April 2

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For better or worse

Home is where the Bonehart is

DN reporters debate whether NU football is a top-tier program

Local musician finds inspiration, comfort at home



tuesday, april 2, 2013 volume 112, issue 128

make it

rain region remains in urgent need of spring showers

story by jacy marmaduke


orget the May flowers. Meteorologists and drought experts say heavier-than-usual April showers could alleviate the drought that’s plagued Nebraska for nearly two years now. Emerging from the 29th coldest winter on record, Nebraska is running out of subsoil moisture and time. Lincoln’s garnered 6.96 inches of precipitation since Oct. 1, according to the National Weather Service — just 0.02 inches below normal levels. But precipitation doesn’t mean much when it falls on frozen ground, said meteorologist Josh Boustead of the National Weather Service in Valley. And much of the precipitation came in the form of snow. Meteorologists measure about 1 inch of liquid precipitation for every 10 to 12 inches of snow, once it melts. The region needs 3 to 9 inches more precipitation than the monthly average, spread across the spring, to gain a break from the drought. “We’re gonna get rain in the spring, but we need more than that,” said Van DeWald, lead meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Valley. Mark Svoboda, a climatologist and leader at the National Drought Mitigation Center on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s East Campus, said this season has been disappointing. “We were really hoping to see a much wetter, cooler fall and winter,” he said. “We’ve pretty much exhausted the bank coming into 2013. So we’re not gonna have that to rely on. We’re gonna be living rain-to-rain, unless we get a good spring.” The drought finds its roots in the dry fall and winter seasons of 201112, which were followed by a scorching 2012 summer. Altogether, the seasons put a strain on Nebraska’s water reservoirs, allowing for little chance of recharge. In Svoboda’s words, Mother Nature hasn’t had “a chance to catch her breath.” The winter’s snowfalls, starting with a heavy blanketing just before Christmas and persisting sporadically through March, aided the landscape. Now that soil has thawed, melting snow can provide some needed moisture. But the snowfall, although helpful, wasn’t a solution. John Hansen, president of Nebraska Farmers Union, put it this way: “The meteorologist that spoke at our state convention said in order to get back to some semblance of normal soil moisture, we would need about 15 feet of snow. So we’re about 13 and a half feet short.” If rain doesn’t come soon, the drought’s effects – strained municipal water supply, overgrazed pastures and dried-out crops – will hit harder and faster, Svoboda warned.


above: Yankee Hill Brick Company is dusted with a light snowfall earlier in 2013. Snowfall in Lincoln gave UNL one snow day while the University of Kansas was hit harder with consecutive snow days in early 2013. left: A student shovels snow near a fraternity house on Feb. 21. during UNL’s snow day. Lincoln received 4.6 inches of snow in Winter Storm “Q,” which was much less than expected by weather forecasters. MORGAN SPIEHS | DN

weather: see page 3


Coldest day of 2013: -1 degrees Fahrenheit


JAN. DEC. 19

First major snowfall: 4.5 inches matt masin | DN

Mallards fly in and out of the water at Holmes Lake on Monday. With rising temperatures, birds of all kinds are returning north and enjoying the sun and warmer water.



FEB. 1


Winter Storm Q shuts down the University of Nebraska-Lincoln: 4.6 inches

Greatest snowfall: 5.5 inches

Modern Languages & Literatures Fair celebrates language Staff report DN The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Modern Languages and Literatures will host its 37th annual Language Fair Tuesday in the Nebraska Union. The fair, which typically draws more than 1,000 high school students from across the state to compete in foreign language challenges, runs from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. “It’s all about getting kids here


on campus and having their work judged in front of college professors and getting them to think about furthering their education in modern language,” said Shannon Parry, the language fair ’s coordinator, who has helped organize the annual fair since 2004. “When the department first organized the program, they asked, ‘What is a way that we can serve the community and allow students to express themselves in the languages they’re learning?’”

she said. And so the students compete in language challenges, which are organized into two levels. The level one category represents students who have taken one or two years of language study. In the level two category are the students who have taken three or four years of language study. All Lincoln high schools are signed up to participate in the fair, as well as schools in Omaha

and more rural parts of Nebraska, Parry said. In the past five years, the department decided to include events in the fair that specifically target Spanish heritage speakers. Spanish heritage speakers are students that grew up in their home speaking Spanish with their families, but lack writing and grammar skills, Parry said. “It’d be like you speaking English, but no one ever teaching you how to read or write it,” she

said. “This encourages heritage speakers to learn the mechanics of their language.” These high school students come to the fair with knowledge in various languages, including: Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Japanese and Russian, according to Parry. Students can compete in five different categories: drama, folk dance, music, poetry and poster. In each event, a top performance (first place) and an honor-

more Inside Coverage:

Facebook only casts ripples of protest Supporting LGBTQ people goes beyond a simple profile picture


Spring in the air DN photographers capture essence of spring weather

@dailyneb | facebook.com/dailynebraskan

able mention (second place) will be awarded. Students who choose not to compete have an opportunity to take dance lessons offered by the UNL International Folk Dancers. The fair also offers language and culture mini-lessons for each of the competition languages, as well as Czech, Swahili, Portuguese and Arabic. For those students who attend

fair: see page 3



tuesday, april 2, 2013




on campus what: Blood Pressure Checks where: Wellness Booth, Nebraska Union when: 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. more information: Suzanne Forkner, (402) 472-7443. Free and open to the UNL community.

what: Chamber Choir Festival Concert where: Kimball Recital Hall when: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. more information: Free and open to the public.

in lincoln what: Clinic With A Heart - Free Health Clinic where: Sowers Building, lower level, 1701 S. 17th St. when: 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. more information: Free event. Complete schedule of clinic services available at www.clinicwithaheart. org.

what: Women and Creativity where: The South Mill, 4736 Prescott Ave. when: 7 p.m. more information: Poets Marge Saiser and Laura Madeline Wiseman and artists Sally Deskins and Wendy Jane Bantam will show art and discuss creativity.

Study: HRC efforts boost Facebook activity Colleen Fell DN A new Facebook study suggests that more than 2.7 million additional users changed their profile pictures last week in an effort to show support for same-sex marriage as the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments for two cases on the matter. As of early March, the social network had more than 1 billion users. The study released last Friday stated that profile pictures were updated 120 percent more on March 26 than they were the previous Tuesday. That’s about 2.7 million additional swaps than on a normal day. The phenomenon was led by Human Rights Campaign’s pink and red equality image, though many users adapted the symbol in their own way, including uses of bacon strips and red velvet cake. Many University of Nebraska-Lincoln students and courtesy photo faculty questioned whether the The Human Rights Council logo seen above spread across movement was effective. But Facebook last week as the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral while the photo dispersion may arguments on two cases concerning same-sex marriage. A not directly affect the Supreme Court’s decisions, many said it Facebook study showed a 120 percent increase in profile picture changes from the week before, suggesting the HRC’s did show unity among supportsocial media campaign encompassed millions of Facebook ers of marriage equality. “I identify with (the moveprofiles. ment),” said Jimmy Schleisman, a freshman finance and marketbook is the kind of place for isim,” or efforts to promote a ing major who changed his prothese things,” social issue that make partici- discussing file picture to the HRC logo. “I pants feel good but have little Bashus said. believe in equal rights for all, Schleisman disagrees and effect outside the participant’s and this is a part of the whole satisfaction. “It does not have a found the campaign to be percivil rights movement.” tinent to social media. direct effect, but it shows that The study found that users “Facebook is a place to marriage equality is gaining around age 30 were most likesteam in this country. It was blog and say what you think, ly to make the profile picture also striking to see a sea of red it’s kind of the point to share change, about 3.5 percent in ideas,” Schleisman said. and pink when response to the UNL sophomore Molly Ralogging onto Supreme Court koczy supports same-sex marFacebook is Facebook.” oral arguments riage but didn’t change her Woods said made last week. a place to the profile pic- profile picture. From the 2.7 “I know what my opinion ture changes million photo blog and say what is,” Rakoczy said. “I don’t see may have been changes, 2.3 per- you think. It’s kind the point in changing a prowell-circulated, cent of self-rebut “the HRC file picture. I understand why porting females of the point to would probably other people do, though, and I and 2.1 percent share ideas.” support them.” say that it isn’t of self-reporting The campaign was wideenough.” males changed jimmy schleisman spread, yet some students felt However eftheir profile pic- freshman finance & marketing that it was more effective than fective HRC’s tures. This curcampaign may others. rent trend was “I think it definitely did have been, some not only wellrepresented by those in their students felt that social media have an effect,” Schleisman was not an appropriate plat- said. “It made the media pay 30s, but also those between the attention. I mean, it’s a nationform. ages of 19 and 24. al story.” “Quite frankly, I’m not sure Carly Woods, communicaOthers felt that the platwhere I stand on the whole istion studies assistant professue itself,” said Anna Bashus, form did not do enough to sor, said she doesn’t change drastically change anything. a freshman accounting major. her profile picture often. “Overall, it might affect “However, I thought this “I don’t really like getting incause was particularly strong volved in politics that I’m not how people think, but I’m not sure,” Bashus said. sure of my opinion on. In genand overwhelming,” Woods Rakoczy agreed. eral, I saw a lot of controversy said. “Other than getting attenShe said the social media between friends over photos.” She said decisions to change tion, I don’t think it will change campaign will not have any direct effect on the court, but profile pictures spurred argu- things where it counts,” she said. ments between friends who it was a simple way to get naNews@ disagreed on the issue. tional attention. dailynebraskan.com “I don’t think that FaceShe refers to it as “slacktiv-

lancaster county eliminates funerals for poor In a measure that will save about $24,000, the Lancaster County Board recently eliminated from its budget funeral services for indigent burials. The county has opted for cremation instead of burials for poor residents for the past nine years, the Lincoln Journal Star reported, but the cost-saving change takes away the option of

a free funeral home viewing and service. Tom Roper of Roper & Sons Funeral & Cremation services said in a March 25 Journal Star article that the change isn’t surprising. “There has been a downturn,” he said. “The county has a budget; it has to be mindful of costs.” But Beatty Brasch, executive

director of the Center for People in Need, said funeral services are a significant loss. “It helps people understand and accept the death,” she said in the Journal Star article. “It brings families together. All cultures have death rituals, and this is an important one in our culture.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

junior electrical engineering major

junior nutrition and health sciences/ pre-med major

It’s not right to cremate someone before family has time to view the body before cremation. There should be time for family members or friends to view the body. It’s a part of the grieving process and a matter of respect.” JUDY PHELPS

I think as long as the process still respects the human body, it’s OK. We all have human rights. In my home country (Qatar), all of the funeral costs are paid for.” ABDULLA AL-MARRI junior finance major


Gov. Dave Heineman proclaimed this week Rural Education Week across the state with support from the Center for Great Plains Studies and University of Nebraska-Lincoln National Center for Research on Rural Education. The proclamation’s signing sets up two events in Omaha and Kearney aimed at addressing the issue, according to a press release. On Wednesday and Thursday, UNL’s National Center for Research on Rural Education will gather researchers, practitioners and policy makers from across the U.S. to talk about K-12 student academic success at the “Connect-Inform-Advance” conference in Omaha. Then, on Friday and Saturday, the Center for Great Plains Studies will hold its 39th interdisciplinary symposium “Gains and Losses from School Consolidation in the Great Plains.”

UNL to host security, terrorism conference

Experts of terrorism and security will come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln next week for the “Security and Terrorism in the Modern World: Social Science and Legal Perspectives.” As part of the Great Plains National Security Education Consortium, the event will run from April 8-10 and will approach the subject from legal and psychological perspectives, according to a university press release. The conference, hosted by the UNL psychology department and the College of Law, will feature UNL scholars as well as scholars and experts from U.S. Strategic Command, the University of Oregon and George Mason University, among others. Sessions will cover areas such as genocide, terrorism risks, counter-terrorism and terror management, the release said. For more information on the conference, visit https://sites.google.com/site/unlpoe.

fidelity, tiaa-cref to offer Free financial counseling in april

Fidelity and TIAA-CREF will provide free one-onone financial counseling to University of NebraskaLincoln faculty and staff this month, according to a press release. Sessions with Fidelity run Tuesday this week and later this month on April 8 and April 19 in the Nebraska East Union. They will be held in the Nebraska Union April 15 and April 25. Sign up by calling 1-800-642-7131. TIAA-CREF will hold its sessions in the Nebraska Union April 12, in the Wick Alumni Center Library April 16 and April 25 and in the Nebraska East Union April 18 and April 24. Sign up by calling 1-800-732-8353.

ON THIS DAY April 2, 2008 Business changes in area

Downtown Lincoln and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus are shifting things around by changing some popular businesses. On campus, say goodbye to the Subway and Burger King in the Nebraska Union and say hello to Planet Sub and Runza. The two fast food restaurants will move out on June 30 when their contracts expire. Pending the approval of the NU Board of Regents, the new eateries will be open for business by Fall 2008.

April 2, 1986 Student loan and Pell Grant funds will be safe this year, Exon says I think it’s a good idea. It’s like helping mankind out.” AMMAR ALRAEESI

It’s tough, but who’s going to pay? Caskets alone are expensive. I kind of agree; I don’t know how else it could be addressed.” MICHAELA KLESITZ

campus briefs

Students’ federal aid is safe for the rest of this year, Sen. James Exon said Tuesday. Exon told the Nebraska State Student Association that money for student loans and Pell Grants will remain about the same except for a “slight” increase to cover the cost of inflation. Exon said that Congress probably will appropriate $700 million to $1 billion more for student aid than last year.

April 2, 1962 Goldwater Addresses 6,000 Students Funerals are expensive so this kind of makes sense. I advocate for donating bodies to science, so, I’d rather they donate the bodies.” Maya Nirmalraj

project assistant at canfield

senior global studies and spanish major

“The liberals of today are the true reactionaries who sneer at patriotism, mock the Constitution and condemn the national aim of sound government,” said Barry Goldwater at an All-University convocation Friday morning. The United States Senator from Arizona received a standing ovation from approximately 6,000 students upon entering the stage. “I think that the discussion of liberalism and conservatism is mainly a problem of semantics,” he said.

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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tuesday, april 2, 2013


photo column

spring fever MATT MASIN DN


he past week gave Lincolnites a lot of weather to ponder: Rain, sleet, a little snow and a small glimpse into spring. With the Spring Equinox behind us, DN photographers are looking forward to taking photos in the warm weather. We’re excited about track and field meets outdoors, tennis matches on the courts near 17th and Vine streets and feature hunting at sunset. In fact, we were itching to get out of the cold weather so badly we went out and enjoyed the weather. Here’s what some other people have been up to in the recent spring weather. Thanks for looking!


above: Children rush toward Easter eggs that had been dropped through out Seacrest Park by a helicopter on Sunday. There were more than 15,000 Easter eggs up for grabs. below: Raqa Salahuddin, 7, and her sister Qamar, 4, play on a tire swing with their friends Friday at Holmes Lake. MATT MASIN | DN

Jessica Furney, 24, of Kansas, reads a book at Holmes Lake with her 5-year-old mini rat terrier, Jake. Furney was in town visiting friends and calls Jake her road trip buddy.


Xiyuan Hu and her husband, Lei Huang, a Ph.D. management student, look at a photo together after attempting to geocash at Holmes Lake on Friday.



weather: from 1 Global climate change patterns could make matters even worse, he said. He cited the 2011 record flooding of the Missouri River, followed by record low inflows to the basin in 2012. He has a name for the oscillation. “The roller coaster, I like to call it,” he said. “That’s something we can expect more of going forward.” Hansen’s afraid the much-needed moisture will arrive too little, too late. “Nebraska is not a state that is known for its timely rain,” Hansen said with a laugh. “Our crops tend to burn up by the time we get the rain we should have. If we don’t have some moisture to carry it through, we’re in trouble. “ Hansen, who farms corn and soybeans, said this drought is the worst

Madison Arsiaga walks her dog, Moose, through Seacrest Park after the helicopter Easter egg drop on Sunday.

fair: from 1 Nebraska is not a state that is known for its timely rain...If we don’t have some moisture to carry it through, we’re in trouble.”

john hansen

president, nebraska farmers union

he’s ever seen — and he’s been farming since he was a highschooler in 1966. The low subsoil moisture levels put farmers in an unusually vulnerable position for the next growing season, Hansen said. “Everyone is talking about and worrying about the weather in this growing season,” he said. “It dominates the conversation. Because this is

our livelihood.” In the meantime, Hansen is making nightly trips across the state for spring district meetings with Nebraska farmers. And he’s pushing funding for the farm bill signed into law in January that aims to strengthen farm risk-management programs. He said it’s just the kind of legislation needed to handle “the worst drought this country’s seen in 50

years.” “Jeepers creepers, I’ve never seen anything like it,” Hansen said. “I’ve never seen heat and drought of this magnitude, and I’ve never really seen the failure of our Congress to respond in an appropriate way to a disaster of this magnitude. We’re in uncharted waters, and it’s unclear whether the folks steering the ship have a clue.” Svoboda said Nebraska’s got a long way to go to make up for summer and winter deficits. As for whether the region has a chance of making up for lost moisture, he said all bets are off. “If I could predict that,” he said, “you’d be calling me on my yacht.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

the fair, the department is offering four $1,000 scholarships to junior and senior students who enroll at UNL and declare a major in French, German or Spanish. Scholarship categories for competition are French, German and Spanish. In order to compete for the scholarship, the students were asked to write a 300-word essay in one of three target languages: Spanish, French or German. The essay had to answer “How will a degree in Modern Languages help me achieve my future goals?” Three finalists were selected for each category and are invited to give a five-minute presenta-

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tion during the language fair ceremonies. They must also read their essay and answer questions by a panel of judges in the same target language, according to the department’s website. The fair is the Modern Languages and Literatures department’s biggest event of the year, according to Parry. She said the department asks its faculty to cancel language classes for the day so that faculty members and students can be involved with the fair. “Really for the Language Fair, we want to celebrate language learning,” Parry said. news@ dailynebraskan.com



tuesday, april 2, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb


our view


Facebook activism spawns lazy way of creating change Changing your Facebook profile picture won’t change the world. In case you missed it, last Monday the Human Rights Campaign launched a campaign asking Facebook users to change their profile picture into a red and pink equals sign. The HRC’s aim was to show support for same-sex marriage as the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on California’s Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The campaign was largely successful and a Sea of Red popped up across our feeds. While showing support for our LGBTQ friends and family is a great thing, especially because the campaign is so visual, it’s not enough. Such forms of protest are practically noiseless. This campaign isn’t in anybody’s face, it’s not hurting anyone’s wallet nor is it pressuring politicians in any tangible way. Chances are Justice Anthony Kennedy, one of the most vital justices making a decision on the issue, won’t see your Facebook profile picture before the court rules on this in the summer or fall. Nor will he care — the court is already aware of how split the country is on this issue. That’s not to say that this visual support isn’t important, though. This is a great gesture that truly shows members of the LGBTQ community that we’re here, and we do support you. But if this is what the future of protesting is, then shame upon our generation. This is lazy and ineffective work toward actually affecting change. Instead of changing your profile picture, look to the past for inspiration. Remember the 1960s and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the lunch counter sit-ins and various marches where so many people bravely demanded equality. Or more recently, Slut Walks around the world popped up because of a viral campaign. The big difference is that these protests were physical in nature. You can’t ignore 100 people holding signs and chanting outside government offices. You can scroll past a profile picture update on a news feed. Write letters to your representatives, both federal and state. Boycott anti-gay businesses, organize rallies and donate money to organizations working to promote same-sex equality. If you care about an issue, then get off your computer chair and do something about it.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.


Nobel Peace Prize spurs propaganda


he futility of many accolades is more obvious in its winners. Consider Time Magazine’s Person of the Year recognition, which selected “The Computer” in 1982, “The Endangered Earth” in 1988, and “You” in 2006. Now there’s a resume booster. This year, a record 259 people and organizations are competing for the Nobel Peace Prize, which comes with an approximate $1.2 million prize. The Norwegian Nobel Committee doesn’t reveal candidates’ names for 50 years, but information is released by those whose submitted applications were accepted . From this list, it becomes increasingly clear that the award is transitioning to more of a political propaganda tool — if not an unabashed anti-American statement — than a true instrument of peace. The list of controversial Prize recipients is long. Last year, the committee faced much criticism after awarding the European Union with the Nobel Peace Prize. The award was given to the EU on the grounds that it essentially kept its member nations from killing each other since World War II. Problems with these grounds are a topic of their own. This assumes centuries of war-faring tribes are both unique to the region and unessential for survival in past eras. The biggest issue, however, is the European debt crisis that is increasingly worrisome. Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain are in serious financial straits, and about 25 million EU residents are unemployed, according to the European Commission. “For them, people may even think that this is cynical,” said Paul De Grauwe, an economist with the London School of Economics, in a widely circulated news story. “If I were living in Portugal or Spain or Greece, I would be upset about it: ‘They are giving this prize to these people in Brussels, and they are the source of my misery.’” If Europe’s financial crisis isn’t solved soon, peace may not reside in the continent much longer. Tensions are mounting among struggling countries and nations with a normally robust economy like Germany. In 2009, President Barack Obama received the award after only a few months in office. Obama had done almost nothing to facilitate world peace but was given the prize for his potential and for not being George W. Bush. This is akin to also giving the top player on the winning NCAA basketball team the NBA’s MVP award as well. Four years and a ques-

it’s interesting and unfair that he’s now being considered for the prize. The reasoning for Manning’s inclusion in this year ’s laureate pool essential goes like this: Because the U.S. is the strongest military power in the world and is more prepared for war than any other nation, its very existence is detrimental for peace. Because Manning has actively tried to jeopardize this, some forms of reasoning conclude that he’s therefore the strongest catalyst for peace. It’s all a vicious cycle, though, as it can also be argued that America must always be prepared for war because of this bitter attitude much of the world has toward it. Apparently, BENJAMIN WELCH the Norwegian Nobel Committee is no exception and stands to promote this resentment. A vast difference exists between being tionable amount of drone attacks later, Obama hasn’t lived up to the legacy the committee prepared to protect our interests and crusading around the world, oppressing its populacreated for him. tions for the thrill of it. In the past decade or Former vice president Al Gore and the United Nations were given the award in 2007 so and across multiple administrations, the United States hasn’t had much of a reputation for what was essentially a PowerPoint on globfor turning the other cheek and being the most al warming. How climate change is relevant to peaceful of nations. Regardless, this shouldn’t armed, international disputes remains unclear. mean reward those who spite us. In fact, associates of the United Nations, crony Plenty of this year ’s nominees are deservorganization to the Norwegian Nobel Coming of the prize, though. Malala Yousafzai, a mittee, have been awarded the prize 10 times, 15-year-old girl who was according to the UN’s website. shot by the Taliban for North Korea sympathizer and The legacy her women’s rights work, former president Jimmy Carter was would be a good choice. of people the laureate in 2002. One member So would Yank Barry, who of that year ’s selection committee like Mother cofounded the Global Vileven had the stones to say Carter ’s selection “should be interpreted Theresa ... is being lage Champions Foundation, which has fed more as a criticism of the line the cur- tarnished.” than 900 million meals to rent administration has taken. It’s a the world’s impoverished. kick in the leg to all who follow the Barry was also a member of same line as the United States.” the ’60s rock group The Kingsmen, famous for These intentions send a strong and unwelcoming image: America is the enemy. That the worst song of all time, “Louie, Louie.” But that song alone might be reason enough not to message is reiterated with many of this year ’s nominees, including frontrunner Pfc. Bradley give him the award. The time has come to place less credence Manning. Manning was charged with and pleaded in awards by elitist organizations that have seemingly lost the original intention behind guilty to many counts of leaking hundreds of choosing Prize recipients. The legacy of peothousands of documents to Wikileaks and is ple like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., still on trial for his most serious offense, which Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama (Mahatis essentially treason. Manning’s plight is one ma Gandhi never won, unfortunately) is being of many facets, and for purposes of clarity and concision, the debate over what information tarnished when associated with laureates who should be available to the public won’t be dis- haven’t fully earned their recognition or were awarded based on ulterior motives. cussed here. Benjamin Welch is a graduate stuRegardless, he’s charged under the U.S. dent of journalism and occasionally definition of betrayal, which obviously makes totes an olive branch. reach him at him against the government’s interests. Adopinion@ ditionally, most of his work came in 2010, so dailynebraskan.com.

Memories and self-growth define what makes a home


right and taught me everything I know ome is the place where you’re most comfortable. in that neighborhood. But as much as I It’s the place where you love that place and as much as I love going back to see my family and the place crash after a long day of school or work. It’s the I grew up, it isn’t home to me anymore. For me, home is Wyoming. place where you make In Wyoming, I took many late-night your meals and hang out with your famdrives with great new friends. I hid from ily. security under my desk in the newsroom For some, maybe it’s not even a house so I could work just a little longer. I loved or an apartment. It could be a certain stack and felt real heartbreak for the first time. in the library with the comfiest chair or a particular table at your favorite coffee shop I camped, and we nearly got lost because we’d left too late to get set up before or a park where you can explore for hours dark. I experienced being drunk for the without getting bored. It could even be any first time. These are just a place where you’re with the small handful of the things people you love. Even if I experienced during the Maybe it’s even an obyou aren’t two years I lived in smallject. You might not feel at town Wyoming — and home without a camera in ‘home’ right now, those things changed me. one hand. Even if you’re in make the most of Those things are the things a place where you don’t feel I think of when I cross the at home, there are things you where you are.” Nebraska border. can do. In a recent Thought Billings, Mont., is a beautiful place surrounded by cliffs, Catalog article, Kovie Biakolo wrote, “Home is a feeling; it is a feeling of conmountains and huge hills. I grew up there in a little house with a huge back- tentment and ease and a feeling that you yard complete with tons of trees and two are loved and accepted. Home is where you’re taken as you are but you’re chalgardens. As a child, that house and that lenged and championed to be even more neighborhood were my whole world. I climbed trees, played house and got than you are. Home is peace of mind and laughter and passion; home is the place into trouble with my best friend from across the street. My parents were the that you grow.” Biakolo makes a good point. Any best a girl could ask for. They raised me

I’m not saying uproot everything and move to Wyoming or to wherever home is for you. Oftentimes, we don’t have the option of moving to wherever our “home” is, so we have to make do with what we have. It’s easy to put a few posters up and toss a few comfy blankets on a mattress and call it “home.” It’s harder to feel at home in an entire city or state. I’d bet many of us at UNL don’t want to live in Lincoln forever after we graduate, but we do want to enjoy the time we’re here. Here are a few ways to make the most out of any temporary home:

DANAE LENZ place where you grow as a person can be home. For me, I think I grew more in those two years in Wyoming than I did in my entire 18 years of life before that. Home, also, is the place where you have the most memories. Growth and memories are probably the two most important factors in determining where your heart’s home is. One of my greatest friends, who was born and raised in a tiny town in Wyoming, said it best, “I’ve always felt stifled in Wyoming. Like there are bigger and more exciting places to explore. But every time I get off the plane from exploring some new place across the country, I can’t help but feel like I’m at home when I breathe in that mountain air.”

1. Make friends

This is essential to being comfortable anywhere. You don’t need to have a ton of friends. You just need two, or even one, who can show you the ropes and be there for you in the long run.

2. Become a regular somewhere

Go somewhere on a semi-consistent basis until the people who work there know your order by heart and you feel like you can joke around with them. It’s always a little exhilarating when you walk up to the counter of your favorite coffee shop and the barista asks, “Just your regular today?” (Side note: If you do this, always tip. Otherwise, the workers won’t want to talk with you; they’ll want you to go away.)

3. Be spontaneous

If you go on sporadic adventures in your place of residence, it’s bound to feel more like home. Places will start to have memories attached to them, and they won’t just be more nameless landmarks in a town you don’t care for.

4. Keep things around that remind you of where you want to be

If you feel at home in New York City, put up a poster of the skyline. If you prefer the beach, fill up some jars with sand and keep them somewhere you can plainly see. For me, home is mountains and wide open spaces, but for someone else, home is the ocean. Home could be the farmland and cornfields of Nebraska. Home could be the big city. Home is anywhere you want it to be. Even if you aren’t “home” right now, make the most of where you are. Maybe, if you grow enough and make enough memories, that place will begin to feel like home. But don’t settle for living somewhere you don’t want to be. Make sure you go home every once in a while. Danae Lenz is a senior journalism major. If you need her, she’ll be in the mountains. Follower her on Twitter @danaelenz and reach her at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.



tuesday, april 2, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk

Jon Dell, the songwriter of the band Bonehart Flannigan, sits in the Zoo Bar Monday night. Dell is member of two Lincoln-area bands, Bonehart Flannigan and Universe Contest.

home is where

the bonehart is Bonehart Flannigan’s Lead singer finds inspiration at home story by anna gronewold | pHoto by allison hess


on Dell and Jake Lampe were done with bullshit. They had committed to a Chicago band with a supposed record deal with a major label. Dell had quit his two jobs to focus on a project that smelled ripe with success, an aroma intensified by a manager full of sweet promises.

But promise after promise fell through, and the band went nowhere, along with the musicians’ plans for the immediate future. One night while plotting revenge on the silver-tongued siren, Lampe had an idea. “Well, what we should do man, we should make up a fake band and ask her to manage us,”

Lampe said. “When she comes in, we’ll go outside and f*** up her car, ‘Big Lebowski’ style.” “What will our band name be?“ Dell asked. “Bonehart Flannigan and the Two-Ton Mouse Trap.”

bonehart: see page 7

Kill County releases new album ‘Dust in Wire’ despite distance madeline christensen dn It’s a Sunday afternoon, the sun is hot on the dashboard and singersongwriter Ringo of Kill County is driving through the Nebraska plains from Michigan. He’s finally meeting up with the rest of the band in Lincoln to release its new record at the Zoo Bar, the band’s third full-length album since 2007. Josh James, the other half of Kill County’s lead vocals and lyrics, already made the drive up to Nebraska from Austin, Texas, and drummer Brad Kindler is flying in from Africa, while Jon Augustine and Joe Salvati round out the rest of the group. If anything is going to separate Kill County’s Lincoln-native, country-folk sound, it won’t be the miles. “We have this bizarre commitment to the band that I couldn’t have perceived three years ago,” Ringo said. “I mean, we travel thousands of miles just to get together. Where a lot of other bands would just give up, for some reason, we don’t.” After a year of writing and producing, Kill County couldn’t be more ready to release its new album, “Dust in Wire,” on April 15. The band will play a special record release show Saturday at the Zoo Bar alongside Manny Coon and the Spotlight Killers and Boneheart Flannigan. “‘Dust In Wire’ was the opening song in the album,” James said. “We’ve since changed the title of that song to ‘I-80 5am,’ but there’s a lyric that says, ‘It’s just dust wrapped in wire.’ To me, it just conjures up this idea of a stricken, barren landscape that’s wrapped in fence line. We just liked the image it brought up in all of our minds.” James said he described the road to the new record as “a natural process.” “Our writing situation is a little different because Ringo writes about half the songs in Michigan,

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Cold War Kids will release their fourth studio album, “Dear Miss Lonelyhearts,” next week. This Thursday they will play a show at the Slowdown.

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Kill County’s members live hundreds or even thousands of miles apart, but distance hasn’t hindered their music-making. and I write the other half in Texas, so we don’t really get to write together,” he said. “We just send tapes back and forth of the stuff that we’re working on. I think, when it all comes together and we get to arrange the songs with the other guys, that’s when it really starts to develop.” James said he hopes the separation helps, in a way. “I think it makes the album less homogenous,” he said. “It gives it a wider variety of song structure ... makes our sound a little vaster.” The band’s separation doesn’t hold back its writing, either, James said. “There’s kind of a moment when I write something, or I hear something that Ringo’s written, and I can hear the whole band doing it,” James said. “I’ve played with these guys long enough and there’s enough musical trust built up that I can kind of hear what could be done to a song. So there are things that come out in songs that I get really excited about right away, because I can hear what it would sound like with the rest of them.” Ringo said that the more the band grows, the more attached to the songwriting he gets. “Josh is one of my favorite

songwriters, and he just happens to also be in my band,” he said. “I just love hearing his music and listening to how he’s evolving and what he’s writing about.” As far as a direction for the album, Ringo said they just let the songs decide where they were going to go. James said he was happy with the variety of material for “Dust in Wire.” “The last song the album, ‘Black Moon,’ is one the best things we’ve ever done,” James said. “There’s also a song called ‘Hard Times,’ and I like that one, as well — it’s more of a full-band sound. But ‘Black Moon’ is one of the slowest songs we’ve ever done. I think those two really inform the sound of the record.” Like its past records, the band completely produced this one on its own with a rented preamp, microphones and a living room. “It really provides us with a lot of freedom to work without having to pay by the hour in a studio,” Ringo said. “There’s some advantages and drawbacks but for us, financially, that’s just the way we have to work. But it works out

kill county: see page 7

Cold War Kids delve into darker side with ‘Dear Miss Lonelyhearts’ Rachel Hohlen dn

acle Mile,” in January. What’s your take on its reception so far? Nathan Willett: Yeah, it’s been great. We kind of just wanted to put Receiving both critical and popular it out and have people hear it. We’ve admiration, the Long Beach, Calif.had a great big response so far, we’ve bred Cold War Kids have made a got a lot of reaction online, and hopename for themselves within the soul-punk scope of contemporary fully we’ll continue to get some radio play and all that business. indie rock since 2004. Bursting onto DN: Have you done anything the scene with “Robbers and Cowspecifically to promote the single? ards,” the Cold War Kids are now set NW: I mean, no. We’re actually to release their fourth full-studio album, “Dear Miss Lonelyhearts,” on doing the video tomorrow. DN: So it’s sort of taken off on its Tuesday. Two days after the album’s own? official release, the NW: Yeah. We Cold War Kids will were at South by You go in be at the Slowdown Southwest last week. in Omaha. Nathan there not We’re doing a lot of Willett, the band’s radio shows, playing primary vocalist, really knowing acoustic versions of spoke to the Daily what’s going to the song — all that Nebraskan about the stuff. hype surrounding come out.” DN: Back in the band’s new sin2010, you mentioned Nathan Willett gle, “Miracle Mile,” cold war kids lead singer to Filter Magazine their identity as a that, prior to going band and what has into the studio for kept them close over “Mine Is Yours,” you hadn’t really the years. Daily Nebraskan: Next week, worked with a producer or a primathe Cold War Kids will release their ry influence of your work, that you fourth studio album, and you’ve re- had made everything on your own leased the album’s first single, “Mir- thus far. But, going into the studio in

February of that year, you’d decided to work with producer Jacquire King. What prompted that decision? NW: Any time the group works together, after a few years, you want to want to have some more ideas outside of just the four of you. It was a decision to get a little more input into the process. DN: You mentioned that you were excited to see where his direction led you with the album. Now that your second album produced by King is recorded and near release, what would you say the primary effect was? Has there been anything you didn’t expect? NW: It’s all been part of a learning process. We learned to spend more time in the studio, and I think that started the pattern. The level of comfort at being in the studio (increased); we’re trying a lot of things, looking at recording as not just a spontaneous live thing but something you can add to and take away from. DN: A few years ago, you made the observation that what Wilco was to country or Americana, Cold War

cold war kids: see page 7



tuesday, april 2, 2013

Jewish ‘Hitler’s Daughter’ actor talks Nazi role conflict emily kuklinski dn If Hitler had a daughter, what would she say? Australia-based Monkey Baa Theatre Company will answer this question with their rendition of “Hitler ’s Daughter” at the Lied Center for Performing Arts this weekend. This production transitions between modern-day Australia and 1940s Nazi Germany while schoolgirl Anna tells the fictional story of Hitler ’s daughter. The show poses many questions, and the DN asked a few questions of its own of actor Gideon Cordover. Daily Nebraskan: How’s the traveling been treating you guys? Has the U.S. been good to you guys? Gideon Cordover: It’s been extraordinary. Everywhere we’ve gone, people have been very welcoming. What I like about traveling is getting the opportunity to witness the real American culture. We don’t hop on a plane and fly to and from each location to the other. We caravan through and hit each of the small towns in between. DN: Has there been any experience while being here that you’ve particularly enjoyed? GC: Well, there’s too many to count. I do have to say that this swing dancing you all have,

that’s very amusing. I’m not good at it at all, and I thought I would be able to pick up on it from the other people who were more experienced at it, but near the end I stood off to the side so that I wouldn’t step on anyone’s toes. DN: Yeah, I’ve tried swing dancing, too. Don’t worry, even some Americans have trouble with it. GC: That’s good to know. DN: So, from your traveling experience with “Hitler’s Daughter,” do you prefer traveling shows or the ones that stay in a single location? GC: I prefer traveling shows more. I feel that, for actors, it’s important to become adjusted with acting on different stages. Of course, you’ll be doing the same show but, for instance, the Lied Center stage is pretty big and a few weeks ago, we did a show at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis that was huge. It’s a matter of adjusting not only the set, but experimenting with how to adjust your movement or voice on the stage. DN: From there, let’s talk a bit about the show itself. In it, you play two different characters: Mark (a schoolboy) and a Nazi soldier. Did you have any difficulties while trying to get into character for two such contrasting roles? GC: I’m Jewish, so playing this was a particularly personal

experience for me. Putting on the swastika for particular scenes was — at times — physically revolting. I was able though to draw parallels between the (soldier) and myself. I am 23 years old, and I can imagine that this soldier is around the same age as myself. I feel we both have an understanding of fear, anger and hate. As for Mark, who is just a boy, I know he is innocent and trying to make sense of the story Anna is telling him. We did a lot of research into the roles and watched a few films and did some reading into the Holocaust to see how people reacted and acted towards these events. It helped me grasp a better understanding of both the characters I portray, and it gave everyone on set a greater respect and sensitivity. DN: What do you feel audiences will walk away with after having seen this performance? GC: I believe they will walk away knowing they need to ask questions. We all value liberty and freedom, and the only way to make sure something like (the Holocaust) never happens again is to be informed and ask questions. Although we know Hitler was this man who was the most evil man this world has seen, (the people at that time) were unable to see that, and it draws a lot of questions for us. The show is very moving and is one of the more unique ones I

Live in shows: Stereofidelics w/ More Man Now Than Machine


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“Hitler’s Daughter” explores modern-day Australia and Nazi Germany through the tall tales of one character, Anna. have worked on. It poses a lot of questions for the audience, but it doesn’t answer all of them. I hope they will enjoy it and be able to think of how they would personally answer the questions the play poses for them. DN: Is there anything else about the show or your experience with it that you’d want to add in before we go? GC: While we’ve been traveling, I have been surprised by how many different types of cheeses you have. In Australia, we only

have two. The pepper jack cheese is completely new to me and so I’ve been trying as much as I can. DN: Wow, how do you live with only two types of cheeses? GC: I know, that’s why I’ve been trying to taste them all. And your French fries. In Australia we call them “chips” whereas if you ask for chips here in America, they give you ... chips. It’s utterly confusing. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

Bonobo’s ‘The North Borders’ radiates inventive style with electronic beats Casey kettler DN Nothing quite conjures the ire of good American subjectivists quite as effectively as proclaiming some form of art objectively good. “The North Borders” is objectively good. The new album from Bonobo – the electronic music project of UK producer Simon Green — is an exercise in electronic music perfectionism, adorned with vocal performances from Erykah Badu, Grey Reverend and the relatively un“WALKING DEAD: known Szjerdene. SEASON 3” I am selling the alYet already bum short, because bundled in the AMCpredominate limited understanding of electronic music in the United States are expectations of unruly synthesizers, wobbling bass and a “drop” so simple that children think its silly. “The North Borders” has none of these. It is filled with beautifully recorded strings, woodwinds and chimes expertly cut and arranged over deep polyrhythmic beats. It shows an acute awareness of the work of Pierre Schaffer, a founding father of modern electronic music, and creator of the style “Musique Concrete.” Schaeffer worked to invent a classification system of sounds, and Green is quite obviously a student. Scheffer classified sounds into living elements (like voices), noises, prepared instruments and conventional instruments. The album is teeming with all of them. Even the title, “The North Borders” may be homage to Schaeffer, given this quote from an interview near the end of his life: “I couldn’t get to music, what I call music. I think of myself as an explorer struggling to find a way through in the far north, but I wasn’t finding a way through.” Green is taking up where Schaef-


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Cat Stevens, summer of 2009 explore reflective questions AND THE BAND PLAYED ON

Chance solem-Pfeifer In high school, we drove everywhere — especially high school, in the sprawl of West Omaha, full of right angles and subdivisions that all ended in Groves, Hills and Woods, despite the glaring lack of those topographical formations. When you grow up in a cookie-cutter neighborhood, it’s easy to assume there’s some real meaning to the cookie. I remember zipping around, looking out of the corners of my eyes for a hidden message in the strip malls and the grocery store parking lots and the half-lit high school tracks. For much of it, driving just a bit out of the way was just something to do: to try and make sense of how, in all that suburban order, there wasn’t much sense. At the end of school, though, it became important to me. At the end, the only soundtrack was Cat Stevens. What exactly the title of my favorite Stevens’ 1971 release, “Tea for the Tillerman,” meant, I wasn’t sure. It sounded like a British colloquialism as much it sounded like something out of a parable: a common man who — from the look of album cover — could fall asleep under a fruit tree and awake to a revelation on the meaning of life itself. Looking up the possible definitions of “tillerman,” he is a man who tills new ground or he steers a vehicle that would be wayward without him. Either analogy, for letting childhood fall away and taking new direction, seemed appropriate. My old connection between that summer of 2009 and the record isn’t hard to draw. A Stevens record is experimental, not in its folk rock, but in the sense that each song reaches out with a question on life and then an answer that may only last for the next three or four minutes, or as much of the album as I could squeeze into a drive. “On The Road to Find Out.” We were. “Wild World.” We tried to get ready. “Father and Son.” We were experiencing the beginnings of

complex and fluid relationships with our parents. We began to see them not as disciplinarians, but people who maybe got lost and settled for less in the same tumult we were about to experience. We saw ourselves raised lovingly by walking cautionary tales. Now standing here on the verge of another graduation and another big change, I’ve chastised that summer in private and in public for a few years. How do you abide the kind of arrogance it takes to think your life is so special at 18? To think your ephemeral anxiety is worthy of some kind of “Perks of Being a Wallflower” immortality. C’mon. But “Tea For the Tillerman” spurred that on, highlighting what I thought was the value of a spiritual journey I was somehow going to undertake on I-80 between Omaha and Lincoln. I still love the record, but I take my old attachment and misreading of Stevens’ often theist questions to be a reminder that we grab music for certain moments. And not because of some calculated component in the songs, but because we love a good soundtrack for an autobiography (both adolescent and beyond). I want to grab that kid by the shoulders and say, “You don’t get it. There was nothing so important about the summer of 2009. You don’t understand anything, especially Cat Stevens.” For what it’s worth, I’m right. And still, there’s a way in which the high school wins out. And Cat, always an emblem of whimsy, helps. He says to me: Good luck not loving the old football bleachers, lakehouses and bonfires. Good luck forgetting when you wrongly thought “American Pie” was about you and your friends. Good luck thinking that knowing what you know now is somehow more beautiful than having once not known it. Than a Bruce Springsteen party. Than the heads of hair you’ll never have again. Than your first car that’s scrap metal somewhere. He says to me: good luck, grown-up, holding your ideas nearer than your ideals. chance solem-pfeifer is a senior english major. reach him at arts@ dailynebraskan.com. on twitter @dnartsdesk

this week in MUSIC

fer left off with the advantage of cutting-edge technology, world-class collaboration and exceptional artistic insight. And where Schaeffer felt he couldn’t navigate the north passage, Green is sort of a Louis or Clark figure. The album begins with “First Fires” featuring Grey Reverend of Cinematic Orchestra. In the first minute of the song, you get atmospheric sounds with reverb enough to take you to a cathedral, and then are immediately brought to the foreground when the vocals and synth elements come in. Strings are “WOLF” used as prepared and conventional instruments, contributing textural Tyler, The Creator elements, and eventually to the chord progression, combined with flutes, and effected with tremolo. Even the individual sounds are manicured, legato sounds changing through time, and the staccato sounds of percussion always expressive (what Pierre Shaffer referred to as the “allures of the sound.”) What Bonobo gains in the increase in attention to sound craft, he loses in the jazziness that defined much of his previous work. The loose and swinging rhythms are substituted for a more “London House” sound. But while said jazziness set Bonobo’s music apart in the past, Green is more than adept in the new electronic style that pervades “The North Borders.” R&B singer Szjerdene is a star of the album, making her presence felt alongside the likes of Erykah Badu. Her emergence continues Bonobo’s propensity for uncovering exceptional vocal talents (Bajka on “Days to Come” and Andrea Triana on “Black Sands”). And though “Heaven For the Sinner,” featuring Badu, will likely bring more new listeners to the Bonobo camp, “Transits” represents Green’s best collaboration since “Stay the Same” with


Duffy’s Tavern, 1412 O St. when: Wednesday, 9 p.m. how much: $5

Cold War Kids w/ Houses


The Slowdown, 729 N. 14 St., Omaha when: Thursday, 9 p.m. how much: $18

Touch People w/ m34n str33t and Killer Blow


The Waiting Room, 6212 Maple St., Omaha when: Saturday, 9 p.m. how much: $7



Andrea Triana. Ultimately, these factors combine into the best complete album in Bonobo’s discography. “The North Borders” is full of music that is objectively good in merit, process and results. Even if you don’t care for it, you are entitled to your opinion, so long as you know you are objectively wrong. Schaeffer felt that he spent “40 years to conclude that nothing is possible outside DoReMi ... there is no progress,” and died in 1996, holding onto the cynical attitude that the world is not making progress. In the same interview he was asked if there was a way through the far north he had desribed, “There is no way through. The way through is behind us.” But it is in the very musicians he inspired, who continue to learn from his ideas and experiments, that good music continues to improve, that sonically interesting compositions continue to evolve and progress. “The North Borders” is one such record. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

New in Albums: “Dear Miss Lonelyhearts”


Cold War Kids Downtown genre: Indie rock


“10” New Kids on the Block label: The Block genre: Pop artist:



Tyler, the Creator label: Columbia genre: Rap

Walking Dead disappoints fans with season 3 finale andrew larsen dn Apocalypse Now? An uneven third season of “Walking Dead” limps to the end. After waiting through December and January for their beloved zombie show to return from hiatus, blood-thirsty fans were greeted with a mixed bag of episodes to close out the back half of season three. “Clear” was one of the best episodes of television produced this year, but too many scenes conjured up remnants of the mostly despised second season. Everyone knew there was a war coming between the prison group and Woodbury, so all the talking in circles and stalling leading up to it left millions counting down to the finale. Their courtesy photo reward for that patience was mostly disappointment. Despite being better than the previous two seasons, “Walking When a loyal viewer sits through Dead: Season 3,” is still a waiting game. Fans waited for the lots and lots of talking about a battle battle in the finale, but were left disappointed with the results. only to not really see that battle in the season finale, get ready for endless message board posts. The Governor One of the most noteworthy taken the Governor’s ethos to and his “army” from Woodbury do parts of the finale, surprisingly, was heart. indeed charge into the prison, guns “In this world, you either kill or the continued evolution of Rick’s blazing, but it doesn’t take much son, Carl. Next to Andrea and Lori, you die. Or you die and then kill.” effort at all for Rick and the gang Carl’s been the most frustrating Speaking of dying, Andrea fito dispatch them. Everyone but the nally died! It’s not a good sign for and oft complained about characGovernor and his best lapdogs tuck ter on the show, but ever since he a television show when one of the their tails and run, leaving the now lynchpins of the season is bit, and was brutally forced to put down his totally unhinged leader no choice, in the biggest umbrage taken from mother after birthhis deranged mind. ing complications, fans online is that we didn’t get to The Governor’s slow see her bit. Andrea has had a large his character has Their descent into madgotten stronger. Be- role this season — much too large reward for ness reaches its sat— acting as wannabe peacemaker fore, he seemed to isfying nadir in the that patience be the main thing between the Governor’s people in finale as he mows keeping the in- Woodbury and Rick’s group at the down many of his was mostly prison. Laurie Holden did a decent creasingly detached own people who disappointment.” job sending her character off, but Rick tethered to he’d spent all season sanity, acting as his she’s been one of the weaker links claiming to protect. on the show for a long time. To have moral guidepost. The television version of The Gov- Growing up in the zombie apoca- her die off-screen for a few minernor, played by David Morrissey, utes of suspense was an interesting lypse can be tough on a youngster has been softer and more ambigu- though, and Carl seems to be hardchoice, given that the show hasn’t ous than the graphic novel version, ening by the minute. He shoots one shied away from showing more beas more of a fibbing politician than of the Governor’s teenage soldiers loved characters literally get torn to a sadistic killer. Now it’s just him after he was too slow to give up his shreds. and his two right-hand men, mak- gun, and then he chastises his faWhere the show has struggled ing the apocalypse’s most awkthroughout its run on developing ther for being weak and not killing ward road trip through the backthe supporting characters, its done enough people. It seems as though woods of Georgia. without even hearing it, Carl has better at sussing out the more the-



matic elements latent with Andrew Lincoln’s Rick. This season’s finale was successful at wrapping up his arc of struggling with his morals and how to protect the group. In nearly every episode this season there’s been discussion of how no one can make it alone anymore, how the group needs each other more than ever, which was proven in the finale as Rick’s group maintained its ground and The Governor slaughtered his. Rick was close to completely losing his last remnants of civilization, close to becoming another version of The Governor, corrupted by power and moral decay. Despite making some really poor choices throughout the season, such as almost giving up Michonne to the Governor (seriously), he seems to have made it to the other side and seen the light, which is solid for the group and the show. “The Walking Dead” has always suggested there are two kinds of walking dead: the zombies we love to see killed in increasingly nasty ways and the humans who are ticking time bombs, awaiting their day with destiny. The third season was an improvement over the first two, but to be a transcendent show like its AMC brethren “Breaking Bad” and “Mad Men,” it’ll have to be a lot more consistent with its treatment of the living than it is with the dead. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk


tuesday, april 2, 2013


song title questions

bonehart: from 5

ryan cook

junior mechanical engineering

allison hess | dn

Jon Dell, the lead singer of the Bonehart Flannigan, sits in the Zoo Bar Monday night. Dell has been a member of the band for more than four years. where else he’d rather be making “Why?” music. “Well, you’re Bonehart Flan“I’ve almost never experinigan.” enced a sense of community like Dell had been offered a I have here,” Dell said. “Honestnickname by a man who called himself “Reverend Gene Siz- ly I kind of like that it’s not big — it doesn’t get a lot of national zlechest,” and he took it. Lampe and Dell never exacted their ven- attention. It keeps it pure.” Dell went back to Wesleyan geance, but the name stuck. Since then, Dell books all his shows as to complete his bachelor ’s in theBonehart Flannigan. Sometimes ater, a passion he said strongly there’s a band with him; some- influences his music perfortimes it’s a solo acoustic set. But mance. “Theater ’s always been my it’s always the same folk-country ballad blend that’s distinctly Jon second love,” Dell said. “I love the business of show, I guess – Dell. Dell’s music career began storytelling – which is what originally drew me to songwriting. when his mother signed him up Any sort of performance should for classical guitar at the age of 6. have a theatri“By the time I was old enough, Some songs cal element to it, something visual she said I could are deeply that pulls you in.” quit if I wanted Dell has ample to,” Dell said, me, other songs opportunity to ex“But when I told her I wanted to are stories written ercise that visual element as bassist do it for a living, in third person.” for Lincoln’s rock she nearly shit a enigma, Universe brick.” Jon Dell Contest, among Dell attended bonehart flannigan lead singer whose members Wesleyan as a he is affectionately guitar major, but known as “Johnny after a year he Disco-beard.” But moved to Chicago, where he worked at Reggie’s, the screaming, pounding glittera record store and music venue, fest that is a Universe Contest and continued performing with show is nothing like Dell’s solo style. various musicians. “There really aren’t any simiBut after he and Lampe were left band-less and unemployed, larities at all,” Dell said. “It’s like night and day. Bonehart FlanniDell fit his possessions in a backpack, took a Megabus to Min- gan is my own artistic expression and Universe Contest is really neapolis and hitchhiked back to Lincoln. And now, there’s no- just a bunch of guys having fun.”

Bonehart Flannigan is classic country with a fearless guitar, lilting ballads and occasional additions of harmonica, fiddle and banjo. It is Dell telling stories at his most basic and most vulnerable. “Some songs are deeply me, other songs are stories written in third person,” he said. “And with country music, I’ve never felt like I was all that poetic, it’s just wearing your emotions on your sleeve.” But that sleeve doesn’t need to be soaked in tears. Bonehart Flannigan’s country includes just as many rousing folk anthems as lonely tales of heartbreak. “People should be able to tap their toes, laugh and have fun,” Dell said. “I go to the bar to forget my troubles, not to take all of yours. It’s not a big look-atme show. I see it as going town to the bar and telling a bunch of stories to my friends.” Dell splits his free time between touring and recording with both Universe Contest and another local collaboration, Manny Coon & the Spotlight Killers. The hectic pace means Dell’s full-length solo album doesn’t have any definite deadlines. Dell pulls double duty some nights, mixing folk and rock, sometimes in the same venue. But through it all, Dell is, and will continue to be, Bonehart Flannigan, the curiously ambiguous moniker that somehow just works. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

DN: Do you believe in life after love? Cook: Yes, definitely. DN: Where is the love? Cook: Where has it gone?

carl post

junior biochemistry

DN: How much is that doggie in the window? Post: Doggie in the window? DN: How much is that doggie in the window? Post: No idea. I don’t understand the question. DN: Isn’t she lovely? Post: Depends on who you’re talking about, I guess.

xiangyu lou

junior electrical engineering

DN: Who let the dogs out? Luo: Who let the dogs out? I don’t understand what’s your point?

michaela patt

senior marketing/finance

DN: What if God was one of us? Patt: I think that people would probably act a lot differently when something physical is there rather than an idea.

jena bowman

leodegario sierra

DN: Are you gonna be my girl? Bowman: Sure? DN: Who let the dogs out? Bowman: Probably Beyonce. DN: Do you believe in life after love? Bowman: Yeah. DN: What’s love got to do with it? Bowman: Got to do with it.

DN: Have you seen the rain? Sierra: The rain? Yes. I have seen the rain. DN: Can you feel the love tonight? Sierra: Can I feel the love? Yeah. DN: Where is the love? Sierra: The love is everywhere. It’s spring!

sophomore elementary education

senior psychology

compiled by shelby fleig arts@ dailynebraskan.com

kill county: from 5 artistically. I think it gives a nice, unique feel to the record.” Kill County’s 2010 album, “The Year of Getting By,” was recorded on an analog four-track, but this year the band went digital. “I think the production is a little better than past albums,” James said. “We spent a lot of time carefully evaluating what each song needed, even if it was something you might not pick up right away.” The band also had a lot more time to record the album, a whole month as opposed to ‘The Year of Getting By,” which was done in

only 10 days. “I think now there’s more focus with having Jon, Joe, Brad and Eric (Nyffeler) play on (the album),” James said. “We focused a lot on creating a soundscape that is sometimes behind the song itself. Sort of like an ambient sound — it might just be one note that’s being held through the whole song. There’s more of a focus on creating a full sound around a particular song, as opposed to just playing a song with a few instruments on it.” Ringo said he wouldn’t have guessed four years ago that the band would still be together.

“We just have this commitment to the band and we’re just going to keep going as long as we can keep going,” he said. “I can’t imagine what life without Kill County would be like, but who knows what the future holds.” Ringo said now that the band is together again in Lincoln, he’s excited to hear what other people get from the album. “After all the time we’ve spent on this record and now it finally comes time to release it, I’m kind of sick of listening to it,” he said. “I love playing the music, but the idea of really ‘releasing’ a record is kind of a metaphor. You just have

if you go: Kill County w/ Bonehart Flannigan when: Saturday, 9 p.m. where: The Zoo Bar, 136 N 14 St. how much: $6

to let it go and let the audience connect to it.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

cold war kids: from 5 Kids is to soul or punk. What did you mean by that? Do you still find it to be true? NW: We were watching the Wilco documentary, and I think that they had taken a genre of music and made it their own in their own weird, quirky kind of way, modernizing it. (It was) soulful, punky style of music and to find ways to create something totally new out of it. DN: Can we expect the same in the rest of “Dear Miss Lonelyhearts”? NW: Yeah, I think so. By taking the different influences we have, but also just kind of doing what we do and not necessarily putting up with boundaries, it’s rock ‘n’ roll music. But at the same time, we’re always trying to make it sound like something we’ve never quite heard before. DN: What are some of those influences that you’ve been taking in? NW: There’s so much music between the four of us that we’re always taking it in. There’s some electronic music on this album, (influenced by) Depeche Mode and New Order. DN: “Robbers and Cowards” certainly began with some darker themes: death row and family issues and alcoholism and religion. “Loyalty to Loyalty” and “Mine Is Yours” are dark, too. What were the driving influences behind your songwriting on those albums? NW: It comes naturally, from the stuff that I experienced and the kind of art, music, movies, literature that we’re all taking in. DN: Anything specifically? NW: We love Terrence Malick films, Paul Thomas Anderson films. We listen to a lot of David Bowie, his darker stuff. Influence comes from a lot of different places. DN: What keeps bringing you back into the studio? NW: I think it’s fun. After doing this for several years now. It’s work, but you have to keep asking yourself, “You know, does this still feel really urgent?” You know, you’re going in there not really knowing what’s going to come out, you just

courtesy photo

if you go: Cold War Kids w/ Houses when: Thursday, 9 p.m. where: The Slowdown, 729 N 14 st. Omaha how much: $18

courtesy photo

The newest Cold War Kids album introduces dark themes, such as death row, family issues, alcoholism and religion. Singer Nathan Willett says they took inspiration from pop culture. feel compelled to go do it. DN: Nathan, you have an incredibly interesting voice. It’s high and clangy, yet raw and real. Did you have a lot of formal vocal training when you were younger? Do you still? NW: I’ve never had any voice lessons. Actually, in the last year that we were at home working on this record, I went to get voice and piano lessons at Silverlake Conservatory in L.A. It was fun and nice to learn how to properly use my voice, how to use warm-ups, having more control, learning not to lose my voice. It’s been great. DN: Do you think that’s changed the sound on your new album? NW: I think it’s changed it quite a bit actually. It’s made my voice stronger and the performances on the record are better because of it. DN: The layering of instruments and vocals such an interesting characteristic in your music. The pianos and bass and guitar take turns weaving in and out and then they’re all there together with your voice, and then they’re gone again. It’s a cool technique. Is that an in-

tentional tactic, or does it just kind of happen as you’re putting songs together? NW: It’s kind of both. The way that we play together, there’s naturally a lot of highs and lows, parts that are very restrained and then kind of spastic. It’s just something that we’ve always been drawn to. DN: Does that layering come together in your songwriting process? Do you have some music in mind when you’re writing lyrics, or do the words always come first? NW: The music pretty much always comes first. We find something that feels good, something that we’ve played to that everybody feels something unique in, and then I can find a vocal melody that feels good for me. The words come after. DN: Since your formation in 2004, Cold War Kids has been through EPs and full albums, festivals and a whole lot of touring. What’s kept you close as a band over the years? NW: When we became a band, we didn’t know anything about how touring worked, how record labels worked, all that stuff. It was

just a fun thing to do. As we grew and went a tour and were whisked away by it all, I think the fact that we really love performing, we love travelling and we love music, keeps us coming back to (knowing that) this is what we want to do. DN: Do you ever drive each other crazy? NW: Of course. When you know somebody better than any other relationship and spend that much time with each other, you find ways to escape and also, to be a good friend. It’s a struggle, but it’s rewarding, too. DN: What part of the music process do you enjoy the most? How do you interact on your breaks in between tours? NW: Now I enjoy being in the studio the most. We’ve spent a lot of time touring and I think now we’re just scratching the surface of what we can do in the studio. We made this whole record; it’s homey, it’s ours and so, that’s definitely the most fun thing right now. DN: You’ve been in Omaha several times now. What keeps you coming back? NW: It’s a good music city, and we always have good shows there. DN: What are you most looking forward to this year? NW: I’m looking forward for people to get to hear the record and for us to get to play it. It’s a new season for us and (I’m most looking forward to) getting it all on tour. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @DNartsdesk

this is

my jam “anodyne” by uncle tupelo Joe Wade dn Once upon a time, if somebody wanted to clear out a bar room he or she would simply slip a couple coins into the jukebox for any song by Uncle Tupelo. This band was one of the originators of the alt-country genre and is, in part, the foundation for Wilco. In 1993, Uncle Tupelo had its first major release with “Anodyne.” It was also the band’s final album. Alternative music in the early 1990s was enjoyed as the big trend, and Uncle Tupelo made its place as the alternative to the alternative scene. Like a Neil Young guitar solo, the guitars were a little too loud and distorted for country music fans, while the vocals had too much twang for the pop scene. For a kid who wanted to be outside everything that was in, it was like honey. Songs such as “New Madrid” and “Steal the Crumbs” displayed a visceral, poetic knack for songwriting. The music had a chemistry that blended punk elements, like the Sex

Pistols, with a Creedence Clearwater Revival flavor. It was the kind of band that might take “God Save the Queen,” slow it down and add a mandolin as well as a banjo. By the spring of 1994 the creative minds behind the band, Jeff Tweedy and Jay Farrar, who had been friends since high school, parted ways because of a lack of song-writing symbiosis. Imagine phrases such as “creative differences” or some other lame excuse to hide the hurt of being dumped. It seems that Farrar did the dumping and left to form his own band Son Volt. Tweedy and the remaining members renamed the band Wilco. The split spawned one of the most mysterious rock ‘n’ roll feuds; the reason for the break-up has never been clear. Respectively, both bands that came out of Uncle Tupelo still create impressive material for fans to glean inspiration from, but it’s hard to outdo the original incarnation. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @ dnartsdesk



tuesday, april 2, 2013

dn Big ten homeroom baseball 1. Indiana (22-3 Overall, 6-0 Big Ten)

6. Illinois (17-7, 1-2)

The Fighting Illini fell to Nebraska in its first Big Ten With Indiana as the only ranked team in the Big Ten series, only winning one of the three games against (ranked No. 18 in the Coaches Poll), the Hoosiers the Huskers. This weekend, Illinois must face Indiare currently riding a school-record 15-game win ana to end the team’s toughest stretch in Big Ten streak and have a great first baseman, Sam Travis, conference play. Before the border-rivals face off who was named Big Ten player of the week after against each other, the Illinois baseball team will be hitting .462 and driving in eight runs in last week- provided with a great atmosphere facing Missouri end’s series against Iowa. He also helped contrib- at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. ute to a 6-2 victory over No. 10 Louisville. It’s the 7. Purdue (10-14, 3-3) second time the sophomore has received the After suffering a three-game sweep at the hands honor this season. of Ohio State, Purdue bounced back by getting a sweep against Penn State. The Boilermakers regis2. Nebraska (11-15, 5-1) Nebraska is not having the best of seasons. But tered 18 runs in the series. Now the team prepares the Huskers had one of the toughest non-confer- for a home series against Northwestern, which has ence schedules heading into Big Ten play, and it also had similar misfortunes in conference play. provided preparation for the adversity the team 8. Michigan(11-14, 1-2) faced during the Northwestern series. The team The Wolverines future seems the most uncertain had to play another two games against the Wild- heading into conference play. The team lost two cats after a hectic 16-inning game last Friday out of three games in a series with Minnesota, only night at Hawks Field. registering one run in both of those matchups, and the one win the team had in the series was an 11-3 3. Michigan State (15-8, 2-1) The Spartans started conference play on a win against the Gophers. This week Michigan faces strong note, taking a series against Ohio State. in-state rival Michigan State, which should provide The x-factor for Michigan State for Sunday’s 7-2 some familiarity for the Wolverines. win was sophomore pitcher Mick VanVossen, 9. Northwestern (10-9, 2-4) who was able to give his team his first career From the series with Nebraska, there were a lot complete game to hold off the Buckeyes on the more negatives than positives the Wildcat team road. took home. The team fell short after a long outing Friday night where Nebraska came out on top with 4. Ohio State (16-8, 4-2) After a strong outing against Purdue in a three- a 10-9 win. A positive thing the team can chalk up game sweep, the Buckeyes lost 2 out of 3 games is that it was back and forth throughout the game, in a hard-fought series against Michigan State. and Husker player Pat Kelly, who has been hitting The team is preparing for a road series against over .300 for most of the season, went 0-9 that Minnesota in its next Big Ten series and look to night, improve on a conference record that was 13-11 10. Iowa (9-13, 1-5) last season. Beginning conference play for Iowa hasn’t been easy. The Hawkeyes began with a series with only 5. Minnesota (17-12, 2-1) For the Gophers, it was the pitching staff that one game win against Northwestern and then helped the team take a three game series were swept by Indiana. This week they look to against Michigan in Ann Arbor. The most nota- bounce back in a home series against Nebraska. ble contribution came from junior left-hander 11. Penn State (5-18, 0-6) Tom Windle, who threw 103 pitches and had When will this Penn State team earn its first conhis fourth straight complete game in a 3-1 win ference win of the season? The Nittany Lions were against the Wolverines. Windle also earned the swept by both Indiana and Purdue. The team will honor of Big Ten pitcher of the week. The Go- get a break from conference play and will host phers will play South Dakota State before con- Wright State, Kent State and Bucknell before going tinuing Big Ten play against Ohio State. back on the road to face Michigan. Compiled by Josh Kelly


Third female roommate needed for rental home near Woods Park. Clean home, nice neighborhood within biking distance of UNL. 402-795-2274 We are two college students living in a house at 727 S 33rd st. with three more rooms available. The house has two bathrooms a kitchen with dishwasher and combination washer/dryer. Both of us are quiet, friendly people and ideally our roommates would have similar dispositions. So if a house with a lot of natural light that’s about ten minutes from both UNL campuses with friendly, slightly nerdy roommates then email Sam at heylookitsmesam@gmail.com for more information.

Looking for roommates for 5/Bed, 3/Bath house in Bicentennial Estates, only 5-10 minutes north of UNL City Campus depending on how fast you drive. Great neighborhood, and the house is large and was built in 2006. It’s on a corner with plenty of parking. Rent is $300/month plus utilities. Email megank2288@google.com if interested! Need Two Summer Roommates (Female) to fill a house located in the Highlands Neighborhood. The house is 3 bed, 2 bath and was new in 2005. Lease would be June-Middle August.

Houses For Rent

Contact Allie at allieodell@huskers.unl.edu for more information. Needed a student to share a cozingly finished 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhouse at 70th & South street. Large one bedroom with oversized windows, spacious closet, and bath, located in nicely finished basement. Laundry room and fireplace on same level. Cost is $500.00/mo. including utilities, W/D, and garage. Call or email Theresa 610-454-7773 or email to amazzengrace@yahoo.com

Beautifully remodeled 3+1 bedroom, 2 bath house for lease 10 blocks from UNL. This immaculate home offers brand new carpet/hardwood floors, ceiling fans, kitchen applicances, windows, custom blinds, exterior/screen doors. Remodeling front porch and deck. Will go fast! Will hold until August with deposit. Call or text Stacey at 402-610-1871 $1025/month

Room available at Northbrook Apartments, $348 rent plus 1/3 utilities. Pets are okay. Looking to move out ASAP. If interested contact Lia at (402) 617-7652

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Roommate needed in a three bedroom house. House is located off of W South St. The house is a new build. Rent includes electric, cable, water, internet,etc, and a spot in garage. $500.00 per month. Contact Emily at (319) 415-3056

Great Houses Close to UNL. Available in August. 402-432-0644 Must See! Reserve Yours Now! New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 836 Y St........2 Bed....1 Bath....$650.00 Take overAvenue, my lease atNew The VIew for N.Y. May, June, 620 Eighth York, 10018 804 Y St........3 Bed....1 Bath....$825.00 1531 N 22nd..3 Bed...2 Bath....$900.00 and July. 4 bedroom, four bath furnished. For Information 1-800-972-3550 2219 Potter....4 Bed...1.5 Bath..$1000.00 Lease ends AugustCall: 1. Great roommates. Rent More information and photos at: is For$374/month. Please contact Monday, August 27, 2012 www.pooley-rentals.com/b.html lmhenderson@huskers.unl.edu

Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 Rounded cathedral feature 5 Undue speed 10 Bowled over 14 Miller ___ (lowcalorie beer) 15 Banks in the Baseball Hall of Fame 16 Sheltered bay 17 Equipment to help a patient breathe 19 Regatta group 20 Prince who became Henry V 21 “___ I care” 22 Jules who wrote “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” 23 Floor measurements 25 “Sorry to hear that” 28 Breath mint in a roll, informally 30 Events with baying hounds

31 Foray 34 Small bit, as of cream 35 Lab eggs 38 H. G. Wells novel … with a hint to this puzzle’s circled words 42 Pea holder 43 Completely 44 In recent days 45 Trees that sway in a hurricane 48 Religious offshoot 49 Went to pieces 52 “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” poet 56 Resell unfairly, as tickets 57 First-rate 59 Flapper’s neckwear 60 Musical sound 61 Vishnu or Shiva 64 Fashion designer Cassini 65 “It’s ___ of the times”




















With the Red-White game this weekend, it’s no surprise the Nebraska football team is anxious to scrimmage in front of fans again. Huskers defensive coordinator John Papuchis said he’s seen improvements in practice by the Husker players and added he’s hoping to see it continue into this Saturday. “If we keep taking strides, those little steps are going to add up obviously,” he said. “And come August 31 they’re going to pay dividends. Our goal, our mission is to get better every day … we got to keep doing that this week, this is a big week for us.” And it’s not just the players who have the coaches excited to hit Memorial Stadium at the end of the week, Ross Els said. According to the special teams and recruiting coordinator, the coaches are also looking forward to seeing future recruits this weekend, too. “It’s good because if we can’t get them here for a game there’s two things we want to get them in here for,” Els began. “Either we get them at the spring game … so if we have 40,000 to 60,000, they kind of look around like, wow, this is just for a scrimmage? We also have the experience room downstairs where they can see and kind of feel people coming in the stadium because that’s a

Special teams shaping up

After losing kicker Brett Maher at the end of last season because of graduation, the Huskers knew they had to fill a big hole left at the position. So far this spring practice season, sophomore Mauro Bondi has appeared to be the one to fill that slot, Els said. “Good leg as far as field goals are concerned,” he said. “That ball is really popping off his foot, you can hear it, and he’s getting great height on the ball.” The special teams coordinator has also seen other Huskers step up on special teams as well. “We feel like we have a lot of depth, especially on the defensive side of the ball,” Els said. “We have a lot of people that are possibilities, and we’ve been able to get a lot of guys with reps. That’ll kind of nar-

66 Some poems from 52-Across 67 Tennis’s Sampras 68 Broadway honors 69 Captain in “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” DOWN 1 ___ State (Hawaii’s nickname) 2 Film studio behind “Toy Story” and “Up” 3 Fashion 4 Brain wave readout, for short 5 “Cluck, cluck” makers 6 Monet or Manet 7 Megamistake 8 Sn, to a chemist 9 Mouse spotter’s cry 10 Say yes to 11 Troubling 12 Datebook notation 13 “___ Defeats Truman” (famous 1948 headline) 18 Enter slowly and carefully, as a parking spot 22 Many an airport shuttle 24 Play opener 26 Spiced tea 27 Telescope serviced by astronauts 29 Change significantly 31 Big inits. in fuel additives






14 18








one of the more successful teams in college football. Also, when you consider at least three of the Huskers’ four opening games each season should be “gimmies,” nine games doesn’t sound so impressive, does it? I’m not here saying that Nebraska’s football program is in a bad place by any means. I’m saying that Nebraska has not made the jump to a top-tier program in the past five years, unlike the ninewin stat indicates. And I’m not the only one who thinks that. On March 27, Scott Van Pelt




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Puzzle by Lynn Lempel

41 Suffix with major 46 Declare to be true 47 Swimming unit 48 Hardly hip 49 Camera lens setting 50 Place to learn in Lille 51 Carted off to jail 53 Tolerate

CEDARS FT & PT Youth Specialist

CEDARS is currently looking for full-time and part-time Youth Specialists to work with youth in the residential or emergency shelter programs. VIsit www.cedars-kids.org for additional information and to apply on-line.



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row those guys down and try to get a smaller pool so we can get that smaller pool taught.”

Secondary rising to the occasion

On Saturday, the Nebraska players competed in Memorial Stadium for their second scrimmage of the spring season. Papuchis said he was pleased with the defense, especially the safeties and cornerbacks. “Much improved,” he said. “Not an end product yet, but much better after the first time we scrimmaged. I thought the energy was better. I thought the enthusiasm was better, the effort was better. But I think that’s a by-product of knowing what you’re doing. It’s hard to play fast and enthusiastic when you’re not quite sure what you’re supposed to do. One of the players he’s seen play with great athleticism as of late is Josh Mitchell. The junior cornerback said he and his secondary teammates have come along way from where they were when spring practices started. “We have a lot of guys that are flying to the ball and doing their assignments,” Mitchell said. “Even if you do mess up, we’re trying to build that team motto of just running to the ball and flying around. So far it’s been working. And on Saturday we showed it.” Compiled by Nedu Izu

cummings: from 10

Houses For Rent


Looking for a roommate to move into 3 bedroom/2bathroom house located 1.5 miles from UNL campus. Rent is $350/month plus utilities.Email Dana at: dkucirek@huskers.unl.edu.

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big sellout.” Unlike a regular season game, the coaches will also be able to get more time with the future recruits before and after the spring game, which Els said is a big plus. “We will have more time with them,” he said. “Not only before the game but also after the game. We don’t have to get ready for another opponent, and we actually have a week in the office before we go out recruiting, so we’re able to spend time with them afterwards.

and Ryen Russiollo discussed, on their radio segment, which college team they thought had the most delusional fan base in the country. Russiollo’s pick: Nebraska. “What they’ve done recently,” Russiollo said, “and who they think they are; I think there’s a massive gap there.” Russiollo and Van Pelt talked a lot about how Nebraska came into the Big Ten a little arrogant. “When Nebraska left the Big 12 to go to the Big Ten, you can’t possibly imagine that this is how it would have gone the last two


CEDARS is currently looking for part-time Family Specialist to provide supervised visitation and family support. Visit www.cedars-kids.org for additional information and to apply on-line.

years,” Russiollo said. Not many Nebraska fans, players or analysts imagined how the first two years in the new conference would go. Bottom line, Nebraska has a traditionally strong program. But right now, Husker fans have become satisfied with a team that can’t make the jump to an elite level. kyle cummings is a junior news-editorial major. reach him at sports@ Dailynebraskan.com.

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Spring game brings excitement for coaches




football practice notes


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tuesday, april 2, 2013


NU women’s basketball looks to continue success without Moore Lindsey Moore’s college basketball career is over, but that won’t break team chemistry

in her career, a school record. What Moore gave the program may never be matched again. But Moore’s presence on court wasn’t what got Nebraska to the Sweet Sixteen. It was a team effort, as she was quick to tell reporters before the game Sunday. “Everyone’s been playing rechris heady ally well for us, so it not like it’s just been solely dependent on dn me and how I perform,” Moore said. The inevitable finally happened. And now the Huskers will The unavoidable moment Nehave to do something they braska basketball fans hoped to prolong as much as they could, haven’t done in four years: prepare for a season without Moore. has finally hit: Lindsey Moore’s But that may not be as hard basketball career as a Husker is as some may think. over. Coach Connie Nebraska (25Yori has preached 9) put up a fight We’re still all season how against No. 2-seed young her team is. Duke (33-2) Sunyoung. We “We’re still day, but the Blue young,” Yori said Devils were just start a freshman, in her press confertoo strong. With two sophomores ence Sunday. “We the 53-45 loss to start a freshman, Duke in the Sweet and a junior.” two sophomores Sixteen, Nebraslindsey moore and a junior.” ka’s historic seasenior guard But those four son has come to players started ala close, followed most every game closely by Moore’s this season, and Emily Cady, historic career. She finished her final game Hailie Sample and Jordan Hooper with 11 points, five rebounds and have started 66 games with each six assists, pushing her already other. “We have had some continuimpressive career numbers even higher. Her six assists put her at ity,” Yori said. “Because of that, 699 on her career, breaking Meg- we understand what we are looking for and understand our comgan Yedsena’s (1991-94) record munication system.” of 696. Her 94 wins stand alone Though chemistry on the at the top as the most wins by a Husker. She started all 132 games court without Moore may be bent,

it won’t be broken. With Moore out at guard, freshman Rachel Theirot will now be the primary ball handler next year. But Yori isn’t too worried. According to her, Theriot is unlike any other point guard she’s coached and is optimistic for her future. Theriot has big shoes to fill, but if anyone can do it, Yori believes Theirot is right for the job. A main recipe for Nebraska’s success this year was defense, just another thing coaches and players have attributed to a team effort. “I would have taken 53,” Yori said of Duke’s point total. “I mean, giving up 53 against Duke when they average 75? We did a lot of things right.” If anything, the defensive effort on Nebraska’s behalf Sunday, and throughout the year, proves the team wasn’t a fluke. The Huskers held three straight teams to season lows in points in February, something that doesn’t happen because of one person. As much as Nebraska will miss Moore’s production and leadership next year, a run like it had this year (finishing second in the Big Ten and a Sweet Sixteen appearance) wouldn’t be out of the question for next season with the amount of firepower coming back. Moore’s presence may be gone, but Nebraska women’s basketball is not. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

Lindsey moore: by the numbers Final game points: 11 Final game rebounds: 5 Final game assists: 6 Career assists: 699 (broke Meggan Yedsena’s record 696) Career wins: 94

file photo by kat buchanan | dn

Career starts: 132 (school record)

The Nebraska women’s basketball team, pictured preparing for a game, was “still young” this season, coach Connie Yori said. Now, the team will prepare for a season without guard Lindsey Moore.

NU remains in flux as conference season gets underway Despite being 5-1 in Big Ten, Huskers still have issues to address

“They had some pretty darn good pitchers, some guys with good velocity and good off-speed stuff,” the coach said. “At the end of our Southern California road trip we got some things going, and we’ve taken them forward.” Bunt hits have been a huge lanny holstein part of the Husker attack in redn cent weeks. Rich Sanguinetti, Chad Christensen and Michael After a pair of Big Ten series wins, Pritchard each laid one down over the Nebraska baseball team (11-15 the weekend. overall, 5-1 Big Ten) sits a game “That’s kind of our game,” behind Indiana (22-3, 6-0) in the sophomore second baseman conference standings. The HuskPat Kelly said. “When we are ers and Hoosiers — the favorites swinging it well and dropping to take the conference title — each down bunt hits, that’s when we swept their opponents during the are playing well and winning weekend, leaving the teams in a games.” tight race. With the offense making Nebraska will face Indiana the strides, the next step for Nebrasfirst weekend of May, but between ka is getting the pitching staff then and now, the battle is on for sorted out. The Huskers have conference supremacy. The Huskused the same three weekend ers, in particular, need to win the starters all season, and Dylan league if they want to reach the Vogt looks like he is entrenched postseason. After going 6-14 to at the closer role, but none of open the season, those players there isn’t much have been overly We still hope of earning an impressive. Erat-large big win. have a lot of stad is looking for Off to a good more. start, Nebraska issues we have to “Vogt and is focused on the deal with.” (Josh) Roeder have conference season done a really nice and getting all of job out there,” he Darin erstad its parts aligned baseball coach said. “And (Aaron) in time to make a Bummer, I thought, run in the Big Ten has thrown the ball tournament. Offenwell, and Tyler King has thrown sively, the Huskers are starting to the ball well. Other than that, come around, according to coach we’ve got some work to do.” Darin Erstad. The bullpen saved Nebraska “Guys are sticking with the Friday night, throwing over 11 of approach, taking line drives the the 16 innings and allowing only other way,” he said. “And those two runs. It’s going to take more are just going to build confidence efforts like that for the Huskers to for the future.” win the Big Ten, Erstad said. Some might argue the team is “We are going to need a little playing better after seeing softermore depth than that, not to menthrowing pitchers the last couple tion some starters that are going weekends in the Big Ten, but Erto get people out and get a little stad said he doesn’t buy that. deeper into games,” the coach

file photo by kat buchanan | dn

Nebraska baseball coach Darin Erstad talks to an umpire during a recent game. Erstad said the team is starting to improve offensively. The improvements will build the team’s confidence in the future, he said. said. “We still have a lot of issues we have to deal with.” Issues or not, the Huskers are off to a 5-1 start and are in posi-

men’s golf

Team struggles in ASU Red Wolf Intercollegiate The Huskers in 19th place after first day of tournament staff report dn The Nebraska men’s golf team struggled today in the opening two rounds of the ASU Red Wolf Intercollegiate in Jonesboro, Ark. The Huskers currently sit at 19th place. Austin Peay State is the only team thus far to shoot above par; it leads the field of 20 teams at -2. Junior Manuel Lavin and freshman Kolton Lapa lead the

day. way for the Huskers Marco Iten and and are tied for 53rd Anthony Bradin the individual ley, both of Austin standings. Peay State UniverThe remaining sity, lead the tournathree Huskers have ment, shooting -4. all struggled thus far. The Huskers Jordan Reinertson have been strong in shot a +12 through the spring this seathe first round but son, finishing in the has battled back in top 10 in all three the second round. He lavin of its tournaments. currently sits at -2 a The team will need a little more than halfstrong performance way through the secin the upcoming rounds to keep ond round. the streak alive. Matt Record shot an oversports@ all +15 on the day, while senior dailynebraskan.com Neil Dufford sits at +17 for the

tion to compete. They are trying to keep everything in their own hands. “You control what you can

control,” Erstad said. “Offensively, we put the ball in play and put pressure on people. On the mound, we throw strikes and

don’t hit people. Minimize the mistakes.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

tegler: from 10 pass defense ranked fourth in the nation, but a 92nd-ranked run defense doomed them. In 2009, Nebraska led the country in scoring defense, allowing only 10 points per game – but the Huskers only averaged a 75th-ranked 25 points per game themselves. The previous season, the opposite was true: Nebraska was 17th in scoring offense, but 81st in scoring defense. The Huskers’ best combination of those two statistics came in 2010, with a ninth-ranked defense and a 38th-ranked offense, when they started 5-0 and reached No. 4 in the national rankings before losing three of their last four games. That season’s Big 12 Championship loss to Oklahoma started a five-game postseason losing streak. Quick – think of the last time that happened. zach tegler is a junior news-editorial major. reach him at sports@ dailynebraskan.com.



uick – think of the four Division I college football programs to win nine games in each of the past five seasons. You probably get Alabama first. Three national titles in four years; that one’s a given. Then you probably think of Oregon, which has ridden an unstoppable offense to a few recent BCS Bowl wins. The next one’s tricky; it’s not a BCS conference school, but Boise State has arguably been the most consistent program of the past decade. And though you’ve probably figured out the fourth pro-

Lincoln — is compared to the unfair standard set by Hall of Fame coach Tom Osborne. But through five seasons at Nebraska, the career tracks of Osborne and Pelini have been pretty comparable. Pelini has won 48 games, compared with Osborne’s 46 in his first five years. However, in an era in which more games are played, Pelini has also lost 20 games – four games each season – while Osborne lost only 13 games from his first season in 1973 to his fifth in 1977. And the inability to win big games plagued both coaches in their early seasons. For Pelini, it’s a postseason record of 2-6, including three consecutive bowl losses. For Osborne, who went

tegler: see page 9

gram already (that team is the reason for this column, after all), the point still needs to be made. It’s not LSU, Oklahoma or Ohio State. It’s Nebraska. Just to reiterate: Alabama, Oregon, Boise State and Nebraska. While the nine-win statistic that has been a classic measure for consistent success in college football puts the Huskers on par with them, fans, who have witnessed the intangibles, would be crazy to say Nebraska belongs in the same echelon as those other programs. Part of the reason, at least for followers of Nebraska football, is that six-year coach Bo Pelini — and, for that matter, every coach who will ever take the helm in

4-1 in his first five bowl games, it was an 0-5 record against rival Oklahoma — Nebraska’s most important annual opponent — that nearly led to his firing after the 1976 season. Imagine the flak Osborne received those first five years. Imagine Nebraska fans constantly comparing him with a legendary predecessor (Bob Devaney). If Osborne had been ousted in 1976, imagine what Nebraska would have missed out on a decade and a half later. Right now, it’s a similar situation with Pelini, whose Nebraska teams have had top-15 finishes in both total offense and total defense – just never in the same season. Last season, the Huskers’


Zach Tegler

kyle cummings

Sports reporters debate whether NU football is a top-tier program


better or worse

file photo by matt masin | dn

Senior safety Daimion Stafford celebrates during Nebraska’s game against Penn State with fellow defensive back Josh Mitchell on Nov. 10 at Memorial Stadium.


tuesday, april 2, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports


he Huskers haven’t won a conference championship since 1999 and continually are embarrassed when they play games on national television. Nebraska has taken slow steps back to a top-notch program, but it’s not there. Not yet. But there’s one fact I’m missing, right? The fact that Nebraska joins Alabama, Oregon and Boise State as the only teams to win at least nine games in each of the last five seasons. Before everyone runs around bragging how Nebraska is on the same level as the dominating Crimson Tide or just as impressive as the faster-than-life

best ranking during that span. Oregon averages a No. 6 ranking over those same years. What has Nebraska done, though? Well, over the past five seasons, the Huskers have averaged about a No. 17 finish in the AP poll; more than 10 spots behind Oregon. The Huskers went to the Big Ten championship last year and gave up 70 points to an unranked Wisconsin team. Nebraska hasn’t won a bowl game since coach Bo Pelini claimed, “Nebraska is back” after beating Arizona in 2009. And Nebraska hasn’t been to a BCS bowl game since the 1999 season. Ask most Nebraska play-

cummings: see page 8

Ducks, let’s break down this statistic. Sure, Alabama and Oregon are arguably two of the best teams in recent college football years. Alabama has won three national championships in the last four years. Oregon has been to four BCS bowl games, including the national championship, in the past five years. Alabama has won two SEC championships while Oregon has won three Pac 12 titles in the same amount of time. The list goes on and on. No one can dispute how dominant these two teams have been recently. In those five years, Alabama has finished, on average, around No. 4 in the country, no doubt the

ers what their No. 1 goal is next season? A Big Ten championship. Pretty low standards for a team mentioned on a list with Alabama and Oregon. Even more, I’m sure almost any Nebraska fan would have considered a Big Ten championship last season as a great year. Husker nation is quick to point out the nine-win statistic, yet is content with a title in a conference that was the laughing stock of the BCS last year. And what about those bluefield-loving Broncos? They, too, have been considered to be a national champion contender, but when a team only plays one (maybe two) ranked squads per year; I have a hard time considering it


file photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Coach Bo Pelini scolds senior safety P.J. Smith during Nebraska’s game against Wisconsin on Sept. 29 at Memorial Stadium.


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