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The Daily Free Press [

Year xliii. Volume lxxxiv. Issue LIII


Wrestling team determined to prevent being cut, page 3.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University


BU students train to run in 2014 Boston Marathon, page 5.



BATTLE ON COMM. Women’s basketball braces for clash with BC, page 8.


Today: Sunny, high 33. Tonight: Clear, low 17. Tomorrow: 24/13.

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Mayor Menino leaves lasting legacy on Boston Boston Police report decrease in crime for December 2013 By Felicia Gans Daily Free Press Staff


Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino smiles at the crowd after stating future plans for Boston in his inaugural address at Faneuil Hall on Jan. 19, 1994. He would go on to serve five more consecutive terms as mayor. By Kyle Plantz Daily Free Press Staff

With less than one month until he is expected to leave office, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino gave his final major address as mayor to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, and visited a political science class at Boston University on Tuesday, reflecting upon his 20 years as mayor and the changes he made to the city of Boston. “If you asked me 30 years ago, I never thought I was going to be mayor,” Menino said in an interview with The Daily Free Press. “I got into politics later than a lot of people, but once I did, I knew this is where I belonged.” Menino was elected Boston City Councilor for the Hyde Park district in 1983 and served that district for nine years, eventually becoming President of the City Council. When Mayor Ray Flynn accepted the position to be the U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican after U.S. President Bill Clinton’s appointment in March 1993, Me-


Boston Mayor Thomas Menino announced new requirements for school emergency response procedures at a conference at the Boston Middle School Academy on April 11, 2000.

nino became acting mayor until the November election. He decided to run for his own term, and won, securing his first mayoral bid. He regained his seat after each election, but on March 28, he decided to not seek an unprecedented sixth term. “I’ve been mayor for 20 years and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it,” he said. “However, I don’t like the term ‘legacy.’ I accomplished many things during my terms, but there are things I could have improved. I just want to be remembered for helping to make a change in the city.” During his annual address to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, he highlighted successes during his 20 years in office. “The thing that makes a city most is change, the fact that something new is always just around the corner,” Menino said. “It’s change that attracts immigrants. It’s opportunity that draws students. It’s action that invites visitors. And it’s progress in a city that compels neigh-


Boston Mayor Thomas Menino speaks to the Boston University class Politics and Policy of HBO’s “The Wire” Tuesday afternoon in the Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences building.

bors to stay neighbors, and to stay here.” Some of the changes he noted were making Boston Public Schools one of the best urban school districts in the nation, building new housing, leaving the city with an estimated $200 million dollars in reserve, cutting crime in half and leading the way on same-sex marriage. In 1996, one in four high school students passed the state math exams, but now approximately 90 percent do. 94 percent of BPS parents report that their child’s school is a good or great place to learn, according to a Tuesday release from the mayor’s office. Menino has also been an advocate for more affordable housing in Boston, especially with his Housing Boston 2020 plan that he released Sept. 9 to create 30,000 new housing units by 2030. Menino also took some time Tuesday to come to BU and talk to students in a political

Menino, see page 4

NYT columnist David Carr to join BU journalism faculty By Rachel Riley Daily Free Press Staff

New York Times columnist David Carr will begin as a professor at Boston University’s College of Communication in January 2014, university officials announced Tuesday. BU spokesman Colin Riley said Carr will work part-time at BU in a new professorship, where he will teach creative business models in journalism designed for an increasingly digital era. “There’s a lot of changes going on in the world of journalism and media, and he is certainly someone who has followed and commented on it,” Riley said. “… To have someone of that caliber on the faculty is tremendous for our students.” Carr will continue to work at The New York Times while teaching at BU two days per

week, Riley confirmed. Although he will join the faculty in January, his class will be offered once each semester beginning in the fall 2014 semester. For the last few decades, Carr has focused his writing on the topic of media as it relates to business, government and culture. He has also worked as a contributing writer for The Atlantic Monthly and New York Magazine. COM Journalism Department Chairman William McKeen said COM officials are excited to have Carr on its faculty team. “I’m thrilled because he brings a great mind, great wit and a real love of journalism and concern for the future of journalism [to COM], and that means he’s interested in students,” he said. “Having seen him work with students, I know he’s a great choice for a classroom teacher because he’s engaging and he’s funny.”

Although COM officials are unsure exactly what the focus of Carr’s courses will be, the esteemed journalist has several ideas in the works, McKeen said. “He could teach a course in media criticism, but he’s mostly interested in the new economic model and business models for journalism,” McKeen said. “He’s interested in journalists as entrepreneurs, so he might teach a course on that. He’s got three or four things that he wants to develop, and he’s already started on that.” McKeen said he looks forward to watching Carr transition into an academic position. “He’s a person who has been an educator all of his career, but it’s been in a newsroom,” McKeen said. “Now, he’s going to be in the classroom. He has a lot to contribute, and he’s

Carr, see page 4

The Boston Police Department released information Monday showing crime rates decreased in Boston by 6 percent between Jan. 1 and Dec. 9, compared to the same period in 2012, a trend which many residents said they could see in their neighborhoods. Amy Farrell, assistant professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, said she studies crime patterns, both locally and nationally, and Boston has one of the best responses to crime. “They [decreases in crime rates] are certainly important because they represent success, particularly in the strategies that are being used in Boston to deal with crime,” she said. “Boston has a very proactive, community-based response to crime, particularly to violence. And the fact that they [crime rates] are going down across the board means that this isn’t just a saturation of one program in one area, but rather it represents broad-based influences.” By Dec. 2012, Boston saw 21,756 crimes, while only 20,451 crimes were reported in 2013 at the same time, a decrease of 1,305 reported crimes, according to the statistics. The report released by the BPD broke crime into seven categories including homicide, rape and attempted, robbery and attempted, aggravated assault, burglary and attempted, larceny and attempted and vehicle theft and attempted. Numbers decreased in 2013 city totals in every category, except vehicle theft and attempted, according to the statistics. District 14, the district that encompasses Boston University, saw an increase in burglary and vehicle theft in 2013, but overall 2013 crime rates dropped 7 percent, from 1,475 crimes in 2012 to 1,376 crimes in 2013. Monalisa Smith, president and chief executive officer of Mothers for Justice and Equality, an organization founded in 2010 that works closely with community leaders to find solutions for ending violence, said a decrease in crime would encourage more people to move to Boston. “From an economic development perspective, if we have less crime, more people will want to come into our city,” she said. “More young people will want to go to college in our

Crime, see page 4

Uncertainty of transportation funding looms as new mayor takes office By Steven Dufour Daily Free Press Staff


The MTBA reached peak ridership and revenue in 2013 amid uncertainty over the future of transportation priorities under Mayor-elect Martin Walsh.

Boston has been ranked among the country’s most bike-friendly and energy-efficient cities with one of its most trafficked public transportation systems in 2013, but how those trends will continue is uncertain with Boston Mayor-elect Martin Walsh set to replace Thomas Menino after two decades. Menino has pushed for a citywide shift from cars to alternative modes of transportation for years by petitioning to keep fares on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority affordable and creating a branch of city government dedicated to biking. “Mayor Menino has always said the car is no longer king,” said John Guilfoil, spokesman for Menino’s office. “He’s enacted several of these [alternative transit] policies over his 20 years in office, so this has been a gradual shift … and the incredible popularity of the programs show Boston is ready for the kind of transition he has advocated.” The MBTA announced on Dec. 3 that they

will offer public transit until about 3 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday in 2014. Boston has been ranked as one of the worst cities to drive in, but due in part to a shift in preferred mode of transit, the city has also seen one of the largest shifts to bicycling as a major mode of transport in the United States over the past five years, according to a Dec. 4 report. Nicole Freedman, president of Boston Bikes, an organization founded in 2007, said they have helped create a total of more than 120 miles of bike paths in Boston, more than double the 55 miles in 2008 and at least an additional 75 miles are expected to be completed by 2018. “The results speak for themselves,” she said. “It’s a very natural transition to bicycling, as shown by the popularity of it, and we’ve had a tremendous transition to making Boston one of the most bike-friendly cities in the nation, and we’re naturally going into phase two where we try to make it a world-class bicycling city.” To read the rest of this story, please visit us online at www.dailyfreepress.com.


Wednesday, deCember 11, 2013


A letter from the Editor


Editor-in-Chief Chris Lisinski reads yet another issue of The Daily Free Press.

I am still not sure if journalism is right for me. I realize that is quite a bold statement from the editor-in-chief, but hey, my job is to report the truth, right? It would be a lie if I wrote that I have dreamed of being here since I was five. In high school, I tried to participate in every activity possible to make me the most “diverse” college applicant, and since teachers told me that I am halfway decent at writing, continuing with the newspaper in college seemed to be the most logical step. Now, at the conclusion of two years at The Daily Free Press, I am neither convinced that I am destined to be a reporter nor that I must flee from the field of journalism and never look back. Please do not mistake this revelation — I have sincerely enjoyed my time here and do not regret it for an instant. I am certain, too, that many of my colleagues whom I respect dearly do have the confidence in their journalistic futures that I lack. I simply mean to be honest with you readers, and to avoid platitudes masquerading as warm fuzzies. Part of it is my personality. I have always been unsure and indecisive. Ask me what I want for dinner and I’ll likely turn it into a half-hour long debate. Here I am, three semesters from graduation, and I still do not have an answer for what I want to be when I grow up. I am willing to bet several of you feel the same. But if anything, being here has taught me to embrace that confusion. I joined my second semester as a freshman to get involved and to meet people. Both played out to extremes I never expected — “involved” is

probably an understatement for working 40 to 50 hours a week to produce a newspaper, and though I love to maintain my prickly, grumpy demeanor to seem cool, I am amazed by how much this group of people has come to mean to me. I’m even a bit fearful that I will fall out of contact with them after this semester. But I never knew for sure that I wanted to continue this work into the world. I could have given up, I could have left at the end of any semester, and yet something kept me here. That will be my biggest takeaway and the source of my attempts to advise you. My time at the FreeP has not been worthwhile solely because of the stories I wrote, but also because I feel that for the first time in my life, I explored a potential future with hope. I did not join the FreeP for the same cynical résumé-building reasons as my high school clubs, but rather because I was interested in whether journalism was right for me, without any guarantee that it would lead me to a satisfying, fulfilling life. I have been far too quick to shy away from a challenge, to seek comfort in routine when a path toward success is not illuminated. But here, I had the opportunity to try something new and to allow myself to explore who I want to be, to myself and to others. I believe the FreeP gave me the framework to continue seeking my place in the world, and for that, I will be forever grateful. Excuse me the typical coming-of-age trope, but we must not let our fears keep us hidden from experience. I go now from the dingy office that I know too well to a normal sleep schedule and to focusing on class (just kidding, guys), but more importantly, I go to try something new. If I had not spent these two years here, I do not believe I would have the courage to bother pouring myself into something attempting to seek a purposeful existence. I would still be the same student, disingenuously and halfheartedly doing everything simply for applications. Take it from me: If you are afraid that you are on autopilot, and there is no place for you in the world, try something. Try anything. It may not stick, but you will have started forward momentum on your journey. So long, thanks for reading, and thanks for the support you’ve given me. Chris Lisinski Fall 2013 Editor-in-Chief

name that fall 2013 freePer!

1. Chris Lisinski, Editor-in-Chief 2. Sofiya Mahdi, Managing Editor 3. Brian Latimer, Opinion Editor 4. Sarah Fisher, Photo Editor 5. Kyle Plantz, City Editor 6. Margaret Waterman, Campus Editor 7. Sarah Kirkpatrick, Sports Editor 8. Michelle Jay, Multimedia Editor 9. Christina Janansky, Features Editor 10. Brooke Jackson-Glidden, MUSE Editor 11. Amy Gorel, Spotlight Editor 12. Felicia Gans, Staff Writer 13. Conor Ryan, Associate Sports Editor 14. Paola Salazar, Staff Writer 15. Andrew Battifarano, Associate Sports Editor

16. Taryn Ottaunick, Staff Writer 17. Jacklyn Bamberger, Sports Writer 18. Olivia Nadel, Staff Photographer 19. Kelsey Newell, Staff Writer 20. Drew Schwartz, Staff Writer 21. Sarah Capungan, Layout Editor 22. Trisha Thadani, Associate News Editor 23. Bram Peterson, Staff Writer 24. Mike DeSocio, Staff Photographer 25. Rachel Riley, Associate News Editor 26. Alice Bazerghi, Associate News Editor 27. Steven Dufour, Associate News Editor 28. Emily Hartwell, Staff Writer 29. Mina Corpuz, Staff Writer 30. Kaitlin Junod, Staff Writer

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Campus & City

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

BU wrestling motivated to prove itself during final season Gubernatorial


race in 2014 starting to form By Alice Bazerghi Daily Free Press Staff


Senior Nestor Taffur wrestles again Penn State University. THe BU wrestling team is still continuing its efforts to remain a team after this season. By Trisha Thadani Daily Free Press Staff

As the Boston University wrestling team continues the campaign to save their team from discontinuation after the 2013-14 season, team members have been competing with a heightened sense of urgency and passion, said team captain Kevin Innis. BU Athletics announced on April 1 that they will no longer support the BU wrestling team at the varsity level after the current season. Innis, a Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences senior, said the team’s impending fate has compelled his team to compete and train with more intensity. “If anything, it has kind of put a fire under us,” Innis said. “The locker room hasn’t been dead just because of the news … Knowing that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for us, we’ve got guys who, every time they step out on the mat, their mo-

tivation is to win and to compete.” Innis said he and his teammates have used every match as a chance to prove to BU Athletics officials that the team deserves another season. Now, halfway through, the team is hopeful BU will reconsider their decision to cut the team. “We’re going to save it [BU wrestling team],” Innis said. “Talk with any BU wrestler and they are going to be all in with it, and say that we are going to save it. There’s a ton of support and a ton of people are now catching wind of it.” Over the course of the season, BU wrestling team members have promoted their campaign to save the program across various social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, said Nestor Taffur, BU wrestling captain and Metropolitan College senior. Their fight has garnered major attention in New England, drawing in major news outlets such as The Boston Globe and Channel 4 News.

The team has received a significant amount of support from alumni, friends and family, as well as from BU Student Government and BU Greek Life, Taffur said. “We are making light of the bad decision and people are starting to realize the injustice brought upon our program,” Taffur said. The BU wrestling team completely sold out Case Gymnasium last week when they competed against Penn State University, the number one college wrestling team in the country, said head coach Carl Adams. “There are a lot of people who understand the battle that we are in trying to save the program, and they are trying to be supportive,” Adams said. “What this particular match shows is the viability of the sport on a college campus. Anytime that you can pack a gym and have a sell out, regardless of who’s coming in, that shows there is a very high interest level in that particular sport.”

The BU wrestling team’s record is currently 1-4. This record, however, does not tell the entire story, Adams said. “They [BU wrestling] are up battling a lot of factors, and I feel like they are showing a lot of courage,” Adams said. “We have lost a whole recruiting class … and so that is something they have to deal with on a daily basis, while trying to be the best they can be.” Assistant coach Sean Harrington said since BU Athletics announced their plans to cut the wrestling program, the BU wrestling team has proven their passion and resilience. “We’re a team of successful individuals,” Harrington said. “I don’t know if they [BU Athletics] are willing to have a change of heart or if they are willing to look objectively at what we’re doing this year… But they should be, because I think this year has shown that we are one of the strongest teams on campus.”

More students expected to choose gender-neutral housing in spring semester By Trisha Thadani Daily Free Press Staff

Boston University student Maya Inozemtseva said having the option of gender-neutral housing made for a more pleasant experience this semester, as her boyfriend Daniel Smith was able to move into her dorm room in Danielsen Hall earlier this fall. “I got his support and he was always close to me,” Inozemtseva, a Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences sophomore, said. “We haven’t had any problems. Sleeping arrangements, they all work out. I wake up earlier than him, and he goes to sleep later than I do … We plan to stay where we are.” Gender-neutral housing officially became an option for BU students via direct room swap at the beginning of the fall 2013 semester. Inzometsva and Smith, a College of Arts and Sciences sophomore, were the first two students to take advantage of this housing option at BU. Dean of Students Kenneth Elmore said while only a few students ultimately decided to take advantage of the new option through direct swaps, university officials are unsure as to how many will choose gender-

neutral housing during the full room selection process. “Next semester, we’ll have a much better sense come room selection time because that’s where the system opens up a lot more,” Elmore said. “People are in the process and will be in the process, certainly during early parts of the semester leading up to room selection, thinking about who they’re going to room with so we’ll get a much, much better handle on it.” Elmore said he is looking forward to see how many students end up living in gender-neutral rooms. “In terms of being predictive about it, I don’t know,” he said. “I feel like we’ve got to get a good year or two under our belts, if you will, so that we can get a good baseline on how we think students act within selecting rooms based upon he approach that we’ve got. I’m still in ‘wait and see’ mode.” Students are currently able to pull in other students regardless of their gender identities in all dormitories except West Campus, Myles Annex, The Towers and Warren Towers, according to the BU Housing website. “Gender-neutral housing provides students increased choice in

selecting roommates,” the website states. “It provides students maximum responsibility for their own room assignment, and is consistent with the Boston University’s commitment to learning through students’ active decision-making and engagement in the learning environment.” Rea Sawan, a CAS junior, was involved in the original effort to establish gender-neutral housing at BU. Pushing BU officials to approve gender-neutral housing was a part of a long-term effort by the entire BU student body, Sawan said. “It [the establishment of GNH] says a lot about the student body, and it says that if the student body wants to rally to make something happen, they will regardless of any resistance that comes from any outside sources, including the administration,” Sawan said. “Things like this show that there is a lot of radical activism at BU, and honestly, it is what gets a lot of things done.” Providing the option of genderneutral housing proves that BU listens to the needs of its students on campus, Sawan said. “It [gender-neutral housing] is a great option, whether you are doing

it because you don’t identify within a gender binary … or you’re doing it because you would feel more comfortable living with a friend who on paper is not the same gender or sex as you,” Sawan said. BU spokesman Colin Riley said Inozemtseva and Smith were the only two people to take advantage of gender-neutral housing this semester. He said it is still undetermined how much demand there will be for this housing option next semester. “If our [BU] experience is like other schools, it won’t be a tremendous amount, it will just be a small number of people, but we don’t really know,” Riley said. Sawan said although only two people have taken advantage of the housing option this semester, there are many people who plan to take advantage of it in the spring. “I know a lot of people who are hoping to take advantage of it next semester, but I think that the numbers don’t really don’t matter,” Sawan said. “If this policy helps just one person, then that would be one person’s safety.” Margaret Waterman contributed to the reporting of this article.

Due to allegations against Mass. Attorney Gen. Martha Coakley and former state cabinet Secretary of Administration and Finance Charlie Baker announcing his running mate, the rest of the pool for the 2014 gubernatorial race to replace Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick is falling in the shadows of these two frontrunners with 11 months to go until the election in November. Baker is the only declared candidate running for the Republican primary. He announced his running mate, former Mass. Rep. Karyn Polito, on Dec. 3. “Karyn is a dynamic campaigner with a unique background as a mom, small business owner and successful public servant,” said Kirsten Hughes, chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party. “She is a hard worker and brings a lot of support and enthusiasm with her.” The Democratic candidates running include biotech executive Joseph Avellone, former administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Donald Berwick, Mass. State Treasurer Steven Grossman, former Boston Globe columnist and federal homeland security official Juliette Kayyem, Mass. Sen. Daniel Wolf and Coakley. Hughes said Coakley should not be running for governor, despite being the front-runner for the Democratic primary. “It is clear from Coakley’s illegal campaign cash scandal she doesn’t have a firm grasp on the law, but it is just ludicrous for the state’s top cop to give up on her job of putting criminals behind bars,” she said. “Her rambling claim that releasing lawbreakers, and giving them job training will finance her education plans, is possibly the only thing more bizarre than an Attorney General giving up on putting people in jail in the first place.” Republicans requested an investigation against Coakley for possible campaign fraud on Nov. 14, following a spotlight series published by the Boston Globe with details showing Coakley’s gubernatorial campaign may have used money from Coakley’s federal account no more information has come out. Travis Shofner, spokesman for the Massachusetts Democratic Party, said despite Hughes’s allegations against Coakley, his party is excited about the Democrats running this election. “The Massachusetts Democratic Party is proud of the deep pool of talent that is reflected in our candidates for governor, lieutenant governor and the other statewide constitutional offices up for election in 2014,” he said in a Tuesday statement. “Each candidate brings a unique set of talents and skills and we’re excited for the opportunity to hear them make their case to the Commonwealth.” Kayyem, one of the many Democrats who have been in Coakley’s shadow, visited Cape Cod for the first time on Monday to talk about job creation, biotechnology, clean energy and the education sectors as worthy of investment. When asked if another woman in the race would hurt her chances, To read the rest of this story, please visit us online at www.dailyfreepress.com.


Wednesday, deCember 11, 2013

Several residents notice improvements in crime rates Menino speaks to BU poli. sci. Crime: From Page 1

city. We will have a feeling of safety in our community. And from a sense of community, it helps to build a unity among us when there’s less violence and trauma around.” Smith said the decrease in violence in the city is a slow process, but she hopes with city collaboration, Boston will continue to grow into a safer city. “It requires continued, coordinated, strategic effort in collaboration,” she said. “Sharing information, working together with state and local government, community people, more empowering lofcal citizens to take active roles in their communities and in their homes. But primarily, this is going to take us working together on helping young people to

be more productive in their lives.” While the crime rates in most areas have not significantly increased, several residents said they noticed the safety improvements in the past year. Amil Parrilla, 33, of Dorchester, said she has seen a noticeable decrease in crime, but still feels the police could be doing more to protect children. “I’ve been in Dorchester [for] about a year,” she said. “I do see a lot of police around the neighborhood, but they should be putting more police in the schools. I feel pretty confident about the safety, but I still would never let me daughter walk around by herself.” Katrina Baskin, 52, of Dorchester, said she hopes her neighborhood will get even safer.

“I always feel safe, even when there’s crime around me,” she said. “I know they’re doing the best they can. My only concern is making sure that my daughters can come home safely and not be in fear of coming or going to their own house.” Sarah Carroll, 42, of the South End, said she has not seen a decrease in crime in her neighborhood, but she has seen higher police visibility. “If they’re visible, it deters criminals,” she said. “If they’re even doing road work shifts, they say that helps deter criminals because they don’t expect the police to be there and they’re there. Any kind of heavy presence helps to deter. You just have to be aware of your surroundings. People will feel safer and want to live here if the crime is down.”

Grad. student: Carr at ‘cutting edge’ of new journalism Carr: From Page 1

itching to get to work. We’re all just very happy to have him on our faculty.” COM junior Taylor Walker, who studies journalism, said she was delighted to hear about Carr’s new career move. “I found out this morning,” she said. “I was immediately shocked, pleased and above-and-beyond excited. A lot of that stems from the fact that I love David Carr.” Walker said Carr is admired as an innovative writer who explores new possibilities in the digital world of journalism. “David Carr is a trailblazer for journalism,” she said. “He acknowledges that journalism is changing,

and he’s not someone who’s stuck in the past of the more conservative [journalism business] models.” Walker said her professors in COM often discuss Carr’s work. Carr will provide students who take his course with a broad skillset that will likely improve their prospects in the job market after graduation. “Now that he’s teaching here, it’s amazing,” she said. “It proves to me that COM is striving for the best faculty that can better students within their career pursuits.” First-year COM graduate student Megan Turchi, another journalism student, said she was was also pleased to hear the news. “Every single journalism class that I’ve been in this year has talked about David Carr, whether it be my

Principles of Journalism class or my Journalism Ethics class, where we were actually told to read his column every Monday,” she said. “I just couldn’t think of a more relevant [person] to bring to the journalism faculty.” Turchi said she hopes she will be able to take one of Carr’s courses before she graduates, especially because his focus on new media forms is likely to broaden her horizons. “He just seems to be right on the cutting edge of new journalism,” she said. “He can really bring a lot to faculty and a lot to students, especially for someone like me, who is a print [journalism] major but wants to get into other fields as well. He’s relevant for the changing journalism landscape.”

class one month before tenure up menino: From Page 1

science class titled The Politics and Policies of HBO’s The Wire. David Glick, professor of political science at BU and teacher of the class, said having Menino come into class and talk about his experiences as mayor helped the students connect the show to Boston. “His relevance is obvious as the mayor of a large city,” he said. “Certainly one of the themes of the show, and of the class, is leadership of urban politics. The ability to combine his real-world perspective and experience, his on-the-ground knowledge of the city to expose the students to that and see how that mixes with the much more theoretical and generalized approach to cities was really interesting.” Menino announced on Nov. 13 that once he concludes his tenure as mayor, he will be co-directing a new Initiative on Cities at BU with Graham Wilson, chair of the political science department. “He has done a fantastic transformation in the city,” Wilson said. “He’s taken a stand on national issues, such as gun control and gay rights, and I think that is impressive that about 60 percent of people seem to have met him personally and he can go to any section, any neighborhood and know people.” Several residents said it is hard

to fathom Boston without Menino in charge, but they have faith in Mayorelect Martin Walsh to follow in his footsteps. “He’s [Menino] been mayor for almost half my life,” said Reilly Margaret, 52, of the South End. “It’s so hard to imagine someone else at parades, press conferences and just being the face of the city. Walsh has big shoes to fill and I hope he’s up to the job.” Carl Blake, 36, of Boston, said Menino would be most remembered for his policies in education. “He completely transformed the entire public school system and took Boston from a place with not very motivated students to global leaders in certain subjects,” he said. “If he could do that in 20 years, I wish I could see what he could do in another 20.” Latoya James, 25, of Boston, said although she has not been around for much of Menino’s era, she can still see the impact he has had on the city. “I have had the chance to meet him,” she said. “He is such a people’s person, and is easily accessible when he’s out on the street talking to residents, and actually wanting to hear their concerns. I just wish he was staying along longer, but I know Walsh will be able to do it. The transition will be seamless and I know because of Menino, the city is headed in the right direction.”


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Up and Running

BU students get involved with training for the 2014 Boston Marathon Amy Gorel Spotlight Editor



Nick Smith finishes his morning run with BU Triathlon teammates in preparation for the marathon in May.

s temperatures drop to near or below freezing for the next few months, those who have decided to participate in the 2014 Boston Marathon are lacing up their sneakers for longer and more frequent training runs. Nick Smith, a second-year medical student, meets with Boston University’s Triathlon Team in front of the Fitness & Recreation Center at 7 a.m. on a rainy Friday morning. Wide awake and full of energy, Smith joined the team to stay active and keep a positive mentality while studying at BU’s School of Medicine. He also uses the team’s Friday morning runs to train for the upcoming marathon in April. “This is so much better than running on your own,” Smith said. “The team is what gets us here so early every Friday morning.” This sense of community and support is what makes the Boston Marathon so special, Smith said. He has run the Boston Marathon four times before. “I’ve trained alone, and I’ve run other races where you’re out on the course by yourself, and it’s so miserable,” he said. “It’s hard to be miserable when there’s people cheering you on every block of the race.” Despite the community surrounding the race, many people, and especially students, have encountered obstacles in becoming official entrants

for the marathon this year. The Boston Athletic Association expanded the field of the marathon to 36,000 runners, 10,000 more than in 2013, in order to accommodate the increased interest after the bombings last spring, according to BAA Executive Director Tom Grilk in an August press release. There are two ways to acquire official entrance to the Marathon: making the qualifying time at another approved race, or raising money and running with a charity team. First, applicants must be 18 years old to run the marathon, which means the amount of time to qualify for some undergraduates is limited. Second, the charity teams, which provide an opportunity to run for a cause and to be eligible without making the qualifying time, have increased the amount they request each runner to raise. The actual number of charity teams has stayed consistent. “So many people here want to run,” said Hannah Breck, a Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences sophomore. “I wish it wasn’t so hard to get students involved.” The difficulty in registering to run leads to bandit runners, who will run the race without an official bib. However, their times will not recorded and they will not receive recognition at the end of the race. Breck said she considered “banditing” the race, but decided against


“If I’m going to do it, I want the medal,” she said. “I want to accomplish the race and accomplish it for charity. I’d want it to be official.” Despite the obstacles, BU students are finding ways to get involved in the upcoming marathon. The Charity Route Having attended high school in Brookline, Breck said her home was on the course of the marathon. When she was a junior in high school, her mom completed the marathon for the first time. “I jumped in and finished it with her for the last three miles,” Breck said. “It was such a cool experience. People were cheering the whole way.” Breck said when she began running in the seventh grade, her mom was her first cross-country coach. “When I finished the Marathon with my mom that year, it was such a proud moment for me,” she said. Since then, Breck has been waiting to run the marathon herself. “You have to be 18 to run, though,” she said. “Last year was the first time I was eligible to run, but it got away from me. What happened in April is just motivating me more to run this year.” Breck applied to run for countless charity teams, getting more and more frustrated with each rejection.


The BU Triathlon Team, including Nick Smith and Nick Wendel, lace up their sneakers for an early morning run.

“It’s hard on students for this process — they [charity teams] are looking for people who raise the most money, like big corporations,” she said. Breck was finally accepted by the charity team for buildOn, a non-profit serving disadvantaged youth in the Boston Public School through service and education. “My best friend’s mom is involved in the charity, so I’ve heard stories about their cause and already feel connected to it,” she said. Starting her fundraising website just last week, Breck needs to raise $6,500 by April. She plans to send handwritten letters to family and friends and to reach out to BU alumni. This is Breck’s first time fundraising and also will be her first time running a full marathon. “I’ve done four half-marathons,” she said. “I was hesitant to make this my first full one because the training is in the winter. Having to run in the cold and the dark will be challenging. I’m going to need people to run with me.” Boston’s marathon is one of the hardest around, but Breck said she is doing it for the symbolism of the event, not for her best personal time. “If you’re going to do it, this is the year to do it,” she said. “People are most passionate about it.” Soon, Breck will begin a regimen of waking up early to run five or six days per week. “If I don’t do it in the morning, I won’t do it,” she said. Though eager for the upcoming race, Breck remembers watching it with her friends in Kenmore Square last year. She recalls the number of text messages she received when she got back to her dorm to charge her phone from people she hadn’t talked to in years asking if she was safe before she even knew something had happened. “Actually, I’m not nervous,” she said. “It’s cliché to say ‘oh, Boston Strong,’ but I’m not afraid and I want to show that by running it.” Coaching Nick Wendel, also a member of the BU Triathlon Team, chose not to run the marathon himself, but to coach the Goodwill Foundation’s charity team instead. “It’s funny, the NYC [New York City] marathon couldn’t get enough charity runners,” he said. “Here, they’ve had to restrict it so much.” Wendel studied athletic training in Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and is now completing his fifth year of the six-year physical therapy program. In 2013, he helped coach a charity team and then spent the day of the marathon volunteering in the medical tent with some of his classmates. “I was on back-up,” he said. “I was stationed at the Arlington T stop, making sure everyone was okay. It was a tough day. It affected BU a lot. After helping out last year, I really wanted to spend this year motivating a team to run.” Wendel is working on organizing their training program, scheduling the team to do the long runs together, which usually last from one to three

hours, depending on the speed of the runners. “You really need motivation during training seasons,” he said. “When it’s 10 degrees and you have to run for three hours, you need a friend to do it with you. Running clubs and charity teams are a great way to do that.” Any time someone trains for a marathon, there are many mental obstacles, and this year will be no different, Wendel said. Before the marathon, the runners need to get up to 18 or 22 miles in a run. If it is the first marathon a runner is racing, then the day of the marathon will be the first time he or she completes the full 26.2 miles. “I just want to motivate them to run,” he said. “I can train them, but I can’t run it with them.” One Way or Another Last April, Smith, a Maine native who is no stranger to the Boston Marathon, finished just short of the qualifying time for this year’s race. “I remember walking around pretty depressed right after the race,” he said. “I just missed it.” He found the person he was looking for right away and headed to the Westin Hotel in Copley to grab his bag before he felt the boom — which he said felt like an earthquake — from the bombs. “I was with another med student at the time, and we were first-year med students,” he said. “We wanted to go do something, help out in someway. But if you know anything about medical school, you know that we didn’t know anything — and I mean anything — yet.” This year, the BAA offered 467 bibs to people affected by the blasts in April. To receive a bib, potential runners had to write letters describing how they were personally involved. Smith was one of the people who wrote in. “Everyone has about a dozen close calls they could talk about from that day,” he said. “Your coach that was there four minutes before the bombs went off. Friends that say they would meet you at the finish line, but just never made it out that day. Some that had turned the block to grab a coffee.” However, Smith did not receive one of the bibs that were given out earlier this week. He has decided not to run for a charity team because he does not feel he has enough time to devote to fundraising. Regardless, he said he is still determined to run the marathon, one way or another. “I do it because I love running, and I’m going to find a way to run it again this year,” he said. “If I’m not running as an official entrant, I’ll be banditing. Banditing is somewhat frowned upon — it cancels out those warm feelings of winning, but it’s physically the same.” Always excited for another run, Smith said he is looking forward to the support and sense of community in 2014’s marathon. “People are always running in memory of someone or for a cause,” he said. “It’s always been an empowering race, and it’s going to be even more so this year.”



Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Daily Free Press

A Letter to the Black Sheep

The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 43rd year F Volume 85 F Issue 53

Chris Lisinski, Editor-in-Chief Sofiya Mahdi, Managing Editor

Margaret Waterman, Campus Editor

Kyle Plantz, City Editor

Sarah Kirkpatrick, Sports Editor

Brian Latimer, Opinion Editor

Michelle Jay, Multimedia Editor

Sarah Fisher, Photo Editor

Christina Janansky, Features Editor

Regine Sarah Capungan, Layout Editor

Frank Marasco

Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2013 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

Baby steps to a balanced budget

The U.S. government is finally working again. On March 1, budget sequestration saved the country over $85 billion through massive spending cuts. Families throughout the country, especially associated with the military-defense industry, lost jobs and benefits. All this could have been avoided if both parties in the House of Representatives decided to play nice. And in October, the government shut down, putting thousands of government workers out of work and pay. Again, if our lawmakers on Capitol Hill knew how to compromise, it all could have been avoided. Now a bipartisan bill shows promise of actually avoiding another 11th hour rush to saving the country’s budget crisis. Sen. Patty Murray, a Democrat from Washington, and Rep. Paul Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin, have worked together to put together a politically balanced approach to keeping the government open through 2014. The bill will pump $63 billion into sequester relief for those who lost their jobs. Who can argue with helping working Americans get back on their feet? They were only knocked down because lawmakers preferred fighting with one another as opposed to caring about the repercussions of their partisan battle for dominance. The bill will also shave a measly $23 billion from the budget, but for now, that is a start. We have to start cutting from the budget eventually. Instead of tackling every economic issue that cleaves the House in half, Ryan and Murray did not address extending the federal unemployment programs. Liberals have been pushing for reform to help the unemployed feed families and caregivers able to search for a job. Conservatives cannot claim victory, either, because large businesses will have to spend more money to offer employees pension benefits. Both sides win, both sides lose. This is compromise. In the past year, the Capitol has felt the

Letters from lala land

effects of a shutdown and the sequester, U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration and House Speaker John Boehner have not handled bipartisanship properly, and that kept the government from actually functioning for months and months. Obama’s rapport with the country has been declining — his approval rating hit a record low at 44 percent of Americans highly approving, according to a Wall Street Journal poll Tuesday. When Tex. Sen. Ted Cruz overshadowed Boehner during the shutdown, people saw less of a leader and more of a spectator while the country suffered. Ryan and Murray actually bridged the gap between the parties and worked together instead of accusing the opposing party of refusing to compromise. For Americans, the mere fact that a budget passed before an unnecessary scramble to keep the country afloat should inspire some hope in the American democratic system. The magic of the bill is how it only addresses keeping the government open. Both Murray and Ryan brilliantly left out addressing hot-button issues like entitlements that could have been their budget’s Achilles’ Heel. By keeping minimum wage out of the budget, extreme politicians that oppose any sort of bipartisan legislation have less of a platform to oppose a bill that, in fact, makes a lot of sense. This new budget will save the country money, even if it’s a small amount compared to the bloated deficit. Specific areas of a bill should not prevent the entirety of the budget from operating. Controversial issues like those concerning entitlements should be battled in their own arenas, not when the economic health of the country is so precarious. This budget passing would mean that lawmakers may finally see that baby steps will help better the country. Smaller, less inclusive bills take on issues one at a time. Sweeping legislation just causes political tension.

I switched schools entering the sixth grade. My parents were unhappy with my prior one. It was strange being the new kid in a crowd who had known each other their entire cognitive lives. “Are you fitting in?” was a question I always got from adults who were curious about how I was handling the change. This idea of fitting in was really the only one presented to me. That became my goal. I did an okay job of it that first year. I was provisionally accepted by a few of those “popular” kids who ran the day-today operations of deciding who would be bullied. I was mostly able to avoid being picked on by sometimes joining in with them when they mocked classmates. It was a strange arrangement. I didn’t really like them. I wasn’t even sure if they liked me, but I desperately wanted them to, mostly because of this yearning to fit in. I constantly felt pressure to deduce how they would want me to act in given situations, and then proceed with calculated behavior. My true demeanor didn’t seem like enough to remain in their good graces. It was not a marriage that could last. On the last day of sixth grade, I had a spat with the leader of this brigade. I called him a fart-licker or something. Something really witty. Those kids, and their lackeys I had once stood among, bullied me quite a bit over those next two years. Some days that wasn’t so fun, but I was happier. I no longer fit in, but I had never really fit in to begin with. I’d just been faking, auctioning off my authenticity in the process. I love camping and the outdoors, but I didn’t like being a Boy Scout. I faked it for a while. The Boy Scouts didn’t end up liking me all that much either. I used to mouth the word “watermelon” over and over instead of saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school. Though I generally enjoy America, I don’t care for unconditional oaths to countries. But pretending to say the pledge seemed like the only option, since I had no interest in making a scene. I went to church every Sunday, but always felt a little queasy about Christianity and religion in general. I faked that too for a while. I got confirmed. I was afraid of being the black sheep. When I first moved to Los Angeles, I was worried about trying to impress people.

I’m a nobody seeking to gain access to the club of somebodies. I found myself acting the way that I thought they would want me to. But that doesn’t get you anywhere. I doubt I’ll ever sell a script in my life if I’m stuck thinking, “What do these people want to hear?” The somebodies are too busy and too smart to listen to an insincere pitch. I can only offer something honest and hope it’s well received. My dear black sheep, it’s that crippling fear of not fitting in that can tempt you to disguise yourself with a white bed sheet. But if you feel you’re compromising your authenticity to gain access, I urge you to instead take what’s behind door number two. Acting like the other kids may get you into their club, but you’ll just end up in a club that you don’t like. I’ve learned that even when trying to launch an improbable career in a tough town, you shouldn’t sacrifice your fundamental sense of self. And no club worth joining is going to ask you to do so. It’s scary. You’ve been taught since birth to avoid making a scene. This idea of fitting in has been pounded into your head. You’re afraid no one’s going to come along with you if you wander off the trail. Many will not come with you. Others might chase you only so they can pelt you with sticks and stones. They may bully you, or say you should move to another country, or tell you you’re going to hell. Indeed there are some days when it will be hard. But you’ll find that people do like you for exactly who you are. In fact, they wouldn’t want you any other way. Then, you’ll realize that you wouldn’t want yourself any other way. If you can stomach rocking the boat, you’re going to challenge things that are crying out to be challenged. You’re going to change things that desperately need changing. You might even help some other black sheep become proud of their fur. The world needs you to be exactly who you are. The world needs you to think for yourself and not apologize for it. The world needs you to make a scene. Frank Marasco is a first-year graduate student in Los Angeles. He can be reached at fcm820@bu.edu.

The opinions and ideas expressed by columnists and cartoonists are their own and are not necessarily representative of the opinions of The Daily Free Press.

Terrier Talk Reflections

Boston University hired some exciting new faculty this year. With Boston Mayor Thomas Menino taking a position in the political science department, aspiring politicians will learn how to run a city from the man who represented Boston for JOSEPH decades. Now, critically acclaimed media BECKER columnist David Carr will do a stint in the College of Communication. The Daily “I’m proud to be part of a Free Press wanted to hear what students university that’s on the rise to had to say about having the opportunity being more prestigious.” to learn from such notable professors. -CAS freshman Here’s what some of them said. INTERVIEWS AND PHOTOS BY FALON MORAN


“It’s really cool to be able to have people that are so critically acclaimed in their fields teaching us what we’re supposed to be doing.” -COM sophomore


“Even though they have a big name, you really have to be able to know the subject and you have to be a good teacher.” -SMG senior


“It doesn’t make me regret coming to Boston University one bit.” -CAS freshman


Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Morris: Auburn offense is ‘real deal’ Morris: From Page 8

545 rushing yards against then-No. 5 University of Missouri in the SEC title game. And along with those crazy rushing totals, they never rely on throwing the football. Starting quarterback Nick Marshall had fewer than 20 passing attempts in three of the four games. I’ve never seen anything like this offense in my lifetime. It simply goes against everything I’ve ever learned from watching football. You shouldn’t be able to win without throwing the football. It defies all conventional logic. But that’s exactly what they do. It doesn’t matter if you know the run is coming, they’ll run the ball all day long, and you won’t be able to stop it. Although, it will be interesting to see if Florida State, with all this time off, can come up with a game plan to at least slow down Auburn head coach Gus Malzahn’s offense. We are in an age where you have to have a good quarterback to run a traditional offense. But with good quarterbacks such a rare commodity, you have to expect that more teams will try to implement the offense that Auburn has perfected. Not only does it lead to amazing results without having to throw the football, it’s incredibly simple. During the broadcast of the SEC Championship Game, the announcers commented on how rarely Auburn fumbles the ball on their handoffs. They speculated that it’s because Marshall isn’t deciding whether to hand the ball off

or keep it himself because everything’s predetermined in the huddle, so their offense doesn’t even have the complexities of the read option. They’re simply running the football. Everything is so easy and yet so effective. Sign me up. Now maybe it won’t really catch on. Maybe it’ll be just another gimmick that isn’t sustainable. Remember when the “Wildcat” offense was the next big thing in the NFL? Remember last year when everyone was talking about how the read option was revolutionizing the game? Neither of those offenses proved to be able to carry a team. You still have to be able to throw the football first and foremost. This is where Auburn separates themselves from gimmick offenses. This is why I believe that Auburn’s offense is the real deal. They never have to rely on throwing the football. They can run the ball on third and long and realistically expect to pick it up. And they’ve proved it against the best defenses in the country. Now it probably requires an incredible offensive line and receivers that are going to buy in to the fact that they aren’t going to catch a lot of balls. But I strongly feel that if Auburn runs the ball down Florida State’s throat all day long, then a lot more teams are going to try to implement this revolutionary approach to offense. Call me a believer. This has the potential to revolutionize the sport of college football.

BU looks for revenge against GWU Men’s Basketball: From Page 8


Senior guard Danielle Callahan has averaged 11 points in nine games so far this season.

Freshman guards continue to develop play Women’s Hoops: From Page 8

I’m really happy about Danielle’s progress … [Callahan] has been really good with holding onto the ball this season.” Not only have the seniors provided strong play and leadership on the court, but the freshmen have also been coming together through the middle part of the season. Freshman guards Sarah Hope and Courtney Latham have been solid in their action in the early part of the year. Although the two have each averaged fewer than 25 minutes per game, they have combined for 22 assists this season and they are both averaging 4.8 points per game. “I feel like [the freshmen] are really playing well,” Greenberg said. “Both of our freshman guards are continuing to progress and I’m real happy about that … I think that [Hope] has been getting stronger with each game and all the young players have been having really good seasons.” While Callahan and Agboola have been solid this year and the freshmen are continuing to improve, the Terriers are going to need a stronger team effort to succeed on the offensive side of the ball. BU ranks toward the bottom in nearly every offensive category in the Patriot League, including team scoring. The Terriers have also struggled on the defensive side, allowing the third most points per game in the Patriot League. This is one of the reasons why the Terriers have a scoring margin of -8.9, the bottom spot in the conference. Although the Terriers have strong rebounders in Agboola who is 10th in the league in rebounding with 7.1 per game, and senior forward Whitney Turner is 12th, the rest of the team has not been able to

grab a sufficient amount of rebounds. BU is ranked ninth in the league in offensive rebounding, and 10th on the defensive end. Along with senior Kristen Doherty, the rest of the Eagles have stood tall near the glass, grabbing 340 rebounds thus far. BC has four players that have averaged at least 4.0 rebounds or more per game, something that could pose a problem for the undersized Terriers. Greenberg said she is aware of the challenge that the Eagles of the Atlantic Coast Conference present, especially since BC has a size advantage over the Terriers at almost every spot on the floor. “We are aware that they a lot bigger than us at every position,” Greenberg said. “However, we know what their strengths are and we are very focused and wanting to win.” Doherty and guard Nicole Boudreau have led BC’s offense. Doherty is averaging 14.2 points per contest, as well as owning the team lead in rebounds with 56. Boudreau has been a stalwart on the offensive end as well and is the only other Eagle averaging double-digit points per game with 11.3. She is also tied for second on the team in assists with 22. The Eagles have allowed more points per game this year than the Terriers have, but they have a 1.4-point scoring differential, thanks to their strong offensive play. BC has a balanced offense, and has four players averaging at least nine points per game. Greenberg said she knows of the gravity of the game and is ready to take on BU’s Commonwealth Avenue rival. “It’s definitely a big game for us,” Greenberg said. “It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

72-59. Although GWU blew out BU in the first period, the Terriers were only outscored by one point in the second half. BU never truly threatened the Colonials, however, and they closed the gap to fewer than eight points. This year’s encounter, Jones said, will be a much different game. “They’re a much better team,” Jones said. “They might be the most improved team that I’ve seen from last year that we’ve played so far. They were not nearly as good last year at this time, so this is a whole different game. “You can’t even think about what happened last year. Both teams are different. This will be a huge test.” The Colonials will look to Creek to continue to provide energy on offense, as he leads the team in scoring with 16.3 points per game. Guard Joe McDonald may also be a factor tonight, considering the impressive 21 points and seven rebounds that he tallied against BU last season.

McDonald is also the current assists leader for GWU, distributing five dimes per game. For the Terriers, the expectations again fall on Watson, the team’s leader in scoring, assists and steals. While Jones respects Watson’s role as a leader, he also appreciates his team for its balance. “[Watson] naturally has leadership qualities,” Jones said. “But what’s great for our team is that we have three captains that provide great leadership.” One of those captains, Morris, has also been a consistent contributor for the team. The senior leads the team with 7.7 rebounds per game as well as with a .597 field goal percentage. Morris has provided toughness to team that has missed multiple big men this season due to injuries. By Jones’ measure, the Terriers will need that toughness against GWU. “This might be the toughest team in terms of physicality,” Jones said. “It’s going to be a great test for us.”

Dillard finishes 2nd overall in weight throw Track: From Page 8

of 7.84 seconds. Senior Catherine Milledge placed eighth with a time of 8.05 seconds. Freshman Adrienne Pascucci placed fifth in the high jump with a leap of 1.50m in her first collegiate meet. Sophomore Alex Fox finished 12th in the high jump with a leap of 1.40m. Pascucci also had a time of 9.84 seconds in the hurdles. Sophomore Catherine Sampson finished with a time of 9.92 in the

hurdles and had a heave of 10.34m in the shot put. Senior Sarah Dillard finished second in the weight throw, with a mark of 15.53m. Junior Tessa Runels finished third in the triple jump with a mark of 11.13m. Freshman Erica Treske finished eighth in the long jump with a mark of 4.78m. Treske also placed eighth in the shot put with a mark of 9.95m. BU will next compete on Jan. 16 at the Multi-Team Meet.

For more BU sports news, follow us on Twitter: @DFPsports @BOShockeyblog @BUbballblog

It’s going to be a great test for us.”


-BU coach Joe Jones on men’s basketball’s upcoming matchup with George Washington University

paGe 8

Driving The Lane

On Auburn

John Morris

Well, that all worked out very neatly. When Michigan State University knocked off unbeaten Ohio State University in the Big 10 title game, the BCS National Championship game was set. Everyone in the country, except for Lou Holtz, who for some ridiculous reason would still have the No. 3 University of Alabama ranked second, would agree that Southeastern Conference champion No. 2 Auburn University should play undefeated No. 1 Florida State University in the one game to decide it all. This promises to be quite the incredible football game. I can honestly say that, purely from a football perspective, I’ve never been more excited for a title game. First off, it’s a classic offense-versusdefense matchup. Florida State has the top-ranked scoring defense in the country, although their competition hasn’t exactly been the ’07 New England Patriots. The Seminoles will get the chance to prove themselves against the seemingly unstoppable rushing attack from Auburn. I predict Auburn’s offense will keep on rolling and we are in for a crazy, high-scoring affair. But the even more intriguing storyline is the contrasting styles of these two offenses. Florida State has your standard high-powered offense operated through the passing game. They are led by the best quarterback in the country, soon-tobe Heisman Trophy winner Jameis Winston. In today’s game of football, we are programmed to believe that a better quarterback means a better offense. Florida State clearly has that advantage. You have to be able to throw the football to score, right? However, Auburn is changing the game, proving that logic to be completely false. The Tigers run the football. I mean they almost exclusively run the football. And they don’t just do it in a control-the-clock fashion. They create big, explosive plays out of their running game. And they’ve done it against the top competition. Their rushing totals in the past four games have been staggering, with 444 yards against the University of Tennessee, 323 yards against thenNo. 25 University of Georgia, 296 yards against then-No. 1 University of Alabama and an unfathomable

morris, see page 7


M. Basketball @ GWU, 7 p.m. W. Basketball @ Boston College, 7 p.m.

Team of four freshmen wins the women’s 4x400 relay in the BU track and field season opener, P.8.

[ www.dailyfreepress.com ]

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Men’s basketball to take on Colonials BU prepares for matchup with crosstown rivals

By Alex Rozier Daily Free Press Staff

The Boston University men’s basketball team will travel to Washington, D.C., to face George Washington University Wednesday night. BU is looking to regain its momentum after suffering a close defeat at the hands of Harvard University this past Saturday. The Terriers (6-3) won their previous four games before their 79-68 defeat to the Crimson (9-1) at home. BU faces another team with just one loss on the season in the Colonials (8-1), who have won three games in a row. The loss against Harvard was a letdown for the Terriers, especially after their miraculous comeback in the final minute of action. BU trailed the Crimson by seven points with only 50 seconds remaining in regulation, but it clawed itself within two on two clutch 3-point field goals from sophomore guard John Papale. Then, with 13 seconds on the clock, sophomore guard Maurice Watson Jr. converted a driving layup that tied the score and sent the contest into overtime. The extra period became a tale of free-throw shooting. Harvard was eventually able to pull away, shooting 11-for-12 from the line, whereas BU only got to the line once and missed both of its attempts. Watson again proved to be a leader for the Terriers on both sides of the floor, shooting 7-of-12 from the floor for 14 points and delivering eight assists in addition to picking up four steals. His free-throw shooting, however, put a dent in BU’s ability to keep up with Crimson. The guard missed all four of his shots from the line, including the pair in overtime that could have brought the Terriers within two points. “I was proud of them, I thought we really competed,” said BU coach Joe Jones, commenting on the game. “That’s the thing I was the most pleased with. Anytime your team competes the way that we competed in that game, you have to be happy. “I thought we had some things we didn’t do well, we turned it

By Michael Joscelyn Daily Free Press Staff


Senior forward Dom Morris leads BU with seven rebounds per game.

over five more times than we normally do, and that really cost us. We missed foul shots that really cost us as well. In terms of playing hard and competing for 40 minutes, I thought we did a really good job of that.” The Colonials’ last game was a 77-75 victory over the University of Maryland. Senior Maurice Creek turned in an all-around great shooting performance for GWU that amounted to a game-high 25 points, including the game-winning shot with just a second left to play.

Creek shot 6-for-11 from the floor, which included three 3-pointers, and delivered a steady 10-for12 performance from the freethrow line. George Washington was strong defensively in the contest, holding the Terrapins (6-4) to a .391 fieldgoal percentage. The Terriers and Colonials met in the 2012-13 season in Boston, where George Washington was victorious by a dominating score of

men’s BasketBall, see page 7

The Boston University women’s basketball team will take on rival Boston College Wednesday in Chestnut Hill. The Terriers (3-6) will look to build on their last game, a 6663 win against the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. In their last five meetings against, BC (4-5) has 3-2 record over the Terriers, including a win over BU in the Women’s National Invitation Tournament during the 2008-09 campaign. In 2012’s edition, the Terriers came out on top in their opening game of the season, defeating the Eagles by a 52-46 margin, giving BU coach Kelly Greenberg her 150th win with the Terriers. Although they have lost six of their first nine games, senior forward Rashidat Agboola has been a driving force for the Terriers this season. In the last two games, Agboola anchored the BU offense, dropping 21 and 16 points, respectively. She has led BU in scoring average this season, putting up 11.3 per game. Senior guard Danielle Callahan has been a consistent scorer as well, averaging 11 points through the first nine contests. She has also hit more 3-pointers than anyone else on the team with 16, good for 37.2 percent from behind the arc. The senior is not only one of the leading scorers, but also is first on the team in assists with 38, which is 21 more than the next player in that category. Especially after switching from the shooting guard to the point position, Greenberg said she is pleased with Callahan’s performance. “Danielle’s been doing great,” Greenberg said. “Her transition into point guard has been great and she’s playing a lot of minutes for us. She’s leading our team with team huddles and calming us down on both ends of the court.

Women’s Hoops, see page 7

Freshmen, veterans alike succeed in track and field season opener By Sarah Kirkpatrick Daily Free Press Staff

In the Boston University track and field season opener Saturday, many Terriers showed that they are ready for the college level of competition. Freshmen Justin Flynn and Cameron Williams opened their collegiate careers with stellar showings in the 60m dash. Flynn finished second with a time of 6.99 seconds, and Williams finished in third place with a time of 7.03 seconds. Senior Brian Leonard finished the 200m dash with a time of 23.60 seconds. In the field events, senior Con-

nor Sullivan placed second in the high jump with a leap of 2.00m. Sophomore Fritz Howser and freshman Brian Shaefer finished fifth (4.25m) and sixth (4.10m), respectively, in the pole vault. Senior Samuel Arsenault placed fifth in the long jump with a jump of 6.56m. Freshman David Oluwadara placed second in the triple jump with a leap of 14.19m, while senior Blake Edwards finished third with a jump of 14.04m. Freshman Tyler Malone had an eighth-place finish with a jump of 12.63m in his college debut. In the throws, junior Ethan Knight finished second with a

heave of 15.20m. Senior Nat Hinckley finished ninth (12.19m) and sophomore Young Guang placed 12th (11.37m). Freshman James Barnett placed 13th (11.32m) in his first meet at the college level. On the women’s side, the two BU 4x400m relay teams finished 1-2. Freshmen Toria Levy, Kerri Graber, Ally Saccone and Djenne Parris teamed up to win the race with a time of 3:48.70, beating the veteran team of sophomore Christy Wood, senior Carolyn Maynard, junior Victoria Perez and senior Hannah Wiley, which finished second (3:49.35). Earlier in the day, Wood fin-

ished second in the 200m dash with a time of 24.45 seconds. She was named Patriot League Female Track Athlete of the Week as a result of her strong performance. Maynard finished right behind Wood in third place with a time of 24.79 seconds. Parris finished in sixth place (25.18 seconds) and Wiley placed seventh with a time of 25.22 seconds. Levy had a time of 25.89 seconds in the preliminary round, and sophomore Jade Paul won her heat with a time of 26.10 seconds. In the 60m dash, senior Janet Mellor placed fourth with a time

Friday, Dec. 13

Saturday, Dec. 14

Sunday, Dec. 15

The Bottom Line

Wednesday, Dec. 11


The Daily Free Press

Thursday, Dec. 12

No Events Scheduled Former Major League pitcher Mark Mulder is reportedly trying to make a comeback this season...

No Events Scheduled The Yankees, looking to recreate the 2003 All-Star team, are the early favorites to sign him.

M. Hockey vs. Bentley, 7 p.m. W. Basketball @ Marist, 1 p.m.

traCk, see page 7

M. Basketball vs. Norfolk State, 1 p.m.

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