The Daily Helmsman

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Daily Helmsman The

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Memphis Tigers in recovery

Vol. 79 No. 82

Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis

Both Adonis Thomas, Antonio Barton should be ready for C-USA tournament. see page 4

Radio Memphis promotes local unsigned musicians BY MEAGAN NICHOLS News Reporter

East Memphis barber reaches out to UM students

BY JASON JONES News Reporter

Cutting edge BY WILLIAM YOUNG News Reporter A local barber has created an environment that he hopes will affect the community in a positive way. Marzel Ragland is the owner of Z4 Razor Works, a barbershop in East Memphis. He started a book club for elementary school students and hopes to get University of Memphis students involved by reading to kids. This week marks the grand opening of the shop, located at 5757 Mount Moriah. “I want to get this book club started because I noticed that a lot of kids struggle with reading,” Ragland said. “It’s going to take more than me to do it. That’s why I’m reaching out. I want the college students to teach them why reading is fundamental and going to school is important.” Ragland is working with Greg Vann, a recent graduate of The U of M, and Adrian Sanders, a junior logistics and supply chain management major, to spread the word around campus. The book club idea came to life when Vann saw Ragland’s children doing their homework

at a community library, rather than at home. Vann said he encouraged them to “get other kids to follow their patterns.” “We want to have kids do their homework in the library with unlimited resources, rather than at home where there are all sorts of distractions,” Vann said. Vann worked was asked to help with the book club by Ragland because of his interest in working with children and prior service assisting high school students in the Memphis Ambassador Program. ”I would like to see University of Memphis students reach out and help us,” Vann said. Students can go to the barbershop and volunteer to help at any time. Anyone interested can contact Ragland for more information about how to get involved via his website, “I would like to see more people invest in reading because it seems like a lost art in our generation,” Sanders said. “It would get University of Memphis students involved with the kids and also help both college and younger students read more.”

you don’t like something wait a few minutes.” Radio Memphis encourages musicians to go to for information on how to send in their music. However, there are a few requirements Chetter said the songs must meet. “It has to be radio quality, it has to be an original tune, and it can’t suck,” he said. Rae Williams, U of M alumnus and production manager and on-air personality for Radio Memphis, said she is hopeful the station will help provide some community awareness and promote interaction between bands and their fans. “It’s a great way for these bands to garner a fan base,” Williams said. Chetter said he and his employees have a mission to support Memphis music and expose the tremendous talent in the local community. “Sadly, Memphians aren’t supporting Memphis music,” he said. “We want to have a hand in changing that.”

U of M faculty member sheds pounds for health competition

Melynda Whitwell plans to win it all by losing it all in a nationwide health contest hosted by Genghis Grill. Whitwell is an academic services coordinator for the Loewenberg School of Nursing and said she loves to eat at the Mongolian stir-fry restaurant. Genghis Grill hosts the Health Kwest Khantest yearly across the nation to promote a healthier lifestyle for participants and give them a chance to win the grand prize of $10,000. Whitwell knew about the competition last year, but didn’t apply in time. This year, she was chosen from 1,500 applicants to represent the Genghis Grill in Memphis, located at 5849 U.S. Hwy 72. “I was and still am very surprised to be chosen to represent Memphis,” Whitwell said. The competition lasts from Feb. 1 to March 31. Contestants are judged by the number of pounds lost, number of blogs posted online and number of votes received from the public. The only rule is that all participants must eat once a day at Genghis Grill, which they are allowed to do for free. Whitwell is nearly at the halfway point in the competition,

courtesy of Melynda Whitwell

by Christopher Whitten

Former Rock 103 D.J. Ric Chetter owns and operates Radio Memphis, which features music by local and unsigned bands from across the Mid-South. “Memphis music should be on the radio in Memphis,” he said.

One Memphis radio station with ties to The University of Memphis is helping up-and-coming local musicians showcase their music to the world. Radio Memphis, which launched last July, is an online station with listeners in 49 countries. “Radio Memphis is an Internet streaming rock station that features nothing but unsigned local Memphis artists that are trying to get their music out there and heard,” said Justin Jaggers, senior music business and recording technology major at The U of M. Jaggers is the production director and an on-air personality for Radio Memphis. The owner, founder, president and on-air personality Ric Chetter, said he was inspired to create the station because he was tired of corporate entities destroying local radio. He said he noticed the direction technology was taking and decided to change with it. “The industry is all moving to

mobile devices. It seemed logical to put a radio station on the web and be able to access it through all devices,” he said. With a constantly expanding catalog of 400 local artists and roughly 3,500 new listeners each month, Radio Memphis’ goal is to diverge from the corporate format and provide local talent a global platform to broadcast their music. “When you listen to corporate radio, they have a playlist they have to follow, but here we make sure these guys that aren’t signed can have their music exposed,” Jaggers said. “Bands have the opportunity to finish their recording and bring it over to us, and we are able to get them exposed to a global audience immediately.” Chetter said Radio Memphis takes pride in their nontraditional style, allowing the station freedom to play what they want when they want, which provides their audience with a diverse music library. “We don’t do traditional playlists. We put the thing on shuffle, and wait and see what we’re going to hear,” Chetter said. “If

Health Kwest ‘Khantestant’ Melynda Whitwell is a local contestant for the Genghis Grill weight loss and healthy diet competition. Online voting for the competition continues through March 31, and offers winners an array of cash prizes. with her second official weighin on Thursday. She feels her workout regiment, diet plan and motivation from friends and family have her on the right track of reaching her weight loss goal of 40 pounds. “So far so good,” she said. To help reach her goal,

Whitwell began a workout consisting of 5:30 a.m. swims and runs on the treadmill, attends Zumba classes after work and adheres to a low-carb diet that originally began as a low-fat and low-calorie diet. She relies heavily on outside


Contest, page 3

2 • Thursday, March 1, 2012




H elmsman Volume 79 Number 82

thoughts that give you paws

Editor-in-Chief Casey Hilder

“It’s nice to see everyone in badge attire today.” — @addisonpiggott

Managing Editor Chelsea Boozer News Editors Jasmine Hunter Amanda Mitchell

“Our client Easy Way Produce will deliver free fresh fruit to the U of M Holiday Inn today! Anyone interested?” — @ashliblow

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YOU REALLY LIKE US! Yesterday’s Top-Read Stories on the Web

Down 1 “What a pity!”

“Late night study session at the computer lab. The people here look nothing like the university brochures.” — @RandomOnTheMike

1. U of M disability-friendly

Tell us what gives you paws. by Michelle Corbet

2. YoLo Frozen Yogurt coming to U of M

by Crystal Ferrari

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3. Student ID snatchers arrested...

by Chelsea Boozer

4. UM student speaks on US military... 5. Somewhere out there

Make sure that little bird in our ear is you.

by Natalie LeDoux

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DOMINO’S PIZZA Across 1 English or French instrument 5 Phi Beta __ 10 Unit in a plan 14 Cookie since 1912 15 Just picked from the tree 16 Schoolbook 17 Service available at hotspots 19 “Phooey!” 20 Goes bad, as milk 21 Sax register 22 Pub order 23 PC key on either side of the space bar 24 Josh 26 “Laughing” critter 28 Does and bucks 30 Performer’s song assortment 34 Some ER cases 35 Historical period 37 Aches and pains 39 Place to see droids or tribbles 43 Jet-setter’s document 44 Gen. Lee’s side 45 Oils and such 46 Optimistic 48 Hitchhiker’s ride 52 “The Sound of Music” family name 54 Chi follower 56 Morse T 57 “__ pig’s eye!” 58 Trade 61 “Time in a Bottle” singer Jim 63 44-Across soldiers 64 Home theater component 66 Very dry, as Champagne 67 Daytime talk star 68 Yea or nay 69 __ of Man 70 China’s unofficial national flower 71 Blog entry

“Subway line is empty right now! Run to the front of the line. Joy of relief as people pile in line behind. It’s the little things.” — @just_dori


2 Baltimore baseballer 3 Disprove 4 Pinot __: red wine 5 Col. Sanders’s company 6 Gaming area 7 Spa treatment 8 Sibilant “Over here!” 9 Facetious “I get it now” 10 Alley cat, e.g. 11 “Tower Heist” actress 12 Reach as far as, as property vis-à-vis its boundary 13 NBA stats 18 “If you don’t know, __” 25 Original “Dragnet” words after “My name is Friday” 26 Mass songs 27 Part of PGA: Abbr. 29 Whistle blowers 31 “Inferno” author 32 Actress Tyler 33 Puts in office

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36 Tear to pieces 38 List-ending abbr. 39 Lovers’ quarrel 40 Transportation companies 41 Turkey’s largest city 42 Globe 47 Rome’s __ Way 49 “Ditto” 50 Diamond surfaces 51 Lincoln Center opera setting, familiarly 53 Partner of cut, in editing 55 Emotionally distant 58 Barber’s workplace 59 Sponge (off) 60 Fluffed-up hairdo 62 Answer an invite 63 Batter’s stat 65 Like a wallflower

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The University of Memphis

Thursday, March 1, 2012 • 3

Jook N’ Jive UM intern visits Capitol Hill BY KENDRA HARRIS News Reporter What began as a volunteer gig at a local Memphis nonprofit led senior political science major Stacy Brewer to a six-month internship and a free trip to Washington, D.C. Brewer interns at the National Council for International Visitors, a nonprofit organization that provides services to guests to the United States from around the world. “This organization gives students a chance to build friends and network with people from other countries,” Brewer said. Brewer has interned with the organization for six months. She was granted the opportunity for an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. in mid-February, where she met

Contest from page 1

motivation to help push through the health challenge, she said. The manager of the Genghis Grill on Poplar Avenue, Royce Estes, sends text messages to Whitwell nearly every day, making sure she is doing well and giving her daily reminders to eat healthy. “My staff and I try to give her as much support as we can in everything she does,” he said. Estes was the manager of the Cordova location that participated last year in the competition, and whose participant – a U of M graduate – received second

the ambassador of Nepal, Shankar P. Sharma, Senator John McCain, Congressman Chuck Fleishman and Senator Lamar Alexander. Brewer was able to talk with the senators and congressmen about her studies and her life. “Being involved in this organization triggered my interest in working in international studies,” she said. Brewer’s duties as an intern included helping prepare proposals, hosting foreign visitors and communicating with Washington contacts to discuss potential visitors and programs to Memphis. Internship Coordinator Haley Willis said that the national organization, located in Washington, tends to recruit students that are in international studies, but it is open to any major. There are a variety of projects interns participate

in, such as arranging meetings, handling social media and working in publication. “This internship will certainly give applicants an advantage on their resume, because it is a small office, therefore students work on larger projects,” Willis said. NCIV has 95 nonprofit offices in the U.S. Together they offer internships to students in 44 states. Brewer said it continues to be an honor for her to participate with this organization and she is thrilled to share her experience with other U of M students and citizens. “This internship has ignited my passion for international affairs and inspired me to pursue a profession with the NCIV or U.S. State Department and it is a fantastic networking opportunity,” Brewer said.

place nationally. Whitwell’s stepmother, Nancy Long, is one of Whitwell’s supports her stepdaughter motivationally and by helping to acquire public votes. Long, a Cook Convention Center employee, used her extensive email list to send out links and reminders for people to vote for her stepdaughter online, but she said winning is not the most important thing. “She’s not focusing on the money although it would be nice to win. Even if she doesn’t win, this contest has changed not only her life, but her family and friends’ as well,” Long said. Whitwell keeps a daily blog that records her journey.

Through blogs, contestants are allowed to advertise themselves in order to get votes from the public. Votes count for 25 percent of the judging and so do the number of blogs posted. The amount of weight lost is 50 percent of a contestant’s final score. “The hardest part about the entire experience is fitting my workouts in with my family and job,” Whitwell said. With one more month left in the contest, Whitwell is finding that more is coming from the competition than just a healthier lifestyle. “It may sound cheesy, but I’ve learned through this experience that I am capable of change in a big way,” Whitwell said.

by Christina Holloway


Jonathan Neely, junior physical therapy major, shows off to the judges with his routine of “Memphis Bucking” at the SAC Talent Show auditions Wednesday. Neely, who has been dancing for five years, has won first place at talent shows back home in Jackson, TN. If Neely is selected, he will perform a miming routine to an inspirational song, using facial expressions and hand gestures to draw in the crowd. Talent show auditions will resume tonight from 7:30 to 11 p.m. at the University Center Theatre.

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Thomas returns to practice BY SCOTT HALL Sports Editor Freshman wing Adonis Thomas returned to practice on Wednesday for the first time since undergoing surgery to repair a torn flap of cartilage in his ankle. Thomas, who was averaging 9.7 points on 48.8 percent shooting for the Tigers prior to his injury, suffered a torn peroneal retinaculum tendon in practice prior to the Memphis game against Houston on Jan. 14. He was cleared to practice on Tuesday and began conditioning and workouts yesterday. He will likely resume full training following Memphis’ final regular season game at Tulsa on Saturday. Pastner said he expects him to be available for the Conference USA tournament. In Thomas’ absence, the Tigers have held their ground admirably, albeit against an easier schedule than when he was playing. Prior to the injury, the Tigers went 11-5, averaging 75.1 points per game, compared to 11-3 (74.9 ppg) since. Reinserting Thomas into the lineup will provide the Tigers with an added scoring punch going into the postseason. That said, he may face some difficulty getting back into the flow of things, especially as the team has begun to gel into a formidable force during his downtime.

Antonio Barton’s injury not too severe BY BRYAN HEATER Sports Reporter Tiger Nation took a collective sigh of relief yesterday morning after receiving word that sophomore guard Antonio Barton’s injury is not as severe as originally thought. Barton left Tuesday’s game against UCF after picking up the injury at the end of the first half. While the coaches initially thought it was a broken foot, an MRI and X-Rays early Wednesday showed that Barton sustained a bone bruise and a mid-foot sprain. This news comes as a relief to a Memphis team that has already had to deal with injuries this season. The Tigers lost freshman wing Adonis Thomas on Jan. 11 due to an ankle injury and senior guard Charles Carmouche to knee tendinitis. Pastner said Barton may play when the Conference USA Tournament begins next Thursday at the FedExForum, but have listed him as doubtful for Saturday’s game at Tulsa. Barton has started the last 19 games for a Memphis squad that finds it battling for a spot in March’s NCAA Tournament. For the season, Barton averages 6.9 points per game to go along with 2.9 rebounds and is the Tigers second-most accurate shooter from downtown at 41.2 percent. A win Saturday at Tulsa will give the Tigers the outright C-USA regular season title. Tipoff is set for 11 a.m.

by David C. Minkin

4 • Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sophomore guard Antonio Barton averages 6.9 points per game and is second on the team in three-point shooting.

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