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The Daily Free Press

Year xliv. Volume lxxxvi. Issue II

REMIX Boston Mayor Martin Walsh announces plan to fix BRA, P.3.


Thursday, January 16, 2014 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University


MUSE writers preview music, film and more in 2014, page 5.



LEAGUE BATTLE Women’s hockey prepares to face Providence, page 8.


Today: PM showers/High 42 Tonight: Mostly cloudy/Low 33 Tomorrow: 45/34 Data Courtesy of weather.com

Pricey luxury apartments add to Allston gentrification BU settles patent infringement case with tech giants By Clinton Nguyen Daily Free Press Staff

A strip of luxury, eco-friendly apartments have replaced deteriorated apartments on Brainerd Road in Allston, completely funded by the real estate and development firm Mount Vernon Co. Dubbed the “Eco,” when completed, this apartment complex will mark the third set of renovated apartments to be added to the company’s group of environmentally conscious living, the “Green District.” The apartments will be completed this August and ready for move-in on Sept. 1. “Allston provides an opportunity for high-quality, mid-ranged priced housing that heretofore has not been available,” said Bruce Percelay, chairman and founder of Mount Vernon Co. “We want to improve the area. If we can expand our footprint and provide more quality housing in the area, we would love to do so.” The apartments will demand higher prices unfamiliar to most Allston residences, with single bedroom units costing up to $2,100 a month. Percelay justified the price of rent, citing proximity to transit and major parts of town. “Strategically, it’s a terrific location that just happens to be extremely under-utilized,” he said. “The apartments were fully pre-leased two months before construction was done.” Mount Vernon Co. also purchased fourapartment buildings and storefronts around

By Taryn Ottaunick Daily Free Press Staff


Construction sites have taken over the two-block span that runs along Commonwealth Avenue between Griggs Street and Redford Street in Allston in an effort to build new luxury apartment buildings.

the area. The Joshua Tree, a neighborhood bar and restaurant, is one of their recent purchases acquired in fall 2013 for approximately $2 million, and the sale will close at the end of the month, Percelay said. Percelay said many of the firm’s projects are to improve the atmosphere of the neighborhood, not just for economic reasons. “We were buying a business we did not want to own,” he said. “The purpose of buying it was to enhance the neighborhood and to eliminate what has been a source of

negative activity for a long time.” Business owners in Allston said they welcomed the neighborhood changes. “Rent has been going up around there for a while,” said Robert Morgan, bartender at the Avenue Bar in Allston. “There are a bunch of budget apartments out here — they’re falling apart and they’re probably not that much cheaper than these. At least these are nicer buildings. You get quality for the money you’re paying.”

Allston, see page 2

Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick drops e-cigarette tax proposal By Emily Hartwell Daily Free Press Staff

A tax on e-cigarettes, previously proposed by Gov. Deval Patrick, dropped from the administration’s budget proposal Monday, which is set for release Jan. 22. Karmen Hanson, health program manager at the Conference of State Legislatures, said policymakers are still trying to determine how e-cigarettes should be regulated because they are relatively new on the market. “Because the federal government hasn’t acted, states aren’t quite sure what to do with them,” she said. “In the absence of any federal activity or federal policy, states are starting to act just so they know that they’re doing something.” The tax proposal would have made Massachusetts the second state to impose a tobacco tax on e-cigarettes. Minnesota was the first when they redefined their state law about taxable tobacco products in 2010.

According to the Conference of State Legislatures website, e-cigarettes “… do not produce a combustible ‘smoke’ like traditionally burned cigarettes, nor do they contain tar, a by-product of burning tobacco.” The Food and Drug Administration said it would begin regulation of e-cigarettes in 2011, but so far no regulations have been passed due to debate about the safety of the e-cigarette, the FDA website said. Only a few states have made strides toward regulating e-cigarettes, including defining it as a tobacco product and prohibiting sale to minors. A study done by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Protection called “Notes from the Field: Electronic Cigarette Use Among Middle and High School Students” showed a rise in e-cigarettes purchases, largely due to the lack of regulations. “E-cigarettes that are not marketed for therapeutic purposes are currently unregulated

by the Food and Drug Administration, and in most states there are no restrictions on the sale of e-cigarettes to minors,” the study said. “Use of e-cigarettes has increased among U.S. adult current and former smokers in recent years.” The study also showed that e-cigarette use doubled from 2011 to 2012 among U.S. middle and high school students, resulting in an estimated 1.78 million students who had used e-cigarettes as of 2012. Of these students, an estimated 160,000 students reported never using conventional cigarettes. “This is a serious concern because the overall impact of e-cigarette use on public health remains uncertain,” the study said. “In youths, concerns include the potential negative impact of nicotine on adolescent brain development, as well as the risk for nicotine addiction and initiation of the use of conventional cigarettes or other tobacco products.” cigarettes, see page 2

The patent infringement lawsuit Boston University trustees filed against a number of technology companies, including Apple, Inc., Microsoft Corp., and Sony Corp., has reached a settlement, officials said. “We reached an agreement in principle,” said BU spokesman Colin Riley. “The terms are confidential, but the next step is that we ask the court to dismiss cases against the companies ... They are now licensing the use of that patent and paying for it. We’re very happy and delighted to have resolved this through an agreement.” The complaints, which were filed throughout 2013, stipulated that 25 technology-based companies, including other big names such as LG Electronics, Inc., Hewlett-Packard Company, Amazon.com, Inc. and Samsung Group, illegally used a patent for insulating films developed in 1997 by BU electrical and computer engineering professor Theodore Moustakas. BU trustees were represented by patent law attorneys at Shore Chan and DePumpo LLP, a law firm that specializes in litigation and intellectual property licensing, Riley said. “We had the firm essentially look to determine that there was an infringement,” Riley said. “Once we had the information that was filed with the complaint, the attorneys that specialize in patent law made the case that got the attention of all the companies named in the complaint.” The patent, officially named U.S. Patent No. 5,686,738, or “Highly Insulating Monocrystalline Gallium Nitride Thin Films,” is allegedly used as a part of products that include blue LEDs, such as Apple’s iPhone 5, iPad and MacBook Air, according to the complaints. “BU certainly thinks that these companies were infringing, and BU certainly had its evidence that a technology that was developed by Moustakas was being used by a lot of LED manufacturers,” said BU School of Law professor Michael Meurer, who specializes in patents. “BU apparently had a good argument.” Reaching a settlement before delving deep into a case is a common resolu-

Patent, see page 2

Gov. Patrick allocates $50 million toward climate change resistance efforts By Kelsey Newell Daily Free Press Staff


Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick announced Tuesday he will commit $50 million to help communities prepare for the increasing number of storms to come that are blamed on climate change.

In hopes of making Massachusetts more resilient to climate change and weather disasters, Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick announced Tuesday the allocation of $50 million to programs focused on energy resources. Within this $50 million, $40 million will go to a program focused on energy efficiency and resiliency throughout the state through the Department of Energy Resources, for cities and towns to harden their energy resources. “[The goal is] if there’s a storm and it knocks out the power in a community for any length of time that necessary emergency services can continue,” said Mary-Leah Assad, spokesperson for the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. “[Also] to make sure that those places operate using renewable energy during storms meaning they operate off the normal electricity grid.” The other $10 million will focus on coastal infrastructure projects, making them more irrepressible to flooding and improving inland

dams to mitigate flooding impact during storms. “We have a generational responsibility to address the multiple threats of climate change,” Patrick said in a Tuesday release. “Massachusetts needs to be ready, and our plan will make sure that we are.” All departments of the Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs will be working together to cover all aspects of the state, assessing which vulnerabilities need to be improved upon. An extra $2 million will fund this research. “The Department of Transportation will look at our roads and bridges, see what kind of vulnerabilities there are there, and the Department of Public Health to work with our agency of environmental affairs to see how climate change is impacting public health whether it’s through conductor born diseases or Triple E virus,” Assad said. “It really is comprehensive and it’s across every department. We’re all working together.” Patrick has made significant strides with Massachusetts’ renewable energy, as the state

Resistance fund, see page 2


Thursday, january 16, 2014

Residents prefer allocation Current small business favors housing project of funds for other problems Allston: From Page 1

Resistance fund: From Page 1

ranked first in the nation in energy efficiency. The new projects funded by the $50 million started Tuesday, Assad said. “This week the DOER is starting to get the ball rolling on getting solicitation ready, going through a public process, to determine exactly how the 40 mil grant program will be made available to communities and then soon after that process is over communities will be able to apply,” Assad said. “All of the money is going out of the door to municipalities this calendar year. The governor is committed to that.” Some residents said contributing large funds to climate change and weather disasters is a hopeless cause. Pat Davis, 60, of Brookline, said she does not know why the governor is throwing away this money. “The people situating on the coast, dealing with flooding and erosion, trying to build up the coasts …

keep throwing good money,” Davis said. “The coast — the water — it’s working against them. The bottom line is that they’re going to have to move. They’re fighting Mother Nature and they’re losing.” Beatrice Bell, 48, of Fenway, said there are far more important areas the funds could be allocated. “I don’t think this is a valuable investment, they could be doing more with this money,” Bell said. “It’s important, but there are a lot of other issues. He should have split this money with things like the Section 8 program, helping low-income individuals who are homeless get into jobs and homes.” However, some residents see how this will be significant for the future of the state. “It’s hard for people to see that it’s valuable now because it won’t show its value until a natural disaster actually happens,” said Kristina McCarthy, 24, of Brookline. “But we’ll be grateful for it one day.”

Boston residents: No need for additional taxes on e-cigarettes Cigarettes: From Page 1

Given the increase in the use of e-cigarettes among youth, the CDC said it would work along with the FDA to prevent the marketing, sale and use of the product in minors. Several residents said a tax would stop people from using e-cigarettes, but they were not sure a tax should be implemented. Mary Biagiotti, 55, of East Boston, said a tax might hinder the therapeutic aspect that e-cigarettes provide to users who are trying to quit conventional smoking. “My first reaction is that ecigarettes shouldn’t be taxed,” she said. “If they’re helping people stop smoking, which I think a lot of the time that’s what they’re using them for, then you’re going to just divert someone’s thing that is going to help them stop smoking.” Troy Barboza, 26, of Brookline,

a former e-cigarette user, said that a tax could be enough to deter people, especially youths, from purchasing e-cigarettes. However, he said that e-cigarettes were helpful when he wanted to quit smoking. “Any sort of additional monetary cost is enough to deter people,” he said. “But having used electronic cigarettes, it’s not quite the same [as a conventional cigarette], and it’s enough of a difference where making the transition [between the two] was very difficult. I pushed through it and it [the e-cigarette] ended up helping me a lot.” John Hatcher, 29, of Fenway, said when dealing with tobacco addiction, most people would be willing to pay a small tax. “I don’t think a tax would deter them,” he said. “Once you become addicted to nicotine, you’re going to do whatever it takes.”

Morgan’s clientele covers a broad spectrum because of the bar’s location. He gets plenty of veterans and also many students. He noticed the crowds shifting when Boston University expanded further down Commonwealth Avenue. “No one wanted to live out here before BU kind of blew up,” he said. “It used to be blue-collar like, 30 years ago.” Sergey Gervey, owner of Tom Sawyer Old Books & Prints, said the projects will help bring the right kind of people to Allston. “If we’re talking about these buildings, it’ll be the young professionals who’ve just finished college and got a good degree and have started a good job who are able to afford them,” he said. “So for our store, it would be a lot of help if we had that type of crowd nearby ... I can’t see how it can do any wrong. It can only be better.”

While some residents said they see the renovation of higher-cost apartments as the beginning of rapid gentrification in Allston, others said they welcome the change. “Allston has already pretty much been gentrified,” said Chelsea Kantor, 23, of Allston. “There’s definitely still a lot of families that live around here and it’s still for the most part a lowincome area, but it is just a lot of students that live around here that don’t pay their own rent and can just afford whatever. Yes, it makes rent go up, but price of everything’s going up, hopefully wages go up too so people can afford to live there.” Shane Ryan, 23, of Allston, said he is not worried about the block buyout affecting the Allston vibe. “It’s [Allston] in the center of a lot of colleges like BU, Harvard, [Boston College],” Ryan said. “I don’t think it’s going to change

the atmosphere at all.” Ryan works at a marketing firm in downtown Boston, but stays in Allston because of the cheaper housing and community spirit. “It’s a lot like the hometown I grew up in,” he said. “It’s got a nice community with a lot of restaurants and bars and I like maintaining the college atmosphere.” While the apartments may price out prospective residents with lower incomes, there are still plenty of affordable neighborhoods around the area, albeit at the cost of convenience. “Lower Allston is developing more as an off-campus place to live,” Kantor said. “It’s cheaper, it’s a little bit out of the way and it’s a little more secluded. It’s going to take a long time for it to become completely gentrified, whereas it’s really nice when there’s not a methadone clinic down the street, not a lot of addicts walking around.”

Settlement amount kept secret as per deal Patent: From Page 1

tion among patent lawsuit cases such as this one due to the sheer amount of money required of both sides to hire patent representation for cases that often last multiple years, Meurer said. “Probably 97 percent of patent lawsuit are settled, so this is completely normal,” Meurer said. “... Once they get into court, neither side wants to pay multimillion dollars in patent litigation ... The defendants, just like the patentowner, think that settlement is the best thing in terms of just being a sensible business decision. Everybody feels pressure to settle, whether you’re the patent-owner or the defendant.” The majority of the defen-

dants, who were represented by San Francisco-based patenting firm RPX, are permitted to continue using the product in exchange for paying an undisclosed sum to BU. “All of the companies that received a license from RPX, the party BU was negotiating with, are free to continue making the products that they’ve been making,” Meurer said. “In exchange, they have to make some form of payment to BU. There are a few other parties that BU targeted that could not get the benefit of the settlement with RPX, so I assume that there is still ongoing negotiation with some manufacturers.” Riley said RPX will pay the licensing fee for the companies it


Difficulty: Easy

represents. “It’s been resolved with regard to those defendants.” Riley said. “That’s how this firm that acquires patents works. They pay us a licensing fee so that the members of that firm can then use the patent.” Although the numerical sum of the settlement remains confidential, it is common among patent infringement cases to leave the settlement amount undisclosed, Meurer said. “It means more money for BU,” Meurer said. “The amount of the settlement payment was not reported. That’s pretty common. Hardly ever is the magnitude of the settlement payment reported. Is this a big deal for BU? I can’t really tell.”

Solution is on Page 4

Campus & City Column GIRL, 21

Helen of Troy

In middle school, the kids would play a game not unlike the story of Helen’s capture by Paris in which one girl (usually me) was pursued by two enemy camps. I loved this game, but have always been sympathetic toward Helen because she was in a difficult situation during the Trojan War, torn between two suitors and SYDNEY L. setting the TroSHEA jans and Achaeans at war with one another. You really can’t please everyone. A similar experience happened to me this weekend, but first, some background information is necessary. My friend and I decided to go out, but after visiting four bars, we were totally disheartened because no one was taking interest in us. We went to a dive bar in Beacon Hill and some guy started doing a line of blow right next to us, which was our cue to leave. Talking to people high on coke is like trying to talk to a squirmy, hyperactive puppy that is constantly scratching at its neck and sniffing around for residue. “Are we ugly?” we kept asking one another. Maybe people thought we were a couple? I’m not quite sure. It was just one of those unlucky nights. The next night, we said, would be different. We were determined to meet some nice guys in our own age group who weren’t into hardcore drugs. This should have been a relatively reasonable wish. I remember before coming to Boston University my relatives would always tell me to stay away from Mary Ann’s, a bar in Cleveland Circle. For one thing, it’s in enemy territory (Boston College), and besides that, it looks and smells like the basement of an Ashford Street fraternity house, something I like to say I graduated from after freshman year. But we were feeling bold, and as much as I love BU more than anything, I really don’t like the guys here, so off we went on the C Line. It is a rare occurrence for a BU student to see so many good-looking guys in one place, and yet as soon as were got past the bouncer in this window-less bar that hasn’t updated its décor for decades, we were overwhelmed. There was a sea of Vineyard Vines, Polo and Lilly Pulitzer: my kind of thing. Since we didn’t want to reveal our enemy status, we lied and said we went to Wellesley College. At first, everyone was intimidatingly good-looking, but before long we had multiple guys buying us drinks. There were a lot of shenanigans, but overall it was a memorable experience. Afterwards, we went over to our new friends’ house, and my friend accidently blew our cover. I was so scared they would be angry and kick us out, but they simply replied, “It’s alright, we love BU girls!” They even gave us chicken nuggets. I felt so sacrilegious having this much fun at our rival school, something of Helen’s guilt at enjoying her time in Troy, but at least I found my new favorite bar. Sydney L. Shea is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. She can be reached at slshea@bu.edu.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mayor Walsh lays out plan to revamp BRA Digital study of

humanities aids university research

By Felicia Gans Daily Free Press Staff

For the first time since his inauguration on Jan. 6, Boston Mayor Martin Walsh spoke out publicly on Saturday about his plans for reconstruction in the Boston Redevelopment Authority, the agency in charge of all development and construction functions in the city. His plans, laid out on martywalsh.org, include an independent audit for the BRA and the appointment of an economic development cabinet chief to oversee a new agency called the Boston Economic Development Authority. BEDA will consolidate a number of economic development agencies, including the BRA. “This new Secretary will serve as Chief Economic Development Officer of the City running a new Agency and oversee a cabinet of agencies critical to streamlining the planning, permitting and development process that includes most of the current functions of the existing BRA, in addition to some others,” Walsh said on his website. On Jan. 8, Walsh appointed former Mass. Rep. Brian Golden as acting director of the BRA, the first of his proposed changes. Walsh, who will appoint four seats to the BRA, proposed a reserved board seat to be appointed by the city council. This will give the city council oversight power of the BRA for the first time in 25

By Taryn Ottaunick Daily Free Press Staff

building a digital network that would enable students, universities and prospective career outlets to interact online. “What we’re looking at is developing an ecosystem between students, universities and these companies because that’s really the network,” Allen said. “We can’t build networks for students alone because basically they say, ‘We want jobs, and we want an education.’” This type of network would provide universities with a source for understanding what types of skills companies expect of their future employees, Allen said. “When you look at universities, they don’t know where their graduates are going,” she said. “They don’t know if they’re inviting the right companies to campus. They don’t have this iterative data, this

With technology playing an increasing role in educational research of all fields, educators in the humanities at schools such as Boston University are incorporating digital resources into their own forms of undergraduate research. Digital humanities creates a new avenue for scholars and researchers by applying technology to the traditional study of humanities, said Modern Language Association spokesperson Kathleen Fitzpatrick. The role of technology in the study of humanities was a major topic of discussion at the MLA’s annual meeting, which concluded Sunday. “The popularity of the digital humanities stems at least in part from a recognition that computer-based technologies provide us with new ways of approaching the kinds of questions about literature, language, culture, art and history in which humanists have traditionally been interested,” Fitzpatrick said. Megan Tyler, a humanities professor at BU, said digital humanities is evident in the use of ePortfolios, which she uses as a resource for her students to creatively engage in the topics studied in the classroom. Students are often required to post work online in digital forms such as text, audio and video. “Sometimes I have my students sing and record songs,” Tyler said. “We did a discussion of a medieval ballad, and I said ‘okay, go into your room and video yourself singing this ballad,’ and they were less nervous to do that within the privacy of their room than they would be in public. It was really cool to see the results of that.” Digital humanities has also been key in educating two of Tyler’s undergraduate classical studies students, who have created an online database to present their research and encourage scholarly discussion, she said. “What we have created is this large conversation between students and scholars about the references to the classical past in Irish literature,” Tyler said. “It’s great for the students to have something like this to do because it’s not just like writing an essay that gets

Data, see page 4

Digital Research, see page 4


Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced Saturday he would be seeking new cabinet-level positions to oversee the Boston Redevelopment Authority in addition to an independent audit of the agency.

years, Walsh’s website said. “I am committed to restructuring the Boston Redevelopment Authority and to bringing together in a smart, rational and effective way all the parts of city government dealing with job creation and economic development,” Walsh said in his inauguration speech on Jan. 6. “We can make Boston a leader in streamlined, transparent, and effective job and business growth.” City Council President Bill Linehan is looking forward to the new opportunity to work together. “Councilor Linehan is open to proposal and believes it will increase transparency and strengthen the relationship between the Council, Mayor and the BRA,” said Kristin Abbott, spokesperson

for Linehan. Former Boston City Council President Larry DiCara worked with the BRA for several years and looks forward to the changes in the agency. “The important thing is that some entity in the city needs to be responsible for development,” he said. “Development should have certainty and transparency, especially where we now are dealing with worldwide capital markets. They need to know that if they do a deal in Boston, they can budget so much time and know they will get an answer one way or the other. The structure is not as important as it is to have something in place that works.”

BRA, see page 4

U.S. Department of Education hosts ‘Datapalooza’ By Kaitlin Junod Daily Free Press Staff

As part of President Barack Obama’s agenda to make college more affordable and accessible to American families, the U.S. Department of Education hosted “Datapalooza” Wednesday, where representatives from multiple organizations presented initiatives to help empower students and educators at institutions of higher education such as Boston University. CEO and Co-founder of the Student Success Academy E.J. Carrion, who spoke at the gathering, recommended increasing the presence of education sources outside of the academic environment in order to encourage focus on college admissions. The Student Success Academy is an online platform that enables students to develop college admissions and financial aid strategies with student counselors over video chat.


“We crowdsource school counseling by training relatable, ambitious university students on the counseling process so they meet with students over the web and video chat,” Carrion said. “ … It’s also focused on social mobility and time management, which are also part of the top five reasons why students drop out of high school.” Erin Grady, a School of Management freshman, said the online college selection tool used by her high school was helpful in narrowing down college choices. “My high school had a website called Naviance,” she said. “You could organize colleges by location, number of people, and all that,” Grady said. “Then they gave you statistics about SAT scores and acceptance rates, and then the college links. It was really helpful.” Christina Allen, a representative for LinkedIn who also spoke at Datapalooza, recommended

Climate change may affect foliage in New England, study suggests By Mina Corpuz Daily Free Press Staff


Graduate School of Arts and Sciences student Amanda Gallinat and 2013 College of Arts and Sciences graduate Peter Everill examine twigs they collected for their tree study in Concord.

A new study by Boston University biologists indicates that climate change is affecting the leaf-out times of trees and shrubs in Massachusetts, according to a Monday press release. The study, led by College of Arts and Sciences professor of biology Richard Primack, found that trees and shrubs around Walden Pond in Concord leaf out eighteen days earlier than when Henry David Thoreau observed in 1850 due to warmer temperatures, competition and invasive plant species. “Trees in Concord are leafing out two to three days earlier for every one degree increase in temperature,” Primack said. “The

temperatures in Boston are about five degrees warmer than they were 150 years ago, and because the trees and shrubs are leafing out three days earlier for every one degree increase in temperature, that means two to two-anda-half weeks earlier leafing out than in Thoreau’s time.” Leafing-out time indicates the start of the growing season when trees and shrubs begin to photosynthesize, absorb carbon dioxide and grow. Earlier leaf-out times can be attributed to a few degrees change in temperature, Primack said. The study’s finding may indicate a liability for foliage in the New England area, Primack said. “Weather in New England is

Foliage, see page 4


Thursday, january 16, 2014

Mass. plants Datapalooza event proves ‘leafing out’ 2 useful for college students weeks earlier Data: From Page 3

Foliage: From Page 3

unpredictable, and if plants leaf out early in warm years, they risk having their leaves damaged by a surprise frost,” Primack said in the release. “But if plants wait to leaf out until after all chance of frost is lost, they may lose their competitive advantage.” Primack has been conducting research on the general effects of climate change on plant and animal species in Massachusetts over the past eleven years. “Five years ago, we realized that we’ve been neglecting leafing out times and that we really have not devoted much energy towards finding out when leaves and trees leaf out in the spring,” he said. Caroline Polgar, a former Graduate School of Arts and Sciences student and Ph.D. candidate who worked on the study, spent a year examining Thoreau’s field notes of leaf-out times for trees and shrubs around Walden Pond, making her own observations and later comparing the data. “[Primack and I] decided to expand on his pervious work on flowering plants to when plants leaf out in the spring,” she said. “We had a list of species that Thoreau had observed and we took that list out into the Concord area ... to record the first day that we saw species leafing out.” The second part of the study involved collecting twigs from the different tree species, bringing them back to the lab and observing how long it took for them to leaf out in a warmer climate, Polgar said. “Different plants respond differently to warming temperatures, but all of them are leafing out earlier than when Thoreau made the observations,” she said. Amanda Gallinat, a second year GRS graduate student who worked on the study, said that the lab was able to make this distinction by conducting a larger experiment. “The previous winter, Dr. Polgar and Primack did a pilot study — the experiment with the twigs in the lab,” she said, “The results suggested that there might be a different response between invasive and native species, so we collected 50 species from Concord — native shrubs, invasive shrubs, and trees — at three different times in the winter and observed their different responses.” Native plants, such as the maple tree, require a long winter period before leafing out compared to invasive species, like the Japanese barberry, that leaf earlier and respond better to a warming climate. Although the particular study is finished, Gallinat said that the lab looks to continue to use its findings to further its research on the affect of climate change on plants around the area. “We’re looking to the next big questions,” she said. “We are looking to use similar protocols to answer questions about climate change and how it affects leafing out.”

feedback loop, of whether they’re teaching the right skills.” Leah Miller, a College of Arts and Sciences junior, said such a database would be helpful in allowing students to receive professional expertise for their inquiries. She said she used a similar platform when choosing where to attend college. “I remember looking on websites where you could narrow down the size of the school and the location and go from there,” she said. The discount textbook service Boundless was recommended at the event by its founder and CEO Ariel Diaz as a solution to students who sacrifice high grades to save money by neglecting to order the expensive required textbooks. “Seven in 10 students have skipped buying an assigned textbook, putting them at a detriment

to their success in that course,” Diaz said. “And that’s the problem Boundless set out to solve when we started the company three years ago.” Boundless utilizes open content and data to provide discounted or free textbooks to students who can not afford the full-priced editions, Diaz said. Gregory Teicher, a graduate student at BU’s School of Medicine, said some of his peers neglect to purchase textbooks because of the steep prices. “It would be nice if they [textbooks] were cheaper,” Teicher said. “They seem more expensive than they should be ... I was talking to some people, and some of them or on the fence of whether they actually will buy a textbook for the class or not. I know the library usually has one or two copies of each book, but it’s hard to access them if there are a lot of people who need it.”

Digital research helps improve undergraduate ‘communication’ Digital Research: From Page 3

shoved into a drawer or thrown away. There’s physical evidence of their research and analysis, and it’s up there for people to see and contribute to.” Digital research has long been common in science-related fields, said digital humanities expert Rebecca Frost Davis from St. Edward’s University. Now, digital humanities offer researchers a method that allows room for cooperation and communication. “There is a very strong push for undergraduate digital research at all kinds of institutions, but it really flourishes in the sciences,” Davis said. “The sciences have figured out how to get undergraduates to do cooperative research with faculty, but with the humanities, there’s a tradition of individual scholarship.” While digital research has been ubiquitous in graduate education, undergraduate programs are adopting digital humanities in order to include undergraduate students in sophisticated forms of research in their disciplines, Davis said.

“In classical studies, in order to do serious research, you’d need to know Greek and Latin to do the primary texts, and also German, French and Italian if you want to do the secondary research,” Davis said. “Most undergraduates don’t have that ability. What digital humanities has done is in some ways is familiarize the research, so it makes scholars look at the research again.” Davis also said the usage of digital humanities expands the coursework for humanities subjects, which traditionally are limited to researching and writing essays, by engaging undergraduates into the growing world of technology. “Instead of writing yet another research paper on Oedipus, you might actually be transcribing an ancient Greek text, and you feel like you’re doing real research instead of just repeating what’s been done before,” she said. “…On the one hand, it helps them critique the media of the world around us, but it also gives them avenues for doing assignments.”

Residents: Redesigning BRA should not be Walsh’s priority BRA: From Page 3

Several residents said they felt the BRA should not be one of Walsh’s top priorities as mayor. Jay Bordage, 51, of Roslindale, said she is concerned that the changes in the BRA will change its priorities in the city. “Boston has some of its charm as being a very human-centered city, because the buildings were created at a time when walking was the only form of transportation,” she said. “So if that starts getting torn down ... I don’t want Boston to lose its charm.” Greg Jones, 24, of Jamaica Plain, said there are more pertinent issues that Walsh should be fixing before altering the BRA.

“Everything is changing, it’s just about whether or not it’s changing for the better or worse,” he said. “I’m sure there are a lot of other things to worry about. I’m not saying that he shouldn’t worry about the BRA, but there are other things that are worse that need more attention.” Joann Holloway, 55, of Dorchester, said there might be potential downfalls in these sudden changes but said Walsh should have the ultimate decision. “The mayor can’t do it all himself so he needs the BRA,” she said. “It should be his choice. Change is good sometimes, so if he’s coming in with a new administration [in the BRA], then bring in the change.”

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Max Cohen MUSE Staff


Ross Hsu MUSE Staff

ooking back, 2013 was a good year for movies. But if 2013 was a cocooned caterpillar of a year for film, then 2014 is the majestic butterfly finally emerged from its year-long slumber. Though the potential crop of great movies is staggering, the following are the ones that I believe will be the best films of the year. Interstellar It’s been two years since Christopher Nolan ended his Dark Knight trilogy. Now the director who proved that Batman movies can still succeed without Jack Nicholson is bringing his cinematic expertise to space. Nolan has been quiet about the film’s plot, but a recent trailer shows Matthew McConaughey in a pickup truck talking about being a pioneer. Whoa, that’s heavy. As if that wasn’t curiosity piquing enough, Nolan enlisted Golden Globe-winner Jessica Chastain, along with Oscar-winners Anne Hathaway and Michael Caine in yet-unknown supporting roles. And, judging by what one visionary director can do in outer space (see Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity), it seems possible, if not likely, that Nolan can find some yet-undiscovered genius in the cosmos. Guardians of the Galaxy Phase One of the Marvel films was a revelation — fresh, exciting, star-studded. Phase Two has been slower, suggesting that Marvel may have lost some of its creativity. The upcoming Marvel movie, however, seems like a change of pace, featuring characters like a trigger-happy, talking raccoon and a Tree-Man from space. Guardians brings together Bradley Cooper, Chris Pratt, WWE wrestler Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel and Zoe Saldana as a motley crew of intergalactic space warriors wrestling control of a powerful artifact from a relentless space monster. Taking a stepback from powerhouse films and focusing on this weird, could-be gem may be one of Marvel’s best decisions since Tom Hiddleston. Noah Darren Aronofsky, God-King of Psychological Thrillers (Pi, Requiem for a Dream), was given hundreds of millions of dollars after the success of his acclaimed Black Swan to create a movie of biblical proportions. The $125 million blockbuster will follow Noah from pre-ark to post-ark, and — with the leftover CGI funds — Aronofsky convinced three Academy Award winners (Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connolly and Anthony Hopkins) to sign on. Rarely can a movie with a cast like that and such PHOTO VIA FLICKR USER a staggering budget actually be bad (but then again, Lone Ranger hapJEFFKARPALA pened). With the visionary Aronofsky in charge, this could easily be the Aronofsky speaking in 2008. blockbuster of the year.

013 was a dynamite year for the music industry. Our favorite artists cranked out some of the most hyped music in years, with monumental releases like Yeezus, Random Access Memories and AM dominating their respective scenes for months at a time. All the while, newcomers and old faces tickled our musical palates with albums nobody saw coming. Lorde crept onto the scene quietly and modestly, while those of us with two ears connected to a heart did all of her advertising for her. Jake Bugg and CHVRCHES wormed their way into the shuffle playlists of hip kids everywhere. James Blake solidified his place as the first person to make dubstep beats soulful on Overgrown. Contemporary classics like Vampire Weekend, Arcade Fire and M.I.A. released albums as controversial and discussed as they were excellent. Indie rap’s throne was briefly stolen from Childish Gambino by Chance the Rapper, only to be reclaimed by Bino in his album-length proof that anything those other guys can do, he can do weirder. But if 2013 was great, then 2014 is shaping up to be even more exciting, if not as hyped. New albums are expected from The Black Keys, Frank Ocean, Kanye West, Young the Giant and Foster the People. Then again, great albums come out every year, and the albums of 2014 aren’t going to be what sets this year apart from others — in fact, it is 2013 that will make this year so fantastic for music. Think about it — remember all of the awesome stuff that was released last year? Well now we all get to go see it live. We’ll get to see if Lorde’s pipes are as impressive onstage as they are on her recordings. We might scoff at how tacky Miley Cyrus can be, but the lines will run around the block for her sure-to-be-disturbingly-bizarre Bangerz tour. Depeche Mode, whose members continue to be alarmingly prolific and consistent despite their antiquity, will be making the rounds. Beyoncé, in all of her wonderful (if overhyped) glory, shall grace the masses with the Mrs. Carter Show World Tour. And maybe, just maybe, Daft Punk will find it within their sacred mechanical hearts to play a live show or two for the first time in, you know, seven years. We’re all thrilled to hear that you boys are playing the Grammys, but seriously, give the people what they really want. So get pumped, because the greats are on parade PHOTO VIA FLICKR USER DEEJAYRES during 2014, The Year of The Tour. God bless us, Daft Punk performing in Seattle in 2007. everyone.

Food trends: Frankenfoods in, trucks out

MFA puts indie on display


Hannah Landers MUSE Staff

new year means out with the old and in with the food! The arrival of 2014 promises a batch of fresh culinary trends, as well an expiration date for some that have gone quite stale in the past year. Dig in! The death of food trucks In 2013, food trucks were the stuff dreams were made of. Mobile food? That magically materialized at any given street corner? It doesn’t get much better. But as the year wore on, the novelty of food trucks began to wear off. Tracking these elusive automotive beasts on Twitter and Facebook became tiresome, and the competition from bigger names (An Auntie Anne’s food truck? Really?) drove up prices to the point where it was cheaper to have a meal that didn’t have to take place on the sidewalk in front of Morse Auditorium. Specialized fast food Fast food has long been frowned upon, thought of as responsible for filling people with fattening dishes made of gross, unidentifiable mystery meat. These restaurants sought out to scorch this line of thinking, beginning in late 2013 when McDonald’s announced that it would be demoing a “build your own burger” menu option in a few of its restaurants, even offering more upscale ingredients such as white cheddar cheese and chili-lime tortilla strips in its “SoCal” burger. The New Year promises more of this kind of fast-food renaissance. Food hybrids Even if you’re not an avid food connoisseur, it was hard to miss the frenzy over New York chef Dominique Ansel’s cronut (half-croissant, half-donut) that pervaded the last year. With such a delectably irresistible creation at the helm of this “Frankenfoods” revolution, it’s hard not to imagine similar creations in the works. Single-item restaurants Menus can be tricky things. All too often there are too many good things to choose from. Single-item restaurants are making things easier for diners everywhere by only making one dish but making it really well. This trend is most apparent in the abundance of cupcake shops that still seem to pop up every now and then, but it has since expanded to include other sweet treats like rice pudding as well as savory dishes like meatloaf. Grilled cheese restaurant Cheeseboy has even produced a franchise out of two pieces of bread and a couple slices of cheese, with locations throughout Massachusetts, PHOTO VIA FLICKR USER CUMIDANCIKI Connecticut, New York, New Jersey Dominique Ansel’s delectable half-donut half-croisand Rhode Island. sant.


Bhaswati Chattopadhyay MUSE Contributor

n a city filled with culture, the Museum of Fine Arts is an especially bright beacon of the best Boston has to offer. Everyone should take advantage of BU’s participation in the Museum’s University Membership Program, which allows students to enter the MFA free of charge when they present their college ID at any MFA ticket desk. Here’s a preview of some of the exciting upcoming events that are only a T ride away. Film: Mulholland Drive As part of the new “Mind-Bending Movies” series, the MFA will be screening “brilliantly complex works with multiple interpretations, a devoted fan base and plot lines that make you go ‘huh?’” What better way to start off the series than with David Lynch’s neo-noir masterpiece? Get lost in the nightmare that is Mulholland Drive, with its nonlinear storyline that will lead you through realms of the absurd, the disturbed and the monsters behind fast food joints. Don’t forget to wake up for an audience-led discussion of the wildest Lynchian theories imaginable. Mulholland Drive screens in the Remis Auditorium on Jan. 30. Music: Lost in the Trees Lost in the Trees has already generated considerable buzz by weaving beautiful tapestries of orchestration and complex musical arrangements. Check it out at the MFA this time to catch a glimpse of their newest, stripped-down incarnation, featuring music from their latest record, “Past Life.” With a new approach to song-writing, frontman Ari Pickler promises a novel concert experience by “crafting songs to create a maximum impact in a live setting.” With a pared-down four-member lineup and a focus on minimalist, rhythm-driven composition, the band demonstrates a constant dedication to evolution and a mastery of electronic dance rock. Lost in the Trees will perfom in Remis Auditorium on Feb. 21. Exhibition: “Permission To Be Global/Prácticas Globales” “Permission To Be Global/Prácticas Globales” equips the viewer with the eyes of an international time traveler. Featuring 60 contemporary Latin American sculpture, painting, photography, video and performance art pieces from 1960 to the present and exploring themes as distinct as “Power Parodied,” “Borders Redefined,” “Occupied Geometries” and “Absence Accumulated,” this exhibition traces the lasting impact of Latin American avantgarde in the context of its exclusion from the artistic mainstream. Discover the “critical understanding of what it means to be global” through work that define themselves through subversion of the norm and humanization of the PHOTO COURTESY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF TRAVEL & TOURISM abstract. “Permission To Be Global/ Prácticas Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts has a variety Globales” will be at the MFA from March 19 to of diverse programs in the new year. July 13.



Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Daily Free Press

The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 44th year F Volume 86 F Issue 2

Sarah Kirkpatrick, Editor-in-Chief Brian Latimer, Managing Editor

Rachel Riley, Campus Editor

Alice Bazerghi, City Editor

Andrew Battifarano, Sports Editor

Trisha Thadani, Opinion Editor

Heather Goldin, Multimedia Editor

Maya Devereaux, Photo Editor

Brooke Jackson-Glidden, Features Editor

Emily Hartwell, Layout Editor

Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2013 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

Touchdowns and trauma

There are currently 32 teams in the NFL with around 50 men each. That adds up to about 1,700 men, who tackle, clobber, sack and pummel each other for a salary — an average of $2 million a year, to be specific. Although spectators may love the aggression of the game, a 10-pound head is not made to withstand the force of a 300-pound lineman, no matter how advanced their Riddell helmet may be. More than 4,500 former players have filed suit against the NFL for all their health problems acquired during games. The NFL reached a $765 million settlement with the former players in August 2013. U.S. District Judge Anita Brody rejected this tentative agreement in a statement filed Tuesday, as she felt with the current sum, “not all retired NFL football players who ultimately receive a qualifying diagnosis or their [families] ... will be paid.” Christopher Seeger, co-lead counsel for the plaintiff’s settlement is still hopeful both sides will agree on a sum to compensate concussed players and their families. However, when a string of valued players, such as Dave Duerson, Junior Seau and Paul Oliver, kill themselves after having a history of head trauma, simple monetary compensation doesn’t exactly seem fitting. The family of Jovan Belcher, a former player for the Kansas City Chiefs who killed his wife and himself in 2012, is pursuing a lawsuit against the team. Belcher’s family claims their son is not responsible for the murder of his wife and his own suicide, and is rather blaming the NFL for ignoring his mental health. Negligent employers are responsible for the foreseeable harm inflicted on their employees. Not just for the sake of morals, but also for the sake of their business. In this case, if the NFL wants fans to keep coming to their games, they have to keep their most valued players in good cognitive health. But in a game where head traumas are often caused in the path to a touchdown, such may be easier said than done. Although the NFL has a responsibility to protect their players, the players have just a big of a responsibility to protect themselves.

At the end of the day, the NFL is a business that wants to make itself as marketable as possible. And what is a good game of football without the cringe-worthy tackles that elicit “Oh’s!” and “Ah’s!” from the audience? Friendly aggression keeps fans on their toes, but at the same time, may break those of the players. When players sign their million-dollar contracts, they obviously know the ins and the outs of the game — each probably having suffered at least one concussion during their peewee and varsity years as well. Duerson, Seau, Oliver and Belcher were all just playing a sport that they loved, and were willing to accept the consequences of the competition. But when such brutality is endured and left untreated, things can get out of hand. In a sport so hypermasculinized, pride tends to be overemphasized. A player could just shake off a headache with a few doses of Advil. But it is hard to imagine that a 300-pound lineman would complain about a concussion and surrender to help when they don’t think they need it. After all, weakness is a football player’s greatest enemy. Everyone wants to watch a fair game of football that has a flare of excitement. A competitive spirit is entertaining, but when it gets to the point where people’s cognitive health is jeopardized, that is just poor sportsmanship and blind negligence by the NFL. It would be impossible to eliminate injuries such as memory loss, depression and cognitive dysfunctions from the game. Although $765 million may be enough to cover some medical bills, this money should be shoveled into preventative programs such as periodic mental health screenings and educational programs. There are often predictive signs of mental instability — self-harm and homicide don’t just happen out of the blue. Concussions are something the NFL and players themselves must own up to. If a player twists and ankle or breaks a limb in the middle of a game, trainers can simply run on the field and bandage him up. Unfortunately, mental health cannot be cured so easily.

An Ohio woman made fliers offering a case of beer and a pack of cigarettes as a reward for finding her lost dogs. According to the Huffington Post, this tactic worked and this woman was reunited with one of her long-lost pooches. We here at the ol’ Free Press were wondering what people at BU would offer as a reward if Rhett the Terrier went missing. • • • • • • • •

CFA: Beer and cigarettes SMG: All the empty space in their building COM: A seat in David Carr’s journalism class Dean Elmore: His pair of red Converse ENG: Their first date BU Athletics: An intentional loss in the Beanpot President Brown: The wrestling team The FreeP: Our new, beloved tea kettle

Life in the left lane

Build a bridge ... and get over it SARA Ryan During my brief winter break hiatus from published sass and snark, one governor teed up the scandal of the year (all eight days of it). N.J. Gov. Chris Christie fired a top aide after allegations regarding unnecessary and politically motivated lane closures on the heavily congested George Washington Bridge. Unfortunately for Christie, the media is paying far too much attention to this scandal. According to a Washington Post article from Jan. 8, Bridget Anne Kelly, Christie’s deputy chief of staff, exchanged emails with David Wildstein, a Port Authority official. These emails hinted at unnecessary lane closures that came just after Mark Sokolich, Fort Lee, N.J.’s mayor, failed to endorse Christie in his 2013 reelection campaign. The closed bridge links Sokolich’s Fort Lee with New York City and sees around 280,000 vehicles a day, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s website. This scandal has only gained traction as the story has developed. On Tuesday, Christie delivered a state-of-the-state address to the New Jersey legislature. He dedicated the first 150 words of the 4200-word speech to the scandal. After that, he moved onto actual governing topics, like unemployment, education and the rare, endangered idea of bipartisanship. Christie made the right move with his speech. He addressed the elephant in the room (cue fat joke), and then moved on to what matters: governing. Frankly all this hullabaloo is getting blown out of proportion. I understand that Christie’s aides (and maybe even Christie himself) made a bone-headed call. Nothing makes New Jersey commuters angrier than an extra dose of traffic during rush hour. Especially when they haven’t had their daily caffeine injections. The only difference between Christie and just about every other politician in America is that he got caught. I know. I’ve watched House of Cards. I’m pretty much a certified political expert. Christie was only playing the game that every politician is taught from his or her first term on Pawnee City Council. If the media wants to be upset with Christie, then they need to show the same amount of outrage with the entire political system. It seems silly to me that a week of politics-as-usual is sensationalized four months later while the broken system is simply ignored. “But Sara,” you may say, “There are so many flaws in the current political system! Which one are you talking about?” Well, dear reader, it’s fairly simple. The current system rewards politicians based on their

results, rather than on the process they took to achieve said results. It’d be like my calculus professor giving me a 100 percent on my final because I got all the answers right without putting down any of the work. He might assume that I worked hard and knew how to do all of the problems, when in reality I cheated off the awkward nerd with the math puns who sits next to me. While this system works for me in the short run, it won’t be very helpful when my math skills are put to an actual test. The same is true for politicians. As a more-than-left-leaning liberal, I am hesitant to support someone on the other side of the aisle. However, I think Chris Christie is one of the most politically savvy and honest politicians (oxymoron) on the national stage today. When I listen to him speak, I don’t feel like someone is trying to pull one over on me. There’s not the typical sliminess that comes with political jargon and euphemisms. He genuinely seems like the next-door neighbor who gets what I’m saying and honestly tries to help. However, this bridge crisis has brought all of that into question. Christie’s biggest political asset is his charisma and trustworthiness. He should know better than to get caught doing something this petty and stupid. It undermines everything that has made him popular. What makes matters worse for the governor is that rather than covering South Sudan or Obamacare, the media is choosing to bring a magnifying glass down on Christie’s administration. For his own political future, he should hope they don’t find anything else. My point with writing this article is threefold. First, the media shouldn’t be paying this much attention to a state nicknamed the Armpit of America. Real governing should always take precedent. Second, Christie should not have gotten involved (or at least caught) in this kind of public relations nightmare. It’s below a man with presidential ambitions. Finally, we need to stop focusing on the individual shortcomings of politicians and take a look at the system as a whole. You can’t blame a guy for operating within the rules he was taught. We need to reexamine the system that instilled those teachings. Chris Christie may not be solution to everyone’s problems, but he shouldn’t be this week’s scapegoat either. Sara Ryan is a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences studying political science and math. She can be reached at sryan15@ bu.edu.

The opinions and ideas expressed by columnists and cartoonists are their own and are not necessarily representative of the opinions of The Daily Free Press.


Thursday, January 16, 2014


BU women’s hockey team boasts top-ranked penalty kill in Hockey East


Freshman forward Maddie Elia has recorded five points in her last three games, including three assists in the last two Terrier wins. Women’s Hockey: From Page 8

and not let them potentially have some advantages with some forwards who are pretty big kids.” Providence has the 3rd-ranked scoring offense in the league, which could spell disaster for the Terriers, as BU has racked up the sec-

ond-most penalty minutes in the Hockey East, which could lead to trouble on possible penalty kills. The Terriers do have the top-ranked penalty killing unit in the conference, though, and will need the group to play as it has all year. However, it is Providence that sits atop the Hockey East in penalty minutes, so BU

may get its fair share of power-play chances as well. Durocher said he spoke to his team about the need to become more disciplined. “I’m not comfortable [taking so many penalties],” Durocher said. “We talked about it, tried to address it … The lazy back-checks,

those are the ones that we just have to eliminate ... But we’ve got to work hard to win the penalty game, as I tell the ladies.” Fortunately for the Terriers, they have a few scoring weapons of their own who will attempt to outscore the Friars’ stout offense. Sophomore forward Sarah Lefort has taken the Hockey East by storm this season, leading the conference in both goals and points (30 points, 17 goals, 13 assists). Senior forward Louise Warren is not far behind, ranking third in the league in goals and points (26 points, 15 goals, 11 assists). In three games since the month-long break, Lefort and Warren have continued their success, putting up two goals each. Lefort also added four assists in that span, while Warren has posted two. In addition to that fearsome duo, freshman forward Maddie Elia has begun to contribute to the scoring of late. In the same three-game span, Elia put up two goals and three assists, all of which came in BU’s two most recent victories. Durocher praised Elia’s long reach and accurate shot. “Maddie [Elia] is one of those kids who has a dynamic with her reach and her hands,” Durocher said. “And she’s also shown a real good shot. She’s had opportunities, she’s put the puck in a good spot and either scored a goal or made the goalie make a great save. And usually once or twice a game she beats somebody cleanly, and not everybody on the ice can do that.” With such a large portion of BU’s scoring coming from just a few players, Durocher said going into the matchup with the Friars, he would like to see more of his forwards get in on the action. “I think we’ve got to get back to just a whisker more balanced scoring ... we certainly want to make sure others are getting on the score sheet,” Durocher said. “If you can have offensive production come from more than one line or more than a couple of players, then it usually bodes well for your team.”

Terriers’ offense ‘inconsistent’ in 1st Colgate’s Langel praises BU’s Morris half against impressive Raider attack for ‘strength,’ contribution in victory Women’s Hoops: From Page 8

the stretch, but BU would finish the half down by 19, heading to the locker room with the score set at 35-16. In a disappointing first half, the Terriers shot just 21.4 percent from the field compared to Colgate’s solid 44.4 percent. “We definitely missed shots,” Leflar said. “I think we were just really inconsistent. We hurried at times on offense, didn’t get good looks, and I think other possessions we didn’t have the opportunities, and, unfortunately, it just kind of snowballed for us in the first half.” The second half did not start much better for BU, as Colgate continued to exert its dominance with an 8-0 run that increased its lead to 27 points. The Terriers attempted to rectify their offensive woes by going on a 7-0 run of their own. BU settled into a rhythm for the rest of the game that consistently kept it within 20 points behind the Raiders. “[Going into the second half], we talked about doing what we originally wanted to do, just playing our game, focusing on what we do offensively, defensively,” Leflar said. “We focused on what we wanted to do as opposed to making changes based on what Colgate

was going to do.” The Terriers raised their field goal shot percentage by a shooting a much-improved 55.9 percent in the second frame and made half their looks beyond the 3-point arc in their 14 second-half attempts. Sophomore guard Clodagh Scannell was a key part to BU’s second half surge, making six of her seven attempts from the field and three of her four 3-point tries to give her 15 points on the night, a career high. Although they had initial offensive woes, Scannell was not the only Terrier with double-digits in points in the contest, as Callahan and McKendrick each had 11 and 10 on the night, respectively. Leflar praised his players for their individual efforts, but stressed that the team was having trouble putting things together as a unit. “[Callahan] has really fallen into a role of being our most consistent player night in, night out, and she’s doing everything she can for us out there,” he said. “[Scannell] came off the bench and hit good shots. [McKendrick] knocked down some shots as well but too often it was one person going on a run for a few minutes, and we could never seem to get five players on the court in a stretch connecting with each other and clicking.”

Watson leads offense, hits ‘tough shots’ during final half of play for Terriers Men’s: Basketball From Page 8

his career in Irving’s absence. “We try to put the ball and the game in [Watson’s] hands and allow him to direct the offense,” Jones said. “He made some tough shots down the stretch, and if he

doesn’t make some of those shots, it could be a completely different ballgame.” With this victory over Colgate, BU is one of only two teams left with a perfect record in Patriot League play, the other being American University.

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Morris: From Page 8

hoop, where he was able to convert on a 3-point play opportunity. While the 6-foot-7 forward is always a threat in the low post, he showed that he can keep defenders guessing with his ability to drive to the basket and shoot from long range. Colgate third-year head coach Matt Langel praised Morris for his all-around performance against his team. “He’s a little undersized but he’s so strong,” Langel said. “He’s so hard to move, and he can move you, he’s a great post player. What he also has, and I woke in the middle of the night with nightmares, he can put it on the floor a little bit. He

made one three, which hurts you because now your big guy’s got to go out there to keep him honest. I’ve known [Dom] a long time coming from Philadelphia, I actually recruited Dominic when he was in high school when I was an assistant coach at Temple. He’s not your prototypical basketball player, he probably could still make a lot of money playing football.” Langel specifically said he appreciated the contribution Morris makes for the program at BU. “He’s a winning player, he’s been a part of a lot of winning teams dating back to high school,” Langel said. “He stepped up in [senior guard] D.J. [Irving]’s absence and did some good things for his team.”

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“I think we’ve got to get back to just a whisker more balanced scoring.”

-BU coach Brian Durocher on his team looking for more goal scorers

paGE 8



The Daily Free Press

Senior forward Dom Morris continued his strong season with 15 points in a win over Colgate, P.8.

[ www.dailyfreepress.com ]

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dom Morris Terriers defeat Colgate for 5th Patriot League win percent from the field and a meashines in win sly 30.4 percent from beyond the Embroiled in another close 3-point arc. The superb defensive was paced by junior forward over Raiders conference game Wednesday effort Malik Thomas and senior guard By Justin Pallenik Daily Free Press Staff

By Alex Rozier Daily Free Press Staff

As the Boston University men’s basketball team continues to be a threat in the Patriot League, senior forward Dom Morris continues to establish himself as a team leader and consistent performer. While the Terriers (12-6, 5-0 Patriot League) fought their way to a 66-58 victory over Colgate University, Morris showcased his ability to make plays defensively, as well as his usual efficiency on offense. The Newark, Del., native made his mark on the game early against the Raiders (6-10, 0-5 Patriot League) when he backed down Raider center Ethan Jacobs for a layup for the first points of the contest. Jacobs, along with the other members of Colgate’s frontcourt, were overwhelmed all night, as Morris ended the game with 15 points, shooting 6-of-8 from the floor. Although much of the attention around the Terriers this year has gone to sophomore guard Maurice Watson Jr., the team’s leader in scoring, assists and steals, Morris has been a consistent second option on offense, with 11.8 points per game, as well a force on the boards. Morris leads BU and is second in the Patriot League with 6.8 rebounds per game. In addition, Morris is currently the Terriers’ most efficient scorer, shooting a team-high 59.7 percent, which is also the fourth highest among players in the Patriot League. Although he only recorded four total rebounds Wednesday night against Colgate, he made his presence felt defensively by recording a game-high two steals. He did have trouble getting things going on the offensive end in the first half, though, shooting 3-for-5 from field goal range and failing to get to the free-throw line. “[Colgate] did a good job neutralizing Dom Morris in the first half,” said BU coach Joe Jones. Despite some early first half struggles, his versatile action was on display in the second frame with the way he put the ball in the hoop.. Just over a minute into the second half, Morris received a pass from Watson near the top of the key and nailed a 3-point jumper. The shot amplified his play from deep range this year, as he has already hit more threes in his senior campaign than he did in the entirety of last season. With 5:09 left in the game, Morris caught a pass on the perimeter before dribbling with his right hand as he drove to the

moRRis, see page 7

night, the Boston University men’s basketball team emerged victorious, defeating Colgate University 66-58. “They were terrific in non-conference play, by looking at their scores,” said BU coach Joe Jones. “They’ve beaten Tulane [University] and they played Georgetown [University] well. I thought it was going to be a tight game — and it was. It was a great character win for us.” The win preserves the Terriers’ (12-6, 5-0 Patriot League) unbeaten streak in Patriot League play, and gives them six wins in their last seven contests. Although the Raiders (6-10, 0-5 Patriot League) entered the game winless in conference, they came in with one of the highest team 3-point shooting percentages in the country, a sizzling 40.5 percent. Limiting open looks was a point of emphasis for Jones all week in preparation for the game. “We went into the game talking about taking away their threes, but they really executed against our regular man defense,” Jones said. “We wanted to play a little smaller because they’re great on handoff ball screens. If we had played big, it would have hurt us.” BU began the game with a lackadaisical defensive approach that resulted in an early 9-4 deficit. On multiple occasions, forward Murphy Burnatowski, one of the Raiders’ top scoring threats, got loose for open jumpers. Burnatowski scorched the Terriers for nine of his 27 points in the first five minutes of the first half. As the action progressed, however, the Terriers remained calm and began to adhere to their defensive game plan. After the first nine minutes of the game, the Raiders shot only 37

No Events Scheduled Greg Oden suited up for the first time since 2009 against the Washington Wizards. He dunked. Twice. That’s the joke.

men’s BasketBall, see page 7

W. Hockey prepares for PC By Gregory Davis Daily Free Press Staff

The No. 8/9 Boston University women’s hockey team will head to Schneider Arena Friday hoping to start a new winning streak when it takes on Providence College. On paper, the matchup appears to be one-sided, as BU (16-4-1, 9-10 Hockey East) scores an average of 3.24 goals per game and only allows 2.14 goals per game, both second in the Hockey East, while Providence (9-14-0, 4-6-0 Hockey East) scores 2.65 goals per game, and has one of the most porous defenses in the conference, allowing 3.39 goals per game. BU coach Brian Durocher, however, said he does not view his team as the odds-on favorite in the game. “We haven’t had a team that’s won by a significant margin every day,” Durocher said. “We’re not a prohibitive favorite against any-

The Bottom Line

Thursday, Dec. 16

Travis Robinson. Robinson departed from his normal role on the bench to start in place of injured senior guard D.J. Irving. Tasked with guarding Colgate’s leading scorer, guard Austin Tillotson, Robinson did an admirable job, holding him to four points on just 2-for-9 shooting. Thomas came off the bench to hold the Raiders’ rangy center Ethan Jacobs, a career 40 percent 3-point shooter, to 0-for-6 from the 3-point line. The Terriers struggled offensively in the first half, unable to find a rhythm outside of the paint. BU’s bench, normally consistent in relief, shot just 28.6 percent from the field in the first half. In his new starting role, Robinson struggled offensively in the first half, going 0-for-3 from beyond the arc. BU went into halftime trailing the Raiders 27-25. “They really packed it in defensively and without [Irving] who can penetrate, they really hurt us offensively,” Jones said about Colgate’s defense. “With [freshman guard] Cedric [Hankerson] in foul trouble and D.J. [Irving] hurt, we just didn’t have someone who could do some things off the bounce for those twenty minutes.” The second half proved an entirely different story for the Terriers, though, as they shot the Raiders right out of the gym. The team combined to go 13-for-22 from the field and 5-for-6 from 3-point range. Sophomore guard Maurice Watson Jr., remained true to form, putting up a team high 20 points on 7-of-14 shooting, while pacing the offense with six assists. Hitting crucial baskets in the closing minutes, Watson had one of the most important performances of

Friday, Dec. 17 M. Hockey @ Boston College, 7 p.m. W. Hockey @ Providence, 7 p.m.

body. We have to earn every win. We’ll hope to get out of Providence and bring our ‘A’ game, but it’s always tough when you go on the road.” Despite their early season struggles, the Friars’ strength certainly lies in their offense, as forwards Corinne Buie and Cassidy Carels provide the team with sufficient firepower to keep any defense honest. Buie leads Providence and ranks fifth in the Hockey East with 24 points (seven goals, 17 assists), while Carels has put up 11 goals this season, good for the team lead and fifth place in the conference. “They’ll really go hard at the offensive net,” Durocher said of the two forwards. “We’ve got to make sure that we’re ready to stand our ground and we’re ready to turn and pick somebody up around the cage

Women’s hockey, see page 7

Saturday, Dec. 18 M. Hockey @ UMass-Lowell, 7 p.m.


Senior forward Dom Morris scored 15 points and recorded two steals in a win over Colgate.

BU drops 3rd straight PL game By Judy Cohen Daily Free Press Staff

In its first game of the since returning for the spring semester, the Boston University women’s basketball team fell to Patriot League opponent Colgate University at Cotterell Court in Hamilton, N.Y., by a score of 81-64, making it BU’s third straight loss. The Terriers (6-12, 1-4 Patriot League) spent almost the entirety of the game trying to play catchup to the Raiders (5-11, 1-4 Patriot League). Colgate got the scoring started with a layup from forward Carole Harris, but BU senior guard Melissa Gallo responded 20 seconds later, netting a 3-pointer to put BU ahead, a lead it would relinquish just two and a half minutes later. “Quite frankly, [Colgate] had more energy than we did at the start of the game,” said BU associate

Sunday, Dec. 19 W. Hockey @ Northeastern, 12 p.m. W. Basketball @ Loyola, 1 p.m.

head coach Michael Leflar. “They jumped on us, and we really didn’t have an answer in the first half.” A 5-0 run by the Raiders saw the Terriers turn the ball over four times in the three-and-a-half-minute span, leading to good looks for Colgate. Senior forward Whitney Turner finally broke through to end the Colgate run with a layup that brought the Terriers within two points of the lead. BU was able to keep the deficit manageable for the next two minutes before allowing the Raiders to sprint away on a 15-0 tear lasting five minutes. Senior guard Danielle Callahan finally hit a jumper with 3:33 left in the first half, but by that time the score was 28-13 in favor of Colgate. Junior forward Mollie McKendrick helped the Terriers along by making two free throws down

Women’s hooPs, see page 7

Monday, Dec. 20 M. Basketball vs. Loyola, 7:30 p.m.

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