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The Panthers travel to Murray, Ky., to face the Murray State Racers on Saturday.
Check out this weekend’s edition of the Verge!
an arts
Dai ly Eastern News C
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Friday, Nov. 8, 2013
VOL. 98 | ISSUE 59
Board, room rates suggested to stay even By Jarad Jarmon Student Governance Editor | @JJarmonReporter The Bond Revenue Committee decided to recommend a zero percent increase in room and board rates for the next school year. Jody Stone, the associate director of Housing and Dining Resident Life, announced the inner workings of the budget the committee decided on at the RHA meeting Thursday. If the Board of Trustees, at their meeting on Nov. 15, approve the committee’s recommended budget, it will be the first time in 38 years where the room and board rates have been recommended to stay the same. While there is still an expected increase in expenses because of inflation and food and utilities costs, Stone said they hope to pay for the $400,673 extra in expenses with money from Eastern’s reserve surplus of $1 million. If the extra expenses were not supplemented, students would have to pay for the 1.67 percent increase, or $48 per student extra for room and board. Stone said he hopes this will make marketing the campus much more appealing and may even alleviate enrollment troubles, which Eastern has been having with enrollment dropping 642 students from last fall. “The Board of Trustees is just like the administration here,” Stone said. ”They listen to the students, and these are students saying, ‘This is what we’d like,’ I’d be shocked if they went against that.” He added if they did go against the recommendation, it would probably be because of something the Bond Revenue Committee or Housing and Dining staff did not know about. Housing and Dining Services is granted most of its income from students and residents who pay for room and board. The state only provides income for the employees who work for Housing and Dining. If the Illinois Senate bill, which would raise the minimum wage to $10, is passed, it would definitely effect the budget and its standing. After hearing the Bond Revenue Committee’s proposal, RHA members then nominated Paisley Adams, an English major, Samantha Orr, a biological sciences major, and, Katelynn Mokry, a secondary education major, for RHA secretary. While they will be starting elections on Thursday at their next meeting, nominations will still be accepted just before the election. Bids, which explain what their goals for the position are as well as basic information about the nominee, are to be sent Monday before 3 p.m. to Dawn Howe’s email. Howe, the current RHA secretary, will be graduating at the end of the semester making it so she cannot finish out her yearly term in RHA. RHA members will be meeting again at 5 p.m. Thursday in Taylor Hall. They announced they will not be meeting on Nov. 21 because of Thanksgiving. Jarad Jarmon can be reached at 581-2812 or jsjarmon@eiu.edu.
Amanda Wilkinson | The Daily Eastern Ne ws
Matthew Cochran, a freshman music major, performs the bassoon during “Call to Duty: A Veterans Day Tribute” in the Dvorak Concert Hall in the Doudna Fine Arts Center. Cochran said he considered going to the United States Naval Academy because his family is deeply rooted in the military. He later realized he was more interested in music and chose to attend Eastern.
To those who served
Eastern honors veterans with concert By Katie Smith Photo Editor | @DEN_News Del Cochran does not know he is a hero. However when the 66-year-old St. Charles, Mo., resident stood proudly among a slew of American veterans to the tune of “Hands Across the Sea,” the assumption
was there. Whether or not Del Cochran wanted to be recognized as a war hero, he stood in support of his son, Matthew Cochran, a freshman music major, at Eastern’s Wind Symphony concert, “Call to Duty: A Veteran’s Day Tribute” Thursday in the Dvorak Concert Hall of the Doudna Fine Arts
Center. The concert featured the piece “Talking Winds,” composed by Kevin Walczyk. When music professor and trombone player, Jemmie Robertson introduced the composition, he began with a dedication to his late father and all those who have served. “Wars have long shadows,” he
said, recalling the impression his father’s years of service left on him. “Talking Winds” consists of three movements – each reminiscent of an era of World War II coverage by war correspondent, Ernie Pyle. The first movement, “ . . . a thousand winds . . .” is the most optimistic of the three. VETERANS, page 5
CAA announces curriculum changes By Jack Cruikshank Staff Reporter | @DEN_NEWS The Council on Academic Affairs unanimously approved curriculum requests from the Applied Engineering and Technology Program and the School of Family and Consumer Sciences at its meeting Thursday. The request brought before the council by Isaac Slaven, an applied engineering and technology professor, regarded adding a new course, AET 4773, Safety for Engineering and Technology Professionals. The course, which covers Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) protocols, will be offered in the summer of 2014 at the earliest. “We are trying to make our curriculum more certificate-driv-
en,” Slaven said. “In addition, we have relatively dangerous equipment in our labs. Per federal obligations, we have to train professors (in OSHA safety procedures), so we wanted (the training) to be integrated learning for students as well.” The course will not have any prerequisites, but will only be offered to upper-division students. Slaven said the course will instruct traditional students, but will also have content geared toward graduate students and adult learners. One CAA member questioned the need for the class, as some of the material is covered in HIS 3350, Industrial Safety. Slaven conceded that while some of the content is similar to an industrial safety course offered
by the history department, the current course delves much more into the history of safety, approximately for 15 class hours, whereas OSHA guidelines requires four hours, as well as other requirements not taught in the history course. “If the class is to be certificatedriven, the two don’t overlap,” Slaven said. “Our class will be more construction-and-production-related. Kathleen O’Rourke, a professor and coordinator for the FCS program, presented a request from the School of Family and Consumer Sciences. Two courses, FCS 3800, Family Life and Sex Education, and FCS 4846, Aging and the Family, will now be requirements and PSY 3780, Abnormal Psychology, will become
an elective course. Those changes pertain to the Family Services option within the Family and Consumer Sciences major. “With a growth in aging population, all of our students will work with many aging family members at some point in their lives,” O’Rourke said. The CAA also approved the request from O’Rourke to eliminate FCS 3820, Family in Social Change, from the course catalog. O’Rourke said that FCS 3820 is no longer needed because the material covered in that course is covered in other courses within the School of Family and Consumer Sciences. Jack Cruikshank can be reached at 581-2812 or jdcruikshank@eiu.edu.
FRIDAY, NOV. 8, 2013
Local weather Today
Free concert to feature popular jazz
Marine pull-up challenge
Mostly Sunny High: 53° Low: 38°
Mostly Sunny High: 57° Low: 37° For more weather visit castle.eiu.edu/weather.
T h e D a i ly Eastern News “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.”
The Daily Eastern News 1802 Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920 217-581-2812 217-581-2923 (fax) News Staff
Editor in Chief Seth Schroeder DENeic@gmail.com Managing Editor Dominic Renzetti DENmanaging@gmail. com News Editor Bob Galuski DENnewsdesk@gmail. com Associate News Editor Samantha McDaniel DENnewsdesk@gmail. com Opinions Editor Emily Provance DENopinions@gmail.com Online Editor Sean Copeland DENnews.com@gmail. com Assistant Online Editor Cayla Maurer Photo Editor Katie Smith DENphotodesk@gmail. com Assistant Photo Editor Amanda Wilkinson Administration Editor Robert Downen City Editor Michael Spencer Entertainment Editor Marcus Curtis Student Governance Editor Jarad Jarmon
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Amanda Wilkinson | The Daily Eastern News Chelsea Norris, a senior psychology major, attempts to do pull-ups during the Marine Pull-Up Challenge Thursday in the Bridge Lounge of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. The challenge was hosted as part of Eastern’s Military Awareness Week.
Staff Report The jazz faculty from Eastern’s music department will be getting into the spirit of performing with the presentation of a free concert at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Theatre of the Doudna Fine Arts Center. Throughout the semester, Eastern’s music students and special guest artists have been the individuals to put on a musical show for the campus. However in the Theatre Sunday, seven of the jazz faculty members will be the ones putting on a show for the campus. The jazz line up for Sunday evening’s performance is Sam Fagaly on saxophone, Scott Hesse on guitar, Paul Johnston on piano, Jamie Ryan on drums, Jemmie Robertson on trombone, Andy Cheetham on the trumpet and Nick Turner on bass. The seven faculty members will cover standard and contemporary jazz. In addition, the group will perform their own versions of songs by composers such as Cole Porter, Kenny Wheeler and Herbie Hancock. Admission for the concert is free to all audience members.
40-mile relay to return to Charleston By Darronté Matthews Staff Reporter | @DEN_News The Charleston Parks and Recreation Department will have its annual Charleston Challenge 40-Mile Relay on Saturday. The 40-mile relay race will start at 9 a.m. and last until 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the Carl Sandburg Elementary School. The relay will cover the Southeast corner of Coles County. The race director Diane Ratliff said the purpose of the relay race is for people to come out and have fun. “This event is pretty much another way for all individuals to participate and have a good time,” Ratliff said. Ratliff mentioned although there
are other organizations hosting multiteamed relay races, this race simply represents fun and excitement. “It’s always enjoyable for people to get out and have some fun,” she said. This will be the third consecutive year the department has held this event. This year, there are currently 13 groups of competitors. There are two individual runners, who are called “supermen,” and 11 other teams consisting of four runners each. Each team will also be allowed to have one support vehicle during the race to transport the inactive members to different legs of the race. Entry prices are $60 for individual members, $110 for two person teams, or duos and $160 for teams of three
or four members. Ratliff also said there will be no cash prizes. The runners will receive special trophies to be revealed at the end of the race. “In regards to prizes, we’re notorious for doing things outside of the box,” Ratliff said. “We try not to give out the traditional mettles.” Previous prizes have been key chains, coffee mugs and plastic license plates that included the teams’ names and their place rankings. Although food will be provided for the runners after the race, they are advised to bring their own water. Any extra family members or friends will be charged for the meal if they choose to partake. Ratliff also said members of the
Parks and Recreation Department always encourage others to come out and participate and possibly become motivated to sign up for next year. This event also works as an opportunity for Eastern students to become more involved, she said. “Although it’s cutting a little close, we’re always looking for volunteers to participate,” Ratliff said. “Especially EIU students who need volunteer hours.” Before the race commences, there will be a managers meeting at 8 a.m. The registration closing date is Friday. Darronté Matthews can be reached at 581-2812 or dqmatthews@eiu.edu.
The Daily Eastern News dailyeasternnews @den_news dennews
Visit our website: dailyeasternnews.com About The Daily Eastern News is produced by the students of Eastern Illinois University. It is published daily Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., during fall and spring semesters and twice weekly during the summer term except during university vacations or examinations. One copy per day is free to students and faculty. Additional copies can be obtained for 50 cents each in the Student Publications Office in Buzzard Hall. The Daily Eastern News is a subscriber to McClatchyTribune Information Services. aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Advertising To place an advertisement or classified ad in The Daily Eastern News, call the ads office at 5812812 or fax 581-2923. Visit our online advertisements at dailyeasternnews.com/classifieds. Comments / Tips Contact any of the above staff members if you believe your information is relevant. aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Corrections The Daily Eastern News is committed to accuracy in its coverage of the news. Any factual error the staff finds, or is made aware of by its readers, will be corrected as promptly as possible. Please report any factual error you find to Editor-in-Chief Rachel Rodgers at 581-2812. Employment If you would like to work for The Daily Eastern News as a reporter, photographer, columnist, cartoonist, copy editor, designer or videographer, please visit at the newsroom at 1802 Buzzard Hall. Printed by Eastern Illinois University on soy ink and recycled paper. Attention postmaster: Send address changes to: The Daily Eastern News 1802 Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920
Bazaar to raise money for charities, other philanthropic organizations Family organized fund in name of lost loved one By Michael Spencer City Editor | @tmskeeper Adlai J Schrock was born prematurely and died in June 2008. Five years later, his family has organized the “For the Love of Adlai J” fund and Friday, a Christmas themed bazaar will be hosted to raise money for the charity. The Adlai J fund’s mission is to assist mothers of premature babies, raise money for medical charities and to make sure expecting parents take a proactive role in the prenatal care of
their unborn children. The bazaar, set to take place in the Merchant Building on the Coles County Fairgrounds, will showcase more than 40 vendors. All money raised by the sale will go to help organizations like St. Jude’s, One Stop Shopping and Children From the Angel Tree. “My goal is to help more and more kids every year,” Kelly Rardin, Adlai’s grandmother and the person charge of organizing the Bazaar each winter. Rardin said before her grandson died, she vowed to allow his memory to live on through her acts of philanthropy. “The last time I held (Adlai) I made a promise to him that I would never let him die in vain,” Rardin said. The bazaar normally brings in
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$500-$800 that the fund is able to distribute to various organizations in the area. “I want Adlai to be a little hero around here,” Rardin said. “When people say, ‘This was donated by the Adlai J Fund,’ they know that this was the little boy that wasn’t given a chance at life, but he’s helping lots of people because of his death.” Rardin and her family have hosted other events to raise money and commemorate Adlai, including a memory walk, a toy drive and contributed to The March of Dimes, an organization that assists pregnant women. Additionally, the program researches the risk factors pertaining to the health of newborn children. As Rardin walks the aisles at her ba-
zaar Friday, it won’t be about the money. “I imagine myself holding that grandbaby, making a promise to him,” Rardin said. “I don’t know if I’ll ever find that closure, but I feel a little peace.” For Rardin, it is about her grandson. “My heart is full. I feel like (Adlai) is right with me, we’re doing this together,” Rardin said. The bazaar will open at 4 p.m. Friday and will close at 8 p.m. The bazaar will open again Saturday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., and 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sunday. Michael Spencer can be reached at 581-2812 or at tmspencer2@eiu.edu.
2013 Panther Football check out the Den on mondays for all the panthers vs. Murray state game highlights! Go Panthers!
FRIDAY NOV. 8, 2013
Iwo Jima vets share experiences
The Daily Eastern News | CAMPUS
Jason Howell | The Daily Eastern Ne ws
Leighton Willhite (left), a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, and James Baize (right), a veteran of the U.S. Navy, talk about their experience at Iwo Jima. The battle, which lasted 36 days and resulted in nearly 19,000 American casualties, was a key strategic victory for United States forces, allowing them an integral position to attack Japan. Both Willhite and Baize spoke to a full Lumpkin Hall auditorium Thursday night about their experiences not only in Iwo Jima, but the entirely of World War II.
Senate gives pop culture trivia surveys at ‘Pizza with the Prez’ By Kendra Cwikla Staff Reporter | @DEN_News
The final “Pizza with the Prez” concluded with President Bill Perry tackling conversations from students ranging from fire alarms sounding in the residence halls to the Dallas Cowboys football team. More than 30 students gathered in Thomas Dining Hall to eat pizza and meet Perry Thursday. Kathryn English, the student vice president for academic affairs and event coordinator, said students are free to discuss anything they have going on and that subjects like tuition, room and board and diversity are popular topics. The evening started off with students introducing themselves to Perry and grabbing a plate of free pizza. Yazmin Rodriguez, a sophomore sociology major, mentioned the topic of fire alarms in residence halls, with hers specifically constantly going off. President Perry was also open to having discussions with students over conversational topics. Perry was kept talking as students discussed everything from their families and hometowns, how Eastern compares
to other universities and Perry’s love for the Dallas Cowboys. Lauren Price, a junior biological sciences major and transfer student from the University of Central Florida, agreed with this sentiment. “You would never have an event like this at a university with over 30,000 students,” Price said. The University of Central Florida has nearly 60,000 undergraduate students. A survey was also given to students for the upcoming “EIU Feud.” The survey focused on pop culture and current event questions, with questions such as “Who is your favorite male actor?” and “What movie made you cry the most?” The survey questions will be used to help create questions for the feud. The student government also announced a new Instagram account, EIUStudentGov, which they plan to use to show what happens at the senate programs and events. “Pizza with the Prez” is hosted by the Student Senate to give students an opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues around campus with the President of Eastern. The meetings take place once a
Chynna Miller| Daily Eastern Ne ws
President Perry expresses his appreciation for the members of ROTC program during Pizza with the Prez in Thomas Dining Hall on Thursday.
month, the day depending on what works for President Perry’s schedule. While it was in the dining hall, students did not need to use a swipe to
hang out with the president. Students interested in the pizza, were directed over to where Perry was. The pizza was made in-house at
Thomas Dining.
Kendra Cwikla can be reached at 581-2812 or kecwikla@eiu.edu.
Cosmic Glow Pin Bowling Saturdays @
Strike with a head colored glow pin and win a free game! EIU Bowling Lanes
- 581-7457 - http://www.eiu.edu/union/bowling.php
support your community shop locally 217-581-2816
T h e D ai l y Eastern News W W W. DA I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M FRIDAY | 11.08.13
NO. 59, Volume 98
Go into class with one type of weather, come out to another
New act victory for Illinois, all It’s nice to see Illinois finally caught up to the 21st century. With the Illinois House passing the “Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act,” pending a signature from Gov. Pat Quinn, Illinois joins the ranks of 15 other states to do so. And with Quinn’s signature, Illinois will successfully add another mark to the win column for same-sex marriage advocates. And, in all honesty, it’s about time. Civil rights movements and need for equality should, by this point, be a thing of the past. It should be a thing of the past because there should be no need for these things, because it should just be common sense. Equality is a basic necessity for human nature, and one not afforded to certain groups of people – solely because another person does not approve of it. As a society, we can only grow or prosper when given the room to grow or prosper. Until then, we cannot thrive with key members of society being hidden away, suffocated. This is a big step for Illinois, and one in the right direction. In Wednesday’s issue of The Daily Eastern News, in the article “Gov. Quin: Illinois on ‘right side of history,’” Rep. Ron Sandack, a Republican from Downers Grove, said we have left the “Leave It To Beaver” and “Brady Bunch” era and are now stepping into the “Modern Family” era. He could not have been more right. For too long have the LGBTQ community been treated like criminals, outcasts, for simply being themselves. Happiness awarded to others is snatched away from them, all on pretense notions not applicable to today’s society. This week marked a big step for Illinois, and should be celebrated. However, it should not mar the realization this is not just a statewide, or even national issue anymore. With the Olympics approaching fast, do not forget that other countries like Russia are still persecuting others for being themselves. Today is a victory for Illinois, for people in general. However, if this were a war, then it is far from over. We are on the brink of a new era, the “Modern Family” era, where it is OK to be who you are. The passing of this act is a great start to catching up with the times. We’re all people – it’s honestly that simple. Don’t forget it, not for a second. Maybe if that was realized a bit sooner, the passing of the act would not have the same effect. It is an odd thing when granting basic rights to people is seen with such joyous praise, when it should have been there all along. This is a victory for Illinois. This is a victory for people.
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Today’s quote: "Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see."
- Confucious Editorial Board
Editor in Chief Seth Schroeder
Sabrina Ann Duncan | The Daily Eastern Ne ws
Should the Washington Redskins change their name? By Bob Galuski News Editor
By Dominic Renzetti Managing Editor
Offensive is offensive, either way it’s diced, despite having the backing of “tradition” and “how it’s always been done.” For 82 years, players on Washington’s football team have proudly worn the name “Redskins,” and now America is on the brink of a decision point. Fueled by a debate from ESPN, everybody from football-watchers to casual listeners are voicing whether Washington should change its football name or not. It’s a pretty cut and dry issue. The term has been used as a derogatory slang for Native Americans, and the idea that it is displayed proudly on role models for America is insulting. In the year 2013, it is astounding there are still derogatory terms blatantly advertised as good things. The Washington Post conducted a phone survey in July 2013 of people living in the Washington area on their feelings about the name and the idea of it changing. Those who said the name should not change totaled 66 percent of those surveyed. However, 56 percent of people who did not want the name to change still believed it was an inappropriate term to describe Native Americans. In addition, the survey also asked if the team were to change the name, if it would make a difference to the fans. A resounding 82 percent of people said it would not make much of a difference. If Washington owner Daniel Snyder is worried about losing revenue from changing the name, he should not worry too much. According to the survey, a majority of the people will not be too thrown off by their name change. This is the year 2013. By this point it should be obvious that racial slurs should not be accepted – especially not as a team’s mascot. This is a simple issue of what is right and what is wrong, and this name is wrong. Even though the name is not in current use as a racial slur, it still has the same background and roots as other offensive terms, and there is no way a football team would use those terms as their mascots.
The Washington Redskins do not need to change their team name. Redskin may have been a racial slur many years ago, but times have changed. I’d be willing to bet that if you asked 100 people what they thought of when they heard the word “redskin,” the vast majority of them would say the football team. “Redskin” has been engrained into our present day vernacular as not a racial slur for indigenous people, but for the currently struggling football team from Washington D.C. I don’t go along with any of the slippery slope arguments that if you change the Redskins, you’d also have to change the Fighting Irish, the Vikings, the Patriots or any other team name that’s named after a group of people. It doesn’t work like that. None of those names are being argued as “slurs.” I’m not denying that at one time, “redskin” was used as a slur. It’s unfortunate. It’s wrong. But in this day and age, the word has a different meaning to the majority of Americans. People like to debate whether or not Native Americans find the name offensive, but the truth is, there is no consensus. Everyone, Native American or not, has different feelings on the matter. I also don’t agree with the argument that the Washington Redskins is equal to calling the team the Washington N******s. That word, the n-word, still holds a lot of weight with people in this country. That word, is also offensive, hence why we say “the n-word.” We don’t say “the r-word” in reference to “redskin,” and we won’t and probably never will. It just doesn’t rub the majority of people the same way as the n-word. In 2013, “redskins” refers to a football team, and that’s it. The only way the Redskins will ever change their name is if the general consensus of this word changes and that change causes owner Daniel Snyder to lose enough money to do something about it, and quite frankly, I don’t see that happening.
Malcom X: a struggle of idealologies
Stan Lee, the creator of numerous properties for Marvel Comics including “Spiderman,” “The Fantastic Four” and “Iron Man” was a visionary. But in September of 1963 when he debuted his second team of heroes, the “X-Men”, it was not a complete work of fiction. The two central characters from the comic, Professor Charles Xavier and his archnemesis Erik Lensher were two sides of the same coin, each pursuing freedom for the mutant minority. This clash of ideologies was based off the real life conflict between Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Professor X represented the peaceful, moderate view of equality between all races displayed by Martin Luther King Jr. and Magneto represented the more violent and combative tactics of Malcolm X. While both championed for the rights of African-Americans (and their counterparts for Mutant rights), the ways in which they sought their freedom were drastically different. Malcolm X was at his height a com-
Managing Editor Dominic Renzetti
News Editor Bob Galuski
Sean Copeland plex man of intensity and self-determination. Malcolm Little like Magneto had a reason for his perceived “madness.” Little’s father was murdered when he was only six years old and his mother not long after was sent to a mental hospital. Little then spent time in several foster homes trying to find his place. He was later incarcerated in 1946 at the age of 20 for breaking and entering. It is here that his path became solidified in history changing his name to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, when he became a member of the Nation of Islam. Though initially doing everything that he should have advocatOnline Editor Sean Copeland
ing for the separation between blacks and whites, speaking on the virtues of black supremacy, and fighting the good fight; Malcolm X became to extreme and too unruly and in its wake creating the Black Nationalist Party. Though he would later repudiate the Nation of Islam’s teachings and even towards the end move closer to an ideological trust with Martin Luther King, looking at the life Malcolm X led it becomes apparent that while the things that we do affect other people. The things that people do to us, affects who we become. While this may seem like it didn’t matter much in the end, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. both championed for freedom but in the words of Malcolm X, “Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you’re a man, you take it.” Sean Copeland is a senior journalism major. He can be reached at 581-2812 or DENopinions@gmail.com.
Associate News Editor Samantha McDaniel
Opinions Editor Emily Provance
FRIDAY, NOV. 8, 2013
The Daily Eastern News | CAMPUS
Photos by Amanda Wilkinson
Top: The EIU Wind Symphony performs “Talking Winds” during “Call to Duty: A Veterans Day Tribute” in the Dvorak Concert Hall of the Doudna Fine Arts Center. Bottom left: (From left to right) Rebecca Cochran, Matthew Cochran and Del Cochran gather in celebration outside the Dvorak Concert Hall of the Doudna Fine Arts Center after the concert Thursday. Bottom Right: Audience members stand for the national anthem and hold their hands to their hearts during the “Call to Duty: A Veterans Day Tribute” performed by the EIU Wind Symphony Thursday in the Dvorak Concert Hall in the Doudna Fine Arts Center.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Earlier days of Del Cochran’s life weren’t quite as optimistic. At just 15, the independent adolescent began living on his own. He would later move in with an aunt and uncle to whom he paid room and board, until venturing off alone for the second time at 17 years old. It wasn’t until Del Cochran turned 18 that he would make a decision some consider a defining moment in their lives. “I was going to get drafted, so I may as well have joined the Air Force,” he said. Thinking of the Air Force as a more selective branch of the U.S. military, Del Cochran, fresh out of high school, left for service in mem-
orably brisk 1970 March. There was no second-guessing for him; no family to feel sorry for; nothing to leave behind - only another chance at independence and being someone dependable. Del Cochran can’t remember what he was wearing the day he left his home in Bloomington-Normal, Ill., to be an active member of the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War. What he does remember is drinking whiskey with the boys. He remembers eating sustaining but vial food in the food court or “chow hall” and emitting a pungent odor from washing with a fish oil cleanser they called “fish soap.” The second movement of “Talking Winds” gets violent, not unlike the wrath of a violent summer
storm, Robertson said. “There are moments of beauty in that movement, but then the violent storms return toward the end,” he said. Del Cochran does not have much to say about this movement in his life other than it was something worth not talking about for him. “There was a lot of shelling and a lot of death,” he said. Del Cochran was more willing to speak about the part of his life most like the third and final movement of “Talking Winds,” “ . . . a passing breeze . . .” The movement, which Robertson said is meant to represent the settling of dust and regaining of peace, is comparable to how Del Cochran spends his life of retirement now that the days of war and airplanes
are through. The U.S. veteran enjoys spending his time looking after Matthew Cochran, his step-son Troy Miller, and his second wife, Rebecca Cochran: a family whose hearts beat for military service. Robertson was right when he said wars cast long shadows and it is interesting that Rebecca Cochran is a scientist, studying characteristics passed on through generations. This is especially worth noting, since Rebbeca Cochran would go on to marry Del and be the mother of Troy, a Navy man, wife of Del Cochran, a fuel-worker veteran for the U.S. Air Force, as well as sister, daughter and granddaughter of so many other military veterans. That leaves Matthew Cochran: a 19-year-old Eagle Scout and music
major with no immediate plans to join a branch of the military. “As I got older I just grew toward music more,” he said. “It is still something I would have loved to have been able to do if it had been able to work out,” he added. Del Cochran does not know he is a hero. Fighting in the jungle in the front line of the battlefield with blood and guts is what is truly heroic, he said. To Matthew Cochran, guts are what his father is all about. “To enlist and actually do it, there’s something there,” he said. “He taught me how to stick with something.” Katie Smith can be reached at 581-2812 or dennewsdesk@eiu.edu.
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FRIDAY, NOV. 8, 2013
Team opens season with new coach By Bob Reynolds Staff Reporter | @DEN_Sports The Debbie Black era will begin Friday on the road for the Eastern women’s basketball team. The Eastern women’s basketball team will travel to Evansville, Ind., to take on the Evansville Purple Aces of the Missouri Valley Conference. This is the third time in the last three years the Panthers will start the season with a different head coach. Evansville ended the 2013 season with a 9-21 record and 7-11 in Missouri Valley Conference play and had a record of 4-8 at home last season. The Purple Aces will be a young team this year with having six freshmen on the squad. Also, they lost four seniors last season, including leading scorer from last year Samantha Heck to graduation. Junior guard Khristian Hart is the top-returning scorer for the team with 13.6 points per game, as a team the Purple Aces averaged 58.3 points per game. This will be the 14th meeting between the Purple Aces and the Panthers. Last season, the Panthers defeated the Purple Aces 70-57 in Lantz Arena. Eastern is 9-4 all-time in the series, and this will be the first time the Panthers will be playing in Evansville’s new downtown arena, the Ford Center, since it opened in 2011. In an exhibition matchup on Saturday, the Purple Aces defeated their cross-town rival Southern Indiana 78-68. With an entirely new coaching staff and a brand new starting lineup, junior forward Sabina Oroszova said Evansville is going to need a whole new approach compared to last season. “Our competition doesn’t know what to expect out of us,” she said. “So, it’s up to us how we are going to set and present character of our current team.” Guard Jordyne Crunk, who has been named starting point guard, was one of four players to record double-digit points in the game against Evansville last season. Black said there was not anything she preached in practice this week specifically, but only to get out there and play hard. “I just want them to believe in themselves,” she said. The Purple Aces shot 34.6 percent from the 3-point line last season and junior Sabina Oroszova characterized the Purple Aces as a good 3-point shooting team. “As it comes to transition, we need to find our man and pick them up at the 3-point line,” she said. Black added that everyone on Evansville can shoot the three. “I said all week that we are going to need to guard the 3-point line,” she said. “We need to actually go to the 3-point line and stop. We practiced that and hopefully we are prepared for that.” The Panthers only have two returning starters from last season, Oroszova and junior Katlyn Payne. Payne, who made 28 starts for the Panthers, ranked second on the team with 3-point shots made with 48. With this game being the first game of the season, Oroszova said she is looking forward to seeing how the team clicks. “It’s the first game of the season so everything about it is really exciting for me and the team,” she said. “I look forward to seeing what we need to improve before our first home game and continue to do stuff that will be successful for us.” As for how well the girls are prepared to play in this game, Black said that the girls are fully prepared to play. “Now it is kind of on them to see how we play,” she said. “We are prepared to win this game.” The Panthers and Purple Aces will tip-off at 7 p.m. Friday in Evansville, Ind. Bob Reynolds can be reached at 581-2812 or rjreynolds@eiu.edu.
The Daily Eastern News | SPORTS
Eastern takes on Northwestern By Anthony Catezone Sports Editor | @AnthonyCatz As much uncertainty as there is with the Eastern men’s basketball team, perhaps there is even more with Northwestern’s men’s basketball team. The Wildcats hired Chris Collins as their new head coach in March, after he was an assistant coach at Duke for more than a decade — leading to a large part of the Blue Devils’ game plan to make its way into the Welsh-Ryan Arena with Collins in the Wildcats season opener against Eastern Saturday. But Collins replaced former coach Bill Carmody and his Princeton offense, one that emphasizes consistent motion with pick and rolls and back-door cuts. Which to Eastern head coach Jay Spoonhour, in is second season, uncertain on how to approach this new founded Collins regime. Spoonhour said he does not know exactly what kind of offense the Wildcats will run, but he imagines it being a mixture between Duke’s and the Princeton offense that most players are familiar with. “That does not make for a fun afternoon,” Spoonhour said. However, even more uncertainty approaches with the Wildcats, who were 13-19 last year, as arguably two of Carmody’s best recruits both return for the season opener. Neither of the Wildcats’ highly touted guards Jershon Cobb and Drew Crawford were present in the nine-game losing streak to close out the season last year. Cobb, a red-shirt junior, missed the entire season as he was suspended for academic issues, while Crawford played just 10 games before opting for a fifth-year redshirt to have surgery on a torn labrum in his right shoulder. C r a w f o rd l e d No r t h w e s t ern with 13.5 points per game in his 10 games last year, but averaged 16.1 points per game in the 2011-12 season with a 48.4 shooting percentage and a 41.2 3-point shooting percentage. Cobb, meanwhile, who was a four-star recruit out of high school, is averaging 7.3 points per game and shooting 40 percent overall after his first two seasons. Having to game plan around two 6-foot-5 guards that have minimal to no scouting tape on them has proved to be a difficult chore, Spoonhour said. “I’m sure they have improved in the new system,” he said. “They
jason Howell | The Daily Eastern Ne ws
Sophomore guard Donald Moore makes an attempt at the basket in an exhibition game against Oakland City on Saturday at Lantz Arena. The Panthers beat the Mighty Oaks 73-64.
will be able do different things now that we are unaware of.” But that does not mean that Northwestern is not feeling the same uncertainty as Eastern. The Panthers have 12 newcomers to their 18-man roster, having added size, depth and speed. Spoonhour said Collins and the Wildcats will have the same problems with Eastern as it is having with Northwestern. For example, Eastern has two guards of its own in Reggie Smith and Dennis Green who also sat out last year. Smith and Green bring explosiveness to a roster loaded with athleticism compared to last year’s
11-21 Eastern team that lost in the first round of the Ohio Valley Conference tournament as the No. 7 seed. Spoonhour said Smith and Green are the type of players a coach wants to limit the amount of restrictions on. “It’s helping Reggie right now because he isn’t worried about anything,” he said. “I want him to play hard, but he needs to try to score and makes plays. Dennis makes some really positive plays, but he is trying to make a play every time he gets the ball.” Also, Eastern has two viable big men in Mat and Luke Piotrowski, two brothers that are 7-foot-2 and
Teams prepare for third meet By Dan Hildebrandt Staff Reporter | @DEN_Sports The Eastern men’s and women’s swim teams will get back in the pool for another home meet on Saturday at Padovan Pool against the Evansville Purple Aces. The men are coming into the meet with a 0-4 record while the women stand at 1-4 early on the season. After a very fast meet against IUPUI and University Illinois-Chicago, Coach Elliot McGill does not know what kind of meet to expect this time around. “Going to focus on us — do the best we can,” McGill said. In preparation for the upcoming meet against Evansville, the Panthers have been practicing very hard the last few weeks, McGill said.
He said he likes what he has been seeing from the team’s effort despite the rough training the Panthers have just endured. “The last two weeks have been the hardest training done all year, but we are still performing well in practice,” he said. “My focus as the coach was to break the team down as much as I could. The kids have done a great job at responding to some tough sets.” McGill said he knows Eastern is going to be able to compete with Evansville in every event as long as the team works together and puts forth its best effort. “We can do well in every event,” McGill said. “It’s just a matter of putting everything together.” The Panthers cannot worry about
the challenges Evansville brings to them, he said, the team will have to perform to the best of its abilities in order to put up good results. Coach McGill knows both teams have good swimmers, but Eastern must focus on itself instead of worrying too much about the Purple Aces. “Not worrying about Evansville,” he said. “They are a good team with good athletes, but so are we. We need to focus on us and that’s it.” The Panthers and the Purple Aces are scheduled to begin events at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at Padovan Pool at Lantz Arena. Dan Hildebrandt can be reached at 581-2812 or djhildebrandt@eiu.edu.
6-foot-11, respectively. All five players will join the trio of forwards Sherman Blanford, Josh Piper and guard Alex Austin, who are three of the Panthers’ top four leading scorers from last season. But Spoonhour has found that the biggest issue Eastern will face in its season opener is the ability to think as cohesive unit. “There are still some bumps, but the ability is there,” he said. Eastern will play Northwestern at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in Evanston. Anthony Catezone can be reached at 581-2812 or ajcatezone@eiu.edu.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 Eastern Kentucky had two wins over Memphis, winning 5-1 and 10-3 in the series. All three games were at the Lexington Ice Center, the team’s home ice. Now, the Colonels head to Danville, a place the Panthers have not been since the Oct. 18-19 losses against Iowa. “It’s always nice playing in your own barn and not having to travel every weekend,” Gallagher said. “We feel like we have a great advantage playing in Danville and its going to be nice playing a game on Friday without having the bus legs.” Dominic Renzetti can be reached at 581-2812 or dcrenzetti@eiu.edu.
@DEN_Sports tweet of the day: The #EIU women’s soccer team lost 2-1 to #SIUE in the first round of the #OVC tournament.
S ports
Sports Editor Anthony Catezone 217 • 581 • 2812 DENSportsdesk@gmail.com
T H E DA I LY E aste r n News
D a i ly e a s t e r n NE W S . C O M
f r iday, n o v. 8, 2013 N o. 5 9 , V O L U M E 9 8
Panthers to host Colonels By Dominic Renzetti Managing Editor | @domrenzetti The Eastern hockey club returns to Danville this weekend to take on Eastern Kentucky in a two-game series. The Panthers will play at 7 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday at the David S. Palmer Arena. The Panthers are coming off two losses against Louisville last weekend, dropping their record to 2-10-1. It was just one week earlier that the team had snapped its nine game losing streak against Northern Illinois. Now, Eastern will take on a team that it has enjoyed success against in the past. “Well, the only thing I know about EKU is that we have beaten them every game since I have played on the team,” senior Chris Gallagher said. “This definitely does not mean we will take them lightly. If anything, we are trying to prepare for them more so we can come out this weekend with two wins.” Eastern Kentucky enters with a record of 5-4, coming off a split series with Ball State. Gallagher said the biggest issue for the Panthers this season has been team chemistry with so many new players on the team. Gallagher is one of just eight returning players from last season. The team has added eight other players to its roster since the start of the season, most of them freshman. “The biggest struggle we are facing this season is team chemistry,” he said. “With so many young rookies, a lot of the lines don’t have that chemistry that we have had in the past. However, we have had a lot of time at practice, off ice, and chalk talk to talk things over and make corrections.” The team chemistry, Gallagher said, is starting to improve as the season goes on. “We are starting to get that chemistry we have been looking for more and more every day, and it definitely showed with the big win over NIU a couple weeks ago,” he said. After the win over Northern, senior Tim Shannon said this week against Eastern Kentucky, the Panthers could be looking at two more wins. “That win felt great and the team is hungry to get the first two wins in a row this weekend,” Shannon said. Freshmen Steve Kinnison, Brendan Terbrock, Andy Insalaco, Spencer Peyton and Sam Turk have all scored at least one goal this season for the Panthers. Western Illinois transfer Glenn Osvarek has also produced for the team, including a goal last weekend against Louisville, while Prairie State transfer Zach Peifer has gotten experience backing up senior goalie Andrew Teske. “The rookies have impressed me, and all the other vets on the team,” Gallagher said. “They play a big part on our team, most of them are on the starting line up, and putting the puck in the net.” Each of Eastern Kentucky’s last two games were each decided by one goal. Before the loss against Ball State on Saturday, the Colonels were on a three-game winning streak dating back to Oct. 25. HOCKEY, page 7
Dominic Baima | The Daily Eastern Ne ws
Senior defensive lineman Pat Wertz rushes Southeast Missouri defenders on Oct. 19 at O’Brien Field. Wertz leads the Panthers in sacks this season with 5.5.
Racer QB battle looms ahead of game By Aldo Soto Assistant Sports Editor | @AldoSoto21 Eastern (8-1, 5-0) will travel to Murray, Ky., Saturday to play against the Racers, but Panthers’ coach Dino Babers will not find out which quarterback he will face until he steps onto the field of Roy Stewart Stadium at noon. On Tuesday, Murray State coach Chris Hatcher said freshman Maikhail Miller and junior Parks Frazier would compete during the week to determine who would start at quarterback against Eastern. “We’ll let (Frazier) and Maikhail battle it out this week and make a decision at the end of the week,” Hatcher said. “It’s really no difference from what we always do. Whoever practices the best plays, or gets the first chance to play on Saturday.” Frazier, who is the backup to Miller, has appeared in five games this season, which included Saturday’s appearance against Tennessee-Martin. Heading out of the locker room, following halftime, Hatcher stuck with Miller, but not for long. The game was tied at 17 when both teams entered halftime, but Miller struggled, Hatcher said, throwing two interceptions and completing less than
Eastern Illinois (#2) vs. Murray State 8-1, 5-0 (OVC)
Saturday | noon
5-4, 3-2 (OVC)
Roy Ste wart stadium | Murray, Ky. half of his attempts (9-of-20) before being pulled from the game. Frazier replaced Miller at the end of the third quarter, but did not fare well against the Skyhawks either, throwing an interception and completing 3-of9 pass attempts for 96 yards without a touchdown as the Racers lost 45-17. For Babers, the Saturday matchup will be his first in Roy Stewart Stadium. He said the Eastern defense will be prepared for both quarterbacks no matter what. “The defensive coaches are doing a gameplan for all of the quarterbacks,” Babers said. “We’re at a stage in the season when there can be no mistakes. Everything has to be carefully studied and prepared for.” Miller transferred to Murray State from Mississippi and began this season throwing nine touchdown passes in his first three games as a Racer. In his last six games, Miller has thrown seven touchdowns and tossed seven interceptions as well. Hatcher said Frazier is a more effi-
cient passer than Miller, but that Miller has more of a play-making ability than Frazier. Frazier has also been learning the Murray State’s offensive system longer than Miller. “Maikhail is more of a scramble and make things happen type of guy that’s still learning our offense and Parks has been in the system for a year now,” Hatcher said. “(Frazier) knows the system a little but better, limited mobility-wise, but can throw the ball better.” If it is Miller or Frazier on Saturday, Babers said the Panthers will be ready regardless. “We’re not going to prepare for one quarterback and not the other,” he said. “We will be ready for whichever quarterback they play and we will make no excuses about the outcome.” This season the Eastern defense has held Ohio Valley teams to 155 passing yards per game, which is second in the conference to Jacksonville State (153.8). With Miller taking the majority of
the snaps this season, Eastern defensive lineman Pat Wertz said the Racers have been running the option, which the Panthers will need to stop if they want to stay undefeated in the OVC, Wertz said. “We need to make sure we do our job, which is to fill our gaps and stick in there,” Wertz said. “I need to shuffle down and make sure the quarterback doesn’t get outside of me.” Miller has 104 carries this season for 401 yards. He has also scored three rushing touchdowns. Frazier has done little to no running at all, running the ball five times all season for negative three yards. Wertz and the rest of the Eastern defense have the No. 1 pass efficiency defense against OVC teams this year, which stands at 105.8. The Panthers have allowed seven passing touchdowns in five conference games, tied for second fewest with Tennessee-Martin and Murray State. The opening kickoff is scheduled for noon on Saturday at Roy Stewart Stadium in Murray, Ky. The game will be available online through the OVC Digital Network. Aldo Soto can be reached at 581-2812 or asoto2@eiu.edu
Eastern eliminated from tournament By Dominic Renzetti Managing Editor | @domrenzetti Despite a late goal from sophomore Bianca Navejas, the Eastern women’s soccer team fell 2-1 to Southern Illinois-Edwardsville in the first round of the Ohio Valley Conference tournament Thursday in Martin, Tenn. The No. 4 seeded Cougars scored the first goal of the match, with Tory Pitts scoring on Eastern’s Cortney Jerzy in the eighth minute. Junior Sa-
mantha Jones was credited with the assist. Pitts scored again in the second half, this time unassisted on a free kick. Navejas’ goal did not come until the 86th minute, when she scored from six yards out off an assist from junior forward Madison Carter. The Panthers were unable to find an equalizer in the final minutes of the match, ending the team’s season. Jerzy was in goal for the Panthers, making 13 saves on 26 shots against.
Edwardsville’s Jennifer Pelley faced just four shots, making one save in the match. The Panthers finished the 2013 season with a final record of 6-14, with all six wins coming in the OVC. The team ended the season on a fourmatch losing streak after making the tournament as the No. 5 seed. Junior Meagan Radloff was named to the All-OVC first team, while redshirt junior Lauren Hoppensteadt was named to the All-OVC second team. Interim head coach Jason Cherry was
named OVC co-Coach of the Year, sharing the award with Morehead State’s Warren Lipka. Radloff is the first to earn firstteam honors since 2010, while Cherry is the fourth coach in conference history to earn coach of the year honors in his first season as head coach. Cherry tied the school record for single-season conference victories with six. Dominic Renzetti can be reached at 581-2812 or dcrenzetti@eiu.edu.
erge V Band plays punk at The Roc Page 3
'E xcept Sometimes' album
P age 4
Nov. 8, 2013
The Daily Eastern News' weekly arts and entertainment section
Circle of serenity
Artist Alpha Bruton takes inspiration from Native American heritage in environmental installation
By Stephanie Markham Verge Editor
alming Zen rhythms sound from a CD player on a cluttered desk, amid which also lays an assortment of every variety of tape, glue and string imaginable. The rubbery smell of a thick, white glue fills the air as the artist seated at the desk brushes it onto a large cardboard tube she got from a photography studio. It’s a Saturday morning, and Alpha Bruton is creating posts for the altar in her installation project in the Tarble Arts Center. The meditative music is supposed to induce a serene atmosphere and guide the artist through her creation. Nearly all of the objects surrounding Bruton are repurposed items that she found around Charleston, and she is using them to create an environmental art installation of a Native American purification circle.
Bruton’s installation, titled “Grandmother’s Circle – A Tribute to Crecy’s People and to Sallie Alpha,” will be displayed from Saturday until Dec. 15 in the E-Gallery as part of her residency through the Tarble and the Illinois Arts Council. The purification circle, though only a simulation, is a tribute to Bruton’s Native American heritage, and the altar is a tribute to her grandmothers whom she never had the opportunity to meet. A purification circle is part traditional Native American sweat lodges in which members pray, sing and heat rocks in attempt to purify their spirits. A circular mound of clay decorated with broken pottery pieces surrounds the small, red rug in the center of Bruton’s circle, while cinder block seats and a thin layer of mulch surround the clay mound. The first time Bruton created the circle, though, the seats were tree stumps, not cinder blocks.
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Photo by Katie Smith | the Daily Eastern News
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Image from blogs.indiewire.com
'Captain Phillips' full of suspense, powerful acting from characters Real-life news has once again made its way to the big screen with “Captain Phillips.” “Captain Phillips” recounts the once headline-making story that revolved around the hijacking of a cargo ship by a small group of Somali pirates in April 2009. After a standoff onboard the ship, the pirates eventually took the title character Richard Phillips (Tom Hanks) hostage in a lifeboat, leaving it up to the U.S. Navy to come in and save the day. This film soon makes it clear that these aren’t the lovable, funloving pirates we are more used to seeing in movies. Despite knowing how the story will end the whole way through, this does not stop the movie from being full of suspense. The audience knows there is going to be a happy ending, but the journey to get to that is what everyone is curious about. Part of that is thanks to riveting performances from all actors involved, no matter what side of the law their characters are on. This movie in not presented in 3-D or any other format that would possibly translate into actual feelings of movement, but that does not stop the audience from feeling like they are one of the passengers on board the ship. The camera movement is fast and shaky. You will feel like you are moving along with the waves at sea. Surprisingly, “Captain Phillips” lets the audience get to know the pirates quite well instead of focusing on the title character at every single moment. This is definitely the story of what Phillips went through to get rescued, but as the movie goes on you begin to see why the villains were so desperate. They refused to give up, even when it was clear their days were numbered. The one real criticism one could give to “Captain Phillips” is the question of whether it was all just Hollywood magic at work. According to an article on Businessweek.com, the crew members who were on board the actual ship with Phillips say the movie is not
Katie Smith | the Daily Eastern News
Artist Alpha Bruton works on putting together her exhibit, "Grandmother's Circle, A Tribute to Crecy's People and to Sallie Alhpa" on Oct. 31 at the Tarble Arts Center. Bruton's exhibit will be on display from Nov. 9 to Dec. 15.
Artist, Jordan Thiede Verge Reviewer
representative of what really happened. The crew members have also filed a lawsuit against the owners of the freighter. They claim the entire incident could have been avoided if the reallife Phillips had listened to advice to steer the cargo ship 600 miles off the coast of Somalia because of the danger of piracy in the area. According to the crew members, in an effort to save money and time, Phillips had the ship only 250 miles off the coast. All of this should come as no surprise to people. It isn’t exactly a secret that Hollywood doesn’t always do its best to give nothing but the facts. This isn’t shocking, as the movie’s hero just seemed to be a bit too perfect. From the beginning of the movie, where he is shown preparing for what he believes is going to be an average voyage, we know what kind of a person he is going to be presented as. That is how it is in the movies, though. Would the audience care as much about him knowing everything happening was actually his fault? Probably not, and that is why the facts have been allegedly twisted to suit the filmmakers’ intentions. Fact or fiction, none of this hurts the movie’s great entertainment value. Practically from the beginning, “Captain Phillips” is so full of intense moments that it proves a movie doesn’t have to be of the horror variety to keep an audience on the edge of their seats. Jordan Thiede can be reached at 581-2812 or jethiede@eiu.edu.
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“Initially this installation was created in California in Placer County,” she said. “And we were on the acres of an artist friend of mine, Anita Posey Lowe, and so they had cut down some trees and we were using those stumps as seats.” Although she is teaching at a school in Humboldt as a part of her residency, and the school offered to provide whatever materials she needed for the project, Bruton said there was no way to get the tree stumps from the school to the Tarble. She said she decided to make the cinder blocks work instead, and she also bought mulch from a store instead of using some that the Humboldt school had outside. “They were like, ‘Yeah, well you know that mulch may have bugs,’” she said. “And we don’t want to infest the gallery, so we went out and just bought some regular mulch.” Creating a simulation of an outdoor fire pit inside an art gallery had its challenges, Bruton said. “When Kit (Morice, Tarble curator) called me up, I was in the middle of a retreat creating this outdoors, and so some of the elements from that I had shipped and recreated here,” she said. “And they
were trying to say, ‘How are you going to take an outdoor environmental installation that was in a forest and how are you going to reassimilate it here in Eastern Illinois in the gallery?’” Bruton said she then proposed she would bring some of the elements she was working with and collaborate with the schools she would be teaching at for her residency. The pottery pieces, for example, came from an art student at Eastern whose professor told him to throw away imperfect pots. Bruton said she plans to build something with each of the four schools and continue to add to the project until Dec. 13. She said people would be able to add candles or mementos of their grandmothers to the altar, which brings about another difference from the outdoor version of the circle. “People are encouraged to bring candles, but we’re not going to light the candles because there’s a no-fire policy,” she said. “We’re going to put LED lights inside the candles.” In the outdoor versions, people would also sit around the circle and share stories about their grand-
mothers, Bruton said. Although she never had grandmother stories to share, Bruton said dedicating the project to them was important. Bruton said she began learning about her heritage by studying African American history, and she even taught African dance. She said that over the past few years she began to embrace her Native American heritage as well, seeing as both of her grandmothers, including the one she was named after, were Native American. “It has been bits and pieces along the way of learning,” she said. Bruton said she did not “become” an artist; she always was one, which is why embracing her ancestry is important. “I was always the one playing and building and doing things outdoors and constructing,” she said. “So it’s important for me to find out where that energy is from, who I got it from. I always believed the spirit of an artist, the spirit of a dancer, the spirit of a writer, it comes from somebody in our family that was.” Stephanie Markham can be reached at 581-2812 or DENverge@gmail.com.
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The Jericho Harlot is Brandon Gray, bassist and vocalist; Jonny Burials, guitarist and vocalist; and Mike Mulholland, drummer. The Cincinatti-based band will play at 9:30 p.m. Friday at The Top of the Roc.
The Jericho Harlot to bring energetic punk to The Roc By Stephanie Markham Verge Editor
With fast-paced, catchy riffs and hard-hitting drums suitable to incite feverish dancing from punk fans and clean yet subtly raspy vocals, The Jericho Harlot creates an upbeat, alternative sound. Jonny Burials, guitarist and vocalist, said this sound along with the band’s friendly stage presence should create positive feelings among fans during a performance. He said experiencing The Jericho Harlot’s live show should be like “watching somebody you could be hanging out with.” “We want to convey we’re normal guys who love what we’re doing,” he said. The Jericho Harlot, a Cincinnati-based trio that also includes drummer Mike Mulholland and bassist-vocalist Brandon Gray, will perform at 9:30 p.m. Friday at The Top of the Roc. Burials said the band sometimes refers to its music as post-punk, with influences including Alkaline Trio and The Foo Fighters. “We grew up listening to punk rock, and it’s a grown-up version of that,” he said. In addition to Burials’ punk background, Gray adds a heavy, blues-style bass sound to the mix because of his background in
blues music. Because the band members fused two different styles together, they were able to create a unique sound, Burials said. “It was easy for us to form what the band wanted to sound like without ripping a bunch of other people off,” he said. He said because he went to school for music theory and Gray was a sound engineer, they were well versed in music, which helped them to create an “on-purpose style” that is also accessible to fans. “It’s not just for musicians. It’s not too complicated; it’s just the right amount,” he said. The band released its first fulllength album, “Creatures,” on Sept. 3. The record includes a song titled “1869” about a night at the ballpark watching the Cincinnati Reds, which Burials said became the most popular song on the album. He said other song topics range from the typical love song to depression and addiction. While most of the songs on the album are high-energy punk songs, Burials said the band wrote an additional song in the studio called “Faith in the Sinner” because he thought the record needed something more vulnerable and stripped down. He said the studio experience is just as fun as practicing and
writing songs. “Most people are done being creative in the studio,” Burials said. “We try not to do that. If something doesn’t feel right and we want to change it, we do it.” It took the band members about seven months to finish the album, and now that they are on tour, they try to perform about seven or eight shows per month. Burials said the band’s live shows are like rollercoaster rides: they begin by pushing the music to the extreme, then break down to a more chill level for the rest of the show. “We’re one of those bands you can’t not bob your head to, and we try to keep everything above 140 beats a minute and really drive it home,” he said. Burials said playing live music is his “drug of choice,” and although he does not know exactly how fans feel when listening to The Jericho Harlot, he hopes they leave feeling positive about whatever they may be going through in their lives. “We very rarely end songs with ‘the world’s ending; there’s no hope,’” he said. “So we try to bring that message full circle, and a lot of people walk away with a smile on their face.”
Stephanie Markham can be reached at 581-2812 or DENverge@gmail.com
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Molly Ringwald films remain classics, bring viewers nostalgia By Bob Galuski News Editor
With the Halloween season at an end, it’s time to settle in for the fall weather – and to help usher in the fall
'Sixteen Candles'
Whirlwind of emotions
Before “The Breakfast Club” welcomed in a ragtag group of misfits into homes across America, director John Hughes gave America one of the more convoluted love triangles – and the result created a warmhearted film. Ringwald stars as Sam, a girl on the verge of her 16th birthday who is desperate to make the popular guy in school, Jake, played by Michael Schoeffling, fall in love with her. While technically a coming-ofage movie, this film takes the audience on a whirlwind of emotions and nostalgia as Sam navigates fam-
submitted photo
Debut CD 'Except Sometimes' will tug at listeners' heartstrings After rolling out a slew of comingof-age films, solidifying herself as the redheaded queen of 1980s films, Molly Ringwald faded from the spotlight. Only sporadically appearing in a few TV spots, Ringwald seemingly drifted away. However, working hard behind the scenes, Ringwald produced several books, and now a new jazz album, “Except Sometimes” – which she will be performing for Eastern at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Dvorak Concert Hall of the Doudna Fine Arts Center. Kicking off the album with her rendition of Stephen Sondheim’s “Sooner or Later,” Ringwald kicks up the gear with her breathless, soulful piece, in a similar manner to Madonna’s version. Bringing a new air of delight to the song, Ringwald exceeds Madonna’s song and “Sooner or Later” cements her debut album as a great contender. Debuting as homage to the “Great American Songbook,” Ringwald’s album also features melodramatic numbers like “I’ll Get Along Without
Bob Galuski News Editor
You Very Well (Except Sometimes),” proving Ringwald can stand on her own. While this is a debut album, it is not without its faults. In a few of the songs, Ringwald strains to reach the bravado needed; however, with a quick line into the musical numbers, she comes back from an easy recovery. Since this is only a first album, listeners can expect faults likes these to smooth out over time. Paying respect to her breakouthit film, “The Breakfast Club,” Ringwald ends her album with a poignant version of Simple Minds’ “Don’t You (Forget About Me),” the song featured heavily in “The Breakfast Club.” While listeners will note a differ-
ent genre is present – after all Ringwald is jazz, not soft rock – it still hits a nostalgic tune in the heartstrings. If the Simple Minds song stands as a landmark for 1980s films, Ringwald’s rendition can no doubt join the ranks as a jazz-cover landmark. Fans of Ringwald can rejoice in seeing their redheaded renaissance woman return to the spotlight with this emotional album. As homage, this album works in all the right places – from the respect to “The Breakfast Club,” to her cover of Sondenheim’s “Sooner or Later.” Ghosts of other jazz musicians haunt each and every note of this album, and fans of classical jazz and modern jazz artists like Grace Kelly, who also performed at the Doudna last year. Transitioning from the silver screen to the spotlight, Ringwald hits all the right notes and will leave the most nostalgic of listeners to the freshest yearning for more. Bob Galuski can be reached at 581-2812 or DENnewsdesk@gmail.com
ily issues – having four grandparents stay at her house, along with a sister’s wedding – and her own love life. Complicating matters in Sam’s quest to be with Jake is Ted, played by Anthony Michael Hall, before “The Breakfast Club” reunited him and Ringwald. An emotionally funny film, Ringwald soars as the socially awkward and shy girl-next-door. Never one to stay to the typecasting, Ringwald is able to evoke the ideas of maturity, stress and living life to its fullest.
'The Breakfast Club'
Coming-of-age story
Mostly focused on as the quintessential Molly Ringwald film, this ensemble film helped Ringwald become a solidified member of the ‘80s film team “The Brat Pack.” In this coming-of-age film from 1985, Ringwald sizzles on screen as the snobby Claire. Against tried-and-true actors like Emilio Estevez and Judd Nelson, Ringwald stands out with a definitive personality. She is able to create a palpable tension between characters, especially Nelson’s character John Bender. Rounding out the cast include Estevez as the athlete, Andrew, Michael Anthony Hall as the brain, Brian and Ally Sheedy as the basketcase, Allison.
weather and end of the semester ‘80s film icon Molly Ringwald will be performing selections from her jazz album “Except Sometimes” for Eastern. To help prepare for Ringwald’s performance, students can take a look back on the films that helped shoot Ringwald to household name status.
As the film industry chafed against other cookie-cutter films of the 1980s – the action films, the romantic films, the fantasy films – “The Breakfast Club” helped set itself apart, with considerable contribution from Ringwald. Without Ringwald at the helm of the Claire character, the character may have become flat or one-dimensional. However, Ringwald’s ferocity as Claire stands out as a bright spot among other dynamic characters. While no character, plot development or direction in the film is undesirable it’s Claire as the “straightman” to Bender’s antics, Andrew’s narcissism, Brian’s naivety and Allison’s eccentricities.
'Pretty in Pink'
Breaking down barriers
Director John Hughes examines other aspects of young adult life through this social class-driven film, headlined by Ringwald. Ringwald plays Andie, a young high school girl who lives on the wrong side of the tracks, and this marks her throughout high school. Andrew McCarthy plays Blane, the popular boy in school from the right side of the tracks. These two worlds collide in an unexpectedly heart-wrenching, funny film that focuses on the divide of social class and status. Ringwald excels as the girl in love with the popular boy in all of her films, and none more so than her performance in “Pretty in Pink.” Bringing new electricity to her
performance, Ringwald breaks down societal barriers in her performance. Circumnavigating the idea of money and power in a high school setting brings Ringwald to the forefront of cinema entertainment. On cue with her lines and able to give punchy, spunky one-liners to her best friend Duckie, played by Jon Cryer, Ringwald is a force to be reckoned with in this film. Again playing more of a “straight man” character to the chaos around her, Ringwald evokes levity and brevity in her delivery and comedic timing. However, when it turns time for the serious turn of the film, she is able to switch over to tear-jerking good acting.