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New Lincoln School ‘On Target
from Innovation 2019
New Lincoln School
INNOVATION 2019 | PAGE 25 “On Target”
For Innovation
Every once in a while, an organization’s needs align perfectly with opportuni ty. The Fergus Falls Public School District believes just such an opportunity came along with the availability of the former Target building for purchase.
The loss of the Target store was a painful experience for Fergus Falls and the sur rounding area. Many area residents are quite fond of the store chain and, to some degree, Target is synony mous with Minnesota shopping. The empty building served as a constant remind er of what was lost.
That’s all about to change. While there are a few re maining steps to take, the district expects to formal ly take possession of the building within the next two months. Once the last docu ments have been completed on the purchase, work will begin in earnest to create a state of the art learning envi ronment specifically catered to the district’s youngest children.
The former Target build ing will be named Lincoln School and it will house Ot ter Preschool and Children’s Corner. Both organizations share one thing in com mon — they are committed to supporting the positive growth and development of the community’s blossom ing learners. Lincoln School is a large building — approx imately 90,000 square feet. The interior is essentially a blank canvas which provides the district freedom to de sign a learning environment that meets the unique learn ing needs of young children.
“It really offers a tremen dous opportunity to create something special — a fa cility and programs that will bring a great deal of pride to the community,” Fergus Falls School District Superinten dent Jeff Drake said. “We believe young families who are considering school options for their children will be very impressed with the facility.”
Mark Masten, Fergus Falls business manager, added, “Target Corporation did a great job of caring for their building. The school district will be acquiring a building with few issues to repair and can focus it’s dollars toward making the building a pleas ing learning environment for young children”.
The district is currently working with an architect on preliminary design ele ments. A spacious main entrance will be family friendly while also affording a se cure checkin. Offices will be housed near the front of the building. Lincoln School will feature a cafeteria as well as a gym. Students and staff will travel wide hallways be tween classrooms and the interior will be bright with natural light.
Current plans call for the development of about a third of the building’s space al lowing the district flexibility for expansion of classrooms should enrollment continue to increase.
“The acquisition of the building along with this initial development will be completed by using dollars
MATHEW HOLDING EAGLE | INNOVATION FILLING THE VOID: The former Fergus Falls Target building left a gaping hole in retail and large vacant building in the city. The Fergus Falls School District looked at the space as an opportunity to repurpose the space for its preschool and Children’s Corner, dubbing the building Lincoln School (above). A schematic of where the building and the school district’s opportunity to expand later, if necessary (below).
already being received by the school district from local property taxes,” Masten said. Changes will also take place outside the building. A portion of the existing parking lot will be convert ed to a playground with equipment designed for small children. The remain der of the parking area will be resurfaced. In addition, the district purchased an adjoining 8 acres that will serve as green space which can be used recreationally or to complement instruc tion through the creation of nature trails and learning stations.
It is anticipated that Lin coln School will be ready for occupancy by the start of school next fall. Drake concluded, “The site offers a great deal of flexibility to create a truly one of a kind learning environment. We are very excited about how Lincoln School will en hance the great educational experience already offered in the Fergus Falls Public School District.”