The Daily Helmsman

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Daily Helmsman The

Carter for WNBA

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Vol. 79 No. 106

Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis

Sophomore guard Brittney Carter receives invitation to join WNBA. see page 11

Women walk to spread the word

Student plans ‘SlutWalk’ to raise awareness on the recurrence of rapes across college campuses Kaile Pippin never thought it would happen to her. She was a sophomore at the University of Mississippi two years ago, working as a resident assistant. Just before Thanksgiving break, she was drinking with other RAs on campus, most of whom she knew. The next morning she woke up, trying to remember what happened the night before and who with. She didn’t know it just then, but she had been raped. After months of dealing with campus police, the Office of Judicial Affairs and state prosecutors, the charges were dropped and Pippin was left feeling campus officials knew there were rapes but didn’t care and wouldn’t help the victims. In response to college students who, like her, have been raped and felt police and administrators were less than helpful, Pippin, now a University of Memphis senior English major, is organizing SlutWalk to take place sometime this year in Memphis. The Walk is billed as a protest against “victim blaming and slut shaming” and has been hosted in various cities across the world

courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


A protest against the perception of rape victims called SlutWalk originated in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on April 3, 2011. Cities across the country have held SlutWalks since then, and a University of Memphis student is planning one to take place in Memphis this year. over the past year. It originated in Toronto, Canada, last April when citizens became outraged that a Toronto police officer told a class at York University,

“Women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized.” Pippin isn’t alone in her experience, she has come to find

out, and she hopes to make the public aware that rapes happen and there are too many times nothing is done about it.

UM Police Services’ investigations of sex crimes Surveys show that about 25 percent of women who attend


Rape, page 4

UM football player’s trial set for June

by Christopher Whitten


University of Memphis defensive back Derek Howard is scheduled for trial June 18 on the charge of assualt with bodily harm.

After a quick appearance in general sessions court Wednesday, University of Memphis defensive back Derek Howard is scheduled for trial June 18. Howard was arrested on the charge of assault with bodily harm in January after allegedly attacking then-student Brandon Transou outside The University Recreation Center in November. Head coach Justin Fuente suspended Howard from the football team following his arrest. “As the head football coach at The University of Memphis, I am fully aware of the policies and procedures pertaining to student-athletes and the criminal justice system,” Fuente

said in an email Feb. 2. “I am in agreement with the policy set forth by the institution and therefore have suspended Derek Howard from practice and game competition until this matter is brought to closure.” At that time, the team had not begun official practices and Howard was allowed to work out with the team. “The workouts are not mandatory, and so his suspension would not prohibit him from participating,” said University Counsel Sheri Lipman. University policy states that if a student-athlete is arrested for, and charged with a misdemeanor crime of violence, he or she shall be suspended immediately from all playing and practicing privileges. Howard appealed his suspension – the details of which


Football, page 8

2 • Thursday, April 19, 2012




H elmsman Volume 79 Number 106

thoughts that give you paws

Editor-in-Chief Casey Hilder

“Walking in class, presented with donuts, awards, and a prize bag. The exact questions on our exam.” — @AmyMurk

Managing Editor Chelsea Boozer News Editors Jasmine Hunter Amanda Mitchell

“@AmyMurk Right? The only thing that would’ve made class better would’ve been coffee.” — @SarahDoty

Sports Editor Scott Hall General Manager Candy Justice Advertising Manager Bob Willis Admin. Sales Sharon Whitaker Adv. Production Hailey Uhler Adv. Sales Robyn Nickell Michael Parker Brittany Block

Contact Information

Ads: (901) 6 78-2191 Fax: (901) 678-0882

News: (901) 678-2193 Sports: (901) 678-2192 The University of Memphis The Daily Helmsman 113 Meeman Journalism Building Memphis, TN 38152

The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies from each issue available to a reader for free, thanks to a Student Activity Fee allocation. Additional copies $1.

YOU REALLY LIKE US! Yesterday’s Top-Read Stories on the Web

1. Radioactive device found on campus by Elizabeth Cooper


“I don’t mind Tiger Blue Going Green, but I don’t want anyone thinking we’re from Marshall.” — @pcvrmllnusn “Why are students griping about radioactive material on campus? Super powers, hellloooo!” — @jamesfyke

2. Equal pay day awareness

by Michelle Corbet

3. Marxist Student Union speaks out 4. Professor to students

by Christopher Whitten by Chris Daniels

Tell us what gives you paws. Send us your thoughts on Twitter @dailyhelmsman or #tigerbabble. Or post on our Facebook wall at

5. Recycling park set to open Earth Day

by Crystal Ferrari

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DOMINO’S PIZZA Across 1 Puts behind bars 6 Opera headliners 11 Dairy creature 14 Stan’s sidekick, in old comedy 15 Call forth 16 Hubbub 17 Dish that’s thrown together? 19 Fix a button, say 20 PDQ, in the ICU 21 “__ I a stinker?”: Bugs Bunny 22 Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa 24 Belted out 26 __ B’rith: Jewish org. 27 Phone bk. info 30 Where 6-Across often are when performing 35 Most of 34-Down’s surface 37 Sugar suffix 38 Visiting Hollywood, say 39 Protective feature of most power strips 43 Ticklish Muppet 44 Bearded grassland grazer 45 Rib cage locale 46 Wall protector near a room entrance 50 Campfire residue 51 Catches some Z’s 52 Musical work 54 Traveler’s entry document 55 Woman’s sleeveless undergarment, for short 57 Watchman’s order 61 Tasseled headgear 62 One who follows tornadoes ... or an apt description of the starts of 17-, 30-, 39- and 46-Across 65 Get along in years 66 “Casablanca,” for one 67 Protein-building acid 68 Low-quality 69 Make off with 70 Liberal voter, slangily

“That awkward moment when your alarm fails to recognize your all nighter.” — @PersoNick


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1 Scribbles (down) 2 “That’s __ of hooey!” 3 “Casablanca” heroine 4 Leans to port or to starboard 5 “Get it?” 6 Draw up plans for 7 “Fathers and Sons” novelist Turgenev 8 Chevy’s plug-in hybrid 9 Rap sheet abbr. 10 Some Avis rentals 11 The Volga River flows into it 12 Dedicated poetry 13 “Holy guacamole!” 18 Copenhagen native 23 Not quite timely 25 Skin breakout 26 Uncle Remus title 27 Hard-__: very strict 28 Eye-related prefix 29 Spoke from the pulpit 31 Refresh, as a cup of coffee

32 Psychic hotline “skill,” briefly 33 Shine 34 Fifth-largest planet 36 Old Greek markets 40 Capt. saluters 41 “__ momento!” 42 Neutral shade 47 Cricks and tics 48 Saddle knob 49 Sweeping in scope 53 Disgrace 54 Folk singer Suzanne 55 Sheltered inlet 56 “The Marriage of Figaro” highlight 58 “In your dreams!” 59 Pre-Easter time 60 City tricked by a wooden horse 61 “Marvy!” 63 Trike rider 64 Actor Holbrook

S u d o k u

Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.

Solutions on page 11

The University of Memphis

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 3

Campus Events

Voice of the students BY MEAGAN NICHOLS News Reporter Intimidation, threats, refusal to release public records — that’s not the start of a suspense novel, but rather what The University of Memphis student newspaper has fought for 80 years. The U of M student chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists will host a panel discussion with past editors of The Daily Helmsman, formerly The Tiger Rag, Thursday to discuss First Amendment issues and violations they encountered while working at the paper. “A good, independent student newspaper is the quintessential student activity — a newspaper by students for students,” said Candy Justice, general manager of The Helmsman for the past 20 years. “While others on campus also benefit from the news the paper reports, the editors of the Tiger Rag or Helmsman over the

The Daily Helmsman to host First Amendment panel discussion, reunion

years have never forgotten that clear that The Helmsman has been M officials, and some claim the their primary job is to keep the a constant reflection of the his- FBI, temporarily took over the students informed and to act as tory of The University — every- paper following a peaceful antithing from the fun and happy war protest turned so-called riot. the voice of all students.” Willis said at the time he was The event is free and open to times on campus to the times of not aware of the possible FBI the public and will begin at 6:30 turbulence and social change.” involvement p.m. outside and still canthe University not say with Center Theater complete cerwith a recepgood, independent student tainty the FBI tion followed by the panel newspaper is the quintessential student was involved in the publiand a multimedia presenta- activity — a newspaper by the students cation of the special edition tion showcasing for the students.” paper, but after The Helmsman through the — Candy Justice recently talking years at 7 p.m. General Manager of The Daily Helmsman to people about the incident he “I think even said he has his people who aren’t connectsuspicions. Discussion panelist Jim Willis, “My understanding at the ed to The Helmsman will find this interesting and even funny who was associate editor of Tiger time was that the administration because it is actually a history of Rag from 1967 to 1968, worked had influenced or collaborated The University’s 100 years also,” at the paper during a volatile on the special edition,” Willis Justice said. “During all the time in the nation’s history, the said. “In thinking about it today research we’ve done for months Vietnam War. in a historical perspective, I susIt was during this time U of pect there was some involveto put this together it has become


ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS What can The Student Government Association do for you?

ment or influence. The president of The University at the time was a former FBI agent and the FBI was actively engaged in domestic surveillance of people they believed might be subversive.” Some students, faculty and administrators have tried to control Helmsman or Tiger Rag content through the years in a variety of ways, Justice said. Everything from stealing papers from news racks to threatening reporters and editors with being fired or pressing criminal charges, she said. “Some times they have gotten death threats,” Justice said. “Some of the attempts at intimidation have been almost funny, like the editor who went to pay his parking ticket and was told that he had already been tried in Judicial Affairs and sentenced to pick up trash on campus.” Trey Heath, Helmsman editorin-chief from 2005 through 2007 and discussion panelist, said while at The Helmsman he and the rest of the staff worked hard daily to produce a publication that was a true reflection of the student body. “Often we covered issues that not everyone felt comfortable with or enjoyed talking about, but they were issues we felt were necessary to bring to light,” Heath said. “The Helmsman is journalism in a very innocent form and that’s not something that can be easily duplicated in the world today.”

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4 • Thursday, April 19, 2012


from page 1 college say they have been the victim of rape or attempted rape, yet sexual assaults are one of the most underreported crimes on college campuses and the majority of suspects are never prosecuted, according to the National Organization of Women. Many victims’ advocate groups say society often blames the victim of a rape crime. Deborah Clubb, executive director of the Memphis Area Women’s Council, said the way college officials handle rape reports is a problem that leaves many rapists unpunished and victims without help. “Violence against women on college campuses continues to be a terrible problem, Clubb said. “Add to that the unwillingness of university administrators to confront the fact that sexual attacks happen – and to establish clear security measures and consequences for criminal behavior – and we end up with situations where victims can find no one to help them before they are hurt, or to listen and believe them after they are hurt.” That is what freshman English major Brooke Smith alleged happened to her when she reported to U of M police that she was raped in October in her then-dorm room at Smith Hall.

Smith said police “made it clear” that because she waited a month to report the crime, it was unlikely that any action would be taken against the suspect. They asked her several times if she was sure it was rape, she said, something that made her feel like they thought she was lying and were on the suspect’s side. “I blame the campus police for all of the unreported rape cases on campus,” Smith said. “They make you not want to say anything and have a way of making the victim feel as if they are to blame for what happened and that they won’t be believed or no one will care about what happened to them.” Bruce Harber, U of M Police Services’ director of public safety, said he’s aware that one in four women college students who have been surveyed said they have been a victim of rape or attempted rape. He lists several reasons to why sexual assaults on college campus are underreported including because the victim is afraid, had been drinking and thus in violation of University policies, is experiencing trauma and has been blamed or had emphasis placed on the victim’s responsibility. A delay in reporting a sexual assault crime can be a significant factor in the police investigation, Harber said, making prosecution difficult. Physical evidence that existed is likely no longer available three days after

the attack, and witness accounts are less clear. “If the victim knows the suspect, as is the case in most sexual assaults that occur on college campuses, in the absence of physical evidence the victim may be asked to provide as much information as possible,” Harber said. Some rape victims have commended campus police. The student victim of a March 26 on-campus rape, who asked not to be named, said campus police were helpful in prosecuting her alleged attacker. “The police encouraged me to continue the case,” she said. “They handled everything very quickly, and they also stayed in touch with me through the weeks to see how I was doing, keeping me posted about the case as well.” In Smith’s situation, she said the worst part of nothing being done by police was that she had proof it happened. “I even had friends who said he confessed to them that he raped me, but the police made it seem like none of this mattered,” Smith said. Her report is classified as an instance where the victim refused to prosecute, according to Deputy Director Derek Myers, but Smith said part of the reason she dropped the charges is because she felt police thought what happened to her was her fault. Of the 18 rapes reported to U of M police since 1995, seven are

classified as the victim refused prosecution. Harber said without full cooperation from a victim, crimes against a person are difficult to pursue. If a victim were cooperative, evidence like witness statements would be presented to the Attorney General’s office to review. An analysis of all 18 reports shows the Attorney General’s office either declined to prosecute or an indictment was never delivered by a grand jury in four instances. Clubb, not referring to U of M police specifically, said she’s aware that some campus police don’t handle rape reports properly. “It is appalling to imagine that any security officer or campus police official would fail to take these attacks and allegations seriously, yet we know that they have in the past and some still do,” she said. “It demeans and damages women, it tells men that their criminal behavior is sanctioned and it makes a mockery of our laws.” Compared to other nearby Universities, The U of M has had significantly less rapes reported. The University of Tennessee had 26 reported rapes since 2000. In that time, The U of M had 12 rapes reported, which resulted in five arrests. Prosecution from the Office of Judicial and Ethical Programs A copy of every police report

taken by Police Services is sent to the Office of Judicial and Ethical Programs for review, Harber said. The U of M’s handbook of student codes says Judicial Affairs reserves the right to punish students for sex crimes, regardless of whether the victim decides to pursue any such discipline. The code mandates both the accuser and the accused be informed of the outcome of any proceeding. Smith said that was not the case with her, and that Judicial Affairs was worse than police were in handling her report, because she wasn’t contacted by their office until roughly a month after she had filed with police. “At that point, I was still trying to get over what happened, so I didn’t talk to them,” she said. “I just didn’t want to keep reliving that night… I’m not sure if Judicial Affairs even contacted him. Judicial Affairs reacted way too slow for a case this serious, and I can only imagine how many girls have just decided to keep silent because of how the police treated them.” Associate Dean of Students Ben Morton said Judicial Affairs attempts to contact those involved in a sexual misconduct report as quickly as possible. “We make every effort to keep (victims) apprised of the outcome of our process,” Morton


Rape, page 5

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Dipankar Dasgupta, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science

Peter Wright, Ph.D. Department of Management


Tammy R. Jones, M.A. Department of English

Sheri Lipman, J.D. University Counsel ALUMNI ASSOCIATION DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH AWARDS Science, Engineering and Mathematics Sanjay R. Mishra, Ph.D. Department of Physics Social Sciences and Business Margaret Vandiver, Ph.D. Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Humanities Emily Austin Thrush, Ph.D. Department of English Creative Arts Beth Edwards, M.F.A. Department of Art Engaged Scholarship Joy A. Clay, Ph.D. College of Arts and Sciences Division of Public and Nonprofit Administration

Sara K. Bridges, Ph.D. Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research Thomas O. Meservy, Ph.D. Department of Management Information Systems ALUMNI ASSOCIATION DISTINGUISHED ADVISING AWARDS Robert G. Blanton, Ph.D. Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Department of Political Science Sara Jane Williams, M.A. University College THOMAS W. BRIGGS FOUNDATION EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARDS Mark Barry Freilich, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry Kriangsiri Malasri, M.S. Department of Computer Science

The University of Memphis


from page 4 said. “The only exception to this practice would be if I was asked by the victim to refrain from any further contact.” Since January of last year, Judicial Affairs has investigated three alleged cases of sexual misconduct. Two were found responsible for one or more violations and had official sanctions imposed on them. The U of M student handbook assures rape victims that punishment can be meted out to an attacker through Judicial Affairs even if the suspect is not prosecuted in court. “Remember, there is no shame in being raped,” the handbook states. “Whether or not legal charges are filed, students accused of sexual abuse or assault are subject to disciplinary actions from The University, including suspension or other sanctions deemed appropriate” Pippin said reporting her rape at Ole Miss in 2010 resulted in no action by campus police, but the campus judicial affairs office tried 14 of her coworkers, who were all fired, for being visibly overcome by alcohol. “To come forward (with reporting rape) I had to deal with persecuting my friends and fellow students,” she said. “And then they called us all to judiciary hearings and they charged me with ‘visibly overcome by alcohol and visitation violation.’ Can you imagine?” Pippin filed a complaint against the University of

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 5

Mississippi with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. As a result, the school agreed to change its policies and procedures dealing with allegations of sexual misconduct. Two other rapes were reported to campus police that year. Forming SlutWalk Pippin is organizing a SlutWalk protest to make the public aware that rapes happen often and victims are often

“It’s a culture that tells you to be quiet about it – that tells you it’s your fault. And I don’t accept that,” Pippin said. “I as a human being should be able to wear what I want, be able to drink what I want, and be where I want and be able to feel safe because that’s the country I thought I was growing up in.” When Smith, the student who reported a rape on The University of Memphis campus last semester, caught word of SlutWalk, she said she was “def-

crimes can be prosecuted even if the victim knew the attacker, the victim did not fight back, the victim had sex with the attacker before being raped, or the victim was drunk or unconscious.” The rape victim in the March 25 on-campus rape said she too was interested in SlutWalk when she heard Pippin was organizing it and encouraged those who are passionate about the cause to attend. “It’s not right to let someone get away with that kind


hate the fact that women are socialized to not get raped, but men are not socialized to not rape. How a woman dresses doesn’t make rape okay, and I think this walk would express that.” — Brooke Smith Freshman English major treated as if it is their fault and no one cares. “Victim blaming is calling the victim’s character or behavior into question as if they deserved it, and slut shaming is calling somebody’s sexual history into question as if that is relevant in any situation,” Pippin said. She said too often people call into question what the victim was wearing or drinking, or where they were at and what their past sexual history is, when deciding if a situation is rape. She said Ole Miss campus police told her that her 2010 case wasn’t rape.

initely interested” and thought it was a “wonderful idea.” “I hate the fact that women are socialized to not get raped, but men are not socialized to not rape,” she said. “How a woman dresses doesn’t make a rape OK, and I think this walk would express that.” According to the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network, one in twelve college-age men admit to having fulfilled the definition of rape or attempted rape, yet almost none of them identify themselves as rapists. The U of M’s handbook of student codes acknowledges “sex

of crime,” she said,” because it happens everywhere and it needs to stop. It’s common on campus… Some of us think it will never happen to us, but it can even if we know the person or not. Women may suffer in silence while rapists walk free if we don’t speak up.” Memphis Area Women’s Council will partner with Pippin to discuss where and how to hold SlutWalk in the city. Pippin has contacted other community groups to partner with for the Walk, but some were turned off because of its title. SisterReach, a Memphis-based organization

dedicated to support women to lead healthy lives, will not sponsor a SlutWalk. “I think she is brave as hell to say out loud, ‘Hey I was raped and I didn’t appreciate it, and I’m going to show you and all the folks like you, or I’m going to help some woman on campus to say no one can categorize us,’” said Cherisse Scott, SisterReach founder and CEO. “But all that can still be said, done, successful and well attended without using the word slut.” Scott said she’s behind the cause of the protest, being a rape survivor herself, but isn’t OK with using a word many offenders use to justify the action. “Empowering” language should be used, she said. Pippin disagrees. She even likes that the language bothers people. “Rape should bother people,” she said. “It shouldn’t be that, ‘Oh, well it happens to girls we don’t know that deserve it.’ It should bother people. It should upset them that someone would say that their children deserve to be raped depending on what clothes they’re wearing. It should upset them. It upsets me.” In her time as a student at The U of M, Pippin said she’s encountered other students who upon hearing Pippin’s experience have said, “Me too.” “I felt blown away by how many people who have had an experience just like mine or worse and haven’t received any support,” Pippin said. “It’s frighteningly common.”

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6 • Thursday, April 19, 2012

U of M I.D. Required

The University of Memphis

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 7

Campus Events

Leaving a legacy BY CHRISTOPHER WHITTEN News Reporter The University of Memphis Columns Society will honor donors who plan to give to The University in their estate plans. Janann Sherman, history department chair and professor, plans to leave her entire estate to The U of M. She will speak to a University Center River Room, full of charitable givers at the third annual Columns Society Luncheon, set to take place Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. “I’m leaving it all — whatever is left that I haven’t managed to spend before I die,” Sherman said. “My home, money and life insurance policy will all go to The University.” Dan Murrell, director of planned giving, said estate giving is “vital” for the stability and growth of a metropolitan research university. “Those who include The University in their estate plans are placing The U of M on a very high pedestal, perhaps on the same level as their children or houses of worship or other valued organizations,” Murrell said. “It is not a decision made lightly and we should honor them.”

Sherman said the decision to donate her estate was purely logical. “I have no obvious heirs, I have no kids, and my husband is deceased. What better way to leave behind a legacy than with a perpetuity?” she said. Murrell said it takes true dedication to pledge one’s estate to The U of M. “The members of the Columns Society are making an investment in the continuing efforts of future generations of students who will become dreamers, thinkers and doers,” he said. “They are making an investment in caring faculty who educate and inspire those students, and supporting the infrastructure that makes all of this possible.” Anyone could become a member of the Columns Society, including alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends of The University. Membership is open to anyone who has made provisions for The U of M Foundation through a variety of estate planning options. There are more than 150 individuals and couples currently in the Columns Society but the group honors their deceased members as well. Robert Sharpe, president of the Sharpe Group, has more than 25

by Brian Wilson

UM Columns Society to honor planned giving donors

History department chair Janann Sherman, a member of The University of Memphis Columns Society, is “leaving it all” to the U of M when she dies. years of nonprofit fund development experience and has helped hundreds of leading nonprofit organizations and institutions in implementing their major gift and endowment efforts. “Planned giving is any gift of any amount, given for any purpose which requires the assistance of various advisors and may include estate and financial planning issues,” Sharpe said. Murrell said for someone wants to become a member of the Columns Society, he or she needs to tell his department that The U of M is in his or her estate plans. “If there is a dollar value, that gift may be something we can count in our campaign totals,” Murrell said. “All of these gifts

are very important and very meaningful, and this is why we hold an annual luncheon in honor of the Columns Society.” The University depends on donations from planned giving to reach a $250 million goal, set last September. To date the “Empowering the Dream” campaign has raised more 78 percent of that goal – $194 million. Donors can choose to what and to where their money is applied. Gifts can be made in memory or in honor of someone. Sherman plans for her estate to go toward a scholarship for a history department graduate student. “I want to give back,” she said. “I found a lot of inspiration when

I came here. Students struggle against pretty large odds — two jobs or a family. I find that inspiring. I’ve seen what a little money can do. Or even without money, just the award can inspire students to overcome and do better. I don’t think you can set a price on that.” Murrell said The U of M couldn’t survive if not for donors like Sherman. “These people were here and left their mark in some way – they have already left a legacy with their presence, their time, their involvement and their relationships. Each successive generation that follows will be touched by their legacy,” Murrell said.

8 • Thursday, April 19, 2012

Campus Life

South Memphis Revitalization Project creates food market BY DANA PORTER News Reporter The South Memphis Revitalization Project recently achieved its goal of providing the community with secure resources by rehabilitating homes and preventing “food deserts.” Now, the plan will target more projects for residents. Faculty and students from The University of Memphis’ anthropology, engineering, public health, architecture and city and regional planning programs has worked in partnership with the South Memphis Renaissance Collaborative to improve the South Memphis area for the past four years. The Works, Inc., a council within SMRC, requested help from The U of M to put together a plan to aid the community. “We are helping communities improve as well as learning and working as a team. The main importance is how we can all work together to make things happen, starting with this project,” said David Cox, professor of public administration and executive assistant to President Shirley Raines. Under the City of Memphis’s priority project, the students, faculty and SMRC worked to get the budget for a farmers’ market on South Parkway and Mississippi Boulevard passed in 2010. The area, once a food desert, can now provide fresh fruits and vegetables to residents in the neighborhood. “The fresh food market is a seasonal market from April to October. The Plough Foundation granted the facility funds to become a year-around business for customers,” said A. Katherine Lambert-Pennington, assistant professor to the Department of Anthropology. Lambert-Pennington said future projects consist of expanding the Ernestine Rivers Childcare to accommodate more students. “In addition to expanding childcare, the Urban Art Commission awarded the neighborhood funding to enhance public art instillation that is currently in the works,” she said. The funding for rehabilitating the homes came from the Hyde Family Foundation, Assisi Foundation and other community fundraisers. Thomas said there are more than 60 projects in the plan’s blueprint, including a job-training program that will work with

Send us your thoughts @dailyhelmsman.

residents to receive higher-paying jobs. “This partnership was an ongoing research agent to see how the progression of underprivileged neighborhoods would improve,” he said.

Football from page 1

were unavailable due to documents being confidential student records. The appeals committee, comprised of Lipman, athletic director R.C. Johnson and faculty advisor to athletics Ed Stevens, met and determined that Howard could in fact play. Howard was cleared by the first day of practice – Feb. 22. “Coach stated that Derek appealed his suspension,

which was instituted based on The University’s policies and procedures regarding student-athlete conduct and the criminal justice system,” said Assistant Athletic Director Jennifer Rodrigues. “Derek was granted his appeal, which cleared him for practices and games until the outcome of his legal matter.” Howard participated for the entirety of the spring practice season, which concluded March 31 with the Tigers’ annual Blue-Gray game. “He practiced that day and

will continue to be cleared to practice and play in games pending the outcome of the case,” Rodrigues said. “As I understand the policy, he will face further penalties if found guilty or if he enters a plea of no contest, but he would also then be entitled to another appeal process at that stage of penalty.” Howard could face dismissal from the team if found guilty or if he pleads no contest at his trial on June 18. He declined to comment on the matter.

The University of Memphis

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 9

Campus Life

Spreading the Gospel on campus

Members of Ellendale Baptist Church visit The U of M

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Students who walked past the University Center on Tuesday or Wednesday may have been filmed answering the question, “What is the Gospel?” “Our goal is to spread the good news about Christ by asking the students and the public, ‘What is the Gospel?’” said Andy Fortner, college pastor at Ellendale Baptist Church. Ellendale Baptist Church partnered with The University of Memphis’ Baptist Collegiate Ministry and stopped students in front of the UC between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. each day to talk with them, and pass out giveaways such as Bibles, gospel hip-hop CDs and a book title 10:57 AM“God is the Gospel.” Fortner said he didn’t care what the responses from students were. They could have quoted something out of the Bible or said, “I don’t know,” he said. “Students seemed very positive and wanted to learn more about what we were doing,” said Erica Davis, senior nursing major and member of BCM and EBC. “Some students did not approach our table, but we approached them, giving them the free Bibles, and they were willing to listen to what we had to say.” Davis said other Christians thanked them for witnessing to college students in such a modern way. In return for their responses, the students received a gift card to either Subway or

by Christina Holloway


Ellendale Baptist Church offer free Bibles and CDs to students outside the University Center on Wednesday. Chick-fil-A. The video will be edited and possibly shown in the future at the Ellendale Baptist Church. Fortner said the main point of the video was to start conversation with students about Jesus Christ. “It’s important that we give the tools out to students on how to follow the gospel,” said Justin

Maute, senior history major and member of BCM and EBC. Maute said he wanted to make sure everyone had a clear perception of what the Gospel is. He said it can be confusing at times. “I think us being out there can answer a lot of questions for students about Christ and offer a better understanding,” she said.

Campus Events

Young Alumni Committee to host Blue Moon Masquerade BY WILLIAM YOUNG News Reporter The Young Alumni Committee and Frosh Camp Alumni will co-sponsor an event Saturday to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of The University of Memphis. A masquerade ball will take place at 6 p.m. at the Madison Hotel at 79 Madison Avenue. There will be music, hors d’oeuvres and cocktails for guests. “We hope this event shows Alumni that there are ways to be involved with The University past graduation,” said James Fyke, YAC special events chair. Fyke came up with the name Blue Moon Masquerade because the event will take place on the Madison Hotel rooftop. “I thought the moon and Tiger Blue would go well

together,” he said. The YAC has been looking to expand its programs beyond its annual True Blue 5k, which they conduct each fall. So, the masquerade was organized and they now hope to make it their annual spring event. “Being an Alum of Memphis is more than just getting a card for discounts at the bookstore,” Fyke said. “The Young Alumni Committee hopes to give this opportunity of making the most out of being a recent grad at The U of M, socially and professionally.” The proceeds of the event benefit the Young Alumni Legacy Scholarship, which is a $500 scholarship that is awarded to a U of M graduate or a professional degree-seeking student who received an undergraduate degree at The U of M. Tickets are $30 for alumni

members and $35 for nonmembers. The price includes two free drinks. Tickets can be bought online at the Alumni Association’s website. “We want to see people reconnect with each other, have a good time, and celebrate the University’s Centennial,” said Wendy Sumner-Winter, Alumni Coordinator. The committee plans to see the scholarship endowed so that it could become permanent and be available for future graduates from The U of M. “This is a great opportunity to meet and network with other alumni,” said Amy Cable, YAC member. “I look forward to seeing new faces and meeting new people and I hope everyone has a good time. I’m ready to connect to other alumni and encourage others to become involved with the Alumni Association.”

10 • Thursday, April 19, 2012


Campus Events

UM softball drops UM to host multiple reunions two to UT Vols BY MELISSA WRAY News Reporter

BY BRYAN HEATER Sports Reporter The games did not end the way The University of Memphis softball team wanted them to, but their effort in the doubleheader losses at No. 8 Tennessee on Tuesday showed the vast improvement made since being swept by Houston in March. Game one ended in a 5-0 loss for the Tigers (18-31). Memphis had runners on the base paths in five out of the seven innings, but could not get any of them home. The Volunteers started the scoring in the bottom of the second. After two hit-by-pitches and a single, sophomore pitcher Ellen Roberts forced a pop-up, but freshman right fielder Sara Pearson dropped the ball allowing Tennessee to go up 1-0. Roberts then retired the next three batters to control the damage early. Memphis mounted a scoring threat in the top of the third with a leadoff double by junior Jami Miller, who then advanced to third on a groundout. Junior shortstop Morgan Mosby hit an infield single, but it was not enough for Miller to advance. Junior third baseman Laura Curtis then lined a ball that hit the chest of the Vols’ shortstop, but she recovered to throw Miller out at home and end the danger. Though the Tigers reached base after their third inning threat, they were unable to create any more serious opportunities to bring runs home. Tennessee scored two more runs in the bottom of the fifth and sixth innings to put the game away. Game two was much more closely contested, as Memphis came up just short in a 3-2 loss. The Tigers struck first in the top of the third. Junior infielder-outfielder Ijiah Hargrove bunted her way to first, advancing to second on a sac-

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rifice bunt by junior outfielder Kamri Chester. After a lineout by Mosby, Curtis hit a single to give Memphis runners on the corners. Sophomore Libby Goranson then smashed a double off the wall to give Memphis the 2-0 lead. Sophomore catcher-third baseman Amber Lindahl ended the inning with a pop up foul to the catcher. Tennessee evened the score in the bottom half of the inning. The Vols’ Tarango Cheyanne and Kat Dotson singled to start the inning. Freshman pitcher Jordan Richwood retired the next two batters, but hit Shelby Burchell. Melissa Brown then blooped a single to even the score at 2-2. Richwood was able to get the Vols to flyout to end the inning. The Vols’ Burchell cracked the winning solo home run in the bottom of the fifth. Memphis failed to score with their final six batters, allowing Tennessee to escape with the victory. The Tigers travel to Orlando for a showdown with the Central Florida Knights starting Saturday. The first pitch will be tossed at noon.

Starting tomorrow, in honor of its 100th anniversary, The U of M will play host to various reunions amongst different academic and non-academic apartments. Alumni, students, faculty and staff from all over the world are invited to come and share past experiences on campus. Some of the reunions include the Residence Life department’s Grand Reunion that has the theme of “Returning for Duty: Celebrating 100 Years of Leadership, Friendship…and Lockouts.” Daniel Armitage, assistant vice president of student affairs and campus services, said the reunion’s theme was the idea of various members of the residence life training staff. “The staff decided to focus this year’s reunion on the alumni’s involvement in various organizations and the friendships they made throughout the years,” he said. “The lockouts were added as part of the humorous value.” What makes this year’s Resident Assistant reunion different from its predecessors, according to Armitage, is the sudden excitement toward The U of M’s 100th birthday. “When something or someone turns 100 years old, that usually gets a lot of attention from many people,” he said. Approximately 150 former

RAs who attended The U of M in the 1980s are expected to show up at Mynders Hall this Saturday between 10 a.m. and noon, according to Peter Groenendyk, director of residence life and dining services. “This will be perfect for friends to reunite, and for alumni RAs to tour the new residence hall and see the renovations we have done to Mynders,” Groenendyk said. In addition to seeing a newly refurbished Mynders, alumni RAs will also be treated to a display of photos featuring training and staff throughout the years. Another reunion will feature students who have served on The U of M’s registered student organizations. Justin Lawhead, associate dean of student leadership involvement, said this is the first time he has ever been involved in organizing an event of such an important caliber. “The reason I decided to put this reunion together is because I’ve never done something like this before,” he said. “This is a perfect way to celebrate 100 years of student leadership and involvement in various campus organizations.” Lawhead said the reunion is not limited to a select number of organizations; in fact, he said any student who wishes to share their past or current experiences participating in an RSO is invited to come to the University Center

Ballroom from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday. The anthropology department will host their 35th annual reunion, “Praxis Makes Perfect: 35 Years of Applied Anthropology at The University of Memphis” at the Jack Robinson Gallery, the Peabody Skyway and Chucalissa Indian Village from this weekend. According to Ruthbeth Finerman, chairwoman of the anthropology department, what sets this year’s reunion apart from the others is not only The U of M’s Centennial, but also the department’s own anniversary. “This year marks the 40th anniversary of anthropology being established as an independent department, as well as the 35th anniversary of the founding of our nationally acclaimed Master of Arts Program in anthropology,” she said. More of Saturday’s planned reunions include The Black Scholars Unlimited reunion, which will take place in the UC River Room from 10 a.m. to noon; the Black Alumni Mixer will be held that same day, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the first floor. The Carson Circle Reunion will last from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in room 210 of the Involvement Zone. The Loewenberg School of Nursing’s reunion will start at noon and end at 2 p.m. in Memphis Room A.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 11


Assistant coaches move on

Brittney Carter invited to WNBA Graduating senior guard Brittany Carter has signed a training camp deal with the WNBA’s Connecticut Sun. Carter, who graduated in December 2010 with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies – Criminal Justice, finished out her Memphis career as the program’s 13th-leading scorer with 1,437 points and a career average of 15.5 points per game. In addition to her scoring, Carter also pulled down 4.5 rebounds per game and had 44 blocks in 93 games. She set a new University of Memphis singlegame scoring record (men’s or women’s basketball) with 49 points against Sacramento State in the University of Washington Tournament in 2009. Carter becomes the first Memphis player to be invited to a WNBA training camp since

Men’s basketball assistant coach Jack Murphy and women’s assistant coach Danielle O’Banion have each been hired as head coaches at Division I schools. Murphy, who joined head coach Josh Pastner’s staff when he was hired in 2009, will head west to take over at Northern Arizona University. The Lumberjacks went 5-24 in 2011-12 under interim coach Dave Brown. Murphy is no stranger to basketball in the Grand Canyon State, after serving with Pastner on Lute Olson’s staff at Arizona from 1998 to 2006. O’Banion has accepted the head coaching job at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, after four years on Melissa McFerrin’s staff, serving as the Associate Head Coach since 2010. She also served as the team’s perimeter player coach and recruiting coordinator, helping the Tigers sign 15 players over two years and three nationally ranked recruiting classes.

2001 and will be the first Tiger to play professional basketball since Victoria Crawford played in Israel and Iceland following her graduation in 2005. With the 2012 Olympic games coinciding with the next WNBA season, teams are looking to build squad depth to lessen the blow of their players heading to London to compete. Carter will be vying for one of the 11 spots on the Sun roster. Two other Memphis players have gone on to play in the WNBA. LaTonya Johnson was drafted by the Utah Starzz in 1998 and played in over 170 career games from 1998-2004. Tamika Whitmore, who was drafted 30th overall by the New York Liberty, led the NCAA in scoring her senior season and is second overall in scoring alltime at Memphis. She played 11 seasons in the WNBA, ending her career after the 2009 season with the Sun.

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Senior guard Brittany Carter will try to become the third Memphis player to make a WNBA roster.

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