The Daily Helmsman

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Daily Helmsman The

Thursday, February 23, 2012

UM Tigers plunder Pirates

Vol. 79 No. 78

Memphis defeats ECU, 74-47, and takes sole possession of first place in C-USA. see page 8

UM hockey to close season BY MEAGAN NICHOLS News Reporter This year marked the inaugural season for The University of Memphis’ club hockey team. The group of 19 players and 3 coaches is an independent team in the American Collegiate Association Division III league. Head coach and cofounder Josh Herbert said he got the idea to form a club team while he was a graduate student at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro in 2010. Herbert is also the tickets operation manager of the Mississippi River Kings professional hockey team and coach for the Germantown Red Devils high school hockey team. “I thought about how successful MTSU’s team had become and wondered if there could be similar interest at U of M. The idea would later become a reality after graduating and returning to the Memphis area,” Herbert said. With three games left in the season, the players and coaches said they are pleased with

what they have accomplished thus far and are confident in the program’s future. “The team is actually progressing better than I had expected,” said Brendan Parsons, senior history major and president of the executive board for the hockey club. “We’ve worked hard on and off the ice throughout the season. Our record (3-10) might not be where we expected it to be, but if we look at our development as a team, a more successful record next season is definitely possible.” The team has a website and Facebook page to promote the hockey club, but coaches said they want to continue to build support and awareness on campus and throughout the community in the coming seasons. “With the learning curve of getting the program started this year, we will be working harder to market our team and home games for next season,” said Aaron Gay, assistant U of M hockey club coach. “We plan


Hockey, page 3

courtesy of Josh Herbert

Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis

The University of Memphis hockey team will face off against Western Kentucky University on Friday at the Mid-South Ice House in Olive Branch, Miss.

UM donations decline over past three years BY MELISSA WRAY News Reporter When it comes to charitable giving, Tennessee colleges, including The University of Memphis, have suffered a blow to the tune of 5 percent in 2011. In contrast, donations to colleges and universities nation-

wide have increased by 8.2 percent in the past year, according to the Council for Aid to Education. Donors choosing to put off making donations until after the stock markets rebounded last June served as a key factor in the decrease, said Ann Kaplan, director of volunteer

support and education survey at the Council. Since the 2009 school year, the charitable giving rates for The U of M have declined from $22.7 million to $19.9 million in the 2011 school year, according to the Council’s research. “Sometimes decline happens because an institution may have

had amazing fiscal years, and the current year doesn’t look that great,” Kaplan said. Jonathan Spiceland, director of The U of M’s Annual Giving Department, said alumni participation in giving to The University remained the same last year compared to previous years.

“At a time when many colleges and universities across the country were experiencing significant decreases in alumni participation, we were pleased that ours held relatively steady at 6.8 percent in the 2010-2011 school year,” he said. The U of M had a total of


Donations, page 3

Lecture on Lincoln Spoken-word poetry event today BY KENDRA HARRIS News Reporter An award-winning historian will visit The University of Memphis today to celebrate the upcoming 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. “We are very lucky to have Eric Foner coming to speak to us. He is one of the most well-known and accomplished historians in the world,” said Aram Goudsouzian, interim director of the Marcus W. Orr Center for Humanities, which is the host of the event. Foner, author of the book “The Fiery Trail: Abraham

Lincoln and American Slavery” will give a lecture at 6:30 p.m. in the University Center Theater. The event is free and open to the public. Foner will discuss Lincoln’s role in transforming America by committing to liberate slaves. “Lincoln’s career raises issues about race and equality in American life, and how social change occurs, as relevant today as 150 years ago,” Foner said. Foner has won a Pulitzer Prize in history, the Bancroft Prize and the Lincoln Prize. He is the author or editor of 26 other books.


A University of Memphis student is showcasing his talents outside of the classroom through a poetry event. James Bowman, junior organizational leadership major, will host a spoken word event called “Watch and Listen.” “Watch and Listen,” which will feature photography, poem readings and performances, is today at 6:30 p.m. at the National Civil Rights Museum, and is hosted by Bowman and his partner, Garrison Green, a senior at Lemoyne-Owen College. The event is free and open to the

public. The two are founders of Team You Are Bless, a clothing company that incorporates motivational quotes on their merchandise. “We look forward to giving the city of Memphis upliftment and hope through spoken word,” Bowman said about the Watch and Listen event. ”We just want to show people that even though this may be a violent city, there are still some bright things going on.” Bowman said his event was inspired by a poem he wrote titled “Free Me.” Photographer Mario Kristian, junior photojournalism major at The U of M,

came up with the name “Watch and Listen” because his photos will be shown and poem readings and performances will be accompanied by live music played by Trump Tight. Local poets scheduled to perform at the event include Rhetoric Jones, PBZ, Steve Fox, Michelle Montgomery, Christopher “Precise” Anderson and Harlee Lowder. The session will be recorded and streamed live on Ustream. “I want the city of Memphis to experience something that’s never been done before and open the eyes of the people,” Green said. “We just want to expose our brand in a good light.”

2 • Thursday, February 23, 2012




H elmsman Volume 79 Number 78

thoughts that give you paws

Editor-in-Chief Casey Hilder

“U of M should require male students to take a class on how inappropriate it is to holler at females walking on campus.” — @SW33TCAROLIN3

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“I think taking a Spanish test feels kind of like being on the Titanic when she went down.” — @jacobmerryman

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YOU REALLY LIKE US! Yesterday’s Top-Read Stories on the Web

1. The boys are back in town by Christina Holloway

2. Library’s special collections...

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Down 1 Wall St. traders 2 Move, in Realtor lingo 3 Russian river 4 Osso __ 5 One of more than four million Turks 6 Isn’t capable of 7 Trip starter

“Getting up at 6 a.m. to give a speech in my 8 a.m. class. Giving the speech, going home and in bed again by 9:40 a.m.” — @AmyMurk “I really think people purposely walk on the boards covering the fountain in the winter because they can’t run through in spring.” — @ AleWearsACrown

3. Alumni mentor the next generation

by Michelle Corbet

Tell us what gives you paws.

by Elizabeth Cooper

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4. Former CIA analyst to visit Memphis 5. UM law professor honored

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DOMINO’S PIZZA Across 1 One of the ABC islands 6 Nail remover 10 Loaf, with “off ” 14 Any “Friends” episode, now 15 Kunlun Mountains locale 16 Toothed whale 17 *Retro viewer 20 Stand-up routine, usually 21 Lotion additive 22 Demond’s co-star in a ‘70s sitcom 24 Mud nest builders 28 *Retro imager 33 Aroused 34 Forward progress 35 New Jersey casino, with “The” 36 __-bitsy 37 Tums targets 39 SEAL’s school 40 Printer resolution meas. 41 Lie flush with 42 In need of a tow 43 *Retro recorder 47 Oscar winner Zellweger 48 Path to the pins 49 Drawn-out story 52 Hive material 57 *Retro dialer 61 Morales of “Jericho” 62 Seward Peninsula city 63 Frozen rope, in baseball 64 Pounds in London 65 Shih __: Tibetan dogs 66 Online periodicals

“Okay seriously, who keeps peeing in the stairwell of the psychology parking garage?” — @megs_brianne


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Solutions on page 6

8 Bygone Japanese audio brand 9 Big name in grooming products 10 Cheerleader’s cry 11 It’s found in veins 12 Last full U.S. DST month 13 Best-liked, in chat rooms 18 Service expert 19 Hawkeye 23 Word that can bring the ends of the starred answers up to date 25 Frames badly? 26 Horse’s strut 27 “I’ll give the wheel a final spin” speaker 28 Meal with a crust 29 Thumbs-up 30 Pewter with 80% tin 31 Paternal palindrome 32 Sue Grafton’s “__ for Corpse”

33 Hygienist’s request 37 NYC dance co. 38 Junkyard dog 39 Hagen of Broadway 41 Go on __: rampage 42 Place for a belfry 44 Half a lover’s quarrel 45 San Francisco transit features 46 Support for a proposal? 50 Ibsen’s “Peer __” 51 It covers everything 53 Carpentry leveler 54 Words with trophy or prize 55 Uncommon blood type: Abbr. 56 Boomers’ followers 57 Not opt. 58 Buckeyes’ sch. 59 __ chi 60 Ostrich kin

The University of Memphis

Donations from page 1

6,814 alumni gifts in 2011, five less than in 2010. Bobby Prince, associate vice president for development, said donations to The U of M’s decrease is nowhere near as close as the percentage of other universities across the nation. “In the last fiscal year, The U of M has received support from constituents such as alumni, corporations, foundations and non-alumni citizens who are considered friends of The University,” he said.

Thursday, February 23, 2012 • 3

According to Prince, alumni make up roughly 25 percent of the donations. Corporations and foundations make up 35 percent, and citizens who have no affiliation with The U of M make up 24 percent. The remaining percentage is composed of parents, faculty, community and religious organizations, and other groups. In an effort to increase the annual giving, the Office of Development and the Alumni Association have developed student programs and events. “In just it’s first two years of existence, Common Cents,

The U of M’s student giving program, has already raised enough funds to purchase three pieces of artwork for the University Center and provide four scholarships to incoming freshmen,” Spiceland said. The University implemented their “Empowering the Dream” centennial campaign in September. The goal was to raise $250 million. Spiceland said with that money, The U of M hopes to bring in top-notch faculty and students, add new facilities and establish crucial program support for different areas of study.

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from page 1 on adding more home games, selling season tickets and advertising more on campus.” With no ice rinks located in Memphis, the team travels throughout the Southern region to cities in Mississippi, Missouri, Kentucky, Louisiana and Tennessee for competitions. Paul Whitfield, team vice president and captain and a graduate assistant, said travel is nothing new for people who have grown up playing hockey. “Playing competitive hockey in the south growing up also makes you spend lots of hours on the road, so it’s not really a new thing for most of us,” Whitfield said. Being on the road is not only

a part of hockey, Herbert said, but it also provides a good opportunity for team building. “Away games are a great time for team building and developing chemistry,” he said. Gay and the other coaches and players ultimately want to develop the club into a national caliber team, he said. “I am pleased that we have made it through the season so far and were able to compete the entire year with what he have, but there is always work to be done to help grow the program,” he said. The hockey team is scheduled to face off against Western Kentucky University in backto-back games Friday and Saturday at the Mid-South Ice House in Olive Branch, Miss. Their final game is slated for March 2 against Ole Miss.

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4 • Thursday, February 23, 2012

The University of Memphis

Thursday, February 23, 2012 • 5

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6 • Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ancient Egyptian Family Day

karaoke night p r e s e n t e d b y p i b e ta p h i

sunday, feb. 26 @ 7 p.m.

BY KENDRA HARRIS News Reporter The Art Museum at The University of Memphis is hosting an Ancient Egyptian Family from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday in the lobby of the Communication and Fine Arts building. “This day is an opportunity for parents and children to experience culture by Egyptologists,” said Lisa Abitz, assistant director of the Art Museum. The Family Day is an annual event sponsored by the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archeology. Attendees can participate in activities such as writing their names in hieroglyphics, making copies of ancient Egyptian amulets, designing and creating their own ancient Egyptian mobiles and learning to draw like an Egyptian. The event is free and open to the public. “I think this event is important every year because it informs and entertains people of all ages,” said Patricia Podzorski, curator of the Egyptian art at The U of M. Students that majors in ancient Egyptian history will share their knowledge at the event. “The students will be able to tell what they know about a subject they genuinely love,” Abitz said.


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The University of Memphis

Thursday, February 23, 2012 • 7

Women’s basketball

Tonight Rose Theatre 7 p.m.

Tigers vie for second place BY BRYAN HEATER Sports Reporter With three games left until the Conference USA women’s basketball championships, the University of Memphis women’s basketball team finds itself jockeying for the No. 2 seed in the tournament. A victory in tonight’s contest against UAB (18-7, 9-4) would move the Tigers into sole possession of second place in the conference standings. Barring a meltdown in the final three games, Memphis (20-6, 10-3

C-USA) would secure the No. 2 seed for the conference tournament behind league leader UTEP. First, however, the Tigers must get past a Blazers squad that boasts the nation’s secondranked scoring defense, allowing 47.8 points per game. “The game against UAB Thursday night, I believe that the mathematicians of the world have decided that if we come up with a win against them then we secure the No. 2 seed in the conference tournament,” said head coach Melissa McFerrin. “That’s a big night for us.” The Blazers’ defense creates nightmares for opponents, forcing teams to shoot 35.4 percent from the floor, while also tying for 28th in the country in blocks per game at 5.0. Four players for the Blazers have blocked more than 20 shots on the season, with Meagan Brown leading the way at 34. “UAB is a hot team right now,” said McFerrin. “They lost a tough game the other night to Marshall, but they’re hot.” The Tigers must right the turnover ship tonight to leave the Elma Roane Fieldhouse victorious. Over the last five games, Memphis has turned the ball over 90 times (18 per game), with eight players having more turnovers than assists. Those numbers dropped what was the topranked assist-turnover team in C-USA to second. Along with protecting the ball, Memphis looks to regain the health of key players, such as senior guards Brittany Carter and Ramses Lonlack. After injuring her ankle in the final minutes of the game at East Carolina on Jan. 29, Carter has slowly made her way back into the lineup. She logged less than 20 minutes in wins against SMU and UCF, but played over 25 minutes in the last two games. The Tigers expect Lonlack to be ready for tonight’s contest after she sprained her ankle in practice before last Sunday’s match against UCF. The Tigers missed her defensive presence at Marshall on Feb. 16 and were burned when trying the full-court press without her as a result. The Tigers enter tonight’s game having won four of their last five contests. Memphis is 0-4 when scoring less than 59 points, so the Tigers aim to break down the Blazers’ stout defense and let the baskets rain down. Tip-off is slated for 7 p.m.

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8 • Thursday, February 23, 2012


BY SCOTT HALL Sports Editor To hammer home his message of “no one is bigger than the program,” head coach Josh Pastner took his players’ names off the jerseys. “It’s about Memphis, and it’s a privilege and an honor to wear something with ‘Memphis’ on it. You’ve got to earn that right,” he said. The team seemed to get the message, as they broke open a tight game with an early second-half run, racing away to a 70-47 victory over East Carolina. Sophomore guard Joe Jackson, a Memphis native, said Pastner ’s decision to remove the names sent a strong message to the players. “We just need to understand what the team really is,” he said. “It’s not about the back of the jersey, it’s about the front. When you put the jersey on, you don’t see your last name so you can’t really think about yourself. All you see is ‘Memphis.’” After going into halftime with a five-point lead, Memphis went on an 8-2 run after the break, pushing their lead to 11 and taking control for good. ECU managed to cut the Tigers’ lead to 10 a few minutes later, but could come no closer as Memphis clamped down defensively and pushed their advantage to as much as 25 points in the final minutes. “We wanted to come out and play with energy,” Jackson said. “We just needed to match their intensity and we knew they were going to make a run.” Memphis fans received a little scare in the second half as sophomore forward Will Barton, who also played the game while suffering from a cold, hit the floor in pain. After scoring a layup, he came down awkwardly and went down in a heap, clutching the back of his leg. Luckily for the Tigers, however, it was just a cramp, and Barton came back into the game after a brief rest on the sideline. “I wasn’t hydrated enough,” he said. “I just got cramps in my back and my leg, my whole body was cramping up.” Barton led the team with 25 points, his 12th game this season with 20 or more points, and his 24th game with double-digit points. Joe Jackson chipped in 13 points and Antonio Barton added 11. Tarik Black led the team with nine rebounds to go with nine points. The win clinched a schoolrecord 12th consecutive 20-win season, and Pastner became the fourth Memphis coach to win 20 or more games in his first three seasons, joining Wayne Yates, Larry Finch and John Calipari. Following the game, Memphis’ conference rival

Southern Miss lost to UTEP in double overtime, 76-68. That loss allowed the Tigers to take sole possession of first place in Conference USA with just three games to go. The Tigers next take a trip to Huntington, W. Va. to take on Marshall on Saturday. Memphis beat Marshall 83-76 on Jan. 28 in Memphis, and the Thundering Herd will be out for revenge. “It’s a very important game, because they’re going to be jacked up to play us,” Jackson said. “We’re just going to have to bring it.”

by David C. Minkin

Tigers power past Pirates, take first place in C-USA

Antonio Barton scores over the Pirates’ defense to help the Tigers defeat East Carolina University on Wednesday night.







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