The Daily Helmsman

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Daily Helmsman The

UM celebrates 100 years

Friday, April 20, 2012

Vol. 79 No. 107

Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis

The U of M gears up for a weekend centennial celebration. see page 7

Overton Park Conservancy: No lighting up


BY MICHELLE CORBET News Reporter Today is the day cannabissubculture Memphians tend to gather in Overton Park to take part in National Pot Smoking Day, commonly known as 4/20. But if the newly formed Overton Park Conservancy has their say, this tradition won’t take place at Overton Park. “What you do in your home is your own business, but this is a public place,” said Deanie Parker, consultant and spokesperson for Overton Park Conservancy. The Overton Park Conservancy, a nonprofit group, was formed in December by the Memphis City Council to oversee the management of the 184 acres that make up Overton Park. “We frown upon anything that is atypical behavior or contributes to the discomfort of park users,” Parker said. “We are pro-Overton Park and antianything that would harm users and tarnish the image of the park.” According to the Conservancy, their goal is to preserve the historical integrity and natural beauty of Overton Park and improve the park’s cleanliness, safety and familyfriendly amenities.

“I hope people who have used it in the past would respect what it is we are attempting to do,” Parker said. “We are not preventing people from their recreation, but Overton Park is not the place where your celebrating should take place because on a beautiful day there will be people there who would be offended by it — especially people with children who would not want them exposed to that behavior.” The University of Memphis’ chapter of National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws plans to attend the cannabis celebration at Overton today to get people to listen to their advocacy for marijuana use. “Our purpose of NORML is the reform of marijuana laws and to tell people about the medically proven benefits that help people with cancer and other illnesses,” said Dindie Donelson, communications major and president of NORML. Parker said many park goers would not want any kind of smoking to be taking place while they are eating or enjoying themselves at the park. Many states, including Tennessee, have passed legislation that bans smoking cigarettes in a public place.


Overton, page 4

Medical Marijuana Reform Faculty takes fails to pass for Tennessee Medieval March State representatives and local supporters testify that legalizing medical marijuana would benefit numerous ill people and generate roughly $34 million for the state of Tennessee. Although the reform has support, the bill failed to pass this term. “Things like that are going to happen. It happened in 2010 and that’s why you have to keep talking to people about the benefits of marijuana and keep going forward,” said Dindie Donelson, the president of NORML at The University of Memphis, in response to the denial of the amendment. The amendment to the current code is the “Safe Access to Medical Cannabis Act” that includes 12 sections of detailed guidelines. The amendment contains a list of

qualifying medical conditions and a program identification card to be given to patients that have been prescribed to marijuana by their physicians. California was the first state to pass medicinal marijuana use legislation in 1996. Since then, 15 other states and the District of Columbia have passed bills that legalize marijuana possession of varying ounces. The state of Oregon allows, at most, 24 ounces usable and 24 plants. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is an organization dedicated to move the public opinion towards repealing marijuana prohibition so that citizens exhibiting responsible use are no longer subject to penalty. The denial of medicinal marijuana to the millions of patients who could benefit from its therapeutic use is the


Reform, page 3

BY Timberly Moore News Reporter Faculty members will leave the administration building today at 1:45 p.m. to embark on an exodus that many have taken before over the past 1,000 years. For a quarter of the time The University of Memphis has been in existence, the faculty has donned their academic regalia and marched from the Admin Building and onto faculty convocation south of the Music and theatre. Ann Harbor, director of administration for academic affairs, said this will be the second time the faculty will be accompanied by music during their customary march. “We will be led by someone playing the bagpipes and they will be followed by the president of the faculty senate, who will carry the faculty mace,” Harbor said.

courtesy of Linda Bonnin


Faculty members march in the processional on the way to the annual convocation. The mace, which resembles a giant golden scepter, is always carried by the faculty senate president to the convocation, an awards ceremony for teachers who have excelled in academic excellence. “The faculty members will

be given awards, including the Willard R. Sparks Eminent Faculty Award,” Harbor said. Dipankar Dasgupta, professor of computer science, is the award recipient this year. “I’m feeling overwhelmed


March, page 5

2 • Friday, April 20, 2012



H elmsman Volume 79 Number 107

Editor-in-Chief Casey Hilder Managing Editor Chelsea Boozer News Editors Jasmine Hunter Amanda Mitchell Sports Editor Scott Hall General Manager Candy Justice

Letter to the Editor In the Thursday, April 19, 2012, edition of the Helmsman facts were not reported in their full context. The article concerning sexual assaults on college campuses reported that Harber listed several reasons why “sexual assaults on college campuses are underreported including because the victim is afraid,…” The statement should have read: “Among the reasons why these crimes are not reported are; the victim is afraid the matter won’t remain confidential;…” Removing the remainder of the preceding phrase changes its meaning and shrouds the fact that many victims want their cases to remain completely confidential and that they want to avoid public disclosure. This information was cited in a 2005 U.S. Department of Justice-National Institute of Justice report titled “Sexual Assaults on Campus: What Colleges and Universities Are Doing About It.” Bruce Harber Director of Police Services

Advertising Manager Bob Willis Admin. Sales Sharon Whitaker Adv. Production Hailey Uhler

thoughts that give you paws

“Our football team sucks. At least when the basketball team was being shady, it brought home a (temporary) championship.” — @paulakirsten “Kinda hard to have a huge bronze tiger unveiling tomorrow when it’s just sitting in front of the UC for everyone to see. ” — @rj_druien “The new bronze tiger looks retarded in the face.” — @ShugNoAvery “U of M values it’s athletics more than academics. Graduating with “a ring and a diploma” might be tougher than Fuente thinks.” — @pcvrmllnusn

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“And what’s sad is our football program isn’t good enough yet to even warrant any kind of special privileges.” — @pcvrmllnusn

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“If a member of the marching band or other ensembles on campus were arrested and charged, they’d be banned from campus.” — @pcvrmllnusn

The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies from each issue available to a reader for free, thanks to a Student Activity Fee allocation. Additional copies $1.

“I hate when people stand outside of my class & talk SUPER loud! That’s rude.” — @ShugNoAvery “Why do we have a bronze tiger? Bronze is so ugly and 3rd place.” — @Scrubb08

DOMINO’S PIZZA Across 1 Doctrine suffix 4 Predatory cat 8 Swiss bread? 13 ABBA’s home country: Abbr. 14 Sewing cases 16 Defamatory text 17 Live __: 1985 charity concert 18 *Hangman drawing 20 Pisces follower 22 Centuries on end 23 Excessively 24 *Layered lunch 28 Cabbage 29 Resident of a city at nearly 12,000 feet 33 Chance in a game 35 “__-dokey!” 38 Overplay a part 39 Words with price or premium 40 *Actor’s prompt 42 Endearing tattoo word 43 Slowly, in scores 45 “Dumb” girl of old comics 46 Message from the boss 47 Inferior and inexpensive 49 Deduce 51 *Colleague of Wyatt Earp 56 Karate belt 59 Inside info 60 Rental agreement 61 *Feature of Fulton’s Clermont 65 Strings in Hawaii 66 École enrollee 67 Baker’s device 68 Address at a Scottish pub 69 First American Red Cross president Barton 70 Venison source 71 Effort Down 1 “I, Robot” author Asimov 2 Artistic ice cream blend 3 Filet mignon order 4 Not as much


No Waiting! 323-3030

“I’ve seen 3 students passed out in the library on the walk downstairs.” —@amberlinville

Tell us what gives you paws. Send us your thoughts on Twitter @dailyhelmsman or #tigerbabble. Or post on our Facebook wall at

5 Derby-sporting Addams 6 “Yes, mon ami” 7 Rechargeable battery 8 Shrank in fear 9 Oil-drilling equipment 10 Be up against 11 “Quo Vadis” emperor 12 Mark’s love, casually 15 Distort, as facts 19 Microwave no-no 21 Black, to Blake 25 Six-time baseball All-Star Moises 26 Like a newborn 27 Holiday entrée 30 Trampoline maneuver 31 Physics particle 32 Jules Verne captain 33 Powder on a puff 34 Sundance Film Festival state 36 Green prefix 37 Toyota subcompact 40 Compromise with the district

attorney 41 Tirade 44 Chew the fat 46 For a __ pittance 48 Plains native 50 Gal’s guy 52 Trims the lawn 53 Green-bellied sap sucker 54 Schindler of “Schindler’s List” 55 Clingy, in a way 56 Oil acronym 57 Object that may be struck by the starts of the answers to starred clues 58 Thought 62 TiVo, for one 63 Wide shoe letters 64 Morn’s opposite

S u d o k u

Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.

Solutions on page 9

A Thrifty Steal The University of Memphis

For the lovers of thrift shopping, a new online women’s shop may be the go-to place for vintage finds. A Thrifty Steal, which opened its doors in mid-October, has gained recognition with its customized vintage finds from color-blocked sweaters and printed blazers to parachute pants. Shop owner and University of Memphis Junior Andrea Everett is new to the fashion industry. “I was studying to be a pharmacist at Xavier University and transferred to Memphis thinking that I would continue pursuing that career,” Everett said. After transferring, her interests changed from medicine to fashion. Everett changed her major


from page 1 most tragic of all the negative consequences of its prohibition, according to the NORML. Kyle Douglass, a 22-year-old student at the U of M, was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago. “I don’t think its right that federal and state governments won’t recognize it as something that helps with some of the side effects and treatment of this disease. I’ve been smoking through all this and it helps me with the aches, pains and trouble sleeping,” said Douglass, a junior at the U of M who is taking a break from school to undergo cancer treatment. Douglass is at the point where he has to choose if he wants to do chemotherapy. Medicinal marijuana has shown success in chemotherapy patients in states that legalize its use. “If I do undergo chemo it would be extremely beneficial

Student’s online store sells revamped clothing customer and I are satisfied,” Everett said. When choosing clothes for her shop, Everett uses her personal style as reference for what she wants to sell. “I would say my style is edgy-chic, and I believe the pieces that I choose to sell reflect that,” Everett said, noting she uses her imagination to piece together outfits that are out of the ordinary. “For example, instead of pairing a colored blazer with dress pants, I would put it with a pair of denim slasher shorts with combat boots for a 90’s grunge feel.” Everett likes to choose clothing with details from the 60’s to the 90’s so her clothes can be worn by all ages, she said. Because the clothing has a vintage feel, it is not tailored to a certain age group. “Although women in the 20 to 28 age group are the main

ones purchasing the clothes,” she said, “I think that any age group can wear most of the apparel. I mean, older women used to rock this style back in the day. Why not keep it up?” Pimberly Smith, 48, said A Thrifty Steal’s clothing reminds her of the clothing that was popular when she was a child. “I would buy these clothes for my daughter to show her that I did have style back then and still do,” Smith said. Everett said that within the next five years, she plans to open a physical store in Memphis. She said she encourages those who are thinking of owning a business to start it fast and attack it full force. “Like my mother always used to tell me, ‘Nothing beats a failure like a try,’” she said. “If you’re good in your craft, things will happen eventually.”

to fashion merchandising, and soon after got the idea to start her own vintage clothing business. “I’m an avid shopper at Goodwill, and when I would purchase clothing from there, I would revamp them and make them my own. I figured other people would enjoy what I do, so I made an account on bigcartel(.com) and hoped for the best,” she said. After making a Twitter and Facebook account, and promoting herself through friends and family, A Thrifty Steal was noticed not only in Memphis, but in surrounding states too. “One of my first customer ’s was from Alabama, and I was so surprised she had even heard of my business,” Everett said. After her first customer, Everett said, A Thrifty Steal

took off. She had her first YouTube review done by Monique, a video blogger who reviews clothing, hair products and make-up. “Being recognized has probably been the most flattering thing that has happened. It’s an accomplishment when someone appreciates the work I put into the clothing,” Everett said. Everett goes shopping for new merchandise every week. “Keeping the site updated with new pieces helps to keep my customers coming back,” Everett said. Right now, a big seller on her site are distressed denim shorts that can be bleached and, or studded. “A lot of work goes into customizing the shorts. From shopping for the correct sizes to cutting them, to destroying or detailing them; I try my best to make them so both the

to me if Tennessee were a state that recognized marijuana as a medicine and not a harmful drug,” Douglass said. A drug on the market called Marinol alleviates nausea and vomiting, but at a much lower level than marijuana, according to Robin Patterson, a registered nurse and certified clinical research professional for local cancer research hospitals. Patterson has been an oncology nurse since 1994 and has had patients tell her that they purchased marijuana and it made them feel much better. Marinol is a synthetic pill that is controlled by the government. They don’t have as much control over people growing marijuana in their backyards, she said. “Am I for legalizing medical marijuana? Yes I am for it in a very limited and controlled environment. I kind of worry about the abuse that will come with it, but you can buy it at any street corner already, so yeah I’m for it,” Patterson said.

A crowd of demonstrators wave signs at passing cars in front of the Federal courthouse in downtown Sacramento, Calif. Medical marijuana advocates from across California rallied in Sacramento to protest federal government crackdown on medical marijuana dispensaries and landlords.



BY SHELBY SMITH Contributing Writer

Friday, April 20, 2012 • 3

delivers... Spring Fling Centennial Carnival 12 - 4 P.M. | UC ALUMNI MALL


4 • Friday, April 20, 2012

Campus Life

Campus Activities

UM Green Internship helps students to prepare for job market

by Christina Holloway

BY JENNY PARKER Contributing Writer

Students stopped by the airbrush tent at the Alumni Mall Wednesday afternoon for free airbrush tattoos. This event, sponsored by Student Activities Council, was just one of many held this week advertising the Carnival on Saturday.

Overton from page 1

“I don’t want to criticize anyone’s habits, but that is a practice that we do not encourage in Overton Park any more than any other deviant behavior,” Parker said. There has been an ambiguous police presence at the park on April 20 in years past. Police are usually seen patrolling the area in squad cars along the streets and parking lots, while remaining on the outskirts of the crowds. “I am sure (police) have been dealing with that longer than we have,” Parker said. “They know more about it, and they are competent to deal with it. There will be a noticeable increase of police presence, especially police who are responsible for patrolling the area.” The Memphis Police Department Director Toney Armstrong said police were unaware of the tradition of Memphians meeting at Overton Park yearly on today’s date to participate in the national celebration.

“I am not aware nor will the MPD tolerate any tradition that promotes the illegal use of drugs in our city parks,” Armstrong said. “Any criminal activity will be addressed accordingly.” Donelson said, as far as she

knows, NORML has never had a problem with police. “It’s a tradition,” Donelson said. “Maybe (the Overton Park Conservancy) will go along with it because many people enjoy the park. It is a nice place to go.”

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Thanks to The University of Memphis Green Internship Program, some of the money paid by students annually to the Green Fee can be put right back into your pockets. Catie McDermott, U of M student and Green Intern for the spring semester, said joining the program should be invaluable to her future career. “I feel like this experience has prepared me for the job market, because it has given me connections and skills that will help me in the future,” McDermott said. “Before this green internship, I did not have any experience in the professional world, but now I have an understanding of how the business world works.” Kathy Tu b e r v i l l e , McDermott’s supervisor in the office of academic internships, is in charge of the program. “This is a great way to help the community become more sustainable,” Tuberville said. The U of M Green Fee Committee first approved funding for the program in the spring of 2011. The program has 28 interns at 24 locations, both on and offcampus: International Paper, the Memphis Zoo, Memphis Botanic Gardens and The U of M. The University charges full-time students $10 in both the fall and spring semesters for a sustainable campus green fee. Students now have the option to make $10 per hour for a maximum of 150

hours to help companies in the Memphis area implement or improve different sustainability efforts and “Green” programs. Students who participate also receive a $200 stipend to cover the cost of an academic internship course. Dixie Crase, director of academic internships, said she is pleased with the new program. “The program has made wise use of student green fees and provided funding for internships for students who have financial challenges associated with unpaid internships,” Crase said. The program has been funded for 30 interns for the next academic year, 15 in each semester. The increase in funding and internships available each year demonstrates to students that The U of M is supportive of academic internships, Tuberville said. “I have really been impressed with the level of work the interns are doing,” Tuberville said. “They are learning important skills like web design and video production. That great skill development, and the experience the interns get make the program a winwin for both students and employers.” Students interested in the program would visit the Office of Academic Internships for more information. Applications for fall 2012 Green Internships are now available and should be turned in by April 30. Spring 2013 applications will be distributed in September.

Make sure that little bird in our ear is you. Send us your thoughts @dailyhelmsman.

The University of Memphis

Friday, April 20, 2012 • 5



Biofuel makers fear losing support

from page 1

As one of the San Francisco Bay Area’s hottest biofuel businesses, Solazyme exemplifies to many everything that is right — or wrong — with the federal government’s efforts to wean the nation off foreign oil. The South San Francisco firm has deals with the likes of Chevron and Honeywell. Its algae-based fuel was used in October for an unprecedented commercial airline flight. And in December it won a piece of a $12 million contract to supply biofuel for the Navy. But critics contend the fuel costs the Navy too much, arguing that the contract amounts to at least three times what the military typically pays. And despite the subsidies Solazyme and other biofuel companies have received from the federal government, they argue, the nation appears nowhere close to meeting a congressional mandate to produce 36 billion gallons of biofuel by 2022. At the same time, the nation’s dependence on foreign oil is plunging, reducing the pressure to produce alternative fuels. All that has raised fears that lawmakers and investors may cut support for biofuels, which could pose severe — if not catastrophic — problems for many of the companies like Solazyme that are struggling to provide an alternative at the gas pump. “It could have a pretty serious impact,” said Jay Keasling, CEO of the Joint Bioenergy Institute in Emeryville, Calif. Keasling has co-founded three local biofuel ventures: Lygos, Amyris and LS9. “It’s crucial for the government to maintain consistent biofuel policies.”



Strains of microalgae cultures in viles combined with nutrients are shaken on a platform in the molecular biology lab at Solazyme in South San Francisco, California, on March 28, 2012. The comapany transforms plant sugars into renewable oils that can be used for fuel or foods. The aggressive federal efforts to spur the development of the biofuel industry stem from Congress’ decision in 2007 to set out the 36 billion-gallona-year goal. Ethanol already accounts for about 14 billion of the nearly 140 billion gallons of gasoline consumed in the United States annually. But instead of using only corn, the primary source of ethanol, lawmakers required other sources to meet the goal, including 16 billion gallons from “cellulosic” materials, such as switchgrass and wood chips. That decision was partly to encourage farmers to keep growing corn for food. In addition, corn requires a large amount of fertilizer, and fuel made from corn emits more greenhouse gas than the cellulosic variety. But the tough

fibers in sticks and grasses don’t easily break down into fuel. Moreover, “some investors find it extremely risky, perhaps even cost-prohibitive, to provide financial backing to cellulosic biofuel plants,” which are three times more expensive to build than corn-ethanol factories, the Congressional Research Service reported in January. In October, the National Research Council concluded that the mandate to produce 16 billion gallons of cellulosic biofuel is “unlikely to be met by 2022.” The Environmental Protection Agency has lowered the production expectations for cellulosic biofuel to just 8.65 million gallons this year. And two months later, Congress let a biofuel tax credit expire. Calls for the government to stop subsidizing biofuel have

been especially loud after the Navy announced in December that it is paying $12 million for 450,000 gallons of biofuel, with an undisclosed sum going to Solazyme under a subcontract. Critics contend the price is three to nearly four times what the Navy normally pays for fuel. Some conservative commentators have complained that Solazyme — which also received a nearly $22 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy in 2009 — only got the contracts because one of its advisers, T.J. Glauthier, also served as an energy adviser to President Barack Obama’s White House transition team. During a congressional hearing last month, Sen. John


Biofuel, page 8

World Tai Chi day aT The UniversiTy of MeMphis

and very excited,” Dasgupta said. “It is an honor. I don’t really have any words to explain the joy I have.” For winning the award, he will receive a $25,000 check from The University that he said is already spent. “It will be spent, mostly, for my kids’ education,” he said. “I have two daughters, one is in her second year at Northwestern University and the other is in the tenth grade. Their education is my top priority.” Dan Poje, assistant vice provost, said a committee selects the recipient each year. “They look for outstanding research not only at The University, but other outside organizations as well,” he said. “They search for a high quality of highly recognized work over an extended period of time.” After the convocation, the faculty will remain in their regalia and convene in the Ned McWherter Library for a reception. The faculty processional dates back to medieval times around the inception of European higher education. Poje said he will wear a black robe, black Chevrons on his sleeves and blue. While Poje will be wearing black and blue to represent The University as his alma mater, others will wear various colors to represent the schools they came from. “I got my doctorate from The University, but you may see some people in bright pink robes, some orange ones and a lot of other colors,” Poje said. Harbor said students should come out to view the march, which is similar to the one the faculty does on graduation day. “Students should witness this at least once in their college years,” she said. “It’s a day to honor the faculty and it’s quite impressive.”

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@DailyHelmsman @HelmsmanSports

6 • Friday, April 20, 2012


How do you stand out from the crowd? by Christina Holloway

“I dress up as Batman and asked, ‘Where is Harvey Dent?’”

“My personality. I’m short, I’m lovable and I talk to people I don’t even know. If the wall had a mouth, I’d talk to the wall.”

“The effort I put into things, my optimism.”

“Last semester, my friend and I put our Halloween costumes on a week before Halloween and walked around campus.”

“Crack jokes, make people laugh.”

— Wyatt Slade, Psychology freshman

— Travis Butler, Biology senior

— Jose Magana, Foreign language sophomore

— Brandon Oldham, Undecided freshman

— Joshua Booker, Criminal justice sophomore

Family fun on campus BY ERICA HORTON News Reporter

After University of Memphis alumni and students welcome the new time capsule and bronze sculpture of TOM the Tiger to campus today, they can come back to campus Saturday to have turkey legs, funnel cakes and snow cones

at the Spring Fling Carnival. The unveiling of the TOM brass sculpture will take place at 1 p.m. today. David Alan Clark, the sculptor who also fashioned the rescue statue in Tom Lee Park in downtown Memphis, designed the statue. In the base of the statue, which houses four containers

for the time capsule, there will be several objects that represent the year 2012, including an iPad complete with charger, money and videos. The unveiling is free and open to the public. The carnival, hosted by the Student Activities Council, is free to alumni, family of alumni and U of M students with a

University ID card. It will last from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday on the Alumni Mall in front of the University Center. The carnival will feature rides, a fun house and fire twirlers. “We want the alumni to have something to do with their families when they come back,” said Kathryn Moses,

university traditions chair for SAC and sophomore marketing communications major. There will also be tumblers, kiddy rides and bumper cars. The food is also free. “We just want people to come, have a good time and celebrate The University’s centennial,” Moses said.

The University of Memphis

Friday, April 20, 2012 • 7


BY DANA PORTER News Reporter The University of Memphis’ Centennial celebration will honor alumni and professors who have published books over the years at “100 books for 100 years” today in Patterson Hall. The open house starts at 4 p.m. and will highlight the literary history of the English department, one of the original departments from when U of M first started in 1912 as West Tennessee State Normal School. Included in the display of the department’s history will be books from current and retired alumni and faculty. “It’s a display of 200 books. A display of posters will be on the walls in Patterson. There will be a popular book from each year that was published in that year, such as Ulysses by James Joyce and 1922,” said April Wroblewski, graduate student in the English department. Wroblewski said that paired with each popular book will be a poster of books published by

current and former faculty and alumni. Professor and chair of the Department of English, Eric Link, said he has written a number of books but is not aware if any of his works will be displayed at the event. One of his books he recommends is “The Vast and Terrible Drama” about American literary naturalism. “I’m really looking forward to seeing all of the great work that the Department of English has done over the past 100 years. Our Centennial celebration of 100 years will continue the ‘100 Books of 100 years’ in the fall,” he said. Guests are welcomed to roam Patterson and see the newly renovated rooms that reveal a writing studio, AfricanAmerican Literature reading room and an English library. “For the past year and a half, the rooms were renovated to provide a more accessible and professional working environment for students that now features better carpet,” said Leslie Graff, instructor coordinator of

the English department. Ladrica Menson-Furr, associate professor in AfricanAmerican Literature, will accompany the AfricanAmerican Literature reading room and assist in answering questions from guests. “I have published a howto guide in 2008, roughly 105 pages, on how to teach the play ‘Fences’ by August Wilson. It is basically a theater guide teaching people how to approach or talk about it,” Menson-Furr said. The event is a part of U of M’s alumni association centennial reunion weekend, which allows alumni to reunite with former faculty members. Informational videos will be shown for future applicants or graduate candidates who want to learn more about each concentration in the English program. The event is free to the public and refreshments will be served.

by Brian Wilson

UM recognizes 100 years of books from faculty members

Centennial commencement activities include giant birthday cakes, a special anniversary-themed series of literature, a wide assortment of festivities and more as the U of M enters into the triple digits.

photos by Brian Wilson

Tom the Tiger Unveiled

University officials lower the industrial crane-supported bronze sculpture of Tom the Tiger? and begin covering the installation with tarp as they prepare for Friday’s unveiling ceremony.

Even more unannounced art installations and statues appear to be in planning, as mystery statues could be spotted on vehicles installing the University Center bronze Tom statue Thursday afternoon.

8 • Friday, April 20, 2012



from page 5

Trees, solar panels become unlikely adversaries Could a field of man-made hardware be “greener” than a 5-acre woodland? A Moonachie, N.J., company recently cut down scores of trees in one of the borough’s few remaining undeveloped plots of land in order to install 3,150 solar panels — and in the process sparked debate about what happens when competing “green” interests clash. Count Don Torino squarely in favor of the trees. Torino, president of Bergen County Audubon, shook his head sadly as he scanned a 5-acre lot studded with stumps of freshly cut trees and piles of downed limbs along Caesar Place in Moonachie. “This is just disgraceful,” said Torino, who has hiked for decades on the tiny trails that wind through the plot. “People will slap a ‘green’ title on anything.” But others can see the potential good that can come from the solar panels, even it means the destruction of a woodland. To them, it’s all about curbing pollution from coal-fired power plants. “On the basis of emissions avoided, it could at the very least be argued that the decision to replace trees with solar panels is not a bad one,” said Ashwani Vasishth, an environmental studies professor at Ramapo College’s Center for Sustainability Studies. The dispute over Moonachie’s trees mirrors conflicts that are erupting with frequency nationwide among people with conflicting views about what is best for the environment. In a Maryland suburb, a strict shade tree law required one man to pay $4,000 into a town fund or plant 23 saplings because he wanted to cut down a silver maple on his property before installing solar panels on his roof. In California last year, one county’s supervisors were livid when 100 eucalyptus trees were cut down to install solar panels at a regional park. Long Island, N.Y., environmentalists were upset in 2010 when a solar farm project at Brookhaven National Laboratory required cutting down 42,000 trees on federal land in the Long Island Pine Barrens. The conflict pits neighbor against neighbor, especially when one neighbor’s tree casts too much shade on the other neighbor’s solar panels. California has a law dating from 1978 that makes it a crime if a property owner’s trees cast shade on more than 20 percent of a nearby solar panel system. But after a series of conflicts among neighbors, the law was changed in 2009 to protect old trees that are there before a solar project is installed. “As far as the debate over what’s a ‘better’ green, it’s a great debate, and I can debate both sides of it,” Moonachie



Don Torino, of the Bergen County Audubon Society, holds Sweet Gum Tree seed balls in a 10-acre lot on Caesar Place in Moonachie, New Jersey, where a company, LPS Industries, had scores of trees cut down to install solar panels in the lot for a yet-to-be secured client’s usage. Mayor Dennis Vaccaro said of the solar project in his borough. “I’m for more solar energy, but I’m also for open space.” He said the company that owns the Moonachie property, LPS Industries, got all the proper approvals, and it is hard to control what someone wants to construct on their private property. In this case, though, Vaccaro would have preferred to see the trees stay, especially since there are so few wooded lots left in Moonachie and this property is so close to Teterboro Airport. “But,” he quickly added, “everyone is looking for more alternative energy.” LPS has an environmentally green track record. On its website it notes prominently that it is an “EPA Green Power Partner” and

in 2010 the company installed nearly 4,000 solar panels on the roof of its facility, which extends three football fields on a 10-acre property that includes the wooded lot. A federal solar grant paid for about a third of that $6 million project. The new project would cost $4.7 million. LPS, which makes flexible packaging for food and medical devices, received zoning approval from the Meadowlands Commission for the solar panel project in December, said Brian Aberback, the commission’s spokesman. LPS will also need building permits from Moonachie to proceed. The company did not need permission to cut down the trees on its property, since Moonachie has no shade tree law.

Company CEO Madeleine Robinson did not want to discuss the project, said her assistant, Mary Johnson. While the trees have been cut down, “she is still up in the air about what she’s doing with the property,” Johnson said. The ability to sell energy credits to power providers is an incentive for companies like LPS to add another solar array on the vacant land. The company pays $220,000 in property taxes to Moonachie. The Moonachie project would reduce carbon emissions by 650 tons annually, LPS says in documents it filed with the Army Corps of Engineers. A sliver of the property is wetland, so the project requires a federal permit.

McCain, R-Ariz., even called the Navy deal potentially “another Solyndra situation,” a reference to the controversial $535 million Department of Energy loan guarantee that Fremont, Calif., solar-panel firm Solyndra received before its bankruptcy. Solazyme executives counter that their dealings with the federal government began during the Bush administration and that the price of their fuel will drop when they begin large-scale production over the next couple of years. Although not yet profitable, the company — which was incorporated in 2003 and went public in May last year — has been consistently ranked among the hottest in the field by Biofuels Digest. And in addition to its government contracts, it drew considerable media attention last fall when United Airlines used its product for the nation’s first commercial biofuel-powered jet flight. Solazyme’s technology uses algae, which naturally produce an oily substance. By nourishing the tiny organisms in fermentation tanks with everything from sugarcane to cellulosic materials, the company claims the oil that is produced can easily be refined into diesel and jet fuel. Solazyme also touts the oil’s usefulness for other products, from cosmetics to flour, and it has deals with several corporations active in those markets. But it remains heavily focused on biofuel because that energy source is crucial to the nation’s future, CEO Jonathan Wolfson said at a recent industry conference in San Francisco. “At some point the world will run out of petroleum,” he said. “We need to develop alternatives.”

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The University of Memphis

Friday, April 20, 2012 • 9

Campus Life

photos by Brian Wilson

The Fogelman Promise festival highlighted the code of honor that defines Fogelman graduates with the celebrations including live music, complimentary refreshments and more.

Navy ROTC students focus intently as they steady their aim in practice drills early Thursday afternoon.

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS What can The Student Government Association do for you?

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Solutions Almost done!!!

10 • Friday, April 20, 2012


Builders add space to homes for multigeneration families Jenny Kerns can join her grandkids for dinner almost any night just by going downstairs. Her daughter and son-inlaw monitor her health without infringing on her privacy. Those are just some of the benefits Kerns and her family have found since moving four months ago into what is essentially two homes under one roof — a multigenerational property. It’s a growing market that homebuilders are targeting by designing homes with separate living quarters: bedrooms and bathrooms, and sometimes kitchenettes and entrances. Once known as mother-inlaw suites, the accommodations have come back in vogue as the economy sputters. Aging parents and adult children with young kids are moving in to baby boomers’ homes to help cope with dwindling investments, foreclosures and uncertain jobs. “This is something that’s becoming a necessity,” Miami analyst Lewis Goodkin said of the new housing option. “We’ve had more economic pressure than we’ve had in a long time. And it’s not a temporary thing. I think this is going to be with us for a while.” Pulte Homes and GL Homes say they’ve had success selling the concept at developments in Florida’s Palm Beach County. Lennar Corp. started building these homes in Phoenix and Las Vegas last year and will do so in the Miami area this summer. Toll Brothers says it offers options for buyers to add kitchens and additional bedrooms, though the luxury builder doesn’t market those specifically for extended-family members. Multigenerational residences are larger and more expensive than traditional homes. In some cases, analysts say, the grandparents or adult children help pay the mortgage and housing costs. The number of these households nationwide increased by 30 percent from 2000 to 2010, far more than the 11 percent growth in total households, according to figures from the U.S. Census Bureau. A household is considered multigenerational if three generations live there. Chuck and Jennifer Thomas sold one house in Jupiter, Fla., last year to buy another that could accommodate Kerns, Jennifer’s 70-year-old mother. In December, the Thomases and their three children found a two-story home home, built by Pulte’s DiVosta division, that offers a floor plan above the garage known as a “grand retreat.” The room is about 700 square feet and includes a private entrance, bedroom, full bathroom and a kitchenette. Before, Kerns was in an assisted-living facility and not doing well, said Chuck Thomas,



Emily Thomas, 2, stands in the dining area of her family’s home in Jupiter, Florida. The home has a second master bedroom and other features to accomodate Emily’s grandmother who is living with the family. Builders are offering homes for extended families including grandparents and adult kids living at home. 39, a lawyer. “I’d say there’s a marked difference in her condition,” he said. “The doctors are thrilled with her progress, and a lot has to do with her mental attitude and being around us.” The grand retreat option costs about $75,000 extra without upgrades and is included in homes that range from the $600,000s to the $800,000s, said Scott Mairn, Pulte’s vice presi-

dent of sales for South Florida. Nearly 60 percent of buyers take the grand retreat floor plan when it’s an option, Mairn said. Sunrise, Fla.-based GL Homes’ design for extended families consists of a large secondary bedroom with spacious closets and a luxurious bathroom, Division President Marcie DePlaza said. “Basically, it boils down to double master bedrooms,” she

said. In a development near Boynton Beach, Fla., GL has sold 47 homes featuring the new floor plan, compared with 40 sales of a model that has a standard secondary bedroom, DePlaza said. The extendedfamily floor plan starts at about $407,000, as opposed to roughly $387,000. The multigenerational market provides a boost in sales at a

time many builders are trying to recover from the housing bust. Some industry experts wonder how long the trend will last. Ivan Choi of Virginiabased Matt Martin Real Estate Management said the demand for these properties could wane once the economy improves. “When people have money and staying power,” Choi said, “they tend to be pretty independent at that point.”

The University of Memphis

Friday, April 20, 2012 • 11


BY SCOTT HALL Sports Editor The Memphis offense awoke with a bang, blasting four home runs in a 10-4 victory over the Murray State Thoroughbreds on Wednesday. Senior Jacob Wilson got the Tigers going early with a twoout, two-run home run in the first inning. A walk to Ford Wilson was erased on a fielder’s choice by Adam McClain. Wilson stepped up and hit his eighth homer of the year over the right-field wall. The shot gave the Tigers their 56th and 57th two-out RBIs on the year. After runs in the second and third allowed Murray State to tie the game at 2-2, the Tigers regained the lead in the fourth after a throwing error allowed the go-ahead run to score. A double steal moved runners into scoring position, and a sacrifice fly by Tucker Tubbs brought in a second run in the inning. Wilson’s second two-run homer of the day doubled the Tigers’ advantage in the fifth. Wilson powered a 2-1 pitch over

the center field wall, chalking up his ninth home run and 40th RBI of the year. Senior Eli Hynes then stepped up and, not to be outdone, stroked a home run of his own during the next at bat. The shot increased Memphis’ lead to 7-2 and marked the second time this season the Tigers got back-to-back home runs. A solo shot by Derrick Thomas gave the Tigers an 8-2 lead in the eighth. His home run marked the first time since Apr. 10, 2010 that the Tigers hit four homers in a game. Two solo home runs by Murray State cut the Tigers lead to 8-4. Memphis scored two more insurance runs in the ninth to secure the 10-4 victory. CLASS pitcher Michael Wills (2-1) picked up the win, allowing two runs and four hits in seven innings. He struck out seven, just short of tying his caree high. Jonathan Van Eaton earned his fourth save of the season, allowing just one run in 1.2 innings. “We knew coming into it that there wasn’t going to be much of an atmosphere here,” Wilson

by David C. Minkin

Bats come alive as Tigers take down Thoroughbreds

Senior Jacob Wilson scored two homeruns in the Tigers’ 10-4 victory over Murray State on Wednesday. said. “We were going to have to create our own energy. We were going to have to go out and play better than we’ve been playing

lately and get things going on our own.” The Tigers will next take on Conference USA rival Southern

Miss in a three-game series this weekend in Hattiesburg, Miss. First pitch on Friday is scheduled for 6 p.m.


Tigers to joust with Knights in Weekend Series BY DAVID CAFFEY Sports Reporter The University of Memphis softball team will try to continue its Conference USA winning streak this weekend as they hit the road to take on Central Florida in the penultimate series of the season.

The Tigers begin the threegame stretch against UCF on Saturday with the first pitch scheduled at noon. After losing their last two games in a midweek doubleheader against the No. 8 Tennessee Volunteers, the Tigers (18-31) will look return to their winning ways against the Knights (31-12).

Despite struggling in the beginning of the season, The U of M has come into form during the second half of the 2012 campaign earning victories in 11 of their last 15 games, including a seven game winning streak. The Tigers enter the series against UCF with a four-game C-USA winning

streak following a win over conference-leading Tulsa and a three-game sweep against UTEP. Memphis will continue to be led on the mound by sophomore pitcher Ellen Roberts who has maintained a 2.81 ERA this season, striking out 130 batters and earning a record of 10-15.

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Roberts also holds the third highest batting average on the team with .254. Junior shortstop Morgan Mosby has been the standout batter for the Tigers in 2012, averaging .338 and earning 53 hits in 49 games played. Mosby and the rest of the Tigers’ batting order will be challenged by UCF’s freshman pitcher Mackenzie Audas who has kept up a 1.06 ERA this season with a record of 17-6. With combined season batting average of .262, UCF has the statistical advantage over The U of M’s team average of .224. The Knights have outhit the Tigers 300-270, but have an equal home run total of 14. The Knights have also benefited from home field advantage this season losing only three games in Orlando. The Tigers will be up against the odds as they have struggled on the road, earning only five away victories in 2012. The U of M will resume play on April 24 in a rematch against Southeastern Conference foe Mississippi State. Earlier in the season, the Tigers lost to the Bulldogs 9-6 in their fourth game of the season in Mobile, Ala. After facing MSU in Starkville, Miss., the Tigers will play their final series of the season at home in a C-USA battle against East Carolina on May 5. The 2012 C-USA Softball Championships are scheduled to begin on May 10 in Birmingham, Ala.

12 • Friday, April 20, 2012

U of M I.D. Required

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