DAILY HELMSMAN Thursday 09.20.12
Vol. 80 No. 016
Parking Art
Men’s Soccer
Brown Bag Boycott
Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis
For info on the weekend tennis tournament, see page 7
Tattoo Discount
Students protest campus food prices, lack of employee discounts By Michelle Corbet
Police charge two with fraud By Christopher Whitten
cwhitten@dailyhelmsman.com Two University of Memphis students, one an employee, were arrested and charged with fraud Tuesday after admitting to stealing and using two students’ U of M ID cards, police records show. Spencer Calvert, a reporting technology junior, said he was in the University Center when his student ID card was taken. “I was eating lunch and had my card sitting on my tray,” said Calvert, 19. “Before I left, I noticed it was gone.” But Calvert did not report it lost right away. He said he thought he might have thrown it away. He went to get a new card and noticed his card had been used, so he contacted Police Services to report it stolen. Police pulled surveillance videos from vending machines where the card was used and saw two men using two cards in multiple locations on campus. Police showed pictures from the videos to employees of the UC. According to court documents, a manager identified the tall man in the video as one of his employees, LaDarius Reed. Reed, 22, admitted using the card to police. He also identified the other man with him as student Christian Werabe. Werabe is accused of taking another student’s card. Police say he used it 47 times, and made $52 in purchases. The victim, who
see CRIME on page 6
photo By christina hoLLoWay | staFF
History student Chris Frazer, 22, eats strawberries outside the University Center Tuesday afternoon. Frazer brings his lunch from home because he said it’s expensive and unhealthy to eat on campus.
Student upheaval surrounding the cost of campus food and the lack of discounts for dining service workers has sparked a boycott and protest against campus dining services. Students kick off a Brown Bag Lunch Campaign to boycott campus dining locations in the University Center today at 11:30 a.m. While in a meeting, National Pan-Hellenic Council fraternities discussed how they could “better campus,” said Frederick Perry, junior organizational leadership major, Alpha Phi Alpha member and Student Government Association senator. “We talked about the (food) prices,” he said. “Everyone is out of (Dining Dollar) money by the third week of school.” In an effort to prevent students from purchasing food from dining service vendors, members of the NPHC will be handing out brown bag lunches in the lobby of the UC. DeAndre McBee, senior criminal justice major and member of Omega Psi Phi, said he was inspired to start the movement after speaking with a custodial worker employed at the UC. “One day I was talking to a worker — a custodian. She was telling me how much she made, which wasn’t much, and the employees don’t even get a free meal,” he said. “It’s so expensive she can’t afford to buy
see BOYCOTT on page 5
Students praise Disability Services By Lisa Babb
news@dailyhelmsman.com When Richard New returned from serving the United States Armed Forces, he faced the daunting task that so many veterans face: rebuilding life at home as an injured veteran. He faced not only the challenge of adjusting to physical limitations, but coping with emotional
The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.
tolls as well. He tried online education but found it unsuitable for his situation. He began attending the University of Memphis this fall. New attributes much of his academic and mental health success to Student Disability Services. SDS helped ensure that he had books, tables and access through doors around campus, among other
Advertising: (901) 678-2191 Newsroom: (901) 678-2193
things. “SDS is awesome. Without them, I would not have known where to go or what to do,” New said. “The people there are so friendly, and they don’t look at me any differently.” Veterans account for a small portion of the students served by SDS. They offer assistance to students with a myriad of physical and Letters to Editor Student Life Local
mental disabilities. “Students come to our office with as many disabilities as there are in the world, including learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, visual and hearing impairments, chronic health impairments, psychiatric disorders, mobility issues, seizure disorders,” said Susan Te Paske,
2 Tigers’ Tales 3 National 4 Sports
see DISABILITY on page 5 5 6 7
2 • Thursday, September 20, 2012
Daily Letters to the Editor Helmsman
Volume 80 Number 16
Editor-in-Chief Chelsea Boozer Managing Editor Christopher Whitten Design Editor Amanda Mitchell Sports Editor Bryan Heater General Manager Candy Justice Advertising Manager Bob Willis Administrative Sales Sharon Whitaker Advertising Production Hailey Uhler Advertising Sales Robyn Nickell Michael Parker Brittney Block Contact Information news@dailyhelmsman.com Advertising: (901) 6 78-2191 Newsroom: (901) 678-2193 The University of Memphis The Daily Helmsman 210 Meeman Journalism Building Memphis, TN 38152
DOMINO’S PIZZA Across 1 Mouth part 4 Pay a call 10 2011 NBA MVP Derrick 14 Big time 15 Legalese adverb 16 Dark, in verse 17 It can be placed at a window 18 While 19 Much 20 Problem for French Open tennis officials? 23 Deserves a treat, perhaps 25 Niamey is its capital 26 Number from the past 27 Some columnists 30 Challenge for an aspiring vascular surgeon? 33 23-Down holder 34 Bikini event, briefly 35 Spill-handling org. 38 “Come on-a My House” and “Hey There”? 42 Ran last in 45 Converse 46 Word in some font names 47 Chums 49 Daily chore for Travolta? 53 St. __: Rose’s Minnesota home town on “The Golden Girls” 54 Top with no back 55 Hypotheticals 58 Longtime Eastern European leader 59 Words of exhaustion 60 Wild scene 61 Discovered 62 Choice examples 63 Abbr. on a business card Down 1 Bush from Florida 2 “__ you happy now?” 3 Burglar alarm alternative 4 Rural bundles
5 Musical milkman 6 100-year-old treats 7 Eponymous 17th-century settler 8 “Do __ once!” 9 Light chow 10 Work on wheels, perhaps 11 Make beholden 12 Better, to an impatient boss 13 Appears onstage 21 Café supply 22 Caltech grad, perhaps: Abbr. 23 Dark quaff 24 Cover girl Macpherson 27 Many a wine 28 Suffix with Congo 29 Like some cereal 31 2011 superhero film starring Chris Hemsworth 32 Tribe met by Lewis and Clark 35 Command from Captain
No Waiting! 323-3030
Kirk 36 Gardener’s supply 37 Shows curiosity 38 Elegant fabric 39 Artistic digs 40 Concert mementos 41 “Once __ ...” 42 Sporty ties 43 First name in circumnavigation 44 Be artistic 47 Do lunch? 48 Center with an MBA 50 Circuit holder 51 Hobbled 52 Largest island in the Tuscan Archipelago 56 Deceive 57 Inebriate
S u d o k u
Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-by3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.
Solutions on page 4
The University of Memphis
Thursday, September 20, 2012 • 3
Student Life
Inked Memphis offers tattoo discounts to U of M students By Samuel Prager
Many students looking to get inked look for a professional, personable and budget-friendly studio. Inked Memphis, located in Minglewood Hall, has won “best venue” in the Memphis Flyer for the past four years. Located in the heart of Midtown, the studio offers discounts to University of Memphis students. “When I first started getting tattoos and would look for a shop, as any consumer of any potential good would do, I would check the product, make sure the employees are friendly and personable and make sure they have a clean shop,” said Pete Miller, former U of M student and manager at Inked Memphis. “We really strive to give the clients what they ask for.” Inked Memphis, located at 1555 Madison Ave., offers a variety of specials to U of M clients,
including $50 tattoos for Greek- or University-related designs. With a U of M ID, students can also get $25 off any tattoo that costs $100 or more. The business offers 5 percent off tattoos if customers have an Oasis Hookah Lounge and Cafe membership, which is also located in Minglewood Hall. “Tattoos to me symbolize markers in life of events and time periods,” said Colin Woelfle, a former U of M student. “They tell stories of what you’ve been through. A tattoo artist puts something on your body that you will carry with you for the rest of your life. It’s a personal bond, not just an image, and there is a lot of trust involved.” Tattoos, a popular form of selfexpression, can be a life-decision that involves much invested time and money. “This is my preferred medium of art,” Miller said. “It is really special to put your art on someone’s skin for presumably all of their life. First and foremost is for my art to live on in someone’s skin. It is my legacy.” Inked Memphis opens at 4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. They close at 11 p.m. on weekdays and 1 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. “What I like about Inked is the hospitality and closeness you feel with the artist,” Woelfle said. “You feel like they’re there to give you what you want. I’m very pleased with the work I’ve had done there, and I’d recommend it to anyone.” n
...for my art to live on in someone’s skin.” — PETE MILLER
the isaC playlist experience
up next... tomorrow SAC cinema:
cloudy with a chance of meatballs
2 & 7 p.m. | UC theatre
tuesday, sept. 25
CD recording booth 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. | UC river room
tomorrow SAC cinema: cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 & 7 p.m. | UC theatre
4 • Thursday, September 20, 2012
Downtown parking spaces to morph into parks By Dana Porter
news@dailyhelmsman.com One of Downtown’s busiest streets will have its parking spaces turned into installations Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Park(ing) Day is an international event where artists transform a parking meter space into a creative idea. The event, which spans six continents, will create about 975 “parks” in 162 cities in 35 countries. Sixteen teams of artists from Memphis nonprofit art groups, individuals and businesses will participate in the event that will be along Peabody Place between Front and Second Street. The Park(ing) idea began in San Francisco, Calif., in 2005 by Rebar, an art and design studio that leased a metered parking spot and transformed the wide area of public space into a temporary public park. This is the second time the event has been hosted in Memphis. It’s free and open to the public. Catherine Blackwell Peña, co-
courtesy of rebar Group inc.
People sit on a bench and artificial grass in a reformed parking space during San Francisco, Calif.’s 2011 Park(ing) Day event. producer of Memphis’ Park(ing) Day and teacher at Memphis College of Art, said it took several years to implement because she had
courtesy of rebar Group inc.
A man rolls out grass to decorate his space in San Francisco, Calif.’s 2011 Park(ing) Day event.
Solutions are cool.
to get permission from the City of Memphis. Three staff artists from UrbanArt Commission will paint three wooden benches for their “park” space. Christina Lanzl, executive director, said the finished benches will be displayed on the group’s website in hopes that someone will adopt a bench. “Park(ing) Day is non-commercial, and with our park we are making beautiful benches for residents in Memphis,” Lanzl said. Lanzl said in addition to providing painted benches as a gift to the city, the project is in honor of UAC’s 15-year anniversary and the 10-year anniversary of the city’s Percent-for-Art Program. The Memphis Flyer is the official sponsor for Park(ing) Day. Teams pay a fee to decorate their parking space. The Downtown Memphis
Commission is the second coproducer of the event; its task is organizing the meters and putting its time and money into the event. Other partners include Memphis Regional Design Center, ArtsMemphis, UrbanArt Commission and Crosstown Arts. “Anybody could have submitted an idea,” Peña said. “It was up to us (the producers) to see which group had an interesting idea for the public park.” Dawn Vinson, DMC’s director of marketing and special events, said a press release and application for park builders was sent to as many groups as possible, including their partners. “We are always looking for ideas on street animations and we reenvision how communities look at public space and how we use space for cars,” Vinson said. Vinson said the purpose of
Park(ing) Day is to generate fun ways for the park installer to use the space. The “parks” will mostly include activities for audience participation and sculptures. n
If you go What: Park(ing) Day 2012 When: Friday, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Where: Peabody Place (between Front St. and Second Street) Details: Observation is free to the public
The Color of Christ: When Race and Religion Collide in Key Moments in American History a talk by Dr. Ed Blum, Assoc. Prof., San Diego State Univ. www.facebook.com/ColorofChrist
Friday, September 21 at 12:45 p.m. Mitchell Hall Auditorium Phi Alpha Theta’s Pizza Lunch Series: free pizza and soda
Sponsored by the Department of History, Epsilon Nu Chapter-Phi Alpha Theta Religious Studies Program, Student Event Allocation
The University of Memphis
Thursday, September 20, 2012 • 5
Tigers’ Ta es “Kind of. Some things are the right price, and some things are a little expensive.”
Allison Kasper, Biology freshman
“Yes I do. But then again, if you think it’s too high then don’t eat it.”
“Yes. Pizza shouldn’t be $3.90 a slice…my classmen are like, ‘Man I don’t even eat there, the prices are too high.’”
Georgio Yancy, Criminal justice senior
Delmon Robinson, SLS senior
Do you think campus food prices are too high? By Jonathan Jenkins
“Yes. They’re high, but not significantly higher than food prices at other locations.” Harris Beauchamp, Undecided freshman
disabilities.” Continued from page 1 After working for the SDS for 20 years and serving as director for director of SDS. 10 years, Te Paske has seen Last year, 890 students were evolutions not only in the registered with the office. So department, but also in the far this semester, 660 students University community’s attihave registered with SDS. Te tude toward disability. Paske expects this number “Knowledge of disability to increase because students in general has increased, but often wait until November and it is still one of the least talkJanuary to register. ed about issues in diversity,” Te Paske praises the SDS she said. staff for the office’s success. A key tenet of SDS’s mis“We have a staff that is sion is to promote knowlincredibly dedicated. They edge and understanding of are knowledgeable and expedisability to everyone on rienced, and they care about campus. The office helps the students,” she said. “We encourage this through diahave a clear vision of where logue and presentations with we are headed, passion and Mct students, faculty and staff. commitment, and that goes a “We consider disability to long way.” Student Disability Services assists be just another aspect of diverAccording to its website, with a variety of disabilities. sity, neither innately good nor SDS’s mission is to “advocate bad. It is a normal part of life, members of the University comequal access and inclusion through Universal Design for all munity and promote development and that is how we treat it in our University of Memphis students and independence of students with office,” Te Paske said. n to all University programs and activities, encourage understanding of disability by educating all
SAC Cinema
Continued from page 1 food, so she brings her own.” University of Memphis food service employees don’t receive a discount on meals. “All employees have to pay full price,” said Tamira Sibley, employee at the Fresh Food Company. “It’s crazy though because if I worked at Chick-fil-A or Burger King off campus, I would get a discount.” The NPHC’s plan is, if it can get enough students to stop buying food on campus, it will hurt Tiger Dining’s business and they will lower the price of on-campus food, Perry said. “People have told the University, but it takes a movement for them to do something,” Perry said. Prices show that some items are cheaper on campus than at some off-campus food establishments. A three taco combo at the UC Taco Bell is priced at $4.19 versus $4.58 at the Taco Bell at 3378 Poplar Ave.
Friday, Sept. 21 2 & 7 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 22 2 p.m.
“Yes. It reminds me of a theme park. They can just go around, give you $300. That’s a lot for the entire semester, and then they make you pay for overpriced food.” Trey Coupland, Engineering freshman
But McBee said the prices of meals on campus are too much for a college student. “We’re the consumers,” he said. “We are the ones supporting your product.” The NPHC has been getting the word out about its Brown Bag Lunch Campaign via Twitter at the handle @WEgot_phatSACK and hashtags #sacklunchthursdays and #brownpaperbagedition. Participants are encouraged to write messages on their brown paper bags. There will be bags and markers available for students who want to participate in the protest. “You can write whatever,” McBee said. “Some will have signs. You can write ‘Lower Prices’ or just whatever cause you want to stand for.” For students who didn’t bring a lunch, but want to join the effort, approximately 30 brown bag lunches will be handed out for the cause. Lunches will consist of a mix of sandwiches, chips, juice, fruit and Lunchables. The University has a policy against selling food on campus and restrictions on Registered Student Organizations selling food as a fundraiser. “In general, you can’t sell food on campus but student groups, if they are an RSO, are allowed to have one bake sale per semester,” Bob Barnett, director of the UC, said. “They must be scheduled through the scheduling office, but there is no option for individuals to sell food.” Perry said the lunches wouldn’t be for sale. “We’re giving them away for donations,” he said. The NPHC plans to continue the protest every Thursday, possibly adding more elements such as signing a petition to bring the issue to the administration’s attention, McBee said. “We’re just now snowballing this,” he said. “We’ll keep elevating this until it is noticed by the administration.” n
6 • Thursday, September 20, 2012
SPJ wins Classes set to resume as union calls off strike regional award National
By Noreen S. AhmedUllah, Diane Rado & Bill Ruthhart MCT
CHICAGO — Delegates for the Chicago Teachers Union voted Tuesday to call off their sevenday strike, sending 350,000 public schools students back to class Wednesday morning and ending the daily scene of teachers dressed in red, picketing their schools. The overwhelming vote by the union’s 800 delegates paves the way for CTU’s entire membership to approve a contract in the coming weeks that will secure them a double-digit salary increase over the next three years, including raises for cost of living while maintaining other increases for experience and advanced education. Although the union did not achieve the 30 percent base raise it initially sought, CTU President Karen Lewis claimed several victories. She argued that the union had successfully rejected Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s attempts to institute merit pay, fought off more stringent requirements in a new teacher evaluation system and secured a recall policy for top-performing teachers who are laid off because of school closings. “We feel very positive about moving forward,” Lewis said. “We feel grateful that we have a united union, and that when a union moves together, amazing things happen.” For Emanuel, the vote draws to a close a standoff that had dragged into a second week and garnered
national attention focused on not only the strike’s merits, but the mayor’s role in it. In the tentative agreement, Emanuel solidified his No. 1 reform objective of lengthening what had been one of the nation’s shortest school days and year. The mayor also managed to secure a deal that gives teachers smaller raises than they had received under their previous five-year contract, maintains principals’ right to determine which teachers will be hired and institutes, for the first time, a teacher evaluation system set out by state law that takes into account student performance. “This settlement is an honest compromise. It means returning our schools to their primary purpose: the education of our children,” Emanuel said. “In this contract, we gave our children a seat at the table. In past negotiations, taxpayers paid more, but our kids got less. This time, our taxpayers are paying less, and our kids are getting more.” While the mayor calmly delivered his prepared remarks Tuesday night in the library of Walter Payton College Prep, he had shown his share of frustration through a yearlong fight with the union. That included directing CPS and city attorneys on Monday to file a lawsuit seeking an injunction that would send teachers back to school. A judge had set a hearing for Wednesday, waiting for the outcome of the union’s vote. But union delegates said the potential for a judge to control the fate of their strike had no factor in
By Dana Porter
Stephanie Hayes of Ashe Elementary School pumps her fist after the Chicago Teacher’s Union ended its strike and voted on a new contract on Sept. 18 in Chicago, Ill. Tuesday’s decision. Once the hundreds of delegates were packed into a union hall near Chinatown, their only focus was on the details of the deal and why they should support it. Members of the union’s bargaining team explained that even though some teachers in their own schools
still wanted to strike, the entire team had decided it was time to end the walkout. Vice President Jesse Sharkey followed with more persuasion, then came the closing act: Lewis. The tough-talking union boss had five words for her fellow teachers. “It’s time to go back.” n
The University of Memphis’ Society of Professional Journalists has been named the best chapter in the region, beating out other University chapters in Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. David Arant, professor and chair of the Department of Journalism, will accept the Circle of Excellence award today on SPJ’s behalf at the Excellence in Journalism 2012 annual conference—this year in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Tom Hrach, SPJ’s faculty adviser, said the organization won the award based on its community service and events, including an annual Freedom of Information event, last semester’s “Helmsman Over the Years” reunion event and numerous training seminars. “We never won the award before,” Hrach said. “We like the fact that we were recognized for the events that we put on last year. SPJ’s next event will feature FOX 13 reporter Sarah Bleau, a U of M graduate and former SPJ President. The date is unknown, but will be in September. Anyone interested can contact SPJ at umemphisspj@gmail.com. n
Tuesday, September 25, 2012 • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. University Center Ballroom
uuCrime Continued from page 1 asked his name not be published, said he lost his card in the UC as well. Capt. Kevin Langellier said Werabe, 22, told detectives he had known Reed since he was a freshman — about three years. Both men admitted to using the students’ cards, according to police affidavits. They are free on bond, charged with the fraudulent use of a credit or debit card, punishable by a $2,500 fine and up to 11 months and 29 days in jail. Werabe will appear in court Nov. 2. Reed, who has been terminated as an employee at the University, according to Rogerick Hoard, retail manager for Tiger Dining, has other charges pending for oncampus thefts. He allegedly broke into another student’s car in April and stole a cell phone and a charger. His next court date for that incident is Tuesday. His newest case will land him in court on Nov.1. It is not University policy to refund monies used on stolen cards. Calvert said a detective told him
he would be reimbursed after Reed is prosecuted. If a student’s card has been used, Langellier said, students should inform Police Services immediately. “It happens numerous times each year,” Langellier said. “More so, early in the semester when students still have money on their card.” n
Career and Internship Expo Employers representing numerous industries are recruiting all majors
For more information Students who lose their ID cards should contact the umTech helpdesk immediately at 678-8888 to have it deactivated. If it has been used without your permission, contact Police Services immediately.
Open to all U of M students and alumni. Come prepared. Professional dress is expected. Bring your résumé.
For more information, please contact Career Services at 901.678.2239 The University of Memphis, a Tennessee Board of Regents institution, is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University. It is committed to education of a non-racially identifiable student body.
The University of Memphis
Thursday, September 20, 2012 • 7
Tigers ready for last tune up before conference play By Jaclyn Redmon
news@dailyhelmsman.com The University of Memphis men’s soccer team returns home to the pitch this Saturday to host the Drake University Bulldogs after a four-game road trip. “They are a very tough team,” said Tigers head coach Richie Grant. “They are scrapping and fighting before they get to conference play.” The Tigers are fighting too, entering their last game before Conference USA play begins. “We want to go after another shut out,” Grant said. It is a big game for the Tigers, who aim to enter conference play at 3-3-1. Grant said his game plan of using depth would get his team more choices and more plays. “This game will be a kicker for the rest of the season,” said Andreas Guentner, senior midfielder and defender. Guentner, captain of the Tiger squad, said a win in this game could be the beginning of a winning streak. “It will be a confidence booster,” he said. The Bulldogs and the Tigers play a similar game, with both teams taking 32 corner shots on the season. “Drake counter attacks very well,” Grant said. “They have good ball movement up front.”
courtesy oF Media reLations
Senior midfielder-defender Andreas Guentner rears back to kick the ball against Wisconsin.
Men’s tennis set for Virginia Invitational By Bryan Heater
Student Event Allocation Committee Applications Are Available! Student Event Allocation is a program that allows Registered Student Organizations to submit proposals for events and programs such as speakers, lectures, dance performances, etc. The Student Event Allocation Committee decides if the organization should receive monetary allocation for their programs, as well as the amount of money, based on the program proposal. The committee helps the organization with many aspects of their program planning and execution. Committee members are selected to serve for an entire academic year. Applications available in Student Leadership & Involvement (UC 211) Deadline: September 28 Questions about this committee? Contact Angie Norwood ardunlap@memphis.edu
i u of m
go tigers!
Remember to tu AAp llmoycaSttioundeCnotmEmviternntin plication on Septtee Univbeyrs4it:3y0Cpe.mnt. in . 28 er 211
The Bulldogs have a strong offense, taking 10 shots on goal a game with a .387 SOG percentage. “We are confident in our defense,” Grant said. “They are giving us plenty of chances to win games.” Grant said he feels great about the shut out last Sunday against Fairleigh Dickinson University after coming off a tough overtime loss to Washington last Friday. “We didn’t do the things we needed to do to beat a top 20 team,” Grant said of the loss. “We need to keep the (soccer ball), take care of the ball and focus on our finishes.” Grant wants his team to find a way to play with energy every minute of every game. “We have to have hunger, passion and enthusiasm all the time,” he said, saying this will get the Tigers wins in the big games. “The spirit of the group is getting stronger.” The Tigers said they are looking forward to being back at home in the friendly confines of Mike Rose Soccer Complex. “We want a big win in front a big home crowd,” Guentner said. Grant said if his team plays to its capability, opponents will have a tough time game-planning for his squad. “If we bring the right spirit to every game, I am very confident we will be a hard team to beat,” Grant said. Saturday’s game is set for 7 p.m. n
After a long wait over the summer, the University of Memphis men and women’s tennis teams are ready to begin their 2012-13 seasons. The men begin their campaign in the UVa Ranked+1 Invitational in Charlottesville, Va., at the Snyder Tennis Center. The tournament features 16 teams representing schools from across the middle and eastern United States. Besides the Tigers, players in the tournament are from the District of Columbia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Middle Tennessee State University, Mississippi, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia. “It is one of the highest tournaments in the fall,” said Mark Finnegan, assistant coach for the men and women’s tennis teams. “You have to have ranked players to play in the tournament, and we have ranked players.” The ranked players for the Tigers, which ranked No. 58 last season,
include sophomore David O’Leary, No. 82 in singles; sophomore Connor Glennon, No. 106 in singles; and the doubles tandem of Glennon and junior David O’Hare, No. 37. Play starts at 9 a.m. each day, beginning Friday and continuing through Sunday. The tournament consists of 64 players, with each team allotted one unranked player for every ranked player they have competing. The tournament has four 16-player singles draws and eight team doubles draws. “We’ll have six singles and three doubles teams competing,” Finnegan said. “Matches will be set from draws, so it is pretty random. But there are ranked and unranked players, so ranked players have a better chance of opening up with an unranked player.” Friday’s slate has two rounds of doubles and one round of singles, followed by Saturday’s one round of doubles and two rounds of singles, and it wraps up with Sunday’s final round of singles. n
Tigers welcome No. 6 Knights 8 • Thursday, September 20, 2012
By Bryan Heater
photo By Lance Murphey | special to the daily helmsman
Sophomore defender Kelley Gravlin gathers the ball against Oklahoma State.
THE DAILY HELMSMAN Classifieds To place your ad or for more information, please contact The Daily Helmsman at (901) 678-2191 or come to 113 Meeman Journalism Bldg. Memphis, TN 38152-3290
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HIGH-END EAST MEMPHIS jewlery store seeking part-time sales representative to work one day during the week and on Saturdays; no jewelry experience requried, but customer service experience is preferred. Please send resume to dbm@birch.net.
Deadline to place an ad is noon two business days prior to publication.
HOUSE FOR RENT 639 Brister St. 2 Large bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms. Ref, stove, dishwasher. Stacked washer/dryer, central heat/AC. Rent $650 month. $650 deposit. Phone # 331-1711.
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The University of Memphis women’s soccer team will host the No. 6 University of Central Florida Knights Friday at the Mike Rose Soccer Complex. The Knights (6-1-1) have overwhelmed opponents thus far with stifling defense and a consistent offensive attack. Head coach Brooks Monaghan said it is important that the Tigers (4-3-0) start off on the right foot to open the C-USA slate. “It is huge (to win),” Monaghan said. “It sets the tone early. It has been an interesting non-conference schedule, missing players and trying to get everyone on the same page. We’ve had a lot of positives in the non-conference, but we’ve also had some obstacles so we kind of look at this as a fresh start.” UCF is outscoring opponents 16-5 and outshooting them 121-86. They have also compiled 13 assists compared to the opposition’s three. Forward Nicolette Radovcic, who has five goals on 16 shots and an assist for a team-leading 11 points, leads the Knights. “They’re probably one of the best teams in our conference,” sophomore defender Kelley Gravlin said. “But so are we, so I don’t think we need to necessarily worry about how good they are. They have a lot of strengths, but we can match that if we play how we are able to.” The Knights share the ball better than most teams. For the season, eight players have scored goals, with five players scoring at least two goals. They also play clean soccer, having only one yellow card in eight games. Defensively, goalkeeper Lianne Maldonado leads the charge. Teams have had trouble finding scoring opportunities, let alone putting the ball in the back of the net. Maldonado boasts a 0.66 goals against average on just four goals in 545:00 of play. The Tigers look to junior midfielder-forward Christabel Oduro and the rest of the offense to attack the heart of the Knights’ defense and turn the tables. With all the players now back, Memphis has begun to hit its stride on both sides of the pitch. Sophomore forward-midfielder Kylie Davis said team chemistry is starting to come around now that everyone is playing together again. “It was a little hard because our team wasn’t complete at the beginning of the season,” Davis said. “It takes a while to figure each other out and see how players work with each other, but now that we’re back we’ve gotten two or three weeks of good practice in. We’re getting used to each other and developing team cohesion.” Kickoff for Friday’s game is set for 7 p.m. n