The Daily Free Press
Year xli. Volume lxxxii. Issue lxxxi.
Campus & City
CHINATOWN: Housing violations leave building vacated page 3
Monday, March 5, 2012 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University Sports MUSE MONDAY
THE SHAKES: Unsteady cameras, and why film should toss them aside page 5
HYANNIS HERO: Wakefield scores twice to lead Terriers to conf. crown page 8
Brown takes lead over Warren in bid for Senate, polls show By Shayan Banerjee Daily Free Press Staff
U.S. Sen. Scott Brown has taken the lead during his bid for re-election by no more than 10 percent over Elizabeth Warren in recent polls. In four out of five surveys conducted in the past month, the Republican incumbent holds a slight lead over chief Democratic rival and consumer advocate Warren. Jim Barnett, Brown’s campaign manager, publicized the results of three separate polls commissioned by Mass Insight, Suffolk University and Rasmussen Reports in a press release. The polls showed Brown with leads of 10, 9 and 5 percentage points respectively. “Brown has solidified his strong appeal and standing in the race,” Barnett said in the release. “His focus on jobs and favorable coverage of bipartisan legislation bearing his name have combined to reinforce thr positive impression that Massachusetts voters have of him.” Another poll that showed Brown leading by 8 points, conducted by Western New England University, was released Sunday. The release did not mention a poll commissioned by MassINC conducted a week after the Mass Insight poll that showed Warren leading by 3 points. Professors from the Boston University political science department said they
Boston University Professor Bruce Bucci, who took over as coordinator of the programs in deaf studies in Fall 2011, said he plans to increase deaf awareness at BU and throughout the state. “I’m stepping up,” he said in a phone interview via an interpreter. “My vision for BU deaf studies program is to increase awareness about deaf studies and deaf people in general.” Bucci began working with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with the No Child Left Behind Act to ensure that deaf students are not ignored by the system. “We need to promote to deaf schools and non-deaf schools that BU exists as a resource,” he said. Bucci said the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System is not really accessible for deaf children at this time, but
Today: Cloudy, High 36 Tonight: Clear, Low 16 Tomorrow: 38/28 Data Courtesy of
CGSA plans to meet with Pres. Brown, Parker By Emily Overholt Daily Free Press Staff
New polls show that Republican Sen. Scott Brown leads Democrat candidate Elizabeth Warren.
agreed Brown has had success appealing to moderates by casting key votes on a number of highly publicized issues. “Senator Brown frequently champions his independence and . . . separates himself from the Republican leadership,” said Professor Douglas Kriner, who teaches Ameri-
can politics, in an email. Although Massachusetts is a liberal state, Kriner said, the theme of independence from strict party-adherence might have a distinct appeal to many voters. BU Professor and Political Science De-
Brown, see page 2
Deaf studies plans to educate students, state about community By Thea Di Giammerino Daily Free Press Staff
they are working to change that. On campus, deaf studies has worked on outreach efforts to promote deaf culture for deaf studies and American Sign Language students to experience. Deaf studies plans to host the fourth annual Deaf Deaf World on Monday, during which deaf studies and ASL students will communicate in ASL. The series of conversations are held on the second floor of the George Sherman Union in Metcalf Ballroom. BU’s deaf education programs tend to focus on medical aspects, but deaf studies was structured to expand upon deaf culture, deaf history and American Sign Language, Bucci said. “Our focus is the deaf as a whole person – we want them to be proud of who they are,” he said. “The goal is to build a bridge of acceptance and equality between the deaf and hearing communities.” To achieve these goals, programs in deaf studies sponsor events for open communication between the deaf and hearing
communities. “Awareness about ASL and our culture will reduce the language barrier between the hearing and the deaf community,” Bucci said. Deaf studies and the School of Education partnered with the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies to co-sponsor a discussion for April 2. Mark Zaurov, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Hamburg and a fellow the Charles H. Revson Foundation, are set to speak about his research of deaf Jewish life during World War II in Germany. The deaf studies program has a research program, headed by Professor Robert Hoffmeister, director of The Center for the Study of Communication and the Deaf. In an email interview with The Daily Free Press, Hoffmeister said the Center began to develop assessment instrument for deaf children to determine ASL develop-
ASL, see page 4
Members of Boston University’s Center for Gender, Sexuality and Activism secured a meeting with BU President Robert Brown to discuss administrative repercussion to recent sexual assaults, according to a press release. Brown will meet with members of the Center on March 19 to discuss three goals the CGSA introduced in a Feb. 23 press release. A BU spokesman was unavailable for comment at this time, the press release stated. “Our goal is to work with the administration to make students feel safe on campus and create a culture that understands what sexual assault is and how to prevent it,” said CGSA spokeswoman Michelle Weiser, a College of Communication senior. CGSA members met with Director of Student Health Services David McBride Friday morning, according to the press release. Men’s hockey coach Jack Parker agreed to a meeting, though no date has been set at this time. Weiser said that the center has short-term demands as well as a larger goal of getting a crisis center on campus. “Things need to be happening right now to prove that the administration is dedicated to its students safety,” she said. Since an alleged assault by then-junior defenseman Max Nicastro on Feb. 19, the CGSA has led efforts to address “rape culture” at BU. In the release from Feb. 23 the members called for a full-time sexual assault counselor, mandatory training by the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center for community leaders and a zero-tolerance policy for sexual assault on campus. McBride stated in the latest release that he “personally supports” the CGSA’s goals to allot more staff and resources to the issues of sexual violence on campus. ”More dedicated professional and student time is needed in order to achieve both adequate response and prevention outcomes,” he said. “SHS is not able to do as much as I would like with our current staffing pattern.” Margaret Ross, director of behavioral medicine at SHS, noted the importance of examining how safe students feel on campus and why. “The most important concern is that every student should feel safe and cared for,” Ross said. “Anything that interferes with that is something BU needs to address actively. It’s not just ‘boys will be boys.’ That’s not okay at this university. It should never be okay.”
Students continue campaign for permanent Hindu prayer space in Marsh, STH By Maha Kamal Daily Free Press Staff
Boston University officials agreed to meet with Hindu students advocating for a permanent prayer space in Marsh Chapel and the School of Theology. After four meetings last year, members of the Hindu Students Council secured a meeting with Marsh Chapel Dean Robert Hill and possibly other officials to discuss the students’ proposal for a permanent space in the basement of Marsh Chapel, where many Hindu students go for prayer, and a number of rooms in STH. The HSC has wanted a prayer space for the last five or six years, executive board members said. “We have a closet in the basement of Marsh Chapel and have to stuff everything in there – all the murtis, all the candles, all the prayer books,” said Karan Assudani, HSC vice president, during a phone inter-
view. “Many times we have to store them in our own apartments because of limited space. Sometimes when we transfer murtis in our own suitcases, [and] they break as they’re too heavy to carry.” Assudani, a College of Arts and Sciences junior, said Hindus are a larger minority on campus and have been taken advantage of as a peaceful people. Rajan Zed, a national advocate for Hindu rights from Nevada, said BU should respond to its students and build a prayermeditation hall for rituals, according to a statement made Friday and cited in a press release. The statement said more than 350 students at BU practice Hinduism. Zed, president of Universal Society of Hinduism, described students’ having to store images of deities in a basement closet after weekly services as borderline sacrile-
Hindu, see page 4
Hindu students are vying for a permanent prayer space in Marsh Chapel.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Warren could benefit from Obama success, prof. says Brown: From Page 1
partment Chair Graham Wilson said he cautioned, however, that it is still too early in the campaign to read too much into polling. Wilson said these results probably only reflect an “occasional spasm” in the direction of public opinion. “Most people are not focused on the election at present,” he said. The press secretary for the Warren campaign, Alethea Harney, also said polling this early should not be taken so seriously just yet. But she did say the results were evidence that Massachusetts families have “their work cut out for them” if they wanted to have a true advocate in D.C. “We’ll let the political pundits debate the polls and watch them go up and down over the course of the campaign,” Harney said. “Elizabeth will keep working her heart out to talk to the people about Massachusetts about what she’ll do as their U.S. Senator to help middle class families get ahead.” Harney said there is evidence of Warren’s continued momentum. “We’ve had successful caucuses – more than 7,000 people participate in a field-related event – and [we’ve] signed up 40,000 volunteers,” she said. But Brown supporters said the energy initially surrounding Warren’s candidacy had dissipated. “[Warren] has struggled with a message that has veered from the politics of class struggle to, more recently, social and gender
The Daily Free Press Crossword By Tribune Media Services Across 1 Casey and Kildare: Abbr.
46 Spurning learning 49 Caribbean isl. belonging to France
54 The Phantom of the Opera
7 Courses for coll. credit
57 River inlet
10 Ball support 13 Actor McKellen
60 Discontinuing relations of any kind
15 California fruit
63 Apple-polishers
17 Critters with powerful jaws
64 __ canto: singing style
20 Server on skates
65 Post- opposite
21 Sniggler’s prey
66 Govt. ID
22 Eliel Saarinen’s son
67 Frequently, in verse
23 Normandy battleground
68 Words in a simile
24 Chinese government bigwig 27 Program interruption
69 Old JFK arrival Down 1 45s, e.g. 2 Charged
32 Bedroom set piece
3 Watchdog’s warning
35 Sun. speech
4 __ 67: Montreal World’s Fair
36 Catch a few z’s 37 “Green Eggs and Ham” author 38 Writer Jong 40 USNA grad
Summer Camp Counselor A awesome summer job in Maine! Spend this summer outdoors, have fun, and make lifelong friends. Camp Mataponi has positions available in archery, soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball, field hockey, sailing, swimming, boat, ropes course, tennis, H.B. riding, arts, ceramics, theater, videography, nurses, cooking and more. Top salaries plus room/board & travel provided. Call us today, 561-748-3684 or apply online at www. Email
58 Game in which love is expressed frequently?
14 Classic Jag
5 Ship’s captain 6 Proverbial sword beater 7 Apollo’s twin sister
41 Sephia automaker
8 Movie girl with “perils”
44 Took, as advice
9 “To __, With Love”
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50 “¿Cómo __ usted?”
4 Clairvoyant’s claim, for short
issues,” according to the release. Wilson said decreased national attention on Warren could be the result of the Occupy movement fading into the background. He said this could have happened because her claim to fame relates to standing up for consumers against financial institutions. “To the degree that [fewer] people are thinking about banks and the need to do something about them,” Wilson said, “it’s hard to maintain that initial momentum.” The outcome of the race may be closely tied to the success of the President Barack Obama’s presidential campaign in Massachusetts, Kriner said. “The infusion of energy, party organization, and campaign dollars . . . should be a big asset [to Warren],” he said. Wilson said he agreed, and added that many Obama voters would simply vote for other Democrats as well. But he said each of the candidates would have to make their own case. “There is going to be so much money in this race that there will be plenty of opportunity for each of them [Brown and Warren] to establish their own image,” he said. Wilson said the importance of this race for students at BU could not be stressed enough. “It’s going to be one of the most high-profile races in the country – massive attention, massive contribution,” he said. “It’s a great opportunity for them to get involved with the candidate of their choice.”
10 Mah-jongg piece
51 Haircut sounds
11 Cabinet dept. formed after the 1977 oil crisis
31 Wing tip-to-wing tip distance
52 Stadium levels
12 “Tiger in your tank” company 16 Bow’s opposite 18 Greek god of fear 19 Nerd 25 Actress __ Dawn Chong 26 “Snowy” wading birds 28 Take a chance 29 Arthurian lady 30 Texas city on the
32 “Just __!” 33 Contact lens solution brand 34 Is required to 39 Take offense at 42 “To sum up ...” 43 Not with 44 Cockpit abbr. 45 Sand structures
53 Balance sheet item 54 Approximations: Abbr. 55 Classic autos 56 58-Across star Lendl 59 Cinders of old comics 61 __ de Janeiro 62 Lawyers’ gp.
47 Tut-tutted 48 Rugged rock
Solution is on Page 4
Difficulty: Medium
Solution is on Page 4
Campus & City college with krissen
Friendship People always say the best friendships are formed during our college years. But what they don’t tell you about are the difficulties that arise with them. Friendships that develop at college seem to deviate from the usual progression of friendships elsewhere – things move quicker. Since everyone is thrown together, knowing next to no one and actively searching for friends, bonds develop faster than normal. KRISSEN This is the KAWACHI only explanation I have when trying to describe my friendships here. Sometimes, I feel as if the friends I’ve only met five months ago I’ve known for five years. But these connections present a problem, a looming uncertainty of the future – what happens when graduation arrives? One of the main reasons I like Boston University is its diversity. We have such an international school; it enables the opportunity to gain friends from all over the country and the world. The friends that I have made are invaluable to me, and I’m worrying about where our relationships will be once we leave school. In fact, I’m concerned with not seeing them for a mere three months over summer break. This shouldn’t worry me; I don’t know why it does. Friendships are easily maintained through proper communication. Two summers ago, I attended a program in Oxford, England, and made many friends I haven’t seen again. Yet I still manage to keep up to date with most of their lives – it’s a positive aspect of Facebook, you have to admit. I don’t intend to trivialize the friendships I have from high school. A handful of those friends are some of the best people I’ve ever met, and they’ve helped me through some of the hardest parts of my life thus far. I feel guilty at times knowing that when I’m home during breaks, I often miss my friends from school, yet when I’m away at school, I miss the friends from home, but not always to the same extent. What sparked this column was a thought that’s been on my mind a lot this past week. One of my closest friends is leaving BU in a couple of semesters, and to be honest, this thought terrifies me. Since he’s an international student, the likelihood of us seeing each other again is slim. Sure, the wonders of the Internet will keep communication available. Yes, the future is uncertain and full of surprises. However, this thought of him leaving and the harsh reality that friendships aren’t exactly the same once distant remains. I’ve been lucky to make wonderful friends here in Boston, all in my first year at BU. And most of them – especially him – have changed my life forever. Krissen Kawachi is a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences and a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at
Monday, March 5, 2012
Chinatown housing continues living violations Cyclists to see increase in bike lanes, safety in Following the discovery of a string of sanitation and safety violations in a multifamily Chinatown Boston’s future apartment, its residents have vacatBy Allie DeAngelis Daily Free Press Staff
ed the building indefinitely. Located on 15 Beach St. in the Chinatown neighborhood of Boston, the Chinagate Apartments are the latest in a series of Chinatown apartment inspections that have led to the discovery of conditions deemed too unhealthy for habitation by the city. Boston’s Inspectional Services Department raided the apartment building on Feb. 7 and found “dozens of violations, including broken lights, faulty hot-water heaters, ceiling leaks, broken bathroom fixtures and malfunctioning windows,” according to department records released to the Boston Herald. The Chinagate apartment continues to be listed as an option for Section 8 housing tenants on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s affordable housing website as of press time. “The owner of 15 Beach St. has a multifamily contract with the Department of Housing and Urban Development,” said Boston Housing Authority Communications Director Lydia Agro. The owner, Kathleen Lau Realty, has been unavailable for comment. Although he said the group does manage the building, Kenneth Lau of Lau Reality would not speak further about the status of the build-
By Hina Tai Daily Free Press Staff
There has been a slew of housing violations in Chinatown.
ing, and additional calls went unanswered. The State Sanitary Code specifies what conditions must exist for a habitable residence. “In general, ‘habitable’ means a place that is comfortable and clean enough for a person to live safely,” according to the code. The code states “if a landlord does not respond to a tenant’s complaints about a sanitary code violation, the tenant may request that a code enforcement officer or the
local board of health inspect the apartment” and the landlord can be brought to court or any existing rental agreement can be cancelled. The Chinese Progressive Association, a “community organization which works for full equality and empowerment of the Chinese community in the Greater Boston area,” is reportedly helping the 15 Beach St. residents find new housing, according to the Herald. However, multiple calls to the group went unanswered.
With more plans to advance Boston as one of the best U.S. cities for cycling, the Hub is beginning to look more and more like a bicycle wheel. Boston Bikes launched in 2007 and improved upon numerous infrastructure and bike programs this past year, ultimately winning the city national recognition, according to a press release on the Boston Bikes Annual Report. The New Balance Hubway bike share system, launched in July, provided 60 stations and 600 bicycles for the city. Boston also installed bike lanes on Massachusetts Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue, creating 50 miles of bike lanes in Boston. Community programs have given 8,000 students bike training and donated more than 1,000 bikes to low-income residents, according to the press release. “Over the past four years, we have taken great strides toward making Boston a city that welcomes and encourages bicycling,” said Boston Mayor Thomas Menino in the press release. “This year, I’m proud to say that the car is no longer king in Boston. With 50 miles of bike lanes now on our streets and the huge success of
Bikes, see page 4
College degree, employment tied to better mental health, study says By Chris Lisinski Daily Free Press Staff
By obtaining a bachelor’s degree, College of Engineering freshman Hsin Chiao Lin said students could not only achieve a better of living, but also feel less stressed. “If you have a college degree, you tend to get a better job, be paid better and not have to worry as much,” he said. Those who attain a college degree after their mid-20s demonstrate fewer depressive traits and better self-judged health than people who complete their education later in life, according to a study published Tuesday by
the American Journal of Public Health. The study compared that demographic to people in their 40s who returned to school and obtained their highest degree after age 25, the typical age when students complete their education. People who get their bachelor’s degrees at ages 24 to 26 showed fewer depressive symptoms by the midpoint of their lives. Additionally, those who got a bachelor’s around the midpoint rated their own health better than those with a high school diploma. Dr. Katrina Walsemann, director of the study, noted how
Cities undergo forestation decrease, lose about 4 million trees each year By Alexis Gordon Daily Free Press Contributor
“The Lorax,” released on Friday, is a film about a boy who grows up in a town that has no trees. Boston is not treeless yet, but may be creeping closer each year, according to a recent study. Across all U.S. urban areas, about 4 million trees are lost per year, according to a study published in Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. The study, conducted by two United States Department of Agriculture scientists, measured data from 20 U.S. cities. The researchers studied Boston between 2003 and 2008 and
concluded that in those five years, the city lost 0.9 percent of its trees. This puts the Hub just below what the study found to be the average loss across the cities it studied, about 1.1 percent. Many U.S. cities’ impervious cover, which includes pavement and rooftops, does not allow for healthy tree growth, said Professor Nathan Phillips, the director of Boston University’s Center for Energy & Environmental Studies. “We plant trees and don’t give them much of a chance to survive by putting them and surrounding them in pavement and not allowing the soil to breath,” he said.
Trees, see page 4
education can be tied to health as college-educated people tend to suffer less from unemployment. Smoking rates are also lower among the more educated, she said. Boston University professor of psychology Michael Otto said college provides a “different backdrop” of health. The reason for the findings may be because students tend to develop exercise habits throughout college. “Leisure-time physical activity tends to be higher among those with better education,” he said via email, “and this sort of physical activity is linked to lots of mood and general health benefits.”
Otto, author of “Exercise for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Proven Strategies for Overcoming Depression and Enhancing Well-being,” said the increased knowledge and problem-solving skills acquired in college can help graduates cope with life challenges, therefore reducing the likelihood of depression. College of General Studies freshman Caleb Ratinetz said people who are more educated are likely less depressed because they have some level of financial stability. “When you have a degree, you
Health, see page 4
A local youngster takes advantage of a nice afternoon at the Frog Pond skating rink on Sunday.
Monday, March 5, 2012
HSC participation could increase with permanent prayer space Hindu: From Page 1
gious. The space would be a step in the right direction for the large numbers of Hindu students on campus. CAS junior Akshata Sahasrabudhe, co-president of HSC, said the group submitted an official proposal last year to Dean of Students Kenneth Elmore after meeting with him in May. “There have been scheduling issues, but we have been in contact with [Executive Director of Student Activities and Operations] John Battaglino to try to see what kind of prayer space is available,” Sahasrabudhe said in a phone interview. “John says it’s a long term goal and can’t be achieved soon.” Sahasrabudhe said other spaces on campus, like the new East Campus Student Services Center, have taken priority over the religious space. Elmore said exclusive spaces are hard to create because of space issues. “Space is something we deal with all the time,” Elmore said. “Particularly, as we get more students from around the world coming here, where aspects of culture
are deeply tied with religion, we are seeing more participation in religious activity.” Elmore said he looks favorably upon the idea of students having a place where they can engage in their religious practices. Hindu students are able to pray together one hour each week, Sahasrabudhe said. About 10 students attend the weekly pujas, but more than 100 attend the larger pujas. “A prayer space would help not just for praying but for our weekly and monthly discussions,” she said. “More people would be interested, increasing attendance.” Elmore said administration tries to accommodate all religious groups. “We’re trying to problem solve right now,” Elmore said. “It’s not just the Hindu students. There are Buddhists. There are a lot of Christian students. The hard part is space . . .. It’s got to be appropriate spaces for people.” Elmore said he and Hill are working with students to provide more space. “I think people know one of my agendas is [to] really push for better ways that we can have ap-
propriate ways for people to . . . engage in faith,” Elmore said. Hill said BU is working to address the space issue actively. “There are lots of problems in life that don’t have solutions, but this is one that will definitely have a solution over time,” he said in a phone interview. Manisha Mahtani, a member of HSC and a sophomore in the School of Management, said she hoped the request for a prayer space doesn’t die down. “A permanent space would be nice and would give the club a sense of consistency,” Mahtani said in a phone interview. “As a member, it’s difficult to know where the next puja is going to be because the location changes.” Rasika Murali, a freshman in Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and a member of HSC, said she would attend more regularly if there was a permanent space. “It would be nice to know where to go and have a place comfortable for everyone,” Murali said in a phone interview. “I’ll be more motivated to go.” Steph Solis contributed to the reporting of this article.
BU prof.: ‘deaf does not make you disabled’ ASL: From Page 1
ment. The center has worked on three other projects concerning ASL and deaf education. “If the environment is made accessible, through interpreters or where everyone knows American Sign Language, deaf people are equal participants,” he said. The idea of the program is equality of participation and understanding between the deaf and hearing communities, Hoffmeister said. “Our underlying theme is that being deaf does not make you disabled,” he said. “The lack of accommodation to spoken English creates a situation that places the burden on the deaf person.” Bucci said the ASL program at BU enlightens students about the
language and the deaf community. “Many students feel good about themselves and have a good relationship with the deaf community,” he said. College of Arts and Sciences and SED sophomore Crystal Shah, a hearing student in her second semester of ASL, said she was apprehensive about her first ASL class. However, the professor’s approach helped her understand the subject better. “When we had our first lecture, it was just so easy to read his body language,” Shah said of her class with Professor Jason Norman. “I feel like the ASL professors are really trained to know when hearing students don’t understand what they’re trying to communicate.”
Shah said ASL changed her perspective on the deaf community. “I actually personally didn’t even know that there was a deaf community,” she said during a phone interview. “It’s like a whole other culture that’s in America and in the world that we don’t really [know] about.” CAS sophomore Olivia Paris-Kornilowicz, whose mother works with the deaf, said the ASL program impressed her. “They make us go to two deaf events a semester and we also have to go to language link which is run by a deaf person so you have a lot of exposure to the deaf community,” she said. “It can be challenging at times, but other times it’s just really nice.”
A group of men play Xiangqi, or Chinese chess, on Sunday in Chinatown.
‘Roll-it-Forward’ program to continue to donate bikes to low-income residents Bikes: From Page 3
Hubway, we are well on our way to making Boston one of the best cycling cities in the country.” Jeremy Hanson, the community engagement and development associate at Bikes Not Bombs, said Boston Bikes has made impressive progress. “Boston can be a tough city to work in just to get all the different agencies of government to work together on this,” Hanson said. “It’s impressive to see folks over at Boston Bikes has moved things forward like they have.” David Watson, executive director of MassBike, the Massachusetts Bike Coalition, said Boston Bikes has helped engage more people in bicycling since the program began in 2007. “The most important thing is that this is real evidence that the city has officially embraced bicycling as an important mode of transportation and an important activity and they want to encourage Boston residents,” he said. Boston Bikes plans to add another 15 to 20 miles of bike
lanes, install more bike parking, expand the Hubway bike share system into other parts of Boston and continue donating bikes to low-income residents through the Mayor’s Roll-it-Forward program, Watson said. The streets have become safer after the expansion of the Boston Bikes, with the increase in the number of bike riders and programs to raise awareness about bike safety, said Kara Oberg, the program coordinator of LivableStreets Alliance. “It is making biking more safer, more convenient and more accessible for students and everyone living in the Boston region as well,” Oberg said. “So over all it’s giving the Boston resident another way of getting around and making that option a lot easier and safer.” Oberg said the expansion of biking in Boston has helped foster a biking community for people who ride bikes, advocate for bikes or are interested in trying to bike. “I think,” she said, “it is definitely building a bigger and bigger community in Boston each year.”
Increased knowledge, problem-solving City seeks to plant 100,000 new trees by end of 2020 skills from college help resist depression urban heat island effect, “trees with, and maintaining the garden Trees: From Page 3
Health: From Page 3
have a higher standard of living and you struggle less,” he said. Lin said there is social pressure to get a degree. “If you’re 40 and you don’t have a college degree and you compare yourself to people around you who do, you’ll feel less self-worth,” he said. Alison Manning, a College
of Arts and Sciences freshman, said people who have attained a college degree might be less depressed because they feel as though they have made a notable achievement. “In today’s society, [a degree] is a symbol of success,” she said. “People feel happier because they have a tangible symbol of their own success.”
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Junior mints
“You can think of cities almost like constipated systems – soils need to breath and trees, their root system, need to breathe as well.” The forest researchers who conducted the study used satellite imagery to examine urban areas, concluding tree cover in U.S. cities decreases by .27 percent of land areas per year. “The trees are not just providing aesthetic benefits, but they actually provide some important ecosystem services, like cleaning the air and moderating the urban heat island effect,” Phillips said, referring to the effect that comes as a result of trees and other vegetation being replaced by artificial surfaces. The reduced amount of vegetation causes the temperatures in cities to become hotter than their suburban or rural counterparts, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In addition to mitigating the
provide various benefits associated with air and water quality, building energy conservation, cooler air temperatures, reductions in ultraviolet radiation and many other environmental and social benefits,” according to the study. Hannah Walters, the vice president of the Environmental Student Organization at BU and a junior in College of Arts and Sciences, said there are many ways for Bostonians to help combat the loss of tree coverage. “People could start building green roofs, so they’ll have basically gardens and trees on their roofs,” she said. “And that way you haven’t lost much tree space but you have this vegetation that still helps cool the city a bit and purify air.” Building a green roof, however, is expensive, Walters said. The logistics of starting such a garden, she said, would be difficult for most college students to deal
might also present problems. Instead, students can volunteer at local organizations that promote preserving urban forestry such as the Boston Parks and Recreation Department’s Emerald Necklace Conservancy program, she said. Boston maintains an urban forestry program through its Parks Department and cites the benefits of maintaining urban tree cover on its website. It also encourages citizens to care for their “street trees” – trees the city has planted “throughout Boston’s 22 neighborhoods” – and has begun a campaign to plant 100,000 new trees in Boston by the end of 2020. “Sustaining tree cover not only includes establishing new trees,” the study states, “but also limits the loss of existing canopy, particularly large trees that provide substantial amounts of canopy per tree.”
Muse Editor Film Editor Music Editor
| Sydney Moyer | Michela Smith | Lucien Flores
The Shaky Camera I’m feeling nauseous. Bryan Sih MUSE Staff
’ve been growing increasingly alarmed when my peers explain a movie they want to shoot, and they say “I want everything to be handheld.” My first response is always, “Why?” to which they respond with something to the effect of, “I want a documentary look,” “I want the film to feel indie,” etc. But what it really sounds like is a sorry excuse to pointand-shoot footage, to be lazy in controlling what is in the frame, and to neglect a film language that has been developed by a long line of filmmakers. Film has long been experiencing a surge of documentary-style aesthetics, namely, a shaky camera that is usually handheld and makes little to no effort in framing the shot or utilizing mise en scène. The effect - in theory - is to immerse the viewer in the now-ness and reality of the film while simultaneously reminding them that there is a camera present, a documenting device. Essentially, the audience views events that could have happened, or seem to have happened. But is this the correct aesthetic for fictional/narrative films? Such documentary aesthetic often arises from a tight budget and on-the-fly shooting style that the French New Wave and Dogma 95 movements found useful. Why should film - an art - be an expensive, calculating endeavor? Why is it necessary to have a soundstage and a thousand lighting fixtures? Film should feel spontaneous, unrehearsed, sporadic, as is life. Undoubtedly, the founding of a quicker albeit rougher shooting style arose from good intention.
But its recent surge is misled. The Bourne series has been guilty of this and even Transformers and countless other big-budget movies utilize a shaky camera even when they have the budget for more sophisticated shooting styles. Indeed, the shaky camera is doing more harm than good. Film is a visual medium, first and foremost. With this visual language comes a way to tell stories and convey emotion through performance. The shaky camera detracts from both the storytelling and the performance. Film doesn’t have the privilege of lengthy description that literature has; the visual discrepancies of a shot cue the audience to these details in immediate fashion. For example, if I wanted to show a character’s tranquil personality, I might shoot him or her against a curtain blowing in the breeze. In literature, an author may describe the curtain to show how the external environment reflects the character’s inner environment. But with shaky camera styles, these things can be easily missed or simply aren’t present. Everything and nothing is important as the camera constantly changes its framing. Something is lost in doing this, mainly mise en scène and visual clues, aspects of film that can enhance the narrative or artistic quality of the film. If an author were to write a scene from The Bourne Ultimatum it would read something like, “a foot pressing on a pedal. A face. A car wheel spinning. A city street with a fast car on it. Another fast car on another city street.” Notice how time and space is distorted, undefined or non-existent. While shaky camera-work and quick cuts that capture “the
essence of the scene” seem at first to be a more realistic, it is actually more disorienting. These techniques pull the viewer out of the scene, mainly because time and space are fluid and undefined. Reality is compromised and we are forced to make sense of a very artificial visual world. Others may argue that the shaky camera is less intrusive, less selective and allows the audience to pick what they find significant instead of an omnipresent director calling all the shots. But shouldn’t the director have control over his art if he wishes to convey something? The director should possess a steady gaze for the public, and therefore, a steady camera. But I would even contend that the viewer isn’t moved emotionally due to the shooting style - documentary or more traditional, it doesn’t matter. Instead, they are moved by the story, the acting, the visual imagery. When the camera hinders understanding or distracts the viewer (What was that character holding? It wasn’t framed properly so I missed it. Was the character nervous? I couldn’t tell from the brief flash I saw of him) the film loses its emotional energy. The shaky camera aesthetic is guilty of these issues, and therefore seems to result in a stunted emotional experience. Any director who values the film they’re making and the emotions they’re capturing should use a shaky camera only when appropriate, and there are very few times when this is truly appropriate. When I watch a film, I gaze at the screen. I don’t spin my head around in an attempt to make myself nauseous. I wish more films would take that into consideration.
Sharon Van Etten rocks the ‘Dise
Lucien Flores Music Editor
n Feb. 23, Sharon Van Etten played Paradise — a lively Wye Oak-esque number that Van Etten remarked have minded. If she continues to write and play numbers Rock Club in support of her third and strongest was so fun to play that she could do it again. Nobody would such as “Serpents” in the future (and it sounds as if she’d LP yet, Tramp. love to), then there is no stopping her rise to starDespite her music’s poignant and melancholy dom. lyrical content, Van Etten’s and her band were Sharon Van Etten is one of those rare singersunny and charming throughout the night, filling songwriters with liveliness and charm. Catch her each song break with comical banter, generatnext time she’s in town. ing rounds of laughter from the audience. Van Etten’s new favorite term — “jagoff” — was in Set list: heavy rotation as she called the audience, her 1) All I Can bandmates and others “a bunch of jagoffs.” She 2) Warsaw and her band also told anecdotes of cheese curds 3) Save Yourself and more as the audience laughed and squealed 4) Kevin’s during each talk break as if they were “little 5) Magic Chords gnomes.” 6) Don’t Do It While the banter was captivating, the music 7) Give Out was even more so. Taking heavily from her most 8) Leonard recent LP, Van Etten played a stirring set. Her 9) Serpents delicate voice shone in the dark Paradise and her 10) I’m Wrong background musicians filled her songs with life. 11) Joke or a Lie Recent cuts such as “All I Can,” “Warsaw” and 12) Life of His Own “Give Out” were beautifully handled and per13) Love More fectly validated her recent sonic shift. “Don’t Do Courtesy of Pitch Perfect PR It” from her last album was another example of Sharon Van Etten released her new album, Tramp, on FebruaryPhoto Sharon Van Etten’s new album, Tramp, was 7. her irresistible electric guitar numbers. released on Feb. 7. For more details on Van Etten The concert, however, peaked with “Serpents” and a review on her new album, see our website.
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March 5, 2012
The Daily Free Press
The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 42nd year F Volume 82 F Issue 77
Chelsea Diana, Editor-in-Chief Tim Healey, Managing Editor Steph Solis, Campus Editor
Sydney L. Shea, City Editor
Meredith Perri, Sports Editor
Sofiya Mahdi, Opinion Page Editor
Kira Cole, Features Editor
Audrey Fain, Ricky Wilson, Photo Editors
Kaylee Hill, Layout Editor
Praise Hong, Advertising Manager
Valeria Morgan, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Stormy statements
Many states across America have been struggling with extreme weather conditions. Hundreds who live across the South and Midwest were faced with battered homes and heart-breaking casualties. The ferocity of the disaster was reminiscent of previous weather storms that have destroyed American landscapes in the past; Hurricane Katrina immediately comes to mind. Obviously, the government will have to be pro-active in how it handles the aftermath of such devastation. One natural reaction would be to ensure those affected are given appropriate aid and monetary support from the government to allow them to re-build their lives. However, not all politicians share this same view. According to an article published by the National Journal yesterday, Ron Paul has a different take on federal aid. During his appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” he said federal money was nothing but funds stolen from states and individual citizens. Therefore, he concludes that people who live in “tornado alley” should have adequate insurance for when disaster strikes. Paul deems the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) incredibly ineffi-
cient for wasteful spending. Where Paul states that insurance is advised, he does have a point. When a family lives in a zone prone to disaster, it would seem preferable to take precautionary measures. However, there are many individuals who simply can’t afford such insurance, and they shouldn’t be penalized for it. Obviously, Ron Paul’s reputation will be tainted by these remarks, especially at a time when many are still trying to salvage what’s left of their lives. His comment will alienate many voters as he continues his presidential bid. Perhaps if Paul had been more constructive with his remarks toward reform of FEMA, his point would have had more validity. Of course, Paul’s comments prove consistent with his Libertarian views. Nevertheless, the sheer intensity of these disasters outweighs his narrow-minded approach to the issue at hand. Where this federal emergency aid comes from is important, but what’s much more crucial at this stage is the well-being of innocent citizens. Unfortunately, the American voting population is now aware that not every candidate considers this sentiment a top priority.
Sacred space
Boston University prides itself on the diversity of its students. With such a significant international population, as well as an ethnically diverse domestic student body, students hail from a variety of countries, races and religions. Inevitably, BU’s administration would like to be as accommodating as possible to all its students in order to foster a cohesive global community. According to an article published in The Daily Free Press today, members of the Hindu Students Council are advocating for a permanent prayer space in Marsh Chapel, in addition to some rooms in the School of Theology. Proposals for a new space have been considered for a long time, but recent developments include a meeting with Marsh Chapel Dean Robert Hill to discuss the potential change. At the moment, active members of the HSC resort to storing murtis, books and candles in closets because they have no designated space for regular worship. Furthermore, having to place images of deities in these same closets is considered “borderline sacrilegious.” Unfortunately, they can’t rely on the basement space in Marsh Chapel to be open when they
require it. If the HSC had a permanent space of worship, these logistical problems could easily be avoided. However, the administration’s biggest concern, a concern that holds weight, is space. Space would be incredibly constricted if all groups asked for huge amounts of space on campus. The reality is that BU is funding numerous development projects to better the student experience; fulfilling their spiritual needs is an important component to that goal. Perhaps requesting rooms in the School of Theology in addition to Marsh Chapel may be unrealistic; there really is an urgent need for a multi-faith worship space. Thankfully, BU’s administration is aware of the problem and has promised to actively engage in allowing students a designated space for religious practice. Advocating for additional buildings is excessive, but the basement in Marsh Chapel would be a sufficient space to dedicate to religious observation by the HSC. The proposals will undergo review, but after these talks spanning over half a decade, now seems appropriate to exercise change.
Kilroy’s Corner
Middle school memories Saturday night my friend and I were walking back from West Campus when we ran into a hoard of prepubescent girls. What were these preteens doing on our campus? Going to the One Direction and Big Time Rush concert at Agganis Arena. Translation: The “Jo Bros” of the future were playing in Boston on Saturday. So as my friend and I dodged crowds of preteens and their parents, I got to thinking about my own middle school experience. The middle school years. What a wonderful time that was. Not. In suburban Illinois, middle school meant three years of waiting at the bus stop, wearing uniforms to gym class and wondering when your parents were going to start treating you like the “adult” that you were. Scratch that. Most of my middle school memories revolve around my pursuit of what the student body deemed “cool,” i.e. owning a wardrobe from Hollister, listening to OutKast on repeat and straightening one’s hair. Straightening my hair was the hardest part. The last time I woke up at 6 a.m. to run a straightening iron through my curls was probably, well, eighth grade. Not to say that I don’t straighten my hair now; I do. I just do it much more efficiently and not before noon. What else? Oh, the lovely braces. No matter how “cool” the colors of your bands were, you still had a mouth full of metal, which reminds me: While it’s “fun” to match up your bands with the holidays – you know, red and green at Christmas and pink and green at Easter – it is never a good idea to wear black and orange at Halloween. People will start thinking that you don’t brush your teeth. Moving on. Glasses. In sixth grade I wore glasses. By seventh grade I had contacts – thank God, or this section could have been a lot longer. Gym class. Horrible – and it wasn’t just because of the oversize uniforms. If you started out your day with gym class (in Illinois gym is everyday), you had to sit in your sweat for the rest of the day. If you ended your day with gym class, chances are you’d miss your bus. There was no way to win!
Celebrity crushes. In sixth grade all the girls started talking about their celebrity crushes – Orlando Bloom, Ashton Kutcher . . .. Once in the middle of class these girls asked me to choose between Johnny Depp and Chad Michael Murray. I had no idea who those people were. I was in sixth grade. All I wanted to do was get back to reading “A Wrinkle in Time.” The music. Halfway into our sixth grade gym class, the girls did a dance unit while the boys did wrestling. As part of the dance unit, the girls had to create dance routines, in groups of five or six, to perform in front of the rest of the class. Let’s just say that while the other groups were busy “shaking it like a Polaroid picture” my group was writing dance moves to Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.” So as the middle school girls rushed by in their AE jeans and cropped Abercrombie jackets, these were the memories that came rushing back to me – braces, glasses, gym class, everything. And you know what? I don’t miss it. Not one bit. No matter how many times I shopped at Hollister or ran a straightening iron through my hair, there were still trends that I would never master – choosing the “Hey Ya” over the Cyndi Lauper or the celebrity daydreams over the books. I guess that prevented me from being the “coolest” middle schooler. In that regard, I wonder where I would be now if I had surrendered myself to those fads? Would I like the music that I like now? Would I be reading the books that I am now? Would I even be at Boston University? I’ll never know. In sum, I can’t tell you how relieved I was to be walking back to my dorm that evening – a 20 year old in the big city. The braces are gone, the straightening iron is mastered, and middle school is behind me. Phew. So fortunate that all that remains of middle school me is the strong work ethic, passion for reading and eclectic music taste. Oh, I guess there are still those embarrassing middle school yearbook photos. Scratch that. They’re shoved in my closet at home somewhere and they don’t really count for anything, anyway. So I suppose that what I’m really trying to say is that on Saturday, seeing those preteens running down Comm. Ave. made me realize that I wouldn’t trade places with them for anything. Not for anything. Meaghan Kilroy is a sophomore in the College of Communication and a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at kilroymeg@hotmail. com
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Monday, March 5, 2012
Hartford defense stifles Partin, holds America East Player of the Year to six in second half Partin: From page 8
win over the third-seeded Terriers, Partin bit his lips multiple times. His face was deadpan and his eyes surveyed the surroundings around him. Two minutes later, he was asked to reflect on his career at BU, one that came to a stunning end on the heels of his 17-point performance on 5-of-17 shooting against the Hawks. Partin immediately lowered his head. Jones gave Partin two pats on the right shoulder, as his leading scorer needed a couple seconds to gather his thoughts. A few tears streamed down Partin’s face, replacing the usual stoic expression that had defined him in postgame pressers since he transferred to BU from La Salle University two years ago. He finally found the right words. “It was a good two years here,” Partin said. “Couldn’t have asked for anything more, you know?” Jones then stepped in to offer his thoughts
on the contributions of the senior class, which included captains Matt Griffin and Patrick Hazel, center Jeff Pelage, forward Chris Kurz and Partin. “The senior class, in particular, was tremendous the whole year,” Jones said. “It’s one of the toughest pills to swallow when you have a group of guys that accomplished what this group has accomplished and did the things that this group did . . .. Obviously, they had a great run last year. “We had great success in our league this year. Just lost a tough one tonight, but it doesn’t really define who they are as athletes or individuals.” Hartford coach John Gallagher lauded the efforts of BU’s seniors. “I want to first congratulate the Boston University seniors,” Gallagher said. “Darryl Partin, Matt Griffin, Jeff Pelage. Those three gentlemen, in my mind, represented what is great about this league . . .. I’m proud of those three guys.”
On Friday night, Partin was awarded with the America East Player of the Year award, marking the second year in a row that a Terrier had been given the accolade. In the early going of Saturday’s matchup, Partin demonstrated why he was deserving of the conference’s highest honor. Coupled with sophomore guard D.J. Irving’s 11 first-half points, Partin tallied 11 points of his own to lead the offensive charge, as the dynamic duo accounted for all but five of BU’s 27 points at intermission. The second half was a different story, though. Partin only went 2-of-7 from the field in the final 20 minutes. He had trouble finding his shot and was immediately double-teamed whenever he touched the ball inside or outside the 3-point arc. It was all part of the game plan to neutralize Partin, Gallagher said, referencing Partin’s 0-of-6 showing from downtown as a sign of success for his squad.
“Just make him make tough two’s,” Gallagher said of the scouting report on Partin. “Don’t let him make a three If he makes a three, it’s gotta be off balance and he’s gotta be going to his left. You have to make him put it on the floor. If he goes by you, we’ll live with it, and that’s what we talked about.” BU nursing a 43-38 edge, Partin missed two technical free throws at the 13:43 mark after Hartford forward Nate Simka committed a clear-path foul against him. He also had the ball stripped from him by guard Andres Torres with nine seconds left in the contest and the Terriers down, 51-49. Torres knocked down both freebies to secure the victory, and in the process, put a sudden end to Partin’s BU basketball career. At 11 p.m., Partin rose out of his seat and walked off the podium, leaving the room just as slowly as he had entered it just six minutes prior. “Everything’s gotta come to an end, you know?” Partin said. “It’s over now.”
Wakefield scores game-winner in Terriers look to improve for tournament double overtime, tabbed MVP M. Hockey: From page 8
W. hockey: From page 8
however, did not give Lacasse the opportunity, as Wakefield put five shots on goal in the third period, the last of which squeaked by to tie the game. Sophomore forward Marie-Philip Poulin sent the puck toward sophomore defenseman Kaleigh Fratkin, who fed the puck back to Poulin. Poulin then took a shot that Wakefield redirected into the back of the net with 7.3 seconds left in the third period. The Terriers gathered their momentum from the final few seconds of the third period and brought it into the first overtime, as BU continued to onslaught Lacasse with shots. BU put up 15 shots in the first 20-minute overtime, while the Friars had nine. After heading to the locker room for the fourth time in the game, the Terriers came out on the ice with as much energy as they had shown throughout the rest of the contest. Early in the second overtime, the Friars rang a shot off the cross bar, but seconds later, Wakefield and Poulin connected again to give BU the win. The puck bounced off of Poulin’s stick toward Wakefield, who was situated about five feet from the goal. Wakefield scooped up the puck from two Providence defenders and turned around, slipping it past Lacasse for the game-winner. “Sometimes the hockey gods have a way of having pucks barely tipped, just
barely blocked, just barely bounced in a little funny, just off a chest or a back or a stick and leaving you little bit empty,” Durocher said. “We were that close to having that terribly empty feeling of not only not getting the tangible result in the championship, but we’d probably be packing our bags away right now.” Wakefield, who scored both of BU’s goals in the game, was named the tournament’s Most Valuable Player. She also scored a hat trick in the quarterfinals and had a point in the semifinal game against Boston College on Saturday. “It’s pretty well documented in the record books,” Durocher said of Wakefield. “She gives our team a presence that not everybody has.” With the win, BU moves on to the NCAA Regional game next weekend. The Terriers, who are tabbed as the sixth seed, will take on third seed Cornell University on Saturday at 2 p.m. in Ithaca, N.Y. BU struggled against Cornell in November when the Big Red took a pair of games from the Terriers, outscoring them 10-2 in the two games. “They’re a team we’ve already seen play that’s very talented – somebody who’s already beaten us twice this year,” Durocher said. “So we’re going to have to go up there and play one of those grade ‘A’ games, be very focused offensively, be sharp with our opportunities offensively and again, maybe get a little bit of luck.”
on Friday night. Northeastern was first on the board 6:15 into the game when center Braden Pimm tipped in a long shot from defenseman Anthony Bitetto into the top-right corner of the net. It was Pimm’s 10th goal of the season, and it gave the Huskies momentum after not recording a shot in the first five minutes of the game. BU would answer, though, when junior defenseman Sean Escobedo fired home a pass from senior captain Chris Connolly in the slot. It was Escobedo’s third goal of the season, all three of which have come in the past four games. Connolly found the score sheet once again 35 seconds into the second period when he took a nifty feed from sophomore defenseman Adam Clendening and redirected it past goaltender Clay Witt for his 11th goal of the season. Less than two minutes later though, Northeastern forward Alex Tuckerman took the puck off the faceoff and snapped a point-blank opportunity past Rollheiser to tie the game at two. Rollheiser made his seventh appearance of the season in the game ahead of usual starter senior Kieran Millan. “I thought we left [Rollheiser] out to dry. Rollie made some huge saves for us,” Connolly said. “Their team had some shots right in the slot and he was making some huge saves.” Northeastern took the lead less than two minutes later on a long, soft shot from defenseman Drew Ellement that bounced past Rollheiser into the back of the net. Tuckerman and senior Steve Quailer recorded the assists on the goal, as Quailer recorded his second assist on his Senior Night.
Soon after the Northeastern goal, Connolly helped the Terriers tie it up again by feeding sophomore defenseman Garrett Noonan in the slot for Noonan’s 14th goal of the season. Noonan’s goal was the Terriers’ only powerplay goal in the game. Junior Garret Vermeersch gave the Huskies the lead going into the locker room. With less than two minutes remaining in the second frame, he sniped a power-play goal off the post from the slot. The Huskies’ lead didn’t last long, however, as Noonan shot home his second goal of the night off Connolly’s third assist. Noonan’s tying goal lasted all the way into overtime, as neither team could put the puck in the back of the net despite several power-play chances apiece. Connolly finished the night with a goal and three assists in the game, which raises his point total to 35 points on the season – his highest season point total in his college career. “[Connolly] has been a terrific captain and a terrific player for us and more importantly a terrific guy,” Parker said. “He leads by example as far as how hard he plays and how hard he works off the ice and the kids really respect him.” With 2:25 remaining in overtime, Saponari netted a rebound that gave Northeastern a win to end its season. With the regular season concluded and the postseason upon them, the Terriers will be looking to rebound next weekend in the Hockey East quarterfinals. “Playoffs are coming around the block,” Connolly said. “[Saturday] was like shinny and kind of loose out there. That’s not what next weekend or March or hopefully the beginning on April is going to be like. We have got to address that.”
Connolly: Physical mistakes caused by mental errors, team unprepared in game Focus: From page 8
cus and thorough effort from the entire BU team. It began in practice during the week and culminated in the overtime loss Saturday night. “There were many opportunities where we looked brain dead,” said BU coach Jack Parker. “There were many opportunities where we didn’t look aware of what we should be doing.” Clendening’s play was not the only moment BU visibly proved its lack of focus and thorough play. The Terriers had an opportunity to win the game at the very end of the third period, as two poorly timed Northeastern penalties gave BU a 5-on-3 advantage for 1:11 with under two minutes remaining in the contest. The Terriers were on the power play all the way through the first 16 seconds of overtime. But BU never capitalized on the extended man-advantage, and instead allowed Northeastern the inevitable momentum in overtime that an important penalty kill typically generates. “I thought we had chances to win the game, and we had the 5-on-3 and we didn’t
get that done,” Parker said. “We had more than enough chances to control the course of this game, but we let them back in the game too many times.” BU lost an inordinate amount of puck battles along the boards all night long. The Terriers struggled to enter into the attacking zone cleanly, and consistently let Northeastern right back into the game any time BU took a lead. This was especially true in the second period, when BU scored twice but allowed three Northeastern goals to finish the period facing a 4-3 deficit. BU put 15 shots on net in the period, but allowed 17 shots by Northeastern. The lack of effort from BU was even more obvious from the blocked shots total. In the second period, Northeastern blocked eight shots. BU blocked two. “We didn’t have enough guys [blocking shots] tonight,” said senior captain Chris Connolly. “Playoffs are coming around the block and . . . [come playoff games] none of that hockey is going to be like that.” BU, which clinched a home-ice seed in the Hockey East playoffs last weekend, entered this weekend controlling its
own destiny as far as finishing at least in the top-two of Hockey East. If the Terriers could have taken three of four points from ninth-place Northeastern, BU was assured of finishing no lower than second in the league seedings, ensuring a Hockey East quarterfinals matchup against one of the two lowest seeds. But BU could not put together the 60-minute effort necessary on either night in order to assure itself of that spot, and because of a University of MassachusettsLowell victory on Saturday night, BU fell to the third seed in the Hockey East tournament. Now, the Terriers will host the six-seeded University of New Hampshire in the quarterfinals next weekend. BU also needed a win to help it remain high in the PairWise Rankings, which determines the seeding for the NCAA tournament. By virtue of the loss, it fell from fourth place in the PairWise, which could have resulted in BU being a one-seed in the tournament, to sixth place. BU’s loss Saturday night came in front of many team members’ families as well as one of the largest away venue showings by
BU students in recent history. The group of BU students filled four full sections of Matthews Arena and was loud all game, which, according Connolly, made the loss sting a bit more. “It means a lot to the players and it’s absolutely tougher to lose in front of them,” Connolly said of the amount of BU supporters at the game. “They come back to see a good hockey game and I don’t think we played very well to be honest.” Although BU’s lack of effort over the weekend came back to bite the team in terms of its different rankings for the Hockey East and NCAA postseason, Connolly said the mistakes made this weekend are all something the team can remedy in time for the playoffs. “There were physical mistakes because of mental errors, because guys weren’t mentally prepared to play,” Connolly said. “It’s nothing that’s not correctable – it’s actually very easily correctable if we are doing the right things and we are focused and ready to play. I think it starts with a thorough week of practice [this coming week].”
There were many opportunities where we looked brain dead. -Men’s hockey coach Jack Parker on his team’s play against Northeastern on Saturday Page 8
The Daily Free Press
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The women’s hockey team won 2-1 in double overtime yesterday to win the Hockey East Tournament title. It is the second time BU has won the title, both coming after overtime wins, p. 8
Monday, March 5, 2012
Terriers win championship in double overtime By Meredith Perri Daily Free Press Staff
HYANNIS -- With fewer than 10 seconds left in the Hockey East Tournament championship, the No. 9 Boston University women’s hockey team peppered Providence College netminder Genevieve Lacasse with pucks. The Terriers, who were desperately looking to tie 2 up the game, BU (2 OT) Providence 1 had been down 1-0 since halfway through the first period. After pulling sophomore goaltender Kerrin Sperry in lieu of an extra skater, BU coach Brian Durocher stood on the bench and watched as his team managed to do what had seemed impossible for the first 59 minutes of play – get a shot past Lacasse. “I’m hoping for one of those small miracles that somehow after those 59 and a half minutes
you find a way to get a puck past [Lacasse],” Durocher said of his thought process during the last 10 seconds of regulation. “You’re really thinking she’s going to be our Tournament MVP, and we couldn’t score against her. That was pretty much the song of the weekend. “But lo and behold, one gets tipped in and we go to overtime, and it’s just awful nice and awful rewarding for us, and definitely frustrating for Providence, who played great.” After coming back in the waning seconds of the third period to tie it, the third-seeded Terriers (23-13-1, 14-7-0 Hockey East) went on to win the title and an automatic bid into the NCAA Tournament, thanks to a goal 2:15 into double overtime to beat fourthseeded Providence (16-17-4, 118-2 Hockey East). “You like to grab that title and put that banner up in the build-
ing,” Durocher said. “And we’ve had the good fortune in doing that.” For most of the contest it looked as though Providence would come out on top, as the Friars scored early and Lacasse continued her dominance between the pipes. About halfway through the first frame, freshman defenseman Shannon Stoneburgh turned the puck over to Friar senior Laura Veharanta. Veharanta proceeded to wrist a shot from the right circle and over Sperry’s shoulder. Lacasse continuously put aside BU shots throughout the three frames, saving a total of 31 shots before the final seconds of regulation. Lacasse was on the verge of earning her third straight shutout and her fourth shutout in the past five games. Senior captain Jenn Wakefield,
W. hockey, see page 4
Senior captain Jenn Wakefield scored a goal with 7.3 seconds left in regulation, and then 2:15 into double overtime, to lead BU to it’s second Hockey East Tournament title.
Former Terrier notches goal in overtime to defeat m. hockey BU drops final game of regular season to Northeastern By Kevin Dillon Daily Free Press Staff
Although the No. 4 Boston University men’s hockey team spoiled Vinny Saponari’s return to Agganis Arena on Friday night with a win over NortheastUniversity 5 ern NU (OT) 5-2, the former 4 BU forward had BU his revenge on Saturday as he scored the game-win-
ning goal to defeat BU 5-4 in overtime at Matthews Arena. Saponari, who was dismissed from BU his sophomore year after missing a punishment bike ride for a drinking incident, scored the gamewinner on senior goaltender Grant Rollheiser and then partied like a puckstar in front of the BU fans who traveled to Matthews for the game. “It’s always fun playing BU for everyone, especially for me,” Saponari said. “I have a lot good friends
out there and Grant Rollheiser was one of my roommates freshman and sophomore year so it was funny to get a goal against him in overtime. It was just a lot of fun.” With the loss, BU (21-12-1, 17-91 Hockey East) fell to the third seed in Hockey East and will now face the University of New Hampshire in the Hockey East quarterfinals. Northeastern (13-16-5, 9-14-4) was eliminated from the postseason
M. Hockey, see page 7
Lack of focus hurts BU squad By Arielle Aronson Daily Free Press Staff
In the second period of the No. 4 Boston University men’s hockey team’s 5-4 overtime loss to Northeastern University, sophomore defenseman Adam Clendening attempted to set up a play on the power play from the right point of the offensive zone. Without much developing in front of him, Clendening looked
to his left for a blue-line pass. Although nobody – no Terriers or Huskies – were open to his left, Clendening passed there anyway, causing the puck to dribble out of the zone and forcing BU to regroup in order to carry the puck back in cleanly. The play did not prove costly at the time, as Northeastern did not recover the puck, but it was reflective of an overall lack of fo-
Focus, see page 7
Hartford squashes BU’s chance at back-to-back America East titles Hawks come back to win in final minutes of America East quarterfinal By Luke Coughlan Daily Free Press Contributor
WEST HARTFORD, Conn. — In its first America East postseason bout since it secured the conference championship in 2011, the third-seeded Boston University men’s basketball team saw its title defense stall out early as it fell, 53-49, to sixth-seeded University of Hartford. Playing in the last of four America East quarterfinal games on Saturday, the Terrier (16Hartford 53 16, 12-5 AmeriBU 49 ca East) loss was the only upset of the day and sent the Hawks (9-21, 8-9 America East) to the semifinals against second-seeded University of Vermont on Sunday. “I thought it was a very physical and hard-fought game,” said BU coach Joe Jones, who finished his first year as Terrier bench boss with the loss. “We are pretty shaken right now by the loss, but a lot of respect
Monday, Mar. 5
No Games Scheduled After a disappointing season, Patriots fans may be pissed at wide receiver Chad Ochocinco...
for [Hawks coach John] Gallagher and his kids. I thought they played very hard.” Despite holding a six-point lead at the half, the Terriers succumbed to a late 15-6 Hawk run that turned a fivepoint lead with 6:14 remaining into a four-point loss. Terrier sophomore guard DJ Irving’s 12 points and five assists complemented senior guard and America East Player of the Year Darryl Partin’s game-high 17 points on 5-of-17 shooting, but the effort was not enough to outdo a doubledouble by Hawks freshman forward Mark Nwakamma (13 points, 16 rebounds) and a 5-of-10 shooting performance from freshman forward Nate Sikma. Early in the game and facing a 12-6 deficit, the Terriers went on an 8-0 run capped by a steal by senior guard Matt Griffin and a transition trey. With their lead in hand, the Terriers missed an opportunity to keep
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The Bottom Line
Tuesday, Mar. 6
No Games Scheduled ...All is ok now though, because this weekend he tweeted he was pissed on by a lion.
Partin falters in second half By René Reyes Daily Free Press Staff
Senior forward Darryl Partin sheds a tear during Saturday’s press conference after BU fell to Hartford in the America East quarterfinals
Wednesday, Mar. 7 W. Lacrosse @ Dartmouth, 3 p.m.
Thursday, Mar. 8 W. Tennis vs. Yale, 3 p.m. Swimming @ Zone A Diving Championships, TBA
WEST HARTFORD, Conn. – The America East Tournament quarterfinal wasn’t particularly kind to Darryl Partin. Resembling every bit of the 2011-12 Player of the Year he is, the senior swingman torched the University of Hartford for 11 points in the tilt’s opening half on an array of fadeaway jumpers and free throws. He scored just six more points in the second frame. At 10:54 p.m. on Saturday night, Partin gingerly walked into Chase Family Arena’s media room, looking dazed, and sat to the left of Boston University men’s basketball coach Joe Jones at the podium. As Jones made his opening statement and congratulated the sixth-seeded Hawks for their 53-49
Partin, see page 7
Friday, Mar. 9 M. Hockey vs. New Hampshire, TBA Softball @ Northern Iowa, 9:15 a.m. Softball @ Bradley, 11:30 a.m.