Daily Helmsman The
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
UM Tigers clip Owls’ wings
Vol. 79 No. 92
Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis
Phone thieves scope out UM campus
Phones, page 5
by Nathanael Packard
Students can pay the balance of their tuition st the Bursar’s Office located in John S. Wilder Tower.
SGA-hopefuls talk candidate-ly BY CHRISTOPHER WHITTEN News Reporter The Student Government Association’s Election Candidates Forum was full of cheers and applause on Monday. Candidates from this year’s tri-party competition vied for the support of students who took up their seats in the University Center Theater and settled in to hear candidates deliver on the issues that most concerned them. Each party sent one candidate to the microphone to pitch why they should be elected over the other. College senators, at-large senators and the vice presidential candidates all made bids as to why students should vote for them. Then the debate began between those seeking the prized presidency position. Hunter Dawson, representing the Making A Change party, focused on the four points of his
party’s platform – campus energy, academic excellence and retention rate, campus safety and HOPE scholarship protection. Russell Born of the United Student party said The University of Memphis needed to “take a page from” schools like the University of Florida that, according to Born, have an 84.4 percent six-year graduation rate, whereas The U of M’s six-year graduation rate is 36.4 percent. Nicholas Mastron, of the Students for the University Renaissance Emergence party, spoke of his ability to implement bills. He said he spends two weeks researching and writing each bill and an average of four weeks making sure it is implemented. Following up on bills is something he said the other candidates don’t do. Students can cast their votes beginning today. Elections continue through Thursday. For more details on Monday’s forum, check the full-length story on our website at www.dailyhelmsman.com
Changes to financial aid beginning in the fall will have University of Memphis undergraduates seeing double interest rates on some of their student loans and leave graduate students with fewer financial aid options. Per national changes to federal student aid programs, direct subsidized student loans received between July 1, 2012 and July 1, 2014 will begin accruing a fixed 6.8 percent interest rate immediately after a student graduates. The change to the loan doubles the current interest rate of such loans, set at 3.4 percent, and eliminates the six-month grace period students have before they are required to begin paying back their loans. Joanna Darden, coordinator for customer service in The U of M financial aid office, said the changes are due to government losses. “The government is losing money, so they’re trying to
recoup some losses,” she said. “There are still huge benefits to government loans in that there are so many repayment options.” Another change is the verification process involves the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, Darden said. Students are now encouraged to use the IRS data retrieval tool, which collects students’ and their parents’ tax information for them after they have filed. “Every school in the country is being bombarded with this change,” she said. Other financial aid changes taking effect this fall include a 12-semester limit for the Federal Pell Grant, and the inability for graduate students to apply for direct subsidized loans between July 1, 2012 and July 1, 2014. According to the FAFSA website, graduate students may still be able to take out up to $20,500 in unsubsidized loans, loans that accrue interest while the student is still in school. There are 3,189 students pursuing a master’s degree at The
Loans, page 5
PostSecret founder visits UM campus BY CHRISTINA HOLLOWAY News Reporter Students stood in line nearly two hours Monday night waiting to hear Frank Warren deliver tales of secrecy, heartbreak and scandal. Warren, founder of PostSecret, spoke at the Michael D. Rose Theatre about the overwhelming response garnered by his website, which allows users to post their deepest and darkest secrets anonymously. He started his career “soliciting secrets,” as he calls it, by passing out cards on the street late at night that instructed the stranger who received it to write down their secrets. What was once a risk is now a phenomenon. “I just always found secrets fascinating. Everyone has a rich interior life that they can share,” Warren said. For seven years, postcards
by Christina Holloway
see page 6
Changing interest rates for student loans could greatly affect students
BY CHELSEA BOOZER Managing Editor For the second consecutive semester, University of Memphis police are reporting a crime spree involving cell phones being lured and stolen from owners. U of M’s Director of Public Safety Bruce Harber sent a mass email to the campus community Monday detailing reported incidents of two men in a vehicle approaching pedestrians and asking to borrow their phone, then driving off with it. University police were notified of three such incidents between March 22-25, and the Memphis Police Department reported two more during that time. All thefts took place between noon and 7 p.m., Harber said. Two occurred on Patterson Avenue, one on Southern Avenue, another on Watauga Street and the last in Parking Lot No. 5 off Zach Curlin Street. According to Harber,
After two straight losses Tiger baseball on the upswing, defeating Rice 6-2 on Sunday.
Frank Warren, founder of PostSecret.com, reads off a few secrets sent in by readers to the crowd on Monday night at the Michael G. Rose Theatre. submitted by unnamed users have been sent to Warren’s home, where he keeps every secret and stores each card. He uploads them for viewers to see at Postsecret.com. Secret tellers can design the cards as they wish, using pictures or drawings that best describe their feelings. The most important part of Monday night, according to Warren, was having the opportunity to talk to people face-to-face
about their secrets. “There are two kinds of secrets: the ones that we keep from others and the ones we hide from ourselves,” Warren said. In addition to the speech, audience members had the opportunity to share secrets of their own and to have Warren sign a PostSecret book, a series that compiles secrets that were submitted, but could not be shared on the site over the years.
2 • Tuesday, March 27, 2012
H elmsman Volume 79 Number 92
thoughts that give you paws
Editor-in-Chief Casey Hilder Managing Editor Chelsea Boozer
“This girl in the UC ordered 7 tacos... 7!!!” — @addisonpiggott
News Editors Jasmine Hunter Amanda Mitchell
“That awkward moment when you hear someone yawn really loudly and you automatically do the Chewbacca sound. . .” — @SarahDoty
Sports Editor Scott Hall General Manager Candy Justice Advertising Manager Bob Willis Admin. Sales Sharon Whitaker Adv. Production Hailey Uhler Adv. Sales Robyn Nickell Michael Parker Brittany Block
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The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies from each issue available to a reader for free, thanks to a Student Activity Fee allocation. Additional copies $1.
YOU REALLY LIKE US! Yesterday’s Top-Read Stories on the Web
1. Key House Republican’s fix by Rob Hotakainen
2. Philosophy-Inspired
by William Young
3. Just your type
by Elizabeth Cooper
4. New York Times media reporter... 5. Tigers face decisions
by William Young by Scott Hall
“I swear the tulips outside the UC were yellow this morning...and now they’re white...?” — @VBus_TheBus “Will. You’re gonna be missed greatly man.” — @therealDuVall91 “It’s only 10 a.m. and I’ve already received like 74 junk emails today from the University!” — @tangykangyyy “That moment when you check your email while still in bed simply HOPING your teacher canceled class.” — @AmyMurk “Walking around campus, deep in thought, until... SQUIRRELS!!!!” — @pcvrmllnusn
Tell us what gives you paws. Send us your thoughts on Twitter @dailyhelmsman or #tigerbabble. Or post on our Facebook wall at facebook.com/dailyhelmsman.
DOMINO’S PIZZA Across 1 Constantly 5 Numbers, e.g. 9 Longing words 14 New Zealand fruit 15 Open-mouthed 16 Cinched, with “up” 17 Univ. seniors’ tests 18 Daily take in the Lumber department? 20 Broods 22 Currency of Freetown 23 Revenue in Lingerie? 26 Guys’ mates 30 Rash protection 31 Over the top 33 “Third Rock From the Sun” family, e.g. 36 There’s often a colon in one 39 India’s first prime minister 40 Outlay in Electronics? 43 Jejune 44 Spider-Man Parker 45 “Don’t think so” 46 First tea sold in individual packets 48 Cupid counterpart 50 Blondie drummer Burke 51 Merchandise capacity in Men’s Wear? 56 Pianist Gilels et al. 58 Outcast 60 Display case in Wine & Spirits? 65 Shamu, for one 66 “Hill Street Blues” actress 67 Life-of-the-party type 68 “JAG” spin-off 69 Fail to hold up, as a bank 70 Contributes 71 Band with the debut album “Diamond Life” Down 1 ER lines 2 Bug
No Waiting! 323-3030
Have opinions? Care to share?
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3 Controversial Gettysburg general 4 Take a gamble 5 Blot away, as a tear 6 Back in time 7 “__ the Girls I’ve Loved Before”: Nelson/Iglesias hit 8 Go along 9 Dust jacket no. 10 Words before a stunt 11 Be in debt 12 Green shade 13 Byrnes of “77 Sunset Strip” 19 “__ thou love me?”: Juliet 21 Bickered 24 __ shot 25 Go on the fritz 27 “It’s __ line between love and hate”: 1971 song lyric 28 Doone in Exmoor 29 Murmuring sound 32 Like some soap
33 Certain Prot. 34 Like Schubert’s music 35 Wet lowland 37 Anger 38 Certain chamber music group 41 Like much Le Creuset cookware 42 Oft-embroidered word 47 Yard sale proviso 49 Battle of Hastings fighters 52 Extreme 53 “Huh?” response opening 54 About 55 1961 Heston role 57 M.’s counterpart 59 Simplicity 60 Petal-plucking pronoun 61 Main man? 62 Chatspeak qualifier 63 Approval of a kind 64 Some NFL linemen
S u d o k u
Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.
Solutions on page 7
The University of Memphis
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 • 3
Campus Life
Asian culture finds a home at The U of M
by Nathanael Packard
Nigiri and Candy Rolls were sold in the University Center to promote Asian Awareness among students.
In an effort to provide cultural and political awareness of Asian Americans on campus, a group of like-minded students founded a group devoted to the subject. Started in September, the Asian American Association was initiated in an effort to bring Asian-American students together through meetings, activities and social events on campus. “This group is important because it provides an environment for Asian Americans to feel at home and develop friendships. I think it is also important to add diversity and different cultures on campus,” said Hsiang-te Kung, director of The U of M’s Confucius Institute. Group member Joseph Tran, a senior Asian Studies and International Trade major, said the mission is to serve as a voice to the U of M’s Asian American community, as well as promote diversity on campus. “Most Asian American students on campus are commuter students, so this is a good
A Weekly Devotional For You Charm or Commitment? Many of you reading this are probably considering marriage. What are you looking for in a husband or wife? Many look only for charm, good looks, money, etc. There is nothing wrong with these things per se. I thought my wife was gorgeous when I married her and I still think the same forty-two years later. However, the above named traits will not hold a marriage together by themselves. You need to look for someone who is committed to both you and to the marriage itself. Every marriage will have many strains and stresses. Only the committed will persevere. There are few things sadder than a broken marriage, but those based on a faulty foundation usually eventually break up. I have seen several examples of marital commitment lately. A good friend recently died of cancer. It was good to see his committed wife stand by him and do the best she could to encourage him and to alleviate his suffering. Another friend recently had surgery that left her face twisted. Her husband is standing by her and convincing her that she is still beautiful to him. Would that “charmer” you are dating stand by you if you were disfigured or paralyzed in a car wreck? What if some of you beautiful girls have a baby or two or gain some weight? Would “Romeo” still express his love to you or would he have a roving eye? Look at the one you are considering marrying and see what kind of character and integrity he or she has. You will be glad you did in the long run.
by Nathanael Packard
Asian Studies major, Joseph Tran, sells candy sushi as part of Asian Awareness week. opportunity for them to meet people. Also, there is no other Asian club on this campus like there are on various other college campuses,” Tran said. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 2.7 percent of The U of M’s campus population described themselves as Asian in Fall 2010. The group plans to celebrate traditionally recognized international and national events of Asian American culture. They will begin doing so through a series of events scheduled this week in honor of Asian Awareness Week. “As our demographics are changing and our society is becoming more diverse, I think that it is important to provide a venue for more students to get involved and to have a bet-
ter understanding of different cultures,” said Gian Gozum, the group’s president. The series of events includes a performance by comedian Paul Kim at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the University Center Theater, a Tour of Asia at 6 p.m. Thursday in the UC Ballroom and a sumo suit competition to finish out the week at 1 p.m. Friday on the Alumni Mall. Today, the group will hold a diversity awareness workshop in the UC Bluff Room at 7 p.m. “We want students to have the opportunity to get to know all the different types of Asians cultures. Most people think that there are only Chinese and Japanese, but there is so much more than that and each Asian country has it’s own culture,” Tran said.
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4 • Tuesday, March 27, 2012
SGA GENERAL ELECTION Vote Today thru Thursday, March 29 8 a.m. – Midnight
Vote at UC 2nd floor & south side of Lobby Atrium And in McWherter Library OR by laptop with login name & password Go to: www.memphis.edu/sga/election.htm FOR PRESIDENT: (vote for 1) Russell Born (U.S.) Hunter Dawson (M.A.C.) Nicholas Mastron (S.U.R.E.)
FOR VICE PRESIDENT: (vote for 1) Fred Hampton (M.A.C.) LaDarius Millen (S.U.R.E.) Caray Oldham (U.S.) AT LARGE: (vote for 18)
Josh Bay (M.A.C.) Francesca Biggam (M.A.C.) Aaron Blackstone (U.S.) Vincent Bleau (S.U.R.E.) Winston Cannon (U.S.) Elijah Choy (M.A.C.) Kelsey Climer (U.S.) Matt Coker (U.S.) Andrew Cole (M.A.C.) Kara Davis-Myers (M.A.C.) Taylor Dodd (S.U.R.E.) Leah Essary (M.A.C.) Paige Fehland (U.S.) Adrian Ford (U.S.) Chantley Frazier (S.U.R.E.)
Tevin McInnis (U.S.) Johnathan Moffett (U.S.) Dadie Normil (S.U.R.E.) Erika Northcutt (S.U.R.E.) Frederick Perry (M.A.C.) Addison Piggot (U.S.) Rachael Pointer (M.A.C.) Keon Prewitt (M.A.C.) Kafia Said (M.A.C.) Eric Sellari (M.A.C.) Barrett J. Scott (S.U.R.E.) Sheridan Sinclair (M.A.C.) Deanne Tole (U.S.) Josh Tucker (U.S.) Anika Watson (S.U.R.E.)
Mary Garcia (M.A.C.) Matt Hotz (U.S.) Destiny Johnson (M.A.C.) Eudarius Jones (U.S.) Jason Jones (U.S.) Ryan Kelley (M.A.C.) Austin Kemker (S.U.R.E.) Ricky Kirby (M.A.C.) Trey Lasley (M.A.C.) Jillian Link (M.A.C.) Casey Long (U.S.) Mayra Lopez (U.S.) Andrew Lyons (U.S.) Victoria Maher (U.S.) Paytyn Markham (S.U.R.E.)
ARTS AND SCIENCES: (vote for 4) Morgan Douglass (M.A.C.) Bria Gibson (U.S.) Ciara Johnson (M.A.C.) Mason Lin (S.U.R.E.)
Alex Roubidoux (U.S.) Dylan Turner (M.A.C.) Keesa Williams (S.U.R.E.)
BUSINESS: (vote for 3) Stacey Blevins (S.U.R.E.) Evan Kelly (M.A.C.) Priscilla Reno (S.U.R.E.)
Aaron Robinson (M.A.C.) John Cole Sanders (U.S.)
COMMUNICATION AND FINE ARTS: (vote for 2) Shakiera Adams (S.U.R.E.) Rayna Haynes (M.A.C.) Christian Dingeldein (U.S.) Juan Gomez (M.A.C.) Maddie House (S.U.R.E.) Nicole Jones (U.S.)
Andrew Knote (S.U.R.E.) Emily VanGilder (M.A.C.)
EDUCATION: (vote for 2)
NURSING: (vote for 3)
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE: (vote for 1) Shaniqua L. Allen (M.A.C.)
Stacie Rose (U.S.)
Kenneth Williams (S.U.R.E.) Michelle Williams (U.S.)
GRADUATE: (vote for 1) Joshua Jackson (S.U.R.E.)
The University of Memphis
Princeton Praise Academics
The U of M appears in three Princeton Review guidebooks BY MICHELLE CORBET News Reporter
The University of Memphis has appeared in two 2012 Princeton Review guidebooks for its law school and business school and is expected to appear in a third this April for its sustainability and recycling skills. The Cecil C. Humphrey’s School of Law was ranked No. 7 in the best quality of life category in Princeton Review’s “Best 167 Law Schools” guidebook, moving up one spot from last year when it was No. 8.
A $42 million renovation of the historic Customs House gave the law school a new location in the center of the downtown law community, which contributed to its high ranking. “We were not surprised by the quality-of-life ranking. Our students benefit from a collegial and supportive environment, and the law school’s close proximity to courts, government offices and law firms. Our downtown location provides wonderful opportunities for our students to learn from experienced members of the bench and bar. Plus, our down-
town location allows students to take advantage of ample cultural and recreational activities,” said David Romantz, associate dean for academic affairs & associate professor of law. The Princeton Review’s “Best 294 Business Schools” 2012 guidebook includes The U of M’s Fogelman College of Business and Economics for its “cutting-edge classes and solid preparation in general management, computer skills and doing business in a global economy.” “We have a great academic program. Our MBA and graduate pro-
grams have all been brought up to global quality, and the experiences we provide are as good as any other university due to our faculty and curriculum. We are proud to be named one of the best in the Southeast,” said Rajiv Grover, dean of the Fogelman College of Business and Economics. The Princeton Review does not rank the universities numerically beyond the top ten. The reviews are based on surveys from students and statistical information gathered through university data. “We ask about 80 questions about how they rate professors, GMAT scores, class rank — it’s a hybrid of scores,” said Jeanne Crier, book publicist for The Princeton Review. The U of M also appeared in The Princeton’s Review’s 2011 Guide to 311 Green Colleges partnered by the U.S. Green Building Council. The 2012 guide will be released in mid-April. Students can give feedback about The U of M on the student survey area of The Princeton Review website. The information will be used in consideration for the rankings of the 2013 editions of the guidebooks. “With these books and undergraduate college guides we gather information and input from students. We hope to help students find a match that is best for them. They can access a deeper amount of student and profile information about The University. They have not only the profile, but matter about applying for financial aid and getting in,” Crier said.
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Other meeting dates this semester: April 3, April 10 & April 17
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012 • 5
Loans from page 1 U of M this spring, according to the Enrollment Report Generator by the Office of Institutional Research at The U of M. Cynthia Martin, research analyst at The U of M, said for students who don’t pay attention to the financial aid process the changes will be in for a shock. “(For incoming freshmen), graduation is a long way off,” she said. “But, it’s certainly going to hit them like a ton of bricks when they graduate.” In June of 2010, student loan debt reached $826 billion nationally, passing credit card debt for the first time in U.S. History. The occurrence prompted FinAid and FastWeb publisher Mark Kantrowitz to host the student loan debt clock, which read that collectively college students across the nation are in more than $1 trillion in debt as of Monday evening. Kantrowitz said the tobe-implemented 6.8 percent interest rate won’t increase the aggregated national amount of student debt until the affected group of students graduates. “As far as impact, it’s not increasing the amount of loans, it’s increasing the cost of loans,” he said. “It does increase the burden of the loan and make it more difficult for students to repay after they graduate.”
Phones from page 1 owners of the stolen phones described the still-unknown suspects’ vehicle as large, box-like, four-door, white or grayish-silver in color and having large chrome wheels – possibly a Ford Crown Victoria or Cadillac. In most cases, there were two young men around the ages of 19 to 21 in the vehicle, Harber said. “Everyone is encouraged to keep their phone out of sight whenever possible, and to not give their phone to anyone whom they do not know,” Harber wrote in the email. He asked anyone who may have information about the thefts to contact University Police Services at 901-678-4357. Harber sent a similar email to students, faculty and staff Nov. 7 last year. In that message, he said there had been six reported phone thefts in the previous seven weeks that occurred near campus. In those cases, usually two men were in a vehicle, one would ask to borrow a phone from a pedestrian and then the two would take off in the vehicle. “To our knowledge, no one was charged related to any of those incidents, and the message may have (been) effective as the incidents ceased after the message was issued,” Harber said.
6 • Tuesday, March 27, 2012
UM avoid sweep with victory over No. 7 Rice
courtesy of U of M Media Relations
BY SCOTT HALL Sports Editor
Senior Jacob Wilson hit a three-run home run in the eighth inning to solidify the Tigers’ 6-2 victory over No. 7 Rice on Sunday.
The University of Memphis baseball team bounced back from two straight losses to end the first Conference USA series of the year on a winning track. The Tigers came into the game with a 6-10 record in C-USA openers, and 17-30 in opening weekend games. They were looking to win their third consecutive C-USA home opener. Friday’s game was a pitchers duel between Memphis sophomore lefty Sam Moll and Rice’s Matthew Reckling, with the Owls escaping with a 1-0 victory. Moll came in with a 1-2 record and a 3.81 ERA, and pitched 7.2 innings, but allowed the only run of the game in the eighth. Reckling dominated the Tigers from the mound, pitching a complete-game shutout and allowing only three hits and one walk while striking out eight. The run by Rice in the eighth ended Memphis’ 28.1-inning
streak without allowing an earned run. In a span of 31.1 innings, Memphis pitchers allowed only two runs, including back-to-back complete games by senior Chase Joiner and junior Michael Wills. That defensive success failed to carry over to the second game of the series, as the Tigers gave up 13 runs in the final three innings and fell 15-4 on Saturday. After fighting to tie the game, 2-2 through the first seven innings, two singles forced in three runs for the Owls, helped out by a fielding error by the Tigers. Memphis scored two in their half of the seventh to cut the deficit to just one, but Rice went off in the eighth, putting up nine against the Tigers’ relievers. They would score once more in the ninth to run away with the win. The Tigers’ bats awoke with a bang on Sunday to close out the series on a high note. Memphis’ 6-2 victory was the first win over a top 10 team since 2009. A solo home run in the sec-
ond by senior Eli Hynes put the Tigers on the board early, and sophomore Zach Willis’ first career homer increased the Tigers’ lead to 2-0 in the third. Rice fought back to tie the game in the top of the eighth but couldn’t bring home the goahead run. Freshman infielder Tucker Tubbs hit a pinch-hit single to bring in Ethan Gross to put the Tigers on top in the bottom of the eighth, and senior infielder Jacob Wilson blasted a three-run home run into center field to put the Tigers up by four. “I was just trying to stay focused the whole game and be ready if he called my number,” Tubbs said. “They told me if there was an RBI situation, I could get the at-bat. And I was ready and got a hit.” Following the series, Memphis improved to 10-13 (1-2 C-USA), while Rice fell to 18-8 (2-1 C-USA). Memphis will next take on the Middle Tennessee State Blue Raiders in a twogame set tonight and tomorrow in Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Make sure that little bird in our ear is you. Send us your thoughts @dailyhelmsman.
The University of Memphis
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 • 7
Campus life
Softball swept by Houston Tennis takes down MTSU Italian Film Festival to begin today
BY BRYAN HEATER Sports Reporter
The brooms were out in full force, as the Houston Cougars defeated the University of Memphis softball team 8-0 to sweep the three-game series on Sunday. The Tigers’ only hit came from the bat of freshman Sara Pearson in the top of the second, as the five inning run rule was implemented in the shutout. The Cougars started the onslaught in the bottom of the third, when a ball lined back at Tiger starting pitcher Ellen Roberts fell out of her glove, allowing Houston to score from
third and take the 1-0 lead. The wheels fell off the wagon in the bottom of the fourth, as Houston reeled off a seven-run inning to put the game away. With two outs, Houston’s Holly Anderson smashed a three-run homer. A few hits and runs later, Kayla Holland hit a tworun homer to give the Cougars the 8-0 victory. Roberts (4-12) took the loss for the Tigers (7-26, 0-9 C-USA), lasting three and two-thirds innings and allowing five runs on six hits. The Tigers play a doubleheader against the Murray State Racers Wednesday, with the first pitch slated to be tossed at 4 p.m.
BY BRYAN HEATER Sports Reporter
The 30th ranked University of Memphis men’s tennis team continued their winning ways over the weekend, defeating the Middle Tennessee State Blue Raiders 6-1 to improve to 13-3 on the year. Sophomores David O’Hare and Joe Salisbury began the day on the right foot for the Tigers, vanquishing the Blue Raiders’ Yannick Born and Marlon Brand 8-4. Sophomore Johnny Grimal and senior Leon Nasemann then secured the doubles point for the Tigers by defeating Ettore Zito and Matthew Langley 8-4. After O’Hare dropped the first singles match to MTSU’s Ben
Davis, Grimal defeated Lang 6-3 and 6-1 to notch the score at 1-1 early in singles play. Salisbury followed that with a 6-4, 7-5 win over Langley and freshman Connor Glennon won 6-0, 6-4 over Zito to give Memphis a 3-1 advantage in singles play. The Tigers clinched singles play and the match when freshman David O’Leary made quick work of Dimitri Pippos, winning 6-0 and 6-3. The win moved O’Leary to 15-0 in singles play this season. Nasemann capped off the day with a hard-fought victory in three sets over Forrest Edwards. Memphis returns to action today at The Racquet Club of Memphis at 2:30 p.m. against the Saint Louis Billikens.
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HELP WANTED Lifeguard for Summer 2012 The Memphis Country Club is currently accepting applications for lifeguards. Applicant must be current on all certifications, neat in appearance, courteous with a willingness to help others. Good work ethic a must. Pre-employment criminal background and drug screen required. Applications can be picked up at our security guard house.
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BY KENDRA HARRIS News Reporter The Marcus W. Orr Center for the Humanities is partnering with the department of foreign languages to bring Italian Film Festival USA to The University of Memphis. “Students will love these films, not only because they are entertaining, but also because they provide an authentic glimpse of modern Italy,” said Aram Goudsouzian, interim director of MOCH. The film festival will be held in the University Center Theater on three different dates. Each showing is free and open to the public. The first film, Into Paradiso, is a comedy to be shown today at 7 p.m. Scialla!, a drama, will be shown Thursday at the same time. Finally he biography, Tatanka, will be presented April 3. Goudsouzian said MOCH aims to provide intellectually stimulating programming that pulls together students, faculty and community members for debate and discussion. MOCH mostly sponsors lectures, but also occasionally sponsors film series like this one.
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8 • Tuesday, March 27, 2012