The Daily Helmsman

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Daily Helmsman


Do the Chumpty-Chump

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Vol. 78 No. 071

Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis

Campus Economics

Fear and unity

Not all college students get speeding tickets for going 90 mph see page 4


BY Erica Horton News Reporter University of Memphis custodian Patricia Donaldson wakes up at two a.m. Monday through Friday to arrive at work on time an hour later. She alone is responsible for cleaning the entire Edward J. Meeman Journalism building by 11 a.m. Donaldson said when she started working at The U of M, there were three people cleaning the three-floor building on Veterans Avenue. During the week she does all of the classrooms, offices and bathrooms, by herself, for $8.25 an hour, only a quarter more than when she first began work for The University five years ago. Donaldson and her coworker Emma Davis, also a custodial worker, said when they’ve discussed pay with their supervisors in the past, they’re told they should be grateful to have a job. In 2009, they decided they were ready for a change. The ladies joined the United Campus Workers Union to speak out against their low pay and advocate a raise to the living wage in Memphis, $11.62 an hour according to the Workers Interfaith Network. But not all campus workers are supportive of that effort, according to Donaldson and Davis. They said some will not speak out for fear they will lose their jobs. “People will tell us what they need us to say, but don’t want to do it themselves,” said Davis. “They labeled me as a trouble maker because I stand up and speak out.” Tom Smith, coordinator of The U of M United Campus Workers for two years, said of the 285 custodial workers on campus, only 30 percent are in the union. He said with 50 percent, the union could make a stronger statement to The U of M administration. “I hope The University recognizes (workers’) right to organize. They can’t be fired for organizing,” he said. “It would be a clear violation of their human rights, constitutional rights, and the law.” Still, Smith said workers have told him that supervisors have made illegal comments to them, telling them that join-

ing the union could jeopardize their employment. “It’s their human right to organize and that’s what we’re really here for,” he said. “People deserve to be paid for their hard work.” In October 2010, United Campus Workers, Workers Interfaith Network and the Progressive Student Alliance held a public forum in the University Center about wages and changes to workers’ insurance policies. At the forum, Smith said at $11.62 an hour someone could support a family, have a home, transportation and afford groceries, but not pay off debt or start a savings or retirement fund. Calvin Strong, director of custodial and landscape services at The U of M, said he has never heard about the United Campus Workers Union and that workers have not received a raise because it has not been included in the governor ’s budget for the past four years. “I would like to have one,” he said. “But for now I’m grateful to have a job.” He said a union on campus is not necessary. “Usually a union is started when problems among employees and management can’t be resolved,” he said. “There are no issues in the past or future that can’t be resolved that I am aware of.” Strong went on to say that he is not aware of any reason that anyone could lose their job for joining an organization. “That’s their own fear and trepidation,” he said. Davis currently makes $9.25 an hour, a two-dollar increase from 2005 when she started working for The University. She said she used to work two jobs to make ends meet, but quit the second job so she could get some sleep. “My body will only allow me to work one job. I was paying $550 a month in rent before I finally had to tell my landlord, ‘I’m not making that type of money,’” she said. “My landlord knocked $100 off when I explained the situation, but I still have a light bill, a daughter in college and a son. If he needs more uniforms, another pair of shoes, I have to let a bill double so he can get what he needs.”


Custodial workers weigh employment against activism

Despite changes in the Egyptian government’s structure, protestors continue demonstrations in Cairo against President Hasni Mubarak’s administration Saturday. The Egyptian Army was present, though riot police were noticeably absent.

Egypt crisis may have far-reaching impact for United States in Middle East BY Warren F. Strobel McClatchy Newspapers The U.S. faces its most precarious moment in the Middle East in years, with the dangers to U.S. interests growing as a tense standoff drags on between tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s embattled regime, according to analysts and former officials. President Barack Obama and his aides are hoping for what they call an “orderly transition,” with a smooth exit for Mubarak and a handover of power to a transitional government that organizes new,

fair elections. The massive protests planned for Tuesday could in theory lead to this scenario for the most populous Arab country. The grimmer scenario is a lengthy crisis that debilitates Egypt further and ends in a military coup, anarchy or general chaos. “I think there’s a lot to be scared about ... more to be scared about than to be thrilled about,” said retired U.S. diplomat David Mack, now with the Middle East Institute. If things go badly, “you could have Somalia on the Mediterranean.” “The longer the situation wends on, the more danger-

ous it becomes for American foreign policy,” said J. Scott Carpenter, who was a State Department official dealing with Muslim democracy issues under former President George W. Bush. The State Department Monday sent former ambassador Frank Wisner to Cairo to urge Mubarak’s government to embrace political overhauls. “At this point, we clearly recognize what happens in Egypt will have broad ramifications” in the Middle East, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley told McClatchy Newspapers. But what those


Egypt, page 6

Campus Crime

Trezevant found guilty of Bradford murder, handed life prison sentence BY Myiesha Griffin Contributing Writer

Victor Trezevant was convicted of murder Saturday in the 2007 on-campus shooting death of U of M football player Taylor Bradford. A jury found Trezevant, 24, guilty of murder in the perpetration of an attempted robbery. Trezevant was automatically sentenced to life in prison. Trezevant is the second of four men to be tried for Bradford’s murder. Devin Jefferson was convicted last year on Mother’s Day

of the murder and was automatically sentenced to 51 years in state prison. Daeshawn Tate and Courtney Washington, the two other men accused of the shooting, still await trial. Bradford was shot in his right side while sitting in his car in front of Carpenter Complex on the night of Sept. 30, 2007, when the four former classmates at Treadwell High School attempted to rob the 21-year-old lineman of the $7,400 he had won at Horseshoe Casino in Tunica. Bradford, a business major,

attempted to speed away but lost consciousness heading south on Zach Curlin Street and crashed into a tree. During the trial’s final day of testimony Friday, Trezevant’s defense tried to put the gun in Jefferson’s hands. Trezevant’s defense attorney told a jury Friday that Devin Jefferson shot and killed U of M football player Taylor Bradford, and that Trezevant knew nothing of a plan to take Bradford’s life. “Nobody knew Devin


Trial, page 5

2 • Tuesday, February 1, 2011





thoughts that give you paws

Volume 78 Number 071


Scott Carroll

“It’s really hard not to put 10:20 a.m. as my work availability every day now that I’ve graduated.” — @StevStevenivich

Managing Editor Mike Mueller Copy and Design Chief Amy Barnette News Editors Cole Epley Amy Barnette

“I hope we find a cure for every disease because I’m really sick of walking those 5K’s.” — @JayTMcK

Sports Editor John Martin Copy Editors Amy Barnette Christina Hessling

“I wonder if Harry Potter ever tried Neosporin.” — @MonteQ

General Manager Candy Justice Advertising Manager Bob Willis Admin. Sales Sharon Whitaker Adv. Production Rachelle Pavelko Rachel Rufenacht Adv. Sales Robyn Nickell Michael Parker

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You rEallY liKE uS! Yesterday’s Top-Read Stories on the Web

1. Melodic metal by Chris Daniels

2. Student punches golden ticket to Hollywood

by Erica Horton

3. Tigers travel to face Herd second time

by John Martin

4. Weekend warriors: out and about in Memphis

by Chris Shaw

5. Exhibition exposes UM students’ talent

by Chelsea Boozer

“Some chick just put on a straitjacket in front of the UC, then dislocated her shoulder and removed it. Whoa, dude.” — @TerranceJesse “Does anybody actually use the bike lane on Southern Avenue? It was better when we could just park there.” — @ScoHa “Are shows on TLC about little people filmed by little people camerapeople?” — @blehhh93 “An ambiguous question is an ambiguous question — no matter how many times, or loudly, you repeat it. #professortoremainunnamed” — @Hamlin38103 “Be an Optimist Prime ... not a Negatron.” — @davidcjacks “When the heck is the Tiger Den going to get the spicy chicken sandwich?” — @MonteQ

DOMINO’S PIZZA Across 1 One in charge 5 Ticketless rail rider 9 Resell at a major markup 14 Pirate’s syllables 15 Bean product? 16 More virtuous 17 Coach’s pregame lecture 19 University of Maine town 20 Raptor’s roost 21 Late-night Jay 23 Diarist Anaïs 24 Home seller-and-buyer’s short-term loan 28 TV revue since ‘75 29 Acting instructor’s deg., perhaps 30 Start to knock? 34 Pop music’s Lady __ 37 Surround securely 41 1929 women’s air race, as dubbed by Will Rogers 44 Rail rider 45 1944 invasion city 46 Spot for a hoop 47 WWII espionage gp. 49 Oktoberfest cry 51 Production number director’s cry 60 Gambling letters 61 Gambling city 62 Assumed identity 63 Absolut rival, for short 65 Summer shindig, and a hint to the starts of 17-, 24-, 41- and 51-Across 68 Fruit served in balls 69 Way to store pix 70 Prepare for a shot 71 Speak at length 72 Soup veggies 73 Job opening Down 1 How many city folks travel 2 Fireworks watcher 3 Puppeteer Lewis 4 Three-dimensional 5 Wallop 6 Harem room


No Waiting! 323-3030

“Why is it that you only realize how hungry you are when you are 15 minutes into your class?” — @WhiskeyAndWine “If tomatoes are a fruit, isn’t ketchup technically a smoothie?” — @bceolla “Constipated people don’t give a crap.”

— @triciacharris

Tell us what gives you paws. Send us your thoughts on Twitter @dailyhelmsman or #tigerbabble. Or post on our Facebook wall at

7 Attorney Melvin 8 Like wine barrels 9 Pampered 10 Mangy mongrel 11 Rice-__ 12 Bolshevik leader 13 Plug projection 18 Tapped barrels 22 ‘60s-’70s service site, briefly 25 Certain Caltech grad: Abbr. 26 Envelope parts 27 Desert mount 30 Well-chosen 31 Fish-fowl connection 32 Bygone intl. carrier 33 Jerk 35 Instinctive, as a feeling 36 Company with a web-footed spokescritter

38 Short relative? 39 Recede 40 Change, as one’s locks? 42 Elect to a Hall of Fame, say 43 Nina of “Spartacus” 48 “What did I tell you?” 50 Disorderly mound 51 Women’s mag 52 Put into words 53 African virus 54 “Hop __”: Dr. Seuss book 55 ABC’s Arledge 56 High-fives, e.g. 57 Divided Austrian state 58 Joe’s “Midnight Cowboy” pal 59 Up to this point 64 Subdivision unit 66 Andean tuber 67 Mormons’ gp.

S u d o k u

Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3—by—3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.

Solutions on page 5

The University of Memphis

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 • 3

Student Service

U of M students put an end to board-em BY Amber Crawford News Reporter

by Amber Crawford

A group of University of Memphis students put a creative twist on a seemingly dull, dirty day of service this weekend. Saturday morning, 12 U of M

and high-school students and a handyman from Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association worked together to board up an abandoned house at 360 S. Camilla. But instead of hammering plain, old plywood over the broken glass, they painted the boards

University of Memphis sophomores Paige Lewis, nutrition major, and Katelyn Nichols, theatre performance major, gather at an abandoned Downtown Memphis house Saturday to paint and install artistic boards over the windows, keeping trouble out and the neighborhood looking nice.

Attention All StudentS

to look like actual windows. Honor Student Council’s Philanthropy Chair and senior biomedical engineering major, Thien-Chuong Phung, organized and participated in the event. Phung has worked with MIFA previously, building wheelchair ramps and assisting with the renovations of homes. This is the first time he has boarded a house, he said. “I enjoy doing these weekend projects because of the experience of observing others’ faces,” Phung said. “People are surprised because you’re a complete stranger to the neighborhood yet here you are hard at work on a Saturday.” After years of neglect, the two-story house had several broken windows and some loose, rotted boards. Phung said the last owners lived somewhere in California but were impossible to find. U of M graduate and MIFA Handyman, Patrick Howie, said designing the boards to look like windows will keep the South Memphis neighborhood looking nicer. “When people drive by, they won’t even be able to tell it’s abandoned,” Howie said. “And also since we are minimizing damage, the house can be resold.”

The boards are installed tightly to prevent people from entering and committing illegal activities, Phung said. MIFA’s overall vision is to unite the diverse community to address the problem of poverty. Boarding up abandoned homes is one of many projects the organization sponsors to improve the City of Memphis. Howie said that with the help from the Urban Art Commission, the City of Memphis’ Division of Housing and Community Development and other grants, MIFA aspires to do similar projects throughout the entire Memphis area. “If this project shows a decrease in break-ins, home repair costs and law enforcement calls, we hope to use this house as a model for all of the City of Memphis to use,” Howie said. The students who spent their Saturday working on the house said they got more out of the job than a brush up on their painting, climbing and hammering abilities. Sophomore nutrition major, Paige Lewis, said that the experience helped her with teambuilding skills. “Everyone here has been a real pleasure and shared ideas openly,” Lewis said. “It makes me happy to get my hands

dirty. Memphis needs students to get more involved like this.” Aaron Blackstone, a freshman economics and political science major, said that with his majors, planning is a significant factor. He said this project helped him think about the planning involved with infrastructure improvements. “Our project demonstrated a key way to preserve property value and the neighborhood,” he said. “There’s a drastic difference between seeing regular plywood on windows and these painted boards. It gives a completely different feel.” The U of M group consisted mostly members of The U of M Helen Hardin Honor ’s Program, but others were also present. The Helen Hardin Honor’s Program has recently participated in other volunteer work around the city, including volunteering at the St. Jude Children’s Hospital marathon, participating in cleaning efforts at Shelby Farms and assisting with an event at the Children’s Museum of Memphis. As far as future volunteer opportunities are concerned, the Helen Hardin Honor’s Program plans to gather students together to build wheelchair ramps sometime in February.

Re: Parking Citation appeals The Student Government Court will review parking citation appeals Every Wednesday, from 4 to 5 p.m. in University Center, Room 359 For more information on appealing citations, go to (click Parking Citation Appeal) or


Friday Film Series 7 p.m.

UC Theatre

Coming Up

Saturday, 2/5 Tiger Basketball Watch Party 2:45 p.m. UC Ballroom

4 • Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Thin Piggy: racing on the cheap BY Michelle Corbet News Reporter University of Memphis junior Becca Payne spends several weekends a year driving a 1989 Saab 900 decked out in pig — a pink paint job, bovine ear side mirrors, a washtub pig nose over the grill and a coiled wire pigtail on the back. Behind the wheel of her ride, she averages roughly 90 mph. Payne, a double major in music performance and foreign language, races ChumpCars, a vehicle valued at less than $500 made of scraps and built to survive races that are seven, 14 and 24 hours long. She and her family formed a ChumpCar racing team two years ago, traveling across the country to drive their pig until it literally falls apart on the track. Payne’s mother said

A Weekly Devotional For You More Evidence

We have seen that Jesus Christ plainly claimed to be God. He is either what He claimed to be or He is a blatant fraud or a lunatic. He cannot be regarded as a good man or as a great teacher if He is either a sadly deluded person or a conscious liar. We have also examined some of the Biblical evidence that substantiates His claim to be God. He received worship, which only belongs to God. God the Father called Him “God.” Jesus called Himself the “I Am.” To look at some further evidence that His claim to be God is true, He had the ability to forgive sin, which only God can do, and proved to the skeptics that He had this ability, by working miracles. (Mark 2: 1-12). This doctrine of the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ is hated by Satan. On one occasion some people sought to kill Him because he “said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.” When He said, “Before Abraham was, I am,” some angry people took up stones to cast at Him. On another occasion some people again took up stones to kill Him because they said, “thou, being a man, makest thyself God.” This was and is an irrational and essentially insane hatred. A visceral hatred of the doctrine of the Deity of Christ is not an intellectual problem; it is a spiritual problem. Next time we will look at the implications of denying or embracing the Godhood of Jesus Christ.

Grace Chapel Primitive Baptist Church – Zack Guess, Pastor 828 Berclair Rd. • Memphis, TN, 38122 • 683-8014 • e-mail:

ChumpCar racing is a great family activity. “We have a blast,” she said. “It’s an activity we can do together that’s not sitting in front of the TV.” Their Sweede Lil’ Pigs Racing team consists of Payne’s father and team captain, Ken Payne, mother, Lorri Payne, sister, Becca Payne, grandfather, Nick Holland, and brother, Jackson Payne, who just received his driver’s permit this year. The team name comes from the nickname of an old Saab 99 Payne’s parents had when they competed in rally races in the early 1990s. One of the heaviest cars in the league, they called it “Miss Piggy” or “The Swedish Pig,” an ode to the couple’s ancestry. When they got a 1989 Saab 900 Turbo for ChumpCar Racing, the pig nickname resurfaced. When Payne followed her parents love of racing, Sweede Lil’ Pigs was born. “The three Es stand for three generations of drivers,” said Payne. The ChumpCar World Series, as described on its Facebook page, is “$500 crap-can endurance racing.” “Winners are whoever has the most laps, the fastest laps, or whoever is still standing at the end of the race,” said Payne, whose team has competed in races of all three lengths. This past weekend kicked off the ChumpCar World Series at Roebling Road Racetrack in Bloomingdale, Ga. with “January Junkfest!,” two 7-hour races, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. The first place prize was $750, second place $350, and third place $250. Each race stands alone with separate winners. The Paynes’ pig-mobile broke down during the races last weekend. Payne said a broken oil line, a flat tire and a gas leak that caused a fire during a pit stop spoiled their chances of winning. But incidents like those happen in ChumpCar racing, as echoed by Payne’s father Ken’s pre-race day strategy. “To prepare for a race we mostly just make sure everything is working properly and keep our fingers crossed,” he said. ChumpCars can reach speeds up to 120 MPH, but Payne said she usually keeps it between 90

courtesy of Becca Payne

2-piece Dark Chicken Dinner FREE

Student Activities

Becca Payne prepares to push the pedal to the metal for the Sweede Lil’ Pigs. and 95 MPH. “You should run fast enough to be competitive but not fast enough to break the car,” said Payne’s father. Sweede Lil’ Pigs Racing best finish so far is third place last year in a 14-hour race in Rockingham, N.C., qualifying them for the first ever ChumpCar Race Championship to be held in Iowa later this year. ChumpCar donates all its membership funds and gives event revenue to a local charity at every event. This year ChumpCar is assisting the Boys and Girls Club of America. For each $20 donation provided by a team they receive a bonus lap to add on to their race total with a cap of five bonus laps per race. Payne used to volunteer in her hometown of Greenville, S.C., through the United Way volunteer organization Hands on Greenville or HOGS. Each year HOGS does a piggy bank auction to raise money for their non-profit volunteer organization. “Local artists paint them and fill them with things like spa or travel packages,” said Payne. Sweede Lil’ Pigs Racing donated a piggy bank with a “free chance to race” inside. “We’ve been so blessed,” said Payne’s mother, Lorri. “It’s nice to get a chance to give back.” The closest ChumpCar race to The University of Memphis will be “The Firecracker 24” Fourth of July weekend at the Superspeedway in Lebanon, Tenn. with food, live music, and 24 hours of ChumpCar racing. Payne said she and her team plan on competing.

courtesy of Becca Payne


This may look like a pile of garbage, but it’s actually a ChumpCar racing auto in the making.

The University of Memphis

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 • 5


Fraternity helps St. Jude by skating on philanthropic ice BY Joshua Bolden News Reporter A University of Memphis fraternity is raising money for cancer research by turning on the radio and rolling to the beat. Sigma Phi Epsilon will host Skate for a Cure from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. tonight at East End Skating Center on Mt. Moriah to benefit Up ‘til Dawn, the nationwide fundraising organization that raises money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. “It’s a time for all us to hang out and unify for a cause as opposed to fighting each other,” Sigma Phi Epsilon president Sam Strantz said. “I really love the music,” he added. “It’s kind of a throwback to Michael Jackson and Prince. You get to dance and skate and

Trial from page 1 Jefferson had another plan orchestrated. Devin had another plan the entire time,” defense attorney William Massey said during his closing argument. Trezevant did not take the stand in his defense. Jennifer McCray, Bradford’s girlfriend at the time of the shooting, testified that Jefferson made threats against Bradford two weeks prior in her apartment, a residence she shared with Jefferson’s girlfriend, Erica Bell. McCray said that Jefferson came into her dorm room and told her “if he caught Bradford slipping, he would kill him.” The prosecution, however, told the jury that Jefferson had to be held responsible for taking Bradford’s life. “Victor is criminally responsible. He is responsible for Daeshawn Tate, Courtney Washington and Devin Jefferson,” said prosecutor Reggie Henderson on Friday. “Today is Victor’s day of accountability.”

Solutions (We still love you, ya little cheaters.)

that’s always a good time.” Skate for a Cure is an annual event that’s in its 10th year. The fraternity chose skating as a fundraiser because “it’s simple, fun, and almost everyone enjoys doing it,” said Alvis Dowty, Sigma Phi Epsilon Vice President of Programming. Though the night’s atmosphere is fun and lighthearted, Dowty said fundraising for Up ‘til Dawn is important. “It means a lot because the money raised is going toward cancer patients at St. Jude and one day hopefully finding a cure,” said Dowty. Tim Patrick, manager of East End Skating Center, said he’s is happy to hold the event at his venue, so much so that he gives Sigma Phi Epsilon a significant discount for the night.

“Normally we get about three times more than what we’re asking for this,” he said. “We’re basically just covering the cost of our employees.” “I think it’s pretty admirable of the college students to have that sense of community pride, that concern for people that need the services at St. Jude, to come and support something like that,” he added. “It’s a good thing.” Strantz stressed that the night is not any kind of competition and is open to everyone, not just Greek members at The U of M. He said those involved with the event, which usually raises $2,500 to $3,000, are “really excited.” Tickets are $7 at the door and $5 if purchased from a fraternity member today.

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6 • Tuesday, February 1, 2011


from page 1 ramifications will be aren’t clear, he said, because “we don’t know the end of the story.” Speaking privately, because of diplomatic sensitivities, a senior U.S. official acknowledged that Washington’s efforts to revive the stalled Arab-Israeli peace process could be hurt. “Some of the participants are probably going to be distracted for a bit,” he said. The surprise Egyptian crisis comes atop a host of other devel-

opments that have challenged U.S. standing in the region. Iran has expanded its influence, and its proxy, Hezbollah, has chosen Lebanon’s next prime minister. Iraq teeters between stability and renewed violence. But Egypt and its military have long been a major lever of U.S. influence in the Muslim Middle East. The country has been a key counterterrorism ally, quietly supported a tough position on Iran’s suspected nuclear weapons program, and even assisted with U.S. military deployments to support the 2003 invasion of Iraq, despite

opposing the war itself. While a fundamentalist takeover in Cairo seems unlikely, “there’s a possibility that whatever new government emerges in Egypt will distance itself somewhat from the United States” and from Israel, said Michele Dunne, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Dunne was one of several academics who met with White House officials Monday morning to discuss Egypt policy. Obama finds himself in the painful position of trying to align the United States with

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Egyptians’ demands for democratic overhauls, while trying to encourage Mubarak to leave — without actually saying so. “The history of the 20th century is littered with cases where we got out in front” of popular protests, said a senior U.S. diplomat, explaining the White House’s caution. “The Hungarian uprising is probably the most notorious result,” said the diplomat, who wasn’t authorized to speak publicly. The U.S. encouraged a 1956 anti-communist revolt in Hungary, but was powerless to stop the Soviet army from crushing it. The “ideal scenario,” Dunne said, is one in which the U.S. assists the transition to democracy for both Tunisia — whose autocratic leader was ousted two weeks ago, sparking the latest unrest — and for Egypt. Washington could also use the opportunity to pressure other allies in the region — such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan — to embrace the political overhauls they’ve resisted, she said. Dunne said she and her colleagues counseled White House advisers that “they don’t want to be out in front of events ... (but) they also should be very careful not to be saying

anything that suggests the United States is propping up Mubarak.” A turning point in the crisis could come early Tuesday, with opposition leaders promising to bring 1 million people into the streets of Egypt’s cities. While the upheaval in Egypt itself was a surprise, even after the ouster of longtime Tunisian leader Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, few experts expect other leaders across the Middle East to fall like dominoes. And if the confrontation in Cairo devolves into chaos, strongman leaders in countries such as Algeria, Libya, Sudan and Syria are even less likely to embrace a political opening, said Mack, the former U.S. diplomat who served in Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon and elsewhere. “I don’t think it’s a ‘Berlin Wall’ moment for the rest of the region, regardless of what happens,” said Carpenter, referring to the toppling of Eastern European governments following the 1989 opening of the Berlin Wall. The region’s monarchies, such as those in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Morocco, may be in a stronger position than republics such as Libya and Syria, whose legitimacy “rests on a more narrow basis,” he said.

Honoring Alumni

Judge to be honored at upcoming ceremony BY MEliSSa WraY News Reporter The University of Memphis Black Student Association will honor Judge Bernice Donald at an award ceremony in the Michael D. Rose Theatre tonight at 7 p.m. A reception will follow the event and both are free and open to the public. At the ceremony, Donald will be presented the Arthur S. Holmon Lifetime Achievement Award, which is given to those who show exceptional dedi-

Over 69% of U of M students drink in a healthy manner This means the majority of U of M students choose healthy behavior rather than binge drinking.

Data from CORE Survey, February 2010, University of Memphis An anonymous, on-line survey administered to randomly chosen U of M students.

cation to the Memphis community. Multicultural affairs coordinator Linda Hall said that of the five or six names submitted to the Black History Month Committee, they felt Donald had contributed the most to the Memphis community. “The Black History Month Committee is made up of U of M faculty, staff, and students, and because she is an alum, that gave her a few extra points,” she said. Donald received her bachelor’s degree from The U of M in 1974 and in 1982 became the first black female judge to serve on the Shelby County General Sessions Court. In 1988, she became the first female black bankruptcy judge in the nation when she was promoted to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Tennessee. Hall said that she hopes people who attend the ceremony learn that U of M alumni can do great things for their community. “Regardless of your starting point, you can definitely make a change,” she said.

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The University of Memphis

Wanna see a magic trick?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 • 7

Women’s Basketball

tigers trounce hobbled Golden Eagles, 78-58

courtesy of T.J. Jernigan


Amateur street magician Felice Ling demonstrates her ability to escape from a straitjacket for a crowd of students in front of the UC on Monday afternoon. Ling jerked her body around for more than two minutes and purposely dislocated her shoulder in order to escape.

Dickson led all scorers with 20 points off the bench, including four three pointers, while Lee chipped in with 14 points and 10 rebounds. The Tigers (16-6, 4-3 Conference USA) started the game on a tear, and had already

ous season-ending injuries. A 10-2 Southern Miss run from 10:16 until 7:04 pulled the Golden Eagles within 11, In the University of Memphis but 24 forced turnovers by the women’s basketball team’s Tigers hindered the Golden annual Pink Zone game — in Eagles’ chances of a complete which the Tigers wear pink comeback. uniforms and fans are encour“I feel as aged to wear though we’re pink in order really thought we got on just sharing the to raise breast more and cancer awareour scoring spurt once we put ball we definitely ness — the Tigers defeated Jasmine Lee and Nicole Dickson have more scorthis year,” the University in the game, and they just start- ers said senior forof Southern Taylor M i s s i s s i p p i ed hitting shots. And that’s what ward Mumphrey. “We Golden Eagles they’re supposed to do.” are getting more 78-58 at comfortable with FedExForum in — Melissa McFerrin one another and playing better front of an announced crowd Women’s basketball coach team ball also.” of 1,787 on Sunday afternoon. Senior guard Alex Winchell Sunday’s game, which was broadcast on CBS College doubled up the Golden Eagles finished with a career-high 14 Sports and CSS, was the Tigers’ (9-12, 4-4) in scoring, 20-10, assists compared to just four second televised game in two with 10:42 left in the first half. turnovers. It was the first time a weeks. On Sunday, Jan. 23, the Dickson was electric in the Tiger posted more than 10 assists first half, coming off the bench in a game since LaToya Bullard Tigers fell at Houston, 81-68. “Our game plan was to for 13 points, including three did so against the Golden Eagles get the ball into the paint, of her four three-point baskets. last season Feb. 12, 2010. “I always tell my team that and I thought we just set- Behind Dickson, the Tigers tled for jumper after jumper turned a tie into an 8-point it is much easier to play and after jumper,” U of M coach lead. The Tigers pushed their score points when you have multiple people putting up Melissa McFerrin said. “I real- lead to 16, 42-26, by halftime. After the break, The U of M points,” McFerrin said. “When ly thought we got on our scoring spurt once we put Jasmine increased the lead to 22 points, Brittany (Carter) is scoring, Lee and Nicole Dickson in the 50-28, over the shorthanded Nicole (Dickson) scoring, Alex game, and they just started Golden Eagles, who dressed (Winchell), Jasmine (Lee) and hitting shots. And that’s what only nine players because five even Ramses (Lonlack), then players were out due to vari- we can put up 70-80 points.” they’re supposed to do.”

BY adaM douGlaS Sports Reporter

8 • Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Pastner and tigers still learning how to cope with losing BY JoHn Martin Sports Editor

sick,” Pastner said. “As my dad keeps telling me, ‘If you’re going to be a head coach, you’re going to have some losses. You’re going to have to learn to deal with it better.’ I’m trying to manage (that) externally; internally, I don’t do a good job with it. So, whether we lose by 15 or one, I don’t take it well. I just don’t like to lose. I want

by David C. Minkin

University of Memphis coach Josh Pastner still hasn’t learned how to take a loss. While Pastner was driving to the office yesterday morning, he thought about last season’s loss to the University of Houston, 66-65, in the second

round of the Conference USA tournament. With that loss, so too went the Tigers’ hopes — which depended on how far they advanced in the conference tournament — of clinching a berth in the NCAA tournament. That was ten months ago. But it still makes Pastner cringe. “It just made my stomach

The Tigers weren’t smiling after Saturday’s loss at Marshall, 85-70. Senior forward Will Coleman (center) and freshman forward Tarik Black, who felt they didn’t get enough touches, aired their grievances after the game with the team.




us to win every single time we step on the floor.” Saturday’s game against Marshall certainly didn’t help settle the second-year head coach’s stomach. The Tigers (16-5, 5-2 Conference USA), who had seemingly reversed its fortunes on the road with two wins against the University of Southern Mississippi and UAB two weeks ago, were overpowered from tipoff and had their four-game win streak snapped, 85-70, by the same team they beat by 16 not even three weeks ago. They led once — for 24 seconds — the entire game. If not for a late spurt, Saturday’s 15-point loss could’ve been much worse for The U of M. “I just felt that we had taken steps forward, and I felt the Marshall game — we did not take a step forward,” Pastner said. “We stayed the same, and we didn’t move forward. That’s partly because, I felt, our mindset was not the same.” Earlier in the season, the Tigers were plagued by playground-style basketball; that is, opting to go 1-on-1 with a defender instead of making the extra pass. The Tigers had seemingly gotten away from it, as they averaged 17 assists per game during their four-game winning streak. In the 85-70 loss to Marshall Saturday, however, The U of M



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reverted to that very philosophy and tallied only eight assists. “Guys’ selfish tendencies came back,” said senior forward Will Coleman, who played only

“We can’t

complain and be children anymore. We have to be grown men now. So all the ‘he held me down’ (complaints) go out the window. We just have to get the job done no matter what it takes.” — Tarik Black Freshman forward 11 minutes. “I’ll speak for me and (freshman forward Tarik) Black — we were upset.” After the loss, Coleman said he and Black talked with the entire team to voice their dismay about not getting enough touches. “We all had a grown-up discussion about it. There wasn’t any bickering or fighting. We all sat down like men and talked,” he said. The conversation, Black added, also centered around the Tigers electing to complain to each other instead of letting their play speak for itself. “We can’t complain and be children anymore,” he said. “We have to be grown men now. So all the ‘he held me down’ (complaints) go out the window. We just have to get the job done no matter what it takes.” The U of M simply didn’t look like the team that had gotten the job done at Southern Miss and UAB on Saturday against Marshall. They looked more like the team that lost by 20 at Tennessee. And they knew as much. “It’s not even a feeling (that we regressed),” Black said. “It’s obvious. If you watch film, you can see it in every play that we had. We went back to the team that we were in December.” The main challenge for the Tigers, more so than who gets enough touches, is looking forward and staying focused, whether it’s after a promising victory or a crushing loss. Much like Pastner’s handling losses, maintaining concentration is something the young Tigers are still learning how to do. “We’re laying a foundation. We’re trying to build a beautiful home,” Pastner said. “You can’t start building with a roof and walls. You’ve got to have the foundation of the cement of the structure, and then piece by piece, you’ve got to make sure that thing is locked in and sealed so that you can weather any storm.”

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