Nov. 1, 2012

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dn the

election 2012

collegiate campaigners

thursday, november 1, 2012 volume 112, issue 051


Inside Coverage

Girl Talk

On God and football

Free documentary showing analyzes sexist culture in United States

Husker football figures talk about religion and sports


UNL parking lawsuit shifts to federal court Dan holtmeyer DN A lawsuit against the University of Nebraska Board of Regents has moved to the federal district court of Nebraska, but when the suit will formally begin remains up in the air. The case, titled Richard A. Norton, Jr. v. The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, claims that two years ago university parking personnel unlawfully discriminated against Norton, a man with a lifelong physical disability. It also claims university employees have done the same to other people with disabilities for at least the past four years and show no signs of stopping. This creates the possibility of a class action, which lets several people pool their claims together in a single, large case. According to court documents, publicly available from the federal courthouse near the University of Nebraska-Lincoln City Campus, the case was sparked one Saturday two years ago, when Norton and his family drove to campus to see an exhibit at Morrill Hall. The day was also a UNL football gameday, the documents say. Norton attempted to park in one of the two designated handicapped parking spots in front of the museum, but he was turned away. He claims university employees told him the spots were being kept open for “donors,” according to the documents. Norton claims he was sent to the Area 7 parking lot, roughly onethird of a mile away, where other university staff ridiculed him and demanded $15 for a handicapped spot. Norton pointed out charging him any amount is illegal, then the staff told him he could park there for two hours only. “Even one minute” after that, he was told, his car would be towed. Norton also claims the walk from the parking lot – which is on the opposite side of Memorial Stadium – left him in “extreme pain” that forced him to leave Morrill and “immediately seek medical attention,” according to the documents. The nature of Norton’s disability remains unclear. Norton claims all of this violates 1990’s Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits any discrimination against people with disabilities in public and business services and

timeline The allegations of the lawsuit center around the events of Oct. 30, 2010. According to court documents: • First, Richard Norton tried to park in a handicappeddesignated parking spot in front of Morrill Hall. • Second, parking personnel said he couldn’t – the spots were being held for donors. • Third, Norton was sent to a parking lot on the other side of Memorial Stadium. • Fourth, at this parking lot, Norton was told to pay $15, then allowed to park for free, but only for two hours. • Fifth, Norton claims, he was injured by the walk to Morrill Hall and required medical treatment. programs. He and his attorney, Kathleen Neary of Vincent M. Powers and Associates, further claim the university acknowledged these violations of the Act earlier this year and told Norton they would be fixed. The documents say, however, that the university continued keeping those designated parking spots open for donors until at least last September. “The university has broken its promise,” Neary said in a phone interview. Kelly Bartling, UNL news director and spokeswoman, said the uni-

lawsuit: see page 3

deckasdoihaodifghadiofghaiodfhgaiodhfoaihfoigha Mairéad Safranek, a junior advertising, public relations and political science major, works as a staff assistant for Republican senate candidate Deb Fischer’s campaign, logging 60 to 70 hours each week working on volunteer outreach and aspects of the campaign.

State, Local campaigns provide launchpad for politically Minded students story by conor dunn | photo by kat buchanan


ed versus blue, Republican versus Democrat, left versus right — despite their differences, there’s one thing students at the University of NebraskaLincoln working on Nebraska campaigns can agree on: Students should be involved this election season. “Students really make a big difference,” said Mairéad Safranek, a junior advertising, public relations and political science major. Safranek is a staff assistant for Republican senate candidate Deb Fischer’s campaign. Outside of her classes, she said she spends 60 to 70 hours a week conducting volunteer outreach and other campaign work for Fisher’s campaign. “I love campaigns because they’re so fastpaced,” she said. “You come in every day and there’s something new.” A native of Lincoln, Safranek said being involved with Fischer’s campaign has given her the opportunity to travel to rural places in Ne-

braska and meet new people. Working in campaigns is another way for students to make informed decisions when it comes time to vote, Safranek said. “Any American of voting age should be educated about what’s going on in our country because it directly affects them in every way,” she said. Campaigns are especially helpful for political science majors, she said. “I can truly say I’ve learned more working on this campaign than I’ve learned in any class ever,” she said. “It’s incredibly valuable for someone who wants to do this in the future.” Junior political science major Andrew Brey, field director for Nebraska Legislature District 21 Republican candidate Mike Hilgers, also plans on entering the political world. “I just love the atmosphere,” he said. “I think it’s really cool to be able to work on getting a candidate elected.” Brey plans to run campaigns as a career and

eventually do political consulting. As a political consultant, Brey would strategize for multiple candidates. He said he hopes that he can one day have an impact on Nebraska elections. “Nebraska isn’t a competitive state because it’s dominated by Republicans,” Brey said. With little competition, he said there isn’t demand for a large number of political strategists, but he said he sees Nebraska elections becoming more competitive in the future. Candidates always need more people volunteering to help with their campaigns, according to Brey. And students impact campaigns because young people commonly agree with a candidate their peers advocate for, Brey said. Some students shy away from working in campaigns because of the clerical work of making calls and mailing letters, said Grant Thom-

campaigners: see page 3

Bids stall Outdoor Adventures Center Contractors send in high building costs, delaying construction of the center Emily Nitcher dN Construction has been delayed on the Campus Recreation Outdoor Adventures Center because of high building costs. The Outdoor Adventures Center was set to open in fall 2013, but construction on the building has not begun. The cause of the delay is a bid from contractors and builders that was too high for the studentfunded Campus Recreation to accept. Christopher Dulak, assistant director of marketing and development for campus recreation, said the bid from contractors was $1.7 million over budget. “We’re student funded and because students are paying, we have to meet budget,” Dulak said. The Campus Recreation Outdoor Adventures Center is part of the YES 2 Better Rec Centers referendum that was approved by stu-


Another bid was sent out to contractors in late October for the Outdoor Adventures Center, which was set to open in fall 2013. dents in October 2010. In addition to the Outdoor Adventures Center, the $23 million referendum includes construction of a new East Campus rec center and major renovations to the City Campus rec center. According to Dulak, architects were the first people to look at the project. They determined everything from the design of the build-

ing, to where everything will be placed, to the type of flooring material. From their plans, architects estimated a total cost based on the current price of building materials. Then UNL allowed building companies and contractors to bid on the building. Builders and contractors don’t see the estimated price tag from the

architects, Dulak said. Dulak said they see steel, concrete, flooring, ceiling, amount of glass and then they put together their own price list – or bid – to construct the building. “In most cases those come in close together,” Dulak said. “In this case they were not. The contract bid came in much higher than the architect.” The $1.7 million difference between the contractor’s bid and the budget for the project meant UNL had to reject the bid and look for another. To cut back costs, Dulak said, architects made changes to the Outdoor Adventures Center plan that would be undetectable to students, such as the type of finish on the floors. Dulak said another bid for the project was sent out in late October. It should be back and selected in the second week of November. “October to November has less construction, and contractors might be willing to give a more favorable price,” Dulak said. “It’s the nature of industry.” Dulak said if the next bids are

OUTDOOR: see page 3

Mixed-used garage concerns student leaders Cristina Woodworth DN A mixed-use parking and housing facility project approved by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents last Friday has drawn mixed reactions from students and administrators. The 123-foot tall structure will be built at 18th and R streets on


the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus and will combine university-owned parking spaces with privately run residential units. The university would receive $120,000 annually from America First Real Estate Group, LLC, in return for the company’s right to own and operate the residential units as well as possible retail and office space. Eric Kamler, Association of Stu-

dents of the University of Nebraska president, said he has concerns that the private residential units will offer a similar environment to the Parkhaus located on top of the recently completed Larson Building “From word of mouth, it’s easy to hear that (Parkhaus) is a place that gets pretty wild, especially on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights,” said Kamler, a junior ag-

ricultural economics major. “They have a security guard there, but beyond that, it’s pretty unregulated.” Kamler said one of his major concerns with the privately owned residential units is that they would not have to follow any university rules, including UNL’s dry campus policy prohibiting alcohol on university premises. “I don’t know if it would neces-

more Inside Coverage:

A mentor, a friend Criminology class pairs students with juvenile detention youths


Clotheslined Local clothing designer targets women with new line

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sarily provide the environment we encourage and continue to encourage on our campus,” Kamler said. UNL will contribute a maximum of $16.7 million toward the construction of the parking garage component of the structure, according to the project proposal. The units would offer space for up to 475 people divided among 130 units. The regents approved the

mixed-use structure in an 8-3 vote at their Oct. 26 meeting. Student regent Kamler voted against the proposal as did Devin Bertelsen, student regent at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and Faisal Ahmed, student regent at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Harvey Perlman, UNL’s chan-

APARTMENTS: see page 2


thursday, november 1, 2012

Course pairs students, troubled youth Pressure to teach, CL Sill DN Anne Hobbs jokes that she could’ve been a felon. Hobbs, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s director of juvenile justice, said all kids make mistakes – including her. By today’s standards, she said, her own childhood could have featured a few run-ins with the law. “They used to let kids be kids,” Hobbs said. “There are a variety of things we’ve criminalized (now).” Now, the lawyer-turned-professor is teaching a class centered on helping area children, usually 14 to 15 years old, who live in youth rehabilitation centers. The course is currently in its first semester and pairs a college student with a child in need of mentoring. In Hobbs’s new class, students are first given a crash course on the juvenile justice system. They then have the opportunity to visit the Lancaster County Detention Center to meet with a group of possible mentoring candidates. “They have to start by meeting in the facility,” Hobbs said. “Part of that is so we can make sure it’s a MORGAN SPIEHS | DN good match.” Anne Hobbs poses for a portrait in the Nebraska Union Wednesday afternoon. Hobbs, UNL’s Once a relationship is established, Hobbs works to officially director of juvenile justice, teaches a new course aimed at helping area youth. pair a troubled youth with a mentor. This process can take a number of weeks and also involves mem- friend bowling. Thompson believes Corps credit, according to Hobbs. “She thought I was only doing bers of the detention center staff. Hobbs said AmeriCorps is this for a class,” Meyer said. “But interaction with a college student “It’s not a marriage,” said An- can help no matter what they are now she is showing interest and the “domestic equivalent of the nette Thompson, the deputy direc- doing. Peace Corps” and depending on that excites me.” tor of the Lancaster County DetenThe young girl hopes to be- the number of hours put into the “They really need someone to tion Center. “If it doesn’t work out talk to about their frustrations that come a pediatrician someday, acproject, students can be awarded it doesn’t.” money to put toward their educacording to Meyer. Meyer said part isn’t going to hand them a joint,” she Thompson went on to say the of her job is helping this girl reach tion. These awards can be used to said. response to the pay back federal loans or help pay that goal. The program pairings has been for graduate school. “I want to show her that she is still in its early I’m just excellent so far. “It’s a pretty good deal I think,” can do that,” Meyer said. “But she stages, and only one “The students Hobbs said. “It looks great on a rehas to start now.” of the five students there to give are all very detersume.” Each student who takes on this taking the course is mined to help,” she them a chance in Much of the program focuses class is committed to a one-year rementoring someone said. on this ability to help both the menlationship with his or her mentee, outside of the detenthe future.” When the pairbut Meyer said she hopes to con- tors and the young people in need tion center. ing is complete, the of support. Hobbs said by helping tinue the friendship after that time Amara Meyer, a Amara Meyer students meets with these kids now, Lincoln can build a is up. junior political sciJunior, political science and their partners at the better criminal justice system in the “I would like to, if she is willence and sociology sociology major detention center future. ing,” Meyer said. major, is working to help build upon “These are kids I’d like to see She said the purpose of the prowith a 15-year-old their relationship. go on to be lawyers and judges,” gram all boils down to simply havgirl who was recently released. Yet, much of the real work begins she said of those currently being ing someone to talk to. “She is just like any normal when the juveniles are released mentored. “If you only have people “I can’t take the place of famkid,” Meyer said. “She likes all of from the center and go back to their the same things kids like.” who have never had a brush with ily,” she said. “I’m just there to give regular lives. the law, they really don’t have a them a chance in the future.” Meyer said her partner was a The student and juvenile will perspective.” If a student continues with the bit “standoffish” at first but eventhen maintain contact, with mentor news@ tually warmed up to the idea of a program after the commitment is doing anything from helping with up he or she is eligible for Amerimentor. homework to taking his or her new

Lincoln to upgrade parking meters Smart parking meters will increase prices, convenience DANIEL WHEATON DN Parking in downtown Lincoln will soon come with a higher cost and an added convenience. The city of Lincoln approved a plan to replace some of the city’s parking meters with new smart meters. These new parking meters will accept credit

and debit cards for payment. Tony Bisesi, general manager of Republic Parking System, said the new meters will be installed sometime in the next six months. “These meters will come with a slight (price) increase,” Bisesi said. The new meters will charge $1 an hour, which is a 50 cent increase from the current meters. Bisesi said the meters directly south of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus will not be upgraded to the new smart meter because they are controlled by UNL transit.

“Our technology is almost 15 years old,” said Kenneth Smith, city parking manager. “We need to replace it.” Smith said the city is still waiting on a company to offer to supply the meters. The city wants to install 1,300 single-space parking meters in high-traffic areas. Officials are also purchasing 12 multi-space units for some lots downtown. The multi-space units will be similar to the payper-stall parking on the corner of 13th and P streets downtown. “It’s not quite the honor box system, but it still gets the job done,” Smith said.

Dan Carpenter, director of Parking & Transit Services for UNL, said at a parking and transit meeting last Friday that he was concerned the meters would cause an increase in demand for UNL’s cheaper meters. But Smith said the meters shouldn’t impact UNL’s meters. “We’ll be putting them in the areas of the most need, like the Haymarket,” Smith said. Once the city receives bids from the contractors, officials will begin the process of ordering and installing the meters. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

APARTMENTS: from 1 cellor, said he believes the developers for the privately owned residential units will want to make the building a positive place to live. “The private developer will have a real-market pressure to keep the facility a positive one or they will lose their investment,” Perlman said. “And if all else fails the university has the right at anytime to buy back the property.” Some students said they are still concerned, though, that it will be hard to distinguish private space from university-owned space in the mixed-use facility, and it could put more stress on current University Housing staff. The Residence Hall Association passed a resolution on

New study says professors feel strapped for time to teach tammy bain dn Items and numbers filled the white board that spanned across the office. But the writing – which didn’t spare an inch of the board – wasn’t an equation or narrative. “That’s my to-do list,” Elizabeth Lewis said with a laugh. A new survey released by the Higher Education Research Institute said professors like Lewis, an assistant professor of science education at University of NebraskaLincoln, are coming under heavy loads. According to the survey – which was administered to more than 23,000 full-time and about 3,500 part-time faculty members at four-year institutions – professors are feeling “strapped for time to teach,” which increases stress levels. “You have a lot of different balls in the air at the same time,” Lewis said. “You want to do a good job with all of those things.” Lewis divides her time between researching, teaching and faculty service. Some of the things on her to-do list above her desk need to be completed soon, she said. Others are long-term tasks. Besides teaching two classes a semester, Lewis directs a program preparing future science teachers for their master’s degree. She serves on four committees in her department and the publication committee for the Association for Science Teacher Education, and she’s a faculty adviser for the National Science Teachers Association. But Lewis said she doesn’t feel pressure from UNL to be so involved. It’s good to be asked to serve on committees, she said. “It’s flattering,” she said. But, “you do have to make choices.” Lewis said colleagues have an obligation to do their fair share, and each department should make sure everyone is doing his or her portion of work. As she does research for grant proposals to improve instruction in geology labs, develops partnerships for Latino students and finds out what school districts are teaching in science, the stressful part, Lewis said, is doing as well in one task as the others. “I really care about my students,” she said. She wants to do as well in teaching as she does in service and research, and she said students speak highly of the education department. And while she said people are being asked do more after joining the Big Ten, she added that she wouldn’t expect any different as

a professor. June Griffin, associate professor of practice in English, agrees. She balances teaching writing with a position in administration and said she experiences heavy crunch times similar to those students face. She said there are times when, “Wow, everything’s due,” and times when events flow more easily. But the stress is no surprise to Griffin, who said her colleagues help make her job manageable. “It’s definitely what I expected,” when she took on the position, she said. For the first time, the survey asked about budget cuts as a source of stress, which Hendrik Viljoen, professor of chemical engineering, relates to. Viljoen said he needs funding to stay caught up on his engineering research and publish scientific articles. But he believes the resulting stress can be found at any university. “I don’t think the push here (to produce more research) is any more than any university of comparable size and statue of this one,” he said. Scott Stoltenberg, assistant professor of psychology, said he saw more pressure when he spent time at the University of Michigan, where he said the demands for research productivity were much higher than at UNL. “Nebraska isn’t a high-pressure university,” he said. When physics lecturer Orhan Yenen’s research stopped receiving funding from the National Science Foundation, he merely accepted another class to lecture to fill the hole. Yenen was a research professor from 1993 to 2005, after working as a research associate and visiting professor. He said while other professors teach one to two classes to balance with research, he’s taught three since early 2006. Today, with around 360 students total, and about 120 students per class, he said he is stress-free but understands he’d be under more pressure if he were still a research professor. “You have deadlines,” he said about balancing research and teaching. “You have to be ready to go.” And while all professors interviewed agreed that balancing research and teaching is difficult, they all said the stress is not only part of the job, but an expectation from day one. “It’s a job that has a fair amount of time pressure and a fair amount of job pressure,” Stoltenberg said. “Graduate school weeds out people who can’t take pressure.” news@

People are being asked to do more and more.” elizabeth lewis

Oct. 2 to oppose the building of private housing on top of the mixed-use parking garage. “It’s unclear of what is private and what is public when it comes to this project,” said Meg Brannen, RHA president and a senior advertising and public relations major. “Students might not understand why they can drink in one building, but not in another dorm that is 20 feet away.” Perlman said that although UNL’s policies prohibiting alcohol on university premises would not apply to the private housing units, he doesn’t think it will become a big issue. “This would be a private devel-

correction An article published in the Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, Oct. 31 under the headline “International student numbers increased by 10 percent” contained an error regarding the number of international students enrolled at the University

research doesn’t faze UNL faculty

opment and not subject to university controls,” said Perlman, adding that laws against minors consuming alcohol should deter such behavior anyway. But Brannen said she doesn’t think the private developer will put underage drinking in the units at the top of its priority list. “It’s a private company, so I don’t think that will really be one of their concerns,” she said. “To me, it’s shocking that administrators wouldn’t be as concerned about this as we are. People are going to go right across the street to drink and then come right back to the residence halls.” Zach Christensen, an RHA sena-

tor and a junior biochemistry major, said he is not very concerned about the issue of alcohol in the privately owned residential area. “My concerns with (drinking) are minimal, because so much drinking occurs in the dorms anyway,” he said. Kamler said the privately owned residential units would simply complicate the enforcement of university policies on campus. “The fact that this project is being outsourced to an outside company and no university rules would apply is what everyone’s main problem is with this project,” he said. news@

correction of Nebraska-Lincoln. There are 3,475 international students enrolled across all four University of Nebraska campuses.

If you spot a factual error in the Daily Nebraskan, please report it by calling (402) 472-2588. An editor will place the correction that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

The Daily Nebraskan’s Wednesday, Oct. 31 article titled “Escaping the Wreckage” contained an error regarding Nebraska volleyball setter Lauren Cook’s game attendance. The article

should have stated Cook missed two games.

If you spot a factual error in the Daily Nebraskan, please report it by calling (402) 4722588. An editor will place the correction that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

(It’s most stressful) when you have more to do than you have time for. I don’t know if that’s changed much at the university level.” scott stoltenberg

Colleagues I like and respect make (stress) more manageable.” june griffin

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thursday, November 1, 2012

Bryan Health to discuss center Conor Dunn DN Bryan Health will host on-campus presentations Nov. 13 and 14 regarding the University of Nebraska-Lincoln administration’s proposed plans to privatize the University Health Center. This was announced by Association of Students of the University of Nebraska President Eric Kamler at Wednesday’s senate meeting. “A lot of the general concerns will be addressed,” he said. Kamler, a senior agricultural economics major, said Bryan Health may not be able to address some topics regarding the health center’s privatization because the university’s RFP review committee will still be in its review process. Senators addressed no legislation at the meeting. During open forum, James Lange, an environmental specialist with Environmental Health and Safety at UNL, spoke to ASUN regarding EHS’s Storm Water Inspection Program. Lange suggested that ASUN host a cleanup along Antelope Creek and Dead Man’s Run at the Big Event — an event that aims to give back to Lincoln through one day of service.

lawsuit: from 1 versity denies the claims. “We’ve done an excellent job providing as much parking as feasible on a campus like this,” Bartling said. “We do our best to try to accommodate everyone when the competition for spots is fierce.” Bartling called gamedays the “perfect storm” of students, staff and downtown and campus visitors. She said it was unclear what had happened to the parking employees mentioned in the claim or who they were. The suit was first filed in September in Lancaster County’s own district court, but NU requested a move to federal court in October because the lawsuit involves an act of Congress. When proceedings begin is up to the court, and several things have to happen before then. Norton has requested the case be treated as a class action, which would include several other alleged victims. For that to happen, his legal team must show that the group of plaintiffs is fairly large, that each plaintiff was affected in a similar way and that Norton can represent the class. “There’s a lot of hoops to jump through,” Neary said. “We still bear the burden of proof.” The lawsuit seeks injunctive relief, which would force the university to change what it’s doing, as well as monetary relief including and surpassing medical expenses. It doesn’t specify an amount, and Neary declined to give specifics on those medical costs, Norton’s disability or the overall amount sought. “It would be inappropriate for me to ask for an amount,” she said. “I really believe that Nebraska juries do the right thing when they are presented with the facts.” There is also a chance Norton won’t be able to sue for damages beyond medical and legal expenses, said Steven Willborn, a UNL law professor who specializes in employment and discrimination law. The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives state governments – potentially including NU – “sovereign immunity” from lawsuits. “State actors like the university have 11th Amendment immunity from suits,” Willborn said. “People can sue for injunction, but not for damages.” Neary acknowledged the potential role of immunity, saying the university would likely bring up the issue. “That will be an issue for the federal judge to decide,” she said. No date has been set for trial. Many class actions eventually settle

EHS must speak to the ASUN senators once a year to inform them of EHS’s purpose to the university, which is to monitor pollutants that run off UNL’s properties into Nebraska’s lakes, streams and rivers. EHS also inspects the amount of animal waste going into storm sewers from the livestock operations on East Campus, Lange said. The ASUN senators, who were garbed in a variety of Halloween costumes ranging from Captain America to a hot dog, met in the East Campus Union for their weekly meeting. One senator was asked to remove a piece of his costume when the meeting started because it supported Republican senate candidate Deb Fischer, which is in violation of ASUN’s bylaws. With the election next Tuesday, ASUN internal vice president Kaitlin Mazour, senior English and history major, encouraged the senate to review ASUN’s bylaws. Members of ASUN can’t wear campaign material for any candidate or talk about their support for either candidate in the ASUN office or at ASUN’s events. “We can have news on (a candidate) but it can’t be in support of a candidate,” Mazour said. news@

OUTDOOR: from 1 OK and a contractor is selected, then construction would begin in January or February of 2013. The Outdoor Adventures Center would then be completed in Spring 2014. Lucas Auffert, senior hospitality, restaurant and tourism management major, said he was a little disappointed to hear the project was behind schedule. “I wish it would’ve been when they said, but I understand they run into problems,” Auffert said. Ethan Thorp, senior diversified agriculture studies major, said he doesn’t care if the project is completed this year. “I stay inside,” Thorp said. Jon Feder, junior philosophy major, has a passion for climbing and works for Outdoor Adven-

tures. He said he’s excited about the state-of-the-art facility and what opportunities it will open for the organization when completed. “I just hope it gets done as soon as possible,” Feder said. The Outdoor Adventures Center will include a campus bike shop, a climbing wall and bouldering center. It will also offer outdoor gear rentals, adventure trips, a challenge course and classes and activities. Dulak said he is hopeful that Campus Recreation will receive an acceptable bid and can start construction in January or February. “We’re excited to be bringing it to students and we’re appreciative of the patience the university has been having,” he said. news@

Adoption Loving couple looking to adopt a baby. We look forward to make our family grow. All information confidential. Please call anytime. Joseph & Gloria, 888-229-9383.

Housing Roommates Are you looking to live on campus next semester? Currently seeking one female, who is a sophomore status and who is at least 19 years old, (must have turned 19 before the start of the fall semester), to take over a housing contract for The Village for the Spring 2013 semester! 4 bed/2 bath apartment style dorm. Two free meals a week plus all of the convenience of living on campus. Can meet roommates prior to moving in. Contact Rebecca at 402-990-1176 for more information! Looking for 2 roommates. 500/month each. Clean, quiet modern townhouse in a great location, just off of 15th and Superior Street. All utilities included, free satellite TV, free internet, no smoking or pets, laundry facilities available. Available October 1st. For more information please e-mail Looking for someone to take over a lease at The View Apartments starting December 17th (flexible). The lease will run from move in date thru August 2013. This lease is for a private bedroom and bathroom in a 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom completely furnished apartment. The apartment features all your appliances (stove, oven, refrigerator, etc.), furniture (living room set; bed, dresser, desk, etc.), and balcony. Rent is $369/mo. + shared cost of electricity. Included is access to free tanning, fitness center, computer center, basketball/volleyball courts, BBQ grills, Internet, and pool/hot tub. The View is 2 miles from the UNL city campus with a free shuttle service to transport you to and from campus, so very convenient! If interested or have any questions please feel free to call/text 402-992-8043 or email Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to and include your name, address and phone number.

is that public entities may not be as conscious as they should be,” he said. “Cases like this may be an alert (for them).” news@

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Edited by Will Shortz


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Wayne S U D O K U P U Z Z L E By Gould

Every row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 thru 9 with no repeats across or down.

Answer to Previous Puzzle

Find yours here.

“Really that’s what they’re doing,” she said. “It’s a big case. It has huge implications.” Willborn said he agreed, albeit to a somewhat lesser degree. “The way I would think of it …

THURSDAY NOV.8 10:30 am


outside of court, which allows a defendant like NU to pay the plaintiffs without assuming any guilt. Neary said she was pressing on anyway, because NU “was trying to make a buck” to the cost of people with disabilities.

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campaigners: from 1 as, a sophomore social science education major and field director for Kate Bolz, the Democratic candidate for Nebraska Legislature District 29. “I understand that contacting voters isn’t necessarily the most exciting thing for some people,” Thomas said. But there is also personal satisfaction in the act of campaigning for a candidate, Brey said. “Every now and then you’ll get someone who is supporting our opponent, but after we tell them about our candidate, they end up switching their support,” Brey said. “That’s a pretty cool feeling.” News@


Puzzles by Pappocom

Across 1 With 40-Across, a chorus line … or a hint to this puzzle’s theme 4 Astronomer’s accessory 10 Where dolphins perform tricks 14 A fresh start? 15 Painter of many nudes 16 Kind of sandwich 17 Snack on a stick 19 Capital city on the Daugava River 20 ___ de Margarita 21 Imports, as elevator music 23 The Treaty of Versailles ended it 27 Hebdomadally 28 Southeast Asian language 29 Campus org. for ensigns-intraining

31 Oto neighbors 35 Turnips, e.g. 40 See 1-Across 42 Chug 43 Punctual 44 Cover many subjects? 46 Sigma follower 47 Prefix with lineal 51 Secret, e.g. 55 Drive mad 57 Just 58 Lo ___

69 ___ 10 (acnefighting medicine)

Down 1 Part of many a firm’s name 2 ___ Party 3 Young fellow 4 Lovers’ plan 5 Long-running MTV show, with “The” 6 Hocked 7 Result of rampant 59 Oscar-winning inflation? song from 8 Like some safety “Aladdin” boots 64 It might come off 9 Eins + zwei the shelf 10 Thread holder 11 Beethoven 65 Customize for honoree 66 “Has Anybody 12 ___ Doggie (old Seen My ___?” cartoon pooch) (1920s song) 13 Group making 67 Europe, Asia billion-dollar and Africa loans 68 First in an order 18 Insult, slangily 22 Arizona and Arizona State ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE joined it in ’78 C U B S W I N A C A D I A N 23 Parade part I P A N E M A C O R O L L A 24 “___ dead!” A C M I L A N R C C O L A S 25 Is peripatetic D C C O M I C S B I T 26 Orchestrate P A S E O E D Y E E N Y 30 In ___ E C O M F A S X F L (altogether) W C F I E L D S A T L A S 32 Experiences E R A S M U S A C C O U N T 33 Apollo 11 E A S Y A J C P E N N E Y astronaut E T D A E R O E N E 34 Plum look-alike M U T T A T V F A S T S 36 Old PC part A N A M C H A M M E R 37 Indian sauce N C S T A T E S E V E N C S with coriander O L E A R Y S E D I T O U T and cumin R E S T Y L E C O L E T T E 38 “___ River”






















29 32


19 21

28 31







30 35




43 44







No. 0426






46 52
















Puzzle by Julian Lim

39 Il ___ (it rains: Fr.) 41 Realm of many searches 45 “I’ve had enough!” 47 Jumbo beginning? 48 Slippery as ___ 49 Place for a yellow ribbon

50 1970 Hugo Award-winning novel by Larry Niven 52 Shoulder muscles, for short 53 Many people like to take these apart 54 Nicktoons character

56 Lady ___ 60 Old Testament book before Zephaniah: Abbr. 61 Bighead 62 Floor cover 63 Possessing much life experience

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thursday, november 1, 2012 @Dailyneb

dn editorial board members ANDREW DICKINSON editor-in-chief



Rule No. 008 “Dressing for Cold Weather”

our view

ENDORSEMENT: Bob Kerrey to bridge party lines The Daily Nebraskan endorses Bob Kerrey for the U.S. Senate. We support Kerrey because he’s willing to work with members from both parties to find solutions for the problems, such as the economy and health care, that currently face the United States. First and foremost, Kerrey has continually spoken about working across party lines to make necessary changes in America’s political system. But advertisements are only so believable. During several campaign stops, Kerrey has spoken about problems within both parties. He has also made himself accessible to the residents of Nebraska through campaign stops in multiple towns – not just cities – to promote his policies. Most importantly, he has visited the University of Nebraska-Lincoln two times to State Sen. Deb Fischer ’s solo appearance. We endorse Kerrey because he has made himself available to our age group and he’s listening to what we say. Kerrey promotes changes to health care that go above and beyond what President Barack Obama has brought to the table with the Affordable Care Act. He wants to eliminate health care based on employment and, instead, work to create the co-pays and deductibles of several plans, so as to offer citizens a variety of personal options. Not only does this allow people to have care plans that are specific to their needs, but it also takes the burden off employers to provide set kinds of health care for their employees. Currently, our generation faces some scary facts. We’re told that Medicare’s reserves are only going to last until 2024. And we’re told that Social Security is only going to last a few years beyond that. Kerrey’s plan to balance the budget hinges on working across party lines, even if that means voting against plans from Democrats. He’ll keep members from our generation in line and work for longterm solutions so we can retire in comfort and seek government-funded health care years down the road. Kerrey is also concerned about national security and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. He was a Navy SEAL and served in the Vietnam War. He knows what it’s like to serve in a war that began as a popular idea, then slowly lost momentum. Additionally, Kerrey hopes to straighten out the U.S. education system. He has an 11-year-old son, Henry, so he’s much closer to the primary and secondary education systems than Republican candidate Deb Fischer, whose three sons are 30 or older. Finally, as Nebraskans, we need to elect someone who will uphold a significant part of our state’s economy: agriculture. Kerrey wants to work with rural communities to create individualized and unique federal support plans. He wants to invest in agriculture-driven research as well as other basic needs, such as water, power and transportation for rural communities. Today we are faced with multiple dilemmas in our society. But next Tuesday, you have the opportunity to elect an official who listens to us and who is willing to work with all members of Congress to make changes. We’ve seen enough war in our youth already. It’s time to elect someone who is dedicated to peace.

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the fall 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

gabriel sanchez | dn

Simple changes quell fiscal angst


f you went out to the bar every night last week, you’re probably broke. If you filled out an entire punch card at a coffee house in one week, you’re probably broke. If you live alone, you’re probably broke. If you’re paying your own way through college, you’re probably broke. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Money doesn’t have to be a huge cause of stress in your life, even if you tote the label of a “poor college student.” Saving money can be tricky, especially for those of us still newly out of our parents’ nests, but it can also be easy. So easy, in fact, you might not even notice a difference in lifestyle. It doesn’t have to hurt. It doesn’t have to mean starving because you’re putting off buying groceries to save money for the bars. So here are a few quick and easy tips to save some money in the cash-sapping years of college.

Quit showering every day

No, seriously! Most people don’t like to admit to not bathing, but more and more people are skipping the daily shower. There’s no reason to shower every day. The natural oils in your skin and hair stay in better shape if you don’t. On top of that, if you only shower every other day, you’re spending half the amount of money on shampoo and conditioner. Especially if you use expensive hair products, this can be a lifesaver. While we’re on the subject, quit buying expensive shampoo. Take it from me: The $1.69 Suave shampoo works just fine.


I’m going out on a limb here and assuming I’m not the only person who has or had subscriptions to websites I never use anymore. For instance, I used to be obsessed with LiveJournal. For months after I had stopped using it on a regular basis, I still contributed $6 per month to the website. It was partially because I couldn’t bring myself to let go of something that used to be so important to me. But I’d also rather spend the five minutes it would take me to figure out how to cancel it on something more important, like catching up on “How I Met Your Mother.” If you have a subscription you actually use, pay for more than one month up front. You’ll spend less money in the long run. Also, unsubscribe to your porn sites. I’m not an expert on the matter, but I’m pretty sure you can find that stuff online for free.

buy, the 11th is free), and some have specific days where they give you double punches for every one drink you buy. Going to a place frequently and not using punch cards, if they have them, is silly. You don’t have to be an extreme coupon-er to take advantage of some sweet deals. All you really have to do is flip through those coupons everyone in Lincoln gets weekly and see if there’s anything you can save on.

Quit cable

DANAE LENZ Stop paying those dumb fees

Generally, people hate calling big companies. They hate listening to the person on the other end of the line try to sell things they don’t want or need. But sometimes it’s necessary. And sometimes the person on the other end and actually fixes your problem – and then promptly convinces you to start paying for something you don’t need. Then you spend the next year paying for said dumb fee instead of calling them back and telling them to take it off your bill. Stop it. Man or woman up and tell them to take their fee and shove it someplace else.

Make coffee at home

Like many college students, I have a major coffee addiction. If I don’t keep tabs on myself, I can easily spend $100 per month on coffee alone. I tell myself it’s my only vice and I rarely buy myself pretty things. But there’s really no excuse. Luckily for me, my parents gave me their espresso machine. This way, I can drink as much coffee as I could ever want and not feel guilty about it. (Did you know a shot of espresso only has five calories in it? That means making it at home is good on your waistline and on your wallet.) Even if you don’t have a fancy espresso machine, a regular coffee maker works just fine. Growing up is hard, but black coffee isn’t that scary; it’s a nice, slow step into adulthood.

Use punch cards/coupons

Even if you’re cutting back on how much you spend on coffee, you’re still bound to slip up. And that’s OK. Most coffee places have punch cards (meaning for every 10 drinks you

I know this is a hard one. I grew up without cable, and my childhood was fine. (I actually played outside! Shocking, I know.) But, of course, once I lived in the dorms and was graced with the presence of cable, I didn’t know how I’d made it 18 years without. It’s hard breaking up with cable, but you can survive. A trick? You can find every TV show on the Internet for free (and not illegally). Even though I don’t have cable, I still see all the shows I want because I have a computer. Seriously. Stop.

Drink cheap

Once we college students turn 21, getting drunk all the time is a tempting proposition – one that results in watching lots of money go down the drain. However, there are a few ways to drink without breaking your bank account. Don’t bring a credit card. Before you go out, get $20, and then put your credit card in a safe place. This way, you know you won’t be spending more than that $20. Look for specials. Most places have nightly drink specials. While it’s usually something like $2 PBR, it’s worth the subpar quality to save money. Get the $3 bottle of wine and drink at home. Whether you’re alone or with a friend or two, it’s always fun. Money isn’t necessary for happiness, but it makes it easier to be happy when you aren’t stressed about how you’re going to pay your bills. How much money have I saved since I started doing all these things? Approximately $160 per month, or nearly $2,000 per year. That’s a lot of money. Maybe if you can do all these things, you can start doing a real grown-up thing and make a budget. I’m not quite there yet, but I’m trying. Danae Lenz is a senior journalism major. Follow her on Twitter @ danaelenz and reach her at opinion@

Internet snark signals positive political discourse


during the first presidential debate. Modig Bird, binders and bayonets? erator Jim Lehrer ’s question was about Are these the only things that the candidates’ position on government matter in this election? funding. Romney responded, “I like PBS, The overstimulation of I love Big Bird. Actually like you, too. But news and political allegiances I’m not going to – I’m not going to keep during a presidential election on spending money on things to borrow year provokes absurd behavior from not money from China to pay for it.” only extreme activists, but also the generHowever, the context or the argument al public. The most accessible avenue for isn’t important. The only thing pop culpromoting political ideas is the Internet. ture cares about is that Romney wants to But Internet political positions are fire Big Bird. The politics of government unconventional. They combine the real political environment with satirical pop funding aren’t what matters. The reactions to these words were alculture – fictional and facetious Twitter most instant, and social handles, subtitled .gifs and media provided a place crudely Photoshopped imOur ability for them. People could ages. Counterintuitively, to create find cleverly designed however, this doesn’t make Twitter accounts from a farce out of the election. political satire Big Bird himself. PhotoThe public is exercising a sharing sites featured healthy expression toward demonstrates just pitiful images of the the politics of their society. how savvy we “Sesame Street” characIf you’re not on the Inare.” ter in the unemployment ternet, you might as well not line. exist. A while back, politiFor the apathetic, cians caught on to the importance of social media. They now have politics is uninteresting. For the cynical, official Twitter accounts and Facebook politics is frustrating. But both can conpages. And the public will take care of the sume and enjoy pop culture. Some didn’t care for the debate itself; they can express unofficial ones. The presidential election has cre- their political interests through someated its own movement in popular cul- thing they do understand. They can be ture, leading off comments by President politically relevant, creative and popular Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney in through their behavior on the Internet. Like any movement of Internet pop their moments of public scrutiny. Romney, for example, made a specific culture, viral momentum takes hold. The reference to Big Bird from “Sesame Street” public caught onto Romney’s “binders

JANE SEU full of women” in the second presidential debate. Again, the infamy of this idea in pop culture isn’t about women’s rights or even how Romney feels about them. The public’s attention is on the ridiculous phrase itself. Political discourse opened up through witty tweets, absurd images and sarcastic remarks. The last presidential debate was supposed to be the final official joust between the candidates as they debated their foreign policy views. However, the public caught on to Obama’s “horses and bayonets” remark. The people couldn’t ignore the opportunity to create silly images featuring the candidates in the heat of battle. Perhaps this isn’t political involvement as we’d like to think of it. Serious

activists lament the waste of political energy and distractions these pop culture memes become. But it would be even a bigger waste to try to stop it. The politicians don’t seem too bothered. The campaigns didn’t officially react or make statements defending or supporting internet content. (However, the Obama campaign created a “Save Big Bird” ad.) The traditional campaign practices will now carry on. Romney and his strategists are probably not too thrilled to see his public statements dismantled and rebuilt into a juvenile joke. But the election is still determined in the voting booth. Popular culture is for the people. Politicians don’t get to choose what the public latches onto. This principle stands not just in official issues and policies, but also in what gets recreated in pop culture. The politicians have already accepted the Internet as a formal campaign tool. They cannot get angry or frustrated that the public reacts on the Internet, too. The best politicians can even create viral momentum of their own in their favor. The Obama camp fashioned their own campaign tactic by publicizing and hashtagging #Romnesia to expose Romney’s contradicting statements. It’s catchy and easy for the public to remember and recreate. In an ideal society, these viral images and catchphrases will provoke voters to discover the true context of these comments. Citizens can take an opinion on

the issue and candidate himself. They might then even take to the voting booth. For the truly intellectually curious, this will be the case. Unfortunately, many will relish in the joke and continue political apathy. Of course, the risk of turning citizens off from politics entirely may be exacerbated. But the viral presence in pop culture indicates political activism in itself. Those who are perpetuating these images and catchphrases already watched the debate or followed the politician. Likely, they already favor a candidate and are quick to point out the other ’s shortcomings or blunders. Our ability to create political satire demonstrates just how savvy we are. For Internet pop culture, politics is just a trend, as is the practice of joking about it. When the election is over, the cyber world will hardly remember the awkward or bizarre phrasing a politician said a month ago. Images and Twitter accounts will fade. Even the most serious political activists and concerned citizens are free to enjoy these jokes and puns as they come. As long as the punchlines are clean, no one should refrain or feel guilty. The only thing that will last is the outcome of the election itself. Jane Seu is a junior political science major. Follow her on Twitter @jane_seu and Reach her at opinion@



thursday, november 1, 2012 @dnartsdesk

Jamaal Chinn poses with three different pieces he designed for his clothing company, Hers Brand Co., on Oct. 24. Chin said the clothing line really started coming together last December.


story by Yuliya Petrova photo by Brianna Soukup

Jamaal Chinn founded Hers Brand Company armed with vision of quality, affordable women’s clothing


incoln might not necessarily be first city to come to mind when thinking about fashion. However, 26-year-old Jamaal Chinn, founder of Hers Brand Company, may soon change that. “All I want to do with this brand is something cool, creative, create something new, (which) people can be proud of coming from Lincoln,” said Chinn, a graduate student in management at Doane College-Lincoln. Since childhood, Chinn had an eye for clothing. He recalled thinking Nike Jordan sneakers were especially cool. At a young age he said he learned the value of the dollar after his parents rewarded him with the Jordans for earning good grades and completing chores. From there, Chinn became interested in creating affordable fashion. “It’s about quality over quantity,” Chinn said. Chinn moved to Nebraska from Colorado and received a bachelor’s degree in business and sports management from Doane College in Crete. He’s now attending graduate school for a master’s in management. He said he hopes to be an entrepreneur – to own his own business in which he can tie his passions for “music, clothes, fashion and culture.” “I know the business side,” Chinn said. “Now I am learning a lot of the merchandising-fashion side and following my passion.” When Chinn decided his design demographic, he chose women. “It’s easy; women love clothes,” Chinn said. “I want to be a guy taking perspective on women’s clothing. I love women; I love what women do. Women have to be strong, bear kids and all kinds of things that men don’t

have to do.” The balance between being a full-time student, working full time, having a social life and creating a fashion brand with “long nights (and) long days,” Chinn said he sometimes questions his career choice. “Should I be doing this? Why am I doing this?” he said. “But like I said, that’s where the passion is. (I’m) really loving it. Seeing the end product (is) now making it all worth it, because if I would’ve stopped and not went through with it, I always would’ve wondered, ‘what if?’” Chinn collaborates with local entrepreneur Raymonn Adams to design business ideas. Adams is now a business partner, creative director and web developer for the brand. Adams helps Chinn pull it all together and “celebrate her,” the philosophy behind the brand. “I want women to be able to feel like they can wear it because they like it,” Chinn said. “From day one and on, the brand is all about the woman,” Adams said. Chinn focsed on incorporating styles from the East Coast, West Coast and other cities all over the world. “This brand has really evolved into where we’re at now with Hers Brand Company, which is an acronym for “Happiness Equates Rare Simplicity,” Chinn said. Chinn said the most important part of his line is making something with substance. He’s determined to ensure quality. Chinn made this company his own by taking part in every step in the process, from sewing on tags to the printing process to the photo shoots.

I love women; I love what women do. Women have to be strong, bear kids and all kinds of things that men don’t have to do.”

Jamaal Chinn hers brand company

Along with Adams, Chinn works with Brandon Herbel of Omaha, a freelance designer, illustrator and the co-owner of Make Believe Clothing Company. “Through things like Instagram, I found a lot of creative people right here in Nebraska … and they have done some really big projects,” Chinn said. Chinn and Herbel used Basecamp, a project management software tool that allowed them to send sketches, PDFS and files to each other. After all the work Chinn put into creating his brand, he finally had the chance to unveil his designs to the public. On Oct. 19, Chinn hosted a launch event at the Voda Lounge in the back of Iguana’s in which he showcased his work and gave away free designs to the first 25 women. There was no conventional runway show with models. Instead it was more of an art gallery exhibit, which allowed people to look and touch the materials and also talk with Chinn.

jamall chinn: see page 6

UNL professors experiment with classroom technology Professors can give exams at the convenience of the student in your home.”

Instructors at UNL approach learning with a fresh, modern vision Cameron Mount dn Technology is advancing rapidly, as is its place in education. It’s now common to have entire classes play out on Blackboard wikis and blogs, with electronic submissions and digital media content. But does technology actually enhance learning, or do some professors rely on these tools for the wrong reasons? Roz Hussin is an instructional design technology specialist at the University of NebraskaLincoln and works with professors to incorporate cutting-edge technologies. “The whole way people think has changed,” Hussin said. “A lot of universities know that this paradigm change is going to happen.” She said even between current seniors and freshman, the difference in expectations is stark. “[Seniors] go to a classroom and still expect to be taught,” she said. “But I’ve seen a lot of the incoming freshman who gave up on their instructors before they even attended the class. They know their instructors will not be as fast as they can be to find the answers online.” Much of this difference, Hussin said, comes from a changing view of ethics with an increas-

Autumn offers men opportunities to fall into fashion ART OF WEAR

Roz Hussin

design tech

lauren cloyed | dn ingly “always-on” mentality. “What is appropriate today isn’t appropriate in a different technology environment,” she said. “To me, keeping something on all the time, so that you can actually pop in and out all the time, that’s inappropriate. But to another generation, what’s the big deal? You just don’t pay at-

tention to it. You leave it there. Like Twitter, it’s always there.” This requires new skills, like the ability to filter and sometimes ignore the constant stream of information and interaction. “The culture changes so fast that you have to really know what it is and define it,” she said. “If you’re not up with the times,


you’re going to get caught in a situation where you’re not aware of what the new expectation is.” Hussin said one concern with new technologies is ensuring they foster legitimate social experiences rather than passive ones. She modeled Adobe Connect as a web-conferencing software program on the cutting edge of educational potential. “Imagine you have a classroom and someone is sick and can’t come to class,” she said. “Using these tools, you can have an online face-to-face session where everyone’s webcam is on, and whatever is being shown on the large screen is being shown live. You can have hundreds of people on this at the same time. You can see everyone’s name with a camera and audio.” Hussin says about one out of 10 professors at the university utilize this tool, which also has applications in examinations. “Professors can give exams at the convenience of the student in your home,” she said. “The webcam is on so you know the student’s not cheating, and you can see what’s on the computer.”

proffesors: see page 6

Season allows for varied wardrobes, heightened sex appeal INGRID HOLMQUIST Fall: the smell of apple cider, watching bachelorettes dress their puppies in bedazzled neon pirate costumes, sharing pumpkin carving scar tales and, of course, fashion. I love fall. And not just because I’m boring and love earth tones and overcast weather, but also because fall fashion is very broad. Let me explain: fall weather in Nebraska is bipolar and so is your fall closet – and probably the bulk of your friends after midterm week. The temperature can be peacoat-worthy in the morning, but by mid-afternoon, shorts with tights might leave your legs sans gooseprickles. When fall weather isn’t going through mood swings, you can bet on cool breezes, crisp air and

a sweet disposition. I get so jazzed shuffling through the storage bins in my closet that are stuffed full of knee-high boots, sweaters, hats, scarves and jackets. Something about a cardigan and boots can make even the least fashion-forward doll confident and ready to rustle through the leaves. I’ll be honest, I’m probably not going to miss my sandals and cut-off tanks for quite some time. In my mildly boy-crazy mind, boys automatically get more attractive in fall. It seems that I end up falling in love (no pun intended) with every boy I pass wearing a cardigan or sweater with a collar popping out, tight (but not too tight) dark-wash jeans and boots. Maybe it’s something they put in the cider but, man, oh, man, October is the month of a million crushes for me. I am constantly needing to remind myself, “Ingrid, just because his thickrimmed glasses, earth-toned sweater and Palladiums are enticing, it doesn’t mean he’s going to be Prince Charming when it’s summer and he’s sweating like a toasted cheeser in the cashmere sweater you fell in love with last

holmquist: see page 6


thursday, november 1, 2012

DN Arts & Entertainment Staff Does No Shave November

GIMME 5: Star Wars VII Five reasons we should’ve seen the Lucas sellout coming

I’ve never grown a beard before, but this is my year. I know it.”

I can’t get a date to the Knickerbockers show tonight! Shaved my legs this month for nothing.”

Everyone keeps telling me I’m going to look like a pirate, but there’s no way.”

Ally Phillps

Nathan Sindelar

Chance Solem-Pfeifer

arts and entertainment staff writer

arts and entertainment editor

1. 2.

This is a terrible idea. What a waste of time.”


Tyler Keown

arts and entertainment staff writer

arts and entertainment staff writer


jamaal chinn: from 5


He’s like Toydarian. Appeals to integrity don’t work on him … ONLY MONEY. Because it already happened? George Lucas abandoned meaningful character development and his faithfulness to the hero’s journey archetype with “The Phantom Menace” in 1999. Boss Nass though? Hilarious. Lucas is more machine now than man. Lucasfilm has already sacrificed the holiness of fan favorites for a cheap laugh (see “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”). And nothing feeds a money-making machine like $4 billion. This is the way blockbuster films work in 2012. If you have an idea, you ride it out until people aren’t buying. And “Star Wars” has a lot of box office juice left. General Grievous only had four lightsabers. What if he had, I don’t know, five? And what if he couldn’t die? I made a half a billion dollars by finishing that sentence. George Lucas is a raging hypocrite, posturing to protect the sanctity of his series from adorers like the Ole Miss student body (who were within a parsec of changing their mascot to The Ackbars), but smearing his original work by bowing to preposterous controversies like whether Han or Greedo shot first. compiled by chance solem-pfeifer | art by natalia kraviec

professors: from 5


Chinn is originally from Denver, Colo., but came to Nebraska for school. He is currently a graduate student at Doane College, working toward a master’s degree in business administration. Chin and his friends celebrated Hers Brand Co. at a launch event for the company on Oct. 19 at Iguana’s in downtown Lincoln. “I think it’s amazing that stuff like this is coming out of Lincoln, because I would wear this all the time,” said Alyssa Davis, senior psychology major at Doane College. “I think it’s really fashionable.” Many supporters attended the launch to catch a glimpse of Chinn’s designs. “Lincoln is an up-and-coming

city,” said Nicole Adams, senior psychology major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “We’re growing in every area of the city, so it only makes sense fashion would grow along with the city.” Lincoln has produced countless professionals with passion and determination like Chinn’s. “(There are) so many talented

people that come from here that leave and take their ideas elsewhere,” he said. “I think a lot of good things are coming with Lincoln, trying to make it more appealing to young professionals. I want to see that growth and be a part of it.” Chinn’s designs have the potential to put Lincoln on the map. “It has to start somewhere is

how I look at it. If this doesn’t go, but it starts to open up a lane and somebody else blazes that path, and makes it, so be it. But I feel like it has to start somewhere, just trying to get people to pay more attention,” Chinn said. arts@

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holmquist: from 5

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autumn.” But for right now, I can’t help myself. So, here are some fashion pointers for the boys of fall.

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For essay questions, this means programs like Adobe Connect can screen-capture what websites are being browsed, what is being searched and what is copied and pasted. “It makes learning a whole other platform,” Hussin said. “You’re recording the thought process, not just the end result.” Cody Hollist is an assistant professor of child, youth and family studies at UNL. His family science course is made up of 150 students who meet in groups of 50 once a week. He conducts the rest of class completely online. “Ten years ago, this would have been impossible,” Hollist said. “The capabilities for the technology weren’t there to effectively teach what needed to be taught outside of the classroom.” The course is designed so students gain content knowledge online, then meet in smaller groups to practice putting those skills into action. While this is only possible with technology, Hollist said technology is never the focus. “My primary objective is that students will not notice the technology,” he said. “If they’re focused on ‘wow, this technology is cool,’ they’re not paying attention to what they’re supposed to be learning. If the technology is a pain in the neck, they’re not focused on what they’re learning.” Hollist said this distinction is sometimes lost on professors, which can lead to overreliance on technology. But the bigger problem is underutilization. He cited


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Men’s Fall Fashion

animated scenario software as an exciting example of its interactive potential. “Using the Second Life model, you’re in a pretend setting but you’re able to have an interaction with the game,” he said. “Within Blackboard, I could script a situation where a family sits down to talk with a professional and say ‘our child doesn’t want to read and we don’t care’ and that professional has to find ways to respond. I think that kind of setting will be really great.” Hollist added he’s cautious with new technologies, especially given that they often contain glitches which lead to more frustration than learning. Overall, though, he said he thinks these technologies are valid social experiences. “Using technology in the class, I can get people to interact in similar ways to what they do on Facebook,” he said. “And people feel like their Facebook interactions are a real social interaction. Seven years ago, people didn’t see digital interaction as real social interaction.” Hussin agreed that, while technology doesn’t replace the classroom, it is now an ingrained aspect of society and deserves professors’ attention. “It doesn’t mean you throw away paper,” she said. “But how can you be creative and innovative so the students don’t get bored?” arts@

“GQ” gentleman have taken a liking to this unisex fad.

Cable sweater: With absolutely no relation to Larry, cable sweaters are making a comeback this fall. They are big and comfortable for the more brisk jaunts to class.

Opt out of wearing your Husker jersey, Texas Longhorns shorts and tattered sneakers. Burnt orange and crimson will never be wise, just like support- Bomber jacket: Hey, ing the Longhorns will absolutely James Dean. With this new fall not be a smart choice. Please con- trend, you’ll feel like the hunk in sider re-using one “Rebel Without A of your summer Cause.” You’ll rebutton-up shirts sent that smoking Hey, James and layering it is bad for your with a neutral Dean. With health and yearn pullover sweater. to fill out the look this new fall trend, Strolling around with an American campus, you’re you’ll feel like the Spirit resting on going to feel like the edge of your hunk in ‘Rebel you stepped right lip. out of a J-Crew Without A Cause.’” magazine. Fall is the time Men, here are for confident style some specific archoices among ticles of clothing both women and to consider this fall: men. Unfortunately, the best sea-

Skinny ties:

the whole Joseph Gordon-Levitt-meets-The Beatles look is both trendy and classy for the days you need to dress up a little more.

Chambray or Indigo dress shirt:

the chambray (faux-denim material) is not just for the ladies.

son of the year only lasts about three days, max., which is why we must take advantage of fall fashions while we can. Before we know it, it’s going to be chunky snow boots, unflattering marshmallow coats and winter face masks invading your previously crisp, autumn-inspired closet. Arts@



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thursday, november 1, 2012

HUSKER NightLife Band Spotlight


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Communist Daughter Jonny Soloman Molly Moore Adam Switlick Dan Demuth Al Weiers Dillon Marchus

One of the bands playing around town is out of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, but we still welcome them with our Husker pride. With a debut record from Grainbelt Records, Communist Daughter is quickly gaining fame in all parts of the country. The band consists of six intensely creative people: Jonny Soloman, Molly Moore, Adam Switlick, Dan DeMuth, Al Weiers, and Dillon Marchus; who always needed to make music and are constantly being inspired. As was their band name, Communist Daughter, which is a reference to a Neutral Milk Hotel song, from which gave the budding band inspiration to draw. Within the two years they have been together, their music has evolved into an indie folk or folk rock, similar to that of the more well-known: Crosby, Stills & Nash. Although, their inspiration hasn’t always been from other bands: unfortunately, one member of the band is a recovering alcoholic and has been able to express his pain through music and lyrics. Music has, in turn, helped


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him through the process. As they look toward the future, the hope to finish a second album and learn from being on the road this year. Playing many concerts in New York City, Chicago, and everywhere in-between, their favorite concert was in a small barn in Wisconsin; the energy was comfortably electric. Although, they are not playing in Lincoln or Omaha in the near future, you can check out their website: for future shows.

thursday, november 1, 2012

football practice notes Evans’ success spurs Jackson’s move Ciante Evans has been one of Nebraska’s best performing defenders, according to coaches. The junior ’s role as the nickel back has been increased to include cameos at cornerback in four defensive-back sets, as he did at times against Wisconsin. “He gets reps at corner no matter who we’re playing, to be ready to go in case somebody goes down out there,” defensive backs coach Terry Joseph said. “He’s smart enough and comfortable enough to go out there and play.” As a result of Evans’s success, freshman Charles Jackson, who backed up Evans at nickel, has been spending more time practicing at cornerback in an effort to see more playing time. “Ciante’s playing so good, we’re trying to get (Jackson) on the field,” Joseph said. “He’s been out there doing a good job; we’ll just see how it goes. “He’s physically gifted, long, he’s got good ball skills. Hopefully we can get him to grasp the system so he might be able to play in a game and help us win.”

Playing the best guy Corey Cooper was noticeably absent from the defensive lineup in Saturday’s 23-9 win against Michigan. Replacing Cooper, a sophomore, in the dimeback role was walk-on senior Justin Blatchford. Defensive backs coach Terry Joseph said he made the change because Blatchford had a better week of practice compared to Cooper. “One thing that the players appreciate is that, if you practice well, you’re going to

get some reps in the game,” Joseph said. “We’ve been true to our word on that. We evaluate the practice film every snap. The guy who practices the best is going to play.” Joseph said that players have been very receptive to the ability to move up the depth chart with one good week of practice. As a result, Joseph’s secondary has taken on a new face nearly every week. “I think the guys appreciate that, and they respect that,” Joseph said. “Because they know they want to win, too, so the best guy should play.”

Bulk in the backfield Running backs coach Ron Brown said junior Mike Marrow will miss “a little bit” with a knee injury, which will likely increase the role played by C.J. Zimmerer. The junior saw action last week against Michigan. “He was physical, his angles were good, he caught a pass,” Brown said. “He was outstanding in terms of as a lead blocker. “Even though it’s young at the fullback spot, I think (Zimmerer and Andy Janovich) have come along and played pretty well.” At running back, Brown said he plans to use freshman Imani Cross more as the season wears on. Brown said he was impressed at how far along Cross has come in his short time with the team. “He’s a kid who has really learned a lot for a true freshman,” Brown said. “He’s a guy who has spent a lot of time, and he’s a really mature kid. I like the way he goes about his business, and he’s a good inside blocker. “We don’t have a lot of numbers, but we have a lot of high quality guys who are in great condition.” – Compiled by Chris Peters


NU eliminated from B1G tourney Lanny Holstein DN The Nebraska women’s soccer team ended its season Wednesday with a 1-0 loss to No. 21 Ohio State. The loss came in the Nebraska’s opening game of the Big Ten Tournament and knocked them out of the single-elimination tournament. As the seventh seed in the eight-team tournament, the Huskers had a tough draw in the Buckeyes but fought them closely throughout the contest. A single goal in the final minute of the first half was the difference. Buckeye midfielder Ellyn Gruber was able to slip a header by Husker goalie Emma Stevens to put Ohio State up 1-0 in the 45th minute. “We played so well the entire game until that corner kick right at the end of the half,” defender Bri Badje said. “It was a set play, and she just got six inches in front of us. Those set plays have kind of been our Achilles heel all year.” Badje feels that the Huskers played one of their better games of the year versus the Buckeyes. It was a simple mistake that cost them the game against a solid team. “We played well, but in every game, there are going to be mistakes,” she said. “We went down swinging in this game, and we really turned the script from what happened the first time we played them.” In the first half, Nebraska played the Buckeyes to essentially a stalemate. Minus the goal at the end, there little action to speak of. Neither team was near the goal much to open the game. The Huskers only put up two shots in the first half, and

file photo by bethany schmidt | dn

Nebraska defender Caroline Gray led her squad with two shots in the Huskers’ loss to Ohio State in the Big Ten Tournament. NU managed five shots, forcing only one Ohio State save. the Buckeyes only put up three. Both teams took a laid-back approach in the first half. Of Ohio State’s two shots in the first, only the scoring play was on goal, and neither of Nebraska’s two were

on target. Ohio State goalie Jillian McVicker was largely left alone in the first half. “I don’t think that we tested her enough,” Badje said. “She

made some nice saves in the game, but I don’t think that we did all that we could have.” In the second half, Nebraska got after her a bit more. Late in the game, Nebraska put up a barrage of shots, including one by sophomore Caroline Gray that had to be saved by Buckeye goalkeeper. Stevens, the Husker goalie, saved three shots in the second half, as well, to keep the Buckeyes at bay while her offense went on the attack. As Nebraska pressed for the game-tying goal at the end of the second half, the referees had their hands full. The Huskers and Buckeyes combined for five fouls in the final five minutes. Three offside violations were called in that period as well. Nebraska made a serious effort at tying the game up, but they came up short against one of the Big Ten’s best teams. The Buckeyes came into the contest on a six-game winning streak in which they outscored opponents 20-3. “Ohio State is a great team,” Badje said. “They are strong, and they are fast. So if you don’t come out and take it to them, they will beat you.” With the win, the Buckeyes move on to play either Michigan or Wisconsin in the semifinal round on Friday. Nebraska’s season is over, but Badje still takes a positive away from the final game. “I would say the theme of this season was never stop fighting,” she said. “We definitely had games where we came back, and even in the game where we didn’t come all the way back like this one, we kept fighting. I will always be proud of that.” sports@

basketball: from 10 fresh in our minds,” Talley said. “When we get out there in live action, sometimes we tend to forget. We’re trying to make sure that we remember it with practice and repetition.” Because Miles’s philosophies are new to the Huskers, even the seniors don’t know all of their assignments yet. Ubel said, as a senior, he normally would give himself up as a mentor to his younger teammates, but he has to concentrate on learning his own assignments this year. In the new system, he no longer has all the answers. Ultimately the Huskers are still playing basketball, and Ubel still has some advice he can offer his younger teammates. “There are some things that carry over,” the forward said. “Just the focus every day is important. I’ve been trying to tell some of these young guys about the focus that you have to bring everyday and how hard you have to go everyday because it is new. You have to pay attention. We all have to pay attention. We have to

file photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Dylan Talley and other veterans are spending the last few weeks of practice learning NU coach TIm Miles’ system. learn this offense.” The urgency is apparent in Ubel’s voice. He knows the

season is coming soon, and he knows the Huskers must be ready for a loaded Big Ten sched-

ule full of elite teams. His excitement is also apparent. The senior forward likes what his new coach is implementing. “There are so many more openings that we can attack, and everyone is put at different spaces on the floor at different times,” Ubel said. “We can take advantage of different matchups, and we are able to do a lot of different things in one possession. It’s not going to be me posting up the whole time. There is a lot of versatility to the offense.” Miles’s first season at Nebraska will probably include a good deal of learning on the fly. If the early player reactions are any indication, it will look new and open, just not very polished. Give it some time, Talley said. It’s coming along. “It’s taking time to learn it, but we are all working hard,” he said. “I feel especially today, after we broke it down and watched some film, we are starting to get the hang of it.” sports@

football: from 10

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more than at that meeting on the 50-yard line. In fact, Brown regularly quotes scripture before and during practice. Abdullah doesn’t see it as offensive though. He sees it in a different light. “I view it more as life lessons, something I can use in a non-religious part of life,” Abdullah said. Pelini is Catholic and participates in pregame mass with his players and coaches. Matya said Pelini’s players appreciate he cares about other things besides football. Pelini emphasizes academics. His players are required to go to class or be suspended. Pelini’s philosophy makes a difference on Saturdays, Matya said. Whether the team wins or loses, Matya sees something in the players’ attitudes for Pelini that most people don’t get to see. “One of my great mentors in the priesthood told me before I became a teacher, ‘Father, it doesn’t matter how much you know about Catholicism or the faith. But these kids that you’re going to teach, they have to know that you care about them. Until they know that you care about them, they aren’t going to care about anything you say in that classroom,’” Matya said. “If they know that their coach truly cares about them, these football players are going to do anything he tells them. … I think if he asked them to run off a cliff they’d do it.”


Barbara Baier listened to Brown speak. The talk was supposed to support a nonprofit organization at UNL’s Champions Club. That day, the group was supposed to be patting itself on the back for its recent work in the community. That benevolence wasn’t what Brown talked about though. What Baier, the only lesbian or gay member on the Lincoln Public School’s Board of Education, heard from Brown that day terrified her, so much so that she left early. “I was afraid of him,” she said. Baier recalls the day with vivid memories with one common theme. Fear. Fear for her partner of 25 years. Fear for their 13-year-old son. Fear for her own life. “He said that we should all fear gay people,” Baier said. The talk marked the begin-

portunity,” Baier said. “I still have mixed feelings about the athletic department.”


file photo from dn archive

Nebraska defensive lineman Jason Peter celebrates a tackle during a 1997 game. Peter didn’t always approve of mixing God with a violent game like football. ning of a long process of complaints to the athletic department. When Brown decided to speak against the Omaha City Council’s anti-discrimination ordinance, Baier wrote a letter to University of Nebraska-Lincoln Chancellor Harvey Perlman, Osborne, Pelini and the University of Nebraska Board of Regents asking for Brown to be fired. The law would extend protections to gay and transgender people. In his three-minute speech in front of the Omaha City Council, Brown explained the Bible doesn’t condone homosexuality. When he spoke in front of the Omaha City Council, Brown said his home address was “One Memorial Stadium,” making his statements represent the ideals of the university in Baier’s mind. A week after the events took place, Brown apologized publicly in an interview with the Omaha World-Herald. “I am not apologizing for my stance,” Brown said to the WorldHerald in the interview. In her letters to the Board of Regents, Perlman, Osborne and Pelini, Baier expressed her con-

cern for the LGBT student-athletes. “I am not one for strong words, but in the case of the University of Nebraska, hypocrisy is an institutionalized value as regards LGBT students and their fair and legal right to access a taxsubsidized postsecondary education,” Baier wrote in her letter. “This hypocrisy is exemplified by the long-standing and persistent anti-LGBT behavior and bullying tactics of Coach Ron Brown.” Osborne responded by meeting with Baier. Though Brown still coaches Husker running backs, Baier said Osborne treated her with respect. He met not only with her, but other members of the LGBT, to apologize. Brown later said in a statement to media that he didn’t mean for his words to reflect UNL’s stance on the issue. Baier says she still supports the Huskers and the athletic program, but the feeling she had when Brown spoke still leaves her anxious. “The reason I spoke out was because all students and studentathletes have a right for equal op-

Matya walked outside Beaver Stadium after Nebraska beat Penn State 17-14, ruining what could have been a small piece of solace for the Nittany Lions at the end of the worst week the university had ever endured. Matya didn’t stay with the team. He was going back home to Philadelphia for the remainder of the weekend. He was with friends from his hometown. He wore black dress pants and a black dress shirt with the white collar of his chosen vocation. He also had a Nebraska pin over his heart. Penn State fans realized he was the team chaplain. “People were thanking – not only myself but also other Husker fans that were there – us for being so kind and understanding,” Matya said. “We understood and appreciated how bad they felt at that time. That community was stunned by that news and was devastated.” Fans not only thanked Matya that day, but they thanked Brown. Brown has received thousands of emails and letters from Penn State alums and members of the community, thanking him for his moments of prayer. Even this season, a pin-striped official working Nebraska’s game against Idaho State thanked Brown for what he did at Penn State last year. “I wasn’t trying to show off or anything,” Brown said. “I was trying to appropriately ask the Lord for his healing touch on the people that have gone through some tough times in the Penn State area.” Matya can’t imagine how religion couldn’t influence a sport after what happened that day at Penn State. He doesn’t know how religion can’t be involved in football when it provides an anecdote for life. “Does religion make a difference in your life? Yeah, of course it does,” Matya said. “We put these guys up on a pedestal. They are human beings. They are talented guys that are good enough to play Division I football. But they are not that different from the rest of us. They have a longing in their heart for God as much as anyone else.” sports@


thursday, november 1, 2012 @dnsports


& God Football


story by andrew ward

he Rev. Robert Matya stood with Nebraska and Penn State football players around the 50yard line of Beaver Stadium on Nov. 12, 2011. The Catholic priest and Husker team chaplain listened to running backs coach Ron Brown begin to pray at the center of the Nittany Lion logo. Quiet began to creep into the stadium of 107,903 fans, who suffered the unthinkable that week. Finally, Matya heard what he has never heard in a football stadium. Complete silence. “I think that’s the only time I have experienced, in that large of a group of people, that spirit of entering into that moment of prayer,” Matya said. The Penn State faithful had a right to be silent for a little while that day. After 62 years with the program, Penn State’s football coach, Joe Paterno, had just announced his retirement at the height of the Jerry Sandusky scandal. “Pretty profound in moments of tragedy, like that was a moment of tragedy for that community, what else can you do other than pray together?” Matya said. For Matya and Nebraska – a state where its citizens vote Republican and attend pristine churches – praying is all a part of the culture. And this moment at Penn State one year ago portrays Nebraska’s covenant between God and football in Matya’s eyes. Not everyone in Nebraska is as keen on that covenant as Matya, though.


Nebraska football has been intertwined with Christianity from Tom Osborne through Bo Pelini

had players who hit people very hard, but we would always pick players up and pat them on the back, try to treat them with respect.” Eventually, Osborne said prayer groups formed and embraced religion and football, under the guidance of their faithful coaches. “Most players, when they get out of college, can point to a coach that has scarred them badly or a coach that was good to them in ways of self-worth,” Osborne said. “I felt it was important to hire coaches that would be positive people and were going to leave a solid influence.” Through Matya’s eyes, Osborne’s influence changed many people’s lives and the entire Nebraska athletic program. “Osborne was willing to say, ‘This is who I am. This is who we are,’ ” Matya said. “This isn’t something new that Bo (Pelini) started, but this is a part of Nebraska tradition.” Brown, Nebraska running backs coach, is an avid FCA member and co-founder of a Christian ministry called Mission Nebraska. He also appreciates Osborne’s religious influence on the team. He said the Nebraska football program has grown because it is built around faith. “Coach Osborne created a culture that those things could exist if people wanted to do it,” Brown said. “It’s a huge responsibility to take young men and shape them and mold them into knowing who the Lord is. We won’t force it on them. They don’t have to believe it, but it’s there for them.”


Tom Osborne looked around at the PROMOTING 1957 Fellowship of Christian Athletes conJason Peter didn’t care for the relationference in Estes Park, Colo. ship between God and football in his time He made the 437-mile drive alone to sit at Nebraska. next to the likes of Heisman Trophy winHe was wild and mean on the footner Doak Walker, Olympic Gold Medal ball field. Whether it was hitting Peyton pole-vaulter Bob Richards, members of Manning in the 1998 Orange Bowl or letthe Oklahoma and LSU football teams and ting out a thunderous roar after scoring about 300 other people who attended the a touchdown in the 1996 Orange Bowl conference. against Virginia Tech, Peter played with At the second annual aggression. FCA conference, in front of Peter played defenWe had all of those famous athletes, sive end for Osborne the then 19-year-old Osborne players who from 1994-1997 and was made the commitment to his a part of two national would hit people faith. championship teams. The “There’s a point as an very hard, but we Carolina Panthers drafted adult, you decide which dihim 14th overall in the would always pick rection you are going to go 1998 NFL draft and Peter with your faith,” Osborne players up and pat played professionally for said. “During that week three seasons. I made that commitment them on the back, Throughout his time to follow Christ. I haven’t at Nebraska, Peter said try to treat them turned back from that mohe didn’t participate in a ment.” with respect.” single locker room prayer That decision became session, though he did atpart of his legacy, beyond Tom Osborne tend mass before games nu athletic director winning three national chambecause of personal pionships, 13 conference choice. Peter insisted titles and 25 bowl games. praying before games When Osborne became head coach in didn’t make sense. 1973, he began to run the program with an “There’s a time and place,” Peter said. emphasis on personal character, and God “This is a game when you are trying to indid much of the heavy lifting with that flict pain on your opponent. You have to strategy. He hired coaches with a positive have that mentality heading into a game. attitude toward football and faith. You have to prepare for that. I don’t think Osborne’s coaching staff would start it preaches anything in the Bible about indays at 7 a.m. with a 10-minute devotional flicting pain on another person.” prayer. Osborne offered chapel and CathoPeter also doesn’t like using athletics lic mass before games for his teams. to promote faith, though he understands There was silent prayer before and af- football – because of its popularity in the ter games in the locker room, win or lose. U.S. as something pure and patriotic deOsborne kept the prayer silent because he spite its violence – can be a strong stage wanted to keep it from “turning into a pep for evangelism. talk.” “Some people like to have an image Osborne said he emphasized sportsof themselves as faith-filled people, but manship and respect among his coaches in the background they live double lives,” and players and used faith to cement the Peter said. “For coach Osborne, it wasn’t idea. like that. He was who he was. If he was “Football can be a cruel, violent game, asked about faith he would answer the where hatred can be found,” Osborne question, but he never pushed it on anysaid. “On the other hand, it could be a one, players and coaches alike.” sport where players learn discipline. We

file photo by jon augustine | dn

Nebraska football chaplain the Rev. Robert Matya stands on the sidelines during NU’s game against Michigan last Saturday. Matya joined the team at its chaplain shortly after NU coach Bo Pelini became the head coach for the Huskers. Peter and fellow defensive lineman Grant Wistrom dumped a Gatorade bucket on Osborne in the closing seconds of Nebraska’s 1998 Orange Bowl win over Tennessee. Osborne looked back at Peter, and Peter, with a big smile on his face, wrapped his tattooed arm around his coach. Though they didn’t see eye-to-eye on religion, they understood one thing together; how to win football games. Unlike Peter, some players bought into the religious culture. Osborne called those players “the glue that held us together.” He said the group sacrificed more for the team in practice and games. Peter disagrees, saying players who emphasize religion while they play aren’t any more significant than those who listen to AC/DC or kiss a rabbit’s foot before each game. For Peter, prayer didn’t win national championships, or sack Peyton Manning. “I’m not saying you need a team full of guys who don’t pray,” Peter said. “You can have a few guys who do. I just don’t think it’s necessary.” People say prayer matters in football because it makes them feel better, he said. “To say God helped you score a touchdown or God helped you force a fumble, I don’t understand that,” Peter said. “The offense scored a touchdown, the defense forced that fumble, and God didn’t have anything to do with it. You never hear people thank God when they lose. It’s always when they win.”


Matya and Nebraska coach Bo Pelini talked at charity event introducing Pelini as the new football coach five years ago. They talked about faith and football. Pelini asked Matya about the Catholic influence on campus. Matya expressed his interest in getting

file photo by anna reed | dn

Nebraska Athletic Director Tom Osborne has been a champion of religion in sports since he attended a Fellowship of Christian Athletes conference in Colorado in 1957. involved with student-athletes. He said he was unable to expand his ministry because he could never reach the student-athletes. They were always to busy to talk or stop by the Newman Center. Pelini then asked Matya to be the team’s chaplain. Pelini and Matya resurrected many Osborne-era traditions discarded by former coach Bill Callahan, Matya said. Pelini wanted to make sure his players had the option to express their faith. “He really cares about trying to help these guys became good men. Helping


them figure out what else is important in their lives,” Matya said. Chapel and mass are once again offered before games. Pelini leads prayer for the team in the locker room before the Huskers take the field. Brown leads a prayer group on the 50-yard line after the game; as many as 30 players participate each week. Current Nebraska sophomore I-Back Ameer Abdullah, a practicing Muslim athlete, said Brown talks about Christianity

football: see page 9

men’s basketball

Huskers work to defend run, pass Nebraska learns Nebraska tries to tighten up to defend all facets of an opponent’s offense Lanny Holstein DN Following Nebraska’s disastrous 6338 loss to Ohio State a few weeks ago, the Husker coaching staff searched for answers. The Huskers needed to clog more than a few holes in the wake of NU coach Bo Pelini’s worst defensive showing, points-wise, at Nebraska. So the staff took a step back and reevaluated their defensive packages. They looked at the scheme. They looked at the personnel. And they even looked at themselves. What they found was this: They needed to simplify things. They needed to take one area away from their opponents and force them into a corner. Too often, in the Huskers first six games, were opposing offenses allowed success in multiple facets, according to Pelini. The Huskers decided to focus on opposing run games. Over the past two weeks, the Huskers have been more aggressive in the box. They have focused more players on the run than ever before, and it’s paid off for the them. Northwestern, with running

back Venric Mark and quarterback Kain Colter, only ran for 180 yards, and Michigan, albeit without quarterback Denard Robinson for much of the game, only managed 95 yards on the ground. That’s a stark contrast to the 371 rushing yards Nebraska gave up to Ohio State. Nebraska’s safeties, Daimion Stafford and P.J. Smith, have played a large role in squelching the run, according to defensive backs coach Terry Joseph. Those players have been around the line of scrimmage more often than usual because of the mobile quarterbacks Nebraska has faced the past few games. Playing tight to the line can put added pressure on the Husker safeties, according to Smith, but they have learned to how to deal with it. “It challenges us at the safety position because we have to contain the quarterback also,” he said. “We’ve got our eyes on the quarterback as well as having to cover the pass. It challenges us because, if the quarterback breaks the pocket, you have to stay with your guy.” The Huskers always lean heavily on their cover corners and nickel backs to take on wide receivers in Pelini’s matchup zone defense. Nebraska’s outside players have to take away those threats for the safeties to get involved in the run game. The matchup zone is not something you will see throughout much of college football, but it’s Pelini’s go-to scheme. “It’s very rare,” Joseph said.

We’ve got our eyes on the quarterback as well as having to cover the pass.” Terry Joseph nu secondary coach

“We call it bodies on bodies. Depending on what they run, when we break the huddle, it’s a zone defense, but if a guy comes in your zone, it becomes man. So it takes a lot of work and a lot of communication after the ball is snapped but also a lot of anticipation of what’s about to happen.” Joseph said the Huskers have improved at communicating with each other and anticipating offenses as the season has moved along. “The kids have to understand that you just can’t do it one time,” Joseph said. “It has to become habit. I think, as you have seen throughout the season, we’ve gotten better and better as we’ve become more comfortable with playing fast, and I think that’s why we’ve been playing a little bit better back there.” Playing defense is a team effort, Joseph said. The back end of the Husker defense has to help the front end in order for the team to have success. Just because Nebraska’s first priority is stopping

opposing running games doesn’t mean the secondary has less responsibility. Actually, it means they have more, according to Joseph. Nebraska’s safeties are asked to aid in both run and pass defense. “The safeties have to understand that each situation is different,” Joseph said. “There are some times where you are going to have to pull the trigger rather quickly, but there are other times where it’s a pass read from the start, and you can give that corner or nickel some body presence.” The Nebraska coaches are happy with what their defense has done the last two weeks. The unit cleaned up much of what ailed it four weeks ago in Columbus, and has a renewed focus going forward. There are always mistakes to be corrected according to Pelini, but what slight changes he and his staff made following the Ohio State game have lead to better execution. sports@

new style under coach Miles Huskers implement new schemes for upcoming hoops season Lanny Holstein DN

With its season roughly a week away, the Nebraska men’s basketball team is still installing much of it’s system. New Husker coach Tim Miles has his players learning a completely different approach than the one installed under former coach Doc Sadler. Putting it in has been a long, slow process, according to senior forward Brandon Ubel. But it’s starting to come along as the season nears. “It will take a little bit of time for sure,” Ubel said. “We’re getting a lot better, but I think you will see as the season goes along we will just keep getting better and better with the more time we have in the system, the more cohesive we get as a unit.” Miles and staff are work-

ing to get all the Huskers on the same page, a tough task when the whole team is starting from scratch. As the Huskers installed a few offensive schemes on Tuesday, players needed extra time to figure out their assignments. The team didn’t yet move as a coordinated unit. “We are working hard trying to get it, but we just don’t have that cohesive flow yet,” Ubel said, “Luckily we still have a little time here. We’re getting better every day where you can see it improving, but we’ve really got to get that flow.” Part of getting that “flow” is knowing what to do before you go out there and do it, according to senior guard Dylan Talley. The Huskers have been watching film over the past few weeks in order to see their assignments before they attempt to execute them. This helps to some extent, he said, but the real work must be done on the court. “We’ve never done it before, so (after watching film) it’s

basketball: see page 9

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