Breast Cancer Awareness

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Inside find stories of survivors, information on detection and treatment, and work happening in Utah Valley to fight the disease

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Sunday, October 24, 2010


Cancer survivor credits early detection By Christi C. Babbitt It was December of 2008 when Janell Anderson of Highland found the lump in her right breast. Today, nearly two years later, Anderson counts herself among the survivors of breast cancer. She encourages others to conduct regular breast self-exams and visit a doctor immediately if they suspect a problem. “We tend to put things off. We tend to say, especially if you have no [family] history, why would you even think that you have it? But it’s so curable if you just go and take care of it,” Anderson said. A registered nurse, Anderson has worked for Intermountain Healthcare for more than 30 years, much of that time at American Fork Hospital. She currently works as education director for Intermountain Healthcare’s Urban South Region. Anderson had faithfully conducted breast self-exams and had no family history of cancer. The lump showed up suddenly, and even with her experience as a nurse, she found herself attributing it to other causes and delaying action. Fortunately, after about a week, her husband insisted she get it checked. Her doctor had a mammogram performed right away. Then an immediate biopsy was ordered. “Within a couple of days they got the biopsy back and it was cancer,” Anderson said. The lump was small and caught at an early stage; treatment included a lumpectomy and radiation. “They took a good margin around that tumor and took a good half of my breast,” Anderson said. A check of her lymph nodes found only one with cancer, and her prognosis was very good. Chemotherapy was not required, but she did have radiation sessions for six weeks at the Huntsman-Intermountain Cancer Center at American Fork Hospital. These sessions were short and convenient because the cancer center was located so close to

Cancer Screening Guidelines These are guidelines when considering when to be screened for cancer. Based on personal or family history, some people may need to follow a different schedule and should discuss what is best with their healthcare provider. Breast Cancer: Yearly mammograms starting at age 40 and continuing for as long as a woman is in good health.

A survivor of breast cancer, Janell Anderson of Highland now proudly wears a button her doctor gave her that proclaims “Cancer Sucks.” Anderson encourages others who find a lump in their breast to seek treatment immediately. her home, she said. “The people there just took great care of me,” Anderson said. Her treatment now involves having mammograms every few months. So far, nothing has been found. “I thank my lucky stars every day that I am one of the lucky ones that found it and had such a good prognosis,” Anderson said. Cancer is a frightening thing; in the beginning, patients don’t know if they’re going to be one of the lucky ones. But Anderson’s advice is to go in and get it taken care of. If it’s not cancer, the patient has peace of mind. If it is, the treatment may not be the worstcase scenario. Anderson said when she first started her career as a nurse, a diagnosis of breast cancer automatically meant

a mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy. Today, fewer mastectomies are performed, and as Anderson’s case showed, chemotherapy may not be required. “We’ve come such a long way. There are so many ways now to treat it,” she said. There are many sources of support for patients with breast cancer as well, she said; for example, Intermountain Healthcare hospitals have a breast cancer coordinator that checks in with patients to find out how they’re doing and help them find things they may need such as a wig or prosthesis. Anderson continued to work as much as possible through her treatment and found support through her co-workers, her family and her faith. A lack of family history with

Clinical breast exam about every three years for women in their 20s and 30s and every year for women 40 and over.

Breast self-exam is an option for women starting in their 20s. Women should know how their breasts normally look and feel and report any change promptly to their healthcare provider.

— American Cancer Society

cancer doesn’t mean you can’t become the family history yourself, Anderson said. “My two daughters, we talk about it a lot, and now I say you’re going to have to watch very closely because we do have a family history,” she said. When she first began treatment, Anderson’s doctor gave her a pin that proclaims, “Cancer Sucks.” She now wears it proudly. “I do look at life differently. You face it a little differently once you’ve had that scare,” she said. “I would say I’m cancer-free. I’m definitely a survivor.”

Sunday, October 24, 2010




When should you get a mammogram? Controversy arose last year about when women should get mammograms after a federal task force issued unfounded and contradictory recommendations. But numerous professional groups support the American Cancer Society’s original recommendations that women 40 and older should get a screening each year. The American College of Surgeons, the American College of Radiology, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services — and Intermountain Healthcare’s Oncology Clinical Program — strongly support the American Cancer Society’s original recommendations. “However you say it, women over age 40 need a screening

mammogram every year,” says Matthew McNairy, MD, director of mammography services at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. After an extensive study by Intermountain Healthcare’s Oncology Clinical Program and a panel of preventive experts, Intermountain Healthcare continues to strongly support the American Cancer Society guidelines for early detection of breast cancer. The guidelines include these steps: ■ Practice breast care selfawareness recommendations beginning at age 20. ■ Get a clinical breast exam by a qualified primary care provider every three years between ages 20 and 40, then every year after age 40. ■ Get an annual screening mammogram beginning at age 40.

“These steps could save your life. That’s why we support them so strongly,” McNairy said. Getting a mammogram every year after age 40 is the best way to detect cancer early, when it’s in its most curable stage (since we don’t know how to prevent it). “Nearly 20 percent of breast cancers occur in women age 40 to 50,” McNairy said. “If these women stop getting screenings this year, there will be an additional 12,000 deaths nationwide due to late diagnosis of breast cancer. There will also be more unnecessary deaths for women over the age of 75. “Multiple clinical trials have demonstrated that screening mammography is the only way to decrease the mortality rate for breast cancer. “In fact, since the widespread

implementation of screening mammography in the 1980s, there’s been a dramatic reduction in the death rate from breast cancer. Until 1990, the mortality rate had been flat for the previous 50 years. However, since 1990 the mortality rate has decreased by 30 percent.” This exam takes less than 30 minutes, so women can even schedule one on a workday. Why are screening mammograms so important? “Since one in eight women will develop breast cancer sometime during her life, you owe it to yourself, your family, and your friends to schedule this important screening exam,” McNairy said. “Even if you have no family history, you’re at risk. Seventy-five to 80 percent of breast cancers occur in women with no family history.”

How to do a self breast exam (BSE) 1. Lay down and place a pillow under your right shoulder. Next, place your right arm under your head.

3. Continue the motion, extending to the outside of the breast to your underarm.

2. Using your three middle fingers of your left hand, massage your right breast with the pads of your fingers. Check for any lumps or abnormalities. You can move in a circular motion, or up and down. Make sure you use the same motion every month.

5. Next, repeat exam standing up, with one arm behind your shoulder as you examine each breast. Standing or sitting up allows you to feel the outside of the breast more accurately.

4. Repeat on left side.

6. For added precaution, stand in front of a mirror and squeeze


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each nipple. Look for any discharge. 7. Take note of any dimpling, redness or swelling. TIPS: You can do a portion of the exam while you are in shower. Incorporating it into a normal activity can make it easier to do, and less of a time constraint. Remember to mark your calendar every month as a reminder. Do the self breast

exam every month at the same time. Menstruating women should perform it a few days after their period. Women taking oral contraceptives should do the exam on the first day of starting a new pack of pills. Report any changes to your doctor, even if you feel it is minor. You can also choose a friend who will be your BSE Buddy. She can remind you and vice versa to do the exam monthly.





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Sunday, October 24, 2010


Daily Herald

Mammography technician Christine Winn looks at digital images of a mammogram at Mountain View Hospital in Payson.

Digital mammography: Better images, less radiation Better images, less radiation with digital mammography Once a woman hits age 40, a yearly screening mammogram is the most effective method of early cancer detection and cancer prevention, according to the American Cancer Society. And the best way for a physician to identify any problems in those images is through the use of digital mammography.

What is digital mammography? Much like conventional mammography, digital mammography, formally known as full field digital mammography (FFDM), is a diagnostic tool that uses X-rays to examine

the breast in order to detect cancer and other abnormalities. Instead of using X-ray film, digital mammography converts the X-rays into electric signals, which can then be viewed on the computer. Digital mammography was first approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration in 2000.

How does it differ from conventional mammography? The differences between digital mammography and conventional mammography are similar to the differences between a digital camera and a camera that uses film. Like a digital camera captures

an image and then converts it into a digital message that can be read or viewed on a TV or computer screen, digital mammography uses similar technology to capture an image of the breast with an X-ray and then sends that image to a computer where it can be seen and analyzed immediately. Digital mammogram images are stored electronically and can be printed out as needed. With digital mammography, doctors are better able to evaluate the breast tissue. Having digital images allows radiologist to pull them up on the computer and compare them to past Continued next page

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Continued from previous page

years easily on the same screen. They can magnify areas of concern and can change views without having to hassle with multiple films. Also, radiologists are able to use software known as CAD or computer-aided detection to help them identify cancers and other abnormalities in the breast tissue. This aspect of digital mammography gives doctors yet another tool allowing them

to detect and fight breast cancer more effectively than ever before. “The nice thing about digital [mammography] is you have greater contrast between the different types of breast tissue,” says Dan Corey, MD, radiologist at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. “Overall, you see more on digital than you can see on conventional. We are able to evaluate things better.” Another important difference between digital and conventional mammography is the amount of radiation needed to perform

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DENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF CANCER TREATMENT The battle against cancer is often multifaceted requiring the help and support of many professionals and caregivers. One side effect of cancer treatment often overlooked is the consequences of various treatments on a person’s oral health. Radiation treatment and chemotherapy are effective treatments against cancer. However, without careful precautionary measures, in just a few weeks a person’s oral health can be severely affected. Such treatments quickly dry out salivary glands which provide our bodies an important natural immunity and protection against prevalent oral bacteria. In a short amount of time, healthy teeth can become unsavable and the oral environment becomes a source of infection to our body’s overall health. Your dentist can provide simple but effective preventative measures. We give at no cost to our patients a special mouth tray, prescription toothpaste, and a special toothbrush to aid them during their active treatment. If you have further questions, please contact your dentist or one of our offices. We are honor all those who fight tirelessly in the battle against cancer. Robert M. Baird, DMD MBA MS







each procedure. Digital mammography uses less radiation — approximately 25 percent less — to achieve the same quality or, at times, better quality images of the breast than conventional mammography. Because the image is digital, the risks of underor over-exposure are eliminated and if blurring occurs, it can be corrected without having to wait for a film to develop. “There is less need to repeat an image,” says Kay Bradley, registered mammographer at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center.

Bradley also said digital mammography offers the radiologists an improved image quality, the patients a shorter wait time and images don’t get lost like they used to because they are all stored on the computer. Some patients may notice no difference in the way a digital mammogram is performed compared to a conventional one. The digital mammography machine resembles a conventional machine and the positioning and compression of the breast are similar although some patients



October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month



Sunday, October 24, 2010


Treating cancer requires multiple disciplines There’s no one-size-fits-all method for treating cancer. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, gene therapy, biologic therapy, brachytherapy and surgery are just some of the many options available to treat and cure cancer. So how do physicians and care managers determine the very best methods to help someone with cancer? For patients with complex cancers or other health concerns that may complicate treatment, a multidisciplinary approach to treatment can make all the difference in the outcome. At Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, physicians representing surgery, pathology, radiology, family medicine, medical oncology and radiation oncology gather weekly in what is called a Tumor Board. Many of them represent clinics and treatment facilities from the local community that are not affiliated with the hospital. However, in a team-like approach, and with a live video feed with doctors at American Fork Hospital,

specialists present current patient cases and solicit the input and feedback from a host of other doctors in the room. Together, they help to ensure the planning for patient care is as accurate and supported as possible. The Tumor Board functions as part of the overall cancer program at Utah Valley Regional. The program, which is accredited by the American College of Surgeons, also includes a Cancer Committee that meets regularly at the hospital. Wendy Breyer, MD, a medical oncologist with Central Utah Clinic who practices at the American Fork Hospital Cancer Center, volunteers her time as chairwoman of the committee. “We have a great Tumor Board and Cancer Committee,� Breyer said. “The quality and expertise of the people who attend, coupled with very supportive staff, enables us to help many patients who are being treated for cancer.� The committee spearheads several clinical and community

activities each year. For example, in 2009, it set a goal to facilitate free skin, breast and colon cancer screenings for more than 200 people throughout the year. However, recognizing the need to do more, the committee elected to increase the goal during 2010 to offer more than 300 free screenings. Physicians offer support by donating their time and resources to help achieve these goals. “The Tumor Board and Cancer Committee allow us to follow best practice treatment options that are supported by a large number of specialists,� said Nathan Rich, MD, a medical oncologist with Utah Cancer Specialists who practices at Utah Valley Regional. “Particularly in cases where a patient may have unique challenges or the potential for complications, having the Tumor Board is a great resource in the community.� Data provided by the Commission on Cancer supports the notion

that having a multidisciplinary approach to treating cancer makes a difference. In fact, the Commission on Cancer, in correlation with the American College of Surgeons, ranked the cancer program at Utah Valley Regional higher in its treatment of breast, colon and rectal cancers than the state, regional and national averages. Breyer said a multidisciplinary approach is what allows for more positive outcomes. “With pathologists, surgeons, radiologists, radiation oncologists and medical oncologists working together to look at how to best treat a tumor or cancer type, we can better customize the treatment for each patient,� Breyer said. “It’s a great forum where we all work together to help individual patients in a group setting.� For more information on the Cancer Committee, please call (801) 357-7875.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010


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journey j and the wisdom, wisdom one sister at a time.

I am a part of a group of brave, strong and full-of-life women. We have one thing in common: we are breast cancer survivors. When diagnosed I had many questions doctors could not answer because they had not experienced it themselves. I wish I would have had someone to turn to who had experienced the same thing. This group would have been my answer a year ago.” Kim Taylor - cancer survivor

I was treated for stage 4 invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer at age 35. During treatment I often felt like I had no one to talk to. It seemed that no one else felt like I did, especially when my hair fell out and I needed to buy a wig, or I couldn't get out of bed for days, or worse, wondered if I would die. I wish I would have had somewhere to get the answers I needed. Attending Sister Survivors has helped me. I will show others by example that there is hope and life after cancer.” Cressent Page - cancer survivor

Sister Survivors is Utah Valley’s new breast cancer support group, founded by Dr. Jon Bishop with great cooperative support from Dr. Jennifer Tittensor, Dr. Clark Sheffield, Utah County Surgical Associates and other surgeons. The group is also supported by the American Cancer Society, Utah County Oncologists and Radiation Oncologists. Monthly gatherings provide education camaraderie and social interaction between cancer survivors and their families.

Dr. Jon Bishop h - ffounder d JON BISHOP

Dr. Clark l k Sheffield h ffi ld


Dr. Jennifer f Tittensor



Sunday, October 24, 2010


Nurse specialist offers comfort, education to patients After being at her husband’s side when he received a leukemia diagnosis, Jodi Trost knows the importance of having someone to turn to when the treatments, therapies and doctor visits seem completely overwhelming. “We could call her [nurse specialist] if we had any questions about anything. We benefited from having a coordinator and I feel like I’m giving back now,” said Trost, a registered nurse who has served for the past year as the breast cancer nurse specialist at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. Women meet Trost once they have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Four or five new patients a week receive her introduction letter that explains how her only job is to support them and their families through the experience. Over the past year, Trost has worked with more than 200 women from throughout Utah County and surrounding areas. “There’s a lot — too many

really,” Trost says. After their initial introduction, Trost contacts each patient about every two weeks throughout her treatment and recovery. She confirms they’re making their appointments and answers questions about what comes next. She also connects them with other resources when needed, such as a financial assistance counselor or the hospital’s lymphedema clinic. “Education is probably the most important thing I do. They can call me anytime,” said Trost. Physicians sometimes throw terms around, but the patients don’t really understand everything. It’s helpful to have perspective on everything. I hold their hand throughout treatment.” Trost also helps breast cancer patients access the American Cancer Society Gift Closet, which is actually located in her office at the hospital. The closet contains a variety of free items that any cancer patient can access such as wigs, hats, bras, camisoles,

This mother of prosthetics and four feels a special pillows. All items are connection with the donated or purchased women she serves by the American because of her Cancer Society. husband’s experience Another part with cancer. After a of Trost’s job as three-year battle against breast cancer nurse leukemia, Steve passed specialist is to help away in May from facilitate the two complications after a support groups that take place at the bone marrow transplant. hospital. One occurs “Through Steve, I Jodi Trost is the nurse on the first Tuesday lived through a cancer specialist who helps of every month from breast cancer patients. experience. I know 6:30-8 p.m. and the what it’s like to get that other takes place on news so it gives us a the third Thursday of every month common bond right from the start. That common thread helps me from 10:30 a.m.-noon. A social relate to our patients,” said Trost. worker from Utah Valley Regional But having a personal cancer assists Trost with both groups. experience isn’t a prerequisite to “Everybody reacts so differently supporting a woman who is battling to getting cancer. Some are completely overwhelmed by it and breast cancer. Trost said most some are ready to attack it and get women just want their friends and family to be there for them and on with life. Women can get over treat them like a normal person. it and live a whole, full life. It is a For more information, please call treatable disease especially if you Jodi Trost at (801) 357-8767. catch it early,” said Trost.


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Sunday, October 24, 2010



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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Foundation offers way to donate to patients’ care By Christi C. Babbitt With the economy suffering and many companies laying off employees, the need for charity care at local hospitals is increasing — and a local nonprofit foundation is stepping up to help. The Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation is launching a new initiative through which community members can donate funds that will directly benefit patients who need medical care but lack the ability to pay. Contributed funds will assist patients at the three hospitals in the Intermountain Healthcare Urban South Area: Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, Orem Community Hospital and American Fork Hospital. As the first donation to this new initiative, the Daily Herald will donate 25 percent of the proceeds from this special section to the Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation. “The need is dramatically increasing for charitable support and charity care,” said Kim Nielsen, director of major gifts for the Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation. Providing charity care is nothing new at Intermountain Healthcare hospitals. Patients who are uninsured, underinsured or unemployed can apply to receive financial help to cover medical bills, determined on a case-by-case basis. In the Intermountain Healthcare Urban South Region during 2009, a total of $20.8 million in charity care was provided for patients. This included more than $2 million used to support patients with various types of cancer.

“But charity care fundraising is a new initiative for us here in the valley,” Nielsen said. Until now, the foundation has specialized in raising money for new buildings or costly medical equipment, two missions it will continue to pursue. Not many organizations like the Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation raise money for charity care, said Joseph Hansen, chief development officer for Intermountain Healthcare’s Urban South Region and executive director of the Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation. However, a study of 70 affluent individuals in the area performed by the Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation showed that in Utah County, there is interest in this type of opportunity. “There was a good number that felt like this is helping those that are truly needy,” Hansen said. Having worked in fundraising in several different areas, Hansen said there is a different attitude in Utah Valley, with donors generally less interested in recognition and more interested in doing something that will help an individual. “What we’re finding is that there’s so much charity in this valley from people that one of the emerging imperatives for us is having people donate for charity care for patients,” Nielsen said. Donations to the new initiative will go into a restricted account and be used to help cover the costs of charity care provided at the three hospitals. If they desire, donors can specify that their gift be used to help fund a certain type of service or department such as neonatal intensive care or cancer


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treatment. This will free up funding at the hospitals that would be used for charity care, allowing them to provide higher quality care at a lower cost. The Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation is a nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible as allowable Joseph Hansen, Kim Nielsen, director by law. The foundation’s executive director, of major gifts, Utah Utah Valley Valley Healthcare overall mission is to Healthcare Foundation develop philanthropic Foundation support for Utah County’s three nonprofit hospitals. Center at American Fork Hospital, It raises money through gifts from Utah Valley Regional Medical community members, hospital Center trauma treatment and a employees and special events guest house at Utah Valley Regional such as the popular Chocolate where patients and families of Extravaganza, the Running With patients can stay during long-term Angels 5K Run/Walk and the treatments. It is governed by a American Fork Hospital Golf board of 29 volunteer leaders from Benefit. throughout Utah Valley. Since its founding in 1984, the Those interested in donating or foundation has raised funds for receiving more information may projects and services including the call (801) 357-7600 or visit www. Huntsman-Intermountain Cancer

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Sunday, October 24, 2010




Former LDS bishop sees local need for charity care By Christi Babbit As a bishop for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jack May has seen the extraordinary financial burden that can come to families when someone is injured or diagnosed with an illness. For some, it is overwhelming and impossible to pay. Through the generosity of charity care, however, he has also seen the relief that comes when someone is willing to help. His experiences assisting members of his LDS ward and stake who had medical bills too large to overcome led him to join the board of the Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation, a nonprofit organization that helps raise money for capital improvements and equipment at the three Intermountain Healthcare hospitals in Utah County: Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, Orem Community Hospital and American Fork Hospital.

Jack May

That foundation is now beginning a new initiative through which donors will be able to contribute money that will directly assist individuals who require assistance to pay their medical bills. Intermountain Healthcare already offers charity care to individuals who need it. In 2009, Intermountain Healthcare provided a total of $20.8 million in charity

care for patients, including more than $2 million for patients diagnosed with different types of cancers such as breast cancer. May first came in contact with this program while serving as an LDS bishop. He went on to help many families through the process and saw Intermountain Healthcare eliminate thousands of dollars from qualifying patients’ bills. “Medical bills can be devastating depending on the reason you’re there,” May said. “You may not have a continuing income.” He recalled one family in which the father had been gravely injured in an accident and was unable to work. The mother, who had been out of the workforce for years, was suddenly faced with providing for the family as well as finding a way to pay medical bills that totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars. The family’s whole life had been turned upside down by the experience, but after working with

Intermountain Healthcare, May was able to go back to the family and report that the entire bill had been taken care of except for a few thousand dollars. “It’s amazing to be able to have that conversation with somebody,” he said. Though he no longer serves as a bishop, May is still working through the foundation to help those who require assistance. He sees the foundation’s new initiative as an opportunity for the public to learn of a need and help fill that need. “(Intermountain Healthcare is) helping wherever they can in this community and being a great benefit to those who can’t afford it,” May said. “But what they’re asking for is a little assistance from the community because there are still people out there that can assist.” “At the current rate, I think (Intermountain Healthcare) is just asking for assistance because they need the help. One organization can’t do it all,” May said.



Evolving research brings improved treatment and healing to patients For those who are newly diagnosed with cancer, there comes a flood of emotions, including uncertainty, worry, sadness and hope. Fortunately, the benefits of science and research, coupled with the skill and knowledge of physicians, have significantly advanced cancer treatment in recent years. Years ago, options for treating cancer were limited, making it difficult for care providers to quickly treat cancers and ultimately make patients well. Now, doctors have the benefit of knowing much more accurately the best ways to treat patients who have a wide spectrum of cancer types. Perhaps the greatest advancement in treatment in recent years is based on genetics. Although cancer has often been classified in terms of the organ it impacts (e.g. breast, colon, brain), scientists and physicians are now able to study cancer at the molecular level and identify how cancer may interact with the body’s complex network and systems. “We’re learning more specifically about what makes cancer treatment successful,” said Jay Clark, MD, a radiation oncologist. “The more information we have shortly after a person is diagnosed with cancer, the better equipped we are to treat the patient.” Targeted therapies, which include biologic therapies, have revolutionized the way patients respond to treatment. These drugs differ from traditional chemotherapy medicines in that biologics are antibodies that are isolated from a variety of natural sources and can be produced by highly advanced technological methods. “Biologics have been a big evolution in the past several years,” said Wendy Breyer, MD, a medical oncologist with Central Utah Clinic. “On the plus side, biologics provide more directed

Sunday, October 24, 2010


therapy and therefore tend to be fewer side effects than we find with traditional chemotherapy drugs. The down side is that it’s very expensive to go the biologics route. Fortunately, most insurance plans are covering the cost of the treatments.” An example of this targeted, biologic therapy is the use of Herceptin. Used to treat women who have a certain form of breast cancer, this drug has helped contribute to improved results in recent years. For some women with breast cancer, some cells produce too much of a type of gene known as HER2, which makes a protein known as the HER2 receptor. Herceptin works by attaching itself to these HER2 receptors on cancerous cells and blocking them from receiving signals to grow. By blocking these signals, Herceptin can slow or stop the growth of breast cancer. Whether a patient is in need of treatment with the help of biologics or not, treatment for cancer has become increasingly customizable to fit each patient’s needs. The use of genetics, for example, allows for tests performed on tissue or blood samples to help guide treatment planning for physicians. Genetics and a more accurate study of the cells surrounding a person’s tumor provide a great deal of information and support to physicians to make cancer treatment a highly individualized process, helping to bring positive results. When it comes to cancer treatment, knowledge really is power. “By providing these types of targeted therapies, we see outcomes that are more positive for our patients,” said Nathan Rich, MD, a medical oncologist with Utah Cancer Specialists who practices at Utah Valley Regional. “Cancer treatment has definitely come a long way in a relatively short period of time.”

Cancer Education Web sites: Intermountain Healthcare Huntsman Cancer Institute | Staywell Cancer Knowledgebase American Cancer Society | Livestrong | HCI’s Hopeguide | National Cancer Institute | NABCO (breast cancer support) | U.S. Department of Health Services | National Institute of Health | American Association for Cancer Research | People Living with Cancer | Improving Pain Treatment | Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization | Living Beyond Breast Cancer | Young Survival Coalition | Breast | Living With It | African-American Breast Cancer Alliance Kids Konnected (for kids with a parent with cancer or lost a parent to cancer) | The Wellness Community | Medicine Net | Wiley Inter-Science | Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |

Although cancer treatment and planning have made great strides over the past 10 years, having to cope with the challenges of cancer remains a significant hardship for patients. Doctors say the best way to avoid the lifealtering effects of cancer is to take steps now that would prevent contracting cancer in the first place. Regular cancer screenings like mammograms, prostate exams and colonoscopies, coupled

with a healthy lifestyle of exercise and proper nutrition, go a long way to prevent the sometimes catastrophic effects of cancer. “In our local community, most people live healthier lifestyles than we see in other parts of the country,” said Dr. Clark. “By paying close attention to our physical health and staying up-todate on cancer screenings, we are able to prevent cancer or stop it in its earliest stages.”

Sunday, October 24, 2010




Spanish Fork library employees show support for co-worker By Candi Higley

breast cancer and specifically one of their own. Robin Brierley, a longtime resident of Spanish Fork and a Spanish Fork Library employee for the past six years, was diagnosed with breast cancer on Aug. 24. She is married to Erwin Brierley and they have three children: Hailey, Justin and Heather.

Spanish Fork Library patrons may notice something new and pink at the library. In fact, it is pretty hard to miss. The library recently acquired a new book cart — colored bright pink — to show support for those in the community who have had

Spanish Fork Library employees stand around a pink Breast Cancer Awareness cart which was purchased to show their support to Robin Brierley, a co-worker who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Pictured from left to right are Sarah Fish, Janeen Thomas, Chrissy Henry, Meggan Spadafora and Pam Jackson.

Since her diagnosis, Brierley has undergone three surgeries and will soon undergo radiation and chemotherapy. Employees at the library wanted to show their support for their co-worker and friend. Demco, a supplier for the library, was running a breast cancer awareness promotion; for a certain dollar amount spent, a pink cart came with the order and a portion of the sale went to support breast cancer awareness. “When we saw this promotion, we knew it was something we wanted to do,” said Pam Jackson, library director. “We wanted to show our support to our friend and co-worker as well as to raise awareness about breast cancer.” The pink cart has been at the library for just a short time, but it has already received quite a bit of attention.

“People have commented on how bright the cart is or how pink it is,” Jackson said. “Once we tell them that it is for breast cancer awareness, everyone mentions how neat it is. Cancer in some form has touched everybody and we want to do anything we can to support the research for this disease.” Brierley was extremely touched by the support of her co-workers and friends. “Seeing the cart made me cry,” Brierley said. “It means the world to me to have such great support. I can’t imagine going through this without the love I have from family, friends and co-workers.” Brierley is hoping to be able to return to the library once she heals from surgery. “I miss the story times and the kids,” Brierley said. “Everyone has been so wonderful to work with me and I really appreciate that.”


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Sunday, October 24, 2010


How can your diet help fight cancer? What you eat now can affect your risk for cancer in the future. The American Institute for Cancer Research suggests the following guidelines to help prevent cancer:

Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight Aim to be at the lower end of the healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) range. Peggy McClellan, MPA, RD, CD, clinical nutrition manager at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, said that to stay healthy you want to maintain a normal BMI within the range of 19-24, based on your weight and height. To calculate your BMI, visit: and search for BMI calculator.

Be active for at least 30 minutes every day Moderate activity is anything that gets your heart beating a bit faster and makes you breathe more deeply — like brisk walking. Vigorous activity means raising our heart rates so that we warm up, start to sweat and feel out of breath. According to Intermountain Healthcare’s Weigh to Health manual, the biggest risk of not exercising is not starting. When you exercise regularly and be more active all day long you can expect: ■Less chance of cancer, obesity, diabetes and other diseases ■Less anxiety and depression ■More energy ■Increased mental sharpness and more creativity ■Healthier heart, bigger lung capacity, stronger bones and better hormone balance

Avoid sugary drinks Studies suggest America’s weight problem is linked to America’s “drinking problem�; that is, to our increasing intake of sweetened drinks like sodas and sports drinks. Sweetened drinks also are linked to weak bones and tooth decay. The Intermountain LiVe program recommends aiming for less than 13 ounces per week of soda, sports drinks, lemonade, and other sweetened drinks. Limit juice to less than six ounces per day. Drink water instead and aim for three glasses of skim or low fat milk each day.

Limit energy-dense foods (particularly processed foods high in added sugar, low in fiber or high in fat) “Examples of energy-dense foods are those with a lot of sugars and fats,� said McClellan. “Things like candy, cookies, cakes and pies. You want your energy to come from foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.� McClellan warns to be careful, and make your calories count and not ruin your healthy foods with too many dips or dressings. It doesn’t mean you never eat sweets, you just limit the amount you eat.

More vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes This is simple. Try to add more of these foods to your diet and remember to lose the dips and dressings when possible.


Limit red meats and avoid processed meats

If consumed at all, limit alcoholic beverages

Intermountain’s Weigh to Health manual gives good guidelines on how to include healthy protein in our diet: ■Aim for 2-3 servings (about 4 to 6 ounces) of protein every day from a variety of sources. ■Eat fish and shellfish 2-3 times a week. They are typically lower in saturated fat and cholesterol than other animal proteins. ■Beans are a great source of protein and are also high in fiber and other nutrients. ■Nuts and seeds are an excellent protein source and also contain vitamins and heart-healthy fats. ■Skinless, white-meat poultry (chicken, turkey) is a good source of low-fat protein. ■Eggs provide highquality, low-fat protein. ■Lean beef and pork can be an occasional part of your diet. Be sure to choose lean cuts, such as round and loin cuts.

Limit drinks to two for men and one for women per day. “Alcohol is just another example of consuming empty calories,� said McClellan. “It doesn’t provide you with any nutritional value and contributes to weight gain.�

“Processed meats tend to be high in salt and saturated fat. When you eat food high in salt, cholesterol and saturated fat, this increases your risk for cancer, stroke and heart disease,� McClellan said. McClellan also recommended when eating any type of meat to always try to choose the most lean option.

Limit salty foods Snack foods are a good example of processed salty foods. Over the past 20 years, snack food portions and the calories they contain have gone up 93 calories. If you eat like most Americans, you consume almost three to four times the amount of sodium you need every day. This can lead to excess fluid in your body (bloating) and raise your blood pressure. “By following the guidelines outlined by the American Institute for Cancer, not only will you reduce your risk for cancer, but you’ll reduce your risk for other diseases such as heart disease or diabetes,� McClellan said. For more information about eating healthy visit: www. intermountainlive. org or the American Institute for Cancer Research site at:




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Sunday, October 24, 2010




Three Keys to Recipe Modification Lowering the fat and cholesterol content of your favorite recipes can be tricky. Remember that some recipes are easier to change than others, but all recipes can become more Instead of 1 egg, try: ■ 2 egg whites = 1 egg ■ Eggbeaters, Second Nature or Healthy Choice or Cholesterol-free egg product. ■ Homemade egg substitute (1/4 cup = 1 egg): Combine 6 egg whites, 1/4 cup non-fat powdered milk, 1 tablespoon oil and 6 drops of yellow food coloring. Store in refrigerator up to one week. Instead of 1 cup butter, try: ■ 1/2 to 1 cup margarine with liquid oil as the first ingredient. Instead of 1 cup shortening, try: ■ Substitute 3/4 cup oil in cookies, breads, etc. The product will be crispier. ■ In some desserts (cakes, muffins or quick breads) use

healthy with little change in taste, looks and quality. Start by reading the ingredients. Ask yourself if each ingredient serves a purpose. Identify any item you are trying

equal amounts of applesauce (food will be moister). ■ 3 ripe, very well mashed bananas instead of 1/2 cup shortening, oil or butter. Instead of 1 cup whole milk try: ■ 1 cup skim or 1% low-fat milk Instead of 1 cup cream, try: ■ 1 cup evaporated skim milk Instead of 1 cup whipping cream, try: ■ Non-fat or low-fat vanilla yogurt. ■ Homemade substitute: Beat 1/4 cup ice water with 1/4 cup non-fat milk powder (sprinkle powder into ice water to avoid lumps) until thick. Add 1/4 teaspoon vanilla, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and 1/4 cup sugar.

to avoid or reduce and use one of the methods below: ELIMINATION. If the ingredient isn’t essential, don’t use it if high in sugar, fat or salt. REDUCTION. If less will do –

Instead of 1 pound ground beef try: ■ 1 pound extra lean grad (7% fat) ground beef ■ 1 pound ground chicken or turkey breast ■ 1 pound tofu ■ 1 pound vegetables (for lasagna or pasta sauces) Note: Use 1/4 pound or less per person and drain the fat after cooking. If ground beef is browned before adding to a sauce or casserole, you can rinse it in a colander with hot water. Instead of 1 cup sour cream, try: ■ 1 cup plain non-fat or lowfat yogurt (don’t boil or it will curdle) ■ 1 cup mock sour cream: Blend

great! Try reducing hamburger meat in spaghetti sauces and add extra vegetables such as mushrooms, zucchini, etc. SUBSTITUTION. If you can find a healthier ingredient, use it.

1 cup low-fat cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons buttermilk and 1/2 to 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice in a blender till smooth. ■ 1 cup yogurt cheese: Strain 2 cups of non-fat or lowfat yogurt overnight in the refrigerator. Line the strainer with layers of cheesecloth and set over a bowl to drain. Instead of 1 teaspoon salt, try: ■ 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt ■ Leave it out entirely! Instead of salt or salt substitutes, try herb blends like Mrs. Dash or lemon pepper. Flavors can be spiced up with flavored vinegars, lemon juice, fresh garlic, onions and peppers. Instead of 1 cup cheese, try: ■ 1/2 to 1 cup lower-fat cheese

such as part-skim mozzarella ■ 1/4 cup very sharp cheese ■ Mix 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese with 1/2 cup lowerfat or regular cheese for casseroles. Instead of 1 cup mayonnaise, try: ■ 1 cup non-fat or low-fat yogurt ■ 3/4 cup plain low-fat yogurt mixed with 1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise ■ 1 cup low calorie imitation, light or fat-free mayonnaise Instead of 1 ounce cream cheese, try: ■ 1 ounce Neuchatel cheese ■ 1 ounce light or fat-free cream cheese ■ 1 ounce fat free ricotta cheese

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

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