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The Daily Free Press

Year xliv. Volume lxxxvi. Issue IX

REWORKED CITY Boston Mayor Martin Walsh introduces new cabinets, page 3.


Thursday, January 30, 2014 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University


Grammys voter speaks on nomination process, page 5.




Women’s hockey looks for win against UConn, page 8.


Today: Sunny/High 30 Tonight: Cloudy/Low 22 Tomorrow: 39/20

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SMG sees jump in national, international rankings 3 shootings in 1 week bring 2014 Boston homicide total to 7

By Olivia Deng Daily Free Press Staff

Boston University School of Management jumped both nationally and internationally in the Financial Times’ Global Masters of Business Administration graduate program ranking, according to a Monday press release from SMG. SMG’s MBA program, which has a 31 percent acceptance rate, ranked 39th among United States MBA programs and 75th internationally in the Financial Times’ 2014 rankings, putting SMG in a position of esteem, said SMG Assistant Dean Steven Davidson. The program jumped five spots internationally and 20 places nationally. “This ranking is highly viewed in Europe and across the globe, so it’s one of the more global rankings, and to have BU elevate into the top 40 in the United States is exciting,” Davidson said. “It reflects positively on the university and builds off the international strength of BU.” To be ranked in the top 100 MBA programs is an impressive feat, said Della Bradshaw, business education editor for the Financial Times. “There are about 12,000 business schools in the world, so to be ranked in the top 100 means that this is certainly an elite group, the 1 percent of the business school population,” she said. The methodology for the ranking relies on three key components, Bradshaw said. “They [the rankings] are a snapshot in

By Felicia Gans Daily Free Press Staff


In a listing released by the Financial Times, Boston University School of Management’s MBA program ranked 39th among U.S. schools and 75th internationally. The international rank jumped five spots.

time of the way business schools and their alumni are performing based on three criteria, which are the career development of the alumni, the international perspective of the business school, and the business schools that are producing the best new ideas,” she said. “So basically, which of the business schools are producing the global managers of the 21st century.”

With career success factoring largely into the rankings, SMG restructured the curriculum to better prepare students for the job market, said SMG professor of finance Donald Smith. “With our MBA program, in the last few years, we got to emphasize … the health sector, digital technology, social enterprise and

SMG, see page 2

Law students satisfied with school experience, study suggests By Mina Corpuz Daily Free Press Staff

Students at institutions such as the Boston University School of Law still find value in pursing legal education, according to a recent survey. The report, administered by the Law School Survey of Student Engagement at Indiana University, states that law students are increasingly satisfied with their law education. “LSSSE gathers information from law students to help law schools identify what is going well and what would benefit from more attention,” said Aaron Taylor, director of LSSSE. “This year’s report explores four themes … [including] student satisfaction with advising services and overall experience was a primary theme of the report.” Of the students surveyed, 65 percent said their school provided them with the resources they needed to succeed academically. However, 55 percent of students surveyed said they are unsatisfied with their schools career counseling

and job search programs. LAW Associate Dean of Student Affairs Christine Marx said the high quality faculty contributes to students’ overall happiness with their law education. “Princeton Review surveys law students on a number of factors, and their latest law guide to law school based on student input ranked BU LAW school as number one for best professors and number five for best class room experience,” she said. Marx said although the job market is not faring well, LAW has many initiatives to prepare students for the job market and look for jobs, such as the One Out Career Path program. “Every first year student attends a two-day career conference where they learn about different practice areas and how to prepare for those jobs, how to get their resumes read, and networking opportunities,” she said. “We also do individual counseling with students about their goals.”

LAW professor Jack Beermann said law students are more satisfied with their studies than their undergraduate counterparts are because they have a clearer picture of their education. “One of the things you should realize is that law students are in a different stage of their life,” he said. “These are people who decided after four years of undergrad or maybe after working that they want to go on to law school. It’s much more clear why they’re there and what their goals are.” LAW has a substantial financial aid budget and is able to award scholarships to help many students attend, Beermann said. “[There is] a very high financial aid budget because there are fewer people applying to law school these days than there were five years ago, so competition for good services is higher,” he said.

Law, see page 2

In the wake of U.S. President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address, in which he vowed to decrease gun violence, Boston saw three shooting deaths this week, bringing the January death toll to seven, the Boston Police Department reported Tuesday. According to the BPD report, which compares crime numbers from Jan. 1 to Jan. 26 of this year to those of Jan. 1 to Jan. 26 of 2013, there had only been two homicides at this time last year. “While there is no single solution, improving public safety is among my highest priorities,” Boston Mayor Martin Walsh said in a statement Monday. “This kind of violence cannot become commonplace; we should be shocked every time we hear of another shooting, of another death in our community.” Walsh said four of the gun-related deaths are connected, due to gang violence or retaliation. Neuropsychologist Douglas Watt said there are a variety of factors that have led to this year’s high violence numbers, such as neglect, poverty, substance abuse and easy access to firearms. Violence can result from any combination of these factors. “Any variable in any society is like that,” he said. “Single factor theories don’t work in any biological domain because there’s nothing in biology and therefore nothing in psychology that emerges from a single factor. It emerges from a sense of family of factors that amplify one another and violence is no different.” Although people who commit violent crimes can be incarcerated, harsh punishment will not be the solution to increased violence in Boston, he said. “The big picture in this country is that we’re creating fard more future violence by virtue of the way we run this society,” he said. “The biggest problem is the societal fantasy that harsh punishments deter or prevent crime. They don’t, and the research shows that they don’t. People who are trying to commit violent crimes don’t think about the likelihood of a harsh sentence. We have to change the emphasis from sentencing to prevention.” Ladd Everitt, director of communications for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, said

Gun Violence, see page 2

MBTA ranks 3rd in national survey of best cities for public transportation By Sarah Capungan Daily Free Press Staff


In a ranking released Tuesday by Walk Score, a company that provides walkability services, Boston placed third on list of the best U.S. cities for public transit.

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority was ranked number three in Walkscore’s “Best U.S. Cities for Public Transportation” report, released Tuesday. Transit scores were given on a 100-point scale and determined by the average resident’s ability to access public transportation. Boston received a transit score of 75, placing it behind New York City and San Francisco, nationally. It received the number two spot in the Northeast. MBTA Spokesman Joe Pesaturo said he is proud of the MBTA’s ranking and said it reflects the continuing improvement of city’s public transportation system. “Our unwavering commitment to provide customers with accessible and affordable services in a safe and reliable manner [makes the MBTA the third best in the country],” he said. “The MBTA is proud of its storied history as America’s first subway, but we’re even more pleased to be a national leader in the use of technological advancements to improve cus-

tomer service.” According to the company’s website, Walk Score’s mission is to “promote walkable neighborhoods” in an effort to improve the environment, health and economy. Aleisha Jacobson, the office manager at Walk Score, said she is not surprised to see Boston at the top of the rankings. “Boston is justifiably known as the Walking City and is consistently near the top of our Walk Score rankings,” she said. “Having built the first subway system in North America, it’s not surprising to see Boston rate highly on our Transit Score ranking as well.” A 2013 survey conducted by the National Association of Realtors showed that property values increased by 42 percent when located near public transportation. Between 2006 and 2011, residential properties with access to the public transit system had property values 129 percent greater than those of residential properties that had little to no access. Walter Molony, spokesperson for the NAR,

MBTA, see page 2


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Students: Despite weak job Reworked SMG curriculum boosts rankings market, LAW prepares grads SMG: From Page 1

Law: From Page 1

Several students said they were satisfied with their education at LAW, but were still worried about post-graduation job searches. Nikita Changlani, a first year LAW student, said although she does not think her classes are very applicable to her future career, she is impressed with the quality of her professors. “I’ve really enjoyed my classes and love my professors,” she said. “I think the nature of first year curriculum is the fundamentals. It’s just a necessary stepping-stone preparing

me to prepare myself for a job.” Second-year LAW student Anda Lopazan said despite the great career resources within LAW, she still has some anxiety about obtaining a job after she graduates. “Some classes have helped me more than others,” she said. “I don’t know how this will help because the job market is so tough. I know some people in much better positions than I am with rankings and GPA and they have had difficulty finding jobs. It’s not something BU can really do anything about, but it has prepared me.”

sustainability,” Smith said. “We reworked the curriculum to get an earlier introduction to these key sectors so that students can identify with one of the sectors and then combine the function of their area, finance or marketing or operations, along with specialization with one of the sectors.” Jay Zagorsky, an economics professor at SMG, said that despite being pleased with the honor, he had some reservations regarding rankings. “These rankings are designed so that there is movement,” Zagorsky said. “If universities pretty much stay fixed for years on end, then no one will read the Financial Times — no one will care about the ar-

ticle. It’s always sort of like a horse race … There is an inherent bias by the editors of all these lists.” Despite his hesitation to blindly accept rankings as fact, Zagorsky said ranking highly is an indicator of a high-achieving student body. “In general, as rankings go up, student quality goes up,” he said. “As a professor, the higher the quality of students, the more fun they are to teach.” Patrick Dewechter, a second year MBA candidate at SMG, said the school’s unconventional urban environment fosters creativity and encourages students to think outside of the box. “It is not your sort of conventional business school environment,” Dewechter said. “You get to tackle problems from a number

of different perspectives that you maybe wouldn’t have thought of as opposed to your standard, financefocused, homogenous background business school environment where everyone is competing for the same jobs and talking about the same stuff.” Trang Nguyen, also an SMG second-year MBA candidate, said the receptiveness of the school is a contributing factor to the higher ranking. “This can be attributed to Dean [Kenneth] Freeman,” Nguygen said. “He has done a lot of things improving alumni relations, career center, and he listens a lot … The school has been listening to us and I think that is one of the reasons why the ranking has gone up.”

important to understand. They’re typically in the top five of the 50 states in the lowest gun death rate in the country.” Several residents said they are concerned with the January homicide numbers, and they hope the BPD will take action to lower the homicide rates. David Ciak, 52, of Boston, said the numbers bother him, regardless of the possibility that the shootings were related, not random. “It’s still people getting shot, whether it be gang violence or just random violence,” he said. “That’s all fine and dandy but that’s still people shooting each other. Either way, it still bothers me.” Cathy Kaldy, 27, of Fenway, said she is surprised to hear about the homicide numbers, but she said the police make her feel safe in the city.

“Before [knowing that], I felt safe,” she said. “Now, I’m a little concerned, but I still feel safe. It’s a great place to live. In general, I think the police do a fantastic job. They should be doing anything they can to keep gun violence down, but I trust them to do their jobs.” Kate Audette, 33, of Dorchester, said she feels safe in her neighborhood, but she said the state legislature should be taking action to decrease gun violence. “I actually live right in the neighborhood where one of the murders just happened,” she said “It was right next door to me, in Dorchester. But I still feel safe there. The city and the state legislature could do a lot more to address gun violence. I think they need to look at some bans on assault weapons for civilian use.”

Resident: Disabled people still ‘struggle’ with access to transit Jan. homicides do not represent coming 2014 trend MBTA: From Page 1

said easy access to public transportation has always been an important factor in choosing a residence. “Walkable communities and having access to transportation has always come up pretty high in these community preference studies,” he said. Molony said people tend to favor communities that are easy to access without a car. “Quite a large share of people said improving public transportation would be the best solution,” he said. “The bottom line is people want to live in an easy-to-walk community. They don’t want to spend their time behind the wheel of a car.” Several residents said although the rating did not surprise them, they feel as if the MBTA could make more improvements beyond its accessibil-

ity to residents. Jennifer Turpin, 32, of Allston, said the MBTA is geographically easy to access, but many people are still struggling to gain the access they need. “It does offer a lot, but still has a lot to be desired, particularly in accessibility for people with disabilities,” she said. Kelly Robinson, 42, of Dorchester, said improvements should be made to make the rush hour crowd less stressful for MBTA riders. “[The ranking] is accurate, but there is stuff they could improve, like more space and more trains to come closer together so they’re not so packed,” she said. “It should be a lot safer because of the way the trains stop and go … I think in a lot of ways, it’s unsafe when it’s crowded like that.”

Gun Violence: From Page 1

January is a surprising month for a large number of homicides. “Law enforcement in big cities always know that the warm months are typically the more deadly months, as far as gun homicide is concerned,” he said. “Summer is always the time when you would get more people hanging out outdoors at night. You wouldn’t expect to see something like this during what’s basically been a cold wave.” Everitt said although the numbers are alarming, conclusions should not be drawn based on one month of numbers. “Some of these cases may be connected, and you may have one shooter shooting multiple people,” he said. “Massachusetts has a very low rate of gun deaths. That’s very

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Campus & City Column GIRL,21

Too old for this

It’s probably because of the freezing cold weather and depressingly short days, but I’ve turned into a grumpy, pessimistic introvert lately, and the prospect of six more weeks of winter makes it even worse. So, I’ll be anxiously awaiting the groundhog’s reaction Sunday. The normal things that make me happy just aren’t doing it these days, mainly since I SYDNEY L. SHEA feel like I’m on house arrest in StuVi. It has been weeks since I have ventured somewhere downtown, something I used to do all the time. I have only been going out on the weekends — I barely have any inclination to do Thirsty Thursday anymore. Besides all of this, I think I’m just coming to terms with being old — or, at least, too old for this. By “this,” I mean dealing with all the cheerful young freshmen and sophomores at Boston University who are so excited by their blossoming futures, completely and happily unaware that the feeling only lasts for so long. I love BU more than any other place in the world — it is not only the center of my universe, but also the entirety of my universe itself. But I, too, was the same way as an underclassman: too optimistic to really care about any chance I might actually not reach my career or academic goals. While the Millennial rant has been quite overdone, especially in the past year, I often reflect on how important it is to not feel special and entitled, or at least too optimistic altogether. It isn’t this generation’s fault that loads of hippie nonsense was constantly emphasized in the 1990s and 2000s, and that teachers and parents would remind us over and over again how we were each precious and unique snowflakes, but guess what? Snowflakes kind of suck, especially the ones that have been making way too many appearances lately during snowstorms. I don’t pause on the BU Bridge to behold the miraculous spectacle of a particular snowflake, but instead try to ignore them and get back to my apartment as quickly as possible. Each time I have to ask someone for anything, be it a recommendation, a stop by office hours or extra handout from class, I’m self-conscious. I’m coming across as an entitled 21-year-old princess who always has to have her way, which I like to think is entirely untrue. I just hope more of my peers realize that vainly boosting themselves with self-affirmations each day is not beneficial whatsoever. While it’s important to think about one’s own accomplishments, that can’t obscure the reality that in a dream job, graduate school program or internship, there are so few positions for only the most special of snowflakes. Sometimes I wish I were raised with more modesty as a child instead of exclusively learning about positive reassurance all the time. Although I’ve basically been allergic to happy people lately, I’m optimistic that once mercury starts rising in the thermometers, I’ll be back to myself. And by “myself,” I mean a normal human being who likes to drink a lot on Thursday nights. Sydney L. Shea is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. She can be reached at slshea@bu.edu.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Mayor Walsh revamps cabinet positions Mass. takes part


Boston Mayor Martin Walsh announced Wednesday his plans for restructuring his Cabinet by reducing the number of positions, improving collaboration among similar departments and improving services for residents of Boston. By Kelsey Newell Daily Free Press Staff

Boston Mayor Martin Walsh announced Wednesday that he is reorganizing the departments and

cabinets of the City of Boston by reducing cabinet positions and promoting collaboration. “Our role as a government is to improve people’s lives, and the purpose of this reorganization is to better deliver services to the people of Boston,” Walsh said in a Wednesday release. “As a new administration serving a rapidly changing city, we’ve had an opportunity to take a good hard look at what worked, what could work better, and make changes to become more efficient and improve outcomes for the people we serve.” The new organization sorts the departments into 12 cabinets: Chief of Staff; Arts and Culture; Economic Development; Education; Environment, Energy and Open Space; Finance and Budget; Health and Human Services; Housing and Neighborhood Development; Information and Technology; Operations and Administration; Public Safety; and Streets, Transportation and Sanitation. With this reorganization comes the consolidation of the Advocacy and Strategic Invest-

ment and Public Property departments. These changes are intended to make the workings of the city government more efficient and productive. “The cabinet of Streets, Transportation and Sanitation, for example, will better align operations of the Department of Public Works, the Boston Transportation Department and Boston Water and Sewer, departments that frequently work together in different capacities,” said the release. In order to put economic growth as one of the most important issues in the city, Walsh created the cabinet Economic Development. This cabinet will include any departments that contribute to the advancement of Boston’s economy. “Mayor Walsh has consistently emphasized the need for increased transparency and accessibility for all Bostonians — especially women — and minority-owned businesses, and local businesses — to share in and benefit from the economic boom in Boston,” said the release.

Walsh, see page 4

BUMC awards community grant to Franklin Park By Taryn Ottaunick Daily Free Press Staff

Boston University Medical Campus has awarded the Franklin Park Coalition a grant to support outdoor youth activities, according to a Tuesday press release. The BU Community Grant, which totals $2,500, is awarded by the BUMC to a program in either Roxbury or the South End that benefits young people, said Valeda Britton, the executive director of community relations at BUMC. “The BU Community Grant for ‘Back to Nature’ at Franklin Park is a way of getting young people to go into Franklin Park and utilize Franklin Park for various activities,” she said. “It picked up on our making a difference in the lives of young people and benefitting youth, so we liked this community grant application.” The FPC’s ‘Back to Nature’ program will encourages children from ages five to 18 to utilize Franklin Park’s 500 acres of

facilities and will benefit an estimated 1,000 young people, Britton said. “The program is designed … to bring up to a thousand young people into the park,” Britton said. “It’s not just one event specific. It’s over the course of the year. They’ll have a turkey trot, they’ll have snowshoeing, biking, a weekly drop-in sports night. They’re doing things over the year to promote good health and good choices for youth in the community.” FPC Executive Director Christine Poff said the grant will be earmarked for the extensive recreational and educational programs the park holds for the community throughout the year. “The way to get people in the park and outdoors is by running these programs,” Poff said. “It’s really hard to fund them and maintain them and run them, and people in the communities that use them really love and count on them. We serve thousands of people a year with these programs. It’s great that BU recognized this

through the grant.” Britton said awarding the grant to a youth program, particularly one such as ‘Back to Nature’ that promotes physical fitness, is in accordance with BUMC’s commitment to engaging the Boston youth community through healthy activities. “We want to be a good neighbor and promote activities that benefit youth,” Britton said. “Last March, we opened up a fitness facility over at the Blackstone Community Health Center in the South End, and that was really targeted to combat teen obesity … We really want to be a part of the community and engage the community. Youth is a good way to do it.” Youth programs sponsored by the FPC include snow festivals, New England forest studies, summer sports nights and outdoor open concerts, all of which are freely accessible to the public, Poff said. To read the rest of this story, visit dailyfreepress.com.

in multistate assessment of public colleges By Kelsey Newell Daily Free Press Staff

Massachusetts is one of nine states to take part in a multi-state collaborative for qualitatively assessing students’ learning in public higher education institutions, the Department of Higher Education announced on Tuesday. The program will be managed by the State Higher Education Executive Officials Association and the American Association of Colleges and Universities. It received $1 million of funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and will involve faculty from public higher education institutions in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island and Utah to gather and assess students’ work according to a Liberal Education and America’s Promise rubric. “In order to have the best higher education system in the nation, which is what [Commissioner Freeland’s] goal is, we need to know what our students are learning and what they can do,” said Katy Abel, associate commissioner for external affairs at the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. “We’ve got to devise a means of assessing their learning. What this is trying to address is developing a way to get a picture of what Massachusetts students are doing compared to students in other states.” Abel said an assessment like this is vital when paying for a college education puts so many people in debt. “Because it costs so much to go to college, the question of what’s the value of college is really a huge question, so that’s another reason why both in higher education and in the outside world people are saying we need to know what we’re getting for our money here, what are students learning,” she said. “It’s not a standardized test, we’re going to be assessing what students

Education, see page 4

Universities see sizable increases in endowment, study suggests By Taryn Ottaunick Daily Free Press Staff

Although the United States economy is recovering from one of the worst recorded financial crises in history, a report published Tuesday reveals endowment funds at schools such as Boston University have increased. The report, issued by the National Association of College and University Business Officers and Commonfund, evaluated the responses of 835 surveyed universities to process the overall average endowments of these schools, which increased by 11.7 percent in the 2013 fiscal year. “The stock market is up a great

deal in the last year, so this 11.7 percent increase is roughly what the stock market did,” said Randall Ellis, a College of Arts and Sciences professor of economics. “We’re coming out of the recession, and the stock market has been growing at a very healthy rate in the past year.” The increase in endowments in 2013 displays a sharp contrast to the 2012 endowment return picture, said NACUBO Director of Research and Policy Analysis Kenneth Redd. “The prior year, endowments returned -0.3 percent, which is basically flat, so this year, having an 11.7 percent return is very

Endowments, see page 4


Based on an annual survey, college and university endowments in the United States were up approximately 12 percent in the 2013 budget year. More than 80 institutions reported endowments more than $1 billion.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Program will Endowments improved by Walsh forms cabinet to improve assess public strengthening stock market creative community in Boston school profs. endowMenTS: From Page 3

educATion: From Page 3

learn and what they know and can do on the basis of the work that they’ve produced in their classes.” Julie Carnahan, senior associate at SHEEO, said what sets this program apart from all the other student assessments is that it is not a standardized test. It is a qualitative examination by professors to see what students are truly learning in class. “This is to improve student learning across the board by using qualitative methods of assessing students’ work,” she said. “This has never been done before on this scale.” The process will be very extensive, involving gathering both assignments done by the professors and also by the students. The professors will then assess students’ work from other institutions. Then the faculty will score the assignments based on the LEAP value rubrics. “That will allow us to look at aggregate data by type of institution,” Carnahan said. “We’ll be able to start to see that within those areas there may be some institutions whose students perform on a much higher level on those rubrics, so we’ll try to figure out what we can learn about that. Faculty will be able to get advice from other faculty.” Dr. Terrel Rhodes, vice president for the Office of Quality, Curriculum and Assessment at the AAC&U, echoed how this program will provide data on which officials can take action and improve teaching and said he has full faith in the program. “We believe that the AAC&U VALUE rubric approach is a rich alternative approach that doesn’t cost more money than standardized tests, is as valid and reliable, and engages faculty with information they can use in the classroom and that students can use to have a fuller understanding of the learning they are expected to demonstrate,” he said. A number of residents praised the leaders behind this initiative, but also thought that the assessment should include more than classroom curriculum. “It’s definitely great because standardized tests have been questioned for a long time now,” said Robert Hildreth, 65, of Boston. “However, colleges need to be incorporating knowledge into the curriculum that future employers look for. Often times classroom curriculums don’t include enough of that.” Sarah Wright, 50, of South Boston said she is doubtful of what these classroom assignments will entail and how exactly they will be able to give a comprehensive look at a students’ knowledge. “I would really like to know more about what kinds of assignments these students will be completing and what the details of the rubric are,” she said. “I think it will always be difficult to really see how prepared a student is for working in the real world until they’re placed in the real world.”

helpful,” Redd said. Redd said the significant increase can be attributed to the growing strength of the U.S. stock market as well as the expertise of the endowment managers employed to manage finances at universities. “Just like any investment, the value rises and falls based on two things: the strength of the financial markets and the skills of the investments,” he said. “… The U.S. stocks this year did really well, and many of our endowment managers and investment officers are very skilled and experienced. The fact that most campuses had a very strong year attached to the fact that investment managers have positioned themselves very well accounts for the improvements in the market.” Sambuddha Ghosh, a CAS professor of economics, said the increase could be sparked from universities’ efforts to combat the failing economy by finding alternative ways to beef up endowments. “Because of the [financial] crisis … the funding for universities has been cut,” Ghosh said. “All of this increased the effort of the universities to go out and look for other sources of funding … This could be coupled with some economic recovery that’s

also happened. Effort to get more funding intensifies and then the economy picks up more steam.” Reports showed BU’s endowment increased by 11.5 percent in the 2013 fiscal year, an investment return that remains consistent with the national average, said BU spokesman Colin Riley. “Our endowment climbed to $1.4 billion based on a combination of new gifts, transfers and a preliminary return of 11.5 percent in fiscal year 2013,” Riley said. “This is consistent with what was reported nationally. To see double digit returns reflects very well on [BU’s financial] management.” Although BU’s endowment is markedly low for a school of its size, Ellis said BU has been successful in its efforts to grow its endowment in the past decade by petitioning alumni to give donations. “BU’s endowment is not as large as some of the other toptier schools, because they were not as effective at fundraising during the ‘80s and ‘90s, but in the last decade they have done much better in growing their endowment,” Ellis said. “They’ve been reconnecting with the hundreds of thousands of BU alumni who were somewhat disaffected under the years with John Silber. Many of them are becoming more favorably inclined to give donations.”

wAlSh: From Page 3

Walsh also added an entirely new cabinet, Arts and Culture, in order to make sure that the Boston arts community receives proper funding. However, it will also be working with other departments in any and all creative, economic, and tourism projects. Walsh began working on this reorganization nearly immediately after he got elected, while

he was still transitioning into the mayoral office. He sought advice from the transition committee and Boston residents and businesses in order to make the new structure as productive as possible, according to the release. These changes will be put in effect in the near future, there may be additional consolidations or changes and it may affect the city’s budget.

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Thursday, January 30th

Boston University Hillel | 6:30 pm IsraelCampusRoundtable.org


From garage band to the Grammys: Inside music’s biggest night

here’s a reason that the Grammys are second only to the Academy Awards in the pecking order of anticipated awards ceremonies: the Grammys are a show. Despite some tedium from prestigious artists like Metallica and the surviving members of the Beatles, Sunday’s Grammy Awards telecast lived up to its pedigree as the most fun one can have while watching rich people pretend to be civil. Daft Punk consummated their groovy crusade with a performance featuring Pharrell, Nile Rodgers and Stevie Wonder. Kendrick Lamar and Imagine Dragons played an incredibly fun mash-up of “m.A.A.d city” and “Radioactive.” Macklemore & Ryan Lewis offered the peak of ridiculous arena rock spectacle by singing the LGBTQ rights anthem “Same Love” while Queen Latifah presided over the weddings of more than 30 gay and straight couples. Oh, and then Madonna showed up. Try as they might, however, the fuss over the performances are a pittance compared to the mix of vindication and disappointment that is the response to the award winners each year. The average watcher might only be concerned with what their favorite stars wore or sang, but check any music publication: There are always complaints and concessions and endless qualifications about why this group or that singer didn’t win, et cetera. Every year, fans yearn to simply ask, “Why?” Thanks to Irwin Shur, 55, the Muse has some answers. Shur, who performed professionally for 20 years and runs his own independent label through which he released an album of original songs in 2003, is virtually unknown. This is perhaps the biggest misconception about the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, the body that votes for the Grammys: It isn’t an exclusive group of high and mighty artists and producers and record executives. The

Ross Hsu

Muse Staff


Shur, a 55-year-old Chicago native, plays guitar at BB King’s in Nashville. Shur is a member of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, which decides the winners of the Grammy Awards.

only requirement for being a member of the Academy, aside from the dues, is a credit on a commercial release. “It’s not just the music clique,” Shur said. “I don’t know Beyoncé or Justin Bieber.” As told by Shur, the voting process seems unexpectedly straightforward: Voters are mailed ballots that they fill in with their top choices for each category, and then the winners among those are sent in a second ballot from which the voters mark their choices for the winners. Interestingly enough, voters are only able to vote for 24 of the 78 categories on the second ballot, including the “big four” — Record,

Song and Album of the Year, as well as Best New Artist — and then up to 20 additional specific categories. Shur explained that he exercises restraint where he doesn’t feel he has expertise: “I don’t normally vote for more than about 10, because I don’t feel that I know enough about the other genres.” While not especially surprising, Shur’s explanation of how he judges submissions and nominees was refreshing in its clarity and impartiality. “I always think in terms of quality,” he said. “… But a lot of time you also have to think

about what the category itself is, because even similar ones like Song of the Year and Performance of the Year are very different things. You might like a song’s writing, but not its performance.” Shur also explained a kind of anti-sweep method for picking winners, though he might not call it as much. “You can do some trade-offs in your head in terms of how many awards somebody is nominated for. You can give someone the chance to win in a very close category because there’s another category that they could easily landslide.” Of all the things Shur revealed, the most likely to draw sighs of relief was his opinions about nominees he’s never heard of. “Sometimes it can actually work in somebody’s favor,” Shur said. “A good first impression is a convincing thing.” He had less exciting things to say about his colleagues, however. “Can someone get sentimental votes?” Shur asked. “Sure. Happens all the time.” If that wasn’t enough to quiet the cries of upset fans, Shur’s comments on the composition of the Academy make a convincing case for the status quo. “No one’s ever going to be totally satisfied. Is it a perfect system? No. But there are pros and cons to everything. There are flaws to letting only people or only musicians vote, and of course, if only critics voted, who would choose the critics? I think the fact that the Academy’s membership is not limited purely to the inner circle makes it a little better.” It’s certainly reassuring to imagine that most of the Academy is made up of people like Irwin Shur, but there’s no way of knowing. Even if we could find out, would people stop arguing about the Grammys? Probably not.

We can’t bear how Wild Cub’s debut album claws its way into our hearts


n the past year or so, pop music has been overwhelmed with vivacious electronic components and unwavering cheer. Call it a necessary break from the mundane cycle of painful, mind-numbing ballads. Call it whatever you want. After a while, it gets to be too much. Maybe that’s why I was so hesitant to praise Wild Cub’s Youth when I first listened to it. “Thunder Clatter” has been making its way around the indie airwaves, and while charming and certain to stay stuck in one’s head — seriously, all pretention aside, I adore the song — the song has a certain marketability that made me fear for the originality of the other 15 songs on the album. I expected an hour of peppy, bright and delightful indie pop, but nothing with any hint of mystery or exclusivity. I was completely and utterly wrong. Youth nearly perfectly balances this aforementioned saccharine pop with a dark and shadowy backdrop. It’s intricate enough to please the most pretentious of music snobs yet catchy enough to appeal to the masses. And while it certainly has that perkiness and mindlessness to it that makes you want to have a major dance session in front of the mirror in your pajamas, it grows more and more complex with each listen. The album begins with “Shapeless,” your typical experimental blend of drumbeats, echoy synth beats and bleeps and bloops. But it’s different. You can hear the yearning in lead

Sarah Kirkpatrick Muse Staff

singer Keegan DeWitt’s voice and the diary entry-like composition of his words. It escapes been-there-done-that territory and very nearly breaks your heart. “Colour,” the second track, is perhaps the second-most radio-friendly track on the album after “Thunder Clatter.” It has an undeniable singalongability that makes you want to blast it through your speakers and lose your voice yelling along, but it escapes commercial dullness with an unexplainable pop-rock complexity. Youth has its share of slight disco influence, too. “Straight No Turns” and “Wishing Well” smartly draw upon the elements that made Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories so successful ... without the repetitiveness. Think of the songs more as homage to Twin Shadow, Cut Copy or maybe Toro Y Moi — more of a funky chillwave with rich vocals. The album has its share of solid slower songs — “The Water,” “Drive,” “Streetlights” and “Windows” — but the true highlights on Youth are the more up-tempo tracks: the echoing bliss of “Hidden in the Night,” the sharp and layered staccato vocals in “Lies” and, yes, the crowd-pleasing sheer joy of “Thunder Clatter.” But the true star lies 11 tracks in, on “Summer Fires / Hidden Spells.” It combines triballike drumming with an eerie bass line and mysterious synth beats, resulting in a masterpiece. Reminiscent of Arcade Fire, it is perhaps unintentionally the best song on the entire album. It


Wild Cub, seen here performing at SXSW in 2013, gets feral with peppy indie rock.

has joyful spurts of sound and cowbell layered over scratchy, dark and shadowy aspects. Much of the album is infused with this juxtaposition of darkness and lightness, of lost and found. From start to finish on Youth, DeWitt’s gravelly voice is grouped with neon bursts of enrapturing sound and hide-and-go-seek lyrics all wrapped up with a giant bow of perfect drums and bass. It is confusion yet it makes so much sense. It is heartbreak and it is love. It is brightness emerging from gloom.

This album, living up to its title, blends these paradoxical elements so sweetly. Our youth is defined by wanting to escape from the darkness, by waiting to be found and uncovered. Our youth is filled with opposing forces bouncing off each other to create pure beauty. Who knows if this is what they were going for at all. Wild Cub’s debut effort draws on all the good elements of pop and discards the unnecessary, resulting in one of the most cleansing and refreshing albums in a while.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Daily Free Press


The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University

Life in the left lane

Death Penalty

44th year F Volume 86 F Issue 9

Sarah Kirkpatrick, Editor-in-Chief Brian Latimer, Managing Editor

Rachel Riley, Campus Editor

Alice Bazerghi, City Editor

Andrew Battifarano, Sports Editor

Trisha Thadani, Opinion Editor

Heather Goldin, Multimedia Editor

Maya Devereaux, Photo Editor

Brooke Jackson-Glidden, Features Editor

Emily Hartwell, Layout Editor

Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2013 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

A new face for immigration reform?

In U.S. President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address Tuesday night, he once again called for immigration reform — but don’t worry, just like he said last year and the year before, this time he really means it. But luckily for Obama, Justin Bieber not only sang Christmas carols with his two daughters back in 2011, based on recent allegations, he also provided the White House a glaring opportunity to publicize its stance on immigration reform in America. Most of us have shamefully been following Bieber in the news since his demise began last year when he allegedly peed in a bucket at a club. Or maybe it all originated when he broke up with Selena for the seventh time? Either way, it doesn’t matter how or when Bieber’s downfall began because now it has spiraled so out of control that the White House is forced to get involved. Following allegations that Bieber egged his neighbor’s home in Calabasas, Calif., police found drugs when they raided the pop star’s mansion last Thursday. Following this incident, Bieber was arrested on Jan. 23 after he was caught drag racing and allegedly admitting to having alcohol, marijuana and prescription anti-anxiety drugs in his system. Bieber has an arraignment set for Feb.14 — which surely has crushed the hopes of all those hoping to be his “one less lonely girl” on Valentine’s Day. The kicker to this whole situation is since Bieber is not a citizen and only in the United States on a temporary, renewable visa, his alleged DUI puts him up for possible deportation. Those who claim they care about the bigger issues in the news such as the Syrian conflict and revolution in the Ukraine should put the question of Bieber’s deportation on their list, because belieb it or not, the verdict for this case could be monumental for immigration reform in America. Simply put, Obama wants to reform our immigration system to make it easier for undocumented immigrants to apply for citizenship. Doing so would mean lightening the terms in which temporary residents, such as Mr. Bieber, are deported. Regardless of how many jokes can be made over Bieber’s possible deportation, this has become a very real and serious question within America — one serious enough that it could put Obama’s credibility even further on the line. Anti-Beliebers created a petition on the White House website entitled, “Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card.” Similar to

the White House petitions created to construct a Star Wars Death Star and to make Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA” the National Anthem, this petition crossed the required 100,000 signatures on Wednesday to garner mandatory attention by the White House. However, before the White House makes its final decision on Bieber’s citizenship, the real question they need to answer is why hasn’t he already been deported? According to the Immigration Policy Center, an average of 400,000 immigrants are deported a year for “aggravated felony,” which includes minor, non-violent theft offense such as drug possession, forgery and tax evasion. Another crime considered an aggravated felony is assault — similar to what Bieber was accused of doing to a photographer last May. But, in America, if a celebrity immigrant with millions of dollars allegedly assaults a member of the paparazzi but has the money to spend on the nation’s best lawyers, then did the assault ever even happen? Well, considering the fact that Bieber was still parading around LA in a $260,000 Lamborghini Gallardo as of last week, apparently the answer is no. If the White House decides to deport Bieber for his most recent allegations, then the “broken immigration system” that Obama is desperately trying to fix will be blatantly projected into the public eye. But, on the other hand, if Bieber is allowed to stay in the country, how will the White House explain to all of the other undocumented citizens who were deported for shoplifting or possessing some of marijuana? Bieber has definitely pushed the implications of America’s “broken” immigration system into the limelight. There is a lot more that will go into the White House’s ultimate decision to deport Bieber rather than simply claiming he is a stain on our world of pop culture and a terrible influence on our nation’s youth. Because in this case, the only way the White House can avoid allegations of favoring immigrants who are celebrities and non-minorities is by deporting Bieber and including him under the existing laws before the system is changed. On the other hand, if he actually is deported, Obama’s attempt to reform the existing immigration laws will fail once again, and this time in front of a much bigger audience. No matter what the White House decides regarding Bieber’s citizenship, this case is going to open up a huge can of worms in America — subsequently leaving Obama between a rock, a hard place and a lot of angry Beliebers.

Authorities say a New Mexico woman reported she was speeding to get away from a gunman ... but the gunman didn’t actuallly exist. We here at the ol’ Free Press were wondering what people at BU would do to get out of a speeding ticket. • • • •

SMG: Cops wouldn’t be able to catch up to their Nissan GTRs. ENG: Shine a laser in the police officer’s eyes and speed away. BU Athletics: Flex. It’s hypnotizing. President Brown: He’d pay for the ticket with his own money (which is partially funded by the undergraduate student fee). • The FreeP: Just accept the ticket because we’re on deadline.

SARA Ryan By Friday, Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. will have to decide whether or not he will pursue the death penalty in one of the most publicized cases of his tenure. According to a Boston Herald article published Tuesday, Holder has until the end of the month to decide on the case of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the suspect held on 30 counts in relation to the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15. As a proponent of the death penalty, I thought I knew what I wanted to happen. However, the more I think about it, the more I believe Tsarnaev should sit in a jail cell for the rest of his life. Holder has been deliberating on this decision for months, and the media speculation has been increasing since early December awaiting the announcement. With the formal deadline looming, Holder will have no choice but to make the call. Last April, I sat in my high school physics classroom on the south side of Chicago, watching the news coverage of the tragedy in the city I was going to call home that fall. In the days that followed, a city shut down in an attempt to find the people responsible. This is one of those issues where I completely understand both sides of the argument, which is what makes it such a moral conflict. The opinions of those seek the death penalty are completely valid. Some people who are on death row do not value life, and I firmly believe the world would be a better place without them. However, it’s difficult to figure out who those people are. It might appear obvious when we read the stories in newspapers and online about people who committed horrible crimes. However, the media, and even the law, can get it wrong sometimes. A Business Insider article from Oct. 18 reported on the story of James Bain. Convicted of breaking and entering, rape and kidnapping in 1974, Bain spent 35 years in jail before he was exonerated with DNA evidence. Imagine if Bain had been on death row. Not only would Bain have spent decades in jail, but also there is a very good chance he wouldn’t have lived to exoneration. Tsarnaev is not a common case, however. Although technically he is still not convicted, the case against him is fairly strong. There isn’t a chance of a mistaken identity here. Rather, the question is whether or not he qualifies for the death sentence according to the Justice Department’s strict standards. Seriously, check them out — they’re incredibly specific.

Since I’m not a lawyer (yet), I can’t speak to whether or not Tsarnaev qualifies. As for what the people want, there’s a bit of a disagreement. A Washington PostABC poll from May found 70 percent of Americans wanted Holder to seek the death penalty. Conversely, a similar poll conducted in September 2013 showed that only 33 percent of Massachusetts residents wanted the death penalty for Tsarnaev. While this tragedy clearly affected Massachusetts residents more than others, Tsarnaev is being tried in federal court, which makes it a matter of national concern. On the whole, I’m conflicted. Part of me knows that this world will be a better place without Tsarnaev in it. I can’t see him repenting or trying to make up for the irreparable damage he caused. However, another part of me thinks that if the jury convicts and sentences him to death, he’s getting the easy way out. He gets to die a martyr, which seems unfair to all the people who he hurt. Martyrs inspire others. Guys sitting in jail cells, eating up government resources and health care? Not so much. Obviously I’m ignoring the moral and religious arguments because I know that’s where most of us will disagree. We have to look beyond the moral reasons and see what’s best for Boston and this country. My conclusion that Tsarnaev should get life in prison is a hesitant one. It’s not that I believe he deserves to live, I just don’t think he should die from a lethal injection. Sometimes there are worse things in the world than death. For Dzhokar Tsarnaev, I think that would be living the rest of his life in a prison cell. I don’t expect all my readers to agree with me. This is a hot-button issue, right up there with abortion. Holder, a Columbiaeducated lawyer (insert ooohs and ahhs) has had months to think about this decision. I’m not expecting to change minds in 800 words. I just want you to think for a minute about what justice truly is in this situation. It’s not just about Tsarnaev. We don’t know if he is remorseful or if he was coerced, but it’s not about him. It’s about Krystle Campbell, Martin Richard, Lingzi Lu and all the injured. It’s about the families, friends and people of Boston. It’s about justice for a city, not revenge. Sara Ryan is a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences studying political science and math. She can be reached at sryan15@bu.edu.

The opinions and ideas expressed by columnists and cartoonists are their own and are not necessarily representative of the opinions of The Daily Free Press.


Thursday, January 30, 2014


Chipps: NCAA penalty for marijuana, PEDs should not be same Chipps: From Page 8

Like most serious issues, the NCAA’s policy regarding marijuana use and testing has been questionable. The NCAA tests for marijuana, although it doesn’t consider it a performanceenhancing drug. In an attempt to crack down on the number of student athletes smoking marijuana, the NCAA began stricter testing for the drug this past year, with the threshold for a positive test being reduced from 15 to five nanograms per milliliter of blood. Although the NCAA doesn’t consider marijuana a performance-enhancing drug, the punishment for testing positive for the drug (a yearlong suspension) is the same as testing positive

for performance-enhancing drugs. So really, what’s the difference? Marijuana use in this country is more than just a college issue or a sports issue. It’s a political issue that extends far beyond the reaches of NCAA President Mark Emmert or Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany. But the idea that college athletes should be punished for smoking weed as if they were taking steroids is absurd and wrong. College students are smoking weed at a higher rate now than ever before. In the same study done by Rutgers University, it was reported that 50 percent of male non-athletes and 48 percent of female non-athletes had admitted to previously using marijuana.

There is a double standard in this country. We glorify marijuana use with Hollywood blockbusters and hip-hop artists’ music videos, but we reject and scorn college athletes who test positive for the drug. This isn’t the NFL and the NCAA isn’t a private company that can do whatever they want. These student athletes don’t have a players’ union to protect their best interests. In fact, they don’t have a voice at all. Because a positive drug test can lead to such a harsh penalty, schools have swept this issue under the rug by concealing drug records and letting athletes get away with positive drug use. Instead of counseling players on how to properly use the drug or act responsibly around the

drug, colleges have completely kept this issue behind close doors. What a shame. There’s a very high chance that someone reading this column right now just took a toke of the marijuana smoke, and yet there is also a very high chance that that same person would instantly reject their favorite college athlete if he or she was suspended for testing positive for marijuana. This country is crazy about drugs, but it’s afraid to admit it. It loves marijuana, but it hates athletes who use it. I don’t understand it, and I don’t support this train of thought. But hey, I guess that’s the American way.

Huskies vying for playoff opportunity Women’s Hockey: From Page 8


Sophomore forward Sarah Lefort will look to help end BU’s four-game losing streak.

Hankerson ‘delivers’ for“WeTerriers off bench did a really poor job inbounding the Bench: From Page 8

“So I just kept on putting it up. My teammates kept finding me, and I just tried to keep them motivated and intense throughout the game.” “[Hankerson] had it going,” Jones said. “He was playing so well that we needed to find him some time on the floor. So we went with him and he delivered for us. He’s a talented kid. He’s still got a lot to learn but he’s getting it.” The BU bench has been forced to shoulder more offensive responsibility of late with the struggles of senior forward Dom Morris and sophomore guard Maurice Watson Jr. In his last four games, Morris has shot 25 percent from the field, well-below his career average of 51 percent. Against the Black Knights, Morris had one of the worst games of his career offensively, going just 3-16 from the field and turning the ball over twice. The usually consistent Watson has also had his struggles of late, with ball security becoming a major issue. In Wednesday’s overtime thriller, Watson turned the ball over four times, contributing to a starting squad that turned the ball over 18 times as a whole.

ball against their pressure,” Jones said. “Our guards didn’t work hard enough to get open. We had 10 turnovers between our inbounders and then [senior guard] D.J [Irving] had five and [Watson] had four.” Watson has also struggled from the field of late, shooting just 30 percent over his last three contests. Quality minutes were once again delivered by sophomore forward Justin Alston, who provides a defensive presence off the bench. On Wednesday, his shot-blocking presence was felt by the Black Knights’ guards, as he caused many contested shots. Alston has seen increased minutes in recent weeks. As the Terriers make their way toward March, Jones certainly understands the advantage his bench provides him. “We’re a talented team and we have really good players,” Jones said. “On any given night, there are a lot of guys that can step up to the plate and get it done. We just need to be consistent. We need to do things the right way and carry ourselves the right way all the time.”

Army plays stingy defense in win over BU Women’s Hoops: From Page 8

Scannell. It was Hope’s third 3-pointer of the night and Scannell’s second. The Terriers went to the locker room shooting 37 percent from the field and 46.2 percent from 3-point territory. Of their two attempts at the free throw line, neither found its way through the netting. “I thought they just started denying us, really preventing us from making the next pass in our offense, and they put us on our heels a little bit,” Greenberg said. “I think once they did that, it was hard for us to get back in stride with our offenses, but they did a nice job taking us out of

what we like to do.” At the start of the second half, BU looked like it was ready to piece together a comeback, cashing in on a couple free throws and tossing in a layup, but the Black Knights put up 12 unanswered points to cushion their lead to 19 with 13:57 left in the game. Army took its largest lead of the game exactly 10 minutes later, pulling even farther away from the Terriers, who found themselves in a 31-point hole. To read the rest of this story, visit dailyfreepress.com.

BU coach Brian Durocher said he attributes the recent scoring trouble to the impressive goaltending BU has run into, but that the Terriers’ recent goal totals could translate into wins with better defensive play. “Maybe we haven’t scored some goals, but sometimes you’re going to run into a hot goalie,” Durocher said. “The Vermont [junior] goaltender [Roxanne Douville] is an all-star goalie who had a real good weekend and made it tough for us to score. “Some nights that’s going to happen, but you can win a lot of hockey games with two goals if you’re playing good defense.” Despite allowing just 2.48 goals per game on the season, good for second-best in Hockey East, the Terriers have allowed 4.0 goals per game over their past five contests. They also have not held an opponent to under three goals since their Jan. 4 matchup against Dartmouth College. Durocher said he thinks the Terriers need to focus on details in order to improve their defensive play. “I just think we haven’t had a very good attention to detail,” Durocher said. “And that’s a wide range of things; from how we’re back checking, how we’re thinking, how we’re covering in front of the net and how quick we are athletically with our feet and legs. “We’ve all got to be ready to compete and fight because that’s basically what defense is.” UConn’s (7-17-2, 4-8-1 Hockey East) offense could provide BU with the ideal opportunity to gets its defense back on

track. The Huskies rank just seventh in Hockey East in scoring with a measly average of 1.92 goals per game on the season. They do not have a double-digit goal scorer this season, as their top scorers, forwards Sarah MacDonnell and Kayla Campero, have netted nine pucks apiece. Durocher said UConn can be dangerous, as it is making a push to move up in the Hockey East rankings. “[UConn is] a team that’s trying to inch forward in the playoff picture,” Durocher said. “If they keep getting better, if they keep finding ways to defend hard and be in competitive games, they’re going to gain a lot of confidence when they get to that playoff game. “I think [UConn coach] Chris MacKenzie has done a good job in that area and we know we’re going to have an opponent that’s going to be very competitive and work very hard.” UConn has improved its play of late, going 3-3 in its past six games. But even during that stretch, the Huskies scored just 11 goals, only good for 1.83 goals per game — lower than their season average. “I think it’s a good matchup if we play hard in the defensive end of the ice,” Durocher said. “Our team has to recognize that when you get to the playoffs, when you get to the big games — and that might be the Beanpot next week — they’re probably not going to be won 7-6. They’re going to be won 3-1, 2-1, 3-2, so you better not give up goals.” “The more we can dominate defensively and be very thorough and diligent defensively, the better chance we’re going to have to win games against anybody.”

Black Knight attack surges in 2nd half, Irving, Terriers answer in extra frame Men’s Basketball: From Page 8

stop any layup attempts, denying two consecutive Army chances. Dieudonné’s fast hands on the defensive end led to an open layup for senior guard D.J. Irving. Despite Irving’s layup and Dieudonné’s strong play, BU continued its season-long trend of slowly giving back the lead built up during the first half of play. In six minutes, Army went on a 24-10 run to cut the Terriers lead down to eight points with 9:30 left in the game. As he had been doing all night, Hankerson responded to Army’s comeback attempt with a 3-pointer with 3:28 remaining in the half, giving BU a 70-62 lead. The shot was not enough to ignite the BU offense, however, forcing the Terriers to fight off the Black Knights for the remainder of the game. Army continued to shoot the deep ball well, and with another 3-point make from Cox with 1:30 remaining, the Black Knights tied the score at 70. Irving looked to answer, and a jumper from the senior put the Terriers ahead by two with 1:06 left. Following a timeout with 24 seconds remaining in the frame, Army moved the ball

around the floor, allowing guard Kyle Wilson to find the hole and tie the game at 72 with just over 10 seconds left to play. On its final possession of the second half, BU put the ball in the hands of Irving, who missed a fading jump shot as the clock expired, sending the game to overtime. “I just wanted to get a good enough shot where I could make,” Irving said. “I got to the spot I wanted and it just didn’t fall for me.” In overtime, however, it was Irving who did all the work for BU. After surrendering the lead to Army for the first time all game after a Wilson free throw, Irving went to the foul line on three consecutive possessions to give BU an 81-76 lead with 1:24 to go in the extra frame. With 11.3 seconds remaining in overtime, the Black Knights trailed 84-81 and had an opportunity to extend the game. However, a missed 3-point attempt and a foul on junior forward Malik Thomas sealed the deal, giving BU another close victory. “I was proud of the fact we were able to get it done in overtime, that shows a lot of character on our part,” said BU coach Joe Jones. “We made some big plays in overtime to win the game.”


On any given night, there are a lot of guys that can step up to the plate and get it done.

- BU coach Joe Jones on the depth of his team.

paGE 8

Fish and Chipps



Freshman guard Cedric Hankerson scored 19 points off the bench in BU’s win over Army. By Christopher Dela Rosa Daily Free Press Staff

After nearly blowing a 20-point lead just five days ago against Bucknell University, the Boston University men’s basketball team returned to Agganis Arena to take on the third-place U.S. Military Academy in another Patriot League contest.

No Events Scheduled Wednesday, Dodgers OF Yasiel Puig was cleared of all reckless driving charges steming from a Dec. incident in Florida.

Despite a great opening from the Terriers, BU (15-7, 8-1 Patriot League) found itself in another tight late-game situation after blowing a 22-point second half lead. The Terriers had to fend off the hot-handed Black Knights (10-10, 6-3 Patriot League), but eventually pulled out an 86-81 victory in overtime.

“I think the team that came out on top tonight, whether it was Army or BU, was going to feel they accomplished something tonight,” said Army coach Zach Spiker. “Credit to BU, they hit some big shots.” Right from the start, the Terriers pounced on the Black Knights, as sophomore guard Maurice Watson Jr., hit the first shot of the game to start a 9-2 BU run. Army came back after the first media timeout and looked to get a run of its own when freshman Tanner Omlid hit a layup while the defense switched to fullcourt press. Despite the changes, the Terriers continued to stick to their game plan. With just under four minutes remaining in the half, Army’s center Kevin Ferguson was able to cut BU’s lead down to 12 points, but unfortunately for the Black Knights, that would be all of the scoring they would do for the rest of the half. BU with some strong offensive play went into the break with a commanding 37-18 lead. Freshman guard Cedric Hankerson led the way for the Terriers, scoring eight points in the opening frame. “We were in a bit of a foreign mode in the first half,” Spiker said of the Black Knights. “I don’t think we played well in the first half.” The Terriers, looking to right the second half issues that has plagued the team, came out of the halftime break aggressively. Senior forward Dom Morris tipped in his own missed shot for BU’s first points of the second frame. During the ensuing minutes, Army found itself down by as many as 22 points. To make matters worse for the Black Knights, sophomore forward Nathan Dieudonné stood under the rim to

Emerging victorious in yet another close Patriot League game, the Boston University men’s basketball team remains just one game out of first in the conference. This time, the Terriers can thank their bench for turning in one of its best games of the season against the United States Military Academy. The Terrier (15-7, 8-1 Patriot League) bench outscored Army’s (10-10, 6-3 Patriot League) 42-30. Highlighting this stellar performance were junior forward Malik Thomas and freshman guard Cedric Hankerson. “Tonight [Hankerson] and [Thomas] were huge,” said BU coach Joe Jones. “We’ve been looking for more contributions from [Thomas] especially. But it just shows how deep we are.” Thomas played 28 minutes against a physical Black Knight offense, logging one steal and one block. On the offensive end, the former starter tallied 18 points, four rebounds, and three assists. The key player in the Terriers’ 8681 overtime victory, however, was Hankerson. The Miami native put up a team-high 19 points in only 17 minutes of play. Scorching hot for the entire game, Hankerson shot 5-6 from behind the arc and 6-8 from the field; both season-highs. On one particular BU possession in the second half, Hankerson threw up a desperation 3-pointer with the shot clock expiring and hit nothing but net. It was just that kind of night for the freshman. “After the first couple of shots, I knew the ball was just coming off of my hands well,” Hankerson said.

Men’S BASkeTBAll, see page 7

Bench, see page 7

major role in win over Army By Justin Pallenik Daily Free Press Staff

Terriers look to end losing skid Black Knights control BU offense By Gregory Davis Daily Free Press Staff

With the Beanpot Tournment approaching in just five days, the Boston University women’s hockey team has hit a rough patch at the wrong time, but will look to right the ship this weekend with a home-and-away series against the University of Connecticut. BU (16-8-1, 9-5-0 Hockey East) has lost each of its four games and has fallen in five of its last six. Before the current slide, the Terriers’ longest such streak was just two games. Unfortunately for BU, its struggles have been prevalent on both ends of the ice. During the four-game losing slide, only four different players scored. Sophomore forward Sarah Lefort is averaging .76 goals per game on the season, but that average was just .50 goals per game

The Bottom Line

Thursday, Jan. 30

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Men’s basketball prevails in OT thriller BU bench plays

Isaac Chipps

chippS, see page 7


The BU men’s basketball team won in a close contest over the U.S. Military Academy, P.8.

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Marijuana: The double standard

Before the start of the 2012 football season, Louisiana State University cornerback Tyrann Mathieu was considered one of the best players in college football and a top candidate for the Heisman Trophy. As a sophomore the previous season, Mathieu electrified college football with his wild punt returns, incredible football IQ and his trendy nickname “Honey Badger.” But just a month before the start of the 2012 season, Mathieu was dismissed from the LSU football team due to multiple failed drug tests. It was later reported that the failed drug tests were a result of testing positive for marijuana. He missed the entire 2012 season, while reportedly “getting his act together.” He was later selected in the third round of the 2013 NFL Draft by the Arizona Cardinals. Mathieu isn’t the only student athlete to have ever smoked marijuana. In fact, according to a 2011 study done by the Center of Alcohol Studies at Rutgers University, 37 percent of male athletes and 25 percent of female athletes admitted to previously smoking marijuana. Woah! What?! College athletes smoke weed? You can’t be serious! Let’s just cut to the chase. America loves its weed. Whether people smoke it, eat it or cultivate it, this country is obsessed with the green stuff. People love pot so much that two states, Colorado and Washington, legalized the drug despite the fact that marijuana is still illegal under federal law. You don’t have to travel far or wide to know that marijuana use in college is widespread and glorified. Whether it’s an “I’m Shmacked” video glamorizing college students smoking with paraphernalia, or fraternities making headlines for having marijuana in their houses, it’s not hard to see that pot plays a large part in the college lifestyle. In college sports, specifically football, marijuana use has been the subject of debate for the better part of the 21st century. In the April 2012 issue of ESPN The Magazine, an in-depth report on the University of Oregon football program published that former and current Duck football players estimate between 40 to 60 percent of their teammates smoked or currently smoke marijuana.


The Daily Free Press

Friday, Jan. 31 M. Hockey @ UMass-Amherst, 7:30 p.m. W. Hockey @ UConn, 7 p.m.

during the slump. Freshman forward Maddie Elia seemed poised to continue her strong play, as she scored two goals in BU’s 4-3 loss to Providence College Jan. 17. However, she was held pointless in the team’s last three games. Senior forward Louise Warren, the team’s second-ranked pointgetter, has put up just three points in the past four games. That is good for a .75 points per game average, which is a sizeable decrease from her season average of 1.16 points per game. With BU’s top offensive weapons not producing at a pace the Terriers have come to expect, an increase in secondary scoring would be a welcomed commodity. For the Terriers, no such increase has occurred.

woMen’S hockey, see page 7

Saturday, Feb. 1 M. Basketball vs. Lehigh, 1 p.m. W. Basketball @ Lehigh, 2 p.m. W. Hockey vs.UConn, 4 p.m.

By Judy Cohen Daily Free Press Staff

The Boston University women’s basketball team made the trip to West Point, N.Y., Wednesday night to take on another Patriot League opponent, the U.S. Military Academy. The Black Knights (15-5, 7-2 Patriot League) came into the game as one of the top teams in the Patriot League. Army proved a lot for the Terriers (8-14, 3-6 Patriot League) to handle, as they defeated BU in convincing fashion, 72-45, moving into sole possession of second place in the Patriot League. “Unfortunately it was a combination of they made a lot of shots and we couldn’t put the ball in the basket,” said BU coach Kelly Greenberg. “After the first five minutes, we just really struggled to score so it was just a really bad combination tonight.” Although BU surrendered the

Sunday, Feb. 2

No Events Scheduled This proves that Yasiel Puig, is still a better driver than one Justin Bieber.

opening basket to Army on a 3-point shot, the Terriers were able to put together an 11-0 run that pulled them ahead early on, started by an impressive 3-pointer by freshman guard Sarah Hope. However, the Terriers would then allow the Black Knights to score six unanswered points before junior forward Mollie McKendrick potted a layup that extended the BU lead to four points with 12:34 remaining in the first half. Following McKendrick’s basket, Army took control and went on a 7-0 run, regaining the lead. The Terriers would not reclaim the lead for the remainder of the game. The Black Knights extended their lead to 13 points with 1:44 remaining in the first half, but BU was able to pull within seven after consecutive baskets from beyond the arc from Hope and sophomore guard Clodagh

woMen’S hoopS, see page 7

Monday, Feb. 3 M. Hockey BEANPOT vs. BC, 8 p.m.

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