The Daily Mississippian - March 31, 2015

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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Volume 103, No. 108

T H E S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R O F T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I S S I S S I P P I S E R V I N G O L E M I S S A N D OX F O R D S I N C E 1 9 1 1


Dining services explores restaurant options Page 3


Fashion column: 10 most fashionable music videos Page 4




Inconsistencies and early struggles plague Rebels Page 6

Lawyer says client Recycling at UM helps community wrongly charged in statue incident SPECIAL TO THE DM

cution and intensive investigation (only he had his cell phone seized, computer seized, vehicle The former Ole Miss student FBI searched, dorm room FBI indicted on charges regarding searched and even his family’s the desecration of the statue of Georgia home FBI searched). James Meredith has pleaded not The other two have apparently received federal forgiveness for guilty to two charges. Graeme Phillip Harris, 20, any involvement, or at least after and two others were initially in- 13 months have not been intenvestigated for placing a noose sively investigated nor indicted, and a former Georgia state flag even though the government has exhibiting the Confederate stars known who they are since about and bars on the statue of James February 18, 2014. The title of Meredith, the first black student the Friday, March 27, 2015, Department of Justice press release to attend the university. The Daily Mississippian broke proclaimed that the ‘man who the news of the statue desecra- tied rope around neck of James Meredith Statue on University tion on Feb. 17, 2014. A member of the Mississippi of Mississippi Campus’ was ‘inAlpha chapter of Sigma Phi Ep- dicted on civil rights charges,’ silon fraternity, Harris left the which is patently untrue. Graeme university following the incident, Harris did not tie a rope around and the fraternity chapter was the neck of the James Meredith statue, and the student who adlater shut down due to hazing. Harris is currently free on a mitted to that action was not in$10,000 bond with travel restric- dicted. “Though Graeme’s presence tions to northern Georgia and Mississippi for court visits and at such an insensitive event was middle Georgia for school. If con- a serious lack of judgment, he victed, Harris faces a maximum has physically injured no one. He did not intend to threaten, of 11 years in prison. The investigation is ongoing, intimidate, or oppress any single and is being investigated by by individual or group. He did not the FBI’s Jackson, Mississip- understand the ramifications of pi, Division’s Oxford Resident his actions as anything beyond a drunken prank. Agency and the In order to conUniversity of Misvict him, the law sissippi Police Derequires that partment. The case Graeme have is being prosecuted intent to injure, by the Justice Deintimidate, oppartment’s Civil press or threaten, Rights Division and which he did not. the U.S. Attorney’s Graeme Harris is Office of the Northnot guilty of the ern District of Misgovernment’s sissippi. criminal charges David Hill, Harbrought against ris’ lawyer, released him, and in spite a statement Monof the certainty day regarding his expressed in the client’s involveCOURTESY: FACEBOOK.COM DOJ press release ment in the incion Friday and the dent: multitude of news sources since, “In the early morning hours the American public should reof Feb. 16, 2014, three Georgia member that Graeme Harris is teenagers, after a night of binge only accused and not convictdrinking in a university fraternied, and conviction requires evity house, engaged in alcohol-fudence, not press releases.” eled conduct that was foolish, On Friday, the Department insensitive and offensive. Only of Justice charged Harris with one of those teenagers, Graeme Harris, was selected for prose-



Student Joanna Ng recycles a water bottle at the Student Union Monday.


The Ole Miss Recycles program is a collaborative effort between various organizations on campus and the city of Oxford. According to Amberlyn Liles, director of Oxford Sanitation and Recycling, the university averages anywhere from 16,000 to 60,000 pounds in recyclables each month. She said some months, namely May and December, are “heavier” than others because of the number of students leaving the university who may be recycling items they don’t plan to take with them. All of the money that comes from the recyclable materials does not come back to the university, however; it goes straight into the Oxford community. Currently, the price per ton of recyclables in Oxford is about $100. This means that on average, the university helps the city of Oxford generate between $800 and $3,000 per month. In addition to that, the city pays a $36 tipping fee every time they dump one ton of solid waste into the landfill. The money that is saved from recycling is put into the city’s General Fund, which funds most of the de-

partments within the city. Dumpsters for non-recyclable solid waste are found at nearly every turn on campus, behind residence halls and academic buildings, but finding a recyclable-specific dumpster on campus is rare. Ole Miss students who work on campus and are more familiar with the ins-and-outs of the university are at a loss as to where the recyclables go once they are emptied from their respective bins. “I am not entirely sure where the recyclables go,” said Summer Wigley, community assistant for Crosby Hall. “I know the bin will be full one day and empty the next.” Ole Miss housing handles the recycling from residence halls. The employees of custodial contractor Sodexo dispose of the recyclable materials near the Sodexo office, a small building located at the back of the Kincannon parking lot. A custodial worker for Sodexo in Crosby Hall, Vaterious Polk, explained that recyclables from the trash room in that residence hall are taken to a specific dumpster that is a bit of a distance away from Crosby. A different crew handles game day and special event recycling.


Since these events are outdoors, the Landscaping Department handles the disposal of those materials. Instead of being taken to the physical plant on campus, the recyclables handled by the Landscaping Department are taken directly to the Oxford Recycling Facility, where they are sorted and transported elsewhere. The collection and disposal of recyclables for the academic buildings is a little more complicated than that of the residence halls and outdoors. At night, custodial staff from the physical plant collect the recyclables from academic buildings; this includes buildings with classrooms as well as buildings that are just there to serve the students, like the library and the student union. Once the materials are collected, they are set outside the buildings and another team of physical plant employees picks them up. Plastic and aluminum are taken to recyclable-specific dumpsters either behind Fulton Chapel or the football stadium. From there, the materials are collected by Oxford Recycling and taken to their facilities. Paper is handled differently.






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Displaced zeal

I’m sure we have all seen the suit-wearing preacher in the Union Plaza who tells people where they are going in the afterlife – that place usually being Hell. Branded with the words “Jesus Saves” and other ideologically charged statements, he definitely knows his rights and how far he can go to have his voice heard without having his stump speech interrupted by law enforcement. On Monday, his weekly soapbox speech was interrupted by students yelling Bible verses and personal attacks, threats and insults. I watched the events unfold from afar, not wanting to be a part of the crowd due to the legal, moral and ethical questions that were running through my mind. By the end of the incident, the pastor’s hat had been knocked off, his water bottle had been thrown across the Union Plaza, and roughly fifty students were surrounding him, not allowing him any exit from the increasingly precarious situation. As all of this was occurring, all I could think about was “I was there once.” I understand this preacher’s mindset. For those of us who grew up in the Deep South, we are quite accustomed to the rhetoric and influence that religious communities often feed on, that misled THE DAILY

MISSISSIPPIAN S. Gale Denley Student Media Center 201 Bishop Hall, P.O. Box 1848 University, MS 38677-1848 Main Number: 662.915.5503 Business Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

individuals use to feel mighty. I have always been taught to turn the other cheek to these kinds of people, to not allow them to make me feel small or heavy through their words or actions. I am referring mostly to the zealots, not the people who are respectful to others and are understanding of people who differ from themselves. I was presented with many legal, ethical and moral questions as the events were unfolding. Should we speak to religious zealots and, in turn, fuel their crusade? Why can this man say all of these things that are very literally hurting people and making people feel uneasy on their own campus? How is this any different from putting a noose around the James Meredith statue, willfully causing anxiety and evoking panic throughout a specific group? These aren’t easy questions, but I did come to a few conclusions, some of which may seem obvious to many readers but were novel to me. Luckily, the religious communities that I grew up in were filled with love and compassion and mutual respect. This past Monday was one of the first times that I have come into contact with a person who unashamedly took hits at groups in the name of God. From his self-composed “I’m a happy homophobe” to telling kids that they smoked too much weed, his

The Daily Mississippian is published Monday through Friday during the academic year, on days when classes are scheduled. Contents do not represent the official opinions of The University of Mississippi or The Daily Mississippian unless specifically indicated. ISSN 1077-8667

words were finding targets, and people reacted. The fact that students reacted makes me both happy and angry, depending on the reaction. To those students who argued and used their voices and exercised their rights, I thank you. To those of you who made this man feel panic as you squeezed him into the middle of a mob, shame on you. We live in a liberal democracy and have a Bill of Rights that explicitly gives a preacher the ability to say things I don’t agree with and gives me the right to write an opinion piece to rebuke him. The “liberal” part of “liberal democracy” is most important here. Liberal means many things, aside from its political connotations. It means excess, generous, unbound and without restraint. All of these words should be applied to speech. The fact that anyone can say anything is one of the most groundbreaking attributes of the U.S. Constitution, and none of us should take that right lightly. In other places all across the world, people are jailed daily simply because of their beliefs and their courage to say things that go against common thought or government-sanctioned ideals. Of course, I would prefer for the “Jesus Saves” man to get the hell off our campus and never come back, but I will exercise my rights

The Daily Mississippian welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be addressed to The Daily Mississippian, 201 Bishop Hall, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS, 38677-1848, or e-mailed to Letters should be typed, double-spaced and no longer than 300 words. Letters may be edited for clarity, space or libel. Third-party letters and those bearing pseudonyms, pen names or “name withheld” will not be published. Publication is limited to one letter per individual per calendar month. Letters should include phone and email contact information so that editors can verify authenticity. Letters from students should include grade classification and major; letters from faculty and staff should include title and the college, school or department where the person is employed.

in a different way than causing a near-riot in front of the Union. Thankfully, the police came and escorted the preacher away from the crowd before anything drastic occurred. But for a moment there, as I watched the preacher and a student stand eye to eye with both hate and fear in their eyes, I was reminded of how hard it is to allow someone to attempt to trample your worldview but emerge unharmed and content. I urge everyone to always take the high road. Use your words intelligently and pointedly, but don’t allow someone to belittle you through their words. Much of what happened outside the Union on Monday was spawned by ignorance by both the preacher and dozens of students, but once you become informed about something, you must own up to your actions. If this preacher is outside the Union again, exercise caution – don’t let the heat of the moment or the heavy judgement that he condemns you with incite violence or unkindness. Show through your actions the mutual respect that you expect in return but also respectfully decline his words and ideology. This goes way further than the damage you could inflict with your fists. Alex Borst is a sophomore international studies major from Madison.

news Dining services explores new campus restaurant options ELIZABETH HOCEVAR

Ole Miss Dining Services has begun a search for future eateries to add to campus. In order to generate an engagement with students on social media and investigate on how familiar they are with certain new brands that have popped up in their search, Ole Miss Dining sent a poll to students over spring break allowing them to vote on one of three restaurants: Mooyah Burgers, Au Bon Pain and Steak n’ Shake. The use of the poll and social media was a strategy for Ole Miss Dining Services to gather not only which foods students prefer but also what type of brands they recognize, according to Richard Bradley, marketing manager for Ole Miss Dining Services. “We do a lot of surveys and look at traffic patterns. Then we use those to see what brands might fit for future dining possibilities,” he said. The poll was open to students for one day, and Steak ’n Shake led with close to 80 percent of the vote. Au Bon Pain came in second in votes, and Mooyah Burgers was third. Bradley, while excited about


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According to Assistant Director of the Office of Sustainability Anne McCauley, because the university collects such high volumes of paper and cardboard, those materials are taken directly to the physical plant on campus where they are deposited into an extra large covered bin. This bin is so large that the university hires a third party to haul it to the Oxford Recycling Center because they do not have a truck big enough to transport the bin. “(Recyclables from Ole Miss) have been anywhere from 25 to 50 percent of the total volume that Oxford handles,” McCauley said.

federal civil rights crimes. Federal officials cited the incident as a blatant attempt to threaten black students and employees on campus. “This shameful and ignorant act is an insult to all Americans and a violation of our most strongly-held values,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in the statement Friday. “No one should ever be made to feel threatened or intimidated because of what they look like or who they are. By taking appropriate action to hold wrongdoers accountable, the Department of Justice is sending a clear message that flagrant infringements of our historic civil rights will not go unnoticed or unpunished.”

continued from page 1

restaurant options, Dining Services are mostly looking ahead instead for the immediate future. “When we explore new possible brands, we are looking at about three years in the future,” Bradley said. The result of this strategy was a mix of COURTESY: UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI DINING confusion and excitement. Many students the huge generated response, became convinced did not expect so much steam that Ole Miss was sure to have to come out of it. a new restaurant during the Despite all the hype, Ole 2015-2016 school year. Miss students should not ex“I really did think we were pect three new restaurants to going to get a new restaurant,” pop up on campus anytime said freshman Caroline Macek. soon. “I can see how the polls would Bradley explained that, have been so misleading.” “While there is a possible po“I was honestly disappointtential for these brands to ed whenever I found out,” come to campus, it really de- freshman Alix Moody said. “I pends on whether the brands was kind of hoping for a new want to come to us.” restaurant, particularly Steak When considering new ’n Shake.”

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continued from page 1

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Music and fashion are two outlets that rely heavily on one another. Artists are able to illustrate their work and pull viewers into a world where their song is brought to life. There are some videos that display fashion in a supreme manner while being stylistically shot. Here is a selection of ten of the most colorful, artful, and most fashion-forward sonal making facial expressions. The highlight of the piece is a scene videos of all time. in which Elliott is featured sitting on a hill in a set that looks (intentionally) much like the set of the Teletubbies. Watching makes you wonder why culture even bothered to keep evolving.


fashionable videos of all time

but be glamorous. Shot in black in white, Madonna is captured going between channeling Marilyn Monroe and a more androgynous look when she is dancing with male backup dancers. This was very cutting edge at the time- it was one of the first times a woman in a suit was considered chic. It went on to be a major theme of 90s fashion.

Rocky has a flair for style and is a major artist in the fashion community. This video has a beautiful, eerie aesthetic, set in a castle and shot in only black and white. TV screens with static on the screens sit on either side of A$AP who raps from a throne. The video features two models that move fluidly with one another, mirroring each other. One represents a light side and the other a dark side - one symbol in a video full of meaning

Voted Best Video of the 2000s decade by the readers of Billboard, this video captures Lady Gaga at a moment whenever she truly was the center of pop culture. A queen of oddity, Gaga combines a great voice, impeccable dancing, divine clothing, and sexual power to make one of the most artful and captivating videos ever produced. The late celebrated designer, Alexander McQueen, provided many of the statement making pieces employed including the now iconic Armadillo heels that models refused to walk in due to their height. This high-fashion frenzy full of ripping off Burberry trenches, showy jeweled lingerie, razor-blade glasses and creepy monsters is worth watching.


Missy Elliott in an inflated garbage-bag like garment, sunglasses that double as protection a clawlike headpiece, Chanel suspenders, and coordinated neon orange suits - as outlandish as it sounds, it works. This video is a treasure 2. MADONNAthat flawlessly achieves the weird“VOGUE”1990 ness that was the 90s. The video is As the classic fashion anthemmostly shot using a fish-eye lens, the video for “Vogue” cannot help capturing Elliott up close and per-


It is no secret that rapper A$AP



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Sonic Youth is a band that has always been ahead of their time. The video features clips of a Perry Ellis collection designed by the now-famous Marc Jacobs. It provides a first-hand look at what 90s fashion was as it was happening in the moment, which is interesting to see as designers now are relying heavily on the 90s to draw inspiration for their current collections. The video is visually satisfying, as fashion flat drawings are put onto bodies, creating a funky, pop art affect.


“…Baby One More Time” not only defined a period of music, but also a generation. The famed schoolgirl outfit Spears wore now serves as inspiration to girls everywhere looking for the perfect flashback ensemble. It also popularized the look on the runways and further solidified crop tops, high white socks, and feather scrunchies as staples of the late 90s and early 00s.

how on-trend all of the clothing in the fashion shows depicted still is. It’s clear to see how culture is opening up in this crucial time. New ways of wearing clothing, innovative music, and more provocative dancing shook up the world.


Kurt Cobain is rolling over in his grave as this video is being labeled “fashionable.” But that anti-mainstream attitude that propelled the band is exactly what made them so striking, coincidentally. The fame that grew around the band is not only what made them one of the most revolutionary, but also lead to Cobain’s suicide. The nonchalant tone of this video is reflected in a simple premise: the band performing in a high school gym. Plaid flannels, baggy pants, dark colors, and dirty, messy hair became “cool” with the debut of this video. A rebellious undertone caused a movement that would define a decade and reverberates today.


The quintessential 60s hit, “Time of the Season”, captures a moment that was one of the first real movements in pop culture. The British Invasion put England into play as a country that was on the cutting edge. All of the trendy rock and roll was being produced there. Watching this video is visually stunning. The stylistic quality and way that it is shot is considerably more advanced than many techniques that are used today. It’s funny to see






Alternative band, The Killers, have a sound and kicky aesthetic that sets them apart. The video for “Spaceman” is something of a spectacular masquerade. A giant tiered structure that could be described as a huge fashion cake is the sole fixture throughout the video. Lead man, Brandon Flowers, is dressed in a costume that portrays him as a sort of vogue superhero. The whole orchestration appears like a haute couture runway show. There are chandeliers hanging, colorful outfits (that eerily shared resemblance to the much-talked about printed spacesuits at Dior this season), and dramatic masks covering faces.

Bananas. With the repeated incorporation of one fruit, Gwen Stefani made a hit. Whether or not you could actually justify exactly what a “Hollaback Girl” is became irrelevant. It stuck. The video featured Stefani’s “Harajuku Girls,” four Japanese backup dancers that served as her muses for the entire beginning of her solo career. Tokyo culture as a whole was major inspiration for Stefani’s fashion choices, which at the time were reflected in her label, L.A.M.B. The video makes you wish you were a part of Stefani’s world as they go through aisles in shopping carts, knocking down everything in their path. The world could use more of this fun disobedience.

The Voice of Ole Miss




Inconsistencies and early struggles plague Rebels COLUMN





9 5



8 2

© 2013


scratch area

1 3 9 7 6 4 8 3

3 9 4 7

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 with no repeats.


4 1 5 9 7


We have to live today by what truth we can get today and be ready tomorrow to call it falsehood. -- William James


3 8




Insane Sudoku by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 11

Puzzles by KrazyDad


Sudoku #6


6 5 9







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Sudoku #6 4 9 3 8 7 6 2 5 8 2 9 4 5 7 6 2 1 3 8 9 7 6 5 1 3 9 2 4 7 2 3 7 6 4 1 8 6 4 1 5 8 3 2 6 3 7 9 4 1 5 5 2 1 6 3 9 8 4 8 9 5 1


sively. The Rebels have committed 33 errors through just 28 games so far this season, in-

1 5 8 9 7 2 4 6


season. Ole Miss has also been largely inconsistent on the field defen-



those opportunities. Stranding runners on the base paths has plagued the Rebels and cost them a couple of games this




Tate Blackman watches a pitch go by for a strike in a game earlier this season.

Sudoku #8 6 9 3 4 1 8 7 2 5 1 8 4 5 7 2 3 6 9 7 5 2 6 9 3 1 8 4 5 6 9 2 4 1 8 3 7 4 3 1 9 8 7 6 5 2 2 7 8 3 6 5 4 9 1 3 1 6 7 2 9 5 4 8 9 4 7 8 5 6 2 1 3 8 2 5 1 3 4 9 7 6

It has been a year of ups and downs thus far for the Ole Miss baseball team. As the Rebels get deeper into conference play, they currently sit at a 14-14 record and a 4-5 record in Southeastern Conference play. Several areas of inconsistency have damaged the NCAA Tournament chances for the Rebels in 2015. Ole Miss has struggled to find consistent, timely hitting. The latest example is leaving ten runners on base in the series finale against Arkansas that the Rebels lost. After Thursday night’s game against Arkansas, Ole Miss was 2-for-34 with the bases loaded this season. The Rebel offense is giving itself opportunities by getting runners on base, but the team is having trouble capitalizing on

cluding 16 errors through nine conference games. Errors have cost the Rebels runs that have proved to be the difference in winning and losing a couple of tight games. The most glaring question that needs to be answered is: who will fill the role of the third weekend starter? After an injury to junior right-hander Sean Johnson and the success of sophomore righthander Brady Bramlett, Senior right-hander Sam Smith began the year as the third weekend starter. Smith was the Rebels third starter in 2014 and filled the role perfectly for most of the year. In 2014, Smith did exactly what Sunday starters are supposed to do and pitched just well enough to give the team a chance to win late in the game. It’s been a different story for Smith in 2015. He has struggled with his command and been inconsistent in each of his outings this season. Smith’s struggles have left the Rebels in a position of needing to find a consistent Sunday starter. Freshman Will Stokes appears to be Mike Bianco’s choice, at least for the near future. Stokes has started in the final game of the weekend series each of the last two weeks for Ole Miss. After a rough first outing against Florida, Stokes improved this past weekend against Arkansas. Stokes was cruising through four innings as he retired the first ten batters he faced. He ran into trouble in the fifth as the Razorbacks loaded the bases and ran Stokes out of the game. Though most would have like to have seen Stokes go a little deeper into the game, it was a large improvement and a positive sign going forward for the young right-hander. Junior relief pitcher Jacob

sports INCONSISTENCIES continued from page 6

Waguespack might also be another viable option for the Rebels as a game three starter. Waguespack has pitched well as a middle reliever this year, boasting a 1.82 ERA, and has shown the ability to pitch 3-to5 innings in relief. On the downside, sliding Waguespack into the starting role could put too much pressure on senior right-hander Scott Weathersby and sophomore left-hander Wyatt Short, both of whom have been great for Ole Miss on the back end of the bullpen. Sam Smith is still a Sunday option despite his struggles this season. Smith is the only one of the three who has experience as a weekend starter in the SEC. Smith knows what it takes to win in the SEC, and it’s just a matter of getting his confidence back and returning to the level

of performance that helped Ole Miss win games in 2014. A positive sign going forward is that the Rebels have made it evident they can beat anyone in the country. Ole Miss took two of three from 5th ranked Florida and split a two-game series with 7th ranked Louisville. The Rebels also had a chance to win a series against 4th ranked LSU and 11th ranked UCF but fell short in a couple of close games in those series. Ole Miss has a lot of talented young players who are trying to mesh well together as a team. Bianco has played a number of different lineups and batting orders to try to find the right combination, but the Rebels have appeared out of sync a lot this year. There are questions that need to be answered and roles that need to be filled, but if this team puts all the pieces together, there is enough talent for the Rebels to become a dangerous team down the stretch. It just remains to be seen.

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continued from page 8 midweek victories to carry momentum into a weekend series against an SEC opponent. They couldn’t do it last Tuesday against UAB, and they’ll look to turn their struggles around against Memphis at AutoZone Park. The game tonight is the first in a home-and-home series against the Memphis Tigers, as they’ll play once again at Swayze Field on April 22. Ole Miss holds a 20-8 record against Memphis under head coach Mike Bianco and begins a stretch of playing eight of its next nine games against teams from the state of Tennessee. Sophomore left-hander Evan Anderson will once again get the midweek start for the Rebels. This will be the eighth pitching appearance for Anderson this season and his fifth midweek start. Anderson has struggled in his role as the midweek starter MOLLY BARR TRAILS now leasing for fall. New, spacious 2BR and 3BR apartments with all appliances, W/D, fitness room and swimming pool. $575 per person includes cable, internet, water, sewer services. Walking distance to campus! (662)816-8800 2BR2BA APT FOR RENT Available immediately. Near Square and Campus $864/ mo + water & electric. All appliances. Internet/cable included. (917)969-6406

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so far, holding a 1-3 record with a 6.43 ERA. In his last start for the Rebels, Anderson struggled in the second game of the doubleheader against UAB, surrendering three runs on six hits and three walks over 3.2 innings of work in the loss. The Memphis Tigers enters tonights game with an impressive 17-6 overall record after winning two-of-three games against Houston to begin conference play in the American Athletic Conference. The Tigers also split a pair of midweek games against Arkansas last week. Both pitching and hitting have been impressive for the Tigers as the pitching staff owns a team ERA of 2.45 and has outscored their opponents by a combined 12766 so far this season. Senior left-hander Alex Gunn will get the start for the Tigers against Ole Miss. After sitting out the entire 2014 campaign due to injury, Gunn has returned to the pitching staff and has pitched well so far, owning a 2-0 record and adding on an STOVE COVE 3 BEDROOM HOMESlarge bedrooms w/vaulted ceilings, fireplace, front porch & large wooden grilling decks, quiet area only 2.5 miles from campus. No pets. Avail Aug. $725 total for 3 bed/ 2bth and $825 total for 3 bed/ 3 bth. (662)234-6481 TWO-STORY CONDO- large 3 bed, 2.5 bath, security system, free sewer & lawn service. No pets. Avail Aug. ONLY $800 total per month. Call (662)832-8711 2 BEDROOM/2 BATH- ONLY $525 per month, large rooms, new carpet, W/D included, free lawn service. No pets. Avail Aug. (662)234-6481 FOR RENT: JUNE 1ST ideal for serious graduate or law student. 1-bedroom katrina cottage, also 3-bedroom house on same lot. (662)234-6736

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impressive 1.00 ERA over 18 innings of work. Opponents are only hitting for a .190 average against Gunn. The Tiger offense has also been potent with four players hitting over .300. The offense for Memphis is led by the play of senior outfielder Kane Barrow. Barrow is hitting a .356 average so far this season. The power bat of the lineup for the Tigers comes from senior infielder Tucker Tubbs who leads the team in doubles with nine, home runs with three and RBIs with 24. There should be no panic from fans yet, as the Rebels have played the nations’ toughest schedule. The 2006 Rebels started the season 13-11 overall and 1-5 in SEC play. That team ended up finishing the season with a 44-22 overall record and won the SEC Tournament and almost made the College World Series in Omaha. Now is not the time to panic and a win against Memphis would be a momentum builder the Rebs need. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COFFEE IS THE SAFEST business to start. Recession Proof. Just ask Sbucks! Weekly Pay. (901)221-4141


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STUDENT JOBS MS WORD EDITOR Need someone proficient with MS Word to format/edit a research manuscript containing 18,000 words. Email: rghays47@gmail. com

Positions Available DM editorial staff for 2015-16 school year News Editors Design Editors Video Editor Lifestyles Editors Opinion Editor

Photo Editor Multimedia Staff Sports Editor Copy Chief Copy Editor

Applications Due April 6 Apply online at Completed applications are due 5 p.m. Monday, April 6, at the Student Media Center, 201 Bishop Hall.



Diamond Rebels travel to Memphis for midweek game DYLAN RUBINO

After taking two out of three games at Swayze against Florida last weekend, the Rebels followed that up by dropping a double-header against UAB at home last Tuesday. The Rebels then headed to Fayetteville to take on Arkansas and dropped two out of three games. The loss in the Saturday rubber match dropped the Rebels to 14-14 overall (4-5 SEC). Despite the poor performance over the last week, catchers Austin Knight and Henri Lartigue carried the bats for the Rebels, as the tandem combined to hit a .444 average. In the Arkansas series, freshman infielder Kyle Watson was the first baserunner in all three games. Sophomore right-hander Brady Bramlett continues his hot start as he is tied for fifth in the SEC with a 1.79 ERA. Junior outfielder Cameron Dishon is fifth in the SEC with 12 steals. Ole Miss has played the nation’s hardest schedule so far this season as the opponents’ win percentage totals .660. One weakness for the Rebels this season has been getting

SEE REBELS PAGE 7 Evan Anderson prepares to throw the ball in a game earlier this season.



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