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The Daily Free Press [

Year xliv. Volume lxxxvi. Issue XXXV


Grad students accumulating more debt than undergrads, page 3.

Thursday, March 27, 2014 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University


Jason Bateman talks about first antagonist role, page 5.




Women’s lax beats Yale in breezy conditions, page 8.


Today: Sunny/High 44 Tonight: Cloudy/Low 33 Tomorrow: 57/44

Data Courtesy of weather.com

MBTA fare hike could take effect in early July 9-alarm blaze By Brogan Calkins Daily Free Press Staff

Bus and subway fares on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority would increase 10 cents this fiscal year if a new proposal passes. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation finance committee announced the possible fare hikes Tuesday. These fare spikes would also raise the price of monthly bus and subway passes from $70 to $75, and the commuter rail monthly passes would increase anywhere between $5 to $17, depending on the distance being traveled. The proposal, if approved by a MassDOT board meeting being held on April 9, would be implemented by July 1. MBTA fare increases last came in the summer of 2012, increasing an average of 23 percent. To put an end to fare fluctuations of that magnitude, a transportation finance law was passed in the State House limiting the fare to increase only 5 percent over two years. The changes would average about 5 percent, according to MBTA spokeswoman Kelly Smith. “A 10-cent increase isn’t consistent across the board. Some fares are raised by a nickel,” she said. “Legislature provides for a 5 percent raise over a 24-month period, and this was averaged across the [MBTA] services.” These fare increases are expected to

takes lives of 2 Boston firemen

By Adrian Baker and Alice Bazerghi Daily Free Press Staff


The MBTA announced Tuesday a proposal for a 10 cent increase in fares for subway and bus rides that would begin July 1.

bring an extra $20 million to the usual $24.5 million of revenue to the MBTA. John Harris, Boston University economics professor, said the fare increase could be attributed to rising costs of keeping the MBTA running. “They have a huge deficit that has to be made up from taxes in the community,” he said. “Increasing fares is easier than get-

ting more money from taxpayers.” With the price to ride the T increasing, the number of people who would still ride comes into question. Smith said although the MBTA recognizes that an increase does make a difference, they do not expect the average commuter to stop using the T or buses as a result.

MBTA, see page 2

COM to provide online orientation for Chinese grad students By Adrian Baker Daily Free Press Staff

Boston University’s College of Communication announced Monday that it will launch an online program this summer to assist Chinese graduate students with their assimilation into the university, the city of Boston and American culture. The optional program will be an entirely online course system that deals with language and cultural issues, said Stephen Quigley, a COM associate professor of public relations who organized the program. “The essential point of COM is that it is an English language-based communication college,” Quigley said. “Any non-native English speaker is going to have a challenge coming to an American university, but in a communication discipline, that challenge is going to be increased.” The courses will begin July 1 and run

through August. When the COM grad students arrive on the Charles River campus in September, the program will enter a second phase involving face-to-face interaction, Quigley said. “There will be regular workshops with those students and those workshops will be led not just by faculty but also by current Chinese-speaking graduate students and Chinese-speaking graduates of COM,” he said. “... [The workshops] will help orient students not just to the COM environment but the internship and career environment.” A similar online university-wide orientation program currently exists for international students, known as the Center for English Language and Orientation Programs, but it requires a supplementary charge, Quigley said. “There is an additional fee [for CELOP] and it’s not obviously COM-centric,” he said. “So this would really be the first time

that COM has made an attempt to deal with these issues prior to enrollment.” The program was one of four projects to receive seed grant funding from BU’s Digital Learning Initiative, which allocates university funds to support innovative efforts in the general topic of technologybased learning, said DLI Director Chris Dellarocas. The DLI found COM’s proposal a valuable program to fund, said Dellarocas, a School of Management professor of information systems. “We thought this was a very interesting idea to try out, both because this would solve concrete challenges COM is facing right now, but also because if successful, the idea can be generalized and applied more broadly on campus,” he said. Dellarocas said the program addresses

Orientation, see page 2

A nine-alarm fire broke out in a four-story brick row house on Beacon Street Wednesday, spurred by the gusting winds throughout the day, and resulted in the death of two firefighters. Firefighter Michael Kennedy, 33, of Hyde Park and Lt. Edward Walsh, 43, of West Roxbury were killed in the fire, after responding to the blaze at 2:45 p.m. “The men and women of Boston Fire Department are the brace heroes who run towards the danger when others run away,” said Boston Mayor Martin Walsh in a statement. “A day like today makes us all too aware of what they are risking in the course of doing their jobs. They are heroes simply by virtue of accepting this duty. They put themselves in harm’s way so that others might be safe.” Josh Zakim, city councilor of District 8 where the fire occurred, said the scene was so hectic that he did not know many details about what had occurred, but said the fire caused the death of two brave firefighters. “It was a very serious fire,” he said. “Folks have been displaced from their homes, and firefighters tragically have been injured and killed today. This is the first time in a while that any firefighters have died in the line of duty ... I don’t have any more information at the time than that. The mayor’s office has set up a station near the location to provide resources and help.” Many residents were at the scene of the fire, drawn by the mountain of smoke billowing from the rooftop, noticeable from even across the Charles River. “We were walking back from Newbury, and we just saw lots of police cars and fire trucks,” said Lily Glassberg, 24, of Dorchester. “We could see the smoke from far away and smell it as we got closer, and the closer we got, we started breathing in the smoke. There are cop cars everywhere, it’s pretty insane.” Liam Henkels, 28, of Back Bay said the scene was confusing with everyone wanting to know what was going on and who was safe. “No one really realized what was going on at first, but we could see the smoke,” he said. “Then we realized it was a really serious fire, and we heard that some of the firefighters

Fire, see page 2

Four Loko owner settles $400,000 lawsuit, changes marketing campaign By Kelsey Newell Daily Free Press Staff

To prevent companies from promoting irresponsible and underage drinking, Phusion Projects LLC, an alcoholic beverage company that put out Four Loko, is paying $400,000 in settlement fees after Massachusetts Attorney Gen. Martha Coakley filed allegations against them for unlawful advertisements. Coakley filed the allegations in 2010, accusing Phusion of violating consumer protection and trade statutes that prohibit deception in marketing, according to a Tuesday release. “Binge drinking and underage drinking are public health concerns, and it is essential that companies market their products responsibly, particularly when they are selling alcoholic products that may appeal to minors,” said Coakley in the release. “We are pleased that the company will improve the marketing and promotion of its flavored malt beverages to prevent dangerous drinking behaviors.”

Jim Sloan, president of Phusion Projects, said his company did not violate any laws and disagrees with the allegations against him. However, the company had many reasons for amicably settling the dispute. “We consider this agreement a practical way to move forward and an opportunity to highlight our continued commitment to ensuring that our products are consumed safely and responsibly only by adults 21 and over,” he said. In addition to paying $400,000, Phusion will be required to make several changes to their marketing campaigns. They are now prohibited from promoting the misuse of alcohol, distributing or promoting alcohol to people underage and promoting and manufacturing the mixing of alcohol with caffeine, particularly in one of their main products: Four Loko. “The agreement also notes Phusion’s decision several years ago, in 2010, to re-

Four Loko, see page 2


Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley announced Tuesday that Phusion Products, LLC, owner of Four Loko, has agreed to a $400,000 multi-state settlement for violations relating to marketing the beverage to underage consumers.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Four Loko parent company Current Chinese students agree American cannot affiliate with schools culture orientation class could be helpful Four Loko: From Page 1

formulate Four Loko to remove caffeine, as well as guarana and taurine,” Sloan said. “Phusion continues to believe, however, as do many people throughout the world, that the combination of alcohol and caffeine can be consumed safely and responsibly.” They are also prohibited from hiring underage persons to be a part of their promotions and from hiring models for promotional materials that are under 25 or appear to be under 21, and they cannot affiliate their brand with any schools or colleges or distribute merchandise with their brand imprinted on it to underage persons. Sloan said the attorney generals like Coakley have decided to allocate the $400,000 to continued efforts in increased education on the misuse of alcohol and the enforcement of current laws surrounding the use of alcohol. “As we all know, underage drinking and alcohol abuse are serious problems in need of serious solutions,” he said. “They will not, however, be solved by singling out specific products or alcoholic beverage categories … Phusion Projects will continue to undertake and support productive efforts to make sure our products — and all alcoholic beverages — are used legally, safely and responsibly.” Many residents said prevent-

ing inappropriate and deceptive advertising is important, but that Coakley may be taking it to an extreme. “It’s good to prevent there from being mixed messages to the youth in our society,” said Lidia Maldonado, 51, of the South End. “Stopping companies from promoting binge drinking and underage drinking is good, but they may be going too far when they stop the company from selling stuff with their brand on it to anyone underage.” Matthew Hames, 30, of Allston, said the results of the settlement are too strict. “I’m not sure I agree with there being laws like this for how companies can advertise,” he said. “In the free market, companies should be allowed to advertise how they choose unless it becomes offensive to a large group of people … this may be controversial, but it’s not harmful to anyone. And the people consuming it and the people modeling for them are doing so by choice.” Tesa Hartmann, 45, of Boston, said she was surprised similar allegations are not more frequent. “It surprises me there haven’t been lawsuits over cigarette companies advertising smoking as cool and fun — it seems like the same issue,” she said. “If they’re going to hold [Phusion] to this standard, they need to be consistent across the board.”

Neighbors displaced after fire burns through building Fire: From Page 1

were actually injured.” Tracy Taylor, 30, of Back Bay who lives on Beacon Street, said the fire started in the basement and had risen up all the way through the roof before spreading to adjacent buildings. “One of the bigger concerns right now, because of the wind, [is that] it could jump over between buildings,” she said while looking at the fire. Taylor said she is not sure of the damages, but she needs to look for a place to stay. “I was at work and my chef

came over to me and told me there was a fire and that I should go home and make sure everything’s okay,” she said. “I was just in shock and panic … I’m thinking of a place to stay in the meantime in case I can’t stay in my apartment.” Walsh said his thoughts were with the two firefighters families as they face such a terrible loss. “Words cannot do justice to the grief that we feel tonight,” he said in a statement. “Our hearts are heavy with the knowledge that these brave men gave their lives to protect the safety of our city and its people.”

Orientation: From Page 1

the culture shock felt by many international students at BU. “We live in a world where we have an increasing number of foreign students coming to American universities,” Dellarocas said. “This, of course, is very welcome for a number of reasons, but also creates a number of challenges because we need to assimilate students who come from different cultures.” Di Liu, an School of Management freshman from China, said while an online orientation would alleviate the generality of the on-campus orientation in terms of helping international students adjust, it eliminates the real-life experience on-campus orientation

provides. “It [online orientation] is going to be easier, but it’s going to be less fun, because when there’s orientation, teachers show you around the school and actually get you familiar with those schools,” Liu said “When it’s online, it’s kind of not that real.” CAS sophomore and China native Hao Dong said that an online course could not substitute for the value of on-campus orientation. “I did Common Ground, so I got to walk around the school and get to know it,” he said. “This is a new environment for international students, so I think that orientation is important for them to be familiar with the environment and the school.” However, as an additional re-

source, an online program would be useful in helping incoming international grad students better understand American customs, Dong said. Libo Tang, an SMG junior from China, said receiving American cultural immersion before arriving on campus would have aided him in adjusting to American life during his freshman year. “My English was pretty bad at the time [freshman year], so I just didn’t communicate with any other people on my floor — I was just totally lost,” Tang said. “I think other people feel the same way as I did. If there’s some way to help them to get more involved with the American culture and environment that would be great.”

Resident: With operation costs rising for MBTA fare hikes not preferable, but possibly necessary MBTA: From Page 1

Because the MBTA system is an essential means of transportation for many people, Harris said he does not think the ridership would be notably affected. “The T is a necessity,” he said, “This not being a huge hike in prices, I can’t see the ridership significantly decreasing.” The MBTA knows the regular commuters and users of the system will keep up to date on any price changes. “MBTA policy changes typically get some media attention,” Smith said. “Regular riders of the T will be well aware of the increase before it takes place.” The MBTA will typically do

everything they can to prevent increases in fares to their riders, said Smith, but with operating costs so high, this increase could hardly be avoided. Several residents said a fare increase is a small inconvenience, but it would not prevent them from relying on the MBTA as a main source of transportation. “I don’t think it’s too big of a deal,” said Evan DeCroteau, 27, of South Boston. “Two-dollar fare is a pretty round number; $2.10 is a little less convenient. I guess that’s what I’m most concerned about because I never have change on me.” Rachel Markiewicz, 51, of Back Bay, said this increase is

minimal but even if the price only increases by 5 percent every year, it will eventually be expensive. “Didn’t the price just increase a lot a few years ago?” she said. “A 10 cent increase doesn’t sound like a lot, but I’m just worried about exactly how high [the fare] will go.” Jake Silverman, 35, of Boston, said seeing prices go up is not pleasant, but a natural occurrence throughout time. “I guess the costs are rising, so it makes sense for the fare to go up,” he said. “Nobody wants to see the cost of public transportation rise, especially in the city. I’m still going to ride the T, though.”


Courtesy of printmysudoku.com SOLUTION ON PAGE 4

Campus & City Column GIRL, 21

The lost years

We have almost no information about Jesus’ life between his ages of 12 and 30. Some claim he continued with carpentry, while others believe he toured Europe, even making a stop at Glastonbury to play with Oasis. This period of time, one might think, is the most important stage of development in a person’s life, whether they go SYDNEY L. on to become a SHEA doctor, antique salesman or savior of all mankind. No one likes looking back at pictures of their awkward in-between years. I, for one, would not be thrilled if photos of 12-yearold me were publicly displayed for everyone to see my clunky glasses and weird sense of style. The only time I look back at these years is when I want to cry over how wonderfully skinny I was before I discovered the wider world of carbohydrates. This gestation period still plays into who I’ve become as a person, and compared with Jesus, I still have nine more years to go. But Jesus’ silent years have sent me into a reflection the past couple of days about the differences between my life as a pre-teen and teenager, through now when, in the words of Britney Spears, I’m “not a girl, not yet a woman.” I still cringe if a stranger refers to me as a “lady” and I immediately check to make sure I don’t have any new wrinkles on my forehead, then take a hit of Botox just in case. I remained childlike past childhood. Everything, even up until my first year of college, has always been exciting and new, somehow playing a significant part into whatever my path will be. Young children are constantly fascinated with even the simplest of things, and I maintained this sense of newness of the world from my first time putting on a Varsity cheerleading uniform freshman year of high school to my first class at Boston University with a stomach full of butterflies on angel dust (the butterflies, not me). It’s sad to be coming to the end of this period. Although I’m content with the world, fewer and fewer things strike me as exciting and the fairy tale of college is over. I’m too comfortable with my limits and need to learn how to push them again, or even how to just explore. Sometimes it’s easy to just feel stuck in myself. I frequently think about advice that I would have given my 12-year-old self and fantasize about a time machine that could take me back and warn me about the mistakes I was in the process of making. Too many people settle for less and hold on to the notion that they would not change their current situations for the world, good or bad, which is one of the most absurd things I’ve ever heard. By the time I’m 30, I will be grateful, however, only if no one knows about my embarrassing childhood photos, racy college anecdotes and most importantly, these columns.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Study: Grad student loan debt on the rise Gun buy-back

program gets 75 guns off street

By Mina Corpuz Daily Free Press Staff

While undergraduates at schools such as Boston University account for much of America’s student loan debt, a report released Tuesday suggests that graduate student debt has seen significant increases between 2004 and 2012. “It is important that people consider the costs of their education before they start, particularly a graduate degree,” said Randall Ellis, a professor of economics at BU’s College of Arts and Sciences. “... It used to be that graduate degrees would almost automatically lead to finding a job. That seems less true today, given stiffer international competition.” The report, which was issued by the New America Foundation, used data from the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study to get a broader sense of how much debt students pursuing master’s degrees and other professional degrees have accrued. “The context for focusing on student loans and debt is because of the outstanding student loans in America that have hit $3 trillion,” said Jason Delisle, director of the New America Federal Education Budget Project and author of the report.

By Felicia Gans Daily Free Press Staff

strong impression on faculty during his time at BU. “We’re very, very proud of Douglas for all the work that he has done up until now, and looking forward to having someone of his caliber at the helm of a critically important organization on a topic that is a thorny and difficult one,” she said. “HIV/AIDS is a very challenging problem, and there are many causes and many consequences.” Brooks began at the JRI as a social work intern before advancing to the role of senior vice president for community, health, and public policy. “Each step along the way, I’ve worked and served with brilliant, compassionate and dedicated people,” Brooks said. “At JRI, I was allowed to grow and learn — and I think — make meaningful contributions to the organization and the health and human services field.” Brooks also served as the first chair of AIDS United, an organization created from the merger of National AIDS Fund and AIDS Action

In an effort to tackle the gun violence that infiltrated Boston’s streets earlier in the year, Boston Mayor Martin Walsh announced a series of measures to decrease gun activity and abuse, including a regional gun trafficking summit, renewed funding for a summer jobs program and a gun buy-back program. The gun buy back, entitled Your Piece for Peace, was instituted Monday at 12 p.m. A total of 75 guns have been taken off the street since the program’s start, with 40 guns on Monday and 35 guns on Tuesday, according to a Boston Police Department spokesman. “This is the first step in a longterm, city-wide mission to prevent violence,” Walsh said in a Monday release. “The illegal trafficking of crime guns is one of the primary threats to the safety of our neighborhoods across this country. In the absence of federal action to close dangerous loopholes that allow criminals and prohibited purchases to have easy access to crime guns, we must take action regionally to confront this problem head on.” Guns will be accepted at district police stations and designated dropoff sites Monday through Friday from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m., no questions asked. All firearms must be unloaded upon delivered, and ammunition must be delivered in a separate bag. BPD Commissioner William Evans spoke about how and why the city instated the program at the first Mondays with the Mayor on Monday night in Brighton. He said they are aiming to collect 1,000 guns over the next couple weeks. “I support taking any gun we can off the street,” he said. “Already this year, we’ve taken 136 guns off the street. We work hard every day to make the neighborhoods safe. Every gun off the street is one less gun that might take an innocent victim.” Jim Wallace, executive director of the Gun Owners’ Action League, said the city’s leaders have good intentions, but gun buy-back programs are not effective tools to fighting crime or preventing accidents.

Brooks, see page 4

Guns, see page 4


The New American Foundation released a report Tuesday that suggests the amount of debt graduate students owe by the end of their education is rising.

The average combined undergraduate and graduate debt in 2012 was $57,600, $99,614 at the 75th percentile, and $153,000 at the 90th percentile, according to the report. The figures were adjusted to inflation in 2012. “The underlying issue is that there is not a coincidence that the biggest change came when the government changed its policies on student debt,” Delisle said. “Beginning in 2006, students could borrow whatever amount of charges. Before that, there was a

cap on that amount.” Because student loans have barriers that increase their costs, such as high interest and repayment rates, it is more difficult for graduate students to pay off their debt while receiving an advanced education, Ellis said. “There should be government subsidies to the interest rates to promote investments in education,” he said. “There is individual risk that one student may not pay off their loans, but collectively it is an excellent invest-

Debt, see page 4

SSW graduate to lead Office of National AIDS Policy By Drew Schwartz Daily Free Press Staff

U.S. President Barack Obama appointed Boston University School of Social Work alumnus Douglas Brooks as the director of the Office of National AIDS Policy on Monday, where Brooks and his team will work to limit the spread of HIV/AIDS and to ensure equal access to treatment for victims of the fatal conditions. “For me, there is no doubt that serving this President, with whom my values are greatly aligned, is both amazing and humbling,” said Brooks, who lives with HIV. “To then also be able to serve in an area that is professionally and personally significant to me is, yes, a dream come true.” Brooks and his associates will help implement the National HIV/ AIDS Strategy and the HIV Care Continuum initiative, cooperating with the White House National Security Council, the State Department’s Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator and international organizations to advance America’s response to the global pandemic and integrate it with


efforts around the world. Brooks said his experiences at SSW, where he received his master’s in social work in 2002, helped secure his position at the White House. “It was at BU that my natural gifts met with professional training,” Brooks said. “Faculty taught — and modeled — an understanding of the essential need to approach each micro and macro issue through the lens of the interrelated and interdependent systems that people encounter on a daily basis.” Brooks said the foundation he gained at BU has proved essential to his professional career, including his work with the Justice Research Institute, AIDS United and the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. “He gained a lot of experience in the local, state and federal government sectors,” said SSW Dean Gail Steketee. “That’s essential for playing a role in Washington, where he’s going to need to respond to the needs of a large constituency across the country.” Steketee said Brooks made a

Report values return on investment for BU degree at $406,000 By Drew Schwartz Daily Free Press Staff

Boston University was ranked the 13th-best private university in Massachusetts for its return on investment Wednesday, according to an organization called PayScale that rates colleges and universities on their total cost and average alumni earnings. PayScale’s 2014 College Return on Investment Report found the average BU alum yields a 20-year net ROI of $406,000, and an annual ROI of 5.4 percent. Though several students said investing in a bachelor’s degree from BU was a good investment, some said the university placed too high a premium on receiving an education. “I have a lot of family members that went through Boston University and came out with very successful jobs,” said Richard Keating, a College of Arts and Sciences junior. “They were able to pay their student debt off in no time because of their Sydney L. Shea is a senior in the Boston University degree.” College of Arts and Sciences. She Keating said he felt he would ulcan be reached at slshea@bu.edu.

timately see a strong return on his investment in his education. “I did an internship and it just seems that everywhere I go people know Boston University, and to everyone in Massachusetts, Boston University is looked highly upon,” he said. “It’ll be worth it in the end.” Tom Meeus, a junior in CAS, said though receiving scholarships to BU made attending a responsible investment, the average student was disadvantage by the cost of tuition. “You can’t go into school and come out with $200,000 in debt,” he said. “If you’re coming out of a bachelor’s with that much debt, you’re behind for the rest of your life, and you’re trying to play catch up. Especially in today’s job market where just a bachelor’s doesn’t even get you that far.” PayScale, one of the largest aggregators of data on salaries of college graduates in the country, roots its rankings in the 20-year returns typical graduates who hold only a bachelor’s degree receive on their investments in


PayScale released its 2014 College Return on Investment Report, which depicts the differences in ROI between state schools and public schools.

higher education. “If you’re applying to college there are many things for you to consider, both qualitative and quantitative factors,” said Katie Bardaro, PayScale’s lead economist. “But one of the most important quantitative factors is what is your potential income.” Badaro said PayScale primarily

allows graduates to understand their true value in the labor market by comparing their salaries, which they volunteer to the website along with information about their educational background and employer, to those in similar positions.

Investment, see page 4



Thursday, March 27, 2014

Prof.: Interest rates to blame for most debt Director: Gun buyback may DeBt: From Page 3

ment for the country. [Student loans] have very high repayment rates. You cannot avoid them by declaring bankruptcy like you can credit card, mortgage or car debts.” Michael Manove, a professor of economics in CAS, said the investment in higher education could be worth the debt for the future return. “Second interest rates are very important,” Manove said. “Students who borrow at 8 percent will have much

larger loan payments than student who borrow at 4 percent. The median debt of borrowers is about $58,000, but if you buy a modest house in the Boston area, your mortgage debt is likely to be on the order of $400,000,” he said. “Higher education tends to generate quite a bit of income. Home ownership does not.” Several students said that finding a job is necessary to help pay off the debt from their education. Samuel Needham, a second-year

graduate student in BU’s School of Theology, said earning a graduate degree is worth incurring debt if the possibility of getting a lucrative job is high. “If you’re going to graduate school because you don’t know what you want to do or you are just good at school, I’d advise against that unless your education is funded,” he said. “Earning a law degree with reason to expect to be hired is smart, but for the humanities not so much.”

Brooks strives to initiate AIDS-free generation Brooks: From Page 3

in 2010. He said he helped move the organization closer to achieve its mission of ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States. “It’s some of the exact same work that we must now do to achieve the goals of the NHAS,” he said. As a member of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, Brooks said he gained a working knowledge of the barriers and facilitators integral to creating an AIDS-free

generation. “The PACHA experience was invaluable for deepening my understanding of how the federal government works and how it does not work,” he said. Steketee said Brooks’ PACHA work has likely introduced him to the individuals he will work with in Washington and prepared him for his work with ONAP. “What Douglas brings to this is his fundamental understanding of the community and what the community

needs,” she said. “Now he will play that out at the national level.” Brooks has proved committed to the needs of local and larger communities, consistently providing muchneeded services throughout his professional career, Steketee said. “It’s absolutely delightful to have our graduates playing critically important roles in the federal government,” she said, “to guide policies and practices that are going to have such a big impact nationwide.”

Student: Ambition plays higher factor than degree investMent: From Page 3

“You can’t just go up to someone and say how much do you make to try to understand if what you’re paid is paid fairly,” Badaro said. In 2009, the organization began compiling the information they had accrued to assemble the rankings, which currently places BU as the 75th-most valuable private highereducation institution in the nation.

“The information we’re trying to put out there with the ROI [return on investment] is not to say the only thing you should consider when you’re going to college is what your paycheck is going to look like,” Badaro said. “In no way do we think that’s true. It’s just a piece of what the overall decision is.” Lauren Nuclo, a sophomore in the School of Management, said the reputation of an individual’s alma mater

plays a minimal role in their ability to find a job. “On the premium on getting a degree from an elite school, there’s not that much of a difference between an elite school and a regular school if you take into account other factors, like your ambition,” she said. “The degree only gets you so far. You can’t just rely on the name. You also have to apply yourself and really go after what you want.”

Summer Term 2014 at BU

hinder criminal investigations Guns: From Page 3

“Gun buy-back programs are, more or less, a feel-good thing,” he said. “If they were successful at fighting gun crime, then why don’t we have drug buybacks to fight drug crime? It’s just one of those things where people are frustrated, and they’re not exactly sure what to do, so they have a gun buy-back program.” Wallace said he is most concerned that people will unknowingly sell a collectable gun to the city for less than it is worth, and that the “no questions” policy will make gun-related crime harder to solve. “If somebody is turning in a gun that might have been used in a crime, and this is completely done through an anonymous situation, where there’s no tracing, there’s no capability of actually finding out who that person who is turned in the gun,” he said. “It might have been used in a crime, and then it ends up being destroyed and the evidence is gone.” Several residents said the new gun buy-back program is a significant step for Walsh and BPD to keep gun violence numbers down in the city. Seth Benzell, 23, of Allston, said he is concerned with the economic implications of the buy back program on the city.

“In an extreme case, we’re talking about thousands and thousands of guns being brought into the city and the administration committing to buy them,” he said. “We’re talking about large cash outlays to no end. All we’re doing is financing a program to bring guns from Point A to Point B and it could hypothetically be very expensive if the price is high enough.” Karen Hernandez, 29, of Fenway, said she used to live in Colombia, and the gun buy-back programs installed there were extremely successful in decreasing gun violence. “Anything to keep guns off the street is awesome,” she said. “Gun violence predominantly happens in lower class neighborhoods. Sometimes, the people are using guns in order to get money to pay bills. So maybe those are the people that will be giving their guns back because they’re the ones that need the most money.” Ethan Markham, 24, of Brighton, said any program that can be instated to bring down gun violence in the city and the state is worthwhile. “I see no good reason that people should be carrying around guns at all,” he said. “I don’t think anyone needs guns. If people didn’t have guns, no one would be shooting each other, and no one would need them.”

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INTERVIEW: Bad Words from good guy Jason Bateman Joe Incollingo Muse Staff


Jason Bateman plays an overzealous spelling bee champ with a dirty mouth in his upcoming directorial debut.


ason Bateman isn’t a bad guy at all. He doesn’t even play one on TV. For a few years about a decade ago, his beleaguered Michael Bluth on Fox’s Arrested Development went to near-superhuman lengths to remain “a good guy.” But deep down, something sinister smoldered. The bad guy needed a turn. “We all have this guy in us,” Bateman said in a phone interview, his pleasant demeanor untainted by any inner evil. “You hope that you can keep this person under wraps.” Luckily, he found a reasonably healthy outlet in Guy Trilby, the protagonist but hardly the hero, of his latest film Bad Words. On paper,

Guy is a bad guy. The film follows the very grown-up Trilby as he exploits a loophole in order to pit himself against grade-school spelling bee contestants in pursuit of settling a mysterious grudge with victory. Along the way, he terrorizes children and parents alike with his imaginative brand of awful, awful meanness. You just don’t threaten to accuse a little boy of having ticking carry-on baggage without some baggage of your own. “I was adequately confident that I could make him likeable enough, only because I’ve been playing the straight man, the middle man, the put-upon guy, the protagonist for a long time now,” he reasoned. “I

knew that you’d need to see some flashes of that, some exposures of his core, to make his prickliness palatable.” There’s really no doubt that Bateman can handle that sort of challenge. But Bad Words is also his directorial debut, which probably complicated things a little more. Still, Bateman said it wasn’t something he could easily say “no” to. “I’ve been basically acting mostly for the last 15 or 20 years with the goal in mind of trying to create enough capital, enough relevance, enough of a profile in the business as an actor, so that I can ask for the directing reins,” he explained. It’s worth mentioning that Bateman’s actually been acting for more than 30 years. With time comes expertise, but also a touch of boredom. “With directing you’re trying to create a completely fake world for the audience and trying to shape an experience for that audience for two hours, both with what they see, and what they hear, what they feel. It’s just – to me it’s just a much more challenging and gratifying creative effort,” he said. “I mean, I don’t want to belittle acting at all, but maybe it’s just because I’ve been doing that for so long and it’s just so comfortable to me [that] I was really excited about the challenge

of taking on more responsibility.” He almost didn’t bother trying to juggle both his own directorial responsibilities and Guy’s nagging demons; Jason Bateman the Actor had a good idea of who Guy would become before his camera, and had a few names in mind. Though after Choice #1 and Choice #2 — he wouldn’t name names — turned out to be unavailable to take on the role, he changed his mind. “I liked my chances,” he smirked. That’s not to say that Jason Bateman the Director had it so easy. There was still the issue of tactfully combining horrifying dialogue and a cast of mostly young children. (NB: I wish I could repeat some of the things here for you but, while they’re hilarious, they’re absolutely monstrous. Even euphemizing would make you blush.) To Bateman, that was only a problem if you have a problem with it. “I think it’s tough for kids to see violence done as well as Hollywood can do it nowadays … but saying a dirty word here or there, or looking at a woman’s breasts? There’s a prudeness in this country at this time [and] this isn’t one of those areas that needed to have too much handwringing about,” he said. “There is a very crude, tactless, generic popcorn version of this kind of humor, and that is not

something I was ever interested in making.” Bateman saw something a little heartbreaking in all of the meanness. After all, it’s clear from the beginning of the film that Guy has been wronged in some way and he’s dealing with it in the best way he know how. It’s more ignorance than malice; Bateman cited Carroll O’Connor in All in the Family. Like O’Connor’s Archie Bunker, Guy Trilby isn’t looking to hurt anyone. He just needs a little tact. “I’m not that good at a lot of stuff,” Guy confesses in his opening voiceover. “Especially thinking things through.” Whether you agree or not is really up to you, and Bateman admits that the film is “definitely not for everyone.” But, the strength of one’s stomach aside, it’s tough to dispute that any filmmaker that is this invested, this dedicated to his work is certainly worth serious attention moving forward. “Personally, I was able to accomplish something that we all try to get to at some point in our lives — and hopefully multiple times — which is being proud of yourself,” he said. He deserves it; he’s a good guy. Bad Words enters wide release on March 28, and stars Bateman, Kathryn Hahn and Philip Baker Hall.

Fondue for two: Belly Wine Bar warms you up the cheesy way


ut baby it’s cold outside. It is cold outside. I know most of you are sick of it, but it’s going to stay that way for some time (probably until mid-April, so take out your tissues). Really, the only way to survive this long, depressing winter is to hibernate like a bear. And if there’s one thing we’ve all learned from our favorite bear, Winnie the Pooh, it’s that food will always do you good. So let’s go and find something to eat. Welcome to the Belly Wine Bar. With its wooden ceilings, red brick walls, dimmed lights and interesting art deco tiles, the place looks like a European chalet with a modern twist. There’s even a burning fire pit outside — but more on that later. Belly is a wine bar, and you can’t say wine without saying charcuterie and cheese too. The menu provides an extended list of both, along with oysters, small plates (all for $6), first courses (around $15), main courses (around $25) and … a cheese fondue. Cheese fondues are the best fondues. Do you know why some people actually like winter? It’s not for the snow or Christmas season, it’s for the sake of dipping things into a pot of melted, warm, gooey cheese. Cheese fondues are one of those traditional treats that only make

Noëmie Carrant

sense when rivers freeze and people slip on ice. It’s a winter thing. And Belly Wine Bar is one of the few places in Boston that does it right. To get a cheese fondue at Belly, you need to call a day in advance and arrange it. The fondue is for four to six people at $14 per head. Show up on time, get seated and, as you wait, bask in the crowded yet cozy atmosphere of the wine bar, lounge music included. When the fondue arrives, you’ll be a bit disappointed. The pot of “coveted Alpine cheese,” as described on their website, looks very small. But never fear, Belly knows what it’s doing and the pot only looks small. Accompanying the cheese are the fantastic four: slices of green apples, little Brussels sprouts, endive leaves and pieces of focaccia bread. You can use the fondue forks or your fingers, but either way, you’re going to get messy. The green apple and cheese combo creates a sweet and juicy result with a fresh crispness that relieves some of the cheese’s heaviness. Apples and cheese go hand in hand; they’re a dynamic duo and they know how to satisfy. With endive there’s no way around the bitterness, though they do result in an interesting and pleasant crunchy-watery mixture. But it

Muse Contributor gets a bit overwhelming, as the leaves are rather huge, with tartness dominating the palate. So, if the endives are last on your plate, just use them as spoons to ladle melted cheese into your mouth. Sometimes cheese just needs to be drunk. Next up are the Brussels sprouts. Grilled, the sprouts capture the cheese into their little crevices, making every bite an explosion of crunchy delight. Finally, the classic: bread and cheese. The large fluffy pieces of focaccia just soak up the cheese like a sponge. The hard bread goes soggy in a satisfying way, and the combo simply melts on the tongue. With bread, you can truly taste the sometimes too-subtle alcohol in the cheese fondue. There’s a reason why the French only use bread for their cheese fondues: it’s simple, decadent and delicious. The best. That night, Belly offered two desserts: a chèvre gelato ($8) and DIY s’mores ($4). This is where the fire pit comes in. They hand you everything you need and you make your own s’mores — weather permitting, of course. The chèvre gelato, on the other hand, is made for you. Cheese fondues tend to be heavy, so ice cream is always welcome afterwards. You get two scoops of thick goat cheese


The rich cheese fondue selection at Belly Wine Bar in Cambridge makes it the perfect place to hide from the gusts and flurries of this neverending winter.

ice cream with drizzles of honey, citrus zests and sweet rosemary shortbread with fennel seeds. It’s a wonderful dessert that soothes the mouth with subtle sweetness and little outburst of acidity. Belly Wine Bar will make you forget where you are. You’re not in Boston. You’re near mountains, in the Alps, about to go skiing. It is a little chalet in the middle of Kendall Square where you do not dread the cold but make the most of it. So go out and enjoy now while it’s still chilly outside, because one day

you’ll be complaining that it’s too warm outside. And eating a cheese fondue then would simply not make sense. Belly Wine Bar One Kendall Square Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 494-0968 Open Sunday through Wednesday from 5 to 11p.m. and Thursday through Saturday from 5 to 12 p.m.



Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Daily Free Press

The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 44th year F Volume 86 F Issue 35

Sarah Kirkpatrick, Editor-in-Chief Brian Latimer, Managing Editor

Rachel Riley, Campus Editor

Alice Bazerghi, City Editor

Andrew Battifarano, Sports Editor

Trisha Thadani, Opinion Editor

Heather Goldin, Multimedia Editor

Maya Devereaux, Photo Editor

Brooke Jackson-Glidden, Features Editor

Emily Hartwell, Layout Editor

Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2014 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

Don’t deport our teachers

According to a New York Times article from earlier this month, President Obama is about to reach a significant milestone in his six years of presidency in regards to immigration reform. However, this is not a milestone that represents progress, but rather, utter failure. In the next few weeks, the government is likely to have deported two million immigrants during Obama’s six years in presidency. To further discourage the faith in the government’s ability to fix the immigration system in our country, it was reported this week that 23 teachers from a Texas school district are facing deportation. Even though these teachers have fulfilled the requirements, documentation and qualifications stated by the government to become a permanent resident, they are still falling victim to the merciless deportation laws of our country. About 8 percent of teachers in the Garland, Texas school district are made up of immigrants who were hired with the promise of permanent residency. But, after an investigation in February revealed mistakes made in their H-1B Visa Work Program paperwork, the school district was forced to report itself to Homeland Security. And now, because of these mistakes, the lives that these 23 teachers have built in America with their families, friends and students are teetering on the fine line of our flawed immigration system. According to Public Schools Explorer, a source for public education data, in the past five years, the success and proficiency of Garland students has improved. In South Garland high school, in particular, the percent of students who meet the college-ready criterion on the TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills), SAT or ACT increased from 27 percent to 32 percent from 2007 to 2010. Additionally, the percent of high school seniors who graduated received a GED or continued high school increased by more than 3 percent from 2006 to 2010. Although these 23 teachers who are facing deportation may not have been directly responsible for this jump in Garland’s student success rates, they were still a part of the system that cultivated these successful students. Students tend to become attached to teachers who help them succeed, and deporting their mentors will cause those students to resent our government and, if anything, teach them

to lose faith in it at an early age. During his administration, Obama vowed to make it easier for undocumented immigrants to apply for citizenship and stay in this country if they are contributing, working members of the society. Doing so would mean lightening the definition of “aggravated felony,” which is a broad category of criminal offenses that carry severe consequences for those seeking permanent citizenship. Under a lightened definition of “aggravated felony,” the government would allow those convicted to minor crimes such as marijuana possession, forgery and tax evasion to stay in the country. And yes, that would also permit Mr. Justin Bieber to avoid deportation as well. We can’t always win them all. If an egg-throwing, Lamborghini-racing, paparazzi-assaulting entitled pop-star can stay in this country, what kind of precedent would this country set if 23 loyal teachers were deported due to faulty paperwork? In a message directed to House Republicans, actress and activist America Ferrara took the stand on Wednesday urging them to defy Speaker Boehner and sign a discharge petition that would bring immigration reform up for a vote. “Every day that you refuse to act is another day that 1,100 families are torn apart by senseless deportations,” Ferrera said. “So we are here, demanding a vote for the families dreading that knock on the door, hoping and praying that they will not be one of the 1,100 today.” According to a 2011 report by the Applied Research Center, more than 5,000 children are in foster care because their parents have been deported. Earlier this month, the New York Times reported that Obama has a “deep concern about the pain too many families feel from the separation that comes from our broken immigration system.” According to a White House statement, he said that the deportation of undocumented immigrants should be more humane, and “cited concern” for those families affected. Well, Obama, how about you channel that “deep concern” into concrete action, and help the 5,000 children left behind in foster care, and protect the hundreds of other students who are about to lose their beloved teachers to deportation.

A book entitled “How to Poo on a Date: The Lover’s Guide to Toilet Etiquitte” won the prize for the year’s oddest book title. We here at the ol’ Free Press were wondering what how-to book people at BU would publish. • • • • • • •

SMG: How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying CFA: How To Dance Out Your Feelings ENG: How To Find the Moment SHA: How To Fold a Napkin Like a Pro BU Athletics: How To Lose President Brown: How To Stick a Vacuum In People’s Wallets FreeP: How to Get Coffee From Starbucks as it is Closing

Life in the left lane

It’s her choice, not ours SARA Ryan I had the distinct pleasure of walking past Planned Parenthood this week while protesters were in front of it. They were handing out pamphlets and carrying signs. All of this would have been fine, except one of the old white guys yelled after me, “Did you know they kill babies here? 22,000 babies are murdered every year.” First of all, I have no idea where they got this statistic because I’ve done some research and the most recent numbers aren’t anywhere close to this. According to the Planned Parenthood Fact Sheet, they performed about 324,000 abortions in 2008. Of the 700 Planned Parenthood clinics in the United States, only 216 perform abortions. That makes about 1,500 abortions per clinic per year. I’m no math major, but — oh wait. I am. Either the clinic on Commonwealth Avenue performs 14.7 percent of all abortions in the country, or these protesters have no idea how many abortions are actually performed every year. Second, I really hate that these protesters choose to stand outside Planned Parenthood. I understand why they do it logistically, but they can be intimidating to young girls who are just trying to get some help. If 100 people walked into a clinic, only about three of them would actually be there for abortions. Think about that. The other 97 women (and men) are there for STI testing, pregnancy tests, breast cancer screenings and contraception. Not only are the protesters scaring away women who are there for abortions, but also those who are there for other medical procedures that I believe most of said protesters would support. The American Cancer Society estimates that 40 thousand women will die of breast cancer in 2014. If Planned Parenthood can prevent even one of those deaths, that seems like pretty noble work to me. However, if a woman is going to be harassed or yelled at just for getting a mammogram, maybe she won’t get one. Maybe she will decide that she doesn’t need the preventative care and her cancer will go undetected. The First Amendment protects the freedoms of speech and assembly. However, there is a limitation on freedom of speech. A citizen is allowed to say whatever he or she wants as long as it doesn’t infringe upon the rights of others. I believe a woman has the right to a safe, legal abortion without fear of intimidation from others. Roe v. Wade was a controversial ruling, but it was definitive. Every woman has a right to choose. If there are half a dozen protesters calling her a mur-

derer as she walks into the clinic, is it really a choice? I’m not convincing you to agree with my stance on abortion, but is there any chance we can agree on this? Women don’t deserve to be harassed or intimidated on the way to see a doctor, regardless of why she scheduled the appointment. I’ve tried to gain some perspective on this issue. I understand why these people protest and intimidate (perhaps unintentionally). If you accept the premise that abortion is murder, then how could you not do everything you can to save as many lives as possible? The problem here is that legally, it is not technically considered murder during the first trimester. Almost all clinics explain all courses of action before deciding on abortion. They don’t need help from protesters on the street. Clinics want abortions to be safe, legal and rare. I don’t have a solution or some overarching “Kumbaya” message. There’s no happy ending to this story. But, I wish there was. This has probably been the most difficult piece I’ve written since I started publishing three years ago. This issue is incredibly personal and complicated, and I’m not arrogant enough to believe that my opinion is the right opinion for everyone. It doesn’t matter if people disagree with me, or scream “right on!” as they read this. For just one minute I want my readers to put themselves in the shoes of that 20-yearold girl walking into a Planned Parenthood. It doesn’t matter why she’s there. Just imagine how she must feel as she walks up to the door as some 45-year-old woman shoves a pamphlet in her direction and starts spewing facts. It’s not like “Juno”, where she has a pleasant conversation with a classmate who casually mentions that her baby has fingernails. It’s a flurried moment of interaction where the other person attempts to intimidate and persuade in the five-second window before she gets to the door. I don’t want to go through that. I don’t want my sister, best friend or future daughter to go through that. There’s a difference between protesting and intimidating. While I’m not a fan of either, one seems downright illegal. I’m not expecting consensus, just consideration. Women have the right to choose. Don’t take that away from them. Sara Ryan is a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences studying political science and math. She can be reached at sryan15@ bu.edu.

The opinions and ideas expressed by columnists and cartoonists are their own and are not necessarily representative of the opinions of The Daily Free Press.


Thursday, march 27, 2014


Chipps: Mascots essential to college athletic experience, school spirit Chipps: From Page 8

ment you get in the costume, you are no longer just some regular person walking down Commonwealth Avenue. You’re Rhett, and you’re the man. Everyone loves you and you have to love them back. That means taking pictures with everything and anything: guys, girls, kids, dogs, other mascots and of course, the President of your esteemed university. From the moment you become the mascot, your life is never the same. When you’re not on the job, you feel the urge to do something crazy in attempt to make your class lecture a little more interesting. When you’re in the suit,

you feel like a different person, capable of doing things like cartwheels and backflips that you could never imagine doing out of the suit. As March Madness comes into full swing these next two weeks, I thought it would be a great time to reflect on my days as the mascot and remind everyone of just how important we are to the games. Whether it’s the St. Joseph’s University Eagle flapping its wings for every second of the basketball game, the University of Oregon Duck’s doing an immense amount of push-ups during football season or even the University of Georgia Bulldog’s slobber falling from his mouth, the college mascot has always played a

vital role in the college sports experience. The mascot is and will always be forever heralded and loved at every school. The mascot is the symbol that represents everything your school stands for. Whether it’s a Trojan, a Buckeye, a Sooner or a Terrier, the mascot is oftentimes the best representation of what each school embodies. I retired from the suit after last season, citing mental fatigue and bad knees. It wasn’t an easy decision, but I decided to move on from the superhero business while I was still at the top of my game. Hanging up the suit was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but part of the job

is knowing when it’s time to call it a quits and pass the esteemed job down to a protégé. For the short time I did have the honor of wearing the suit, I felt like a Dark Knight. During the day, I was just another student at Boston University attempting to make it to class on time. At night, I was Rhett the Terrier, Boston University’s beloved mascot who rightfully served the community by providing stability in an unstable universe. In today’s society where things are changing so rapidly, there will always be two things you can count on: taxes and your friendly, but sometimes extremely rowdy college mascot.

Stolen bases, McCravey lead Army Softball: From Page 8

said about the matchup. “That’s just playing the game. The coaching staff looks at the opponent and we do our scouting reports and look at the stats but for when it becomes game time, it’s all about playing the game and we just play the game one pitch, one out, one inning at a time.” In terms of offensive, the Black Knights sit in the middle of the pack of the conference. Army is fourth in the Patriot League in batting average and on-base percentage at .268 and .325, respectively. But Army does, however, top the conference in stolen bases with 52 bases swiped. “They like to run,” Gleason said. “They’ve played a pretty good schedule and obviously been affected by some weather as well but we’re excited to have our first Patriot League opponent and I know they are a well-coached team and they’re just aggressive on the bases. They have quite a few steal attempts and been successful there so we’ll just be ready for a fastpaced game and it’s not like it’s something we haven’t yet. We’ve seen it in other opponents this year.” Offensively, the Black Knights are helmed by infielder Kasey McCravey. A 2013 FirstTeam Patriot League third baseman, McCravey

leads the team with a .417 batting average, four home runs, 24 RBI, .430 OBP and a .694 slugging percentage. Gleason said BU will not change its approach from the circle against McCravey. “We’re just going to pitch to her like we would anyone else in that situation,” Gleason said. “Obviously our goal is to keep them off the bases and do that as well as we can but try to minimize her at-bats. Getting through the order, one, two, three.” The key for the Terriers will be to keep their strong pitching going. Freshman Makinna Akers has posted a 2.02 ERA in 52 innings pitched over 14 appearances and seven starts. Sophomore Lauren Hynes has led the team with 74.2 innings pitched thus far, and has also won seven ball games. But, it may end up being the defense behind all three pitchers that will determine how the Terriers fare down at West Point. “[The pitchers’ success has been about] just working together,” Gleason said. “We’ve had a lot of games where we’ve split. Lauren will pitch a half and then Makinna will pitch a half. Just trying to get ground balls and let the defense play behind you. If we get a strikeout, great, but just letting the defense play behind you, and that’s been our focus all year.”

Terriers look to control faceoffs, ground balls Men’s Lacrosse: From Page 8

about the improved play of the defense. For his efforts, Talkow was named the Patriot League Rookie of the Week, joining Dearth and Johnston as the third consecutive Terrier to win the award. The Midshipmen (3-5, 2-3 Patriot League) will be looking to turn things around against the Terriers as they are in the midst of a threegame losing streak. Navy’s latest defeat was a 10-7 home loss to Colgate University, a team that beat BU by a score of 7-5 on Feb. 22. Navy’s offense, led by attack Sam Jones, is one of the most prolific in the Patriot League. For his part, Jones ranks second in the league in assists and is third in points. Attack T.J. Hanzsche is also tied for third in goals per game (2.12). In the loss to the Raiders (7-2, 3-1 Patriot League), seven different Midshipmen notched goals. To combat this, BU will have to improve its own offensive efficiency. Right now, the Terriers are last in the league in shot percentage. “We’re gonna try a couple new combinations and more importantly we’re gonna focus on maintaining possession and making better decisions,” Polley said. “Teams haven’t been particularly sliding to us that often. They’ve been challenging us to win our 1-on-1 battles so we’ve been working on that with the attack and midfield. We’ve been working on our 1-on-1 dodging and trying to create opportunities from that.”

Winning the faceoff battle will also be crucial in this contest. Midfielder Brady Dove and Talkow rank first and second in the league, respectively, in ground balls per game. Talkow is first in the league in faceoff percentage while Dove ranks fourth. “I think [winning the faceoff battle] is going to be very crucial,” Polley said. “Sam [Talkow] actually knows [Dove] and has faced him in the past at some other clinics and things like that so I’m curious to see that. They’re both freshman and they’re both having great years. Possession is gonna be a really important part of this game. We’ve struggled a little bit to score so every possession we get is going to be helpful.” While faceoffs have been a strong suit for the Terriers, Polley said he wants his team to improve with ground balls. “Our goal this weekend is gonna be to focus on ground balls,” Polley said. “On the season, we’re minus-37 and if you remove the faceoffs, where we are plus-18 at the faceoff X, we’re really minus-55 on the year and that’s something we know we have to improve upon and something that leads to our low output offensively… We’re really focused in on trying to create extra possessions for our offense. We want to give our offense as many opportunities as we can to score.” Overall, Polley said he hopes his team will play a consistent and complete game against the Midshipmen. “We’re going to try and put it all together this weekend.”

Godett seals win with 5th goal of season Women’s Lacrosse: From Page 8

position shot, making the score 5-3. In response, senior midfielder Sydney Godett notched her fifth goal of the season with eight minutes to go to give BU a 6-3 cushion. In the game’s final minutes, the Bulldogs attempted to fight their way back into the contest, first with DeVito scoring just three minutes af-

ter the Godett tally. Yale continued to press on, and then came away with a free-position goal with just 27 seconds left in the game. It was too little, too late for the Bulldogs, however, and BU won the draw after Yale’s fifth goal and maintained possession to finish the game, winning 6-5.


Sophomore pitcher Lauren Hynes leads the Terriers this season with seven wins.

Meegan steps up with 7-save performance Defense: From Page 8

“The fact that these players battled through a game like this is just a credit to their hard work and determination,” Robertshaw said. “I know many of them couldn’t feel their feet. The wind was really tough to run into and it really disrupted our defensive sets in the second half because our players couldn’t hear them coming from the sidelines. It was a gutsy game we played through.” The true force of the Terrier defense did not lie in the weather though, but rather in the stick and pads of freshman goalkeeper Caroline Meegan. The Timonium, Md., native has done an admirable job filling in for injured senior goalkeeper Christina Sheridan. Meegan has started eight of nine games this season for the Terriers, including playing against two national contenders in No. 1 University of North Carolina and No. 2 University of Maryland.

Against Yale, Meegan came up with seven saves, including one in the final minutes that prevented a comeback. The Patriot League Rookie of the Week was strong versus the draw control, stopping five of the Bulldogs’ seven attempts. “[Meegan] is getting more and more confident with each game,” Robertshaw said. “You’re just seeing a player who was given an opportunity at the beginning of the year and has run with it. She’s making the most of every minute she’s in cage. She’s gained confidence in the defense in front of her.” Going forward, a strong defense will prove to be a valuable weapon for Robertshaw to have in her arsenal, but she is not counting her blessings quite yet. “Our defense is doing a good job of playing aggressively, while playing smart,” Robertshaw said. “I’m happy with our play lately, but we still have some room to improve.”


You’re just seeing a player who was given an opportunity at the beginning of the year and has run with it.

-BU coach Liz Robertshaw on the play of freshman goalkeeper Caroline Meegan

paGE 8



The Daily Free Press

The BU softball team had two of its games canceled this week due to inclement weather, P.8.

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fish and Chipps Morse’s hat trick helps propel BU past Yale Meegan, defense Bulldogs appeared frustrated and had strong in nonDark Knight trouble getting any sort of offense. After attack Nicole Daniggelis had conference win her shot blocked just moments after

Isaac Chipps I always knew I was different. I always knew my purpose on this planet was one of obscurity. It took me 17 years to find my proper profession, but similar to superheroes, once I found my purpose in life, I knew I had to use it for good and for the benefit of others. So when I realized I was destined for greatness by becoming a mascot, I knew I had found my true calling in life. By day, I’m Isaac Chipps, a 5-foot-something Boston University student with a receding hairline and a severe Chipotle addiction. By night, I’m Rhett the Terrier — Boston University’s mascot who saves the world one women’s soccer game at a time with energetic cheers and bodacious moves on the sideline. My job is to serve and protect. To serve my fellow Terriers by providing comedic relief, energy and enthusiasm during our athletic events, and to protect my fellow Terriers from any attacks or intrusions from the opposing team. Sure, being the face of your school is an honor I take with great pride, but it does come with its fair share of difficulties. Like any superhero, we mascots struggle to fight our demons. Like Batman’s battle with the Joker, we struggle for supremacy against the opposing team’s mascot. Like Superman’s battle with kryptonite, we fight the temptation to take nights off and become complacent. The job certainly has it perks too, especially the fame. But that’s not why we do it. We do it because deep down, we know that college sports needs us. Without the mascots, the college sports experience would be utterly boring and kind of pointless. We provide the necessary and vital halftime entertainment, generally consisting of our savvy dance moves and flirtatious kisses to the crowd. We get the crowd excited about the game by flapping our wings, hitting our heads against walls, doing lots of push-ups and even getting into the occasional fight with the opposing team’s mascot (it’s a rite of passage). As a mascot, it is your duty to give 110 percent for the entirety of your tenure in the suit. From the mo-

Chipps, see page 7


Senior attack Elizabeth Morse recorded a hat trick in BU’s 6-5 win over Yale. By Emmanuel Gomez Daily Free Press Staff

The Boston University women’s lacrosse team took on Yale University Wednesday afternoon at Nickerson Field. The Terriers (4-5, 3-0 Patriot League) came in having won their last two games, with their latest win coming over the then-No. 14 U.S. Naval Academy. Conversely, the Bulldogs (5-3) entered the contest on a two-game losing streak. Despite battling through winds that at points reached more than 30 miles per hour, BU emerged victorious by a score of 6-5. “The players today had to fight through that wind,” said BU coach Liz Robertshaw. “That wasn’t easy. I can’t feel my feet, I know a lot

of them can’t either. So I just think for both teams, Yale and BU, that’s a gutsy game right there that they played through.” Yale won the draw to start the game, and both teams exchanged shots and turnovers for about eight minutes, as neither team grabbed momentum early on. Robertshaw called a timeout at the 23:20 mark to try to regroup her players. BU came out of the timeout firing on all cylinders, and just a minute later the Terriers scored off a free-position shot from senior attack Elizabeth Morse. The Terriers continued to play with aggression and at the 16:14 mark, BU extended the lead with a goal from sophomore midfielder Ally Adams. On the other end of the field, the

No Events Scheduled New Knicks President Phil Jackson reportedly left the Knicks-Lakers game Tuesday to go walk his dog.

WoMen’s LaCrosse, see page 7

By Justin Pallenik Daily Free Press Staff

The Boston University women’s lacrosse team built on its recent defensive success Wednesday in a 6-5 victory over Yale University. Coming off of a win over the incumbent Patriot League champion U.S. Naval Academy, the Terriers (4-5, 3-0 Patriot League) have gained much-needed confidence in the past few games. Their win over Navy (91, 3-1 Patriot League) snapped the Midshipmen’s three-year undefeated streak in conference play. In BU’s last three games, it has held each opponent under 10 goals, leading to three victories. These three contests have seen the Terriers limit their opponents to an average of 21 shots per game. “I think the defense is playing with confidence right now,” said BU coach Liz Robertshaw. “They’re really clicking in terms of following the game plan we set forth.” This defensive improvement shone bright in the win over the Bulldogs (5-3). Every time Yale rushed down to the offensive end, a stingy Terrier defense waited to greet them. The defense, led by Patriot League Defender of the Week senior Christie Hart, swarmed the Yale attack, causing 22 turnovers. “I told them that I was really impressed with the way they disrupted Yale’s offense with some of the big scorers that they have,” Robertshaw said. “That’s a hot team that’s been scoring some goals recently.” Wednesday’s game was a defensive struggle from the first whistle blow. The 30-mile per-hour winds made the Terriers’ defensive stick checks all the more menacing as the game wore on. Robertshaw admitted after the game, however, that the BU defense was not immune to the conditions either.

DeFense, see page 7

Softball to travel to West Point BU comes home after road swing By Joon Lee Daily Free Press Staff

The Boston University softball team will have to wait another couple of days to play its first game in Boston due to the cancellation of the Terriers’ matchups at Bryant University and against Providence College due to inclement weather. Instead, the team will head down to West Point, N.Y., for its first Patriot League matchup of the season against the U.S. Military Academy this Saturday. While BU coach Kathryn Gleason is disappointed that the Terriers (14-11) will not play their first game at home Thursday, she said a couple of extra games outside will be beneficial for the team. “We’ve been on the road since February,” Gleason said. “It would have been nice to play on our own field, but we’re not like any other

team across the country dealing with the weather. We just need a couple more games of sun and wind and I think we’ll be ready to go.” The Black Knights’ (9-15, 1-2 Patriot League) struggles stem from pitching. Opponents are getting on base at a .373 clip with 18 home runs, 115 RBI and slugging .463. The team is led in the circle by pitchers Kristen West and Caroline Smith. West boasts a 3.10 ERA in 38.1 innings, including five starts. Smith leads the team in starts with 10 and has posted a 3.79 ERA over 61 innings. Even with Army’s issues in the pitching department, Gleason said the Terriers just need to worry about playing the same game that they have all season. “Just focusing on what we’ve been focusing on all year,” Gleason

soFtBaLL, see page 7

The Bottom Line

Thursday, March 27

BU’s second goal, the attack committed a foul and received a yellow card. Later in the half, Morse took advantage of another free-position opportunity and scored at the 8:05 mark, making it 3-0 in favor of BU. Trying to get the swing in the other direction, Yale called a timeout. After the quick respite, the Yale offense finally broke through as attack Tess McEvoy notched a goal at the 4:40 mark for the Bulldogs, her 11th of the season, cutting BU’s lead to just two. No one scored for the remainder of the half, and at the break, the Terriers led the Bulldogs, 3-1. BU won the draw to start the second, and immediately capitalized, with Morse scoring her third goal on the day, completing her hat trick and upping the score to 4-1. “Though it [Morse’s game] was great,” Robertshaw said. “There were still some more chances she could’ve taken, she knows it. But I think it’s something-we saw more looks, which is what I’m happy with. Could we get more goals than six? I would like us to. But I think we saw better shots, and better shot opportunities.” The Bulldogs would not give up though, and they continued to get shots off. Yale finally responded at the 22:08 mark in the second half when Daniggelis made it a two-goal game again. Yale continued to play with a lot of intensity, but became foul-prone. As the penalties mounted, Yale started to back off the gas pedal. BU capitalized on Yale’s softer play, as redshirt sophomore attack Mallory Collins scored her 12th goal on the season, pushing BU’s lead back to three. The Bulldogs would answer just three minutes later when attack Jen DeVito scored an empty-net free-

Friday, March 28 Track @ Raleigh Relays, All Day Track @ Central Florida Relays

Saturday, March 29

Softball @ Army. 12 p.m.. 2 p.m M. Lacrosse vs. Navy, 1 p.m. W. Lacrosse @ Lafayette, 1 p.m. Track @ Raleigh Relays, All Day

By Jacklyn Bamberger Daily Free Press Staff

Coming off of a two-game road trip, the Boston University men’s lacrosse team will return to Nickerson Field when it takes on the U.S. Naval Academy Saturday afternoon. On the first game of the trip at Lafayette College March 15, the Terriers (1-7, 1-3 Patriot League) defeated the Leopards (1-6, 1-4 Patriot League) 12-7 for the program’s first-ever victory. Redshirt freshman attack Sam Tenney led the team with four goals in the game. Freshman attack Cal Dearth was moved to the first line in freshman attack Pat Myers’ absence and set a program record with six points. Against Bucknell University one week later, the Terriers were not as fortunate, falling to the Bison (54, 3-2 Patriot League) 7-3. BU got

Sunday, March 30 Softball @ Army, 1 p.m.

on the board early with a goal from Craig Zebrowski just 62 seconds into the contest and led 3-2 midway through the second quarter, but thanks to an illegal stick penalty on freshman midfielder Sam Talkow, the Bison captured momentum and scored four unanswered goals to end the half. In the game’s waning minutes when freshman goalkeeper Tyler Zickel left the frame of the goal, Bucknell took advantage of the open-net opportunity. The game was not devoid of positives for the Terriers, as Talkow went a perfect 12-for-12 from the faceoff X and freshman goalkeeper Christian Carson-Banister made nine saves. BU’s defense also allowed its fewest goals against of the season. “Our guys are just getting comfortable back there,” Polley said

Men’s LaCrosse, see page 7

Monday, March 31

No Events Scheduled To Jackson, cleaning up dog poop was more desirable than watching the Knicks and Lakers play.

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