Tigers take a tumble
Thursday, April 12, 2012
UM Tigers fall to Arkansas State Red Wolves Tuesday, 4-2.
Vol. 79 No. 102
see page 8
Arabian Nights comes to campus BY MELISSA WRAY News Reporter
Students, faculty and staff at The University of Memphis are invited to take a journey to the Middle East via the Mainstage Theatre at 7:30 p.m. this evening. According to third-year Master of Fine Arts candidate Alice Rainey Berry, “The Arabian Nights” has a premise that touches on adult themes like infidelity, capital punishment and the fight for survival. Berry, who is also the director of publicity and promotion for the Department of Theatre and Dance, said the play’s transformative power of storytelling made her want to direct it. “In essence, every human being tells stories about themselves,” she said. “It’s a vital part of their nature.” Because her theater company
spends a lot of time in the narrative genre, stories are really important to Berry, she said. “The Arabian Nights” is a play adaptation by Mary Zimmerman from the original compilation of Middle Eastern and South Asian folk tales titled “One Thousand and One Nights.” In the play, a Persian king named Shahryar discovers that his bride has been unfaithful, and he immediately has her scheduled for execution. He then marries many virginal women, only to execute them the next morning before they can get a chance to cheat on him. Scheherazade, the daughter of the man responsible for bringing virgins to the king, volunteers herself to be his next bride, and tells the king 1,001 tales in the hopes that he will
Play, page 4
by Aaron Turner
Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis
Lauren Scott who plays the role of Scheherazade and other students act out a scene from the play “The Arabian Knights” during dress rehearsal Monday night in the Theatre Building.
UM nonprofit program to receive award of excellency
Frisbee Club hosts fellowship, games There’s something in the air this spring at Memorial Field, and it’s not pollen. University of Memphis students and alumni gather every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8 p.m. for fellowship and Frisbee. Melissa Peterson, a Liberal studies senior and president of The U of M’s Frisbee Club, said she is excited about the club’s first semester as an officially recognized campus organization. So is her twin sister Lauren. “It is very entertaining to watch,” said Lauren Peterson, a special education major. “I like to bring my dog to sit with me.” Lauren’s Labrador retriever took a romp on the field Thursday, but no one seemed to mind. As soon as the field lights turned on, the games began. A few newcomers came and hopped in the game like they had been playing with the team for years. The games attract players from all backgrounds including Greeks, art students and University alumni. “When I first started coming as a sophomore, we only had about six people to a team, “ Lauren said. “Now it gets so crowded we sometimes have 20 people to a team.” Competitive Frisbee is simi-
lar to basketball. A captain is chosen for each team based on who has been playing the longest. The teams divide and flip the Frisbee like a coin to see who goes first. The captain then throws the Frisbee to the closest teammate and the game begins. Teams block opposing members by standing in front of them and counting to 10 until they throw. If the players do not throw by the count of 10, the Frisbee goes to the opposing team member. The Frisbee club also competes in tournaments across the city. Last weekend, a tournament was held between a campus fraternity and the regular team. Memphis Tigers’ Basketball guard Preston Laird joined in the festivities. There are some technicalities involved in the game of the Frisbee, but to put it in layman’s terms, the main objective of the game is to get in the end zone; the Frisbee equivalent of goal. “The main difference between Frisbee and most other sports is that in Frisbee, you come to a complete halt when you have the Frisbee in your hands,” said Muhammad Hassan, biomedical engineering major. “I like Frisbee because it is a great way to let out aggression — lots of running and blocking.” Frisbee is not a game for the faint of heart. “The boys take it so serious-
by Christina Holloway
BY MARGOT PERA Contributing Writer
Members of the Frisbee club practiced at Memorial Field on Wednesday 8:30 p.m. ly. The girls just want to have fun,” Melissa said. “Things get rowdy out here. Last year, my
friend Michael broke his arm while playing. He spent the entire night in the hospital.”
A Google, Inc. representative will present an award to the Nonprofit Leadership Collaborative of the MidSouth today at 11:30 a.m. during their annual Spring Awards Celebration in the University Center. The event will highlight the milestones achieved by members of the program and recognize the graduating members as certified nonprofit professionals. The U of M will receive a national program excellence award from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance crediting body. The award recognizes The University as the top nonprofit leadership certificate program in the nation. The presenter, Google’s Head of Community Affairs Matt Dunne, serves on the board of directors for the NLA and is the head of corporate giving. “Dunne is very plugged into our nonprofit sector,” said Susan Schmidt, executive director for the institute
award, page 5
2 • Thursday, April 12, 2012
H ELMSMAN Volume 79 Number 102
thoughts that give you paws
Editor-in-Chief Casey Hilder
“That awkward moment when u try to rip up a parking ticket only to learn its made out of some kind of indestructible material.” — @clhwhitten
Managing Editor Chelsea Boozer News Editors Jasmine Hunter Amanda Mitchell Sports Editor Scott Hall
“Can’t wait for the semester to be over. Just two more weeks. TWO MORE WEEKS.” — @nephrastar
General Manager Candy Justice Advertising Manager Bob Willis Admin. Sales Sharon Whitaker Adv. Production Hailey Uhler Adv. Sales Robyn Nickell Michael Parker Brittany Block
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YOU REALLY LIKE US! Yesterday’s Top-Read Stories on the Web
1. Marxist Student Union speaks out by Christopher Whitten
2. Study shows nursing’s effect on...
by Michelle Corbet
3. Red Bus Project rolls on campus
by Christopher Whitten
4. UM offers help for entrepreneurs
by Timberly Moore
5. Police Beat
by Jason Jones
“The lady at the coffeeshop in the theatre building asked if I wanted decaf or regular. Its 9 in the morning, what do you think?” — @0hlucy “That awkward moment when you walk past a random person in the UC and they’re looking at your facebook page...creepy?” — @SarahDoty “You know your college life is lame if getting on TigerBabble is the highlight of your week.” — @isaacpwilson “Revving your engine is only going to make me walk slower across Patterson.” — @pcvrmllnusn “I know it’s the end of the semester...but I need more dining dollars.” — @iLiveNcloudz “I’m going to dress up as Abraham Lincoln and follow the Marxist Student Union around, reciting the Gettysburg Address.” — @jacobmerryman
DOMINO’S PIZZA Across 1 ‘50s-’60s Bronx Bombers nickname, with “The” 5 South Seas tuber 9 Oceans 14 Like the team before @, on schedules 15 Not much 16 Hotel courts 17 Best Original Song Oscar winner from ... Disney’s “Pocahontas” 20 Little one 21 __-tzu 22 On the calmer side 23 ... Disney’s “Aladdin” 28 Headache 29 WSJ headline 30 __ rock: music genre 31 Faux pas 33 Bars with hidden prices? 35 Evensong? 39 ... Disney’s “Song of the South” 43 Wed. vis-à-vis Thu. 44 Reed of The Velvet Underground 45 Expel, as lava 47 Western treaty gp. 50 Periods prec. soccer shootouts 52 Before, poetically 53 ... Disney’s “Mary Poppins” 58 French city mostly destroyed in 1944 59 Golf ’s Woosnam 60 Tyler of “Jersey Girl” 61 ... Disney’s “Monsters, Inc.” 67 Athena’s shield 68 “__ chic!” 69 File’s partner 70 Actor Milo 71 Holiday tubers 72 __-Ball Down 1 Brolly user’s garment 2 __ Jima 3 ‘20s White House nickname 4 1997 ecological protocol city
No Waiting! 323-3030
“@jacobmerryman I’ll start the John Wilkes Booth Student Union and follow you around campus. Assassin is the best game.” — @WizardofBoaz “@WizardofBoaz @jacobmerryman I’ll dress as the reunited Southern and Northern parts of the United States.” —@Joshua_Parker9
Tell us what gives you paws. Send us your thoughts on Twitter @dailyhelmsman or #tigerbabble. Or post on our Facebook wall at facebook.com/dailyhelmsman.
5 Gustatory sensor 6 Blood typing abbr. 7 Sight site 8 Bilingual Canadian city 9 John who explored the Canadian Arctic 10 Openly hostile 11 Showy extra 12 Like tridents 13 Marquis de __ 18 Three-sixty in a canoe 19 Coyote call 23 Grain beard 24 Suffering from vertigo 25 Legendary skater Sonja 26 “Ixnay!” 27 Sgt. Snorkel’s dog 32 Covert __: spy stuff 34 Disney frame 36 Some mag spreads 37 Flat hand, in a game 38 __ Khan: “The Jungle Book”
tiger 40 Elemental bit 41 Judgment Day 42 Blow away in competition 46 Pint-size 48 Low-pH substance 49 Crudely built home 51 Switchblade 53 Tables-on-the-street restaurants 54 “__-Ho”: Dwarfs’ song 55 Non-mainstream film 56 Prefix with mural 57 Civil rights activist Medgar 58 “Farewell, cara mia” 62 Metaphor words 63 Skirt line 64 Asian plow puller 65 Vague pronoun 66 Hawaiian strings
S u d o k u
Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.
Solutions on page 4
The University of Memphis
Thursday, April 12, 2012 • 3
What’s your favorite sport and why? by Christina Holloway
“Lacrosse because you get to hit people with sticks. It’s good anger management.”
“Basketball because I have always liked it.”
“Frisbee. I like going out on the Alumni Mall and playing with friends.”
“Cornhole. It’s something anybody can do.”
“Ultimate frisbee. I like running after the Frisbee. It’s fun.”
— Thomas Stiles, Computer science freshman
— Derek Jones, Communications sophomore
— Jacob Delk, Nursing sophomore
— Lillian Roe, Accounting sophomore
— Cortez Little, Criminal justice sophomore
the cuban five TONIGHT @ 6 P.M. | UC SHELBY ROOM (342)
Five Cuban men who claim they were monitoring the actions of terrorist groups in Miami to prevent the commission of terrorist activities against citizens in their home country, were convicted in U.S. court of committing espionage conspiracy against the United States, and are currently serving lengthy prison sentences. The five won an appeal of their sentences and temporarily were granted a new trial before their appeal was reversed and the convictions reinstated. The case is viewed by many as politically motivated with the Cuban Five seen as political prisoners.
Find out how you can help win justice for these five men who have dedicated their lives to save others.
delivers... SAC Cinema: Toy Story 2 & 7 P.M. | UC THEATRE
4 • Thursday, April 12, 2012
spare her life. Berry said she loves taking the same process of narrative theatre her company creates and trying to share it with students at The U of M. “The cast members have really come together as an ensemble and created this piece with their input and range of ability,” she said. “We have a cast that ranges from freshmen to seniors, and the songs they sing and the movements they make are entirely created by them.” Lauren Scott, recent alumnus of the College of Communication and Fine Arts, said playing the role of Scheherazade was different from what she imagined it would be. “What really drew me to the play was the fact that the power of storytelling is a very prominent theme,” she said. “That’s what Scheherazade uses as a means to save her life and build a future for herself.” Scott said she admires Scheherazade’s ability to stay level-headed, as well as her eloquence and articulateness. “I feel like I embody these qualities as well, even though I am quite clumsy sometimes,” she said. Jacob Wingfield, senior performance theater and marketing major, said for him, the best part of performing in the play was the diversity it offered. “Although ‘The Arabian Nights’ is very exhausting and demanding, it did provide me with a challenge to focus on each role I played,” he said. Wingfield, who plays a trio of roles including the pastry cook, a Kurd, and the third sage, said he would advise students who want to pursue careers in acting to “make sure it’s what they want because it’s very hard and competitive.” “Any true actor is never fully satisfied,” he said. “Acting is a serious business, just like any other.”
by Aaron Turner
from page 1
“Arabian Nights,” which premieres tonight, is an adaptation from the original compilation of folk tales entitled “One Thousand and One Nights.”
Solutions Two more weeks!!!
The University of Memphis
from page 1
“We will be recording Dunne’s talks and posting them on The U of M YouTube account for anyone who is interested in hearing what Google is up to,” Schmidt said. Schmidt said that the NLA has been around for 60 years and the universities that normally receive the program excellence award typically have been established just as long, but The
U of M’ s nonprofit program was created about 12 years ago. She attributes a large part of the success to the support of the program’s nonprofit partners. “It’s a big honor,” Schmidt said. “Compared to others, our program is relatively young. This shows that we have established a really stable exemplary program in a short amount of time.”
Through the program, students are given the chance to network and meet people in the nonprofit sector and learn on-the-job skills for their future careers. Lindsey Bray, nonprofit leader association president, said the program has provided her with a skill set that will be invaluable when she starts her career in the nonprofit world. Students in the program are
required to earn 300 internship hours which helps students with job pairing once they graduate, Bray said. “Internship opportunities are one of the best things out of it,” she said. The Nonprofit Management and Leadership Certificate program is open to all students and majors.
photos by Christina Holloway
for philanthropy and nonprofit leadership. He served in the Vermont House of Representatives for seven years and as the director of AmeriCorps VISTA for two and a half years under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
Thursday, April 12, 2012 • 5
Lindsey Bray, Nonprofit Leader Association President, talks with Susan Schmidt Executive Director for the Institute for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership. The NPLA won a national award for program excellence given by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance.
The Sport Marketing Association I N V I T E S Y O U T O P A R T I C I P AT E I N A
3-on-3 Basketball Tournament Friday - Sunday, April 13-15 Campus Rec Center Max. 6 players per team Entry Fee: $5 per player
4 P.M. FRIDAY 2 P.M. SATURDAY 2 P.M. SUNDAY Register in advance by contacting Preston Dennis at pdennis1@memphis.edu OR C.J. Jones at lcjones3@memphis.edu Registration deadline is Thursday, April 12
6 • Thursday, April 12, 2012
Campus Events
Beware of Christians
Bird is the word. Follow us!
Baptist Collegiate Ministry hosts a documentary to diminish Christian stereotypes BY WILLIAM YOUNG News Reporter
A documentary that tells the story of four Texas college students who embarked on a journey through seven countries to explore their faith will screen tonight, with a question and answer session with the cast to follow. The Baptist Collegiate Ministry will host a screening of “Beware of Christians” at 7 p.m. in the University Center Theatre. The event is free and open to the public. “The film is a very raw, honest look at four college
kids trying to learn what it means to follow Jesus,” said Will Bakke, 23-year-old Baylor University student and director of the film. “We’re not perfect, and we don’t have all the answers, but the four of us had always made excuses in order to live out our own agendas. This trip really turned us upside down.” A panel of the cast and crew will answer questions from the audience and address issues from the film following the showing. The film is an award-winning documentary that shows
what four college students discovered about their faith when they took a break from school to travel overseas. “I want to see many college students come, both Christians and non-Christians,” said Jeff Jones, BCM director. “I hope it will be an opportunity to help people understand each other better and to be educated about how we communicate with each other.” The cast and crew have traveled around the United States to more than 100 schools, universities and churches to promote their film and gain
insight from college students about their faith and religious beliefs. “I would like to see discussion and ideas expressed, as well as a community of students learning more about what defines a group of people who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ,” said Jones. “Whether you are a Christian who knows all the answers or a non-believer who thinks faith is a waste of time, this night will be a good time to discuss, ask questions and evaluate direction.”
Hydrants earn their stripes
Physical Plant employee Matthew Watts paints blue stripes on fire hydrants Wednesday. Watts, who started this project in mid-March, has been painting four or five hydrants a day for the past few weeks.
Make sure that little bird in our ear is you. Send us your thoughts @dailyhelmsman.
@DailyHelmsman @HelmsmanSports
The University of Memphis
Thursday, April 12, 2012 • 7
by Christina Holloway
Campus Life
Members of the Interested Ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha Inc. hold up signs in front of the University Center Wednesday with statistics on domestic violence to promote their philanthropy YWCA. The organization will also host an event Saturday at the Memorial Field on campus.
Tigers look to make late-season comeback BY BRYAN HEATER Sports Reporter A 7-26 start is never on a team’s agenda, but after Tuesday’s double-header thrashing of Alcorn State, the University of Memphis softball team (14-29) finds itself sitting at 7-3 in the last 10 games. The Tigers dominated in all facets in each game, outscoring Alcorn State 18-0 in the sweep. Memphis put an end to both
games early by run-ruling the Braves. “I thought we pushed well,” head coach Natalie Poole said. “Eventually, I thought we had a great game today, I thought we played really well together and I thought we had good teamwork.” Game one ended with a 10-0 lopsided victory for the Tigers. Memphis held a 1-0 lead until the bottom of the fourth when
they exploded for nine runs. With two outs in the inning, the light came on as the Tigers had 11 hits dispersed by nine different players. One of those hits was a three-run home run by junior third baseman Jami Miller, her first round-tripper in a Memphis uniform. “It was pretty exciting,” Miller said. “I think everybody is starting to mesh really well right now. We’re playing together as a team.
That win over Tulsa was a great feeling, I think that’s what carried over into our games today.” Sophomore Ellen Roberts (7-14) tallied the win on the mound in game one after throwing a three-hit shutout. Game two followed a similar pattern as game one, with the Tigers dominating from start to finish. Freshman pitcher Jordan Richwood (5-8) continued her impressive rookie campaign by
MOCK TRIAL? Find out what Mock Trial is and how you can audition for a place on the Team.
Interest Meeting
Friday, April 13 @ 1 p.m. Clement Hall, Room 409
tossing a one-hit shutout and striking out ten. Memphis took a 1-0 lead in the bottom of the first when junior infielder Morgan Mosby took home on a double steal. After reaching second on a double, Mosby then advanced to third on a bunt single by junior shortstop Laura Curtis. Curtis stole second and in the process, the Braves forgot Mosby, who took home for the 1-0 lead. Sophomore third baseman Libby Goranson extended the lead to 3-0 in the fourth inning with a two-run home run. The Tigers then piled on five more runs in the fifth inning to end game two by the run-rule. “I think it’s great that we came out and hit the ball because we haven’t done a great job of that all season,” Goranson said. “I’m really proud of us coming out to hit the ball today, it felt really good.” The Tigers host LouisianaMonroe on Thursday at 6 p.m. Memphis will then host a weekend series against the UTEP Miners.
Bird is the word. Follow us!
U of M Mock Trial
Preparing students, not just for the Law, but for life.
If you cannot attend the meeting, but want more information about Mock Trial, contact Michelle Bliss, coach, at mbliss@memphis.edu.
@DailyHelmsman @HelmsmanSports
8 • Thursday, April 12, 2012
Seven hits not enough for UM in Jonesboro A late rally by the Arkansas State Red Wolves allowed them to escape with a 4-2 victory over the University of Memphis Tigers on Tuesday. The Tigers got off to a bright start with Ethan Gross and Adam McClain both reaching bases on back-to-back singles in the first inning. Jacob Wilson hit a double that was ruled a foul ball, then hit into a double play. The next Memphis batter fouled out to end the inning. The Red Wolves struck first in their half of the first. Claude Johnson hit a double to left field to reach base, then scored on a single to right field to give Arkansas State a 1-0 lead. The two pitchers traded blows throughout the next four innings. Arkansas State starting pitcher Cody Woodhouse retired 12 of the next 14 batters he faced, allowing two walks and no hits. Memphis starter Michael Wills allowed one hit and walked two while retiring 11 of his next 14 batters. Memphis took its first lead of the game in the top of the sixth inning. Gross got the Tigers going with a single and McClain hit an RBI double to bring him in. An RBI single by T.J. Rich then gave the Tigers a 2-1 lead before a strikeout ended the Tigers’ scoring run with the bases loaded. The Red Wolves tied the game with a run in the bottom of the frame. With two outs and the bases loaded, Tiger reliever Jonathan Van Eaton walked Alex Potts to force in the tying run. A groundout to third base got the Tigers out of the jam. Arkansas State retook the lead in the bottom of the seventh. A walk and a double put runners on second and before a hit up the middle, combined with an errant throw by the Memphis fielders, allowed both runners to score. “We missed the zone a few times there,” head coach Daron Schoenrock said. “I thought we made enough pitches to get out of it but it just didn’t work out and you’ve got to credit Arkansas State for two back-toback good at-bats.” ASU reliever Morgan Croft picked up his third win of the season with no runs and just one hit allowed in 1.1 innings pitched. Van Eaton was credited with the loss after giving up two runs in 1.1 innings. Gross and McClain led the Tigers offense with two hits each, as well as scoring a run each. “We’re coming out of this road stand 3-2, and that’s OK,” Schoenrock said. “We go back and regroup now and get ready for a good, solid East Carolina team who’s leading our league.”
by David C. Minkin
BY SCOTT HALL Sports Editor
Senior left fielder Adam McClain scored one of Memphis’ two runs and had two hits in the 4-2 loss to Arkansas State.
T he U of M N aval R.o.T.C.
5th Annual Beale Street Drill Meet, Sailing Regatta & Endurance Challenge
Saturday, April 14 | All events held simultaneously @ 8 a.m.
Drill Meet at Memorial Field (adjacent to Elma Roane Fieldhouse) Sailing Regatta at Shelby Farms Lake Endurance Challenge starts at Shelby Farms, ends at Memorial Field
MoRe iNfoRMaTioN, CoNTaCT
BRaNdoN MCaUley @
B j M C 1213@ g M a i l . C o M
This event made possible with support from Student Event Allocation
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