Tigers Readying for No. 10 Gators
Men’s soccer tops Central Arkansas; prepares for Florida matchup
Friday, October 28, 2011 Vol. 79 No. 35
see page 8
Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis
Halloween 2011
BY MICHELLE CORBET News Reporter As the special collections curator carefully handled the book bound with human skin, he talked about the distinct waxy smell of the 400 year old skin covering the outside of the book. The cover of the book has visible human pores. There are no pictures or words, just the tanned leather that used to be the skin off someone’s back. The Ned McWherter Library’s special collections section is home to the book titled, “Idolatrie Huguenotre” which translates to “Huguenots Idolatry.” The author, Louis Richeome, a Catholic controversialist, wrote the text as testimony to his belief that Huguenots, or Protestants, are not “real Christians,” said Ed Frank, curator of special collections. There are several theories about how this copy of Richeome’s book became bound in human skin. Walter Brown, associate profes-
sor of history, believes this is a rare example of a religious fanatic. “I believe it was bound in the skin of a Protestant in the religious wars by a Catholic. It was a statement of religious conviction,” he said. The University of Memphis acquired the book on Oct. 29, 1986. This Saturday will mark the 25th anniversary of special collections housing the book. The University bought it from Burke’s Book Store in Midtown for $500, who got it from the estate of Barry Brooks, a wealthy member of the Brooks family, for whom the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art is named. The oral tradition is that Brooks was traveling in France in the early 1950s when he went into a bookstore. He began speaking with the clerk about his love of collecting rarities. The clerk brought out the book bound with human skin and Brooks had to have it. “The University paid to have three different tests done in a lab to determine if the
Little shops of BY ERICA HORTON News Reporter
“Idolatrie Huguenotre,” the 400-year-old book bound in human skin, is part of special collections in The U of M’s Ned C. McWherter Library. skin was actually human,” Frank said. The book, more than 700 pages, is filled with rag paper, typical of the time. Rag paper is literally made from old rags and won’t age as quickly as modern paper, Frank said. Archivists refer to books bound in human skin as “anthropodermic bibliopegy.” The first word, “anthropos” is a Greek term translated as a human being, plus
r o r r o h
Hendrickson, wearing an orange flair-hair hat, placed it back in inventory with 2,300 other selections. The store, which opened as a family business in 1935, has about 1,000 unique costumes ranging from $20 packaged items to $900 unique outfits. “I’m never out,” Hendrickson said. “I’ll always have something for somebody. Here, you’re going to find the largest variety in Memphis.”
Costumes, page 5
by Christopher Whitten
It’s the one time of the year that boys, girls, men and women get to dress up as ghouls and dolls. Memphis Area costume shops have more than enough supplies for the little monsters of Halloween at The University of Memphis this year. At The Fun Shop on Highland, a customer placed an Avatar costume on the counter she’d tried on as she spoke with the owner, Doug Hendrickson.
by Brian Wilson
Library’s special collections home to a skin-crawling read
More than a dozen creepy and funny Halloween masks on display at The Fun Shop, located on the Highland Strip.
“derma,” meaning skin or hide. The second word consists of “biblion,” or book, and “pegnunai,” which means to fix. The technique of binding books with human skin dates back to the 17th century. Examples include anatomy books bound with the skin of deceased surgical patients, wills covered in the skin of the person who
Book, page 5
Death Day Halloween Bash in Smith Hall BY MELISSA WRAY News Reporter Potterheads — fans of “Harry Potter” — looking for a chance to dress up as wizards, fight boggarts and dementors, and drink non-alcoholic butterbeer, room 304 in James M. Smith Hall is the place to be today. The University of Memphis Harry Potter Club will host their Death Day Halloween Bash from 2-4 p.m. The event is free and open to any student, faculty or staff member who wishes to attend. “We hope that by attending the bash, members will get to know one another more, as well as feel like they are a part of a community of sorts that centers around all things Harry Potter,” said Alec Underhill, senior biology and chemistry major and “Headmaster” of the Harry Potter club. Underhill said that since the club has become a registered student organization, more than 80 students have joined the group. “We even have a few faculty members, some of whom I hope will serve as the Heads of House, interested in joining the club as well,” he said. English instructor Catherine Dice said that she has used the “Harry Potter” series as a staple of her syllabus for years. “Between the books themselves, the LEGOs, the movies, and even the hype over the topic of witchcraft, just about everybody with a pulse has heard about the series, whether they’ve read it or not,” she said. Future plans and events for the club include forming a Quidditch team for The U of M, hosting a Horcrux scavenger hunt on campus and hosting a Yule Ball sometime next semester. English instructor Tammy Jones, who attended the club’s first meeting, said that despite her punctuality, she had to sit under a desk on the floor due to the Smith Hall room being “literally packed with over 100 ‘Harry Potter’ fans and more coming even after I arrived.” “The most revealing thing about the meeting—and most significant, in my mind—was that it was truly the most representative group of students of any club at The U of M,” she said. Jones also said everyone who attended the meeting acknowledged that “Harry Potter” and the novels’ characters were real friends who they had grown up with. “It was a powerful moment, and I’m glad I got the chance to experience it—even if I was sitting on the floor,” she said.
2 • Friday, October 28, 2011
H ELMSMAN Volume 79 Number 34
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S u d o k u
Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.
Solutions on page 6
The University of Memphis
Friday, October 28, 2011 • 3
Campus spookiness
Mynders Hall’s namesake spirit rouses superstition
There are no extravagant niceties in Mynders Hall. No air conditioning, no elevators and no computer lab. However, some say the residence hall has something found nowhere else on campus: a ghostly guest. An urban legend of the city alongside the likes of the Orpheum Theater’s “Little Mary,” the story of Elizabeth Mynders is nearly as old as The University itself. Mynders Hall was built in 1912 and named in honor of former University of Memphis President Seymour Mynders and his recently-deceased daughter. Elizabeth Mynders passed earlier that year at 21, four months after her wedding. The exact cause of her death is unknown. Some say that her ghost often plays tricks on unsuspecting coeds who spend late nights partying in lieu of studying. Legend has it that young women would often return to their dorms to find their books open to the exact chapter of the week’s readings. Many have regarded the ghost of Mynders as a friendly or mischievous spirit. Superstition dictates that dorm residents greet the portrait of Elizabeth Mynders in the lobby every morning to stay in the spirit’s good graces. Mynders Hall is no stranger to things that go bump in the dark. Although the mundane might attribute this to the archaic heating system employed by the building, its eponymous spectral resident may have been cause for
by Casey Hilder
BY CASEY HILDER Managing Editor
The portrait of Elizabeth Mynders greets students in the dormitory bearing her name. sleepless nights. “Sometimes my roommate told me she had bad nightmares. They made her a little jumpy,” said former Mynders resident Becky Wilson. Wilson admitted that the building had a certain eeriness to it, especially at night. However, it lacked some of the classic signs of a haunting. “None of the scary stuff you see on TV – lights going off, pictures falling, stuff like that,” she
said. Even so, the mystery behind Mynders has a way of captivating students who glance at the auburn-haired woman in the portrait. “I would sometimes catch myself staring at her picture and wondering about her,” Wilson said. “It’s hard to imagine her as a real person.” The building’s curious past combined with the mysterious circumstances surrounding Elizabeth’s death has made the residence hall a popular destination for local historians with an interest in the unusual. Michael Einspanjer has been a purveyor of the paranormal for more than 20 years. In 2001, Einspanjer formed Memphis Paranormal Investigation, a collaborative effort that looks into ghostly activities in the Bluff City and abroad. “Most of the urban legends you see on the news are exactly that — myths” he said. Einspanjer has made a name for himself by debunking local
and national urban legends free of charge. “A lot of people have ridden on my coattails over the years,” Einspanjer said. “But there are probably a few hundred people across the country who can testify about the validity of my work.” According to Einspanjer, ghostly entities are composed of heat or electrical energy, memories, and emotions – mostly emotions. “A real haunting has physical symptoms. You can feel the emotion that the spirit is dealing with,” he said. “If a spirit lingers, they are here for a reason.” While one might imagine paranormal investigation requires a “Ghostbusters”-esque arsenal of tools, Einspanjer operates with minimal equipment. His crew often enters sites with little more than a handheld camcorder and a readiness to confront something otherworldly. “How you approach a paranormal investigation determines your outcome,” Einspanjer said. “It doesn’t matter about the equipment – it’s all about the
attitude.” Einspanjer said the signs of a ghostly presence are obvious to anyone in tune with their emotions. A cold chill in a windless hallway. A feeling of heat being drained from the head to toe. A sudden onset of anxiety or other negative emotions. “That’s how you know you aren’t alone,” he said. Einspanjer has investigated Mynders Hall twice during his 23-year career. Both times, he returned empty-handed. “Not to say the place isn’t haunted – we just haven’t seen enough evidence to convince us otherwise,” he said. “I never label a place as haunted unless I see something firsthand.” While the confirmation of a campus haunting probably won’t come any time soon, wary residents are still welcome to offer Elizabeth a daily greeting. “I never did buy into any of the superstition, but you could probably get a good scare out of some freshmen if you dressed up as her this Halloween,“ Wilson said.
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4 • Friday, October 28, 2011
Frightening films
5 scary movies for the weekend BY KYLE WAYNE LACROIX Arts & Entertainment Reporter
“Psycho” (1960) Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho” helped shape what we know of as horror movies today. It was a revolutionary film in many ways and was only possible due to the strict moral guidelines of the industry beginning to loosen. For instance, it is the first film to show a toilet flushing, something censors were actually concerned about at the time. The movie is most famous for its “shower scene” where Marion—the character who had been the lead for the first 20 minutes—is suddenly, brutally murdered in the shower. The music from the scene, with its violent crescendo of violins, is some of the most memorable in movie history. Those who see the movie today may not appreciate how truly shocking this scene was. Not only is it more violent than most other films at the time, but Janet Leigh, who played Marion, was a big actress at the time, not someone you expect to die early in the movie. The later death of another character implied to be the lead also helped create the feeling that anyone in the film could be dead by the end. “Alien” (1979) While I do love “Psycho,” my personal favorite horror movie is Ridley Scott’s “Alien.” Combining science fiction and horror, “Alien” hits all the right notes for a horror movie. It does have lots of gore with its chestburster alien and numerous deaths, but it avoids the trappings of slasher films that came after it, which make bloody violence the focus of the movie. “Alien” does something its many imitators fail to: it kept the alien a mystery. The alien is first seen in its facehugger form attached to a crewmember ’s face. After it becomes the chestburster, we do not see it for a while, at least not in detail. The alien isn’t shown onscreen for much of the movie, keeping it largely unknown and thus more frightening. While other movies, including “The Thing from Another World,” had used this trope before, “Alien” helped codify the plotline of people in an enclosed space being hunted down and killed one by one. With its strong female lead,
courtesy of Universal Studios
The horror genre is hard to do right, with most films in it either turning into jump-scare filled slasher flicks or just plain silly with ridiculous monsters and makeup. While the latter can be entertaining for a laugh, it’s been a while since we have had a truly good horror film. But if you’re in the mood for some good and some not-so-good horror movies this weekend, here are a few places to get started.
solid pacing and dark tone, it became a huge hit and is one of the best the genre has to offer. “The Shining” (1980) I’m not a fan of Stephen King and I find most movies based on his work unintentionally hilarious, but I do like “The Shining.” That may have to do with Stephen King saying Stanley Kubrick’s treatment of “The Shining” is the only movie based on his novels that he “remembered hating.” The film is very odd, like most of Kubrick’s work, and is very confusing, like all of Kubrick’s work. “The Shining” doesn’t have much to do with its title, with the shining ability of the protagonist’s son being downplayed in the film. Instead the movie focuses on Jack Nicholson’s character, Jack, and the hotel where he and his family are staying. Jack is an alcoholic writer with writer’s block who goes to the hotel to try to finish his latest book. Ghosts from the hotel’s past begin to appear to him and he goes completely insane. Jack Nicholson’s acting is both good and bad. At times he is comically over the top, and at others it works perfectly. It’s entertaining either way and his descent into madness is quite eerie. “The Happening” (2007) “The Happening,” directed by M. Night Shyamalan, is a prime example of how not to do horror movies. It was Shyamalan’s first movie with an R rating, and it is very obvious when watching it. He uses gore for the sake of gore and takes everything so far
it becomes comical. The plot makes the movie even worse, with plants causing humans to kill themselves in a variety of ludicrous ways. There is an actually chilling scene of a cop killing himself with his weapon before a bystander picks it up and does the same. Shyamalan takes this too far, thus ruining it, by having about three more characters doing the same thing again. Other oddities including a character obsessed with hotdogs and a little old lady who threateningly utters the line “Why are you eyin’ my lemondrink, boy?” “Amityville 4 – The Evil Escapes” ( 1989) Most of the Amityville movies aren’t very good, but the fourth is notable for its badness due to the villain being a lamp. The original Amityville house has a yard sale and the evil spirit gets into a lamp before it gets sold. The movie even has several low-angle shots of the lamp in an attempt to make it somewhat menacing. The lamp also spends most of the film doing comparably harmless things to the inhabitants of the house in which it now resides. Instead of horribly murdering the inhabitants, it kills their pets and gets the little girl to draw on the walls. It chops up a guy’s hand in a garbage disposal, but none of the protagonists are never in any danger. Without a tangible danger to the protagonists it never comes close to being scary, and the silly concept just ruins every other part of the movie.
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The University of Memphis
Friday, October 28, 2011 • 5
by Brian Wilson
from page 1
The Ned C. McWherter Library has been home to Louis Richeome’s “Idolatrie Huguenotre” since Oct. 29, 1986.
from page 1 wrote them and records of judicial proceedings bound in the skin of the murderer. Bounding books with human skin was very uncommon during the 17th century. When human skin is used, it comes with the intention to make a statement about a person or group, said Walter Brown, associate professor of history. “The same reason people were burned at the stake, making a statement about an erroneous or dangerous religious sect, this is the way Catholics saw Protestants and Protestants saw Catholics,” Brown said. “It is an act of reli-
gious intolerance.” Orientation guides mention the “human skin book” when they lead incoming freshman into the lobby of the library, often receiving astonished gasps. “We mention that neat fact that students would be interested in, so students will want to come back to check it out and become interested in the resources the library has to offer,” said Lindsey Widick, senior electrical engineering major. The book is rarely handled and kept in a clamshell box in a temperature and humidity controlled room. “We make sure to say that it is not available for the public to view, you must see it by appointment, they need to supervise who is in the room with it,” Widick said.
Hendrickson, also a magician since 1993, flipped through a book of costumes with a customer as people trickled in and out of the store Thursday evening. He started working at The Fun Shop as a manager in 2001 and later bought the store after the previous owner retired. Halloween, Christmas and Easter are his three busiest holidays, he said. People also buy costumes year-round for parties, charities and birthdays. The Darth Vader costume is one of the most popular items in the store, complete with mask and cape. It sells for $750, but rents for around $100. “It’s amazing. It may as well have been a replica,” he said. “We had a Batman, but someone loved it so much that they bought it last week. It sold at $400. I don’t know what he’s going to do with it past Halloween.” This year, hero and “couple” costumes have been the most popular sell at the Fun Shop. “Super heroes in general have been a good seller for several years,” Hendrickson said. “Superman and Supergirl, they’re good couple costumes. There is a girl for every guy.” Barry Lincoln, owner of Mr. Lincoln’s Costume Shoppe for more than 20 years, said this year’s most popular costumes
Lambuth goes blue The University of Memphis Alumni Association will kick off its Lambuth chapter with True Blue Day. The Alumni Association will host the Jackson, TN community Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the quad behind
TONIGHT @ 7:30 p.m. Harris Concert Hall Performing a Guitar Concerto with the Contemporary Chamber Players, conducted by Dr. Kamran Ince, U of M professor of music, and featuring compositions by his father, Dr. John Baur, U of M composition & graduate music theory professor, and Dr. Ince.
One of his oddest requests from a customer came from a company executive when he requested choirgirl costumes for about five or six men. “They were doing some kind of meeting,” he said. Talia Trigg, senior education major at The University of Memphis, said one of her favorite parts of Halloween is dressing up in weird costumes. “I’m dressing up as a rogue from Dungeons & Dragons,” she said. “Her name is Ryden Tildus. I created her in a game.” Instead of going to a store and buying a costume for Halloween this year, something she hasn’t done for two years, Trigg went to a thrift store and bought an oversized leather skirt. “I cut it and sewed the pieces into armor,” she said. “I’m borrowing a bow and arrow, boots and fake daggers for other parts of the costume and I made a cape with a piece of fabric I got at Hancock Fabrics for two dollars per yard.” Dylan Hanks, history sophomore major, is dressing up as Indiana Jones. “Who wouldn’t want to be Indiana Jones?” he said. Hanks, who dubbed himself a professional adventurer, is going to two Halloween parties this year and hanging out with friends. “I haven’t dressed up since I was 12,” he said. “I’m kind of new to Halloween again. This is going to be fun.”
Campus Activities
The U of M Classical Guitar Society presents Dr. James Baur in Concert
at his store are pirates. Lincoln has about 4,000 other options for the partier or trickor-treater looking for a onenight commitment. “They start out about $25 and no higher than $225,” he said. “I only allow people to rent them. I would rather let someone else sell the cheapies and I take care of better quality costumes and rent them out.” The only things for sale in Lincoln’s shop that customers can keep are prosthetic wigs, make-up and some masks. People are usually very surprised that he has so many products packed into his small building on Florence Street in Midtown, Lincoln said. In one room, a Fat Bastard costume from the Austin Powers movies, complete with giant white underwear, hangs from the ceiling. The room is filled wall to wall with costumes labeled by decade, including flapper dresses from the 1920s and floral-print dresses and shirts from the 1970s. “About July, we start getting the shop ready and work on it until the first of October,” he said. “There are thousands of costume shops and you have to get your orders in. We start ordering around February and March and we get them around August or September.” While visiting Scotland once, Lincoln bought a Prince Charlie costume complete with a kilt and jacket.
Varnell-Jones Hall. Candy Donald, Coordinator of Student Services and Operations for the Lambuth Campus, said the day will make the community more familiar with The U of M. “The Alumni Association is doing this as a welcome to their Lambuth Chapter and as a thank you to the community for being
so instrumental in The University taking over the Lambuth campus and offering classes there,” she said. While True Blue day will showcase what The University has to offer academically, the campus will be more family friendly. “We will have free barbeque and other food, live music from Darrell Wilson and the Soul Outsiders, face painting and a bouncy house for the children,” she said. Donald also said representatives from the main campus will visit Jackson. “Pouncer; the cheerleaders; Dr. Shirley Raines, U of M President; Tammy Hedges, Executive Director of the Alumni Association and Dr. Dan Lattimore, Dean of the Lambuth Campus will greet visitors and guests,” she said. The three-hour celebration will give community members a chance to learn about The University and become more acquainted with faculty and staff. “This day is to really pull together The U of M with the Jackson community and strengthen the partnership that we started this summer,” Donald said. She said True Blue Day is not to be confused with the Lambuth campus grand opening, which has yet to be announced because Raines is holding that celebration off for the transfer of paperwork into U of M’s name.
6 • Friday, October 28, 2011
What are you going to be for Halloween? by Brian Wilson
“A t-shirt ninja. I’m cheap.”
“A Jedi knight. It’s kind of an inside joke between me and some friends. ”
“A mechanic. My friends in my architecture studio talked me into it the other day.”
“Freddie Mercury, because he’s Freddie Mercury. I mean, come on.”
“A dead zookeeper. I don’t really know why. It just kind of happened.”
— Kiernan Bensey, Architecture freshman
— Ben Vega, Architecture sophomore
— Rachel Wolford, Architecture freshman
— Annie Piercey, English sophomore
— Errol Rivers, Undecided freshman
Terrifying tunes
A Rock and Roll Halloween
BY CHRIS SHAW Arts & Entertainment Reporter
With the possible exception of Christmas, no other Holiday gets paid tribute in rock and roll like Halloween. Halloween-themed songs are a no-brainer, and while they’re almost always tongue-incheek, some of the artists on this playlist have enjoyed their highest level of success thanks to the scariest day of the year. The Shaggs - “It’s Halloween” The title says it all. This 60s girl group was dubbed “better than The Beatles” by Frank Zappa, but never received the mainstream success of other girl rock groups of the time. “It’s Halloween” originally appeared on the group’s debut album “Philosophy of the World” released in 1969. The Cramps - “Human Fly“ Is there a better Halloweenthemed band than Ohio’s The
(Don’t look under the bed — Howie Mandel could be under there)
Cramps? Probably not. Memphis rock legend Alex Chilton produced “Human Fly,” which appears on The Cramps debut 12-inch EP “Gravest Hits.” Singer Lux Interior sounds like a drugged out Frankenstein as he hisses his lyrics over the band’s trademark psychobilly guitar riffs. The Sonics - “The Witch” Hailed by many critics as the first 60s punk band and the founders of Seattle rock and roll, The Sonics played simple and fast rock and roll with chord progressions simple enough for a zombie to figure out. “The Witch” was arguably The Sonics’ biggest hit, and although the band faded into obscurity, the song can still be heard on dive-bar jukeboxes around the world. The Accüsed - “Martha Splatterhead” What’s a Halloween playlist without “Martha Splatterhead?”
Splatterhead, a fictional character portrayed on most of the Accused albums, was a zombie who came back to life to fight crime and wear tight clothing. Really, with song titles like “Buried Alive,” “Autopsy” and “Devil Woman,” any Accüsed song makes the cut. The Ramones - “Pet Sematary” Stephen King’s horror masterpiece wouldn’t have been complete without a hit theme song! By the time “Pet Sematary” was made into a movie in 1989, The Ramones had their sound down to a science. Joey Ramone generally kept things simple in the lyrics department, and this song is no exception. Roky Erickson - “Two-Headed Dog” What’s more disturbing than listening to a certified mental patient who thinks he’s God sing about a two-headed dog? Nothing. The Misfits - “Halloween“ Dubbed as the fathers of horror
punk, it’s a safe bet that these New Jersey rockers had a soft spot for Halloween. In fact, pretty much every song by The Misfits has something to do with skulls, death or both. Even the band’s infamous logo is stolen from the 1946 horror movie “The Crimson Ghost.” Released on Halloween in 1981 on the band’s record label, it doesn’t get any more authentic than this. Screaming Lord Sutch - “She’s Falling in Love with a Monster Man” This Screamin’ Jay Hawkinsinspired London performer frequently dressed like Jack the Ripper while playing with his rock band the Savages. In 1983 Lord Sutch’s music took a back seat as he became more involved in politics, founding the Official Raving Monster Loony Party and participating in elections until 1999. Venom - “Buried Alive” What’s Halloween without a
green fee
little heavy metal? Hailed as the kings of Black Metal (the title of bands second full length album), “Buried Alive” will send shivers up the spines of Trick or Treaters everywhere. Singer Cronos belts out “As they lower me down into that hole in ground, I scream out for help, but they hear not a sound.” It doesn’t get much creepier than that. Screamin’ Jay Hawkins - “I Put a Spell on You” The original shock rock weirdo Screamin’ Jay Hawkins rounds out the playlist, with his most successful song, “I Put a Spell on You.” It’s hard to believe that the song was recorded 1956, and even harder to believe the live performances Hawkins was able to get away with during that time period. With a bone through his nose and a cape on his back, Screamin’ Jay Hawkins proved you don’t have to wait for Halloween to get into character and freak people out.
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The University of Memphis
Friday, October 28, 2011 • 7
by David C. Minkin
Tigers face tough UCF ‘D’
Freshman quarterback Taylor Reed avoids a Tulane defender and throws for a touchdown in last weekend’s Conference USA win against Tulane.
BY ADAM DOUGLAS Sports Editor Coming off an impressive 33-17 win on the road at Tulane, The University of Memphis Tigers football team (2-6, 1-3 in Conference USA) will look to build on that momentum as they go on the road once again to take on the Golden Knights of UCF in Orlando, Fla. The Tigers were led by defensive and special teams units that caused turnovers and helped create points for a struggling offense that has yet to
“The thing about our team this year is we’re
family. We fight like family. We eat like family. We’re just always trying to be relentless out there and just kept coming.” — Tanner Rehrer senior wide receiver find their stride this season. But second-year head coach Larry Porter thinks his team is starting to come around. “I am very proud of the young
men that are in our locker room,” said Porter at his weekly press luncheon. “It basically validated what we have been saying all along, and that is that we must
continue to push and press and stay the course on the things that we fundamentally believe in. And what was the difference in that game as opposed to the oth-
ers that we have had in the past three or four weeks, I thought the difference was the ability to really respond to negative momentum.” The Tigers had all three phases working in last week’s game against Tulane – offense, defense and special teams. And if they want to come away with a much needed second win in a row, then all three must show up again against a tough C-USA opponent in Central Florida. The Golden Knights boast one of the top defenses in the country, allowing just 16.3 points against per game (12th), a rushing attack that averages 171 yards per game (48th) and a passing offense that is ranked 51st with an average of 237.3. “UCF is in an unfamiliar position in terms of what they have experienced in the past in being 3-4, losing the last two games,” Porter said. “You still see a very quality team. Defensively, they are ranked top five in the country in total defense. They try to control the line of scrimmage, and the linebackers are very active and very productive. Freshman quarterback Taylor Reed, who was 14-for-26 for 213 yards and two touchdowns and one rushing touchdown, will be welcoming back junior wide receiver Marcus Rucker who has been out the last few weeks due to injuries. Rucker’s playing time, though, will probably be limited. So Reed and the Tigers will count on senior Tanner Rehrer and a host of young receivers. “The thing about our team this year is we’re family,” Rehrer said. “We fight like family. We eat like family. We’re just always trying to be relentless out there and just keep on coming.”
8 • Friday, October 28, 2011
Sherrod shines in win over Central Arkansas The University of Memphis men’s soccer team closed out their non-conference schedule with a 2-1 win over the Central Arkansas Bears on Wednesday in Conway, Ark. thanks to a pair of goals from sophomore forward Mark Sherrod. The Tigers got on the board early, scoring the opening goal ten minutes into the match. Sophomore midfielder Liam Collins lobbed the ball to Sherrod from the left side of the box. Sherrod volleyed the ball off the post to give the Tigers a 1-0 lead. Collins’ assist was his tenth this season. The Bears equalized in the 28th minute through midfielder Taylor Hart. Hart dribbled up the left side of the box and beat Memphis goalkeeper Conor Hurley unassisted. The goal was only the second allowed by the Memphis defense in the last six games. The first half ended with the teams tied at 1-1. The match remained even throughout most of the second half until the Tigers broke the deadlock in the 75th minute. Sherrod collected a through
courtesy of U of M Media Relations
BY SCOTT HALL Sports Reporter
Sophomore midfielder Liam Collins dribbles to find an open teammate against Central Arkansas on Wednesday. ball from freshman forward Lewis Ellis and beat Central Arkansas goalkeeper Patxi Shortsleeve for his second goal of the match. It was his sixth game-winning goal this season. Ellis was credited with his sixth assist of the season. Memphis outshot Central Arkansas 10-6, marking the tenth consecutive match the Tigers have outshot their opponents, and the 13th time
overall this season. The Tigers have failed to outshoot their opponents just twice this season, against Wisconsin (9-9) and Missouri State (9-12). Sherrod’s 16th and 17th goals moved him into a tie for second-most goals scored in a season at Memphis. He tied Morton Akerfors’ tally posted in 1987, trailing Sean Fraser ’s record 18 goals in 2001. Sherrod has also recorded 34
points this season, the most since Fraser scored 42 in 2001. Collins also etched his name in the record books. His assist on Sherrod’s first goal tied him for third with Rogerio Lima (1996) and David Jackson (1984) in the singleseason record books. Collins sits behind Lima in second (12 assists in 1997) and Dayton O’Brien in first (14 in 2004). With the win, the Tigers
improved to 10-4-1, The U of M’s sixth ten-win season under head coach Richie Grant. The Tigers now lead the Bears 6-1 in the all-time series, and have won the last five. The team will close out it’s home slate as they take on No. 10 Central Florida at 7 p.m. on Saturday at the Mike Rose Soccer Complex before closing out the regular season on the road at SMU on Nov. 4.
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