday night for the FCS By Blake Nash Assistant Sports Editor | @Banash5

Some familiar Eastern opponents remain in the FCS playoffs two weeks after the Panthers were eliminated. Eastern’s first round opponent Northern Iowa advanced to the quarterfinals after a road victory over Portland State. Northern Iowa will face an opponent on Saturday, Missouri Valley Conference foe North Dakota State, which is familiar with postseason success. The Bisons have won four consecutive National Championships, and will host Saturday’s 12 p.m. contest at the FargoDome. The game between Northern Iowa and North Dakota State can be seen

on ESPN. In their regular season matchup, both teams were involved in a highscoring game that went down to the final possession. There were five total lead changes in the fourth quarter, but the Bisons were able to secure the 31-28 victory with 30 seconds to play on homecoming. However Northern Iowa said earlier on Monday that revenge is far from its mind. But a rematch with the defending champions was something they yearned for. “We wanted to play them. We knew along the road we were going to play some good teams, and we wanted NDSU to be one of them,” linebacker Brett McMakin said.

North Dakota State defeated Montana 37-6 in the second round, avenging a season-opening loss to the Grizzlies. One team that knows what it feels like to win a postseason rematch is No. 1 Jacksonville State. The Gamecocks defeated Tennessee-Chattanooga 41-35 in overtime last week in a rematch of their season opener. The Gamecocks won the season opener 23-20 at Chattanooga. They will now face eight-seeded Charleston Southern, which defeated the Citadel 14-6 in the second round, on Friday at 7 p.m. on ESPN2. Jacksonville State’s lone loss came in an overtime loss to Auburn, while Charleston Southern is 11-2 this season having had to play in the first two rounds of the playoffs.

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The Gamecocks are the only team from the Ohio Valley Conference team that remains in the playoffs. Another team that Eastern is familiar with, Illinois State, will host a playoff game this weekend. The Redbirds will host Richmond at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, after defeating fellow Missouri Valley opponent Western Illinois 36-19 last week. No. 7 seed Richmond defeated William and Mary in the second round 48-13. If the Redbirds are victorious on Friday they’ll have homefield advantage in the semifinals against the Northern Iowa and North Dakota State winner. The Redbirds are currently 10-2, seeded second in the playoffs, while Richmond is 9-3. The last quarterfinal matchup is F I L I ’ S S p o r t s

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Blake Nash can be reached at 581-2812or banash@eiu.edu.

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between Colgate and Sam Houston State, two teams that have competed in two playoff games already. Colgate defeated New Hampshire in the first round 23-20 and upset James Madison on the road 44-38 in the second round. They’ll face a Sam Houston State team that has had a similar postseason journey. The Bearkats defeated Southern Utah 42-39 and McNeese State 34-29, on the road, in the first two rounds. They’ll be on the road once again this week when they face Colgate. That matchup can be seen on ESPN3 at 7 p.m. on Saturday.

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@DEN_Sports tweet of the day: #EIU Trae Anderson records career-high 31 points in 82-76 loss Wednesday

S ports

Sports Editor Sean Hastings 217 • 581 • 2812 DENSportsdesk@gmail.com


D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M

T H U R S DAY, D E C,10, 2015 N O.73, V O LU M E 100


Eastern welcomes Milwaukee Panthers By Elias Albert Staff Reporter | @DEN_Sports The Eastern women’s basketball team will host 3-3 Milwaukee at 6 p.m. Thursday. Eastern comes into the game at 1-7 and has lost seven in a row. It is coming off a 76-67 road loss to Omaha last Sunday. Despite currently being on a losing streak, the Omaha game was the closet loss the Panthers have had all season. Eastern’s first six losses were by double-digits. The Panthers were able to have success on the boards Sunday, outrebounding Omaha by a margin of 36-30. In their lone win this season, Eastern outrebounded IndianaPurdue University Indianapolis 44-43. They had not outrebounded an opponent since a loss to LoyolaChicago last month. Coach Debbie Black said that being consistent on the boards is something the Panthers need to work towards. “We need to be consistent when it comes to getting rebounds,” Black said. “We need to control what we can control. I think it’s very important for us to improve there.” Eastern is being outrebounded on the season by an average of 4235. Also in the Omaha game, Eastern hit 48.2 percent of their fieldgoal attempts. That was more than the 41.3 percent that Omaha shot at. However Omaha took advantage of more free throw opportunities in the second half, hitting 12-of-15 from the line. Eastern was 6-of-10 for the entire game.

On the season, Eastern is hitting 37.8 percent of their field goals, including 26.5 percent from beyond the three-point line. Black said she was happy with the way that her team performed in the Omaha game, but she would like to improve upon it even more. “We did a lot of good things tonight,” Black said. “ We just couldn’t close it out. We fell behind and had to battle our way back.” Eastern will be facing a Milwaukee team that is coming off a 6944 loss at the hands of nationallyranked Northwestern. Milwaukee is averaging 60.2 points per game and is allowing 62.7 points per game this season. They have converted 34.3 percent of their field goal attempts and 27.9 percent of their three pointers. Milwaukee is led in scoring by sophomore guard Jenny Lindner, who is scoring 13.3 points and grabbing 8.2 rebounds per game. For Eastern, recent production has come from players who are relatively new to the team. Freshman forward Halle Stull has propelled herself to third in Eastern’s scoring column with eight points per game this season. St u l l h a s a l s o m a d e 4 . 6 r e bounds per game while shooting 40 percent from the floor. Freshman guard Kayla Steward has gradually seen her minutes and numbers rise as she has averaged five points in 13.1 minutes per game. Black said she likes the way Steward is progressing and said she would like to see it more out of her. “She’s still adjusting to this level of play,” Black said. “But she seems to be comfortable with this


Junior forward Erica Brown prepares to pass the ball during the Eastern Women’s Basketball game against Western Illinois University on Dec. 2 in Lantz Arena.

"We need to be consistent when it comes to getting rebounds. We need to control what we can control. I think its very important for us to improve there ." Debbie Black, woman’s basketball coach role and she’s done well so far.” Eastern’s leading scorer is junior forward Erica Brown as she’s averaged 11.3 points, while shooting

46.3 percent from the floor. Brown has also led Eastern in rebounds with 7.9. Of her 63 total rebounds this season, 16 of them

have come on the offensive end, which also leads the team. Brown and the rest of the Panthers will have a chance to improve upon their own numbers and get their team back on the winning side of the scoreboard when they host Milwaukee Thursday at 6 p.m. Elias Albert can be reached at 581-2812 or at ewabert@eiu.edu

Panthers’ comeback just short at Marshall By Blake Nash Assistant Sports Editor |@Banash5 Trae Anderson led the Panthers with 15 points through 23 minutes of Wednesday’s game at Marshall. But early in the second half he was charged with his fourth foul, and that gave the Thundering Herd momentum throughout the second half. But when Anderson returned what looked like a run-away victory for Marshall quickly went away. Anderson led Eastern on an 18-7 run to shorten the deficit to 71-66 with 3:48 to play in the game. He finished with a career-high 31 points, but the Panthers were eventually defeated 82-76. Anderson picked up his fourth foul near the under-15 timeout and had 19 points before he had to sub out. He has reached double-figure scoring in three of the last four games. “He did a nice job, particularly when you look at his points,” E a s t e r n c o a c h Ja y Sp o o n h o u r said. “But defensively he was pretty good and rebounded. It was a tough shooting night for us.” Anderson also led the Panthers with six rebounds. Junior guard AJ Riley and freshman forward Patrick Muldoon were also able to reach double-figure scoring. Ri-


Senior wing Trae Anderson scored 12 points during Eastern’s 68-62 win over Indiana State on Dec. 1 in Lantz Arena. Anderson had a career high 31 points against Marshall on Wednesday in Huntington, W.Va.

ley finished with 13 points, while Muldoon had a career-high 13 points for the game. Throughout the game, Marshall used a fast-paced offense to grab some big runs, including a 13-0 run to start the game before the first media timeout. The Herd led by as much as 16 points midway through the second half, 64-48, before Anderson re-

entered. Junior forward Ryan Taylor led the Herd with 22 points, while Marshall’s second-best scorer did not start the game. Guard CJ Burks came off the bench and scored 19 points, including 10 in the first half. A total of five Marshall players reached double-figure scoring. Spoonhour said the Herd’s offense is similar to one run by the Phoe-

nix Suns when Mike D’Antoni was head coach. It makes sense that Mike’s brother, Marshall head coach Dan D’Antoni, runs that offense as well. “They are trying to get it and g o , a n d t a k e o f f r i g h t a w a y,” Spoonhour said. “We did a really nice job making them pass it, sometimes five-to-six times. It’s a big deal.” The loss moves the Panthers to 2-5 on the season, while the Herd picked up their fist win Wednesday. Sophomore guard Cornell Johnston struggled shooting the ball, missing all of his shots from the f l o o r, a n d f i n i s h i n g t h e g a m e 0-for-11. He did knock down a pair of free throws and dished out eight assists. “ That’s just the way it goes, sometimes you make them and sometimes you don’t,” Spoonhour said. “He can do lots of stuff. He had eight assists, held us together and I never took him out once.” Johnston had a season high 24 points in Saturday’s overtime win over Northern Kentucky. Marshall also outrebounded the Panthers by a sizeable margin of 49 to 31. Se n i o r f o r w a rd Ja m e s K e l l y grabbed 14 rebounds, to go along with 16 points for a double-double.

Kelly has been Marshall’s leading scorer, averaging 15.9 points per game since transferring from Miami in 2014. This was the first game of the Global Sports Classic for both teams. Eastern will play at Houston for its next tournament game on December 19 th. Meanwhile Marshall will host North Carolina Central December 14 th for its second game. Both will have one game between that aforementioned matchup. Eastern will be on the road at Western Illinois Saturday to finish out a home-and-home series with the Leathernecks. Western defeated Eastern 83-63 in the previous matchup, and was unbeaten at the time. They have since lost to Creighton and Iowa by an average of 32 points. Spoonhour said that he thinks his team has matured more since that loss last month. “It’ll keep getting that way, they’ll be fine,” Spoonhour said. “Younger guys like Muldoon and Marshawn Blackmon will keep getting better and better.” Blake Nash can be reached at 581-2812 or banash@eiu.edu

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